MILGRAM / Kazui - half [The First Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@4180_maturi Жыл бұрын
catから戻ってきたんだけど 純度100%の片思いラブソングじゃねぇかこれ
@TheCedarFresh 3 жыл бұрын
This couple obviously had some terrible communication issues. She thought he was cheating but never told him about it, he saw the growing distance between thought she didn't love him anymore... The ultimate proof that she did love him was her suicide. Now that he's sure of his wife's feelings for him, it's too late to reunite and live happily with her. That's precisely why it's so agonising for him to imagine reuniting with his wife: her death brought him both the ultimate proof and the ultimate obstacle to their love.
@liawketfeng3210 3 жыл бұрын
That low-key sounds like what Juliet did for Romeo.
@ashleymeintzer9568 3 жыл бұрын
Woah, I read this after writing my own, but him thinking she doesnt love him anymore bc she thinks he's cheating, thus a whole lot of miscommunication, which leads him to focusing more on his "dreams" and that distance leading to her death would definitely make sense and feel a bit more like a "murder" as his continued distance and inaction to talk, in a sense, killed her
@teoxonkrisnane.2066 2 жыл бұрын
@riotkitty 2 жыл бұрын
God I wouldn’t vote him guilty. He needs to find happiness again and learn to communicate, not stay in prison.
@pikablukyle Жыл бұрын
Lol now he gay
@冴白 Жыл бұрын
@phucan-nk2hd 8 ай бұрын
yep bạn xem xong mv cat của kazui là hiểu
@さむ-c6w 3 жыл бұрын
0:52 とか 1:52 で見る限り、 奥さんとカズイさんは距離が離れている、奥さん側はカズイさんに関心がないように見える。 だからカズイさんは夫婦仲が冷え切ってると思い込んでバーの女性に浮気しちゃったけど、 実は奥さんは奥さんなりにカズイさんを愛していた。 カズイさんがそれに気づいた頃には 奥さんは絶望してベランダから身を投げてしまったあとだった。 なんとなくそんな感じの物語が浮かびました。ミスリードとか言ってるし。 あなたの心が変わってくれたら=奥さんがもう一度振り向いてくれたら、みたいな。
@さむ-c6w 3 жыл бұрын
これ、ポニテの女性が奥さんであること前提で書いたんですが、 ドラマパート聴くと「カズイさんを人殺しと認識できる人間はほとんどいない」みたいなんですよね…。 夫に浮気された妻が自殺したって筋書きなら人殺しと見做す人が「ほとんどいない」ってことはない気がする。 単にカズイさんが浮気してたことを知る人がほとんどいないのか、実は夫婦ではないのか…
@袖時雨桜花-h5y 3 жыл бұрын
@@teniwo 最後のラスサビの幕?、その椅子しかないシーンに目を凝らすと、若干映像が流れてるんです。妻がベランダの向こうにいた所から始まるんです。カズイ妻がカズイさんの前で自殺をしようとして、それをカズイさんが止めようとしたらもう妻さんはベランダからいなくなってるって。
@sommelier_ 10 ай бұрын
3:45 奥さんが自殺したことが悲しくて俯いているのかと思ってたんだけれど、よく見たら仮面をつけてた… 悲しそうな顔はするけど泣いたりしないの、意外と潔いんだなあと思って… でも奥さんの顔が描かれてないからそもそも眼中になかったとも取れるんだよな
@-syu.1955 7 ай бұрын
本当は凄く悲しいけれど悲しむ顔を周りに見せたくないから仮面をつけてるのかなって思います。 これはバカ(私)の考察なので。
@Nanohana-yy3fv 4 ай бұрын
@市宮ルイ 3 жыл бұрын
****自己的考察****(長文注意) ・Voice Trailer[Full Ver.]  カズイ「夢見ちまって…くだらねぇっ!」(一部抜粋) ・公式ページより  「大人は常に本音を隠してでも、笑顔でいる必要があんのよ。」(一部抜粋) ・林檎の花言葉  「誘惑」「後悔」「選ばれた恋」 ・赤い林檎=「選ばれた恋」 ・青い林檎=「誘惑」「後悔」「優先」 ・「half」=半分。中途半端な。 ・シーンによって変わる服装 これはカズイの心境を表しているのでは? ①軍服→これからどうすればいいのか教えて欲しい(歌詞「正しさを教えてよ」から)、指示を出して欲しい。空席の椅子があるのも司令官がほしい? ②スーツ→会社員? ③英国貴族みたいな服→舞台での演出? 自問自答する心の中のもう1人の 自分みたいな ・歌詞・MVより考察  0:35 女性とBar。物憂げな瞳で女性をみている=MVより奥さんとのことを思い出しているのでは?「この距離が幸せのミスリード」=この距離がカズイの想い描いていた幸せには繋がらなかった?  0:57「どこで間違えたのか 初めからだろう」=MV中に出てきた赤い林檎の「選ばれた恋」から奥さんとは政略結婚だったのでは?上司(立場が上の人)から「選ばれ」、奥さんと結婚というような。  1:01 青い林檎に気づく=カズイの後悔が始まる  1:12「「またね」が「終わり」って聞こえた気がしたんだ」=この生活に終わりがくることにおびえている?「またね」は日常でよく使うことから普段からふとした瞬間に終わりが来るって思っている?  1:45「試したり触れてみたりも あなたには伝わらないだろうな」=カズイは政略結婚から始まった奥さんを愛していた。だが、奥さんは自分のことを愛していない=「伝わらないだろうな」(と思い込んでいる?)。1:08「また会える呪いが胸を縛る」=いつでも会える距離にいるのに、カズイと奥さんの想いの差(=呪い)に、どうしようもない気持ちになる(=胸を縛る)  1:56 女性がテーブルにうなだれたり、悲しげな顔をしている=カズイと同じような悩みをもち、相談し合っているのでは?  2:12 舞台上のカズイから青い林檎を見ろとジェスチャーされる=過去のカズイも奥さんに想いをぶつけることなく同じ境遇の女性と会っていた(辛い現実から辛くないほうへと誘惑され逃げていた)ことを後悔しているのでは?  2:15「今までの時間が傷を付けて」=この現状に耐えられなくなった  2:21「気持ちの秤は揺れることを選んだ」=奥さんへの想いを隠し、生活する事か、この現状から逃げること。 「揺れることを選んだ」=逃げることを選んでしまった?  2:27 奥さんらしき女性がカズイに話しかけていることから、カズイの想いは届いてないことを知った  3:11~ 青い林檎を食べるシーン=この想いが届かない現状から自分を「優先」し逃げた 奥さんがベランダにいるシーン=飛び降りた? 「ずっと前に諦めたこと 今になってなんで声を上げるの」=奥さんはいなくなる前に想いを告げたのでは? そのことから、もう青い林檎を食した(=諦めた)のにいまさら…みたいな。 3:28 割れた赤いものは林檎だと考察する。赤い仮面がなかったことから赤い林檎=奥さんへの想いが割れ砕けてしまった? 割れた=仮面の意味でもあるのでは?と思う。割れたことから、奥さんの想いと仮面生活の終わり、二重の意味があるのではないかと思う     ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー カズイと奥さんは政略結婚。奥さんは上司の娘でカズイは奥さんのことを好きだったが、立場の違いから 本音を隠すことにした。(公式ページより「大人は常に本音を隠してでも、笑顔でいる必要があんのよ。」) 歌詞にところどころある、「なんてありえない」。ここからカズイは政略で結婚した自分のことを愛することは ないと思い込んでいる。しかしこの生活が終わることにおびえており、本音を隠したまま笑顔でいることから自 分自身を追い詰め、仕事関係?をきっかけにBarで女性と会う(Barのマスターが写っており微笑んでいることから、またスーツのため)。そして本音を隠す(=仮面生活)に耐えられなくなり、この生活を終わらせることを決意する。浮気説が多いが、奥さんらしき女性が責めていない、逆に心配していることから浮気ではない!!と信じたい。またBarの女性を見つめる瞳に熱がこもっていない(たぶん)のと奥さんらしき女性のほうが舞台に出てくる回数が多いような…? カズイは終わらせようと決意し実行(青い林檎をかじった)したが、カズイに想いを告げて奥さんがベランダから飛びおりた…?同じ気持ち(両片想い?)だったがカズイは過去に自分自身を追い詰めすぎて、「なんで今更…」みたいな。  タイトルの「half」は、中途半端な仮面夫婦=奥さんはわからないがカズイは表面は隠していても奥底に想いがある(=中途半端)から 半分、「half」なのでは?と思う。 MVが舞台なのは、過去の自分を客観的(=観客席)から見ていまもなお後悔しているからではないのかなと思った。 途中でできた英国貴族のような服装のカズイを見て、ロミジュリを連想してしまった…。 ロミジュリのように想いは通じていなかったけど、すれ違いが原因で命を…っていうのは似ている気がする。(だから舞台上?)最後は悲恋? このMVと考察してみて、カズイのストーリーは悲恋だなあって思う。 社会人(多分会社員?)で仕事をするために本音を隠して笑顔でいつづけたら、本音を隠すための仮面が外れなく なってしまったみたいな。MVにあった家でのシーンでもスーツだし…。なんか人間不信っぽそう。A型男子の特徴で警戒心が強い、頑固で責任感が強いっていうのが あるらしいから、カズイまんまそれじゃね…?警戒心が強い→本心をなかなか見せない、頑固で責任感が強い→上司の娘さんを任された責任感から本音を心の中にため込みすぎた。そして…みたいなね。 浮気しづらいという特徴もあるらしいから、なおさらこの両片想い説を推奨したい。 そしてBarの女性は取引先の関係者?だと思います!!(そう思いたい) 追記(2021/3/21) 林檎を女性2人に例えてるのかなとも思ったのですが、MVは舞台でカズイの想いを演出していることから林檎はカズイの想い、気持ちを表してるのでは?と思いました。 青い林檎→この現状から逃げたい(=誘惑) 赤い林檎→恋、この生活を続けたい(=選ばれた【恋】) 舞台をカズイが観客として1人で見ていて、後悔し続けていることから奥さんを愛していたと推測しました。赤は愛や恋のイメージもあるため。 普通に浮気だったらこんな舞台でやつれながら(?)見ないのではないかと思いまして… 追記(2021/03/22) 「アンダーカバー」を見返してきました 最後の方のMVの、エスを相手に見立てた殺し方?のカズイらしきシルエットが、倒れているエスをカズイが膝をついて抱き起こしてることから、飛び降り説が濃厚に…?前作のマヒルで殺しには精神的なことも含まれるのでは?とあったので、精神的な面で行くとカズイの本音(=心)を殺してしまったのかな?と思いましたがやっぱり飛び降りかな…? 早く第二審がみたい… 自分の自己解釈みたいな考察だから矛盾多いと思いますが… 自分は両片思い説を推す…! ほかなんか気づいたことがあったら教えてください… とりまイケおじすぎね?????セクシーすぎてセクシー(?)
@yu-yg9it 3 жыл бұрын
凄いです!!もうこれは答えなのでは…と思いながら読んでましたw (わぁかっこよ〜って聴いてるだけの私とは違うw)
@いただきまんぐーす-p2z 3 жыл бұрын
@ふみつき-m8w 3 жыл бұрын
解釈がすごい…全て納得ができた…! 最後の一文にもめっちゃ共感です( ˙-˙)
@ももプリンアラモード̊̇ 3 жыл бұрын
Q:外人多すぎて「ひーん。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。」って泣いてたら日本人見つけて飛び上がったけどその日本人がヤバすぎる(いい意味)考察班だった時の私の心情を答えよ。
@ふじ-z3i 3 жыл бұрын
考察すごい… ボイスドラマを聞いたとき、カズイさんが「取り調べを“受けるのは”初めて」みたいなことを言っていたので、取り調べをしたことはあって、職業は警察官というのもあり得るんじゃないかと思いました!
