Man Child FLIPS OUT When Denied DnD Game | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@LattePunch 10 ай бұрын
If your "child" keeps getting banned almost every place you leave them then at some point you've got to face the reality that he needs to be mentally evaluated properly or if there is truly nothing mentally wrong then you need to parent better so he can be left alone without problems.
@marmelaaden 10 ай бұрын
Yeah....i'm autistic myself and that is NO excuse. If you can't read neurotypical social cues, that's one thing, but after people tell you you can't join their then have the information needed to know that you're not welcome in their game.
@fleacythesheepgirl 10 ай бұрын
Yes but it is called a spectrum for a reason. You sound a lot more mature mentally. Rage and tantrums are unfortunately common, great if you’re more in control but this guy could have the mental capacity and control of someone much younger.
@marmelaaden 10 ай бұрын
@@fleacythesheepgirl Yeah, that could be true.
@HiddenWindshield 10 ай бұрын
@@fleacythesheepgirl It's also entirely possible that he's _not_ actually that far along the spectrum, but the mother's bad parenting has exacerbated his behavior.
@jessl1934 10 ай бұрын
​@@HiddenWindshieldThe autism spectrum isn't a scale of "less autistic to more autistic" and it's dehumanizing to put autism in terms of severity like that. Autism understood to be a spectrum disorder, which is a medical classification meaning it is comprised of a range of associated conditions.
@supremeduckissupremetheduc9896 10 ай бұрын
​​@@fleacythesheepgirlThis, is exactly what I was gonna say. I have ASD as well, and after seeing how the person in the story acted, it seems really wierd that OP would compare that to high functioning... Edit: just listened further, and the story said the guy was not special needs in any way, which, if true, dang.
@jacksparrowismydaddy 10 ай бұрын
seriously? as soon as he doubled down on his attempt to rape my character I'd pick up my character, take my stuff and leave. he can talk to himself.
@informitas0117 10 ай бұрын
It was in a store, should have brought it up with the owner.
@phoeberia2734 10 ай бұрын
From the first story I knew it =/ he's litterally just a brat a man child allowed to act like that. My cousin was like this legit finally had him checked and he wasn't on the spectrum he just genuinely believed he could do whatever cause his mom would get him out of it and it unfortunately worked all the fucking time
@fleacythesheepgirl 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know 😬 I have a hard time picturing a frat boy insisting his mom said he could play with your group over and over unless he was like wasted drunk. And even then I’d expect more cursing and insults from a entitled guy. That sounds like words of a 5-7 year old to me.
@davidtherwhanger6795 10 ай бұрын
I was honestly waiting for OP or one of the others to say, "Your momma ain't the boss of us."
@anthonyseverino8292 5 ай бұрын
This is hilarious
@procrastinatordave 10 ай бұрын
"Chris Chan on steroids"? Nah man, that was nowhere nearing topping Chris Chan.
@davidtherwhanger6795 10 ай бұрын
AITA story. This is why you as a DM never self insert on a personal level. You are to be the impartial arbiter. You can't be impartial if you have a personal stake in it.
@shadiafifi54 10 ай бұрын
No wonder the manchild reacted the way he did. He probably never interacted with anyone who wasn't his mother.
@jacksparrowismydaddy 10 ай бұрын
when I read the title I seriously thought it was about a ten year old.
@Juju2927 10 ай бұрын
The Fae contract story : I would have simply either stop playing and make other players do so, or troll the GM through oblivion with fake rolls until he kicked me out. If the DM's words don't matter, why would you listen to them after all.
@DisneyChar 10 ай бұрын
Someone after my own heart, don't leave a problem table, become the problem
@sunzi42 10 ай бұрын
I am autistic and the big guy in the first story sounds very autistic. BUT he was clearly undiagnosed AND had a "Karen" as a mom. A VERY bad combination. Undiagnosed autistic people have a VERY difficult life AND is often regarded as socially weird. I know, my life was just like this for 37 years. My parents refused to diagnose me and INSISTED everything that was wrong with my behaviour, was a result of my OWN decision. It is a miracle I did not commit suicide.
