Debi folllows my KZbin channel. She recently contacted me to tell me how she reversed her osteoporosis. Debi shares her story in this video.
@klschnepp6 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video, such valuable information... Kindly elaborate Debi's low intensive vibration on how long, how many minutes each time on her 3 sets a day. Thank you again.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Debi does 10 minutes sessions, three times a day.
@klschnepp6 ай бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt Ok, thank you.
@helenkidd56285 ай бұрын
What is the platform they are talking about H kidd
@marytapscott43103 ай бұрын
I would also like to know the maker of the platform she uses. Thank you.
@gayeadams36757 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis three years ago. I had a drop from -2.5 to -3.5 between scans three years apart. I came across your site and a few others that that shed light on how to take a natural approach. I purchased a Marodyne, started supplementing with D3, K2 and more magnesium. I also started Eating more protein, started strength training and got a dexa scan one year later, and my density has increased. My endocrinologist and GP were so impressed. They are no longer urging me to take bisphosphinates. Thank you for your part in my journey!
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Hi Gayle. Thank you for sharing your story.
@kidges31326 ай бұрын
How much was the Marodyne?
@Indydi6 ай бұрын
@@kidges3132 Look into PowerPlate. The Personal model is $1700. Still a lot, but far cheaper than Marodyne, and Doug Lucas thinks PowerPlate is better than Marodyne. He says the studies on that one have been fudged, and studies on PowerPlate have been dismissed, even tho it shows better gains. No one digs into the study details like he does. Here's his conclusion:
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
You should check with Marodyne for pricing in your country. My understanding is that the price in the US is $3,000 USD. YOu can contact Marodyne here:
@Conny2266 ай бұрын
i am very happy for you .❤️👍🏻
@ploppy1937 ай бұрын
I'd love to hear more positive stories like this where people have improved their osteoporosis naturally without bone drugs.
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Thank you. We are working on more of these type of testimonials and will be posting them on our website.
@Conny2266 ай бұрын
that awesome 👍🏻
@beverlypeterson22543 ай бұрын
@@margaretmartinptcan u confirm in videos that people r comparing dexa scores w same exact dexa machine? Thnks so much.
@deborahminniear82846 ай бұрын
This is the first video of yours that I have seen. I am really encouraged that many of the steps that I have already been using (but not consistently) need to be ramped up and added to. I had my first Dexa scan in 2017 just as a baseline because my Mother had osteopenia and osteoporosis. I was shocked at the results! My T-score was-4.2 at age 57!!! I decided against any drugs and have used some of the same practices (not as frequent) as Deb. My last Dexa scan in 2022 had T-scores of lumbar spine -3.9 and right femoral neck -3.4. I have a long road ahead but am excited to catch up on your You Tubes and get more practical advice and encouragement! Thank You!!!
@franbruno31106 ай бұрын
SO wonderful , so thrilled for Debi. Margaret your 'gift' is SOOOO great...thank you again and again...for your sharing, encouraging all who need solid information. Take good care !
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@shrs.344824 күн бұрын
All I can say is a big Thank You. The machine (platform) aint cheap but I bought it because I believe it would help my bones and health.
@LC-vq1go7 ай бұрын
Amazing INFO! I purchased a LIV also and hopefully will see better results also. When I have time I use it 3 -5 times a day. And follow Margarets exercise. WT lift and exercise. LOVE to hear this info gives me positive hope that I can also get benefit! Margaret’s site is amazing and always a benefit. We are blessed to have her!!!
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story.
@mandysmith78127 ай бұрын
I’m pleased it’s a positive result but for those of us who can’t afford the Marodyne we have to do what we can. Would love to hear if others have had good results with exercise, nutrition & supplements.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
I have clients who do well with exercise and nutrition. Everyone is different and their results can vary significantly from yours solely due to genetic differences and medical history.
@eallen93046 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in August 2022 and to my endocrinologist’s dismay, I refused the recommended medications of any kind. Instead I chanced upon Margaret’s Melioguide site and began following many of her recommendations: primarily exercise, strength training, D3, K2, and prunes. I have repeated my bone scan every 6 months and each one since my diagnosis has shown improvement, the last one showed I have graduated from osteoporosis to osteopenia in all but one area of my left hip.
@Kathy-20J-736 ай бұрын
WEIGHT bearing exercise best of ALL.... Start walking with back pack with a weight in it... A large bottle frozen water... Then you can drink as you go lessening weight as you go... 🤗
@randldynes88246 ай бұрын
My last dexa was fall 2021. My spine was -3.8 and my hips in the osteopenia range. My dr has been suggesting bone drugs which I have said no to. In 2021 I started a weight program at home, changed my supplements (on the garden of life grow bone system) improved my diet (now eating g red meat) started jump roping every day, bought a rebounder and am on that every day in addition to hiking and running (that I’ve been doing for a long time). I rarely eat out, do t eat processed food and no sugar. I limit my alcohol but still drink occasionally. I take a low dose estrogen only which I went back on in 2021. I’ve been on estrogen on and off and it didn’t improve my dexa numbers in the past. I get good sleep and most of all have faith in God that He will help. It’s a lot of hard work but the alternative of prescription drugs is worse and not an option. In two years my spine improved to -2.7 and my hips are now in the normal range. Best to all the women out there who are battling osteoporosis. Praying for you all!!
