Lord Shiva Destroys Birth-Based Caste System: Brahma Purana | India That Is Bharat | Hindu Dharma

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College Street Kolkata

College Street Kolkata

9 ай бұрын

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@veerswami7175 9 ай бұрын
Hqr har mahadev
@collegestreetkolkata9669 9 ай бұрын
Har Har Mahadev
@GODdank 8 ай бұрын
​@@collegestreetkolkata9669which translation is of brahma purana is this?
@collegestreetkolkata9669 7 ай бұрын
www.amazon.in/Brahma-Purana-2-Bibek-Debroy/dp/0143454900/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1BK2JA78V3XGV&keywords=brahma+purana+bibek+debroy&qid=1700956153&sprefix=brahma+puran%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-2 @@GODdank
@SattickDas2001 9 ай бұрын
Shiva is the master of us Bauls, Sadhakas, Yogis and Ascetics. One of the primary things to do before entering sadhana is to perform your own Shradh, where you let go of all your previous identities including your jaati/varna. So for me, there was never a doubt in being a Kattar Hindu, for a Kattar Hindu cannot have any defined identity. He must be boundless, just like Bholenath.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
@SattickDas2001 8 ай бұрын
@@Dharma_Adhyatma dude I understand that completely. We cannot function in daily life without our ego. Permanent ego death is just not possible... Atleast from my experiences. I was trying to get a small point through. But as I said, for me my primary identity is that of a human being lucky enough to be born in Bharat. Beyond that, everything else is just added on.
@combinatorics1224 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 Dada , please read my points - Your Hinduism is very progressive about women and their rights than abrahamic religions , right ? Let's take a look at Shiv Purana. It has said , "If a women wants holy water she shall drink the same with which her husband’s feet have been washed. All holy rivers are present in that water." So Hindu males want their wives to drink the water by which their feet are washed, wow ! hygiene gaya tel lene ! Chapter 54 - Description of the duties of the chaste wife (Pativratādharma) in Shiv Purana. Brahmā said:- 1. Then the seven sages spoke to the lord of the mountains-“O mountain, make arrangements for the journey of your daughter today itself.” 2. O great sage, on hearing these words and knowing her pangs of separation, the lord of mountains was greatly affected by his love towards her and remained silent for a short while. 3. After some time, the lord of the mountains regained his consciousness and said-“Let it be so”. He then sent the message to Menā. 4. O sage, on hearing the message of the mountain, Menā was both delighted and sorry. She immediately set about arranging for her journey. 5. O sage, Menā, the beloved of the mountain, made arrangements for all kinds of festivities in accordance with the tradition of her family and the injunctions of the Vedas. 6. She bedecked Pārvatī with twelve kinds of ornaments and good silken garments of nice border. All kinds of embellishments befitting her royal state were made. 7. Realising Menā’s inclinations a chaste brahmin lady instructed Pārvatī in the duties of a chaste wife. The brahmin lady said:- 8. O Pārvatī, listen to my words with love that accentuate righteousness, that increase the pleasure here and hereafter and afford happiness to those who pay heed to them. 9. A chaste lady sanctifies the worlds, destroys sins and is blessed. None else is so worthy of respect. 10. O Pārvatī, she who serves her husband with love and considers him her sole lord, enjoys all pleasures here and obtains salvation hereafter along with her husband. 11-13. The chaste ladies-Sāvitrī, Lopāmudrā, Arundhatī, Śāṇḍilyā, Śatarūpā, Anasūyā, Lakṣmī, Svadhā, Satī, Saṃjña, Sumati, Śraddhā, Menā, Svāhā and several others whose names are not mentioned lest the list should be too detailed have attained adoration from all people by their virtue of chastity. They have been honoured by Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva and great sages. 14. Lord Śiva, benefactor of the depressed, worthy of worship and the goal of the good shall be served by you always. 15. The duty of a chaste lady is very important and it has been mentioned in the Vedas and Smṛtis. No other duty is so admirable as this. 16. A chaste lady shall take food only after her husband has taken it. O Śivā, if he stands, the woman too shall remain standing. 