I Was Sexually Harassed in Public.

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Emily Artful

Emily Artful

5 жыл бұрын

***ATTENTION: Hey guys, there is a LOUD BEEP at the beginning of this video! It was an editing error! I'm so sorry for the mistake! My premiere pro will sometimes randomly put one of my sound files at the front of my video and I usually catch it. This time I did not, I just wanted to pull the trigger and get this out. So sorry again!!!***
I felt like drawing a really powerful piece of work to help me let go of all the negative feelings I had about this incident. This was not my first experience with sexual harassment/assault.
It felt really good to get this off my chest, but after recording the audio for this, another sort of unrelated incident happened that made me feel incredibly unsafe again.
I've been working to try and cheer myself up, and I've made many great steps forward, but in the back of my head I still feel fear that something is going to happen to me or my son.
I love you all so much, and thank you for always listening. I love reading your comments and I love being able to interact with you guys and hopefully give you strength to fight your own demons.
I'm sorry this video isn't on a more cheery topic, I just felt I needed to talk about this. I want other people to know I'm here for them if they ever need a shoulder and that they're not alone.

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@emilyartful 5 жыл бұрын
Been reading some of your stories and can't believe how many creepy, perverted people are in this world. I love you all so much and thank you for your support. This was a hard video to post.
@oldfashiondragon 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you went through that. Its truly upsetting we can't even shop for simple things without this type of thing happening. I'm glad your okay.
@serraphim 5 жыл бұрын
Emily Artful what's going on with your newest video? everyone's worried.
@storiegrimm9464 5 жыл бұрын
Emily Artful You are not alone. You are incredibly strong for expressing this and we are always here for you. You’re incredibly talented and I understand how it’s hard not to blame yourself. I feel like people who do that kind of thing should be arrested. I mean, the lady was confused on whether to take his technology away... ( and I understand that murder and sexual harassment are not the same) but if a murderer was caught and they know he did it and had proof, they wouldn’t question to take all sharp objects away from him, they’d through them in jail. I just... I understand how you feel. I used to have a friend in middle school who tried to make sexual advances towards me. I’m a freshman in high school now but... I still see her around campus and in my nightmares. I trusted her at the time so I came out and told her that I was demiromantic, Asexual. And after I told her that, she started licking me and stuff like that and ask “Do you feel anything now, (my name)?”. Even though I told her to stop multiple times and I apologized for not liking her back , she was just a friend to me. But, despite the proof and everything, the schools still haven’t done anything about it. My new friends including some of my old friends are there for me. A couple months ago I finally came out saying I also liked all genders (pan). But, it took me so long to come out because every time I think about liking a girl all I see is that friend and I slowly drive myself insane. I don’t anything bad to happen to that ex friend... but... she did other things that suspect that she might have severe narcissism. I’ve been trying to somehow get her some help. I feel she would be able to live a normal life in adulthood and these thoughts and actions I saw her do and still do, I know their not healthy. And I know her mom is the same way and thinks there’s nothing wrong. I’m sorry, I just felt the need to get that out.
@moniquelabonte3900 5 жыл бұрын
I love you so much. You understand that it's not a girl's fault when a guy does something like this. Even when a guy goes way too far with a girl people always think it's the girl's fault. Not many people understand that it's the guy's fault and you're amazing for that!
@traceej4685 5 жыл бұрын
At camp where I use to be a counselor we had a creepy guy counselor who was caught using his camera to take videos of my cabin of teen and tween girls (age 11-13) and I literally lost it and demanded the videos to be destroyed. I wanted to smash a rock into his face! He was kicked out and never allowed back. I shudder to think what has happened to him because I’m sure he didn’t stop at this.
@kimi.2077 4 жыл бұрын
I swear, this comment section needs a protection squad for everyone here. Sick people like this seriously exist? The world we live in...
@dgtl.andreeaa 4 жыл бұрын
Ikr, I just realise this like a week ago
@-aiohto-3056 3 жыл бұрын
humans will be humans and I'm not saying it's okay but it's because of their parents and how they raised them, mostly religion. So people need to grow up and learn some god damn manners. I get it though I have androphobia so it scares me a lot.
@allyjones7620 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, you must be so innocent are you blind?
@ibuprofenprincess 5 жыл бұрын
If you guys know the protest: BLAME THE SYSTEM NOT THE VICTIM
@lauramachiels3411 4 жыл бұрын
Damn right!
@crystalgeode69_45 4 жыл бұрын
@neo_is_short405 4 жыл бұрын
@sleepyseason902 4 жыл бұрын
@Lemon-mp9cq 4 жыл бұрын
IKR LIKE SOME KIDS experience that horro without even being able to have a say in it or do anyithing exept wait for it to be over and then ppl say "well maybe if you didnt wear skirt he wouldent of had done that" or "maybe you gave him a look" like wtf ppl those are KID's being sexualy asulted!
@miri5758 4 жыл бұрын
This is my little brother's experience and it made me understand how much boys who are abused don't have a shelter to hide. I'm not an English speaker so I'll try to explain myself as best as I can. 5 years ago (I was 17 while my brother was 8), we were playing in a courtyard near my house, we live in a quiet place so we didn't expect something so disgraceful to happen, we were completely careless because, you know, we have lived there forever and nothing ever happened, so we were peaceful. I told my brother that I needed to make a phone call so I left him sitting on a bench, and I went to make that fucking phone call. I don't know when it started, I don't know why, I don't know for how long, the only thing I know is that I heard my little brother's voice screaming my name at the top of his lungs. I had chills running through my body, I froze there. Only a few seconds later I did run to search for my brother, and he didn't have his shirt on anymore, and his pants were at his feet. With the tail of my eye I saw these two girls running away. My brother came to me screaming "They tried to kiss me and they stole my shirt!". In that moment my heart stopped. My little brother could have been raped. These fucking monsters tried to rape a 8 year old boy in a park. I was shocked, I didn't even know what to say. He didn't cry, he didn't say anything. He was too little to understand what those girls were doing to him. He screamed because he was angry that they stole his shirt. That day I told my parents what happened. All they said was "They were girls, maybe they thought that Luca (my brother) was cute, no need to worry". Yeah. They definitely thought he was cute. Because they fucking tried to strip him and rape him. I wanted to tell everyone what my little angel had to go through, but the answer was always "They were girls! No need to worry!". In that moment I really thought that all those people were disgusting. Last month my brother turned 13. I don't know if his brain processed the trauma, I don't know what happened in his mind in these 5 years, but never once did he try to talk to a girl, he even avoided talking to his female classmates. He always said that he isn't scared, he just doesn't feel like talking to girls. He only feels comfortable around my mother and I. To this day, nobody tried to understand my brother. Nobody tried to understand why. Not even my mother. Nobody. Because he is a boy, and "boys don't get raped", "boys don't cry", "boys must treat girls like flowers". Well, fuck you.
@giannagilberti9617 4 жыл бұрын
Mari It’s so sad and disgusting dumb gender barriers allow stuff like this to happen and it’s not right. Wether it’s boys or girls it’s not right and people need to speak out and not ignore these issues. So thank you
@brynthephoenix8328 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying this, humans are just so horrible to believe that someone can’t be raped because of their gender. It’s not fair what he had to go through
@xxyy2597 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus, this is terrible! Are you Romaniam by the way? Your name and your brother's name make me think like that...
@Zazzy030 4 жыл бұрын
This is so gross. I'm so sorry this happened to you and your brother. You just can't assume someone didn't do something because of their gender it's not fair. It's not goddamn fair.
@agaewiththenamealex477 4 жыл бұрын
That's fucking disgusting. Boy, girl, both, neither or anyone in between rape, sexual assault and all that (to an EIGHT YEAR OLD NONETHELESS) is disgusting. I hope your brother will get the help he needs and that someday justice will be served. Stay strong xx
@LindskogTed 4 жыл бұрын
I (as a man) was thinking exactly the same as your hubby until it actually happened to me. I was studying for a thesis at UNI at a normal cafe in Stockholm. Then a man sat down next to me in the crowded cafe. After maybe 5 mins he started bumping in to me a litte as he was fumbling around. Then i felt a hand on the side of my thigh, he said sorry and i just shrugged it off and said; "oh! dont worry!" and smiled to be polite.( i mean it was a really crowded cafe. Stuff like that are bound to happen!) All of a sudden i felt the hand again on my thigh, stroking it. I froze out of shock, 'whas this really happening?!' he continued stroking my thigh and whispered things in my ear. Then i snapped! I made a big scene and threatened the man with smashing his face so badly so his mother wouldn't recognize him anymore, then bolted out. OMW home I picked up my dog at a female friends house and there told her about what happened. She laughed it off and just said: "Gurl, thats just a pre-lunch snack for me walking downtown stockholm!" I was blown away, Disgusted and sad that this is what women have to endure! Just because I could cause a scene knowing i am a big man that could probably overtake the pervert, not many girls could do that! My heart goes out to you, Emily, and all the other women that has to experience this. Its disgusting and no one should have to experience this!
@the_sky_is_blue_and_so_am_I 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my god im sorry
@lolaraneri6460 4 жыл бұрын
im so sorry isnt it awful? people like this are terrible
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Omg är du okej, jag hoppas att du känner dig bättre och jag tycker att tjejer är inte den som bara får sexuellt övergrepp (hoppas det är rätt ord)/ Omg are you okay, I hope you feel better and I think that girls isn’t the only people getting sexually harassed. I feel like the girls get more shelter than boys (I am a girl but I still feel like that)
@lateniteamearlymornpm2675 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that your friend just laughed it off, just because she may have had more experiences like that doesn't mean she's in the right to treat your experience like it was nothing
@saloni.sharma 3 жыл бұрын
@@lateniteamearlymornpm2675 agreed. it's not a competition.
@emilyl3884 5 жыл бұрын
Two years ago I was getting on a bus and this random girl, maybe 14, sat down next to me and asked me to pretend to know her. She was all anxious and shaking. She told me that at the train station where she’d been waiting for the bus a guy, much older than her probably 18ish, started talking to her. He asked for her number, she said no. He kept bugging her and asked for her Instagram which she gave to him so she could just delete his request later and he’d leave her alone. She made an excuse to walk away but he found her and asked her why she didn’t accept his request yet etc. She said she didn’t have data etc and tried to get away but he kept talking to her and pressuring her. Eventually she got some distance between herself and him when she was in line for he bus, and then sat down next to me. She showed me the guy who got on a minute after her. He kept watching us the entire time. When she got off a friend of hers, who she texted, was waiting for her to pick her up so she wasn’t alone and he wouldn’t follow her. In the end she was fine and he didn’t get off at the same station but kept staring at me until he finally got off. I was barely 16 myself and super scared and disgusted
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 5 жыл бұрын
I just want to say - thank you for helping her. I know it must have been pretty horrific for you too, at that age, but thank you... I hope that, if I ever had to do this, that someone would be kind enough to do the same for me.
@dogloverapplecider871 5 жыл бұрын
Good job both of you!
@abigaillaguardia6359 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you so much. This meant the world to her.
@redh3d 5 жыл бұрын
There are some sickos who just rat out the unknown child because they don't understand but u did and I'm just so amazed that there are still good people and I'm very very young but I seen thing that none should see and it just warms my heart when someone dose good thing because they understand
@artfulwick387 5 жыл бұрын
Disgusting perverted teen ugh ppl are sick
@savannawoods7811 5 жыл бұрын
I thought the intro was just a huge bleeped out string of cuss words...
@calistaideklmaolol6533 5 жыл бұрын
@ChuChu.id0l 5 жыл бұрын
Omg same
@pig6860 5 жыл бұрын
What is it then?
@ChuChu.id0l 5 жыл бұрын
@@pig6860 it was an error
@Marila592 5 жыл бұрын
I thought it would be my smoke detector hahahha
@anadia2201 4 жыл бұрын
i was sexually abused when i was five. she was 14. i didn’t understand why a teen girl would do this to an innocent little five year old. she took my first kiss that was supposed to be special. she touched me in places that made feel like i was just... nothing. i’m 14 now. i barley told my parents three months ago. i didn’t tell anyone because i thought they wouldn’t believe me because i was a girl and she was a girl. i still struggle with this. so yea, theres my story. i just wanted to say anyone who’s been through this.. its okay. it’s not your fault. doesn’t matter what gender, it’s not right.
@rosaxxx3203 4 жыл бұрын
Im sorry for what happened to you.. you must've been so confused and frustrated.. i hope you feel better soon!💕💕
@rain6714 4 жыл бұрын
OMG, I feel so bad, I'm so sorry that happened to you!!! Stay strong
@jillianweitz9303 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry this happened to you. You did not deserve it at all ❤️
@blindcreature3447 4 жыл бұрын
Your story looks alot like mine so it made me cry 💖 glad (and hope) you’re okay now. How horrible.
@anadia2201 4 жыл бұрын
Blind Creature i’m doing okay now ig. thank you, i hope you’re getting better too. stay strong 🥺
@kotaisagayboi6110 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 5 years old my uncle sexually assaulted me, I still haven't gotten over it.. I hope you all do.
@kiranayuri570 4 жыл бұрын
Were here for you.
@SalemsForgottenWitch 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 9 a 7 year old boy sexually assaulted me, he touched my 'parts', tried to take my shirt off and.. did other things.. The point where it gets even more terrible is that that all happened in school. No ones helped me when that disgusting little boy tried to undress me or touched me at my 'parts' NO ONE! Like not even that goddamn teachers. And I even told them after some stuff happened but beecause he was younger than me and didn't meant to sexually assault me he just got the words " please don't do that again [name] ". And when we left I saw that disgusting terrifying little pervert fucking smile on his face. And a couple days later he did it again, he touched me again he tried to take off my clothes again and he even tried to show me his dick.. Nothing ever happened, no one ever talked about it, he just kept doing that and nobody gave a fuck. I'm so happy that i'm not in elementary school anymore and that he doesn't know to what middleschool i'm going (I think it's middle school, in Germany elementary school is from 1-6th grade and i'm now in that school that goes from 7th to 13th grade, soo, yeah) Sorry if I did spelling mistakes, as I said, i'm from Germany, we don't have much english lessons there :(
@yudiwang625 4 жыл бұрын
uwu Emmi uwu that is absolutely disgusting, and I’m sorry you had to go through that. And I know this is *much* easier said than done, but if a window opens for you to defend yourself, do it. I know that it might seem hard, but create a scene. That will get people’s attention. And if you ever want to talk, I’m right here.
@SalemsForgottenWitch 4 жыл бұрын
@@yudiwang625 aww thank you for those understanding and nice words, I really really appreciate it ówò I hope your doing fine, stay healthy! ^^
@yudiwang625 4 жыл бұрын
uwu Emmi uwu you too!
@taelicious8918 5 жыл бұрын
*Goes to description* *Goes at the end* *Categorie: humour* *flips table*
@_wisp. 5 жыл бұрын
Wtf I saw that why is it comedy =~=
@victoriamucea1862 5 жыл бұрын
Are you Romanian?
@klee.-.1262 5 жыл бұрын
Kiwi Chan cuz she usually has lots of jokes in her videos but you would expect it to be art haha
@fofi4537 5 жыл бұрын
@assbendover690nthrefloor4 5 жыл бұрын
Cause it's a kek
@TheCrowFKAPS 5 жыл бұрын
i just assumed that the beep at the beginning was you finally snapping
@SkyHigh617 5 жыл бұрын
Piper Sweeney same here lmao
@bleachedwhite5067 5 жыл бұрын
My two favorite youtubers oml
@couchpotato6179 5 жыл бұрын
What was it?
