IxxJ Box: I'm Afraid To Move!"

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@BeyondSustainableLiving 3 жыл бұрын
"I'm planning as I go." LMAO! INTJ here with an ENTP boss. He couldn't plan his way out of a box...jk he could do that. But planning is soooooo not his strong suit. "Planning as I go." LOL. And it's so true about the box. My physical box is my office. I LOOOOOVE my office. 💗. It's got a pretty, thick, soft Persian rug and a cozy, soft reading chair and a bunch of bookcases filled with books about all my hobbies and a big 'old 1950's teacher style wooden desk with my iMac and a HUGE canvas of a big blue butter fly above it. It's my happy place. 💗 My Mom was an INFJ and her physical box was the little desk in the kitchen. She sat there every day and night reading her books. That was her happy place, in the middle of the family activity but sitting quietly reading about the world of people and stories. Her world was in those books. Mine is in my computer. 💗
@nicadquartz 3 жыл бұрын
My IxxJ partner's apartment is 100% their "box". They customize as many things as possible. I thought maybe they were just more aesthetic and/or lazy (because some of the customization is miniscule adjustments to making life "easier" - like remotes for everything) than I previously assumed, but now I'm thinking it's their piece of absolute control. haha
@InternetLiJo 5 жыл бұрын
Well ....I’m feeling thoroughly attacked this Wednesday 😐 Lmfao Shan at the end 😂😂
@jeffreysherman8224 5 жыл бұрын
Me too, L.J. (INFJ) Of all the things to call me weird for, they chose organizing and controlling a certain space. I think they're the weirdos for thinking having an optimized or customized space is somehow out of the ordinary.
@kelseypelham4682 4 жыл бұрын
This explains why my husband (ISFJ) and I (INFJ) have SO many arguments about our space and stuff. We both feel the need to control it. For me the control is in the form of decluttering, for him it’s in the form of having his stuff exactly where he wants it. It doesn’t matter if it’s something of emotional significance or not- he resents me “taking over” his space- and I resent the excessive things that visually overwhelm me.
@box-of-chocolates 5 жыл бұрын
One of the most revealing aspects of OPS for me has been the link of type with the four human needs. As an ExxJ, I simply assumed that everybody‘s life problems would be about people. It was so eye-opening to me, that this is only true for half of us. It helped me understand the ExxPs and IxxJs so much better. It also helped me see more clearly how balanced I am with the „things“ and control/chaos 📦🗂📆📖🤡👻 and that I can really be of help in this area. I just shouldn‘t give advice on people drama 🤪
@SabeloNada00 5 жыл бұрын
Im glad you see it that way. I`ve noticed that ExxJ think they are "born" to give advise on people`s issues.. but they just add more drama to the mix. Same thing with IxxJ they are not the best at giving advice on things, they just reflect their own frustrations.
@box-of-chocolates 5 жыл бұрын
@@SabeloNada00 So true!!!
@dylonias 5 жыл бұрын
Moving - the great equalizer. For the IxxP, difficulty convincing loved ones you need to go. The ExxJ, a brave face masking the fear of being alone. For IxxJ's, trusting your stuff to the whims of the universe. And for my poor Chaos Monkey brethren, forgetting to make sure the new place has A/C.
@syedmazharhasan6803 3 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. My box is my room. I call it my sanctiary.
@Elle-ira 5 жыл бұрын
I literally moved today and spent all day yesterday having panic attacks :') Turns out all is fine and I've decorated my new box to fit me perfectly!
@hanavgc4264 5 жыл бұрын
@Vice_Verse0 5 жыл бұрын
It depends. If you moved, would it bother you that you have deal with so many random things slowing down progress, or is it more bothersome that you have to schedule and plan out everything despite the fact that you could care less about it and would rather be doing something else?
@hanavgc4264 5 жыл бұрын
Alice Margatroid I would say the 2nd one always, but also the first one in this specific situation. My old apt had very little common space, but I had a huge room, and I had space for a desk to study at, a spot to hang laundry, my filing cabinet, a dresser and a queen bed. We had to move because other rooms in the apt were dangerous & the landlord was terrible. The one I moved to had rooms half the size of what I did previously. Got a twin bed instead. All of my organization systems got flipped on their heads. Between unpacking, setting things up, and organizing things, it took me 6 months to make new systems & put things in places that allowed me to get my work done, keep everything clean (relatively), and he organized again. Eventually I got used to it, and there are a ton of positives about the apartment in general. But I still sometimes regret moving (even though I know it literally would have been dangerous to stay, because 2 rooms were safety hazards 😂)
@zimmer-s4l 5 жыл бұрын
guys, Casey is ENFP.
