Advanced Sci-fi Civilisations Too Stupid To Really Exist Ep.04- The Harvesters

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Media Zealot

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@shadowhell8378 2 жыл бұрын
The most advanced but somewhat stupid races I can think of are the Goa’uld from stargate sg1, the wraiths from stargate Atlantis, the silver tribe from heroic age and the Yautja(the predator) from predator.
@jordancambridge4106 8 ай бұрын
The next movie will be written by AI with AI actors and designs. A few aliens might also chip in and help write and star in it. Hell going by all the constant alien talk and the CIA coming out and straight up stating they are constant contact with multiple species of aliens. I have no fucking clue why in the fucking hell people are trying to claim the CIA is lying!!! Seriously let the CIA admit to aliens don't get in their way. Let the CIA reveal secrets dumbasses.
@ANTIStraussian 5 ай бұрын
All human computer technology is based on the crashed roswell alien ship. That's why our virus works on their computers, our computers are their computers.
@rodneykelly8768 6 жыл бұрын
The major problem here is that Hollywood needs an invader that humanity can defeat. This limits them to "Invaders from the Planet of the Three Stooges."
@JoViljarHaugstulen 6 жыл бұрын
Advanced enough to reach earth but still somehow incompetent enough to fail at invading earth despite their advanced technology Which usually means the invaders need to make absurdly silly decisions or have some absurd fatal flaws (that somehow wasn't discovered and fixed or prevented)
@scytheseven9173 6 жыл бұрын
A good subversion of this is XCOM 2: the humans lost the invasion and must fight a guerilla war against the alien overlords, who only lose for a few spoilerey reasons that aren't incredibly stupid.
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
@ but... but... we're HUMANS! We don't lose! Why the very thought....! ABSURD!
@Br3ttM 6 жыл бұрын
A realistic interstellar civilization could melt the crust off our planet without risking a single one of their lives. Even if they were bad at long range planetary warfare, if nothing else they could sit in the asteroid belt and throw rocks at us. We have the technology to shoot asteroids before they hit us, but they could just run us out of missiles. The only way humans would have a chance is if the aliens kept us around for something, giving us decades to figure out them and their technology. Otherwise, failure would only be a matter of the alien's internal politics, or being noticed by a more powerful, hopefully benevolent group of aliens.
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
@@Br3ttM lol! I like that "...just sit in the asteroid belt and throw rocks at us." I laughed way harder at this than I prolly should have! And tho it's less humorous I love the imagery evoked by "...melt the crust off our planet..." Ok, nevermind maybe it is just as funny 'causeI laugh every time I envision that as a movie scene: Aliens drop out of warp somewhere just beyond our Moon. Our technology barely has time to register their presence before Earth is rendered a glowing blob of red goo orbiting the Sun like something in a '70's era lava-lamp.
@michaelmartin9022 6 жыл бұрын
"You trek thousands of miles across a desert and find two caves full of diamonds. One is huge and devoid of life, the other is small and full of wasps, though might be 2-3 paces closer to you" "The wasps! The wasps!"
@thomasraahauge5231 5 жыл бұрын
Because the wasp guarded diamonds must be worth more. Why else would they be guarded? #Duhh
@t_k_blitz4837 5 жыл бұрын
For the honey, of course!!
@mitchellhorton9382 5 жыл бұрын
@@t_k_blitz4837 There's a lot of basic science that says wasps don't make honey
@t_k_blitz4837 5 жыл бұрын
@@mitchellhorton9382 Did you hear that *whoosh* sound just then?
@darthrevan454 5 жыл бұрын
@AmishRiot because it's a joke buddy. That's a woosh
@alphega1983 6 жыл бұрын
the absurd idea that by killing the "queen" or other central mind of a hive mind system would end the battle needs to stop in future movies. If you kill a queen bee or a queen ant, the colony still attacks and in the case of a bee hive, they just create a new queen.
@jacksonl.2201 6 жыл бұрын
Some ant colonies have multiple queens aswell, allowing the colony to survive the loss of a queen.
@marccolten9801 6 жыл бұрын
Or, as in The Faculty or the last episode of ST: Voyager , the idea that if the queen dies they all automatically drop dead.
@thomasraahauge5231 5 жыл бұрын
LoneGunmen83: But now you are trying to apply *LOGIC* to a hollywood script, and you can't do that. You should be able to, but you ain't . . .
@mitchellhorton9382 5 жыл бұрын
@@marccolten9801 It's pretty clear that the Borg don't just all kill themselves when the Queen died. The damage was done because of an actual computer virus designed to attack the hive-connections itself, and the meta structure was damaged because the hive is what managed the complex systems of their ships and structures.
@nyetloki 4 жыл бұрын
also there are multiple Borg queens
@zatoth13 5 жыл бұрын
“We need resources!” “Hey, boss! Look at these two massive planets with several dozen moons each! Bet we could harvest these for years! Oh, and look at that meteor belt! We’re saved!” “What? Are you an idiot? Let’s go after that tiny planet with one moon that has a bunch of creatures eating Tide Pods!”
@HauntedXXXPancake 8 ай бұрын
“We need resources!” “Hey, boss! Look at the star that makes up 98% of that planetary system! Bet we could tap that and not destroy anything". "What? Are you an idiot? Then there would be no movie!"
@taitano12 6 жыл бұрын
"Oh, come on! You try managing 127.8 billion minds across nearly 90 light years with one brain and see how well YOU do!.. And now I have a headache" - The Harvester Queen
@justinthompson6364 6 жыл бұрын
Then perhaps managing 127.8 billion minds across 90 light years is a strategic flaw.
@thegamer5367 6 жыл бұрын
Justin Thompson No shit
@That80sGuy1972 6 жыл бұрын
Thus the reason why The Harvesters are too stupid to exist. All mental energy is in the managing of 127.8 billion minds... wireless bureaucracy but still a nightmare of such a task and slow even at the speed of thought.
@tureytaino2785 6 жыл бұрын
The movie suggest there are more than just one queen.
@isThreeman 6 жыл бұрын
Still that's one queen per planetary invasion force. Unless we find out in #3 that this was just some shitty backwater military assignment to punishing that specific queen. I mean she did kinda seem like a bitch to be honest.
@52flyingbicycles 3 жыл бұрын
“Independence Day: Resurgance is arguably the best xenomorph movie we’ve had in 30 years” That is BRUTAL 🤣🤣🤣
@DrShaym 6 жыл бұрын
Even if the spaceship is big enough to have a detectable gravitational pull, it's still nowhere near the mass of the Earth, so it shouldn't be pulling things off the ground.
@bartduijn5115 6 жыл бұрын
Unless the ship has a denser mass than our earth. Still doesn't make a lot of sense, since a ship with that kind of mass-density would probably not be able to hold its shape and collapse in on itself to form a sphere.
@DrShaym 6 жыл бұрын
If the ship was so massive that it's own gravitational pull could defeat the Earth's, it would pull the Earth toward it.
@bartduijn5115 6 жыл бұрын
That too, yeah.