@赤木-t6q 3 жыл бұрын
青リンゴ リンゴの全般的な花言葉は、「優先」や「選ばれた恋」となっています。リンゴの果実には、「誘惑」「後悔」、リンゴの木には「名誉」という花言葉もあります。 ちなみに、果実の花言葉である「誘惑」と「後悔」は、アダムとイヴの禁断の果実からきているそうです。
@sora_tuyuno 3 жыл бұрын
@瀬音-j9d 3 жыл бұрын
その考え好きです。 故意的に私たちに同情させようとしてるのかもしれないですね。
@Rai_MP 3 жыл бұрын
@アニメとゲーム好きの人 3 жыл бұрын
@袖時雨桜花-h5y 3 жыл бұрын
@@アニメとゲーム好きの人 あれか、「やったことに対して後悔はしているけど、改めるつもりは、(やったことが悪い事だと思って)ない」ってことなんだろうな。
@吉田聖子-y7q 3 жыл бұрын
@altair2249 3 жыл бұрын
I know most of Kazui's theories have been about him cheating, but some things don't make sense. If he is the one cheating, why does his wife have to be the one to have a change of heart? If he's cheating, why is he coming home with the same clothes he wears on his "dates"? Shouldn't he have had a change of clothes so that he doesn't come home smelling like someone else? If he's cheating on her, why does he wear his wedding ring? Shouldn't he have taken it off to appear more available? If he made those mistakes because he was dumb, that's certainly not the way they portray him in other Milgram content; in other Milgram content he's portrayed as observant and wise (see: when he mentions that Es couldn't be solely responsible for the entirety of Milgram, but rather a whole organization-- being the only one to do so out of the ten prisoners.) I don't think Kazui necessarily cheated on his wife. I think he, instead, worked as a bar host-- and his wife disapproved. Notice how at 2:01, while he has his arm hovering around the woman (in a more gentlemanly fashion rather than an affectionate, love-like fashion), he still has his wedding ring on. She seems more like she's complaining about her day-life than anything, especially at 0:42 when how he looks at the woman is more acquaintance-like, whereas at 0:47 he looks at his wife with complete admiration. I do not think Kazui harbored feelings for the woman regular at the bar if he still distanced himself regularly from her at 0:40 to 2:03. I think it's also important to note that Kazui's song is more in hindsight, especially highlighted by his regretful state in other Milgram content like his voice-teaser. It's not like the other songs that are in the moment (see: Futa [No. 3], Mahiru [No. 6]). So the song, titled "half," is titled so because he analyzes his life in retrospect into two halves-- one with his wife, and another with his job. Kazui's voice-teaser lines when he "commits" his murder and this cheating theory doesn't make sense. "I'm so dumb... why did I have to dream?" What did he dream about? Getting a harem? If so, why are there only a total of two women in the entirety of the music video? Shouldn't he be more popular if that was the case? No, his "dream" was related to his job-- whether to be rich, or to be charismatic, or otherwise (which'll only be answered when his questions come out). His wife most likely disapproved of this-- possibly because he came home smelling like someone else every night; a fear of him cheating on her arising. But because he seemed happy and content with his job, she didn't answer the elephant in the room and was simply happy for him. And, in turn, seeing her happy made him happy. So they never addressed the elephant in the room. And eventually, his wife killed herself because she couldn't take the idea of cheating anymore-- or the fear of him cheating spiraled into depression-- and because she was always putting a happy face on herself for his sake, he never second-guessed himself or his wife. Which is why the song is in hindsight-- he's now looking at his life, and punishing himself because he thinks he's dumb and he should have noticed the signs, rather than pursuing some silly dream. I think where most people get confused about cheating is the significance of the apple-- apples, in literature, usually symbolize temptation (citing the Garden of Eden story for this). But again, this song is Kazui's hindsight analysis of his own life-- instead of seeing his job as a dream, he sees it more as a temptation; he sees it as a taboo thing he shouldn't do lest he hurt more people for the sake of his own enjoyment (which is what sin is (or should be), right? Making selfish decisions, hurting people in the process?). At 2:15, his bar host self is making a nudge at his current self to pay attention to his wife, who is in the audience (which is why the throne at 1:22 and 3:00 is empty, because it's for her and she's in the audience). And he's surprised because he wasn't mentally ready-- he didn't think he deserved to face his wife, even if she still held him in high regard, so he paints himself as this selfish figure that bit the apple anyway. At the end of the music video is what confused me a lot. At 3:52, Kazui puts back on the mask that hid his face once more. The significance of the mask is that it implies he had been playing another character that wasn't him-- the charismatic bar host was not, in fact, Mukuhara Kazui, but some charismatic "manly-man" he probably aspired to be. So he puts on the mask, accepting his role and the poor cards that had been dealt to him and his life, only having himself to blame for that regard. One interesting thing to note is that he puts on the mask with the hand that he doesn't put his wedding ring on (he puts his wedding ring on his left hand, he uses his right to put on the mask). At the end of the day, I firmly believe that Kazui's situation with his wife wasn't an act of adultery-- there are too many inconsistencies with the lyrics to confirm that as the situation (e.g., "If only your heart would change"). Rather, I think Kazui and his wife had a serious bout of miscommunication-- Kazui's wife miscommunicated her own emotions to her husband, and Kazui misconstrued it as her being truly being happy, so he never questioned it. I don't believe either party is at fault-- I can understand Kazui blaming himself, because he's the one on the living plane and she was the one that was suffering while he pursued his dream job.
@tankey8121 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely definitely. Awesome analysis. Although, something that's tripping me up about the No Adultery theories is that... it kind of makes Kazui seem too innocent? In that very meta sense. I know not all the crimes of Milgram are equal, but he seems so fully uninvolved and disconnected from the death of his wife that there doesn't seem to be much to blame him for... Like, is the fact he didn't communicate with his wife enough of an argument to vote him guilty/un-forgiven? I ultimately agree that the cheating isn't as significant as we're probably being lead to believe with that apple - but in the back of my mind I'm doubting that Kazui is as innocent as that would paint him out to be? If you didn't cheat, what the hell did you do old man??? Anyway, all the murders in Milgram have been fairly controversial in at least some aspects, so it's likely this is just a biproduct of not having the full picture. I guess a big part of this first round is making your own conclusions and sometimes getting it wrong.
@altair2249 3 жыл бұрын
@@tankey8121 I'm... not quite sure if I would call Kazui entirely innocent. Cheating and what he did essentially achieved the same goal-- making his wife feel so worthless and constantly questioning if she was good enough. She most likely did still love him despite the job, which is why she reaches out to him at 2:24. Which means that her conflict was most likely directed internally, hence the suicidal outcome. And, after all, if his "murder" was enough to get him into Milgram, it most likely was his fault. Most people in Milgram don't even see their murders as their fault; thinking it's justified-- Kazui's really the only one that displays regret, so that's why he's portrayed as more "innocent" than the others in regards to his crime. The only difference between what he did and cheating is that he remained loyal to his wife still, even if she didn't feel like it. But he never once considered her feelings, because she always put a smile on her face for him because he was happy (with where they were, with where he was, etc.). At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide whether or not that makes him forgivable or not. I'm personally voting him forgivable because I believe it wasn't his fault and was just an unfortunate set of circumstances, but it's still important to consider how his wife felt before she jumped. DECO*27 is one crafty bastard with this one-- it's one that, unlike the others, seems so straightforward (haha "straight"forward get it because most of his pre-MV theories were about him being gay) yet there are so many things that seem so out of place if you take the straightforward path. If there were someone else in Milgram I would compare Kazui to, it would be Shidou-- while a lot of people compare him to Mahiru (because relationship that ended in suicide), Shidou and Kazui share one common thing-- that they "think" they deserve the unforgivable verdict (Shidou's probably faking it though). Kazui does this subconsciously-- he does the same thing his wife did: putting on a strong face "because he's an adult," when inside he feels so guilty that he thinks he was adulterous, which is what is displayed to us through his mindset in this music video.
@tankey8121 3 жыл бұрын
​@@altair2249 That's a really good point - I never even realised how he's one of the only ones to be regretful right from the get go. I wonder how amane's murder is going to be portrayed, keeping that in mind... Agree with crafty bastardness of this one lol. I kind of got that vibe from Mu's video as well. A victim of bullying no doubt, but a lot of her voice lines make her seem... kinda manipulative(?)... and there were certain aspects of the video that made the reasons for the murder confusing (Especially the scene at the end, where she's standing in the classroom. Literally no clue). I'm holding out for round 2 to make any proper judgements on her, but I really like how morally grey she is. About shidou - I have a feeling he does think he's unforgivable, but for the wrong reasons. He likely wants the death penalty because he couldn't save his loved one, essentially feeling guilty for her death and wanting to die for it... not because he harvested countless organs from his other patients. Ethics is a delusion indeed. Your psycho-analysis of these characters is next level lol. I tend to forget that we're essentially getting a window into their mind with these mvs
@kona222 3 жыл бұрын
Oh also on the Spotify profile pictures other than Es he’s the only one looking straight at the ‘camera’
@sextquint 3 жыл бұрын
Dejá de flashear gil
@rileyimas07 2 жыл бұрын
rewatching this MV after noticing that season 2 Kazui doesn't wear his wedding ring anymore like. sir do you have something you need to share with the class
@FissionCube 2 жыл бұрын
not his s2 song literally saying cheating...
@senritsujumpsuit6021 2 жыл бұрын
@@FissionCube I doubt he straight up means that type of cheat I feel with the context of the rest of snippet he means in general concept of the word perhaps he never cheated but each day they did not connect with each other an faked it hence the playing house verse they could have cheated each other a true feeling of family
@lancehackman6304 2 жыл бұрын
@@senritsujumpsuit6021 I don't know.. one of the silhouettes during Es-Undercover seems to be Kazui and someone doing... something outside
@akkoiaane Жыл бұрын
@@lancehackman6304 Wasn't that him standing over his wife's dead body
@lancehackman6304 Жыл бұрын
@@akkoiaane I am talking about the montage that shows their silhouettes doing things in the "real world" (it starts at 2:08)
@ぽっさん-y2t 2 жыл бұрын
ボイスドラマを聞く限り、カズイは年季の入った嘘つきって印象があるんだよね……しかも利他的じゃなくて利己的に嘘をついてる感じ MVも自分を悲劇のヒロイン(ヒーロー)のように演出してるように見えるんだよな 第二審、第三審でも視聴者の目を欺かれたらやばいなと思いつつ、この「どこまで嘘か分からない」のがカズイの魅力だなと……
@ピカリン-e2c 2 жыл бұрын
LINEみたいにスタンプ使えるなら 思ってるスタンプ使っとるわ あなたと同じ意見や思いますわ 親父と同じでイラつく
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
@arespostale_art Жыл бұрын
@@ピカリン-e2c 親父と同じにもう一票。 40代ぐらいの大人が僕ちゃんが(・)可哀想でしょで舞台で自分に酔いしれている感じがまさにそれ。
@さくり-g5c Жыл бұрын
やっぱりバーのマスターと、CATの結婚式場の真ん中で拍手してた人は同一人物なんだよなぁ……0:38 結婚式に来てるってことはお嫁さんの身内?
@カーネル-m4j 2 жыл бұрын
第一審のみんなのmv見たけど、カズイだけ曲に乗って歌っている描写があって、舞台て演じているって感じが出てる印象受けました… あと、ボイスドラマで尋問されるのは初めてだと言っていたので、尋問するのは何回かあるのかなって印象受けました。勝手な妄想ですが、カズイは軍服の衣装も着ていたので、スパイ関係のお仕事についてたのかなって
@AMANE_0402 7 ай бұрын
@じゃり-x2l 10 ай бұрын
ほんとにこの曲大好き……2年前は奥さんへの懺悔の歌だと思ってたのに、今はバーテンダーへのラブレターにしか聞こえない。 笑い合い肩を並べたのも、あなたの心が変わってくれたらって望むのも、「お前バカだな」って笑い合ったのも、全部バーテンダー!!!ほんとに奥さんのこと全く好きじゃなかったのが伝わって、めっちゃ好き。
@jitan46 3 жыл бұрын
誰かの役に立てたら。 公式ページ引用 「大人は常に本音を隠してでも、笑顔でいる必要があんのよ。 きみたち若者に失望されないようにね。」 カズイ/椋原一威 CV:竹内良太 ミルグラムの面々の中で最年長の中年男性の囚人。 飄々としており、場を和ますための冗談を口にすることも多い。体格は長身でスマートながらも筋肉質。なにかしらの格闘技の経験があるらしい。 集団の中では柔和で楽天的な人物のように振る舞うが、看守との個別の面会ではまるで何かを観察するような目線でジッと睨みつけてくる得体のしれなさがある。 性別____男 年齢____39歳 身長____186cm 血液型____A型 誕生日____8月5日
@-syu.1955 8 ай бұрын
@kinokononijou Жыл бұрын
@vivialz 16 күн бұрын
私はこの理論が本当に大好きです!とても賢い !!
