Sonu!! The Philemon Foundation hit gold with such a brilliant philosopher. So proud of the real red book scholar.
@anonymoushuman8344 Жыл бұрын
He's a philosopher in the true sense of the word. And he knows whereof he speaks (and doesn't speak).
@WangoRiley8 жыл бұрын
Thank you.. these discussions are undoubtedly the way to go. I do watch all Ritman Library presentations, but getting away from academic lecture and allowing for discursive inquiry is far more enlightening. Please continue and again, many thanks
@Belialith7 жыл бұрын
I'm learning a lot from The Ritman Library through these videos. After I listened to a couple hours of them a few days ago, I had a dream that showed me something, so I came back to hear more. And today, I got some news from the Mother Earth that I connected to in a meditation. She told me to "Know Thyself." So in her presence I looked up and that is when I saw my SELF. She, my Higher Self, was so happy that I noticed her. She's the really high vibration (like a violin pitch sound -without making the sounds) and full of joy and purity, negatives. So I looked up at her and she was so happy that I saw her. That is when I realized that I had been separated from my Higher Self, and am in this body walking around in a sleep, going nowhere if I don't focus on integrating. So I noticed that there was like a little opening from myself, the physically embodied self, to the Higher Self up there who is so happy and bright/light/high vibration/joy. And I began to see that, in order to integrate, I must constantly keep her in awareness, and expand that opening to reach her, integrating, and therefore I can change all the laws of this structure by paying attention to Her, because She's a Higher Realm and She 'says' (different type of communicating rather than words and talking) that I am greater than the physical structure that I experience, and therefore I can manifest pure health and non-death experience into existing. So yea, I see what Jung was talking about. I'm glad that you are doing these videos. They are VERY helpful. Thank you.
@alchemistkingdickinson22563 жыл бұрын
@anonymoushuman8344 Жыл бұрын
22:06 to 23:33. See Shamdasani's long introduction in the Red Book. Also, the account in Memories, Dreams, Reflections. (Thank God that Jung had to do the work he did, and that the means did not exist yet to arrest his process chemically. He'd probably have been wise enough and circumspect enough to avoid a diagnosis of schizophrenia in any case. But suppose he hadn't. . . . We then wouldn't have what we call "Jung"!)
@davidasleep7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. I really hope the dialog between these three continue in a way that we all can watch. And perhaps learn more not only of Jung and alchemy then but the possibilities of applying such to things to enhances our own lives in the present and future tenses.
@eastsidebloody11 ай бұрын
I've been lowkey scared to read the Red Book, but fuck it i'm gonna give it a go.
@heardthatalreadyb48534 жыл бұрын
Thank you mam, and sir’s. I do appreciate your time
@Belialith7 жыл бұрын
I see what that man was talking about. You have to split from yourself first, because you have to become independent, you have to become an Individual, and then you can go back and integrate because then it's correct, and you can work with your Higher Self. But if you don't get that Independence, then you're not ready yet, and you need to have more experiences before you start going back...or integrating into the Larger Self.
@varasuetamminga95198 жыл бұрын
I need your help. I am a student of poetry and Jung and the Secret of the Golden Flower. In my 40s I fell in love with an Sicilian psychology professor who wants to promote my daughter but not accept my son. I have two children. I keep running into his influence after leaving him and my teaching position with great heart ache and harm to me and my profession. This lack of embrace of my son is more than a family problem. It feels like our culture somehow wants to promote the feminine as somehow "better" than the masculine. So not only do I fear the harm to my son of this rejection, but I also feel our culture ignoring the need for the balance of the masculine and the feminine. I even feel that both anima and animus within myself are not being accepted much less balanced. Jung has helped us tremendously to understand how important it is to rescue the feminine from our patriarchal culture's rejection of the female sophia or wisdom. But I fear that we are overcompensating for this rejection now by promoting the feminine above the masculine. Therefore we are in danger of just reversing our imbalance. What Jung and alchemy have always worked for is an equal respect, a balancing of masculine and feminine both within ourselves and within our culture. We are seeing this struggle with gender being played out as we go through this terrible US Presidential election. And also perhaps as we struggle to give genuine respect to gays and lesbians in our laws and customs. Please continue these discussions on psychological transformation especially as it struggles with fair treatment of both genders. Our culture deeply needs help on these issues just now. I think that Alchemy and Jung's work with Gnostic transformation is crucial to healing the problems we are facing. These problems are even being played out perhaps in our wars which waste enormous sums of money as well as lives. Your work could be so important in helping us face this awful prejudice and violence now wounding our world.
