Being a White Woman in South Korea

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JIN's street interview

JIN's street interview

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@JinsStreetInterview Жыл бұрын
If you're looking for a male version of this interview🙂 "Being a White Man in South Korea"
@openranks4519 Жыл бұрын
Please interview U.S. military men and women.
@MerchYDuw Жыл бұрын
I’m so thankful for what the Canadian said about debunking the broad stereotype of western movies/TV showing us all as promiscuous. All that she said showed her wisdom and her respect of Korean history and culture. She’s someone I’d love to be friends with. Her mind runs deep!
@mrconfusion87 Жыл бұрын
You forgot internet porn from the Western world as well!
@jacquelinechambers8374 Жыл бұрын
The young lady in the white dress is very articulate ‼️ She presents herself with confidence! Good job‼️
@Atombender Жыл бұрын
Funny enough, she looks very average compared to European standards but she would be a 9/10 in Asian countries.
@Mariajbh2 8 ай бұрын
Why are you so worry to show "respect" to their history when they don't show to the others countries history and less the Westerns?!
@MizZvampire1 3 ай бұрын
And she is so intelligent!
@rodsalomon6524 Жыл бұрын
Thanks to the Canadian girl for expressing personal and accurate responses that show her awareness of various social issues just like racism, mysoginism, and cultural imperialism.
@ericsohn5084 Жыл бұрын
Cultural imperialism?
@rodsalomon6524 Жыл бұрын
@@ericsohn5084 yes, she’s talking about her role as an English teacher :) Language is part of culture, and she recommends that other teachers learn Korean :)
@shawnng892 Жыл бұрын
In this situation in Korea ofc not so much in multiracial countries but more likely in racially homogenous societies.
@Frombie_01 Жыл бұрын
I've lived here (in Korea) for 20 years. I can tell you her responses were way off the mark. She's just another hagwon monkey.
@ericsohn5084 Жыл бұрын
@@shawnng892 ethnically too, Koreans (most Asian nations) don't have this sense of Asianess. Japanese and Chinese are treated as differently as Europeans
@corrintel7103 Жыл бұрын
When she said that "foreigners get displayed as a trophy and are just there for koreans to show off" I completely felt that going to a Korean school currently on my 5th month, now I don't necesarily look like a foreigner at first sight since I'm of asian descent but I got treated the exact same way, for being fluent in English and from someone who came from America. It may not be obvious at first, but the more you spend time with Koreans the more left out you feel and are there to just get showcased around, not to have an actual conversation with besides curiousity or to help those in need. For ex, kids from different homerooms would come to our class specifically to see my face and have a 30 second conversation which were mostly bs then never see them again. And yes I have tried communicating in Korean many times tho I may not be the most fluent I can hold a decent conversation if they were willing to listen. Exclusion can hurt coming from someone who loves conversating with people, it really does. That's why focusing on learning to be more fluent in Korean became my only goal, less stressful and i can actually get a breather from using 90% of my energy to trying to communicate with a brick wall basically. So unless your coming to Korea to make friends, date etc instead of just touring, I higly recommend learning the language. It would be beneficial for both sides. This was a bit long but thought i needed to get it off my chest.
White foreigners
@U_can_touch_me Жыл бұрын
정말 한국인으로서 공감하는 이야기네요 그런 한심하고 자기중심적인 인간들이 한국에는 많고 갈수록 늘어가고 있습니다 이것은 부모의 가정교육에 문제가 많다는것이고 한국사회가 지향하는것이기 때문입니다 이게 무슨뜻이냐면, 출세를 위해 약간의 경험들은 필수다 라는것입니다 자신의 커리어나 자신의 인맥관계에 하나의 보너스 포인트 같은겁니다 나는 우리 한국인들의 이 역겨운 현상들을 파타하기위해 많은 이야기들을 나누고 싶지만 정작 한국인들은 이런 이야기들에 기분나빠하고 부정하고 싶어한다는겁니다 현재의 30~40대 정도의 세대들은 이야기가 통할것같지만 우습게도 오히려 10,20대들은 심각할정도로 우경화가 되어서 거의 중국의 애국주의처럼 변했습니다 제가 한가지 흥미로운 경험이 있는데 식당 앞 휴게실에서 동남아시아인 두명이 의자에 앉어있더군요 그래서 저도 그냥 그옆에 붙어앉아 담배를 피는데 그 친구들이 저를 힐끗힐끗 쳐다보더군요 그래서 “날씨가 엄청 덥죠?” 라고 한국어로 말했더니 이내 자연스러운 대화가 진행되었습니다 그들은 스리랑카에서 온 노동자였고 서로의 문화에 대한 짧은 이야기를 나누는 도중에 한 친구가 말하더군요 “한국사람이 우리 옆에 앉은거 처음이야” 라고 하더군요 그래서 “정말?” 이라고 말하니 “한국 사람이 우리한테 말 건적도 처음이야” 라고 하더군요 그제서야 이해가 되기 시작했습니다 저는 한국인이 인종차별을 얼마나 노골적으로 하고있고 백인에 대한 숭배가 얼마나 심각한지 말했습니다 그리고 한국은 한국전쟁이 있은지 겨우 70여년밖에 지나지 않았고 그 사이 시민의식이 급격한 경제발전을 따라가지 못하고 있다고 말했습니다 한국인으로서 할 수 있는 변명은 이것뿐이고 이것으로 조금의 위안을 얻길 바라며 내가 한국인을 대신해서 사과한다고 말했습니다 급격한 경제발전덕에 우리가 최고이고 우리만큼 빠르게 해낸 민족보다 못사는 나라이면 무시하게 되는 경향이 생겼다고 말했죠 아무튼 제 이야기는 여기까지이고 중요한건 한국어를 유창하게 잘하면 어느정도 불편했던 상황들이 덜 생길겁니다
@UchihaItachiXoxo2 Жыл бұрын
항상 한국에 갈 계획이라면 항상 적어도 언어를 조금이라도 배우려고 한국에는 항상 당신을 이용하는 사람들이 있습니다. 특히 외국인들에게 당신을 이용하려는 사람들이 있습니다. 한국의 실제 (Kpop) 이나 (Kdrama) 와는 다릅니다. 그것은 유니콘과 무지개의 땅과 같습니다.
@모르노스타 7 ай бұрын
한국인의 배타성은 의도하지 않은채 본의 아니게 표현 되는 경우도 많습니다. 어찌보면 아직도 국제적인 기준에서 많이 부족하고 촌스러운(?) 부분이 많아요. 그리고 이 모든것은 한국의 지정학적 여건과 아주 독특한 문화와 언어에서도 비롯 됩니다. 한국은 섬나라이고 님에게 한국어가 아닌 외국어로 설명하기 아주 힘든 상황들이 매우 많습니다. 그런데 그렇다고 그것을 님 붙잡고 일일이설명해 줄 수 있을 정도로 배려가 깊거나 외국어가 가능한 사람들도 흔하지는 않지요. 그리고 그런 상황이 어떤 모임에서 발생 한다면 다른 이들도 배려 해야 겠지요. 저는 독일에서 살아본적이 있는데 님과 비슷한 경험을 하였습니다. 다들 영어는 잘하지만 어느 순간에선 자기들끼리 독일어를 해야 할 때가 있고, 결국엔 제가 독일어를 공부 하는것이 맞다고 생각 했습니다.
@saucyrossy3698 5 ай бұрын
Jesus....white/western woman feel persecuted and underappreciated literally everywhere they go. When we get to Mars there will already be one there saying the same nonsense.
@hotteoki4498 Жыл бұрын
A lot of these women are dating men in their 20's. I don't really think Korean men in their 20's are necessarily having serious relationships, especially with foreign women. I met met my (now) Korean husband when we were 29. I had to go on a lot of dates to find a guy like him. My advice for serious relationships: -Don't look for your man in a club/bar. -If he's young, I would not expect you to consider him marriage material for a while. (Koreans marry later than westerners) - make boundaries - if your interest in Korea is surface level, then you probably won't get far with him - there are a lot of men. If someone doesn't want to commit, drop him fast and move on
@matthewlyn9224 Жыл бұрын
you must be white skin if her married you
@_CL Жыл бұрын
big emphasis on that last point!!! do not waste your time
@youknowwhoiam6057 Жыл бұрын
The first advice is the most important thing that foreign women should hear. Club and bar is not good place for finding your partner.
@촛농맨이야 Жыл бұрын
@vanillagrammer6019 8 ай бұрын
And that’s why I would never consider Korea as a place to live
@sandyfeet8175 Жыл бұрын
This was fascinating. The thing I love about the people you interview is, they’re being really honest and there would be no point if they didn’t answer the questions as honestly as possible. They were all great, but the Canadian lady especially was really interesting. Thank you.