@茄子光源 2 жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
@ryan-sy3dl 3 жыл бұрын
He’s actually in love with the bartender guys you just don’t get it
@sipoverish 3 жыл бұрын
gay people rule
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
@dombie3185 3 жыл бұрын
this sounds more coherent than the other theory arigato hahaha
@Rarrinn 3 жыл бұрын
Why are u geh
@ryanjames1840 3 жыл бұрын
Keep your fujoshi fantasies to yourself (jk I thought the same 😂)
@彼方ハルカ-d2k 2 жыл бұрын
@tc_j_wisteria Жыл бұрын
Catが配信されてからhalfとCatを何度も繰り返し聞いている。 りんごで思い浮かぶのが『禁断の果実』 しかし、椋原は自分を普通じゃないと認識しているのでその果実は青い。 禁断の果実を食べた人物といえば、イヴ。 この曲において、顔がしっかりと描かれているのは 舞台衣装の男、スーツの男、ドレスの女、軍服の男、客席の男。 タイトルのhalfを男女が半分、と捉え 第二審ドラマパートの「不貞にすらならなかった」を妻と想い人、両方に対して代替となる人間を作ることすらできなかった(性欲を満たすための男を作る事さえなかった)としたなら 舞台上にいるドレスの女は椋原一威の中にある女性的な(男を愛する)自分自身なのではないだろうか。 仮面が嘘を吐くことの象徴だとするなら、仮面をつけることのなかった顔のあるドレスの女は、椋原の中にある唯一偽りのない『慕情』や『恋情』の化身なのではないだろうか。 誰も座っていない椅子は、椋原の中に作り上げた『普通』で それに対して自分の感情を訴えかけようとするが、最終的には『普通』に跪く。 そんな風に考えてしまって。 第三審が待ち遠しい。
@hotaruika5876 3 жыл бұрын
“Adults often hide their true feelings.” Late response, and this will probably get ignored or buried, but I figured I’d give my personal thoughts because I personally don’t buy the prevalent theory that he cheated. To sum it up, I think Kazui’s wife’s suicide was not caused by infidelity, but by a severe lack of communication in their relationship. “Adults can't just go and do whatever they want.” “What I gave up long time ago / Why is it questioning me now?” “Why did I have to dream?” I think Kazui wanted some sort of life that his wife couldn’t grant him; Perhaps he was starting to regret living a plain, normal, domestic working life where he didn’t have much time to himself beyond his wife/obligations and missed the freedom of his youth to live out his unfulfilled dreams while he could. Remember, not everything in Milgram is meant to be taken literally. The scenes where he’s well-dressed and chatting with others at a bar don’t have to mean he visits a bar without his wife, it could just be a representation of the sort of life he wants and imagines he could have without her- Maybe a grand one, untethered by responsibilities, where he’s charming and well-liked, something of the sort. Otherwise, what did he give up… His single card? And what was his dream, to have a smoking wife? It either doesn’t make sense in the lens of him cheating, or makes him look extremely shallow, which I frankly don’t really think was the intent. “If only your heart would change” “I imagined that saying ‘see you’ is the same as ‘it’s over’” Despite all this, Kazui genuinely loves his wife, and she loves him back, so it eats him up inside. His interactions with his wife seem a lot more genuine and intimate than the woman at the bar (who feels more like an acquaintance or friend, and he does brush her off of his shoulder…), such as 0:47 and 2:33, and he obviously feels extreme regret over bringing his wife harm. He feels guilty about having thoughts that she is in any way a burden in his life, so he secretly thinks that it’d just be easier if she stopped loving him, or maybe even if they weren’t married at all. I don’t think the theater and masks mean duplicity and deception, but emotional masks and playing roles. He pretends nothing is wrong and keeps being a normal, proper husband so they can live a happy life together. While it keeps things peaceful, it doesn’t resolve anything because the distance between them grows as he doesn’t talk about his problems with his wife. He considers it, but he’s too much of a “coward” to talk about his feelings with her or calls himself one for even having these thoughts at all, so he worries it won’t lead anywhere. On the other hand, his wife can sense that something is evidently wrong, but she doesn’t talk about how not knowing what he’s thinking is bothering her, leaving her to imagine the worst- That he doesn’t love her anymore and probably has another woman occupying his affections, or something. He doesn’t realize it’s causing a rift in their relationship until it’s too late, wishing he noticed sooner and just swallowed his feelings. Or perhaps he did talk to her, but she took it badly, so he wishes he was just strong enough to keep lying to himself if it meant their marriage could continue normally. Anyways, he’s having second thoughts; About his life, about commitment, and he’s caught between these conflicting feelings of feeling he could do greater things for himself without his wife but still loving her dearly, all the while trying to conceal this from her and being unaware of the strain it’s putting her through. Though he doesn’t fully realize that he doesn’t necessarily want her gone, either, until she is. It’s also worth noting that he puts the mask back on at the very end, so he’s once again pretending that he doesn’t feel all this guilt and regret over his wife : (
@lateapathy 3 жыл бұрын
this is my favorite theory
@pizasauss1 3 жыл бұрын
this is actually a very nice theory. im glad people remember everyone in milgram is meant to be an unreliable sometimes cryptic narrator
@TrinityBlackRoseV 3 жыл бұрын
I felt sadder for Kazui while reading this T_T In his interview tho, Kazui mentions that he wishes that "he should have just piled up his lies", so he likely confronted his wife at one point and got honest with her- which was likely the trigger for her death- so it's probably the latter where he did talk to her and she took it badly :( He also mentions that he's not sure if he wanted to be forgiven, but he does want his weakness to be accepted... so his wife probably didn't 'accept him'?
@hihi-nx6yr 3 жыл бұрын
No this wasnt supposed to be ignored , thanks for sharing
@shanksh5321 3 жыл бұрын
I like how detailed it is compared to other theories and the thing is this makes sense, nice theory!
@絶交ちゃん 3 жыл бұрын
長文ですが自分なりの考察です。 カズイは根っからの浮気性、それ故嘘をつき慣れており、普段のアメリカンドラマのような喋り方も演技、本性はほぼ誰にも見せない。 MVの映像監督さんがTwitterで「舞台といえば、演技」と仰ってたり、カズイが曲中で仮面をつけていたりするところからも伺えます。 ちょこちょこ出てくる青いリンゴは「青春の象徴」らしく、1番と2番に出てくるバーの妖艶な女性は「青春時代に憧れた、恋した女性」なのではないかと。曲の後半にある「ずっと前に諦めたこと今になってなんで声をあげるの」という歌詞も、バーの女性への思いは過去に諦めたのに、、、という意味合いがあるのかなと感じました。1番途中で出てくるポニーテールの女性は家に場面が切り替わるので、カズイの妻であることがわかります。ここから、「カズイは既婚者でありながら他の女性と不倫をしている」ことが断定できます。他の方がTwitterで女性が飲んでるカクテルの意味を調べていたのですが、そこからもカズイが明確な意思を持って不倫をしていたことが断定できます。 また、CDのジャケット、カズイの頭付近に黄色い花がたくさん咲いています。はっきりとは見えませんが、恐らくミモザの花。黄色いミモザの花言葉は、「秘密の恋」。2番の「はみ出した恋」というワードもあるので、ここにもカズイの不倫が暗示されていると思います。 1番のAメロの歌詞 「確かめて苦しむならば このままであなたの側にいて 笑い合い 肩を並べて この距離が幸せのミスリード」 これはカズイの妻視点の言葉だと思います。カズイが不倫していることを確かめて、その事実に苦しむくらいならば、このままでいるほうが幸せだと思ってた、でもそうじゃなかった(=ミスリード) 繰り返されるサビの歌詞 「あなたの心が変わってくれたら」 これもカズイの思いに見せかけて、妻側の言葉なのではないかと。「あなたの浮気性が直ってくれたら、、、」と願う妻に、「それはありえない、俺はずっとこうだから」と言ってるように聞こえます。 曲を通して、カズイが浮気性である自分の所業の言い訳を耳障りのいい言葉を使いながら延々としてるように聞こえました。なんなら、曲解かもしれませんが、「俺は昔からこうで、こっちだって辛いんだよ」みたいに被害者面すらしてるようにも感じます。 ボイスドラマでカズイの人殺しは、刑法的に殺人罪にあてはまらないような、「広義の殺人」であることが言われていました。そのため、「不倫と、そのために重ねた嘘によって妻を精神的に病ませ、自殺に追い込んだ」というのがカズイの罪かと思います。 ガバガバな考察&乱文失礼しました。 私は自分のこの考察が正しいのなら、赦すことはできないと思いました。 早くもっと本性を曝け出したカズイが見たいです。ボイスドラマのタイトルにある「剔抉(てっけつ)」は、暴き出すという意味があるそうです。彼にぴったりですね。
@isthiscereallife 11 ай бұрын
I think that despite everything, Kazui did love his wife, but maybe not in the way he "should" have. His lamenting songs make me feel bad for him.
@SHSL_RM Жыл бұрын
Coming back to this after “Cat” and the theory that Kazui is actually gay being such a popular idea in the fandom, it seems that, although certainly not as prevalent here, that theory was hinted at for long time. Not just with the mask, but also the use of the phrase “feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear” and the fact that he is questioning whether or not him being in a relationship with his ex-wife was truly happiness, it seems that him being gay was something that DECO*27 has been trying to hint at since the beginning. “Cat” pretty much further provided fuel for the theory too, so now that he’s been voted innocent a second time, I am wondering where things will go from here.
@dexterousli 9 ай бұрын
I fully agree. I thought the gay theory was very far-fetched at first, but now it's clear that "half" misled us, likely accidentally, especially since Kazui had to openly state to Es that he did not cheat on his wife. Half showed us that Kazui had a broken marriage with his wife, and that she's likely the one who died, somehow at his hands. The green apple clearly represented someone besides his wife that he loved, and that plus the bar scenes with faceless women made it pretty easy to assume he was cheating. I'm still not sure what to make of those, as my initial theory was that Kazui was an undercover cop and his wife was part of his cover story. I was thoroughly convinced that he was a police officer, which was confirmed, but uh. it didn't relate to his crime at all, outside of more symbolic pressures. Paraphrasing here, but Kazui's interrogation questions included one where he talks about his parents, mentioning that his father, like him, was a policeman, and encouraged Kazui to go down the same path. His trial 2 questions in general HEAVILY implicate him as gay. He keeps writing about how he was "born in a way that made him suffer," that lies are "a way to live without getting hurt" and that marriage is "great for social credibility." Though he was named after wishes of being a strong man after a family who he said "must be ashamed" of him and got into a sports university via recommendations after undergoing a variety of martial arts training, his idealistic masculinity was faulted by something he was "born with" and seems to simultaneously 1) wish he could embrace 2) wish he had never lived with in the first place. This along with Kazui saying that Yuno is both the prisoner most like him and the one he dislikes the most because "She shows me things I’m not too fond of seeing" is interesting. In a Minigram from a few months back, Mahiru asked Kazui what his ideal woman would be, and Yuno directly called him out on lying (without any specifics) once he described a sort of vague image of a woman. With all of this at hand, I cannot imagine a "truth" about Kazui that /isn't/ him being an older man struggling with internalized feelings of hatred towards himself for being gay. He definitely regrets his wife's death (T1 interrogation), but his T1 interrogation also shows that he can't say for sure whether or not he "loved" her. I mean this very literally. He left the question blank! Additionally, the prisoner Kazui is "paired" with is not Yuno, but Amane. I think this relates to the two being the oldest and youngest prisoners who "break tradition" in complex ways and still hold the values of those traditions close to their philosophies after the deaths associated with their trials. With any other theories in circulation about Kazui, I can't see how Kazui being born in a way that he dislikes and being raised in a very masculine fashion relate to them at all, especially not to the extent that they would to him being gay. Comparing the voice dramas, songs, and interrogations, Kazui seems to still dislike himself, but is slowly starting to grapple with his desires and come to an understanding of what he wants. His response to T2's "What does love mean to you?" question was translated by Milgram Eng as "To stay true as myself, and to be accepted as me." Hopefully, this is what we get from him in the end.
@lujainhasgottobekiddingme 3 ай бұрын
I know that the Kazui being gay theory is really popular, but in my opinion, I feel like he doesn’t have any feels for anyone at all, Kazui is 45, most people are their saddest at that age, also, people usually only really fully know what they want to be in their early 30s, Kazui is a pretty serious and mature person, it doesn’t feel like he’s attracted to anyone.