17. When he sleeps she can also sleep. But she must intelligently wake up before him. She shall do what is beneficial to him. She shall love him without any sort of deception. 18. O Śivā, she shall never show herself unembellished to him. If for any important work he is on exile she shall never adorn herself. 19. A chaste lady shall never mention her husband’s name. If the husband scolds or rebukes her she shall not abuse him in return. Even when beaten by him she shall remain glad and say “I may even be killed, O lord. Be kind to me.” 20. When called by him she shall leave the work she is engaged in and approach him immediately. With palms joined in reverence and love she shall bow to him and say as follows. 21. “O lord, be pleased to say what I have been called for.” Whenever ordered by him to do any job she shall do it gladly. 22. She shall not stand near the entrance for a long time. She shall not go to other people’s house. She shall not take his money, even though it be a little, and give it to others. 23. Without being told she shall arrange the necessary requisities for his daily worship. She shall wait for the opportunity to do him a timely service. 24. Without the permission of her husband she shall not go even on pilgrimage. She shall eschew the desire to attend social festivities. 25. If a women wants holy water she shall drink the same with which her husband’s feet have been washed. All holy rivers are present in that water. 26. She shall partake of the leavings of her husband’s food or whatever is given by him saying “This is thy great grace.” 27. She shall never take food without first offering due share to the gods, the Pitṛs, the guests, the servants, cows and saintly mendicants. 28. A gentle lady of chaste rites shall always be clever to manage the household with limited requisites. She shall be averse to spend unnecessarily. 29. Without being permitted by her husband she shall not observe fast and other rites. Should it be so, she will derive no benefit. She may fall into hell in other worlds. 30. While the husband is sportively engaged or seated comfortably she shall not worry him to get up under the pretext of attending to some household work. 31. Whether he is impotent, distressed, sick or senile, happy or unhappy, the husband shall never be transgressed. 32. During the three days of her monthly course she shall neither show her face nor speak to him. She shall not speak within his hearing till she becomes pure after her bath. 33. After her bath she shall see her husband’s face and not that of anyone else. Or after thinking on her husband she shall then gaze at the sun (Asuryamsparsha). The list goes on .....
@combinatorics1224 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 I am an irreligious agnostic person. To me, Hindu scriptures contain a similar kind of misogyny that exists in the Quran and the Bible. If I am wrong or mistaken please enlighten me with facts.
@curiouskid1547 3 ай бұрын
Bro I need confidence like you . "I am quoting Lord Shiva who is quoting Lord Brahma."😀
@collegestreetkolkata9669 3 ай бұрын
@ShishirAcharya-ux3qm 9 ай бұрын
I am a kattar Hindu
@collegestreetkolkata9669 9 ай бұрын
@ShishirAcharya-ux3qm 9 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 I meant its so good knowing this fact. I have shared this video in all platforms. 🦾
@tanmay23453 9 ай бұрын
dada what is your opinion on lgbt and the concept of indivdualism dont you think alllowing lgbtq and individualism will allow wokeism in india
@collegestreetkolkata9669 9 ай бұрын
I've made some videos on it already. Long answer.
@tanmay23453 9 ай бұрын
can you share the link of the video it would be helpful@@collegestreetkolkata9669
@parameshwar3345 8 ай бұрын
Shiva was just different. He is said to have a white complexion as we know going by sanskrit literature that white was deemed inferior and ugly in ancient india while Black was considered beautiful and superior. Shiva actually opposed all social discrimination on the basis of caste creed colour. Even in mahabharat he came a vaidha a forest dweller and hunter who were considered untouchable. Also a liberal would praise that purana instead
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
@parameshwar3345 8 ай бұрын
@@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck I did not the texts did.
@Sam-ri3hr 7 ай бұрын
​@@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ckkarpur gauram.
