Sister Sent Me A Painful Email Criticising My Behaviour At Work r/Relationships

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@13thMaiden 2 жыл бұрын
As a child of a teacher, I definitely have heard about bad subs. Bad subs _don't get callbacks._ If OP was repeatedly called back, that means the school likes him. Subs have to fill out feedback forms to teachers so the teacher knows what happened while they were gone and can deal with any disciplinary actions or the like. All I hear from that sis is a nasty, jealous witch who needs to attack and hurt someone cause she's bored.
@blondieanne09 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly today sometimes they have to. If they are the only choice then you call them try to make sure the plans are bullet proof and hope for the best.
@vamp_bat_chomp 2 жыл бұрын
Really I don't think I've ever met a sub who didn't get called back no matter how often, we're so low on them these days.
@vamp_bat_chomp 2 жыл бұрын
That being said don't think it's necessarily wrong that the sister is lying.
@itsamonkieplanet9367 Жыл бұрын
Sister is a narcissistic person that clearly has had issues with him moving home and feels she doesn’t live up to whatever she is jealous of her brother .
@kichikitsu Жыл бұрын
i get the point but as a kid that grew up in a district that sounds similar to OP's, bad subs absolutely do get callbacks. like mentioned the sub shortage is real and in non-rich areas, they'll take what they can get with no actual regard for the kids (or even the full time teachers) needs. and to make matters worse... special needs kids in these areas (areas i have lived in) have even less priority than "normal" kids. abuse and mistreatment by the teachers is rampant so i would not be surprised if Jenny was fine with OP until he decided to treat the kids with respect and listen to them -- in which case Jenny viewed him as an asshole + a fool that doesn't know what he's doing. and ofc the sister would've taken those ableist complaints and ran with them as an excuse to berate OP.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
The sister is going extinction level event on the criticism like she's trying to destroy OP and perhaps push him to suicide. She is a monster.
@bearnaff9387 2 жыл бұрын
On top of that... I'm only halfway through the video, but I know for a fact that the sister is just outright lying. Jenny never said shit, and it's obvious.
@4Just1Girl 2 жыл бұрын
@M Byerly -- Actually, the sister, may need to have her Teaching certificate taken away from her, Because this "Letter" was NOTHING but Condescending, Unprofessional, Targeting, Beating down, Derogatory, VERBAL ABUSE against her brother. And If She is THIS ABUSIVE towards her own BROTHER, No telling HOW SHE IS TREATING AND SPEAKING TO THE CHILDREN SHE INTERACTS WITH?!?! Seems to me, SHE is the kind of person who goes to school every day to tell 1 or more of the kids she teaches, that they are all LOWER LEVEL Pieces of dog crap who are so totally unteachable and STUPID, they should just give up and go get schooled at home by their uneducated parents and family members! My belief is SHE IS JUST BEING A JEALOUS SPITEFUL CHILDISH PERSON WHO RESENTS AND DESPISES THAT HER BROTHER IS ACTUALLY BEING MORE PRAISED AND RESPECTED THAN SHE HAS EVER BEEN. Not to mention, SHE is LYING to him! IF there were ANY issues that students or staff, or other teachers actually HAD WITH HIM being a TEACHER, They would have NOT have needed to Report ANYTHING TO HER.... IT would have been sent to the TOP Admin in the PROPER chain of Education command--- NOT been reported to HER as his SISTER, AS SHE IS NOT HIS BOSS. THE SCHOOL BOARD IS.
@helema23 2 жыл бұрын
@@bearnaff9387 jenny most likely was saying the op is such a good sub that shed have him again as one and talked about the quiz thing as if he really did help her out. the sister had a "martha, martha, martha!!" moment..
@angerydestroyer Жыл бұрын
This whole email makes me so mad for op this sister needs to get karma
@LunaP1 Жыл бұрын
@@helema23 you've watched The Brady Bunch or have seen the meme from the early days of memes, haven't you?😆 But yeah, that fits her to a T.
@yolkednick9286 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has substituted, I know this sister is lying to him. As the OP stated it is expected that you fill out the sheet, the feed back from the substitute. Second, if he was doing a terrible job, he wouldn't be called back.
@jackspring7709 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Very nasty stuff.
@MilfywayGalaxy 2 жыл бұрын
I was a sub for awhile. I guarantee someone was singing his praise and she got jealous and I agree that she's lying. I became a teacher and I don't request people I don't get along with because I am protective of my students. Good subs are very hard to come by even 5 years ago. The sister is an idgit
@amandarose4469 2 жыл бұрын
@@MilfywayGalaxy that would be the friend then.
@MilfywayGalaxy 2 жыл бұрын
@Implicitly Oh yeah. You know when you're not wanted in a class as a sub. The kids won't do shit for you. Especially in elementary. "You're not MY teacher."
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Not true. Poor and smaller towns need to us the dubs they have, including terrible subs
@RokoFireFox 2 жыл бұрын
"I'm not sending this to be hurtful." Sounds like something someone trying to be hurtful would say.
@owl7072 2 жыл бұрын
I've learned over time that a good amount of people who use the "I'm not trying to be hurtful/start a fight" line are usually about to say something that they know for a fact will hurt or upset you, so they throw that line out so that when/if you _do_ react and get upset then they can say "why are you _attacking_ me, I said I wasn't trying to be hurtful." and basically make you look bad. Granted not everyone does that, some genuinely do mean well, but anytime someone approaches me with that line (which fortunately isn't that often) I get _very_ wary about what they're going to say next.
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
“I’m not trying to be hurtful, because someone else is saying these things. Totally. I’m not lying whatsoever.”
@justaperson4656 2 жыл бұрын
I'm suspected to have autism, and even I know saying "I'm not saying this to hurt you/start a fight, but" is the worst thing you could say in any situation. If anything, just say "X has said Y, I know it might be hurtful, but I thought I'd let you know", it might still hurt them, but at least this time you're acknowledging it
@annabordelon6663 2 жыл бұрын
@VidWatcher01 Жыл бұрын
That is one of the classic tunes of a clinical narcissist. My narcissistic ex use to say, "This isn't to knock you, it's to make you a better person" after verbally, emotionally & mentally battering me.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
This isn't remotely ringing true. Substitutes are generally chosen by teachers, and bad subs don't get calls - ESPECIALLY to the special needs students. IEP's aren't something a school is willing to get dinged over a bad sub. The sister is leagues out of line thinking she's worthy of being 'reported to' about a job she herself doesn't have the first clue about, and so is 'Jenny' (if in fact she said anything close to this garbage) - every school district I know of has a policy against this. Sis can go to hell.