@moocrazytn6 ай бұрын
My DEXA improved, to my doctor's surprise. I'd only done 2 things differently that I'm aware of. I became slightly more active after 3 years of low activity due to an accident. Also, I'd been taking collagen in my coffee each morning. The doctor said the collagen wouldn't do it. Yet my activities were not impressive, so I don't know. I just got a modestly priced vibrating plate from Amazon. Curious to see how that does.
@2stayfree117 ай бұрын
I too learned about LIV, exercise, etc on this channel. Love success story, Debi ! I have had the Marodyne LIV for 1 year. I have had osteopenia for about 20yrs. (Less than -2.4) but developed osteoporosis in forearm noted 3 yrs ago. at - 4.3. DEXA Feb 2024 noted improvement in all areas but forearm which was same. In Nov 2023, discovered placing hands on hips during LIV session could feel the vibrations better through arms. I've increased weights for arm exercises from 3 lbs to 5 lbs and going toward 10 lbs. I walk 6 days/wk, do my own housework, gardening. I’ll be 80 this yr. Any suggestions greatly appreciated for arms. PS. I have refused Rx for osteoporosis x3 now. The endocrinologist was quite livid when I said I was using LIV, exercise and diet. Her response was that "exercise does NOT build bone! Only medication does that.” Big Thank you, Margaret!
@betzib80217 ай бұрын
I'm your age...exactly same situation. Doctors are so frustrating. I've had osteoporosis for years. I'm going to try this thing.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work. I encourage you to work closely with a Physical Therapist who can help you with your program.
@Yo-jr9ut5 ай бұрын
I know, doctors says that.
@betzib80215 ай бұрын
@@2stayfree11 I am the same same in everything. I'm purchasing the power plate. I heard it was the best. I don't know about this one.
@DawnWafford4 ай бұрын
Quite unfortunate missing the mark as typically the medical training is how to medicate and little to no training in effective natural approaches. They weren't taught it so too many think it's doesn't carry weight . Too many dismiss and distrust approaches outside of pharmaceutical meds.
@wandarivera15746 ай бұрын
My mom going to be 82 in October and she’s perfect,no problem with her bones,she’s not do exercise just walking when she going to the store or church but most of the time she’s sitting,I think not everyone is the same bc her dad live 96,
@gaylemathews13275 ай бұрын
Yes I reversed osteopenia. In 2 years I increased bone density by 4.3 % . In another 2 years I had a scan that showed by bones are now fine. I lift heavy at the gym, box and skip. I also do a lot of pullups.
@michy26303 ай бұрын
Did your scores get better only woy exercise? No supplements? Thx
@lisayoga14 күн бұрын
I wish I'd done this when I had osteopenia! Now I have osteoporosis! :( Did you or do you take any bioidentical hormones?
@TheChristineMCS2 ай бұрын
This is encouraging. After suffering from 2 compression fractures just over 2 years ago, I invested in the Marodyne and use it once or twice a day. I'm going to try to increase it to 3 times after watching this. I recently suffered from another compression fracture after lifting something heavy. I'm due for another DEXA soon. I'm hopeful that i see an increase in my bone density.
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
I just bought one and I hope my compressions don't get worse using it! Have you noticed anything like this from using it?
@lisayoga14 күн бұрын
Christine, I have a couple old compression fractures too--you don't feel any pain in those areas from using the Marodyne do you? I just ordered one but now I'm kind of worried as maybe I shouldn't be using it with compressed vertebrae?
@lisayoga14 күн бұрын
Looking forward to your great update!
@TheChristineMCS14 күн бұрын
@lisayoga It's safe to use if you have compression fractures according to Marodyne.
@TheChristineMCS14 күн бұрын
@lisayoga I've not noticed any problems with using it. I was disappointed that my most recent DEXA scan didn't show improvement. My lumbar some was actually worse than 2 years ago, but it's the same as it was 4 years ago. So I'm maintaining. I guess that's something.
@rhoz51917 ай бұрын
So inspiring to hear such a success story. I have been using my Marodyne for one year now… I would have liked to he@r more of her excercise regimen.
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Debi follows the strength exercises in my book, Exercise for Better Bones.
@cherylpaniccia49206 ай бұрын
Very hopeful video. Thank you!
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
Great you have a Marodyne! How is your DEXA now? :)
@Candleflower42-zp3sh6 ай бұрын
I would have guessed Debi in her 50’s. I’ll also be 71 in September - with CFS/fibromyalgia hard to do aggressive strength training and have a hole in my ear (superior canal dehiscense) so doubt the vibration would be advisable otherwise I’d get it. ( had a craniotomy in one ear 14 years ago and trying to avoid another…) Am on HRT and think it’s helping. So many docs don’t want to keep women on it but from what I’ve read it’s safe, at least safer than breaking another bone. Broke femur Sept 2020 and bone density post surgery in hip showed -1.9, not horribly bad but did have a gruesome break I’ve not fully recovered from. Peter Attia has talked about this, gives percentages of what happens if fall after age 65.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story.