@pangewilliams7231 5 жыл бұрын
If yall would read the desc, you would know what it was
@someperson2500 5 жыл бұрын
Piper Sweeney same lol I thought she was cussing her head off
@mikikiki2259 4 жыл бұрын
When I was around seven I remember I was getting out of the shower (Showering made me feel so responsible) when my father called me to the bed (The shower was attached to his room). I remember telling him to let me get dressed and he just wouldn't let me. He.. Raped me. And it repeated and repeated for three years. And I was used to it before then, because he did it when I was four and when I was two my mother pimped me out to randoms. My own father and mother just.. Ruined me. My father is in jail for life and my mother.. There's no way to prove she did anything. I was too young. People seem to think that strangers or friends or someone who isn't necessarily supposed to protect you are the only ones who do this. They're not. Family can too. So try to listen when someone tells you that their family life is rough or they're getting abused by their family. Mental abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse are serious. And can happen by your family.
@larizz527 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better now.
@rain6714 4 жыл бұрын
.....Stay away from those ....people...
@mikikiki2259 4 жыл бұрын
@@rain6714 I'm going to probably come off as rude, Tma just say this now, but bro these are my parents, there's no staying away. Along with the fact biological family members that you live with, near, or just interact with can do these things.
@rain6714 4 жыл бұрын
@@mikikiki2259 You're not being rude, I just hope you're okay. Yeah, that complicates things, just try to stay safe.
@mikikiki2259 4 жыл бұрын
@@rain6714 I'm thankful for not seeming rude, because I get real mean and fast because I'm bipolar abd have anger issues so-- But I am fine, in a different and manipulative situation with family, but better and I can at least cope.
@anyaskers2025 4 жыл бұрын
Since everyone is sharing their story, might as well share mine. When I was little, i used to love riding and driving four-wheelers. My grandfather owned a few, and would only let me drive if he was on the four-wheeler with me. Now that might sound good, but after what he did, I was never able to see him an a good light. It was four or five years ago, so I was 9 or 10 at the time. I had wanted to drive the red four-wheeler he had up and down the dirt road that he lived on. He let me drive, but he was sitting behind me. For the first 10 minutes, it was okay. He got a little too close and started to touch me "down there". I no longer like four-wheelers as much. (Reminder, I was 9-10 at the time, I am now 14, so things might not be accurate, but I do remember him touching me inappropriately.)
@xainabshuja4215 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my God, I'm truly sorry you had to experience that!
@oakleyandvanesia1847 4 жыл бұрын
I wanna thank you for sharing this. I had a very similar experience at 8-9 that I didn’t share till years later. I have never seen my grandfather the same and reading your comment made me feel like I wasn’t as alone anymore.
@eviesherman2734 4 жыл бұрын
So sad to think that people do that to children they’re RELATED to!!! My mom knows a family that she grew up with in church that had something similar happen in their family. There was a guy at her church that everyone knew and loved, and I’m pretty sure he used to sing up front for church, ( maybe not, I might be getting him mixed up with another guy ) but to get the point across, it was a small church and everyone was like family, including him. My mom trusted him so much that she would’ve left us with him if she needed to ( I never met him ). Well apparently he had raped/molested some of his grandkids ( I don’t remember if it was just the one kid, or his siblings too ) for YEARS! He was caught bc the family found a tape of him doing it, and he pleaded guilty in court. He knew what he did was wrong and didn’t even try to argue. Apparently when he was younger, he was a mailman, and he accidents ran over and killed a little girl that ran in front of his truck as he was delivering mail, and my mom thinks that he was probably emotionally and mentally scarred from that, so that probably played into why he did what he did. My mom absolutely isn’t excusing his sick behavior, but I think she doubts any of that would’ve happened had he not hit the kid with his mail truck. It’s sad, he was a great guy, and now he’s in jail for the rest of his life bc of his awful choices
@anyaskers2025 4 жыл бұрын
@@eviesherman2734 damn. I feel sorry for his grandkids. I bet they're traumatized for life.
@anyaskers2025 4 жыл бұрын
@@oakleyandvanesia1847 I haven't told anyone this besides my current girlfriend. Reading some comments have me the courage to share my story.
@elise0127 5 жыл бұрын
just a quick reminder here as somebody who has experienced this - if a man or woman sexualizes your body in any setting without your consent, it's not okay. it doesn't matter what you look like, what gender you are, or who the person is. its absolutely NOT okay. never think that it is.
@mj9768 5 жыл бұрын
I'm happy you are also supporting the men as well. They don't talk about it as much and it happens to men more often than you would think. People always defend the woman and not so often the man. I appreciate you.
@mantismantis6408 5 жыл бұрын
@@mj9768 i agree. men are taught to never speak up about their problems :( but i'm glad people are starting to talk about this more💞 as a feminist i think all people who have experienced any kind of sexual assault or harrassment should be taken seriously regardless of their gender, age, clothes they were wearing, etc.
@mj9768 5 жыл бұрын
@@mantismantis6408 thanks. I feel most feminist thought ( obviously not you) believe being "equal" mean to bring men down to be "strong" women. I'm happy there are people you understand that that is wrong. 💜
@mantismantis6408 5 жыл бұрын
@@mj9768 awe, np!! yes, sometimes feminism can be misunderstood. it's not about bringing men down, it's about understanding how misoginy and dangerous gender roles affect all of us!💜 don't let some confused feminists ruin the image of the whole movement ahskahdkdks that happens a lot toxic masculinity hurts men a lot and speaking about it makes a huge difference!!!
@mj9768 5 жыл бұрын
@@mantismantis6408 yeah there are good men and abusive horrible women. Strong women NEED a strong man. Just live your life. So a woman did something a man did doesn't mean they are awesome. We have to acknowledge the good men too. There are things they can do that we can. And they same the other way. Equality is understanding that life is going to be "unfair", and that's not because your a woman or black. It's just life. I'm glad I've someone who agrees with me.😊
@abigailwilson8854 5 жыл бұрын
I’m only 14 but two years ago I was walking over to a Turkey Hill nearby but this man was following me. I took a couple of different turns but he still continued. I was freaking out and when I found a woman walking on the road I had to act like I knew her so that nothing happened to me so I hugged her and whispered in her ear, “Please pretend you know me. The guy behind me has been following me and I’m scared.” Thankfully the woman understood and helped me out. The guy literally cursed then walked away angrily. So, I love that you were open about what happened to you and I just want to thank you for helping open up the conversation on sexual harassment.
@probably_notbob5794 5 жыл бұрын
TheOrdinaryArtist .-. That sounds absolutely terrifying! I’m so sorry that happened to you
@coleperez3612 5 жыл бұрын
For self defense purposes if you have keys stick them between your fingers and make a fist. It is an effective defense. Sorry you had to go through that Hun 😟
@brikhouse22 5 жыл бұрын
Very smart move, especially for a 12 yr old.
@oldfashiondragon 5 жыл бұрын
Ive done that before. Feeling uncomfortable and finding a fellow woman to help me it was at a park. I've even done it with a guy who looked safe. I know it sounds weird but I'd rather take my chances. The guy was very helpful and scared the other guy off this was when i was 8 seriously all the creepiest stuff happened when i was 10 and under after that I was targeted by teen boys.
@peony.sprout6295 5 жыл бұрын
You did the right thing ❤
@AllyCarts 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 14 I was being sexually harassed by a boy in my class regularly for several weeks. Everybody knew about it, classmates were sympathetic but didn’t really stand up for me, teachers brushed it off. It started of relatively innocent like a guy that might have crush on me, except it wasn’t mutual and I made that very clear right from the beginning, mostly because the way he expressed his “crush” gave me the creeps. He didn’t just ask me out or did other things that would’ve been considered normal. He would brush past me with his hands, or “bump” into me and “accidentally” brush his hands over my legs, my hips, my waist. And the more I rejected him the more persistent he became. He would touch my face and my neck, he would follow me and my friends around during lunchtime and between classes. He would put his face really close to mine and just get up in my personal space. He got a real kick out seeing me be uncomfortable. I eventually told the head of class but she didn’t do anything so I went to the head of our year. He said he would talk to the guy. A little while later the head of our year came to me and said :”I talked to “brad”(not his real name) and he said he just really likes you, so maybe you just need to tell him clearly you don’t like him”. At that point my heart kind of sunk because I had been crystal clear and he hadn’t backed off. So at this point I felt like I wasn’t gonna get help from a teacher. And so when he bothered me again my fight response kicked in, anytime Brad got close to me and would kick or punch him to try and get him to back off. It didn’t work and it took me too long to realized that it only turned him on. This went on for some time at this point everyone in the class knew that this was going on but nobody stepped up for me nobody really helped me and I began to dread the days where I knew I had a class where I wouldn’t be able to get away from him. He was seated behind me in math class, he was seating at the same group of tables during art class, and during classes without a seating chart he would make sure he was seated within touching distance. And he would talk to me non stop and everything he said was wrong. He just sounded like a complete psychopath. He would talk about how women were lesser than men. How it was a woman’s job to stay at home and take care of the children and that women don’t have to work and they have to do what men tell them. And he would talk about how eventually I would realize that I liked him. And we would be together eventually, and someday we would get married. Then one day during math class he put his foot on the back of my chair (they were open at the back) and he started pushing his foot into my backside, like he was massaging my butt with his foot. I had a compass (the tool to draw circles) in my hand and I like stabbed his leg with the pointed end but being the softy that’s I was I never did it hard enough to actually hurt him because I didn’t want to get in trouble.... it didn’t stop him and I was basically crying in my chair. I raised my hand and asked the teacher if I could sit in a different spot (I had always been a favorite of this teacher, because I was good at math) for some reason she said no, and she got mad that I was disrupting the class. So for the rest of that hour I had to deal with this guy pushing his foot into my ass. And listen to him talk about how women are lower than men. And how one day we were gonna get married and I would be his housewife. And the whole time I felt sick to my stomach. When the class was done I basically ran out of that classroom to look for the head of our year, because damn it he would take me serious, I would make sure of it, as I walked over the school grounds Brad followed me and yelled at him to get away from me and I shoved him and a teacher walked by, one of my favorite teachers and he turned to the guy and went what are you doing? And kind of held Brad back to talk to him, I don’t know what followed because I just got the hell out of there to look for the head of our year. He wasn’t in school, and wouldn’t be for another week or so because he was on some school trip with another year. (This was towards the end of the school year) and the head of my class had never done anything so once again I was on my own. Teachers were useless nobody really understood. Now a bunch of stuff was happening at home at the same time. My parents were discussing moving to another country (my dad had a business overseas) and about two weeks after the math class incident (Brad was still stalking me and harassing me) it was official my family would be moving overseas far away. People in my class were surprised at how calmly I accepted this, at 14 how could I be ok with moving to the other side of the world. And I think it largely had to do with this. Because moving across the world also meant moving away from him. It was during a school day trip that I basically told him I was moving across the world, he was sitting in front of me and my friend on the bus and he was leaning over the chair talking his usual bullshit, about how we were gonna marry one day when I told him he could forget about that because I was moving to a different country. He proceeded to say he would follow me, that he would find a way to come to my new home and we were still going to get married one day. This was around 12 years ago, and I don’t think about it very often anymore, only during videos like this or when I read about sexual harassment and stuff or sometimes when I’m not doing anything. He didn’t follow me. I have no idea where he is now, but I know that his words used to haunt me. My worst nightmare was that he would one day just appear at my school as a new student, this was especially frequent in during high school, but every now and then would pop up during university, and later even at my work place. Anytime something reminded me of him I would get that anxious feeling that somehow one day he would just appear. I hadn’t thought of it in a while now, and for the most part I started brushing off this whole thing myself, like it wasn’t a big deal. But even typing out this whole novel I can tell it was a big deal, feeling how anxious just writing about this made me feel. It was just so inherently wrong and the fact that years later I was still haunted by the idea that one day he’s just going to pop up in my life, and make me miserable again...
@larizz527 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, listen. I'm so sorry for what happened, he was (and probably still is) a complete piece of shit. But I don't think you should be scared of him. I mean, years passed, you moved overseas, he has no way to find you. He just said that to scare you or just to sound like he took it seriously. But don't worry, it's not like he's gonna see you after all these years, he was just being a jerk who liked scaring people off. Anyway, I hope you feel better now and you've recovered a bit from this experience- I can imagine how some of his "statements" could still haunt you. Hope you'll find and marry a person actually worth of your love ❤
@ItsMe-ce6ug 4 жыл бұрын
I’m absolutely horrified by what that boy did to you. I hope you’ll get over your trauma that disgusting boy gave you. On another note I hate people that say women are lesser than men and have to stay at home and listen to everything the man says. I also hate people that think the other way (women are greater than men.) Why can’t people just accept that women and men are *equal* and both genders deserve the same treatment. This might seem a bit overboard but I really can’t stand people that prioritise one gender over the other.
@Kate-dq3jp 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that! It sounds truly traumatic and horrible. Just know that ever single person whether it’s a boy or girl, is here for you and everyone else who has experience something like this whether it went farther or just a glance. No person should ever have to experience something so horrible like this ever! Thank you for sharing this with us
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry that happens to you I hope you have a great life without that son of a b*tch
@fancy_gecko1959 4 жыл бұрын
That’s absolutely aweful! I once had a crush on a boy- (this is when I was around 11 years old)- let’s call him A, and we used to hang out a lot at recess, for some reason my “friend” told him I had a crush on him! And he totally changed... he once came up with something called “hug Friday’s” and I spent the whole day running away from him, and him trying to grab me and hug me over and over again! (I no longer had a crush on him after he started acting creepy) And then one day kept lifting up his shirt in front of me... I never told anyone but my closest friends, and I know this isn’t nearly as bad as the other stories here, but I want you to know that I think some people are just horrible demented creeps, and I think that the teachers should have done something about it!
@risanne1089 4 жыл бұрын
***THIS WAS WRITTEN BY MY FRIEND** once when i was younger my family and my cousins were having a party and my cousins best friend was there and my outfit i had on was like this little dress that was a bit short and i came out of my room and my cousins best friend was standing there outside my door and it startled me, i asked him what he was doing there and he said we "needed some time alone" and so i told him to go away and he pushed me back into my room and came in too and locked the door and i screamed at the top of my lungs and my cousin came back there so he opened the door and i told my cousin what happened and he punched his friend in the face and told home to never speak to him again. so yeh.
@rama9614 4 жыл бұрын
Woah what a protective cousin , glad he was there
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I wish I had a cousin or a sibling like that your lucky and hope you feel better after that traumatizing experience
@margot9084 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for what happened to you... I hope your friend feels better after that experience
@risanne1089 4 жыл бұрын
Margot Vau. perso she says she moved on from it, she did get a restraining order on the guy cause he kept trying to get in touch with her, she been so so so much better since it happened since it was a long time ago, thank you for your kind wishes
@risanne1089 4 жыл бұрын
PuffyBear so was i!! the guy isn't able to come in a certain distance of her so she's so so so much better, thank you
@SparDanger 5 жыл бұрын
Since we're all sharing here. I was touched in my private areas by a close family friend when I was 11. I was sitting in his lap and we were watching TV. No big deal to me, as I was used to sitting in his lap at the time. Prior to this, I had felt safe with him. Of course, until he started touching my chest and between my legs. I've only recently remembered this because I had repressed the memory and actually forgot about it for a few years. Once I recalled it, suddenly a lot of my odd behaviors that I'd developed made so much more sense! I'm 32 now and have mostly come to terms with it. But I refuse to let it happen to me again! Or even to my 2 year old son! I will be going to jail for murder if I ever hear someone has touched him inappropriately! Don't fuck with this Mama Hen! I go for the eyes first!
