MILGRAM / Mikoto - MeMe [The First Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@rachie 3 жыл бұрын
I can fix him guys I swear 💞
@WRAETHERR 3 жыл бұрын
I can make him worse 💙
@neonspectrum4692 3 жыл бұрын
@neonspectrum4692 3 жыл бұрын
rachie fix him plsss
@dheatlyblaze2846 3 жыл бұрын
rachie cover lets goooo
@blanketedspace7297 3 жыл бұрын
rachie aksjaksjhs
@sakuramochi_dayo 3 жыл бұрын
@xd7783 2 жыл бұрын
@julianachaves2978 2 жыл бұрын
@そうめんか 2 жыл бұрын
@@julianachaves2978 涙拭けよ
@ぬめり-x9v Жыл бұрын
@@julianachaves2978 なんか草 ハンカチ貸すぞ…
@tagamekenmchi-so7yv 10 ай бұрын
@mybuttisburningLitteraly Жыл бұрын
Him sitting in the blood filled tub and blowing a cigarette with no shirt on being the most replayed says alot about our society
@mikotokayano Жыл бұрын
they love the fanservice
@keebollan6040 Жыл бұрын
@maya_feyy Жыл бұрын
that bit REALLY freaked me out it literally gave me could you be simping over THAT 😭😭😭
@manicbeyond Жыл бұрын
"Like omg Courtney, he may be a horrible murderer and he like is so unapologetic about it and like literally bathes in his victims' blood but like... Those abs Courtney. Those abs."
@mybuttisburningLitteraly Жыл бұрын
@@manicbeyond you're so right omfg
@jamespa7193 2 жыл бұрын
I think that if you look at his lyrics and trailer for his next song, the alter is probably very stressed as well. He wants to save Mikoto, it’s not just a psychopathic side of him. It’s a side that probably saw Mikoto struggling, hurting, smoking to cope, and hated it. The alter doubts themselves too, you can see it such as “Maybe it’s ok to live” and such. The alter and Mikoto are struggling together, that’s why he’s in Milgram, he isn’t just a random serial killer.
@jamespa7193 2 жыл бұрын
Another point I want to add is that this song may be Mikoto’s POV on the situation. Maybe he wants to be innocent, and say his alter is a monster that is disgusting and different from him. That’s why the alter and him have such different sounding parts. Maybe in the next song we’ll get to hear the alters POV.
@Rio-do2uz 2 жыл бұрын
I think the is it ok to live side is mikotos host And that his “evil” sides the protector (FYI did spouts from really bad trauma so um… alters are usually there to help cope with that trauma) To me his seemingly evil alter looks like he’s aware and tells mikoto that the emotions he’s feeling are ok and I think convinced mikotos host to do it? I think the murder had something to do with his girlfriend especially cause I looked at monopoisoner I can’t tell what the guy he killed actually did to his girlfriend yet but I think he knew the guy personally I doubt his innocent alter is completely innocent too… maybe he’s aware of the crime but thought it was a bad dream , paying attention to his dialogue I got to that conclusion along with the fact people with DID don’t *actually have*multiple people inside their body in vague terms it spouts due to trauma so bad in your youth that your brain starts putting up amnesiac barriers blocking your personality from forming properly. It usually manifests around 6-10 years old… it can’t just go away after the abuse is gone too ,like any other mental disorder. Maybe mikoto was a delinquent ? And that’s why he says stuff like “if I could change”? I don’t know what mikotos trauma was but I know it was no joke so I guess that alter handles most of his emotions he tries to hold back and lashes out… i just pray es is the only child he’s beat up I think there’s 3 parts to his system cause the song has 3 different sounds The heavy sound, soft sound, and then the instrumentals come together I won’t lie it took me a while to realize but I really do think his host commit the murder I could always be wrong though since this is all just a theory I’m think his protector is the most aware of the system and his host just has (an idea of it) some theories I saw said he was recording himself out of fear. And his innocent alter said he stopped smoking actual cigarettes a long time ago. I think mikotos mv shows him in a serial killer perspective because he doesn’t understand that he’s a system along with the fact milgram doesn’t show the crime completely in one video just like how we haven’t seen amanes crime yet despite the fact it was shown in undercover. I’m still voting mikoto guilty for now cause I need more insight on why he commit his crime and him being voted innocent would do more harm than good
@Nian91131 2 жыл бұрын
from what i know of alter so far (from anime ofc) is that, alter is still a part of someone personality or more like manifestation of something deep inside of someone. So real mikoto looked like being normal while the alter being super aggressive tendency is just separate them completely, if u fuse them together you will just find the usual killer (without alter) they are normal at daily routine but can be aggressive when they want to. So the point is mikoto have alter because he have malice to kill deep inside his heart.
@jamespa7193 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nian91131 No, anime portrayed that really wrong do not use anime as a source?? It’s a manifestation of the brain being overloaded with stress, fear, and/or emotion. He COULD have malice but looking at his next song it doesn’t look like it.
@sufferingmeguca7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rio-do2uz the cover songs don’t actually mean much and simply encapsulates their personality so for Mikoto, the song’s most likely chosen for him because he’s manipulative(in that he wants everyone to believe he’s this perfect version he’s not) and he says he had a partner so he’s most likely currently single
@matariimau 3 жыл бұрын
for the newcomers here, i want you guys to know that this mv was an absolute SURPRISE. before this, mikoto's whole schtick was that he didn't remember why he's in milgram. he was the bingus. the Just Some Guy. the guy who worked at mcdonalds. MeMe being a metal song was only a fandom meme. imagine being a milgram regular, waiting for the premier, only knowing mikoto of the fun clueless guy who liked to give the other prisoners nicknames, and seeing THIS
@ZeiahYT 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah we are a fandom that gets surprises also....memes....sorry I had too....
@matariimau 3 жыл бұрын
@@ZeiahYT haha no worries! that was intentional on my part lol
@fishfish6807 3 жыл бұрын
the bingus ever
@betryl3669 3 жыл бұрын
Man, I'm so sorry I didn't discover Milgram before and missed all of this 😂 Even as a newcomer I've loved this MV though!
@j_sunday 3 жыл бұрын
There was a side of me that wanted him to be a boba stealer honestly
@comfortofalaughtrack 3 жыл бұрын
can u guys stop arguing about tiktok and just post the theories im literally on my knees rn
@prtty-pnk2381 3 жыл бұрын
literally, i just want to know what happened
@noahi.1381 3 жыл бұрын
This is why we need YT to add a “sort by oldest” filter XD
@mikotokayanosolos 3 жыл бұрын
amagi rinne
@brip6584 3 жыл бұрын
@mogosbinted7660 3 жыл бұрын
Ya honestly it's almost as annoying as what they complaining abt (the tiktokers(?)) I want to see more theories and appreciation to the MV, illustator? And analyze the color scheme of mv? The tarot?? not complains...