@philo8040 7 ай бұрын
What are your sources, please? The Link to the paper provided does not contain what you are reading out about the varna.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 7 ай бұрын
Its not a paper. By mistake I posted that link. As you can see, its mentioned in the video title: Brahma Purana.
@philo8040 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, is it possible to provide the canto and chapter please. If you know the verses that would be great but not necessary. If you are using the motilal Version just a page number
@collegestreetkolkata9669 7 ай бұрын
www.amazon.in/Brahma-Purana-2-Bibek-Debroy/dp/0143454900/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1BK2JA78V3XGV&keywords=brahma+purana+bibek+debroy&qid=1700956153&sprefix=brahma+puran%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-2 @@philo8040
@philo8040 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate you taking the time to post the book but without a reference (chapter verse etc) its not much use
@philo8040 7 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 I find it a bit rich that you demanded a chapter and page number from a person who is arguing with you below in the comments, but you will not provide one for the reading itself - this is really basic - if you give a reading you should tell us where the reading is exactly from
@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck 8 ай бұрын
5:48 It is talking about next birth. You yourself admit that these lines are asking a sudra to be a good sudra. If a sudra remain as a good sudra for his whole life. When will he become brahman? In his next life. This is said in Bhagvad Gita too. The *nature* of Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras are due to their respective *inherent dispositions.* The meaning is that their *past Karma* has been the cause of *determining births* as *Brahmanas* etc. Gita 18:41 _English Translation of Ramanuja's Sanskrit Commentary By Swami Adidevananda_
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
A text which is so specific that it even tells you how to wash your anus after poop, mouth after eating etc, forgot to specify that all this is in the next birth? No.
@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 it is specified, read commentaries
@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 u r living in conformation bias. u r looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with your existing beliefs. This biased approach to decision making is largely unintentional, and it results in a you ignoring information that is inconsistent with your beliefs. well can't expect much from a guy who calls Ambedkar as "the greatest public intellectual of India" and "fearless clear headed thinker". the same Ambedkar who left no stone unturned to abuse our Shree Ram and Shiva.
@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck 8 ай бұрын
look man i dont hate u, sorry if i sounded rude@@collegestreetkolkata9669
@collegestreetkolkata9669 7 ай бұрын
@@Walkie-Talkie-zz9ck 1> Commentary doesn't mean specified because it's not IN the text we are talking about specifying the particular thing. Like I said, if the authors of Brahma Purana had "meant" it to be "in the next birth", they would have specified it, because everything else is specified. 2> I'm quoting J Sai Deepak when I use those words for Ambedkar. 3> If he wasn't fearless he wouldn't be able to piss off both Hindus and Muslims and Congressis.
@tanmay23453 9 ай бұрын
dada i think it talks about rebirth or they will become brahmana in next birth
@chatterjee_trisweta 9 ай бұрын
Or perhaps both with examples of Brahmins derailed from Dharma and scholarly Shudras! As far as my experience goes..it is in Shastras that one be born within the 4 Varnas or out of it based on Karma of previous life!
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
It would have mentioned rebirth
@akshadrathi 9 ай бұрын
I dunno why my comment is getting deleted everytime, is YT glitching or what?
