Does Anyone Care About Men’s Struggles? - Richard Reeves

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Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson

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@ChrisWillx Жыл бұрын
This episode is fascinating. Enjoy. Here’s the timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:20 Origin of ‘Toxic Masculinity’ 04:20 Why Women Are Told to be More Masculine? 11:30 The Decline of Men in Education 20:24 Gap Between Male & Female Teachers 27:27 Solutions for the Education Imbalance 32:14 Why are Men leaving the Labour Market? 46:36 Expanding the Role of Fatherhood 58:48 The ‘Checked-out’ Men 1:04:48 Men’s Rights Vs Women’s Rights 1:13:04 Where to Find Richard
@raidantarctica7551 Жыл бұрын
Thanks 🙏👍
@louiseknight2400 Жыл бұрын
I think it's incredibly difficult for young men these days to navigate society and the fact that you and others like Jordan Peterson are out there offering guidance is fantastic. There is a huge need for support on both sides (all sides) for young people, especially in this ever increasing society of high visibility. Loved this episode ❤️
@JohnKerbaugh Жыл бұрын
Why is skill based progression never discussed in education? Grade levels are just assumed.
@mrthedarkknight3 Жыл бұрын
Another fantastic conversation Chris! Your show is easily in my top 3 favorite list. On this topic have you touched on any of Warren Farrell’s work and to expand out on that the work of Robert Bly? Granddaddies of the contemporary men’s movement and opened my mind up to all Thai that you are researching and talking about.
@howyou2035 Жыл бұрын
Link for episode 538?
@thomascummings7589 Жыл бұрын
I have been a engineering middle school teacher for 13 years in a very affluent, Massachusetts town, and I can tell you absolutely you guys are correct. I was told multiple times per year that I should put up more pictures of girls in my room, I should encourage more girls to become engineers and scientist, and that the girls were in a deficit and needed to be pushed forward, many times at the expense of the boys, but that was never said outright. when I brought up the statistics about the 60/40 split educational attainment I was either told that I was wrong I was misinformed, or it just fell on deaf ears. Almost all the teachers in the school are female, and the whole culture of the school and educational system is very female, feminine oriented. If the boys can’t sit still and do their work, they are medicated or disciplined. The male energy always seem to be the problem and no one thinks about how to capitalize on it and use it to educate boys, they are continually talk to act more like girls, so they’re easier for the educational system to handle.
@neatengineering Жыл бұрын
There's a big push here in Australia to get more girls in construction jobs. No high paying or high status male job is safe. (Construction pays very well here.) Meanwhile, female dominated jobs are ring-fenced from male intrusion.
@taylorc2542 Жыл бұрын
I teach elementary engineering, and my curriculum is tilted towards male interests; fighter jets, cars, huge bridges and dams, etc. The kids love it, both boys and girls. I'm the first male teacher these kids have, and I'm the best teacher in the building. If the kids love you, you can teach anything, and nobody will get in the way.
@dutchmaster1999 Жыл бұрын
You teach in Stoughton?
@DPham1 Жыл бұрын
@@taylorc2542 Yeah my students loved me too and I wasn't invited back to teach the summer program b/c of internal politics, the parents, and the administration. Sadly, the students loving you is not enough.
@johnglennmercury7 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. There can also be both a rise in group a (girls) & a drop in group b (boys). Who's betting the drop in boys' performance & rise in school exclusion coincides nicely with increased fatherlessness & effeminisation of education (eg low discipline)?
@Stukkeman Жыл бұрын
I’ve worked in HR organisational development for over 15 years, mostly leadership, culture and high-perfomance. The field is so anti-male that I’m exploring leaving the field. When I was running my own business, I was repeatedly told (“off the record”) that organisation decision makers wouldn’t work with male consultants. As an employee, I’ve literally been declined work many times “we all think you’d be perfect for the role but our team is all female and we are concerned that they might feel uncomfortable with a man in the team”. Technically illegal though in practice not, I’ve explored legal recourse, yet it’s impossible to prove as it’s always verbally over the phone, so no action can reasonably be taken. I recently interviewed for a role and during the interview learned the organisation of 1,600 was 72% female, female CEO and 80% female executive. When I asked about top priorities, I was told “We still have so much more to do to advance woman at work.” I genuinely asked “Given (the stats), would you please help me understand what success looks like?” That was clearly the undiscussable topic and taboo question and the job killer.