@josephfreitag568 9 ай бұрын
Tbh in a weird way I kinda feel bad for the guy in the first story. He of course brought this on himself and needs to learn the consequences of his actions but from his upbringing it sounds like he’s never going to live a fulfilling life, or at least a very lonely one.
@orangejuice782 8 ай бұрын
@@josephfreitag568 exactly, it seems like his mother has just dumped him onto people without teaching him the social skills needed to manage in social situations, which leads to him relying on her even more. it's a very sad situation, really :(
@darklord884 10 ай бұрын
The DM in the fey story could've been smart and made the fey say "Oh yes, the contract says I won't attack you, but it says nothing about *these fellas* over here!" You know if that DM had any talent or imagination.
@davidtherwhanger6795 10 ай бұрын
This is why I like contracts to be actually written out. Can't stick to the letter of the contract if it is just an agreement. Always play your Fey, Demons, Devils, Hags, and Genies like they were corporate lawyers.
@darklord884 10 ай бұрын
@@davidtherwhanger6795 I often take notes of even verbal agreements so I know what to exploit.
@Xylarxcode 10 ай бұрын
For the story about the cleric getting '***ed* to death through bludgeoning damage, all I can say is: 'What a dick move by the DM.'
@PM-ov9sg 10 ай бұрын
good pun
@buffalot35t1cles3 10 ай бұрын
Honestly hate when people just let people do horrible shit to their character without a peep, like speak tf up or else the DM is gonna think he can go on and keep targeting people's chars for being diff
@KHFMcAwesome 10 ай бұрын
Speaking as someone on the spectrum I can 100% say that the guy in the first story is on it but undiagnosed. But the worst part is that he’s the kind of person I can’t stand: Someone who was coddled! A guy who was never told “no” enough and had WAY too many allowances made for him! I myself didn’t get diagnosed until my early twenties, but I always thought there was a bit of a benefit in that because I was raised like a neurotypical until then and as such was taught I can’t always have things my way and that I have to learn to compromise and meet people halfway if I want to get through life. It’s actually helped me immensely when things don’t go the way I’d like them to or when somebody tells me “I’m sorry but no”.
@paulman34340 10 ай бұрын
Was diagnosed myself when I was young and got a MORE clear diagnosis when I also hit my 20's. My mom did basically spoil me, but she also got me out there and I did learn to understand and respect the "Power of NO" that yeah sucks to be told no! But them the breaks! And I HAVE ran into someone like this! My age at that too when I did football when I was in 13! Felt like he was my "Foil" basically what would happen if my mother had treated me "Differently" then she did as that dude's mom was VERY enabling (he was annoying during practise because he attached himself to me, then during practise plays, when we were' put on opposite sides! Idiot would keep pushing even after coach blew the whistle as he MADE QUITE CLEAR when that's blown it means STOP. So I STOPED but he didn't! Ended up getting pushed over to the COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYERS PRACTISE AREA near us because I got caught off guard when I stopped! One time got piled up on my HEAD when I got knocked down because they were practicing's as well and well they didn't see me get pushed over to their side till it was too late! THANK GOD for my helmet and full upper body shoulder pads My mother got me for Football or THAT WOULD HAVE HURT. Wasn't the last ANNOYING thing he's done during my year of peewee football and I was THANKFUL to have never seen him again! No hate and hope he and his mother are doing well! But I can't stand these's types! Especially as they get STRANGELY attached to me REAL QUICK and I'm VERY Introvert in that I'm like a Cat! If I want to be around you, I will, but if I don't want to, LEAVE ME BE, less you get the "Claws and hissing" for your trouble. But yeah again, my mother REALLY made sure I understood "no means no" (too bad almost every younger person I run into, even OLDER then me has difficulty accepting when I say NO! and some even HUFF at me for DARING to say it too LOL) and I respect it. May suck, but well......LIFE There's also a chance that he WAS diagnosed as normal and was "raised like this" (as his mother's giving me "clingy empty nest syndrome mommy" vibes) as I have heard of cases of people that were born mentally well for the most part. Only to get RUIN maturity wise by a smoldering enabling parent/guardian usually a "mom" (I mean this woman didn't even ASK permission from OP and company if they would let her son play, much less get their permission to confirm them as her son's "friends") but doesn't change that now he's GOT a mental problem from how he was raised (more a SEVERE MATURITY problem)
@MerlinCross13 10 ай бұрын
Man child being on the spectrum would help to explain his behavior, though it wouldn't justify it.