@redseagaming7832 3 жыл бұрын
Despite the cheesiness of it I still find Independence Day to be a very good movie it's better than the sjw garbage that we are getting today. I will still see the alien Harvesters in Independence Day as under estimating low technology Earth and they sent in the C team instead of the A-Team to take care of Earth but the C team got wiped out
@rikrob5172 3 жыл бұрын
I think we would see tidal effects though such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. Weather would be. Affected too
@sirgraveson4568 6 жыл бұрын
*King* : go kill the natives in the new continent *Colonist* : yes my lord _some time later_ *King* : well? how is the killing? *Colonist* :we failed my lord,the natives burned our ships and captured our weapons to use against us *King* : hmmm,looks like i have to send the military navy,and of course i will go with them *BECUZ THIS IS SURE A GREAT IDEA*
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
@pikadragon2783 6 жыл бұрын
to be fair, fighting on the frontlines was a good move for some kings to raise the morale of their troops. It also was not as risky as it seems while fighting wars against similar people, because catching and getting ransoms for royal people was very common. The hivemind thing on the other hand...
@caelestigladii 6 жыл бұрын
Napoleon, George II, Pilsudski, Ceasar, Alexander, Yo Sun-Shi: 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
@therealjezzyc6209 6 жыл бұрын
@@caelestigladii those leaders where at least competent enough to be successful
@Shapes_Quality_Control 5 жыл бұрын
This is almost exactly how Greece fought Persia to be honest.
@danmorgan3685 6 жыл бұрын
Any alien who is stupid enough to pick Earth (where they will encounter resistance) and ignore Jupiter (no resistance at all) deserves to lose to Jeff Goldblum.
@MrJay_White 6 жыл бұрын
and if they leave us alone long enough to go after them with our own ships?
@FrozEnbyWolf150 6 жыл бұрын
Only if they give humans reason to see them as a threat. In the first movie, there were actually humans lining up to greet them, even worship them. An alliance would have net them far more resources in the long run, because they'd have access to every uninhabited planet, the sun, the asteroids, and the Oort Cloud. It's not like humans had already colonized or staked claim to those places. Also, as the movies have shown, the humans have far superior tactics and adaptability, so once they became a space-faring race, the Harvesters would have a nigh unstoppable security force on their side.
@NimhLabs 6 жыл бұрын
Okay... hear me out... what if Jupiter DOES have some kind of major resistance threat? One that has not seen fit to contact humans, much the same way most humans do not attempt to open communication with ants and grasshoppers? What if the reason the Harvestors had to choose their specific dates to attack... is to avoid crossing paths with... whatever horrid creatures are on Jupiter?
@donfelipe7510 6 жыл бұрын
Jupiter has the monoliths from 2001: A Space Odyssey ;-)
@calebreynolds9183 6 жыл бұрын
Katrina Payne Jupiter is gas giant. Nothing lives.
@PuppetDungeon 6 жыл бұрын
Great stuff. Bit of a clarification though, it wasn't the small plane hitting that blew up the ship. Their weapon was stupidly designed to hit the first solid object in it's path and spread out. In short, it was literally their own weapon that blew them up. I imagine the whole point of the pre-fire beam is to scare away birds, as that might lead to similar results.
@slash2bot 5 жыл бұрын
Well, its not a stupid design. We have similar designs ourselves. All HE rounds (fired from any barrel) ARE designed to explode at first solid object in their path (also slightly depends upon fuse). But if the said solid object is less than a meter away from your barrel end, you end up effing up your own gun and/or tank as well. Your SPGs would most definitely be a goner.
@randombloke82 3 жыл бұрын
@@slash2bot that’s why all modern HE projectiles have timed fuses to make sure they don’t go off close enough to damage the operator.
@lenkagamine4145 3 жыл бұрын
@@randombloke82 Sure, but you dont really have the option to add a timed fuse to an energy weapon. Its going to blow up at the first thing it hits.
@erzr Жыл бұрын
@@slash2bot this is not true a missile, even a basic one has multiple fail safes to restrict unallocated use. How does a laser vary it's focul length dependent on the target cause complete annilation of said laser because of minor explosion. If anything it looks like it just throws down a energy beam as powerful as the ship can produce?
@terranceaskew3165 10 ай бұрын
Lol, wut? This ain't true in the least. Maybe for some, but certainly not all.
@little_isalina 6 жыл бұрын
Can we take a moment to talk about the digital sphere people from Resurgence? Have a gigantic ship with zero defensive capabilities appear right on top of an unknown alien race's moon base without warning to tell them about an incoming invasion. We're supposed to blame the human leaders for their irrational and aggressive response, but seriously, you don't sneak up on someone and then jump right in their face and then get to complain that they broke your nose.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
Totally. If only there was more to go on, they would be part of this series for sure. Fought the Harvesters for thousands of years - emits off the charts RF signals when activated, ship has no defense against alien powered weaponry, never killed a queen. And then it has the audacity to call us primitive. I'm going to memeify it on Patreon.
@juliengravier3917 6 жыл бұрын
I hated too how these was portrayed as an irrational response from Earth authorities while actually I'm surprise they didn"t fire sooner. Apparently the sphere people way to warn other races of an invasion is to come at your doorstep uninvited start a staring contest. No communication, just staring ... no wonder they got there ass kicked.
@mandalorian_guy 6 жыл бұрын
Fuck that planet of losers and their trash alliance. We go 2-0 with the Harvesters and these guys have the balls to show up call us primative idiots and ask us to join their collection of sadness? I have a better Idea, how about Humanity has its own alliance with blackjack and hookers that actually gets shit done because we are the only ones who have succeeded against them, and we did it twice. It's like the Justice League walking up to Superman and asking him to join. No, you guys join Superman, Superman doesn't join you.
@NodDisciple1 6 жыл бұрын
Mandalorian Gaming I say we demand to take over. Our way or the highway.
@ReddwarfIV 6 жыл бұрын
To be fair, the sphere didn't complain about its ship getting blown up IIRC. Maybe it realised it's mistake.
@MrAcerulez 6 жыл бұрын
There's nothing that says the Harvesters *don't* take resources from unpopulated planets or asteroids. But it could be that they do end up prioritizing worlds with civilizations for a couple reasons. Like for example, eliminating potential further competition or maybe they just purely hate other life in general. They do seem a bit emotional when it comes to harvesting a planet.
@raven4k998 4 жыл бұрын
and that's why they are so stupid cause if the Harvesters were smart they would be like us going for the easy resources first cause look at humanity harvesting easy to access oil first the harder more expensive oil only when they easy stuff is exhausted and yet they go after the harder resources first but if they were smart the movie would go no where's as humanity would have to die off to make the Harvesters smart and superior tech
@artemisfowldragon 4 жыл бұрын
Plus, pre-processed metals and stuff
@pvtghost117 4 жыл бұрын
If they just wanted to eliminate competition they could just nuke them from orbit and just send a clean up crew afterwards, but for some reason they really like to expose their ships to danger, even worse on the second one where they knew they had captured technology, at that point they should have just sniped earth before they even got close to the moon.
@Mysteri0usChannel 4 жыл бұрын
@@raven4k998 I think if they had started mining Jupiter mankind would've still attacked them and their mother ship would not have been available to attack earth as they'd've been busy mining Jupiter. So I think it's actually a good idea to remove humans first before mining the other planets of the solar system because if you don't, they will attack you and you won't have your resource-gathering ships available to destroy their "nest".
@CesarinPillinGaming 4 жыл бұрын
@@raven4k998 they could have been apex predators for so long that they became complacent and thus they could not "compute" defeat over some low level creatures that evolved from apes. Let alone notice they are incredibly proficient in war and destruction like humans. As for resources, they could suck all the biomass from planets and use the core and suns to process the material to maintain them for centuries. They just literally dissemble a planet for long term usage. And they probably like humans are parasitic to extreme. They need constant expansion and consumption. And a single green planet isn't enough for them.