@sunday6099 6 ай бұрын
The fact is that Korea is nothing better than China. Korea dudes loves so much travel to China, but West brainwashed and hypnotized women prefer Korea😂
@Jenncysworld Жыл бұрын
German girl here living in Korea since 4 years 👋 The beautiful red haired girl with the gorgeous tattoos spoke 100% facts. Everything she said was on point. Despite having lived in Korea 4 years already, I've been on maybe 2 dates (with the same guy) and apart from that I only get creeps that grab me by the arm in the street or follow you around to look at you. Getting into a serious relationship in Korea as a white woman (especially with blond hair blue/green eyes) like me, is a nightmare. I don't even think about dating anymore, I just gave up. Thankfully Korea is a beautiful exciting country to live in as a Single, there is plenty to do and it rarely gets boring. So that's a plus.
@ineedachachabeat1886 Жыл бұрын
Yeah same I’m ginger with green eyes living in Korea and I feel like a lot of people look at me like a piece of meat. I have met some good guys but they are ones who have studied abroad a lot of their life and want to leave Korea so 💀
@mino4965 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that. but please don't think every korean guy would be like that. I personally wanna make some foreign friends but don't know where to meet them or find them. and even if I did, I still don't know how to be friends with them. there will be a lot koreans like me 😅😅😅
@merrittpalmer4349 Жыл бұрын
Plenty of white women have had good and successful experiences with dating Korean men. Sounds like a you problem.
@_CL Жыл бұрын
that is awful, thank you for sharing!
@줄리오-o9u Жыл бұрын
한국남성들이 금발에 파란눈을 가진 에쁜 여성이라면 진지한 만남을 가질 확률이 아주 많습니다 그리고 당신이 클럽등에서만 남자를 찾으니깐 그렇수도 있습니다 그리고 저 캐나다 여성은 문신이 많아서 남성들이 좀 꺼릴수도 있습니다 사실 한국에 적응한 백인 여성들도 많은 다른 백인 여성들이 오는 걸 꺼림니다 왜나하면 자신 누릴 파이가 적어지기 때문이고 심지어 레즈비언이나 백인이 아닌 사람들이 한국남성이 그럴 거 라고 모함 날조를 하지요 사실 서양인 중에 백인여성이 가장 많은 결혼을 한 건 사실이지만 중요한 건 일단 예쁘고 몸매가 좋다면 인종에 상관없이 인기가 있습니다
@whispersmusic6173 Жыл бұрын
Canadian girl was one of the most blunt interviewees I’ve seen in these foreign interviews. She kept it real asf. Thats what I tune in to see
@tonykim3033 Жыл бұрын
Yes bluntly ignorant lol
@whispersmusic6173 Жыл бұрын
@@tonykim3033 Nope. Majority of the other comments say otherwise lol. Nice try tho
@tonykim3033 Жыл бұрын
@@whispersmusic6173 i said she's ignorant because she's very self centered and doesn't have good balance in her point of views, i mean its obvious if she can't speak the language and not know the culture she,ll feel left out , infact, without proper communication her whole relationships is only going to be based on Streo types
@Starlett68 Жыл бұрын
@@tonykim3033I believe the Canadian girl speaks Korean and she advised others who want to visit learn it, too.
@whispersmusic6173 Жыл бұрын
@@tonykim3033 Apparently speaking from your own personal experience as she mentioned numerous times is considered “self centered”. Also when did she mention not knowing Korean? Are we making baseless assumptions now out of envy?
@CansuCancan9 Жыл бұрын
The Canadian girl’s answers were so precise and spot-on and thought-provoking 👍🏻 Really enjoyed listening to her thoughts.
@TheRyno525 5 ай бұрын
She is actually clueless and has obviously not been anywhere other then Canada and SK.
@DissidentNomad 11 күн бұрын
@@TheRyno525 Exactly!
@sleepy_dobe Жыл бұрын
That Canadian lady is a shining role model for her country and people. She's so respectful of other cultures, and honest and fair with her opinions and answers. I'm pretty sure she's quite well-read and won't be surprised at all if she's very highly educated. But above all, her awareness, acknowledgement and respect of cultural and societal differences really makes her stand out as an individual.
@spook6394 7 ай бұрын
What if she hasn’t read a book in 12 years, does that make her less eloquent
@hannasophie5657 Жыл бұрын
I like the Russian girl and her way of answering. She's really kind and sweet. She's not expecting nothing as a foreigner and just live her experience without going too far in the thinking of the way she's "treated". She's just chill and doing what she have to do there without complaining. I like this way of thinking and mentality. And also a lot of yellow/brown/black people don't like white skin and think it's bland and not sexy so I don't think it's that of a privilege in the end.
@darksat6 Жыл бұрын
Love the Russian lady too ❤❤
@HuerniaBarbata Жыл бұрын
What are you talking about if most Europeans, originally white, believe that the best vacation is in the southern countries to get a tan? Tanned skin is considered more beautiful than pure white, even in northern countries. That is - for the whites themselves, white skin is not considered sexy. ))) . But there is a nuance. White skin is considered more beautiful in East and Southeast Asia - from Korea and Japan to China, Tailand or India. Historically, light skin was for the rich, and dark skin for the common people working in the fields under the sun.
@sunflower9682 2 ай бұрын
Pale is beautiful! Most of asia agree with this statement, however, I like all skin tones. I just don't appreciate people knocking pale people so often as you are correct a lot of non-asians knock pale people often.
@StarlightAngel948 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jin! I liked this video a lot, as a white girl who really wants to visit Korea is very interesting to know the point of view of another girls. I agree with the lady in white dress that, sadly, because of how western media portrait women, korean men think we are easy to have intimate relationships and it's really sad because that's not the case for many of us.
@brcage Жыл бұрын
The canadian woman was nothing more than a western progressive virtue signaling fool. Look im white, everything is better for me, and i acknowledge it, but im going to pretend i dont think its a good thing because i want to look like a hero... Also, im running from a country that has imported swathes of the 3rd world and every major city has skyrocketed in crime like murder and grape... but i dont want to admitt that predominately white and asian countries are safer, and it feels nice to know theres very little black or brown people because than i wont get my pat on the head from the other virtue signaling imbecils.
@yaya5tim Жыл бұрын
It's the same thing for Asian women in Western countries, white men view them with the exotic look and body type, and also their stereotypical attitudes which is submissive.
@zyx7478 Жыл бұрын
@@yaya5timif you believe your tripe you need mental health. I’ve known white men married to Asian women who did not think that way Just stop
@yaya5tim Жыл бұрын
@@zyx7478 stop what? You haven't met enough WMAF couples to tell that? Where do you live? Under a rock?
@clown6507 Жыл бұрын
@@yaya5tim You are correct! White men also think that Asian women are "easy" or promiscuous,; the white men also objectify them.
@itiz1 Жыл бұрын
the girl with the white dress is so well spoken! loved her interview
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
LOL no. She can't walk alone at night? I call bullshit
@user-bn8tk4md6b Жыл бұрын
The Canadian lady was amazing!! Such a good head on her shoulders. Of course she's the only one speaking English natively so it must be easier to express herself too.. but i've heard native english speakers say some stupid shit 😂
@jackdoe7933 Жыл бұрын
She's definitely a walking billboard for her generation.
@arizonagirl6474 Жыл бұрын
​@@jackdoe7933Haha. My thoughts exactly..
@HuerniaBarbata Жыл бұрын
The Canadian lady is a teacher, as I understand it. And teaching is usually associated with logic and a clear definition of the subject and responsibilities of the educational process. Therefore, she expresses her thoughts and impressions more clearly. The young Russian lady is a student and finds it difficult to express herself in English, so her speech is not so logical. An adult lady from an unnamed country is a tourist and clearly loves just chatting, especially with gallant men, so she is not prone to logic. But taken together, they represent a wonderful ensemble of different opinions of white women from different circles about life in Korea.
@kotin24 Жыл бұрын
캐나다분 답변이 인상적이네요. 자국내에서 해결되지 않는게 한국으로 온다고 해결되지 않는다.또 다른 문제에 겪게되고 수월한 생활을 위해선 자기 스스로 공부해야하고 한국어를 할 줄 알아야하고 그건 기본이다......좋은 콘텐츠 잘 봤습니다.
@sunday6099 6 ай бұрын
Korea language is useless around the world, why suggeste people learn your useless language?
@adampr5242 4 ай бұрын
Interesting culture. Curiosity: is racism something you are actively taught from family and school or something inherent to your culture? As in: Korean culture and race is superior, we can tolerate foreigners but never mix etc. or it's inevitably just part of your background? Do you despise foreigners or rather just find them disgusting? I am honestly very curious.
@sunday6099 4 ай бұрын
@@adampr5242 Did you say that korean culture and race are superior than others races and culture?
@adampr5242 4 ай бұрын
@@sunday6099 no I asked if racism in Korea is actively taught as a value or it’s just a byproduct of that cultural background, asking because it seems so socially accepted by everyone
@2012Schmucker 7 ай бұрын
I really like the way you interview. You ask something and listen very calmly. After they finished talking you ask a follow-question for better understanding and specification. I wish some tv talk host would be more like you. Very elegant and smart way of interviewing!
