IWD Reacts To Agurin DRAMA

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IWD Clips & Highlights

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@adamdecoder1 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, after the Dantes x Tarzaned event, I have a much higher standard for league drama. Imma need the Bard player to be sleeping with Agurin's mother and Reddit-leaking info about a long-lost twin brother that Agurin absorbed in the womb before I'm invested.
@ApexGale 4 ай бұрын
agurin is sukuna confirmed
@rajder656 4 ай бұрын
Ask anyone who played in EUW masters NOBODY likes to play with bardinette
@baldawen 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, the idiots doing this strategy just make the whole game about themselves while forcing their teammates to suffer.
@Royvenom 4 ай бұрын
Bardinette is the biggest Coinflip to have in your team. I play with him from time to time and he either enables you as a jungler or he solo loses the game.
@user-us3xi7se5b 4 ай бұрын
​@@baldawen Ady wannabe with thinly veiled narcissism?
@kikewickens6324 4 ай бұрын
I only got this person once and when we were mega losing someone hardcrashed the lobby. Not saying it was them but its also the only time I've ever experienced lobbycrash so idk.
@RiverSanzu 4 ай бұрын
I'm Challenger EUW and I like playing with him, I don't understand the hate honestly, we've had strategys like this for 5+ years at this point. Enemy gets a ton of bounties, he picks them off with R and gives bounties to his carries. It's pretty exciting and fun to play with that compared to the normal drawn out boring sleepy meta. His winrate is also above 50% winrate so he doesn't make you lose more than the average toplaner, he just makes the game different.
@flameofthegame 4 ай бұрын
Bardinette is the dream of any split push toplaner ,imagine picking Fiora/Camille with Trist mid against him you will win like 90% of the time .As a side note ,i completely agree on the playstyle subject ,even when Baus was 1k lp with that strat i always thought that its really not fun for anyone outside of himself ,this kinds of players usually arent toxic but they are by far the most selfish players in existence .
@coupdegrace2767 4 ай бұрын
Baus style at least has some logic behind it. This strat is straight up coinflip, there are way too many variables for it to work consistently. And before 🤓come with their "bUt He iS mASSterzzz" - you can coinflip to master. Tyler1 does it consistently, every single role. Especially nowadays, when high elo is the most inflated it has ever been.
@janpiet9921 4 ай бұрын
I agree, but at least Baus played it because it works, people like this guy just play it cause they enjoy their teammates suffering. If he was actually trying to win he wouldnt be 0-120 on illaoi...
@lerimflavored3863 4 ай бұрын
Yo but what about the whole thing where agurin pulled up a dudes Facebook and made fun of him
@rurulp8465 4 ай бұрын
It's not anywhere near as destructive as Bardinettes playstyle. Everybody can play the game normally except for the enemy top. At worst it's like you have a losing toplaner, which can normally occur aswell, with the only difference that he actually isn't behind and perma drew the jungler topside giving you a 4v3 on botside. At least that's how his strategy works when he is tryharding and Sion wasn't nerfed to the ground. When he is playing on smurf and is taking bad deaths it's actually reportable. With Bardinettes playstyle your jungler loses half of his jungle and nobody gets to play lanes since they have to perma follow Bard to random fights to not just autolose the game.
@Leeacademy2024 4 ай бұрын
​@rurulp8465 ? What uve got it flipped. Bardinette plays a roaming bard which randomly ganks other lanes. It clearly works a certain percentage of the time or else he wouldn't be masters. To say baus plausible doesn't affect other lanes is crazy. He routinely says "well that's not my problem to deal with" when he gives away kills to the enemy jungler. Have you played a game where enemy jungler gets fed off another lane then visits ur lane? Tilting as fuk
@aradan3913 4 ай бұрын
Dom didnt review the game, but zyra needs the gold for items so you cant just avoid camps or farming and focus on ganking, and a Renekton with 3 plates and no opposition top side will live in your jungle so if you happen to walk close to a bush and he happens to be there you die. In the game, previous to the clip, this happens the last 3 times he walks top side, one of them even with a support roam, and since his jungle is warded he also gets brand in there. This guy went a roam strat with Malphite mid and Zyra jungle, disgusting player this bard.
@nikkonreinold9821 4 ай бұрын
in the clip it wasn't even that. bard was lvl4, every other solo laner lvl 7 and agurin was 0/2/2 with lvl5. so i think that enemy jungle and at least 1 sololaner counterjungled him permanently. in the clip it was their mid, supp and jgl. malph had no prio. bard was in base. it was 12/4 so ff15 angle even if you don't like to ff15 there is literally no chance you can get back in the game if the opponents don't throw the whole game. but tbh just send in the fucking powerpoint shit to riot and if they chose not to ban bardinette for saying if you ban my bard i will troll you more than if you don't ban bard, then just go next game and i'm not talking solo queue but to leave league. it's time anyways.
@Sparkasm 4 ай бұрын
This Bard always does this stuff. It's disgusting
@zezanje1 4 ай бұрын
he is an otp, you put him in lane and the game becomes even worse because he doesnt actually know how to lane, let people play what they want. why is this pedo picking zyra jungle when he knows he is playing withbardinette and 0 engage and then bitching about it?
@vishaltmz3275 4 ай бұрын
funny thing is renekton is least of the worries, there is a fed trynda mid. Gl getting anything done botside, trynda will be on ur ass in no time.