@angiedamian681Ай бұрын
You’re on HRT and still broke your femur in 2020?
@Candleflower42-zp3shАй бұрын
@@angiedamian681 yes but I didn’t know to get on it right away and lost a lot of density ages 50-60. Also I came down so hard I really think most would have. Brooke Shields broke hers falling off a balance board shortly after I did, and she’s fit and in her 50’s.
@user-bg9em7ch6kАй бұрын
My sister broke her ankle stepping off a curb when she was 10, so obviously the angle and force of the “fall” can be sufficient to break even bones without osteoporosis.
@Candleflower42-zp3shАй бұрын
@@user-bg9em7ch6k I think young people can break their bones because they are not fully formed yet. I wonder what the age is when one has the best bone density my guess would be maybe mid 20s.
@richard019833 ай бұрын
Dexa scans accuracy depends on the operator. One time my L-4 increased 145% and was included in the total spine average for an unbelievable improvement.
@beverlypeterson22543 ай бұрын
Interesting how did you find out it was operator error
@rubicon228815 күн бұрын
Also this show today was excellent. As I've tried diet changes and strength training..but nothing changed...
@diannasarto17185 ай бұрын
Dear Margaret, I am considering purchasing the Marodyne device, but, considering it's expense, I wanted to make sure first that Debi was not adding any strontium to her supplements ( or taking a calcium supplement which includes strontium) My doctor says strontium can make the dexa readings higher but it doesn't mean that the bone itself has actually increased or become stronger....) Would you mind checking with her to ask her about this? (And also if she used the same dexa machine for both readings) IF she used the same machine, and did not take strontium, then her incredible improvement will certainly influence my decision. thanks so much.... And thank you for sharing her is VERY inspiring!
@margaretmartinpt5 ай бұрын
Debi did not use strontium and used the same DEXA machine for both recordings
@deborahharrison73115 ай бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt thanks for checking this out Margaret...I wondered the same thing as I have heard that strontium can skew results on the dexascan
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt And she used no hormones? And she's vegetarian?!
@Stephanie-bd5hw4 ай бұрын
amazing story! so hopeful-
@achillea29226 ай бұрын
I'm not very clear on what Debi did incrementally to what she was doing before other than using the vibrating platform? Was she doing the strength/cardio before the Dexa showing a decrease in BMD?
@jeffj3186 ай бұрын
Thank you for the superb video and interview. I had never heard of this vibration machine and will certainly look into it rather than taking pharmaceuticals.
@knittingpoppy5 ай бұрын
Great story! Just found your channel with this video. I'm 65 and have osteoporosis -2.5. I can't afford a machine like this, so I've joined a gym that has a Power Plate and I do my weights program on the Power Plate.
@ahoritaHOY5 ай бұрын
This is great info. I"ve been trying to "test drive" this LiV as there is a research fellow at the teaching hospital in my town. So far, I've not been able to connect with them. It's quite an investment, and I want to know more. TQ for the research you share & Debi's story. Very inspirational.
@lindafraser41692 ай бұрын
Thanks for reinforcing that action. Apparently I went to the clinic earlier some years ago and when I went to the clinic this time, the doctor I saw had the results of the DEXA scan so she gave me a copy. She tried to call me but I had changed my phone number and I forgot to notify them about it. I will be going to the clinic all the time now. When I asked for the DEXA scan at the doctor's office, the receptionist said she had to ask the doctor for her permission to send it. That didn't it. No phone call. No more doctor.
@cg000005 ай бұрын
Wow, incredible. I'm sold.
@arizonanative74096 ай бұрын
Does the Marodyne work if you have an endocrine disorder? I’m a Graves’ disease patient. Have refused bone drugs up until now, but will be 70 in August.
@charborgmann9542 ай бұрын
What about jazzersize classes, is that considering good excercise for bones.
@DebPalmer-pb4bi6 ай бұрын
very impressive and encouraging. It seems that the Marodyne is much much more expensive than others on the market. Is there a reason why it is the "best" one for this application?
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your question. I have looked at a number of devices. The amount of engineering and calibration required to get the right, safe and effective vibration signal through your body is quite complex. Marodyne is a German designed and built product that is the only device I have found that meets these requirement. I know that it is expensive and that many people cannot afford it, but it would be irresponsible to recommend vibration products that are cheaper but unsafe. You can learn more about my investigation here:
@artspark76976 ай бұрын
The Low-intensity Vibration: Marodyne LiV- That is $4,000 can you recommend a cheaper machine that does the same type of vibration.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your question. I have looked at a number of devices. The amount of engineering and calibration required to get the right, safe and effective vibration signal through your body is quite complex. Marodyne is a German designed and built product that is the only device I have found that meets these requirement. I know that it is expensive and that many people cannot afford it, but it would be irresponsible to recommend vibration products that are cheaper but unsafe. You should check with Marodyne for pricing in your country. My understanding is that the price in the US is $3,000 USD. YOu can contact Marodyne here:
@elizabethmorley74166 ай бұрын
The same as the quoted price for a month’s supply of related medication . No contest!