@alphons1456o 10 ай бұрын
My question about the cleric story: unless the LGS was barely populated, in a podunk town in the middle of the Bible Belt, how did an employee not hear that description and tell the DM to leave?
@seto_kaiba_ 10 ай бұрын
I'm not sure your point. Why would being in a small town make it less likely for an employee to hear?
@alphons1456o 10 ай бұрын
@@seto_kaiba_ I mentioned podunk town because of the stereotype that small towns are homophobic, and thus would have turned a blind ear to the homophobic and sexual remarks
@seto_kaiba_ 10 ай бұрын
@@alphons1456o Even outside of that context most employees at game shops have no context about your game and aren't gonna intervene cause they think something homophobic is going on. Game Shop employees aren't content chaperones.
@ShiKageMaru 10 ай бұрын
That mother is 100% responsible for how her son acted. Also OP is definitely wrong about the guy not being special needs. That's not how neurotypical people behave. Also as for Story 2 with the detailed notes, idk if OP is actually a secret asshole and they're not telling us everything (and I'm not ssying they are) they are 100% right in their scenerio. The DM can't just decide that a contract with the fae doesn't matter. Story 3 is basically every single interaction a lot of lgbt people have with christians, but when we complain about it, christians like to pretend to be unfairly portrayed as bigots. OP of the final story did nothing wrong. Their party was being eavesdropped on by a grimdark NPC
@lazyspade1559 10 ай бұрын
“Whenever I do it it works” gurl have you considered that your the DMs girlfriend.
@criticalchai 10 ай бұрын
That whole gay character story reminds me of a game I played where it wasn't the DM that took a disliking to me but another guy that hung around the LGS. one day the GM couldn't make it so the guy ran the game. He added a belt of giants strength that had the property of turning my male character into a girl. I wasn't sure if it was part of the adventure or if he just wanted to see my expression at the dig at my massive half orc paladin. Not sure what he expected but with the game being at the LGS and people popping in and out of the game it really didn't make me that invested in trying to roleplay. We got up to 10 people some days. I ended up having the orc laugh at the tactical advantage of looking like a frail girl when he smashed them with his giant strength. lol. the guy looked defeated. otherwise the game ran fine. we survived and next week the old DM was back and it all went smoothly. Asshole DMs make it a chore for everyone. Its sad when they succeed in driving people out of the hobby. glad the cleric player found a new group to play with.
@Violenceinmind40 10 ай бұрын
I think that belt is tied to the first Baldur's Gate game.
@catlover2223 10 ай бұрын
I feel like I have reached a new level of enlightenment after meditating with Simba! Truly a spectacular experience!
@M_Alexander 3 ай бұрын
If you don't plan to make an NPC uphold their end of a bargain, don't make them fey or devils!
@jamesgotchall7205 10 ай бұрын
Fey contract story.....fey uphold the letter of their deals. If it is written in a contract, like harry dresden, you must be very careful with the wording to keep the fey from using a loophole to get out of it. I feel the DM gf wanted to kill off the other players and make it a private game, but really? Smart players keep notes for a reason mister GM
@johnthecrazedsskull81 6 ай бұрын
I just want to say as someone on the spectrum, that while it varies between people, the really bad ones are mostly the fault of overly nice/protective parents who don't punish bad behavior or don't do anything but look disappointed at someone who has trouble understanding emotions.
@barriehannon6857 10 ай бұрын
some say he is still claiming they have to let him play to this day...