@ataberk3539 4 ай бұрын
Also that malphite died level 1 to tryndamere... ON MID shortest lane in the game XD
@LebXToxic 4 ай бұрын
This is like playing a pick up basketball game and every time you get the ball your teammate steals it from you and throws it outta bounds
@Cashmoneez 4 ай бұрын
More like you pass the ball to him and chucks a half court shot bc he can make it 20% just brainless and selfish
@jackspinner4727 4 ай бұрын
Haha that’s a hilarious analogy
@zezanje1 4 ай бұрын
great analogy, makes absolutely 0 fucking sense
@ApexGale 4 ай бұрын
​@@lunacy5510 he's basically the nubrac of euw, selfish player trying to "innovate" when what he's really doing is playing objectively terrible off meta garbage and forcing his team to deal with him being dead weight in high elo
@riceislife6487 4 ай бұрын
@SYLXM 4 ай бұрын
I play League with a group of friends who are mostly very low ELO, but there's one person who has never even reached plat. He is convinced that he knows how to build low win-rate champions and make them good. In reality, he's just occasionally getting a huge early game lead and convincing himself that bad builds are actually good because "he got fed." The thing about this guy is that he is fully, 100% legitimately convinced that his Triforce build on Kalista is good. He's not trolling; he's just oblivious and somewhat delusional. I think players like Bardinette are just a higher-ELO version of my friend. I believe Bardinette is convinced that he's a Master player because his strategy is good. In reality, any person who can post a 50%+ win rate over a long period of time will eventually climb pretty much all the way up to GM without having any issues, so long as they play hundreds and hundreds of games a season. That's not a diffuclt task. I actually don't think a lot of high ELO players understand that a large part of being "high ELO" comes from having the free time to play the game for an ungodly number of hours while other people have lives and jobs. Any random League player in plat who plays 300+ ranked games a season can easily hit diamond or masters.
@stuckontranslation 4 ай бұрын
I agree with Dom more than ever on the statement that Lol pro scene try and break the limitis of The Matrix bringin new things to the game to keep it alive and Riot is the Architect of The Matrix saying "Stop right there this is my world and it will be the world I diseign not you"
@Karmeezy 4 ай бұрын
Hahaha the Jungledinger at the end. What a twist.
@yihadistxdl951 4 ай бұрын
i completely agree and especially on people who force their thing every game ignoring the circumstances. im a master yi onetrick ill get that out there right off the bat. i usually dont have it in me to grind a lot of games so i usually stop somewhere at diamond for the split but i have like 70%+ winrate. the reason for that is that even being yi otp i dont pick master yi every game. if enemy locks in leona, malzahar and vi, i will not pick master yi, because in my eyes i as the master yi player know that that game is unplayable for me. we will automatically lose the game if my botlane doesnt astro carry me because i just cant play. then i pick something like maokai or sejuani and accommodate to my team and i win those games too. i consider that if i pick master yi knowing that if i do so, i will lose the game, then i am intentionally trolling on purpose. isnt that literally just trolling if you knowingly do something that you know will lose the game and do it anyway? yes it is. i could force pick yi every game and end up with positive winrate yes but not without literally trolling several games. you cant pick roaming bard top into a yorick and just let him open toplane and tear down your inhibitor at 10 minutes into the game because you refuse to play the game
@yihadistxdl951 4 ай бұрын
and also id like to add, if youre an onetrick and YOU CANT PLAY ANY OTHER CHAMPIONS and you have a game where your champion pick will knowingly lose you the game, it is then your responsibility and duty to dodge the game. idk if this is controversial but thats the price you pay for being an onetrick
@JNitroxx 4 ай бұрын
​@@yihadistxdl951 It's not controversial at all. It should be like you say, but sadly most otps are braindead guys who only cares about bruteforcing his champion into the game more than winning. One of those situations that makes you say "Is it really common sense if people ignore what should be a core part of the draft before the game starts?". It's fucking mind blowing how people refuses to play for the team sometimes. I know nobody wants to depend on teammates in soloq, but there has to be a limit. Imagine your midlaner picking his Zed ignoring the fact that you already have a full ad comp into Rammus or Malph. They're just shooting themselves on the foot. I, as a Twitch main, would never choose picking my champ into a comp where Yasuo, Samira or Braum are in enemy team. That'd be just miserable for me, making me very team dependant. Anyways man, thats enough yapping. Good comment.
@DoubleMeatpalace 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of the drama from that Teemo support player that would go mid lane. The one where Nightblue3 said the whole "2 week vacation" meme.
@zweiigorgon8980 2 ай бұрын
It’s the same thing they want to create a gamestate that only works in high elo if your team is already informed on the strat + know the player and obviously they gain a 50 wr where they cope saying it works statistically but realistically theyre playing another champ to recoup their loss on LP. That teemo player did the same in reality he had something close to a 42% wr and would play amumu jg to fix his lost elo xd
@in_vas_por8810 Ай бұрын
@KhaoticKaos 4 ай бұрын
Yeah this Bard playing a troll playstyle not going toplane is the problem, I don't blame Agurin at all.
@ToTheGrave20 3 ай бұрын
I do. Don't Q if you aren't going to play. Literally in the summoners code.
