I rant about a terrible mom for over 20 minutes | Michie Rambles

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@ashikat413 4 жыл бұрын
When i was, eh, probably about 6 or 7, I found the bottle of baby powder on the bathroom counter. I never really knew what it was, and one day i decided to investigate. Long story short, I spent about two hours in the bathroom until my mom asked me to unlock the door. I opened it, and there she saw me, covered head to toe in white powder, the bathroom so white it looked like heaven. Baby powder as far as the eye could see. "Look mom! I made it snow!!!!" First, she had to stop laughing. Then, she explained to me that what i did was bad, and i had made a mess. Messes are bad, because cleaning up a mess sucks!!! She then made me clean the whole bathroom (i did a terrible job, but the point was more for me to understand the consequences of making a mess than it was for the bathroom to get clean) and because I hated to see my mom upset, I never coated the bathroom OR myself in vaby powder again. That is parenting. Understanding, hell have a sense of humor about it, and a realistic lesson to be learned. Love you mom
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 жыл бұрын
Same. My mother also taught me how to clean up, because messes are not good. And if you make em, you clean em. She also taught me how to stay calm and clean wounds if I got hurt. But she let me know that me getting hurt was my own fault, because I would run and climb trees. She taught me to be careful basically. They also tried to be good parents emotionally. Sadly, I am not emotionally too stable. However. They did still hit me. So I uh... Am very aggressive. Luckily, they never did it out of nowhere. But my trigger is now counting down slowly from three in a firm voice. Thanks mum and dad. How wonderful. Beating did nothing, it just made me terrified of my dad when he got mad until I was like 15. Where I got fed up with him and started fighting back.
@DedeDoodle 4 жыл бұрын
Oh goodness, I did something similar (although I don’t remember it much) Except instead of a bathroom, I poured the baby power all over the dogs’ backs lmao
@shadowfluf 4 жыл бұрын
you have the best mom ever. I wish i had a mom like that...
@ashikat413 4 жыл бұрын
@@shadowfluf i do really really adore my mom with all my heart, she is great. But she certainly was not the best. She did not handle every situation that well, in fact she was a thrower :x
@WispyEcho 4 жыл бұрын
My dad used to threatened to give me a "real reason" to cry whenever I cried next to him, to the point where I was afraid to cry near him. He broke my little brother's (At the time, he was about 10) headphones for the XBox, Made me unable to use the bathroom until after my dog went to the bathroom to the point where I had to hide to go, and try to limit how much I ate because he didn't want his kids to be fat (Context, that's when me and my brother would barely eat breakfast and rarely ate lunch unless family members decided to feed us). He always said that it was "better" than how he was raised, with his father always abusing him all the time with the belt and bottle. Note, he was only in his 20's when I was about 5 to 15. The reason why I'm saying this is because he was 15 when I was born, and 17 when my little brother was born. Yes, he was stuck in the limbo of childhood and adulthood when me and my little brother were children. Teenagers shouldn't be having children until they are stable and ready. Like, mentally ready, not physically ready.
@dontmindmeimjustaburglar1520 4 жыл бұрын
What do you mean by, "made me unable to use the bathroom until after my dog went to the bathroom to the point where I had to hide to go,"? I don't know if it's just worded weirdly but I don't understand what that means? Why did he not want you to go to the bathroom until after the dog went?
@WispyEcho 4 жыл бұрын
My dad told me that I was not allowed to use the bathroom until I walked my dog and seen her go to the bathroom. If he caught me using the bathroom before walking my dog, he would take my stuff away, making it near impossible to finish homework at the time. Sorry if the wording was confusing, I don’t exactly have the best grammar.
@WobblesandBean 4 жыл бұрын
My dad did many of the same things you decribe. I'm 36 and I cannot stand him. I have no love for the man and avoid talking to him as much as possible. My sister has completely cut him out of her life. This is what you get hen you raise your children like this, and they deserve to have their kids disown them.
@ray_kaydee 4 жыл бұрын
My mam did the same with crying, also calling it "self-pity" when I just cry really easily, especially if I'm being mfing shouted at
@cheyennethesylveon6186 4 жыл бұрын
My mother was like that but only with me. When something went wrong it was automatically my fault. She even told me I was the reason the family fell apart. Her favorite thing to do was guilt trip me and make me feel awful. Thank god my dad (divorced from my mom) got me out of there.
@lovebjrds 4 жыл бұрын
i hate to say this but straight up thats what happened to me. i dont even live with my mom anymore but she Still does that sort of thing. from one person to another, i wish you the best of luck. youre doing amazing op and im proud of you. :]
@CadaverousCanine 4 жыл бұрын
I grew up in the South, down here a pop means a very quick slap, however this slap would usually leave a red mark, or almost echo. People down here loudly say something along the lines “If that where my child I would beat them with a belt.” Or “I would spank that child!” To any child even mildly going out of line, no matter the age. Spanking and popping is very common here, thankfully my parents never spanked me or popped me anywhere but my hand, but I have seen parents striking their Autistic son with a large leather belt. I don’t think you should have to inflict severe pain to make your child listen. Especially if your child is special needs and is just having a sensory meltdown. I don’t mean I want no punishment, raising your voice and firmly putting your foot down is usually more than enough to get a child to listen. However I understand children being very difficult and maybe needing more severe punishment but beating them shouldn’t be your first action. I do understand spanking, but many people take it to far.
@__deltaairlines__2626 4 жыл бұрын
I used to be beaten when I was 4-7 years old, and I'm older now and I'm still afriad of my dad even though I shouldn't be. He doesn't do it anymore, but he yells at me. And that gives me PTSD if he yells. Everytime he yells I feel like I'm going to get beaten. I shouldn't EVER have to feel that way. I will never EVER beat my kids.
@irljellywyrm 4 жыл бұрын
I've never met someone so much like me in this sense like he used to beat us all with a belt and he doesn't anymore but his yelling does trigger me like I fear my father
@lyndonleedalee1738 4 жыл бұрын
A bit unrelated but I think the right term is "flashbacks" instead of "PTSD". PTSD is the disorder as a whole, the flashbacks are a symptom of the disorder. Pretty much you have PTSD because of your dad and you get flashbacks when he yells.
@ineedabetterusername4803 4 жыл бұрын
Just because he doesnt do it any more doesnt mean you arent allowed to be afraid of him, you guys should get family therapy and tell him that what he did was horrible
@Harumeijika 4 жыл бұрын
OOOOOOh my god, she sounds like my mother. My mother held things over my head that I did when I was THREE years old THAT I HAVE NO MEMORY OF DOING! She smacked me around whenever she could and always acted like I was the root cause of all her problems. So many people should not have children, good god. Also, totally understandable about the neminems
@dr.jotarokujo5288 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 18 and still get beat by my parents. From my experience, physical discipline is very VERY common within other ethnic communities. My dad is Nigerian and my moms italian. So it's not a strange thing among the people I know
@GingerbreadGerard 4 жыл бұрын
No one: My PTSD due to my parents' parenting: hehe, time for a panic attack!
@nutt_biggin3947 4 жыл бұрын
Derpstick why would you enter a video that is solely based off of abuse if you have ptsd
@GingerbreadGerard 4 жыл бұрын
@@nutt_biggin3947 because I want to see other people's views on the matter, I couldn't watch readytoglare's video because it had the footage but I could handle what was being discussed in twisteddisaster's without having a major attack. But I'm not searching the internet for everyone's opinion (not saying that you accused me of doing so) I just watched michie's video since I relate to her the most and she doesn't go into much detail, I was fine with most of the video because it was mainly her opinion with the subject of abuse in general. Thank you for your time.