@corvididaecorax2991 5 жыл бұрын
I had some fridge-logic with the whole 'Queen goes out to hunt down the Sphere by herself' part: Even the queens are considered entirely expendable by the Harvesters. In particular, if she could eliminate the threat posed by the Sphere and its resistance it would be a great victory. Worth far more than the loss if she dies. The core harvesting thing also makes some sense, when you consider that in addition to the iron and nickel the core also contains the highest concentrations of heavier elements on the planet. Radioactives, rare earth metals, high conductivity silver and gold, etc. As for coming for Earth directly, eliminating other intelligence is likely a priority mission. Remove a potential threat before it becomes powerful. The computer virus stuff is sheer foolishness though. My father, who works in IT and tech support, thinks that there was no virus. They just connected an Apple product to the alien computer, and that would have been plenty to mess everything up.
@UCannotDefeatMyShmeat Жыл бұрын
Ironically we only became a threat because they were too incompetent to stop a primitive species, who were completely out of their way. I’ll give you the core, but there’s still a virtually infinite amount of planets out there, and they chose the one destined to cause their extinction. So we’ll chalk it up to incomprehensibly incompetent leadership choices.
@jeremybrown9611 Жыл бұрын
Based on the space exploration of man, most if not all resources on Earth can be found on other planets and sometimes with great abundance. Shit other planets have way more rare shits than us and are way bigger than Earth. It makes no sense for an advance alien race to come here instead of harvesting planets we cant harvest cause we not on that lvl yet. In short Earth is ass, its like vacaying at a super max prison instead of an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas
@juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 4 жыл бұрын
Borg: our species is so dumb, we can't fight someone standing still. Harvesters: hold our nutrient liquid.
@FrozEnbyWolf150 6 жыл бұрын
I've wondered why the aliens didn't just shoot at the Earth from space. Humans would be defenseless against an orbital bombardment, since they'd be out of range of the majority of our weapons, and it would take less fuel for them to stay in orbit than to move close to the planet's surface. The movie has them hover over the cities for sheer intimidation factor, but the aliens had no reason to engage in psychological warfare, since their sole intent was to destroy, not conquer or enslave the human race.
@Legion617 6 жыл бұрын
Potentially their weapons had fairly short range, or that the Earth's rotation messes up the accuracy to destroy those glorious landmarks
@Erebus2075 6 жыл бұрын
bc, there would be no movie if they made any sense at all. targeting systems are something they never heard of either. IRL we already got high-speed tracking system which can track, shoot and 100% hit a target from 1km+ distance in milliseconds. the only thing that decides its speed is the mechanical parts which have a maximum movement speed. for an alien race this advanced with weapon systems etc. realistically they would have auto-targeting systems easily targeting any enemy ship within hundreds of Kilometers(if not thousinds considering space combat and the size of open space) and shooting them with perfect precision in milliseconds from detection. it would obviously be 100% automated. not to mention that EVERY military unit on ground and air would possess the same weapon systems, just with lower power outputs. meaning they would NEVER miss a target and NEVER react slower than a human. basically as fast as they could physically spin around everything around them would be instant dead.... so year.. this glorified US dick sucking is one of the worst movie stories of all time. the retarded part is that "war of the worlds" already shown how this can be done in a "realistic" way which could technically make sense, instead of this carbage.
@ReddwarfIV 6 жыл бұрын
The aliens in the book _Footfall_ did exactly that.
@thetigerking2613 6 жыл бұрын
I wonder if such a hypothetical bombardment would trigger Russia's "dead hand" nuclear program which would automatically set off nuclear weapons. It probably would but because the harvesters don't care about settling on Earth they wouldn't care.
@wschippr1 6 жыл бұрын
ReddwarfIV There's only two logical reasons for an alien species to bother with Earth and humanity. Life and culture, those are the only two things earth has that is rare. Anything else can be gotten in greater abundance elsewhere. If we look at our own history it's obvious that's what they would do as we did it. The British started wars and conquered people for some spices, no reason aliens wouldn't also want some new spices...
@Diego-zz1df 3 жыл бұрын
*I can defend the 1990s Independence Day aliens (at least to an extent):* - At no point does the movie imply they have FTL capabilities, so for all we know they could've been travelling to our solar system since before humanity developed anything they could consider threatening. - As a follow-up to the above, at no point is it said they expected to find humanity at the stage of development it was when they arrived. - Their military strategy is using their massive ships to wipe out the main human population centers, then send their fighters to wipe out the military & scattered, minor settlements. It worked till humans developed the virus. - They're said to move from system to system but at no point is it said they don't stay there for decades or centuries till they run out of resources. Looking at our own environmental situation, the idea of an advanced civilization building a massive city ship with a controlled environment, etc. & living there, extracting resources from planets but not relying on them for habitation isn't so dumb. - Combining all of the above, having a massive city ship where they can live moving from system to system when they run out of resources does make some sense and since our solar system has eight planets with their moons and countless asteroids, they're moving into a system with a fuckton of resources to sustain their not-that-numerous population for centuries, maybe even millennia before they have to prepare for their next, extremely long trip to another star system. And their only threat is a species of self-destructive apes with a low probability of developing weapons advanced enough to hurt them by the time they arrive, something they couldn't even see from so many light years away, and couldn't afford to avoid once they saw us considering how time & resource consuming it would realistically be to move their city ship to another star system. - Humans learned their software from studying their ship. Yeah, the fact that the virus was uploaded using a shitty Apple laptop was dumb as hell but humanity knew how their software worked by reverse-engineering their ship. In the movie they said that whatever they managed to reverse-engineer, they released as new inventions, so the software compatibility, even if it is a shitty plot device, was explained in a believable way. - When the two MCs arrive on the mothership we get to see that they were preparing an invasion force, so the next stage was to move their forces into Earth, meaning that, had the counterattack happened a day later, humans would've had to face their ground forces and a far larger number of ships. Again, question the whole virus plot device as much as you like but the aliens are shown to think tactically and strategically. *If you wanna attack the true problem of the movie's plot, it is the same as that of many other fantasy movies: they make the enemy so stupidly superior that they have to come up with incredibly convenient arbitrary weaknesses near the end of the movie to give the good guys a way to win.* *To me the true stupid move wasn't the virus, it was the tactical nuke and the off-screen destruction of all the other city destroyers:* - Seeing how massive and open the mothership was, it shouldn't have exploded because of a single nuke. - And even when their shields were taken down, the city destroyers were shown to be well-armored enough to withstand any damage human weapons could inflict, while their fighters still had numerical superiority. *So humanity's plan shouldn't have worked because A) they still laked a weapon powerful enough to destroy the alien mothership and B) the alien forces still had their military superiority on Earth.*
@casbot71 6 жыл бұрын
Not quite an Alien civilisation but the humans from James Cameron's Avatar. Seriously embarrassing for our species, these guys were dumber than the crewmembers of an Alien movie.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
I think you need to check out my earlier videos ;)
@WickedScott 6 жыл бұрын
Embarrassing in front of whom? WHich species are we holding up as the gold standard?
@DeathRex88 6 жыл бұрын
Scott The Artist matrix humanity? Lol the only version of us i can think of with comparable technology (mech suits and ships).
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
Yep, he already unloaded on Cameron's Smurf porn! Both barrels, in fact!
