The Jesus Dynasty--Why the Royal Family of Jesus was Forgotten

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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Few think of Jesus of Nazareth as part of the royal family of David--even though Paul affirms the same as our earliest source--namely that he was descended from the messianic lineage of King David (Romans 1:3). Given that pedigree, that means Jesus' brothers and sisters, as children of Mary, which I have argued elsewhere, would likewise be this royal family. Thus when James/Yaaqov, brother of Jesus, succeeds him in leading the Nazarene movement--we are talking about a Dynasty or Caliphate with bloodline succession. This lecture deals with that issue and why the emerging Christian Church was so bent on either playing down or in some cases erasing this dynastic family of Jesus. Hence the title of my best-selling book, The Jesus Dynasty (Simon & Schuster, 2006), which I hope viewers will consider reading:
This lecture is part of a Biblical Archaeology Seminar hosted by the Biblical Archaeology Society. I highly recommend their magazine, programs, seminars, and especially membership in the BAS Library--that contains thousands of previous articles, books, videos, and other materials for a very low subscription price. See www.biblicalar...

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@theonlyway5298 Жыл бұрын
A fascinating talk by James Tabor, with lots of lines to consider! I think where he departs into his own suppositions is where he re-writes the story to the effect that Jesus, his disciples and followers were preparing to take over the governance of Jerusalem and the Temple. Bart Ehrman similarly creates his own 'gospel' in which he re-writes the story to follow his own ideas, thus leaving written texts and imagining an 'alternative director's script' for which there is no written foundation. ....what makes this surprising is that while Tabor and Ehrman are more than happy to use written sources to professionally present the points they find evidence for, when it comes to their re-writing of the gospels with their alternative unspiritual version, they present no evidence from any written sources to support their suppositions. I think both Ehrman and Tabor who are both talented men, would serve their readers much better if they kept to research for which they have reasonable evidence, instead of including diversions into their own preferred 'alternative stories'. In particular the alternative stories run into problems, when they are compared with the New Testament and early historical movement of the faith in Jesus as the Messiah - they don't fit and actually create problems and questions which show inconsistencies with the faith and history. In order for their alternative 'stories' to have credence, they would need to be consistent with the written sources of the NT and early history, but that is where they fail. For instance, how does James Tabor's alternative gospel explain spiritual conversions, if the movement was really only about a future physical government taking over? How does it account for some individuals being radically converted to Christ, when they were previously of a totally different mind - Paul for instance converted to Christ turning 180 degrees from being a known persecutor of Christians, to being a follower of the Christ who he only hours earlier hated with a vengeance? How does the alternative gospel explain many people following Jesus because they were being healed, drawing crowds of 5000 and 6000 men alone, if the gospel was only about a 'future' coming of the Son of Man as the Messiah to rule over Israel? If the 'alternative gospels' of Tabor and Ehrman are the true replacement for the written gospels we actually have, then how do Tabor and Ehrman explain the growth of the actual gospel movement from the 1st to the 4th centuries, during which there was phenomenal growth, if the Messiah had not returned as per the alternative gospels tend to propose? Not least, how indeed is the faith in the resurrected Jesus leading to thousands of conversions, with over 500 reported sightings of the resurrected Jesus, to explain the proposed immediacy of a replacement government of Israel? In general, the 'earthly alternative explanations', do not fit the process of the New Testament writings contents, at all and thus such alternative gospels create an unsolvable problem. Nevertheless, Tabor presents some interesting ideas and observations from the texts.
@babadukferdi Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree here. I remember in the debate with Jimmy Akin, both brilliant, he tries to make it seem as though Mark did not think Jesus was divine in nature. He goes on to recount the gospel with the premise that Jesus was shocked at his crucifixion, and only the Roman guard recognized that Jesus was the Son of God. Then Akin pushed back on him, saying that Jesus did not just cry out 'Why have you forsaken me' out of pain, but in quoting Psalm 22, where the narrator triumphs despair and is united with God by the end of it. At the end of the debate Ehrman admitted that he thinks Mark wrote Jesus as divine. It's strange. Good scholars, but studies show that scholars have bigger blindspots than ordinary people.
@amandajean33181 Жыл бұрын
Yes, isn't the free will grand in it's myriad of applications within the concept of perspective alone? It's wonderful to be human.
@DneilB007 Жыл бұрын
I think, and I’m surmising here because I don’t think that he actually says this, is that the early Jesus movement was following a similar path to the Essene community, where there was a belief that the Apocalypse would occur about 40 years after the death of the Founder of the movement-the Teacher of Righteousness for the Essenes, and Jesus for the Jesus movement. What Paul does is open up the possibility that the Kingdom of God is spiritual and internal, rather than physical and external. He still believes in a physical Apocalypse, I think; but the Kingdom pre-exists the Apocalypse within the believer. As for the idea that someone could not completely reverse their life and beliefs without divine intervention, that really involves ignoring nearly all of human experience. It’s not at all unusual for someone to completely reevaluate their life after a near-death experience. And whether you think Paul had a stroke, an epileptic seizure, heatstroke, or an encounter with the divine, it’s without question that he took his experience as a sign that he had to change his life completely. Why? Because it was not that long before then that his master Gamaliel literally said not to persecute Jesus’ followers because if their belief was without merit it would go away by itself, and if it was from God it would withstand their persecution *and they would find themselves opposing God*. Fast forward a bit, and Paul has a vision where God says exactly that-“Why are you opposing me?” His master and mentor planted the idea in his mind, and it blossomed when he had his (literal) Damascus Road incident. The thing that I find most interesting about what Dr. Tabor teaches is that so much of what he says is consistent with what is within the Bible, but just not as we want to interpret it today. He’s really just saying that Christianity is always adjusting and adapting to meet people where they are throughout time.
@theonlyway5298 Жыл бұрын
@@DneilB007 You make interesting points, but notice carefully that in doing them, you are subtlety bending the scripture to your own design. Tabor does this also. You do this by carefully omitting both the context and the details that have been written in the text, so that you are producing only the extract which supports your narrative. Ehrman does similarIy. I don't mind you having an opinion or your own narrative, as long as you are honest in stating that not all the details and the context are consistent with or agree with your ideas and that therefore there are other interpretations which are closer to the actual text than your own extraction.
@DneilB007 Жыл бұрын
@@theonlyway5298 No, what I am doing is accepting the events as laid down in the Scriptures but not accepting the intentions that the writers ascribe to other people whom they would have had no access from which to learn what their intentions were.
@ChildofGod98765 2 жыл бұрын
Faith is trusting in God especially in bad situations. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m still struggling to provide for my two autistic children since losing my job over declining the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and Heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth Hospital. My husband passed away three years ago, so I’m all alone. Both of my sons are non verbal so things are more difficult for me. Every month I don’t know how we are going to make it through. Every month is a struggle, a battle to not end up on the streets. I’m so embarrassed by my situation. I’ve been put down and mocked over my circumstances. It’s hard to hold my head up at times BUT because of my faith God shows up every month and provides. Even as I face homelessness with two young children. I know that God will provide. He won’t leave me. Thank you Jesus.
