Naja. I would have liked to hear more contrast in tempo and dynamics according to the meaning of the text. The blend of voices is not good. Pronunciation is good in general, only problem sometimes with the hard 'ch'. The last syllables are often stressed too much, this plays havoc with the continuity of the musical line. Interesting to cast some numbers for solo voices but it does not work imho, there are pitch problems throughout, some due to different vibrati. Breathing also is a problem, and I find it's not fair to the singers. Nice to see a translation and the text above, but I'd prefer "Gerechtigkeit" as "justice" rather than "righteousness". People can be righteous, but God is just. And we are talking about God's justice here. That may be just me though. "Wesen" is a being rather than existence. There was not a lot of it visible in the video anyway.