Jeremy Runnells "Court of Love" [Mormon Church excommunication trial] audio and video

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Jeremy Runnells was a faithful, active member of the LDS (Mormon) Church when he started to have a "faith crisis" as he realized that Mormonism might not be true. A friend of his grandfather, an employee of the LDS Church Education System (CES) encouraged Jeremy to share his questions/concerns with him and he would do his best to answer/resolve his questions.
Jeremy wrote what would become known as "the CES letter" which can be read in it's entirety at He received no response.
After he posted his "CES Letter" online, Jeremy was threatened with excommunication and faced a "Court of Love" which he recorded with audio and partial video. This is that recording. It should be noted that Jeremy Runnells is deaf and he asked if he could bring an ASL interpreter with him and his request was denied. When he arrived for his excommunication "trial" Jeremy was surprised to discover that HIS interpreter wasn't welcome but the LDS Church would provide their own ASL interpreter.

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@truebloodnz 8 жыл бұрын
This reveals how hurtful and unjust the Mormon Church judicial system is.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
No it doesn’t really show anything but one single interaction that had an intended purpose. I have been through one of these, and I can tell you it took a lot to get to the point a council is even called. Asking questions is one thing, and I still have mine. But outright professing your disbelief in the restorer of the church one belongs to is hardly trying to just ask questions. He got many answers, he didn’t like those answers, and repeated those already answered questions in a council that he agreed to attend knowing the format. Jeremy “left” the church long before the council occurred, Jeremy wanted to take others with him though. He is succeeding in small groups, while ironically strengthening others in their faith. It’s weird actually how it works. I’m sorry that you put your confidence in a dishonest bumbling idiot like Jeremy Runnels.
@AngelBabyMama 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 There are plenty of others just like him. Sexual abuse victims too quietly swept under the rug. Just because you don’t like one guy doesn’t make his claims less damning.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@AngelBabyMama explain your comment to me. I’d like to respond but don’t know where you’re going with what you said. Also, are you a member, ex member, know members of the LDS faith and/or do you have personal experience in what you’ve just said?
@maryflower3479 4 ай бұрын
Why do you say he is dishonest ? Surely You have evidence to his dishonesty?. It appears as though he explained how he has been asking for the answers for 3 years and received nothing back in all that time. So please explain why you say he is dishonest. He certainly did not sound bumbling either. He was quite clear. And where is the your evidence that he "left" the church long before this because he said he was giving them his resignation right there. Did he present it another time before this one? And how do you know that he already got answers that he did not like because, again, he said he waited for their answers and did not receive any. Do you know this man personally? Also asking about your Restorer's legitimacy is vitally important if that man's doings is the whole foundation of what your church is about, is it not?
@wildad104 Ай бұрын
It shows no such thing. It does show how patient these leaders are with an open apostate who can't leave the church alone. If the church is so bad, why not just join some other church or just go away? Strong apostates just can't quit whining.
@standardnerd9840 Жыл бұрын
I've begun to question my own faith but it's so ingrained in me that I'm concerned I'm being lead astray "by Satan". It's so difficult to question something you were told since birth, was complete truth and shouldn't be questioned. What this man did 7 years ago is so powerful and takes SO much courage. I hope these past 7 years have seen him grow and flourish independent of the LDS. Good luck in all things sir!
@rhutabaga420 6 ай бұрын
Do research and follow the truth, living a lie (if you find it's a lie) is no way to live. There are many loving communities out there, find one that fits you and dive in 🙂. Good luck ❤
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 5 ай бұрын
Jeremy Runnels doesn't have a case.
@23dannyo 3 ай бұрын
Bro Satan led Joseph smith
@RichardHolmes-ll8ii 3 ай бұрын
@dcarts5616 17 күн бұрын
Check out the Light and Truth Letter by Austin Fife. I think anyone going through what you’re going through will benefit from giving the whole thing a review.
@julzleomusic Жыл бұрын
We appreciate what you have done Jeremy. You are a hero in Latin America too!
@jordanash416 8 жыл бұрын
I'm disgusted that these men think they have "authority" over him or anyone else. I like how he took his power back at the end. Beautiful!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Took his power back? Runnels didn’t have to be in that meeting. No one forced him to be there. He always had free agency to just walk away. Trust me, no one enters any of those councils unwillingly. I’m speaking from experience of being one involved, just like Runnels, in the same type of meeting. And in the end Runnels took NOTHING back, rather made himself look like the idiot.
@shae4thirty 3 жыл бұрын
He did a great job.
@iambuhlockay8007 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 How did he make himself look like an idiot?
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 that's such a sanitized view of history. The LDS organization used these fake trials to intimidate and abuse apostates for over a century, and a lot of people had to fight tooth and nail and sue the organization into oblivion to get to the point we are at. Even so, these kangaroo courts amount to nothing more than one last attempt to exert authority and intimidation over people on their way out.
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
@@FalconOfStorms wrong. Stop lying.
@huffpappy 5 жыл бұрын
I read Jeremy's CES letter this morning, Unbelievable! If it had been around when I was thinking about the church, I would never have joined and wasted so much of my time, energy, and money. Glad to be out of that fraud. Thanks Jeremy!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry you left. His letter gets less and less accurate with each passing year though. He moves the goal post every time he’s caught in his short sightedness. Time is on God’s side, and on the side of the restored Gospel.
@Dawnyy 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 his letter actually still pretty much stands, he updates his letter as readers find mistakes and email him to fix it to the correct things which readers provide with backed up sources.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dawnyy time is proving Runnela to be just as big a fraud as he claims the church he left is. Honestly, anyone who looks at all the info out there can see that Jeremy and his letter are so severely shortsighted that it’s comical. People can have questions as that’s what humans are all about, but it still kills me, rather fascinates me how much time, effort, energy, money and more time these anti Mormon cultists exert trying to take down a church that encompasses .002% of the world’s population. Kicking against the pricks has got to be so incredibly exhausting.
@carlduffin 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 "Sorry you left. His letter gets less and less accurate with each passing year though. He moves the goal post every time he’s caught in his short sightedness. Time is on God’s side, and on the side of the restored Gospel." The church gets less and less credibility with each person who views this record of an unfeeling and obviously guilty kangaroo court run by brainwashed zealots. Time is indeed on God's side and the Mormon church is on the decline.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@carlduffin I’m sorry that you feel that way. The majority of the old tired arguments from the anti-Mormon ministry you belong to have been answered in several ways in several different time periods. You don’t have to like, or agree with those answers. The fact remains that Joseph Smith continued a tradition that God has (it was gone for a time) to call imperfect men as His prophets to lead His church via inspiration and revelation. When prophets speak for God AS prophets the world hears them/Him not. It’s ok, this is nothing new, the opposition and your taunting God to provide 100% physical evidence of His truths is NOTHING NEW. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Btw- we all see what and who you DO NOT believe in, would you be able to let us know exactly what YOU DO believe in?
@MrBilgey 8 жыл бұрын
Respect to Jeremy Runnells for standing on his principles.
@presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 жыл бұрын
+William Covington Honesty, integrity,morals,ethics will not work being LDS he tossed out fake liars Religion bravo!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
And even more respect to the many members of the church who in spite of this bumbling idiot’s “letter” have stayed faithful. It is nothing unique or special for man to try and trip up those who follow God.
@GC2024_ 2 жыл бұрын
​@@dcarts5616 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@GC2024_ 2 жыл бұрын
​@@dcarts5616 , WHOS GOD?!?! THE MORMON GOD?!?!
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
@@robercik101 I’m sorry that you feel this way. I hope you find that truth you are looking for. Consider the following: A person is capable of receiving spiritual guidance in all things. This spiritual influence begins with the Light of Christ, which “is given to every man, that he may know good from evil” (Moroni 7:16; and 14-19). “The light of Christ is just what the words imply: enlightenment, knowledge, and an uplifting, ennobling, persevering influence that comes upon mankind because of Jesus Christ…”
@D4NC3Rable 5 жыл бұрын
Jeremy: gets called to trial Also Jeremy: puts the whole Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on trial to the whole world.