@mugikuyu9403 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus was not God. By putting your faith in Jesus you put faith in a man; a dead man never risen; a dead man turned bones. Reject Jesus and put your faith in God.
@camarosspr 2 жыл бұрын
My sister has lupus, heart condition, liver, and many more, and has had 3 Vaccines, moderna, the stongest one. Even combined the Moderna, w shingles and another one at one visit, And yes, she was strongly subdued, but it passed and she's OK.
@camarosspr 2 жыл бұрын
Trusting God, he will provide, he won't leave me... I wouldn't count on it. not even the popes get any help from God in their health. they all died also, no exception. Even Jesus the man died and suffered. And the current debate of all suffering in the world. So expecting God to... Better, in addition to medics, have an almost perfect nutrition. Heavy into fruits and veggies. And if overweight, even more. A lean body is healthier. Good luck. Haven't had my sister really commit to food as a help. She's almost morbidly obese. Won't really try. And just like my dad, medicines did nothing. The more he was into following Dr's orders, the worst he/she became. Have you seen how fat medics are?
@laurachitez8938 2 жыл бұрын
You are a real life superhero, Jesus will help you, stay strong.
@Larry30102 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as an RN, if you have heart disease, it is a reason to have the vaccine. It may be a secondary target of Covid but lethal none the less. Easy to find stories particularly of young one experiencing cardiomyopathy from Covid. Risk of any reaction is so low (but still could happen) that imo is well worth the risk. It’s been a couple years now of having the vaccines and they have tested out. On the other hand it’s a shame your employer doesn’t consider your situation.
@davidgagnon3781 2 жыл бұрын
I think Occam's Razor leads us to BROTHER MEANS BROTHER.
@gordonstewart6757 8 ай бұрын
This was better than a murder mystery. Tabor really does a great job keeping it interesting.James is such a key to origins of the early movement.
@geraldmeehan8942 2 жыл бұрын
I think the Talpiot tomb is legit. When we put the ossuaries inside in combination with the James ossuary we have the entire family.
@sarah_noodle 6 ай бұрын
I was watching a documentary where a statistician discussed the probability that all those names would be in there together and not be the Jesus family and he said the odds were infinitesimally low.
@Hoireabard 2 жыл бұрын
Why is Professor Tabor still speaking as if the Talpiot tomb could possibly be related to the family of Jesus? This was conclusively disproved years ago.
@jonisaacson9253 Жыл бұрын
Disproved? The "evidence" they use is the commonality of the names inscribed on the ossuaries and their faith that if Jesus was bodily resurrected, he wouldn't need an ossuary for his bones. But the constellation of all those names connected with Jesus in one tomb makes it statistically likely that this was indeed the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth and his family, and Tabor has spoken and written repeatedly about what the Biblical understanding of resurrection involved. It wasn't a reconstitution of the decayed flesh, but a spiritual resurrection.
@georgesparks7833 4 ай бұрын
Years ago I was in Jerusalem visiting an antiquity shop, Venus gallery. While I was there, the owner introduced me to Mr. Ogden Golan. Mr. Golan asked if I thought the James ossuary was authentic? I replied if he knew of the Evangelist Oral Roberts? Mr. Golan, replied yes. I said well then Reverend Roberts saw a six-story Jesus. Which means to me the family would be much too large to fit in that small ossuary. 😮 This was during the Court trials. Later, the owner of Venus gallery stated, you know, Ogden hasn't laughed that hard in a long time...😊
@robertbishop5477 2 жыл бұрын
Love the work of Tabor and Eisenman. Their lifetimes of work I consider miraculous and inspiring…the family of Joseph and Mary deserves more inspection and serious study.
@TrustinJC 2 жыл бұрын
While I respect James Tabor and believe he is doing valuable work when it comes to the study and teachings on the DSS and non-canonical writings, I feel compelled to argue against at least one point he makes in the video. And as well, share some information that he has not considered. Regarding John the Baptist. Christ said what he did about him because John was the Righteous Teacher that the Essenes were waiting for him. So he was indeed more than a prophet. Regarding James. It is true that we find in the Gospel According to Thomas that Christ named his half brother to be the head of the Church in Jerusalem. And this is important. But what Mr. Tabor failed neglected to mention is that all 3 are said to be priests. And this is very important. Because the DSS state the Yahad would be established by way of 3 priests and 12 laymen. This then is why Christ chose 12 laymen to be his inner circle. Then what we see is that all 3 priests come from the same family. For John the Baptist was the 1st priest that was the voice in the wilderness who ushered in the Messiah. Christ was the 2nd priest and the high priest in the order of Melchezedek. And James was the 3rd priest that was the head of the Church after Christ went to be with his Father in Heaven. Regarding the brothers and sisters of Christ. The Protevangelion (Gospel of James) tells us Joseph was an old many with children. And as a widower married Marry. So I will go with this very clear teaching from a writing that I consider to be inspired. Additionally, the prophecy of 3 priests and 12 laymen establishing the Yahad described in the DSS is based on a prophecy and vision described in the Book of the words of Gad the seer. For in that prophecy/vision we see Yahweh placing a crown on the head of a lamb, who we know today to be the Christ, and Son of God. That crown is then described as being made up of 3 shepherds that were connected by 12 chains made of gold and coated in silver. The 12 chains are clearly the 12 laymen chosen by the lamb to be his apostles. And the 3 shepherds are the 3 priests described in the Essene prophecy. And we now know the 3 shepherds/priests come from the same family (John the Baptist, Yahshua, and James the half/step brother of Christ).
@JeWCyDuDe 2 жыл бұрын
It doesn't really matter. Xtianity is pure pagan idolatry created by the Romans. There is no eyewitness testimony of Jesus and no documents by Jesus either. There is 0 evidence of his existence or the whole scenario written in the xtian writings.
@fridakahlo3228 Жыл бұрын
" Khalaf " in Arabic means the substitute , the heir or the descendant.
@letsomethingshine Жыл бұрын
Always wondered what "Caliphate" referred/alluded to, in place of some word that would directly translate to "kingdom."
@davidgagnon3781 2 жыл бұрын
Matthew 13:55 55 "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?
@geoattoronto Жыл бұрын
Joseph did not die young. The false narrative - Mary as virgin; Jesus as God - required virginity and getting rid of Joseph and Jesus’ siblings. They even renamed Joseph as Joseph of Arimithea. Jesus was put in his father’s tomb.
@Thiago_Alves_Souza Жыл бұрын
Yeah this dude was overcomplicating things when there are other texts giving evidence that they're all Joseph's children
@keitho8131 Жыл бұрын
There are a lot of references to the handout. It might be useful to provide the handout in pdf form.
@alainabilow Жыл бұрын
@nadzach 8 ай бұрын
Jesus seemed to know this was a last opportunity for Israel which would be destroyed without a great awakening. Did he foresee all the death and destruction. Or the great falling away even after all he suffered for us? Yes, i suppose. He certainly understood the prophets--completely beyond me.