@mup1537 Жыл бұрын
It’s religion man.
@pirizzo Жыл бұрын
What I just refuse to believe is that women are actually better at anything when you take out mediocre women who get degrees that don’t really lead to any skills. The thing that women do have is an ability to work the systems which appears to favor them. That level of favoritism is illegal. Who wouldn’t want to go down a well beaten path that leads to employment and a steady life, and that’s what college is for women. It’s not that for men by a long shot. If you get a degree you are disregarded as basically not knowing anything for the first ten years of your adult life, while women in the bloom of youth are the most valued they’ll ever be by society. These factors I’ve discussed could easily explain the “achievement gap,” and why it functionally doesn’t exist. Also, since women are supposedly doing better than men now, where’s our affirmative action, or at least why does any form of female encouragement need to continue, while male solidarity it essentially illegal?
@steve00alt70 Жыл бұрын
Did you not record the phone call? If it makes you any better women dont do well in trade industry for example electrician jobs because there is mybe 0.1% doing them.
@DieLoneWolf Жыл бұрын
Run away from that organisation with such stats. Companies with such imbalance are usually a mess.
@starscream6629 Жыл бұрын
I work at a major health insurance company. We get monthly inclusion & Diversity emails breaking down the demographic stats of employees. 83% women at a large company, my boss, her peers, and our VP are all women. Yet despite their ideological narrative pushing around the pay gap I’m underpaid per my own boss. Being a minority of minorities since I was born on a south Asian island, has afforded me no special treatment in a predominantly white W work space. Just a bunch of virtue signaling with no action. I have received two market pay raises totaling $20k so far, but they still doesn’t make up for the pay gap. Still below the median pay per glass door even after 10 years with the company. The market raises did come from HR, so I’m thankful for at least some effort.
@jennetal.984 Жыл бұрын
“Men are being erased, women most affected”
@RCCarDude Жыл бұрын
LoL 😂
@robertmaybeth3434 Жыл бұрын
oh they will be once they need something fixed or built. Women will never replace men in such jobs. Think it's viable to expect more women to become auto mechanics, construction workers, A/C repairman, and carpenters, and technicians so you can finally erase those evil white men? If you think so, you are delusional. These jobs are more or less men only, because women don't want them and can't do them. This is not "sexism" it is biology, and there's not one thing anybody can do to reverse the situation.
@alaricgoldkuhl155 Жыл бұрын
I've been the primary carer for our kids since birth as my wife was career obsessed. When we divorced, I left with nothing, but was still the full time career. I'm the worst person in the world because I refused to get a job, believing as I did that every child deserves a parent at home who is there just for them. Everywhere I went I'd get the disapproving looks of "here comes the useless bum who's leeching off his ex wife." I can tell you 100% that there is no equality when it comes to parenthood.
@Opal5674 Жыл бұрын
I bet that's the same type of story my useless bum ex husband tells too. Truth was I was working my arse off to keep our heads above water after he quit his job when I had our son he said he wanted. He thought I wouldn't dare divorce him because he knew men get some custody now days and he knew I wouldn't want to share my child with a step mom. He was right for a while. I stayed for 5 years to get my son talking before I divorced his dad so that my son could tell me if he was mistreated. So I was basically a slave on government assistance with a husband that refused to work counting as an adult dependent pushing me over the poverty line and making us qualify for foodstamps. My son and I were never on stamps again after I left his idiot father. But you spin the story like you are a hero. Bum
@steve00alt70 Жыл бұрын
You need to have some self confidence and believe in yourself, who cares what society thinks
@michaellamont2605 Жыл бұрын
@@steve00alt70 women working and voting is a terrible idea
@Only.a.Vagabond Жыл бұрын
@@cantbendknee except single mothers aren't judged for doing it... your lack of awareness is baffling...