@t.matthies3049 2 жыл бұрын
I would be surprised if Jenny actually said any of the things said she did, based on what OP said in his post.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have an ounce of teaching experience, and even I felt that is all off. Even looking at things from a common sense standpoint or "anecdotal evidence" makes the letter look like nothing but bitter drivel. EVERY sub I ever had in school always either said "Just keep working on what your teacher started yesterday, if you need help, let me know" or "Movie day guys!!!!". And it would make sense for a sub to write notes and let the perm teacher know what happened while they were gone. It's just like any other job and CYA. But specifically, the language she used, the vitriolic subtext, the "this isn't up for debate, this is all facts" BS, all just smacks of "Fuck you for being better than me, this is MY house, MY playpen now, Bitch! You play by MY rules here!" playground bully BS. I haven't got to the update yet, but I hope OP didn't let this get to him.
@Mochafairiemonster 2 жыл бұрын
I get the sense that the sister took the good things Jenny said and twisted them so OP would feel bad. She just a bad faith actor and can’t really be trusted.
@DogDooWinner 2 жыл бұрын
@@Original_Tenshi_Chan I've worked at a school a long time ago. The teachers for the most part were likely no more mature than they were in high school. The one that was married to a school board member was a super bitch. She treated everyone like shit and nothing would be done about her. She would threaten the principal over the dumbest of things. One teacher got a lawyer involved and the super bitch backed off from her. I ended up quitting the job because her brother got promoted within the union and he was just as bad. I knew where things were going to go.
@MegaGinia 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. As a retired educator, this guy sounds like a sub I would put on my permanent call list! This sounds like his sister/Jenny’s issues!
@KE-hr4sb 2 жыл бұрын
"I believe her, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body." Proceeds to say some very mean things. Uh-huh, something doesn't add up here. Not to mention he wouldn't be getting called in so often if he was that bad.
@yvonnepalmquist8676 2 жыл бұрын
Looking for this one. 🤣
@SkyEcho751 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I remember this story, She was such a manipulative liar. It was clear that the way the message was written was likely just pure lies, and OP's sister was so unhappy she decided that the only way to get happiness was by bringing down their sibling.
@michamocha 2 жыл бұрын
My exact thoughts. It's even more obvious that she's coming from a place of negativity since if Op was truly that bad, he would've never been hired time and time again.
@randomchild4223 2 жыл бұрын
I will say that substitute teachers are always in VERY high demand so turning someone away is highly unlikely, especially in a small town. They'll take basically anyone as long as they can pass a background check.
@lsmmoore1 2 жыл бұрын
What really gets me is the claim that kids would even care about a grown-up's "slovenly" appearance. Like, really. Kids don't care about that. Sure, some kids (girls especially) might be scared of beards, but not long hair, and kids don't care how "slovenly" an adult looks. But then again, there is an entitled neighbor of mine who seems to be convinced her dog would be utterly disturbed by seeing (and smelling) a human who forgot to bathe recently, so....
@fatimakhatun5788 2 жыл бұрын
OP should’ve replied to her email and say “Thabks you sis, it’s important and I’m grateful you told me that. To fix this matter I will personally show this message to Jenny and her and I can find ways to improve myself, like how would one know they are bad at a job if not told?”
@leannes1083 2 жыл бұрын
@@fatimakhatun5788 yes I think he should have confronted Jenny as well. What's the betting that if he had of sent that enail back to his dear old sis that would have back tracked quicker than a lost hiker! Sometimes, just because you are related by blood, that doesn't make someone family. Family love and care for each other. They try to help build you up, not tear you down. Sis of the year here is just nasty and a raging bi*ch to boot!
@jackspring7709 2 жыл бұрын
Never believe someone who is usually nasty towards you when they claim others are talking badly about you. She was lying, it's as simple as that. She wrote what she wrote because, on her own admission, she "knew it would hurt you".
@LunaP1 2 жыл бұрын
She’s a sociopath. She likes hurting others and hurting OP made her feel better. That woman has so many mental issues and because dad died, she then unloaded more of her hatred on OP because he’s now an easy target.
@jackspring7709 2 жыл бұрын
@@LunaP1 Exactly.
@givemeanameman1 Жыл бұрын
That stuff wouldn't come from no where. "birds of a feather flock together." For his sister to be friends with someone for 30 years while being such a nasty pile of trash, tells you that her friend is also nasty trash. The sister couldn't help tell her brother, but how much was from Jenny and how much was from her we wont ever know.
@jackspring7709 Жыл бұрын
@@givemeanameman1 True.
@M5TABBYCAT Жыл бұрын
Hmm I find most people wouldn't bother saying things they notice as really they don't want to get involved or see the need to put them in the line of fire should that person comeback to them. My experience is that people who care are the ones that put themselves out to tell you. The sister didn't need to tell you if she was truly mean as what happened to you is something she wouldn't care about. But I believe this is happening behind your back and she told you as it was so you know and can change or adjust things.
@froggy8195 2 жыл бұрын
That email could push someone w depression over the edge Have fun being the reason your brother unalived himself.
@dethkruzer 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the sister's intent.
@evelynduron6549 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I’m not the only one that thought of this. Like if the OP wasn’t in therapy or taking medication he could have well taken this email worse than he did.
@falxblade1352 Жыл бұрын
From how much she hated him, I doubt she wouldn't enjoy that
@user-nb8tk6hh6x Жыл бұрын
My moms fiancé almost unsliced himself because of his sister, she didn’t care, some siblings aren’t worthy of having their own.
@phildicks4721 9 ай бұрын
That's probably what the sister hoped for. She sounds like a right, miserable b***h.
@SilentDecepticon 2 жыл бұрын
I remember reading this story a while back and thought that the letter was BS meant to hurt the OP. The sister really comes off as bitter and jealous because OP was liked by his coworkers and the students and on his way to being a lawyer, while she was a stay at home mother and apparently very unhappy with her life. I’m sure that if he had taken that letter to the principal, it would turn out to all be untrue, and the sister and her friend would look like nasty little witches.
@YourXavier 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if it's something like: "It's okay that he's the big-shot lawyer; I'm good with kids, that's MY strength. Wait, he's ALSO good with kids? Then what am I?"
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 жыл бұрын
100% this. Jealousy, bitterness, and resentment making her want to tear her little brother down, and when he's already depressed and yet already kicking her ass at "her" specialty she thinks she found the ideal moment to sink her fangs in.
@savannahhague4989 2 жыл бұрын
They could also be arrested for libel.
@cnow82 2 жыл бұрын
So the teachers are all so caddy and unprofessional that instead of talking to OP they make fun of him? And they call him back daily even though they say it is detrimental to the students? And being smart isn’t important but being in a cliqué is? Either this school has the worst teachers or the sister and maybe the teacher are jealous. He needs to talk directly to the teachers and ask if it is true. This is crazy.
@Jacky.c.v 2 жыл бұрын
Truly, if they call a bad teacher all the time, it's a school problem not a teacher problem anymore.
@JDWDMC 2 жыл бұрын
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 жыл бұрын
He needs to talk to admin. If Jenny's in on this, she needs to be called out, written up, and shit-canned--just as sis should be, though I'd say OP's parents should disown sis, too.
@alezot6141 2 жыл бұрын
She most likely knew about OP insecurities and thought that, if she teared him down enough, he would have been too ashamed to call her out on it. The witch wrote that email for no reason other than to be hurtful.