@ahARNISHEE_K 9 ай бұрын
I felt this too. Some comments in this channel just vanished.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
Click on Newest Comments
@tanmay23453 9 ай бұрын
i dont understand why is intercaste
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
@tanmay23453 9 ай бұрын
i dont understand why is intercaste banned
@kishorekumarbanerjee6372 8 ай бұрын
Manusmriti Adhyaya 3 shlok 41 states that marriage between parents of different castes produces inferior children because they inherit the qualities of both the parents and if either the father or the mother is of a different Varna the child inherits qualities of both the varnas and such mixture causes inferiority in genetics compared to the parents. Manusmriti Adhyaya 8 shlok 352-353 and Adhyaya 10 shlok 61 states that such children cause destruction of the whole civilization. Manusmriti Adhyaya 10 discusses in details about the various Jaatis by stating their origin and what work they predominately do. It states in shlok 5-7 that only those born from parents of equal Varna are to be considered of equal stature to their parents and not otherwise further stating that those born of union between parents of different Varna are born inferior. Manusmriti Adhyaya 10 states throughout the entire Adhay that children born of intercaste marriage are predominately bound to be of inferior values and in some cases such marriages can produce entire races which are inherently extremely cruel by nature. The Apstambha Dharma Sutra Adhyaya 2 Pada 12 sutra 4 and Adhyaya 2 Pada 13 sutra 1 states that only those children born out of union of parents of same Jaati have pure genetic attributes. The Yajnavalkya Smriti Adhyaya 1 shlok 94-95 and Vasistha Smriti Adhyaya 18 shlok 19 states children born out of union between parents of different castes are inferior in quality. The Boudhayana Dharma Sutra Adhyaya 1 Pada 11 sutra 17 states that qualities of the offspring depends on the parents responsible for one. Atri Smriti exclusively forbids marriage and intercourse with mlecchas in shlok 182-185 stating that for intercourse with a mlecch woman the punishment is performing either Santapanam or Taptakrcchra, for intercourse with one's wife who had intercourse with mlecch man the punishment is bathing with clothes on and drinking ghee (such an wife upon discovery of the crime is to be immediately discarded). By cohabitating unknowingly with mlecch women the punishment is performing Paraka however if one willingly 'marries a mlecch and has children from such union the person is to be regarded as a mlecch and immediately discarded. Thus it is clear that the scriptures are exclusively against such degenerate act of having intercourse with mlecchas contrary to what raitas like to think. Gautama Smriti Adhyaya 23 shlok 14-15 states that if a woman has intercourse with a low caste man she should be awarded death by the king by feeding her to dogs and publicly exciting the man. According to Vasistha Smriti Adhyaya 21 shlok 1-5 the punishment for pratiloma marriage performed especially by a Bramhan woman she is to be paraded naked on the street however the perquisites differ according to the Varna of the man involved. The Vishnu Smriti Adhyaya 26 shlok 6-7 states that dvijas who marry women of lower castes degrade themselves to the lowest status and their Pitras don't accept their oblations and such dvijas go to narak. Matsya Puran Adhyaya 227 shlok 131 states that if a person of higher caste wishes to and marries a woman of lower caste of if a person of lower caste wishes to and marries a woman of higher caste in both cases death should be awarded. The Markandeya Puran Adhyaya 113 also harshly criticizes intercaste marriage stating that those who perform if fall from their caste and become Lowly. The Brihaddharma Puran in Uttar Khanda Adhyaya 13-14 narrates an account of the infamous king Vina (father of king Prithu) who in his delusion became highly irreligious and forced people to perform intercaste marriage due to which there was widespread chaos.
@kishorekumarbanerjee6372 8 ай бұрын
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
Its legal now. So you cope.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
@kishorekumarbanerjee6372 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 Man you took more than 12 hrs to think a comeback for all of the above points 🤣. No wonder who should cope 😂.
@BagelPolice 3 ай бұрын
So the basic argument for your case against the caste system is based on a book which cites mythology allegories and rules on how a certain person climbs up and down from a caste heirarchy. Now If that is argument you have to provide evidence based on: 1.) Genetics: If caste was so easily changed among Indians then there shouldn't be a wide disparity in DNA's among indians. Where is the evidence for that? 2.) Where is the evidence of High caste getting demoted to lower caste. What instances can you provide for this question? 3.)You chose to source fantasy to descirbe the workings of the caste system in the real world. There are many hindu scriptures that have conflicting rules on how caste works, so why should we beileve your source to be the most accurate? TLDR: You cite fantasctical books for your arguments on the caste system without providng any real life evidence.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 3 ай бұрын
Read more.
@BagelPolice 3 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 You are the one who is presenting a case against the caste system. An argument is put forward by opinions based on facts rather than the other way around. You could've easily pointed out to some sources for the questions I raised rather you choose to deflect with a "Read More". Again I am asking do you have any substantial evidence for your claims backed up by authentic research?