@gina4794 5 жыл бұрын
Wow ur probs a great mom
@SparDanger 5 жыл бұрын
@@gina4794 Well, my son laughs and smiles a lot, so I must be doing something right! ^.^;
@gina4794 5 жыл бұрын
He'll probably love u forever
@SparDanger 5 жыл бұрын
@@gina4794 I sure hope so! :D
@caffeinatedx 5 жыл бұрын
Now that i think of it, there was this girl in my class when i was 9? that actually touched my private part and i didn't know what she was doing.
@painlessnote90 5 жыл бұрын
I was wearing headphones and my volume was almost all the was up as I entered this video and... I. JUST. DIED.
@kikilala1938 5 жыл бұрын
imma dood omg me too😂
@nemuikira 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Yato
@stephaniecupo5112 5 жыл бұрын
same. I actually screamed " MY EARSS"
@Artevolution387 5 жыл бұрын
i thuoght it was just my ears going death for a sec
@caty60403 5 жыл бұрын
Same XD
@nym7382 4 жыл бұрын
I had a experience when I was 12-13 years old, I'm 16 at the moment. I was with my uncles in a public pool playing with my little cousin and one guy started to look at me until he talked to me. He was at first kind, like asking if the little girl was my sister and that we we're cute. I looked more older at that age so he didn't think twice to look at my body. I noticed that and started to feel uncomfortable. Time passed a little and he out of nowhere started to play with us. I gotta say that he said that he was 20, but I think he was older. Suddenly he started to hug me and put his hands on my hips like I was his girlfriend or something. I didn't know what to do and people seemed to think that he was my boyfriend because I looked older. Then he kisses me and tried to put my hand into his pants, also trying to touch my butt and boobs. I get off and swim to other side until I got out of the pool. Nothing happened next, but I saw him looking at me at the distance, like waiting to me to go out of the place of the pool. My father picked me up and I never told my parents about this. (Sorry for my bad English)
@user-jo4nb4dl6v 4 жыл бұрын
Tell ur parents
@vyaluvs 4 жыл бұрын
if you can’t tell your parents talk to a friend, I’m so sorry that happened to you people are horrible he deserves to rot in hell
@discontinued4883 4 жыл бұрын
Call satan, he forgot one of his servants, tell him that he tried to touch you also
@discontinued4883 4 жыл бұрын
head empty thank u 😌
@abuakanda4957 4 жыл бұрын
U were in the pool with ur uncles. Were they BLIND? Not trying to be rude cause I have no intention to. It's just u were uncomfortable and at least ur uncles knew ur age so of course they could've known something was off.
@velivie 4 жыл бұрын
This was around a year ago, one of my best friends had gone to a local Walmart to pick up a gift for her younger brother, I was there with her because I love picking out gifts! There was this guy behind us, he was very strange. He immediately set off sirens in my head, I brought my friend quickly to another isle and told her. She didn’t think much of it, and since he was no longer near us I walked to a different isle, boy I shouldn’t have. A few minutes I heard intense crying and my friends voice, I bolted over to see that nasty son of a bitch groping her, I walked over and pulled her away from him and told the cash register ( didn’t have a phone on me) I feel so terribly bad for my best friend, I love her so much and it kills me to see that so many perverted, nasty, ugly, and WHORES are in this world.
@kalyaniclass2917 4 жыл бұрын
He deserves hell
@madagascarpenguin 4 жыл бұрын
@beel629 5 жыл бұрын
When I was sixteen, I went to an anime convention with a ballroom dance event at night. I didn't have any particularly fancy cosplays for the event, so I got in a regular dress down to my knees and attended so I could stick close to my friends. I sat in the corner, on my phone talking to my girlfriend, rejecting most dances with people at the dance. "Sorry, I don't like dancing, I'm here for a friend." "Sorry, my feet hurt." "Sorry, I'm not interested." Occasionally I'd say yes, but for the most part I stayed in my corner. Five minutes til the end of the night, a man walked up and said "You. Me. Dance." And it threw me off. I gave my excuse, "Sorry, I'm tired." And he grabbed my hand and tugged me to my feet. He told me he'd go slow and immediately started to try swing dancing with me to a slow song. I do like to dance and I know how to swing, but I was uncomfortable with this dude so I tried to pretend to stumble and accidentally let go of his hand, hoping he'd let me go. Eventually he realized I was getting too far from him, so he pulled me closer and stopped spinning me out. He got a little *too* close to my face, and something clicked. I tried to take a step back and tell him my friend was leaving, and he grabbed my wrists and tugged me back in, almost kissing distance, and said "Stay a while. I haven't even got to know your name yet." and I freaked. I managed to rip my hands away and pushed him back and yelled *"No,"* and ran off fuming to find my friend.... Who was comforting another girl much smaller than me who was grabbed and kissed by the same man. We ran off to find security, and when we told them he slid around to listen in, looped around us, and left out the exit behind us. Security shrugged and said "He's gone now, nothing to do." And they didn't file a report. The next day, there was a kind of rave event and he grabbed my friend by the hand and told her to dance. I ripped her back to me, took his description to security, and the only person that'd listen was an older women who took his $180 VIP weekend pass away.
@starkid4299 5 жыл бұрын
Lmao he sounds like a pathetic slimy bastard. Sorry he put you and others into such an uncomfortable situation. Nasty.
@beel629 5 жыл бұрын
@@elfiefromangelcity6142 I might've even been willing to brush him off as just bad at flirting had he not grabbed my wrists and held me there...There's no situation where grabbing both wrists of a person you've never met in the middle of a low lit room in public will sound romantic.
@timmyturtle1.628 5 жыл бұрын
I always wonder...what makes those creeps think that that is an okay thing to do?
@steinistein8611 5 жыл бұрын
Just a little reminder, after you clearly stated "let me go I don't want this" (legal reasons) and you can't get away from him if he's too strong... Head butt that f*cker when he's trying to kiss you. Right on the nose or the lips. If you're a smaller than him it makes it easier.
@squidbean420 5 жыл бұрын
I was sexually harassed in a Walmart too. Except it was a middle school lookin kid and he grabbed my ass. I hate myself for not knocking his lights out then and there.
@softvie8856 5 жыл бұрын
Sydney Dizick when I was in 4th grade a kid ran up to me and slapped my ass. I told the teacher but they never did anything about it 😕
@squidbean420 5 жыл бұрын
kes11 of fucking course they didn’t. Ugh I’m sorry that sucks
@MouseMan04 4 жыл бұрын
@artoo9400 4 жыл бұрын
Kes11 Wtf they can’t just not do shit about it. I’m sorry they didn’t take you seriously.
@scythe8878 4 жыл бұрын
When I was in elementary school there was this kid that kept groping me and my friend and we didn't do anything about it until a year or two later, when he did that again to me and my friend ran after him and holded him still and I slapped him and screamed at him to never do that again.
@molly.dog8brooke792 4 жыл бұрын
Fun story: when I was 14, I was looking at glasses after my eye test, while my mom was getting her eye test. A random guy walks in, and also starts looking at glasses, a few metres away. He kept getting closer to me, until he was only a foot or 2 away. I made eye contact with a staff member, and they thankfully asked the guy if he wanted any help. He declined and left. Not as bad as many stories on here, but I truly felt scared... he couldn’t have done anything, but what if he tried...
@bjornhaforsson2108 4 жыл бұрын
When I was little I got molested and physically abused by my mother. (I never had a father.) It feels ecxacly like how you described, whenever my mind is blank I think about it too. The trauma. I'd been to theraphists about it, but I knew they didn't really care about me. They just wanted me for the money. But I stopped feeling bad for myself and eventually I managed to talk to people, and go back to school. I soon realized it was the best decision I'd ever made. To this day I'm still proud of myself for making this decision. Now I'm a sophmore in college and is soon gonna get a degree in computer science with my lovely boyfriend. (Yes, I'm gay.) This was really what I needed to hear, props to you for speaking up about it. You go girl. 🤟🏻
@ladygaga4982 5 жыл бұрын
*In utter seriousness* * breaks through screen * * stretches to reach * * hugs to support you and make you feel comfortable *
@1888starz 5 жыл бұрын
you lovely soul to say this simple but oh so humane thing.
@bananabread936 5 жыл бұрын
Can I JOIN you?
@cryingchameleon2305 5 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏 nothin else to say 👏👏👏👍
@x3pegasus617 5 жыл бұрын
Meefa Kitty you now have 1 k likes thanks to me congrats LOL
@sskies4972 5 жыл бұрын
Meefa Kitty *these comments are life*
@ChrisJones-jt8de 5 жыл бұрын
I was once sexually harassed by 2 classmates when I was 15. A bit of a back story; A and B are best friends have been since 5th or 6th grade. They also weren't that nice to people, and got into fights often. Now as you can imagine I wasn't extatic at all to work with A and B as I really didn't like them because of the things they do/did. A, B and me sit down at our previously decided seats/kitchen for the week. Our assignment was to write someting about something I can't remember. I keep trying to get them to help me as this was a group project, but they just continue to whisper and laugh. I heard some snippets of thier conversation like "(Name)" "touching" "like it" "great idea". I didn't think too much of it at the time, but when we got our 5 min break for completing the first wirting task things happened. We got out into the empty corridor, and I move towards the exit to buy a quick snack from the cafeteria as it was the end of a long day and I hadn't eaten lunch. But I hear them following me I start thinking "Maybe they need to use the bathroom? Maybe the also need to buy something? Maybe the wanna go home?" Suddenly someone's arms reach around my waist before I make it to the exit and shove me into a corner. I see it's A and B and pushes A (who pushed me into the corner) away. A and B pushes me back into the corner and start touching me on my boobs and my hips and butt. I'm frozen for what feels like minutes before I gather my senses. I managed to push them away after some sturggeling. They move towarss me again but instead of being frozen I jump into action and punch A in the face (breaking his nose as it turns out later) before kicking B on the leg and runnibg back to my classroom. When I get back my teacher asks me why I was out for 10 min when we only had a 5 min break. I tell her what happened and she goes to the principal, my other classmates who heard what I said asked if I was ok which I replied to that I was. I got to go home early after what happened and when I shut my front door behind me the entierty of the situration tumbles on me and I start breaking down. These were people I "knew" people I "trusted" to an extent. Nothing happened to the boys after what they did (only A's broken nose), and I changed schools as I had planned to for a while. Thank you for reading, and thank you for letting me share my story
@wonby4241 4 жыл бұрын
They didn't even get punished? What a bunch of BS.
@americanforgedwheels1512 4 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry
@evi1673 4 жыл бұрын
It was an long text but I took the effort to read it. And it was worth! I’m so so so sorry what happen! :c where they suspended?
@eviesherman2734 4 жыл бұрын
So glad your teacher at least went to do something! My mom had a creepy teacher when she was in highschool, that grabbed her knee and pulled it to his crotch once, and also picked her up, put her on a table, and spread her legs. Her friend kicked him in either the shin, knee, or crotch to help her the one time, but I don’t remember how she got away the other time ( I also don’t know which time it was that her friend helped, but I think it was when he put her on the table? ). My grandparents never did anything about it ( they’re great people, I love them, my grandma is just kind of harsh so she didn’t always help my mom, aunts, and uncle, but I know she feels bad now ) and I don’t know is she told a teacher or the principal, but if she did they didn’t help her. At least that was the worst that happened, but it sucks that no one helped her!
@sosojiji5981 4 жыл бұрын
@apple dash pleade be strong there are good people put there but they are unfortnatly rare so ....be patient and I hope your trauma heals ♡
@marissa8488 4 жыл бұрын
So since I’m kind of young this happened to me recently like about 2 weeks ago. I was in a Boston Market eating with my dad and I was having a little trouble with eating my chicken this guy a table away from us starts chuckling and I start laughing because I was just trying to polite and then he starts looking at me and I’m thinking “that’s weird” and he keeps staring at me and then he starts to spread his legs more wide than a normal man does and he faces towards me and starts looking at me in a very weird way and I whisper to my dad to eat quickly and he asks me why and I told him that I would tell him later so I finish my food and my dad does to, the middle aged man is still eyeing me and I just bolt for the door with tears in my eyes because of how uncomfortable I was and I told my dad and he was pissed like really pissed and then we learned that the creepy middle aged man always goes to that Boston Market around dinner time so my dad and I can’t go there anymore. I know it’s little but I was just so uncomfortable and since everybody else was sharing their stories I thought this might be the perfect time.
@madiedraws512 4 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh! That's really creepy. I'm glad you got out of there quickly because who knows if it might have escelated.
@beauscott9193 4 жыл бұрын
Little? Nothing that can make you feel uncomfortable or scared is not little. Many people must realize this.
@eviesherman2734 4 жыл бұрын
KAIAH FROELICH pepper/bear spray is better, bc a guy is always going to be stronger and more capable with a knife than a girl, so he’ll always get to the knife before you can do anything, and with spray you don’t have to get close to do damage! Plus if you stab them, it’ll probably just anger them, but spray will make it near impossible to continue the attack bc they can’t see, and everything hurts
@imms1552 4 жыл бұрын
@KAIAH FROELICH that's what I do believe it or not!
@slanguagefreak2388 4 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem is, there is no law that addresses this. We know what he is doing, the police know what he doing, the whole world knows it and he knows it, too. However, he also knows that nothing can be done about it. And therefore, instead of his life being restricted and miserable, everyone else has to restrict their lives. Disgusting.
@constantconfusion8921 4 жыл бұрын
My „story“ is not that serious but it still makes me feel uncomfortable (also excuse my grammar) When I was in seventh grade my class went on a skiing trip and this one teacher already had a reputation among students but I didn‘t want to believe it without proof, so I tried just acting normal around him not wanting to buy into these prejudices. On the first day on the slope he mentioned the fact that „It looked like I was hot with all these layers on“ and proceeded to open my anorak(?) and the jacket I wore underneath and I just stood there not knowing what to do surrounded by my classmates The next day he stood next to my friend and I at the breakfast buffet and "hugged " us from behind having his hands near our waist I tried to ignore him the rest of the trip and the following years but every time he got close to me or we’d have him as a substitute (especially during swimming class (?))I tensed up I haven’t told my parents because it doesn’t matter now as I have changed school but I felt the need to finally get this off my chest I know it sounds like I‘m making a drama out of a minor situation but this has really affected how I feel & act around older men
@imms1552 4 жыл бұрын
you're not being traumatic whatsoever, if anything like that happens at your new school tell the principle and you will get him fired
@hithere2672 4 жыл бұрын
It is not a minor situation. Sharing your story helps everybody who has been affected know that they are not alone, and that it isn’t their fault. It also helps people who haven’t be more cautious and know they aren’t alone either.
@Ksureme 5 жыл бұрын
Once I took my little sister and her friend to a Walmart in town. (She was about 9-10, so was her friend, I was 16-17) And there was this dude who had followed them (I went to an aisle adjacent to grab some lightbulbs, the Walmart was set up weird). But this grown man was just following these ten year old girls through every toy aisle. They actually found me, and I led them away to this sorta clearance section. I tried to goof with them so they’d feel better and we were playing with hula-hoops- but out the corner of my eye; that same guy was trying to peek at us from out of the side of this shelving unit of clearance items. I think he noticed that I saw him, because he kinda leaned back behind it- but his phone camera was faced at us. I got so freaked out all I did was very loudly walk near him and just say “Can I help you? My little sister says you’ve been following them in the toy section. What business does a middle aged man have in three child aisles following two little girls like that? You lost? You need something? Because I think you need I get lost.” Long story short, we don’t go there anymore, and I literally never leave any child family member alone
@bubbly7137 5 жыл бұрын
Yikes. There are so many creepy people in this world it's crazy.