@おにぎりにぎにぎ-p5y 3 жыл бұрын
ミコトくんめちゃめちゃ赦さない派が優勢なのでここでひとつコメントを残しておきますね。 自分はタロットカードを中心に考察進めてるんですけどまあ皆さんお察しの通り二重人格やら強いストレスを感じているやらが色んなカードから意味合いを変えてたくさん出てくるわけですよ。 そのうち考察が行き詰まってしまったので母に助けを求めました。 ミルグラムのことは伝えずに「もしも自分が裁判長なら、何人も人をころしてしまったのは確かだが本人は全くその記憶がないと主張する多重人格者を有罪にするか無罪にするか」という内容で。 母はものすごく悩んで有罪にするか無罪かはわからないし決められないけどと、代わりに過去に読んだ本の話をしてくれました。 ビリーミリガンという実際にいた罪を犯した多重人格者の話らしいです。 詳細は見つけられなかったのですが母曰く「記憶にない罪で責められるという強いストレスを主人格に与えて自分が表に出ようと目論む人格がいた」らしいです。 おっと、ミコトのボイスドラマでも似たようなことが起きましたね。 エスが「お前はヒトゴロシだ」と断言した後ミコトは過呼吸を起こし、突如人が変わりエスに襲いかかりました。 また、ミコトは「やめてよ…そんな、嫌なこと言うの…」とも言っています。 「自分はヒトゴロシ」という事実を突きつけられることはミコトにとって強いストレスを感じることだと分かります。 ミコトの中にある人格は ミコトに強いストレスを感じさせて、弱らせて、乗っ取ろうとしてる可能性があるんじゃないでしょうか。 この動画でも片鱗は見せているんですよね。 1:40 辺り。 人をころして帰ってきたミコト。風呂で血を洗い流し歯を磨いています。 ぼーっとした様子で鏡に向き合った直後、はっとした顔になりがっくりするミコト(手前)とそれを見て笑う鏡のミコトが描かれています。 がっくりするミコトと笑うミコトが主人格と別人格だとすると主人格のミコトが弱る様を別人格は喜んでいることになります。 それとタロットカードについてです。 全部書いてるとめちゃくちゃ長くなるので部分的に話しちゃうんですが「吊るされた男」というカード( ミコトが着ているシャツにプリントされていたり動画で何度か出てくる )に込められた意味として「今の状況は高みに登るための通過儀式だと考えている」というのがあるらしいです。 今の状況(ミルグラムに収監されている)は高みに登る(主人格を退けて別人格が表に出る)ための通過儀式… つまりミコトを赦さない、思想を否定ってちょっとだいぶヤバいんじゃないですかね。 そうじゃなくてもミコトは強いストレスを感じると人格が切り替わり凶暴な方のミコトが出てきちゃうので「思想を否定」というストレスの匂いしかしない行為はめちゃんこにリスキーなんですよね。 もうひとつ。9月2日のユノちゃんの誕生日にミルグラム公式アプリのタイムラインでハルカくんがユノちゃんの誕生日をお祝いする投稿がありました。 ユノちゃん曰く「やっぱ、ハルカちょっと変わったよね?ちょっと声も大きくなってるし、目も合うようになってる」と。 あんなにおどおどしていたハルカくんが、です。 ユノちゃんは好きな女ができたんじゃないかと睨んでいましたが恐らく第一審で赦され、思想を肯定されたことの影響です。 思想を肯定されると囚人達にいい影響があるみたいですね。 では思想を否定されるとどうなるでしょう? ハルカくんの場合ならもっと塞ぎ込んでしまうかもしれません。 ミコトの場合は最悪ずーっとバーサーカー状態かもしれません。 第二審のことを考えるのが恐ろしいです。 ミコト実は赦した方がいい説、一考の余地はあるんじゃないでしょうか。 長文失礼しました。たぶん読みづらかったと思います。すみません。
@たかなし-d4y 2 жыл бұрын
@aliceicequeen2339 2 жыл бұрын
@@たかなし-d4y Dont worry its fine actually, liked the theory You Made up, and it was very detailed
@つき-m1g 2 жыл бұрын
@culo12 2 жыл бұрын
この文章新聞にして配りたいレベルですごいと思う 自分は元々赦す派だったけど赦さない派の人も変わるかもしれないレベルで ほんとこの方(とお母さん)すごい
@sekaowa- 2 жыл бұрын
@ユユッキーさん Жыл бұрын
@勉強しなきゃ-k9y 3 жыл бұрын
3:04 自分が二重人格だと受け入れられなくて、「そんなはずない」と縋ってる感じが表情に出ててすごくすき。
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
@ゴンザレスよしお-y8n 3 жыл бұрын
ミコトくんの怖いところは、自分(エス)が「赦す」「赦さない」を決める立場なのに、ミコトくんが「赦してあげる」と言っていること。 そして他の囚人とは違って、歌詞も映像も明らかに自分(エス)を認識した上でこっちを向いて語りかけてくるところ。最後ブン殴って来るし… 闇が深い
@奈菜々 3 жыл бұрын
見返して気づいた?思ったんですけど 2:50 風呂でエナドリ飲んでタバコ吸って寝るって死のうとしてません? 曲見る限り自分が二重人格であることに気づいてそうなのに、なんでミルグラムのミコトは二重人格であることを知らないんだろうと思ってたんですけど、自殺に失敗して心壊れちゃったんですかね?長文失礼しました
@guruguru_Grusha Жыл бұрын
ミルグラム最近友達に勧められて曲全部聴いたけどほんといい曲ばっかだし考察見るのもするのも楽しい こんな素敵な曲だらけだから海外の人に人気なのも納得した
@eduardafrota5674 8 ай бұрын
Também gostei muito das músicas !
@xchara6996 2 жыл бұрын
@niyamaa 2 жыл бұрын
@xchara6996 2 жыл бұрын
@Z3nniO_125 Жыл бұрын
@user-tt8nm6tz9l 3 жыл бұрын
二重人格なら洗面所?風呂場?っぽいところにソファーと机置いたあるのは壊れた精神空間だからっていう説を推したい。 あと多分二重人格なら非憑依型だとエモい 【公開後】 最初のロックは別人格、ゆっくりとしたリズムが主人格になる? けど別人格の正体は知っていそうだったし、ならなんで僕がここにいるのかって言うのが分からないのかってなると今のミルグラムにいるミコト自体もまた別の別人格である可能性が高いのでは? または、別人格が解離性健忘に陥っている可能性もあるのでは? 主人格がどっちの人格によって憑依型か非憑依型かわかるかな タロット班後はよろしく
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
MVに出てきたタロットカードは悪魔、死神、愚者、戦車、吊るされ人だけわかりました(他はわからないです、自分自身はあまりタロット詳しくないので) そしてそのカードそれぞれの肝心の意味は 悪魔 欲望に支配されているから気をつけなさい、欲で身を滅ぼす。 死神 今までの価値観、概念を全て捨てなさい。 愚者 何も考えずに前に進む、希望や志はあるが愚者という名の通り計画性が無さすぎる。 戦車 相反する2つの感情を上手くコントロールしてとにかく前へ進める。 吊るされ人 1度全く別の視点で物を見てみなさい。 ぱっとまとめるとこんな感じになるみたいです。 MVや歌詞もですけど、このあたりのタロットの意味を見ても二重人格の時の記憶がないとは思えないですよね。 あと、タロットには関係ないのですが、ミコトのボイスドラマの視聴はしましたか? そこに至るまでの流れがわからなかったのであまりはっきりと考察することは出来ませんでしたが、めちゃくちゃエスくんに怒鳴りながら殴ってたんですよ。 その瞬間だけ別人格が出てきてたのか、それとも今までほかの囚人の前で猫を被っていただけなのかでもまた話が変わってきそうですが…… 考えても考えてもどこかで矛盾が生まれて私の頭に限界が来たので後は考察班頑張ってください(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
@user-tt8nm6tz9l 3 жыл бұрын
@@田中未琴 わざわざありがとうございます┏● ドラマパートこのコメを打ったあとに拝聴させていただきました 多分二重人格の可能性が高いですね。 この例で挙げさせてもらった解離性健忘のことについても触れていましたね。 私の考察というより予想ですが、ミルグラムでは囚われているのはあくまでミコトであり、主人格である。別人格は人殺しではあるが、囚われてはいないためエスくんに暴力が振れた。 というのが私の考えです ここから徐々に考察するのでまた編集するのでこまめに見てくださると助かります()
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-tt8nm6tz9l なるほど!確かにそれならミコト(別人格)が暴力を振るえたのも納得できますね。そこ私も悩んでいたところなのでありがたいです!私もまたなにか思いついたらコメントさせて頂きますね。
@user-tt8nm6tz9l 3 жыл бұрын
@@田中未琴 歌詞の考察です 「ボクが僕を救ってあげましょう」 この歌詞から ボク▶別人格の人殺し(推測) 僕▶主人格のミコト(推測) だと思います…主人格かはまだ怪しいですが このことから歌詞で僕と言ってるフレーズはミコト視点だと考えるのが妥当だと思います そして曲調が変わることから1番や2番の始めは別人格視点だと思っています そこから考えて 「いっそ僕がもうニセモノ」はミコト、だから主人格はミコトでは?という考えに至ってます。 または、少しタロットカードについて調べました。小アルカナ?だと思われるものが 棒▶バッド 剣▶包丁 聖杯▶コップ? 金貨▶レコード盤 に例えられていると思います このMVで殺害方法として使われてるのはバッドのみなので、余罪があると考えていいでしょう。 他にも調べてみると魔術師や運命の輪が写っていました。 運命の輪はタイヤに置き換えられて蛇のようなものがいます。 それがどういう意味かはまた後日…
@石油王-h9h 3 жыл бұрын
@msoimkoi 3 жыл бұрын
@ももか-o5n 9 ай бұрын
歌い手だった花江くんがDECO*27 さんの書いた曲を歌ってるのがなんかエモい
@ZeiahYT 3 жыл бұрын
Hope that Mikoto trending on TikTok does not ruin Milgram or the fandom honestly also stop comparing him to other anime characters he is his own character
@summertimecookie4232 3 жыл бұрын
yes that´s annoying (also I don´t really like all those ´´I can fix him´´ comments, but that probably isn´t just a tiktok problem
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I was hoping milgram got big but not like this...