@curiouskid1547 3 ай бұрын
I am giving you the answer. 1) Your first point is bogus. 2) Read about Namashudras and bengali kayasthas(intentionally left brahmin caste) 3) That's why it's Hinduism. Anyone might write any book.
@BagelPolice 3 ай бұрын
@@curiouskid1547 You answers dont have any factual values or counter arguments. If you want to refute my points do it with references or resources. I presented you with arguments in return you need to address them rather than "go look at this, go look at that ". Now regrading your points: 1.) Explain why it's bogus. Also I am ready to say that we are a homogeneous society so gene variation might not be the best way to prove caste mobility. However if that's the case then you need to provide examples of timely caste movements rather than instances. 2.) it's hilarious when people quote sources based on shahstaras which hold no scientific value. You don't even know your own history. Here I'll give you an example of caste mobility: There is a concept called "Sanskritization" by Srinivas which claims that the lower caste adopted rituals of upper casete. But this was done not as a part of varna system rather to avoid discrimination and gain upper status. Also if there is mobility of caste where is the evidence of Brahmins becoming untouchables? 3.) "That's why it's Hinduism. Anyone might write any book." -And? if you claim of a hindu shashtra can be asserted then my claim of showing an opposing view from the same religion can also be asserted. Finally all the discussion of this channel is based on mythology devoid of whats happening in real life. The facts absolutely are contrary to the scriptures. You can have endless conversation about the varna system and its importance or implications, but in practice people are discriminated, bullied and even harmed because of this system. That is a fact.
@kishorekumarbanerjee6372 8 ай бұрын
Cope now. And those who were coping about intercaste marriage shall also go to Narak. Manusmriti Adhyaya 3 shlok 41 states that marriage between parents of different castes produces inferior children because they inherit the qualities of both the parents and if either the father or the mother is of a different Varna the child inherits qualities of both the varnas and such mixture causes inferiority in genetics compared to the parents. Manusmriti Adhyaya 8 shlok 352-353 and Adhyaya 10 shlok 61 states that such children cause destruction of the whole civilization. Manusmriti Adhyaya 10 discusses in details about the various Jaatis by stating their origin and what work they predominately do. It states in shlok 5-7 that only those born from parents of equal Varna are to be considered of equal stature to their parents and not otherwise further stating that those born of union between parents of different Varna are born inferior. Manusmriti Adhyaya 10 states throughout the entire Adhay that children born of intercaste marriage are predominately bound to be of inferior values and in some cases such marriages can produce entire races which are inherently extremely cruel by nature. The Apstambha Dharma Sutra Adhyaya 2 Pada 12 sutra 4 and Adhyaya 2 Pada 13 sutra 1 states that only those children born out of union of parents of same Jaati have pure genetic attributes. The Yajnavalkya Smriti Adhyaya 1 shlok 94-95 and Vasistha Smriti Adhyaya 18 shlok 19 states children born out of union between parents of different castes are inferior in quality. The Boudhayana Dharma Sutra Adhyaya 1 Pada 11 sutra 17 states that qualities of the offspring depends on the parents responsible for one. Atri Smriti exclusively forbids marriage and intercourse with mlecchas in shlok 182-185 stating that for intercourse with a mlecch woman the punishment is performing either Santapanam or Taptakrcchra, for intercourse with one's wife who had intercourse with mlecch man the punishment is bathing with clothes on and drinking ghee (such an wife upon discovery of the crime is to be immediately discarded). By cohabitating unknowingly with mlecch women the punishment is performing Paraka however if one willingly 'marries a mlecch and has children from such union the person is to be regarded as a mlecch and immediately discarded. Thus it is clear that the scriptures are exclusively against such degenerate act of having intercourse with mlecchas contrary to what raitas like to think. Gautama Smriti Adhyaya 23 shlok 14-15 states that if a woman has intercourse with a low caste man she should be awarded death by the king by feeding her to dogs and publicly exciting the man. According to Vasistha Smriti Adhyaya 21 shlok 1-5 the punishment for pratiloma marriage performed especially by a Bramhan woman she is to be paraded naked on the street however the perquisites differ according to the Varna of the man involved. The Vishnu Smriti Adhyaya 26 shlok 6-7 states that dvijas who marry women of lower castes degrade themselves to the lowest status and their Pitras don't accept their oblations and such dvijas go to narak. Matsya Puran Adhyaya 227 shlok 131 states that if a person of higher caste wishes to and marries a woman of lower caste of if a person of lower caste wishes to and marries a woman of higher caste in both cases death should be awarded. The Markandeya Puran Adhyaya 113 also harshly criticizes intercaste marriage stating that those who perform if fall from their caste and become Lowly. The Brihaddharma Puran in Uttar Khanda Adhyaya 13-14 narrates an account of the infamous king Vina (father of king Prithu) who in his delusion became highly irreligious and forced people to perform intercaste marriage due to which there was widespread chaos.