@robbielee2148 Жыл бұрын
I came for the Ebionites & was fulfilled somewhat. To the victors goes the spoils of war. Hence why we'll never know the truth.
@douglaidlaw740 2 жыл бұрын
I have read the book; it was more sensible than some of these preachers, but it was unscientific. Right through the book, the author condemned John's Gospel as worthless -- until the last chapter, where John is the only Evangelist who supports him, and suddenly becomes the "fair-haired boy!" I am still wondering how an Unbeliever became the Head of a theological college.
@j.a.b.3548 7 ай бұрын
What does it matter..royal ancestry??……..(maybe to unbelievers, Would it help them?..if so, then by all means investigate) but for me…Jesus is the King of kings..the son of God..He is God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit..God Almighty..if that’s not royal enough I don’t know what is!
@trukeesey8715 Жыл бұрын
You were better to say "Israelitish" than "Jewish", inasmuch as most jews are not Israelites, but Kenites, nor were most of them Israelites in the first century. Even in Encyclopaedia Judaica is written "Much of Edom is in modern jewry". Edom took wives of the children of Cain, who, in either Targum or Apocrypha (I forgot which) was son of the Serpent, as affirmed by Jesus in his accusations against "the children of your father the devil, who was the first murderer". Mitochondrial (female side) DNA of Ashkenazim is not jewish but from four Mediterranean European women. Listen to Prem Rawat!
@Sahajayana-Nirvanasara 2 жыл бұрын
Nazoreans: Keepers Of The Original Way
@paulrhome6164 2 жыл бұрын
There's so many James because it was actually one of the more common names, Jacob. The KJV translated all instances of Jacob except for the most famous, to James in honor of the king.
@andreamobeck200 2 жыл бұрын
That's correct and that's why in my Complete Jewish Bible translation it is Ya'akov (Jacob) Thanks so much for reminding me !
@douglaidlaw740 2 жыл бұрын
Was it done to honour the King, or was it because James as the Greek form of James? The New Testament was written in Greek "as she is spoke," with differences from the literary "koine."
@diansc7322 Жыл бұрын
@@douglaidlaw740 Iakobos is the Greek form of the name, not James
@letsomethingshine Жыл бұрын
@@douglaidlaw740 Yes and No. When "Jacob's Well" is mentioned in the NT, it is not called "James' Well" it is just called "Jacob's Well." But also, neoJacob was not translated as "James" in order to "honor the king of England"... it was translated as "James" because it was an already English sounding word that meant "Usurper" which is what "Jacob" means "Yah(weh) Usurps". The guy that translated the more original Latin version into the "pre-King James Version" said he didn't like how confusing the Latin version "Jacobus" confused people with thinking there was a deeper or mythical connection with the Old Testament. Thus he figured a "white lie" or "half truth" by changing only the "new jacobs" into "james" would only help Christianity and thus assure him theo-fascistic-monarchial immortality.
@mylord9340 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Tabor, you have somewhat convincingly shown that Jesus' brothers James, Simon, and Judas were included in the 12 apostles. However, in Mark chapter 3, Jesus chose the apostles but then in Mark 3:20-35 we read that Jesus' family including his brothers tried to restrain him from preaching. Does this not put in question your thesis?
@davidgagnon3781 2 жыл бұрын
Galatians 1:19 - Adelphos -- ETYMOLOGY: from Delphus, from the womb -- DEFINITION: BROTHER. James was from the same womb as Jesus, at least according to the author of Galatians.
@quakers200 2 жыл бұрын
This man is like the Columbo of Christianity. . I would like some other opinions on this theory to speak up. Scholars not theologians. Theologians always back the church of Rome over the Jerusalem church on faith. Luke Acts is a cleaner theology than the slightly later ones of the four primary gospels that split up the early Church. Scholarship has less bias in my opinion. Even today it is not clear that Christianity has a unity, a consensus on doctrine. Even within say Baptist followers it is not uncommon for ministers to call each other out. Televangelists seem to be the biggest targets but authors, famous people except Trump oddly enough, tend to mix it up. Some of this war rages even here on KZbin which I love to see!
@420JRMan Жыл бұрын
Virgin, that time-period, mean's unzzwed not untouched.
@pjgraves03 8 ай бұрын
Enjoying your research. When you or anyone else can prove Paul knew Yeshua please let it be known. Blessings to all.
@SometimeAgo65 3 ай бұрын
Yeshua Stopped him on the road on his journey. He said I Am the Lord. The Lord is described throughout scripture as Jesus Christ/ The Lord God. I take it you dont believe the Holy Scripture but take a mans word/studies over the bible. Im asking..
@krbailess 2 жыл бұрын
Through Dr. Tabor, I’ve recently discovered James, and I found this entire lecture riveting. I can tell already, I will listen to this over and over again. Thank you, thank you! ❤
@PatriceBoivin 2 жыл бұрын
check out Robert Eisenman on James
@krbailess 2 жыл бұрын
@@PatriceBoivin I’ve heard he’s done a lot of work on James. I’ve been thinking about ordering his book - I’ve read it’s the best work on James thus far. You’ve convinced me. I’m going to order it today. 😊
@krbailess 2 жыл бұрын
@@PatriceBoivin I did it! I ordered (and received) Dr. Eisenman’s book on James. It’s absolutely fascinating and I’m enjoying it so much. Thank you again for your recommendation. ❤️
@garyp5437 Жыл бұрын
Me too!!!!!
@tugatgalut Жыл бұрын
I was James, my people stoned me, i reincarnated, read my parables please, 👍👍How many parables Jesus gave us? 50-60? He was bigger than Jesus. Shlomi the Messiah from Israel gave us more than 200 parables. My favorite is called 'The poor farmer and the precious wine' 🙏🙏
@LoSGatoS-pe9hk 8 ай бұрын
Khalaf means progenitor a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates; an ancestor or parent. "his sons and daughters were the progenitors of many of Scotland's leading noble families"
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
Cleophas is mentioned as the husband of one of the Mary's at the foot of the cross in John but there was a Cleopas in Luke 24, who was one of the guys on the road to Emmaus. It is presumed that Cleopas was the surname of Simon Cleopas because Luke records Jesus appearing to Simon and it could not have been Simon Peter that he was referring to. Luke 24:34 - Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. I mean, I'm just guessing but up to that verse, Jesus hadn't appeared to any of the apostles but He did appear to the two men on the road to Emmaus.
@solomonlee4503 Жыл бұрын
But scholars said that in those day people had no surname.
@GizmoFromPizmo Жыл бұрын
@@solomonlee4503 - And this is what I love about "scholars". I never heard the word "surname" until I started reading the King James Bible. (I was like 17-years old at the time.) Now the "scholars" (who are so much smarter than I am) are telling me that people didn't have surnames in those days. Gee, I wonder where the translators got their stupid information. The translators don't know as much as these brilliant "scholars". Trust me. That's not scholarship, that's bull ship.