@morningstoke 4 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 You're indoctrinated beyond belief. You think us ex Mormons weren't taught the same things? You think a number of us didn't serve dedicated missions with testimonies at one point? And it's funny you use the term "hypocrite" to try and define people who have left the church, as the church has plenty of hypocritical points, like claiming to be oprresseed in the past and present yet they clearly oppressed blacks and still do with the LGBTQ+ population. If you've really done so much research and seen what so many others have, you seriously lack critical thinking. You're response sounds regurgitated as it's no different than what you are taught, and what you are taught is false. Also, what Jeremy brings up is almost entirely facts from verified and reliable sources, even facts the church essays state. I have a really hard time seeing how he's 1) hypocritical, and 2) to blame. When he brought up the faults of his leadership (specifically his Stake President) to his face he didn't deny not giving him a fair chance and trial and, in fact, shut him down even more by continuing to fail to answer his questions. His leaders were more hypocrites than him to act in the name of the church yet set aside their responsibility by not following church policy in correction and excommunication. He even called his stake President out on it, and his Stake President didn't deny it.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@morningstoke I don’t think that anyone in our church claims we were oppressed. We claim accurately that we were kicked out of our land a few times, some of those times in the middle of the night during winter by some of the righteous fine local Baptist, Methodist, Evangelical mobs but hey it happens. We were actually one of the most welcoming churches of the time to black people. While the other sects of the region disallowed blacks from even attending their churches, the LDS church did allow all freed slaves of African American decent to attend, be baptized etc. Even during the questionable Brigham Young era blacks were allowed in the church at a higher capacity that most others. I’m not going to try and deny that people of that era were unkind to blacks overall though. But oppression is the wrong word, I don’t think that you know what oppression means actually. The church is not oppressive to the lgbtqia+ either. The policy has never changed; sealings in the temple will only be done to man and woman unions. God loves all of his people all of the time, even in our fallen state. But His commandments and his gospel direction does not change just because the precepts of man change. I’m sorry you feel otherwise, I hope that you enjoy your week.
@morningstoke 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616Where our views differ greatly I can respect your approach. To kick off my end though, oppression is defined as "the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control." During my time as a missionary, and during my time as a member of mormonism, persecution was greatly emphasized when referring to the earlier days of mormonism. Many used the term directly, however even when they don't outright say "persecution" they heavily imply, not just suggest, persecution as a church. Even the example you gave of early members being driven from their land fits the criteria of unjust treatment and control. However, they weren't driven unjustly, in many cases, as they swarmed into each area they moved into and tried more or less establishing theocracy with Joseph as the leader of their towns/settlements. Some of it was just religion against religion, as you mentioned, however a lot of it was because of the overwhelming amount of religious control they tried to establish and enforce everywhere they went, even for those outside the religion. This was a huge factor in the backlash against mormons in Nauvoo and why so many in the surrounding area are still closed off to the religion. Joseph, from everything I've seen, seemed to be very fair and accepting of African Americans. I used to use his actions towards Africans to argue objections of racism when I was a missionary. Even through a lot of studying outside of what the mormon church teaches I haven't found anything that would suggest he had an issue with Africans/African Americans. Brigham, however, indoctrinated extreme racism into mormonism that didn't change until 1978, and there is still racism based on those teachings that exists today. Not anywhere near the large scale it used to be, as it's no longer taught through the mainstream CES, but it is still there and I personally know people who believe the doctrines against Africans that were brought into the religion by Brigham. Early Mormons may have allowed Africans to be among their congregation, but Africans were not allowed to be part of any of the ordinances of the priesthood, starting with Brigham. That means no baptism, no anointing and endowment, no temple sealing (Africans couldn't be eternal families), and Brigham put it all back on the curse of Caine (black skin because of Caine's sin against Able). Not only is it racist, but it goes against the notion of mormonism going against the idea of original sin. If man can't be held responsible for Adam's transgression, why should the Africans be held responsible for Caine's? There's a lot in the Journal of Discourses, a prior version of the temple endowment, and the talk Brigham gave on Africans and slavery that really nails racism on the head. It seems you're at least semi familiar with the 'Brigham' era, however if you haven't done much research on it you may be really surprised as I was. I am curious though, how could you hear any teaching of Brigham and think with the same mind that he was the mouthpiece of God, while believing that modern prophets could speak against the same things he taught as core doctrines that were unchanging? My question stems from a statement made by Brigham that the day the African race, as he called my friends of African decent, was allowed to be part of priesthood ordinances would be the day the church would be in apostasy. (Paraphrasing) If Brigham was really a prophet, or voice, of God and Africans are now able to be members of mormonism, does God's voice and opinions suddenly change from black to white litteraly contradicting themselves? As far as oppression of LGBT, the church - being the leadership - not only donated to Prop 8 in California, they campaigned against it with videos and social media. This wasn't temple marriage where God binds a man and woman under an eternal bond, it was imposing on civil union that is non-religiously sanctioned. So I don't see how that violates the mormon covenants of marriage between man and woman. Additionally, LGBT teen suicide spiked like crazy after the Monson policy that children of same sex households couldn't be baptized was implemented. Not only were children of same sex households kept from joining, but those who were LGBT in highly mormon-populated areas, living in member homes with member families, were targeted much more by Mormons in their community. Crazy though, God's divine revelation for this didn't even last five years. Just to be clear though, I myself am not an LGBT exmormon so I am not speaking from a point of personal and emotional bias. These are just things I've observed and looked into from the sidelines. I hope none of this seemed contentious, have a good one man.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@morningstoke I enjoyed what you replied, not contentious at all. I believe you misunderstood a few core doctrinal points of the Church but it’s ok. Brigham will have some explaining to do, OR those of us judging him or even God for keeping him in place as His prophet, will have some repenting to do. I honestly do not know other than some pretty flawed men have been called to lead or participate in God’s church in several dispensations. Moses, Peter, David etc. just to name a few. I could dive deeper but I don’t know if it would matter much. Enjoy your weekend Mr Denver Buxton.
@drsnapple9700 3 жыл бұрын
You were not kicked off any lands. Joseph tried kill Gov Boggs. Gov issued order 44. LDS tried take over Missouri for themselves obviously. Jackson County ring bell?
@mirandusings 8 жыл бұрын
29:56 "It's important, because if all the information is not on the table...if an organization or an individual takes some information off the table--critical information---they are literally obstructing the free agency of that member or investigator...and I have a problem with that." Me too.
@ransonmcconahay5275 19 күн бұрын
Dude that line was a goddamn bombshell. So good
@techibecca 3 жыл бұрын
I left before this letter came out. This letter consolidated all my concerns that me and my friends just had to research on our own and remember. I am so grateful for this man and his bravery. 💖 He's paved the way for everyone who's left since, and made the road out of the church so much easier. It's still hard, especially with family still attending, but having solid ground to stand on is a great help.
@loganharvill5394 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Jeremy! I’ve been an ex Mormon for 4 years now but I would never escape the guilt and shame they put on you for not following their very strict guidelines. Your letter got me out of that mindset and I no longer fear gods judgment
@SilentThundersnow 9 ай бұрын
Good. God says he is love. A loving father wouldn't want you to fear his judgment. He wouldn't be less kind than you. Sounds like you are very kind. 💕👍
@edsnow1526 8 жыл бұрын
I soooo felt the spirit (of hypocrisy) when the stake president bore his testimony right in the middle of his opening statement charging Jeremy with apostasy during his "court of love". "I know the church is true, and now were gonna excommunicate you because we don't like the questions you've been asking. . . ."
@Zodiacalesotericmatrix 11 ай бұрын
@craiglaw7578 3 күн бұрын
You’re a good member as long as you don’t ask embarrassing questions, pay your tithes and stay in your lane!
@cwhitener8782 8 жыл бұрын
Pray, pay, and obey.
@bobbyuesi6138 7 жыл бұрын
I stop going to church this month. I found out that this church lied to me about everything. they kept the truth from everybody.
@nl5cent3 6 жыл бұрын
You should see the stuff they do in temples. Very much cult behavior to me.
@4gegtyreeyuyeddffvyt 6 жыл бұрын
Bobby uesi your on a slow boat to HELL !!!!!
@juiceman3668 6 жыл бұрын
Bobby uesi yep it’s sugar coated Mormonism nowadays
@dianastahl7370 6 жыл бұрын
I'm late by a year but I'm sorry. Yes, they lie. What happened to You? Are you okay?
@allim.5941 5 жыл бұрын
Steve Dude, it’s “you’re.” You and JS are pretty shitty writers.
@margarettani1416 4 жыл бұрын
Four years later and this is just as raw, painful and TRUTHFUL as it was the moment it was experienced by this precious innocent young man Jeramy. Jeramy you are a very brave brilliant and honest young man.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry that you think there is anything honest about any of this. I’ve been through one of these councils, Jeremy was bitter and negative going into it and he was just as irreverent as he claims they were. See and believe what you want to, but Jeremy is a bumbling idiot, nothing more, nothing less. His letter is shortsighted, poorly put together, and keeps being debunked as time goes by. Funny how time keeps proving all of the “Runnels” of the world false with each passing day. I left the church briefly, for many reasons, and Jeremy’s letter is actually having the reverse affect on so many of us. It’s just too bad that his “questions” and his insincere sources took him down to this level and has dragged so many others down with him.
@michelereber8680 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 And you are very ignorant. Jeremy was the only one that showed respect. The man in charge was so immature and rude and I am so glad this was taped.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@michelereber8680 I agree with you that the gentleman in the video and in this scenario seemed a bit rattled and short. I don’t know what happened prior to this meeting, how many times Jeremy was given direction that he was seeking and didn’t exercise his agency to do as recommended, or how much this ward/stake has been targeted by Jeremy and his anti Mormon ministry missionaries. All I know is what Jeremy presented and if you believe what Jeremy is saying and comes up short trying to prove in my opinion, that’s your decision. As I said to you on another feed, I appreciate your humble and sincere efforts to push people to strengthen their testimonies in the Savior of all mankind; Jesus Christ.