@cyberhard 2 жыл бұрын
But did he really call her out on it? Sure he replied and she replied to him. However we've no idea the context of those emails. Calling her out would have been a conversation with Jenny (and possibly showing her the email). Jenny, my sister sent me this email and I'm really shocked and hurt by it. I really want to be a better teacher. Can you please clarify what I can do to be better.
@backpug1228 Жыл бұрын
She wrote that letter to make Op end himself. Cause she lacks the social intelligence that she spews on about. And cause she feels like a failure (maybe she is) and instead of better herself, she goes full "misery loves company", tries to put him down so she has someone to tapdance on with crap dirtied shoes.
@paden1865able 2 жыл бұрын
My dad was a teacher and was benched for six weeks after his appendix was removed. The sub waged a campaign to take his position permanently and it was considered strongly, but even though Dad was a massive hard ass, the students kicked up a tidal wave of protests. The sub was a controlling jerk who wouldn't follow the lesson plan and had set them to covering the basics they'd already mastered and wouldn't let them progress to more advanced skills. Dad kept his job until he retired.
@mateo335 2 жыл бұрын
Yikes, for the sub.
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 жыл бұрын
That would have gotten a sub blacklisted where I'm from just so the school avoided breach-of-contract lawsuits, not to mention about half the faculty quitting in protest--admin subbing your job out from under you while you recuperate from emergency surgery is lower than a snake's belly and would absolutely be seen as a declaration of war by the admin. Hell, it would probably see lawsuits, union campaigns, and attempts to unseat elected school board members who supported the admins decision to replace your dad.
@1tommyday 7 ай бұрын
Not sure how this relates to this story
@morphinpink 2 жыл бұрын
I've worked as a teacher and I'm just getting through the sister's email and I already know it's all bullshit. Either her friend is lying or the sister is lying. I can't imagine any school staff caring about a sub's hair or notes enough to talk about it amongst each other, teachers are overworked and overloaded all the time.
@mkuti-childress3625 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, for all my years in education, I never once heard teachers laughing at subs or making any comments about a sub’s appearance. In reality, there is so much going on in a school both educationally and socially that teachers have plenty of other things more relevant to discuss than gossip about substitute teachers. And laughing at a sub’s notes? Please! There are so many cute and hilarious things that happen in schools every day (I used to love hearing stories about cute/funny things the grade schoolers said and did) that teachers are much more likely to discuss. At the school where I worked, he would have been considered a dream sub for trying to move through the lessons and writing clear notes.
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, I can see teachers (been one for a dozen years) laughing a bit in private if we got some ridiculous note from, say, a sub credentialed in science education leaving a note incorrectly correcting an English teacher's grammar, but as long as it was a private note and seemed to be a sincere if totally wrong attempt to help...or getting irritated in private. But the admin would interceded with the sub *immediately* and tell them to chill on the criticisms, especially outside of their field, no matter how sure they were. If it ended there, it would end there. If not, the sub would get talked to a couple more times and then deprioritized or at least the teacher they were condescending toward would never have to deal with them again. And the sub would have higher levels of scrutiny after that until all were certain the issue was behind them. And that's for something minor that didn't affect the students or the regular teachers' ability to teach or morale. But yeah, the vast majority of this is petty enough to just be ignored (his "hygiene" issues are obvious bullshit) or serious enough that it would have to be handled by admin on record.
@UndeadRamen 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think any of this happened the way the sister is saying it. I bet if OP were to sit down with Jenny and the principal or whomever is requesting he come sub, he'd get an ENTIRELY different story than what older sister is spinning. I've been around liars and manipulators my entire life, and they thrive on something called 'triangulation'. It's when you discuss an event or something they claim a third party said, that OP would not be witness to, and that can't be verified unless you get everyone involved in the room at the same time to discuss it, which the liar would make extremely difficult to do. They make everyone play phone tag and hesaid/shesaid in order to keep the confusion constant.
@lynnw7155 2 жыл бұрын
I agree it sounds like sis is just being mean. But there's something odd about OP's behavior, too. He talks to his family, he talks to his therapist, he stews over it for a long time...yet he doesn't talk to the ONE person who could give him a real answer...Jenny herself. There is a polite, humble way to find out if she really did say those things. Ask for advice and feedback, tell her you want to be a better teacher. If she mentions similar things to the email, maybe it's true. If she says he's doing fine, maybe bring up what his sister wrote...Jenny should know if her 'friend' (OP's sis) is making up mean things. Or he could go to the principal, although they may not be aware of what teachers say about subs. I'm sure the 'everyone in the same room' approach would just lead to massive denial all around.
@ccggenius 2 жыл бұрын
Usually they aren't dumb enough to leave a paper trail though. This would've been real easy to verify.
@Tammohawk1 2 жыл бұрын
I'm calling bovine excrement on what Jenny supposedly said. I have worked in education as a special ed teachers aide and worked with many substitute teachers. If the students were really complaining about OP he would not be called back. If the teachers had a problem with him taking over their class, he wouldn't be called back. He wouldn't be working as a substitute teacher. Does the sister even like men? It doesn't sound like it to me.
@MrBrachiatingApe 2 жыл бұрын
She certainly hates and resents her brother. Probably doesn't like men, but as a subset of people, whom she also doesn't like. Just a generally sour, bitter, resentful witch, basically.
@Russman67 2 жыл бұрын
After listening to the story and the update, it feels like the sister wanted to tear down OP and used a "conversation" between her and another teacher to attack him. Teachers do talk and if he were as bad a sub as his sister "said" he was, the schools in the districts wouldn't look to hire him. In fact he worked another year past that helpful email. It's amazing what happens after he cut his toxic sister out and how is life kind of regulated itself.
@Laurels-id6qo 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah totally think the sister just made up a load of shit to hurt op she sounded so jealous of him
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
Probably got a glowing review from Jenny, and flipped it. Some people are just this vicious.
@kittikats Ай бұрын
Especially telling with the "intellectual smart is not the key to a happy life, connections are" when OP is single, childless and holds multiple degrees compared to sis with no degrees and kids.
@stuporspoon 2 жыл бұрын
If it was meant to be constructive criticism, then the sister would have formulated it constructively. She would have prioritized her concerns, opening up a dialogue about the most critical points, and leaving the smaller points unspoken until the larger ones were addressed. Coming from a place of empathy, this letter would have been, primarily, a recounting of her conversation with Jenny. It would be interspersed with comments like, "so I asked her why she felt that way," defenses she had offered of OP's character, etc. The biggest red flag is the grouping of two individuals into the whole, "people." "This is just how PEOPLE experience you." Yet she's only naming one: Jenny. She's not discounting herself amongst those "people," either, and she's not offering anyone else up in defense of that insinuation. You could go through that letter with a highlighter, highlighting each unique personal criticism, and you'd probably end up with at least a dozen. If you did the same for any accolades she offered, you'd find just one: OP is smart. Even that compliment was paid as an insult, though. There is nothing kind or loving in this letter. It was meant to damage him more than he already was. She wanted to see him fail, then swoop in and say, "I tried to help him!"