@ryanasksaround Жыл бұрын
Really awesome interview Jin 진짜 잘했어요 👏🏼 Living in Korea I definitely noticed that there is a difference between white peoples experience and darker skinned people.
@denisemahe8539 Жыл бұрын
I think a lot of this happens to younger generations. As an older female (60's), l finally made my first trip to Korea last Christmas for about 3 weeks. Hardly anyone, of any generation, directly looked at me or spoke to unless l was buying something (which was once). I think 2 people smiled or said hello the whole time.That was it. I certainly don't need the unwanted kind of attention, nor does any woman, but it is nice if someone could at least acknowledge you while trying to converse, however poorly in my case, in their own language. This doesn't deter me from visiting again but l can see how an older person especially would find it hard to make friends if they lived there.
@nathanielmills4678 Жыл бұрын
Wow that's fascinating! I've not put much thought into insights of maturer tourists in Korea.
@2oqp577 Жыл бұрын
Not my experience. Walking on the street, find excuses to ask people simple stuff, buy an apple, ask your way to a museum even if you very well know where it is., Acknowledge kids and strike up a conversation with the parents. As a matter of fact, in my 50s, I try to talk to people my age. One thing that helps a lot is to use only Korean and speak it with the least amount of accent. Yes Koreans will try to ignore you if your accent proposes that your abilities are very limited. Remember, this society is about making things happen fast, not wasting time, etc.
@정희야-g9d 11 ай бұрын
한국말로 무엇을 물어본다든지 잘모르겠어요 한다등 그러면서 날씨가 참좋네요 이곳에 처음 와서 아는것이 없네요 잘부탁합니다 궁금한거 친구한테 하듯 사적인 얘기도 하고 한국방식인가요 먼저다가가보세요 어렵네요 ㅎ 한국인도 외국인이 무슨생각하는지 잘모르고 실례될까봐 다가가기 그런거죠 부담 스러울까봐 서로 아는척 안하는건 마찬가지인듯 한국말로 다가가면 더좋겠죠 친근감있고 어렵네요 ㅎ 친하게 지냄좋겠죠 서로에 대해 알아거고 이런 써클라도 있음 좀더 나아질수도 있을것도 같은데 하지만 다들 서로 에 대해 잘모르니 조금 무서울수도 있고처음엔 뭐든 어려운듯 서로에 대해 건전하게 알아가고 도움이 되고 아는기회가 있음 조금 나을듯 전달이 잘못될가 걱정 개인적인 생각
@April98-ju4ib 3 ай бұрын
I mean this happens to me as a muslim hijabi woman all the time in US and europe and at some places in turkey 🤷🏻‍♀️ but especially white people they either avoid me, or look at me with despise and arrogance or just be staring at me like i’m an alien
@tdelioncourt1268 3 ай бұрын
I just got back from SK, I stayed mostly in Seoul, I'm 30 and people still didn't talk to me, except one woman who had a perfect english or only through my sister's connections (she is studying there). And an older man wanting a date (no thank you, sir). I think it's their general behavior? They stay inside their bubble and don't do small talks if not necessary (I'm social and extrovert, and in France small talk is almost considered politeness, so unsettling to me) so with the language barrier it stops most. I had better luck in Jeju, one night at a pocha two 30 something women joined my table and we had a party night (2 seoulites on vacation), and older ladies were chatty, in general people were a lot friendlier (I mean capital city vs island, it's the same everywhere).
@potochii4553 Жыл бұрын
이런 종류의 외국인들 인터뷰를 보면 마치 클럽이 외국인들 생활의 중심처럼 느껴질 정도로 클럽 이야기가 주를 이루네 90% 이상의 한국인들에게 클럽은 생활의 일부가 절대로 아님 오히려 일탈의 장소처럼 여김 아예 안가는 사람들이 대다수고 평범한 사람들은 가더라도 단발성 일탈 이벤트 정도로 생각하지 생활의 일부분이라고 생각하는 사람들은 극소수임
@peu815 Жыл бұрын
마치 치안 안 좋은 슬럼가에 굳이 들어가서 봉변당해놓고 "여기 나라 사람들 나빠요" 하는 격
@탑블루오션 Жыл бұрын
얼마전 한국도 관광하고 기회가 되면 한국에서 남자친구를 만들기위해 방한했다는 유럽 젊은 여자들이 한결같이 기대했던것보다 한국 남자들이 별루였다고 했는데 어디서 만났냐니깐 대부분 클럽에서 만났다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 시궁창에서 보석찾는식 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@abraxas3731 Жыл бұрын
내 말이.. 댄스가 사교의 보편적 수단인 그네들 문화에서는 클럽이 부담없이 가는 곳일지 몰라도 한국에서는 노골적으로 말해 동물적 욕구충족만이 목적인 넘들이 노리고 가는 곳인데 말이죠. 론리플래닛 같은데서 한국 클럽은 서양에서 인식하는 그런 곳이 아니라고 좀 써줬으면 좋겠음.
@youknowwhoiam6057 Жыл бұрын
레딧 같은데 보면 항상 클럽, 데이팅 앱, 바 이런거 밖에 얘기를 안하더군요. 뻔하죠.
@Mariajbh2 8 ай бұрын
​@@abraxas3731In the West go to clubs or go to dance it's something people do for having a good time dancing with friends, it's all. It's not their fault that you use it for other purposes
@whatlikeitshardd Жыл бұрын
Great video! I think it would be interesting to get the perspective of overweight people, both Korean and foreign
@chelseavida Жыл бұрын
Canadian chick really knows whats up when it comes to the existing social issues. As someone who loves to study society and human behavior she gave the most on point responses.
@pauline3218 2 ай бұрын
Why would you call a woman a chick? Isn't that derogatory?
@chelseavida 2 ай бұрын
@@pauline3218 is it? i'm not sure, in the U.S. it's just a slang term for girl
@itsme2084 Ай бұрын
@@chelseavida Yea no only mysogynists like u call women that. fk off
@susancarrillo626 3 ай бұрын
I'm in my 60's. I met many MATURE Korean men, divorced or widowed. A man is a man, kind and giving. Protection is their #1 priority. Young men, like young women, have a lot of years ahead of them to become serious. Travel the world OR just start in your own country. Put your phone down and SOCIALIZE! You'll experience great people in your path. I ❤ So. Korea. 👍👍👍
@ΧρύσαΑφ Жыл бұрын
Τhe canadian girl is so eloquent, it was a joy to listen to her speak.
@FrugalFunMum 10 ай бұрын
You interview so well you allow people to finish their thoughts and it's always well presented! Thanks
@kimberlygriffin6285 Жыл бұрын
Dang, I'm at 3:17. I'm white and live in Korea and no one has ever said that to me. I think it's also a pretty factor. I'm not a pretty woman. So even though I'm white, I'm not skinny or pretty. Therefore, no one says anything to me. My coworker, who is poc, said that I have a better chance at getting a date because im white.....she is dating someone and has had a few relationships in Korea....I haven't had a single one. 😂 one time, I joined HelloTalk for language exchange and was talking to this one guy in the military. He showed me a pic of his face, and I sent him one of me. He goes, "Oh...." and blocks me. 😂
@muz4050 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for being honest, I was thinking the same thing when the Canadian woman claimed it was just her white skin they were attracted to
@ceartrap2076 15 күн бұрын
I have HelloTalk literally only for the language exchange and I keep getting guys on there that want to date lol.
@kimberlygriffin6285 15 күн бұрын
@@ceartrap2076 right?! It's terrible!!!
@yonghun-skkim1992 Жыл бұрын
As a Korean, I totally agree that Korean people prefer way more white people to dark skin people. first, I think this is caused from long term history. Korean people call themselves as tribes in white. it has various meaning. they tred to wear some clothes in white all the time rather than colorful ones or black ones. definitely it was lacking of materials or any skills of dying industry to use colorful ones. also they described satan as a thing in black all the time while they describe angel parts in white 100%. secondly although China and Japan have attacked Korea, so called Lee Dynasty from Joseon and even from age of Three countries(Goguryu, Shilla, Baekje), Korean have been 1 unique and sole people without mixing any other races around the world more than 5,000 years. The first offical try to open their gate for Western was around 150 years ago meanwhile Japan opened 15th century to Portuguese and China 19th even before. which means Korean need more time to live in mingled races. even when I was in my twenties, it was kind of hard to see any foreigner(no matter what their races are) on the street. you need to go to private Engilish institutor to meet American. now 5% of Korean population consists of foreigners thanks to the fianance development and Kpop boom. I believe due to those 2 facts I mentioned above, Korean people still have racism over the color of the skin. I have lived in Western countries more than half of my adult life. the racisiom is all over the world. it is just more and less. one fact is that living in other country as a foreigner always confronts racism naturally. it is not something new. Anyhow, I have dated white, black, latina and asian. my answer for all woman is same. they are woman. difference race compared to man. can't be easily mixed. hahaha
@enooeeelelee_ Жыл бұрын
Everyone watching Netflix and getting the wrong impression of each other lol.
