Bin seit 35 jahren nicht mehr in einer vorlesung gewesen, SIE machen wieder Appetit darauf. Danke dafür
@cododerdritte394 жыл бұрын
Herr Ganteför, ich möchte mich einfach an dieser Stelle bedanken für den tollen, erfrischenden, humorvollen und hochintelligenten Vortrag. Ich höre Ihnen so gerne zu, weil Sie ein Talent haben, Vorlesungen spannend zu gestalten. In meiner Vorleungszeit damals an der Uni wurden einfach nur tafelweise Formeln aufgeschrieben. Richtig cool, tolle Arbeit!
@emafink30184 жыл бұрын
Bildung für Alle! - Bester Mann. Danke und schade, dass erst Corona über uns kommen muss damit man die Gelegenheit bekommt ihnen lauschen zu dürfen.
@christianl66354 жыл бұрын
Auch von meiner Seite ein großes Danke! Ihr Vortragsstil ist hervorragend gut!
@danielcic3 жыл бұрын
Danke für die Blumen
@buttecarl78274 жыл бұрын
Wie immer ein „Hammer-geiler“ Vortrag. Es ist immer schön mit anzusehen, wenn gute Leute eine gute Arbeit leisten. Danke für die Mühe.
@buttecarl78272 жыл бұрын
@@callishandy8133 Ist dir langweilig, oder warum erzählst du mir Dinge, die ich schon seit Ewigkeiten weiss!
@flachermars48314 жыл бұрын
Vielen Dank für die öffentliche Vorlesung👍
@christianschneider49264 жыл бұрын
Ich hatte schon auf das nächste Video dieser "Reihe" gewarten, aber Urlaub is auch wichtig! - Wieder einmal Vielen vielen Dank, dass dies hier öffentlich zur Verfügung gestellt wird!
@Olaf_Schwandt4 жыл бұрын
Ich hatte auch schon auf die neue Vorlesung gewartet und finde sie wieder sehr interessant. Danke.
@brunftbert33814 жыл бұрын
Danke. Mit Genuss und Belehrung gehört!
@Breakfast_of_Champions4 жыл бұрын
Ist das schön, zurück auf die Uni mit nem interessanten Thema.😺!!
@michaelpopofficial4 жыл бұрын
Guter Mann! Es ist wichtig, Wissen zu vermitteln.
@olleoleberlin9 ай бұрын
Ich habe eine Frage zu Timestamp 1:20:00 : Heißt das, dass nur aus Lithium Tritium erbrütet werden kann? Bedeutet das, dass wir die Fusion vergessen können, weil Lithium knapp ist und damit die Fusion eben keine unendliche Energiequelle sein wird?
@claudiafischer33523 жыл бұрын
Oh mein Gott...Herr Ganteför....wie kann man sich bitte soooooooooooooooooooo viel an Wissen aneignen, behalten UND weitergeben??? Unfassbar.....
@O_Lee694 жыл бұрын
Was ich bisher nirgends gefunden habe, ist der Wirkungsgrad mit dem Fusionsreaktoren laufen. Von den geplanten 500 MW Fusionsleistung lässt sich ja nur ein Bruchteil in Stromerzeugung umwandeln.
@GrenzendesWissens3 жыл бұрын
Für den allgemeinen Wirkungsgrad gibt es eine Lehrbuch-Formel. Das ist der Carnot-Wirkungsgrad. Wie gross der Anteil der Wärmeenergie ist, der in Strom umgewandelt werden kann, hängt von der Höhe der oberen Temperatur ab. Je höher umso besser. Ich vermute, dass er Wirkungsgrad eines Fusionsreaktors den Wert eines der neu entwickelten Hochtemperaturreaktoren erreichen könnte - also deutlich über 50%.
@O_Lee693 жыл бұрын
@@GrenzendesWissens Vielen Dank für Ihre Einschätzung. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass der Wärmetransport für die Stromerzeugung nur über die schnellen Neutronen möglich ist, hätte ich auf höchstens 25% getippt.
@peterschulz32673 ай бұрын
Ist eine kalte Fusion nicht möglich?
@andreasundkaty Жыл бұрын
Der Neutrinofluss fon 60 Milliarden pro quadratzentimeter gilt doch im Kern der Sonne? Und wird dann "rundum" abgestrahlt. In unserer Entfernung muesste das dann aber doch viel weniger sein? Oder gelten die 60 Milliarden in unserer Entfernung?