@cv4809 5 жыл бұрын
@@WickedScott in front of those blue savages
@flameringstudios9 6 жыл бұрын
"The city destroyer ship got destroyed when the town drunk crashed into it." *Likes* *Subscribes* *Adds to favorites*
@darklighter8968 4 жыл бұрын
liquid mother fucking courage at its peak performance.
@Stargatelover 6 жыл бұрын
Goa'uld from Stargate. Why? Simple: They are a society of sociopathic delusional eels who think they are gods but who live in a feudal society in SPACE, AND humanity beat them time and time again before we even had our first starfighter.
@hydrogenone4926 6 жыл бұрын
Stargatelover 1938, Overconfidence was there greatest weakness.
@Stargatelover 6 жыл бұрын
Hydrogen One, We beat them with 4 man teams for almost six years straight using machine guns while they had plasma weapons, huge capitalships and space superiority fighters. It took us a mere decade to topple their empire and that before we had energy weapons on our own starships. Seriously, you need to be exceptionally stupid to get beaten by small groups of primitives when you have billions of soldiers sitting around in pyramids. Another thing, ship design. Why do Ha'tak need to have halways where three Jaffa can walk through, holding their Staff Cannons in away that the head and butt touch those of thier neighbors and still have enough toom not to hit anything? You can have full scale battles in those halways and that doesn't even account for the fact that every four meters there is a pillar sticking out of the sides which provide about a meter in cover for anyone who cares. Also, training. Was Napoleon a Goa'uld and devised standard strategies and training doctrines for the Jaffa armies? Because charging down hills when you know there is heavy weaponry waiting is stupid. I could make a argument of the same sort for the Republic but those guys at least have the excuse of having peace for roughly 3000 years so there is no one with any actual clue of how to lead a army around anyway.
@hydrogenone4926 6 жыл бұрын
You do realize for the two seasons the Tau'ri were basically ignored because they were a "small groups of primitives". Also remember the Goa'uld aren't a single empire but many empires fighting for territory. Goa'uld are fighting wars across the known Galaxy so yes they had billions of troops but most were fighting or oppressing hundreds of worlds. It wasn't until the third season the Goa'uld had enough with this thorn in their side and decided to destroy Earth. But it wasn't because Thor mediated Earth's inclusion into the Protected Planets Treaty. "Napoleon a Goa'uld" you do realize Napoleon is considered as one of founders modern day tactics especially the idea "divide and conquer"; Plus his tactics were logical for his time especially the technology for that time. The Goa'uld are so Overconfident in their superiority that they throw their soldiers at the enemy like a child with toys. So Yes they are Stupid because they are Overconfident and has lead to a complacency.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
I've already begun watching SG-1 and have taken a few notes. That's how I keep finding these cheeky clips of them making fun of other dumb aliens. They must be done for that reason alone I reckon.
@eruno_ 6 жыл бұрын
All races in Stargate are stupid (except humans themselves) from Goa'uld to Ori
@aaronbrown5869 5 жыл бұрын
"this city ship was destroyed when the town drunk crashed into it" Just spat water all over my laptop laughing
@sebs-shenanigans 6 жыл бұрын
Norton antivirus trial version This is gold
@sebs-shenanigans 6 жыл бұрын
I think the trial version would've hacked itself.
@DolFan316 5 жыл бұрын
I had Norton back in the day. Once I turned on my PC only to get a message from Norton saying it couldn't allow me to turn on the PC because doing so would permanently damage it. Read that sentence again and think about it for a few seconds.
@thomasraahauge5231 5 жыл бұрын
Saba: Oh, *trial* version - I thought he said *troll* version . . .
@AshenTechDotCom 5 жыл бұрын
he forgot the "expired copy of" prefacing that...
@Draber2b 4 жыл бұрын
@@DolFan316 I had a Norton trial.. After it ended the computer started to work 2 times faster xd What a silly teen I was..
@sporkwitch 6 жыл бұрын
Military vehicles typically do not have keys or codes to start them. This holds for HMMWVs, LMTVs, the old "deuce-and-a-half"s, as well as aircraft (couldn't speak to tanks, but presumably the same deal there). The security of the vehicles is the perimeter; keys are just something to lose and prevent access when it's needed.
@stevenldoe7838 5 жыл бұрын
The Humvees usually have a switch but we always chained the steering wheel and chocked the tires.
@ItsRawdraft2 3 жыл бұрын
In our Leopard 2's we just lock the hatches. The vehicle has push-start.
@et5216 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but if your plan was to allow the enemy to enter into your base and then ambush them. Would you take no percussions to make sure that someone doesn’t just jump into a tank you so kindly left parked.
@marks5835 6 жыл бұрын
"But I have a series to continue so I've dug deeper, and I'm happy to report that I was totally wrong" LOL!
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
I know, right?!? I challenge you to find 15 seconds of screen-time from any from one of this guy's vids that dosen't at least make you grin!
@saturnianrings3920 5 жыл бұрын
U mvud
@veralenora4033 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so tired of tentacles. Tentacles aren't much good; opposable thumbs, that's the ticket for building anything.
@herheartbeats5727 4 жыл бұрын
@@veralenora4033 Not so sure...opposable thumbs we think are worthy because our own species use it. On the other hand cephalopod species have been witnessed as very adaptive while using only tentacles, and so much Mammal species today have opposable thumbs...still they didn't build anything.
@kozakhanda 4 жыл бұрын
i like it how major cities were built back up in 20 years looking exactly the same as before 👌
@Johnny-Thunder 5 жыл бұрын
The Half-Assters. When we actually meet an alien race I want you to name them.
@otakonjunkie 5 жыл бұрын
I see what you did there. "Arguably the best xenomorph movie we've had in years." Followed by Ripley with a flamethrower. Burn indeed.
@Gurren813 6 жыл бұрын
Most military equipment doesn't even have keys. Hell if you had the crew for it you could steal a god damn aircraft carrier. Turns out when you have a bunch of guys with guns protecting your shit the need for keys fades a bit.
@MCAroon09 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many people would you need to steal for example a Nimitz class supercarrier... probably less than to operate it to it's full capacity but I wonder exactly how much less
@davysmith1934 3 жыл бұрын
This worries me, as I thought that. Please don't steal a ship; they devalue too fast. :(
@Gurren813 3 жыл бұрын
@@davysmith1934 Okay fed boi
@BioHunter1990 3 жыл бұрын
@@MCAroon09 in theory just enough to operate the ship itself. Though you’ll need more engineering crew then a conventional carrier of similar need reactor technicians. I’m sure a barebones crew is about 500 or so. But that’s going to be a brutal workload. The ship compliment is around 3,500 men with another 2,500 for the air arm. Remember these ships are like miniature floating cities. Think about all the things that go into a city, then think about he things that go into a ship...and combine them. An entire carrier strike group can consist of over 10,000 sailors and airmen.
@anubusx 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing can take down the combined force of Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.
@pimpminya7131 6 жыл бұрын
They’re stupid but their designs are Fucking awesome.
@KalashnikovPaouzzi 6 жыл бұрын
hahaha good one, flying saucer and squiddy alien are good design..... when they are the cheesiest way of producing alien, the design is straight out of early 20th century sci-fi
@callumdoyle6366 6 жыл бұрын
Pimp Minya Ikr the green neon lights and green lazers so cool.
@NodDisciple1 6 жыл бұрын
Brian Mcbrian I like retro Ayy Lmao cheese. 😣
@NodDisciple1 6 жыл бұрын
+Callym Doyle X0X0X0X0X0...