@hastii36 8 жыл бұрын
Love it! Jeremy Runnells is a class act!!! I love how he turned the tables on the (kangaroo) court! Love how he presented factual inconsistencies from ''the church's'' own documents. Well done Sir!
@nolinpowe 2 жыл бұрын
It's a kangaroo court cause they kept hopping around his questions
@nolinpowe 2 жыл бұрын
The church tends to do that alot
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
@@nolinpowe it would appear he was hopping around the answers to his questions. This was not for asking questions, it was to resolve an issue far bigger than this video and that had carried on far longer than this silly video. Joe Runnels, NoNameNoah and the like are nothing new, nothing unique, and nothing groundbreaking in the never ending battle against God and His Gospel. I think it pains God that he has to run His church with so many imperfect people, but He allows it…for now. ;)
@richardholmes5676 Жыл бұрын
A class act??
@comfortcloudorthopedics5343 8 жыл бұрын
When a dam brakes it starts with a little crack, and then that crack leads to other cracks and those cracks lead to bigger cracks until the whole thing collapses and water bursts through destroying all that was left of the dam. The LDS Church is the dam and the water is the truth being suppressed and I think this brave young man Jeremy just may be the first crack. I cried, stood up in my room, and applauded at the end of this. I was force fed the Church my whole life and I've had enough. The Churches culture of silencing its skeptic members through manipulation, fear, blame, and passive aggression must end.
@thecatman4ever 5 жыл бұрын
Jeremy is awesome. I've loved his talks on KZbin and he is a true inspiration to those of us seeking the truth.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Much like Korihor, Jeremy has falsely presented the words of God, used his own lies and half truths to do so just like Korihor.
@callmeangie867 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 shaddup.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@callmeangie867 let’s chat a bit. I’d love to engage in some intelligent discussion if you’re up for it. First, are you a Christian, Atheist? Let me know…
@callmeangie867 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 ex-Mormon, recently Catholic. Best dang choice I’ve made in a while. Why do you ask?
@isthechurchtrue 8 жыл бұрын
The LDS Church refuses to answer any questions then calls people names like "anti-Mormon" and "apostate"
@presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 жыл бұрын
+isthechurchtrue Ok Mormons can have anti Mormon only ones using this term Anti Mormon is Christian, Christian is anti Mormon
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, many many many of the topics discussed in mr Runnel’s “letter” have been answered. Just because he and a bunch of others don’t like the answers doesn’t mean that the church isn’t answering the questions. Time keeps cutting Runnel’s letter down with each passing year. Time will always work in God’s favor even if people on both sides think He works too slowly.
@TheShodan92 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints does not like questions or doubts. Why?, because further investigation of those questions and doubts will reveal the deception and fraudulent origins of Mormonism.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheShodan92 I just told you that The church has, is and will continue to provide answers to questions that people have. The problem, when the answers are given or the mode to receive answers is provided you all don’t like the answers or the mode given to get answers. It would appear that the church is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t. Funny thing, the only damned will be those who put at naught the things of God. I do hope you find what you’re looking for, assuming you’re trying to find truth via a belief in a God and His Son Jesus Christ.
@michelereber8680 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 Do you even go to church? You are so misinformed. I was a member for 57 years, out for 11. I have spent thousands of hours researching anything Mormon. So much deception. So many lies and cover ups. And I used mostly LDS approved information. The LDS church does not answer hard questions...they just continue to cover up. And they have always played the persecution card. You and so many others are so misinformed and don't care. And that is totally your choice.
@yeshalloween Жыл бұрын
My family REFUSES to read the CES letter. They said they want to try to understand why I left but they will NOT read it. Yet they’re so certain they have the truth. It takes real courage to face the harsh facts and admit when you’ve been wrong. Real courage.
@shawnarkon8589 6 жыл бұрын
"I don't know how to repent of the truth." Well done Jeremy! Way to stick to your convictions! I love the obvious predetermined outcome of this "trial," what a joke!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
That letter of resignation at the end was when I actually stopped thinking he was being sincere. He was on a roll, until he popped out his letter of resignation. He had me until that one act. Everything else was good until that one thing. ;)
@JohnTuffin 8 жыл бұрын
One thing that all religion shares in common is that when anyone challenges it's authority, old men will close ranks and get rid those that dare think for themselves.
@JuanIsaReady 6 жыл бұрын
Not true with Christianity. Ask any question you like.
@hanksimon3619 5 жыл бұрын
John Tuffin I agree. All religions require sophistry as well as logical fallacies used. When I say religion I am also including government, banks, and jobs.
@tinalarsen2458 5 жыл бұрын
@@JuanIsaReady Christianity and religion are entirely different.
@fisherofmen7197 5 жыл бұрын
@@tinalarsen2458 I can speak for Protestantism but not catholicism or LDS
@socaranectien1933 5 жыл бұрын
@@tinalarsen2458 do you even know what religion is?
@yosemite2405 6 жыл бұрын
And there goes the Mormon Church. Why does he go through this if he wants to leave? Because he is setting precedent for the church and how they handle someone questioning them. Thank goodness he did go through all of this for everyone else. Way to go Jeremy. Well done.
@kennedywelborn1 Жыл бұрын
He wrote the letter to get answers to his questions to hopefully confirm the belief he had in the church. He wrote in the opening paragraph that he didn’t want to leave but not getting answers/the inconsistencies is what did him in.
@kingsolomon0 3 жыл бұрын
Jerry is a great Historical Auditor .The CES letter is equivalent to Audit Queries that the church needs to address to the satisfaction of the concerned. Jerry Thumbs up 👍👍 love from Africa .
@ZachBrimhall 4 жыл бұрын
Mr Runnells makes some excellent arguments. I would encourage The LDS Church to answer his questions and concerns.
@drsnapple9700 3 жыл бұрын
You dumbo they won't and can not it's phoney cult
@katrina7267 6 жыл бұрын
You were awesome Jeremy. You are in the right here. I love that you took back the power by excommunicating them. I love it all.
@exbrotherbryce5029 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jeremy for your vulnerability! It makes us all a little more brave to take charge and be ourselves :)
@dusttodust1522 8 жыл бұрын
standing ovation, well done!
@tinalarsen2458 5 жыл бұрын
It made me really sad. I didn't see an ounce of love. It really hurt me how awful they were to him.
@jonbaker476 2 жыл бұрын
Jeremy truly is a hero. He's literally like a modern Martin Luther and I doubt he truly realizes it
@FrozenMonkey14 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for standing up for yourself and sharing it with the world, Jeremy. I've been completely inactive from the LDS church for nearly 20 years but just recently submitted my resignation so I can finally be removed from any association with this nonsense. Your letter was my main reason for deciding to complete my removal from this church.
@nowhereplace.26 5 жыл бұрын
I'm doing the same. I hope I don't lose my job. I work for lds people
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 4 жыл бұрын
I left 7 years ago and have never been happier. I am still the same person I was, just free.
@Sarah_Pratt 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for publishing this!
@byzantanium9711 8 жыл бұрын
So glad i left
@Cryptosifu 5 жыл бұрын
Me too. My resignation was my life's achievement
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I didn’t leave. I couldn’t imagine falling for such a shortsighted attempt to draw people away from the restored gospel. Runnels reminds me of Alma the younger, only God seems to not have thought Runnels worth striking down and helping him see the folly in his ways. There’s still time though I guess. God’s timeline is painfully slow.
@hellomydude9456 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 thank you for your opinion! but you don’t have to be disrespectful to a man just asking questions. clearly if you take time to actually look at this video he is just a man whos been trying to years to get questions answered within the church and nobody has given him the opportunity. have you not stopped to think about how it’s restricting this man from his right to freedom of thought? i’m a member of the church but i can clearly see how this is completely disrespectful and puts such a bad light on the church.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@hellomydude9456 you’re basing what you just said to me on Runnel’s experience in this one video that he recorded secretly. His questions were answered, he doesn’t like the answers he got, so he throws this little temper tantrum. He’s winning though because he knows that the church will never release their side, their records, their personal stories of interactions with him prior to this video. I’m a member, I have asked even more thought out questions than the amateur Runnels could ever fathom to ask and I’ve NEVER been told I couldn’t ask the questions, that I can’t have questions, or that because I’ve asked them I must be excommunicated. We are free to think in the church how we want, what we want, when we want. We are encouraged to study things out, to pray, to ponder, to ask God in prayer our deepest concerns and questions. None of that is frowned upon. What is frowned upon is creating a scene during church, from outwardly preaching against church doctrine (while claiming to be a member still and asking others to follow you), and being sincere, which Runnels was not being. He was on his way out for years, he believes Joseph was never a prophet, and he did not believe the church to be true before this council or during the council. He may have at one time, but not for a while at this point of him “sticking it” to the people in this council or the church in its entirety. Jeremy chose to do the latter and not the former. I applaud him though on how effective a tool for Satan he’s been, because for a time his shortsightedness, his lies, and insincerity will be responsible for the falling of many people away from the church. It won’t be a permanent win though is the interesting part. I just wish he would be more honest and truthful than he accuses the church of not being.