@weimullerjohann91185 ай бұрын
Vergleicht man alle Energietabellen: 4x P = > 4 He geht nicht ! 2 P+ 2 N *= 17,7 Mev* . Protonen müssen immer vorher abschmelzen zu Hypoprotonen, dann binden diese erst. Die Normo - Neutronen lagern dann an bis Eisen und ohne reingemischte Spallationselemente. meist 1/1 bei stabilen Elementen, gelegentlich sind noch seltene stabile Hyperprotonenisotope wie Be 10 in Spuren darunter. genuine Normo - Protonen werden aber nicht mehr zu Normoneutronen ! Diese sind wh. in einer protoplasmatischen Giga - Wolke. aus Normoneutronen entstanden. Stufe 1: Hypoprotonbildung bei vorreduzierten Protonen = Normoprotonenabschmelzung mit + 6,812 Mev/ Prot Stufe 2 : Hypoproton zu Hypoprotonanlagerungsfusion = Hypoprotonenkomplex + 0,62 Mev/ Hypoprot Stufe 3 : Neutronenseitenanlagerung Hypoproton + Normoneutron (Neutron) = Neutronenanlagerung + 1,45 Mev / Normoneutron (Hypoproton + Hyperneutron [unter Hypoproton] sonst leider metastabil + 1,646 Mev) / Hyperneutron ggf. Stufe 4: bei Quantisierung : [Hypoproton] + Neutron zu Neutron = + 0,15 Mev / Neutron // Neutron jedes Neutron bei Einzelkomplex bei Quantisierung : Vermutlich waren es 12 * 0,62 Mev zusätzliche jetzt interagierende Hypoprotonen-seitenbindungen Im Kernbündel gefasst = 7,44 Mev und zusätzlich stirnseitig Neutronen 6x 0,15 Mev => 0,9. Im Querschnitt aneinanderstoßender enger umgebender Neutronen außen herum. *Gesamt zusätzlich bei 3 * 4 He = 12 C + 8.34 Mev* .
@voerdenx3 жыл бұрын
Wenn dies alles funktioniert, wie wird dann daraus letztlich Elektrizität?
@alexandersamonig2243 жыл бұрын
was ist bitte lizium?
@heribertschlosser91443 жыл бұрын
Die erste Stunde war ein wenig dröge . Ich bin allerdings auch nicht vom Fach . Danach wurde es interessant , dass ITER mit der Tokamak Technologie arbeitet war mir bis dato unbekannt . Ich ging davon aus , dass man die Stellerator Technologie anwendet , weil diese moderner ist. Auch , dass man " nur " seine 10 bis 12 Tesla bezgl. des Magnetfeldes schafft war mir unbekannt .Ich kenne diese Größenordnung bisher nur aus dem Bereich der Levitation , siehe das Froschexperiment . So lernt man hinzu . Danke.
@Bulgrim774 жыл бұрын
Wie will man denn bei einem Magnetfeld von 100Tesla verhindern das alles zusammenbricht ?
@GrenzendesWissens3 жыл бұрын
Sehr gute Frage. Das musste ich erstmal lernen. Man kann nicht einfach das Magnetfeld erhöhen und dann ist alles gut. Diese superstarken Magnetfelder bewirken enorme mechanische Kräfte, die wir beherrschen müssen. Das heisst, wir brauchen zusätzlich zu den supraleitenden Spulen starke Materialien. Aber erstmal würde ich mich über supraleitende Spulen freuen und dann über die Mechanik des Aufbaus nachdenken.
@dinosaurslikemilk75143 жыл бұрын
Vortragsstil toll. Ach schön, verstehe diesmal nicht nur Bahnhof, diese Art Gleichungen haben wir doch vor Jahrzehnten im Physik LK gemacht, puuuuh.
@marc.w.76922 жыл бұрын
dreier zusammenstösse nur wenn einer den anderen schützen will, is zumindest inner kneipe so...
@marc.w.76922 жыл бұрын
das uboot is chic... und das mit den zusammenstössen is immer so.. war schon 20jahre in keiner kneipe ...
@0nem1leh1gh Жыл бұрын
Öhm, ich weiß nicht viel, aber bei Kelvin spricht man nach meiner Kenntnis nicht von Grad.