@asianawitt9 5 жыл бұрын
That’s horrible. I personally relate because I’m a big sister of 5, so props on you for protecting your sister
@slitzch0_0 5 жыл бұрын
@milk225 5 жыл бұрын
Good for you! Also your channel is very cool, and I want to say that you are very responsible and more people should speak up and do something.
@p0rcelain_b0nes86 5 жыл бұрын
ur rly brave being able to talk to him like that, i wouldve just ran with my family members
@Avarep 5 жыл бұрын
After looking threw these comments and see all these stories, What kind of world doo we live in where People think this is okay??!??!?! It Isn't! If you have ever made a young or old, Man or Woman feel uncomfortable, on purpose, You can go straight to Hell.
@Avarep 5 жыл бұрын
@@cheesy__9207 I see what you mean, and I probably should've worded that differently. Thank you for your advice. And no, not everybody will go straight to hell, My bad.
@BooksAndShitButNotLiterally 4 жыл бұрын
@@cheesy__9207 How can somebody "accidentally" be a pervert?
@recoveringsoul755 4 жыл бұрын
@Olive Not always. Sex abuse comes in many varieties. It can be refusing to wear a condom but still insisting on sex. It can be demanding your partner to do things they are not comfortable with. It can be forcing them to be in multiple partner situations when they don't want to be. Unwanted touching, kissing, groping, fondling, it is all sexual abuse. NO CONSENT. It is not taking NO for an answer. And now that I know this, I could look at my past and see it was filled with this type of behavior because I believed it had to be penetrative rape at one time too.
@ebc6970 4 жыл бұрын
Not everything you read on the internet is true
@achaoticneutralpaladin7713 4 жыл бұрын
And the people sharing their stories and telling us younger people what to look for
@ievarugele4625 4 жыл бұрын
I'm late but i have my own story too :( I was seven and he was a family friend. Someone i grew up with and trusted. I was wearing a dress when we were on swings and he said that my underwear is cute. I was young so i didn't think anything of it. Later, he asks me to go inside with him ( we were the only one inside) and i go, he takes me in a room and fingers me. (From what i understood at that point) I told my parents with a lot of difficulty, but we reported it and he got 5 years in prison. Yes, he was drunk, but that doesn't justify what he did and i'm very sorry for everyone who didn't get their justice. You're not alone ❤
@imdoingsomething2685 4 жыл бұрын
the bebe I hope you’re doing okay. I was also harassed but not to the point that you were. We will get through this. I just wish people didn’t have to go through it in the first place. Just know that you have a friend out there even if we don’t know each other💞
@cottagesxnflower7278 4 жыл бұрын
Here is my story: When I was about five years old, I asked my mom if I could go to the park, (There is a park across from my house) so obviously, she takes me. She sat on a bench and goes on her phone. I went on the monkey bars and swung around. A few minutes later, this I would say about, Thirteen year old came up to me, and literally grabbed my Behind. He said, “Hey Sis!” I Yelled to my mom who didn’t even bother to watch me, and the boy ran over to his Friends Just ignoring the fact that he just touched me. I was crying and told my mom that we had to go home. She Nagged and said, “It’s fine, he probably thought you were his literal sister.” I though, “I do not believe that regular brothers and sisters do that...” After begging to her for maybe almost Five minutes, she lets us go home. At the time, I had no idea what sexual Harassment and Sexual inappropriateness was. Now that I think about I realize how this can hurt someone. It doesn’t matter how small it is. It’s still Sexual abuse.
@liekuhhh233 5 жыл бұрын
So um about 3 months ago i was in Amsterdam and i was wearing just some jeans and a sweater and this dude pushes me in to a alley and starts pulling on my sweater. I started having a panic attack because my anxiety. He just laughs and pulls the sweater off my body and i was only wearing a bra under it. So i was starting to hyper ventilate and i was just frozen i couldn't move doesn't matter how hard i tried. So he started touching my bra and kissing my neck. I was crying at this point and i was trying to pull out off his grip. But i am 13 years old and he was in his 30's and way stronger then me. But happly a other man walked in on the scène and pulled him away from me and made me calm down. He let me call my parents on his phone and waited with me for them to arrive. I couldn't be more thankfull for this man helping me. I never told this story to anyone other then the police and my parents so i just wanted to get it out. I really hope everybody is okay and that they got the support they needed. ❤
@Tulku 5 жыл бұрын
Damn girl. I hope you have the support you need to make it through this.
@Pollicina_db 5 жыл бұрын
I just need to ask: Why were you alone in AMSTERDAM of all places. My mom lived in München and in her age almost two guys almost raped her. Just make shure you are with someone when you go somewhere.
@liekuhhh233 5 жыл бұрын
@@Pollicina_db yeah it wasn't a smart move. I am really sorry about youre mom.
@Stainedge 5 жыл бұрын
This is really brave of you to share such a personal story
@isitoveryet9525 5 жыл бұрын
Omg, I'm so sorry. That would traumatic for anyone, but my jaw dropped when you said you were 13. I can't even imagine how terrifying that must've been for you. Don't be scared to reach out to a counselor or someone who you can talk to if you're feeling overwhelmed or depressed. Experiencing something that traumatic at such a young age (at any age really) can be hard to deal with. Stay strong and thank goodness for the good samaritan. Hope you're doing well and managing your anxiety 💛💛💛
@user-ex9be7pq3c 5 жыл бұрын
It happened to me 3 times. I was around 7, He touched my behind. He took my innocence. He touched my cousins behind too. I didn’t tell anyone because he was a family friend. He was never arrested.
@xxyy2597 4 жыл бұрын
I am really sorry for you .. Are you ok right now?
@rain6714 4 жыл бұрын
I'm crying for you...*hugs and support*
@aestthelicx4408 4 жыл бұрын
If anything else happens i recommend telling someone IMMEDIATELY
@voidofalltrades 4 жыл бұрын
Dearie, you NEED to report him. It sounds hard and scary, but he needs to stop. Please, you need to tell to help you and your cousins. I know I'm 8 months late, but I hope he goes to prison. I hope you're alright....
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Tell someone about it pls
@lizmcaulister 4 жыл бұрын
My mom is russian and when we went on a trip there she told me to meet her at my aunts apt. I knew the area well so i started heading over there. I belive i was like 10 or 11 at the time. As i was walking i seen a homless man, i thought nothing of it becouse there are a lot of homeless people there. After a few minutes a looked behind me and he was following me but from a distance. I kept walking but a little quicker i have always been a little paranoid with random men strangers. Once i got to the apt. I Turned around and he was walking way quicker. A least ten feet away know i walked around to the back and searched for the key in my bag. After a few second i had finnaly found it and ran in the door and shut it as fast as i could. The man was banging on the door and i ran up to my aunts "house" i told them and they told me i need to be careful. But the whole thing really scared me. I think about it a lot and what would have have happened if i couldn't have found the key quick enough.... Edit. Srry for all the misspelled or improper grammer. Spell check is useless😥
@squishyface218 4 жыл бұрын
Liz Biz try gramerly it’s free and it checks your wirting
@rain6714 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, that's really scary, I hope you're okay now
@bebenilsen3358 4 жыл бұрын
I can only imagine how stressed you must have been when you were looking for your keys
@Iamalesbianlmao 4 жыл бұрын
Squishy Face you say as you spell it wrong
@user-ne4rs6vx4c 4 жыл бұрын
You literally just used wrong grammar
@bryl7747 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 5 a family friend touched me while I was sleeping. A five year old in a My Little Pony nightgown made him want to touch private areas apparently. It took four years to get into court.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I hope he rots in jail and I hope you feel better have a great life
@SilentUmber 5 жыл бұрын
Its predatory behavior and its horrible. Makes you wonder what else he does/tries to do to other women. People like him need to be institutionalized forever to rot.
@insomniaticwitch1169 5 жыл бұрын
In the state I live in, it was LEGAL to take upskirt photos. They only banned it last year. What happened to you is awful, and none of it is your fault. You did nothing wrong, and that man is a disgusting human thinking what he did was alright. Stay strong because I bet it can be difficult to speak about such thing.
@MsPoliteRants 5 жыл бұрын
How is that even possible it was legal? I mean isn't it just generally illegal everywhere to take photos of people without their permission? Like... Even if it's just their face? What state is this? So crazy. Glad that's been changed but seriously wtf
@insomniaticwitch1169 5 жыл бұрын
@@MsPoliteRants I live in Georgia. It was all over the news about how upskirt pictures weren't illegal because a man took an upskirt photo, and he didn't get in trouble because he "technically didn't do anything wrong". You can look up Georgia Upskirt law, and you will be able to see it for yourself.
@MsPoliteRants 5 жыл бұрын
Insomniatic Witch 😱
@feitanportor6842 5 жыл бұрын
@@insomniaticwitch1169 I live in Georgia too and I had no idea! 😱
@insomniaticwitch1169 5 жыл бұрын
@@feitanportor6842 Yea. It was all over the news when people found out a guy got away with it because it wasn't illegal. I think they were try to pull some it's his right blah blah blah or some sort
@abbyxiong362 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a bit late, but idk how I tell this to anyone so I’m gonna tell the internet, a great idea right? It’s not as big of a deal as someone who got raped or other sexual harassment . Idk if this even counts but I have this cousin (3rd I believe) . He romantically likes me and I feel really weirded out by that. He’d always follow me and tries to touch me. We’ve been to 3 family junctions together, one at the beach one at my house, and one at mall of America. When we were at the beach, he kept on looking at me really weirdly while I was in a swimming suit, he tried going into my families room while I was changing, and he always stood barely a centimeter away from me when I was standing still. When he was at my house, he tried touching my torso every time I passed him and he even almost groped my chest and ass during these interactions. He tried to put his arms around me in more than a platonic hug and it’s very uncomfortable. Then we went to Mall of America and went in roller coasters. Whenever he sat behind me he grabbed my waist and held me really close to him, or if I was sitting next to him he’d try grabbing my hand or shoulder. I feel so weird when I’m around him especially since he’s my cousin. During those times, none of my male cousins were with me and even when I tried to be around them he’d still follow me. It’s not the worst thing that could happen but it doesn’t change the fact that these things are so uncomfortable and it’s okay to feel like your space has been invaded.
@honestlyjustno9312 4 жыл бұрын
Dont say that you dont say that its "not as big of a deal as rape or sexual harrasment" cause if it makes you uncomfortable, you deserve the right to speak out abt it
@shayb.1059 4 жыл бұрын
honestly just no And also what you just listed is sexual harassment. If you haven’t told anyone yet please do
@vulgarven0m 4 жыл бұрын
It’s so disgusting that your COUSIN would do that.
@rorisbellies2490 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, this isn’t right you really need to tell someone about this. You should never have to go though this. Sending love 😩🤍 stay safe homie
@mafuyufy 4 жыл бұрын
Just a quick story , When I was 4 or 5 , My family went to a birthday party. My brother had met a friend and decided to introduce me, after that we hung out. My brother went to the restroom and me and his friend were in the backyard talking. My brothers friend told me to follow him and I did , he led me to a place where nobody was. (They had a lot they purchased and he led me there, The only things there was their shed.) He asked me to come into their shed. He pulled down my dress and started taking off my panties,I tried to deny but he kept on going. He almost got them off until I slapped him and got my panties and skirt together and ran out. I still remember that day and I’m now 15. I’m forever scarred and barely trust anyone. 🤧
@RandomPerson-ec4hb 4 жыл бұрын
poor you! luckily this hasnt happened to me , Yet..
@the_sky_is_blue_and_so_am_I 4 жыл бұрын
Im sorry
@hithere2672 4 жыл бұрын
I can barely remember, but I remember my brothers’ friend slept over, he was a huge jerk, and i was maybe 7? 8? My memory is terrible, but the one part i remember vividly is i was sleeping in the living room, and he walked into the living room with his dick hanging out. He never came over again, but I’m afraid my memory is serving me right and this did really happen. I sure hope it’s just a fever dream, but it doesn’t feel like it,
@the_sky_is_blue_and_so_am_I 4 жыл бұрын
@@hithere2672 while at your house WTF
@hithere2672 4 жыл бұрын
Kaitlyn owen Yeah i still have no idea what happened. My memory is not very good anyways but I was too young to pick up on much.
@ji-aepark4125 5 жыл бұрын
Since everyone is sharing stories of how messed up the human race can be, I will too I guess... So, when I was 13 and in seventh grade in my middle school, and it was still summer at the time. My friends and I decided that on a hot Friday, we would all wear jean shorts and tank tops as a group to school. We personally thought it would be a super cute idea, so we did it. As the school day ended we all walked into 'town' or a very popular area with a bunch of food shops and of course our favorite smoothie shop. As we walked out of a store with our drinks, we saw that there was a table of men that at the time looked old enough to be if not older then my parents. They cat-called us and one even tried to come up to us and 'talk' as he claimed. We could see them trying to take their phones out and take pictures too. There were about five people in my friend group including me, and three of them ran away after the first cat-call. So after the man tried coming up to us, the rest of us ran to where our three friends were. (we thought It was away from the men that had been harassing us) Little did we actually know that one of the men was following us and at that point, we actually saw him coming up to us and knew the police station was very close. (you could see it from where we were) So we ran straight into the police station and waited there with the officers while waiting for our parents to pick us up. Turns out the guy that decided to follow us was an officer there and was friends with my parents. So he lost his job and a friendship. People get what they deserve :)
@boyloverhiiro8937 5 жыл бұрын
Dang, a freaking police officer? Dude how do get people like that get hired _anywhere?_ So far the only experience (thankfully) happened when i was 11, i was getting to my moms car and there was a group of around 3-5 dudes there, who didn't seem that old honestly, something like in their mid-twenties i think? Well, i just ignored them because i knew they were absolute weirdos, i had seen them drink alcohol in an elementary school's lawn, digging through trash and catcalling women on the streets. Naturally i avoided them but they were like 1-2 meters from the car so um... I couldn't really avoid them too much. The dudes were like... Telling me what a "treat" i was (i was 11 miND YOU) and also what they were gonna "do with me" (with oddly specific details) and 11 year old me got absolutely into panic mode and i rushed in to the car and i was like "MOM DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE HOLY GUACAMOLE THAT WAS CREEPY" And i still saw those creeps everywhere, and those same freaking dudes gave DEATH THREATS to my stepmom, and they have also PHYSICALLY ATTACKED MY DAD. And they were also my neighbours so... yeah. My dad called the police on them after the attack, he didn't have evidence of the attack happening but the police found drugs in their home so yay. Have fun rotting in jail.
@mystical2155 5 жыл бұрын
Dang karma!!!
@molly.dog8brooke792 5 жыл бұрын
Ji-ae Park Wow that took an unexpected turn... 😂😕
@amberandrews6692 5 жыл бұрын
Oh, God damn.