@hellomydude9456 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 explain to me his lies and dishonesty. show me the answers the church gave him?
@allim.5941 5 жыл бұрын
I think what they did was especially cruel with the interpreter. They didn’t want ANYONE there to be an emotional support for Jeremy. They wanted him to feel entirely alone. He won in the end.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
I’m confused. What did he need an interpreter for? He seemed just fine talking to the media outside being asked and answering questions, just as he was fine on all the podcasts he was on before and after his voluntary “church council”. I guess I legit don’t understand the interpreter necessity. Do you know what he needed it for?
@hannahjohanson2982 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 Jeremy is deaf.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjohanson2982 I figured. But when does he use an interpreter in other occasions? I see people making a big deal about it but can’t see other situations where he uses one? Thanks for your reply btw.
@hannahjohanson2982 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 I’m not sure. I’ve only recently left the church and started researching all of this. It might be an anxiety thing where if he’s anxious he has a hard time reading lips so it’s easier if someone signs alongside? I know when I’m having anxiety I can barely focus on one thing at once so I can’t imagine trying to keep up by reading lips. Not sure if he used interpreters elsewhere! Sorry I couldn’t help more!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@hannahjohanson2982 I’m sorry to hear (or happy, I’m never sure what to say) you left the church. What put you over and finally made you leave?
@MrSkypilot69 Жыл бұрын
Only through the "Dark curtain of Bull Shit of Mormon INC" To myself I've never wanted to be a Mormon, while in Utah for 60 years. Jeremy Runnells to me your a leader and honest person. Excommunication is a blessing for you to enjoy. Stay strong Jeremy...
@myidahohomestead.7123 6 жыл бұрын
Respect to Jeremy. I have horror stories from my time in the church. Thank you Jeremy for being the only man in that room full of sheep.
@callmeangie867 3 жыл бұрын
Major respect. It brings some comfort seeing the comments and seeing ex-Mormons, validating that I’m not alone and that my experiences weren’t just limited to me. While I was in the LDS faith only until my senior year of high school, I had learned enough by the end to know that it was all a sham and that I had been duped of my time and energy. What made it even worse was that I was treated less-than because I wasn’t an active member due to being traded across a state border every other weekend, and my mother had left the faith when I was a child. I was like an outcast. So my first major act of rebellion after I had determined that the whole thing was a sham was getting a second piercing in my ears. Just sad how even the members get ostracized for not participating enough.
@exbronco1980 6 жыл бұрын
It's disrespectful for them to call him Jeremy. it's a formal thing, they shouldn't talk like that.
@allim.5941 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. If he was going to go by President Ivan’s, he should have been called “Mr... don’t know his last name.”
@minalightdarkshadowwalker1484 8 жыл бұрын
Of course Salt Lake is involved!
@presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 жыл бұрын
+Rachel Lewis Do you find it is strange LDS is trying to get away from Polygamy? There are several videos of Leaders being asked about Polygamy deny it say it's only FLDS Cult there words. Did you know I think first seven leaders of LDS were into Polygamy. JS 40 Taylor, Brigham like 50, Woodruff 10 or 11. Why not admit to Polygamy and talk about it because JS brought Polygamy to North America. LDS is trying to sell them selves and get more people baptized and then put a certain percentage through Temple. Why it's 10 percent income instantly. RL hum seems I went to school with Lewis brother and sister.
@mitch_edc 3 жыл бұрын
I used the think the church was well intentioned but mistaken, but listening to this and other excommunication recordings, and learning about information apostles know but hide, I now believe that these people have dark intentions.
@shae4thirty 3 жыл бұрын
This is heartbreaking in many ways. This president by Doctrine is deciding to place him in outer darkness as an apostate and not answer a single question. So many people cry,search,agonize over this. Go through the same process and this is all we get. So sad.
@j3st-87 7 жыл бұрын
Wow... I wish all members could listen to this and read the CES letter, it's fine if they still want to be there afterwards
@robsimmons10 5 жыл бұрын
The CES letter is a masterpiece of dissent. I hope it becomes a viral sensation.
@AJ-ud1ui 5 жыл бұрын
Rob Simmons yeah it’s already viral within the ex-mormon community I think. But not to other people. I only got to know about it this week.
@MattMattson123 8 жыл бұрын
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." ~Marcus Aurelius
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
4-8 million active members is hardly a majority. Time has and will continue to prove the church more true than anyone even understands. I truly hope everyone finds their truth, with perfect people leading it.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@lq6424 I don’t know why you think it’s funny that I said good luck finding a place to worship that has only perfect people. Maybe I wasn’t clear, I do apologize.
@SamTheMan0425 2 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 Time has proven the church untrue in more ways than one, what are you talking about?
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
@@SamTheMan0425 ok. Sounds good!
@SamTheMan0425 2 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 You didn’t answer my question
@qazxswrdc 3 жыл бұрын
This is totally damning for the church. They can't correct a single problem with the CES letter
@bradleypridgeon 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true. They cannot argue it. they can only deflect or try to throw jeremy under the bus.
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
Um, The letter has been flipped upside down and taken to task so many times it’s boring now. I’m just amazed at how many are so affected by such a lackluster crowd sourced hit piece on the church you call “The CES Letter”. I have said and will repeat, kicking against the pricks is nothing new, it’s the oldest back and forth ever, nothing new or unique about Jeremy. He’s just modern…that’s all.
@richardholmes5676 Жыл бұрын
Paul Gregersen debunked the arrogant Egyptologist crap presented in the CES Letter. Care to refute?
@marcyeaglecloud4572 8 жыл бұрын
Dammit Jeremy was kicking ass and taking names! Can someone shut the "crickets" up ? I can't hear the committee's response to Jeremy's questions😂😂😂! If Jeremy is guilty of what they claim whatever happened to "FORGIVENESS"? Jesus said "Love thy neighbor as I have loved you" or Turn the other cheek?
@CharlesMartel676 8 жыл бұрын
Gutsy, very gutsy. Their silence is deafening.
@terrydillon1427 6 жыл бұрын
Woooohooo Charles Martel you are my very own blood ancestor, rocking my world on KZbin!
@davidmelonakos6565 3 жыл бұрын
The church: we don’t like the mean things you said about us. It doesn’t matter if they’re valid; we just don’t like them.
@iambuhlockay8007 3 жыл бұрын
Funny you should say that, because Dallin H. Oaks (apostle of the church) once said: “Criticizing leaders of the church is wrong, even if the criticism is true.”
@davidmelonakos6565 3 жыл бұрын
@@iambuhlockay8007 I mean do you agree?
@davidmelonakos6565 3 жыл бұрын
@@iambuhlockay8007 A lot of people say a lot of things doesn’t mean you should just blindly trust them
@iambuhlockay8007 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidmelonakos6565 No, I don’t agree with him. I meant that to help prove your point, sorry if I wasn’t clear on that.
@davidmelonakos6565 3 жыл бұрын
@@iambuhlockay8007 Haha I gotchu
@taylor.rafferty 5 жыл бұрын
Jeremy is the Martin Luther of Mormonism
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Kinda. Martin Luther left one false church and created another. Maybe Jeremy is more like Martin than I thought, except the false church Jeremy left was the one in his own head.
@drsnapple9700 3 жыл бұрын
Green apron in temple represents Lucifer's power and Lucifer's priesthood. They say prayer guess who answers Lucifer. Run
@joshthelland 8 жыл бұрын
this is just sad. if this doesnt make mormon listeners leave the church than I don't know what would
@The70sDiscoKing 8 жыл бұрын
I stopped going in January this year, and I was mentally sitting on the fence waiting to jump until Jeremy's case was resolved. Once this event was over I started coming out to friends and family that I was out of the cult.
@joshthelland 8 жыл бұрын
Good for you! the more people who get out, the better.
@algallego 7 жыл бұрын
There is far more than this undercover video to DISCREDIT Mormon, Inc.; however, suffice it to say, that if one had nothing else than this video, it would be enough to make a man or woman of sound mine convinced that the LDS Empire is not something you'd want to be a part of and damned for eternity in the process.
@thechurchofnarcissistlatte2584 7 жыл бұрын
nope they would still stay and be abused!
@algallego 7 жыл бұрын
Sadly so, blindly so! Sad to say, the blind are still acceptable leaders for some with blurred vision who would otherwise have 20/20.
@eppuparanormaali1999 2 жыл бұрын
I l.ove this guy! I respect his bravery, honesty and integrity over the rotten cult he wiped his ass with. Jeremy is a hero!