@leannes1083 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with every point you made. Sister was just being a bi*ch and using the colloquial "they" and "we" and "people" and "everybody" to make it seem like more people were on her side in her character assassination of OP. Because that's all that email was. Nothing positive at all, apart from the backhanded "smart" compliment. How a sister could do this to her younger brother when she knows how fragile he was is beyond me. Family is meant to build you up not year you down. I think he's in a better place with her out of his life, and I really hope he doesn't reach out to do family group therapy with her, she is only a negative in his life, opening that door to her again will bring nothing but hurt, pain and more criticism. I'm just really glad OP has been able to grow and move on from all this. Here's hoping his law practice keeps going from strength to strength
@dianasmith8248 2 жыл бұрын
She should have done it very differently, but maybe this was the only way that she could get her point across and actually have him listen. We don’t know how much his depression and other issues have affected his families lives, and maybe his sister just doesn’t care whether or not she hurts his feelings anymore, because you do get to that point with some family members.
@gaywerewolf1294 Жыл бұрын
@@dianasmith8248 dude, are you delusional? you can clearly tell that the letter was bs as soon as you get to the "Jenny is kind" part. the only kind ppl that talk about you behind your back like that are two-faced assholes who like to think they're hot shit. and not to mention that they keep calling him back. the sister sent the letter to be a mean, jealous bitch who couldn't care less about him
@crazyminegamer2339 Жыл бұрын
@@dianasmith8248 While I do see what you’re saying, I’ve been that person who got to a point where I stopped caring if my words hurt, and I can assure you, that email was nothing but malice. Had it truly been criticism written without the consideration of OP’s feelings, there likely would’ve been more understanding and far less cruelty in the wording.
@dm9078 2 жыл бұрын
If any of the note was true why would they have him back? The entire letter is the work of someone who is angry and jealous! Edit This guy needs help that something like this from someone who he admitted at the top hates him?
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
They wouldn't. Sub lists are generally on a teacher preferred basis. The sister reads as a small town a**hole who thinks she runs things.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
You can tell the sister hates OP. It drips in every word and professional teacher would never behave that way, even with her best friend
@LoveableNiki 2 жыл бұрын
Before hearing the update, the email was strange because (at least the school system I was in) if teachers had major issues with subs, they were not called back to sub. Let's see what the comments and update say....
@leegraves8878 2 жыл бұрын
It was weird though he never really gave a definitive answer as to whether or not Jenny actually said those things. But I agree if he wasn't doing good he wouldn't have been asked back.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@leegraves8878 If Jenny didn't like him, Jenny wouldn't call him. The last sub list I was on in the US easily had 10 subs for every regular teacher. Doubt she said anything negative, and frankly, confronting this head on as a sub is a recipe for disaster. It's a quick way to stop getting work
@leegraves8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers Wasn't she one of the ones he went to school with prior? Just seems odd even after the fact he didn't ask just out of curiosity. When I was in school a million years ago I thought the school called them in not the teacher. That is kind of like a manger at whatever store, restaurant or whatever telling the employee you need to call in your replacement that would suck.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@leegraves8878 nope, not where I worked, and where my MIL works currently. The school may call, but the teachers are the ones who submit their choice of sub.
@leegraves8878 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers So if none on your list is available you don't get the day?
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
I remember this.. I remember thinking something along the lines of: So he teaches at the school and gets constant referrals to come back...but everyone hates him? No way. Bad subs are used as little as humanly possible. They definitely wouldn't put him with the special needs kids. There is no way that OP is that oblivious to everyone around him. Either sister, or Jenny, is full of shit. Honestly it sounds like the sister is jealous. That whole "social is better than being smart" tirade is very telling. Edit after comments: yeah...this is total BS. Either Jenny has an issue with OP being well liked or the sister does. OP is such a horrible sub that...teachers tell him he's doing good and principals give him professional references? There is a big issue here, but it's not OP Edit after update: I'm glad OP got the confirmation he needed to know sister was full of crap. I'm glad he cut the toxicity of his sister out of his life. As far as mom and other sister, I'm not sure how you feel conflicted when one person sends something so hurtful to another relative put of nowhere.
@Musical_Pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
I remember in early middle school we had a bad sub who did nothing about bad kids' behavior and got on all students about little things like asking neighbors for help when she said she couldn't help us, or for instance for a little bit my Language Arts teacher thought that having me read out loud during SSR with the PVC pipe phones would help me with my speech impediment (it did not) this sub said I had to use it and got upset that I was being loud (talking in a low voice) during Sustained Silent Reading. She allowed kids that were supposed to be kept separated (teacher's orders) after the boy kept exposing himself to the girl. Went on rants about stupid things and distracted students trying to work, and was generally annoying. My friend's class set up an elaborate prank with an iPod touch camera and some gaslighting to get her to quit. She had been saying some pretty nasty stuff during my class and My class told the other class about it, including the words "I'm glad there are no cameras in here" during the rant. She had the same rant in my friend's class where they had set up a kid's iPod in the corner to record. Through the class the students waved at it and made it obvious there was a camera somewhere. The next day (teacher was out for surgery) the kid had "gotten the recording" from "hacking the school's system" and pulled the video up on his laptop and showed it to her. Said it would be a shame if the principal saw it and she stopped subbing. But my 7th grade year we desperately needed a sub and she was the only one available. She ended up having a break down when the 7th and 8th grade had Language Arts together and the trouble makers and class clowns decided to go into class stupidity a blazing. The breaking point was when I called a kid stupid. She started screaming "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP..." and stomping her foot. She called the principal up to talk with us and I don't know how put like 22 students collectively agreed to behave and do their work when the principal came up and saw a teacher having a break down and a room of hard working kids. I was pulled out because I was generally really honest, told the principal I called such and such stupid because he "accidentally" launched his pen at me while trying to twirl it in his fingers and she had a break down. I had headphones on and had tuned out the class except my best friend because we were working together, and I told the principal "everything" I knew (noticed). Talked to a few other kids. Gym teacher came in to sub the rest of the day and switched with whoever's class he had for gym. Too bad it was near the end of the day.
@wmdkitty 2 жыл бұрын
@@Musical_Pigeon Congratulations, you bullied a grown adult out of her job. A-holes, the lot of you!
@Musical_Pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty Not my proudest moment. She did bother me about my speech impediment, something I couldn't control at the time. I do wonder what happened to her after that. Looking back I wish it had gone differently. Never got another sub to quit since. Haven't tried. I did have subs in high school who were amazing and some who were clearly not fit to fill in what they were asked to do.
@Splatoon_Kirby 2 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty Bullied out a bully, I had a sub a lot like this one that would go on endless rants if even one student made a sound, even if its a cough she'd launch into how everyone is suppose to be quiet and how its disruptive. When she was literally the most disruptive. I asked to do my work outside, she insisted everyone would be quiet and I asked 'Would you be? You are the problem here, that girl just coughed and you kept going on and on about it I can't focus with you doing that all the time.' Some adults DO need to be reminded that their actions have consequences too.