@dddeadmanz Ай бұрын
if you notice at the end of the song, he says something along the lines of 'what i gave up long ago, why is it questioning me now?' which, in my opinion fuels the fire for the gay theory further. he 'gave up' on his relations with men, likely due to it not being socially accepted, and now that hes further in his life, hes doubting that he loves his wife and misses his past lover
@SW-2114 3 жыл бұрын
(声良すぎ。芯のある低音の周りに柔らかい音がある。伸び綺麗。) ※不完全燃焼考察 [公開前考察] なんも分からん。 [公開後考察] 林檎の花言葉 全般『優先』『好み』『選択』 実『誘惑』『後悔』 林檎と言えばアダムとイブですね。 赤と青の違いがあるのかは調べられませんでした。 (返信を参考に考えましたが納得の行く結論に至れませんでした。すみません。) 演劇…いろんなキャラクターの人生を演じる事… 席に座って今までの出来事を観てるこの行動の意味はわかりかねる。 Barと家の女性が違う →不倫? 不倫の判断基準ってなんなんだろ。 調べた。 配偶者以外の異性と「継続した不貞行為」が行われていたら不倫と言われるらしい。 一度きりの不貞行為は不倫とは言えないらしい。 他にも、 •キャバクラ等の風俗 •性的関係の無い異性との関係(食事だけ、デートだけ) •同性愛 は不倫とは言えないらしい。 …まぁ信頼を裏切るのは違うと思いますけどね。はい。 このMV見る限りカズイさんは不倫してないね。本人の心は置いといて。 仮面は本音を隠してるって事を表してる。 奥さんといる時の自分と女性といる時の自分を演じてる事を表してるのか。 1:02 奥に人のシルエット。黒だから見逃してた。 奥さんかな。 だとしたら奥さんとの距離より林檎の距離の方が短いね。 カズイさんが2人の女性に寄せる想いの距離かな。 3:15,3:23 ベランダか? 奥さんがいなくなる。 飛び降りたってことか?それともただいなくなっただけか。 3:28 これはなんだ?何が割れた? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー サビの歌詞は女性に対して言ってる? てかこの曲基本女性に対する曲か? カズイさんは女性に好意を持ってたが女性がカズイさんに対してどういう気持ちを持ってるのかは確認出来ないでいた。 「あなたの心が変わってくれたら」の“あなた”はどっちに対して言ってる? カズイさんはずっと前に女性を諦めた。でも忘れられないでいた。 ミスリード(mislead) 意味『人の誤解を招く』『判断を誤らせる』 『人を欺く』 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー だんだん考察の難易度が上がってくミルグラム 鬼畜…! 言い回しがトリッキー。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 現在のカズイさんは左目が隠れてるので過去を見ないようにしていますね。 左手薬指の指輪はアニバーサリーリングと呼ばれ、「愛と絆を深める、願いを実現する」と言う意味がある。 あとはMVの観客席ですね。 『half』は1/2、どちらを選ぶかを意味してるのか。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー あぁ…ヒントが、少ない…進むにつれヒント減ってってる様な…w 現に考察量今までより少ないし。 はぁ…これじゃあ赦す赦さないの判断出来ないよ… ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 開始早々反逆行為wフータに聞いたのか。確かにフータもやってたね〜。 あなたのMVも情報少ないですよ。 看守から囚人へ攻撃できる出来ないかはハルカとシドウさんの回で明らかになってましたね。 さすが最年長。聡明。 なるほど。 なるほど。確かに。 「ミルグラム」は謎だよね。 面白いな。 臆病に見られるのが良かった?エスの指摘的を得てるね。すご。 大人って大変なんだね。 それが子供騙しってやつか〜。 エスの考えってなんでそんなに的確なんだ?ずっと思ってたんだけどさ。 いつも良いところでTime Upするよなw なんの格闘技やってたんだろ…? 仮面を外してほしいと思いますが皆何かしらの仮面を着けてるのでそれは無理でしょうねぇ。 (あと自分は“子供”なのでなめた発言はイラッとしますね。シドウさんの回でもイラッとしました。 危うく感情で判断するところでしたよ。) (↑VoiceDrama聞けば分かると思うんで兎に角聞いてください) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー VoiceDramaはどれも話が難しくて聞く能力の低い自分には難しい。でも聞かなきゃ分からない事もある。聞く価値があるから聞く。文字におこせなくてもその人がどういう人なのかを掴めれば良い。それで解釈を深めれればもっと良いね。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 竹内さんは歌うにあたって「感情が滲み出る位にした」そうです。(インタビューより) …確かに。
@user-nv8vn9lb4q 3 жыл бұрын
@夜ノです 3 жыл бұрын
参考にどうぞ♪ 青りんご(青リンゴ)とは、りんごを未熟なまだ青い状態で収穫したもの。 もしくは、熟しても青や緑のまま赤くならないりんごの品種。有名なのは王林など。
@hometenobiru 3 жыл бұрын
3:12 あたりで青リンゴを齧る口元が映ってるので、もしかしたら誘惑に負けてる可能性もありますね…多分 心の浮気はしてそうな感じはします 「ずっと前に諦めたこと 今になってなんで声をあげるの」 って歌詞から茶髪の方が過去に好きだったけど諦めた女性だったようにも見えます… 個人的な解釈でした🙇‍♀️
@サンマの塩焼き-y3d 3 жыл бұрын
@tamagokakegohanlinnea 3 жыл бұрын
マヒルぶりですね! ここ以外のコメントは追記後もまだ見ていないです。コメント引用させてもらっています。変なところがあっても基本脳死の人だから許して(´;ω;`) 以下自分の想像 長文ごめんm(_ _)m Twitterに上がっていたイメージ絵は赤い女性が後ろから抱きついていたので、カズイさんが は恋に囚われているのかな。 カズイさんは自分のことが好きだと言ってきた女性と交際してそのまま結婚。しかし友情以上の恋、愛情と言えるような感情は芽生えていなかった。「どこで間違えたのか初めからだろう」がここかな? 臆病だからそのことをバレないように生活→愛の仮面をつけ、妻に合わせていた。「嘘に染まった想いは浮かんで消える」 その後妻を愛せるように「試したり触れてみたり」したけど変わらなかった。「あなたに伝わらないだろうな」妻はカズイが自分のことを好いていると思ってるのでそもそも分からない。 しかし、バーで服装から水商売?の女性と出会い恋に落ちる。別れなければと思いながらもミスリード、『判断を誤らせる』。 「今までの時間が傷〜あなたには届かない」そして妻へ気持ちが伝わらないまま過ぎ、どんどん気持ちが女性に傾いていく。 「あなたの心が変わってくれたら、なんてありえない」は妻の自分への気持ちの度合い、「くれたら」は臆病だから自分から切り出すのが怖いのを表してるのかな? 3:14イケナイオ・ト・ナになった だけれど、{体を重ねた関係(ハグだよ!)なのに女性を『欺いた』ままだと悪い(既婚者だということは言っていないから)、このままじゃダメだと思い}妻に別れようと言うことに成功。「今になってなんで声(そんなこと)を上げる(言う)の」と妻が言う。ここの理由は3:18でカズイさんが妻の元から去ろうとしているので妻がカズイさんに手を伸ばしている。 離婚話がショックでカズイさんを愛していた妻はベランダから飛び降り自殺。 3:28は青林檎がバーの女性を表してると思ったので、反対の赤林檎。妻が死んだから割れているのかなと。 追記:{}←ここは何か納得できないので後で変えるかも。 自分で長文書いてから身に染みてわかるコメ主の凄さよ。自分で書いてると書きたいものの斜め上に行ってる気がする。
@rafyuu Жыл бұрын
I’m literally in love with this song and the fact this doesn’t have an Es cover is fucking criminal tbh
@backdraftcel Жыл бұрын
IKRR the milgram fandom really did this song dirty by not giving it 1m views😭😭
@rafyuu Жыл бұрын
@@backdraftcel YEAAAA I’m holding onto faith that it will come out someday, if it does I will combust
@LanieMae Жыл бұрын
It’s already past 1m views now and I think the reason why it doesn’t have an Es cover is because the vocals are too low pitch
@rafyuu Жыл бұрын
@@LanieMae Oh Dayum that’s a shame😔 But then again you could always just make it a higher pitch
@popnlockinggirlonfire174 Жыл бұрын
@@LanieMaeIt could also be because of a time limit reason. For example, if the songs had to get 1M views before the second trial started. It’s unfair, but it would make a bit more sense, since HARROW don’t have an Es cover, either, and both Amane and Mikoto seem to be fan favourites, so they don’t have to worry about getting below 1M views
@Mix0ee 3 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks that instead of love for the theme of Kazui and Mahiru, I think ‘attention’ is more appropriate? Kazui didn’t pay attention to his wife, and that killed her; Mahiru paid too much attention to her boyfriend, and that’s what killed him.
@batfacedliar8922 2 жыл бұрын
@everythingz888 2 жыл бұрын
Ooo that makes more sense! Clever
@cloud1301.. 2 жыл бұрын
idt defining it as 'attention' would be the way to go but i see ur point
@yawn1919 Жыл бұрын
Kazui and mahiru aren't paired up , so they don't really have an official pairing The general idea is shidou and mahiru are devotion, sacrifice , or love And kazui and amane are faith or promise
@snaillicious7984 Жыл бұрын
May I just say, you worded this beautifully like it sounded so philosophical and stuff
@くぐ-k3k 3 жыл бұрын
自分の理想なんだけども(?) 青リンゴ=未熟 ってことは 奥さんからの愛をカズイ自身が知らなくて、 1人分の愛しかなかったからまだ未完成。 で、だから曲名もhalf。 最後のは多分りんごだよね...? 赤いりんごになってたのはカズイが奥さんからの愛に気づいて完成したけどもうすでに奥さんはいなくなったから壊れちゃった って考えるとくそエモいなと思った
@hermitmizuena Жыл бұрын
kazuis voice is so smooth they should release cat as an asmr video i wiuldnt even mind
@alfiepancakezz Жыл бұрын
i think i actually would’ve passed away if they did that i am already at deaths door after watching his second trial mv 😵‍💫😵‍💫
@fireworksforme2 Жыл бұрын
His second trial mv HURT me I wish it was asmr instead
@hermitmizuena Жыл бұрын
@@fireworksforme2 UR RIGJT
@hermitmizuena Жыл бұрын
@@alfiepancakezz his hungry ass could never work at a bird sanctuary
@rainy3374 Жыл бұрын
@user-gohanoishi46 3 жыл бұрын
@user-togeyama 3 жыл бұрын
サムネ…映画館かな? 人生の思い出映像でも見てそうな雰囲気
@じゃり-x2l 10 ай бұрын
初めからずっと好きな人のこと歌ってるやん…… 奥さんのことなんて頭の本の片隅にしかない。 バーで女の人と絡んでるのも、バーテンダーに対しての「確かめて苦しむ」であって、別に浮気じゃなかった……
@みつせ-l3e 2 жыл бұрын
@クソ雑魚-o7j 8 ай бұрын
個人的にはマヒルを助けなかったというよりフータを助けたという印象ですね… 語彙力が無いのであれですけどあくまで優しさで助けたというより自分に得があるから助けたというスタンスに感じるというか… マヒルを助けても得がないから助けなかったというか… 同性愛者説が本当ならフータが個人的に好みな男だったから助けて恩を売ったという可能性もある気がします
@あいな-e7l Жыл бұрын
@のあ-n5u4b 3 жыл бұрын
指輪してるから多分家っぽいシーンは奥さんとのシーンだと思うんですが、なんとなく距離があるような気がします…。 ただ、他の方が書いてらっしゃるように「奥さんはカズイさんを愛していないわけではなく、奥さんなりに愛していた」んだと思います。 でも、カズイさんはバーで出会った女性が好意を全面的に表に出してくるのを見て、「妻はもしかしたら自分を愛していないのかもしれない」とか思っちゃったのかな…。 もし「確かめて」いたならば、ちゃんと奥さんとの愛を信じられたのかもしれないけど、臆病だから万が一苦しむことになったら…と考えてしまって結局浮気に走って。 「ずっと前に諦めたこと」▶奥さんに、バーで会った女性くらい好意を全面に出してもらうこと? 「なんで今になって声をあげるの」▶自殺するくらい自分を愛してくれていたなら、どうして生きてるうちに言ってくれなかったんだ(&自分はどうして愛を確かめられなかったのか) 「知らないほうがいいことだらけ」▶いっそのこと奥さんが自分を愛していなければ、こんな苦しくならなかったのに…という気持ち? カズイさんの「苦しみたくない臆病さ」が、結局1番の苦しみを生んでしまったのかなあと感じました。 乱文なので多分そのうち編集済みになると思いますww また、他の方のコメントを全て読んだわけではないのでもしも被っていたら申し訳ありません。
@のあ-n5u4b 3 жыл бұрын
あ、奥さんが自殺云々のくだりは完全に私の根拠の無い想像に過ぎませんので…! PVからの考察というよりは、歌詞からの考察がほとんどです😢 あくまでひとつの意見として捉えて頂けると幸いです😂
@dexterousli 6 ай бұрын
half is one of my favorite Milgram MVs despite it being a VERY rough start for Kazui as a character to interpret. (I suspect this confusing first trial is what led Kazui's situation to be so straightforward throughout his second trial voice drama, MV, and interrogation.) The shot at 3:30 alone is absolutely incredible from an artistic perspective. It's clearly representative of Hinako, as the chrolonogy of the video suggests through having the shot immediately after shots of her on the balcony and then the balcony empty. We also already knew Hinako was dead on some sidewalk pavement after Undercover. With the context of Cat in play, we have the knowledge that we didn't back in trial 1 of the contrast between red and green apples in Kazui's imagery---before, we only had the green one. Since nothing else in his MVs is red and shatterable (glasses are clear, nothing red in the apartment besides a jar cover of a different shade, we can reasonably extrapolate that the broken object representing Hinako is not an apple in the true sense of the world, but an *artificial, fragile, and hollow* one. The shot is meaningless without the 3 minutes and 30 seconds of context we'd already gotten, and makes perfect sense with context from a LATER video. The red color of the object holding a double meaning as a visceral image that's recognizable to its audience, as MILGRAM is so focused on death, and a contrasting symbol with the green apple highlighted in Kazui's MVs is such a small yet major detail. It really shows the brilliance of the animators as a team of artists even in the music video that a lot of English-speaking MILGRAM fans regard as the "worst" or "most confusing" thus far.
@barakito Ай бұрын
This is such a good analysis. I hardly even paid attention to that shot before, but now you said it plus the context of his second trial, it makes so much sense. I think it's also a symbolism for the "normal" life he's trying to hide himself behind/convince himself is completely broken and there is no way to come back, as the red-green apples in the second trial is about (I think) how he tried so hard to become "normal" like the red apples, but he cannot. The idea about a hollow, fragile, fake red apple is such a genius symbolism because no matter how hard he tries, his façade is so fragile and external, thus he could never lie to himself, never become a red apple, just simply because he has never been a red apple. But this is such a good detail. Thank you for the analysis
@vel8207 3 жыл бұрын
kazui deserves more attention honestly...