@Benyan1763 Жыл бұрын
Disgusting! No love here. Proof of such un-Christlike control and unrighteous dominion ... D&C 121:41 "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; ...." Thank you for posting this. It is a visible and real testimony against the LDS leaders. All the best to you. Be free and enjoy your unbound future.
@halfhumanhalfzombie 8 жыл бұрын
"Can you finish the rest of the apostasy definition"? "I'm gonna speak when I wanna speak" WHOA!! 0_O. Cmon Mike, get him to show those images like you did with the endowment film lol.
@JedHenry 22 күн бұрын
I love he takes time to share his testimony, as if it has any power. The magical thinking is incredible
@Joyful-Jo 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your courage. Very impressive. To bad the church leaders can not defend the Mormon doctrine.
@georgesaspervil285 Жыл бұрын
You can not defend when you see the truth. I myself I have been asking a lot of question about Joseph and Free Mason for years, I cant get an answer.
@richardholmes5676 Жыл бұрын
Can not defend the Mormon doctrine? Paul Gregersen debunked the arrogant Egyptologists. Every single one of your anti-Mormon cult duplicates ignore comment on this.
@TheShodan92 6 жыл бұрын
Who can't see the "LOVE" oozing from Pres. Iven's demeanor?.
@Jesus_Christ_Ur_Savior 5 жыл бұрын
The "love" is dripping all over the floor and stained the carpet. Damn.
@Forestgump12able Жыл бұрын
@deskjockie4948 7 жыл бұрын
Bravo, Jeremy! If a religion cannot withstand the truth, it's not worth having.
@richardholmes5676 Жыл бұрын
You cannot possibly investigate the Mormon persuasion thoroughly, then turn around and say that the church isn't true.
@chapmanm47 8 жыл бұрын
Number 1 motto of the LDS church:::Pray, Pay and Obey...
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
It’s pretty interesting your comment. I’m not sure you are a god believing individual, but tithing was practiced in the very beginning by our ancient god fearing ancestors. Praying for strength and discernment, paying tithing and obeying all revealed and yet to be revealed commandments of God is quite normal in most societies that use the Bible. 😉
@showflix7552 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 Tithing is the law of the Old Testament. Why don’t we practice all the other laws in the OT ?
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@showflix7552 Valid question! 😃 Without claiming to be a scholar or anything, based off my small and imperfect personal knowledge of scripture, the Old Testament (pre-Jesus if you will) had many laws that were symbolic and in preparation to the coming of the Son of God. Sacrificing of the FIRST BORN and MOST PURE of man’s flocks were a symbol of the coming sacrifice of Jesus Christ who would have been God’s only begotten Son (“first born?”) and most pure. Many of the laws of the Old Testament were based on that. Not all were completed in the coming of Jesus. The Ten Commandments did not go away, neither did tithing it would appear. There’s definitely a longer answer I could give but I think I sum it up pretty easy and basic to answer why. Thank you for your question and your humble and sincere effort to help draw man closer to Christ. 😊
@drsnapple9700 3 жыл бұрын
Tithing too cult is wrong
@austins.7566 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 the church in the past has stated that once the church had enough to support itself, it would never ask the members for a dime. The church makes enough in investments to support themselves each year. More than it takes to even run the church.
@helorumtheknightsofmambrin2155 2 жыл бұрын
It is good that someone compiled issues with the Mormonite Church, which we have for a long time known about, in one letter.
@Ryan-bs9qe 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jeremy, you have helped me a lot!!
@RB-zh1eq 5 жыл бұрын
Out like a champ. You're a hero to so many of us, Jeremy.
@andrewsmith563 8 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Runnels is one of the smartest people I've ever encountered. This guy should be arguing before the Supreme Court. He nailed it, and now the entire Church Leadership look like complete fools.
@presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 жыл бұрын
+Basketkase81 I do not think you are cut out either pall do video and post on YT stop being dumb ass.
@bikingwithgrantygrant779 5 жыл бұрын
This council disgusts me. Arrogantly refusing to answer his questions.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
In this video, it was not time to answer Jeremy’s crowd sourced questions. He even said he had spoken often to a couple of these men who were involved in his excommunication council. I, as a member of the church, don’t exactly love how the gentleman responds a few times, but it was not the time for asking questions that had been asked for years before it ultimately ended in Jeremy leaving a church he no longer believed was true. It would appear Jeremy has now become an atheist, which I’m sure didn’t happen only after he was excommunicated. I just wish everyone knew all of the facts before passing judgement, Jeremy told his side and KNOWS he can exaggerate, conflate, misquote and misinform all who listen because the church isn’t going to come out and share what really transpired in the years leading up to Jeremy leaving a Church that teaches about God and Jesus who are beings Jeremy didn’t believe in anymore.
@bikingwithgrantygrant779 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 I appreciate your opinion. It is very difficult for a council to hear that someone wants to leave. I just feel that had they answered his questions, then maybe Jeremy would have had some answers to the issues he had. In my opinion, if someone asks you a question, especially in what is shown as a council put together to excommunicate a member, should answer his questions, as would be expected of a business in a formal disaplinery hearing. This council called, would certainly appear to be on a similar level to a disciplinary that would take place in work before coming to a conclusion of dismissal or further action. It has been a while since I have seen this video, but if I recall, Jeremy said that he had asked questions before this meeting and had not received a reply to his questions. If this is in fact the case and he was never given answers to his questions back then, why did the council think that those questions should remain unanswered? I do not mean to appear confrontational, I merely whish to understand why a council would not answer questions at this point, especially if the person had asked them previously and not received a reply. Thank you for leaving your message and again I do appreciate your view in this.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@bikingwithgrantygrant779 hi thank you for you kind reply. I believe Jeremy asked his questions in the crowd sourced paper he calls “The CES Letter” and used this as his line of questioning throughout the ordeal. Many people pointed him to sources for answers to his questions, it is not the responsibility of Bishops or Bishoprics to answer EVERY question that comes up, some seek higher authorities for answers where they are available. He was at this point starting to draw others unto himself, causing many distractions to Sundays where learning of God, the Atonement of His Son Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation takes place. Jeremy will never say what ultimately caused him the biggest loss of his testimony not only in “the Church” but also the loss of his faith and testimony in Jesus Christ or our Father in Heaven. It’s not my place to judge, but I perceive Jeremy to be disingenuous and not as innocent as he purports to be. I do not believe that those men in that council (who were obviously flustered and maybe should have chosen to hold it at a later date when tempers were a bit less quick to flare) were merely being “arrogant and refusing to answer his questions”, does that make sense? Also I want to address a point you made above about the council being held for the purposes of hearing that someone wants to leave the church, and that no one wants to hear that. I agree that when people leave something like a church or a job or any organization that’s been part of their life for so long is hard to hear. But, These councils are not held for this purpose. They are held to “formally discipline” members of The Church of Jesus Christ in a effort to bring them back to it. It seems weird to some maybe, but when you understand that covenants are made by members with God, there are spiritual consequences if they are not followed. These councils can be held to help the member repent if they desire, to be forgiven by their Heavenly Father and eventually brought back to full membership ONLY if that member desires to work towards that. The sins or issues could include but are not limited to adultery, law of chastity issues, other major sins needing spiritual forgiveness and honest repenting. It’s a process, usually a loving one. I speak from the perspective of one who’s been in a council or two myself for my own issues. I also have family members who’ve been excommunicated and re-baptized. I’ve never seen ANYONE I know forced into these councils who didn’t have a true desire to repent. The only ones I’ve seen leave with such anger and hatred like Jeremy are those who have or are losing their faith in God at all. Also, NO ONE I know who truly believed that the church was false, or believed that god didn’t exist anymore (like Jeremy I believe felt) would even attend these councils because what would it matter to them anyway? Jeremy did all of this with one intended outcome. I’ll let you decide what his real intentions were...
@bikingwithgrantygrant779 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 thank you for explaining this further. It is nice to have this kind of debate on here and to speak with someone like yourself, who is very kind and respectful with your replies. It is also good to have someone who has been involved with these kind if proceedings themselves, explain how it works and I very much appreciate your replies. It would have been nice if they had answered, but as you have explained there are other directions that answers may have been provided. I guess we still have opposing views on the matter but I am glad that I have been able to speak with someone like yourself about it and understand things a bit further. These are very difficult times and I hope you are well and stay safe during this time. Many thanks again for your kind, considerate and thorough replies.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@bikingwithgrantygrant779 I don’t think we differ much. In this video, the council frustrates me too, like I said, the gentleman who was a bit snippy with Runnels truly painted this council in a negative light, and by therefore doing so painted The church in a bad light. Jeremy would have found a way to paint anything from The church in a bad light, as was and has been his intention but the gentleman in the council sure made it easier for Jeremy and others in the Anti-Mormon ministry to do so. Thanks again, good luck to you. Btw what church do you belong to? Are you a Christian, atheist, none of the above? Ex Mormon? Just curious...
