I’m 26 and I’ve never had a girlfriend

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Have been making a lot of progress. I also want to add when I call my grandparents "old people", that's actually how they've referred to themselves when told me I should get out of the house more..

Пікірлер: 730
@georgeangell194 11 ай бұрын
I lived with my grandparents too and a very shy person. It is incredibly brave of you to share your situation. You are not alone, friend.
@Pdrock2001 Жыл бұрын
Buddy you are already on a good start . You are aware of your behavior patterns and acknowledge the trauma you have endured . That is the first step and you were brave when picking up this camera and sharing your heart out . Things will get better don't compare and keep going on ahead .
@kaleb5117 Жыл бұрын
Very well spoken, it’ll be no problem once u get over the shy part
@bigweewee5944 Жыл бұрын
I (34, M) can relate with your situation, I was super insecure, shy and introverted when I was your age, it was almost identical for me to what you are saying. I started travelling and it changed my life. I invite you to travel and hang out and to create a new social circle when traveling
@eduard476 10 ай бұрын
That s*it is expensive.
@doorknob8972 10 ай бұрын
​@@eduard476It isn't outside of the us
@zacosman3398 5 ай бұрын
Haha he became a s*x tourist
@test-ym3de 10 күн бұрын
how brother?
@zaguel 4 ай бұрын
you have a very good look on things brother. no toxicity, no women hate, nothing. you just know what is wrong with your life, and trying to fix it. good shit, really. hope the best for you
@skydancer1867 10 ай бұрын
Understand that you are not alone. There are countless men like you. I had my first date at 24 and my first girlfriend at 30. The key is to get out there and don't make excuses. You absolutely can turn this around.
@dannysummers4591 10 ай бұрын
@skydancer1867 10 ай бұрын
@@dannysummers4591 Cope? So its not possible to turn around?
@giorgosurban 10 ай бұрын
how did you meet your gf?@@skydancer1867
@ColonelFluffles 7 ай бұрын
Maybe sounds like a stupid question... But what does it practically mean to "get out there"? Can you perhaps give an example? And where did you meet your girlfriend and first date? Like, how did "getting out there" end up getting you a match. Thanks in advance
@skydancer1867 7 ай бұрын
@@ColonelFluffles Get out there means learn to socialize with people of all kinds and build confidence. Many guys don't even have male friends, but wonder why they can't find a girlfriend. This is skipping steps. For me nowadays, my socializing is mostly through church, where I have built friendships. I meet women through online dating. Online dating gets a bad rap in these circles, and in many ways this is warranted. I am admittedly more dependent on it than I would like to be, but I have had success with it, and have landed many dates and a couple relationships. My goal is marriage, so I don't mean to hold this up as the ideal success story. That's not what it is so far, but its a start.
@spinturt 10 ай бұрын
You are a kindred spirit. Grew up with grandparents and hide away gaming. Thank you for posting this.
@andrewhenderson6544 9 ай бұрын
What do you mean hide away gaming? I have a good idea but I want to hear it from you
@ridleyroid9060 8 ай бұрын
I live with my parents, mostly cause rent is just not affordable. And I'm also a shy loner who never really goes anywhere, and I appreciate your courage in making this video, and I also appreciate that I can relate through your story and feel less alone in our struggles.
@phnsinrspt 6 күн бұрын
You're very brave and determined and it seems like you're doing great. It takes a lot to recognize your problems and start working on them. It's amazing that you have your goals already. You're making a lot of progress! Wish you all the best!
@gabrielleperez6548 9 ай бұрын
Good luck man!! 💚 sending my prayers 🙏🏻
@ethanbarry4736 Жыл бұрын
I’m 29 in July never had a girlfriend dating apps are waste of time and €
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you about the dating apps. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend and recently on dating apps I got unmatched immediately by 2 girls(One is 19 and the other one is 21) after I asked them out after a decent chat. I also tried asking out 2 girls recently who were in the same school as me. One of them is 19 now and we were chatting on Instagram for a month and I asked her out on last Sunday and she even agreed that we will meet up one day but 6 days ago she blocked me mysteriously for no reason and it hurt me. Then yesterday I asked out another girl who is turning 20 next month and I asked her out very politely for a coffee after chatting with her on Instagram for over 3 weeks but she immediately blocked me after seeing it. My last hope is my childhood friend now who is 21 now turning 22 after 4 months and I asked her out for a coffee too but she isn't that active on Instagram so still didn't see or reply to my message yet. I hoping for a positive reply this time but I am so worried that what if she rejects me too.
@thedrifter1446 11 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282 call your friend dont waste your time.
@MST9525 11 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282it’s all not gonna work out if she’s not replying bro. Keep trying. It’s like winning the lotto honestly
@maro4324 10 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282How did it go did u and ur childhood friend start dating or anything?
@MorshuRicher 10 ай бұрын
I've been getting the most matches I've had in awhile but almost all eventually stopped responding (I'm talking 10+ matches) and nothing that warrants not replying since I try to carry on the convo, but luckily I'm decently attractive so I also cold approach but I usually try to sense their attitude before I try. Haven't got too far with that yet
@adamcrocker1335 10 ай бұрын
You're very self aware and are fully accepting that there are changes you can make instead of having a defeatist attitude and that is more than can be said for a LOT of men in your postion. Wishing you yhe best of luck buddy!
@kylabutler2195 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for being so honest in this video, and I am so proud of you for making the appropriate changes to change your life ❤
@blakedwyer8227 10 ай бұрын
No heart break, no drama. Live your best life my dude 😊
@leetun444 9 ай бұрын
Fr that's basically how my life has been lol I'm 16 btw
@tofoo1 9 ай бұрын
@@leetun444ya same dawg
@crystlelakefarm1254 4 ай бұрын
Nope, single people absolutely experience heart break
@mq-r3apz291 3 ай бұрын
im 24 and im PURPOSELY not having a girlfriend despite getting "one nighters". I need intamacy but as an introvert i prefer to focus on myself so yes im not a virgin but no relationships.