@ZeiahYT 3 жыл бұрын
@@GE-0530RN yeah though it was predictable since something new music related will always somehow trend on TikTok but this is a pretty iffy way of it getting big
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
@@ZeiahYT it couldve been something else but noooo we had to get the tiktokers. Hey, at least that means we'll get some of the good tiktokers
@ZeiahYT 3 жыл бұрын
@@GE-0530RN yeah....though so far I doubt it is on good hands due to the comments of the most popular Mikoto TikTok, but yeah let’s hope so
@nyakorii 3 жыл бұрын
Ay I see new people here in milgram and listen 1.) This isn't about who is guilty or not. All the prisoners all guilty about their crimes. The point here is if you think they should be FORGIVEN for their crimes or not. 2.) THERE ARE NO CORRECT THEORIES! They're theories for a reason, there are 3 trials, this is only the first! Their crimes are extremely vague, we don't have solid clues. What you see on the surface isn't what it seems. Read a lot of theories, don't just stick to one! 3.) If you cannot handle heavy stories, Milgram isn't for you. People might get mad at me for this, but if you guys are upset with this series because the prioners killed someone then- probably don't bother with this series. This is the literal theme of Milgram. They all killed someone, but it's the viewers choice if they want to forgive or not. Anyway have fun!! Oh and! Watch the first videos and jackalope's video first! Then probably watch all the songs in order :D There's a lot to unwrap in milgram, take your time! Don't vote yet if you don't know what you're getting into please! The votes WILL directly affect the ending of the story, we don't know what will happen to them if they're forgiven or not forgiven, so vote wisely :P
@bo319 3 жыл бұрын
Ty for this i was so confused on what everyone one was talking about until i read this (^^ )
@nyakorii 3 жыл бұрын
@@bo319 no probs! Glad i could help ^^
@FesVivy 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! I was confused of what was going on ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
@strwbrrybunny388 3 жыл бұрын
thank you so much! where do we vote?
@nyakorii 3 жыл бұрын
@@strwbrrybunny388 You can vote through the official website ^^ The link is in the description or in the channel's about section! You can also vote through the app :D
@Rednodge_9 2 жыл бұрын
2 months of nande boku ga koko ni iru no
@caratpillar Жыл бұрын
Pretty much.
@angel1cbunn1esx Жыл бұрын
one year of nande boku ga koko ni iru no
@peonykit6039 Жыл бұрын
@@angel1cbunn1esx 647 days of nande boku ga koko ni iru no
@caratpillar Жыл бұрын
@@peonykit603915600 hours of nande boku ga koko ni iru no
@user-um9ph6fo4m Жыл бұрын
@@caratpillar 936000 minutes of nande boku ga koko ni iru no
@Simo_bimo Жыл бұрын
I love how all the other mv’s have 1-2 million views while mikoto has 6 million…hmm I wonder who the fan favorite is😭
@Jennet802 2 ай бұрын
This is the song I first saw from Milgram pssst
@rohlik_czzd8875 2 ай бұрын
now amane is taking that place!
@hishameyuu 3 жыл бұрын
@Bby.doll-angel 3 жыл бұрын
I don't speak Japanese but sounds good to me
@huwarari9926 2 жыл бұрын
ミコトくんミルグラムの中で人気があるキャラなもんですからね にしても300万再生されんの早すぎィ…
@うか-o3v 3 жыл бұрын
二重人格説は確定として、殺人をしているという事実があまりにもわかりやすい……。 人を殺している方の人格が、まるで“人を殺すためにある”かのように、殺人しかしていない。後始末も手慣れてるように見える。 けど殺した相手についてや動機に関してはさっぱり。 うふふかっこいいねミコトくんうふふ
@user-jq4bz5xl8j 3 жыл бұрын
@Renn_gamer 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-jq4bz5xl8j それは怖すぎる!でも、もしそうだとしたら……それはそれであり
@めこ-l8f 3 жыл бұрын
深い考察しようとしてもビジュでニヤつきを止められないの分かるよ うふふかっこいいねミコトくんうふふ
@user-uy3vg1wq2k 3 жыл бұрын
考察できんよ うふふかっこいいねミコトくんうふふ
@user-jq4bz5xl8j 3 жыл бұрын
@まりあ-t4x 3 жыл бұрын
@user-px7zj5ki2k 11 ай бұрын
@hiromiooyoshi9507 2 жыл бұрын
「なんで僕がここにいるの」 つい 口ずさんでます。天使と悪魔みたいな対義するようなイメージを歌の表現力だけで出せるのは流石だな〜
@おてて-i3d 3 жыл бұрын
ミコトはミルグラムのシステム上「赦す」か「赦さない」か裁かれる側なのに「赦さないよ」とか「赦してあげる」とか言ってるのめちゃくちゃ好き。 めちゃくちゃ、好き。
@TomRiddleMyBoy 3 жыл бұрын
Привет тебе японец 🗿 или японка🗿
@lyyssa33_ 3 жыл бұрын
@lyyssa33_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@TomRiddleMyBoy こんにちはロシア人!
@TomRiddleMyBoy 3 жыл бұрын
@@lyyssa33_ попробуй написать на русском, пожалуйста🙏 я не понимаю.
@お絵描き猫 2 жыл бұрын
@pi.y36 3 жыл бұрын
@iluVioletLink 11 ай бұрын
Something I observed: Mikoto is shown to have an ahoge/hairstrand. and John (the official name for his alter that Es assigned to him from the VD) is shown to have no ahoge/no hairstrand in Double. In 0:33 when Mikoto is killing someone off, he's wearing a beanie, and when he's throwing the body + hat in the garbage dumpster, they never show us how Mikoto's hair looks like. I think the creators are trying to conceal the true identity of who committed the crime.
@WiffleWaffIe 11 ай бұрын
I never noticed that!