@cindyoberg-hauser176 ай бұрын
I purchased my Marodyne with flexible spending account dollars. That way it comes out to $125 per paycheck which was very doable for me.
@yvonnec.14856 ай бұрын
Debi stands on the Marodyne platform three times a day, but may I ask, how many minutes per session does she stand on it? Thank you.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
10 minutes per session.
@lillianlamar165418 сағат бұрын
This is the first time seeing your video Curious to know about this vibrating machine does it matter what brand? I am also diagnosed with osteoporosis and go to my first rheumatology appointment in March 2025 and I do not want to take drugs. I’d rather do it naturally of course I don’t smoke or drink, and I don’t eat processed food I mainly eat meat and vegetables and fruits.
@amethystfeathers73245 ай бұрын
There needs to be more attention and research paid to low bone density in the Lumbar spine due to long term use of Thyroxine which many women are prescribed for life and Phosomax causing thigh fractures..
@shaynedianecarr4 ай бұрын
I agree. I have been on thyroxine for 33 years and have been just diagnosed with osteoporosis.
@keilana64 ай бұрын
Been on levothyroxine for 12 years & there is a warning that it may affect bone density. Hope there is a way back to walking normally again.
@susangrande81423 ай бұрын
Do you mean Levothyroxine??? 😱 I’ve been on it for many years! I’ve also been diagnosed with L1-L4 osteoporosis a couple weeks ago! I’m 65.
@susangrande81423 ай бұрын
@@keilana6Really??? 😳 I’ve never heard this! I’ve been on it for many years, and just diagnosed with osteoporosis in lumbar vertebrae!
@amethystfeathers73243 ай бұрын
@@susangrande8142 yes that's exactly what I mean. I was 65 when a Dexa scan revealed osteopaenia in my lumbar spine and the lady doing the scan turned to me and asked if I was on Levo, I asked her how she knew and she said she could tell from the scan because they're all very similar.
@utubeAgape7 ай бұрын
I would love to know what her strength training routine entails.
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
She follows the exercise program in my book, Exercise for Better Bones.
@TheBanks-h8p7 ай бұрын
Which, by the way, is an excellent program. As well as your "Strengthen Your Core" and "Yoga for Better Bones" series.@@margaretmartinpt
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@utubeAgape7 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@lynnmichel64406 ай бұрын
How long does she stand on yhe LIV each session? Is there any other quality models we could use with effect results? If i can into some money i would buy the Marodyne.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Debi does the recommended 10 minutes per session. I have looked carefully at the available products and the only one able to safely deliver the vibration signals on a per person basis is the Marodyne.
@charborgmann9547 ай бұрын
I too am using Marodyne Liv for 6 months now, helps with balance and joint discomfort fot sure Question is: my husband had total knee replacement 5 months ago, is doing well, wondering if it would help him also with recovery???
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Hi Char. You can read about LiV and joint replacements in this post. Either use the table of content link or scroll down the page to the appropriate section.
@loriwilliamson5738Ай бұрын
Debi is 70!?!?!?! What kind of protein did Debi add to her diet? For a menopausal vegetarian, what suggestions would you have for adding protein to my diet? I've spent hours on google and I see a plethora of information. I've found your website to be safe and trustworthy. Thank you for your time and all of the important and helpful information you share.
@fato9583Ай бұрын
I am suffering from psoriasis arthritis and ostoprosis and doctor gave me alot of meds! I am just watching them and have'nt got them yet!
@Florida_Mollie6 ай бұрын
My question is at what intensity do you use on the vibration plate and for how long each time? I have a Lifepro vibration machine and have been using it daily at #1 for 15m with no improvement on dexa scores but worsening. I haven’t seen any advice for people and had to just decide on my own what intensity and length.
@uniqueanique4 ай бұрын
What is your experience with the LIV plate and total knee replacements? I recently had a total knee replacement and have been discouraged from continuing to use it.
@SK-ll4ti7 ай бұрын
I would like to hear what Debi’s t-scores are for the first DEXA scan and the second scan. My first one in 2020 showed -3.0 in spine and -2.2 femoral neck. I spent the next 3.5 years doing the strength training and eating well (including the prunes and also bone collagen). I started using the Marodyne in Oct 2021, so managed to use it for 2+ years. I was devastated to learn my t-scores in January 2024 decreased to -3.5 in the spine and -2.7 in the femoral neck. I’ve been told I need to start medication but when I hear this story it gives me hope. Thank you for sharing your story.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
I left it to Debi to share what information she felt comfortable sharing. I have to respect her privacy. I think it was generous of her to share what she did.