@Halo3VT Жыл бұрын
Gonna turn 30 in three weeks, it never began for me. Still a virgin, talked to many girls, used dating apps, met a single mom, fcked me over mentally cos she was playing with me. No I did not kiss her. Wish you all the best mate. Go through it, you will find out for yourself if it is worth it or not. GONNA get my Wizard Diploma soon btw 😂 I will hang that on my wall.
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before and it bothers me a lot. Btw is a month long enough to know whether someone is interested in me or not? I asked out my childhood friend who is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so even though she agreed to meet up she haven't replied yet about when we can meet. I have been chatting with this another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023 and she is 19 now and in 1st year of college and I am in last year of college. We are in different colleges now but we used to be in the same school but didn't know each other in school. So we only have been getting to know each other for a bit over a month. Her college is very near to my home tho. We chat daily and talk about literally everything and we are both foodies too and send each other virtual hugs but there isn't any flirting in the chats yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but is 1 month already long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not or does it take longer?
@keyshawnscott12 Жыл бұрын
​@@manosijroy8282go ahead and ask her
@lorebringers 11 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282 man ask her out on the first chats with her do not wait 1 month shes gonna friendzone you..
@ultanmahon5080 11 ай бұрын
​@manosijroy8282 Exactly the same as you mate. I'd just ask her, no reason not to.
@Halo3VT 11 ай бұрын
@@ultanmahon5080 She dated an other guy last year. Thought she is a traditional woman so she left basically. I denied the kiss when we first met, I mean so much to being religious from her side. I am a Wizard now, guess some men are not meant to be with a woman.. And sorry mate, it is very tough.
@dylansmith1548 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate you being so honest Dan and sharing your story have you ever tried weight lifting or some type of cardio exercise overtime it slowly giving me a lot of confidence anyways hope you're doing well!
@Mealtimefake Жыл бұрын
Wow, I really appreciate the sincerity or maybe authenticity! Especially, when you concluded by explaining why you don't upload very often--that is something many don't admit.
@doejohn7548 Жыл бұрын
26 too I’m not a virgin I had hookups just can’t approach girls cause I get in my head that I’m ugly or no girl would want me I haven’t had a girlfriend neither it sucks on the weekend when I’m doing Uber and I see couples having fun loving each other hopefully this year I find someone and I can get myself out there wish me luck man I feel you tho
@DreamEG_ 10 ай бұрын
I’m 20 years old never had a girlfriend myself. I’ve tried dating apps and hang out with girls but it didn’t get far as I expected. I gave up on them because there a waste of time to me honestly. I just focus on leveling up at my job, building up my money and building confidence as I go. The right will come soon I just have to be patient and love myself. I met a German girl she’s a intern at my job and I fell for her like an idiot and she only saw me as a friend lol. I learned a lot from it and I was able to boost my confidence up and get out more. But first I got to focus on myself and my goals. I appreciate this video and the confidence you show to all people. Because I wouldn’t bare myself to do it lol. But eventually bro you will find someone. Just focus on yourself and take care of yourself. That confidence you have is a good start and will boost a lot more going out and stuff. I’m working on it myself and getting better and see a lot of progress as I go out and talk to people and stuff. The right one will be knocking at your door to open!
@_Kiwyy_ 8 ай бұрын
I like how you talk, very eloquent! You'll make it happen man, I'm sure!
@ClumpypooCP Ай бұрын
You have the right mindset man and you seem like a cool dude. Good luck to you!
@a32tl Жыл бұрын
I’ll be 55 in a few weeks and I’ve never been in a relationship of any kind. Never even been on a proper date.
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
Woah damn man really at 55? How come? Thats scary. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend, never even kissed or hugged a girl in real life. Recently I got rejected and blocked by 3 girls(rejected by 7 girls in total so far). These recent 3 girls who rejected me were in the same school as me but now we are in different colleges so we had been chatting on Instagram for months and finally asked each of them out for a coffee. One of them who is 19 turning 20 in August even agreed to meet up but she blocked me mysteriously after a few days whereas another one blocked me immediately. Then few days ago I asked out another one who is 20 but she too rejected me saying even though I am nice, she just isn't comfortable to meet up with me and it hit me hard. But yesterday I finally gained some hope as I also asked out my childhood friend who is 21 now turning 22 in a couple of months and she replied positively. We were close friends when we were in elementary school in 2008-2011. But she isn't that active on Instagram so she took almost a month to reply to the message in which I asked her out and she finally replied yesterday. She replied "yeah ok" but didn't say when we will meet exactly so I asked her to decide when we can meet. I am still a bit worried as she gave only a 2 words reply so idk whether I will be lucky this time or not.
@nobodysperfect06 Жыл бұрын
Won't surprise me if all if you're a guy or male
@jeffreywong7244 Жыл бұрын
@@manosijroy8282hey man I’m turning 19 soon, and I’m on the same boat as you. I’ve asked few girls out although each interaction became better, the last one ended with 4 dates and I got friendzoned. It really do sucks but I think we should just focus on ourself the bitches can come later, us men should strive for success and not for girls. Mentality is very important. Don’t be that ass kisser or nice guy. Good luck man !
@Nihilistic_Soul Жыл бұрын
saint wizardcel
@johnblah1040 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffreywong7244At least you’ve had dates, I’ve never had any. It sucks for us bro
@Reformed322 9 ай бұрын
Hi Dan! Loved the video. Hey dude, I get it, I didn't have my first gf or lose my virginity until 29, which was last year. I'm gonna be honest, this is the opener that is the reason I'm now engaged, is when you match with someone just ask right away to go on a date. I found that around that 26 or 27 age, women just want to go out on a date and skip the texting phase. I was always terrible at texting. If you aren't comfortable with going on a date right away, ask to call and talk over the phone, that's also why I'm engaged. I guess to put it this way, I noticed that when I started to go on dates in my late 20's, the more they appreciate chivalry and a gentleman. Also, keep up that attitude! Never lose it! When you achieve that list of goals then make a new one.