@JacobL228 10 ай бұрын
This was my favorite Simba close-up. He's so cute. Also, how many times do I have to tell people? Yu-Gi-Oh! is a franchise; the game is called Duel Monsters.
@cale4374 10 ай бұрын
Simo Häyhä called and he wants his nickname back
@AmaryInkawult 10 ай бұрын
"mom says its my turn on the D&D table!"
@AvatAR42420 10 ай бұрын
I agree that in the first story the antagonist was probably on the spectrum, but was undiagnosed because his mother was an enabler who made his bad behavior other people's problem. For the second story, prepping only half an hour before hand and not keeping notes yourself as a DM are both bad things. Add in player favoritism, not relenting when a player points out an inconsistency and some light bullying and you have a pretty bad time. Unless things change it is a good thing this group crumbled.
@ToonamiT0M 10 ай бұрын
Players need to remember that they don't have to put up with toxic DM BS. The DM isn't the only one who can make stuff up on the spot. So, if a DM has an orc violate your character; "The mimic that lives in my butt chomps down and bites off the orc's willy. He collapses to the floor in pain and bleeds out." What now, jackass? At that point the campaign has been destroyed by the DM anyway, so there's nothing to lose from giving the DM a taste of their own medicine.
@DellikkilleD 10 ай бұрын
lol, thats not how it works. players can 'say' what ever they want, but the only things that actually happen are the ones the DM acknowledges.
@ToonamiT0M 10 ай бұрын
@@DellikkilleD No. At that point the DM has abandoned the rules and spirit of the game, so the players are under no obligation to continue following the rules themselves.
@Michael-bn1oi 10 ай бұрын
The DM *literally* is the only one who can make things up on the spot. It is *explicitly* the point of the DM. That guy was garbage, but your idea is silly and does not work. Certainly not I'm D&D or other traditional RPGs
@Michael-bn1oi 10 ай бұрын
​​@@ToonamiT0M sorry but you are completely incorrect. Players cannot claim they have items or that actions happen. Players must obtain items and must roll for actions that the DM agrees are possible. The DM has absolute power to decide the state of the game. The very first rule (Rule 0) is that the DM makes the rules. Its on the first page of the DMG. That's why you need one that isn't a piece of garbage.
@ToonamiT0M 10 ай бұрын
These responses are bonkers and boarder line apologetic for toxic behavior. The DM only has as much authority as the players will grant them, so the DM must earn and maintain that trust. If the DM becomes vindictive and cruel, then they have forfeited their authority and all bets are off. No player is required to put up with abusive or toxic behavior, regardless of what the "rules" say.
@MrSiren52 10 ай бұрын
For the fae contract story, it is completely believable the fae would say "screw the contract, you die now", DM just needed a little bit of talent to make it work story wise
@MrKilikian 10 ай бұрын
Love the content. Just so you know, the chapters function doesn't work on mobile (or at least it doesn't for me). You might consider continuing adding a time stamp to skip a story. Keep being awesome!
@nightstalker32587 10 ай бұрын
I just can't understand all the stories where a DM has a char get SA or allows another PC to do that to a PC and the OPs say they just checked out but stayed. I can understand being in shock initially, or the younger ones not wanting to rock the boat with friends. But if that happened to me at a game I'd immediately start packing or loudly proclaiming I'm out if online. Then flat out say "I won't play with rapists. And I'm not talking character I'm flat out saying YOU (DM for doing ir allowing, and player if applicable) are rapists and I suspect you would if given the chance." Then I'd report them on the way out. If you just sit back or quietly leave they think this behavior is OK.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 10 ай бұрын
Just the man I was hoping to see on my feed in my hour of need!
@DJ_Meatsweats 10 ай бұрын
Yeah he railroaded the hell out of that cleric. You could say he ran a train on him.
@tylersands8685 10 ай бұрын
I'm on the spectrum with two forms and that's no excuse for his behavior in first story.
@sunzi42 10 ай бұрын
The homophobic DM should just play with other conservative christians.
@DICEBOY22 10 ай бұрын
That DM is what I call neck beards of the extreme creep variety. Coom Goblins.