@youngplanet Жыл бұрын
The Canadian girl was so honest and brave to say this
@okazay Жыл бұрын
I tried to set up one of my American (Indian and Malaysian descent) friends with some of my Korean friends through 소개팅 and both of the guys I asked if they were interested said they prefer lighter skinned women 🙃not that it’s not wrong to have a preference but I’m just bouncing off of the Canadian woman.
@ineedachachabeat1886 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I’m a white woman living in Korea as well. I totally agree. I hate how people always assume that I’m promiscuous like I’m asexual 😭
@LonelyNEBoy Жыл бұрын
I think if you are a Christian and meet devout Korean Christian men, all these onoxious behaviors of Korean men won't apply in that case. I'm a Catholic but I've observed most Korean evangelicals are very strong in their faith and stay grounded so they will be most likely not objectify white women or discriminate against black women!
@phav1832 Жыл бұрын
That's totally true. Like anywhere else, if you go clubbing and hang with that crowd, you'll have a different experience than if you come as a missionary or just come as a person committed to living one's religion. You'll also win the trust and respect of people also. And you'll come to love the country, its people, and its customs deeply.
@LonelyNEBoy Жыл бұрын
@@phav1832 yup you spoke my mind...its wrong to tag or label every korean guys based on who they meet at clubs or parties ..I know gender disparity index for South Korea is extremely bad and worse than underdeveloped countries like Cambodia but evangelicals are growing in Korea and I heard about renewed increase of Catholicism there too although youths are abandoning faith just like in the west....these rising Christian brethrens amidst rampant suicide, depression and mental health crisis in Korea will ensure a new hallmark for Korean men to redefine their gentlemanly attributes!
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
Koreans aren't Christian
@마음평온한-w2g Жыл бұрын
한국새벽맥도날드에 백인흑인소녀가 왔는데 흑인소녀가 더 아름답든데 넘 이뻐서 자릴양보해주려하니 다른곳에 안잤다 😅😅 피부색보다는 자기만의 매력인듯😊 인종 피부색 떠나서 자기만의 매력있는이가 가장 아름답고 사람의 시선을 끄는듯 😊
@michellec5695 Жыл бұрын
I think the Canadian girl explains really nicely of how it actually is! :) I also lived in Korea for a year as an exchange student and I had so many guys coming up to me on the street and mostly directly asked if I had a boyfriend or not and when I said "yes" they were mostly also gone as quickly. I also received messages of people who just wanted to have one-night-stands etc and just have this picture of white women being "easy". I also had a guy asking me to have 'ons' even though he was hiding that he has a Korean girlfriend. And another foreign friend experienced the same. Some Korean guys like this date a white woman besides their real girlfriend, because foreigners are usually only there for a short time, so they can have their fun for a bit. I also dated a guy while I was in Korea but as soon as I was gone he broke up with me, even though I already bought flight tickets to see him as quickly as possible again and he told me one day before how bad he misses me. So I think because of all this white women fun or trophy kind of behaviour people should definitely be more careful whom they trust in regards of dating. Not only in Korea of course, but I think even more there because of the picture that quite some people have of foreigners.
@이동훈-b6q Жыл бұрын
정확하게 말해서 [예쁜 외국인 여성]에게 친절한것입니다.
@spook6394 7 ай бұрын
Except the Canadian girl said that people view her as pretty because she is white, not because she is pretty.
@jasmineuelese730 Жыл бұрын
very well spoken the canadian woman she was my favourite and shes also beautiful too, i agree with what she said too.but the other two girls had some great views/opinions as well.
@eventsigil9176 11 ай бұрын
that canadian girl looks trashy with all those tattoos. I felt sorry for her ex that dated her.
@marcynoona Жыл бұрын
Age matters, too. These women are young so they are seen by a lot of men as potential partners. As someone who is older, I have a different experience of Korea.
@sunsubee1788 3 ай бұрын
I love the honesty of the first girl. It's refreshing to see someone so self aware
@tinatieken8840 11 ай бұрын
I think learning the language is very important. If you move to another country, respect them by learning their culture and their language. In America, mostly Hispanics come here and won’t learn our language but others from other countries will.
@k15469 Жыл бұрын
한국인과 연애를 시작하기 전에 그들의 연애나 결혼관을 은근슬쩍 파악하는 것이 중요해요. 여러분이 외국인이어서 enjoy 상대가 아니라, 많은 한국인들 중에 연애와 결혼은 별개로 생각는 경향이 강합니다. 여성, 남성 관계없이 그런 부류의 사람들은 결혼상대를 선택할때, 사람보다는 조건과 배경을 선택합니다. 재산 또는 능력. 자신의 재산과 지위(학위 직업 등)에 비슷한 수준의 사람을 선택하는 거죠. '결혼은 현실이야'라는 말을 하는 그 사람이 바로 그런 부류입니다. 이런 경향은 고학력 고소득일수록 강해진다는 건 한국인이라면 아는 사실입니다. 여러분이 어학당에 다니고 있다면 그 학교에서 다른 학교와 미팅이나 소개팅을 할 떄 어떤 옵션을 선택하고 요구하는지 관찰하면 쉽게 알 수 있을겁니다. 여러분도 느끼셨겠지만.. 한국이란 나라는 엄청난 속도로 발전하는 과정에서 '물질주의와 성과,능력주의'가 강력하게 자리잡은 나라란 걸 아셔야 해요. 그러니까 썸을 타는 단계에서 상대의 가치관을 파악하는 것이 중요합니다. 그래야 끝이 보이는 관계에 인생을 낭비하지 않을 수 있어요 그리고 '부모의 반대'를 핑계로 대는 것은.. 여러분이 외국인이어서가 아니라 헤어지고 싶어하는 치사한 방법중에 하나에요. 같은 한국인에게도 써먹는 대사입니다 옛날이라면 모를까.. 요즘 부모떄문에 결혼 못한다는 사람은 극소수의 사람들입니다 끝으로 여러분 나라는 모르지만.. 한국 클럽에서 시작된 만남에 진지한 관계를 바라는 것은 모래사장에서 바늘을 찾는 것과 같은 확률입니다. 한국에서 클럽은 즐기러 가는 곳이자, 이성을 찾기위한 장소이며 그상대는 원나잇 그 이상을 생각하고 있지 않습니다. 거기서 지속되는 관계라도 대부분 잠자리가 목적일뿐이라는 점을 명심하세요.
@raccoon2505 Жыл бұрын
I always find curious about the term ''Caucasian race'', even because for many people from West, the people from Caucasus region are not considered ''whites''. Especially in Anglo nations.
@kate_wn Жыл бұрын
Because Caucasian as a synonym for white is outdated and shouldn’t be used anymore
@Mariajbh2 8 ай бұрын
The real and scientific name to the race is "Caucasians" not "White". "White" it's a fabrication pseudoscientific of the anglosaxons countries
@syoung217 Жыл бұрын
This is a Korean man who used to live in Korea. totally relatable to everything they said in this video. I've got some international friends back then, even dated a White Floridian. I think it's a natural process for both of them (Koreans/nonkoreans) to get to know each other. let's just be open-minded.
@matthewlyn9224 Жыл бұрын
you only date white people as the majority of Koreans
@tmmy-xz9ib Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠@@matthewlyn9224Majority of Koreans only date with Koreans
@Ceylin_Kurtbogan 9 ай бұрын
These type of questions are always answered in a bit of a generic way that we have heard 1000 times before. So about Koreans leaving foreigners out or showcasing them as foreigners. This would happen if you are either not fluent in Korean or not wellread about Korean culture, what makes a conversation going, what kind of timely reactions or jokes they would find funny etc. Once they see you are like them that "leaving out" thing does not happen (though obviously some people might have experienced otherwise still). They have a very distinct culture from you and that shapes everything. Even the way you speak to your friends can be unique and everything and when you are not the best in naturally spoken Korean etc. they simply do not know how to reach to you as they are not the best english speakers either. So you either have to show your culture is not that different by your actions and reactions or show them you are capable of understanding what is happening around you after which I believe, there will be no problems like being ignored. I have worked in Korea for some time before moving to Japan. I had many difficulties in the country (solely due to my work and nothing else) but being left out by my friends wasn't one. I didn't experience this as much as it is being said in every video. I never felt like a trophy inside a group and I was one of only foreigner in a group of 6. With that being said, I preferred the company of Korean guys (normal friends, nothing else) more than Korean girls for whom everything was a race and with whom the conversation tended to be a bit dull and superficial beyond a point. So I have like 5-6 guy friends and 1 female friend. (she is the grumpiest person I know but I love her for it :D) One thing that is definitely correct though...foreigner girls in general are seen as "easy" for sure. Girls who go there have a great contribution to that image since for some, the country basically turned into what Thailand is for old white guys. Everyone can do what they want so I don't mind honestly, it is very easy to show them you are not easy which if you find the right guy (and you can't find them in Hongdae or Itaewon you guys....), can easily turn into a real relationship and you wouldn't have to think about being seen as a trophy ever again. (I have a Korean fiance). Also there are a lot of assumptions again. The only foreigners with negative image in Korean minds would be the southeast asian workers honestly. North americans see everything from the lens of identity politics and race. Koreans do not think this much about it. No they didn't approach you because you are white, they did it because they genuinely thought you were pretty. They would and literally do the same thing to a black girl that is equally as attractive and they do. In dating everyone has different preferences like everywhere in the world though fair skin is generally preferred among the most (Korean ot foreigner). Which is a shame because honestly Korean guys with a bit more tan are much more attractive.