@user-er8kz2jg6o Жыл бұрын
Stay strong brother!!
@adrienhelferich7069 Жыл бұрын
Dude I believe in you I’m 18 tbh and for 3 years of my life I did nothing I was a surfer young youthful outgoing attractive had a pretty girlfriend in 9th grade arguably the prettiest 11th grader in the school and I decided I begged to do online school to try and take it to the next level although I got addicted to Netflix and so I stayed in the house for 3 years hardly went outside and go sunlight maybe once a week for 10-30 mins if that from 14.5- 17.5 even now some I developed permanent long lasting affects from this stuff such as anxiety paranoia confidence issues extreme ocd headaches from blue light I could go on all night not to sound like a picky complainer but it’s truly tough I also have a problem with my height every time I surf now I canstantly think about my height I’m 5’7 and it’s hard I feel like I stunted my growth too I go by a pretty girl now and I have no confidence because my social life went to crap I’m trying to work harder on my problems now but I totally understand and empathize for you and have real faith in you Dan:) ❤
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
At least you had a gf in high school and could experience teenage love whereas I completely missed out. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend and never even kissed or hugged a girl in real life. Recently got unmatched by 2 girls(one is 19 and another is 21) on dating app after I asked them out even after a decent chat. I also tried asking out this girl who is 19 turning 20 in August and we were in the same school but now we are in different colleges and we have been chatting on Instagram for a month and she even agreed to meet up and I was super happy but she blocked me mysteriously for no reason last week. Then 5 days ago I tried asking out another girl who is turning 20 after a few weeks and we also were in the same school and have been chatting on insta for over 3 weeks but she immediately blocked me after I asked her out for a coffee. My only last hope is this girl who was my childhood friend when we were in elementary school in 2008-2011 and now she is 21 turning 22 after like 4 months. I asked her out too for a coffee but she isn't that active on Instagram so she still didn't even see or reply to my message yet but honestly I am hoping for a positive reply but also worried that she might reject me too.
@geraldleuven169 11 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282 Dating nowadays is a hell.
@WafflesLol00 11 ай бұрын
​​@@manosijroy8282It's been 3 months, did she reject you or not?
@MorshuRicher 10 ай бұрын
Man I hate the games some of them play
@NewfieAsianKid 10 ай бұрын
It's been nearly 8 years since I first had mine back in 2014. A first real serious relationship I had, and I got to tell you, it's not something that you would expect. At the start it's going to be awesome but then later on the months, she's going to go through mood swings that women go through, whine, complain and find ways to start unnecessary drama that you don't need. It's tough when it comes to dealing with women.
@abovethelaw4417 9 ай бұрын
Cool. How old were u back then ?
@brianmeen2158 7 ай бұрын
“And find ways to start unnecessary drama that you don’t need” They sure will! These guys don’t seem to realize just how much work and stress relationships are
@NewfieAsianKid 7 ай бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 I remembered one time my ex and I sat had lunch at the food court and before we see a movie at the theater, I had pieces of food accidentally on the table and she goes and rant and complain about bacteria! She even gets easily jealous too whenever she sees me have small talks with other women (which is only casual small talks, but no intentions of sexual flirting). And walking past other women with revealing outfits too at the sidewalk. What she expect? Always have my eyes the other way?
@vasirus9449 7 ай бұрын
Hang in there, soldier! You’re not the only one in such a difficult situation.
@potentglitter5300 10 ай бұрын
You’re aware of the changes you need to make and that’s great! That’s good you’re going out more and going to church. I actually met my fiancé through a church group. God bless!
@psychostranger2097 10 ай бұрын
I am 38 years old virgin male. Never had a girlfriend.
@manosijroy8282 10 ай бұрын
Damn man. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before but finally had my first date just 2 days ago(on Saturday) and got my first hug but still not my first kiss yet and still single. She is 19 btw and is in 2nd year of college and we used to be in the same school but didn't know each other those days and have been chatting on Instagram since 28th May 2023 but finally 2 days ago we decided to meet in the mall and we actually did and ate in the Mcdonald's there and then took photos and selfie and I pinched her cheeks a lot too as she is really cute and asked for a hug and she gave one hug too for a few seconds but it was still nice. I towered over her tho as I am like 5'9(174-175 cm) and she is only like 5' or probably even 4'11. But overall it was a good date. Idk what she feels about me but I still can't believe that everything went so well. But I also like this another girl who is also 22 or maybe 23 in my class where I go for preparation of exams to get into an MBA B School as I just graduated college in last week of July and I am planning to study MBA next. She also says me hi almost daily and we do handshake and she smiles and sometimes initiates conversations with me but I only answer what she asks and I am still shy to initiate any further conversations near her but hopefully after today's date, my shyness near girls seemed to have reduced for sure. Last month I also came to know that she finds me cute and 3 weeks ago I gave her a chocolate too. I honestly like both the girls.
@Evanpetersno1fan 10 ай бұрын
@jacqueslee2592 5 ай бұрын
Why don't you travel to Australia, Europe, or Asia? Go get a hooker or escort. It is legal over there. Only Americans are 40 year old virgins or virgins for life because they cannot get laid by escorts when they want to have sex.
@hanyan2012 4 ай бұрын
Your self-work and self awareness is very attractive to women. You also have a very calming voice and demeaner. Keep up the good work building that confidence, and the right lady will enter your life when the time is right :)
@JohnSmith-fs8bu Жыл бұрын
Looking good Dan, just keep grinding that’s what life’s all about. One step in front of the other
@josephmessina3587 10 ай бұрын
Lucky you! I was 37 years old when I had my first so called girlfriend, don't miss her. You ain't missing anything. Concentrate on your job, career and any other pursuits that you enjoy or makes you a better person inside. All you are doing here is exposing your weaknesses for all to see. That said, no woman can fill the emptiness in your heart.
@bailey2517 4 ай бұрын
Youre so full of shit.