@stevenv6463 2 жыл бұрын
At 23:00 I believe this word is also related to the Arabic caliph which I think is of Aramaic origin.
@ahmedopone4080 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Also, not a coincidence that Christians are called Al-Nasaara in Arabic. Same as the Nazarenes.
@KnowthyseIf 11 ай бұрын
@@ahmedopone4080the real followers of Christ followed the Thora
@chriswilcocks8485 10 ай бұрын
I'm a catholic I have no trouble with this. The essentials dont change God is love. We are called to love. Through whatever spiritual practice you do , you receive the spirit to help you love.
@propaganmessiah388 2 жыл бұрын
...and there for his Genealogy is well known from the Kings of England and France and Russia ie EUROPA going back to 500 AD. or zero, when they thought he was born but the only thing that was BORN Again was his prophecy of the Messiah who comes NOW, ..hence backwards. The Kings do NOT come from him YET, he comes from the ancient line of Kings.. hence King of Kings.
@christinabernier4860 9 ай бұрын
I’m confused by your statement that James would endorse Noahide laws, which are created by rabbinics. The Torah is clear that there is one Torah for the children of Israel and the stranger who lives among them (Num 15:16 and Ex 12:49). With regard to circumcision, even Abraham’s servants were circumcised (Gen 17:27). The whole of the Neviim is about returning to GOD and keeping his eternal Torah, so this bit has me somewhat perplexed about James, as i do believe he was Torah observant and would have welcomed "Gentiles" to adopt the ways of the Torah and receive a name "better than (natural born) sons" (Is 56).
@Phillip-n3g 6 ай бұрын
He says Torah and not the law ( 10 commandments) because then people would equate him to such as messianic Jews , SDA, and SDB. and other Saturday Shabboth keepers.
@christinabernier4860 6 ай бұрын
@@Phillip-n3g According to the Torah in Exodus, anyone who keeps the whole of the 10 Words, the Covenant, is considered "a special treasure above all the peoples of the earth." When the Israelites left Egypt, they were a mixed multitude, and even Joseph's own sons (the sons who bear the name of Israel) were half Egyptian. The problem with Christianity and Judaism is that both groups routinely violate at least one commandment of The Covenant. Judaism will not speak His Name, in violation of the 3rd Command to never bring His Name to nothing. And Christians/SDA/Messianics violate any variety of the 10, but most importantly, they profane the Covenant by worshiping a god who is not YHWH.
@Phillip-n3g 6 ай бұрын
I agree with you 100%. I posted but i think it got gobbled up .by the rat traps.
@deborahvretis3195 2 жыл бұрын
fascinating and riveting! Thank you.
@udummytutorials3199 Жыл бұрын
if james was the leader it could have been redundant to say to the particular audience luke was writing for because it was known.
@studiodemichel 10 ай бұрын
Whew, at just two minutes into this video I am aghast by the creative assertions about John and James. Theories rivaling Q-anon! But, I do find fiction fascinating. Dr. Tabor, a rational historian, is interesting as a free thinker, but I pray he returns to his Messiah and His Church, before it's too late (death). I'll watch the rest of the video for my entertainment and the occasional gems he drops. Peace (from the Restoration and Unity Movement)!
@donovanwint1277 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very interesting perspective on this topic, hoping to see more on it. Bless you Dr. James Tabor.
@rafaelsanz3441 2 жыл бұрын
James Tabor is a great intelectual and communicator.
@ManyThingsSeem 2 жыл бұрын
@alecbrown66 Жыл бұрын
I think its enlightening that apart from James, many of the original apostles were sons of high priests and judaism/early Christian period was a theocracy, with titles like high priest handed down from father to son. So many of the apostles were wealthy and influential in Israel, which explains a bit why the pre Pauline Christians were considered dangerous.
@Tro349 Жыл бұрын
Alecbrown66• where is the proof of what you are saying? If most of the apostles were rich, then why didn’t they just go buy the food to feed the multitude instead of relying on Jesus to produce a miracle. The Word does say that the apostles fed the people not Christ. If all the Apostles had all this power and influence, why were they all crucified, stoned, and beheaded?
@donalddotson-cw5ll Жыл бұрын
​@@Tro349it might be because any types of a conceivable threat to the power of roman authority was instantly dealt with death. The temple worshipping was only allowed because it was an easy way to continue to keep the Hebrew people superstitiously emotionally pacified by allowing them to continue to worship their GODS EL and Yahweh in the temple. It's a much safer way to be able to control the Empires annexed province, and its people. As long as the priesthood didn't preach revolting against the roman occupation, then the Romans wouldn't have to pay the expenses for the military to have to put down the revolution against rome. The people were already paying taxes as a tribute to the power of rome for their protection from other invaders.
@ThomasDoubting5 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus also say those who becomes as a child will be superior to john in the same saying that is understandably is not complete in the king James book of half truths and utter bullshit
@bertwesler1100 2 жыл бұрын
Paul is the second most prominent Crypto-Jew in history; A Christian in name only, but an Illuminated Elder of the Worshipers of Remphan and Moloch, the same Secret Society that has plagued humanity from the time of the First Crypto-Jew, Joseph, son of Israel and Grand Vizier of Egypt. Egyptian in name only and destroyer of Egypt~!
@thomasprice8127 2 жыл бұрын
You all can deny that Yeshua/ Jesus was the Messiah for now through eternity. You will NEVER eradicate Him!! In fact, you WILL face Him in judgment at the end of time on this earth, GUARANTEED. I can't understand why you even would want to deny Him!! He died for our sins and gives us an opportunity to live with Him forever in paradise after the resurrection. No brainer!!!!!! He is the truth and life eternal.
@Fred-hk7wk 2 жыл бұрын
Ahh, newsflash pal, Jebus wasn't a real person and never existed. That's why there's not a single shred of evidence anywhere on the planet outside of the Buybull. Nothing, zero, zilch, Nada, nought. Not a single piece anywhere. We all know that the Buybull is a total fabrication and just a collection of stolen Stories compiled into one book with some names changed, but Jebus never existed. I actually hope he does exist because I look forward to punching him in the mouth, and then bending him over.
@PaulyMG33 2 жыл бұрын
Josephs brother dies and Joseph steps in to raise his brothers family. being an unmarried man he does what is expected. He marries her as required and now raises his brothers children. She was pregnant at the time and the Father deceased. Making her unwed, widowed, a virgin, a fatherless birth. Joseph dies early as well in Eashoa's life. The reason Joseph isn't present at the Crucifixion, did not pay for the burial. Mary was widowed twice. Eashoa may have traveled. Being Essene he was to become a man at 12 and begin his adeptship. He came forth out of Egypt says prophecy.. Alexandria area.. Mt. Carmel. His brother James in the south at Qumaran. James is not a healer, a theraputae as Eashoa was.. Brothers with different educations - 2 schools in different locations. One law/observence, the other Prophey/medi-physical. The meek Eashoa refers to are Ebionites. Like Nazara closely linked to Essene's. Enoch was the founder of the Essene school.
