Tafseer of Surah 105 - Feel (Part 1) - Nouman Ali Khan

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@tashdu5536 2 жыл бұрын
All these are fining me insight into the surahs Alhamdulilah all these are spreading light on these for us all It gives me more info and more information and better understanding of the Quran Alhamdulilah Ustadh
@mualagathaaa666 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for uploading all these tafaseer!! REALLY helpfull!!
@shamsunnaharuddin2419 6 жыл бұрын
Marooka y
@mohdhafizhelmi6505 4 жыл бұрын
@Missblob1 9 жыл бұрын
these videos really help me and i learn so much from the sheikh. Alhamdulillah and the people who have put up these videos may allah reward you the most excellent reward aameen
@belloshamus9342 3 жыл бұрын
Ustadz not Sheikh though I don't know if they are synonyms. I know he uses Ustadz
@sadzkay8991 2 жыл бұрын
May allah swt reward you in abundance ameen
@jig270 5 жыл бұрын
Mind blowing I am crying
@mhkhan3943 3 жыл бұрын
Asalam o alaikum plzzzzzzz upload all your videos of whole Quran tafseer in urdu like this
@UnfunnyMayonaise Жыл бұрын
NOTES OF THIS SURAH 🔴THESE LAST TEN SURAHS: These last ten surahs are ao closely related and are talking about the life of prophet s.a.w. these surahs are tied together. Cz these surahs are about makkah and its people. And ibrahim a.s turned that desert into makkah (ismael a.s sacrifice story) before makkah was desert, but soon became a city after that incident cz of zam zam well travelers would stop at this place make huts, and drink water cz it was hard fonding water in desserts. So soon they built houses around it and thats how desert turned into a city (makah). This is all due to the dua of Ibrahim a.s 🔴The dua of IBRAHIM A.S The dua of Ibrahim a.s is mentioned in two surahs in the Quran. In surah ibrahim and in surah baqarah. 🔸IN SURAH BAQARAH: رَبِّ اجْعَلْ هَٰذَا بَلَدًا آمِنًا "My master,Make this into a peaceful city" There is no 'al' on balad (city) that's why it is translated that way. 🔸IN SURAH IBRAHIM: رَبِّ اجْعَلْ هَٰذَا الْبَلَدَ آمِنًا "My master,make this city peaceful" .......................................................... THE DIFFERENCE is because these dua took place at different times. The first one (surah baqarah) took place when Ibrahim a.s first entered the desert and prayer to make this into a peaceful city, meaning, make this desert a city and a peacful one. The second dua (surah ibrahim) took place when he came back after years (when makkah was already an axisting city) then he prayed to make this city peacful. Meaning: there already is a city, now make it peacful 🔸SECOND PART OF THE DUA but more importantly, the second part of his dua was: "And provide its citizens all kinds of fruits" In a literary sense, fruits indicate wealth, financial stability, what we call now a days "prosperity". So fhe first part of Ibrahim a.s's dua was to give them peace and second part was to give them prosperity. Peace and prosperity. And in political science, we study that a nation, or a society can't survive unless it has peace and prosperity. One can't do good alone, we need peace/safety AND prosperity. So its shows the wiseness Ibrahhim a.s to ask fr these two things, and these two things together. 🔸3rd part of the dua. "And provide its citizens from all kinds of fruits, but only those who believe in Allah and the last day" *But only to those who believe in Allah and the last day* The thing to understand here is, Allah s.w.t made Ibrahim a.s an imam over us (imam: leader). And when u are a leader you are asked for the people under you, you are to be asked for thier behaviour. So Ibrahim a.s made dua as an imam that provide its citizens with all kinds of fruits but only to them who believe in you and the last day, so that at the day of judgement he wont be asked about the behaviour of those from his generation who fell into shirk. He is only holding responsibility for the pious. In other words, let the non believers starve I dont care about them. There is a dialogue between Allah s.w.t and Ibrahim a.s in surah baqarah, so at this Allah replied, no I will provide the disbelievers also but a little. (and this is why we also make dua to make us imam of pious people). 🔸THIS SURAH AND IBRAHIM A.S's DUA When abraha tried to attack ka'ba his plan was to destroy all of makkah and especially the ka'ba. And his army came on elephants, which was so unusual for the people of makkah to see cz they had never seen elephants in a battle field before, so most of the people climed mountains for thier shelter, this time was the highest possibility of danger, for makkah. But even at this time of impossibility ,Allah s.w.t fulfiled the dua of Ibraham a.s and protected the ka'ba and its people. The first part of the dua was to provide safety so Allah s.w.t did. Thats what surah feel is about, maintaining ghe peace of makkah. 