@dawntail7715 5 жыл бұрын
that's crazy to just be harassed by disgusting people but THEY WERE AN OFFICER AND YOUR PARENTS FRIEND?? gosh that's just CREEPY and revolting i hope ur okay
@clumsyrayann194 5 жыл бұрын
I have been sexually assaulted by three different people in my life, the first person I have no idea who they are. I was so young that I only remember that I was at a family friends house party (possibly for the 4th of July) and I was in their room watching tv and this man (who had been sat beside me) started touching me and asking if it felt good. It was terrifying, I must have been around 4 at the time. it is something that I think about often. I mean there was at least 20 other people in the house (including my parents) and the door was wide open, if he was that confident in assaulting me in that sort of setting then what would happen if he saw me somewhere less crowded? the scariest part is, I don't know who he is, or what he looks like. he could be anyone. The only thing I remember about him is his voice, asking me those inappropriate questions, and it keeps me up at night. The other times... one was my step-brother, he tried to force me into doing it with him, and when I refused, he forced his hands onto me and later took 'pictures' of himself on my phone I was 15. The last one was the most traumatizing, it was my cousin, I was 9 when it first started, he would use scare tactics and manipulation to keep me quiet about him having his way with me. I was terrified and kept telling myself I would tell someone but he would threaten me telling me he would hurt me/ our family. it finally stopped last year when I was 16 and I went to the police. I have always harbored negative thought and feeling about myself because of these situations. I've always blamed myself. I can't help but hate myself for not talking to my mom about it because I was terrified to get in trouble. I should have known better and told sooner. Thank you Emily and everyone else in the comments for sharing your story, this is the first time I have ever admitted ALL of this, it's the first time I have ever felt like i'm not suffering alone. And I hope anyone who happens to read this and has been a victim of any kind of sexual assault/harassment knows that they aren't alone either. I know it's hard but just try to stay strong because you deserve so much more than what has happened to you.
@justava9367 5 жыл бұрын
OMG I'm so so so sorry!!!!!! This is something no one should ever go through! !!! My heart is breaking for you... stay safe please!
@leviackerman-ri5rt 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. I hope it has all stopped. I hope you're taking care of yourself. please don't blame yourself. You are not at fault. Please stay strong. Please message me on Instagram if you need any help, support, someone to talk to as a friend or as a random person to rant to. My DMs are always open. @givelove.chooselove Sending lots of love and support. Xx
@HailieCallais 5 жыл бұрын
Honey, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I've never really been assaulted like those before, but ive been in an abusive relationship before. I know its nothing like what you went through, but I remember ever time I've ever considered telling someone about my ex boyfriend (when we were still together) i got scared because he threatened me with so many things. Now that we are done, its been about a year, ive had the courage months ago to tell my story. And, I haven't contacted the police because its been so long for one, and for two he has provided me proof that hes getting help, and that he isn't doing what he did to me anymore. Plus I'm so over the whole situation anyways. But I used to lay awake at night crying because i felt so pathetic for letting that happen to me without doing anything. Especially for how long it was going on for. But you cannot control what others do to you, and you are worth it. Your cousin and everyone else is the worthless ones. You are brave for even saying anything in the first place.
@avani4939 5 жыл бұрын
I can understand u so bad, cuz I have been sexually assaulted many times, and 2 main ones that I can't even speak about and one of the Is about my elder cousin brother too and it happened to me when i was around 8 or 9 and I didn't tell it to anyone and I never thought someone else would experience something so similar to my experience too...
@ClaireYunFarronXIII 5 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry for you... 😭 I love your profile picture. Pink Thor is a cute Thor.
@rainfaery 4 жыл бұрын
My boyfriend forced himself on me. He was at my house and we were sitting on my bed, only about ten minutes after he had gotten there. He kissed me and I kinda just smiled back at him cause I didn't really want to be touched at the moment. He them proceeded to kiss me again, this time crawling on all fours on top of me and pinning me on the bed. I told him no and to get off, but he wouldn't listen and he just started to bite my neck. I tried to push him off but he's a foot taller than me and a lot stronger than me. He just held my wrists tighter. Only when I yelled at him did he get off. Then, later when we were watching amine on the couch, he got really close to me. At that time I had already felt uncomfortable but I couldn't ask him to leave because neither of us can drive and my parents weren't home (I had already been frequently checking my phone to see when his dad would come to get him). He put his arm around me and turned me so he could kiss me. He did, and I tried to push him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. I just let him kiss me and hold me. I thought if i gave him what he wanted then he would stop. He didn't. It happened more frequently on the couch and right before he left. After he left i immediately went up to my room. I was shaking and I started to cry. I started to realize that he had done it before after school when we were alone back stage and in the dark. Later that night I went downstairs. It was almost four or five hours later and I was still shaking and crying. My dad has asked me what was wrong and I didn't tell him at first, but he insisted so I told him. When my mom came home I told her too. I almost broke up with him but I didn't. It's nearly a month later and I still don't trust him. He's moving in 15 days and if i'm being completely honest, I'm kind of glad. I still try not to let him touch or kiss me. I don't think I'll ever trust someone the same again. I'm only 13.. UPDATE: He broke up with me when I told him I thought I was trans (I am not, I am genderfluid now). That night I joined a cosplay call on instagram and I started talking to this girl I met and we hit it off immediately. I am in a very healthy and happy long distance relationship :) thank you for those of you who were worried.
@larizz527 4 жыл бұрын
Hey. I don't know if this is still relevant since your comment is from 3 months ago, but BREAK UP WITH HIM. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A guy trying to do stuff with a 13 year old is NEVER okay. If you're still with him, break up NOW. If he stalks you on social media, block him. Please. Don't let anybody do this stuff to you without your consent.
@the_sky_is_blue_and_so_am_I 4 жыл бұрын
Holly crap
@seaksip 4 жыл бұрын
You are wHAT-
@stellarwolvesanimations8030 4 жыл бұрын
Rainicorn Sc i dont understand how girls MY age are allowed to be home alone with their partner, my parents would of banned me from seeing him. Im sorry that happened to you.
@seaksip 4 жыл бұрын
@@stellarwolvesanimations8030 When I was 13 my parents won't let me HAVE a partner.
@iikii5903 4 жыл бұрын
When i was 4, we visited my fathers relatives in india. Me and my sister (6 years old) with a couple of cousins same our age decided to buy some candy at the end of the street. The man selling the candies was old, probably like 70. He made excuses that he didn’t have any plastic to place the candy so held my shirt up a little forming a pouch and place the candy there but as he did that he continuously fondled my breast. I was only four but i already had little boobies then. I remember looking at my sister and friends as he continued to ‘accidentally’ touch my breasts as he placed the candy and i vividly remember thinking that this was wrong and i was uncomfortable. Now 11 years later i decided to tell my sister since I recently remembered it and she immediately looked at me and told me that the same old guy also touched her inappropriately. It is kind of crazy how sick this world is.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I’m glad he didn’t do any worst I hope you have a good like
@strangeunusualink5552 5 жыл бұрын
When i was 12 i was at a dollar tree with my mom(who was outside talking to a friend) and i was in the arts section looking for a sketch book when this really big middle aged man came up to me and looked me up and down. I was raised really polite so i just kinda half smile and say hi! Then the lookes me in the eye and goes, all out of breath, "You have... a nice.. body.." So im kinda frozen then he goes " can i ... have ... your number?" He starts walking really close to me and reaching out so i just yell "momma!" Really loud, through the sketch book back onto the shelf, amd run outside. We go back in like a minute later and he's gone. Good thing too, seeing as my moms friend was a biker in a biker gang.
@justava9367 5 жыл бұрын
That must have been tramatizing!!!! I'm so sorry that happened. I hate all the sicko people who do this stuff. Praying for you ,please have something to defend yourself because more things could happen.
@NeccoWecco 5 жыл бұрын
For future reference, you CAN force him to stay there. You could have done a citizen's arrest and waited for the police. There are laws to protect you.
@magic914 4 жыл бұрын
put the evil man in the time out corner until the punishers come
@xenolizardz 4 жыл бұрын
@@magic914 I-
@-red-1838 4 жыл бұрын
@Magic excuse me what-
@ferndropz33 4 жыл бұрын
You can't he's in his car and he passed Emily and her husband already. Do you expect Emily to say "WAIT HERE IM CALLING THE POLICE" and do you expect him to wait and say "Ok sure! I'll wait for you to get me arrested"
@mjtits3982 4 жыл бұрын
oh dear, everyone is talking about their experiences? well I have an experience with sexual abuse when I was seven. (I am currently in therapy for it so-) so my mom dated this guy with two sons (one three years older than me and the other five years older than me, keep your eye on him). when I was six we moved to the capital city of my Provence with him and his kids. so one day after school (I think) I was in my room on my tablet (that I bought! yey) and the oldest came in my room and closed the door and started touching me. I told him to stop but he'd didn't and it kept on happening till I was ten. he didn't rape me or anything but it made me feel so fucking dirty, and to this day I feel so scared to be alone with males because I really don't want this to happen again. but to anyone who has experienced this, I really hope you talk to people about it, I know it's hard but you can do this. stay safe -a traumatized fourteen year old
@boybreakdowns 4 жыл бұрын
So I know that I found this video a bit late, but since everyone else is sharing stories in the comments, I might as well tell mine. It happened a few years ago, right at the end of seventh grade. So let me preface this by saying that I am female. I also have more "masculine" gender expression. I hate skirts, wear baggy clothes, and have my hair cut short. I also had a female best friend. We WERE NOT romantically involved. It was just a close platonic relationship. We always respected each other's privacy and boundaries (and still do). Ok. So it was near the end of seventh grade. I'm talking like 2 weeks until school was out. We had an assembly. I was next to my best friend and some boys who had been rude to me a few times before were behind us. The seats were fairly close together. I was paying attention to the teacher when I felt somebody stroking my hair. Without turning around, I asked them to stop. They stopped, and about five minutes later I heard whispering behind me. I just ignored it, figured they were talking about something random. Later, I felt somebody fingering my shoulder and neck. I asked them to stop again. They took their hands off of me and one boy said "How do you know it wasn't your "friend"?" I knew it wasn't her, because first of all, she wasn't behind me, secondly, she respected my boundaries, and thirdly, I could see out of the corner of my eye that she had her hands folded in her lap and hadn't moved them. Then another boy said "They aren't friends, everybody knows that they're f**king d*kes." Then they started taunting us, telling us to make out, and one ran his finger down the back of my neck again. That was the last straw. I turned around and slapped him. The teacher saw me. Long story short, I got detention for a week and couldn't go on the end of year field trip. I explained the situation, but the teachers just laughed it off. I don't know that it really qualifies as sexual harassment, but I don't know what else to call it.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
It still made you uncomfortable I hope your not still traumatized
@boybreakdowns 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kamari_26 I'm doing fine now, thanks.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
dragon wing that’s great!
@mooooon21 5 жыл бұрын
The same thing happened to me as well. I was in a store with my aunt and I was wearing shorts/skirt and a tangtop. I wanted to get something from a higher shelf (my aunt was far away from me at that moment). Some guy (many in his late 40s) was a few meter away from me and you were able to tell that something was off. He kept walking past me multiple times and was just looking at the same stuff I was looking at so I thought he just wanted to buy the same thing. So, I got up this small latter and tried to reach the item. My tangtop was a bit to big for me so it slipped in some places. My top then revealed a bit the of my boob. I pulled my top up as fast as I could and it was only a few seconds so I thought nobody saw me. (I wish) All of the sudden I saw a flash but it came out of an corner. I thought to myself "what if someone took a picture of me!" (I was right) I wish I told my aunt what happened! A few days later a friend of mine wanted to meet me asap. He showed me a picture but it wasn't just any picture. It was a girl and you were able to see almost all of her boob....I was this girl. I saw the profile picture of the person that posted it and it was the creepy man from the store! I didn't know what to do. My friend told me to go home, tell my parents what happened and call the police. And that's what I did. The police called us then to inform us about the news atm and told us they were able to delete the pictures from the website. I am still scared and disgusted because I know that once the pictures were in the internet they would always stay there.
@samantha513 5 жыл бұрын
omg i am so sorry what happen.
@xxxcoruptcion5012 5 жыл бұрын
That's disgusting i would beat the shit outta that guy
@life_on_mars7375 4 жыл бұрын
alright, here's what you gotta do: Step One: Find him- look around and lock your target on him Step two: Grab your weapon- A chancla is preferable, but flip flops work too Step Three: Attack- Pounce at him and beat him like a Mexican mother. All jokes aside though, that man is a sick person and I hope nothing like that EVER happens again.
@neo_is_short405 4 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry and just in case.. it is NOT your fault for wearing a comfortable shirt it is the creeps fault blame the system not the victim
@mothsoup4623 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for what happened to you! The same thing happened to me but without a picture, I was out in a park with a friend, wearing a skirt and a comfy top (which I'm not gonna lie was kinda reveling, it was a low cut top) since it was a hot day. So parcialy it was my fault :(
@lainaballls 4 жыл бұрын
I was catcalled by some random dude at Kroger- then the lady at the front desk said “you shouldn’t have worn that dress”. That’s all she had to say.
@tebbies 4 жыл бұрын
Gguk_EXE It wasn’t your fault ❤️
@lainaballls 4 жыл бұрын
fakestarfruit c: Thank you 😓
@astra.sparda 4 жыл бұрын
@Gguk_EXE You can’t predict the future, nothing was your doing at all
@piperfriedrich2426 4 жыл бұрын
that was rude of that lady to say. if your positions were to be switched i bet (just from me knowing the little info you gave us) that you probaby would have helped her or said its not your fault its just that some men are idiots and a total perverts.
@soon_to_emerge 4 жыл бұрын
I was five when my grandfather tried to have a sex with me. I only remember that I was laughing because I didn't know what was going on. Luckily to me, grandma entered the room we were in and pulled me from under him. Only when I entered my teen age I realised what had almost happened that day.
@peachy7943 4 жыл бұрын
what a nasty old man, fuck him honestly. are you doing better now?
@Nic.wolfwood 5 жыл бұрын
Not super long ago, maybe 1 -ish years ago, I was walking in a relatively small town, just going on a walk to get lunch, no big deal. I was walking beside about a 3 foot deep ditch that was very overgrown. A man, old enough to be my dad, starts walking towards me and I don't really think much of it. Until he threw me followed by himself into the ditch. Because of the size difference, I couldn't get away, he put his hand around my neck, so I could barely breath, and tore down my leggings, followed by his jeans. You can probably guess what happened next. For a good five minutes I kind of just later there in defeat. As I said, this ditch was very overgrown, so with my hand I eventually found a stick and I jabbed it as hard I could into his side, which drew a bit of blood, he took his hand off of my neck and I booked it down the street until I had to stop, I dident run far, due to my very private area being in so much pain. I eventually went up to a fairly young girl who was headed to her car, and I just said. "I need a ride. Sexually harassed. Help." And she just said. "Come with me." And ran across the street her her car and opened the door for me to get in. She drove me to the police station, and I was just balling my eyes out, only partly because of the physical pain I was in, she came in the police station with me until I talked to the police guy. Luckily, the next day they called me and told me that they had caught him.
@cinnsuamongar 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so brave.
@disismriamxox8613 4 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry❤❤
@pluvia13 4 жыл бұрын
you are really strong and brave. i am very sorry that you had to experience such an incredible act of violence and i wish you love and healing
@neo_is_short405 4 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad people can be scary discusting and hurt people just so they can have there "fun" whoever does it i will make then feel a pain 100x worse than pain you or anyone else felt T H E Y. W I L L. B L E E D.
@lexa2310 4 жыл бұрын
@@neo_is_short405 Are you OK? You sound like you are trying to work through something yourself. You should go see a therapist if it is something serious. 😟
@sophibender9159 5 жыл бұрын
When I was 11, an older boy I was carpooling with sat next to me in the backseat of the car. I was wearing a shirt that was a pretty low cut collar, and I thought it was the reason this happened, but after I saw this video I realised I was wrong. The car ride started out normal, but then he started slipping his hand in places I didn't feel comfortable with people touching. He tried to put his hands in my pants and up my shirt, and sometimes succeeded. I was kicking him hard, and trying to pull his hands away, and my mom must've thought we were just rough playing because she didn't say anything. When we got to the school, that car ride was all I could think about. I continued carpooling with that guy, but I sat in the front seat. I really hated it, and made it clear I didn't want to ride with him, but never told my mom what actually happened, until one day she told me I was riding with him AGAIN. It was about two weeks after the incident. I told her, and she had a pure look of shock on her face. She told me the carpool couldn't be cancelled that week, but I would never have to carpool with him again. She contacted his parents right after I told her, and they brought him over to apologize. When he apologized, I hated him so much that I didn't even want to see his face. I just hid on the stairs listening to him talk. I never saw him again after that, and I am glad. I just hope and wish that he hasn't done this to anyone else, and that anyone else he might have done it to has told someone. These things are serious, and are extremely bad for both sides. People who sexually harass others need to be filtered out from regular people, and punished. It is completely wrong, and anyone who doesn't take this seriously needs to put themselves in the perspective of people who have been harassed. It's an extremely harming and uncomfortable situation to be in, and nobody WANTS to be in that situation.