@RomnysGonzalez 4 ай бұрын
You know what piss me off of playing as a jungler? We ALWAYS have to be the ones who need to fix the damn combo. We got this degenerate picking whatever they want without thinking in our comp and just forcing you at gun point to play towards whatever they are trying to do. Oh "Support and top didn't wanted to play time?. I guess i need to be playing tank... Ah mid wanted to play an assassins?. I guess i need to be playing AP to cover the other dmg. ADC picked a trash no dps pick?. Guess i need to pick more dmg" and it happens all games so i'm take 1st pick to force this people to do a good comp and still ignore it and just pick whatever and then go and blame the jungle for not shadowing 3 losing lanes at the same time with their garbage picks that gets no gank set up that end up losing lane so they got no HP for me to gank or too bad at pushing waves for dives. Jungle is a role for masochist
@luca-zg9nt 4 ай бұрын
@janpiet9921 4 ай бұрын
The game is for masochists* But yeah jungle is even worse than the other roles, well adc in low elo without a duo is about equally bad...
@nikkonreinold9821 4 ай бұрын
that's not true. everybody plays what they want. sometimes there are people who pick for comp but most of the times there isn't anybody. if you do it, then you might play to win, from your standpoint but if it pisses you off, then play for fun, no?
@R3alSt3al 4 ай бұрын
If you are lower than Master you shouldn't care about teamcomp at all, but wven is master strategies like this can work. There is a reason why the best onetrick players can reach Master. Not because they understand the game or picking for comp. They just understand how their champ has to be played in everymatchup. Grandmaster is the 1st elo where you need at least 5 champs from different characteristics so you have a counter to anything and fit the missing puzzle piece into the teamcomp. Anything lower than Master is a Mickey Mouse elo where you can even win as yummi top if you are a better player than your opponent.
@janpiet9921 4 ай бұрын
​@@R3alSt3al if you are a smurf you don't need a good comp yeah, but if you are an average player, the game is much much easier to play if your team picks some tanks and some solid engage options... Also i have played games with full AD comps into rammus and trust me those are not winnable no matter how good you may be...
@syqrit13 4 ай бұрын
Were living in a world where i can type "im retarded" get chatbanned for 7 days, get forced to brainrot through 5 normal games, yet when people obviously running it down nothing happens. Edit. Ohwait, ill MAYBE have to type "I Understand"
@StellarisVT 4 ай бұрын
I mean typing a slur SHOULD get you chatbanned
@KuoOwen 4 ай бұрын
​@@StellarisVTyou're re.😊
@Xabeutt 4 ай бұрын
getting chat banned for 7 days is nothing. get banned from playing the game for a month because you flamed afk griefers who ruined your in game experience, meanwhile the same players who ruined your game are more than welcome to queue up to ruin even more games. to add salt to the wound - in game reports and ticket to support dont help. meanwhile tyler flames his team on stream in front of thousands of viewers with some rioters probably watching and he doesnt get punished, and dont get me wrong, i watch tyler and enjoy him flaming, but there are some double standards here. i understand riot wants to reduce the toxicity but banning people from playing FOR typing is dogshit behavior system. so youre telling me, its better for community to have me banned because im toxic, and the fact that i tryhard and do my best to win every game and never afk, grief or troll doesnt count and i should be banned from playing on the basis of typing? and the same people who caused me to get toxic with their afk griefing gameplay are welcome to queue up again? dogshit company brainrot through 5 normal games with 10-30 minute queues and once you find a game you get masters to bronze players (this isnt exaggeration, i can show op gg screenshot of game where enemy team has master jungle + mid and their botlane are both bronze) and the quality of these games is disgusting at this point considering everything from balance, new releases to the shitty client and retarded behavioral system the best thing for this game would be to die already, so idiots in charge are given a wake up call to stop their game ruining policy
@MiiMiiOwO 4 ай бұрын
​@@StellarisVT then make all the slurs reportable
@StellarisVT 4 ай бұрын
@@KuoOwen oh nooooo in so offended :( you got me!
@SuperRainbol 4 ай бұрын
It's really cringe how for reddit and twitter the worst thing you can do is afk, even if your team is purposely grieving you, you MUST suffer all the 15-20 minutes or you are the worst of the worst.
@skoobes5057 4 ай бұрын
@skoobes5057 4 ай бұрын
@zezanje1 4 ай бұрын
because the guy isnt inting, he is a high elo bard top otp, if people have to play with your brand zyra jungle picks and somehow deal with it, so do you with their unconventional picks
@HALPQT 4 ай бұрын
@@zezanje1brand and zyra aren’t unconvential u mong, check pick and winrates
@potato_masterpm2074 4 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@zezanje1do you see roaming top bard getting picked in any pro league? Because most teams have picked brand or zyra jungle at some point this season. You are delusional.
@KristinaBlabla 3 ай бұрын
I like to think that league is just a psychological and social experiment on a global scale and then it's fun to play and watch
@Pyrrha_Nikos 4 ай бұрын
The best part about the "Riot forces standard gameplay" is that their excuse to not revamp the tutorial is because they don't want to tell people how to play League and they believe in the freedom of playing however they want. Ah, but when lane swaps appear for half a second because they refuse to nerf Hail of Blades on adc and supports, strat gets instantly gunned down, play the way we say, fuck your freedom of choice
@georgec5212 4 ай бұрын
Rioter are peak lgbt redditor feminists, none of their science experiments have worked and they won’t ever admit that
@chevoyingram9589 4 ай бұрын
Why are you acting like when off meta picks are found in pro that are strong the community is not holding a gun to their head scream RIOT NERF THIS. Don't allow your bias to allow you to be this ignorant all you have to look at is the streamers and the sheep that follow them. AKA likely you
@aimy5637 4 ай бұрын
You forgot how we had an entire split in proplay where we were lane swapping top bot
@Pyrrha_Nikos 4 ай бұрын
@@aimy5637 "an entire split" like it didn't come up 2 weeks before the split ended, and there wasn't only like 3 teams in the entire world doing them before MSI, and even at MSI they were like less than half the games
@mynamesquid429 4 ай бұрын
@@aimy5637 it was like the end of spring split and was slightly prevelant in msi
@phoenix8632 4 ай бұрын
I really thought most of the league community agreed that soft inting is a lot worst than having a toxic teamate or being typed to. But after seeing a lot of people hating on Drututt in his tornament talking about how he bullies Aribo when he is carrying most of the games and making the correct shot call, I actually think that casuals(85% of the player base and 95% reddit users) just agreed that being "toxic" is worse than soft inting.