@catstrawford 4 жыл бұрын
Ditto, sister!
@nashira_incognito 5 жыл бұрын
OMG I can SOOO relate to this!! And I didn't realize that I've had this "box" for as long as I can remember! (Just in different settings) When I was married, it was my DESK. When I got my own place (after divorce), it was my entire home! Lol I type as ISFJ (1w9), for what it's worth... :D
@KajsaBernhardina 4 жыл бұрын
When my IxxJ friend turned 18 and his parents wanted him to move out (they even found an apartment for him) he was still freaking out so much he had to call me SEVERAL TIMES A DAY only so I could calm him down down and assure him he would be alright. I had just moved from home myself with no issues and I couldn't get what he was so nervous about. Now he is living happy in his first apartment and I don't think he will ever move to another (unless someone physically forces him haha). He's very careful about his space and how things are organized, and he want nothing to do with neighbours, pets or even visits from friends XD (he's Ni-Ti)
@Shadow77999 3 жыл бұрын
But u didnt tell what u are
@enfieldjohn101 3 жыл бұрын
For sure. Moving is hell. Even temporarily. I don't even like to travel. It doesn't feel like a vacation to me. For me, a vacation is getting to take a break from the outside world and just sit in my comfort zone at home for a couple of days.
@forKyrene 5 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I'm going through right now! I was designated a new assignment and have to transfer to a new office and do things I have yet to master and control. I have been processing the idea of moving for a week now but it still scares me to the point that I have to postpone the transfer 3x now! And the funny thing is, the new office is only in the next building not even a hundred meters away! If only I can move my cubicle (table, chair, and all) with me to the new office, it'd be less chaos! Also, my colleagues would cheer me on and say "You can do it! You'll be great!" and all that; but I am still hesitant to take the task, not because I can't do it but because I am scared sh*t of all the Se chaos along the way before I can fully design a plan and master the tasks I had to do. #intj
@SimpleAmadeus 2 жыл бұрын
I'm frequently toying with the idea lately of scaling my life down to a backpack with everything I need in it. Having watched this video I now think the entire point of it is for this backpack to become my "box" so I can actually let go of this large stone structure that's holding me back but I have to spend a ton of time in because it's my comfort space.
@grumpyschnauzer 4 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh thank you! This sheds so much light! Just today I had a mini mental meltdown after feeling like all of these things are coming at me! I literally said, “Ugh, just knowing I have to commit to obligations and being an adult for a week sucks!” But I always feel better once it’s passed and am thinking it wasn’t that bad. I’ve been trying to quit school everyday but I keep telling myself, “I am not a quitter.” -_- I feel I am incapable of seeing the chaos coming and then I stack up everything in my mind and lose it... on the inside not the outside. My sister asks, “Is everything okay? You’re going through a lot.” I respond, “Yeah... but it’ll help me grow.”
@simonmeehan362 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, the laugh at the end and the fist hitting the table😂😂. Gets me every time
@Sophia-ix2ri 3 жыл бұрын
I keep thinking that I might not be an IxxJ because I don't see myself being controlling, but then I get confirmation like this. The video hit too close to home. I knew I had to move last year and I spent about 10 months stressing about it and had a miserable move. Then of course all the chaos that happens after a move with the address change. One move was a whole year of effort and chaos. I'm not sure which was harder for me - a world pandemic or having to move my house.
@cattyping2635 5 жыл бұрын
What the hell? There was a comment from yesterday that as upvoted, asking if you guys ever disagree on anything because one usually nods in agreement to what the other says or immediately gets what they are saying. The comment asked for some truth and reality ...some discussion and conflict before arriving at a conclusion like how it would inevitably come up time to time if two people were judging for themselves... I replied saying if only an intp or entp were there. Then someone said they'd muddle things up. Then I said they'd bring critical thinking and different perspectives to tear apart a system to evaluate it for accuracy, Then that whole chain was deleted???