@redeemedstone Жыл бұрын
Galatians 1:18 Paul stayed with Peter for 15 days in that time he he said he only saw James the Lord's brother. Im not sure where you're getting that Paul never went Peter.
@AR-tb9hq 2 жыл бұрын
been hooked on Dr. Tabor's lectures... so much interesting stuff, can't stop watching
@monkeysnide 2 жыл бұрын
Mary had a sister called Mary? That would be stupid even in ancient times.
@privatechannel8462 10 ай бұрын
A Mary was a derogatory term the Romans used against them.
@UnimatrixOne 10 ай бұрын
@Saer-s9u 10 ай бұрын
think of it as....the universal term 'brother' used to address men within the same tribe or close knit group. just as is women addressing each other as sister. it is also common then and a bit still today in families of high status. e.g. - William,1st son usually William son of william/William junior/Jr., William II,then William III, William IIII. Then we have people like George Forman who named all of his children George. there are traditions where females/mothers do the same with female offspring. Most of this went on before surnames were inveted. it wS also common,still is a little,to name a child after a close relative had died before the birth of a new baby. another factor that gets deep...using names that a rabbi determines by means of kabbalah numerology names that fit the life/birth path according to time and date of birth. it's complex stuff until you study and know how it works. then it is silly easy and logical. numbers don't lie. adopted aliases also not uncommon...while Roman's were sussing out ' trouble makers'. kind of like how a lot of people hiding behind their computer screens today. there is an ancient always know who your mother is. it was treated as gospel in order to legally protect children of a marriage. it is still in law today in a lot of countries. should a husband go to war,for example,for 4 years,and come home to a baby of his wife that is a year old. it was taken forgranted wife hade been raped. husband would raise child as his own and it just wasn't talked about,just understood. OK. I'll hush up now. 😊
@Quetsalcoatvl 10 ай бұрын
There were two brothers that went to my high school that were both named kendrick.
@Quetsalcoatvl 10 ай бұрын
Also mary of clopas is not said to be mary's sister in the Bible, only in the apocryphal infancy gospel of Matthew written in the 7th century. There is another apocryphal gospel, Phillip that says she is his sister: "...His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary...."
@Monkofmagnesia Жыл бұрын
By claiming that Mary was "ever virgin," they are saying that sex, even within marriage, is somehow a sin. The Gospel of John never mentions Mary, the mother of Jesus, by her name. Interesting. SHe is described as Jesus' mother, but never by name. My cousin was born into a family where all the girls were named Mary and all the boys were named Joseph. They went by their middle names throughout life. Luke is guilty of revisionist history. Example, when Jesus is arrested, his disciples do NOT run away but "follow at a distance."
@familyaccount4919 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this -
@mieliav Жыл бұрын
robart graves spells out a very similar story in his book 'King Jesus'. recommended.
@santhoshkumar-fs7ll 11 ай бұрын
The earlier it is forgotten the better
@solomonlee4503 Жыл бұрын
It is mind opening to hear this hypothesis, it does has convincing evidence if we were to dig more deeply. Thank you James.
@TheWelvarend 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Tabor's opening comment that Jesus' statement "but he who is least in the Kingdom is greater than he" is easily and plainly reconciled. And, yes: Jesus said it. Why? Jesus tells you: "The law and the prophets were until John" (Luke 16:6). John the Baptist may have been the greatest prophet in the Old Testament where the Holy Ghost was external to all men, but Jesus represents the New Testament where even the least person has the Holy Ghost dwelling in them, making even the smallest Christian greater than any Old Testament prophet bound to ritual, sacrifices, and waiting on God. Surely, this is not that hard to figure out.
@gilroyopinion 3 ай бұрын
Actually, I think it's possible Jesus might have said that, but the reason his follow-up is reconcilable is not because of the new covenant replacing he old one or that Christian interpretation is superior to the Jewish one as you seem to imply. That's Pauline doctrine, and would not reflect Jesus' own teaching, which are still very committed to the law of Moses (remember, Jesus said he came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it; that is, he wasn't trying to say, like Paul, the Old Testament is no longer important, so much as he was trying to redirect people to the spiritual basis for the law). The Holy Ghost has always dwelt among the righteous of Israel. It's an idea that goes back to the Old Testament called the Ru'ach hakodesh and has nothing to do with Trinitarianism which is definitely not Jewish. It can be understood as inspiration; God's inspiration, which John the Baptist and previous prophets would have been full of. You could say, in modern parlance, that it was the guiding consciousness that would see to it that God's will prevailed in the early (still entirely Jewish) Nazarene church. . Jesus was living at a time when many Jews of different sects (including the Pharisees and Essenes, but not the Sadducees) believed that God's Kingdom was an immanent historical event that would put an end to the corrupt age full of all kinds of evils and hardships people had faced, from the Roman occupation, to inequality, to death and disease. It was a dualistic paradigm that may go back to the Zoroastrians during the Babylonian and Persian periods, that surely had an influence on inter-testamental Jewish thought. The kingdom was essentially a restored Earth in which righteousness would prevail, and we would be given new bodies free from sickness and death..but only those who had shown themselves worthy of entrance would be given it; the rest would experience not life but eternal nonexistence - what is called the 'second death'. They would not be resurrected. When Jesus says that whoever is least in the kingdom is greater than John, this has nothing to do with righteousness, or judging John not worthy of entrance. If that were the case (and John is the greatest person who ever lived) of course no one else would be in the kingdom. The greatness would be that of the restored form that the all of the resurrected righteous would have, John included. Jesus was trying to inspire hope in how great things would soon be for those enduring the present hardships of the world. Following John, Jesus set out to prepare people for the kingdom. In order for them to enter heaven (which was not a celestial destination but an transformed Earth) heaven had to first enter them....hence the kingdom of heaven being within.
@byronumphress3805 2 жыл бұрын
@silasfreeman2856 2 жыл бұрын
Hey what about the other tribes from around the world don't forget what mission movements did too a nation of beautiful people this isn't just about Islam and Christianity unless you got sum knowledge I don't
@edbutzwiggle4227 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant as usual. Thanks
@paineite 2 жыл бұрын
Just outstanding
@Larry30102 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Tabor. You bring to life the history of ancient times.
@lennyjohnson9331 2 жыл бұрын
James & John the Baptist is the two edged of the sword that comes out jesus's mouth metaphor , ? Makes more since then James& Jude, since Jesus considered him his Messiah , Jude got tossed n to finish there dynasty out ,& appears a fade out of ending story , getting these people mindset , & learning there's a 3rd major team involved wow ! Great job of searching with your soul earnestly,
@markballantyne393 Жыл бұрын
They followed Jesus immediately because they were his brothers
@geoattoronto Жыл бұрын
At first, they did not follow him.