@hecrek 9 ай бұрын
Even our body are different we all feel what can't we explain and brother it's not too late for change, you're not alone bro❤
@PhillDrakeEntertainment 10 ай бұрын
28 here and never been in relationship, never kissed the girl always I feel anxious, I decided to work on myself this year to change some of the habbits, I feel you man it's not easy to find a perfect girl today.
@BLUESKY-zt1nv 4 ай бұрын
62 ..
@GHC2US777 3 ай бұрын
Get a Passport and Date Overseas.
@hiyabuddy7 10 ай бұрын
Hobbies my dude. That's a good place to start. But getting out of the house is the most important part. Not going to "meet" anybody new on the couch my dude. You got this💯👍
@KamalTiwari82 11 ай бұрын
I am a little over 40 and never had a girlfriend, I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to talking to people and I find that the majority of the time I also experience abuse, when walking down the street if I am looking at a girl who isn’t dressed appropriately I get called a perv so sometimes I have alot of anxiety which comes from society. I struggle with people alot especially in work, because I struggle to talk I find that I don’t keep a job for very long either.
@manosijroy8282 11 ай бұрын
Damn man really at 40+? Are you an Indian? I am a 22 year old Indian (Bengali) guy living in Bangalore in India who never had a girlfriend before and yet to get my first kiss. I started going for some classes to prepare for some exams to get into an MBA B School as I just completed my engineering 3 weeks ago and I am planning to study MBA next. There in the class, I got crush on this girl who is also 22 or maybe 23 now. She tries to initiate conversations with me and say me hi but I just say her hi back and answer what she asks but I am still shy to initiate any further talks with her. Almost 2 weeks ago, she actually said that I am cute and that made me blush a lot and today I gave her chocolate too. I was really shy but with my friends being with me, I gave her the chocolate and she thanked me with a smile and we did a handshake. I do feel a bit worried as she has 2-3 male friends in our class so I feel scared thinking what if she goes for either of them. Also in this Saturday, me and a girl who is 19 year old now planned to meet in a McDonald's near her college. We used to be in the same school but didn't know each other in school days and we just have been kinda knowing each other for several months via Instagram. I have never been on a date or even a normal hang out with a girl so I am nervous. I am also worried whether she is really serious about hanging out with me on Saturday or she is joking as I just got rejected by several girls before. I am afraid that what if I mess up or something. I am hoping things will be fine and it won't get cancelled. I also asked out my childhood friend 3 months ago and she is 21 turning 22 soon and even she agreed to meet up but she is very inactive on Instagram so she takes weeks or even a month to reply to my messages so she still haven't replied when we can exactly meet.
@MorshuRicher 10 ай бұрын
I had this girl at a temp job (granted didn't last long because it was technically long distance) she was the top girl there and talked to every guy who worked there but I knew she would choose me. I'd say try to have that mindset
@user-bf6pd8uv8t 2 ай бұрын
I’m feeling the same thing but I’m a 19 year old male. I’ve never had a talking stage with a girl. I’m a really shy person I keep to myself as well. I’ve never drank or smoked in my life and that makes me think, do I need to do those things to fit in with other people so they can just talk to me?
@Us3r739 9 күн бұрын
How tall are you?
@user-bf6pd8uv8t 9 күн бұрын
@@Us3r739 around 5’7 or 5’8
@colossalmedia Жыл бұрын
Hey man, dont let this fear get to your head too much. Take a walk in the park, you can see plenty of average looking guys with average looking girls. This year go on a self improvement and looksmaxxing journey. And as you’re "leveling up", reach out to girls. Don’t let your thoughts keep you from talking. Confidence and charisma is EXTREMELY important when talking. Focus on these two and I‘m positive you’re gonna be much more successful in your dating life. Good luck my friend.
@GeomaxxingBlackpill 6 ай бұрын
There no looksmaxxing for your height or face
@jacobperez8921 9 ай бұрын
It’s sad to see so many lonely guys that I can relate to on KZbin and on the internet in general. I think the red pill content out there does give good advice in general but I don’t agree with everything said within the community. I hope you are well dude. You are not alone in this fight.
@grandiosa86 10 ай бұрын
I have not made it yet, but finding a group to attend or something or support group can be very rewarding I have heard.
@kyairamarbury Жыл бұрын
Omg you’re just the cutest! I’m sure you will find a great lady soon enough. Quality over quantity. You seem like a great guy. My husband was very shy and I basically had to make all the moves and it was worth it!so don’t worry it can happen and it’ll be the woman that’s meant for you!
@azzazz4549 10 ай бұрын
Stop giving him false hope lol
@user-lx7kq5ci5l 10 ай бұрын
@@azzazz4549 it seems like you’re not frustrated at all
@whyme3772 9 ай бұрын
@@azzazz4549He’s not really that bad. Post a picture of what you look like 😂😂
@ChrisWelch97 10 ай бұрын
I’m 24 years old & im a virgin never been in relationships I get called it a lot & it don’t affect me one bit I couldn’t care less I’m happy as I am if I find a girl I like then good if I don’t not end of world I’m always trying to find the right one I just don’t like it when people say u should get a girlfriend like it’s part of everyday life rules when it isn’t u can be happy been virgin whole life finding a job more important than relationships paying your way in life relationships is a bonus I’ve had girls saying they really like me then nothing escalated after that I do believe there’s someone out there for everyone just needs to be the right person we are all different of course I’m not desperate at all I rather worry about leafs falling of a tree than relationships don’t try worry about it mate someone out there for everyone great video mate that’s just my opinion
@Ghost-vg6iq 10 ай бұрын
I like your answer trying to find happiness in small endeavors
@andrewhenderson6544 9 ай бұрын
I remember when I lost my virginity, that feeling is unforgettable. You have something great to look forward to. Make sure it's the right person.
@darkmidnight818 7 ай бұрын
​@@andrewhenderson6544losing your virginity is a social construct. I could literally lie.
@darkmidnight818 7 ай бұрын
​@@andrewhenderson6544and its not like its what you see online. I heard the first time sucks.