@akaboo69 5 жыл бұрын
Infj and intj are chart the course types they finish what they start I have seen this
@StanTheWoz 5 жыл бұрын
There is very little I hate more than moving.
@anniesarah503 5 жыл бұрын
I literally liver next door to my husband. I got my box.
@brucewayne2184 4 жыл бұрын
@jacquen697 4 жыл бұрын
INTJ , iSTJ , INFJ ... ILI socionics ... Jesus Christ ... 😂😂☝🏻☝🏻 one day I’ll find my home ...
@dirtywhitellama 5 жыл бұрын
oh gosh I am thinking about moving and this is so me. Im going to miss my house and my garden and my workshop that dad built me... oh yeah and my one friend who is super awesome and probably the other friends too ....but dammit dealing with all the details of making it work is almost enough to dissuade me 😭 .... and if, when I move it will be because its right for me, and screw what anybody else thinks, I'm sick of doing what they want 😂
@Maya_Ruinz 11 ай бұрын
The older I get the more this hits home for me (INTJ) I have so much going on and moving in the middle of that just sounds like a giant pain in the ass.
@everydaystuff9187 5 жыл бұрын
So So Me! lol :) I have my old car as my box. I call it my office...lol. I hang in it all the time to get stuff done and when I move I am going to lose it and moving on top, Oh My, I feel a hot mess coming on, I HATE moving, anything, ever! lol Great video guys! Keep on keeping on :)
@XavierGuillaume 5 жыл бұрын
Lol. I hate moving but only because it is a lot of work. When I lived in SF I moved 6 times in 3 years. It was too much!
@everydaystuff9187 5 жыл бұрын
I move a lot for as much as I dislike it...lol 😂I guess I’m just trying to find my place ☺️✌🏻
@drwizarrd4421 Жыл бұрын
ha! he moved back to NYC. he found where he belongs, good for him 👍
@circulati 3 жыл бұрын
Moving house is up there on my top 3 fear list together with earthquakes and flying 🤫😂
@XavierGuillaume 5 жыл бұрын
That video confused me. He is an IJ because he was afraid to move across the country? I am going camping for the 1st time since I was 12 and I got overwhelmed thinking about all the things I will need to pack but it can only fit in this little backpack...I feel so unprepared and it may rain and thunderstorm. No clue what will happen. Usually I am so optimistic and gung ho but this camping thing is kind of scary. (INFP)
@jennys5536 5 жыл бұрын
Fellow INFP here! The idea was not that he was afraid to move across the country but rather that he was upset/anxious about losing his personal box/space that he had put so much time and effort into making perfect and specific to him. As an IP I think it's easy to identify somewhat with this (they have often called IP's mini IJ's in previous videos). IP's can better move with the flow when push comes to shove. I might worry that I will miss my current home if I move, but in reality I will get excited about moving into a new space because of all the new possibilities it might unfold.
@nottjonathan 5 жыл бұрын
Dam Dave, the rumours are true, looking buff!
@arwuh 5 жыл бұрын
Just this week I've *started* a new gym membership to enable me to copy his workout.
@thewhale683 3 жыл бұрын
Somebody has to explain this to me. How is he not an ENFP?
@dasytaylor 4 жыл бұрын
"Come on, you ENFJ!"
@JayLeePoe 5 жыл бұрын
half the joy of following along are these romcom moments in real time. personally, I often wish that I had a box; I mostly have a hovel or two and then go explore. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, outside. But "boxes" of dominance have been an odd dream of mine, always assumed it was because of my unstable childhood but if you ever have a SO with dreams of homesteading, you start mapping out your perfect fiefdom of land and its kinda silly. Joe Salatin videos and old tomes of folk wisdoms.
@sheilaholcomb9201 3 жыл бұрын
Omg. Currently moving out of my ex-husband’s house. The only thing that makes this okay is that he promised not to repaint the kitchen (which I chose, perfect color) and that I can visit it when I pick up my kids.