@aR0ttenBANANA 4 ай бұрын
they 100% do and htat's why no one likes them.
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
they can't tell what soft inting even is
@BlackLavender444 4 ай бұрын
I'd 100% prefer to have someone sending me death threats then having the silent inter who goes 0/8 by 15 minutes and refuses to let his 4 other teammates carry him.
@nguyenn7729 4 ай бұрын
because the majority of the player base can't tell what soft inting is, but they certainly do know when mr streamer says a booboo forbidden word.
@zezanje1 4 ай бұрын
if he is a bard top otp and is able to stay in high elo for years, he isnt soft inting. then you can consider drututt a soft inter as well with his disgusting picks
@misos1393 4 ай бұрын
15:15 he likely has his monitor setting in a certain configuration that isn't broadcast. I have it on my monitors. I can read things that when broadcast looks like the same color on the same color.
@jromo1758 4 ай бұрын
'loses when behind' plays a strat which has him always behind....... Bardinette: "it's good guys, i'm not trolling"
@yuumijungle548 4 ай бұрын
season 14 where trolling is meta now
@githreepi5811 4 ай бұрын
@maximtcaciuc2904 4 ай бұрын
The problem with players like Bardinette is that they'll do this strategy every game regardless if his team comp can work with it or not. And since he's the one doing this strat he should be the one responsible for dodging or playing normally when the draft sucks for his particular playstyle. Also he ints games when bard gets banned and he's forced to play regular league, and his dumbass excuse is always "well I don't know how to play this champion" that's why he has such a bad rep amongst master+ players.
@richardgesegnet5481 4 ай бұрын
This is literally the best explanation of the game ive heard ever.
@michal3270 4 ай бұрын
Idk man, games like these are lost from the draft. The mental gap of having bard is so huge that there is higher chance you get (hopefully) random remake than win.
@batcrow6224 4 ай бұрын
These are the times when you dodge though, you don't get this stuff that often so it's fine to just take a break/swap accounts whatever.
@ToTheGrave20 3 ай бұрын
If that was the case the bard OTP wouldn't be high elo.
@eriktheos6022 3 ай бұрын
It kinda reminds me of this old league tuber who had a series of 'league of children' where he would play alternative playstyles like ad Anivia stuff like that(this was back when that was still somewhat viable as riot wanted alternative playstyle to be viable). It was often 1-2 games were it worked, and then 1-2 games were his team was flaming him for playing like that. It was kinda funny to see people raging at him, but then I thought about it. Of course you shouldn't flame somebody, but they did have a point. He was hamstringing his team by doing that. He was sometimes fed but then build weird items which meant he wasn't even 'fed'. Another thing was that he himself wasn't toxic or anything, but had this whole 'nice guy' going on with how he replied to the toxic players, which felt like it was designed to get a rise out of them. He pretended like he didn't understand why people were flaming him when he damm well knew why.
@chie9500 4 ай бұрын
Bardinette is just like version of Nubrac
@davidsamy 4 ай бұрын
nubrac was playing toplane till he randomly decide to run it down and go teemo smite support in challenger elo, he didn't climb to high elo with that strat, but Bardinette did
@Satrim373 4 ай бұрын
He’s more like the singed support one trick that ran smite and got banned 7 years ago. He didn’t troll he got to a high elo but got a insane amount of hate every adc hated them
@davidsamy 4 ай бұрын
@@Satrim373 wow plat 4 was considered high elo back in the day xD?
@Satrim373 4 ай бұрын
@@davidsamy I was under the impression the singed player was a higher rank because who would care about a plat player but if he was then rip lol
@davidsamy 4 ай бұрын
@@Satrim373 he was complaining on reddit about riot employers response on his ban, it is just his reddit post went viral that time
@blackpker124 4 ай бұрын
Dom is cooking
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
In norms, it's common for people to go smite nunu support and take their own jg camps until they afk, so they can get their 5 ranked penalty games done asap - so they can get back to griefing in ranked.
@jackspinner4727 4 ай бұрын
That’s hilarious
@bradleye660 4 ай бұрын
Good. Riot dishing out that stupid fuckass “5 normal game punishment” was awful. I’d legit rather just have my account banned altogether than have to go play stupid worthless normal games, especially fucking 5 of them. That’s like 2-3 hours of my time because I typed something that hurt somebody’s fee fee 😢 aww wah wah wah. Meanwhile somebody can literally run down mid and not catch a ban. Crazy.
@Shingeki__ 4 ай бұрын
I love your beginning statement because its what i tried to explain to people about why NA junglers especially are either silent or crazy toxic. You either mute all or spend half your games flamming people that have never played jungle trying to tell you what you're "supposed" to do.
@donc7984 4 ай бұрын
but the roaming teemo support got banned, oh how this game has changed over the last few years
@gtmaniacmda 4 ай бұрын
Did anyone ever tell them that the support role exists?