@anthonyqueiros9833 11 ай бұрын
Never forget bro you have value as a person
@OscarTheGrouchy 3 ай бұрын
Machines need cogs to function properly
@watchmetry 11 ай бұрын
I'm 26 too, my parents were in their 60s growing up also very shy too which doesn't help especially living in chicago. We shall overcome.
@parsaabdolhossaini3978 9 ай бұрын
god I love your intelligence, self awareness, emotional understanding, once you understand masculine, feminine nature, I'm 100 percent sure you will do amazing in dating. embrace the masculine side. don't let media saying a behavior is toxic masculinity stop you from being masculine. I'm 100 percent sure you will do amazing in relationships. all the bests
@Necronth 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad you made this video, and I am glad to have watched it. You are a really cool dude. I became a Wizard last month, but despite that I have become more outgoing and have been able to interact with strangers competently in like the past 2-3 years. Still learning, But yeah, you are miles ahead of many and you are going in the right direction. I don't doubt you will find a partner. You have good body language, are well spoken, invested in a valuable career, etc. And you are setting yourself up for a good future. God Bless!
@manosijroy8282 11 ай бұрын
So are you 30 now? Did you have a gf before? I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before and yet to get my first kiss. Recently I started going for some classes to get coaching for upcoming exams(which starts from Nov last week) to get into an MBA B School as I just graduated college 2 weeks ago and planning to study MBA next. There I got crush on this girl who is also 22 or maybe 23 now. We did handshake on our first class which was on 13th July 2023 and she sometimes tries to initiate convos with me asking whether I had lunch or not and says me hi but I just answer her what she asks or say hi back and I am still shy near girls in person so I am usually shy to try to initiate any talks with her unless she herself is the one who tries to talk with me first. BTW 4 days ago, she actually said she finds me cute and that really made me blush hard and my friends too teased me hehe so I feel a little more hopeful now. Since 28th May 2023, I also have been chatting with this 19 year old girl on Instagram. We used to be in the same school but didn't know each other and now she is in a different college which is very near to my home tho and I also asked out my childhood friend 3 months ago who is 21 now turning 22 very soon. But my childhood friend is very inactive on Instagram so even though she agreed to meet up, she didn't reply about when exactly we can meet up as she takes weeks and even a month to reply to me. I do chat with the 19 year old regularly sending each other virtual hugs and sharing everything like about our day, classes, about ourselves and many more but it still looks like she just sees me as a friend so I am still nervous to ask her out as I also got rejected recently by 4 girls.
@yutupedia7351 10 ай бұрын
wizard of what? some kind of video game? 🤔
@alkamino Ай бұрын
You look like a very conscientious person I think you are on the right path. Good luck pal
@Mariovdls 10 ай бұрын
Bro its definitely mental, you're not ugly (no homo) you also have good conversations skills, but fr you're a good looking lad
@kristynguyen6056 11 ай бұрын
You have such a positive attitude. Keep going!
@markhatch9893 11 ай бұрын
A positive attitude isn't going to get him a gf lol
@chuckcollins2349 10 ай бұрын
​@@markhatch9893not really
@GeomaxxingBlackpill 6 ай бұрын
Why don’t you date him then
@marklong8222 Жыл бұрын
Same here brother I'm 26 working never had a girlfriend or any luck finding one
@philbuck365 Жыл бұрын
Also you can take classes that teach you to do public speaking. If you can speak to a group of strangers you won’t have trouble with those girl. And never act desperate or needy . If you act like you don’t care one way or another . This will make them want you more.
@michaelsheller7748 11 ай бұрын
well done, keep on trying, if you do not change anything in your behaviours and lifestyle then for certain nothing will change, you need tops yourself to go out there.
@GabrielNechita-ep1hp 2 ай бұрын
I don't know why, but I watch this video every day, twice per day.
@inker1972 11 күн бұрын
You got problems 😂
@chriss729 2 ай бұрын
Honestly you sound like a great guy, who will eventually find someone who appreciates him.
@ikemreacts 7 ай бұрын
God bless you, my guy. Build yourself up. Women are absolutely NOT the prize.
@InscentiveAdvice 3 ай бұрын
Hey sending love from philly. U seem super cool and chill. I hope the best for you. ❤ Edit: Still watching vid. You seem very aware of what u need to accomplish... identifying issues setting goals these are the first steps. U do not have to drink you are correct on that and looking into the bible is starting to seem like a better option as time goes on.
@DedeRamiz Жыл бұрын
it ok bro you don't need a girl to make you happy you have you love you in god❤
@alextruong6077 11 ай бұрын
ngl bro i just skimmed through I aint gonna watch this. But youre doing great dude, understanding your goals and what you want to pursue is brave as fuck I hope you get there.
@anyo_mations Жыл бұрын
At least you're self-aware. That's half the battle
@Luis-kh2oh 10 ай бұрын
It's worth the wait I didn't started dating until I was 23 before than I was a emotional wreck and in a personality crisis in a town that treated me as a outcast but when I left the world open up to me I had friends a girlfriend and a great job in the state parks focus on oneself is good change is good it's never to late life doesn't disappoint you you disappoint life
@Howhughes2013 11 ай бұрын
Same here. Never been in a long distance relationship. I did however learn about skills that I never would have learned if I spent all my time with my significant other. It takes patience because you are always becoming a different person with each passing day.
@Howhughes2013 11 ай бұрын
I’m usually hard on myself because I am truly a geeky and awkward person. You can literally tell when I’m nervous around people because I sweat a lot. What makes it worse is that I don’t look like the type of person who should have these insecurities. Oh well. Each day gets better.
@superalloywheel 10 ай бұрын
Wishing you the best keep it up
@100Kakdela 10 ай бұрын
You sound quite smart and very proactive for an asocial person. Moving in the right direction.
@lovelylonerboy7156 6 ай бұрын
You’re not alone Dan
@EchoVids2u 7 ай бұрын
I recommend joining a dance club. I was scared at first but I started learning bachata and have gotten very comfortable dancing, in the class you dance with girls, start making friends, get people's Instagram, and attend dance socials. It's a great way to meet people and feel confident in yourself.