@arnavnandedkar3080 Жыл бұрын
You are a man. You are supposed to be the money maker. Instead you are just a loser who is commenting on KZbin to get sympathies. All the rich women i know are married to men who are similar or above them in money making. No wonder you are divorced, loser. LOL🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
@MeneerHerculePoirot Жыл бұрын
"Does anyone care about men's struggles?" No.
@MargaretCampbell583 6 ай бұрын
I actually do, however I will point out that women generally still do most of the domestic work, resulting in that the retire with much less.
@Verkoper-gx2xz 6 ай бұрын
@@MargaretCampbell583 What is your point? Don't you think that one example is a bit of an oversimplification of the debate (?)
@AtticAurel 4 ай бұрын
@@MargaretCampbell583 in my age group, in western europe, late twenties to mid or third quarter thirties, i just do not see that this is true. i find it very hard to find men in couples that are doing less in the household. most to all of them share the work. do a lot in terms of domestic work etc. and in that sometimes what typically men do (the work 'outside the house, i.e., keeping house and garden in order etc., keeping cars in order etc.) is often overlooked. this aspect, that men dont do their fare share, is so 90s to me. i just do not see this in 2024 among young men who have families and wives and girlfriends...
@MargaretCampbell583 4 ай бұрын
@@AtticAurel I don't see it as a 90s thing. In my country Australia known to be very backward as mens behavior goes, they do help out and I suspect quite a few of them do a lot. i believe women should be doing the garden too, As for the car etc that usually goes to the garage these days. I can only speak for my own country I suppose which often doesn't have the best look. 😀
@Shakor77 Ай бұрын
That is why men need to walk away from western societies. It is no longer for us but for women so let them deal with it. Men walking away from society will show these deluded feminists that men are vital for society and not only as a cheerleader for women. Men are born to build, lead and provide. If we are not able to do these things then we should simply walk away.
@jomurphy1654 Жыл бұрын
As a (female) teacher I have championed young men and women for thirty years and am absolutely horrified at what I see. Contemporary ideology is pulling men and women apart in the most shallow, brutally stupid, psychology-free way and to witness this, (especially after years of encouraging great engagement with, understanding and celebration of each other from both sexes), is soul-destroying. I too utterly condemn the term 'toxic masculinity' and to those who criticise me I reply that they should first define for me the term 'toxic femininity'. What we need is a new movement headed up by strong men and women who want to be together, who want to celebrate and build on that. It will happen.
@mrGapMan1 Жыл бұрын
You're so right
@phoenixrising4995 Жыл бұрын
@Marie Baker Tiktok is pretty bad, plus its mindless drible with only 30 second dumb ass videos. Social media is pretty bad nowadays, however it shouldn't be banned because thats government yet again imposing its will own our lives. Like we haven't had enough of that lately.
@toddjohnson271 Жыл бұрын
When the 1st world collapses markets will normalize.
@230mps Жыл бұрын
I want to celebrate men and women’s differences while the left wants to tear people down based on them.
@factory2590 Жыл бұрын
Take it from a guy who has been warning about this since the early 90s....women will never, ever listen. The truth makes them look bad, and equal treatment would mean women lose a shitload of privilege. And most women believe themselves exceptional enough to escape general consequences. This is why this slide is one the time women finally admit they fucked up, they will have thoroughly torched any hope men would forgive them.
@mikeaustin4138 Жыл бұрын
It's disheartening to me that the vast majority of written and verbal discussion about "men's problems" starts from the assumption that the only purpose of men is to do things for women and that men have no intrinsic value just by virtue of being men. "The declining utility of males." Utility for whom? Women and children. If you start from this assumption, all your research and its findings are biased by your "internalized misandry".