@richardrahl9371 5 жыл бұрын
What I got from the Harvesters, is that they simply can't act differently. Despite their advanced technology, as a species they are rather limited in their behaviour. Hence the comparison to locusts.
@135forte Жыл бұрын
What would cause a species to develop the behavior they exhibit though? A compulsion to take the hardest route to otherwise easily accessed resources and excessive dependence on a single queen seems like an unlikely recipe for a space faring race.
@ThePhantomGazz 6 жыл бұрын
wasnt it in the deleted scenes that human computers were based off retro engineering the crashed ship, that why we could interface with their computers?
@Ansatz66 6 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't even matter. Either way they had been studying the crashed ship for years, so they ought to know how its computers work and how to interface with them. People keep complaining about the computer virus, but it makes perfect sense.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
I should've mentioned that, kinda forgot to. But that's actually why I chose to more focus on their 'network security' so to speak. It still seems like a massive oversight to have their systems so vulnerable to attack.
@swangelok 6 жыл бұрын
Is not only a question of interfacing two computers, that COULD be achieved, even at physical level, reading voltages and currents, but after that they would have to reverse engineer the operating system, develop the programing tools, and then write the code, debug it and test it (in less than 12 hours!). Even if they could do that, then they would have to gain root access to execute te malicious code in the main computer. As Media Zealot says, the problem is to gain access to the computer. I work for a small company and my laptop has the USB ports restricted, bluetooth disabled and I need a temporary password generated from an app in my phone everytime I want to connect from outside the home network. And this just to read my emails and access a couple of remote folders. When I saw the "resolving host" message I couldn't stop laughing, so not only the aliens use the internet protocol, but they also have an IP address assignated. I wonder how the aliens managed to do that, did they contacted the IANA directly or did they have a shell company?
@Ansatz66 6 жыл бұрын
"They would have to reverse engineer the operating system, develop the programing tools, and then write the code, debug it and test it (in less than 12 hours!)." They had almost 50 years to do most of that stuff, not just 12 hours. The ship crashed in 1947 and they had been studying it ever since. "I work for a small company and my laptop has the USB ports restricted, bluetooth disabled and I need a temporary password generated from an app in my phone every time I want to connect from outside the home network." The humans didn't access the alien computers from outside the home network. They took the extraordinary step of hijacking an alien ship and making a suicidal flight into the alien mothership. Maybe no one has ever attempted something like that before and the aliens didn't expect to ever have to defend against it. The ship probably came with the necessary security codes installed, much like a phone app generating passwords. "When I saw the 'resolving host' message I couldn't stop laughing, so not only the aliens use the internet protocol, but they also have an IP address assigned." Host doesn't have to mean only internet protocol. Whatever protocol the aliens use, there's no reason why we shouldn't use words that we're familiar with to describe it, like host. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we never saw an IP address.
@nyetloki 4 жыл бұрын
Yes the human tech was all reversed engineered from the non operational crashed ship which is why it's mostly compatible. But they weren't able to learn more until the mothership got in range and the scout ship turned back on. Which is how the 2nd movie technology existed. Able to reverse engineer better when the tech works
@lotuswraith 4 жыл бұрын
10:09 There isn't a countdown "embedded in the signal," the signal is degrading at a set rate which means it will end at a aet time. All David did was to essentially calculate how long until the signal goes away.
@genericasian5699 6 жыл бұрын
My sides still hurt from the red scribbling over the twin towers.
@McDADDyK 4 жыл бұрын
@Life-Row-Toll 4 жыл бұрын
@@McDADDyK towards the beginning.
@BattleUnit3 6 жыл бұрын
Not to mention that firing that big weapon in the original movie without the shields would have destroyed the ship itself since it was basically a couple a hundred meters in the air and no way in hell can it survive the blastwave.
@treemasterbob 6 жыл бұрын
Did you know that Geoff Goldbloom wasn't acting and was actually drunk during the virus scene after reading end of the script?
@avengermkii7872 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't realize that the movie's foundation was for an advertisement for an Apple laptop lol
@nthgth 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I never even noticed it was an Apple lol
@ANTIStraussian 5 ай бұрын
All human computer technology is based on the crashed roswell alien ship. That's why our virus works on their computers, our computers are their computers.
@sorcikator993 6 жыл бұрын
I actually like the first Independance Day, because it's so bad and cheesy it's amazing. But then, Resurgence started to contredict it's own lore and the aliens seems to became even dumbers XD
@ryanhughes6405 5 жыл бұрын
The first movie was an masterpiece to me
@isaachinds3736 4 жыл бұрын
@@ryanhughes6405 A masterpiece of stupidly only held together by nostalgia and hype.
@bluechair9172 4 жыл бұрын
@@isaachinds3736 As a person who never watched this movie in his childhood days and watches it near daily, I disagree with you. I agree with the main comment, it is so bad and cheesy it is amazing, a proper popcorn film.
@jonathanhensley6141 4 жыл бұрын
The first was entertaining but makes no sense. It was a good action movie with cool special effects. All invasion movie have an alien we have to beat because that would make no sense. I hated the whole computer virus idea and how a ship just flew right in there no problem.
@jonathanhensley6141 4 жыл бұрын
A masterpiece In the area of being a good action movie but science fiction not at all. Was a good cheesy action movie.
@blackmesasecurity3825 5 жыл бұрын
Kid with a nerf gun at 10:28 fully capable of defeating thy aliens
@kisham 6 жыл бұрын
Species like this one always make think one thing: the stagnation of a society. Maybe these aliens are so advanced and so old that cannot advance anymore, depending on the queen-drone system to function and tactics that seems lazy and predictable, using extreme force and exposing vulnerabilities.
@Petardozord 6 жыл бұрын
kisham yes. Just thousands of generations without enemy or plans for existence.
@kisham 6 жыл бұрын
Can you believe that people of our species totally believe that we have reached our apex as a civilization?
@DolFan316 5 жыл бұрын
@@kisham The sad part is, they might be right. if "apex" means that everything goes downhill from that point on.
@Tridd666 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the US military Stagnant, poor planning, over reliance on technology to blow up technologically inferior, but otherwise superior opponents fighting to protect their home Oh shit this movie wasn't a comedy
@Mysteri0usChannel 4 жыл бұрын
I actually believe they aren't smart at all, just very, very old, and that's why their technology didn't advance as much as ours did in those 20 years. And that's also why they didn't destroy us immediately in 1947 when their first ship didn't return - they WANTED US to learn from their technology, to further develop it, to make it better, so they could claim our inventions after killing us all of. It feels like a commentary on communism - it maybe creates a huge empire that seems to work and be imposing, but it's actually quite fragile on the inside and lacks any technological advancement and thus depends on other society's to develop new things they can then take for themselves.
@sebastianranch6934 6 жыл бұрын
14:20 - "Irrational, suicidal queens." Man, I've known quite a few of those in my life.
@GeorgeKinsill 6 жыл бұрын
So far it seems like the only world feeding and intelligent civilization/organism in fiction is Galactus from Marvel (comics, not the movies). Unless I'm mistaken, Galactus needs worlds with intelligent life, and as seen in secret wars, would prefer not to bring doom to entire worlds. All of these other civilizations, however, seem to like risking total annihilation by targeting the few worlds with intelligent life.
@101Mant 6 жыл бұрын
GeorgeKinsill Galactus has been shown to feed on worlds with life but no civilization, in fact civilizations have been saved from him by finding him worlds with no intelligent life for him to feed on instead.