@jivanvasant 2 жыл бұрын
DEAD SEA SCROLLS - PESHER Four minutes of this video is enough to identify its limitations. John the Baptist was the first major political and religious enemy of Jesus, and both of them knew it. The quote about John the Baptist being the best of men born of women includes "pesher" words that have totally different if not opposite meanings. Herod the Great was not born Jewish, but later in life he converted to his liberalized version of the Jewish faith, as part of his mission (world plan) to take over the whole world and make an enormous amount of money from the Diaspora Jews and Gentiles. Only a superficial and incorrect interpretation of the Q Document and related ancient documents is possible without knowing the hidden pesher meaning that was discovered by Dr. Barbara Thiering and interpreted by her during 20 years of scholarly research and publication of her works.
@hermanhale9258 2 жыл бұрын
Theiring is a nut and Tabor is a bs artist.
@JCSalomon Жыл бұрын
If Joseph had any living children when he died, levirate marriage would not have applied; in fact, Mary would have been forbidden to marry Joseph’s brother.
@JohnnyKooter Жыл бұрын
If simon is in his 70s in the year 62 ce would'nt that make him older than jesus?
@UnimatrixOne 10 ай бұрын
Where is the rest of the video?
@UnimatrixOne 8 ай бұрын
@zyxmyk 2 жыл бұрын
They always say that celibacy is foreign to Judaism, but the Essenes were celibate and they were Jewish. I think it's only foreign to later Judaism, not to it as it was 2000 plus years ago.
@lisakimbrell1406 2 жыл бұрын
Essenes were a Zoroastrian cult and Judaism was a created religion in 2Kings 17 by mixing Ashima/Hashem with the worship of Yahuah. The God Culture has excellent research that proves it out
@letsomethingshine Жыл бұрын
Celibacy is certainly foreign to the Old Testament. It was only Later Judaism (such as sects called Essenes) that had mixed with Zoroastrian and Buddhist monastic ideas that wanted to "purify" themselves by "doing one better" than avoiding the wife during her "monthly unclean time" by avoiding a wife at all... many Greco-Roman priestesses already did this and remaining virgin was seen as a "superpower" to a lot of lusting dummies.
@Baccanaso Жыл бұрын
​@@lisakimbrell1406checked them out and he's claiming the garden of eden was in the Philippines. No surprise he has a Philippina wife. Pass
@lisakimbrell1406 Жыл бұрын
@@Baccanaso they don't "claim" anything. They literally PROVE IT. Your loss ...
@GnosticInformant 2 жыл бұрын
another great lecture by Professor Tabor. No student loans needed!
@termination9353 2 жыл бұрын
If John Baptist said Jesus is the great one everybody was waiting for... then how come there were two separate groups; Jesus and his disciples while there was John and HIS disciples. How was it that John did not step down and hand over his followers to Jesus?
@johnnewton8017 2 жыл бұрын
I love your channel. Thank you for your hard work!
@ImaginaryWear 2 жыл бұрын
@@termination9353 Aside from Jesus, John is one of the most significant figure in the gospel. His birth parallels that of Jesus but was also such a momentous event similar to the birth of Isaac to Sarah and Abraham. John’s ministry was like those “The end is here” type ministers but I would imagine due to the events of those times the scenario makes since. So it’s like Jesus spoke of love where John spoke of the end but the message of both was the same, “the kingdom of heaven is upon us”. I don’t think the disciples of the 2 would have been able to commingle because the disciples followed based on the message or I guess delivery style of Jesus and John.
@termination9353 2 жыл бұрын
@@ImaginaryWear John is "least in the kingdom of heaven'.
@Thor-Orion 11 ай бұрын
@@termination9353did you not watch this video? Dr Tabor addresses that quote in the first 15-20 minutes.
@victorknezevich7281 2 жыл бұрын
There is ,in later roman writings documentation that jesus family descendants,were still alive living in galillee,about 60 years on from the crucifixion they are questioned and released being poor farmers but later on they are again called and executed by the roman emperor ,so it was dangerous to be associated with Jesus's family and no doubt his family would have gone into hiding,rather than face death.
@karleemiles2988 Жыл бұрын
Or did they go to Spain. James was tricked into returning to Jerusalem and was murdered by the high priest.
@CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 7 ай бұрын
ABNeg Blood Type
@donnaburden.dip.d.analysis2148 4 күн бұрын
Hi James, just a thought archelogists in Pompeii said they have found ancient scriptures dating back to around Yeshua (Jesus) time. They are hoping that there maybe information regarding the early Christians. Maybe you should find out more information. The archelogists are waiting for technology to develop further to unravel these scriptures. Due to the damage of the volcano erupting. If their is any scripture in there regarding the movement. This could be extremely interesting. Xx
@rhodiusscrolls3080 Жыл бұрын
Does this say anything about Jesus sisters and where did they ever go?
@CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 6 ай бұрын
We Are Still Here ❤ , AB negative
@RalphEllis 2 жыл бұрын
I was saying the brothers of Jesus were all disciples, way back in 1997. Seemed obvious to me. All royal and aristocratic families ran dynasties. And Jesus WAS a king. R
@yall2743 Жыл бұрын
Why does Jesus say to Peter that he will be the rock that he builds his tempel on and suddenly he's not mentioned at all?
@barnsweb52 22 күн бұрын
Paul was a Herodian, liar, and fraud - defeated in his own time - resurrected by Rome via his letters. See 2 Timothy 4:19 and the trial of Revelation 2. Matthew was first - sorry James. Jesus was restoring the Covenant Standards via his Doctrine of God taught in Matthew. See "The Moses Scroll" and its alignment to the teachings of Jesus therein.
@donfreud212 9 ай бұрын
This is all very interesting. I'm beginning to put this together; it seems there are multiple sources that state Thomas, was "didymos," (twin) to the Lord. So apparently Jesus had a twin brother. I'm pulling this directly from Professor Hugh Montomery's book, The God-Kings of Outremer. He is citing the Abdius Manuscript, as well as Nag Hamadi books, i.e., The Gospel of Thomas. If the Gospel of Thomas can be trusted ("Thomas wrote it down"), it means Jesus' twin could write, which means they probably both received some education in their early years.
@shayalynn 3 ай бұрын
I’ve never heard of that theory before.
@ThomasDoubting5 Ай бұрын
(46) Jesus said, "Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said, whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the kingdom and will become superior to John.". That's the lambdin translation of saying 46 in gospel of Thomas .
@LeutherGreengager-ip1uw Жыл бұрын
Peter for the Roman Catholics, John for the Christian Orthodox, Paul for the Protestant Evangelicals, James for the Jewish Believers.