@SK-ll4ti6 ай бұрын
@@xyzzdoe3674 yes, I think you are right. I’m pretty sure mine is genetic as a lot of women in my family have OP. My grandmother and mother both broke their hip. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need medication and to continue all the things that I’m doing such as weight bearing exercise, healthy diet, and Marodyne 3 to 4 times per day. I’m starting to feel more at peace instead of the chronic fear I’ve experienced.
@JMS09066 ай бұрын
You need to stress your bones with weights. Forget walking for bone growth. It’s good for everything except bone density. Look up the LIFTMOR clinical trial study from OZ. 5 Movements with weights. If you have never worked with weights, form is critical. If you can find a good physio that understands osteoporosis, work with them as a trainer so you can learn. Then invest about $200 in dumbbells for home. Work with another person as a spotter for safety. It’s actually fun and you will see your strength improve. The people in the study increased bone density about 3.9% in the best parts after just 8 months. No one fractured anything. Do some study on this. It’s not magic, just bio-mechanics!
@LeonieSmall-mh2fc4 ай бұрын
Perhaps look at diet and weight training under supervision by an expert
@SK-ll4ti4 ай бұрын
@@LeonieSmall-mh2fc doing all that
@Fionarowett6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this encouraging story. I live in South Africa - do you know how I could get a low vibration plate? Many thanks Fiona
@MM-uv6kb5 ай бұрын
South African here too. I'm not sure we can get them here.
@susancoolidge78104 ай бұрын
Are there other testimonies like Debbie... because I really can't afford the program, so I'll take what I can from each one and look for a video performing that particular exercise for the far so good..
@susanne41686 ай бұрын
That’s great for those who can afford the Maradyne, but many if us cannot and will never be able to. Unfortunately, as with everything in life, even improving Osteoporosis depends on your financial status. Congratulations Debbie! I’m sorry about your loss.
@eallen93046 ай бұрын
Don’t give up hope. I have not used a Marodyne or any other type of vibration equipment and was able to improve my bone density scores without any bone meds by following many of the other valuable tips from Margaret. After 1.5 years all but one area of my left hip are no longer in the osteoporosis range. The main changes I made were exercise, strength training, walking, eating prunes daily, and taking vitamins D3 & K2. I try to get most of my calcium naturally from foods but will take a supplement before bed if I think my day’s diet didn’t contain enough calcium. When I walk my dogs we go briskly and I walk a bit heavier footed than I normally would. My endocrinologist is thrilled with my progress and says I have exceeded the results of many of her patients on bisphosphonates.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Congrats on your excellent progress!
@Mrs.C-67216 ай бұрын
@@eallen9304So excited for you! Thank you for sharing. May I ask, why prunes? I've read something about figs. I have to watch my oxcalates and both are a little high. Congratulations again !
@karenoun81566 ай бұрын
@@eallen9304 may i ask how many prunes do you eat daily ?
@eallen93046 ай бұрын
@@karenoun8156 I eat 4-5 daily.
@kellymorlan63967 ай бұрын
Dr. Martin, do you feel that the low intensity vibration plate is beneficial for someone with Systemic Mastocytosis and osteoporosis with a mild thoracic compression fracture? I am trying to do low impact exercise (nothing load bearing), to include walking, but I have a lot of pain when doing anything physical and my posture is suffering. I am starting Evenity injections in hopes of improving my dexa scans, but would to have something else that could possibly help to prevent further fractures and help improve my dexa scores.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
I cannot comment on your specific situation. I suggest you consult with a qualified health professional. However, I encourage clients who have constraints that limit their exercise to consider the Marodyne LiV.
@berniesaenz11742 ай бұрын
I recently purchased a Marodyne plate at a small discount rate due to being a subscriber to your KZbin channel. I was dx with Osteoporosis over 10 years ago. I am now 63 (had Thyroid cancer at 25....have taken thyroid medication for almost 40 years) I did take Raloxifene(Evista) for about 15 month but moved out of state and no longer had access to my old doctor. Recently, dexa show a -4.1 in spine and -2.7 in hip . New doctor wants me to take reclast. Dr said " I didn't even require a fall to produce a fracture!!!) I am parlalysed. I keep hearing about hormone use...for bone health. I would like to see if I could improve my bone health without drugs. My question is what type of calcium did Debi use. Thank you for your channel!!😍
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
Don't despair--my DEXA is just as bad at 60 years old :( I just bought a Marodyne yesterday, plus Im going to see a specialist about adding in bio-identical hormones so that I don't have to take any of the drugs. Plus eating alot more protein and doing my resistance band training and dog walks!
@rubicon228814 күн бұрын
Margaret could you tell me how much protein I need ? Is it each meal that I should have a high amount? I have severe osteoporosis according. To my doctor..I weigh 100 pounds and I eat healthy and take the bone building vitamins ..also I am following your protocol as recently as one month ago. Thanks so much! Jeanette
@margaretmartinpt14 күн бұрын
You can start with this article.