@jolynecujoh3784 3 ай бұрын
I think the only person who can pull off meta top picks is Drututt. He is the only i have seen do it consistently at chall lvl with like 10 champs he does this with. (not saying there are not others but the only one i have personally seen)
@GamerHelpU 4 ай бұрын
josedeodo, he's so chill and carismatic, he's the jg for Estral for LLA , BUT he plays on NA/BR/LAS/LAN/KR and reach challneger and top 1 in several servers and several times and reach challenger with almost 90%+ winrate, he don't flame just insult in funny and silly ways that's is funny and he don't int or run it down
@lechugacc3459 4 ай бұрын
I can understand the strategy but, it's just simply useless if the enemy team knows exactly what are you doing or what are you gonna do at the start, even if the game was SOMEHOW WINNABLE, no one's like to play a fucking hour of the same game just to win 18 LP
@MVPhurricane 4 ай бұрын
i wanna see this jungle donger vs bardinette shitshow on caedrel's stream now
@chanakaperera9934 4 ай бұрын
The only league content i watch on youtube. Helps me remember why I stay away from this cancer of a game. This game used to be so fun when mid lane used to be a role that can influence the whole map vs now where you just farm minions and plates for 15 mins to get outscaled by the adc and do the same amount of dmg as a lux support.
@stephen7604 4 ай бұрын
Good take from Dom
@lerimflavored3863 4 ай бұрын
'How does this guy still have an account' -Guy that nearly ruined his career being toxic multiple times and kept getting second and third chances from riot
@yihadistxdl951 4 ай бұрын
@@lerimflavored3863 he doesnt troll or int games, if your sensitive ass gets offended about him calling you the r-word in soloq, thats on you. its just video game banter thats been present ever since online gaming was a thing. saying mean things is not even close to being as bad or as toxic to your teammates as literally ruining games on purpose and literally everyone thinks this way
@saadghali9803 4 ай бұрын
1:50 Kirei my goat
@falsepanda2981 4 ай бұрын
0:23 but how wide is Leona E
@GoredrinkerRS 4 ай бұрын
Zyra is just too thick
@dabigbabydog 4 ай бұрын
Asking the real questions
@TwoToo_ 4 ай бұрын
that bard probably just sucks at support, sucks at solo lanes, sucks at jungling, he prolly just sucks at carrying a game so he just force feeds botlane and prays enemy ints + his ad is good enough to win or some sht
@shinobuu__ 4 ай бұрын
he sucks so bad he ended up playing in agurin low.
@aR0ttenBANANA 4 ай бұрын
@@shinobuu__ He shouldn't be in his ELO tho, that's literally one of teh main complaints. But because there's not enough players they have tot fill with master players.
@R3alSt3al 4 ай бұрын
Dont forget Bardinette is higher elo than 99% of the whole EUW server playing his style, which just proves that is doesn't matter what you play in Diamond and below. Just proves how easy it is to climb to low Master by playing anythign and understanding what you are doing. These picks just stop working out in a certain elo where players are good enough to understand how to play againts it.
@shinobuu__ 4 ай бұрын
@@R3alSt3al im waiting for it to stop working for ady in korea since he got rank 1 doing taric top with roam/janna top/thresh top
@R3alSt3al 4 ай бұрын
@@shinobuu__ Thats one thing I am waiting for too. My other question about Ady is how the actual f he isnplaying in LCKAcademy? On the other hand if these llayers whocplay these random picks and reach Master with it or even rank 1 in Korea one time, they had to have a good game understanding. Just look at Baus. He is a good example for it. He famous thanksnto hisninting Sion does it on a lotnof other champs, but right now on one of his acc he is D2 playing Sion. On the other acc hebis Chall 1000 lp playing more like a normal player would do. The only problem with these strategies are that these players are short sighted to play anything else. This Agurin game is a perfect examlple of it. In a draft like this roaming bard willcnever work. If they got a Xin orcJ4 in the jungle than yeah itncould have worked out.
@matthewsmith2481 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think people are playing alt strategies just to blow up on twitch
@carronline1 4 ай бұрын
riot have made it so you cant play the roam top thing, but people still do it, im low elo and every game people just play stuff that no longer works since everyone just doesnt pay attention to patch notes at all in low elo
@devilbhrothesavage2807 4 ай бұрын
12:4 at 8 minutes with a toplaner with 10 cs and 3 levels down while support, jungle and top perma invade you. Yeah sure its winnable KEKW. AFKing, running down or even trying will all result in the same thing. At this point its about saving mental so while afking on stream might not be wise its the best in terms of saving mental and not getting tilted.
@JMarskie 4 ай бұрын
I think Broxah is the only exception I can think of that keeps his cool and keeps trying. But he does do mostly Masters.
@AnFljPpY 4 ай бұрын
AFK is also a strategy 💀
@matthewskullblood9778 4 ай бұрын
if someone is going to grief my game im not going to play that game, simple
@th3summoner 4 ай бұрын
Bardinette is a total inter who deserves to have every teammate run it down or afk every single game he gets in. That said, Augirin directly called out and flamed people in the past for soft inting and afking. Even for that reason alone, he cannot be afking at all. You cannot berate others for something, then do it yourself with the excuse "Oh its justified here tho" Stand on business and play it out. Even if you have to suffer with Bardinette, you made your stance clear and you need to stand by it. Hypocrite.
@devilbhrothesavage2807 4 ай бұрын
So context doesnt matter or what? Can there not be a situation where its okay to afk and a situation where it isnt? Might look bad for his streaming persona but as a person I can fully relate. I rather go afk then tilt even further when a video game frustrates me this much.