@mirrorkirby123 10 ай бұрын
@Harpae69 10 ай бұрын
2:32 John does have the ahoge, there are other minutes were you can see it
@anonmenhera2720 10 ай бұрын
@WiffleWaffIe 10 ай бұрын
@@Harpae69 Thanks for pointing this out!
@PiesAreCircle 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are talking about the tarot cards so as a ex-tarot card reading nerd, let me hit you up with my interpretation: So, I realized at 3:23 after his shuffle it was showing a 10 card celtic cross spread starting with the page of pentacles crossing the fool and conveniently, there are exactly 10 from the point The Fool is shown. We can imagine the reading space to be interpreted in two halves. On the left side you have the Wheel and the part where the Celtic Cross gets it's name from. It is what you think of yourself and your personal ongoings. On the right side is the Staff that sees the wheel from afar. This is what the outside thinks of you and thus the impact from the outside world. Then there are two ways we can determine their position in the spread 1) basic flip order of tarot cards which is a bit harder for the left side since people all do it slightly differently (i.e. when they appear on screen) OR 2) based on how they appear relatively on screen. You (Left side) - Present (Center): The Fool 3:20 Problem (The one crossing center): Page of Pentacles 3:22 Past (Left of Center): Five of Swords 3:26 Future (Right of Center): Wheel of Fortune 3:25 Goal (Top of Center): Ace of Cups 3:27 Subconscious (Bottom): Two of Swords 3:23 So obviously, he thinks he's innocent, hence The Fool in the center, but something new has started for him that he can't control (Page of Pentacles). Originally, he felt like what he was doing was just the cost of being right (Five of Swords) but in the back of his mind there's something nagging at him (Two of Swords). He ultimately wants compassion for himself (Ace of Cups) because remember, he thinks he's innocent but eventually, he can't escape fate (Wheel of Fate). The Outside (The Right Side) - You (Bottom): King of Cups (Reversed) 3:29 Outside Factors (Second to Bottom): Five of Wands (Reversed) 3:31 Fears (Second to Top): The Chariot 3:32 Outcome (Top): Death 3:37 I interpret this the persona he puts out is that of a person who feels like his life is out of control. Yet, from the outside people seem to think he's just avoiding the situation. I'm not sure if this is saying he's avoiding by pretending or if it's a case of someone creating another personality in order to avoid what had happened. In any case, he's afraid of moving forward, hence the Chariot in his fears and the fact that by the end he punches the viewer for digging into his mind for too long. Ultimately, things will change drastically for him. HOWEVER. And this is a huge however. His actual spread might be slightly different. If you pause a 1:14 you can see another spread which tells a little bit of a more disgusting story: You - Present: The Hanged Man (Reversed) Problem: Queen of Swords (Direction unknown since it isn't shown beside this moment) Past: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) Future: Five of Swords Goal: Ace of Cups Subconscious: Ten of Wands (Reversed) This spread seems to infer that he knew what he was doing (Queen of Swords) when he killed someone for no real reason (Hanged Man). He had been over burdened (Ten of Wands) when he suddenly lashed out (Wheel of Fortune) but he liked the way it felt (Ace of Cups) and will do anything in the future to keep doing it (Five of Swords). The Outside - You: King of Cups (Reversed) Outside Factors: Five of Wands (Reversed) Fears: The Magician Outcome: The Devil How he is viewed is basically the same since those don't change but his fears and outcome did change. From this I view it as his fear being realized as someone who is stronger/knows more than he lets on but in the future he will be addicted... to killing... Random Bits and details: (Edited) I think the reason he's wearing "The Hanged Man, Reversed" which is labelled on his shirt since the first time he's on screen is because he's trying to give the impression that choosing him as guilty is a mistake by calling himself a pointless sacrifice instead of the actual person he killed. At 0:44 and 0:47 you can actually see "The Fool" sitting in his apartment, almost as if he can manipulate it to show you that this is him and thus the second tarot card spread I believe is faked. On his single card draw at 1:16 he draws a blank which very few people use because it literally just means you are not meant to know at this time... A cop out if I've ever heard of one. My friend also pointed out to me that being overworked and snapping aligns with his screenshot in Undercover at 2:11 where he is literally sleeping at his desk with a redbull and coffee like he was trying to pull an allnighter at work.
@Novanoir 2 жыл бұрын
this is a really cool comment
@meg4ne3391 2 жыл бұрын
Wowwwwww, never thought about tht!! U ar really something!
@soloistwolfen 2 жыл бұрын
UNDERRATED COMMENT! This made me understand a lot of stuff about the MV, as although it was obvious that they were tarot cards I don't know anything about it. Thanks a ton!
@cinnalua 2 жыл бұрын
I was searching for this comment (me a tarot enthusiast) Thank you very much 💞💞💞
@kayasaki 2 жыл бұрын
Woooww thank you for blessing us with your existence and for taking your time writing all of this. This is a lot of information to swallow and a lot of *important* details that meant to be "coded" with the cards. Especially when you said "but he liked the way it felt (Ace of Cups) and will do anything in the future to keep doing it (Five of Swords)." "In the future he will be addicted to killing" So even if he thinks of himself as innocent rn he will keep on looking for the "wrong ppl" as an excuse to kill them and "be good" to society by "cleaning" the bad guys out of town. I really liked your theory when you said "it might be the creators idea to threaten the viewers to keep him alive" and they even made him good looking and add the option to vote innocent prisoners you favor. Maybe there is something upcoming in the future. I'm new to milgram, discovered his song yesterday by accident and I'm really happy about this accident 😂 I'm still think about the other music videos I've seen and can't wait for the other songs. I've heard that milgram is coming back this July so I hope I'll be able to participate live this time. Thanks again for everything. Wish you all the best 💕
@kaibruh9985 2 жыл бұрын
just a reminder to the english audience, EVERYONE is guilty of murder- that's why they're in milgram. it's not about if they're guilty or not, because of course they are- it's about if we forgive them.
@wandasho 2 жыл бұрын
no not true yuno didn't do anything
@jamespa7193 2 жыл бұрын
@@wandasho she took a life even if it were her own decision to make that you cannot deny
@1bitgrace 2 жыл бұрын
@@wandasho It’s more like if they themselves (the prisoners) consider their crimes as murder For example, Futa didn’t out right murder (as he didn’t actively physically kill) but perhaps he thinks that what he did was “murder” and was thus selected to be put into Milgram etc etc Side note: We don’t actually know if Yuno had an abortion! There are many other theories out there that point to a different story. But idk lol everything in Milgram are just theories
@envy_342 2 жыл бұрын
@@wandasho you cant rlly say that for sure. we only have 1 out of 3 MVs, and the one we have is VERY metaphorical. so what i'm saying is there's probably more to her than we imagine
@lunar8915 2 жыл бұрын
Abortion is not a murder yuno probably thinks so herself but abortion still isn't a murder
@クリィミィ-i4n 3 жыл бұрын
推し声優が推しキャラを歌うときがついに来た… この時を待ってた。
@ハゲでも愛せ-m1s 11 ай бұрын
@ふみつき-m8w 3 жыл бұрын
前の動画で言われていた『二重人格説』が合っているのか、それともそう感じさせるように演じているのか… 個人的に一番謎に感じているミコトくんの曲、楽しみ。
@奈菜々 3 жыл бұрын
そういやタイトル「MeMe」 「Me」は英語で”自分”を意味しますが、それが2つ… ”自分”が2つ=二重人格ってことですかね?