@xTwilightWolvesx 2 жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty A grown adult that allowed a kid who sexually harassed another kid to harass said kid some more. I have no sympathy for her.
@benkenobisgirl 2 жыл бұрын
Sis is completely full of crap. If OP was not liked, made fun of or caused problems, the school wouldn't consistently call him. It sounds like Jenny and sis are jealous as well as childish. It's like dealing with something as ridiculous as mean girls. Sis should be ashamed of herself, though she's probably smug thinking she screwed her brother over.
@mindyschocolate 2 жыл бұрын
She’s mad because she’s done nothing with her life, and her brother has made something for himself. She’s absolutely hateful and probably living in a crap shack. I’d print out that email and take it to the school and call them out on it. Find out if it’s true. Let her be embarrassed.
@lynnw7155 2 жыл бұрын
I agree sis is probably making it all up. But I don't know if the teachers have a lot of input into who the school administration calls in to sub. Why didn't OP just go to Jenny to talk? That would be the adult thing to do instead of stewing on it.
@benkenobisgirl 2 жыл бұрын
@@lynnw7155 I know about my area (Virginia) and teachers can say not to request a certain sub. If what sis and Jenny said was true, he wouldn’t have had 40 schools asking after him. Didn’t he say he asked for feedback from other teachers and students? Personally, I wouldn’t believe a word out of Jenny’s mouth. She and sis are two putrid peas in a rotten pod.
@cyberhard 2 жыл бұрын
"Sis is completely full of crap." if that is the case, it is quite possible that "Jenny" never said anything remotely like what the sis asserts. I understands OP statement about it being all "hearsay", however if he had a doubt, he should have asked "Jenny" . It would have resolved the matter there and then. It is great that his mother and other sister have been there for him. But I'm not certain even if it is with a therapist that he should further draw them into this for some type of resolution. OP seems to recognize his sister was being hurtful strictly to be hurtful. If she cared for him, her response to "Jenny" (if "Jenny" said these things) should have been, "I appreciate you telling me this and for trying to watch out for my family. However since this is a profession matter and I value professionalism, please bring this up in a professional setting with my brother". On an intellectual level OP seems to understand all this but he still seems to hope for a resolution to this with his sister.
@KCanbutwont 2 жыл бұрын
The gaslighting, that email is horrible- and to dare sign it off "i love you" And this is actually giving me flashbacks of a few teachers in primary school who believed they were infallible and the highest authority- but were downright mean and often cruel ir belittling
@noxiouschocolate9644 2 жыл бұрын
I have a feeling that the email is spouting bs because that’s exactly the kind of stuff my mind throws at me when I’m not feeling good.
@draconicfeline6177 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah same
@murielross9288 2 жыл бұрын
That email was written with every ounce of jealousy and disrespect and by a person so disappointed in her own life Quite a few of the teachers I worked with LOVE their kids and if the sub teacher had been mean they won't call you back. No reason to talk behind your back and still have you coming to the school. And they have a block
@jjr9792 2 жыл бұрын
"The substance is hearsay". Yep, OP is definitely an attorney, LOL. That being said, the thinly-veiled nastiness of the sister's email was extremely passive-aggressive and inappropriate to send to an allegedly "loved family member", let alone one struggling with mental health.
@untiedshoelaces2588 2 жыл бұрын
The best revenge is living your best life. I am glad that OP has moved to better things and cut out the toxicity from his life.
@jacegallagher8589 2 жыл бұрын
The sister is a liar. If a substitute performs badly, schools do not call them back. If the teachers do not want a particular sub for their classes, they can say so and that sub will not be assigned for that teacher. If the administration had an issue with OP, they would inform the Board of Education. The fact OP kept getting called back meant he was doing an amazing job.
@mistermakeupman 2 жыл бұрын
the sister was probably trying to get him upset and bring the drama back to the school and get him fired, also very manipulative, she sneaks in her true intent "please go get a job in your field" she knows hed have to move away again to do this. thats what she wanted. the fact his family didnt stand up for him too is horrible
@DiscoTimelordASD 2 жыл бұрын
That email sounded far too professionally written to have been genuine. It sounds like she asked some one in the teaching field who works with special needs children A LOT of questions to formulate this email so she could create an accurate sounding story to tear down OP with. Probably pulled an overnighter to phrase it perfectly too or had assistance with it possibly. I knew someone petty enough to dedicate their time to doing something like this out of pure spite just to feel better about themselves for a moment. It's sad, but some people really are like this.
@cheergiver 2 жыл бұрын
This was my thinking. A lot of it sounded like it could be partially true. But I have a son with Auditory Processing Disorder. That whole bit about special Ed students feeling left behind and whatever nonsense she said is just complete bullshit. Also- may not be every school, but we’ve moved several times, and there’s always been a Para to work with my son (and the others) in addition to the regular teacher to make sure the special Ed kids aren’t left behind.
@DiscoTimelordASD 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheergiver We have teaching assistants at my son's special school, but a disabled children in regular schooling are assigned an EIP worker for the classroom.
@donnaspaans518 2 жыл бұрын
He was an awesome teacher. He allowed those kids to debate answer, without any problem. Most teachers I had growing up would not allow this. I feel that makes a good teacher.
@rylashadow18 2 жыл бұрын
It feels like the sister was blowing up trouble. If 'Jenny" had disclosed anything about these students to someone who isn't a teacher, a parent or a sub then she could be in vilolation of privacy acts. Sister was willing to not only destroy OP for whatever her warped senses are but threw 'Jenny' under the bus that could lead to legal trouble if a parent had heard that nonsense. The fact that OP had proof that she was just talking crap was shown through how he cared for the students and their learning materials. Teachers need to know if there's issues with the class paperwork so that the student's they teacher are getting value out of their education. I had a highschool teacher who had a friend he knew for a long time that was a sub. Our reward was a class off for the day if we behaved ourselves and did our work. The teachers and subs work really hard so a bit of consideration never hurted anyone. OP shouldn't worry about his sister's insecurities or issues. Those are for the therapist she hopefully is seeing to work on with her, learn to accept and heal from. Currently am battling a headache those are always fun yes?
@janekof 2 жыл бұрын
OP should've CC'ed jenny in a reply clarifying if it was true and asking for a meeting with Jenny to "improve". That would've cleared everything up fast.
@dracawyn 2 жыл бұрын
Just some food for thought from my experience: My husband is a teacher and there are several subs in the system that he HATES. They're usually old boomer men who think they know better than anyone on every topic and just want to pontificate about their personal stories from "back in the day" and/or about right wing conspiracy theories for the duration of every class period. The kids always complain afterward and it leaves my husband with even more work. The teachers don't really have much say in who substitutes for them and, us being in a small town (much like OP), there is a very limited pool of subs to draw from in the area so none of them are ever going to get fired for doing their job poorly. My husband finally talked to the administrator lady who is in charge of managing sick days and calling in subs, asking that one specific guy please never sub for his classes again. She was apologetic, empathized because she'd received multiple complaints about him, and said she would try to get other subs in the future if they were available but she couldn't guarantee he wouldn't ever sub for him again.