@ileanabanana8254 5 жыл бұрын
im so sorry you went through that and at such a young age, it breaks my heart but i just want you to know you're so brave and strong. It wasn't your fault and he shouldn't have done that.
@Tulku 5 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't consider that sexual harassment it's what's called "sexual battery" under most state laws. Sorry you went through that and glad your mom supported you.
@liv7735 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my. You are so brave, i can't imagine going through that. "He sometimes succeeded" I feel so sorry for you. How old looking was he?
@mantismantis6408 5 жыл бұрын
i'm so sorry you had to go through this, it sucks.. please remember that is was not your fault, that there are lots of people with stories and experiences like yours, you're not alone. speaking up about these things is so important, thank you for sharing what happened to you 💞💗💝 lots of love and support!!
@celiammwl3115 4 жыл бұрын
When I was young I was with three friends (all girls) at the park taking pictures, it was starting to get dark so there was literally nobody but us there. Until one random car stopped in front of the entrance, it was weird because there was a parking a few meters away and they just stopped there, we were looking at the car interested and some men started to open the doors and get out with the motor still on, so one of my friends said: run! We took our things quickly and ran, so the men inmediatly got back inside and drove towards us, there were two ways we could go and all of my friends went the same direction except me. I went to the bridge that led nowhere but a lonely church and the car chased me obviusly because I was alone and trapped, luckly my friends shouted at me that I was going the wrong way and it was soon enought for me to turn back and follow them, thanks to that we gained time to scape since the men had to go backwards to get out of the brigde and track us and by the time they were back behind us we got inside the only stablishment that was still open, and saw the car pass in front of it. It was an awful expirience specially because I was like 14, and I keep asking myself what could had happen if my friend didn't react for us, or if I continued to run on the wrong direction or if that restaurant was already closed...
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you have a great life I’m so sorry about what happened
@kamillen4732 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 5, I wanted to play with my friend. I got to her house, knocked on her door, but her brother opened. I asked if she was there, and he said no, but said she might be waiting in the small garage behind the school were nobody goes. Nobody goes there, because it's hidden by trees, and you have to climb over a huge fence. Turns out, she didn't even know it existed... He opened the door, and led me inside. It looked like a hospital room. He said to sit on the bed, and wait for her. After a while, he told me he wanted to show me a kind of 'massage', and told me to undress myself... When he said to remove my pants, I said no, but he didn't give up...
@creativeusername4703 4 жыл бұрын
that is awful! so sorry you went through that kind of thing, i hope he is in jail... how can people be so cruel, again so sorry!
@kamillen4732 4 жыл бұрын
@@creativeusername4703 No he's not, but thank you for the support^^
@celestestewart8200 5 жыл бұрын
I am 17 now, but when I was 15 years old, one of my father's closest friends stuck his hand down my pants and molested me on a family camping trip. I had known him since I was 8 years old. He molested me repeatedly for an entire year, coming into my room and touching me when my parents were too drunk to pay attention. There are things that happened that I still can't talk about with therapists or anybody for that matter, but the best thing I ever did was when I finally spoke up. He wasn't allowed around me after that, and although it took till the beginning of this past new year, he's in prison for what he did to me and other girls who spoke out as well. It breaks my heart to hear all of these stories, and I do hope for those of you who are harboring these frightening events (no matter how fucking small you think it may be) you speak up. You deserve to feel safe. Much love, stay safe y'all!
@sircaprisun8073 5 жыл бұрын
TrippieHippie-666 I’m so sorry for you, that has to have an impact on your life. I hope you’re okay now though (:
@smartoutiii7560 5 жыл бұрын
@YT-po8ut 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing,reading your story gave me more courage to speak up ❤️
@kuma8528 5 жыл бұрын
TrippieHippie-666 I’ve never been molested but I’ve been touched in my areas without my permission, I have come forward and I don’t see the person who touched me twice anymore. I’m very sorry to hear about what you have been through
@Ledwan-ls6kh 5 жыл бұрын
TrippieHippie-666 Man WTF is wrong with some of these people
@bluebattybabe7953 5 жыл бұрын
2 days ago my local mc donalds was shut down because a guy was caught raping someone. He has 5 counts of it and hes only 21. This shit needs to stop. I was at the corner store nearby while it happened
@bluebattybabe7953 5 жыл бұрын
@bill coca that's horrible I'm so sorry you went through something like that. I hope you're able to recover from the abuse and I hope those people have had their serving of karmic justice I just believe the system is fucked nowdays.
@loverboy6149 5 жыл бұрын
I hope you're okay, (what the actual fuck is wrong with people)
@boldandbrash1990 4 жыл бұрын
I was seven years old at a friends house down the street from my house. We were playing in the living room when her dad brought me into his bedroom. I thought he was just being friendly, picking me up and swinging me around like adults do sometimes. Eventually he started..touching me. I was too young to understand what was happening. He took me into the bathroom and exposed himself to me. He tried to get me to touch him, but something felt wrong so I ran out of the bathroom. He didn't try to stop me. He was just testing boundaries to see how far he could get. He invited me to stay the night and I really wanted to, but my mom said no. I can't imagine what would have happened if my mom hadn't said no. After I got home, I told my mom and she drove us to the police station and he was arrested and charged.
@bluethewitch6443 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 18 my friends and I wanted to go to a party. it was a "schools out"-Party so a lot of people where there and they only let one or two people in at a time, while around 50 had to wait outside. We just kind of tought, that we would wait and it would be okay. Five Minutes later we where in a big crowd and almost unable to move. It was also getting hard to breathe from time to time, because people where pushing from behind. So it was not a good situation, no getting out and almost no moving. One of my friends was really small and thin and we had to pull her up so she could breathe. So none was able to move or get out of that situation and then someone pinched my butt three fucking times. The worst was, that because so many people where behind me, I couldn't make out who did that so I just had to ignore it. Later when I asked my friends they told me, that something like that happend to them to. How fucked up do you have to be, to grab someone when they clearly can't move and escape and can barely breathe!?
@seksipilna 5 жыл бұрын
This isn't really that bad, but when I was 13 I was walking with my friend and I felt kind of uncomfortable. I looked back and there was this grown man following us and smiling. I felt so creeped out and told my friend immediately. She didn't think much of it so to make me feel better we speeded up and moved more to the left, but he speeded up as well and his smile grew... I'm thankful we were in public and nothing happened, but till this day I feel scared to go outside sometimes Whoever reads this, sorry for wasting your time I just wanted to get it off my chest. I wish you have an awesome day
@sistercrack8482 5 жыл бұрын
@Storyofyes you didn't wast our time and you have every right to tell whoever you want its your choice 💖 and im happy nothing happened to you.
@seksipilna 5 жыл бұрын
You're so nice
@giannagilberti9617 4 жыл бұрын
You didn’t waste my time thanks for sharing ♥️
@lynnvoneverec6371 4 жыл бұрын
Always trust your instinct when you feel uncomfortable or creeped out in a situation. Better save than sorry. And i think that man would have creeped me out as well.
@mickyfucs9028 4 жыл бұрын
Don’t think you wasted anyone’s time. I’m really glad you shared us. Know that what one person thinks is small another thinks differently but everyone’s experiences are important.
@stringbean2277 5 жыл бұрын
Walmart is literally the worst. I was there one night after a game (I'm a cheerleader at my local community college but at that point I had changed into sweatpants and our uniform tank tops that are just basic tank tops that say lakers) to grab some make wipes as I was spending the night at my boyfriends house and he needed some things too. We both got our stuff and were heading to check out when I realized how much I had to pee. Like 2 year old pee dance had to pee. I gave my boyfriend my stuff and money to pay for my item and told him I would meet him when I came back out. Walking into the bathroom I noticed a strange man sitting on a bench by the bathroom entrance (its past midnight so he was easy to notice) I had a weird feeling but I just unlocked my pepper spray and had it ready just in case ( I'm always really sketched out by people and had the pepper spray from another, very foul situation I was in). I went in with no problem but when I came out my bf was still standing there with all of our stuff. I asked him what was going on and he said as soon as I walked in the strange guy got up and was going to follow me in until he realized my bf was watching and wasnt leaving. The guy just turned around and left. I have so many other stories that are much worse and unfortunately had too much foul mouthed sexual dialogue to be able to retell. It's so sad that so many girls and women have to be so afraid to go anywhere.
@taylor-qu8nh 5 жыл бұрын
Some_Creative_Name96 omg yeah I hope your ok that would freak me out so much people can be disgusting sometimes
@conedick1670 5 жыл бұрын
This happens to men a lot too
@conedick1670 5 жыл бұрын
Im so sorry this happened to you
@user-jq1xm6vh4w 5 жыл бұрын
cough cough* and men
@stringbean2277 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-jq1xm6vh4w I understand that it happens to men too. I just dont know very many men that are always looking over there shoulder afraid everywhere they go. My bf even makes fun of me for always saying "that guy is sketchy, keep an eye on him"
@SleepingSounds425 4 жыл бұрын
I remember being 4-5, and playing at my friend's house. My friend said he's going to go check to see if another friend wants to come over and play hide and seek, who happened to live down the street. So he ran out while I was scouting out the house for hiding spots. I ended up in the living room with the father and sat on the couch. He was in his recliner. He came over and basically undressed me and ya know. I remember going to that house because they had kittens... After that incident I never went back over there and I spent the majority of my time in my room, wondering if it was my fault... And for the longest time I believed it. I thought, "I was the one who went over there, so I'm guilty." I want people to know that if you have a similar experience, just know it's not your fault. It was never your fault. Edit: it's still hard to talk about this, even though I'm 21. I knew I wouldn't be able to describe the rape without reliving it again. I never received help for this so I don't really know what to do when I do relive the moments. Please don't hate me.
@_0do0 4 жыл бұрын
PupperSupreme I’m.....in so sorry for you.....
@kaeleys780 4 жыл бұрын
Don't say "please don't hate me". Nobody hates you for being something that wasn't your fault. You ARE worthy. Please always remember that
@SleepingSounds425 4 жыл бұрын
@@kaeleys780 Thank you so much for the support! This means a lot to me since I was never really given the support I needed then. Your words are golden
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
If you still know that friend and his dad please tell the cops
@SleepingSounds425 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kamari_26 unfortunately I dont. They moved away a few months after the incident happened. Even then the statute of limitations have expired already
@SarahLumoindong 4 жыл бұрын
Ok since everybody is sharing their story I'm gonna share mine: So..around november 2019, I had a group project with a few of my friends. I had to draw a logo of the shop we were making and give it to friend A (hes a guy) he was supposed to make a bunch of copies and stickers of it. so luckily friend A lived in the same neighborhood as I did so i said to my mom I'm going to his house. keep in mind i was wearing very short pants since it was well..90 degrees outside lol. i walked to my friends house and then i notice a man just staring at me. i didnt look back because i was already uncomfortable. but then he asked me.."hey kidddo, where are you going?" it was weird, and i dont really know him. I was an innocent kid okay? i answered him "to a friends house.." he continued to ask again "who is this friend of yours?" i answered "(hes name)" the most creepiest question of all is. "your going there A L O N E??" that send the alarms on my head since there was no one around. My brain was like "who is this son of a bitch trying to know if im alone or not?!" but i instead answer "Y-yes..?" then i just started walking back to where i was going. he started following me. i kinda panicked and walked faster. he started to follow me with his motorcycle. I ran like speed. i catch up to friend A's house. i started yelling his name and friend A got out and responded "whats up?" I slowly whispered to him that theres a guy following me. The guy stoped right in front of my friends house, cursed, and drove away. i gave the papers to friend A. and he offered to take me back home. i accepted. going back home with my friend he didnt dare to come up to me. luckily nothing happened and I was safe. I hope that this is a warning to other young girls or guys to be more careful.
@sassythehumansylveon5803 5 жыл бұрын
I have been harrased by a "friend" mutiple of times. Everytime he tries to hug me, he calls it "A joke chill." I feel so uncomfortable because if he did successfully hugs me then he would be touching my upper nono square. He still calls it a joke. What a jerk.
@Th3_m0st_forgettable_g1rl 4 жыл бұрын
Have you told anyone else about this? I hope he isn't your friend anymore
@pastelquartz6857 4 жыл бұрын
@@Th3_m0st_forgettable_g1rl New account from the original poster here. Um...I dont honestly know what to call him anymore Edit: I did call him a friend after thinking about it (since he didnt mean it so I decided to atleast try to forgive him even if he never apologized). I slowly gave him my trust but after an unrelated incident,he lost it again. Edit #2: He's not my friend anymore, officially. To end this story, I blocked him .
@pastelquartz6857 4 жыл бұрын
@Zina Lovely ikr?
@Th3_m0st_forgettable_g1rl 4 жыл бұрын
@@pastelquartz6857 that's understandable
@justacringeyperson9707 4 жыл бұрын
By the time of now I hope you've slapped them in the face. Just gross it isn't a joke.
@anavocado6873 5 жыл бұрын
Long story short, I was sexually harassed as well but by a kid who goes to my school. I now have a restraining order on him.
@georginavasvari4906 4 жыл бұрын
good .
@oliv2385 4 жыл бұрын
i know this isn’t really a sexual harassment story but here we go it was around year 7/8 - grade 6/7 and i had to get 2 busses to school. the second dropped me round the corner but i had the option to get on a third one with my friends (who would already be on the bus when it arrived at my stop) and me being the lazy idiot i am i decided for a few months to get on that bus. occasionally my friends would get off earlier and go to the shop, so i would walk and meet them and we would get the next bus around 20 mins later. one day we decided to do that and when waiting at the stop, i kept saying i could smell piss. so i walked around and eventually got my phone torch - as it was quite early in the morning and dark - and shone it around. then i saw this man behind the stop, in a clearing of bushes leading to some sort of rugby club center and he was just there. pissing. looking at me. he appeared homeless and i just thought it was strange but not that weird since my school wasn’t in an extremely safe area. i brushed it off and we just got on the bus. a couple days, maybe a week later, my friends didn’t stop at the shop, so i was just at that stop waiting for the bus when the same man was walking down the street. i thought nothing of it assuming he slept near here, when i saw his pants were unbuttoned and his dick was hanging out. i did nothing and just kind of froze on the spot. (bear in mind the roads were nearly completely empty as it was even earlier in the morning than last time) and he just walked towards me and told next to me. i checked my watch - 4 minutes until the bus came and he was just there. i wanted to walk away and just wait at school, or walk to the next stop, but i couldn’t. i was such a fucking pussy i just stood there begging for something to happen. i waiter and waited and no bus came. i waited for 5 minutes and no bus came. that’s when he turned to look at me and walked closer, his head maybe 1 inch away from me, and his dick of my skirt. again, i didn’t move, i didn’t speak, i didn’t do anything. 10, 15 minutes went by with him just wanking next to me continuously. eventually i realised the bus wasn’t coming so i walked to school. i don’t know how, but i did. i got there and just waitress to get in when some kids asked if i’d had a shag before school and i realised the side of my skirt was covered in jizz. i just sat there and started sobbing whilst everyone laughed at me. i went to reception and got a new skirt and told the school. of course - of fucking course the school did fuck all about it. they don’t care about anyone at my school. no one. i told them and they said it was nothing, and don’t go to that bus stop again. so i didn’t. but because of the schools reaction i never told anyone else either. just know the men and women out there that do these things are discusting pieces of shit. evil, cruel people. and if something ever happens to you just know you’re stronger than them. you’re better. 💜
@Mint.8458 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I just wanted to say how much of an important thing this really is. I hope you heal yourself and find people who are genuinely concerned for you. This must such an affect on you daily and that whenever someone dismisses this as not important they are not normal. Take care of yourself always!