@Un_nUoO06 3 жыл бұрын
@ミスターK-e3t 3 жыл бұрын
これは流石に二重人格であった時期は少なからずありそう……無かったらこのMV、ひいてはミコトの第一審ってなんだったんだよってなるので…(笑) 私的にはミコトは他の人格に殺人の責任を押し付けてる…って感じがする……
@ギぶ 3 жыл бұрын
@hmgu299 3 жыл бұрын
@@奈菜々 自分は「ミーム」の方かと思いました。 ミームは、脳内に保存され、他の脳へ複製可能な情報(ウィキペディアより引用)なので、ミコトが殺した中の一人の意識が乗り移って、二重人格になったのでは?と思いました。失礼致しました。
@gamos_.9203 3 жыл бұрын
とりあえず… ミコトさんの筋肉と、狂気に満ちた顔と、殴りかかるとこがかっこよくて思考が追いつかない笑
@アルプスの一万弱 3 жыл бұрын
闇が伝わってくるサムネ…… やっぱり多重人格なんかな?? 楽しみすぎる🙏💕
@Rednodge_9 2 жыл бұрын
On August 13th 2021, the entire milgram community writhed in horror (and thirst) as this man undressed, which attracted a horde of TikTok users all around the globe. This is the story of Kayano Mikoto.
@akato.5785 2 жыл бұрын
So thats why this video have 4mil views..hmm i see i see
@senanym 2 жыл бұрын
@mitsubachihachi9643 2 жыл бұрын
Mikoto: slowly takes off his shirt Everyone: 👀
@ManaSamaLover. 2 жыл бұрын
@juancarlospiedritas974 2 жыл бұрын
In my birthday!
@monbub 3 жыл бұрын
I think he just lies to himself and pretends that he's innocent. He created a whole innocent persona and happy place to get away from real life. It's probably a defense mechanism or escapism. Seems like he eventually realizes he can't run away from being a murderer, so he just freaks out. His happy place becomes bloody and dark, which shows that even his innocent self isn't really innocent at all. He definitely doesn't have DID and he's definitely guilty lol. Edit: People are saying he might have dissociative amnesia and I think that makes a lot of sense! There's a scene where you can see cctv footage (2:36) and I feel like the reason for this is bc Mikoto doesn't fully remember what he did wrong and feels the need to watch himself everyday. Maybe after seeing something messed up in the footage, he remembers he's a murderer? And once he remembers, his fake persona becomes ruined and he starts to question everything. The lyrics after this scene start to make a lot of sense now. It also explains why the happy place Mikoto turns evil at the end.
@brat6278 3 жыл бұрын
i think the same! at 2:10 he seems like he realized, and the atmosphere turned dark again
@einszweidrei486 3 жыл бұрын
The thing people seem to be forgetting is that it is canon that every character is guilty, in one way or another. The PVs are shown for viewers to decide if you forgive them for whatever "crime" they commit, or not. This is only the first ones too, the eventual outcome of the voting will most likely impact what else we'll be seeing in upcoming PVs
@monbub 3 жыл бұрын
@@einszweidrei486 I'm aware! When I say he's guilty, I mean that I don't forgive him and will vote him as guilty.
@einszweidrei486 3 жыл бұрын
@@monbub ahh i see i see!
@CrystalMoonlight94 3 жыл бұрын
Read Mikoto's voice drama. :(
@Higayo_pacman 3 жыл бұрын
遂にミコトきたか!ミルグラムの公式アプリのタイムラインでのやりとりとか見てたけどなんか凄い闇深い部分とかあったしこの動画のサムネもなんか怖い…。 とはいえこの時を待ち続けていたのでめっちゃ楽しみです! [追記] ボイスドラマ聞いてみた感想 やはりミコトは二重人格が濃厚?エスに「人を殺したことを忘れた」と指摘されてからの豹変ぶりがえげつなかったし。ていうか花江夏樹さんの声の変えかたよ。ホンマにあの人凄いと思った。そして豹変してからエスに攻撃を加えることに成功していたということはあくまでミルグラムは普段のミコトしか情報に入れてなかったということ?ミルグラムは囚人についての全てを把握してるわけではないのか?ちょっとその辺が分からなくなりましたね…。ていうか今回のボイスドラマで遂にコトコが出てきましたな。めっちゃかっこよかった…。コトコに関しても次回の「HARROW」で分かり始めると思うし、ボイスドラマも楽しみ。曲に関しての考察みたいなのはもう少したってから書き始めたいと思います。
@奈菜々 3 жыл бұрын
@Higayo_pacman 3 жыл бұрын
@@奈菜々 えーとですね、ミルグラムの公式アプリではタイムラインというものが見れてたまに囚人達のプチ会話みたいなのがそこに書き込まれるんですよ。それでミコトが夜中に意味分からないことを叫んでいる時があったんですよね。でもミコトは全くそのことを覚えてない?というかそんなことをした自覚がない、みたいなことがあったんですよ。だから二重人格説が余計濃厚になってるんですよね。
@奈菜々 3 жыл бұрын
@@Higayo_pacman おぉありがとうございます🎉😊
@FEC_11037 3 жыл бұрын
@@Higayo_pacman それだけ見てると昼型と夜型がいるみたいですね
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
@yuchaaan55 3 жыл бұрын
全く考察できないけどミコトくんかっこよすぎる。。 ずっと楽しみにしてたから嬉しいー!! 花江さん最高
@こねこ-u8v 23 күн бұрын
タロットカードの意味一覧(わかる範囲です) 1:15は左から順に ・1:15 X_運命の輪(逆位置)タイミングが悪い、取り返しのつかない変化、素直になれない 3:25 (正位置)運命的な出来事、ラッキーチャンス、いい方向への変化、スタート、新たな行動 ・1:15 XⅡ_吊るされた男(逆位置)忍耐力が足りない、努力を怠る、自己中心的、失敗に終わる ・1:15 3:26 V_法王(正位置)慈悲心、思いやり、救われる、人の為に尽くす 3:31 (逆位置)秩序を乱す、好意の押し付け、支配的、命令的、自己中心的、依存心 ・1:15 2:08 XV_悪魔(正位置)心の弱さに負けた瞬間、堕落する、強い欲望、犯罪、隠し事、暴力的、魔が差す、悩み ・3:19 O_愚者(正位置)チャレンジする、出発、旅立ちの時、可能性がある、自由を手に入れる、自分を信じている ・3:32 VⅡ_戦車(正位置)スピード、勝利ある前進、困難に打ち勝つ、成功、自己への可能性、力の挑戦 ・3:37 XⅢ_死神(正位置)一時的にストップする、停止状態、過去の生き方を捨てる、破壊、生きる気力を失う、失望、愛の終わり
@coco-wz4bp 3 жыл бұрын
公開後私的考察です。 皆さんが仰っている通り私もミコトくんは2重人格だと思います。 曲調が激しい雰囲気のときの人格とゆったりとした雰囲気のときで人格が分かれていて、前者が人殺しだと思います。 以下の理由から、入れ替わりのスイッチはお風呂場だと思います。 主人格は自分が人殺しであることを知らない →殺してから帰ってきて、付いた血液などをお風呂で洗い流してから入れ替わるとしたら辻褄が合う 1:42、お風呂場の鏡に2つの人格の交差が表現されていた 初めに映る、ボロボロのお風呂場のような場所にソファが置いてある場所がミコトくんの精神の中だと思っているから (これは根拠がありません…多分です…) また、人殺しの人格はミコトくんのマイナスの感情や怒りを出すためにできたのではないでしょうか。 以下、理由です。 2:08、曲調的に「嘘なら君のこと」まで主人格、「赦さないよ」という怒りの感情を表すときから人殺しの人格に入れ替わった。 1:33、「飲み込んだマイナスのイメージが僕を抱き締めてくれたの」 曲調が人殺しの人格。マイナスのイメージによってつくられたことを示唆する? そして、人殺しの人格は主人格を救っているつもりで暴力をしているのでは?と思います。 最後、「今なら君を赦してあげる」。「赦す」から、いい気分をしたわけではないことは確かですよね。その後に、人殺しの人格(声が入っていないので恐らくですが)が殴りかかってきます。 このことから、人殺しの人格は主人格の怒りを代弁しているつもりなのか、主人格を大切に思うあまり主人格に害をなすものを片っ端から消していっているのか…だと考えました。 〜分からないこと〜 よく出てくるカードが指すもの キャラによって、曲中の「ゆるす」の表記が「赦す」だったり「許す」だったりすることがあります。この違いはなんでしょうか…? 以上です!長文読んでくださりありがとうございます!考察楽しみましょー!