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 5 жыл бұрын
Galactus is also a pretty complex character and not a real villain.
@purplehaze2358 4 жыл бұрын
Let’s be real, the concept of an alien invasion film is at a loss. It’s either you make the invasion force actually competent, and have a boring story with a relatively one-sided conflict, or you have one that’s incompetent, which completely pulls the audience out of the film because it’s too blatantly flawed.
@brendanw8136 2 жыл бұрын
Half-Life 2 managed to pull this off - the initial Seven Hour War implied to have involved the full strength of the invaders' forces, then you as the player much later confronting a far weaker force left behind as a garrison on the conquered world, after the regular units have departed.
@casbot71 6 жыл бұрын
The Aliens from the British miniseries 'Invasion Earth'... Oh wait they won (it's British, and dark), well their ship was destroyed and then another appeared right in it's place, they were dimensionally stacked. Well there are two Alien races that lost recently to Tom Cruise, (probably because of lack of Thetans) - Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion, both species showed promise but lacked security features. In general, don't hive minds understand the importance of door locks or basic security lockouts ? The original Cybermen with their weakness to gold, on their nice big chest units, along with their plodding pace (Daleks once they could overcome stairs became pretty hardcore). Oh and of course the Lizard people.....what do you mean they've already won ?.....what are you talki......[*muffled screams and a zapping noise].
@chayophan3078 6 жыл бұрын
HA! Scientology crack! Too easy... Still funny tho.
@franciscoreveriano2524 4 жыл бұрын
"primitive and war-mongering apes" perfect description of our species.
@jackaruby4222 4 жыл бұрын
Harvester 1: “So uhh, should we mine the uninhabited planets first? Or better yet, how about we just harvest the star in this solar system? I mean it’s pretty much identical to any other planet core in terms of resources and we also don’t have to put up with drilling through the mantle of a planet right? Harvester 2: “Nah, lets just gun straight for the inhabited planet for shits n’ giggles, it’s kinda unlucky that literally everyone coincidentally forgot to bring their space guns to work today but I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.” Harvester 1: “
@davidharris3728 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like Independence Day succeeded due to its characters, the charisma of their actors, and the strengths of their arcs. It was enough to make up for the shortcomings in plot. Resurgence just didn't have these things. It couldn't make up for the ridiculous and reused plot.
@JStryker47 Жыл бұрын
Hold on... that lead scientist at Area 51 SURVIVED?!? I was 100% positive he'd been choked to death by that alien's tentacle! They made it seem blindingly obvious that he was super dead, after that scene!
@69Kazeshini 10 ай бұрын
Nah he was put in a coma
@HauntedXXXPancake 8 ай бұрын
Androids don't need to breath air.
@JStryker47 8 ай бұрын
@@HauntedXXXPancake It's *breathe,* not breath. Stop leaving off the E at the end. You're saying the wrong word.
@stackflow343 6 жыл бұрын
The biggest problem I had with this movie when watching it for the first time, was "WHY ARE THEY NOT BOMBARDING OUR CITIES FROM ORBIT IT'S SO OBVIOUS" lmao I mean we'd be sitting ducks.
@hellkey002 6 жыл бұрын
Try those martians from War of the Worlds. ;)
@casbot71 6 жыл бұрын
hellkey002 A society ruled by anti-vaxers.
@JeanLucCaptain 6 жыл бұрын
Well, those guys were just desperate. They were forced of their own world by some disaster.
@elijah8251 6 жыл бұрын
They didn’t have the tech to go to different star systems. So they went to a nearest planet. Because their planet is getting colder and the species is dying out. So they forced themselves to earth. They almost won but germs kill them.
@chadcastagana9181 6 жыл бұрын
Spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS sucked like raw egg, even the low budget George Pal version was more realistic and inventive, at least by the standards way back then
@Hammer_Of_Olympia 6 жыл бұрын
Chad Castagana I liked the Tom Cruise one I thought if was eerie and it scared me as a child
@dinolover 4 жыл бұрын
Considering how stupid it is to start a full scale invasion, only to sit there for days and let your opponent form a counterattack, yeah I think I agree with you. Like they attacked on day 1 and then they were like "alright we got this, most of the populace is still alive with the most important members around, but no sweat we good!"
@kennethkustren9381 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Not too many writers can build a thriving ALIEN species.
@AshenDruid 4 жыл бұрын
I get the feeling the only reason that humans won the first time was because they had a functioning Scout ship that wasn't part of that mothership's inventory so they weren't initially suspicious of it apparently. Like, apparently after all this time humans are the only species to get a hold of one of those
@gerstensaft2936 6 жыл бұрын
As always: well done. I love this series. Keep on the good work.
@nikobelic4251 3 жыл бұрын
I heard someone find a pretty good explanation as to why the Harvester’s code is the same as ours. We got our code from theirs. We got binary code by reverse engineering computers from their Roswell ship.
@VinceP1974 Жыл бұрын
Binary code stems from the only thing that it represents... the presence or absence of an electrical signal. Every computer works by carefully orchestrating the movement of electronic flow. There isnt anything else about it. All the stuff layered on top of it stems from the culture that conceptualizes it.
@nikobelic4251 Жыл бұрын
@@VinceP1974 whether or not it’s the binary or something else, the in movie explanation as to why our viruses are compatible with their computers and ships.
@ethancolebarrett 6 жыл бұрын
Never clicked on something so fast. Keep doing this series man, your voice is awesome for narration. Ever thought on getting a VA job or a Narration job?
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
haha thanks dude. I dunno, maybe the accent is just fresh to you guys? I'm not sure which narration format I could do, maybe docos, but I'll have to stop acting like an arse first.
@apex2000 6 жыл бұрын
The race from ET, seem to be rather poorly organised.
@johnsimley 6 жыл бұрын
Never stop acting the ass/arse, It's your sarcastic tone that we love so much.
@Zaluskowsky 6 жыл бұрын
try and get a collab with Tierzoo at some point -)
@johnsimley 6 жыл бұрын
This was the most entertaining critique of them all. I think I woke up my neighbors from laughing so loud.
@traesolus8898 5 жыл бұрын
It should be noted that another deleted scene from the first movie is that then-modern computers had been *derived* from the Roswell alien ship. The Macbook and it's programs and virus were compatible because with the alien mothership because our systems are based on theirs.
@ricancira 6 жыл бұрын
Oh great, now I'm gonna have to marathon this series...again. ..sigh.
@thomaskirkness-little5809 6 жыл бұрын
Marathon two films?
@ravigill5341 6 жыл бұрын
He means Stargate
@mcchuggernaut9378 6 жыл бұрын
I love your videos. Very entertaining. But since I am enough of a nerd to like them, I must point out a flaw I noticed. The earth's core may be primarily nickle and iron, but if that was all there was to it, our core would have cooled and solidified long ago, just like the core of Mars. The earth's central core is in fact now believed to be kept hot by virtue of being a natural nuclear reactor. The vast majority of the earth's original, radioactive material sunk to the center of our planet when it was still molten during planetary formation. This long-lasting radioactive heat is why the core is molten billions of years afterwards. Mars, being farther out in the planetary system, would have contained less heavy elements than the earth, as well as Mars being a third smaller than our planet, which is why it's core has "burn't out" and it's magnetic field and vulcanism are no longer present. This lack of a magnetic field is what lead to the stripping of the martian atmosphere by solar wind, which in turn destroyed it's greenhouse gas atmospheric heat trapping system, slowly freeze-drying the planet into it's current state over millions of years. The absence of vulcanism slowing this process by releasing new greenhouse gasses probably didn't help either. So the point of all this is, the earth's huge central core mass of rare heavy and radioactive elements would be VERY useful if you could harvest it. That would supply a massive amount of rare material and potential power to an energy and resource-hungry bunch of space locusts. And come to think of it, out of all the planets in our solar system, we would be the most attractive target. Lots of bonus water, not too much gravity to get close to without being crushed, (as in the case of Jupiter) not so close to the sun as to fry you (Mercury), core still molten and full of heavy elements unlike mars which ALSO has no water. Venus probably has a denser core, but it is smaller and again, no oceans of bonus water...We were the best target, and probably a very rare perfect one for their shopping needs. Omnonnonnom...