@alphaxomega40924 жыл бұрын
Das mit den Eisenplaneten stammt sich doch aus der Welteislehre.
@domigashi2 жыл бұрын
Wow Wow 😯 schöner Vortrag. Aber ich hab das Gefühl, der Mann , der hört sich gerne reden. Mit so einem pausenlos Tempo ist ja unmöglich das ganze aufzunehmen. Wie bei meinem Chef, nach der Sitzung , sind alle Mitarbeiter totmüde geschwätzt und keiner hat was verstanden, was er überhaupt will. 😴 😂😂
@ralfsobe5529 Жыл бұрын
Es ist nicht realistisch, über eine zweite Erde nachzudenken. Es ist realistisch, sich eine Thermoskleidung zu konstruieren, mit Schläuchen und Pumpen drin.
@FlexxVision3 жыл бұрын
Diese Musik ist eine Katastroiphe, und klingt wie ein Wecker, aufgewacht um 4 uhr...
@sandustanBrasov4 жыл бұрын
Stan Sandu How can God give us freedom to know some very important but also dangerous things, for example to the controlled thermonuclear reaction if we as a humanity lack a moral, spiritual, intellectual and scientific education? For example, one hundred years have passed since it was discovered that there is much hydrogen and helium in the Sun, and it was concluded that a controlled thermonuclear reaction occurs in the Sun. And for 70 years, humans have begun to build different devices or plants to make a thermonuclear fusion reaction like in the Sun. But since the late nineteenth century, human science began to be blocked because scientists, over to nickname, have misinterpreted, without reason, certain practical experiments and issued wrong laws and principles that contradict the good laws developed on the basis of practical experiments. , logical and rational. Today, most scientists have an intellectual basis, linked to standardized theory. They believe scientists because they have learned some books with standardized theories. These people cannot know the matter in its depth, with the seen and the unseen, because Albert Einstein in 1905 with his theory of relativity told them that the ETER - respectively the etheric matter does not exist. If there were no etheric matter then, they may believe that there is no spiritual matter, and they do not want to know anything about the heavenly worlds that live with us on and around the planet Earth. I, as an engineer, believe in my opinion, but also of many researchers in the field of underground soil richness, that all MATERIAL RESOURCES: coal, oil, methane gas, all minerals, do not come from a mineral or vegetable and animal source, but have they were simply created and planted or buried, or introduced into the earth's soil by our "extraterrestrial" brethren. The termination of material resources - said and natural - actually expresses a time, a period, in which our humanity must reach a certain LEVEL of scientific and technological DEVELOPMENT: such as mastering the controlled thermonuclear reaction, as the greatest source of inexhaustible energy. We must not fight among ourselves, as in the jungle, but try to awaken ourselves in the knowledge of things, to move on to the heavenly science of our creators: God and the extraterrestrial worlds. Until now, no such information was published, but it is now in the news. Every year incursions of O.Z.N.'s (heavenly ships) take place above the silos with nuclear weapons. That is, aliens deactivate our nuclear weapons for over 60 years, weapons 20 meters below the ground. When an O.Z.N. in the air above the silo and sends a red ray to the ground, on the launch screens it appears: "No gou!" And the Americans and the Russians have declared these incidents. We as a humanity have developed ourselves militarily, but not at the high level of the extraterrestrial entities that supervise us! That is why, not coincidentally, in 1985, presidents Mihail Gorbachev and Ronald Regan met and decided to build several ITER = International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, as an international scientific collaboration between the peoples of the earth's world. Researches in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion have been carried out for over 60 years, there are many installations of many kinds, and over time I have studied them, and I have come to the conclusion that controlled thermonuclear fusion can be achieved, but not after the models presented on the Internet. We can make an installation: according to the operating model of the Sun; after the description made by the patriarch ENOH in his book and after the outline of the device for the production and emission of the magnetic field flux, a sketch that is on the tombstone of Palenque - Mexico. I'm talking about Patriarch Enoch, who was very little quoted in the Bible, but he talks a lot in his book, describing everything the angels showed him in heaven, how the heavenly world works and about us people. But the Book of Enoch was considered APOCRIFY (that says too many real and clear things) and thus the Bible was covered with a great deal of information. In the Book of Enoch chapter 68, the patriarch Enoch being in a celestial ship, which gravitates around the Earth, the angels show him more things from heaven and Earth but also show him the camps of all stars and all the lights". In the south of France at Cadarache (near Nice), the experimental energy source is being built: the 42-hectare ITER, and in 2018 the construction was completed in half. If we