⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 糟鹵凍鮑魚 材料: 新鮮鮑魚1斤(約5隻) 糟鹵 芫荽1棵 辣椒仔1隻 處理/程序: 1. 鮑魚,去殼,加入大滾水浸2分鐘,倒去水分,加入生粉1大湯匙,撈勻乸2分鐘,去除污漬及同時除去內臟,清水沖洗乾淨。 2. 大火在鑊內燒滾清水1升,熄火,放鮑魚落鑊,浸8分鐘。 3. 預備冰水。 4. 放鮑魚入冰水,浸1分鐘,廚紙索乾。 5. 在鮑魚中心𠝹一刀,令其入味。 6. 鮑魚,放碟上,加入糟鹵500毫升,放入雪櫃冷藏4小時以上。 7. 取出鮑魚,倒去一半糟鹵,加入芫荽碎及辣椒粒。 8. 完成,可享用。 Cold abalone in pickle sauce Ingredients: Fresh abalone 1 catty (about 5 Nos.) Pickle sauce Coriander 1 No. Chili 1 No. Preparation/Steps: 1. Abalone, remove shells. Add in boiled~up water, soak for 2 minutes. Pour away water. Add in 1 big scoop of tapioca starch, mix with the abalone well, season for 2 minutes, to remove dirts and intestines at the same time. Rinse thoroughly. 2. Heat up 1L of water at high flame in wok. Turn off fire. Put abalone in wok, soak for 8 minutes. 3. Get ready for iced water. 4. Put the abalone into iced water, soak for a minute. Dry with kitchen towels. 5. Make a cut at the middle of the abalone, to make it easy to absorb marinade. 6. The abalone, put on plate. Add in 500ml of pickle sauce. Store in refrigerator for 4 hours or more. 7. Take out the abalone. Pour away half of the pickle sauce. Add in coriander and chili cubes on top. 8. Complete. Serve.