@tammydavis7706 жыл бұрын
Vara Sue Tamminga totally agree that we can go to far the other way. We need balance.
@curcoo15426 жыл бұрын
Gender is becoming dangerously polarized. As if humanity isn’t divided enough, now a wedge is being driven between man and woman. A lot of this is being driven by the social/cultural engineers but enough people are buying into it that it’s becoming a reality. Going to be difficult to wake the world up in realization that we are androgynous beings, but that’s why it’s important to work on ourselves. You hear it in Hollywood.. “we need more woman directors, we need to give more awards to diverse people’s, etc.” The job, and the award should always go to the one best fit for it.. has nothing to do with Man or Woman... the Nobel Peace Prize, and others are under the same scrutiny.. we’re being force fed the zeitgeist.
@l.m.l.33886 жыл бұрын
Always the Ritman Library's HIGH STANDARD !!!
@auurbjarnadottir61383 жыл бұрын
Peter, you are the best!
@johannahelenacorneliadamme33708 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing this very interesting interview with the different approaches to Mr. Jung's insight. This at the House of the hoofden Library ?
@michaelpohoresky59845 жыл бұрын
Perhaps the philosophers stone is the third rock from the Sun.
@Rinka2773 жыл бұрын
@danhanqvist4237 Жыл бұрын
What's the point of all that music? Not a very good effect.
@heardthatalreadyb48534 жыл бұрын
@alchemistkingdickinson22563 жыл бұрын
Messiah who the Rabbis asked world to pray for his appearing 2/21/21 favorite modern prophet of them all is CG JUNG! What makes a prophet a real prophet is their works are gifts to the fulfilment of great work. Their gifts ; works have to come to pass exactly as they left record they would come to pass etc Jung knew Christ birth date and left record for humans now to see which real Messiah is true door to above Savior Light of world when one recognizes the echina fishes face how can that one not twinkle and be experiencing heaven here on this earth??? C.G Jung writes in his book Aion{Which is much about Christ{The Fish~Echina who roams the oceans~a very elusive rare find} He states: "In the whole IDES there is but one man, the same is extracted by the Illiastrum and is the protoplast." IDES OR IDEUS is ""THE GATE THROUGH WHICH ALL CREATED THINGS HAVE PROCEEDED"",the globule or materia from which man was created. The ancient teachings about the Anthropos or Primordial Man asset that God , or the world~~creating~ principle , was made manifest in the form of a ""FIRST CREATED"" {protoplastus} man , usually of cosmic size. In India he is Prajapati or Purusha , who is also "the size of a thumb" and dwells in the heart of every man , like the Illiaster of Paracelsus. In Persia he is Gayomart , {gayoOmaretan , mortal life} , a youth of dazzlin whiteness , as is also said of the Alchemical Mercurius. In the Zohar he is Metatron , who was created together with Light. He is the Celestial Man whom we meet in the visions of Daniel , Ezra , Enoch , and also in Philo Judaeus. He is one of the principle figures in Gnosticism , where , as always , he is connected with the question of CREATION and REDEMPTION.