@EllieMartinez-c7f3 ай бұрын
Good afternoon Margaret, I just watched your video with Debi. I read the comment where she did not take strontium but I was wondering if you can find out from her which calcium supplement she had been taking. Thank you so much!
@asyed19956 ай бұрын
Great to know to help .thanks .
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Glad to help
@PerritoNozАй бұрын
Hi, this is the first time I watch these videos. I would like to know what is LIV please?
@nicole420076 ай бұрын
Curious to know if the strategies used by Debi and others also works for women who are 5+ years post menopausal and have severe osteoporosis with T-score of -3.7? Or if the shared strategies mostly work when your body has age and hormones in its favor.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Hi Nicole. As I point out in the video, every client I deal with is different so their response will likely vary. There are many variables that affect bone health and how much one can move the dial in the right way. Debi got everything should could on her side and has been consistent and the combination worked for her.
@rhondamarsala21776 ай бұрын
Hi Margret, this is great information. I’m working on strengthening my bones. I have your book and watch your video s. Watched your U- tube show on Maradyne machine. Thing is , It’s quite expensive and was wondering if you have heard above the Powerplate machine it also works with vibration- it’s endorsed by heath (gym) experts and even Hollywood stars like Mark Wahlberg !He’s very big into health & wellness in the States. Any way my point is that is much more affordable. They claim it also great for building bones. Do you know anything about this Vibration machine and if it’s worth getting? Thanks for all you do for us!!😊
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you. My concerns with the Power Plate and its "supporting" research: My concerns with high intensity vibration platforms like the Power Plate:
@itsshepherd56184 ай бұрын
In my opinion Hollywood endorsements are just marketing schemes. I put no stock in actors as they lie (act) for a living. You might want to research Mark Wahlburg’s past, in particular. KZbin influencers should be viewed with skepticism as well since they are monetized. Use KZbin information to spark your own independent research, in my opinion. Read, with critical thinking, the studies yourself.
@feebee244 ай бұрын
Thanks for this great story! How I wish that healthcare companies would support buying the Marodyne vibration machine. So many of us cannot afford it, and I am convinced that it is very helpful with osteoporosis. Sad.
@keilana64 ай бұрын
I can't afford much protein aside from eggs. Recently have inflammation in left hip & knee so unable to enjoy regular outside walks which I miss. My body is a stranger to me. I took walking normally for granted. 🙁
@googbertАй бұрын
A bouncer is cheaper and may help.
@RitaDrootman5 ай бұрын
I fractured my hip last yr. I thought I am not eligible to use Marodyne since it would loosen the hip hardware? Otherwise, I would like to try Merodyne. Who should I consult on this issue?
@jeanclarke91066 ай бұрын
Thank You.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
You're welcome
@dianewhalen61836 ай бұрын
Thank you for this hopeful video. I showed a subtle compression fracture in my spine xray last fall and have been unsure what I can/can't do since. Is this safe for a compression fracture? am in the Ottawa area and wondered if you could recommend a good osteo physio here, Margaret? (Wishing you were still here :) Perhaps some physios might have this machine?
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Individuals with, or at risk of, compression fractures need to take extra precautions when they move or exercise. I encourage you to consult with your physician or surgeon before you start or resume an exercise program. It is important that the fracture be healed. Is a low intensity vibration plate safe to use when you have a compression fracture? Again, you should consult with your physician and get their clearance. However, the vibration signal from the LiV plate is a fraction of the gravitational force created by walking. Why? Because the vibration signal at the plate becomes weaker as it travels up the spine. The LiV has been shown to accelerate and augment bone repair and remodeling. As a result, the LiV might benefit those with compression fractures. One of the biggest challenges I hear from individuals with compression fractures when using the device is the amount of contiguous time spent standing. Marodyne recommends a dosage of 10 minutes per treatment session. However, you should begin with what you can tolerate and build up your treatment time. To make it easier, I recommend that you take the weight of your arms off your back. You can do this by using lengthened walking or Activator Poles. Alternatively, you can place a tall chair on each side of the Marodyne with the backs turned towards the platform. Resting your hands will help you maintain your posture, as well as provide support and stability throughout your session.
@dianewhalen61836 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to respond and for your helpful comments Margaret. You are a true gem.
@newlife83186 ай бұрын
Thankyou very much indeed for these details Margaret. We might not receive them elsewhere. Very grateful for your dedication and this spectacular example from our lovely speaker of our potential results.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt Margaret, as you know, I have a couple compressions too in my vertebrae. Is using the vibration plate safe since I have that? You recommended it in our session, but maybe you forgot about my compressions?
@rubicon228815 күн бұрын
I would like to try the vibration machine. I've never heard of it ...can you tell me where I can purchase it? I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis a year ago. Thank you!
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
They have offices in the US and Canada so if you're in the US, just google "Marodyne US" and it will come up!
@gigieyre2 күн бұрын
How do all of ya'll afford the $3,000 device??? I'd love one but that is so far out of reach for me.