@ringousagi 3 жыл бұрын
多分二重人格なんだろうけど、最後殴りかかってきたのは人を殺してなかった方の人格な気がする。自分は殺してないって信じて貰えない(言ってくれない?)からだんだん殺した方の人格に寄っていったのかなって (ガバガバ考察)
@Meri_3 3 жыл бұрын
@お絵描き猫 2 жыл бұрын
@ProplayerOsuAnimeTH 2 жыл бұрын
@sqwinsez 2 жыл бұрын
Ребята я гей и у меня нет папы( Но есть отчим!!! Ура!!! Ура!!!!
@huwarari9926 2 жыл бұрын
@Mikey mi flaco❤️ アニメと言うより視聴者参加型プロジェクトですね
@Wince_Media Жыл бұрын
THEORY TIME!: Even though he has a violent alter, Makoto DID commit a murder/crime and is being judged for HIS sins, not his alter's. In the voice drama and the beginning of trial 2, it is shown that Mikoto's alter does not abide by Milgram's rules (such as not being allowed to hit Es), which shows that Milgram sees Mikoto and his alter as two separate people. So if Mikoto was being judged by his alter's actions, shouldn't the situation be reversed? Shouldn't the rules apply to the alter but not to him? This shows that Milgram does see that Mikoto specifically is being judged, not his alter. Secondly, in this song, we can see that he and his alter have different beats. His alter uses a 4:4 beat (verses 1 and 2), while mikoto uses a 3:4 beat (chorus), but notice that after the second verse, the beat stays at 3:4, meaning that the rest of the song is about Mikoto. I do believe that Mikoto genuinely has DID (thats confirmed) but he's using it as a way to shift blame from his crime(s) while he plays ignorant. "See!? I didn't do that! It was my evil alter!" And since he does have DID and a violent alter, people believe him. When voting for Mikoto, do not take his alter's actions into consideration. Mikoto is guilty imo because of Mikoto and no one else.
@мирвзвездах Жыл бұрын
The beat comment is genius
@tsukasaP Жыл бұрын
the beat of the song doesn't change. its 4/4 all the way thru.
@Wince_Media Жыл бұрын
@@tsukasaP pretty sure the chorus and latter half are 3/4. If you count 1 2 3 4, you'll lose the beat, it you count 1 2 3, you'll stay on beat
@subatomicmolecules Жыл бұрын
@@tsukasaP the 123 is faster than you think. All three beats are done in less than a second.
@trinilagos5957 Жыл бұрын
maybe, probably, he is afraid of his own actions, and of all the possible consequences that they can bring with him, that is why he seems so agitated sometimes, he is afraid of himself ,but he is more scared of the possible punishment)? Maybe also,he is terrifying on admitting his own guilt, his own darkness.
@葉-ヨウ 3 жыл бұрын
再生回数の伸びやばすぎ 優しい歌い方と荒々しい狂ったような歌い方のギャップがたまらん、
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
@siroipigeon 3 жыл бұрын
Memeの意味は遺伝子によらず、模倣によって人から人へと伝えらえる情報の単位。 模倣の 意味は自分で工夫して作り出すのでなく、既にできているものをまねること(両方とも調べさせていただきました)
@SI-ne4ou 3 жыл бұрын
@futa6382 2 жыл бұрын
0:54 1:48 2:58 3:10 3:21 NANDE
@Sandco481 2 жыл бұрын
@なえ-t2s Жыл бұрын
@羽琉.゚ 3 жыл бұрын
花ちゃんすげぇよ… 日本以外の人もコメントしてて嬉しいよ… なんなら多くてビビってるよ…
@inexistente9794 2 жыл бұрын
Eu sou do Brasil e sou apaixonada pelo Japão e pela cultura de vocês ❤
@Tontattazoku710 3 жыл бұрын
@このは-t3x 3 жыл бұрын
花江くんの狂ったキャラを演じるところを見るのが大好きなのでとっても嬉しい!!!!!変態と狂人は花江くんの真骨頂ってかんじするよね〜🥰 全然考察はできないので歌い方好きすぎる話しよう、優しいとこと激しいとこの歌いわけ、ハンパない。どっちも好きなので、一曲で両方堪能できるのは本当に最高だ…感謝…。花江くんの裏声大好き。がなり大好き。どっちも聞けちゃうんだよ…神。時々入るセリフもたまんねぇや…笑い声やばくないですか、、、??あと、最後の歌い方やばい、やばい……とっても好き。。
@user-zs3te5pw8c Ай бұрын
今日で投稿されて3年が経つね!今でも毎日聴いてます!大好きですミルグラム !!
@mau_u.o0 3 жыл бұрын
殺人をする人格の曲調(ドラム強め) ↓ もう片方の人格の曲調(優しいメロディ) ラスサビ(?)2:58~の曲調でどちらもが混ざったような曲調になっているから、殺人の人格を肯定し始めたのかな…………と 関係ないですけど、空の壁紙って精神に異常を来すらしいですね (某ゲームのN様の部屋などなど…) 二重人格説を推していきたい
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
それあると思います。 最後の方に戦車のタロットカードが出てくるんですけど、2つの相反する感情をまとめて前に進むみたいな意味なので、殺人をしない人格(主人格?)も殺人をする人格も肯定して生きていくことを決めたのかもしれないですよね。
@mau_u.o0 3 жыл бұрын
@@田中未琴 曲調でしか考察ができてないので、タロットの考察助かります……!!