@alchemistkingdickinson22563 жыл бұрын
C.G. Jung states again in Alchemical Studies much about the Ides & Christ The True Door to Above: This Logos or quarternity is "the cup from which the king , drinking , draws his omens ," or the beaker of Anacreon. The cup leads Hippolytus on to the wine miracle at cana , which , he says ""showed forth the kingdom of heaven"";;for the kingdom of heaven lies within us , like the wine in the cup. Futher parallels of the cup are the ithyphallic Gods of Samothrace and the Kyllenic Hermes , who signiyfy the original man as well as the spiritual man who is reborn. This last is "" in every respect consubstantial "" with the original man symbolized by Hermes. For this reason , says Hippolytus , Christ said that one must eat of his flesh and drink of his blood , for he was conscious of the individual nature of each of his disciples , and also of the need of each ""to come to his own special nature."" Another synonym is Korybas , who was descended of the crown of the head and from the unformed brain like the eurphrates from eden , and permeates All things. His image exsists ~~~unrecognized~~""in earthly form"". He is the God who dwells in the flood. So far as Korybas is concerned , the parallel between him and the Protanthropos is explained by the ancient view that the corybants were the original men. The name ""Korybas"" does not denote a particular personality , but rather the anonymous member of a collectivity , such as the curetes , Cabira , Dactyls , etc.... Etymologically , it has been brought into connection with {Crown of the Head} , though this is not certain. Korybas seems in our text to be the name of a single synonymous with the Cabiri of samothrace. With reference to this Hermes the text says :: ""Him the Thracians...~~~... call Korybas."" I have suggested in an earlier publication that this unusual single personality may perhaps be a product of contamination with Korybas , known to us from the Dionysus legend , because he to seems to have been a PHALLIC BEING , as we learn from a scholium to Lucian`s De dea Syria. From the centre of the ""Perfect Man"" flows the ocean {where we have said , the Gods dwell}. The ""Perfect"" man is , as Jesus says , the ""TRUE DOOR,"" THROUGH WHICH THE PERFECT MAN must go through to be reborn again. Here the problem of how to translate ""telios"" becomes crucial ; for~~we must ask~~why should anyone who is ""perfect"" need renewal through rebirth??? One can only conclude that the perfect man was not so perfected that no futher improvement was possible. We encounter a similar difficulty in Philippians 3:12 where Paul says: ""Not that I already perfect""". But three verses further on he writes : ""Let us then , as many as are perfect be of this mind"". The gnostic use of________ obviously agrees with Paul`s. The word has only an approximate meaning and amounts to much the same thing as _________ `"SPIRITUAL", which is not connected with any conception of a definite degree of perfection of spirituality. The word ""perfect"" gives the sense of the greek_________ correctly only when it refers to God. But when it applies to a man , who in addition is in need of rebirth , it can at most , mean ""WHOLE"" or ""COMPLETE"", especially if , as our text says , the complete man cannot even be saved unless he passes through this door The father of the ""perfectus"" is the higher man or Protanthropos , who is ""not clearly formed"" and ""without qualities"". Hippolytus goes on to say that he is called PAPA {ATTIS} by the Phrygians. He is a bringer of peace and quells ""the war of the elements"" in the human body , a staement we meet again word for word in medieval alchemy , where the filius philosphorum ""makes peace between enemies or the elements"". This ""PAPA"" Is also called _________{cadaver}, because he is buried in the body like a mummy in a tomb. A similar idea is found in Paracelsus ; his treatise De vita longa opens with the words::""Life verily , is naught but a kind of embalmed mummy , which preserves the mortal body from the mortal worms"".The body lives only from the ""MUMIA"", Through which the ""peregrinus microcosmus,"" the wandering microcosm {corresponding to the macrocosm}, rules the physical body. His synonyms are the Adech , Archeus , Protothoma , Ides , Idechtrum , etc .. He is the ""Protaplast"" {the first created}, and , as , Ides , ""the door which all created things have come."" {THE ""TRUE DOOR"" ABOVE!!!} The mumia is born together with the body and sustains it , though not to the degree that the ""supercelestial Mumia"" does. The latter would correspond to the higher Adam of the nassenes. Of the Ideus or Ides Paracelsus says that in it """there is but one man~~~~ãnd he is the Protoplast."" The Paracelsian Mumia therefore corresponds in every way to the original man , who forms the microcosm in the mortal man and , as such , shares all the powers of the macrocosm. Since it is often a question of cabalistic influences in Paracelsus , it may not be superflous in this connection to recall the figure of the cabalistic Metatron. In the Zohar the Messiah is described as the ""central column""{of the sephiroth system}, and of this column it is said :: ""The column of the centre is Metatron , whose name is like that of the Lord"". ""It is created and constituted to be in his image and likeness , and it includes all gradations from Above to Below and from Below to Above , and binds {them} together in the centre."" The dead