@pontoilet Жыл бұрын
for the brothers struggling out their trying to get a gir. my tips were love yourself 1st(i mean you cant share love if you kingpin of your love source/ do what you love, example love muay thai,cars&cool shit/ gotta love to learn to be alone with yourself/ doesn’t mean be lonely there’s a difference from being alone and being lonely ), let go what holding you back( drugs, porn, & games addiction what set me from getting a girl) improve yourself everyday (mentally spiritually physically & emotionally) dont try ( mean if you have to try it wasn’t meant, find someone who clicks with you easily/ don’t mean to stay the same but you wanna be the ultimate version of yourself) lastly when you get a girl( you will) make sure that both of yall want each that badly ( if a girl doesn’t like you because of her taste, there are plenty girls out there that want you badly/dont sweat it) believe that yall can get a girl, stay up my kings & pray yall get everything you want from life🤝 (edit: be your trueself. not everyone is gonna be the same)
@anishmal2305 2 ай бұрын
Hey, good luck on your journey. Liked the video just cause you mentioned that you were putting an effort to go to Church every Sunday, and taking steps on reading the bible and growing in faith. Hopefully God blesses you with a good partner soon, have faith.
@LovelySkydiving-gm1ku 2 ай бұрын
Want to be a guest on my podcast if so replie with your social media
@patricksmith4424 6 ай бұрын
I totally relate to where your at. I am 59 and have never had a girlfriend. What's important remember is that there is a lot more to getting girlfriends than what is told, especially as far as guys are concerned, it's actually really hard for shy people. I put a big ring around shy because shyness is basically fear which comes over as lack of confidence to women, a big big turn off. I was the youngest of a big family, all boys apart from 1, I only related to older people as a result I hated school and only went for 3 years. I never learned to make friends and I never learned to be a man so I was pretty stuffed as soon as I hit adult hood. The ages between 16 to 18 are really important as that's when your peers are are starting to play around also losing your virginity will give you a huge amount of confidence in dealing with women. The older you get the worse the hang ups so their is a downward spiral going on. You are going about this in the right way. addressing the issues and working on them bit by bit I wish I had done that. Putting this video out is a great start. You are a good looking guy and obviously have stacks of good stuff going for you, so I think that going with a plan them some lady should be out there. I don't like saying this but have you considered a session with a good wholesome prostitute? You would be many rungs up the ladder after that, believe me.
@manosijroy8282 6 ай бұрын
Damn man really at 59? Is 23 still kinda late in your opinion? I am a guy who turned 23 just 5 days ago and I never had a girlfriend before. I did have my first ever date 3 months ago at the age of 22. She is 19(turning 20 next month) and we went to the mall, ate in Mcdonalds and then we hugged and took pics and I was pulling her cheeks a lot as she was really cute. But 2 weeks after the date, she became toxic to me and blocked me on all social media apps. She basically just used me for free lunch and to take lots of pics of her. I also have crush on this another girl who is also 22 (turning 23 next month) in a class where I go for preparation of several exams to get into an MBA B School as I just graduated college like 5 months ago and planning to study MBA next. I am generally shy near her and she is the one who starts conversations with me. She also has called me cute a several times and I pulled her cheeks twice too and gave her chocolate once but I see her being with her male friends a lot and now due to exams we aren't able to meet. 2 months ago, I went out with this another girl in the same class who is also 23. We are just friends tho and we roamed around the city that day and had lunch in a big restaurant. We also took several selfie and I pulled her cheeks as well but was shy to ask for a hug. She even called me an amazing person on my birthday 5 days ago. I also am following several girls from the institute I go to who are within 21-25 age range on Instagram but I am yet to send them a message. I also have been chatting with this another girl for several months on Instagram and she is 19(turning 20 in April) and we used to be in the same school but she was my junior so we didn't know each other during school days. She is very sweet and caring and chatting with her makes my mood much better. We send each other virtual hugs daily too and we are both foodies and like talking about food a lot. We plan to meet one day too and eat somewhere nice. But in the end, I am still single.
@patricksmith4424 6 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282 23 too late! To a 59 year old that seems like a kid. No you are in your prime with a whole life ahead (God willing). However, age can be relative so when you are 23 and see what your peers have been doing in their young adult years you can feel you have missed the boat, when in actual fact the opposite is the case. The point I was making was that when you young, like with school and college it's a bit like a conveyer belt, so if you don't tick a box when you should you can get a hang ups about it, which just gets worse. That's why you have to face those hang ups at any age and try to resolve them. I remember when I was 23 and at college this guy asked whether I was still a virgin. How ridicules that I was ashamed and wanted to bat of the question, but the fact that I did not come out with a clean answer meant I was. Because of my lack of experience I always lacked confidence around girls, they pick up on that as being uninterested so you never get the chance to progress and it just gets worse the more time passes. You seem to be well down the road to getting a partner, just going out together and getting phone nos mean you are almost there. Remember that when you get on that well with someone you will openly discuss your past, so your female friend will be on your level. As I am so inexperienced I cannot comment about how you should behave on a date, but the pulling cheeks bit strikes me as being a bit weird, if it's you and they don't mind fine, if suddenly out of the blue then probably best to avoid. All guys have to be careful with innitiating physical contact with women, esspecially now a days when one wrong move and you are arrested. I have noticed that gay men have far more freedom in this respect. They are always hugging ladies, like ladies do to each other because they know there is no sexual intent. It must be very difficult for yougs now on that front.
@dr.seytan4310 6 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282its never late
@douglasmaddox3308 Жыл бұрын
Brother you doing good already! First thing you did right was acknowledging that you've been too afraid to do things and now you're getting out of your comfort zone. That's where you will see the most growth and if you keep working on yourself brother by this time next year things would be completely different and moving in a positive direction. God bless
@AldairPerez-fh9ny Ай бұрын
Don't worries man you're not the only one
@initiatorhater0688 Жыл бұрын
i agree with this other user, your case or situation angers and fills me with resentment, because its a reminder that cases like this are male dominated, the vast majority of people who go well into their 20s, reach 30s and older, and have never dated, never been in a relationship before, are male. Mostly male, and it should be unfairly obvious as to why reality and nature is cruel like that, yes i know there is no such thing as fairness.