surround the participants in the construction: Japan, China, Korea, India, Russia, the European Union, the United States of America and others, we notice that we are on the path of globalization. After about 200 Tokamak-type installations, with Laser and other types built over the last 60 years, NO ONE HAS WORKED, and then I think that what is being built now will not work with the model it is running, and with the technology used. The notion of: "FIRE", .. flames of fire, tongues of fire, living fire, circle of fire, vivid of fire, circle of fire burning in the four corners and ascending like rivers of living fire, all these refer to the electromagnetic field beam of the magnetic trap, which surrounds the installation and enters the thermonuclear combustion chamber again to powerfully space the thermonuclear plasma sphere of the reaction. In the heavenly ship Enoh believes that he is shown a wonderful divine vision, and he describes without knowing exactly what he describes, that energy installation, clearly seeing the unfolding of the thermonuclear reaction in the middle of that light, and in addition seeing the path of the electromagnetic fluxes of the magnetic trap. , inside and outside the thermonuclear combustion chamber. Two spherical halves joined in the middle form the spherical chamber of thermonuclear combustion. I made the sketches from 2012, I gave them on the Internet, but few noticed them. I think this will look like the first controlled thermonuclear reactor installation, and we should call it: "ENOH-PACAL model controlled thermonuclear reactor!" This is a standard model for future energy installations, which will give us electricity for all our installations. industrial and domestic. I did some 40 years ago an attempt to make a device for the production and emission of a strong electromagnetic field flux, I saw that "something moved", but I did not have the control devices and the necessary electrical current . Then my limited possibilities did not stop. But today, when we see clearly the rapid depletion of fossil fuels, and the long questionable construction of ITER, I try by those exposed to participate as much as possible in the realization of the controlled thermonuclear fusion with the project of a simple and fast to build facility. With a team of 50 people with manufacturing experience: 20 engineers, and 30 skilled workers, you can do a working group within the ITER site, in a work area of approximately 800 square meters, powered by existing utilities: electricity, cryogenics, vacuum installation, verification equipment, and with a financial fund of ten million euros, I think that one year can be obtained from starting the necessary results to build a controlled thermonuclear fusion plant for marketing that directly produces electricity without steam and turbines, without switch of heat.
@lowersaxon3 жыл бұрын
De Breu, de Breu, de Breu.
@hans-joachimlincke5933 жыл бұрын
@sandustanBrasov4 жыл бұрын
Stan Sandu About the UNIFIED LAW! Part 2/2. The electrical ether - for example- proceed from magnetic field from atoms, eliminated in following combination of the deuterium with tritium in helium. The eliminated magnetic field it decompose in particles of electrical ether in chamber of thermonuclear reaction. Any chemical combination eliminate this electrical ether. But at the chemical combination the chemical elements which participate at reaction can not to be magnetic isolated because they it combine before to be ionized. As following of the thermonuclear reaction from Sun, the Sun is a giant powerstation of electromagnetic energy, a powerfull source of electricity which keep up the life of every where from his planetary system. This electrical ether which come from Sun, we gather him with our electrical generators and drive our industry. D.I.Mendeleev had shown that we can not conceive without motion even the smallest matter particle. It says about radiations , but about atoms and molecules that they have a vibration frequency of approximate 10 at 13...10 at 15 what means that these are turning arround theirs self axes with 10 at 13...10 at 15 rotations on second proofing the existence of a continuous inertial motion in matter. How the solidification begins from external it would resultated that in the central zone at any underatomic particles would remained continuously a primary matter mass, more viscous, aproximately magnetic mass, so that to the shown rotations the free underatomics particles, or in the atom*s frame, to take out in space matter from the central zone, but on which to it recover continuously for maintaining the them integrity. The external*s particle by friction with the medium became a spherical surface, and in the inner share continous the crystallisation it will obtain a uniformly waved surface, with helicoidal channels disposed around his axis. Thus the approximately magnetic matter from the central zone can get out only a certain extremity, evolving around the particle or farther away in space from where it turns by the other extremity of the particle. The inertial movement working of the underatomic particles and the atoms as whole permits them to compare with the powerful ASPIRATORS which absorbs, but its emits too matter under the form of field*s particle. Thus, two interaction bodies