@dracone4370 10 ай бұрын
Once again, I think it could be amusing to see Doge's cats statted out like characters, Tabaxi for D&D and Catkin for Pathfinder.
@Blueoriontiger 10 ай бұрын
The thumbnail: Shinji means all of the clones of his mom floating at NERV.
@vortega472 10 ай бұрын
Simba, our moment of Zen. I would say the DM in the third story was a tool - but tools are useful.
@numbskullsncrossbones 10 ай бұрын
The story with the campaign that had the fey in it really hit me. Sounds like the whole group just doesn't give two craps about anything, I would hate to be in that situation. Trying to blame you for never trying to make a charisma check when everyone knows your charisma is the worst one in the entire group in which no one else tried. It wouldn't have been too terrible if it was told by the DM that the fey are just assholes who took back their word but like I think it's bad DM etiquette to just retcon something without calling it to some degree.
@davidtherwhanger6795 10 ай бұрын
It's bad for a DM to retcon anything without the group's approval. This is a collective game. Changing anything from what has already been accepted by that collective should have to be approved by that collective.
@Phoenixfede1989 10 ай бұрын
He HAD the highest charisma. The wrote in his story he was the only person without negativ charisma. But your charisma does not matter if the DM don´t care about it.
@PM-ov9sg 10 ай бұрын
No I think that worse the idea that the Fey would so openly brake a agreement is just seem so wrong to me.
@mrosskne 10 ай бұрын
that's weird, I was assuming from the start that the mom was using the guy to extort free shit or justify lawsuits
@AmaryInkawult 10 ай бұрын
2d6!? Damn, that's quite small, must be the DMs IRL size
@jacksparrowismydaddy 10 ай бұрын
there's a lot of us undiagnosed folks. no I never acted like that, my mother would have punished me at 6 for that, I'd never have grown up doing that. that dude needed my mom. she didn't play.
@idakothetricky 10 ай бұрын
That final story, nothing personnel kid
@pumpkinicing 10 ай бұрын
It sounds like, from my experience, the guy in the first story has higher support needs autism. I had to take care of people around that support need level in middle school (they were my age, the special needs teacher just dumped them on me because I was "mature"? i was 11 and also autistic and he was a nonce so.), and while obviously it varies by person, someone with those needs not being met acts a lot like that. He may not be receiving the attention he needs, and with his authority figure (mother) enabling and neglecting him, that's a recipe for disaster. I'm not diagnosing him nor saying it excuses his behavior, but the behavior is familiar to me. If this is the case, though, I really have to say a lot of the blame is on his mom. Impaired social function to the level showed is difficult- I have similar deficiencies but displayed them in the opposite way- but it also sounds like he can't take No for an answer which is a big problem in and of itself. That said, OPs only mistake was putting on the big brother voice. Neurotypical or not, and no matter the function/support needs level, pretty much EVERYONE hates that kind of voice. Otherwise, though, they handled the situation very well.
@pumpkinicing 10 ай бұрын
Can you tell I'm passionate about intellectual/developmental disability understanding and rights? I know, it's hard to tell.
@pumpkinicing 10 ай бұрын
The thing OP did best, from my experience, is giving the guy alternative options- the pathfinder society, ect. When one of my peers was frustrated at not being allowed into something, I would typically take them aside so we could hang out and find people to do something similar with. That said, it didn't work here, which is fine. Guy was kind of a dick.
@CallMeKes 10 ай бұрын
Doge my dear...the episode doesn't HAVE chapters.
@TyrMcDohl 10 ай бұрын
Just picturing that scene of Shinji stomping on NERV HQ after the dummy plug activation
@yourface2464 10 ай бұрын
Me when EVA unit 01 tells NERV that I get to play D&D:
@mikec1222 10 ай бұрын
Last one is ESH for me. DM did wrong but that party sounds maddening to deal with on even a good day
@spiffiermage0040 10 ай бұрын
If he's on the spectrum, it's not high functioning anyway.
