Thanks for this upload ! amazing. so I see you have your output at 0.1db with true peak on. In what situation you want the true peak on. In other words, what is the purpose of true peak if only you want your songs on digital streaming platforms like Spotify
@Nalestar10 ай бұрын
'True peak limiting' is about solving the issues with encoding and then decoding, it's not about Spotify or anything else specific, this affects the entire digital audio experience. So for example if something's playing at 44.1kHz normalized to 0dBFS, certain parts of the decoded output might still cross over 0dBFS even if the input info is otherwise correct because the decoder tries to "guess" what's supposed to be between the sample rate points and generates the signal that way (these are called 'intersample peaks' for a reason). Basically the point is that when your audio card sees the "encoded" 0s and 1s that are in an audio file, it then needs to be "decoded" into something you can hear with your human ears and true peak limiting is just simply supposed to account for the potential calculation errors in this decoding process 😇