@nathanball2 5 ай бұрын
First and foremost brother, Love urself respectfully and humbly. Carry urself with respect and honor. Love urself first, Honor urself and Value urself. Work on u. Greatness 9/10 is NOT overnight. Achieve and accomplish ur goals. Becareful who and what u trust and what u invest into. These goes ain’t shit (u should already know that) Rent a Prostitute if u have to but also becareful. And... Stay head on swivel homie. Be safe💯
@rustyaxe6631 3 ай бұрын
Keep working on yourself, Dan. Eat Healthy and exercise; lift weights, Jujitsu...
@419chris419 10 ай бұрын
Strong video🎉 Please go to the gym Dan. It will improve your life! Start with one day a week and work to 5 days a week with two rest days in-between. You will feel excellent.
@judgeholder8112 Жыл бұрын
Can someone please help this man out?
@georgemartinez7045 8 ай бұрын
I'm currently going through the same time. I'm trying to keep my hopes up but its hard tbh.
@neazurer Жыл бұрын
Really cool video man, you seem very self aware and bright. Keep making videos! :] New Sub too
@peterhenriksson1512 5 ай бұрын
The most important thing in life is to have peace with one self. If some people want to join it is a bonus.
@jaesonhunter5377 Жыл бұрын
Wish you all the best bro
@user-qu5sr7lg1f 10 ай бұрын
you're a legend for not repeating the cycle
@HUNK_TZ 10 ай бұрын
Wow dude I'm pretty much like you I'm 23 I just play games when I'm home I'm trying to meet new people and actually try to talk to other people instead of just listening but it's been a bit hard cause I'm not used to having to deal with so many people all the time so i'm having alot of anxiety and some panic attacks when I'm alone
@thxcaze1416 Жыл бұрын
I am 18 but I feel like this guy is my future self talking to me
@user-yg7kb1mt9z Жыл бұрын
I’m 22 and I know it’s over
@Trudon Жыл бұрын
​@user-yg7kb1mt9z ur still very young. I'm 34 & never had a girlfriend.
@user-yg7kb1mt9z Жыл бұрын
@@Trudon don’t take this the wrong way but, I don’t want to end up like you.
@Trudon Жыл бұрын
@@user-yg7kb1mt9z well u better get on it then. Time flies. I remember being ur age thinking by 25 or 30 I'd have a gf or wife maybe but nothing. Before u know it ur my age still single. Unless u take active steps now to change u will do.
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
@@Trudon I am also a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before and it bothers me a lot. Btw is a month long enough to know whether someone is interested in me or not? After getting rejected by 4 girls very recently, I asked out my childhood friend who is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so even though she agreed to meet up she haven't replied yet about when we can meet. I have been chatting with this another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023 and she is 19 now and in 1st year of college and I am in last year of college. We are in different colleges now but we used to be in the same school but didn't know each other in school. So we only have been getting to know each other for a bit over a month. Her college is very near to my home tho. We chat daily and talk about literally everything and we are both foodies too and send each other virtual hugs but there isn't any flirting in the chats yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but is 1 month already long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not or does it take longer?
@rajakhan-lr1yx 2 ай бұрын
Shit could be a lot worse atleast you have your family and your still alive don’t stress about girlfriends to much
@swisschalet1658 4 ай бұрын
You are handsome and sweet. You will do just fine. Just get out there. Rejection is a part of the game. Just move on and keep going...you will find a wonderful woman who is meant for you!
@autorenteamasb8804 11 ай бұрын
When I read the comments it’s always those same gaslighting advice like join a gym, dress well , love yourself blalbala hahahah
@filmdude5058 9 ай бұрын
Because its really that easy
@frog6054 5 ай бұрын
​@@filmdude5058 Literally almost everyone here has been doing that and it didn't change nothing.
@filmdude5058 5 ай бұрын
@@frog6054 looking at this guy i cant say he has been doing any of that, hes not ugly, hes not stupid, im 100% sure he can get a woman if he did
@mangledmango Жыл бұрын
@azharansari8158 11 ай бұрын
Exercising and lifting weights with proper body movements helps you start your journey.. I understand everybody has their own journey but mine began there.
@GeomaxxingBlackpill 6 ай бұрын
There is no weight lifting for your height
@orangebeansir 11 ай бұрын
You’re about to blow up bucko, buckle up and I’m glad you’ve been on your first date since this video. #KeepGoing #MenSupportingMen
@trowwzers5057 Ай бұрын
I’m 27 and in the same situation as you. How do you get into the electrical field? I’ve been trying to get jobs as a laborer and nobody wants to hire me
@shirleypoplo-ej7lz Жыл бұрын
All good things come to those who wait!! Don’t do online bull crap!! Meet the love of your life face to face,! Don’t worry about when don’t worry about the age!!! I really hope you get your soulmate!!!
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
But I can understand how he feels as I am closer to his age. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before and it bothers me a lot. Btw is a month long enough to know whether someone is interested in me or not? After getting rejected by 4 girls very recently, I asked out my childhood friend who is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so even though she agreed to meet up she haven't replied yet about when we can meet. I have been chatting with this another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023 and she is 19 now and in 1st year of college and I am in last year of college. We are in different colleges now but we used to be in the same school but didn't know each other in school. So we only have been getting to know each other for a bit over a month. Her college is very near to my home tho. We chat daily and talk about literally everything and we are both foodies too and send each other virtual hugs but there isn't any flirting in the chats yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but is 1 month already long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not or does it take longer?
@reggiebuttsmash2321 10 ай бұрын
Bro you are a legend
@ironknobsteelworks4063 11 ай бұрын
I didn`t have a girlfriend till i was 28. I made the mistake of not socialising in my teens and my job was a male only environment. This severely impacts your chances with women.