@nutt_biggin3947 4 жыл бұрын
Derpstick thank u for the reply, looking back my comment may have sounded rude. i just found this person’s channel and i’m not one who’s used to the speedpainting commentary over true crime subjects, i like how tame it is but also very strict about their moral code. have a good evening!
@nekophysics4356 4 жыл бұрын
finally, someone i can relate to (an eddhead and a traumatized fellow)
@DaVinci131 4 жыл бұрын
This whole situation makes my blood boil! I’m currently working as a nanny part time to pay for college for a family with two kids- one is 9 and one is 2. A 2 year old is typically still in diapers, yet this mom expects her daughter to understand the concept of money?! And in extension to that, understand why she’s being (way too severely might I add) disciplined?! It’s ridiculous and super gross. I hope that the daughter ends up in a better situation soon- whether that being taken from the mother or the mother becoming a better person.
@catsfurlove4200 4 жыл бұрын
My dad was like this with me all the time, sometimes worse things. Because of his treatment i suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Trust me, i know for a fact raising your kid like this damages them for the rest of their life. It completely ruins them and anything they do. They suffer from depression and extreme anxiety. It damages any future relationships, forever giving them trust issues. It damages the literal way they think, how they feel, and what they do. You are never the same after abuse. It follows you afterwards, constantly having to relive the pain even after they're out of your life. Don' be like this "mother" to your child, please, for their sake.
@theburgerking1236 4 жыл бұрын
You can hit a kid, but it doesn’t mean that the kid is gonna behave, I know I used to get a hickory switch to my legs when I did something really bad. Let me give some context here: it was not a branch it was as big as a pencil and yes while it stung it did not physically hurt me. My mom was raised by baby boomers but it’s quite clear they didn’t beat her and she didn’t beat me, but if a kid has a certain personality type they will just hate you. And they can hold a grudge for a very, very, very long time. Hell my uncle has just refused to talk to my grandma, for something extremely tiny. But I’m rambling long story short, hitting a kid sees being hit from a very different perspective: think about it for a goddamn second, this kid is barely up to your knee so what seems like a light hit to you might be the equivalent of someone reeling back and smacking them as hard as they can .
@IceRiver1020 4 жыл бұрын
My dad is still under the delusion that he respected his parents when he was a kid and that his parents raised him fine. He knows not to treat us the way his parents treated him, but he thinks that it's because "kids nowadays are different" rather than the fact that the way he was raised was objectively wrong. When I was little things were a bit different, he spanked me at least once that I can remember, he slapped me once, and he yelled a lot, which to this day affects my ability to have a relationship with him, despite the fact that he's a pretty good dad now. Back then, if I wasn't in trouble he didn't pay any attention to me. I dont think I'll ever be as comfortable with him as I am with my mom. My mom would explain that I did something wrong and try to tell me better ways to handle situations in the future. Honestly, I wish my dad slapping me was the most traumatic thing someone has done to me. All my sister has to do is walk into the room to trigger a massive anxiety attack.
@hubert1154 4 жыл бұрын
I hate spanking. It's traumatic and doesn't teach the child *why* what they did was wrong.
@hunnykun101 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly! My parents did that and it didn't do anything beside being feared of being hit
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 жыл бұрын
Just make them sit in the corner for five minutes if you must punish them. Further, talk to your god damn child. DOnt hit hit them!
@scaredstiff7176 4 жыл бұрын
@@elvingearmasterirma7241 Yeah, like these people never watch super nanny do they lol
@orcatheartist9928 2 жыл бұрын
Agree has someone who went threw that I agree it doesn't teach them shit. In fact the only thing it does teach is to fear the parent/the person who doing that.
@Twist3dDisast3r 4 жыл бұрын
You can tell I was heated when I made this since I stumble over my words 4xs harder than I normally do. Also some people have pointed out that the audio cuts at one point. I’m sorry I had missed that section. But what I tried to say was what I had learned to properly punish a child. 1. Only do so when they know what they did was wrong. If they do not know it was wrong do not get angry explain. But if it happens again then punish them. 2. When it happens and the child knows they did something wrong depending on the age and severity will change. But for this video let’s go with younger kids. Since it was a fucking 2 year old. You put the child in a time out corner or space away from stimulus for the amount of minutes the child’s age is. Ex. 6 year old 6 minute time out and explain why.
@multifandomfangirl9664 4 жыл бұрын
I can tell especially at the end besides from that I can relate to this alot and well I want to hear your opinion on family vloggers soon.
@lionlessart 4 жыл бұрын
It's okay to be heated about it, it just means you're passionate about the wellbeing of others. I was going to write a different, much longer comment, but it got too personal so I'll just say this- there was a child psychologist once, who talked about how children see their parents. They don't see them as parents, or even people. To those kids, at least until they start to get older, their parents are their gods. The parallels are definitely there- a parent takes care of everything for a child; food, shelter, love, knowledge, literally everything. Anyway, the talk included how that sort of relationship can inflate a parent's sense of self, and cause them to no longer see their children as, well, people- but as property. It gives them a superiority/god complex and because of that, they can justify to themselves treating their children any way they see fit. Because they are and always will be above them. I don't know if that's specifically what's going on, even after watching glare's vid, but if it is the case that doesn't bode well. Specifically because this mentality can be a big source of strife for parent-child relationships- particularly once the child grows out of seeing their parent in that light. If the parent already has that God complex, and sees their child growing out of viewing them as such, they'll get more extreme and harsh in their treatment. Kind of adds a new meaning to "putting the fear of God" in your kids. So, following that logic, I can understand the people saying she shouldn't get to keep her child. Also as someone who got spanked/punished quite often for even the most minor of mistakes and (very very VERY rarely) beaten, it doesn't make you act better, it just fills you full of fear and hatred, and ups the possibility that you'll continue the cycle- or at the least create a deep-seated fear that you will. Either way I hope things get better for the kid.
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 жыл бұрын
My dad tried to beat me once. I screamed, bit, clawed and kicked him away, then pressed myself in the corner of my bed, glaring at him and growling. I was terrified of him honestly, and I just snapped that day. Besides them beating and hitting me, they were pretty good parents. My mum would put me in timeout in the corner and make me sit there for five minutes. And that was worse than being hit! It was a better punishment because it forced me to think about what I did. It wasnt fear inducing. At least they waited until I was five to start hitting me. To this day, Im still closer to my mum than my dad, because she didn't beat my arse. In my whole life, she hit me twice.
@EmberHart 4 жыл бұрын
I have ptsd and no real memory from when i was little. But a memory i have is almost falling out of a car in car seat. My fad was not smart and forgot todo somethings to prevent that any way car was on high way door flys open and little old me almost tasting asphalt. Lucky my mom was there or i be like a animal on the road. My mom never trusted my dad ever again.