@Sailapalsar 3 жыл бұрын
He is my favourite🌚
@The_miIk 2 жыл бұрын
After coming back and listening to this I agree...
@fueranznr9745 3 жыл бұрын
istg why do i cry because of kazui's mv, it hits different than the other mv, even tho his story doesnt have any relation to my life what so ever to make me symphatize with him
@chrism.wistubagalaz5971 3 жыл бұрын
Can relate. The feeling of loss and regret is so well expressed with the melody and the voice itself you can almost feel it happened to you. This is my personal favourite and the one that hits the most in my emotions.
@teoxonkrisnane.2066 2 жыл бұрын
@yuulfuji Жыл бұрын
@@teoxonkrisnane.2066 honestly i don’t think he cheated
@Sandrlekk Жыл бұрын
I rarely cry at music but this genuinely tear me up:(
@cheyannegiles9772 Жыл бұрын
@@teoxonkrisnane.2066 I don't think he cheated, I think he's just gay mate
@突然変異種の二乗 2 жыл бұрын
@dibujugador6024 Жыл бұрын
estuve buscando a alguien que hubiera visto eso. es dificil decir que es esa figura.
@らぴ-b5s 3 жыл бұрын
これってずっとカズイさんが過去に囚われてることも現してるんかな。 過去の自分が上演されてそれを今のカズイさんが見続けているところ。まるで過去を映画の1本のようにずっと。そして、最後は現在のカズイさんが舞台に立っていた。全ての上演が終わり、現在のカズイさんの人生を表してるのかな。
@rachie 3 жыл бұрын
so he cheated on his wife, his wife found out and jumped off their balcony? seems plausible, seeing as momose's whole thing is never breaking a promise, and kazui is supposed to be the opposite. he broke his marriage vows, where he promised to love and protecc his wife. waht is it with hot people and cheating
@Bowserboy129 3 жыл бұрын
I actually don't think he cheated on his wife? He obviously fell for the woman at the bar, but every time he describes it as something that can't happen. However we also see in every shot that his marriage seems to be falling apart, however he probs mistook his wife's growing depression for her falling out of love with him. I'm thinking he just broke up with her in the last scene we see his wife so he can be with the woman at the bar, which then caused his wife to kill herself.
@DivEYEne 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bowserboy129 it's like the line he says I imagined that saying see you was the same as its over. And he kept talking about the distance between their relationship we also see the apple in the theater far away from him.
@tan4757 3 жыл бұрын
@Kedar Prather and the shadow figure at the end of the theater seat (1.04). i believe tht probally her wife soul after she die and watching him. Probally that explained why the apple is beside him. The apple symbolize her wife soul and also the reason why he was shocked at 2.15 . well...i think..
@yaoikawaii6352 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think you're right
@DivEYEne 3 жыл бұрын
Also from what I've seen everyone but futa has gotten voted innocent
@valcosine 3 жыл бұрын
I feel bad this character is not getting as much attention as the others, I personally think he deserves more. He is definitely very mature, and when looking at the scenes at the bar, with the atmosphere of the whole music video, I have a hard time believing Kazui CHEATED. I think the scenes with the other woman interacting with Kazui are moments that made him feel like his current relationship is missing something that this woman could possibly fill, but he "understand[s] that this love is out of bounds", as he is already married, likely has been for a long time as for his age, "so nothing has to change", and this just deepens his sadness and confusion of what love is, which I think is clearly felt in Kazui's voice and lyrics. So if I believe this theory of mine and would have to put what I currently have together, Kazui has been living a life full of "feelings shrouded in lies", having lived most of his life in a relationship he is likely disappointed in but has accepted. On occasions, he would meet this woman that Kazui likely believes could have had a lot happier of a life with, likely filling his hunger with dreams (more like empty holes) whenever he meets this person while knowing not to step over the boundaries. What could have happened though was the wife learned this (possibly shown at 2:13, and I think "See you" spoken by a woman to a husband in Japanese is 4-5 syllables, so that could be what she said to Kazui) and thought if she disappeared then Kazui could go on living a much happier life, and when that happened Kazui questioned "why did I have to dream?", as it caused a life. "All these memories and you, only if I could erase them", supports his obsession with meeting this woman. I will admit though. This music video is in the theme of a play theatre, him being an actor playing several roles in it.. He is very perceptive and smart from what we've seen in some of his dialogues, so yes it is in the realm of possibilities that he is deceitful, if these movies bypass deceits I don't know. With two more trials still to be seen, I can't say for certain yet, but he is definitely one of my favourites so far nevertheless. This is only speculation though, I personally still see it as just a design choice, supported by the fact he never answered the questionnaire that he plays theatre. You see though, I am a dumb kid, I don't even know what the apple stands for in this movie. So don't take what I say (or really what most people say online) as complete truth please, just regard it as a grain of salt (not even sure if that makes sense).
@polveroni7715 2 жыл бұрын
I think the apple might be alluding to the story of Adam and Eve? Like the forbidden fruit that Eve eats
@rainebow_kitty6142 2 жыл бұрын
The saying is "take it with a grain of salt" so you were basically right! It's like saying "take my words lightly" or with caution perhaps, because you don't have all the answers. None of us do. I do appreciate your theory very much though!
@teoxonkrisnane.2066 2 жыл бұрын
@rainebow_kitty6142 2 жыл бұрын
@@teoxonkrisnane.2066 We don't know any of that for sure lmao. And to say people who cheat deserve the death penalty is a little extreme, don't you think?
@velcro8319 2 жыл бұрын
i 100% support this and if i may bring in some of my own dumb theories i made at 3 am (it is 3 am and i am overthinking rn) i think the apple represents the temptation to cheat, and we never see him actually bite it, except in the background of the blurry screen, but i dont think the burry screen is reality: i think, rather, it resembles what he wants to do, or dreams of doing. he definitely fell out of any love he might've convinced himself he had with his wife. i really like kazui, and think he's the most interesting character of the lot! i think the theatre represents the masks he has to put on with his wife to get her to believe he loves her, getting more and more detailed as it goes on, because he has to try harder and harder to get her to believe he truly loves her. but eventually he's just in his normal, worn outfit, as he gives up, revealing his true feelings, and his wife probably k/lls herself. he genuinely looks absolutely desolate/guilty about this, and seems to feel extremely sad at the prospect of what he's brought upon his wife: he regrets what he's done. i think he deserves to be forgiven! im sorry you wrote this 10 months ago you probably dont care about milgram anymore
@shadowfrozz 3 жыл бұрын
When you're so early that you don't understand shit without people's theories.
@platsew912 3 жыл бұрын
lmao ikr... the fan girls in the live chat tho, all i see is "daddy"
@astracorveux 3 жыл бұрын
i don't understand anything either lmao
@burgerss3427 3 жыл бұрын
Raises hand slowly me
@cultureandhistorynerd6739 3 жыл бұрын
lololol it takes a while but eventually you get there
@MomoRu524 3 жыл бұрын
@@platsew912 wait what
@beatrootsheep3746 Жыл бұрын
Something to point out abt Kazui and Amane parallels One of Kazui’s Half mv frames 2:24 where him and his wife were in front of an apple, could be a reminiscent of the biblical story “The Forbidden Fruit”. The forbidden fruit tells a story of how Eve ate the fruit and gave some to Adam which resulted God into punishing the both, because God told them not to eat the fruit. In 3:13, kazui eats the apple. This can also parallel to Amane’s story as Amane and the cat (adam and eve) used real medicine instead of magic (ate the fruit when they were not allowed to), the cult (god) catches them and punishes them. I remember there being a theory on twitter that the paralleling prisoner duos tell each half of the whole story (Ex. Fuuta/Rei exposes Muu/Killcheroy for their bad actions. Muu basically Killcheroy if Muu reacted in the the way Killcheroy did. Fuuta basically Rei, if Killcheroy killed Fuuta like Muu killed Rei) Also Amane’s victim is represented as a cat and what’s Kazui’s 2nd trial song name? You guessed it, “cat” Thoughts?
@歌い手晴宮カナメのサブ垢 Жыл бұрын
@Aaa_nyn 3 жыл бұрын
@うぉんばっと-b4i 3 жыл бұрын
カズイさんの浮気で奥さんが飛び降り…かな… 刹那的な恋愛が性に合ってるんだろうな…結婚みたいに長い付き合いなると相手の嫌なところが見えてくるし… 仮面夫婦ってよりカズイさんが相手によっていい顔を使い分けてる印象(妻には良き夫、浮気相手には魅力的な男性) まぁ、どっちもカズイさんなんだろうなhalfだし。そうなると奥さんのことは一応好きだったんだろうな。 とりあえず、カズイさんはかっけぇな!!!
@xx-qo7kr 2 жыл бұрын
3:30 砕けたのって林檎じゃなくて仮面じゃない? こんなに均一の厚さに林檎が砕けることってある?
@asrielluke3465 Жыл бұрын
I need more understanding on the 2nd MV by returning to the 1st MV Now I have more questions than answers
@うさぎおい氏 7 ай бұрын
純粋に またねが終わりって聞こえた気がしたんだ って歌詞すごく好き
@penbfdia Жыл бұрын
you were so innocent, and you still are
@アレクサンドロス3世-g1w 2 жыл бұрын
@ミルクトーン 2 жыл бұрын
コメ欄のほとんどが考察投げ捨ててカズイにメロメロなの笑ってしまった わかる
@ミルクトーン 2 жыл бұрын
@huwarari9926 2 жыл бұрын
@@ミルクトーンやっぱりカズイおじ浮気していた説有り得るのか… でも浮気していたのならなんで結婚指輪なんかしてるんだろう…もしそれが 自分がしたことを奥さんを騙して浮気をしたのを深く後悔してその思い出を忘れない為にしてるとしたらなんか皮肉さもあるなぁ でもカズイおじイケおじやし色気ありまくりでしかも私の推しだから嫌いに出来ない…赦すことも出来ん… ちゅらい☆(は?)
@乾燥したプリン Жыл бұрын
@星乃ユウ-HosinoYuu Жыл бұрын
@rafyuu Жыл бұрын
Same here bud✋😔 (this song is still my fav)
@piyopiyoyopi Жыл бұрын
@Nattou_0626 Жыл бұрын
@ハピごまパフェ Жыл бұрын
@mela9652 Жыл бұрын
@鯖缶-p2t 3 жыл бұрын
@ks1399-y3u Жыл бұрын
i really feels like all of this was like in the mv a play that Kazui shows to us and that the 2nd may be his true self...