@collegestreetkolkata9669 8 ай бұрын
Didn't get your point.
@combinatorics1224 8 ай бұрын
@@collegestreetkolkata9669 Dada please clear it ... Your Hinduism is very progressive about women and their rights than abrahamic religions , right ? Let's take a look at Shiv Purana. It has said , "If a women wants holy water she shall drink the same with which her husband’s feet have been washed. All holy rivers are present in that water." So Hindu males want their wives to drink the water by which their feet are washed, wow ! hygiene gaya tel lene ! Chapter 54 - Description of the duties of the chaste wife (Pativratādharma) in Shiv Purana. Brahmā said:- 1. Then the seven sages spoke to the lord of the mountains-“O mountain, make arrangements for the journey of your daughter today itself.” 2. O great sage, on hearing these words and knowing her pangs of separation, the lord of mountains was greatly affected by his love towards her and remained silent for a short while. 3. After some time, the lord of the mountains regained his consciousness and said-“Let it be so”. He then sent the message to Menā. 4. O sage, on hearing the message of the mountain, Menā was both delighted and sorry. She immediately set about arranging for her journey. 5. O sage, Menā, the beloved of the mountain, made arrangements for all kinds of festivities in accordance with the tradition of her family and the injunctions of the Vedas. 6. She bedecked Pārvatī with twelve kinds of ornaments and good silken garments of nice border. All kinds of embellishments befitting her royal state were made. 7. Realising Menā’s inclinations a chaste brahmin lady instructed Pārvatī in the duties of a chaste wife. The brahmin lady said:- 8. O Pārvatī, listen to my words with love that accentuate righteousness, that increase the pleasure here and hereafter and afford happiness to those who pay heed to them. 9. A chaste lady sanctifies the worlds, destroys sins and is blessed. None else is so worthy of respect. 10. O Pārvatī, she who serves her husband with love and considers him her sole lord, enjoys all pleasures here and obtains salvation hereafter along with her husband. 11-13. The chaste ladies-Sāvitrī, Lopāmudrā, Arundhatī, Śāṇḍilyā, Śatarūpā, Anasūyā, Lakṣmī, Svadhā, Satī, Saṃjña, Sumati, Śraddhā, Menā, Svāhā and several others whose names are not mentioned lest the list should be too detailed have attained adoration from all people by their virtue of chastity. They have been honoured by Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Śiva and great sages. 14. Lord Śiva, benefactor of the depressed, worthy of worship and the goal of the good shall be served by you always. 15. The duty of a chaste lady is very important and it has been mentioned in the Vedas and Smṛtis. No other duty is so admirable as this. 16. A chaste lady shall take food only after her husband has taken it. O Śivā, if he stands, the woman too shall remain standing. 17. When he sleeps she can also sleep. But she must intelligently wake up before him. She shall do what is beneficial to him. She shall love him without any sort of deception. 18. O Śivā, she shall never show herself unembellished to him. If for any important work he is on exile she shall never adorn herself. 19. A chaste lady shall never mention her husband’s name. If the husband scolds or rebukes her she shall not abuse him in return. Even when beaten by him she shall remain glad and say “I may even be killed, O lord. Be kind to me.” 20. When called by him she shall leave the work she is engaged in and approach him immediately. With palms joined in reverence and love she shall bow to him and say as follows. 21. “O lord, be pleased to say what I have been called for.” Whenever ordered by him to do any job she shall do it gladly. 22. She shall not stand near the entrance for a long time. She shall not go to other people’s house. She shall not take his money, even though it be a little, and give it to others. 23. Without being told she shall arrange the necessary requisities for his daily worship. She shall wait for the opportunity to do him a timely service. 24. Without the permission of her husband she shall not go even on pilgrimage. She shall eschew the desire to attend social festivities. 