@firstmorningdew 2 сағат бұрын
I'm a Turkish woman with dark blonde long curly hair, 1.74 m height, fair skin, and I can say that I've never ever had an ego boost in anywhere in the world other than China😅 I've been there with my hubby and our colleagues for business for a couple of times and even at the fair stands people stopped dealing for goods and tried to have a photo with me like I'm a celebrity!!! I've been to a shopping mall and salesgirls touched my hair etc talking to each other, smiling to me, telling me "oooh you are so beautiful!!!", trying to have a photo together 🤦🏼‍♀️☺️ When I was walking on the street from hotel to restaurant or to our friend's office, people waved at me and said "Hi!"🥳 Every time I've been to China, I felt like I was a queen!! 🤗 (even in Turkey, my looks differ from the standards of our people but this was something fascinating) I'm curious if I'd ever have that effect when I have a chance to visit Korea🤭
@솜인형-r3y Жыл бұрын
백인 여성 분이 오해 하고 착각하고 있는 거 같아요 단지,백인이라는 이유로? ㅋ 여성분이 진실되게 보여서 그리고 예쁘게 생겨서 그래요 :) 백인이라서 좋아하는 건 아님..
@Mariajbh2 8 ай бұрын
South Koreans always said how many your country like pale skin, so it's normal they think like that
@sooyoungmoon1530 Жыл бұрын
It makes me sad to hear something like, "I felt like an object or a trophy to show." One must have felt extremely awkward and foul to be in that situation, people obviously liking you but for detestable reasons. Only after the 1980s was traveling abroad permitted for the public (restricted by the military dictatorship for public control purposes). This was practically the first time since the delegates during the Chosun dynasty and Daehan Empire at the turn of the 19th -> 20th century that Koreans explored and saw the world outside for themselves. A mere generation has passed for the Koreans to actively develop a sense of cosmopolis. For most other Koreans who stay in their native country, change comes much slower and gradually. A long-term repeated first-hand exposure to 'other people' seems essential to passively develop a sense of cosmopolis. The current rate of 4.5% (of foreigners to the total population) seems too low yet to consider escape from a nationalist mind, a 'Korean'/'foreigner,' 'we'/'they' language use/way of thinking. A lot depends on the patience and perseverance of those who come and stay in this country despite some creaks and squeaks along the way to mutual respect and maturity. Intended or not, they are the pioneers/evangelists, not of religion, but of the growth of the cosmopolitan mind in Koreans. Cheers for its advent Appendix (in case you are interested): I. This is not to give an impression that Korean people are more immature in interacting/coexisting with foreigners than non-Korean people, as I can tell from my experience that most people in most countries - with a few exceptions - in the world behave not very differently (that is, in a nationalistic, non-cosmopolitan way). Thus, my philosophical demand for a spread of the cosmopolitan view applies to the whole world, not only to South Korea. II. Talking about cosmopolitanism might sound off-topic from the original one: "How is life in Korea like as a 'white woman'?" but it is with purpose and not without reason. This was because I think the question is flawed (not to mention the concept of 'white' is ill-founded, therefore flawed), as I do not see the (bad/good) experiences they are sharing are mainly due to them being 'white.' Granted, these conceptual ambiguities are secondary; living as a 'white' woman in Korea and the 'white privilege' are two different things. 'White privilege' is an idea based on decent data that explains a lot of phenomena (and especially history) in North America (and many other countries). However, the privileges or mishaps stemming from differences in appearances in Korea don't neatly come under the phenomena of 'white privilege' as North Americans know it (the latter is more dense and complex with plenty of socio-economic consequences). It has more to do with the immature behavior of Koreans toward foreigners due to the lack of first-hand experience with them and Koreans' obsession with appearances which they apparently cannot hide when they encounter some good-looking (usually) Western women whose features resemble those represented in the media.
@MuchAdoAboutMel Жыл бұрын
This is a really thoughtful interesting comment. Thank you for sharing...I appreciate the additional context around the history of Korea and how it dictates current behaviors.
@kimckawa Жыл бұрын
More pioneers than evangelists
@mirjammirjam2435 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Very interesting and it creates awareness/understanding.
@2oqp577 Жыл бұрын
If your country wasn't what it was throughout its history or what it was 10-15 years ago, I might not have been interested in it so much. If Korea becomes like any other countries on Earth, then it will become uninteresting; Allyu will be dead, tourism will come down significantly, etc., etc., etc. As a foreigner, I feel insecure around foreigners in South Korea, that's why I avoid certain spots in Seoul. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There are consequences to everything.
@cellolou 7 ай бұрын
This was a brilliant read, thank you
@user-fb6hy2eh5y Жыл бұрын
Asians in America is like being invited to a school dance, but no one wants to dance or talk with you. I don't think it's as bad for foreigners in east Asia.
@mnm7647 Жыл бұрын
The ladies were spot on, especially the Canadian lady kept it real with different realistic perspectives! As long as anyone is white to Koreans they are beautiful. White skin is prestige to Koreans....but not for serious or long term relationship!!! 🤔
@CoolNumber1 Жыл бұрын
White people colonized asia or the whole world in general, so how is it korean fault lmao?
@zisd1111 Жыл бұрын
I think it is not those day. This is about social issues. If many foreigner don't know the social part of Korea, foreigners won't know. It's been a long time since Korea has given up marriage and the birth rate is at its lowest
@ljk8249 Жыл бұрын
I guess the White prefer for korean men grounds for ‘sense of difference‘. Our culture prefer ‘white and clear skin’,(not White’s red skin) and this culture has continued to this day since Goguryeo(1c-8c country in korea). Based on this, The reason why we prefer ‘white people’ is not because of the influence of whitewashing, but because Koreans who traditionally like white color have alike skin color with ‘White’ except Koreans and Japanese. Many white propaganda can't be ignored, but I think this has contributed to reduce a lot to this sense of alienation and difference.
@mnm7647 Жыл бұрын
@@ljk8249 Aigoo Aigoo ... So according to you everyone in Korea is white skinned or the majority naturally white? Skin bleached faces and white washed air brushed Photoshopped celebrities that doesn’t count. If we gonna go by historical facts before 1C your original ancestors that birthed Asian people travelled all the way from Africa to settle in China, Japan, Korea and spread out they were not white but because of change in climatic conditions and other factors that influenced the 1C - 8 C Asian look to today. Well look up the Khoisan people in South Africa, scientifically and historically they are the original descendants of all South East Asians and guess what they are not white. So let’s not encourage outdated cultural white nonsense to uplift a certain section of the white skinned society which every one ofcourse is not in Asia, to empower Colorists ideologies of Superiority.
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
You sound like you're racist against White people. They like White. Get over it. @@ljk8249
@Mariah-bf2uj 2 ай бұрын
Strange. I’m mixed with Latina and African from the US. People come up to me to talk and I’ve been on many dates. I’ve been here for 3 weeks now. They seem to like dark skin just the same. lol
@YourFantasyWorld Жыл бұрын
I, as a white/caucasian Romanian woman, Ive dated a Korean guy almost 2 years ago, and i relate to the red haired girl so much, i wasn’t seen as a partner, he basically saw me as a trophy for dating a girl from a different race, like he showed me off but not because he even liked me (also he had a Korean girlfriend as well, but i didnt know until we broke up and the friends we had in common started sending me photos of them together and stuff), so girls, please stay safe 🥲
@clown6507 Жыл бұрын
He basically fetishizes you just like how white guys and non-Asian guys fetishize Asian women.
@чикчирикчик Жыл бұрын
It's disgusting, terrible. I hope you are well
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
Romanians are the cheap types
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
That same "trophy" attitude is going on in da hood, too you know? Why don't you complain about that, too?
@Billdean25 6 ай бұрын
@@VintageCardinal white women don't like Koreans
@olgaorzechowska9684 Жыл бұрын
Wow, such a good conversations, well done girls for being honest! I'd love to hear even more opinions from a Canadian girl. Very interesting character :)
@Lara-rm3gs Жыл бұрын
I was on vacation in Korea for almost 3 months and noticed I (a white, blonde hair, green eyes woman) had a lot of privileges my friends of colour did not. I went out to clubs many nights and while it was very easy for me to get free drinks basically every time and had a lot of interest from mostly Korean men, my friends of colour got a lot less of that. I even saw dark skinned foreigners get denied entry for “being foreigners” despite the fact that I got in just before them, and I am also very obviously a foreigner! Not all attention was good though, as many Korean men assumed I was easy to get into bed and some would immediately ask me to go to a karaoke room or their house with them😳 some friendly Koreans also told me how sleeping/being with a white woman is even considered a ‘trophy’ or ‘achievement’ of some kind, which is disgusting :( I got some compliments on my hair and skin being so “pretty and light” and my eyes too, all features that were very clearly European/white. Overall I had a great time but I can’t help but think that my time there would’ve been different if I didn’t look the way I do.