@oceanjuicer7654 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t believe Kazui cheated. First I want to clarify which of the two women Kazui’s wife is. If we’re going off the basis of the 1st trials so far (Mu and Haruka’s victim with defined facial features showing their significance), then it’d make sense to assume the lady at the bar would be Kazui’s wife. However, Kazui’s wife is the woman with the black ponytail. Besides Kazui living with her, the woman’s left hand has a wedding ring shown at 2:33, the same one as Kazui’s. This confirms her status as Kazui’s wife. The lady at the bar is assumed to be the woman Kazui cheats with. However, at 2:01 if you zoom in on Kazui’s left hand, he is wearing his wedding ring. If Kazui’s intent is to imply he is single and find someone to have a romantic relationship with, wearing his wedding ring would only hinder this process. He would avoid wearing his wedding ring if wants to involve himself romantically with others, and actively try to hide the fact that he’s married. Why wear his wedding ring in front of the woman he’s supposedly cheating on his wife with? The lady at the bar does not have a wedding ring on her left hand, so Kazui is not married to her. Kazui is analytical and his observant nature makes it unlikely for him to make the careless mistake of wearing his wedding ring in front of his supposed mistress (“since he keeps looking around like he’s analyzing something, his observing nature comes out” character profile Milgram_en Twitter). Body language is a common indicator of attraction. At 0:38 Kazui and the lady are sitting next to each other, but their bodies face the bartender. At 0:41 when Kazui looks at the lady at the bar, he only turns his head and merely glances with a straight face. Compared to 0:48 while looking at his wife, Kazui turns his whole body toward her, giving her his undivided attention. He stares with a more soft expression and slight smile, more prominent in the far away shot at 0:57. To expand on this, as the lady at the bar leans closer to Kazui at 1:56 (not to make advances she’s just drunk), Kazui avoids touching or making any kind of physical contact with her. His right hand hovers over her shoulder, and his hands are positioned to catch her in case she falls, acting out of concern rather than affection. At 2:02 he further distances himself from the lady and gives her space. Additionally the lyrics “I understand that this love is out of bounds, so nothing has to change” appear during that scene (1:56-2:02). Kazui states his boundaries and draws a distinct line between his friendships and romantic relationships. He proclaims his faithfulness and understands that “this love” (loving someone else/affairs) is “out of bounds” because he is married. Kazui knows that cheating on his wife is prohibited if he wants to continue having a happy marriage. His wife doesn’t have to worry about Kazui forming relationships with other women because he knows “that this love is out of bounds.” This can also apply to the lady at the bar. “Nothing has to change” between Kazui and the woman’s friendship because he knows loving her romantically is “out of bounds” and detrimental to his relationship. The argument that Kazui is more fond of the lady at the bar because her face is defined while his wife’s is blank is solid, until looking at how Kazui depicts his wife. When Kazui mentions his wife at 2:07, he exclaims “All these memories and you. Only if I could erase them” (these words are directed towards Kazui’s wife, as he’s been referring to her for the entirety of the MV). Realistically I doubt someone could actually forget the face of their spouse, but since Kazui wishes to erase the memories of his wife, his MV will reflect those internal feelings and thoughts (“The personal experiences I see, how true-to-life the videos are and their degree of abstraction-that all depends on the person. They might even depend on how each of you perceives your own sin.” said by Es in Mahiru’s interrogation by Milgrammer on Tumblr). The wife’s blank face signifies importance to Kazui rather than Kazui dismissing her. More points to refute the cheating theory exclusively • The apple symbolism is something the cheating theory includes since it can symbolize temptation. But apples can mean many things (ex: knowledge, joy, death, love, etc). The apple symbolism depends on the theory it’s included in. With the cheating narrative, temptation fits, but when the narrative is replaced, the apple can symbolize something entirely different. • Something else in the cheating theory is the mask, that Kazui is lying to the 2 women and living a double life. But Kazui switches between multiple outfits, not just the ones he wears at home and at the bar. I’d make better sense to convey duplicity if Kazui just switched between those two outfits specifically. The mask could just mean he’s hiding his feelings/pretending everything’s ok. • The “cheating” is too vague. Although emotionally it makes sense, the theory is based on only a couple of shots, and in those shots, Kazui and the lady didn’t display any intimacy or indication of a romantic relationship. • What was the purpose of showing the lady in the MV if Kazui didn’t cheat on her? An easy answer would be to misdirect the audience, but there’s more to it. I believe the MV itself is Kazui looking for reasons why the marriage was failing (“This distance in our relationship is misleading me...Where did I go wrong? Probably from the beginning”). Considering Kazui’s character, his indecisiveness causes him to be non-confrontational and not go through with this ideas, so it makes sense that he’s in his own head wondering why or where things fell apart (“I am always indecisive, I can’t be saved.” Kazui line in Undercover MV). Kazui could’ve thought this friendship with the lady at the bar was on obstacle in his marriage. However after he states “I understand this love is out of bounds, so nothing has to change” the lady doesn’t show up again in the MV, so he figures that it wasn’t a problem. It could’ve also been the bar or drinking itself, because in a timeline convo Kazui states his main hobby is drinking, so possibly his drinking problem could’ve caused problems in the relationship.
@oceanjuicer7654 3 жыл бұрын
This comment details topics of suicide, depression, and acts of violence. The MV heavily implies Kazui’s wife committed suicide, shown by a shot of her standing behind the apartment balcony railings, subsequently disappearing after indicating that she jumped. Kazui’s infidelity is assumed to be the catalyst for the wife to take her own life. Now that cheating is out of the equation, why did the wife commit suicide, and what was Kazui’s role in her death? When asked about his crime, Kazui says “I won’t deny it. I even regret it. I haven’t thought things over, though.” It’s also important to note that for Kazui’s crime scene in “Undercover,” he is shown reacting to his murder, holding the body and screaming out. The other prisoners are shown committing an action that lead to their victim’s murder (ex: strangling or hitting). Kazui’s involvement in the murder was not a direct action that caused his wife to die, but an indirect decision he made that resulted in this outcome. That decision is acknowledging his wife’s plan to kill herself, therefore being somewhat complicit in her death. Before I get into my theory, I don’t mean that Kazui willingly wanted to drive his wife to suicide. Based on his reaction afterward, Kazui deeply regrets not taking action. Kazui is an indecisive person, so his internal conflict is deciding whether he should reach out and expressing his true feelings, or hold back and keep things to himself. He ultimately didn’t step in or take action. Milgram defines murder very loosely, as shown by Yuno, Futa, and Mahiru’s case. I will only be discussing the situation surrounding Kazui’s relationship and what prevented him from speaking out. The setting of the MV is a theatre, where Kazui is in the audience watching himself onstage re-enact moments throughout his life to see where he went wrong with his marriage. This is fitting to his character, because Kazui is very observant and analytical, however he’s indecisive, which hinders his ability to confront the problems head on or go through with his ideas. He speculates that his wife had internal problems or depression, but never acted or confronted her about it. For a majority of the MV, he doesn’t talk directly to his wife. He’s more theorizing and speculating in his own mind. “If I were to make sure and suffer, I would rather be by your side.” Kazui speculates that his wife might be struggling internally. If Kazui were to “make sure” that his assumptions were correct, he would also be willing to “suffer” along with his wife and “would rather be by your (his wife’s) side” instead of having her deal with her problems alone. “Laughing together, side by side. This distance is misleading me. Is this what happiness is?” This follows the previous line where Kazui establishes his wife may be struggling internally. Even when Kazui and his wife seem to be having a good time “laughing together, side by side,” there is still distance in their relationship. Despite the happy times, the distance is enough to mislead to Kazui, and he starts to assume something might be wrong. He starts to question if the distance in his relationship is suppose to be a good thing, or something he should be happy about. If the distance was caused by something he did, Kazui is trying to observe and figure it out himself internally. “Where did I go wrong? Probably from the beginning.” This line is accompanied by Kazui in the audience seat, watching himself onstage. He wonders where he went wrong in the marriage, placing the blame entirely toward himself. Kazui is left to reflect on where things went wrong in the marriage by himself, specifically observing his own actions, as he believes the fault is his own. “I imagined that you saying ‘See you’ is the same as ‘It’s over.’” Whenever Kazui’s wife departs, Kazui thinks that this is a sign from the wife that their relationship isn’t working out. “See you” and “It’s over” to him are correlated and mean the same thing, however “imagined” is the key word here. Kazui is making drastic assumptions based on so little. He “imagined” that his wife is giving signals to break off their relationship, but his wife never directly states it. What leads Kazui to this conclusion is the distance and lack of communication in his relationship, leaving him to ponder about things by himself. “If continuing to hide is called unhappiness. Not even one word will get to you.” During this line, Kazui and his wife are off stage. Kazui’s wife speaks to him, while affectionately touching him, and Kazui grabs her hand and smiles sadly. Although he is grinning, his smile is devoid of happiness. His brows are furrowed and give off a disheartened expression. Shortly after, the spotlight shines on Kazui on stage with the apartment backdrop. His head is down and his dejected smile quickly turns into a wide eyed expression, raising his head as though he has realized something. This is the only time Kazui and his wife communicate. At this moment, his wife confides in him, alluding to Kazui that she’s suffering. However, Kazui only responds with a dejected smile, not pushing for more information. The wife could’ve been hinting at her plan to take her own life. Kazui, being analytical and speculating that his wife may be struggling for a while now, acknowledged this. Although he doesn’t know the reasons why the wife would make this decision, he feels like he can’t talk her out of it, and “not even one (of his) word(s) will get to you (the wife)”so he doesn’t interfere with her plan. Kazui feels like it’s “not possible” for the wife to have a change of heart on the matter (only if your heart would change but that’s not possible). Since he doesn’t believe it’s possible for his wife to change her mind, he accepts her plan and upcoming death at the spur of the moment. Kazui accepts this not out of malice or resentment toward his wife, but due to his hopeless mindset and inability to speak his true thoughts and feelings. A flash of realization comes over him. Kazui’s indecisiveness strikes him as he’s onstage with the apartment backdrop behind him. He knows about his wife’s plan to commit, and begins to regret his previous approval. With the apartment setting onstage, his moment of realization could’ve happened right before the wife followed through with her plan. However his efforts were futile, as his wife turns her back and jumps from the balcony, Kazui behind her watching, unable to do anything. “Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear.” The chair appears onstage alongside Kazui as he performs the chorus. The chair is clearly shot by itself during the lyrics “Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear.” A single empty chair can indicate a human presence, or lack of. Chairs can also represent authority and a symbol of power. At 3:00 Kazui turns and kneels in front of the chair and asks what he should do. In this instance, Kazui appeals to the chair’s authority, seen as how he asks what course of action he should take. Remember that Kazui is painfully indecisive, and as he is wondering to himself what went wrong with his marriage, the chair is used as a stand in for a person, as someone would usually ask someone for advice. No one is there though, and it’s up to Kazui himself to either go through with his plans or ideas, or continue to keep to himself. At 3:09 he stands up and walks away from the chair, abandoning the idea to make a decision. Green apple I believe the green apple is meant to symbolize knowledge, specifically knowledge about problems in the relationship and about the wife’s struggles. Although he’s ultimately trying to figure out the problems, his hesitance to know the full truth and act upon learning this information. “So many things that I should now have known. I’m just a coward.” During this line, the wife’s suicide scene appears (she disappears off the balcony indicating she jumped). After biting the apple, Kazui now knows for sure about the wife’s struggles. After the wife’s death, Kazui exclaims that he “should now have known” about the wife’s internal problems. Now that Kazui is aware of the “many things” that lead up to the wife’s choice to take her own life, he berates himself for not taking any action and failing to figure what he did wrong. In hindsight, he felt like he should’ve known about the problems before the wife took her life. TDLR; Kazui looks for reasons for the distance in his relationship. He also suspects his wife might be struggling mentally. Not telling him the reasons why, his wife informs Kazui about her plan to commit, and in the moment he accepts her death, believing he cannot change her mind. However he regrets his approval, and tries to stop her but is ultimately too late. I wrote this before Kazui’s VD was translated- so I might add stuff to this afterwards! anyway if you made it this far thank you sm for reading all of this- this was my 1st time analyzing a milgram MV and ngl it was really difficult LMAO. this was just my interpretation of how the death played out. thank u ^^
@daveejonesey 3 жыл бұрын
@@oceanjuicer7654 Incredible
@pierre5176 3 жыл бұрын
​@@oceanjuicer7654 I'm a big fan of the Kazui not cheating on his wife theories because it's ignoring the elephant in the room and trying to take a closer look. One thing I'm kind of confused on though is this part "his wife informs Kazui about her plan to commit, and in the moment he accepts her death" I'm kind of unsure about that, I'm confused as to why he wouldn't do anything about it right after hearing it if he was concerned about her mental health prior, even being indecisive, anyone would naturally try to pull someone away from that plan. I feel like it would be more accurate to his wife hinting something is wrong, and he begins to fear the worst. E.g. his wife saying "remember that I love you.." Her saying this at an odd timing could be her hinting towards her suicide. I just don't find it very likely she told him upfront and he just accepts it.
@nelicemin6631 3 жыл бұрын
I love this theory, I didn't believe that he cheated on his wife but I was confused how him being indecisive played a part in making his wife commit suicide since some people were talking about his wife disapproving his job or something.
@imani-m4489 3 жыл бұрын
i rlly agree with this theory i strongly believe he didn’t cheat, ty for writing such an amazing theory
@averageartist8288 2 жыл бұрын
Watching this so many times made me realize, I don't think he cheated but more likely just him "falling out of love". this is highly indicated by the lyrics "The scales of my heart has decided to sway", and "this distance in our relationship is misleading me, is this what happiness is?" questioning his feelings. -the lyrics "The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart" is him saying that being with his wife is painful for him/he doesn't want to be with her since he doesn't love her or doesn't feel the same as her anymore. -"I imagined that you saying "See you" is the same as "It's over”" is just him imagining her to say "it's over" as in ending the relationship as easily as like saying "see you". Combined with "Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible" is also implying he wants her to not love him anymore as well. -"All these memories and you Only if I could erase them" is really self explanatory in itself. -him calling himself a "coward" in this song and his cover song of "coward mont blanc" and the idea of "hiding/lies", is just him no being able to say what he truly feels now about his wife. because she might not take it easily (which mainly led to the miscommunication aspect). -in the mv, I don't think he cheated, because at the bar we see him feeling uncomfortable when the other lady was leaning on him even to the point of leaving her at the bar (also does not make sense why he wears his ring and the same clothes if he did cheat) This correlates to another line in coward mont blanc about the "contract" meaning, even though he doesn't love his wife anymore he still is "technically married" to her and feels bad for her but he can't help what he truly wants (to leave the relationship). -the symbolism of the mask refers back to the idea of hiding/lying/faking. the green apple, on the internet, usually symbolizes friendship(or relationship in general?) and it being broken at the end meaning that the relationship is over since she obviously died. The idea of him not loving her anymore/wanting to leave the relationship/even probably thinking he cheated on her(due to miscommunication) caused her to take her own life. -It also matches some of his voiceline "I'm so dumb... Why did I have to dream?" and about "his lie". There are theories about him being gay as well, which is quite probable (since he is also my most favorite character and that'd be nice XD). But idk. This is just my theory though, also I'm quite bad at voicing my ideas so bear with me (LOL).
@lukexkai 3 ай бұрын
OMG You did cook with this comment LMAO, In cat he is like 95% sure he is gay and well if he only married her for social acceptance then all You said here is true.