🔸ITS CONNECTION WITH SURAHS. THE NEXT SURAH after is which is surah quraish, is about how Allah provided for quraish miraculously, which is the second part of Ibrahim a.s's dua. And provide its citizens with all kinds of fruits (prosperity). In that surah Allah s.w.t says "so worship the master of this house" mentioning 'this house' 'ka'ba' is imp here, bcz it takes us back to the history of tha house and who built it, ibrahim a.s. and he made the dua which git fulfilled. So after that Ayyah Allah s.w.t says that he gave you food despite hunger, and provided you safety despite in danger/fear. Which are a fulfillment of the dua of Ibrahim a.s But are they the worthy kids of Ibrahim a.s? Are these the kids that were worthy of the favours of Allah? No. Bcz Ibrahim a.s only aksed these favours of Allah for the believing children. Not the disbelievers. But as Allah replied to his (Ibrahim a.s) dua (in surah baqarah) that I will provide them (the disbelievers among his children) but a little. So those quraish fall into this category, but to distinguish these quraish and make it clear that these are the disbelieving ones, the next surah right after it is surah maon. Which tells about the behaviour of these ppl. and in the next surah, Allah s.w.t talked about the worthy children, surah al kauthar. As ibrahim a.s prayed in surah baqarah to atleast have 1 group among his generation that worships Allah, and to make from them a prophet. So the worthy children are mentioned in the next surah, Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. in al.kauthar Allah s.w.t gave prophet s.a.w 'the abundant good' (al kauthar) which is a river in paradise but also means alot of things, one of them is that tye abundant goof he s.a.w has been given is also tge ka'ba. Tye qibla changed in his prophet hood and his s.a.w time period.. and who built the kaba? Prophet Ibrahim a.s and his son. In the next ayyah of surah kauthar it says that so you should pray and sacrifice. Sacrifice and prayer are a sign of which prophet? Prophet Ibrahim a.s.. The next ayyah of surah Kauthar is "inna sha ni a ka huwal abtar". (There is no doubt about it your enemy he is the one who is cut off) this ayyah talks about the enemy of rasool Allah s.a.w. these are unworthy children of Ibrahim a.s, and Allah s.w.t is making it clear here that now the worthy and unworthy children of ibrahim are no longer one family, even tho thier blood is same their father is one but from now on they are two different groups. And in arab ppl used to introduce themselves by thier name and tribe. Their citizenship was thier tribe. So in the very next surah Allah s.w.t commands the prophet s.a.w to tell them that he is not from them, that from today they are two seperate ppl, in surah kafiroon. And in surah kafiroon agter the conflict has been announced it is clear and inevitable that one will win and the other will loose. And the surah right after it is surah 'nasr'. Iza ja a nasr -u-allahi wal fath (when help of Allah came) it is talking about victory over makkah. So it has been clear that muslims and prophet s.a.w won The victory of the conflict mentioned is surah kafiroon has been givwn in the hands of prophwt s.a.w AFTER surah nasr is surah lahab. What's the commection between the victory of makkah and the victory of rasool over his one of the biggest enemy?. Well, just like before storm the clouds go away and the weather changes to indicate and give us a sign that storm is coming, just like that, in surah nasr bigger victory of Allah is mentioned. If this surah was makki (there is a difference of opinion) then that's a big promise. And right after this surah is a smaller indication that this big victory is on its way. In surah lahab Allah talks about how abu lahab and his wife will be destroyed which were one of the vicious enemy of prophet s.a.w when war take place for à long time, ppl usually forget what the fight was for. in the same way, this distinction of Ibrahim a.s with his people took place bcz f tawheed. his nation became his enemy bcz of tawheed. so in surah feel and almost all these last surahs Allah s.w.t talked indirectly about ibrahim a.s. and after syrah lahab, after Allah s.w.t talks about the enemy of prophet s.a.w, there is surah ahad (surah of oneness) قل هو الله احد . this is tawheed. Allah s.w.t talks about tawheed. and there are two sources that corrupts the idea of tawheed. one of them is the inside whisper of shaytaan. other is the outside influence of ppl. the outside influence in mention in the next surah after surah ahad, that is: surah falaq. the inside whispers feom shaytaan are mentioned in the next surah after surah falaq, that is: surah naas All of this was the legacy of ibrahim a.s talked with the legacy of prophet Muhammad s.a.w. so it shows how the legacy of Ibrahim a.s is tied to the legacy of prophet Muhammad s.a.w In an ayyah of the Qur'an Allah s.w.t told the prophet "Follow the legacy of ibrahim a.s who was solely dedicated to Allah s.w.t"