@藍色えのぐ 3 жыл бұрын
『片方の人格が犯した罪はもう片方の人格も背負わなければならないか』ってことですか………??? 穏やかめに見える人格の方も歌詞的にはまぁまぁ過激っぽいんですがね…いや〜〜〜〜これ以上わからない……ごめん…曲はめっちゃ好きよ
@ミスターK-e3t 3 жыл бұрын
@藍色えのぐ 3 жыл бұрын
@@ミスターK-e3t 現実だと確かに『責任を負える人は誰か』って話になりますね…穏やかミコトくんがその責任を負うべきなのか… 過激ミコトくんが生まれなければならなかった境遇などが明らかになればまた意見が変わりそうです…
@popypopy6041 3 жыл бұрын
@yt-sx6mn 11 ай бұрын
@ささき-i3y 3 жыл бұрын
歌い分けというかなんというか、つかみどころがない曲調でかっこいい、、、 ミコトは二重人格なんかな
@ゆう-x9n9n 3 жыл бұрын
@おそらそらそ 3 жыл бұрын
確か元は歌い手さんじゃなかったけ?? にしてもうますぎる✨✨
@kekekeke3965 3 жыл бұрын
@@おそらそらそ せやで そこからリモーネ先生と出会ったんやで
@あき-k1y6y 3 жыл бұрын
@@おそらそらそ そうなんだ………知らなかった。( ̄^ ̄)もう、リモーネ先生に出会えるのが、奇跡だよね!🌠
@おそらそらそ 3 жыл бұрын
@@kekekeke3965 やっぱそうですよね‼️
@おそらそらそ 3 жыл бұрын
@@あき-k1y6y 奇跡に感謝‼️
@黒猫-h3d4n 2 жыл бұрын
Mikoto’s Milgram interrogation questions. (His speech style alternates every couple of questions) 1. Family? “My mother and me and my little sister. She’s in high school, the springtime of her life” 2. Do you have baseball experience? “I played in high school. It’s not like I’m good at it, but I still swing a bat when I have a bad day at work” 3. Have you ever had a partner? “Hey, of course I have. Do I look that unpopular?” 4. Are you particular about fashion? “Obviously. Who would want to depend on an unfashionable designer?” 5. Do you like drawing? “I do, but I’m not good. My department in art school was more academic, and drawing was a bare minimum. Not all designers are drawers!” 6. Tell me what you hate. "Pulling an all-nighter for work/reptiles/violence" 7. Hobbies? “Shopping/darts/taking photos/biking” 8. What makes your job worthwhile? “It’s the best advertising agency in the whole industry, you know? Just being in it’s awesome. I worked quite hard to get in” 9. Why do you call people by nicknames? “I think I learned to do that in uni. A nickname used by only me ‘works’ with some people. I recommend it” 10. Do you ever feel anger towards others? “I don’t think I ever have. It’s kind of ugly to get mad” 11. Are you the kind of person who's very considerate of others? "I am. That's what being an adult is. Working comfortably is all about communication" 12. How do you commute? "Road bike. It's one of my hobbies, and good for exercising. Not having to worry about the final train has its ups and downs" 13. Do you ever forget things? “Uhh. I think I often do these days” 14. Where do you think you'll be in ten years? "I hope I can create my own design company. Freedom, you know" 15. Do you really have no idea about having murdered someone? "I said I don't! Aren't you being too persistent?" 16. Do you get along with your parents? "They're divorced. I do well with my mother who raised me. Can't make her worried" 17. Do you smoke? "An e-cigarette. I smoked normal ones before, but put them away after getting a job" 18. Favorite food? "horse meat sashimi/pasta/bubble tea" 19. Do you believe in God? "I don't. I wouldn't go as far as denial. But you know, there's no practicality" 20. Morning or night person? “I used to be a super night owl, but these days I go to bed pretty quickly”
@jamessnow9405 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just gonna comment here for updates
@Rednodge_9 2 жыл бұрын
mikoto is bruce wayne confirmed
@synthezaartz9792 2 жыл бұрын
"But I still swing a bat when I have a bad day at work" And in the mv, a baseball bat seems to be his weapon of choice.... Sus But seriously, he's a super complex character and I can't wait to know more about him and his personality as well as his crimes and motive-
@Lulu-iv7fr 2 жыл бұрын
Okay with question 6 I can now totally say that mikoto has a side that he hates after all staying up all night, violence, and *reptiles are all perfectly describing the violent Mikoto to a T *using reptiles in a metaphorical way can be use to describe other people as dangerous, despicable and heartless, totally lacking in empathy and human emotion.
@Lulu-iv7fr 2 жыл бұрын
Man this guy is full of irony 😅
@リリー-d2i 7 ай бұрын
@mitsuririn6777 3 жыл бұрын
it's funny that people think this is an anime when there's clearly "music video" in the title of the video
@РитаПросвирнина 3 жыл бұрын
Ну блин я русская и не особо хорошо знаю английский по этому я тоже подумала что это аниме
@anna.owo. 3 жыл бұрын
It is still anime, anime is short for animation, it is an animated music video with plot
@emmaverdeoshi6228 2 жыл бұрын
The demands for MILGRAM to become an anime series though. The first trial ain’t even finished yet lmao
@mitsuririn6777 2 жыл бұрын
@@emmaverdeoshi6228 Help you're right
@blubum3366 2 жыл бұрын
@@emmaverdeoshi6228 Wait really!!😳
@Rain-jn3gj 3 жыл бұрын
思ったよりバリバリやっててびっくりしたし、曲にもミコト君にも動揺が凄いんだけど最終的に思ったのは「好きです...」なんよなぁ... 考察班の方々、素敵な考察を待ってます。よろしくお願いします。沼にハマる準備は出来てますので(?)
@0225-l4k 3 жыл бұрын
考察とかしてみたいんですけど、考察とかより花江さんの歌声が最高過ぎて、考察どころじゃなくなってしまいました。優しい歌声も激しめなかっこいい歌声もどっちも大好きです(きもい そしてミコトのビジュが好きです凄く
@mella_523 Ай бұрын
@user-kanaetaihoshikuzu 3 жыл бұрын
@のあ-n9f7w 3 жыл бұрын
@いるか-x5y 2 жыл бұрын
1:16の「ゆるさないよ」が好きすぎてウッってなった 好きだ……
@安藤璃音-f2y Күн бұрын
@夕月-u8p 3 жыл бұрын
ヘビメタが始まったと思ったらサビ花畑で思わず笑っちゃったわ ミコト君...............君…面白いね……
@しらゆき-b4v 3 жыл бұрын
はなちゃんの歌唱力() 2:07以降のパート超好きです
@かるぴす-h8y 3 жыл бұрын
〈動画投稿前〉trailerのサビを聴いてた限りでは落ち着いた雰囲気の曲っぽいけど、MVがつくことによりどう印象が変わるのか楽しみですね! 〈投稿後〉 やばい、、、穏やかな曲だと思ってたら、いい意味で裏切られて興奮してるハァハァ 全訳→考察班あとは頼んだ
@yoursweethollowknight6589 16 күн бұрын
it has been 2 years since i first discovered this and its still fire man
@eggmore-wc8gg 3 жыл бұрын
@いち-e9c 3 жыл бұрын
@MinervaFaith 3 жыл бұрын
Really happy that Milgram is gaining more attention but I really hope that Tiktok won't ruin this or anything since I really love Milgram
@kittyythecat 3 жыл бұрын
TikTok has ruined the genshin fandom and attacked too many Asian creators by sending death threats and false accusations. May the fandom be only a little damaged by TikTokers
@aloafofbread4026 3 жыл бұрын
@@kittyythecat they gonna be down bad for mikoto and make him innocent like with shidou (God forbid that they find out how to vote). But what im predicting is that if mikoto DOES get voted guilty, then these thirsty ppl are gonna start sending threats to people that voted him guilty. The End.
@BanyaGwen 3 жыл бұрын
@@aloafofbread4026 Idk, doesn't seem like they're voting a lot yet luckily
@GE-0530RN 3 жыл бұрын
no one show em how to vote
@nijiscolors 3 жыл бұрын
​@@GE-0530RN it's easy to know with a lil bit of logic. i found milgram myself just because of tiktok, but this fandom seems amazing and I don't want it to be toxic. i've already seen so many comments comparing mikoto with chifuyu from tokrev and it's so upsetting
@shake11 8 ай бұрын
@HumanTkt 5 ай бұрын
彼は同一性障害を患っており、それは彼の頭の中に3つのものがあり、いつでもコントロールできる3人のうちの1人、ジョン、ミコト、そして私たちが知らないもう1人がいることを意味します。 ジョンは自分が犯した罪に気づいている、俺が追ってきたミコトとは違って。
@なつ-b6g8o 3 жыл бұрын
一曲の中でも全然違う人が歌ってるみたい。二重人格の説はやっぱりありそうだよね。 そう思わせてるだけだったら凄いし、実際そういう事件もあったな…
@aozola_seiza 3 жыл бұрын
@user-lc9yo2do3e 3 жыл бұрын
@dakotakim4091 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-lc9yo2do3e мг
@mrpopo3421 2 жыл бұрын
@mrpopo3421 2 жыл бұрын
@@dakotakim4091 мг странно/
@dakotakim4091 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrpopo3421 что странного? А стоп ты русский?