@brentimothy7295 3 жыл бұрын
Funny thing is Jeremy didn't even have to ask them what he did wrong, because they know hes right! They all just sit there speechless! like deer's in a Mac truck's head lights. I just want you to know Jeremy ( YOUR THAT MAC TRUCK!) Kudos brother you've got my respect 🙌 & a Big set of Huevos!! You've changed history for the better. Luv U Brother!!!!!
@fisherofmen7197 5 жыл бұрын
Funny thing about MOST Protestant churches is you can publish whatever you want about them and still be welcomed back.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Funny thing about your comment is that it’s true also for the Church of Jesus Christ, Runnels can come back all he wants. Many there would even give him a hug to make him feel welcome. The prodigal son isn’t just a Bible story, it’s how we should conduct ourselves. Jeremy didn’t want to stay and he doesn’t want to go back sadly and that’s his decision.
@chelseahull8003 3 жыл бұрын
As a former asl interpreter, I can not emphasize how rude it is to switch the interpreters like that. There may have been briefing and preparing ahead of time with the interpreter. Then it gets changed to one of their own. Basic accommodations of seating and communication is like "difficult" to them... very ableist.
@robsimmons10 5 жыл бұрын
YES!!! Go get 'em Jeremy! I am proud to have grown up in the same La Mirada, CA ward as him (though I moved away before he moved in). To think the downfall of this cult may have it's genesis in my old alma mater makes my little heart tingle.
@maxipower6932 8 жыл бұрын
Such a brave man!!! You made us proud!! One thing though. Why even show to these fake courts? A person who is disenchanted, leaves and no reason should be given. Saves his/her 10% right away!
@hillaryclintonsalienbabyra1318 7 жыл бұрын
@avalonandon 7 жыл бұрын
I think he went to through it to stand up for himself, which helps to process emotions and put it to rest. Also, he is showing the church's underbelly to help others.
@avalonandon 7 жыл бұрын
He is so brave, you are right. I would not have been so brave.
@LenniD23 6 жыл бұрын
This was sad af to watch, his concerns were legit and apply to many investigators and members alike.
@nowimthis 3 жыл бұрын
For real.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
He actually may have helped the Church see that it was time to release to a more accessible area many church records. The best thing is, with each release, Runnels looks more and more like the Korihor most loyal Jesus Christ and His restored gospel followers knew him to be.
@robertcame 4 жыл бұрын
Rough stone rolling" - Richard Bushman; "An insider's view of Mormon origins" - Grant Palmer; "No man knows my history" - Fawn Brodie; "In sacred loneliness" - Todd Compton; "Leaving the Saints - How I lost the mormons and found my faith" - Martha Beck; SOME BOOKS FOR YOU TO KNOW MORE FACTS ABOUT MORMONISM, THE MORMON CORPORATION, ETC
@hopeindarktimes Жыл бұрын
Gotta wonder what thoughts went through those pompous mens' minds as they lay in bed that night. Truly, they could give no rebuttal to this young man's findings and, instead, put him on trial - not for telling lies - but for revealing the severe inconsistencies found in the church's own documents. Jeremy was too good and pure for the LDS church and his excommunication of THEM was fitting and proper.
@freelightexpress 8 жыл бұрын
the ending is classic. He turned the tables.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Not really but ok. 👍
@mrbluedude883 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 you seem to be REALLY active on discrediting Jeremy Runnells without any actual verifiable evidence and almost always an attack on his character which is mostly your opinion. You seem like the typical moron, oh I meant mormon, sorry :)
@mrbluedude883 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 May you keep showing Mormon Christ's example through the wisdom contained in your comments. God Bless You!
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@mrbluedude883 oh hey it’s you! Hello! Funny, you claim I attacked the character of Runnels. Cool. But why are attacking mine, and calling me names? Moron? Sigh. You must have only gotten a C- in your anti Mormon ministry classes. It’s ok, you’ll get better at your deception and someday you’ll be as great as your profit, NNN and his second counselor Joe Runnels. Enjoy your classes this week, and please pay better attention.
@mrbluedude883 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 Simply just returning the courtesy of how you addressed the man in multiple comments. Also thank you for wishing me luck, I could really use some more luck right now as I was unlucky enough to spend 20 years of my life in the gospel only to receive answers that are lackluster at best. You can thank Fairmormon and FARMS for that but mostly you can thank the very much 'inspired' leaders for not providing any official answers to address the issues at all. Happy living my friend!
@ransonmcconahay5275 19 күн бұрын
“I don’t know how to repent of the truth” damn, said it all
@glb6154 8 жыл бұрын
Mic drop! coordinated, and well articulated, delivered respectfully, logically and non reactively. Very well done.
@TriciaSlyter 20 күн бұрын
Wow! So powerful, Jeremy! ❤❤❤
@nowayjay2122 6 жыл бұрын
Still no mormon can answer any of these questions with a sane, logical explanation.
@stevebennion8601 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 because if it's not against the law it's okay? But drinking isn't against the law.. but it's not okay. Your argument doesn't hold up sorry.
@stevebennion8601 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 but your argument doesn't hold up again because most people were against the church due to polygamy... They also moved their standards they should have led the civil Rights movement... They were one of the last churches to do so. The world has gotten better than it used to be in many aspects and worse in others. You didn't mention doctrine but defended it nonetheless with the defense of it being legal at the time. Which is also not true because they continued to practice polygamy after it was outlawed.
@stevebennion8601 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 oh and I didn't mean to defend drinking in anyway it's terrible for you.
@stevebennion8601 5 жыл бұрын
If you read what I had said instead of replacing what I said what what you wanted me to say, you'd know that I never said they still practiced polygamy today. what I did say was "..defended it nonetheless with the defense of it being legal at that time." It was illegal while they practiced it. Here's a couple quotes from the churches website: "The first plural marriage in Nauvoo took place when Louisa Beaman and Joseph Smith were sealed in April 1841." "In Joseph Smith’s time, monogamy was the only legal form of marriage in the United States." So it was illegal and they did practice it knowing this which was why, He tried so hard to cover it up. there are substantial accounts of a marriage even earlier than the one listed above however the church discredits it because it's actually an account of adultery in addition to marriage and there are no first hand accounts, just you know, multiple second hand accounts and a reasonable explanation for Emma kicking Fanny Alger out of the house. I'll link that as well. But if the church doesn't have to admit the truth they won't, as proven by the release date of the essays. Note the quotes above both come from the churches website. you can confirm using the control f function The ban on blacks actually began with Brigham young so I'm not sure what you're smoking there. "In 1852, President Brigham Young publicly announced that men of black African descent could no longer be ordained to the priesthood, though thereafter blacks continued to join the Church through baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Following the death of Brigham Young, subsequent Church presidents restricted blacks from receiving the temple endowment or being married in the temple. Over time, Church leaders and members advanced many theories to explain the priesthood and temple restrictions. None of these explanations is accepted today as the official doctrine of the Church." "I have never yet preached a sermon and sent it out to the children of men, that they may not call Scripture. Let me have the privilege of correcting a sermon, and it is as good Scripture as they deserve." -Brigham young The above quote states that Brigham young believed he got all his scripture from god. The church currently discredits several things he said as false doctrine, despite the fact he claimed they came from god. Yet they still claim his as a true prophet. this to me is just outrageous. If god choose Brigham to be his prophet and then we goes and pushes his own views that would make god furious. But nothing happened, naturally of course. It took 130 years and 9 "prophets" before those teachings were rejected which coincidentally happened to be around the time the IRS was threatening BYU over a racist study.
@teacherpat684 5 жыл бұрын
Great Geremy you said very truthful things, you are genius and .very smart. Great job.
@Forese83 8 жыл бұрын
I am sorry that you have to let a church humiliate you over a disagreement that you have by the simple fact that as a US citizen you have the constitutional right to express your opinion freely. Too bad that those "leaders" have to tell you what to do and how to behave. Does that church give you room and board? Does it pay your credit card bills? Do you eat and live with them? Please, own your own life and don't allow others to do it for you and also remember that your feelings are there only for you to manipulate them. Move to another state if necessary and above all DO NOT LET THEM RUIN YOUR LIFE.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think you have any idea what happened by your comment. Please let me know if you have any questions about what the atheist Jeremy Runnels showed in the very one sided, and very deceitful video he shared.