@brummieinbristol522 2 жыл бұрын
if someone tells you that nobody likes you or that everybody dislikes you etc then they are lying. it is a classic bully move
@draconicfeline6177 2 жыл бұрын
Wish my own mind would stop doing it then
@mandyj2809 2 жыл бұрын
The most I’d believe from the sister’s email is that some teachers might have thrown around shade about her brother, and most likely only because people who hate their jobs often have problems with people who enjoy them. If there was anything worth criticising through the proper channels, then they would have done so. Especially if they were so keen to be rid of OP.
@fyoutube9410 2 жыл бұрын
My rule has always been if you have a problem with me professionally, address me directly. Anything else is ignored. If you aren't adult enough to speak to me, you aren't adult enough to have your issue resolved. So with the op letter, I've have deleted it and moved on with life.
@ComaLies225 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t help but feel OPs sister is still seething that OP was and still is doing better for himself. Sometimes the best revenge is living your best life.
@amandarose4469 2 жыл бұрын
As I have an older sister that continually gaslit me, I immediately cant trust that letter, it seems to familiar.. it will be interesting to see how this develops, me, I am NC with my sister.
@jackspring7709 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. It was a nasty, lying e-mail by a nasty, lying person.
@amandarose4469 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackspring7709 my sister uses the same sort of language. I'll have dinner with relatives, I think it went really well then later she will critisice every point she can telling me how embarrassed everyone was. That is what triggered me, it is not "them" they are just being the honest person telling me everything no one wants to tell me. Yeah, nasty.
@jackspring7709 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandarose4469 That is really nasty stuff. She does sound exactly like OPs sister in this story. People like that are normally very insecure or jealous, so they really shouldn't attack anyone in that manner, because they are normally so easy to dismantle, themselves. There are some sad, nasty people in the world. I'm glad you're no contact with her: no doubt she will have found, to her great cost, that treating people like that out in the real world has immediate consequences. I hope you're having a good life and a good year so far. All the best.
@amandarose4469 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackspring7709 that it though, my sister is way more secure then me, very successful, not at all like Ops sis. But the need to put me down and push my buttons is there. It is almost like she does it without thinking.
@forcaaereabrasileira5394 2 жыл бұрын
NC = No Contact?
@shellchenonceau6987 2 жыл бұрын
Jenny & Sis are green w jealousy, & some of todays school curriculuums are extremely messed up & need a major overhaul...(kids can end up indoctrinated non-thinkers, rather than humans w common sense.)
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt Jenny said any of that, past mentioning that he caught the curriculum error - she wouldn't call him if she didn't like him (there are plenty of subs out there, and most teachers pick their own). The sister isn't jealous, she's just a small town a**hole who thinks she runs things.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
I think Jenny is blameless. The sister is cuckoo bananas and hateful
@prcervi 2 жыл бұрын
the most i think jenny might've actually said was "your little brother caught a pretty blatant typo i somehow left in a work sheet" where bit*h sis then spun a whole story in her head to be an ass to op
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
@@prcervi it likely wasn't even one she left in the worksheet. This was when they were still rolling out Core Curriculum, and as per the name, the worksheets were rolled out to schools under the theory that every public school was teaching the same curriculum, to every student, at the same time. Teaching method aside, the first edition of those workbooks, by nature, had typos, errors, and redundancies, just like the first editions and versions of virtually anything else - from software to books - that is introduced to a market. Staff edits are pretty common when new books and curriculum gets rolled out.
@prcervi 2 жыл бұрын
@@pansprayers i wasn't trying to say she made the typo, but she sure did miss it herself when she was setting things up for op
@nicc9613 2 жыл бұрын
I remember YEARS (lol) ago that a teacher would come back and if we did the work they would ask if we liked the sub we had. The teacher liked our work, we liked the teacher usually equaled that teacher coming back. One year a teacher got too ruff with a girl that got the class so pissed off we almost all attacked him . One of the regulars asked what happened and listened to us. NEVER saw that reaction before and NEVER saw that sub again.
@raeishimura 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. "I'm not sending this to be hurtful" but proceeds to be as absolutely emotionally vicious and purposely try to annihilate him in every way she can. I'd be telling sister that she can enjoy being NC for the rest of her life, because she was a horrible human being. Honestly, good on OP for basically cutting her lying butt out of his life.
@Boe-Temeraire 2 жыл бұрын
The malicious message the sister sent op hurts me to hear. It reminds me a lot of the way my abusive sister talks to me in front of others in an attempt to be covertly verbally abusive. I try to mentally distance myself from these stories when they feel like they hit a little too close to home to protect myself and view the story as what it is, someone else’s story, but damn it’s hard sometimes.
@ruthbeamish8849 Жыл бұрын
I cringed in sympathy with this poor man. A tactless and vile piece of nastiness
@ryntintynvin 2 жыл бұрын
If a sub leaves a teacher valid feedback on a mistake and the teacher gets upset, the teacher knows they are messing up and is upset that someone caught them. Might be imposter syndrome, might be they actually aren't doing the job well. Either way, the problem is with the teacher. It sounds like the sub's notes were perfectly reasonable. I've had multiple times where I caught math prof's mistakes in the exam and pointed out that they were asking us for something that was mathematically impossible, and they said I was right, fixed the question, and added a bit of time to the exam period. That's how a good teacher responds to notes pointing out minor mistakes.
@scifiwriter6092 2 жыл бұрын
I was a substitute teacher for a few years. It is pure hell.
@paulleckner8235 2 жыл бұрын
I have been a substitute teacher for over 20 years, since 2001. Yeah! It can be Hell, but my only regret is not starting sooner. The majority I help because they want to learn. The minority are determined to self-destruct. It is their decision.
@nela3986 Жыл бұрын
"good social skills, a sense of social awareness and interpersonal skills are SO much more important than being smart". This last sentence made this atrocity of an email to OP raise a big red flag for me. It was finger point to where this came from. No one with "good social skills, social awareness and interpersonal skills (lol)" would write such a disgusting dissecting letter. This is a personal attack and shows nastiness and hate. Whoever wrote this abdominal thing has all the issues they want to project onto OP and lacks the smart mind, thus being jealous. Please be aware of this person. They are out to hurt you. Don't believe a word.
@bettinajensen2947 2 жыл бұрын
With a sister like that, who needs enemies
@panzerlieb 2 жыл бұрын
The OP is being very diplomatic with regards to his sister’s conduct. I see a lot of his courtroom training coming out. He’s trying not to disparage her. Trying to avoid assumptions regarding her behavior. He’s trying remain neutral and sticking to just the facts. It probably drives his sister insane for him to handle things in such a diplomatic and professional manner.