@UnfunnyMayonaise 11 ай бұрын
🔴1st verse 🔻Alam tara Did you (singular) not see? This ayyah is understood among scholars in two ways 1: the you (singular) is used here to talk to each and every person who witnessed the scene of ashab-ul-feel. It is talking to each and every person "Did you (singular) not see" So each and every person who witnessed this goes back in memory to that place and contemplate on it and remember it 2: it is talking to Rasool ulllah s.aw But the rasool ullah s.a.w was born after that incident. So he did not literally see it. So here it is used in figurative terms that did you not reflect upon, did u not realize how Allah protected this city as you were growing up. The quraish were so amazed by the event/incident of ashab-ul-feel that they previously did not have any calender of thier own, Christians had it, but arabs did not, so they made their own calendar called "aamul feel" the year of the elephant. There calendar began from that incident. So Allah s.w.t is talking about that incident now in this surah. 🔻Kaifa كيف "How" "Did you not see 'how'....." The word kaifa is important here, Allah s.w.t is going to describe in this surah How Allah destroyed them. It is impossible to imagine a city with no defense or army and even if they had army they have never seen elephants before (which are like tanks in modern world) and the opposing army has dozen elephants which can flatten down the entire town cz the huts were not made of bricks back then, it was soil and stems and stuff which elephants can easily destroy, HOW did THAT powerful army lost the battle, HOW that happened Ofc it was the force and power of the LORD that did that. Ofc it was your rabb, Allah s.w.t. this cannot be some random accident Did u not realize that someone is taking care of this city? Even in the face of ashabul feel
@AyaanHussain-ys5gt 7 ай бұрын
Jazak Allah Bhai ...beautiful compilation of what Ustadh said
@asimasadia3431 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much May Allah reward you Aameen
@BKAYS Жыл бұрын
@hiranaveed6056 4 жыл бұрын
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
please level audio before uploading there is nothing on left track channel
@wanderer.madiha23 3 жыл бұрын
I wish you have Urdu translation of these khutbas as I can't explain them as good as you do in Urdu to my mother 😭
@kholoudmanlucu 12 жыл бұрын
Jazakala khair for the free tutorial baraka allahu feekum....
@YakhyaTan 2 жыл бұрын
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem  Alam tara kaifa fa'ala rabbuka bi ashaabil feel Alam yaj'al kaidahum fee tadleel Wa arsala 'alaihim tairan abaabeel Tarmeehim bihijaaratim min sijjeel Faja 'alahum ka'asfim m'akool
@ameg2707 3 жыл бұрын
Subhan Allah from ancient times till this day it’s all about greediness and power the source of destruction 😢
@asthhameeda4537 5 жыл бұрын
@MindandFaith 4 жыл бұрын
Why have you stopped uploading videos dear brother?
@mubashirzia427 8 жыл бұрын
that is beautiful leckcher
@mubashirzia427 8 жыл бұрын
sorry I did it rong I mean what a beautiful leckcher
@leylak84 Жыл бұрын
Lütfen Allah rızası için Türkçe 'ye cevrilsin
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
why there is no sound in here???
@saminanaseer3941 Жыл бұрын
Exactly.. there's no sound
@DiaKhan22 4 жыл бұрын
No sound. Can't hear anything
@theinsignium1921 4 жыл бұрын
2020! Let's GOOOO!
@samiaziz5050 5 жыл бұрын
Not much of this is surah feel
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
it is a mute audio track
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
please level audio before uploading there is nothing on left track channel
@muhammadbilalkhan7254 6 жыл бұрын
There is no audio to this video :( I can't hear any voice :(
@abdulwasay2456 6 жыл бұрын
yes there is
@jane29jeng 6 жыл бұрын
The right ear audio is not working. Still good in the other ear.
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