@elizabethpoldruck25244 ай бұрын
I did reversed my osteopenia with exercise resistance and walking with weights in the legs and vitamin D
@lisayoga15 күн бұрын
I just bought some ankle weights :)
@elenabetancurbernard69435 ай бұрын
Could you tell me what is the maradyne they mentioned in the comments?
@artstories525 ай бұрын
Could I ask if you know how long Debi used the Marodyne with each session? This was very informative. TY to you both.
@margaretmartinpt5 ай бұрын
10 minutes per session.
@megajatiwidjaja86526 ай бұрын
Marodyne is safe for who have spondylolithesis and radiculopathy ?
@HurricaneIrene075 ай бұрын
Do you take your platform on your ski trips?
@kathleenfrench13644 ай бұрын
Thank you for this great information. I watched several times and read the transcript, but am not clear what the vibration therapy vessel is. Is it one of those vibration plates that people stand on to do their exercises such that one can find on Amazon?
@margaretmartinpt4 ай бұрын
The company is Marodyne. You can learn more here.
@kathleenfrench13644 ай бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt wow, thank you Margaret. God bless you. I've already contacted them.
@ruthiero5 ай бұрын
Im 72. Can i ask what LIV platform you are using and at what setting? I have tried before and loved it until my knee pain increased significantly.
@margaretmartinpt5 ай бұрын
The Marodyne LiV
@DianneLWeston3 ай бұрын
What calcium supplements and dosage, do you take?
@vgreco253Ай бұрын
I have talked with my doctor about stop with the AA medicine that I have started to take in May, and invest in Vitamins and exercises only. But he doesnt agreed. The thinks that medicine and exercise and vitamins and eat healthy shall be all toghether, and now I´m very confused about stopping my medication.
@diannasarto17182 ай бұрын
Margaret, I am trying to copy Debi's "blueprint' as closely as I can, but I have a question about the timing of strength/resistance training after a Marodyne session. Have been trying to do exercises within a 3- 5 hour window after I do the plate, but the rep from Marodyne recently advised someone on facebook to do it from 1.5 to 2 hours afterwards for maximum benefit. Can you clarify for me what is the very best time? (It sounded like Debi timed her strength training about four hours after her Marodyne session ) Thank you
@franrushie.5105 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with -4.0 in my spine and -2.0 in my hip…. I’m 75 …
@pamgetz4 ай бұрын
What is the low intensity vibration pad Debi was referring to in her video? I’m also interested in the research regarding the low intensity vibration
@margaretmartinpt4 ай бұрын
Hello. I suggest you start your journey here. It will answer many of your questions.
@annetteono30786 ай бұрын
what is LIV or Marodyne were you buy
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Thank you for reaching out. You can learn more here:
@marytapscott43103 ай бұрын
Do you have the name or the manufacturer of the low intensity vibration machine that was used? Thank you.
@margaretmartinpt3 ай бұрын
The device is called the Marodyne LiV
@luzocasio31115 ай бұрын
How do one read the results I got mine it said severe osteoporosis. And a whole bunch of numbers . All my dr said you need medication for my severe osteoporosis
@bethannybrooks96026 ай бұрын
Debi is the same age as I am and my 71st BD is also in Sept. I was just diagnosed with Osteopenia. I don’t know the numbers yet - my doc appointment is the end of this month.
@Ke-qv3mdАй бұрын
I was diagnosed with ostropina my primary care wants me to start Fosomax. I am not going to start neds. I need to do strength exercises. I have a chiropractor appt Mon want to get bone strength without meds.
@aceoffice776Ай бұрын
Hyperparathyroidism here. Waiting on surgery. I am looking forward to rebuilding my bones. I had 2 vertebrae compression fractures just from twisting in bed.
@mariqswanepoel86535 ай бұрын
Where do you get Marodyne ( supplement? )
@MsSaka1004 ай бұрын
It’s a vibration plate, not a supplement.
@julieprusak59332 ай бұрын
What vibration machine does Debi use, and can I use this if I've had a hip replacement and two partial knee Replacements?
This is great! I was dxd with ostio last year and been using the marodyne since then. Also taking Algecal, and also starting the Onero program in my area.
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Very good. I have my reservations with the Algaecal, though.
@flameofthewest61966 ай бұрын
Yes, I understand the reservations re: strontium, I am only taking half the daily dose of that. I'm also taking MK-7, melatonin, and MBP. Dr. Doug Lucas seems to think that dose of strontium may help, and at least won't hurt.
@Amy-bt2ti5 ай бұрын
@@flameofthewest6196 dr. Doug Lucas is a partner of sorts with Algaecal, but I’m sure you’re aware of that. You do what is right for you.
@suebehnke64475 ай бұрын
Why do you have reservations?
@rosannahutson97573 ай бұрын
Can the people in this section and are using the M vibration 📳 can it be felt by anyone else that is in another room. Living in a very old apartment I have to take my neighbors into consideration. Could it break my old wooden floors or the new tiles on the floors? I have never seen or used this type of machine before. How much does it weigh?
@TheChristineMCS2 ай бұрын
I think it weighs about 17 pounds. The vibrations shouldn't affect your neighbors.