@notuniqueuser Ай бұрын
his voice is so pretty what
@amiaaa25 2 жыл бұрын
@しろくま-n8q 3 жыл бұрын
英語字幕→再翻訳 英語の方が時制が分かりやすいかも…? The of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart あなたとの再会が私の心に突き刺さる I imagined that you saying “See you” is the same as “It’s over” 私の中ではあなたの言った「またね」が「終わり」と同じだった Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible もしあなたの心が変わってさえくれれば、でもそれはあり得ない Please tell me what I should do, my heart will float away and disappear 私はどうしたらいいのか教えてくれ、私の心は浮かんで消えた If I were to make sure and suffer, I would rather be by your side もし確かめて苦しんだなら、あなたの隣にい続ける方がいい Laughing together, side by side, this distance in our relationship is misleading me, is this what happiness is? 笑いあって、隣り合って、私をミスリードした私たちの関係のこの距離が、この結果を引き起こしたのだろうか? Where did I go wrong, probably from the beginning どこで間違えたのだろう、多分初めからだろう The of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart あんたとの再会が私の心に突き刺さる I imagined that you saying “See you” is the same as “It’s over” 私の中ではあなたの言った「またね」が「終わり」と同じだった Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible もしあなたの心が変わってさえくれれば、でもそれはあり得ない Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear 私はどうしたらいいのか教えてくれ、日常に覆われた気持ちは浮かんで消えた I could try you, and also try to touch you but you probably won’t notice 私はあなたに触れようとした、そして触れた、でもあなたはたぶん気づかなかった I understand that this love is out of bounds, 私はこの恋が立ち入り禁止のものだと理解していた So nothing has to change だから何も変わってはいけない All these memories and you Only if I could erase them すべてのあなたの記憶は、私が簡単に消せるもの All this time till now has hurt me, The scales of my heart has decided to sway 全ての時間、今でさえも私を傷つける、私の心の目盛が揺れていた If continuing to hide is called unhappiness, もし隠すことを続けるのならそれを不幸せと呼ぶ Not even one word will get to you 1つだけじゃない言葉があなたに贈られる The of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart あんたとの再会が私の心に突き刺さる I imagined that you saying “See you” is the same as “It’s over” 私の中ではあなたの言った「またね」が「終わり」と同じだった Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible もしあなたの心が変わってさえくれれば、でもそれはあり得ない Please tell me what I should do, feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear 私はどうしたらいいのか教えてくれ、日常に覆われた気持ちは浮かんで消えた I’m sure nothing will change and 何も変わらないことを確信している、そして We’ll laugh together and call each other stupid names 私たちはお互いに笑いあい、馬鹿な名前で呼び合うだろう So many things I wish I hadn’t known, I’m just a coward 知りたくなかったたくさんのこと、私はただ臆病だった What I gave up a long time ago 私がずいぶん前に逃げ出したこと Why is it questioning me now? なぜそれが今私に問いかけているのか? So many things that I should now have known, I’m just a coward 知りたくなかったたくさんのこと、私はただ臆病だった If I were to make sure and suffer, I would rather be by your side もし確かめて苦しんだなら、あなたの隣にい続ける方がいい Laughing together, side by side, this distance in our relationship is misleading me, is this what happiness is? 笑いあって、隣り合って、私をミスリードした私たちの関係のこの距離が、この結果を引き起こしたのだろうか?
@すぃふぇす 3 жыл бұрын
@umeneko_ 3 жыл бұрын
曲の考察は出来ないけどめっちゃ良い曲だしなんか泣けてくる 歌い方が泣きそな声でつられる
@おとうふ-w4c Жыл бұрын
@lunanuko6012 Жыл бұрын
This genuinely made me tear up with the instrumental, the way he's singing, his voice, and the music video made me really sad
@user-cl9zw6ne1f 3 жыл бұрын
@満で 3 жыл бұрын
@nearlyriver 11 ай бұрын
half is so good it always makes me tear up
@Nightsbo 3 жыл бұрын
Although the lyrics is sad but somehow it's the most relaxing song in MILGRAM I swear....
@marcynote1956 2 жыл бұрын
Relaxing? More like depressing tbh.
@Nightsbo 2 жыл бұрын
@@marcynote1956 Talking about the music🤣 well the lyrics is sure are so depressing...
@kikikaichan Жыл бұрын
It is depressing, but the song and music (and that man's smooth butter voice) sounds like a soothing lullaby.
@Sandrlekk 11 ай бұрын
It feels very bittersweet to me and that is what makes it so beautiful to listen at
@クロキ-f8o Жыл бұрын
第二審を見て戻ってきたのは良いけど 第一だけだと何一つ分かんないな…殺した奥さんへの後悔の念にも聞こえるけど 第二審を通してだと完全にこれラブソングにしか聞こえんのよ… あと「あなたの心が変わってくれたら」は 【自分の事をもう好きじゃなくなって離婚を要求してくれる奥さん】なのか 【異性愛者であり既婚者であるマスターが自分を好きになってくれたなら】なのか 第二審で結婚式にマスターっぽい人出てきたから多分後者なんだろうなぁ…
@Sorry_i_eated_it Жыл бұрын
The grip this man has on me is insane
@staysterling Жыл бұрын
Commented a similar thing on "Cat", but the outfit he wears at 2:00 in "half" shows up at 1:45 in "Cat"; the man with the green apple head has the same suit.
@huwarari9926 3 жыл бұрын
カズイおじがもし浮気していようがなんだろうが…私は一生カズイおじを推し推し推しまくる…!だってこんなイケおじやら声もイケボやわ曲も神やわホント 嫌いになれへんし…akkaさんにイケおじを描いてくれたことに乾杯
@thorn8863 3 жыл бұрын
okay kazui theory: basic gist: Woman at Bar and Kazui’s wife are the same person. The woman at the bar is simply who Kazui’s wife was in the past; back then, she was the person that Kazui loved. Years go on and the relationship becomes more tiring to Kazui; he believes there is distance that the wife is causing. Caught up in his own thoughts and desires, this leads to a fight which ends with Kazui pushing his wife off of the balcony by accident. Kazui often dreams of the past, because that was when he felt like he was truly in love. This conflicts with reality, where he becomes less and less attached to; Kazui’s conflict seems to be getting caught up with dreams and not being able to face reality vs. not being able to handle change and accept the truth all that well. (0:00-1:06) The stage is where Kazui’s dreams take place. (its a special tool that’ll help us later :^)) But for now in the beginning, we just see the apple on the stage; matters of Kazui’s mind are front and center, which is why Kazui is both on stage and in the audience. - He’s on the stage because he voices his own emotions and feelings; no one else is in the audience because these are things no one else knows or understands, only himself. Also him in the audience attire represents how he is in reality. Also Very Important For Later. It then pans to the woman in the bar; it does a closeup on her and Kazui together, which then fades into reality of Kazui being with his wife. ...Except I’m pretty sure that the woman in the bar and his wife are the same person. The woman in the bar is most likely how the wife was in the past. There is much more focus and detail to her (ESPECIALLY on her face) compared to how the wife is drawn next to Kazui. Notably, Kazui does look a bit younger with the woman at the bar rather than when he’s with his wife. - In reality, the wife is barely recognizable to Kazui as the person he fell in love with. - Where Kazui is sitting next to the wife, a green pillow is in between them. Obviously it isn’t close to looking like the apple at all; but with it’s color it could show how Kazui’s “matters of the mind” cause a wall between him and his wife. (Especially with how “this distance is misleading me”, despite them being so close). This is probably best pictured with how Kazui tries to stare at the shadowy figure, but the green apple is in the way. “Where did I go wrong, probably from the beginning” with the shot of the apple in between Kazui and the figure, before Kazui’s eyes widen. Referring to the start of the dream; he indulges in it rather than oppose it. The green apple represents the wife’s past self; focusing on times when they were both younger, and the relationship was happier and healthier on them both. The shadowy figure is the wife how she is now; again, unrecognizable to Kazui. (1:07-1:34) So. The costumes; Red Coat + Cravat: directed toward his wife’s past self. With how the wife was dressed in (albeit, more modern) a fancy dress, this may just represent how “rich” (fulfilling?) the relationship was to him then. Of course with the red, it does signify it was something he desired. This is where he is most upfront about his love for his wife’s former self. Green vest + Jacket: Again, directed toward his wife’s past self. This is the attire he wears in dreams, the green on the attire brings in that this is something within his head. Blue shirt, but no vest: Directed to how his wife is now. This is the reality he has himself live with. Military Uniform: Dedication to his wife, but the yellow on the uniform, it can represent his cowardice. This is where he is most upfront about his feelings for his wife now. “The curse of reuniting” is these recurring dreams; he doesn’t want these dreams anymore, but there is still a desire he cannot ignore. - “”See you” is the same as “it’s over”” is like the end of a dream. “Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible” - His desire for her to be like how she once was, but now that she’s already changed over time that is impossible (that, or he is too afraid to ask her) “Please tell me what I should do” - Again, cowardice, possibly noting that maybe he needs to be the one to change. Here we see him looking to a yellow chair; the chair is the stand-in for the wife, representing both sides of her for now, and again; yellow is bringing in the idea of cowardice. He’s afraid to make his own decision so he looks to his wife, where he sees different sides of her. “Feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear” - His feelings for his wife start to overlap with how he feels in dreams, but like the dreams, they eventually finish and disappear for a bit. (1:35-2:15) Kazui wakes up in the audience; he’s dreaming again. The distance between him and his wife has grown noticeably; Kazui looks at his ring with a solemn gaze. “I could try and touch you, but you probably won’t notice” - Implies that he tries to change things in dreams, but it would not have any effect in reality. Compared to this, he appears again at the bar with his wife’s past self. They are noticeably a lot closer. Kazui still has a solemn look to his eyes, but he noticeably looks more at ease at the bar then at the house. Noticeably, Kazui seemingly seems more aged here than the last bar scene, judging around his eyes; however the woman at the bar hasn’t changed. “I understand that this is love is out of bounds, so nothing has to change” - tells that he does know that these are dreams, so he’s satisfied if nothing changes in only this instance. It changes to Kazui watching as his wife’s past self most likely leaves the stage, he watches her go off with a smile, before his face turns stern and stares at himself in the audience. Kazui looks shocked before he looks down to the seat next to him, and stands up, looks down at the chair next to him, then looks onward to something off screen. Most likely, this is his warning; his dreams are starting to affect his reality, and if he does not get a handle on them now, something terrible will happen. Worth noticing at well, there are glimpses of green lighting on both sides of the screen at that point; which brings in the point that it truly is starting to affect him entirely. (2:15-2:37) Spotlight is on the apple in the beginning; Kazui is finally bringing these issues to light. His wife is forgiving, reaching to hold Kazui’s face. Kazui is in the attire he wears in the audience; he expects this to be the reality of what happens once he confesses his feelings. His wife would be forgiving and understanding of his feelings and do her best to change to how she once was- Except, this is not the outcome. Kazui opens his eyes again and he’s back in the living room; dressed in the same attire as he is in his dreams, shining in yellow light. “If continuing to hide is unhappiness, not even one word will get to you” - He has put too much belief into these dreams now, out of cowardice. He would rather believe in the world that dreams give him rather than deal with reality. (2:38-3:04) “The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart” - The desire of this to become real is stronger than ever; but he only knows reuniting with who his wife was is only but a dream. “I imagined that you saying “see you” is the same as “It’s over” - He almost doubles over as he says this; conflict with wanting this to be over but not wanting to give up on her. “Only if your heart would change but that’s not possible” - He comes to terms to this, judging how his expression changes from hopeful to defeated. “Please tell me what I should do” - He closes his eyes and turns at this point, he’s willing to rely on his wife’s word on what to do, even if it’s negative “Feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear” - his attire changes to the kind he wears at the bar; he kneels before the chair. The chair at this point represents the Wife’s past self; he’s fully committed to this dream now, even if it “floats away”. (continued in reply)
@thorn8863 3 жыл бұрын
(3:05-3:26) Speaking of Wife’s Past Self: nothing would be able to change in dreams; regrets becoming so fixated on it, as it is something that is possibly best left in the past. Speaking of Wife In The Present: Voices regrets of what he should have noticed with his wife however does not know why he feels bad now, feelings of cowardice once again. Sequence of Events (aka. Not costume scenes!): He looks at the apple on the table (Notably in his “Audience” attire), he picks up the apple, then goes to take a bite out of it. With this, he’s sealing this idea that he would prefer to indulge with dreams rather than reality. Also Yellow Background Again. Consulting Reality Makes Him Feel Cowardly. Wife is in front of the balcony Vague image of her and Kazui together; Kazui is noticeably standing still, wife appears to be reaching her hand out (doesn’t appear to be in a calm manner?) and also keeping a hold against a wall or doorway (her left hand positioned to Seem That Way). Red and Green are both prominent in this image; red is noticeably around the wife's hand and around Kazui, but also bleeds into a lot of green (example: around the wife’s shoulders) Worth noting though, the red in this scene can represent more of violence and anger: which makes sense if it seems that the scene is a heated argument gone bad, since the wife does not seem to be moving calmly. Blank Screen: This is the scene of the murder taking place; something Kazui does not want to fully admit to himself possibly due to the fact it would affect his “dream”. (and again: cowardice don’t think i forgot the yellow). Going off of the idea that this seems to be a heated argument; kazui’s murder is him pushing her too hard which causes her to fall off the balcony. (A Freak Accident, If You Will) No More Wife; Empty Balcony. The railing is completely green, the sky is red. The wife going over the balcony solidifies that she is something that can be preserved in only Kazui’s dreams. However, with the sky being red; something new is starting, as the marriage has ended in reality. (3:27-3:52) Broken ceramic apple; representing the wife’s body. The apple is now red; solidifies the relationship is over. The apple is positioned on a table where the audience should be; reality is that his lover is dead. Kazui looks on from the stage; elevating height and looking down at the apple reels in the point that this is directly after the murder. Him being on the stage in his audience attire also shows that reality and his dreams have become one. AKA, he views things with a dream-like state of mind, in a way. The look on his face is solemn; yet it gives an air of content (acceptance?) at the end. He does feel some guilt for what he has done; however it is against his relief of no longer feeling bound to a loveless relationship/love that’s been long dead. The MV ends with him putting on a mask; same as the one back in the first chorus. He’s back to hiding how he truly feels with his love toward his wife. With this in mind right now, I'm personally believing he should have guilty for trial 1. He's very much a sympathetic figure; not wanting to accept the idea that you may no longer love someone you held dear has got to hurt, especially with treasured memories. But it is clear that Kazui is trying to distance himself from the murder for some unknown reason (not wanting to accept reality, more than likely). Guilty may have to force him to be more grounded into reality, but a more clearer picture on what went on between him and his wife.