@mackenziebailey8655 4 жыл бұрын
I have an experience I don't remember most of. It happened when I was about 11 or 12. I woke up next to someone I've know my whole life and his hand was in a place it never should have been. He was still very drunk from the party before enough to the point I got up and left with little to no resistance. I laughed it off with my friends at the time but over the years I've slowly realized it wasn't so harmless a situation as I thought it might be. Looking back on it now I wonder if my loss of memory is due to being drugged or just my mind protecting me.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Please tell someone
@mackenziebailey8655 4 жыл бұрын
*•.Lonely Midnight.•* I will someday- I haven’t seen him in a very long time and I want it to stay that way.
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Mackenzie Bailey well I just hope it doesn’t happen again
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Mackenzie Bailey np
@meggothetomato4411 5 жыл бұрын
-WARNING- The comments are full of there stories, if you are uncomfortable reading that, please don't continue! And sorry if you wrote your story, and you feel somewhat offended by this warning, please tell me and I will take it down.
@molly.dog8brooke792 5 жыл бұрын
Meggo The Tomato Thank you for warning people, I’m not offended but some people might be. 😀
@bliss7989 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you much appreciated
@jaymeeleighjx1x 5 жыл бұрын
Its a bit silly as peoplw have posted stories since you put this up so theres no need
@ToriC524 5 жыл бұрын
No good reason to have this. Although I'm not offended, it will be lost in the sea of comments and people will have already read stories by the time they get here. Just a note.
@smellyrat6009 5 жыл бұрын
chicken umm... I think this person proved u wrong
@brikhouse22 5 жыл бұрын
When I was 19 I was raped by a guy I was kind of seeing. We'd had sex before and this day we were just hanging out, he wanted to have sex and I didn't, not for any particular reason, I just didn't. Well I guess he didn't like that and disregarded my no's. I said I didnt want to multiple times but he was on top of me and forced himself between my legs. I thought if I fought it would be much worse for me in the end so I just gave in. He was much stronger than me and an athlete, (boxer or wrestler, I don't remember) so there is no way I would win that fight. He did what he wanted to do and I left and never saw him again. For almost 20 year I told no one because I thought it was my fault because I didn't really have a reason to turn him down for sex. To be completely honest I rarely thought about it because I just compartmentalized it and shoved it to the back of my brain and wanted to forget about it. It wasn't until a couple of years ago when all the Bill Cosby stuff was coming to light and all over the news ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. that it made me think about it so much more and realize it wasn't my fault at all and actually realize I was raped. No one in my family knows only some close friends and strangers on posts like this. It's very odd how we automatically blame ourselves. Why do we do that? It's horrible. Keep your head up, I hope you can find some inner peace and move on and forget about that asshole.....well as best as one can who's been violated.
@scribblehideout7504 5 жыл бұрын
wow, i am so sorry. Hearing stuff like this makes me seriously doubt where we're heading as a society. It just baffles me how some people would be stupid enough to not understand the word "no", or cruel enough to flat out IGNORE it. It's fucking heartless.
@brikhouse22 5 жыл бұрын
thanks, yeah it's baffling...... even more so is those who blame the victim.
@scribblehideout7504 5 жыл бұрын
brikhouse22 agreed :(
@raresmacrea9350 5 жыл бұрын
brikhouse22 Hoky fucking shit. I cant stand guys like him. Literally makes me rage
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I just posted what happened to me - I must be around the same age as you, and it happened around the same time frame. What happened to me was nothing like what you went through - but for the same reason, I never said a word. I never even thought it counted because it WASN'T rape... I know you know this but I just wanted to say, it's not your fault, and I know that, and I believe you. You didn't deserve this. Like you, I've not told my family or even most of my friends, and it was only with everything coming out and especially with #metoo that I started to believe that maybe I wasn't just being ridiculous about my own experience.
@maddywadsworth4312 4 жыл бұрын
I had a “peeping Tom,” as a teen. It has made me paranoid for my entire life about windows and having proper curtains. I hope you have another Walmart you can go to. My mom was physically assaulted in a target parking lot in 2018 and we couldn’t go to that target for about a year or more. I also hope that creepy guy got some karma. Edit: been reading all of these comments and I’m just appalled that we live in this world. Why is this ok?
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Please tell the cops or something he might do that to someone else
@kimbrown9010 3 жыл бұрын
well to answer your question, its not okay. but do they care heck no
@recommendwaffle342 4 жыл бұрын
In 8th grade I was sexually assaulted, this kid I have known since elementary kept insisting that I dated him when I have a boyfriend, and then when we went to leave school that day, he went behind me and grabbed my behind, I did nothing but run. Then for summer school before my sophomore year we had to go the middle school and being in that building just completely broke me down. In 9th grade he attempted to apologize and said "I'm sorry, I don't remember doing that" which was bull crap. I've recovered a bit, but thinking about it still hurts, I know it's not as crazy as some people's stories, but it's still traumatic just the same, I hope everyone out there stays safe💕
@stardust7397 5 жыл бұрын
You looked hella cute in that outfit sad that someone had to tarnish the good day with their inability to control their disgusting mind and body. 💕💕
@intoxicatedelephant 5 жыл бұрын
I love the outfit too, some people are so f**ked up
@desireemendoza3711 5 жыл бұрын
Joonily Ikr! Some people are just so desperate in life.. its so wrong. (I really dont wanna be annoying but i like your profile pic)
@cohenevans2512 5 жыл бұрын
You can think of that but that still kinda weird but dont take a picture thats just so disgusing.
@stardust7397 5 жыл бұрын
Flowerhoseokeu it’s quite alright, I’m assuming u know BTS! As u can tell, joonie, the lil cinnamon roll, is my bias! If u don’t mind what is urs? 🌸
@day6kz 5 жыл бұрын
@@desireemendoza3711 Ayy not apart of the army you are in but someone who doesn't just straight up scream "ARMMY OmG!1!1!!"
@sc4ramouche 5 жыл бұрын
So is like every girl including me got sexually harassed? Here's my story. I'm a spoiled brat well, at least when I was a kid I was a spoiled brat. This happened when I was 6 years old, I had my own personal nanny at that time. She was about 20 - 25 years old. My nanny always cared for me. She had a soft spot in my heart. Now, one time she dated my aunt's cousin who was at the same age as my nanny. One day, my nanny had her bday and my family lives in a compound where my other aunts and uncles live as well. My aunt decided to throw like mini party for my nanny and they got pretty drunk. I wanted to go there too since I was bored in my room, so I did. Keep in mind I was wearing shorts like... literally SHORTS. I didn't think much of what I would wear back then. When I went there every guy was drunk, including my nanny's boyfriend. The only sober one was my nanny and a few other people. I hangout with them and my nanny's bf tried to make me drink a shot of beer. Which my nanny disapproved of course. Then the food ran out and my nanny had to make some more. She left me there. Then my nanny's boyfriend called me in a room. He told me to turn the opposite way. Then he grabbed my hand and made me squish his "member". Which I didn't know at that time. But I felt weird and turned around. I was shocked and disgusted. I pushed him and ran away. My nanny found out and broke up with him. My aunt said not to tell anyone because it would cause a big fight. So I didn't. But that moment still haunts me. I'm 11 now. That moment happened when I was 6. I already told my mom but she said we can't do anything about since he already fled.
@blepp5808 4 жыл бұрын
Im not gonna lie, your aunt was wrong for saying that. If anything like this ever happens again, you should try to tell as many people as you can. You should make the person known so that way it's easier to get a hold of them.
@neo_is_short405 4 жыл бұрын
FUCK THAT GUY i feel so bad that it happend to you and at such a young age
@spilledteacreationsartphot9166 4 жыл бұрын
TxᴘɪᴄᴀʟRɪʏᴜᴋɪ oh my god that’s horrible! I feel so bad! I hope you’re ok!
@sketchystrawberry302 4 жыл бұрын
TxᴘɪᴄᴀʟRɪʏᴜᴋɪ that’s awful it happened to you especially at such a young age
@izzy4211 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry...
@talinnit5176 4 жыл бұрын
I-im so sorry... If it makes you feel any better, I love your art and wish I could draw and paint like you
@tazuna7408 4 жыл бұрын
If we’re sharing, I’ll let my story out as well. In the 5th grade, when I was 12 //i still am, tf am i on about-// I was approached by my PE teacher and touched/asked very very personal questions. When I ran off with my girlfriend (at the time) , he began screaming at us causing me to panic. I told my teacher, and he ended up being fired.
@0night_thinker0 5 жыл бұрын
I'm now 17 and this happened when I was around 4-6, I can't really remember. Me, my sister, and my biological father were in a room together watching Ice Age I believe and after a while bio person starts making me touch him and stuff, I don't remember too much of what happened, but afterwards I was scared and didn't understand what happened. My younger sister who was in the room was the one who told my mother all of this and she was pissed. He was deported and thrown in jail. This literally took my entire childhood away and I wasn't the same bubbly child I was before that. It literally ruined my mental state and my way of thinking. I thought I would share my story since so many others have. I know I'm late to the video on this but I felt like I needed to share this story with the KZbin community. Thank you for reading :)
@avi7330 5 жыл бұрын
weeby weeb she was talking about her dad
@Whoopdedoo8 5 жыл бұрын
My heart hurts for you 💔😢
@jumbokitty 5 жыл бұрын
@weeby weeb it was her dad
@cherriebrains 5 жыл бұрын
Goodolwacko ; Same, people taking children’s childhoods are just. SICK AS F*CK!!
@neo_is_short405 4 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry i just need you to know that people like that will burn feel pain and and understand what KARMA really means
@nilla6342 5 жыл бұрын
for some reason guys that do these kinds of things, at least what i have experienced always says stuff like "She was wearing sugestive clothes" or "she wanted it" and stuff like that, and its disgusting and just because you wear something that may show a bit of skin doesnt mean that people have the right to think that its okay to do these kind of things...
@nilla6342 5 жыл бұрын
(Sorry if my english isnt that good, aint my first language)
@natalie-ux7ey 5 жыл бұрын
That is absolutely true! I very much agree with you.
@frogloser991 4 жыл бұрын
What’s sad is that my brother touched me....down there in the middle of the night and it took me forever to tell my mom and sisters
@maladutta2497 4 жыл бұрын
I feel so awful after reading the comments I'm so sorry you all had to go through it Is this humanity? I love you guys take care❤
@wastedinspiration 5 жыл бұрын
My husband recently discovered that skirts were super comfortable. "Why," he asks "would you EVER wear jeans when you can wear THESE." I think I'll just link him this video next time he asks... also, I suppose I should get him a kilt for Christmas.
@weevilwizarddotmusic9711 5 жыл бұрын
lol you definitely should!!
@kittabread 5 жыл бұрын
Please do.
@ethangrant8736 5 жыл бұрын
em v. But they are comfortable I’m a guy id i would prefer to wear them over shorts, also why dont u buy him a skirt it sounds like a nice present 🤷‍♂️
@willow5437 5 жыл бұрын
haha that's super cute
@dinosaur1583 5 жыл бұрын
@chloexx7592 5 жыл бұрын
AS an 11 year old, I have experienced something like this. This has calmed down now, but I was harrassed daily with sexual comments from this one boy. It is truly a horrifying experience
@tk_ae0673 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 12 years old, and ive gone through some sexual harassment which could had easily led to rape, but it happened when I was probably 7 or 6 and this guy was 12 at the time, I did tell my parents about it and we never visited them again at all after that. So it's ok for you to speak up now, if your scared it's ok because nothing bad will happen to you, just the person who did it to you. It may seem scary or hard but it's alright, and that goes the same thing with any other guys who try to have their way with you, be careful. I seem like a stranger on the internet, but I'm young and stupid lol so I can't do anything, even if I did I know it's bad. But for you, fellow 11 year old, if anything happens like that again, don't be afraid to speak up or fight back against it. All those comments too, you shouldn't have to worry just don't talk to them or respond to them if you feel like their dangerous, just be safe on who you are responding to
@faithy_py 5 жыл бұрын
Omg 😲 I'm 12 and to have that happen to you I feel really sorry for you... I hope your ok ^_^
@chloexx7592 5 жыл бұрын
@@isabelle-gs1xm YOU NEED TO TELL SOMEONE!! what he is doing to you is ILLEGAL. Start by telling your mom or a trusted relative like a grandparent, and then the police!!
@chloexx7592 5 жыл бұрын
@@isabelle-gs1xm ok just think about it it is still illegal and it is sexual assault
@chloexx7592 5 жыл бұрын
@@isabelle-gs1xm K just stay safe❤
@wolfypixiepie3116 4 жыл бұрын
Me : Dear whoever had/will hurt Emily. I will personally pay you a visit in your sleep. 😇😈
@el-noteleven-7289 4 жыл бұрын
Can I help?
@fajardomyrna37 4 жыл бұрын
I'm joining in too
@RandomPerson-ec4hb 4 жыл бұрын
@Th3_m0st_forgettable_g1rl 4 жыл бұрын
I'm ready to join, also it's terrifying because her name's Emily and so is mine, and I went through the same thing
@ella-vl4bj 4 жыл бұрын
Me, having my headphones on full volume: *Clicks on this video* The video: *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
@imms1552 4 жыл бұрын
same dude same
@o0Theresa0o 5 жыл бұрын
I was sexually assaulted, multiple times, by the same guy. After many months of fretting over it, I went to the police. The took me into a holding cell and questioned me as if I was a criminal. Then they made me write a 'victim statement', at which point the officer reminded me to be sure that I was "being honest". I left feeling like I had done something wrong. Months went by, and I didn't hear anything. I finally followed up, and they had closed my case without even telling me. "He said - she said", apparently. I found out many years later that he was a registered sex offender. And my case was thrown out anyway. *sigh*
@gingi2590 5 жыл бұрын
Trickius I know how you feel and I’m really sorry. People who don’t know how it feels don’t understand that it’s hard and being a bitch won’t help
@amandac8836 5 жыл бұрын
Wtf this made me so angry (not at you, but FOR you) to read. I'm so, so sorry you had to go through that. :( I hope you're doing better. Xx
@ioo5522 5 жыл бұрын
Trickius I’m pissed off, for you. I’m angry , i mean WTTFFF!?
@its.thesweetone 5 жыл бұрын
They also made me write a statement, but in my case there were witnesses that confirmed my story and now the guy is in serious trouble. I'm sorry, I hope things are better for you now ♡
@GrainneDhu 5 жыл бұрын
I am sad you went through this. Your experience is exactly why #metoo skyrocketed. It is horrible enough to go through multiple sexual assaults but to be treated that way is like pouring vinegar into the wounds. And people (mostly men but also women) wonder why victims don't come forward. SMH
@rangerowo4568 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you.... my 21 year old cousin (as of today) raped at 5 and 12 years old This really helps
@almostwhizzer 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh.... I'm really sorry...