25. If a women wants holy water she shall drink the same with which her husband’s feet have been washed. All holy rivers are present in that water. 26. She shall partake of the leavings of her husband’s food or whatever is given by him saying “This is thy great grace.” 27. She shall never take food without first offering due share to the gods, the Pitṛs, the guests, the servants, cows and saintly mendicants. 28. A gentle lady of chaste rites shall always be clever to manage the household with limited requisites. She shall be averse to spend unnecessarily. 29. Without being permitted by her husband she shall not observe fast and other rites. Should it be so, she will derive no benefit. She may fall into hell in other worlds. 30. While the husband is sportively engaged or seated comfortably she shall not worry him to get up under the pretext of attending to some household work. 31. Whether he is impotent, distressed, sick or senile, happy or unhappy, the husband shall never be transgressed. 32. During the three days of her monthly course she shall neither show her face nor speak to him. She shall not speak within his hearing till she becomes pure after her bath. 33. After her bath she shall see her husband’s face and not that of anyone else. Or after thinking on her husband she shall then gaze at the sun (Asuryamsparsha). The list goes on ..... I am an irreligious agnostic ....please correct and enlighten me with facts if I am mistaken.
@MysSo-r8f 7 ай бұрын
dude, judging from your comment section, I think a lot of idiots conflate every power text (texts that were written to consolidate power for a caste or dynasty or group), as a Hindu text. The only HINDU texts I can find are the Vedas. The rest are badly directed sequels. So I think you should educate these people. You can’t take out a random quote from a casteist writer and call it Hinduism. That’s like saying beatles songs are an integral part of Christianity. Puranas don’t mean much and those who rely on them are basically unaware of the reason they were produced
@animo5445 23 күн бұрын
​@@combinatorics1224 First of all, in a discussion of the Caste System, you randomly jumped into the topic of Women's rights of Hinduism. But if you want to talk about it, let's talk about it. There are certain duties accorded to both men and women. You cherry pick the chapter which is directed to duties for a woman and criticised with your made up outrage. In office spaces, there's always a group of people who outrage at "Multinational organisations trying to control what women wanna wear", even when instructions are given for both men and women to wear decent clothes. You belong to that kin. Mahabharata Street Parva states that "Where women are worshipped, that civilization is divine and holy. Even the celestial gods rejoice by looking at such a society. However, where women are not accorded the respect they deserve, where they are victimized and oppressed, there the output of all the vedic rituals are nullified." I see no man specifically quoting this verse and outraging. Kumari Puja is a ritual of worshipping girls, as they are considered to be the purest of souls, their charanamrit is used as Prasad. It used to exist in Vedic times and was revived by Ramkrishna Paramhansa, an Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Kali Yuga. I see very few men outraged about "How men are forced to bow down to women and drink Charanamrit", as they are also equal to women. In the battle against Raktabeej, Kali trampled on Lord Shiva even though Lord Shiva was her husband. Lord Shiva never punished Kali, rather showered heaps of praises, infact this form is considered one of the most divine form of Mother Kali, which depicts her trampling Shiva by her feet. This form is worshiped world over by believer Hindus. Never have I ever seen any man seething about this apparent "misandry" about how a woman can trample a man? This is possible because both of them have been given utmost respect and power over the other. When you read the scriptures about one partner, you feel that the partner can even kill the other partner without any consequences. But the truth is, it just accorded respect for both sides. Once you start treating the other side as God, that's when a mutually respectful relation begins. Saying I can die for you doesn't mean, I am committing