man , Hippolytus continues , will rise again by passing through the """DOOR TO HEAVEN"". Jacob saw the gate of Heaven on his way to Mesopotamia , ""but they say Mesopatamia is the stream of the great ocean that flows from the midst of the perfect man."" This is the Gate of Heaven of which Jacob said:: ""HOW TERRIBLE IS THIS PLACE!!!"" ""This is no other than the house of God , and the Gate of Heaven."" The stream that flows out of the original man {{THE GATE OF HEAVEN}} Is interpreted here as the flood tide of oceanus , which , as we have seen , generates the Gods. The passage quoted by Hippolytus probally refers to john 7:38 or to an apoccryphal source common to both. The passage in John ----""He who believes in Me ,as the scripture has said , out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water""---refers to a non biblical source , which , however , seemed scriptual to the author. Who ever drinks of this water , in him it shall be a fountain of water springing up into eternal life , says Origen. This water is the ""higher"" water , the aqua doctrinae , the rivers from the belly of Christ , and the divine life as contrasted with the ""Lower"" water , the aqua abyssi , where the darkness are , and where dwell the Prince of this world and the decieving dragon and his angels. The river of water is the ""SAVIOR"" Himself. Christ is the river that pours into the world through the four gospels , like the rivers of Paradise. I have purposedly cited the ecclesiastical allegories in greater detail here , so that the reader can see how saturated Gnostic symbolism is in the language of the church , and how , on the other hand , particularly in Origen , the liveliness of his amplications and interpretations has much in common with Gnostic views. Thus , to him as to many of his contemporaries and sucessors , the idea of the cosmic correspondance of the ""SPIRITUAL INNER MAN"" was something quite familar :: in his first homily on Genesis he says that God first created Heaven , the whole spiritual substance , and that the counterpart of this is ""OUR MIND"" which is itself a spirit , that is , it is our spiritual inner man or lady which sees and knows God."" These examples of christian parallels to the partly pagan views of the Gnostics may suffice to give the reader a picture of the mentality of the first two centuries of our era , and to show how closely the religious teachings of that age were connected with psychic facts.
@alchemistkingdickinson22563 жыл бұрын
Messiah Jehove is Adam Kadmon Firstborn soul AE WAITES Book:The Hermetic Muesuem states: On the sixth day of the first year of the world , that is to say , on the 15th day of march , God created , the first man Adam , of red earth , in a field near Damascus , with a beautiful body , and after his own image. When Adam was created , he stood naked before the Lord , and with outstretched hands rendered thanks to him , saying : O Lord , Thy hands have shaped me:: now remember , I Pray Thee , the work of Thy hands , which thou has clothed with flesh , and strenghtened with bones , and grant me life and loving kindness. So the Lord endowed Adam with great wisdom , and such marvelous insight that he immediately , without the help of any teacher~~simply by virtue of his original righteousness~~had a perfect knowledge of the seven liberal arts , and of all animals , plants , stones , metals , and minerals. Nay , what is more , he had perfect understanding of the holy trinity , and of the coming of Christ in the flesh. Moreover , Adam was the Lord , King , and ruler of All creatures which , at the Divine bidding , were brought to him by the Angel to receive their names. Thus All creatures acknowledged Adam as their Lord , seeing that it was He to whom the properties and virtues of All things were to be made known. Now the wisdom , and knowledge of All things , which Adam had recieved , enabled him to observe the properties , the orgin , and end of All things. He noted the division and destruction , the birth and decay of physical substances. He saw that they derive their orgin from the dry and moist elements , and that they are again transmuted into the dry and the moist. Of All these things Adam took notice , and especially of that which is called the FIRST MATTER. For He who knows how things are transmuted into their first matter , has no need to ask any questions. It was that which exsisted before , a new earth , fire , water , air , sun , moon , stars , in short , a new world. As in the beginning All things were created new , so there is a kind of new creation out of the first substance in our Art. Now although God warned him not to reveal this first substance~~~viz,; the moistened and the dry elements~~yet he permitted him to impart the knowledge to his son Seth. Abel discovered the Art for himself , by the wisdom which God had given him , and inscribed an account of it on beechen tablets. He was also the first to discover the Art of writing::further , he foretold the destruction of the world by the flood , and wrote All these things on wooden tablets , and hid them in a pillar of stone , which was found , long afterwards by the children of Isreal , thus you see that our Art was a secret from the beginning , and a secret it will remain to the end of the world. For this reason it is necessary carefully to consider All that is said about it , and especially the words of the Lord to Adam :: for they exhibit in a succinct form the secret of the whole ART.