@lynnekramer82144 ай бұрын
How long do you stay on the vibration plate each time you use it during the day? Thank you!!
@margaretmartinpt4 ай бұрын
Each session is 10 minutes in duration.
@lynnekramer82144 ай бұрын
@@margaretmartinpt thank you!!!
@tamanaarezoo53273 ай бұрын
Unfortunately I got osteoprosis 8years ago I had some injections like forteo but then Fosamax for dental issues I stopped it for 16months now I have pain in hip,spine.....I use only ca d3 could note out your advice my English is not good please
@maureenkoppeser84203 ай бұрын
How long would Debi use the vibration platform for each of her 3 sessions a day? Thx for your help
@margaretmartinpt3 ай бұрын
Each session is 10 minutes long
@StephanieDavis-p2m2 ай бұрын
Femur left neck yoga exercises
@laurarobertson72596 ай бұрын
I have osteoporosis dexa score in the spine -4.5 is it possible for me not to use drugs doctor has mentioned tymlos I really do not to use bone drugs?
@BeaTrice105 ай бұрын
-4.5 is severe, as you know, and likely won't improve much without medical intervention, but we all have to make up our own minds. My hip is a -3.5 and I'm resisting medication for the time being - mostly while I research my options and understand the implications as I make dietary and physical modifications. I don't want to take meds, and more than that I don't want to fracture so I may take them in the future.
@susanmiller8607Ай бұрын
Are you affiliated with this product? I am interested in this product. I don't see the cost of this product or how to contact them.
@margaretmartinptАй бұрын
You can learn more about the product here:
@VikkiSalari2 ай бұрын
I am a little confused by what type of X-ray you saw that let you know she did not have vertebral fractures. What did she show you? A bone density test from my understanding doesn’t show compressions. MRI? Why would her own Dr not tell her about compressions? Is that arthritis? Or Disc issues? Why would she have compressions one year after showing osteoporosis? Would it not show up at that time of diagnosis? This is a $3000 vibration plate with little research from articles I read. Do you know more about the studies?
@bethcares17anonymous387 ай бұрын
I’d like to hear her strength exercises
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
Debi follows the strength exercises in my book, Exercise for Better Bones.
@lindac61476 ай бұрын
@margaretmartinpt I have your book . There are a lot of exercises in there . Which ones does she do and how many times per week and how long does each session take ?
@PamMorita6 ай бұрын
Which Marodyne would you recommend? And does one just stand on it for 10 minutes?
@brendayeary36537 ай бұрын
What is the platform? I don’t know what that is but I was diagnosed with osteoporosis so I would like to try it.
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
The platform Debi is using is the Marodyne LiV (low intensity vibration). It is one of the products I recommend for certain of my clients. You can learn more here:
@Neelimadar7 ай бұрын
Margaret Martin I seek your help for a problem I don't know anything about! I've been using the Marodyne device for a year and a half. I walk a lot. I eat prunes. I do some kind of strength training but maybe not enough. I need your help desperately and I don't know who to ask. I've just suffered a heart attack 20 days ago. Had to have a stent placed. No exercise or anything since then. I'm so weak! My cardiologist knew nothing about the Marodyne device and has casually allowed me to use it. What do you think? Please help 😢
@margaretmartinpt7 ай бұрын
I strongly encourage you to work closely with your cardiologist and if possible a physical therapist trained in cardiology rehab.
@enidlourens71987 ай бұрын
Where can I buy the machine and the name please
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
You can contact Marodyne here:
@davidjadams17604 ай бұрын
I have osteoporissis I am 84yo Have been taking prolio fo 2 years. I now need some dental treatment, but am declined by dentists. Problem is I have receading gums and many teeth are very sensative and need removal I wish get off prolio I also have Diabetic Neuropathy that excludes me from exercise { walking etc } any advise very welcome.
@conniemartin94682 күн бұрын
Do what? Would like to know what she is doing? Could you clarify?
@debramanuszewski35236 ай бұрын
I just came across this video. Very interesting. Where do you get a vibrating plate?TY
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
The company is Marodyne and they can be contacted here:
@Savannah-ed4rv6 ай бұрын
I would definitely be getting no exercise if I ate six prunes a day😂😂 and I would love to use that platform but I have a pain syndrome in my legs that that vibration really makes much worse unfortunately
@rubicon228814 күн бұрын
The protein is what I am not sure about as I do not like to eat a lot of meat
@marylombardi62246 ай бұрын
She looks fabulous for her age
@margaretmartinpt6 ай бұрын
Agreed 👍
@Siddhia13 ай бұрын
Thank you
@margaretmartinpt3 ай бұрын
You're welcome
@kathyinigarida5783 ай бұрын
What is a platform that she is talking about? Rebounder?
@margaretmartinpt3 ай бұрын
Debi used the Marodyne low intensity platform. You can learn more here:
@beverlypeterson22543 ай бұрын
Narrate based on same dexa machine? Machines read 6 or more percent differently