@shinobuu__ 4 ай бұрын
@@devilbhrothesavage2807 agurin was already mega tilted. him "saving mental" doesnt do anything when hes already beyond tilted anyway. if this bard top otp is same elo as you then you might need to take a step back and realize hes doing something right then
@nikkonreinold9821 4 ай бұрын
@@devilbhrothesavage2807 then don't play the game, like i do, if you can't handle the frame riot gives you. i consider myself a nno supporter and so i support agurin as well. but don't be a hypocrite and act like he can talk that shit and act like that and basically do the same thing he flames others for. like the whole situation with febiven. i think he was right to call him out. but what i don't get is that he does the flash shit himself. got even called out by tolkin for it. also how is he so adament that others have to play standard while he got perma flamed for years for his passive jungle style. i get that he was pissed but play the 7 minutes out to ff or eat the ban.
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
lol. Soft inting a winnable game and afking with an intentional griefer are not the same
@NewMetaTV 4 ай бұрын
@@devilbhrothesavage2807no not if your context is biased perception.
@alexrobomind 4 ай бұрын
It's harder to read for you because of the video compression.
@NotaThing13 4 ай бұрын
I’m always positive mental and will be quick to mute. Sometimes I just turn off chat completely. I only chat to communicate strategy. I have never been chat restricted or suspended. Junglers flame everybody. Junglers get it the most of any role, but they dish it out the most. I have ran into so many junglers that will type and ping all game. I get that people should leave them alone and it makes them crazy, but these players are regularly unhinged and toxic.
@window9213 4 ай бұрын
Riot will ban people who call this shit out, but won't ban the player doing it. This policy needs to stop.
@misos1393 4 ай бұрын
I think you forget that there didn't used to be support character or support items. There didn't used to be a dragon. Alistar used to be a fucking menace and super strong solo laner but the reason we have a forced 2 person bot/sup now is because alistar when he was gigabuffed a long time ago played a funnel the adc strategy and it won in tournaments so now we're stuck with this forced role bullshit, thats honestly the worst fucking thing that ever happened is when riot decided to force standardized play and put the plates on the turrets to make it like a no ganking for 14 minutes stale ass game where everyone is tethered to their lanes or they give up 1200 gold.
@Kim-tr5op 4 ай бұрын
toxic = ruining the game experience by actions verbal abuse = typing negative stuff with address so its toxic what the bard does
@dahoodlum1253 4 ай бұрын
My only disagreement with him is the doing it every game regardless of circumstances. That's part of being a 1 trick the singed support 1 trick didn't also have a really good pocket ali no he's good at doing this unorthodox thing.
@toba5878 4 ай бұрын
you should have watched the whole game like nemesis did - not just the clip and its always the same - the people like "let him play as he wants" are the first to flame/leave the moment they are the one having offmeta trolls in their team xD
@rotoboravtov4354 4 ай бұрын
Even if the vast majority of players agree that the playstyle is not fun for teammates Riot can't ban players for such a playstyle if it's viable to keep a decent winrate. It is untenable to ban people for "wrong" playstyle, Riot should make those not viable instead.
@jesap6460 20 күн бұрын
The rules are that you have to try to win, not that you have to play meta idk whar everyone is talking about. If i want to play yuumi mid in your game you sit and watch.
@pointyball2916 4 ай бұрын
These playstyles come from streamers and coaches telling people for years “if you want to climb one trick a champion” I get the premise of learning a champ but the side effect is that you get guys who refuse to play any other way. I have friends who literally can’t find a way to be relevant in games unless they get insane jungle attention and a few kills by 10 minutes.
@SamSGLM 4 ай бұрын
Riot is notorious for removing alternative strats like you said and even champions in offroles they dont like (i.e. Lulu top, yi mid). for me that's boring and kinda kills creativity. But then this is just people that want to play their own game, in a multiplayer game. no play casuals or single player games for that, or flex its the same. As soon you are using others tim its no longer a "let me play my game" type deal.
@ThomasMueller999 4 ай бұрын
From personal experience, playing jungle with Bardinette as your toplaner is absolutely miserable. What is so tilting is that you lose urgency and control whereas he takes it. Its like a demotion.
@GoldenAu 4 ай бұрын
Does Riot still push the narrative that they're not forcing a meta?
@envy4848 4 ай бұрын
Every role in the game is frustrating to play in their own way lol...why do junglers always think its always just them, I love it when the duo mid/jg perma camps my lane, support is constantly roaming, I just push up, in a winning match up and they take TP D shield fleet and lose absolutely nothing, Top gets dove lvl 4 and insta lose and has some of the worst counter picks, Irelia into Malp? Support once again perma roaming? we say support gap and go next.
@UltimatePiccolo 4 ай бұрын
0:57 "He's trying to play it pretty safe". Leona has a jump and stun, Tryndamere has a jump and Brand has ranged attacks. How is what he did "safe", that's the definition of a risky play.
@Bazil496 2 ай бұрын
@@UltimatePiccolo Leona doesn't have a jump. Nor does Trynda. What are you talking about?
@UltimatePiccolo 2 ай бұрын
@@Bazil496 what are you babbling about
@Bazil496 2 ай бұрын
@@UltimatePiccolo I don't think what I wrote was that hard to understand. Leona doesn't have a jump.
@UltimatePiccolo 2 ай бұрын
@@Bazil496 I don't know what to tell you. Go learn what trynd and Leona can do, or sober up.
@Bazil496 2 ай бұрын
@@UltimatePiccolo Either you don't know what a 'jump' means or your parents are related.