@DianaPrince-m3j 4 ай бұрын
I was cleaning my garage and listening to gardening videos on youtube. Oddly, your video came up in my autoplay mode. Since I dont take anything for granted, especially where big tec algorithms are concerned, Im obligated by prior experiences to take this as a Divinely orchestrated moment in time. Im going to share a tiny bit of what I have learned in my half century-plus of life in this fallen world. As this is an 8 year old post, I dont suspect that you may see this, but then the Lord hasnt laid that outcome at my feet. Ive only been impressed to share my experience and answers. Since my chores are about done and Im only at the 23 min mark, I probably will not hear the rest of this post and so you can figure that what I share will apply to only those things up to that point. Since you are fond of asking questions to people who you assume know more than you, Im going to assume that you too would appreciate being asked questions of others. According to your own words, you have acquired an extensive background and comprehensive understanding of scripture and church writings. My question to you is, with your vast knowledge, have you taken your questions to the only source we are told to take them to in scripture? From what Im hearing, you either have the answers to your questions from study, pondering, prayer, fasting and having received Personal Revelation you are continuously upbraiding members/leaders to share what you believe they know about the topics you're hung up on...or you dont have any answers, just literary and scriptural dichotomies. I highly doubt the first part is true. That leaves something closer to the second part being your reality. So I ask you, since you still have so many questions in spite of all the study you've done... what makes you think any of the mortal men sitting in this room with you would know anything more? You have missed some fundamentals steps of Christ's Gospel. One of the most important teachings in all holy writ is the Parable of the Talents. What was the difference between the 3rd servant and the first 2 ? Why did 3 fail so miserably when the others did not? Its right there in print. It was the 3rd servant's incorrect perception of his Master that cause his doubt, paralysis and ultimate failure. He knew not his Master's character. His master trusted in him, had knowledge of each of his servant's strengths and weaknesses enough to know how much to endow them with, and even with all of these indications of his master's adoration and trust of him, the 3rd servant judged his master to be a hard man and unjust, so much so that he didnt even try. The Scriptures equally as important are James 1:5 & 6 and all that is written about not putting your trust in the arm of flesh throughout our cannon. Your investment in study has obviously not been accompanied by fasting, prayer and patients and asking Father to show you what youre seeking for. I speak from 21 years of experience. I was in my early 30's when I asked Father why it seemed that we rarely heard anything new over the pulpits. He told me that 'I employeth no servant at the gate of further Light and Knowlege'. And so began my walk in Nephi's foot steps. I can attest that there are indeed hidden mysteries of God that are given to all who seek them. As for your beef with accuracy... in the front of the BoM Joseph states for all those who will read, that there is a probability of inaccuracies and that they are directly because of the flawed, mortal men who the Lord has selected to work with. You've heard it hundreds of times Jeremy. The Lord only has imperfect people to work with. Try this, go to the first page of each New Testament Prophet, chapter. What do the headings say? 'The Gospel ACCORDING TO Luke, Mark, John....etc. And the Old Testament the titles are 'The book OF .....' Everything we have in Christendom is secondhand information. They are experiences written by the people who actually had them and wrote them down, but even had Constantine and others had not changed so much of the original text, we are still reading the PERCEPTIONS of others... which can aid us, but not grant us greater knowledge and progress. That only comes through Personal Revelation as we work to become trustworthy and ready for it. God is no respecter of persons, which means you can know more than even the Prophet if you are asking things hes is not. And for those who would call me a heretic... you need to go back and prayerfully read the FULL account of Peter's vision of the Great Sheet containing the animals and ask the Lord who was the first to know the Gospel was open to the Gentiles. If anyone, after study is not following James 1: 5 & 6, then your efforts are in vain. No amount of academic learning can complete your knowledge and give you Truth, without speaking with the Author of Truth. There is no limit to what you can know once you have prepared yourself and ask. Final hint... the crossroads of scriptural dichotomy are the entry points of greater Light and Knowledge, but you must be trustworthy, humble and repentant to receive it.
@salthedrummer1 5 жыл бұрын
WOW! this guy nailed it! left him speachless .......great job you are free now....
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
He nailed it eh? How so? Lying and presenting half truths, recording one instance in a series of tens if not hundreds of interactions with the other people is hardly nailing it. I cannot believe how easily swayed people are by this bumbling idiot Joe Runnels.
@RadMc02 8 жыл бұрын
He did a GREAT job!!
@kerstinklenovsky239 3 жыл бұрын
When you hear that people take the right to judge you, run. When you find out that they are judging you on the basis of a HANDBOOK, run really fast.
@hermannatencio4186 8 жыл бұрын
Splendid!!! This has got to be one of the most awesome things I've ever seen!! LOL!!!
@tinalarsen2458 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 Because he disagrees with you he hasn't seen much good in his life?
@tinalarsen2458 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 Good grief...
@tinalarsen2458 5 жыл бұрын
@@danielmoore4024 Saying that "This has got to be one of the most awesome things I've ever seen!" Is not saying that family, friends, etc are not awesome. They aren't mutually exclusive. That's very silly and child like thinking.
@callmeangie867 3 жыл бұрын
@@tinalarsen2458 Daniel Moore has left the chat lol
@tinalarsen2458 3 жыл бұрын
@@callmeangie867 my comments were two years ago.
@ethandaniels6056 4 жыл бұрын
They're so silent I love it, like they have literally no defense
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
This was not a time for defense by the church. This was a court that Jeremy willingly attended to hear charges, to defend against the charges, and decide to stop openly attacking the church in a public forum. Not to re-ask all his questions that he’s pouting about because he thinks the answers weren’t answered to his satisfaction. Jeremy does not think Joseph Smith was ever called to be a prophet, he does not believe the church is true anymore, he does not even believe at this point that anyone in the church has any authority here on earth or the afterlife to assist him or counsel him any further. He’s not here to repent, nor to ask for forgiveness. Jeremy did this for one reason; to trip up other members who are struggling with presentism, who are struggling with coping with a fallen world and with more and more sin being seen as normal acceptable behavior by man and the world. It’s ok, you do you. Judge this church that Jeremy hates, judge its members, and don’t do any your own digging via ALL church documents and even outside sources, that’s ok. Following God has been, is, and will be hard and only accomplished by a select few while here on earth. Attacking God, calling His gospel false and ignoring Him is nothing new. Jeremy and his new cultist following is nothing new, nothing special, nothing at odds with history.
@christapurvis2158 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 that’s because the Mormon church is a lie! Better stop paying your tithing and use it for education 😂😂😂
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@christapurvis2158 interesting comment. I’m enlightened. By the way, tithes do a lot for those who need it aside from constructing temples, silos, chapels it pays for the education of many poorer peoples in poorer countries than the USA. Honestly I’ve seen many financial blessings (each law has a correlated blessing attached to it) through my years. I’ve never gone without, I’ve never had to worry that my tithes don’t go towards a worthy cause (the cause may even be to participate in the church investing it heavily for a rainy day even) and if a rogue bishop or other imperfect being in a weak time steals it for personal gain then sadly they will face possible earthly consequences ON TOP of facing God someday. Enjoy your evening. Malachi 3:8-11 8 ​​¶ ​​​​Will​ a man ​​​rob​ God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In ​​​tithes​ and offerings. ​​​9 ​Ye ​are​ ​​​cursed​ with a curse: for ye have robbed me, ​even​ this whole nation. ​​​10 ​Bring ye all the ​​​tithes​ into the storehouse, that there may be ​​​meat​ in mine house, and ​​​prove​ me now herewith, saith the ​​Lord​​ of hosts, if I will not ​​​open​ you the ​​​windows of heaven​, and pour you out a ​​​blessing​, that ​there shall​ not ​be room​ enough ​to receive it.​ ​​​11 ​And I will ​​​rebuke​ the ​​​devourer​ for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the ​​Lord​​ of hosts. I love the Bible!
@christapurvis2158 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 keep telling yourself that mate. We all know that tithing doesn’t go to people in need. You should actually check the church websites before trying to defend it! LOL 😂
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@christapurvis2158 no sir we don’t “all know that tithing doesn’t go to those in need”. Just because a whole host of people don’t understand what it does does not mean that they are scholars on the subject. Tithes, fast offerings etc., do what they do, which is to take care of needy members and non members alike locally and worldwide. They build and maintain temples, churches, many other church buildings and that is what it does. We do not allow welfare dependency and some people do take advantage so they get mad when asked to attend welfare education programs or volunteer their time to “earn” their welfare. I hope that makes sense. We’ve read the internet buddy. Websites like to put information out and not give context or hide necessary information from the readers to steer them in an intended direction. I consider that akin to lying and bearing false witness. You, myself, many others will be held to account for lying. I’m here if you have any other questions.
@itsumademoheiwa 8 жыл бұрын
It is amazing how many LDS are coming on here and agreeing that Jeremy should have been ex'ed because he should have lied and not publicly questioned the church or stated he did not believe. Just one more confirmation to me the LDS church is completely man made and has nothing to do with any perfect God.
@thechurchofnarcissistlatte2584 7 жыл бұрын
@gwennethschibany890 5 жыл бұрын
cdowis Just what kind of twisted mind do you have?????
@hanksimon3619 5 жыл бұрын
cdowis So it’s relative that the church uses sophistry and logical fallacies? You are making an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that members shouldn’t question things. Your comments don’t seem to show that you know God either.