suicide, it means I love you more than my life. Read the Puranas in that sense shutting down your wokness. Just like women are worshipped and God resides in them(Yatra Nari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devataa - meaning Gods reside in places where a woman is worshiped), similar ways men were also accorded the same respect as women, where women pay respect to their men. The water of washed feet, Charanamrit is considered holy as it's holy out of devotion and respect. Charanamrit are not supposed to be drunk in gallons, but taking a sip improves devotion and respect for men of your house, just like you do in Kumari Puja, which improves respect for the Women in your house. Also, on the side note, that small amount will definitely not upset your stomach, but definitely will improve your immune system. 😉 Lastly, whenever your keyboard activism oozes out about Caste System, Women rights, or any issues for that matter, remember to take lessons from Bhagavad Gita about treatment of Krishna towards human beings. Bhagavad Gita 9.29: I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. I am equal to all. But whoever renders service unto Me in devotion is a friend, is in Me, and I am also a friend to him.
@combinatorics1224 23 күн бұрын
@@animo5445 Well well well. My rebuttal 1.Kumari Puja is done to worship the Fertility and virginity of Kumaris/ Unmarried Women. So Hinduism only values women because they are capable of giving birth to kids and can increase the population of society. Nice. It's nearly similar like Quran or Bible. So women are important as child vending machines for Hindus. 2.I still didn't find the counter argument and logic in your comment. I have uploaded a section from Shiva Purana complied by Sanskrit scholar JL Shastri who has been part of Viswa Hindu Parishad (VHP) ....you can't say that he is Communist and he has manipulated the texts. Now all versions of Shiva Purana let it be from Gita Press or Ramkrishna Mission Press....all have the same venom for women and casts them for a submissive role. 3. Corporate MNCs can have a dress code in their office places as it is their private property. In my home it is me who decides whether my guest can smoke or not....(As I will not allow smoking). There are private beaches and water parks in Singapore where Nudity is allowed as the Private entities who own them allow it. In Las Vegas, LA, Dallas there are night clubs where adults can pay to strippers for their services...it is capitalism , mate. The owner of property decides what they will allow or not. 4. I do not get your counter arguments which are irrelevant as well as invalid. How can you compare a corporate dress Code to give a rebuttal to me where I am showing some parts of a religious text named Shiva Purana. Menavati is saying to Parvati that a Chaste lady will never complain to husband even if he beats her...Menavati advices to remain submissive and ask for pardon from Husband. If you have studied basics of Indian Law you must know Domestic violence is a crime punishable under IPC 498 A. What I have tried to say to this You Tuber guy you are listening....Is that Vedic Dharma is not Hindu Dharma. The Modern Hindu Dharma based on Puran is full of misogyny and Varna discrimination. If we stick ourselves to Vedas i.e Samhitas , Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads we will not see any Varna discrimination or misogyny in it. The Purusha Sukta of Right Vedas says that society is divided into 4 professions - Brahmana (Academic guys), Ksatriya (Warrior Guys), Vaishya (Businessmen and white collar workers) and Shudras (Artisans and Blue Collar workers). It has never said like Manusmriti that Brahmana female can't marry a Vaishya Male or Shudra male. Whole Right Vedas has never said that punishment should be different for a Brahmin or a Shudra in same crime. So it was division of labour in a Market Economy rather than social classes. And the Puranas along with Smriti texts have maligned it. So if you are a guy following Vedic Dharma I have no problem....but the present Organised Hindu Dharma with idol worshipping! That's dangerous and not progressive at all. Anyways it's my personal opinion and I am not compelling anyone to agree with me.
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