@hothotheat3000 2 жыл бұрын
OP you don’t need that hater in your life.
@jacearmor5274 Жыл бұрын
"I'm not sending this to be hurtful." sounds like you were trying to be hurtful.
@mbrennan459 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been a teacher for 35+ years. There are bad subs out there but they usually get weeded out quickly and are not called back even in emergencies. I have even seen bad subs get sent away in he middle of the day with an administrator taking the class. This was 5 years ago before covid created a sub shortage but even now most districts will avoid the bad subs. Sister was lying.
@ElizaBetsy_ 2 жыл бұрын
Mark, your cheerful voice and soothing accent make me happy and relaxed.
@ThatsViews 2 жыл бұрын
What? Mark has an accent? I didn't know! Oh, wait... he's a fellow Brit! 😁 But you are right, he'd do well as a voiceover artiste.
@ElizaBetsy_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThatsViews even within Britain there are regional accents. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Same in the US. I'm from the West Coast and have a different accent than my Alabaman cousins.
@mooseass2996 2 жыл бұрын
What accent does he have?
@ElizaBetsy_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@mooseass2996 I dunno, I'm from the US. The only English accents I can recognize are posh, Cockney, and Lister-from-Red-Dwarf, which I believe is Scouse. I recognize some other British and English colony accents: New Zealand, Wales, Scottish, Irish, Aussie, but those tend to be more pronounced. And I still can't really hear regional differences within them like a native would.
@Zaddy-Lu 2 жыл бұрын
"Me saying that has nothing to do with the 2 lesson plans of mine he messed with" says all you need to know, Jenny was embarrassed by OP pointing out her mistakes to her, so she went on a rampage. I bet 5% or less of that story was actually true. If Jenny truly had no issue with OP's corrections of her lesson plans, she wouldn't have felt the need to preface that.
@sparkerparker70 2 жыл бұрын
If he is that terrible of a substitute wouldn't he have been fired by now.
@MidnightCore7 2 жыл бұрын
“I’m not trying to be hurtful “ = “about to be really hurtful just don’t take offense somehow “
@TheModelmaker1 4 ай бұрын
I have a sister like this. She enjoyed every opportunity to tear me and my brother down when we were growing up.
@katwiltz1134 2 жыл бұрын
The fact is if you could work with people so egotistical as lawyers and judges and haven't had your career crippled by any of these extremely touchy people disliked at the school keeps getting you to sub is what you need to know well that your sister hates your guts and is jealous because you're smart and she's obviously lacking
@BraveryWing26 4 ай бұрын
I am glad 2nd OP went No Contact and that his life immediately improved since then.
@HodajuciParadoks 5 ай бұрын
OP needs to cut contact with this toxic sister...if OP did wrong , they would not call him again and again to work. Sister is LYING.
@veezopolis Жыл бұрын
Why did the OP even start to believe this? This was the most unproffesional, rude, and biased thing i have ever heard.
@alisonklein105 Жыл бұрын
In the US substitute teachers , you can absolutely be horrible and still get called regularly.
@psycojuggalo1642 2 жыл бұрын
Should've printed out the email and asked Jenny did you say any of this about me
@Jacky.c.v 2 жыл бұрын
If op is so bad, why didn't the school have a serious talk with them? Usually my boss criticises me, not a friend of a coworker lmao. Sister should stay in her lane. Also, laughing about a coworker behind their back without ever addressing the problem sounds sooo productive.
@jennilynne1977 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Mark for making my day better today! I hope everyone is having a great day/afternoon/night! Peace, hugs and love everyone!
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Dealing with common core was a pain, especially in math. They struggled with all the pictures and diagrams that were supposed make it easier. I showed them the "classic" method and they understood it right away despite presumably spending class doing it the other way. My youngest was a natural at math and could "see" the answer just by looking at the equation. We ended up working backwards from the answer to get full credit.
@Rienneil 2 жыл бұрын
Omg. How unprofessional that school is if they had a problem with supply you go talk to headteacher not create town gossip. And the comments about ops appearance. I would be terrified to let my kids going to school with teachers like that.
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
oh sure. he has no qualifications or experience with education and teaching. besides the literal lawyers and judges he's taught. these are either yet another example of bad, bully teachers or the sis is lying
@evarodriguez4319 Жыл бұрын
The principal would have pulled him aside and told substitute office NOT to send this substitute to his/her school. Principals usually stand outside classrooms to "listen in" . Either, sis is lying about Jenny said or Jenny for some reason, is jealous of OP.
@diddykitty746 2 жыл бұрын
I'm finally cutting out the stickers I made! The paper I used was a little wider than the sticker foil-stuff, so some of the stickers aren't completely covered on the back, but it's probably fine lol.
@davidmahoney9877 2 жыл бұрын
When the two sides of a story are so far apart that it seems like one person would have to literally be in the middle of a psychotic episode for both parties to actually believe their version, that's usually a pretty good indicator of gaslighting.
@jenniferdaniels701 2 жыл бұрын
I work at a rural school, and it can be hard (especially now with COVID) for schools to find subs. There are local schools that have shut down for a day or week because of it. OP could be the only sub the school has.
@freddysingbot7400 2 жыл бұрын
for someone who claims she's not trying to be hurtful, she's being very malicious
@hvymax Жыл бұрын
I was once berated for questioning a question in an instructor curriculum. The "Correct" answer would result in a less than accurate result. One of the other options could result in catastrophic failure. Another time I noticed that a formula in the text was backwards. It took the instructor several minutes to figure it out after I mentioned it. Meanwhile the class was berating me and calling me names. I pointed out their Genetic Inferiority when I was found correct. Most so called "Teachers" have no concept beyond the text of their subject matter.
@emibaka309 2 жыл бұрын
And what am i doing while listening (per usual): I am painting my nails! Im painting them with black glitter nailpolish. They will look super cool. I usually enjoy listening to youtube while painting my nails or waiting them to dry, makes it less boring haha
@beegee1960 2 жыл бұрын
I taught elementary school 30 years. I have had a lot of substitutes, some have been excellent, some have been very poor. But only one time have I had to go to the level of asking the office to NEVER assign that sub to my class again. I doubt some of the sister’s report. But I would go to the principals of the schools you have taught at and ask them if they have had such complaints. If not, then ignore your sister remarks. If they confirm it, you might consider if you are ready to move back into your field.
@kashvigautam9251 7 ай бұрын
"Simply being Intellectually smart is getting you you nowhere"- sounds like someone's jealous
@Reubonics Жыл бұрын
I hope that Op's sister becomes progressively more miserable until she realizes that the common denominator is herself.
@hirohiroarikawa6806 Жыл бұрын
I’d send the email to the principal and ask if this is true, and if it isn’t go after Jenny for the legal term for badmouthing OP
@arielortiz5643 Жыл бұрын
I love how the note just reeks of jealousy. My guess is that she feels inferior to OP given he was a successful professional in his field. Then he came depressed, but still was able to be a good substitute teacher, where he was recognised as a good figure forthe children. She being a Stay at home wife, she felt that he was being better than her in her own game, so she needed to send that email.