@avancalledrupert5130 11 ай бұрын
Im an intj . This is why i live in tiny houses with solar and a log burner. If i could afford to buy a house i would. But i cant and renting is unacceptable to me. That is simply because i cant customise and control every element of it. Buying a house with land around it, renovating and landscaping it, then basically never leaving it is my entire life goal. Everything else i do is just a means to that ends.
@nallwdrgn 5 жыл бұрын
This hits close to home - now I gotta move. Damnit.
@Diaming787 4 жыл бұрын
I had this problem when moving to a college campus. Took me three semesters to get used to it. I was very late in the game. I feel so attacked!
@allafields7667 5 жыл бұрын
Except Casey absolutely seems like an ENFP. Just that vibe. He needs security (child Si), but could have lead play (SeNe/Ne/Se), which makes him appear more IxxJ.
@caffemocca8855 3 жыл бұрын
They don't type based on "vibes". They type based on consistent behaviors throughout one's life. Their system is completely different to other typology especially MBTI. They typed someone who's ISTJ as ENTP, that's how different their system is.
@choonblaze Жыл бұрын
@@caffemocca8855 the most consistent behavior in Casey Neistat is Se, and a very strong one at that. Absolute chaos. Casey Neistat is an ESFP
@StephLovesLife007 5 жыл бұрын
Is it possible for my own body to be my physical "box"? Not to the extreme end that results in an obsessive eating disorder, but to the point of extreme health-conscientiousness, being irritated when someone imposes themselves into my VERY OBVIOUS personal space I fiercely protect (resting nice face suddenly turns into ice b*tch glares), emotional expressiveness (while hiding deeper emotions from showing in my body language), and image-managing (gotta look cute).
@SabeloNada00 5 жыл бұрын
There seems to be a strong relationship of Si with the body, in a healhty way. Even if they start developing an eating disorder, they usually don`t go to extremes, because they understand their body. Unhealhty Si can seem hypocondriac too, but again, they go to the excessive caution and visiting the doctors office to make sure they are ok... Im not sure if this helps.
@Vice_Verse0 5 жыл бұрын
That is not what it means, but sure.
@Nerdy-By-Nature 4 жыл бұрын
As if I needed any confirmation 🤣 Good lord ... my home, my fortress, controlling my box 😝 And I'm very firm on I will neeeeever move. You will have to shoot me and drag me away. Wanna see me have a meltdown?? Mess up my place.
@EnidFPatternson 5 жыл бұрын
You need to be Aubrey Plaza herself to not laugh at the last two face-swaps.
@ibanezmonsterg 5 жыл бұрын
Needing space to control is very true for me but I do somewhat like moving around every few years... so guess I'm not a complete IxxJ stereotype then?
@SabeloNada00 5 жыл бұрын
IxxJ like to move around, they just have a process.. in Socionics I`ve seen some call it a dual seeking behaviour as in: An IxxJ is trying to resemble an ExxP (as you see with this person in the video) but still freaks out about "things". I know ExxPs who try (emphasize in TRY) to be very responsible with their decisions but they are bad at it. For example, there is an Exxp who keeps trying to build a career but i see him changing work places and business partners every year, now, he thinks he is very responsible because he is keeping it in the same business line. And there is an IxxJ who makes an effort to switch things up but somehow ended up working on and off for the same people for 10 years, this IxxJ likes to move every few years too, and I think it is the natural IxxJs need for change or get things done (Ne or Se seeking)
@79Lexxus 5 жыл бұрын
Omg that guys nose
@AlastorTheNPDemon 5 жыл бұрын
Ugh... I hate new information, especially when I have to act on it immediately (I call these things "X-factors"). It drains me instantly and I actually get really noticeable physiological grief too - burning muscle fatigue, shortness of breath, and this general sensation of being "diseased" by the x-factor germs. So bad.
@mdg936 5 жыл бұрын
He's not an IxxJ. He was asked point blank in a Q&A on his vlog if he were an introvert or extrovert, and he basically said "I share my life everyday with millions of followers, I'm an extrovert." Suggesting that it was entirely obvious and self-explanatory.
@wandering248 5 жыл бұрын
Marcus Gerber Haha exactly. No IJ would be that open about themselves. They would eventually crack under the external pressure.
@jerrytomas3136 5 жыл бұрын
OPS is not MBTI
@jakeholland1825 5 жыл бұрын
@@Cstank5 No they don't. They have their own definitions of it, it's been stated many times by now. The names are the same because it grew out of MBTI, but the definitions are very different.