@CallMeFreakFujiko 4 жыл бұрын
My mother in law would physically abuse her kids. My brother in law is a father of an almost five year old who she very rarely sees, and she's only allowed near her own granddaughter when my brother in law's around to watch his mother. The one time he didn't really have any choice because his girlfriend's mom was sick and my husband and I were in New York, he let his mom babysit his daughter so he and his girlfriend could go to work. She took the four year old out of state to see her husband's (dumbass step father of my husband and his brother) super religious parents without telling him or his girlfriend. Which is legally kidnapping. (Except she did bring her back.) The next time they're fucked like that, one of them will just call in sick. He went off on her because of course he did. She vented to my husband because she doesn't think that she did anything wrong, so now my husband and I are too afraid to have a kid while she's around. We actually talked about moving at least an hour away from her and waiting for her to be sick enough or lose her license permanently or something before we have a kid. My husband's also been planning on finding the cheapest retirement home to dump her in once the time comes, specifically looking for a low score in reviews. And once we do have a kid we'll probably have to lie to them and say that they only have one grandma who's alive. Or tell them the truth, that "other grandma is a really bad person." I hope she's proud that she would beat her kids now, and much worse that I'm not going to get into here. And when I say "super religious" I mean thinking that hospitals should be closed on Sundays, Easter and Christmas kind of religious. My step grandma in law somehow believes that both of her sons are virgins... Despite being a grandmother biologically. Believing that my brother in law is married because he lives with his girlfriend. She believed that my husband and I were married way before we were because we lived together since 2012 but didn't get married until 2018. A wedding she was invited to. Now she believes that we weren't living together until 2018. She also tried claiming that she was a virgin... To her biological son's wife. That's why my brother in law has a problem with his young daughter being around the second coming of Virigin Mary... Times two.
@CallMeFreakFujiko 4 жыл бұрын
Update: My brother in law's almost five year old daughter broke her mom's screen protector for her Switch out of anger. He had to ground her for the first time in her young life. You can get a screen protector for like, two bucks (and it works. The Switch isn't harmed) but that wasn't the point. The point was that she broke something and she needs to know that isn't okay before she starts going to school. You know what her punishment is? A week without TV or video games. This will give her time to think about her actions and give her an incentive to never break something on purpose ever again. And like it was mentioned in this video with the family channel, they grounded her regardless of the worth of the item she broke. My brother in law texted my husband out of frustration but also fear that this won't work. He's following what his dad would do since their dad isn't a borderline psychopath like their mother, but they would rarely see their dad. He grew up with being hit by a belt or having his knuckles burnt so I'm really proud of him for doing a proper punishment instead of resorting to what he knows doesn't work from experience.
@madameklowny2654 4 жыл бұрын
I had to stop listening halfway through because I've been through childhood abuse and basically had to raise my younger brothers... it's a trauma that never goes away.
@SnooDoodle 4 жыл бұрын
Some people just shouldn't have that level of control or power over anything tbh. My dad's ex used to play emotional-warfare with me a lot and make my dad the unwanting referee between her bullshit and me existing. She wanted kids but couldn't even co-exist with a teenager, lmfao.
@redspicket9440 4 жыл бұрын
Hitting your child and manipulating them doesn't make them listen or act any better. My stepdad would come into the bathroom while I was showering and he'd whip me with a belt because of something I'd stolen from the fridge or because I back talked someone. My mom forced me to smoke weed and drink at 13 so she could easily coax me into doing or saying something I didn't want to do. By 16, I had run away on 2 separate occassions, nearly signed over guardianship to my aunt only 2 days after meeting her, and I tried to fail school so I could hype myself up to drop out and get my GED. I was a bad kid, and I chose drugs and friends over my own siblings at times because I couldn't stand being at my own home anymore. Abuse adds up, please consider how your parenting can affect your child in the future.
@meekomar5312 4 жыл бұрын
I agree about these kinds of people who should not be parents, I have the same opinion on it entirely. And working in retail, it is SO UNCOMFORTABLE when I have a customer come through and they're acting in this way towards their kid... .pat recent example is that I had one lady I was helping and her son, about 10 maybe? Granted this kid was very hyper. He was a bit overwhelming but I know that HEY, he's just a kid and maybe has some ADD or something, so that's fine. After a while of her kind of grumbling at him while we were trying to figure a setup of a credit card out, he kind of gets in her way....this lady Smacks him in the side of the head, scolded him for getting in the way. He spent the rest of the time we were trying to solve her problem sitting on the ground with his head in hands, waiting. Super contrast to how energetic he had been before. I JUST FELT SUPER BAD for him and kind of put off by this mom's behaviour. But like, I work in retail and I am super introverted. And when this happens I feel like I can't even point out that "hey, that seems kind of messed up", lest the parent would turn on you in a whirlwind of "don't tell ME how to discipline my child" fury. Another example, is when a couple came through with their little toddler in the buggy. The dad seemed ok, and was the one ringing them up at the self service register. The baby was acting pretty normal, as far as I recall, perhaps just a little fussy. But the mom....seeemed to be glaring at her child, and overall seemed to be acting very negative towards it. I am not sure, but the kid may have been just reaching to their mom, and she was refusing it any attention. I was just....kind of inwardly upset to see It. It wasn't even being very fussy at all, but the look this lady had was almost disdain, which??? Blows my mind, to think that you would look at your own, baby child with dull hatred in your eyes. Almost equally bad is seeing the ones who have kids that they don't guide properly...Example, a couple with several kids, including some boys who are running around, being loud and rambunctious, and also an older girl who is pushing a buggy, and she seems like the level-headed older sister type. They scold HER for letting loose for one second, to run down an aisle with her brothers....But a few minutes later, do not do a THING when one of those boys is being obnoxious to her, and smacking her *in the butt* and her loudly objecting! No one ever told those boys that this was a very inappropriate behavior. He was young, but old enough to understand boundaries and consent, if he was talked to about it. Sorry, long read, but Retail work is a trip. It just, leaves a terrible taste in my mouth when I see parents acting in anger towards their children. And for part of me, it really stings that these awful parents are the ones who get to have children and smack them in public, when my husband and I still don't see ourselves as financially well off enough to even have one kid. I would do my damndest never to treat a child like that.
@Discorddevil 4 жыл бұрын
My first stepdad believed in beatings for punishment, for both kids and your wife. My second stepdad gave me my half-brother and punished us with normal groundings or if we broke something by being irresponsible we had to buy our replacement with allowances (which was yielded by chores) or having to wait for christmas or our birthdays, which meant not having it for what seemed like to a kid to be centuries. The second stepdad taught us responsibility and the first conditioned me to flinch at any movement near me and panic at the sound of a raised voice. If you believe hitting a child is an appropriate punishment, you should not be a parent. It can and it will mess them up for life.
@deathastoplays9440 4 жыл бұрын
that might have happen to me more times but i just remember how rough my parents where with school, my dad would always beat me up (or pop as that mom said) if i didnt do well in school. I dont hate them for it but i think it was a huge overreaction for a kid getting 2 two points less than the minimum to pass a class in the middle of the year
@serenitymoon825 4 жыл бұрын
My dad once left me covered in welts for bringing home bad grades. My mom prefered to smack the shit out of me and shake me while screaming at the top of her lungs
@jujubees3360 4 жыл бұрын
I hate parents who abuse their kids as much as the next guy (and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like kids), but I also hate parents who never discipline their kids and act like they’re innocent little angels and let them get away with everything.
@unitymomentum 4 жыл бұрын
Discipline is also a concept needing to be rethought about with kids, they don't comprehend it and it's weird to expect it of them. Children aren't animals, they don't need discipline or control, they need understanding and patience.
@jujubees3360 4 жыл бұрын
lacuna poltergeist I guess what I mean by “discipline” is, when the kid is old enough to understand, telling them why doing something is wrong and not giving them a free pass for everything just because they’re a kid. Yes they need understanding and compassion but sometimes you need to put your foot down and tell them no.
@jujubees3360 4 жыл бұрын
Really good video but the audio cut out when you said what “the proper way to punish a child” is, do you know what you said?
@captainfluffypaws7068 4 жыл бұрын
No, you are right. It is 25.