@initiatorhater0688 4 ай бұрын
i assume with your girlfriend you had to be the one to ask her out and shoot your shot with her
@keyshawnscott12 Жыл бұрын
Same except im 23 and never had one always been rejected
@sillyfilly5528 4 ай бұрын
24 here close to 25 and I’ve never had a girlfriend either, I’ve lived with my family all my life, I’m autistic and very socially awkward, I’m physically unattractive, I don’t understand how to be social, making friends and keeping has never been easy so getting a relationship is even harder, I’ve kinda given up tbh because I feel like people will never understand me or like me for who I am.
@portman8909 3 ай бұрын
Consider escort.
@Zombie9Slayer 11 ай бұрын
In 5 years time I will be 30 and I'm a virgin and never been in a relationship, It's mad. Some People that I went to school and college with are already married and have children. People say that I am a nice guy and I try to be happy all the time. I do worry a lot and have anxiety, even at work I worry and the people I work with always say I am great but I don't have that much self confidence I doubt myself.
@jimmywilson8134 8 ай бұрын
My man, you actually are very blessed. You are on the right track Jesus wants you to be on. Most of us wish we had a cleaner past before finding Christ. I was a horrible sinner before finding God. And am very ashamed of my past. God has the perfect lady waiting for you my friend. You are a precious find for a Godly woman. Please remember that. You will also make an awesome Son n law for some blessed parents out there. I don’t know how I even bumped into this video. Jesus always knows what’s right for you. Please continue to read your Bible and pray. And maybe pray about trying a different ( Bible based ) church. For a fresh crop of Godly ladies. I will be praying for you.
@MrJeng300 Жыл бұрын
Dan!! Nice shirt! I just got my first gf with 28. You can and will do it. Keep improving yourself. 🙌
@oscarperez5539 Жыл бұрын
Nice man,What made you wait until 28?
@MrJeng300 Жыл бұрын
@@oscarperez5539 Anxiety issues, depression, bad habits/lifestyle. Smoke (both weed&nicotine) free for over 5 years now, working out, job, more friends, own flat, things are slowly moving upwards. 🙌
@oscarperez5539 Жыл бұрын
@@MrJeng300 awesome man!
@manosijroy8282 Жыл бұрын
Do you feel I missed out by never have dated at 22? I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before. I feel FOMO all the time when I open Instagram and see most of my followers posting videos of them hanging out with the opposite gender and posting it in their IG stories. I feel terrible seeing couples or even just a guy or girl hanging out as friends as I feel I completely missed out on young love but I keep it to myself or share about it my close friend who is 23 and he tries to make my mood better. I use dating apps but most girls ghost me. Today also I got matched by a girl on Hinge who is 18 almost 19 but as usual she is ghosting me just like my previous matches who were all 18-23 year olds. I also follow and send dm to girls on Instagram who were in the same school as me and are 19-22 year olds now but majority of them ghosted and blocked me because I was too shy near girls in my school days so never interacted with them in school so I guess most of them kinda just see me as a stranger. Still around 4 or 5 girls chat with me daily but I am nervous to ask either of them out. One of them is my childhood friend when we were in elementary school and now she is 21 turning 22 after 4 months and I wanna ask her out but we didn't talk in person since 2011 so idk whether she will be comfortable or not plus she isn't that active on IG so her replies are kinda slow at times.
@initiatorhater0688 Жыл бұрын
i assume with your GF, you had to be the one to ask her out, pursue her, hit on her
@The_First_Sean Жыл бұрын
Being an incel is brutal
@whyme3772 9 ай бұрын
Being an incel will just get you no where. It’s like constantly hating on the (morally) rich. Instead of hating on them, learn from them. And improve your social skills and take better care of yourself before approaching women.
@josephang9927 11 ай бұрын
I'm 31. Same shit. It does Not get better.
@manosijroy8282 11 ай бұрын
Damn man. I am a 22 year old guy who never had a girlfriend before and yet to get my first kiss. I started going for some classes to prepare for some exams to get into an MBA B School as I just graduated college 3 weeks ago and I am planning to study MBA next. There in the class, I got crush on this girl who is also 22 or maybe 23 now. She tries to initiate conversations with me and say me hi but I just say her hi back and answer what she asks but I am still shy to initiate any further talks with her. Almost 2 weeks ago, she actually said that I am cute and that made me blush a lot and 2 days ago I gave her chocolate too. I was really shy but with my friends being with me, I gave her the chocolate and she thanked me with a smile and we did a handshake but I am worried that what if I made her uncomfortable by giving her the chocolate as she didn't say me hi in class since yesterday and that made me upset. I do also feel a bit worried as she has 2-3 male friends in our class so I feel scared thinking what if she goes for either of them. Also in next Saturday, me and a girl who is 19 year old now planned to meet in a McDonald's near her college. We used to be in the same school but didn't know each other in school days and we just have been kinda knowing each other for several months via Instagram. I have never been on a date or even a normal hang out with a girl so I am nervous. I am also worried whether she is really serious about hanging out with me on Saturday or she is joking as I just got rejected by several girls before. I am afraid that what if I mess up or something. I am hoping things will be fine and it won't get cancelled. I also asked out my childhood friend 3 months ago and she is 21 turning 22 soon and even she agreed to meet up but she is very inactive on Instagram so she takes weeks or even a month to reply to my messages so she still haven't replied when we can exactly meet.
@josephang9927 10 ай бұрын
@@manosijroy8282 I think you are doing fine and will do well. In my case I just did not care until too late so now I'm old and inexperienced and women hate that.
@Evanpetersno1fan 10 ай бұрын
Honestly speaking i dont care tbh, maybe cuz im younger (19) idk but i wouldn’t mind an inexperienced man@@josephang9927
@andrewgonzalez9002 8 ай бұрын
Only gets more painful as time passes
@Us3r739 9 күн бұрын
We just a waste of air for real. No woman want us to
@lonestar6325 Жыл бұрын
3:10 I definitely feel you there bro
I went on my first date at 26!
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