@TianaMay 5 жыл бұрын
But IJ doesn't mean that someone has to "look like an introvert". Hanging out with people is not the defining factor of being an extravert.
@TianaMay 5 жыл бұрын
There are plenty of internet stars that are "introverts" as defined by the general public. One example Liza Koshy.
@sedaniels8701 4 жыл бұрын
oMG on what level is this guy an "I" anything. He's giving me absolute panic just listening to him. Clearly, I am in the middle of the deep dive. I can't stop watching and it feels like I don't get anything anymore.
@Sophia-ix2ri 3 жыл бұрын
That's how it felt when I started learning Objective Personality. I would rethink how you interpret the the "I" or "E" in the type code. An "I" doesn't necessarily mean the person is introverted; it just means the person's first cognitive function is introverted.
@choonblaze Жыл бұрын
@@Sophia-ix2ri explain how Casey Neistat is an Si or Ni dom then? He's one the best and most obvious examples of a real ESFP
@darth_santos1137 Жыл бұрын
@@choonblaze But you might not be far off as IxxJ and Exxp are more disturbed by things
@Beyondflix 4 жыл бұрын
I was talking to my cousin the other day as I'm rather unhappy with my current work situation. He asked me why I don't just move to the US. I told him that I would have to leave behind my room then. He just stared at me in bewilderment. My room consists of a bed, a closet, a desk and my cherished whiteboard. Why the fuck am I like this??
@Shadow77999 3 жыл бұрын
I can stop noticing me how small dave's head is compared to his body
@ndcoach29 3 жыл бұрын
Understand this on a spiritual level, LOL!!
@-alfeim2919 3 жыл бұрын
Dave call his house batel ship. Period
@kjdaniels3267 5 жыл бұрын
Damn y'all really roasted us IxxJs.
@yeetyeetyeet1967 4 жыл бұрын
Does this mean im not an ExxP but an IxxJ...? I dont understand can someone explain '-'
@CYMONKA 3 жыл бұрын
Make a new box! Make a new box!
@niroopotsav 7 ай бұрын
@hiro_444 2 жыл бұрын
I think I do this in video games. The first thing I always do after completing the tutorial is customising the control keys map to fit what I'm used to. I played pubg mobile once, saw the key layout, that thing is the definition of chaos, everything was all over the place filling the whole screen, thought I'll just get used to it after a while instead trying to change it because it's gonna suck the life out of me if I try to do it for more than 30 minutes, I got kinda used to it but it wasn't really fun, so I dropped the game after a week or so...
@bellarose8511 3 жыл бұрын
Would love to get your take on an ENTJ/ISFJ partnership and/or marriage.
@NoraRoisin 4 жыл бұрын
When you said 'computer' you got me. Get out of my space.
@andrewd426 5 жыл бұрын
I found your insight regarding the "box" to be very interesting and true. But Casey is obviously an ESTP, so your analysis is upside down. I've been watching his videos for years. He's not just a creator - he's an athlete and a daredevil who races around on a boosted board giving motivational talks and starting companies. C'mon. Candace might be an INFJ though.
@Thelittleclipstore 5 жыл бұрын
Casey neistat ?? He doesn’t sounds like an introvert at all. Sounds like a Entx .
@Primemantis108 5 жыл бұрын
Masculine Sensory….
@dolfdervish8495 5 жыл бұрын
So, what about Casey makes him a dom introvert? It really does appear as though he's actually being peacock typed. PS.. Just to be clear: Based on what we don't see, I can make a case for him being dom introvert. But, this video is based on what we have seen & *do* see... And, that is someone who *gets his energy from the outside world..* *That's what he does it for.*
@dolfdervish8495 5 жыл бұрын
Thomas Aylott: Thanks for dropping in. When you say: " *you* don't need to understand it or believe it," who, & what, do you mean, precisely?
@dolfdervish8495 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas: Well, Thank You for responding. Quite frankly, &, with all due Respect, I found myself very disappointed with (both of) your retorts. That noted, since you've taken the route you have... For *&* off the record, roll with me for a moment here. Have you ever purchased a house, car, &/or expensive handset/cell phone? (If so... Please specify which.)