@lag0morphOz 4 жыл бұрын
This video tackles the issue perfectly. So many good points. Also I love this collab!
@keenawireheart7238 4 жыл бұрын
Here's a fun story: Once, my parents took me for a walk along a beach around sundown and I was eating a pack of gummy bears. The sand had camouflaged this sharp, rocky hole and I tripped and fell in it, scraping my knee pretty badly. My parents were so concerned that I was bleeding and thought I was crying because of the pain. No, I was crying because the poor gummy bears were going to waste in the sand and were all sad because they couldn't fulfill their purpose of being eaten. XD I think I was 5 at the time, but it wasn't until a bus ride home that I noticed the pain. I remember that I had to hold a paper towel against my knee to keep the blood from dripping while my dad carried me and my mom tried to cheer me up by telling me we could get more gummy bears, but in my little child mind, those gummy bears in the sand had SOULS. Another short story: I was at some family hangout at a house I'd never been to. This was way before the great fall of the gummy bears, so I have no idea how old I was. This was my first time encountering makeup supplies and actually being able to touch them. You know that feelig when you get to hold or touch a real tool or weapon for the first time and you have this sense of awe that it has some kind of 'magical' properties? That's probably the best way I can describe how this lipstick seemed to me, because I'd seen others use it and I had no idea why they did, but it seemed like something they HAD TO do. All I knew is that everyone around me at the time had lipstick on except me, so I figured I had to put it on because it was the right thing to do. The owner of this lipstick came and I remember thst when she gave me this dramatic look of horror, I very clearly thought to myself, "Did I do it wrong? Was it not enough?" meanwhile you can imagine my lips were completely smeared and my mom apologized a lot. lol I learned not to pick up random things at someone else's house that day and the lipstick owner, a teen at the time, learned why she should listen to her mom when she tells her not to leave her stuff out...and I ended up learning that too as a result. Her dramatic reaction made me feel really bad and I remember it being difficult to understand what was going on and even if an adult explained certain things, I didn't have certain experiences yet to process what those things really meant. (I still don't wear any makeup.)
@Whysoshort 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not innately against corporal punishment, but I feel it's very rarely if ever needed. I firmly believe you should never hit your kid out of anger or frustration. And by the time you've taken the time to calm down and think it out, theres usually always a better way to go about reinforcing positive behavior. What messed me up even more than the spankings was my mother's signature "put a smile on your face and a smile in your heart." I always had to be happy about whatever she gave me. No matter what, even if she was yelling at me for hours, even if I felt she was wrong about something. I was never allowed to defend myself and I was never allowed to be upset. Instantly after whatever punishment if I was pouting or crying or angry or anything but happy I would get punished again. It really fucked with me
@picklepear8742 4 жыл бұрын
Last week my friends were talking about punishments as a kid. I remembered that some of the worst shit I ever got into with my parents was because I dropped the milk. I was 9/10 and I spilt 1L of milk on the floor. Even after I cleaned it and the immediate punishment, it didn't end, for weeks my stepdad would berate me and make snide remarks. After remembering, I immediately thought "I deserved it! I dropped the fucking milk! It was my fault, I'm a dumbass." Later while walking home I realised that jug of milk costs $2. Two fucking Australian dollars. Two. What the fuck. I'm 16.
@Mwothyman 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah lad, your step-dad is a real work. I remember one time that I accidentally burnt my brother and my mother full on bitch slapped me out of the way. To be fair, this was when he was a two year old, he didn't know better and he was also autistic. So yeah, thats understandable. Even then, she made sure that I was alright. A punishment for me is something that is supposed to deter someone from fucking up the exact same way. I.e- Don't try to do something you don't know how to do, you could get hurt.
@AmeKikai 3 жыл бұрын
I'm currently classed as a child and I have 2 younger brothers. When the lockdown started my dad started shouted at me and my brothers. My youngest brother (who's 3) would fight with my younger brother and it wasn't even like fighting that would really hurt. Instead of my dad telling him WHY not to fight, he'd shout at my 3 YEAR OLD brother. When I was struggling with lonliness, my dad used to shout at me for being "anti-social" and used to threaten me with Therapy and bans on basic things. For a long time I hated myself. Whenever I brought it up I was told "oh you're a drama queen." And my younger brother (not the 3 yr old) he broke the xbox by putting an icecream on it, he's not even over the age of 10 so he would have NO IDEA how much it cost. And my dad screamed at him. Yeah I was mad but I didn't scream at him. He would also tell us how much things cost (even when I was 7) and that "Oh if you break [item] you're paying for it." like wtf? My baby brother (3yr old one) he threw my mums phone and my dad was livid, HE'S 3! Why the hell would you scream at a 3 year old!? They don't even understand money. I wanted to run away for so long but I haven't..I swear if he ever hits us I'm legging it.
@unitymomentum 4 жыл бұрын
Spanking is sexual humiliation. Period. It's disgusting and horrific.
@teenyteeno4544 4 жыл бұрын
Im 13, and my dad is very emotionally abusive. I dont understand how people can abuse their kids and not realize what theyre doing is wrong. My father thinks that what hes doing isn't wrong. At one point, he threatened to hit me, and when I told him he wasn't going to touch me (implying I would tell somebody) he got OFFENDED and acted like I was the bad guy. Hes getting somewhat better now, but god has it all scarred me. Im very sensitive to yelling and banging and loud noises and I feel like im walking around eggshells around people who even remotely look like my dad. it sucks. I just dont understand whatsoever how people think this is okay. Have they ever heard of trauma?
@ChroniclerEnigma 4 жыл бұрын
I have a memory of sitting on a carpet with my cousin at like 3 yrs old, smacking the carpet and being frustrated while i tried to "explain" to him something and he didn't understand and it made me mad. But, i was 3, and didn't know any words. Its the weirdest memory i have being that young. The other memory i have is being 2 and bouncing in a yellow swing chair. I don't know how or why i remember things being that young. Its the weirdest shit remembering having tiny brain that doesn't think big things.
@elvingearmasterirma7241 4 жыл бұрын
It really has a different tinge. Like any other memory we have has Words. You understand. But when you have memories from such a young age, there is just... Sensation. And action and feeling. And frustration whenever you cannot express your feelings or ideas.
@alexissmith7814 4 жыл бұрын
You should definitely consider going back into social work. The ones I know shouldn’t be able to make decisions about their own children much less other people’s. One of the social worker’s daughters even lives with her grandmother because the social worker is abusive
@AlienFaun 4 жыл бұрын
I hate how accurate these points are. The spanking and yelling I had to go though as a kid, and for small mistakes. Also friends with a single mother who would about raising a child alone and can't be in a relationship for a while. It did hurt when I had to read the vents and there were moments that a child is being blamed..
@bluon259 4 жыл бұрын
My parents used to spank and snap their belts at me and my brother when we we younger. However, that stopped once my youngest brother grew up a bit. My brother and I were confused since the youngest never got the discipline we did, and we felt like it was unfair. Skip to today, where my brother and I are quiet, extremely behaved, and socially anxious. We’re like recluses. The youngest is loud and rude, but is more outgoing. Personally, I think that since my parents never punished the youngest in any way, he turned out to be... disrespectful. People have said that they didn’t want to associate with him because he is annoying and entitled. In fact, they wonder how I’m related to him at all, which is kind of funny. Though, he does have friends. My parents stopped the physical discipline because they read parenting books that explained not to do that. The effects we see in our family is proof of that, so yeah, discipline your kids, but not too hard. (And idk what kind of magic they did with us, but me and both of my brothers can’t even think of bad words without feeling guilty).