@agsilverradio2225 2 ай бұрын
If the GM dosn't want queer theames in his game, he should just say "No, because that dosn't exist in my world;" instead of giving in game consiquences for out of game choices.
@LucyBean42 10 ай бұрын
Team gay cleric! My favorite character Emily is a gay girl cleric, and I love her to bitty bits. I did have a crappy player make a comment about how, "it's different when it's girls", but he doesn't play with us anymore.
@Profile__1 9 ай бұрын
All these stories just make me realize that DnD is full of people who are scared of confrontation and speaking up about things that bother them. I get annoyed by how many of these scenarios would've been avoided had behavior or actions been called out appropriately, yet instead EVERYONE keeps quiet and says nothing. I shouldn't be so harsh, because I mean I get it, but still it's frustrating when a player or DM is HORRIBLY inappropriate or aggressive and just gets away with it for several sessions.
@davhot4107 10 ай бұрын
Shinji what are you doing in a D&D Doge video? Get in the robot!
@AtelierGod 10 ай бұрын
The last story it feels like I’ve heard it before.
@davidtherwhanger6795 10 ай бұрын
On the Gay Cleric story, we should all understand that there was a lot that went on in the past that we might escribe to alternate lifestyles today. So you can probably find some allegory in an ancient religious or cultural tradition for just about anything you want to do today if you dig hard enough. So if as a DM you allow your players to contribute to the lore of the game world, you have to then accept that lore. This is why I generally don't allow a whole lot of contribution if any as there will be those that want to bring in really bad stuff and I don't want to accept that.
@makinganegg-tempt1986 3 ай бұрын
Honestly tho the guy from the first story is just sad bcs im sure how he ended up like this is 80% his mom's fault for not doing any parenting at all and just drops him off to be babysat by other people im sure that's how it had always been for him
@calanon534 3 ай бұрын
Story 1: Toxic Manchild and Karen Mom. He's not normal by any means, he's a spoiled brat that's never had to deal with the consequences of his actions. Story 2: Just the intro tells me this is a toxic group. I would have left it ages ago. Story 3: Attempted "Hard-R"? I'm stopping the game and calling him out OOC for being an asshole. That's beyond "over the line," that's absolutely insane and disgusting. If the rest of the table doesn't agree on how this DM is clearly mentally ill and revolting, I'd call them all out for it, and after explaining to management exactly what they're doing (Hard R stuff at the table), inform them that I will no longer be a customer in a place that allows this, then leave for good. Story 4: Toxic DM. Leave now.
@buttondefine4988 3 ай бұрын
Being neurodivergent is one thing. Being a complete asshole is another. Nuerodivergent people can be respectful and intelligent enough to know when they are being disrespectful. Being autistic myself, if doesn't take much to know what common decency is.
@v1de0gamr23 10 ай бұрын
Oh like hell that guy in the first story wasn't special needs...
@Michael-bn1oi 10 ай бұрын
Some people are just awful.
@SnaxTheSnaxolotl 10 ай бұрын
Yay Simba
@TheAwsomeDemyx 10 ай бұрын
I'm sorry I saw the thumbnail and I could hear "my mom said you have to let me play!" In Shinji's voice
@russdarracott395 10 ай бұрын
Doge, I agree with you on the op that played a gay character.
@TheZMage 10 ай бұрын
It is called a “spectrum” for a reason. There are various different ways that autistic people act Doesn’t justify any of that, mind you. Worst case scenario his mom is to blame for not sticking with him there
@marybdrake1472 10 ай бұрын
I don't know about the guy in the story up front Doge, he may well have been on the spectrum, but I'm doubtful. He sounds more like a garden verity spoiled brat enabled by his mom to me.
@blesper3415 10 ай бұрын
I have some suspicions about the second story. It always comes off as a bit strange when everyone is against the op for no reason.
@nekomancer47 10 ай бұрын
Yeah seems a little fishy. Like, when an op states “and then everyone ganged up on me for a completely different unrelated thing out of nowhere”, that always screams to me that there’s probably more to the story that we’re not hearing and that our narrator may not be so reliable
@CooperAATE 10 ай бұрын
Hello again friends!