@gaiusjuliuspleaser 5 жыл бұрын
You're giving the screenwriters an awful lot of credit here. Besides, this movie shits all over the lore of the original anyway. In the original, the aliens moved their entire civilization from planet to planet until they'd depleted it of any resources, and then moved on. Now, they're apparently part of some grand galactic empire, and they suddenly want our molten core, for... reasons. Which they're going to accomplish by drilling a tiny hole through the earth's mantle and sucking it out, apparently. Basically the equivalent of draining the Great Lakes through a Silly Straw. Nothing in this movie makes sense.
@darthguilder1923 6 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite series on KZbin
@darthguilder1923 6 жыл бұрын
Cuzeg Spiked I know, it’s ridiculous. I subscribed as soon as I saw the first.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
I'm humbled guys, thanks. I still feel good about going from zero to 12k in a year and a half. My upload rate is probably hindering growth, but I'm going as hard as I can, so just gotta keep going. I probably need more subs and regular views to break past the point where growth is self-sustaining. At the moment everything drops off a month after upload. Do me a solid and share my vids around, cheers.
@adamgray1753 6 жыл бұрын
You make very well made videos, Media Zealot. This series is hilarious, especially the meme insertions. Your "*tingles* meme was absolutely perfect. I'm with you though that the third Independence Day movie is going to be beyond epic. I'm kinda sorta excited for it. I hope it doesn't take twenty fricken years to get too.
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
Cheers Adam. I agree, expanding the franchise out is not exactly an unappealing prospect. It's good to see some new direction for a story, rather than the current trend of rehash/redo. It will be a massive challenge if it is made, bringing together all these new alien species and creating a completely new dynamic that still meshes with the previous installments. And even resurgence - which I'm sure we could shower with legitimate criticisms if we really tried - at least it was advancing the story in an interesting direction. That's something to be savoured in this day and age.
@chaincyclist2736 6 жыл бұрын
What if, when a civilization becomes technologically advanced to this point, they become slightly dumber because their technology already takes care these matters for them? Think: If you had giant lasers that could wipe out entire cities in just one shot, you wouldn't really need to plan for much of a strategy.
@javonyounger5107 6 жыл бұрын
love this series, perhaps you could consider fantasy races as well if you're running out of sci-fi races?
@MediaZealot 6 жыл бұрын
It may be impossible to run out of sci-fi races, I've got a whopping list going as it is. But I'm going to include anything close enough to the fairly loose parameters. As long as we can call the civilisation itself sci-fi, then its fair game I reckon. I'm pretty keen to do the Jetsons, so I'd be bending the rules a bit there.
@kylethomas9130 6 жыл бұрын
There's a lot of things wrong with quite a few fantasy races, like why are elves so much better, and so incapable of sustaining their borders?
@hiddenecho9056 6 жыл бұрын
Thing about fantasy races is that, unlike sci fi which has to have some sensible logic in the setting and emulate the real world to some extent, fantasy can have worlds run on literal nonsense or have logic itself be the enemy. Now, not saying a video on this subject is impossible-far from it, but in some ways fantasy races can get by the "impossible" tag a lot easier than sci fi races. A better way to phrase it would be "Impossible Fantasy Races given Appropriate internal Context and Consistency".
@javonyounger5107 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not so sure about that this is a series of races that are too stupid to exist,magic or not stupidity is stupidity.
@MinscFromBaldursGate92 6 жыл бұрын
The Drow from D&D are definetely dumb.
@Hudson316 5 жыл бұрын
In the comic adaptation of the first movie, the explanation for why the jet ramming the city destroyer took the whole thing out was that it collided with the bomb that's sent down the beam and the city destroyer weapon detonated in the barrel instead of the ground.
@TheNefastor 6 жыл бұрын
Graviton, gravitoff :-D I'm dying, out here
@intetx 6 жыл бұрын
This inability to cope with ruses comes from a famous short story about aliens visiting earth and discovering this totally new concept for them. It explains everything in those movies in a better way than most reasons given why humans can win.
@thetigerking2613 6 жыл бұрын
If you think these aliens are stupid look at the ones in the movie Oblivion.
@fredweller1086 6 жыл бұрын
Same idiotic concept. Mining / resource raping Earth. Goes back to "V" in the 1980s.
@rlj151 6 жыл бұрын
You called out 2 of the biggest flaws that I called out back then as well. A virus written on an Apple computer was able to infect an alien computer, when it would do a thing to hurt a DOS/Windows based PC. And the using terrestrial orbital satellites to run their count down clock through, when they had ships in orbit that could do that, or they could just park shuttles in orbit and keep their secure line of communications.
@brettbaxter4860 6 жыл бұрын
So maybe the first Harvesters were the equivalent of the Alabama National Guard.
@Tuzszo 6 жыл бұрын
For when the alien queen is also your alien sister and alien cousin.
@TheMany42 6 жыл бұрын
If Minecraft taught me anything then it's that Nickel and Lead are INCREDIBLY useful and tend to be harder to find as well.
@DaRkJoKeR77 6 жыл бұрын
Love the series. I would highly recommend looking at the Covenant from Halo if you want more material. You would have a field day with them.
@Mayhemm007 6 жыл бұрын
How exactly are the Covenant stupid? Other than being a space-faring civilization based around religion, I mean.
@DaRkJoKeR77 6 жыл бұрын
They created a completely unnecessary massive civil war with themselves while they were in the middle of a war with humanity and the flood. They also thought that activating a galaxy killing super weapon would make them "transcend". That goes a bit beyond just having a society based on religion imo.
@thegrayinthefield8764 6 жыл бұрын
The forerunners deserve an honorable mention too. They devolved the humans and San'shyuum, who had extensive knowledge regarding the flood, losing whatever chance they had at exploiting potential weakness(es).
@gigafuq8751 6 жыл бұрын
the covenant as a faction didnt create the civil war, it was the rising tension between different species that make up the covenant. and the great journey was a lie or false belief told by one species to persuade the others to join in. you could make a video on individual races within the covenant, but not the covenant itself imo
@jayy7842 4 жыл бұрын
Bruh, we got micheal bay, the Harvesters didn't stand a chance.
@That80sGuy1972 6 жыл бұрын
How are these aliens beating ANY planets with capable militaries on them? Blind luck? For the resources they command, they HAD to overcome militaries much more capable than ours even in the 2nd movie.
@evanlight2550 3 жыл бұрын
Earth had a crashed alien ship from New Mexico, so we somewhat had a head start from the other worlds that were attacked.