@gracebe235 5 жыл бұрын
Gwenneth Schibany .....cdowis is now busy harassing me on another KZbinr’s video. And yes, he is ‘twisted’. I see he has deleted his comments from here.....chicken.
@SUBMISSION20 3 жыл бұрын
I just finally watched this, and I found the ending to be quite satisfying.
@bodytrainer1crane730 3 жыл бұрын
It's so strange how they sit there saying nothing. It doesn't seem like a court. There is no third-party "jury" and there is no court language (logic) and there are no questions answered. How bizarre. I am glad Jeremy did his best to stand up for his truth and the truth as he understands it.
@minalightdarkshadowwalker1484 8 жыл бұрын
I grew up in the church my entire life. My dad was a Bishop & he NEVER had any problems answering my questions, unfortunately my dad is no longer alive. This video makes me SICK! Why is Jeremy Runnelles questions not being answered? This is aoooo ridiculous.
@jarom676 8 жыл бұрын
Jeremy is asking questions about everything in the CES Letter. They don't have satisfactory answers for most of the issues. The essays released in 2013-2014 were supposed to explain or excuse some of the main issues but they almost raised more questions than they answered. The church doesn't spontaneously answer questions. Besides, the answers from the CES director would not be official or authoritative. The church spins and carefully manages all information it releases.
@presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 жыл бұрын
+Rachel Lewis Chances are you Dad grew up in LDS maybe Utah all he knows. Maybe I know Rachel Lewis
@thechurchofnarcissistlatte2584 7 жыл бұрын
@42apostate 7 жыл бұрын
Jeremy's questions are not being answered by SP Ivens...or all the other Mormons he questioned that brought him to this point. The truth is...the questions are not being answered because...those answers are not "Faith Promoting" for Mormons or Mormonism. The LDS church is, therefore, STUCK between a rock and the proverbial *hard place*. They don't dare answer the questions for fear that the other gullible members will SEE the, they MUST resort to the only thing they have to fight off the questions....EXCOMMUNICATE the questioner, thereby staining his reputation among friends and family to the point that they refuse listening to him on ANYTHING. That's called *SHUNNING*!
@JuanIsaReady 6 жыл бұрын
Perhaps because your Dad never asked or was never asked those tough questions.
@JPMauldenMusic Жыл бұрын
"Finish the definition..." "I'll say what I want..."
@katbos4995 3 жыл бұрын
LDS church 1970-80s: “The first step to apostasy is to think for oneself.”
@aliciabell4850 8 жыл бұрын
Why is this called a trial when it wasn't/isn't? WHY didn't you just leave the church and not go back? Who gives these people the right to do this, who do they think they are? Thank God for your insight into this cult. God loves you Jeremy and that's all that matters. God doesn't make you report to Mormon men or explain to Mormon men. You talk to God, tell him these things, God will lead and direct you, NOT these Mormons or whoever they are. God bless you Jeremy and your family. Jesus died for your sins not Joseph smith. Run fast and far from these people. You will have so much piece in Jesus! And "YES" if you follow Jesus you WILL go to heaven.
@OneDayCloserToHim 8 жыл бұрын
+Alicia Bell If I could vote you 2 thumbs up I would have! LoveInJesus
@angelarasmussen1800 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting. You can't accuse all Mormons as blind sheep. I'm listening to this and I'm Disturbed by how this has taken place. I have more investigating to do. I agree with Jeremy; we need to look at all information. I would say all the churches of the Earth are in apostacy and all that exists now is true followers of Christ which to me exist in and out of the Mormon church. When the Lord comes again, he will gather the pure in heart... Those who love Him, love truth, and love others with charity. I pray that I'll be guided to Him regardless of the churches. I'm active LDS. Don't tell me I'm not Christian because He is my only salvation. I'm willing to have a faith crisis in the Mormon church because I desire to know Him. Many of us were brought up in the church. Everyone should be critical thinkers and ask honest questions. Jeremy is asking honest questions and it would seem these men are at a lost as what to answer.
@allim.5941 5 жыл бұрын
Did they excommunicate you when they saw this post?
@robertdavid2839 4 жыл бұрын
It is so clear , speaking for them , "When are Leaders speak , the thinking has been done , when they point the way , there is no other which is safe , when give direction , it should mark the end of controversy , for the [mormon] Lord Works in other way." What a ridiculous statement and what nonsense any one could be to believe it. For this Renald's is so right , that he is excommunicating mormonism from himself. Great video. If Only they would see it.
@Forese83 8 жыл бұрын
Well done, the ending was the best by turning the cards around. If you happened to have a contract with that church (I know that's part of the secrecy) just burn it and send the ashes to that jerk.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
There is no contract. There are records of covenants made and that’s it. The contract is between God and the individual. It’s a bummer that so many of you don’t do simple research to know just an ounce of what you’re talking about.
@Nellie_and_Nora Ай бұрын
I LOVE how he walked TF out of my meeting and excommunicated the LDS church from his life. BRAVO Jeremy.
@CRASSMAN69 3 жыл бұрын
"i'm gonna say whatever i want to say, unless it's the word 'schizophrenic'. that word is more harder to read than the others...."
@ioanetumua6332 5 жыл бұрын
2019....Jeremy..woooow...just woooow..thank you..
Excellent performance Runnell!!
@mrbusdriversir 6 жыл бұрын
Lovely people. You can see the hate in his face.
@shleyayanelay 8 жыл бұрын
This is so great.
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
Not really. What is great about it? We see a liar (Jeremy) and a pompous member of some bishopric in one of the tens of thousands of wards across the world. What was great about it?
@shleyayanelay 3 жыл бұрын
@@dcarts5616 is he a liar? That’s a very serious judgement. Do you know him? Or does his story bump up against your beliefs and it makes you uncomfortable?
@dcarts5616 3 жыл бұрын
@@shleyayanelay He was given a pathway to get answers to his 90 page crowd sourced questionnaire. By him claiming no one would answer him, he is being dishonest, or as I stated, he is being a liar. Jeremy has also given the impression that he was forced into this council, by not giving context and not being fully truthful he is therefore lying. I could go on. Saying “This is so great” is just silly, which is why I responded to your comment. Ashley, I don’t care that people question their beliefs, my beliefs, or believe differently. Lying about their intentions is what I find troubling. What do you believe IN Ashley? Did you leave the LDS church? Are you a member of some Christian sect? Atheist? Pantheist? Anyway, I appreciate the response. Sorry I offended you and your belief that “this is so great.” It’s not great, not great for Jeremy and other anti-Mormon ministry members, not great for the snippy gentleman in the council, not great for members and nonmembers alike. If you had said “This is so SAD” I would have agreed, but for different reasons I suspect.
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
TrevorSniffen, thank you for your response. I don’t know which of my comments you’re responding to because I don’t see anything I said that relates to what you just wrote, maybe the KZbin overlords are hiding some of my old comments? Who knows… Anyway, I truly believe that Runnels is trying to find something, but truth isn’t what he’s looking for, it’s something different. Let the 2-4 million “active”American members inside the US and 2-3 million active members outside the US be. I don’t get how a church so small (.00075% of the world population) causes so many people to lose their marbles. Just strikes me as odd. I’d like to invite you to read the ENTIRE Bible, then read the ENTIRE Book of Mormon and consider the messages in them both. Thanks again for your response, and for trying your best to get the world as close to obeying the desires and expectations of their creator. God bless.
@dcarts5616 2 жыл бұрын
@TrevorSniffs I can see you’re advanced in your anti-Mormon ministry. Not as good as some, but above average. You wrote quite a bit, nothing I’ve not seen, definitely not amazing though but seriously bravo to you and many regurgitated points that sound accurate but aren’t. It shows me what you DON’T believe in, and that’s nice. Let’s move on… …Trevor, what DO you believe in? What should I leave my “cult” led by a charlatan for that you’ve found that is going to advance my life and that of my future family in a meaningful way? I’m all ears now in hearing what YOU believe in. Preach to me brother. Let’s hear it.
@paulamoore8427 Ай бұрын
I see nothing wrong with this. If you are in open rebellion against the church why be a member. This is totally appropriate.
@allim.5941 5 жыл бұрын
Did you guys see the closed caption where he literally said “Why can’t I have an interpreter?” But the CC said “Why can’t I have a military stripper?”
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 4 жыл бұрын
@callmeangie867 3 жыл бұрын
Well why can’t I?
@Mizzlenum Жыл бұрын
In January 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther. Three months later, Martin Luther was called to defend his beliefs before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms, where he was famously defiant. For his refusal to recant his writings, the emperor declared him an outlaw and a heretic (aka apostate) I recently read the story of Martin Luther and hearing Jeremy being defiant and seeing the stake president with a look of confusion, I thought about Martin Luther defending himself in a trial by the Pope and the Roman Emperor. Jeremy did a great job defending himself and the end was SWEET. I wish a movie could be made about this to expose this cult of it's barbaric practices.
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