@ThemanthelegendKenny 4 жыл бұрын
• MarbleWood • bruh it’s not your fault
@jessica.m.thornhill2300 4 жыл бұрын
Katsuki Bakugo Ya know that’s showing sympathy..
@__-we7wg 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThemanthelegendKenny they're saying that because it happened to his/her Cousin -_-
@kittenmimi5326 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThemanthelegendKenny do you really pecieve every single thing based by its literal meaning?
@reneeclaude8324 4 жыл бұрын
When I was 7/8 I was in Sainsbury's with my mum. I was alone looking at the toys while she paid for the shopping. I noticed a man was following me so zigzagged through the aisles to get back to my mum. He followed and went behind us in the queue. I thought this was odd as he didn't have any shopping, but then he skipped ahead of the queue and headed to the toilets, but on the way he grabbed my ass. My 8 year old ass. It was in the car I asked my mum why that man touched my bum, and my mum flipped out, marched me back into the store and spoke to the security. He had left the toilets, and there was nothing they could do. A few years later when I was 15 I was sexually abused at a party, i was drunk and two boys forcefully assaulted me. Two years later an old man at a park touches me up whilst I'm sat on a bench walking my dogs. The world is a perverted place and fortunately I don't remember much of what happened, but this KZbin video triggered a memory of the man in Sainsbury's. we've only been able to contact the police for the man at the park - due to memory issues snd security - but there's never any justice. People get away with disgusting shit and it's not okay
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Please tell someone about these kind of things
@nutfeel 4 жыл бұрын
This is an old video but watching it made me remember something that happened to me about 7-8 years ago. (I'm 18 now and I've had several head injuries and i forget/remember things suddenly.) So i was about 9-10 years old and my mother had friends from a church, we all lived together, my family of 6 and their family of 4. I'm not gonna lie, we used to think they were awesome people, so awesome that we called them "uncle" and "aunt" even though we aren't related by blood. On that specific day, we were in his son's room watching a movie, it was dark and late out but it was summer so we didn't care. When my "uncle" came home he joined us. He sat uncomfortably close to me, on the couch that was in the room. I didn't think much of it because i had never been uncomfortable around him so i thought it was just me being weird. He then put his disgusting hands on my body and he touched me. I was so shocked and i was little, so of course my mother taught me that i should NEVER let anybody touch me. i tried my hardest to get up but he grabbed me and told me to stay. I obviously didn't want to and i kept pulling my arm, i just wanted to get out of there and i kept saying no, but he had a strong grip and i was only small. He tried bribing me with the toys and candy he had brought home. He did all this while my younger siblings and his very young sons were still in the room. When he finally let go of me i ran out and into my room. I cried for weeks, even now i think about it sometimes and just cry. I'm not over it, it was only recently i told someone, my brother. I never told my mother, or his wife, not even internet buddies. But your video made me feel like it was time, even if only strangers see this, i guess its only small steps for now. Maybe one of these days I'll finally get the help i need. Edit: I also wanted to add that when i was younger i absolutely loved going to church. But that specific event made me absolutely hate it. I stopped doing things that i loved for a very long time, didn't even go to high school for a whole year because i kept trying to forget. This is why i had several brain injuries, because I've tried to hurt myself. I went through a time where i just hurt myself any way possible. Ofc my mother noticed but she doesn't think that our generation has anything to complain about and that depression for young people doesn't exist because of our easy life. Which is why i haven't gotten any help, i grew up learning that and i have trouble talking about what I'm feeling or thinking which is also another reason why I haven't reached out to anyone (since I'm legally an adult now and can shoose to do so) But now I'm realizing that i DO need help, i don't know how long it will take for me to actually get the help but if anyone else is going through/went through anything similar, help?
@giannagilberti9617 4 жыл бұрын
ey zach I didn’t go through anything similar but all I know is you HAVE TO tell your parents and the authorities. I hope this helps and I’m sorry that happened
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve gone through sexual assault too but I haven’t told anyone and it was a mistake but you can change it but not me bc I don’t remember the person I live in a whole different country please tell the cops
@calonstanni 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 56. Almost all of the men I've ever met (not ALL men thankfully) have minimized the abuse I've experienced from males from the moment I could remember. I was taught (by EVERYone...family, friends, clergy, teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, bosses) that all of the harassment, stalking, threats, grabbing, lewd comments weren't "abuse" because I wasn't physically hurt. It was always implied that I, as a woman, was supposed to expect that from men because ... "boys will be boys" mentality (?).... and because I smiled too much, walked after dark, wore the wrong clothes, sat alone, etc. It's changing though. Slowly. And MAN people are PISSED! But I'm grateful for the #metoo movement and all the other women, like you, who speak out. It helps. It really does. I'm sooo sorry this happened to you but you helped humiliate this asshole (and SCARE him too ) and I bet he rethinks his attempts to do this again. That's Badass.
@miiamariikiisel1470 5 жыл бұрын
You're 56 years old???????!!
@chloevaillant9430 5 жыл бұрын
Some men try to understand but the only men I know that really does was sexually abused when he was a kid. Not all women understand though, some minimized it too, they think they can defend themselves or that saying no is enough to stop it. All the people I know that have been assaulted were too shocked to react.
@courtneylove9140 5 жыл бұрын
This is horrible and reading all these comments is truely heartbreaking. I dont have a serious story like the other brave people here but I do know the worry and panic of being a woman and feeling like you're a victim. I personally have a large chest and butt and when I go out places no matter what I wear whether it be a short dress or a turtleneck I always have boys and men staring at me and getting close to me and its a horrible feeling. They will stare at my chest or butt and have a look of pure lust on their faces which is terrifying if I'm ever alone cause I feel like I'm in constant danger. I truely hope one day we can live in a world where women and men can walk around freely without having to feel like they're in danger
@ChuChu.id0l 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you and I'm an early bloomer so I always feel uncomfortable when I don't wear a bra even if it's just at my elementary school, people like us are very uncomfortable even thinking of these situations
@alouise22 5 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. I hope a world is in our future where anyone can walk around and feel safe and not feel like they're in constant danger.
@leok2514 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I understand completely, this sort of thing happens to me at times. There was one guy at Walmart that got pretty close to me and he was trying to be flirty. The thing is, I`m a young teenager, and he looked about 24. I didn`t even notice the red flags until my mother told me in the car that the guy was looking me up and down and being a perv and I was glad that she was there to protect me.
@juanitamelendez9295 4 жыл бұрын
I know this video was a while ago, and I'm watching it now. It woke up a memory that I had buried in the depths of my soul. It is a horrible feeling, especially when people disregard it or blame it on you. Like, "you were asking for it." Why? Because I'm a human being that breathes and walks? Or because I attracted the other person? Many years ago, I was involved in a domestic violence situation with my abusive ex-boyfriend. I was still in my pajamas and covered in beer, and waiting in the courthouse to get a restraining order. The officer that took the case gave me a ride and touched me inappropriately to find out if I had a bra. It was horrible. I was only 18 at the time. And the worst is I didn't tell anyone because I was so hurt and afraid. Now that I think back I get angry I didn't say anything when I should have. It is not funny at all. Things like this happen all the time and get disregarded. That is why some people just don't report it. Then, these predators keep doing it to other people. They keep escalating because they never get caught, and then you see them in the news and think: how can someone do something like that? Well, there it is.
@mysteriousartist1231 4 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of when my teacher was really touchy with me I would were tights and leggings and lose kinda low cut shirts and button ups because that's what I find to be most comfy in cuz i have really thick legs and a bigger chest area not that it should matter and I have even be told by my mom to be careful because of our looks but anyway their were days when he would touch my shoulder back an just make me feel like I was constantly stared at mind u I was 12 but their was one day. It got kinda bad I was just sitting down and I guess he "accidentally " drop something but when he grabbed down to get it .he literally put his hand half way up my thigh and squeezed it an pressed on it for support and when he got up he gave me this really creepy smile maybe I'm overreacting but it just made me so weird an scared like I wood truly dread going to his class every other day because we have even and odd days but it really sucks
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Please tell someone that’s an adult or even a friend you trust
@chaniwimmer8716 5 жыл бұрын
I kinda knew what to expect going into this video, but it surprises me how much these stories get to me sometimes. My boyfriend was doing his own thing on the other side of the room, but he was basically listening in, and when it was over and I was trying to keep my shit together he came over and asked if I was okay. I ended up just crying wordlessly into his shirt for like five minutes. I hate that so many women have had to deal with this shit. I hate it.
@LL-tr5et 4 жыл бұрын
women, men
@sskies4972 5 жыл бұрын
I always thought I was a over protective boyfriend but hell no not no more I’m full sicko mode now cuz this video
@taylor-qu8nh 5 жыл бұрын
FBI yes! Finally a respectful boyfriend, thankyou
@jasmine-ur5tt 5 жыл бұрын
awwomg this is so cutee❤❤❤
@desireemoreno8422 5 жыл бұрын
Glad u want to "protect" your significant other, but as a woman who considers herself strong and independent, we dont want or need chivalrous actions to protect us, we want men to stop acting like animals. You obviously arent one of those men which is so awesome!!! Thank you! But what could be helpful is talking/teaching/preaching to your peers of men about it! I am trying to do my part by teaching my sons about it. Girls and women arent victims, men need to stop preying and protecting on us like we are. 😁👍
@jasmine-ur5tt 5 жыл бұрын
@@desireemoreno8422 tbh i think he has every right to protect his girlfriend. I respect that you are a strong independent woman but to have someone protect you is not removing or defying that status in any way at all. all the best and no harsh feeling❤❤
@sancho96 5 жыл бұрын
didn’t know people are so sick to do stuff like that. Glad i live in Latvia, haven’t heard anything like that would happen to people here.
@VENTABLXCK 3 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh. I’m so late to this but I’m glad I found your channel. I’m a long term child sexual abuse/ rape male survivor and I’ve had experiences similar to this. In public I’ve had grown men try to lure me away from my family, by asking for me (a minor) to help him into the city and another asking if I wanted a popsicle to get inside his house. For obvious reasons I didn’t follow through with the advances due to my past history and fear of other men. It’s extremely disheartening to be a male and feel as if my own innocence as a child was taken away and any sense of masculinity is gone. I’m a young adult now and I’m still attempting to recover from the years of trauma but hearing other people’s stories helps me realize I’m not alone. Thank you.
@iammatt3174 4 жыл бұрын
i remember last year i went to the store, i always take a shortcut through one quiet street behind the store, (its not a dirty street or anything, just not many people go through there) i was wearing a oversides shirt and some shorts so it from a far it looked like i only had i shirt. i was 16 and when i was going from the store (i just bought some chips that i carried in my hand) two guys from one paert of ste street started cat calling at me stuff like "kitten come here! Come over to us!" i speed walked around the corner to the more opened part of the street and ran there, and there i saw two old guys, tho guys could be my granpas and they first seemed to try ask in broken czech/englis (this is czech republic so i thought they were foreiners and tried to help) where the store is but that the one talking basically got out of him a "You, come , home, me and friend?" and i went pale, they worded it in a way as if i was a stupid horny girl. I said no multiple times and speed walked away. i should ad i get very anxious (im going to see a profesional if i actually have anxiety) and my anxousnes was at the level of 100 at the point of cat calling and than these two old men aproach and i calm down a big thinging they just want to find the store just so make me even more anxious again. My fight or flight reflex never sreamed RUN this loudly. But what just maked me more anxious is the fact that im pretty chubby (so people would probably say thick) so i cant run much, and i was damn 16. Around the corner from that street was a high school! who in their right mind would cat call around a school? and what type of a sick b*****d do you have to be to try and pick up girls there?!
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I’m glad they didn’t touch your it anything but please tell an adult about it I am 12 and I am younger than you but I know that it’s right to tell someone about that
@iammatt3174 4 жыл бұрын
@@Kamari_26 now its been a year it happened during summer break and im doing fine now.i told my mom and she just told me "than dont go through the short cut. So now i ride a bike through there. if a guy will cat call me again ill just run him over (just a joke)
@HeyItsDarci 5 жыл бұрын
When I was 17 I started dating this guy (my first boyfriend) and shortly after he became very abusive. My anxiety and mental health was at it's worst and I'd trust him with knowing my triggers. Ex. Men yelling, fighting, touching my thighs, and being in the dark. He would then play on those triggers either to get a "funny" reaction out of me or to have a false sense of control over me. One week, my family went out of town and I invited him over for the night. That night, he decided with himself and himself only that it was the night I was going to lose my virginity. At first it started with him saying "If you loved me you would have sex with me" (we had been dating for a month) and then turning into him flat out saying "you're home alone. Your family is gone. If I really want to, I can just rape you and get my way" I still denied and he tried to force me to do oral despite me begging "No" and crying. Things like this make it hard to not blame yourself. Stay Strong!
@starkid4299 5 жыл бұрын
That is disgusting. Im sorry that you went through this. I hope he earns a nice long stay in the stony lonesome one day for this type of shit.
@MarieFury 5 жыл бұрын
When I was 18 I went to a bar with my mom and her friend to be a designated driver. I have social anxiety and at one point tried sitting outside to calm down. These two girls kept talking to this drunk guy and looking at me. I knew they were talking about me and I kept hearing this guy say "I dont want to get in trouble. I dont wanna get punched. No." Somehow they convinced him to come up to me and touch my chest for no reason besides the fact they thought it would be funny. I did what I could to get him away from me as soon as possible and I regret not actually punching him or telling the bar owners. That happened 3 years ago and I still refuse to go into a bar. Never again
@maesaliva 4 жыл бұрын
I have a small story, nothing big. A few years ago, when I was turning 11, my family took me to Peru. It was fun, but I wanted to do something outside of the jungle, so we stayed in a city (Lima? Something like that) which my parents kept warning me was really shady. One day, we went to a park full of stray cats which people fed (And were a big part of the park). I love cats and this was my favorite part of the trip. I kept skipping around and petting and playing with the cats, who were a bit shy as wild cats but used to people. I don’t remember this very well, but at one point this guy (who looked like he lived there) saw me, a blonde haired blue eyed ten year old with a white family and an American accent, playing with a bunch of cats and having a good time. Apparently, he started to follow me for awhile. Also, this guy looked like he was in his 30’s and wasn’t just a teen being weird. My dad didn’t talk to him (or at least as I remember it) but he called him out to my family and pointed to him. I guess this guy noticed my dad pointing to him, because he sat down on a bench and minded his own business after that until we left. Back then, I didn’t know what sexual harassment was and thought he was going to kidnap me (I didn’t know what people did when they got kidnapped either. I just though they tied the victim up and acted like a bad guy. I didn’t know what sex was, either) and I didn’t realize what was actually going on or how creepy this guy was. Since then, I have faked profiles of young children looking to date online and caught predators, which has helped me to see what a creep does when they think the other one is interested. They’re all astonishingly similar. I realize online predators and physical sexual harassment aren’t the same thing, but they’re similar enough. It’s honestly fascinating as well as disguising to pretend to be 13 and like you want to date someone. Why?
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
I’m glad he did fuck you Edit: didnt*
@maesaliva 4 жыл бұрын
*•.Lonely Midnight.•* Excuse me?
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Violet Animations [ROPS] oof auto correct it’s supposed to say didn’t
@Kamari_26 4 жыл бұрын
Violet Animations [ROPS] I meant didn’t I’m super duper sorry
@alisa_and_pup 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that this happened to you 😢 thank you so much for sharing and being brave. I know all the people who have experienced stuff like this (myself included) are so grateful that you used this experience to help others feel less alone. Thank you. I hope you're feeling a little stronger and safer now. We gotta stick together ❤️❤️❤️ also LOVE this art piece!! So strong. Reminds me of when people say makeup is war paint.
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