@That80sGuy1972 3 жыл бұрын
@@evanlight2550 Well, look at the time spent between the crashed ship and the next incursion. Then, consider their psionic capabilities and energy of their devices on a shared network. Now, compare them to us. We are pretty much at the dawn of our information age and they were living in theirs for generations. If we scale them down to human level, we are spider monkeys who discovered via humans how to use pointy sticks as weapons and know how to use weapons that humans drop. Now, imagine being those humans with superior numbers getting defeated by spider monkeys via their clever culture to the point of virtual genocide because a couple good-old-boys with their M-16s died in spider monkey territory via their Jeep crash. And, yes, the scale is fair. The difference is this... the spider monkeys would all share the information that humans exist and all would be wary of them. There would already be a community effort to both act in defense of the humans while learning via interactions. To scale to our "great intellect" outside of other biological beings, we are idiots. Hands-down, we are the stupidest intelligent beings on the planet when you scale our behavior on average to all other creatures on Earth.
@wilomica 3 жыл бұрын
In the sequel it is clearly explained the first wave were civilian colonists while the second invasion was the state of the art military not using decommissioned military surplus gear, but rather bleeding edge tech.
@BadwolfGamer 6 жыл бұрын
This was a great watch Zealot I always enjoy your content it's slow coming but always worth the wait :)
@reidwallace4258 5 жыл бұрын
The sucker punch didn't knock him out, it just staggered the alien. The bad one liner knocked it out.
@mcmarkmarkson7115 5 жыл бұрын
"This city destroying ship was destroyed when the town druck flew into it" - don't underestimate bush pilots!
@oltyret 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, having different levels to your military has numerous Earth equivalents: Roman analogy - Auxiliaries, Legions, and Praetorian Guards; or British - Imperial Forces, Home Army, The Guards Division; or US - National Guard, Regular Army and Special Forces. Each of these works in different ways but it shows how the Harvesters might actually risk their lower tier of forces first before sending in their finest. Depending on a given society's priorities, the upper tier can be sent in first and the lower tier used as a back up or the lower tier forces can be expended first and the upper tier forces are then used to finish the job.
@InVinoVeratas 6 жыл бұрын
Hey MediaZealot, I seen “Too Stupid to exist: Episode 1, the Psychols, and _I was immediately _*_Hoooked!_* Your analysis of these wall-banging idiot “ _Advanced_ ” civilizations makes the tumours in my head go away, it’s refreshing to know other people notice the ignorance and lack of planning and organization of supposedly _superior_ races. It’s always baffling to me that screenwriters and directors don’t think about the overall stupidity of some of the decisions of _an advanced civilization_ in these kinds of circumstances.
@Gearparadummies Жыл бұрын
The original "Independence Day" was acknowledged as a "Blockbuster Turd" at the time of release. The second one, made with Chinese money added an extra layer of cringey cheese. Haven't seen the first in 20 years and the second one I left playing in the background. I think the slightly less stupid won.
@JoelReid 6 жыл бұрын
Travelling on a spaceship actually makes more sense than settling on worlds... otherwise every time you settle you have to worry about running out of resources after a few thousand years. A mobile home does not worry about resources, they just move to the next source. This is the same logic humans used as nomadic tribes to become the superior species on Earth and the same reason why other hominid species such as Neanderthals are now extinct. In fact, our current system of staying still in cities is very inefficient as we have to keep wasting resources on energy to transport resources to the city. it would make more sense to have a large city that moves to the resources.
@3Rayfire 6 жыл бұрын
At least until we master regenerative resources.
@mushypork1272 6 жыл бұрын
the city part was in the realm of retardation
@bigboy8421 5 жыл бұрын
I always assumed that the original invasion was like a "training mission" and the 2nd movie was the actual invasion force
@asvarien 6 жыл бұрын
Well the entire alien species was designed specifically to be defeated by Humans despite the glaring stupidity of that notion.
@MaxPSVR 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen core taps used in other sci fi’s like the book series Orion. The idea is to absorb the energy generated from the heat given out from the core. This is more sufficient than absorbing energy from the sun because there is a lot of wasted energy that you can’t capture unless you build a Dyson sphere. The average sola panel in space will capture less than 0.000001% whilst a core tap is near 100%
@Perceptionreflection 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a simple woman. I see Tuvok, I like.
@fredweller1086 6 жыл бұрын
Yay! Worth the watch just for the Tuvok cut scenes. Think the socialist UFP / pussy Starfleet qualifies for Part 5 of this series?
@spiritvdc5109 6 жыл бұрын
Just a thought regarding why the Harvesters upgraded so much between ID4 and Resurgence when they hadn't upgraded at all before that; I'd assume they'd rarely if ever encountered a race that could compete with them, let alone best them in battle, so they had no reason to upgrade until humans royally kicked their ass, at which point they designed a new invasion force to bring down their new enemy?
@MrExdeath57 6 жыл бұрын
@bryanmartinez6600 5 жыл бұрын
Advanced Alien Being With Telepathy Or Some Ape with Shooty thing
@FrozenKnight21 6 жыл бұрын
One explination for the upgrade could be manufactor dates. If the old ships were launched years prior then that would explain a lot. And the new ships launch with inexperienced queens which would explain the stupidity with her tactics. This could also explain the lost ship issue, as old ships tend to break down ocasionally, and they may have assumed the returning ship, was repaired by the crew. The lack of security could be explained by a lack of experience with hackers, as a queen based civilization would not have too many internal attacks, so a trusted ship could in theory be granted near root access. Next we can assume they didn't have time to get the notification regarding our ability to understand their technology. But this raises the question, are humans really the most tactically sound and agresive race they have encountered to date? Now this is a very specific set of flaws, that require a great number of assumptions. But this unlikely posiability is at least in theory posible. However, explaining hacking using a mac... that takes a lot more work, unless he wiped the system and put a custom linux build on it, but if your going to do that then why waste the extra money on a mac?
@GenJackOneill 5 жыл бұрын
Purely because of the sg1 clip at the end, you got my sub. I am really enjoying these episodes, keep up the great work.
@apex2000 6 жыл бұрын
Thought this series was over, glad it not.
@sergiolopez5027 4 жыл бұрын
Can’t stop laughing at 9:12 Will Smith with the “huh!” is on point with that theory lol!
@disappointedoptimist8659 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome to urf
@AvangionQ 6 жыл бұрын
Yet another victim of the Mandela Effect ...
@petersmythe6462 5 жыл бұрын
The core isn't just Nickel and Iron. It has a lot of heavy elements like Gold, Uranium, etc. Nickel and Iron are just far more common and stand out on Seismographs.
@SlavMarine 6 жыл бұрын
8:28 Maybe they came from a galaxy far far away?
@JohnSmith-eo5sp 5 жыл бұрын
1:00 My my you are good with the invectives! 10:20 Hey, they were running Cyclic Binary Code (or Reflective Code), which we were using in the 1950's, maybe that is where it came from? Excellent for a linear counting down
@andreassewell7413 6 жыл бұрын
"Fantasy Civilizations/Factions Too Stupid To Really Exist" as a possible series?
@SpottedHares 4 жыл бұрын
Stupidity know no bounds, when you hit rock bottom you find out you only just scratched the surface.
@someguy4844 5 жыл бұрын
"But I have a series to continue" 😂😂
@SnacksLP 6 жыл бұрын
About extracting the cores. If you'd consider they come to this solar system and see only 1 civilized planet, you would naturally start with it, because if it takes time to do it to planets, the civilized planet can mount preparations to defend their own planet and learn the motivations of the aliens by giving time to observe.
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