@dolfdervish8495 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Aylott: Since I've yet to get a response from you, &, we're "on 'the record,'" I'll go ahead & proceed with my previously intended analogy/analogies. I found your retort(s) like my iPhone 3 experience. Do you remember those iPhones? Most consumers were bonkers over them. Me? Well, based on what I observed as *fiendish* "loyalty," &, what I knew of AT&T, I was *quite* skeptical. When I went out on a limb & finally decided to try one out.. I discovered I should have trusted my doubt. As, they couldn't friggin keep a call connected if the world depended on it. Like, literally 90-99.999% of my calls dropped. I knew a guy who'd make the joke: "It should be called the 'iPhon't... Cuz, *it sure don't work as a phone!"* I thought that was actually pretty funny. iDigress. Ok. So, here's the connection (haha. see what I did there?): Every time I spoke to people (whom I had esteemed at the time) for some advice &/or some form(s) of satisfactory consolation, the response(s) would *always* be (with *staggering* predictability) some form/variation of this very retort right here: *"But, dude, it's an iPhone!"* To me, that's a lot like what your (& every DSP rep-save, Binyamin-who is/are questioned by a plain ole simple human with a brain, heart, & nervous system...) retort(s) read(s) like... House: "Dude!? Nevermind the mold & the traces of cocaine dealings... *IT'S BEVERLY HILLS!"* Car: "Dude!? Why worry about the transmission!? *IT'S A VINTAGE BATMOBILE CORVETTE STUNT-DOUBLE RE-FAB!"* Phone/Handset: (please refer to above "'iPhon't' debacle"). Just to be clear: You aren't addressing the actual scrutiny. Like, guys.. please.. Just_STOP robotically regurgitating information in (an) attempt(s) to sell us an unfinished product. Instead, *measure* ( NOT *"prove"* ) the Objective validity of your statements against the scrutiny with actually tangeable examples of why Casey is &/nor isn't an extrovert. *That's* how your answer(s) should be oriented... I mean, that is, *IF* this is actually about Objectivity & Accuracy... Right? If not, call it what it is: You're just falling back to the default system in your explanation(s).. And, thus/once again, contributing to the fluorescently blatant perception that this is (more) about selling a product. Is the latter Objective? No. Further, it's doing the Typology Community a great disservice. In that, it just continues to appear like pseudo-scientific cult like convince-jibberish. I think it's accurate to say you (more likely than not) see & understand my points. I (& many other potentially long term loyal advocates) would greatly appreciate it if you &/or a Trusted DSP rep would Obectively address them (i.e., my point(s). What'ya say, Thomas? Up for the task? (Thanks in advance)
@malcolmmacinnis247 5 жыл бұрын
*God enters the chat* *Joe strummer enters the chat*
@UnicornsCanBeCool... 8 ай бұрын
OMG infjs do this with people in their ij box/Circle
@loryraye 4 жыл бұрын
I call mine, my nest.
@jlk6916 5 жыл бұрын
I thought Shan was ENFJ, but when I asked on another video, people said she was ENTJ. Am I missing an inside joke, or is she ENTJ?
@Naan-E 5 жыл бұрын
She is ENTJ Te/Se, but before Objective Personality, she thought she was ENFJ. Both of them believe it is because she has feminine Fi last.
@Vice_Verse0 5 жыл бұрын
The joke is, based on how people think showing emotions = Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
@Vice_Verse0 5 жыл бұрын
@@blastoff2086 Oh yeah. Clearly, that means she's a Fe user.
@ayushzaveri8193 4 жыл бұрын
The example's glasses and nose can be sold as a mask
@blake1337royale 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah he so comforted himself..sucky😁
@eduardogabriel858 5 жыл бұрын
I consider myself an IxxJ, but I tend not to freak out so easily about those kind of things, instead, I jump right through the next step Dave said at 7:00: thinking about the growth and the positive things about the change. Is more possible that I am a mistype or just developing myself?
@jTiKey 5 жыл бұрын
it's not about the thinking and convincing, but the intensity of the discomfort you feel. Or you are actually a I(E)xxP Better ask people around you how they see your reaction to those things.