@키스를날려쓰러뜨리자 Жыл бұрын
한국에서 클럽은 섹스를 위해가는것으로 인식됩니다 클럽엔 진지한 사람이 없어요😂
@withroo80 Жыл бұрын
그건 니가 클럽을 가서 그래 ㅋㅋ 진지하게 남자를 만나고싶으면 클럽밖에서 만나길 바래
@rhythmandacoustics 9 ай бұрын
Not korean but western women are indeed more promiscuous though. It is in the culture.
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
​@@rhythmandacousticskorean women all sleep with white men
@littlegiantJ 8 ай бұрын
You went to club in Korea, enjoyed all of those privileges as a white women, and expect to find someone who will not treat you like a trophy? at night clubs? XD Regardless of the countries, if you are looking for a serious relationship, clubs are definitely not the right place.
@KM_Choi Жыл бұрын
캐나다 분 정말 지적이고 관찰력이 좋은 것 같습니다. 또 언어 사용 수준이 다른 분들에 비해 다른 것이 느껴집니다. 멋지세요 :)
@dreamaby 4 ай бұрын
I’m a fan of Canadian girl. Her answers were very clear and showed how smart she is! Thank you for representing our country so well in the interview❤ 🇨🇦
@ongochian Жыл бұрын
카나다 여성이 좋은 대답을 했어요. 한국어로 의사소통을 못하면 장님이 코끼리를 마지고 늑대라고 하는 것과 같지요. 한 나라를 이해하는 것은 역사, 언어, 등 많은 것을 알아야 합니다. 나는 미국에 15년 살았는데 일부분만 알았어요.그리고 한국 남자들은 시간이 없어요. 만날 기회를 자주 가지세요.
@uj0211 Жыл бұрын
한국인들은 외국인을 정말 좋아해요. 정말 친해지고 싶습니다...그런데 종종 한국인들이 백인만 좋아하고 중동이나 동남아 혹은 흑인을 차별한다는 오해가 있습니다. 한국인들은 백인이 친근해서 반갑게 대하는 것 뿐이에요...그리고 백인이 이쁘고 멋진 건 사실입니다. 이쁘고 멋진것을 좋아하는건 본능이잖아요 ...그렇다고 한국인들이 백인우월주의를 지지하고 유색인종을 차별하는 건 아닙니다. 그저 백인이 한국인에게 친숙하고 이쁘고 멋져서 좋은거에요. 백인뿐만 아니라 피부색을 가리지 않고 모든 외국인들이 좋습니다...근데 아직 잘 모르겠어요...특히 이슬람권에서 오신분들 보면...솔직히 말해서 얼굴표정부터 무서워요...아마 한국인들 대다수가 이것을 공감할 겁니다... 솔직하게 말할게요. 평소 표정이 마치 화가난 것 같아요...나중에 배운 사실이지만 화난게 아니라 일반적인 표정이라고 하더라구요? 심지어 기분이 좋은 상태래요...그리고 외국인들도 한국인의 평소 표정이 냉소적으로 보인다고 했습니다...즉 서로가 서로를 잘 모르니까 생겨나는 오해입니다... 한국인들은 미디어에서 자주접한 백인의 이해도가 높으니까 더 친숙하니까 자연스럽게 친절히 대한 것 뿐입니다...반대로 접점이 별로 없던 문화국 여러분들께는 조심스러워집니다...백인과의 태도가 확연히 다르죠. 이것이 분명 차별로 느껴질 수 있을겁니다...그러나 모두 오해 입니다. 한국인들은 백인 흑인 동양인 가릴 것 없이 외국인들을 정말 좋아합니다..모두랑 친해지고 싶어요. 그러니 먼저 말 걸어주세요. 한국인들은 부끄럼이 많고 상대에게 민폐끼칠까봐 말과 행동을 조심합니다...먼저 다가와주시면 한국인들은 전력으로 친해지려 노력할겁니다...
@tommypop2139 Жыл бұрын
한국인들이 영어를 잘했다면 부끄러웠을까
@ArielaShines 2 ай бұрын
This has been my experience. People forget that most people are resistant to talk to people from other countries, in ANY country. :) I always am treated with respect and kindness from Korean people. I also am very polite and do not wish to trouble or burden anyone. I can relate to and understand what you have said. Thank you!
@BunnyWatson-k1w Жыл бұрын
Pretty Canadian at 3:15. I know in Japan they use the equivalent word for "slutty" instead of sexy or beautiful when describing a white model in a fashion magazine or TV commercial. The term has negative meaning in western countries but is positive in Japan.
@06Yvonne06 Жыл бұрын
Super interview! Really interesting points there!
@KippinCollars Жыл бұрын
The Canadian girl who said that only in the last decade did foreigners come to Korea is smoking crack. Hello! They've had US military presence in Korea since the 1950's! I have American friends who went to teach English in Korea like 20 years ago. Many foreigners work in big Korean companies like Samsung and Kia and have been for decades.
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
She's smoking crack for several reasons. She sounds like an SJW pain in the rear!
@bbvistas7596 Жыл бұрын
8:00 I really like her. She can run for public office. She is 100% right. The difference is that she is a woman of the world who can understand and recognize other cultures. Nothing is wrong with the Russian girls, but think about when they are ever in a multicultural community. But they do notice there are some oddities, but they are not familiar with racism and frankly will not recognize it so easily.
@well9179 11 ай бұрын
Yep ..Russia is more diverse culturally compare to homogenous country like ROK.
@성이름-l7c9t 8 ай бұрын
백인들은 문제를 일으키지 않고 대부분 관광객이니까 차별이 없는 거지 만약에 천대 받는 직업이라면 인종과 상관 없이 차별을 받을 수 있다
@taleoflifestyle2757 3 күн бұрын
Your Comment itself is a problem. Here in Europe the most hard working and friendly people are South Asians. I find it quite amusing how we whites are automatically not "causing problems or less"ppl. Lol. See i have preferences too. I love South Asian Woman and my friends, too. I find them prettier than any race i´ve met. But every i said every country and their people causing somewhere problems. Also Koreans. Preferences - Discrimination are two pair of shoes. So be nice.
@theguy6082 Жыл бұрын
Now do being a non-white foreigner in south korea.
@kifferandboofrancis3739 6 ай бұрын
My 19 year old daughter and I visited our Korean friends/family for 2 weeks this summer. I am a fair skinned red head and my daughter is even fairer and blonde. We have never been stared at so much in our lives. It made us feel uncomfortable and self-conscious at times but Korean people are much like Candians - friendly and warm:)
@ArielaShines 2 ай бұрын
After reading comments for an hour in both languages, I can honestly say, I disagree with the women in this video for several reasons. I think the video is interesting and well done, and thank you for your time and the effort you spent on making content like this to challenge people's thinking. I have a few thoughts. 1. Do not meet people in bars. This is in any country. Bar hopping or hunting, you cannot expect it to have a good outcome. In Korea, club culture does not have the same meaning as in many Western cultures. Also, you have the option to leave easily to your home country as a foreigner. It can seem unstable. 2. Learn the language of the country you are going to or in. Communicaiton is key. 3. Hiring decisions are due to company needs. Some need native English speakers for the particular tasks. 4. Korea is not isolated, and has not been for hundreds of years. It is not the Hermit Kingdom, though it did suffer under strict rules for many centuries. 5. Learn the culture, history, language, and develop your hobbies in alignment with the culture of the place you are going to. Cultural differences are not a flaw. Celebrate them. Be part of communal gatherings. Joy and sorrow. Be willing to sacrifice yourself for the common good. I will not enter a country I would not willingly lay down my life to defend. Korea, I would bleed for her and her people, and have (in the US Air Force.) Leave your stereotypes at the airport. Better still? Do not have any stereotypes. 6. Don't be afraid to adapt, and come into ANY country with an open heart, not just an open mind. Be genuine and authentically you, but also willing to change and grow as a person. There is only one YOU in the world. 7. Be genuine, be honest, be kind, be compassionate. Be alert, but polite. 8. Ask questions. Ask people to teach you what you do not understand. People are usually open to helping you course correct your behavior, thoughts, or language if you are polite. 9. Love is a universal language. How we love, what we appreciate, differs for every person. Love has nothing to do with where you are from or the shade of your skin, religion, or political leanings. ~~~~~steps down off her world traveller historian soapbox.~~~~~
@MrBrianJung Жыл бұрын
매우 동의해요. 캐너디안 여성분 말씀. 영화나 드라마에서만 보니 실제 사람이 어떤지 알길이 없죠. 그러다보니 트로피와이프나 성적으로 문란하다는 실제와 매우 거리가 먼 인식만 있는거죠. 미국동부지역같은 경우는 실제로 한국보다 성적으로 훨씬 보수적인데도 말이죠 ( 뉴욕제외 ) 결국 만나서 이야기하고 생활해봐야 그런 인식이 사라집니다. 피부색만 다를뿐 이 쪽도 같은 사람이고 거의 차이가 없는 고민을 가지고 있다는걸.