@emoran5875 Жыл бұрын
Thank you…
@hans.stein. Ай бұрын
I commented on this before. Paul - as his Master did - freed people. "That one does not follow you with us!" "Leave him alone" was his response. How important should Paul have made that Dynasty of Brothers of Messiah to put every Jew or Pharisee (coming from James) in a position to lord it over the ones in Asia minor, Greece, on the islands, in Spain? Paul did not fight against James. Indeed, he is the one we know it from (in the NT writings) that he was brother of the Kyrios Iesous. Paul was not just a brilliant thinker. He was a good man, too. And he cared more for those afar for whom he had taken responsibility by being teacher and friend and father to them than he cared for his own stance with those in Jerusalem. Yet, he cared for them, too, and collected support in behalf of them among the nations. His letters are full of the value (ΑΓΑΠΗ agapē) of the fathers, of Moses, of Israel as a nation. The churches (from ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ) are not of Paul's making. (He does not even embrace that term.) Paul is not responsible as John and Simon (Peter) as James are not responsible for the idolatrous mess and doctrinal hoax that has been called church. The path to the Dynasty (ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ) is and always was the narrow one. And the door is not nation, nor blood, nor kinship.
@JayDee-x2b 2 ай бұрын
Obviously, be fruitful and multiply doesn't apply to everyone. Seriously stupid applying everything to everyone
@duffgordon9005 4 ай бұрын
After Christ was born.... Coinsider this---the line of David had become ..OR SHOULD HAVE BECOME- of NO interest- but you are speaking against Jame's number one 'commandment' which is "PAY NO INTEREST TO Partiality- But you LOVE James- because he is the brother? James says that is a sin. Chapter two. NEPOTISM ?? Is always a failure in real life.
@termination9353 2 жыл бұрын
If John Baptist said Jesus is the great one everybody was waiting for... then how come there were two separate groups; Jesus and his disciples while there was John and HIS disciples. How was it that John did not step down and hand over his followers to Jesus?
@historysmysteriesunveiled8043 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously? They would've worshipped Moses' bones if they'd have found them, they were a very superstitious people, for lack of a better term, that would follow anyone exhibiting any type of Supernatural knowledge.
@Fred-hk7wk 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, none of what you just said happened anyway because, hate to break it to you, Jebus wasn't real. He's made up, in your head, fake, fiction, created by man to control man, not a real person. It really is that simple.
@termination9353 2 жыл бұрын
@@Fred-hk7wk Nobody cares what you don't believe.
@Fred-hk7wk 2 жыл бұрын
@@termination9353 good for you. I just can't believe that in this day and age, with all the knowledge and experts we have, with how many times this stuff has been conclusively proven to be all lies, that people are still so gullible as to believe a 2000 + year old book, written by ancient, ignorant, uneducated primitives, to control more ignorant, uneducated primitives. That basically means that anyone that still believes this garbage is 10 X dumber than anyone that lived over 2000 years ago. Hardly something to be proud of. For the record, I was a Christian, until I was at an age where I was smart enough to figure out that it's all garbage, 10. Spent the next 30 studying the Buybull and now know more than any Christian ever will. Don't be a fool for life.
@igotjams1 2 жыл бұрын
John the Baptist was pointing to the coming of the Messiah. He never said that he was the anointed one. Rather, his ministry was to remind the people that "one greatet than he" was coming. When Jesus came to John to be baptized, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." At that moment John understood that Jesus was now on the scene and that his duty to tell everyone about the coming Messiah was done. "He must increase and I must decrease. At this point, John's followers began following Jesus.
@alexzicker 2 ай бұрын
The family of Jesus is the family of David, and the branch that remains to this day, the Exilarchs, are also, by the Jews carefully and studiously avoided.
@judithknights-rayson9284 7 ай бұрын
Re: The Dynasty of Jesus. WHY the ROYAL DYNASTY of Jesus was forgotten. Jesus does NOT have an EARTHLY dynasty. He NEVER married! So, NOTHING to forget! But He DOES have an ETERNAL, SPIRITUAL KINGDOM, that is added to DAILY by those who believe that by His death on the cross, their sins have been forgiven and who then, Crown Him their Saviour and Lord. Jesus CAME to REVERSE the effects to all mankind, of the SPIRITUAL DEATH and SEPARATION FROM God caused Adam and Eve's disobedience to God's command NOT to eat from the tree of the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVI, or they would DIE -- SPIRITUALLY. God created Adam and Eve IN HIS OWN IMAGE and IN HIS OWN LIKENESS by BREATHING into Adam's nostrils HIS Own, Eternal Holy Spirit Life. This gave the humans an affinity with God so that they could UNDERSTAND God's Thoughts Gen 2:16 and EXPERIENCE His Preesence Gen 3: 8.. God has a SPIRITUAL ENEMY -Satan.... Once an angel created by God, he planned to establish his own kingdom in heaven, but God cast him out and he fell to earth, STILL with the BURNING AMBITION to have his own kingdom!. When God created Adam and Eve, Satan seized the opportunity to draw the humans to himselt by tempting them to disobey God's command. The very moment Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they lost their affinity with God and became SINNERS SEPARATED SPIRITUALLY from Him, no longer bearing His Image and Likeness. Theyfelt SPIRITUALLY naked/exposed and experienced guilt, shame and fear, sothey picked fig leaves to cover their physical nakedness. Gen 5:1 Man created in the Likeness of God. Gen 5:3 Adam, passed his SIN DNA anf SPIRITUAL SEPARATION from God to his son Seth and through him, to all mankind, and at the end of our lives we face JUDGEMENT and ETERNAL BANISHMENT from God in the Lake of fire. BUT God has made a way of escape for those who choose it. Jesus came to make it possible for us to have our sins FORGIVEN BEFORE WE DIE., so we DON'T have to stand in the FINAL JUDGEMENT. In the Old Testament, God gave Moses the blueprint for the SHEDDING OF BLOOD for the FORGIVENESS of SIN. Lev 17:11 "For the LIFE of a creature is in the BLOOD and I HAVE GIVEN IT TO YOU to make ATONEMENT FOR YOURSELVES on the altar. It is the BLOOD that MAKES AT-ONE-MENT for one's LIFE". Animal life is DIFFERENT FROM human life. When we receive a blood transfusion, we receive HUMAN blood NOT ANIMAL blood. For God's purposes, ANIMAL BLOOD, INNOCENT of human sin acted as a COVERING/PROTECTION from God's Judgement for sin, but it COULD NOT REMOVE THE SIN. Only INNOCENT, SINLESS HUMAN BLOOD could do that! (The LIFE of a creature....... The animal blood in the Old Testament, was loke a photograph of the TRUE BLOOD, the SINLESS, HUMAN BLOOD. In Gen 2:7, God blew His Eternal Holy Spirit Life into Adam's FULLY FORMED body. But God's Eternal Holy Spirit CONCEIVED Jesus in Mary's womb. God's Eternal Holy Spirit IN Jesus was tempted by the devil in EVERY way that we are, yet He NEVER SINNED. Therefore, God counted Him WORTHY to shed His Blood. ONLY Jesus Christ has the power to RAISE people from the dead. While He hung on the cross, having taken ALL our sins IN His body, Jesus said to God, Catherine, forgive hem, they dont know what they are doing"..
@bugzyhardrada3168 Жыл бұрын
Aha I see so we are assuming that Jesus lived and the bible isint plagerised, erroneous and role-playing....gotcha....