@souleaterevans4589 4 жыл бұрын
The worst thing you can do is teach your child to be afraid of you, whether it's through intentional or unintentional scaring. It's horrible as a child to have to be conscious of how mad or upset a *full grown adult* will get over what you, or someone you know, did that somehow involves you possibly getting in trouble. That fear sticks with you for life, way longer than any amount of love or affection, because our brains are conditioned to remember things that cause us physical or emotional pain for survival. Not only that, but kids who are afraid of their parents' reaction are experiencing stress, and people who are stressed might then do things that aren't smart or that actually make the situation worse. Kids aren't meant to learn every lesson through pain; no one is meant to. We just aren't built for it.
@blu5 4 жыл бұрын
How dare your uncle not give you m&m’s
@nonkikinezumi2630 4 жыл бұрын
Like whenever my (almost) 2 year old throws a fit or does something bad I set him in a chair or on the couch, tell him "we don't hit" or "we don't throw" And then tell him "you can get up once you've calmed down and apologized". And ya know what? A couple minutes in a he'll scoot over, give me a hug and kiss (can't really say many words yet so that's his form of sorry) and he'll say "Please" Which means he's ready to get down. Like I get mad and frustrated at him but he thinks everything is playing and hasn't been alive long enough to understand right and wrong fully so why would I actually punish the boy? I mean he hates sitting still with me but it gets the point across not to do the thing he just did and if he keeps doing it. Nap time. It's not hard to not beat your kid. Like dang people.
@Deadchannel700 4 жыл бұрын
Plz give us the family vlogging rant.
@captainfluffypaws7068 4 жыл бұрын
I 💯 percent think that if you can't afford to not get pregnant or chose not to use protection, then you shouldn't have sex at all. Not including those raped cause for obvious reasons.
@omierufus 4 жыл бұрын
What got to me even more about this woman was that she said that her make up pallets are like her children. She protects them and cares for them like they're her children. But she doesn't seem to give her *actual* child the same care. She left Windex in her reach for god's sake.
@Mirika01 9 ай бұрын
I agree with post of the shit here. My parents pop me and my little brother too. (Well they USED to pop me) and it makes me sick when they “pop” my little brother. I want to stand up to them but im terrified of them and scared I’m going to get hurt in the process, as they used to threaten me.
@pequenaesposa3286 4 жыл бұрын
My dad uses the phrase "kids aren't whooped that's what's wrong with society" my fucking dad was literally NEVER punished and his mom is a classic entitled parent
@allymonville6491 3 жыл бұрын
Just some food for thought: When we drop a glass and it shatters as adults what do we do? When we spill milk what do we do? When we trip and knock over the candle wax melter what happens? We just clean it up. That's it. No one attacks us or flies off the handle and starts beating us. So why do we hold our kids to such high expectations? Yesterday my son(he is 3) knocked over my candle wax melter while trying to put his tablet up so he could play. The candle wax got all over the wall. I showed him what he did and said "just try to be careful next time buddy"... And he said SORRY. I was not even expecting an apology from such a little guy. I guess my point is sometimes we screw up and all we can do is apologize. So why can't we hold our kids to that same standard?❤️
@DawnCat-vy4ez 4 жыл бұрын
I happen to be an oops baby to a teen mom who has admitted that she didn’t like how she acted in the past and still feels bad for hitting me too hard and bruised me once. I’m lucky cause she learned from it and we are doing good now. She’s more open to me and I do get to talk to her and she gets on a real level with me here and there with things. Again it’s that weird lucky percent but please have kids with your are able to have them and can afford them. I’m just saying that yes my mom had it rough but at least she learned from it and is doing better.
@Hammer316 4 жыл бұрын
Well, from what I always get to hear is that men are actually the ones who become fully developed around the age of 25 and women are, more often than not, much earlier than that. But I've never been given a specific number for when women statisticly are fully developed, so I'm just guessing that it's all from 17-22... or maybe that was more about consequence thinking. Because now that I'm thinking about it, my friend told me that they weren't going to start drinking until they were 25 because that's when women's brians have completely finished developing.
@ainsleyhavard7783 4 жыл бұрын
I remember once when I was 5 my family and I were getting ready for a trip to Florida. My mom was packing with my little brother and sister in the same room and she heard a thud behind her. My sister had thrown a chunk of concrete (that my older brother had) at my little brother. Her explanation was "He was a pig and I was very angry". For context both were obsessed with angry birds at the time and were only just turning 3. They were playing a game and it happened to go to far, she didn't mean to hurt him. THAT HOW TODDLERS THINK, they tend not to want to do wrong but they don't think ahead or what other people might think.
@MaeArt725 4 жыл бұрын
This is sort of how my dad can be?? If I do something that he considered bad, he would give me a long lecture over it. One moment that I remember was when i let my friend borrow the letterman jacket I wore to school if she let me wear her jean jacket. When my parents picked me up and found out my dad got incredibly pissed. One of the things he said was that I was lucky to have an older sister( it was hers) that could get a letterman and let me wear it. Another time would be when my mom found my friends pocket knife in my wallet since i wanted to hold onto it for them. He immediately kept saying that I would get taken advantage of if I acted this way. Both led to me breaking down, which rarely happens since I don’t/can’t really cry often( it has to deal with me suppressing my emotions a lot. Most of which was because of these things).
@starryskiese 4 жыл бұрын
I was raised by the beating/more verbal aspect so is my sister I’m 18 so she doesn’t do that anymore but she does my sister she’s got mad at my sister for the stupidest shit I’ve fought my mom for beating my then 12 year old sister. I want kids so bad so I can raise them right I see parents that way and it BOILS me seeing it like I love this video and I always share stuff like this
@mangosday 4 жыл бұрын
I have some family/relatives that will threaten violence to very young children if they have a meltdown over something. They'll say things like "she knows what she's doing" and I don't get it. No she doesn't know what she's doing to upset you because she's like 3
@narc3angel 4 жыл бұрын
I really want that vlog rant video
@Zoombiee777 Жыл бұрын
Man I always get so upset when I see a parent being all nice to their kid, not yelling,screaming or even hitting them because I know that my reality is no matter what I do I will always get belittled by my own mom. I’m 14 and this is a common occurrence every day and I don’t even barely know right from wrong. Before I do anything I think “is this something my mom would hit me for” and that’s how I make my decisions
@MsPetav 2 жыл бұрын
I get really agitated when people say ‘being the youngest is the best! You always get spoiled’ Or something along those lines. There’s a difference between spoiled and loved. There’s also exceptions for lots of kids (like me) who are born the youngest.
@ViroVeteruscy 4 жыл бұрын
Kids are pets... until a certain point...
@visde-eris 4 жыл бұрын
Hell yeah make the video about family vloggers
@amerki874 3 жыл бұрын
This is my childhood.
@aquilinelockheart7578 4 жыл бұрын
If you look into brain development until 25, your brain capacity actually decreases slightly around 20-25 which is interesting.