@evdv2011 3 сағат бұрын
You’re a good interviewer because you just let people talk without trying to participate.
@sunnyim4818 Жыл бұрын
First of all, what i want to advise the white girls is work on the Korean language if you want to actively engage in conversation to avoid misunderstanding your Korean boyfriend just shows his friends as you are a trophy or an object of showing off or flexing. That misunderstanding stems from the language deficiency. I live in Canada as a Korean immigrant now and my status in Canada is not the same as they enjoy the one in Korea. Toronto is better as this is a big city with diversity from many countries. However, if you move to a small province especially on the east coast, I found quite many are narrow minded conservative even hatred towards other races. And, also it's vice versa like some white women have the same idea that they want to just enjoy not want serious relationship or have an idea that they don't want a boy friend who is not in their race it means for them other races are just a group of people they just want to kill time while they are in Korea or wheresoever.
@catladynikki2024 Жыл бұрын
Loves your post! I am American never travel world. True lot of misinformation misunderstand is not good communication. I am Deaf used ASL and write down English. I agreed all people needs know different languages is important. South Korea and Japan languages are difficult to write. Amazon used English and Mexican languages in warehouse I work in.
@nholmes86 Жыл бұрын
and dont go to the clubs .. you will only find bad people there!
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
Conservatives aren't the only people who are narrow minded. Your comment is ignorant.
@mookyyzed2216 5 ай бұрын
You should always assume you will be looked at differently when in a foreign country.
@tepen7 9 ай бұрын
I went to Korea two months ago and I had a conversation with a man there very similar to what the red headed girl was saying. I made him aware of how a lot of girls feel about men there and their concerns. He was shocked to learn the stereotype but he began to understand and I fully believe he probably knew some guys like that, or maybe even had his own experience
@tdelioncourt1268 3 ай бұрын
That's actually a clever response! Are korean men conscious of the reputation they have overseas? Also regardless of the culture the most "open minded" people are the chillest, most respectful people out there and people who get overly excited about the idea and want to "experience" without putting effort tend to not pass the vibe check. It's not going to get them anywhere.
@안주중독자 Жыл бұрын
케나다 여자가 한국남자에게 저런 대우를 받는 이유는 팔에 문신이있고 문란하게 보여지는게 가장 큰 이유죠😅
@MWJ1112 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely admire the canadian interviewee's eloquence! As a korean who has a number of caucasian friends living in korea, I've always heard the complaints about the "foreigners vs us" mentality and the "white horse" fetish, but i couldnt quite pick point to why these things happen. Then she was spot on with her logical reasoning. I know such discriminatory behaviors and fetish are some of the things korea needs to progress in to promote multiculturalismq, but all issues can be fixed by addressing the issue. I wonder if my italian girlfriend felt like a trophy when she came to korea. I need to self-reflect a little. Anyway, huge props to you!
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
She actually sounds like a SJW pain in the a$$
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
No she wasn't spot on anything. She's a sjw pita
@michelleikoma2953 Жыл бұрын
The Canadian girl sounds sooooo Canadian. I love it!🇨🇦
@kimcole1093 2 күн бұрын
I lived there for two years in the 70's ... I was treated well ..the older folks appreciated the fact that I was an American military dependent . My best friend is dad said his life was saved by a GI during the war . So I was an angel In His eyes . My Korea. Friends and English students spoiled me rotten ....I loved it when I was there. I didn't want to leave when we got transfered back to the states ....😢
@jakefield Жыл бұрын
9:04 굉장히 분석이 예리하네요, 사실 한국은 인종적으로나 문화, 사고방식, 여러가지가 동질적인 사회였기때문에 이국적인 것, 외국인들에 대해 신기하게 바라봤었죠, 그러나 이제는 외국인을 동물원 동물 보듯 신기하게 바라보는 시선은 많이 줄어들었고요. 심지어 한국이 아닌 독일에서도 지방에서는 외국인이 오면 신기하게 봤다고 합니다. 그런데 확실한건 인종에 상관없이 외모가 출중하면 인종에 관계없이 시선이 가게 돼요, 성별, 인종에 관계없이요, 그리고 평균적으로 같은 아시아인들은 외모도 비슷한 면도 있고해서 관심을 덜 끄는 점은 있을지 몰라도요. 외모가 예쁘거나 잘생기면 대접을 잘받는건 냉정하지만 본능에 따른 현실, 해맑게 웃는 아기가 대부분의 사람의 시선을 받는 것처럼요
@BlowGOAT Жыл бұрын
This canadian is definitely smart and well educated. Her insight is very deep
@eventsigil9176 11 ай бұрын
smart and educated don't always go hand in hand. More to do with money than anything else.
@gazetadojogo Жыл бұрын
the lady staring at her at 0:07 is just fantastic. C'MON LADY, SEVEN SECONDS AND YOU ALREADY PROVED HER POINT!
@성이름-n9r4x Жыл бұрын
If she wasn't a foreigner, someone would have looked at her Because there's a person who does an interview with the camera
@baeskabee4686 Ай бұрын
The contrast of an actual experience and an ideology is funny
@baeskabee4686 Ай бұрын
There is a lot of nuance to these situations it’s not all racism
@ashleyjames259 Ай бұрын
Canadian girl makes me happy as a sociology major.
@정민혁-w4p Жыл бұрын
첨엔 트로피가 될수도 있는데 오래 안가죠 결국 친구가 될수있고 차별의 정도가 심하진 않죠 정말 문제가 있다면 저분들처럼 재방문하진 않겠죠
@El_Soldado_619 Жыл бұрын
I was stationed in South Korea for two years. I don't agree with the Canadian woman, there's been foreigners in the Land of the Morning Calm for more than 10 years, for instance American military bases have been in the country since the Korean War, 1950. I was in Korea in the 1990's and there were Russians in Uijeongbu. Fast forward to 2015 I was there again, maybe there was more foreigners however I don't understand where she gets her timeline of 10 years. Then again it's just her opinion.
@tdelioncourt1268 3 ай бұрын
10 years ago is the real start of tourism/open borders/immigration. Non asian women were definitely not a common sight and military vs civilans is a different population. I was following vloggers from 2010s and basically people would assume they are russian (prostitutes) because that's all they'd knew.
@jazzyjones6375 Жыл бұрын
The red head was so honest about the privileges of being white in Asians countries. I respect the interviewer for asking her to be more specific.
@JinsStreetInterview Жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@solarguy1702 Жыл бұрын
I recently met a Korean gentleman at a restobar here in the Philippines. He insisted on paying my tab. Sir, it's ok! He insisted. He said if not for the US, Korea would never be rich. I think back 50 years and yes, Korea was incredibly poor. Hope these young ladies appreciate what they are experiencing.
@김김-i4l6s Жыл бұрын
한국에도 30년전엔 검게 태닝한 피부가 유행이던 시절도 있었는데.. 이젠 흰피부가 대세인듯
@gogotula Жыл бұрын
인터뷰 하신 분들 다 생각들이 깊고 하지만 캐나다 분은 모든 게 명확해보이시네요. 그만큼 많이 겪고 봐서 일테지만요. 또 이야기 듣고나서 보니 이런 문제점을 해결하는 방법은 서구사회에서 한국을 많이 방문해서 많이 어울려야지 해결점이 보일 수 있다는 것 같습니다. 결과적으로 사람들은 어느 인종이고 어느 국가건 뭐고 간에 많이 어울리고 부딪혀봐야지 서로를 이해할 수 있는 점이 크다고 보이네요. 영상 재밌게 봤습니다.
@sunday6099 6 ай бұрын
don't have to suggest white Women learn Korea which is the useless language, I know you'd like those white women go to your Korea and got her pussi to let you fucX
@loganriki2625 Жыл бұрын
The lady from Canada in my opinion was very articulate and straightforward with her answers. Because of this, she appeared to have credibility in what she had to say.
@HuerniaBarbata Жыл бұрын
Is it really so bad in Canada with crime and is it really dangerous for women to return home in the evening? Here in Russia, in a city with a million inhabitants, I have not encountered crime at night in decades. I like to walk at night (both late at night and after midnight and around dawn) with a video camera or SLR, sometimes with a tripod. Never seen aggression. But I walk in the city. In the city center or in residential areas. Perhaps somewhere on the outskirts of the city or in small towns it is more dangerous, or is it still very rare to encounter crime in our country.