@marketmakerstreet 4 ай бұрын
if 4 children are borned out of Mary and Clophas (St Joseph's brother), then James brother of Jesus is still an adolescent. St.Joseph died in 20AD. Assuming Marry remary to his broher in 21AD. Jesus' ministry was at 30AD, then that mean a new child, james, borned from Clophas should be aged 12 to 14 years old during Jesus's ministry Mary remarry doesn't make any sense
@bertwesler1181 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing more ridiculous than listening to Heb talk Jesus~!
@christopherfisher128 2 жыл бұрын
Christ was a Jew
@tonyr6365 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus accended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. If you want to understand the Bible you should read it or listen to a audio version of it if you can't read and ask Jesus to help you understand it.
@sheephills510 9 ай бұрын
All believers are related to Jesus Christ by blood! All believers are direct heirs to His Kingdom!!! It is written...🙏🔑✌️🇮🇱
@Johnathan909309 Жыл бұрын
Wow! if this is true then it's because of Paul that we have anything at all truly truly profound
@AbrahamsBridges 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this matters, James, but in the Hispanic culture, multiple children can have the same name. Within his family, several boys are named “Ruben”. My husband’s mother had 10 siblings; and of the girls were named “Maria.”
@violetgypsie 2 жыл бұрын
That appears to be a Catholic tradition. It is the same in Canada. It used to be all boys had the first name of Joseph and the girls all had the first name of Mary (Maria is Spanish, Marie in French, Moira in Irish) given on their birth certificate by the priest, then the parents would give the second given name which was usually the name used by the family, example Mary Lorraine, or Joseph Donald.
@ChristopherCudworth Жыл бұрын
George Foreman named all his kids George I think
@julesfalcone Жыл бұрын
@@ChristopherCudworth I was going to write: "George Foreman would." But you beat me to it.
@bakielh229 Жыл бұрын
What the hell is wrong with this grammar in your sentences?
@Thor-Orion 11 ай бұрын
@@ChristopherCudworthPtolemy I named both of his sons Ptolemy. So this definitely happened at that time as well, especially in the Hellenistic world that the Moabites were rebelling against and thus were obviously contemporaneous with.
@egomonger 10 ай бұрын
The Ascetic? The race of the Jesus. Recognize. Get off my ancestors coat tail. Read Laurence Gardner's -Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Anne Boleyn's daughter was named after her grandmother Elizabeth, it is her royal blood you speak of, my blood. Not the devils brood Plantagenet invader imposters.
@mathewsamuel1386 9 ай бұрын
Jesus's family was poor and illiterate according to the bible. They couldn't afford a family tomb. The tomb in question here couldn't be that of the Jesus of the bible.
@leighbatterham187 7 ай бұрын
So, how about Mary Magdalene and Jesus were married and had at least one child. Maybe their child is James. Reference the Cathars in Southern France. Hiding the bloodline of Jesus and escaping before the others were wiped out. Mary and Jesus gave sermons together. Alternate view
@AmericanShia786 2 жыл бұрын
I read The Jesus Dynasty the year it was first released, as well as book James the Brother of Jesus and The Lost Religion of Jesus. I had converted from Christianity to 12er Shi'ite Islam in 1999 at the age of 39, so I was very interested in the research done by Dr. James Tabor and others. There is the concept of 12 Imams which follower those Prophets who are also Messengers (i.e. bring a divine law). So, I personally believe the was a Jesus Dynasty. We name Peter, James, Simon, and Jude as the first four "Imams" after Prophet Jesus the Christ. Dr. Tabor's comments on the list by Eusebius is really helpful because we didn't know how to deal with the extra names in the list. I shared this video on Facebook for my Christian and Muslim friends interested in these things. We may draw different conclusions, but the knowledge also demonstrates what Jews, Christians, and Muslims do have in common.
@dianastevenson131 2 жыл бұрын
Peter Voerding Very interesting! Can you give a source for the first 4 Imams being Peter, James, Simon and Jude? I'd like to look it up.
@molotov7000 2 жыл бұрын
Are you a Muslim now?!!! Hope these videos will help you further...
@saltypancreas5866 2 жыл бұрын
Salamunalaykum wa rahmatollahi wa barakatu Can you let me know if you find aprils book on the gospel of Thomas
@zamiel3 2 жыл бұрын
They all think they are correct, and none can prove it. That is what they have "in common".
@ManyThingsSeem 2 жыл бұрын
Good riddance... don't come back.
@teresamcnulty8471 Жыл бұрын
They're called "The Family of God". "If you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29 Jesus did not marry or produce children, and Joseph and Mary were humble folk, though both of the lineage of David.
@eleanorerosanova7538 8 ай бұрын
Some people have made the comment that Thomas dydemus was Jesus ( Yasha's) brother, in fact that word means twin I believe in greek. And then Constantine changed it to make it look like his brother was a betrayer because his brother was in fact call Thomas Judah. Not Judas Iscariot. And isn't that what Rome was always doing betraying their brothers?
@eleanorerosanova7538 8 ай бұрын
James real name is yaakov. The writers of the King James Bible changed it to James to favor their King and what happens if you don't listen to your king? Your head rolls!
@nadzach Жыл бұрын
"of women" When this world was created, the spirit of God "brooded" on the face of icy waters.* Light was born. Both Father and Holy Spirit were present at the conception of Jesus. Christ was born, "conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate..." * Job discusses the cold earth when light was created and kept by boundaries on only one half the earth. And in the same book I ascertained lightning came from snow clouds on the floor of most high strata. Lightning is encoded with language. Animals understand thunder. Sometimes, some disciples hear God speak.
@charlotteh8174 2 жыл бұрын
All the talk of the Christ family, but never a mention of the 'mortal' twin brother of Jesus, Judas (not that one), never of Daniel either. There are multiple sources easy to abtain providing evidence for these claims.
@Cosmickitten2012 4 ай бұрын
I'm confused, I thought Judaism was a religion? When did it become other? or DNA so weird.
@johnwiggill17 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Tabor, I've been following you for a couple of years now and your life's work fascinates me. Thank you for sharing what you know on this amazing topic! My question is this: What can we believe about Christ's Church now? Looks to me like the "Dynasty" failed and now I'm very suspicious of the Paulian legacy... Catholic Church?
@christianuniversalist 3 ай бұрын
isn’t the RCC the Petrine legacy?
@JoanneLesley8125 Жыл бұрын
There are 3 places in the earth called Jerusalem. You are dealing with a broken time space. The toroidal field. Israel the Island 🏝 The Joachim & Anna begets Mary, Quebec - French quarter You are trying to piece together bits to 1 story, when there are 3 stories. Virgin Mary is a constellation!!!!! We to the ancients who hold all the knowledge are animals. The Ark is the citizenship in the now time. The two by two are of married couples, joined in a business of reproduction of the labour force. Moses was a slave driver and his flock was humans aka goats GOAT
@ritasalemme89 7 ай бұрын
He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. He’s coming back from Heaven, he had to have a visable form for the people to see the Father. Look your knowledge it makes the scriptures real. 😊
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