@angellamarsh3216 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I couldn't wait for u to post a rant video 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 also don't stress urself out take the time to heal
@KokoroTheDoll 2 жыл бұрын
Oooh boy, the terrible Mom thing just SCREAMS my older brother's girlfriend. Not on speaking terms with them but last time I heard she was pregnant with my brother's baby and had them sometime one or two years ago. Before the second one came into this world she had a four year old girl that I was in charge of watching/babysitting (Unpaid if I may add!) I do not like talking bad about children, but she was really bad emotionally, she would even draw BLOOD when she threw fits about the littlest things and attacked me and my poor Mother who tried to help me. I truly do not know why she behaved like that, but whenever I called the girlfriend about her daughter having a meltdown she just told me "..If she bites bite her back, if she hits hit her back!" then hung up.. ..Yeah, the girl's own MOM told me to hit or bite her four year old child during the times whenever she got angry. I won't go too further into it but the reason I do not speak with my brother or his girlfriend anymore is that me and my parents confronted him and her about what she told me to do to a child and also the fact of never being payed for any of my babysitting times that sometimes included whole weekends and some day's during the week when the girl was "Being bad". ..Which was their way of saying "We wanna go to a restaurant/club or go to the movies and don't wanna have a little bra- We mean kid with us, byeee! =p " Anyway, that day my older brother got in my face and told me I had no ambition and his girlfriend straight up told me and my parents that they didn't believe that babysitting was a paying job and stormed out of the house, tightly pulling the crying four year old along by the wrist.
@robinurgender8617 3 жыл бұрын
Something I found from a post but I don’t remember who posted it, I just know I didn’t come up with this. I just think it’s appropriate here Person: Well, I was hit all the time as a kid and I came out fine Me: Do you think it’s okay to hit a child? Person: Sure Me: **Slowly leans forward** *Then you didn’t come out fine.*
@the0lrazzledazzle 4 жыл бұрын
My father had to stop spanking me at 2-4 because instead of just sulking, I would continue to beat my head on hard surfaces, hurt myself, etc. stopped my father from using physical violence unless 100% necessary. And even then, he never grabbed, dragged, popped, smacked, etc me harshly, and even then, I always knew it was deserved. It was ALWAYS within reason.
@heavennunya809 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly hearing the kid cry in the background, I know that cry. That cry isn't from the spanking, it's from them crying themselves into hysterics. It's a thing children do, from throwing a fit, from being scared, or yes, from a spanking. They're kinda crying just because they're crying so to speak. So the crying isn't a good judgement on how bad the spanking was, honestly. Trust me, from a house where spanking is a thing that happens, a genuine pain cry is very different ( there's been a few accidental cases where they/I squirmed mid spanking and got a bit of a smack on the lower back, which actually does hurt far more than the butt. Mum won't say anything other than "well, be still" in the moment, but she always made sure we understood the back thing was an accident later. Very rare occurrence). You can tell when a child is SERIOUSLY hurt based on how they cry, and that cry wasn't it. So, I don't know if that made anyone feel better, people tend to get emotional when it comes to spankings, but I promise you, time outs and stern voices don't work with every child. Sometimes you can't get them to understand what they did was wrong. Sometimes you have to make them understand. But the rule of thumb is always this: Don't spank out of anger. That's where most parents fuck up. They punish out of anger, which doesn't reinforce the punishment properly, and can lead to you over-punishing them. On a side note, Idk who told you what a "pop" is, but uh, they seemed to have told you an adult "pop". A child "pop" is a very very light slap to the mouth, usually reserved for oral issues, such as extreme biting (aggressive, not teething. I've got a little brother who bit a damn CHUNK out of my other little brother) or in some cases extreme sass. It usually doesn't even really hurt, or if it does not much.
@heavennunya809 4 жыл бұрын
On another side note, I've been that kid before. I messed with my mum's make up, at around 3 or 4 so yes I was older. And I got spanked for it. Not because I messed up her make-up, she didn't give a damn nothing in there was THAT great. Because it was the second time I had done it, and I knew good and well what I did was wrong. And you know when a kid knows that, cause they try to hide it. Not well, but they do. The spanking was for doing something I knew was wrong. I got spanked because I was one of those kids that kinda needed to be spanked. You could usually explain stuff to me and I would get it, but clearly, I didn't get it that time, and the only other thing that worked with me was a spanking.
@rinddrrr 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing is holy
@ookami305 4 жыл бұрын
This seriously makes me rage. I hate people blaming shit on their kids or abusing their kids, this is unacceptable. I raised 3 kids, none of them were mine, for five years because their parents couldn't handle being parents until they kinda got their shit together, and I was 18! There is no shame in not being ready to have kids or not wanting kids.
@Angelbabi3 4 жыл бұрын
many people I know and grew up around (including me) were 'popped' and were terrified of their parents as kids so we got a whole generation of fucked up kids now
@dannibruh6366 3 жыл бұрын
off-topic, but your inking is gorgeous
@Twist3dDisast3r 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you~
@prowlandsasuke 4 жыл бұрын
I know a pop as a not very hard punch. My parents never gave me a pop, I just know it from other people. Like a soft upper cut, something to make your teeth clangs together. But still to a very young kid that's hurtful not physically but mentally, because little children scare easily and sometimes with some children the slightest touch makes them cry. And it's the fact she gave a 2 year old, who was just a baby not that long ago a pop. A 2 year old child will not think of the consequences, they just copy because that's how they learn. You have to tell young children more then once that you dont want them to do something. That child didnt destory the make up to be mean or disobedient, she just didn't understand why she shouldn't, shes too young to have that mind set. Shes still a baby and baby's will go after what they see in front of them.
@unitymomentum 4 жыл бұрын
Speak it. All truth. The world is super fucked up for kids. I hate people like this.
@vampybyte7812 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah my boyfriend is having this problem with his mother and step dad (we're 18 and he's still being treated like a 12 year old for one) and she just gives him such a hard time because she had him out of wedlock and since she's anti abortion clearly she kept him and has treated him unfairly. 1. He is not allowed to be on his phone for long periods of time, if he's even seen on his phone his step dad will take it and ofc they pay for it so theres nothing he can do. 2. he as far as i know is the only one doing chores around the house when he has 5 or so younger siblings who should be getting taught this. 3. they just take his shit with out reason especially anything gaming related because he beat his step dad once and they found all this 'research' to back up their claims that video games are bad. 4. his step dad has clearly stated he hates him even before they got married and is constantly physically abusive. 5. His mom literally has said because im online im not a real girlfriend and that he should find a real girlfriend when she has not even met me. all this and these people are younger then my parents who are both 48 respectably and these two are in their mid 30's and are bible thumping Christians who obviously don't practice what they preach in any capacity. He is making plans to leave right after highschool for college though and i couldn't be more happy that he made that choice. also note: His step dad apparently looks through his phone and changed his phone to have HIS name so my boyfriend has to delete our messages because we're a couple we do some very personal things and having a grown ass man sneak peaks at those conversations is upsetting.
@MsCiaraBell 4 жыл бұрын
I just realised I kinda had a bad childhood, I would get spanked pretty hard where it left a mark and a really strong sting where I would cry
@leviholt4557 4 жыл бұрын
My mom and here little sister were raised by boomers that put the fear of God in them. My mom spanked my little sister but I don't think I was ever spanked. My sister now has severe anger issues and got suspended in elementary for beating other kids and at one point was just mad for no reason one day so she spit in her teacher's cup. My aunt on the other hand used to spank her kids but never taught them concequenses for what they actually would do so they all still act like entitled little brats who hit people and whine about everything. One time when I was in high school my 7 year old cousin tackled me and started to beat me because he didn't like that I read and listen to music alone. I told my aunt but she just went on a rant about how we should be allowed to beat kids in school again. She even said that she would TELL her kids' teachers TO best them!