@tdelioncourt1268 3 ай бұрын
I've lived a year in Canada and it's a lot better than France, I was shocked to see women walk alone at night in the middle of summer in short shorts (should be normal everywhere, but was impressed by the sight, not as common in France). The only time I got catcalled the friends of the guy apologized for him (was drunk). That being said, I always said I'll die in the street if that's the price of freedom. I would walk alone at night in high heels in Paris and nothing truly bad never happened except men trying to "flirt" and not taking no for an answer (that was pre-MeToo hopefully the city got better since). Like you said by avoiding certain places you're good, now do you *feel* safe? nah. I think it has more to do with the crowd. In Seoul, people won't try to steal you can leave your stuff nobody will look at it, pickpockets aren't a thing, people don't make unecessary comments to strangers, men won't look at you with that disgusting look (the only time I've seen it in Seoul : foreigner men). In that sense the crowd feels safe to be around.
@elle1626 Жыл бұрын
People are weird regardless of the country. Anyway, I understand foreigners who avoid Koreans. I would also avoid. I don't live in South Korea, but I have friends who were dumped because their Korean boyfriend finally wanted to have a family with a Korean woman. I would be very afraid of it being a temporary diversion, a "trophy" as some people say.
@sh-sc7hp 11 ай бұрын
I think your future husband will be Korean. Lol ㅋㅋㅋ
@elle1626 11 ай бұрын
​@@sh-sc7hpI doubt it lol
@hastamanana8696 6 ай бұрын
In many cases, the "Japanese" who actively approach Whites in Japan are actually ethnically Korean. Both men and women. Japanese of Korean descent. Koreans who grew up in Japan. Japanese and Koreans are totally different in ethnicity. Whites do not seem to realize this.
@Bamgeutcutiepie Жыл бұрын
this is so interesting. because if you are korean and meet a white person, where would you assume they come from? because their culture could be so different depending on what country they are from, but i think there is that assumption of the "loose white women - who loves kpop" 😄 are you from canada, america, australia, europe or Scandinavia - new Zealand etc... just cause we are white, we are very different haha
@Mariajbh2 8 ай бұрын
In fact, Europe is not a country but a continent so quite diverse in "cultures"
@OlgaAnoshyna 5 ай бұрын
awesome interview, the Canadian girl is so charming :)
@poliglota-uu9fx 11 ай бұрын
As a Brazilian, white woman, I would avoid them. I don't live in South Korea, but I understand people's insecurity when interacting with Koreans. I would be afraid of getting involved with a Korean and being used, something momentary. Several acquaintances were abandoned. Reason? Their Korean boyfriends wanted a family, but not with a foreigner. Anyway, human beings are strange regardless of the country.
@kronicturbo8327 11 ай бұрын
Wow that's very streotypical to say we don't want serious relationship with foreigners or something there are really thousands of foreign women from western women married to Korean men and are living happily.
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
​@@kronicturbo8327no there isn't The numbers don't support it
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
White women should avoid
@phav1832 Жыл бұрын
I'm a "white guy" currently living in Seoul with my wife and have spent a decent amount of time living in Korea and studying its language and culture. The Koreans definitely have people categorized, and you're expected to know the expectations that go with these boundaries (for better or for worse), but I believe, like the Russian young woman, if you just go with the flow and don't have a victim mentality, you can really enjoy South Korea and fall in love with the people. I've been told (by Koreans) that part of the "privilege" of being white is that in some markets I will be charged more for things . . . I personally haven't sensed that, but maybe I'm blissfully naïve. Also, if you get into a dispute with a Korean, (and you're a foreigner, white or otherwise), any privilege you think you might have will be nonexistent -- you're probably not going to win. So you just be kind and unpretentious and protect the Korean 기분 as best you can. I love Korea. I would caution young people to not focus their Korean social life on clubbing . . . that's asking for a negative experience. Come with a good, solid moral compass for sure.
@liliansioli2285 Ай бұрын
Excelente a entrevista. Essa moça do Canadá simplesmente trouxe todas às questões levantadas por outros estrangeiros. Parabéns.
@alinagavrilyuk6190 Жыл бұрын
I had the same experience living in Taiwan. I remmeber once a guy, I was trying to be friends with, literally drove me to his friend's house, called him to come out to look at me. (He didn't know I can speak mandarin). That how i was filterring out shallow people, I would not right away let them know that I can speak mandarin to see what they would say around me. Very very sad. But I kind of new they do this because of their ignorance. Nevertheless i made quite a few very good friends and sometimes once "the monkey show" (where I am the monkey) was over people turned normal 😂 and got to know me as a person and not just a 外国人.😂
@akay3787 Жыл бұрын
I saw my poc girl friends in Korea being treated the same; like a fetish and something to show off so kinda interesting that this focuses on white women only. The only difference is that they also had to deal with racism on top of the bizarre fetishisation Another thing I wanna point out is that many foreigners do the social interactions on dating apps and clubs, but these are not normal places for Koreans. Dating apps in Korea is for hookups, that’s why many men on there even hide their faces in their profiles. Same for the clubs, if you go clubbing there, you go to find someone tor the night so obviously you will encounter only the shallow people that want intimacy quickly
@Billdean25 8 ай бұрын
They like white women
@sam76861 8 ай бұрын
Excellent response I hope many young women read it and take it to heart.
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
"They prefer White so they're racist". 🙄
@cihantosun3837 Жыл бұрын
하나같이 다 맞는말이라고 생각함. 유색인종들을 차별하는것이 아닌 백인들을 우대한다고 느껴집니다. 나에게도 한국에 거주하는 유색인종 친구가 있지만, 처음엔 그 친구에게 다가가는게 힘들었음. 하지만 해외에서 3년 거주해보니까 익숙해지면서 이제는 망설임없이 다가가곤함 ㅎㅎ
@cliperd Жыл бұрын
근데 다른 아시아 국가들보다 한국이 덜한편임.
@ON-qe5fj Жыл бұрын
백인이기에 예쁘다고 하는거 절대아닙니다, 정말 예뻐서 예쁘다고 하는거에요,,
@zooandoalto 2 ай бұрын
The canadian girl, such intelligent answers!
@itsfearlessanya 8 ай бұрын
Hello, Jin. I thank the YT algorithm that suggested me one of your videos. I've been trying to learn more about Korean culture in general and overcome certain stereotypes that I've encountered along the way. Sad to say that what drove me into this journey in the first place was K-pop and Netflix, like the third lady said and I think the culture shock mesmerized me to the fact that I wanted to learn more about it. For me, K-dramas and K-pop came when I was in a dark place so they gave me a beautiful good time and as I mentioned, when the culture shock hit me, curiosity woke up. Of course I've thought about going there and it gave me purpose (I think). So, trying to justify the time I'm investing researching Korean culture and not working (bills aren't gonna pay themselves), me as a writer, I set one of my books there and coming as a non-Korean speaker and a white woman. I'm trying to avoid any negative or positive stereotypes and these kind of personal experiences help me a lot to create characters more compelling and down to reality. There have been sometimes where I think of dropping the project off out of fear of coming out as offensive, exploitative or ridiculous, as that's the last thing I desire. I hope to see more of your interviews and other related content to help me enrich my project even more. I loved the responses given by the Canadian woman, so blunt and on-point to what was asked, there are a lot of social-issues than can be delved upon that just plain answers. She brought so much deeper meaning to the questions and the situations you wanted to focus on. Wish we could find more people that brings this kind of thought-provoking responses to social-related interviews.
@yongdol73 Жыл бұрын
It goes both ways. I know a couple of Korean girls who have dated white guys. The white guys were kind of trophies for them too,
@susanna5864 25 күн бұрын
@yongdol73 Yesss, my friend who’s from EU said the same. He works in finance & the women in his workplace (HK) had organised a freepass work getaway for 1 married lady to “try a white guy” he was super confused by this whole experience. 😅😅
@BunnyWatson-k1w Жыл бұрын
Job discrimination for certain types on non-Japanese at 3:48. There was a time when Japanese employers often requested a color photo with a person's job application. ESL schools were famous for doing this. It meant that white applicant's were favored over darker skinned persons.
@ChrisKim-l2f Жыл бұрын
That's how it is in South Korea right now. 😢
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
OK, and? In the US, canada and UK right now White people are being pushed to the back of the line due to 'affirmative action" bullshit. At least I know in SK as a White woman I'll actually be able to get a job!
@VintageCardinal 6 ай бұрын
That's how it is in South Korea right now 😃😃 @@ChrisKim-l2f 😃😍😍😍😍
@user-vk5dt3qi8q Жыл бұрын
빨간머리 여자분은.. 너무 주변에 안좋은 사례들을 겪은분들이 많나봐요. 그리고 좋은 한국사람을 만나보셨음하네요. 한국인 중에서도 마인드가 나쁜사람, 좋은사람이 존재하니까요. 제일 중요한건 국적 불문하고 서로 성향이 잘 맞고 마음이 잘 통하거죠. 그러면 굳이 "너가 외국인이라서 결혼 못해" 라는 말을 하며 헤어지자는 뜻을 돌려말하진않을거예요.
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