@MistrzSzopen 2 жыл бұрын
I think When Sis meet Jenny she actually praised him, and that set Sis off beacuse she tought Op will be miserable and he wasn't.
@S_K23 2 жыл бұрын
Hearing this story makes me feel so grateful to have an older sister who has always had my back and has helped me get through the shittiest times in my life. I cannot believe someone can be so disgustingly cruel to their own sibling. Its really sad. I've never had major clinical depression but I know that if my sister had sent me an email even remotely close to what OP got I would be shattered and I do not know if I would have been able to recover.
@amandasunshine2 2 жыл бұрын
This letter reads like the abusive letters my mom wrote to me. After I did something wrong, she'd go to her computer, write out a horrible letter like this, and hand it to me. If I threw it away, she'd take it out of the trash, uncrumple it, and hand it back to me. So I started ripping them up and throwing them away. She would take it out of the trash, tape it back together, and hand it back to me. After that, I started burning them. So she'd print out a new one.
@troubleinthevalley5884 2 жыл бұрын
A good way to solve this: Talk to Jenny directly and show her the email.
@AWildJirachi Жыл бұрын
I'm honestly surprised that more of those comments didn't bring up the idea of the sister either grossly exaggerating or flat-out lying about OP's quality of work and how his coworkers felt about him.
@AmyRuby 2 жыл бұрын
As a teacher myself I can say that OP's Story rings true and what the sis said doesn't. He did what I would expect and what I'd have done myself. I can also say that teachers wouldn't make fun of him except with a gentle superficial way. What I expect happened was that he showed up in his suit the first day, mentioned he was a lawyer which would come off as pretentious (everyone thinks they can be a teacher) and probably had a first couple of disastrous days. There was probably some exchange of the language in the notes especially if it was overly flowery language, comments about how funny that he was dressed like a lawyer etc. It was probably just 2 or 3 teachers, Jenny included. That kind of venom the sister describes would never happen, teachers are professionals. I know this is probably true because teachers would have started giving busy work and not asking OP to grade their papers, when they're away as no teacher is willingly going to make more work for themselves. Granted, the teacher might be sick but more often have to be away for appointments and even sick usually prepare something. They would have started giving the easiest work, or having the teacher show the kids a video. (I teach french and can't get people to replace me who speak the language) If they didn't think he was competent, they'd treat him as such, but he came in learned the ropes and was probably taken seriously. I believe that Jenny told OPs sis about these very superficial pieces of banter maybe embellishing a little. Teachers sometimes talk about things that happen at school, especially if sis was asking about her brother. Maybe relaying some misteps. I absolutely feel that sis took it and ran with it, adding every little thing she despises about Op. It probably went something like, he's great now but when he started whoa! Teachers have ethics, most are trying to make a difference for students, and I have no doubt that someone would have approached him were he a regular fixture at the school and confusing students with his teaching.
@allancaton8892 Жыл бұрын
This man teaches judges and lawyers, he’s more than capable. His sister and her friend are arrogant and small. He has been called back daily. They feel threatened by him plain and simple. He’s a much smarter person than them.
@cynthiashipley9486 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Substitute Teacher, and it is a two fold way of getting assignments. First it goes to a filter program that calls out for the assignment. Then, if you are called back to either the same school or for the same teacher, it's usually a request from the school or teacher. The school and teacher have the right to reject your placement in the job. So if the OP was truly not doing things up to snuff, they wouldn't have been called back.
@nyb3672 2 жыл бұрын
As a teacher, if there was a sub actually like that they would be blocked from subbing at our school. Anyone who screws up that badly and is that abrasive and that unreliable would not be accepted at our school, let alone be the go to sub. Sister was absolutely blowing hot air, or else the friend teacher was.
@ayedee6681 Жыл бұрын
Here's the thing with teachers, well some at least, they can't stand to be upstaged by the substitute teacher, especially if the kids like that teacher and retort that he may in fact know more than them. It happened to my wife who volunteered at a pre-school. They could not pay her so she worked for free to get hours in for her teaching certification. As soon as the kids took a preference to her and her style of teaching she was let go. Another teacher my wife worked with was so insecure she would gaslight my wife to no end. When a teacher or substitute puts in that extra effort, goes that little bit further and outshines the lazy and complacent teacher, the knives come out.
@jmiller92027 2 жыл бұрын
As a retired teacher, if he was bad, he would not be called back.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever is reading this i send hugs and great vibes. Drink water, eat food, nap, take a break, take care of yourself gosh darn it. And if you don't I swear I will find you and keep you in a cottage and take care of you. 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@katiesmith2031 2 жыл бұрын
Hugs and great vibes back 🤗🤗💙💙🤗🤗💙💙
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@katiesmith2031 🤗🤗💜💜
@Vallyrah 2 жыл бұрын
The only sub notes that I have had issue with was 5+ pages long (TLDR) or the sub who left their sub notes in the form of 63 (full) post it notes scattered across books and various desks. That one was like an Easter egg hunt for a smelly egg.
@___o1799 Жыл бұрын
First thoughts about 3/4 of the way through sister's initial email: she is lying through her gods damned teeth; if nobody liked him, they wouldn't praise him, nor would the school call him back. Whether or not the sister's words have merit, OP should take this email straight to the school admin. If the teachers really do sh*t talk OP, their employers should know about the hostile work environment that creates.
@frst78 Жыл бұрын
That was an EXTREMELY unsatisfying ending Mark. I wanted to hear exactly what happened when he confronted Jen and the other staff with email in hand. I wanted to hear Jen's reaction to his sister's vitriol.
@catherinejones5723 2 жыл бұрын
Mark best stories I've read. The sister in the story is not acting like a good sis should. Clearly has issues. Op broke down the criticisms from the email looked back at the things he did and came to his decision. This is the best outcome for him imo.
@tinycrimester Жыл бұрын
story 1: getting teachers and subs in the rural region can be super difficult, so the fact that he got called back multiple times means nothing. my friend grew up in a small rural community and they had a teacher who was pretty openly creeping on the barely pubescent girls while no other adults were around, and he got suspended multiple times, but never fired, because there was no evidence and they simply couldn't find anyone to replace him. :c
@katwiltz1134 2 жыл бұрын
Oh and totally out your sister to the teacher they read exactly what your sister sent you and tell her now you don't find a lot of joy in your job anymore and if that's what your sister meant to happen otherwise if she's got a problem with the way you teach she needs to tell you
@Honorableflickflack 6 ай бұрын
jealousy level : 5000
@kathrynkelly9955 2 жыл бұрын
Guess what, those teachers are going to say oh they are,"SEASONED TEACHERS" my ❤️ always drops into my stomach and I feel nauseated. They are not teachers. Learning is a give and take. If you can't listen and learn from your pupils, you are far from being a teacher
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