@alchemistkingdickinson22563 жыл бұрын
MYSTERIOUS COINJUNCTIONIS IS HARPAZO RECOGNIZING CHRIST FACE TRAVERSING TRUE DOOR GETTIG YOUR WHITE STONE REV 2;17 BECOMING NEW JERU CITY OF REV Where the lines are greek words in this book. Notice Jasper green stone is the fish cornerstone christ mom is virgo as Mitchell knew both would be as Jung did! There is no greater evidence than a prophet telling the people the birth date of the only hope! There are prophets who knew and left record they knew of the country light would be born and even the state and even some how attuned with the year of the appearing and the exact city. Is there anybody reading these comments seeking to recognize light of the worlds face? This city is New Jerusalem the twinklers enlightened those recognize join hands snatched into heaven while still here in a body and into the place of safety that is prepared. The city of Revelation by John Michell pg 98-103~~~~~~~~1746 in the astrologers holy city In the number 1746 is found the key to st. johns 12 jeweled city of new jerusalem described in rev 21.It is generally allowed that the 12 precious stones set in the foundation of the holy city correspond to the signs of the zodiac, Dr. R.H. Charles in his monumental commentary on the rev of st. john discusses the matter at link & declares that st. johns astrological arrangement of the foundation gems was made with intent. The correspondence between the jewels and the signs are given by Kircher in Oedipus Aegyptiacus as set out below & the appropriate greek gods are added. 1 ram amethyst athena 2 bull hyacinth aphrodite 3 twins chysoprase apollo 4 crab topaz hermes 5 lion beryl zues 6 virgin chyrsolite demeter 7 balance sardius hephaistos 8 scorpion sardonyx ares 9 archer smaragdus artemis 10 goat chalcedon hestia 11 water carrier sapphire hera 12 fishes jasper poseidon In the description of the new jerusalem the stones are placed in reverse order beginning with the piscean jasper ending with the amethyest of aires, the reason is that the sun retreats through the 12 signs in the course of a great year, passing from taurus to aires & then through pisces to aquarius. The circular wall of the new jerusalem & its 12 gems represent the nativity of the astrogical sun reborn at the start of a new age, that of pisces. The esoteric name of Jesus was the fish, a fact which if it were not already known might be inferred by the following gematria name of jesus________=1289 the fish__________1289 poisden________1289 . _________________ has the number 2177 which identifies Jesus the fish with the Ark of the Covenant _________2178 & _________2178 one pearl of great price matthew 13:46 the masonic significance with 2178 is that 21780 sq. ft. are contained in half acre & 21.78 ft=8 Megalithis yard 8 being according to Iraenius, the gnostics found characteristic to Jesus _______888, as the sun of the piscean age, Jesus the fish was born of Mary who is mare the sea. In the greek scriptures Mary is either spelled Maria 152 or in the hebrew fashion___________192 If to M _______192 & Christ________888 is added the 3rd & positivily activated member of the trinity, number 666 the sum of the 3 numbers is 1746, the number of fusion. If the foundation gems of the new jerusalem with their corresponding gods & zodiacal signs are placed in order around the perimeter of a circle so that pisces Poisden & the jasper stone occupy the 12 oclock position, on the opposite side of the circle 6 oclock are virgo, Demeter & chrysolite. The jasper stands at the top of the circle because the light of the new jerusalem, the star by which it was lit, was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal (rev. 21:11) This is the constellation Pisces, and the city, which is the sum of all its inhabitants, represents the human mind at the dawn of the piscean age as the anticipated changes occur in the hierarchy of psychic powers, & a new god, Poisden the fish steps on to the throne of his predecessor.The correspondences of pisces come together with those of virgo to produce the hierogamous union described by Plato as the fusion of the same & the other, from which is born the christian son of man. Pisces________1224 The virgin ________523 =1747=__________the same and the other=______________a grain of musterd etc Poisden _________1219 Demeter__________468=1687____________the same and the other=___________bread of life1686=_____________the lamb of god 1685 Jasper________501 Chrsolite__________1689= 2190 =_________son of man Final illustrations of the astrological significances of the 12 jewels in the foundations of the new jerusalem are offered in the diagrams fig. 30, the number of the jasper stone, the light of st. johns city, is 501 and if this number is taken as the diameter of the zodiacal circle, its circumference measures 1574 and half and 1574 ________ spirit & bride the conjugal pair of the new jerusalem revelation 22:17. Figure 30 Pisces jasper stone_______501 spirit the bride 1574 aires amethyst 1225 the first heaven earth 3849 A similar phrase also from rev. 1 :8 _________ alpha & omega has the value 1572. In contrast to the numerology of the piscean era is that of the preceding age of aires, The amethyst______is the stone of the ram; its number is 1225. This was an important number of pre-christian cosmology, for it is the value of ________ one ultimate whole, the phrase used by Plato in Timeaus 33A to describe the perfect & unique cosmic sphere, which is Gods creation,____________1224. A circle drawn on the diameter of the amethyest 1225 has a circumference of some 3849 which is _____________________the first heaven and the first earth. In the first verse of rev 21 st. john sees a new heaven and new earth for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away. It is clear from the gematria of the chapter that the reference is to the birth of the astroligical sun in pisces with virgo in oppisition. These 2 Pisces & The Virgin make together the sacred number of fusion, which number therefore given to the spirit produced of their union. The following phrases, all of the words from the greek new testament, illustrate the meaning of 1746 & reveal the secret of the true cosmology given new expression in the christian religion. Gematria of 1746 Holy spirit & the bride____________=1747 Father Son Spirit_________=1745 The Lord God & The Virgin________=1747 The holy spirit & Virgin MARY_______1747 tHE SACRED MARRIAGE REPRESENTED BY THE PHRASES ABOVE HAS THE following issues: Son of virgin Mary________1746 Offspring of a virgins womb_______=1747 Emmanuel son of mary;jesus child of st. mary; jesus infant lamb of mary; the divine man;the spirit of the universe;spirit of god on earth;the glory of the god of isreal;divinity of the kingdom of jesus;;divinity of the spirit;spirit as a dove john 1:32;the name of the spirit;the hidden spirit;christ the kingdom;grain of musterd seed;fruit of a vine yard; the spiritual law{{{all these words in greek scripture add to either 1745-1747!!!!! The seed within the womb of the virgin mother of creation has many synonyms in the alchemical language, among which Harold Bayley in his chapter on the virgin in The Lost language of symbolism includes the pearl"the mother of grace"& queen of heaven these are queen of heaven_____=1745 mother of grace_____=1745 virgin pearl of the kingdom____=1745 pearl of wisdom____=1745 precious pearl of mary______1745 The grain of knowledge that germinates at the 7th & final stage of initiation corresponds to the primal seed of creation & has the same number. Phrases used in reference to the mysteries include: Knowledge of God the divine gnosis______=1747 The TREASURE OF JESUS_________=1746 tHE CUP of Jesus_____=1746 mysteries of jesus________=1747 the 7 mysteries_______1745 The alchemical correspondences of 666 1080, sulphur & mercury, are said to be combined through a 3rd element, known as salt. In the same way Platos, creative forces, being abstracts, need Essence as the meduim for their union. Neither the same nor the other exsists of itself, only in terms of its rival, so 1746, is a number of unmanifest potential, incomplete without a 3rd term.This is made clear in Platos gematia, for when essence is added to the same & the other the result is the same; the other; & the essence_________=2368 Platos Universal soul is thus given the number most revered by christian mystics 2368, Jesus Christ