@nope6021 4 жыл бұрын
Respect and fear are in NO way the same thing. My mom gets this, I genuinely respect her and she genuinely respects me. Even in my highschool days when I was at my worst mentally, I was snappy and rude and we fought. Even then, we could talk it out and laugh afterwards. My dad has never gotten this. He still thinks fear and respect are the same thing. He only behaves now because I'm an adult and he has NO control over me anymore. When we'd get into disagreements and I'd try to explain myself, he'd overpower me or pull the "Well I'm you dad!" Card. It would escalate into a fight because I'm trying to use emotion and logic and an equal playing field and he's trying to use authority and put himself of a pedestal. "Because I say so" is his favourite and I never understood it, growing up with my mom who would actually EXPLAIN her reasoning. You don't automatically get respect just for contributing to conception. You are not automatically a good parent because you had unprotected sex. We, your children, do not owe you ANYTHING unless you show that you actually care about us. We are inclined to love you, to care for you, to want your approval. But if you're shitty then we won't! You don't want approval from a shitty boss right!? Same deal! The whole "Respect me, I am your parent!" Thing is absolute bullshit and can die in a pit.
@LadySingingWolf 4 жыл бұрын
I was spanked as a child (between 3-5 years old), and I'm talking about a standard open palm to the butt no more than 5 times. It was only a handful of times, usually when I was doing something exceptionally dangerous that I had been told repeatedly not to do (like go out in the pasture with a temperamental gelding...I was a slippery kid and knew how to get through the gate). However, I wouldn't consider that a beating or abuse since it was only done as a last resort/for dangerous actions. The use of spankings for me stopped when I started to laugh during them, then they switched to giving me timeout in my room, which at the time I hated more than the spankings since I would willingly spend most of my time outdoors (ah the age of pre-interwebs when kids had to actually find crap to do). Will I spank my kids if I choose to have any (probably not going to be having any since I'm almost 34 and no kiddos yet)? Honestly I think it depends, I will likely only use spanking (again open palm to the butt, nothing else, you use an object like a switch or spoon then I'm sorry that IS abuse) like my parents used them, in rare cases as a last resort. I would NEVER use it for small shit like getting into make up or spilling a drink, ect, but if my kid runs into the road after being told multiple times NOT to, then yeah they're gonna get a few swats to the butt and told exactly why they are being punished that way. If the spankings fail to work, then they won't be used. I think most of the problem with the youth today (gods I feel old saying that...) is that the parents are either too afraid to discipline their spawn or think they can raise them by only being friends with their crotch goblins...you're not their friend, you're their PARENT. I know everyone's experience is different with this topic, and yes, I know what the studies say, this is just my experience and take on the whole thing.
@jillianhernandez 4 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who sees my point about a firm but not abusive spanking over something dangerous! And only until they're old enough to understand that dangerous thing they're doing it dangerous!
@creepyg.g.8585 4 жыл бұрын
When talking about the brain growth you are correct about the brain being fully developed at 25-30.
@coburnkelli 3 жыл бұрын
Omg!! My uncle is TERRIBLE of understanding children!!! For context: my aunt (in law) has a great granddaughter who is a year old, the mother wants nothing to do with her and we rarely see her, so my aunt and mom look after the baby. This piece of shit of a man doesn't understand the baby is a year fucking old. When she does something like getting into things she shouldn't, breaks something, runs into something and cries etc, the puts the blame on the baby and says shit like "she should know better" uhm?!?$?$ she's 1 fucking years old?!?!??! She doesn't know any better????? It pisses me and my mom off😡
@cryptid6279 4 жыл бұрын
i used to hit people when they upset me when i was younger(until i was around 12). the problem with it is that it doesn't communicate anything to the person/child.
@ThePMRadio Жыл бұрын
God my mom was horrible and would beat us, my dad not as much (i had it better cause my brother is autistic, but my older sibling definitely had it worse cause they helped them realize that a bit of what they did was wrong like my mom not letting them get therapy and was worse with lgbtq issues, which all of us are.) They say we "respect them" but i don't. I actively resent them and in my lowest point of my mental health and my mom made fun of me for it i wanted her to die and would think of her death as a relief for me. I can't express how much that if i become a parent i would be different, i have taken psychology classes and learned about stages in life and now that my little cousin lives with me (7 yo) i can try and help her through the abuse her mom and my parents are putting her through (mental and physical). I'll openly say that my family, even though they are 40-50 yo, aren't mature enough, they belittle her and act more like children than she does sometimes. There is no way i would ever respect my mom moving forward and i hope that she knows i don't care to take care of her when she's older like she wants cause unlike her i won't be taking care of a narcissistic asshole who i was forced to live with for 18 years.
@localforestwitch7215 3 жыл бұрын
i'm 15 and still have to live with her, and i'm autistic along with a exterme chance of having BPD do to the appearnt strong symtoms i show, my mom was quite young she's 36? Now, and she went to college, and i *made* myself sick to not go to school because of my bullies, she eventually dropped out and says "family is more important" while saying she dropped out "for" me, she's blamed for a lot of shit, and sets me up as the good child, do to my autism when i have meltdowns i hit myself, she on more than one occsion has hit me to make me stop, she always says she doesn't want to, and that she's sorry, but she just hits me, it hurts, at one point i was having a meltdown, trying to get away to calm myself and she hit me so hard i fell on the ground and cried, she said she'd never do it again, and she hit me last night during a meltdown, she makes everything about her, and treats me like a villain, she even said last night that she gave me life because she thought i'd want it, and that i'm nelgectful, and all this other shit basically calling me horrible, and when i said she's right, and that i am all those things, and that i'm horrible, she lost it and sobbed, and said that she's a awful mother, i tried comforting her, while sobbing, full on sobbing, tears running down my face, wanting to crawl up in a ball, i comforted my mother while she felt horrible, she made me feel like shit over and i had to comfort her, she forces me to do shit, she pity trips me, and she's upset at me for having sucicdal thoughts because she wants me to live, i feel horrible, i want out soon, and the WORST WORST PART is that i do care for her, i do love her, i love my mom and i don't want to, she hurts me and i want to make her happy, i feel like a horrible person, and that i'm walking on eggshells, i actively make jokes about myself to feel better, and she said, the one who researched it, and told me to my face i'm autistic, she said i wasn't, and she won't let me get tested for borderline personality disorder, she doesn't like all the time i spend on my phone, BUT SHE'S ON HERS WHEN WE GO OUT FOR DINNER it's fucking inconsiderate, while i was breaking down and trying to calm myself while talking with my (emotional/spirtual/battle) brother while crying to the point i barffed she came in, and called me a bitch, she fucking TRIED to get him to call me a bitch, worst part? She H A T E S it when i just agree with her, i agree with her about how bad i am, she just hates it, it hurts, she's trying to be my best friend while tearing me down, and she's actively trying to be a teenager again, i just, can't take it, i'm more fucking mature than her and i'm 15, i just want help, i'm scared to talk with anybody in rl about this, and i only ONLY learned late last year, and all through this year just how abusive my mom is, she even makes homophobiac jokes, and said her boyfriends daughter is off the table for me AND I FUCKING KNOW THAT WHAT MIND OF A SICK MIND WOULD EVEN JUST SAY THAT!? She litterally called a trap (guy who looks like a girl but identifies as a male) transgendered, i love her, and hate her, and she pisses me off, and i'm stuck, and i want help, and want her to be okay, and to be happy, and to be married with the man she loves, and i'm just hurt, and i just don't know what to do Holy shit, i'm sorry for this rant, just wanttt too fucking much for me XD
@raspisme9688 3 жыл бұрын
If you need to rant more, I'm here. I hope your doing better
@localforestwitch7215 3 жыл бұрын
@@raspisme9688 hey thanks, thanks for listening to the ramblings of a sobbing, tired, girl
@raspisme9688 3 жыл бұрын
@@localforestwitch7215 I will do it anyway, everyday if you need it.