@るなすけ-m7l 3 жыл бұрын
@hime306 8 ай бұрын
@月兎-d7p 3 жыл бұрын
え、最後ヤバない??? 花江さん大好きで、めっちゃ待ってた!! 嬉しい!! この曲激しい所と優しい所があって、鏡に映った自分が全く別の表情とかから、やっぱり二重人格なんだろうか... そしてカードがよく出てくるけど、あれは占い?
@MGM-my1xz 3 жыл бұрын
@しょうがやき-d9k 3 жыл бұрын
花ちゃん声かっこ良すぎる!最高… ハイトーンボイスと低音使い分けててかっこいい…
@りいな-q7b 3 жыл бұрын
@waffl39music 14 күн бұрын
2:58 has to be the most memable part of all of milgram and its in possibly the most gruesome mv
@yo... 3 жыл бұрын
I think he is just strongly convincing himself that he has not fault even if very internally he knows he did it, but he doesn't accept it. Or that he has amnesia of the traumatic experience. Explanation edit: (sorry for my bad English) I don't know enough about DID to talk about it but for me this song seems more like the 'good' and the 'bad' he are the same. The 'bad' feeling guilty and the 'good' holding down his 'bad part'. But he thinks of himself like two different 'he' that's literally the name of the song "MeMe". Explanation of what I understood: At the start he says that: even if he could, would he have not done dose things? (expressed like he was talking as he was other person) So he express he feels guilty but would probably not stop. When he says "'I' will save 'me'" 0:43 is like he is going to do something to not feel guilty and says "switch" then he changes of scene. In that scene is the only part where he seems genuinely innocent but has the 'truth' (the tarot cards) in front of him. The part of 1:18 he is (the 'bad' one) clearly feeling bad of what he is doing, and decides to split in two the part of him that feels guilty and the part that wants to do that. But he is the same person there. In the minute 2:13 he seems surprised because he 'found' the truth and express that even if he tries to stop "Hurting it, holding it down" he always ends making something bad. In 2:47 is just a sequence of words of he convincing himself he did nothing wrong after "realizing" his lies. Finally in 3:02 he is lying, his face seems fake and then converts in the other 'he' when he snap his fingers, but the other he is smiling as and talking as he was innocent, meaning he created the false one. To me it seems like through all the song he actually knows the truth, or he always knew it or that he has dissociative amnesia but by minute 2:23 already remembered and is lying to himself.
@ZuzzyRL 3 жыл бұрын
Or split personality
@th-gg4cc 3 жыл бұрын
which anime is this ?
@yo... 3 жыл бұрын
@@th-gg4cc Is a music video, as the name says. Of the group of songs of MILGRAM. There's info in the channel. Is not an anime it just has a wonderful animation.
@yumeyumedi 3 жыл бұрын
no related but do you play ookami game?
@Catmameh 3 жыл бұрын
It's like he has a double identity or something 👍
@ゆず-b3z5r 3 жыл бұрын
『映像かっこいい〜』って思いながら見ててなんか声花江さんに似てない?って思って見たら花江さんで『えぇ!!』って声出たw カッコよすぎ死んじゃうよ😭😭
@ゆりか-w1v7m 3 жыл бұрын
@ゆず-b3z5r 3 жыл бұрын
@@ゆりか-w1v7m マジですか!なんか嬉しい
@かるぴす-h8y 2 жыл бұрын
@tdnGiN 2 жыл бұрын
@名無しのメダカ Жыл бұрын
@はらまき-p5n 3 жыл бұрын
ゆっくりしたテンポが主人格でやべーほうが、別人格っていう考察がある中で 人を殺してる方が主人格で、それを人に隠すためにゆっくりしたテンポの方の人格を作ったと思ってる( ˇωˇ )
@マリオアルプスの 3 жыл бұрын
初っぱなからトレイラーと雰囲気違いすぎてビビったけどサビでトレイラーの時の曲調になってなるほどって思った… 他の方々の曲に比べて曲調も映像も猟奇度がすごくて好きだわ。
@hummingkanae7035 3 жыл бұрын
Haruka : Neglected as a child Yuno : Neglecting mother Futa : bullies others Mu : got bullied Shidou : gives too much to his loved ones Mahiru : asks too much from her loved one Kazui : Unfaithful Amane : Faithful Makoto : ?? Kotoko : ??
@seimach0941 3 жыл бұрын
Mikoto: Use violence to protect himself. Kotoko: Use violence to protect others. Maybe?
@aloafofbread4026 3 жыл бұрын
@@seimach0941 in my opinion Mikoto: Blend in Kotoko: stand out Like in terms of societal standards and the status quo, it kinda feels right
@j_sunday 3 жыл бұрын
Mikoto: Justice for himself Kotoko: Justicr for others Thats just my theory
@noahi.1381 3 жыл бұрын
@@j_sunday wait that checks out. The theme fits too.
@hummingkanae7035 3 жыл бұрын
@@noahi.1381 could you tell me where can I find the theme?
@turkeyhatt Жыл бұрын
i miss u princess
@まく-z7u 3 жыл бұрын
100万再生いくのはっっっっっや!!! 愛を感じる……ありがとう皆ありがとう… エスが歌ってくれるの楽しみだなぁ…
@blancamashirobird 3 жыл бұрын
I am not here to make theories but to praise Hanae Natsuki amazing vocal range.
@noahi.1381 3 жыл бұрын
@cuentaabandonada6995 3 жыл бұрын
This 👌
@bombasticsideeye123 3 жыл бұрын
@user-gp5om5ep3k 3 жыл бұрын
@aitaialiens 12 күн бұрын
i love you mikot
@永暗 3 жыл бұрын
ちょっと話を変えますが、多分ミルグラムでは二人一組それぞれのテーマで進行していると思います 「アンビリカル」と「弱肉共食」のテーマでは 愛が欠けている  「事変上等」と「アフターペイン」のテーマでは 加害者と被害者  「スローダウン」と「愛なんですよ」のテーマでは 愛のために  「half」と「おまじない」のテーマでは 家族 推測です、これからのテーマは 「MeMe」と「HARROW」無意識と意識(あるいは愉快犯)、心神喪失による殺しのミコトと自らの意思で犯行したのコトコ。
@あいうえお-y7k4s 3 жыл бұрын
@user-togeyama 3 жыл бұрын
@羽琉.゚ 3 жыл бұрын
@野生のが現れた 3 жыл бұрын
@田中未琴 3 жыл бұрын
@Lycoris_03 3 жыл бұрын
@かるぴす-h8y 3 жыл бұрын
ちょっとまってくれ、、、、再生回数の伸びがすごいぞ、、、 ミルグラム史上今までにないハイスピードじゃないか!?嬉しすぎる!!よりたくさんの方にミルグラムの良さを知ってもらえますように。。 追記  100万回再生おめでとうございます!!👏
@にゃん-f7j 3 жыл бұрын
チャンネル登録者もいっきに増えましたね 喜ばしい❗
@通りすがりの人-k3e 3 жыл бұрын
100万回再生ってことは……!エスくんのめちゃかっこいいVer.も出るのかな…‪(((o( ॑꒳ ॑ )o)))‬ 楽しみすぎて禿げる
@Blen_jpMC5 3 жыл бұрын
@にゃん-f7j 3 жыл бұрын
@@米津玄師1 私としては、本家見にくれてありがとう! って感じです! 是非他の曲も聞いてって!
@さはち-h5p 3 жыл бұрын
ティックトックで気になって来ました…! ビジュが良かったので調べたらめっちゃいいですね!!
@yurimin-8-24asamin 3 ай бұрын
1:15 ここイケボで『赦さないよ』って言ってるの好きすぎる (追記)イヤホンで聞くと裏で「赦さないよ」って言ってます
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