@tekstego9654 3 ай бұрын
IMO alt strategies are fine and keep the game from becoming stale. I think its sad that riot nerfs every alt strategy out of the game, BUT people should realize when They do an alt strat their team might not know what they're doing or how they're gonna play. which is bad obviously. i think alt strats should be kept at around the same winrate as playing normally, dont insta nerf the alt strats because as ppl get more familiar with the strat the more counterplay there is. Alt strats also shouldnt force the whole team to play that strat, thats just not fun. bausffs inting sion is a fine alt strat IMO, it doesnt really force (or i dont see how it would force) his team to play around him. they can just play off of the insane amounts of pressure he creates by splitpushing.
@Kevin-r3q 3 ай бұрын
Everyone loves free LP until it’s your team giving it
@reapercussions8450 4 ай бұрын
It’s not just jungle it’s LOL the game drives you insane when you take it seriously and try to compete. ADC “suffers” with bad supports, mid and top “suffer” when they get camped and jungle doesn’t capitalize on it. Like I guess you can say it’s on a different scale but I completely agree these rammus rundown baus types need to be instantly banned
@lkjhg2607 4 ай бұрын
yes but at least bausens playstyle is annoying and he gets stuff done this ia literally inting
@riceislife6487 4 ай бұрын
Dom forgot about FA ADY
@MomsRavioli 4 ай бұрын
Lets also not forget he threatens people that if he doesn't get Bard, he will have an oopsie. And by that we mean running it down while looking like just mistakes. Oh, but Agurin is the moustache man himself, because he decided the game is over and AFK'd.
@MemeAdicction 4 ай бұрын
My GOAT Diamondprox suffered that malphite top game WidepeepoSad
@bentoncampbell8687 4 ай бұрын
Bardinette won't apologize for that game. They're the type of person who will piss on your shoes and tell you it's raining. His response is "if it works..." "I'll try my best" and that's where we see this disconnect. It didn't work, looking at that draft, most, if not all, veteran players of league would say that red side just loses. If you're off meta pick works yes good for you, I'm proud of you for breaking the code but here's the thing If you want people to watch you and give you schmekles so you can touch yourself to the attention and dopamine, the best route is to actively explain your thought process. If you can be mature enough to admit fault in the moment, you'll have a greater viewer retention. That being said, both parties being talked about by Dom are, in my opinion, frustrating to watch. Agurin complains too quick and micro manages for me to enjoy any of his content, wonder why he isn't in the pro scene as of late...
@ToTheGrave20 3 ай бұрын
But it does work... he's literally in high elo from playing the pick... lmao
@GoldenBoyXCM 4 ай бұрын
abusing the OP's of a patch is also pretty toxic
@toniyakovlev4403 4 ай бұрын
Cant blame him at all. The game is in a such dogshit state there was nothing more he could do to save that.
@nikkonreinold9821 4 ай бұрын
there is a reason why you can't see your teammates names till loading screen
@davidsamy 4 ай бұрын
@@nikkonreinold9821 but he has seen the bard top pick xD
@balance1619 4 ай бұрын
I would go even farther and say off meta champs should be bannable too. Yesterday I had a 0/10 nilah top all the time I get kids like that
@Schtoples 4 ай бұрын
As a top laner I love it when they pick some random stuff, it is really easy to tilt their team by taunting them for picking something like that in top
@danielabay8872 4 ай бұрын
as much as I hate Agurin, as a master+ jg I completely understand this and you'll actually lose ur mind playing this
@marshallh7785 4 ай бұрын
nah Diamondprox Kha'zix is getting inted by support item Malphite. No respect for their teammates on any level. Can't be defended
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
Bro you pick zyra for fast clear, if you can only farm 1 quadrant all early game you fucking lose. If you pick roaming support top with zyra she should afk.
@mortysmindblowers6438 4 ай бұрын
"You should be allowed to play your champ" Ok - But if were in 250 lp masters, you should not be queueing if you cant play 3 champs on your main role, and at least 2 on your offrole. Its absolutely SELFISH. They force everyone else to play their game, all the while these 4 teammates lose LP after trying legit champs in legit circumstances for 30 mins. At Masters 250 lp, Even if ur FUCKING CHALLENGER TOP CHALLY, its a goddammn team game and you need allies to close the game out, PERIOD. Doesnt matter how fed you get in the early or mid game if u have NO ONE SOLID to close the game out. They will just turtle with their numbers and wave clear, and within 10 mins ur FUCKED. PERIOD.
@olliefoggitt7800 4 ай бұрын
How do players like this not fall out of high elo if they there are trolling every game
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
you should afk these games, it's a service. You should gain autofill compensation for playing with these trolls.
@yonteelskywolf3886 4 ай бұрын
16 min on a 1 min clip
@ELGUAPOIV 4 ай бұрын
People trying to play games in unique ways and not be a bot NPC is a good thing. I get he loves eSports, but not everyone wants to run the same exact boring ass meta champs every game
@mrmcawesome9746 4 ай бұрын
Someone wasn't paying attention to the video. It's not about playing meta, it's about Riot repeatedly nerfing any strategy except for the standard play, which means you're actively trolling the game by picking a strategy that makes the game worse for your team. It's no different to trying to dive a full health enemy even though you know you're going to die. "Oh but I didn't want to be a bot NPC that just plays the same standard laning phase every game, I wanted to have fun."
@Grimshal 4 ай бұрын
12:59 wtf is this take, he literaly play this champ to perma roam, his winrate come from this playstyle, why would he grief his team by playing bard in lane and this will be okay somehow???