@localforestwitch7215 3 жыл бұрын
@@raspisme9688 you're a good person
@raspisme9688 3 жыл бұрын
@@localforestwitch7215 Aw, thank you so much! I try to help where I can
@ScarletTaylor19 4 жыл бұрын
I love Mad Men.
@LighterFluidOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
Wait, so you mean that it’s not okay to beat my 5 seconds old son?
@Angelbabi3 4 жыл бұрын
there was an audio jump at 6:56 ?
@mongoosaart9770 4 жыл бұрын
I'm confused about it too. She was making an argument and it cut out what she was going to say?
@thecutelittlerosequeen1623 4 жыл бұрын
wherever my mom pop me it was on the hand and it help me it was never abusive in any way shape of form
@rahaf4663 4 жыл бұрын
Y’all have no idea how bad it is here in the Middle East haiaooaahajaha
@deathastoplays9440 4 жыл бұрын
00:05 amem
@s.k.5845 4 жыл бұрын
damn, tell me what M&Ms you want me to get ya XDD
@cockycookie1 3 жыл бұрын
15:54 was that a nod to trans men there? If so, thank you!
@Twist3dDisast3r 3 жыл бұрын
It was You're welcome ^ u^
@2222nova3 4 жыл бұрын
There is no proper way to raise children. The thing is, there needs to be a healthy amount of fear and respect. I....for the most part (personal reasons I don't like my mom...she only hit me once) do respect my parents. Praise your child when they do go, punish them properly when they do wrong (properly is what the parent sees fit....not anyone else outside of it.) I will be honest, I will likely pop my own kid when they do wrong (nothing until after the age of 5 when that sense of right and wrong begins to actually develop) When I know they really did something wrong. Ex. When they go about trying to steal something, or possibly touching someone that doesn't want it. Stuff like that. Those should be the only times that something like that would be ok....but messing up your pallete…..when the kid isn't even 3.....yeah that's fucked up. And I already know im going to get flack for this comment. I am going to stick to my guns regardless.
@CuteCosmo 4 жыл бұрын
I can understand what you're trying to say, but the way you go about it really shows the flaws in your thinking. "Properly is what the parent sees fit....not anyone else outside of it." Seriously? This way of thinking enables parents to abuse their children because that could be "what the parent sees fit." People who do not have children absolutely have the right to criticise another person's way of raising children. Just because you ARE a parent, doesn't mean you know HOW to parent, in the same way that turning 18 doesn't magically make you a fully-functioning adult. Please reevaluate your position. Your intention may be good, but it leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation.
@acespades2387 4 жыл бұрын
Nova Write While there isn’t a proper way to raise children there is most certainly a sliding scale of correct and incorrect behavior while raising them. A child should never fear you, period. If a child fears you that means that, for whatever reason, your child does not trust you and feels unsafe around you. I have two parents and while one physically and emotionally abused me for my entire life, I fear the other one. And I tell neither of them anything. My mother beat me whenever I acted out in any way (I have ADHD so I acted out a LOT) and when I got older my fear for her turned into hatred. When I was finally able to stop fearing her when I got stronger than her, that didn’t stop my hatred of her. And there is nothing she can do to fix our relationship because I have absolutely no trust in her or anything she says to me. My father, on the other hand, I fear to this day. I do love him and he’s the best family member I have, but I would trade him for someone better in a heartbeat. You can’t expect your children to think like you and you can’t expect them to respect you, ever. You don’t just “start off” with respect. You earn that. You start off with armloads of affection and attachment to you as the parent, provider, and teacher. Your job as a paren’t isn’t to be the judge of their actions, your job is to teach them how to interact with the world and how to be responsible for their actions. You don’t do that by hurting them. Ever. When you discipline your child, please don’t assume they know what they’re doing. At 5 they’re STARTING to developer their moral compasses. They have no concept of other people and how to treat others. They are literally ONLY capable of being aware of themselves at that point. Make them aware of the fact that everyone is just like them and there are certain things that they should not do. If you want to teach your child to be better then get them to understand how their actions affect other people and deal with the root of the problem instead of punishing them. Teach them to think about other people and how to be kind and respectful. Raising children is a difficult job and while nobody can do it perfectly, everyone can still try harder. There should never be fear in a parent-child relationship. There should be respect and UNDERSTANDING instead.
@2222nova3 4 жыл бұрын
@@acespades2387 DX I was gonna type out a novel but decided not to. Ill boil it down to a summary of what I was GONNA say. The small amount of fear that needs to be had from a child will help them to know that they can't do it. Reward good behavior and honesty (not always). And only pop your child if all other actions have been taken to try and correct the bad action (ex, not doing homework, stealing something. along the lines of, it will affect their future badly). If you have gotten everything else to work, great for you. IF the pop worked in the end. great.....but don't use it as a first resort, that is bad. My father did physically hurt me growing up (it was rare but when it happened....yeah....). But I am a fully functioning adult, I still love and respect him to this day and wouldn't trade him for the world....other maybe having him be emotionally available. lol. I feel like I didn't get my point across in this, I have never been the best word smith. But as I said, my position still stands. As I raise my own kid, I will exercise patients in disciplining them as best I can. But if I have exhausted every other form of such, I will pop as a last resort. As long a my child knows right from wrong, and knows how to function well as an adult and doesn't fall in with the wrong crowd....I have done my job as a parent. I am also not going to leave that mess at school for the teachers to take care of either....they are there to teach your children, not discipline them for you.
@CuteCosmo 4 жыл бұрын
Nova Write Nova Write I don’t think anyone missed your point - it’s a well-known concept. The matter of the fact is, it’s an outdated and frankly ineffective method of raising children. You’re warping the concepts of fear with respect, and discipline with punishment. Your child shouldn’t refrain from doing bad things due to the repercussions they’ll face from their parents (fear), they should CHOOSE to do good because they’ve been taught what’s right and because they respect their parents/teachers/peers. Violence/physical punishment doesn’t teach children why their actions are morally wrong, it simply teaches them to fear the people they should trust the most. You can discipline children by holding them (REASONABLY) accountable for their actions (i.e. cleaning up their mess, doing chores, teaching them how to properly apologize). Your child does not need to hate/fear you in order to respect you. If anything, they will want to distance themselves from you emotionally, then physically. We’re entering an age were being blood-related does not excuse being cruel/disrespectful to your family. People may have been obligated to stick with their blood family - no matter what - just because “they are family,” but this idea, like your standpoint, is losing credibility.
@LittieRazzDazz 4 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that has NO idea what's going on? Like can someone please explain?
@Twist3dDisast3r 4 жыл бұрын
Razz I link to ready to glares video in my description box.
@LittieRazzDazz 4 жыл бұрын
@@Twist3dDisast3r Oooohhh I don't know how I missed that link oops XD Thank you!
@diegochavez6520 4 жыл бұрын
Yooooo and her names also Michelle 😂 and no disrespect but she does resemble you
@Twist3dDisast3r 4 жыл бұрын
Diego Chavez lord I know right when I saw her name I litterally fucking screamed
@biggaybitch3267 4 жыл бұрын
Dude you would hate my stepdad found out months back he's not my real dad but he doesn't know I know that yet because my mom is putting off telling him and because of that he continues to be racist towards my people in front of me I'm also not straight and he is very homophobic so it sucks hearing him say faggot he has stopped hitting me now so that's great but he still scared the ever-loving shit out of me and I can't move out because of my age and because of all of that quarantine has been very rough
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