@SabeloNada00 5 жыл бұрын
Isnt`that explained by Double Deciders and/or peackoking?.. For example, there is someone I know who is an IxxJ and she wanted to move with the whole family to a different state withouth much of a specific plan except it was for a very good reason (which could seem ExxP) however she had beeing weighing the decision in her head for many years.. now, her husband cheated on her a couple months prior the move. Obviously she was very dissapointed, but she felt a lot more upset about the fact he messed up and pretty much cancelled the whole moving plan, when she already had bought the tickets,paid for other expenses and she had almost quit her job, and all by bringing this drama into the family... So even though it was hard for everyone else to wrap our head around it, you could totally see how the "things issues" where more upsetting than the "people`s issues", her words: " even if he was going to cheat, did he really have to do it at such a critical time? how disrespectful". Which is interesting, because I`ve noticed IxxJ are more inclined to think that people+s issues have a way of working themselves out, but things issues, well, they have to get them done.
@eduardogabriel858 5 жыл бұрын
@@SabeloNada00 oh my god, that's very interesting! Thank you for this good example.
@zimmer-s4l 5 жыл бұрын
Casey is ENFP btw
@michaelskogeng9080 5 жыл бұрын
C.S Joseph typed him right.
@patrickvernon4766 2 жыл бұрын
@simonmeehan362 4 жыл бұрын
@lovelyscorp79 4 жыл бұрын
Bet he's glad he moved
@SNAPY_M235i 5 жыл бұрын
What types are both?
@TienDoan0801 5 жыл бұрын
What are Dave and Shannon's types? I'm so curious
@0ktavio345 5 жыл бұрын
Jessica DoanTran Dave’s is INTJ-Fi Savior. Shannon, I believe is TeSe or SeTe.
@blastoff2086 4 жыл бұрын
Bryn Webster no she’s FM-Te/Se-PC/S(B) or an “ENTJ” in their system.
@cstharlo 5 жыл бұрын
he is an ENFP.
@anniesarah503 5 жыл бұрын
This is me.
@Null_9703 4 жыл бұрын
Guess I'm an IxxJ, who wishes he could use Ti like an INTP
@alienturtle1946 3 жыл бұрын
Any reason you wish for lead Ti? Like any savior it's a blessing and a curse (says this INTP)
@darth_santos1137 Жыл бұрын
@@alienturtle1946 How do you confirm you a lead Ti
@alienturtle1946 Жыл бұрын
@@darth_santos1137 Methodical, detail-oriented, depth of knowledge/understanding. Si doms are more orderly, less analytical. Ni doms are often less explicit about understanding how things work. Fi doms can be idealistic in a fluffy way while Ti doms are idealistic in terms of things working in accordance with their finely tuned models. Lead Ti also implies demon Fe. In my experience Ti doms are agreeable but not gregarious. Some aspect of social disconnect is usually present or even apparent in their lives, even if it's just being out of touch with what other people are like or what they find relevant. Both ISTPs and INTPs tend to have highly intricate projects which the world often doesn't really care about, at least not until the individual learns to factor in social relevance. The above is a pretty generic description though. Everyone does all the things, just to different degrees, so identifying any of the types is really about observing the differences between people. Plenty of people think they think deeply, but I often struggle to be impressed. If I don't hold back I sometimes relish in crushing the shallowness of their mental models. Meanwhile, I sometimes start to consider myself reasonably sociable, until an ENFJ tells me about how she found a couple willing to give her a free room to stay in for the duration of her internship, after just a couple meetings. I couldn't fathom anything even close to that.
@Geoffrey454 5 жыл бұрын
So true
@noturbo 4 жыл бұрын
IJ box ⬇️
@vizuz 5 жыл бұрын
So what type is he? Intj?
@jlk6916 5 жыл бұрын
@wandering248 5 жыл бұрын
INTJ? You can’t be serious.
@wandering248 5 жыл бұрын
Cstank5 He’s overcomplicating it for sure. Get back to the basics. It’s already a huge misstep to lump ISxJs together with INxJs.
@Vice_Verse0 5 жыл бұрын
Probably ISFJ. I've noticed a lot of people type ISFJ youtubers as ENFP's sometimes.
@smr1721aj 5 жыл бұрын
They've typed him as an Ni/Ti infj
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