@lamplord3870 3 жыл бұрын
@lamplord3870 3 жыл бұрын
@RainyCloudzy Жыл бұрын
Being a good husband and loving her is just another "role" he is playing 2:41
@PanArisu 2 жыл бұрын
Looping this until it hits 1M This is one of my favorite songs
@pacoelalpaco488 2 жыл бұрын
Remember to not just loop it since yt will take it as spam and wont add new views. Instead make a playlist with song - some other random videos -song - repeat
@asha_013 2 жыл бұрын
Joining in as well!
@arjayecho9890 3 ай бұрын
oh my god the voice i- the way 2:11 builds up energy and just completely drops it is so pretty gosh
@pinkbichnamedbreakfast6510 3 жыл бұрын
Mata aeru noroi ga mune o shibaru "Mata ne" ga "owari" tte kikoeta ki ga shita n da Anata no kokoro ga kawattekuretara Nante arienai omoi wa ukande kieru Tashikamete kurushimu naraba Kono mama de anata no soba ni ite Waraiai kata o narabete kono kyori ga Shiawase no misuriido Doko de machigaeta no ka Hajime kara darou Mata aeru noroi ga mune o shibaru "Mata ne" ga "owari" tte kikoeta ki ga shita n da Anata no kokoro ga kawattekuretara Nante arienai tadashisa o oshiete yo Uso ni somatta omoi wa ukande kieru Tameshitari furetemitari mo Anata ni wa tsutawaranai darou na Hamidashita koi to yuu deshou Wakaru kara itsumodoori de ii yo Arekore omoidasu koto o Kesetara na Ima made no jikan ga kizu o tsukete Kimochi no hakari wa yureru koto o eranda Kakushi tsuzukeru no o fukou to yobunara Kotoba hitotsu mo anata ni wa todokanai Aeru noroi ga mune o shibaru "Mata ne" ga "owari" tte kikoeta ki ga shita n da Anata no kokoro ga kawattekuretara Nante arienai tadashisa o oshiete yo Uso ni somatta omoi wa ukande kieru Kitto zutto kawaranai mama "Omae baka da na" tte waraiatte Shiranai hou ga ii kotodarake Okubyou na dake Zutto mae ni akirameta koto Ima ni natte nande koe o ageru no Shiranai hou ga ii kotodarake Okubyou na dake Tashikamete kurushimu naraba Kono mama de anata no soba ni ite Waraiai kata o narabete kono kyori ga Shiawase no misuriido
@かるぴす-h8y 3 жыл бұрын
@Maximizer280 Жыл бұрын
2:12 bro looked at the bartender for a sec then to the green ( bad) apple that represents his gayness ( the part of him he considers 'bad') 😱😱😱
@iluVioletLink Жыл бұрын
If you pause that scene very briefly you can see a shot of Kazui tearing up/crying before he blinks and stares at the apple.
@dirediredockz 2 жыл бұрын
@Daw2050 Жыл бұрын
To all gay theory believers: This may or may not be a huge coincidence BUT try disregarding the visuals and instead focus on the lyrics, and imagine he is singing to a man, his childhood friend. It makes the song SO much more depressing, while at the same time, also still making a lot of sense. Also the idea of him singing to someone we don't know isn't completely random as we see him speaking/singing to an empty chair at the end! Would love to hear your thoughts on this!
@breatulu 5 ай бұрын
im so late but i was literally watching this and so into how i feel like it was a huge red herring -- we assumed he was singing to his wife, but the lyrics could just as equally apply to some unspecified man who he can never have, perhaps his childhood friend he mentioned twice in his qna for t1?
@Daw2050 5 ай бұрын
@@breatulu Yeah, as of now I (and the fandom I think?) believe that his best friend is the bartender since theres a man in the wedding scene in Cat who looks like him and he also confesses his love to someome while a glass of beer (?) is reflecting Kazui, same glass that we see in Half.
@白-r2q 3 жыл бұрын
ミスリード 「人の誤解を招く」「判断を誤らせる」「人を欺く」 仮面とか舞台調だったから仮面夫婦とかしててそれに奥さんが耐えきれなくなって飛び降り自殺したのかなって思った。 青りんごはわかんないw
@たたみ-k7u 3 жыл бұрын
3:29 ここで写っているのが色合いと形的に赤りんご (置物?)で壊れている。 青リンゴが結婚してない女性 赤りんごが奥さん 隣にいたはずの青リンゴがステージに上がってスポットライトを浴びてる→役者で成功した (それか離れていってしまったとゆう比喩か…) 以上がリンゴで女性を例えているのではとゆう考察です…!
@夜ノです 3 жыл бұрын
一応青リンゴはこういうものです。 青りんご(青リンゴ)とは、りんごを未熟なまだ青い状態で収穫したもの。 もしくは、熟しても青や緑のまま赤くならないりんごの品種。有名なのは王林など。
@木-c4f 3 жыл бұрын
@ぐみねこ-g5h 2 жыл бұрын
@no_name_izzy 2 жыл бұрын
I never took the time to actually listen to this song until now and my god I love it so much. His voice, the song style, the whole theater thing. It's really good. I really regret not listening to it until now.
@Kazu-ej1zm 2 жыл бұрын
@Endrolls 3 жыл бұрын
Ok what I'm getting from this is Kazui cheated on his wife (Possible because they were long distance for a little), but then he felt guilty (why he says reuniting hurts him), his wife found out and they formed a suicide pact (thats what his wife looks like around 3:15 and 3:18, shes reaching for him so they can jump together) but he ends up chickening out however his wife ends up going through with it
@newbiegamelover4767 2 жыл бұрын
I still have three songs to go through yet, but so far, this is already my personal favorite. Even though Kazui wasn't directly responsible for what happened to his wife, he still blames himself for it and still clearly loves her.
@liocchi0768 2 жыл бұрын
Milgram nation where are you guys let's get this man to 1M views next. I feel like Kotoko will surpass him soon and that's kinda sad lol
@pacoelalpaco488 2 жыл бұрын
He deserved more...
@monolinny1817 2 жыл бұрын
@@pacoelalpaco488 can't agree more. Old man needs some love
@mikuhatsune7749 2 жыл бұрын
That makes me sad. It’s my favorite
@teoxonkrisnane.2066 2 жыл бұрын
@pacoelalpaco488 2 жыл бұрын
@iluVioletLink Жыл бұрын
Stage scenes that show up at the ending of half (the flashback sequence) - I'm sure nothing will change and (3:03) feelings shrouded in lies will float away and disappear - We'll laugh and call each other stupid names (2:41) The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart - So many things I wish I hadn't known, I'm just a coward (2:41) The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart (1:12) I imagined that saying "See you" is the same as "It's over" (1:18) Only if your heart will change but that's not possible -- - What I gave up a long time ago (1:08) The curse of reuniting with you puts a dagger in my heart - Why is it questioning me now? (2:56) Please tell me what I should do - So many things I wish I hadn't known, I'm just a coward (2:45) I imagined that saying "See you" is the same as "It's over"
@n_sunnyn 3 жыл бұрын
ミルグラムにおける囚人から搾取される歌は囚人の本当の思いが込められていることより、カズイ目線の歌であることを確定条件として考察します。 0:01 「また会える呪いが胸を縛る」 「『またね』が『終わり』って聞こえた気がした」 →会えない・結婚できないと思っていた本当に愛してる人と再会して、恋が再燃したけどお互いにもう結婚していてただ会うだけの関係に落ち着いてしまったことに対しての嘆き 0:50 「この距離が 幸せのミスリード」 →本当の奥さんよりも近い距離で幸せなのに、本当の幸せとは言いきれない違う幸せに導いてしまうような距離のこと 2:15 「今までの時間が傷を付けて 気持ちの秤は揺れることを選んだ」 →奥さんと過ごした時間を裏切れず、不倫相手との気持ちで揺れることを選んだ →不倫相手と会えないと思っていた時間が恋を再燃させる(秤を揺らす)要因になった 仮面を付けて舞台で二役を演じている=奥さんと不倫相手、どちらの前でも嘘を顔に張り付けてどちらにもいい顔をして嘘をついて演じていた。 ボイスドラマからは、 「これを人殺しと呼ぶなら捉え方が広い」「人殺しと呼ぶなら俺について深く知りえないといけない」、見せるための弱みがそれも嘘であること、嘘が人を殺したとも言える、「大人」であることをエスに強調していた。 以上のことより、 結果として不倫してしまい、嘘で奥さんを傷つけて奥さんを自殺に間接的に追い込んだ。直接手は下していないが、自殺の原因を作ったのはカズイであるため捉え方の広い人殺しとなる。 ps.カズイのDECO*27さんボカロカバーが『弱虫モンブラン』だったのであの歌とも関係あるのかな〜無いのかな〜みたいな。前にカバー楽曲は関係ないと仰っていた気もしますが、総合して見て雰囲気が似ているものがカバーされているので、ちゃんと真っ直ぐ愛せなかった結果の人殺しになったのかなとも思いました。 長々と読んでいただきありがとうございます。
@n_sunnyn 3 жыл бұрын
あなたの心が変わってくれたら ですが、これは奥さんと不倫相手どちらにも当てはまるのではないかと。 奥さん→不倫行為を知ってて愛してないなら突き放してくれ 不倫→命令で会ってるだけなのに情を抱かないでくれ どちらの解釈もできるのでは…?
@danielm2066 Жыл бұрын
I like how in retrospect to the 2nd trial, this video now has clear hints/changes in meaning. The green apple, representing Kazui's (presumably) homosexuality was always present, just ignored. The parts where he is professing how he laments her loss is coupled with Kazui dressed in costumes and performing, quite literally; he's putting on a show. I hope this sort of changing in interpretation continues on in the next trials
@watabikis 11 ай бұрын
theres also a part where it seems like hes staring at a woman but hes actually staring at the male bartender!! its right before he motions for kazui to look at the apple
@轩灵 2 жыл бұрын
million please……
@花花-w7x 3 жыл бұрын
おじさん目めっちゃ澄んでない??????好き モチーフは『カルメン』とかでしょうか いっそ艶やかなくらいの光りが「舞台上」と「傍観」を分ける明確な違いになりそうですね
@SP-mm2ud Жыл бұрын
@leasagna2202 Жыл бұрын
@はらたわしろ 2 жыл бұрын
カズイさんの誕生日のイラストのケーキがチョコレートでコーティングされてる側のてっぺんにウェディングドレスの女性、ホワイトチョコレート(又は生クリーム?)でコーティングされてる側のてっぺんにタキシード姿の男性(背中をこちらに向けてる状態)の砂糖菓子が乗っているんですが、カズイさんがタキシード姿の男性側に座っていたのでもしかして本当は男性が好きだった(結婚したかった)のかな…と思いました。 けど、MV上では一切男の人は出てこないし、奥さんらしき人といかにも美人な女性しか出てきてないので単純に考えすぎなのかな。
@eik332 Жыл бұрын
@mokkedemo Жыл бұрын
I feel like he's trying to show a facade like muu, showing he's a victim as well, i can't help but notice how he sometimes the fact that she would never understand/if only her heart would change stuff like that. i know it's from their memories/head THEY CAN'T lie to us, but that doesnt mean he can't manipulate what we see. Kinda like muu once again where she shows how bad she had it in the first clip, but showed another angle in the second one, the bad side. I feel like Cat will show us his tricky side, not like a fox but a more homey type of manipulator.
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