it creates between them a magnetic depresion what constitute the attraction force between bodies. The permanent existence of the materials fieldes make us sure of the fact of the matter is outside from the bodies too, giving the interaction between them. About the ethereal physics and ethereal chemistry we spoke a little, for to argue the unified law to him Newton, I shal cite directly from the communuications of the spatial men, from the work : ”From the life*s mysteries and of the Universe”, to the profesor Scarlat Demetrescu, published first time in 1939. ”An electrical current circulate forever through the internal matter of the particle from Infinte. Grace of this inner electrical current, the particle is living, has life through self herself. Because the motion of inertial rotation of the particle, it born in the her interior electromagnetism. The electromagnetic circuit can be at interior or can be and outside. He can be positive or negative. The internal motion will give birth to an electromagnetic field emited in outside. This emission constitute the matter of the electromagnetic field which circulate among particles”. ”The living particle from the zone of the Infinte overtake in the zone of the Cosmos and of the universes. Thus the universal ether is a mass of living particles, of small living bodies, that can enter in one microbe of your with handreds of thousands. These living particles are in a continuously motion through them nature - being electrical - produces electrical energy. That is why it named electrogenic particles. In the zone collisions and explosion starry, from the primary matter - matter under electrical field, magnetic field and radiations form, it begins to form the underatomic particles; first the electron which remain as crystallisation nucleus definitized on him the neutron, which at that time when becomes free is transformed in proton and electron, respective in atoms of hydrogen, giving immenses hydrogen clouds what finds on the stary cataclysms place. Gravity: born, inseparable and essential the matter, is produced by a cause which acts constantly in the matter particles. All three principles of Dynamics: 1). the principle of inertia; 2). the principle of proportionality acceleration with force; and 3). the principle of the action and reaction; all are the essential elements of the universal attraction law, law which in essence is a law of the inertial masses in movement. The INERTIAL MOVE from matter produce the gravitational field, and the gravity with her particles ties the macrocosmos with microcosmos and influenced all what exists siting thus at the general existence basis. The UNIFIED LAW of matter*s forces I can say with certainty that it exists from some hundred years and is Newton*s universal attraction law. The UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION LAW it applay identicallly to the movement the atoms of the ethereal matters, identically to the movement the atoms of the chemical elements, identically to the movement the planets and stars of one galaxy, because any body of any dimension possess a mass and thus is subdued the newtonian forces of interaction. The UNIFIED LAW is the LAW of the UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION FORCES = of the GRAVITATIONAL INTERACTION FORCES = of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD FORCES produced by the inner movement of the inertial rotation of the ethereal matter from bodies and substances. This, because, the ethereal particles are continuous movement through the them nature, being electrical - produce electrical energy, being named and electrogenic particles. The universal attraction law of the Newton is the UNIFIED LAW because all those three fundamental interactions: the nuclear interaction, the electromagnetic (electron-proton) interaction and the gravitational interaction are interactions produced through the ethereal matter, what bind the clasical physics with the good part of the modern physics, but it bind and the ETHEREAL PHYSICS. Isaac Newton establishes the basic notion of classical mechanics, proved the universal attraction law and put base of the celestial mechanics. Newton had affirmed THAT IT HASN*T EXIST NATURAL PROCESS who HASN*T produced BY ATTRACTION and REPULSION ACTIVE FORCES which REGULATES the CELESTIAL BODIES MOVEMENT and the BODIES FALING down, that LEEDS the CHEMICAL and MECHANICAL PROCESSES, fact which makes that the universal attraction law acts in macrocosmos and as in microcosmos. Thus, all the physics*s laws, chemistry*s laws and biology*s laws it can include and explain through this unified law of the electromagnetic field produced of inner movement of iunertial rotation of the matter from bodies and substances. The spacial brethren say us about Newton that: ”Newton is great saint with us in Sky!” Now, were collided particles in LHC and you seen that is nothing: none Higgs boson, none Big Bang, neither black holes, but only thousands of shards of ethereal particles.Therefore now, return you physicists from your distraction, at Isaac Newton with his universal attraction law = THE UNIFIED LAW of the MATTERS and FORCES, at the eliminated ETHER by Einstein, at unseen world of ethereal and spiritual matters which fill up the Cosmos, and return you at the Lord- at God!