@stolikk 4 ай бұрын
if he was actually laning as bard he wouldnt be above diamond so it doesnt matter
@dylanzelkin8506 Ай бұрын
this is proof rank means nothing in this game, u can be hardstuck anywhere and the same skill as anyone else on the ladder because if u can troll and not derank then what does it matter?
@reactivereplays5666 4 ай бұрын
0:42 THIS is TOTALLY normal behavior, and you can thank RIOT for that! NOW, if you call out this pathetic piece of trash for the behavior in game with your chat; what will happen? YOU will be banned and or punished! In a world where we want everyone to have some "safe space (I.E. THE MUTE OPTION)". Riot will ban YOU for speaking out against anyone who does this in your games. We must ask ourselves. Why does this happen so much in our games? To me its simple really... Riot does NOTHING to punish these people in reality and they get impowered and embolden in their behavior to do so BECAUSE MOST of the high viewed streamers act like this with IMPUNITY. Simply because of their eyes on the game and fanbase. You can die 17 times a game and be banned and unbanned instantly after 15 bans and counting. You can afk, afk farm, grief (make it look accidental), OR you can straight up grief openly and nothing will happen to you, just don't talk about it. THAT IS ALL WE CARE ABOUT!
@user-cz9kw5rt6p 4 ай бұрын
Man these forced to opt in non traditional playstyles ruin the game
@ToTheGrave20 3 ай бұрын
No the forced to opt in traditional playstyles ruin the game.
@SumThingFawful 4 ай бұрын
It's that passive aggressive type of Toxicity where he engages with the game in a way its not designed and everyone else has to suffer for it. Even with Bauz, at worst hes just an inting toplaner. But hes still a presence on the map that needs ro be dealt with. Still not the best. One could say hes intentionally engaging with the game/champs mechanics maliciously. But with this is just one player fun. You dont accommodate your team mates or even the enemy team. Your play a different game, and at this level your forcing your team to cooperate with or expecting the enemy to for some reason not do anything about.
@Darkyryus_ 4 ай бұрын
But people like caedrel defends this saying "but its innovative just play the way you want" such a rare L from him :/
@witpickles 4 ай бұрын
Perma-roam bard is cringe. Just too likely for him to show up and troll with an ult. He's going to ping and bait you into a fight that you lose cause he's got no xp and does nothing but stun someone. Pantheon would be infinitely better anyways. People who play like this should just main ivern jg.
@witpickles 4 ай бұрын
Broxah was my thought as well. The time period was too short, but also, having been at the top of the game glovaly before likely takes a bit of the pressure off. Also, it helps that he's a low blood pressure sweetheart who never has a nasty thing to say. The Deadly Slob of League
@rikingg5629 4 ай бұрын
i feel like a good place to start fixing ANY issue when it comes to jungle is riot actually adding a goddamn tutorial for it you know that'd be nice
@DJGrath 4 ай бұрын
bro said master/gm is NOT high elo???????????
@seochi 4 ай бұрын
ego streamers
@aliasanonym9778 4 ай бұрын
Dom, if you see this, please remember that League serves more markets than just the pro play scene. It's fore sure getting content farmed as crazy, too. Look at baus' viewer numbers and see what it did to him. Everyone is highrolling for their chance on becoming a famous streamer. For many people, a fun and crazy league is way more fun to watch, than a methodic but more repetetive playstyle.
@Swiftskice 4 ай бұрын
imagine comparing this strat to inting sion that gets full waves and towers, shut up.
@aliasanonym9778 4 ай бұрын
@@Swiftskice You are literally missing my point. I mentioned it because of entertainment value, not success. You know, exactly the reason why i differentiate streamers from proplayers when it comes to how they play league? Get lost.
@Nomanderx 4 ай бұрын
Yeah no trash take how about you suffer for 20 mins with that kind of gameplay that warps around one person and other 4 people have to deal with your cringe non standard shit
@Grimshal 4 ай бұрын
All the picks of your mates can troll you, you may have lost a game in champ select, the difference is that Bardinette applies a strat that he can do whatever his matchup and that he has already repeated hundreds of times with a winrate convincing enough , I much prefer to have it in my team than a random master who will first time a pick by ego
@Zevrael 4 ай бұрын
Question: If that strategy isn't viable and the Bard is a bad player, how does he get to high elo?
@ThePolishViking 4 ай бұрын
I mean... I get it, high elo players are in the center of the attention since there is so few of them but come on! It's not only high elo junglers who needs to deal with all this shit. Even if it's not some well known troll like this Bardi whatever there are people that are inspired by this type of morons. And rest of the things Dom says about what junglers encounters... it applies all over the board, not only high elo.
@CrustyDonutts 4 ай бұрын
Malph not walking up from the turret is turbo grief. The 3 man stack on multiple occassions
@joelbarrera4372 3 ай бұрын
No one wants to play with the bauss either, he started the cancer sion strat, yet its allowed.
@carlod5818 4 ай бұрын
how about and lets hear me out, we reduce jungle exp but give the jungle item a new passive that lets the jungle camps give you stacks that when you would get shared exp from lanes you get full exp instead.
@wwjccsd 4 ай бұрын
Definitely not a usable /s
@sk8ns4life 4 ай бұрын
What more evidence do you need to see to illustrate how high the skill floor is in that dogshit game? Riot never cared about game quality.
@spamaxsoowy3654 4 ай бұрын
how do these trolls stay high elo?
@bleachdbzfan 4 ай бұрын
League has gone to shit for a long time, best player doesn't win the game, worst player loses the game
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