@mojpiesto 10 ай бұрын
I feel like you already read that last story
@MenxiGoblinQueen 10 ай бұрын
second story OP would not last minutes with a fae, there's a reason it's called a Fae COURT
@EternaMidnight 10 ай бұрын
Why "make up excuses" why you don't want to come back after the DM had your character raped to death because he's homophobic? Just say that.
@pumpkinicing 10 ай бұрын
aw yeah doge time :3
@rynowatcher 10 ай бұрын
Concerning the last one: my interpretation of detect magic is the spell let's you know an illusion is in the area, but does not let you know what the illusion is otherwise it takes the utility of higher level spells and abilities, like true sight. I think it is a fair ruling that you do not know the npc you are talking to is an illusion. The dm could have given the npc misty step, demension door, a teleporting item, or a trap door that was previously hidden in the floor... them getting away was probably the dm saving the party from the tpk, since that character can one shot pc's. Killing the PC is petty, but if you replace the npc with an ancient red dragon, avatar of a god, or a lich, that is about what I would expect to happen. The op is not buying into the world that there are more powerful creatures in the world, which is kind of a weird way to run a game. I do like the campaign idea that you pissed off something you cannot outrightly beat and you have to figure out the creature's weaknesses in order to beat it; sounds very Witcher.
@Phoenixfede1989 10 ай бұрын
Shouldn´t the DM then tell the player there is still a illusion in the area? That obviously didn´t happend the entire time the conversation was going on.
@rynowatcher 10 ай бұрын
@@Phoenixfede1989 I would have, personally, but this was probably a panicked decision to avoid a tpk. The npc can one shot pc's. This is like getting snippy with a lich at level 1.
@Agamemnon-w9x 10 ай бұрын
I like the whole 'mongo voice' you gave him 😂
@SleeplessStarz 4 ай бұрын
To be honest, if this guy is on the deeper end of the spectrum, people are being a bit to cruel about it. Because while yes, normally people on the deeper end of spectrum do not act like this, it is because they normally because now a days they have good learning environments and good examples to follow. But considering he isn't diagnosed and his mother is clearly a bad influence. It's not surprising he wound up acting this way, because he hasn't had the right learning experiences to let him function even somewhat normally. Let me be clear I'm not saying its right or justified to do any of this, but he likely didn't know how to cope and likely has the mental capacity and control of someone much younger than himself. But if he isn't on the spectrum then this is just a classic case of a man child thinking he can do whatever he wants. But because we don't really know which is which, I feel like this particular story should have been left in the past and privated, not made into youtube content.
@shiningkingghidora 5 ай бұрын
story 1 looks like another chrischan
@robertwildschwein7207 10 ай бұрын
0:41 I feel bad for him.
@thejadondaviscommentaries1613 10 ай бұрын
D&D Doge is best Doge :3
@BurntWeeny435 10 ай бұрын
Need. More. Cats.
@mikeisernie 10 ай бұрын
....controversial opinion... the final story... the players -- especially the druid cleric - are being dicks. He continual chose to escalate and fuck with the DM. They're the not he hero of the story.
@natashaallen9929 10 ай бұрын
Simba is so cute 🥰
@RockR277 10 ай бұрын
I'm not an expert by any means, but big man sounds like he mighta had Down Syndrome. Though, OP didn't mention any physical signifiers, so maybe not. If not, I do think he's on the spectrum, with a case such that he was never able to progress mentally past childhood. Sounds to me like mom is one of those types who's in denial that their child could ever be born with special needs and lets the rest of the world deal with her neglect of her responsibilities to her child. Shame on her. The gay cleric story beggars belief for me. I know people do and put up with some pretty wild stuff, and OP does say they're ok with homophobic NPCs if they add to the story, but it's so hard for me to imagine staying in a campaign where my character is being targeted like that, unless me and the DM had agreed to it. I would hope the DM gets banned from that store. Dude be watching too much fantasy hentai.
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