@andradeb2695 Жыл бұрын
They only CARE about Men's issues UNTIL it starts affecting Society as a Whole. Society needs Men for the system to function that's when this guy and CNN Decided to bring such issues to the Mainstream. Before then Nada! Men's suffrage didn't matter! The stats didn't matter UNTIL we've reached ((Epidemic Levels))!!
@michaelajames99 Жыл бұрын
You put my exact thoughts into words. I’ve always thought that men have so much self hatred because they want to feel useful. A lot of men’s rights rhetoric is focused on finding a way to be useful rather than being useful just by simply existing. Feminism allowed women to define themselves outside of men and procreation and I hope that men will be able to reach that same freedom. Your value should not be intertwined with anyone else because that’s validation not true self acceptance. Loving yourself is a revolutionary act so go out and be rebels ❤️
@robertmaybeth3434 Жыл бұрын
"DECLINING UTILITY OF MALES"? That's someone's idea of a bad joke! What utter fool came up with that concept? They could make a movie "A DAY WITHOUT MEN". Then show the results. Now there's a movie I'd watch, it would be hilarious! Picture this: The highways littered with dead cars, OMG no one can fix them now! And they can't even tow them away so the dead cars are just left where they stalled. All the traffic lights are out since there's no power either. Turn on the taps, no water comes out, OOPS, no one knows how to fix the plumbing. Air travel? Gone, no planes fly, nobody knows how to put the gas in! Nobody even knows how to drive the fuel trucks. Cities turning into mad-houses as all the police are female, no one defends against thieves, so they loot every Waz-mart (worse then they already are now). The flaws in all the men and their "DECLINING UTILITY" now seem like a minor joke as civilization collapses into a new bronze age, only nobody knows how to make the bronze...
@InternetMameluq Жыл бұрын
"The declining utility of males." Arbeit macht frei
@6teezkid Жыл бұрын
@@robertmaybeth3434 I’m a woman and I agree with every word you say. I go along with James Brown’s song, “This Is a Man’s World”. Regarding “equal pay”, I never hear a word about women wanting to get up in a cherry picker at 3:00 a.m. to fix the power lines during a snow storm. Or being a general laborer, a home builder, etc. It’s always about the ratio of office executives. Women can’t even keep things running well in their homes. And the only time women began being commercial pilots is when the aircraft became so highly computerized. A stick and rudder female pilot?? Hardly. Knowing how to think outside the box in a crisis?…no way. Sorry women, but we are different from men. It’s why boys want to play with trucks and girls want to play with dolls. We have our different roles in this world. We both need each other. But not in the way it’s demanded of men these days. We do have to remember that girls were raised in the same classrooms as the boys when they were being viewed as “bad boys” just because they are more boisterous than girls. And the girls were taught this by teachers and who knows what their feminist mothers have said to them. Women in their 30’s are utterly lost, too. They don’t deeply realize how they were taught to think lower of males and that they needed to view men as their competitors. Academia has been the ruin of all of us. So has the media and the lunatic Woke.
@kazstrankowski8721 Жыл бұрын
A great quote I heard a business woman say "When women say they want equality, they really want preferential treatment"
@BrandonHeat243 Жыл бұрын
That's true of all the activist types. Just look at the "discriminated groups" in the UK. They receive such preferential treatment that you even dare to speak out a word against them you can and will get locked up.
@Yeetus223 Жыл бұрын
I stopped at a rest area once and the bathrooms had one for women and one for both men and women. This is the equality they want.
@johnwilliams655 Жыл бұрын
Their oppression is imagined. My father was a male feminist since his childhood. He always speaks about how a “real man” never disobeys a woman, never questions a woman, never raises his voice etc. He works 7-5 to provide for my mothers extravagant lifestyle on top of doing all the house duties for her. She constantly abuses him often until he cries yet he never retaliates. However she generally thinks she’s oppressed.
@nelli.bonelli Жыл бұрын
Sometimes, some women do not realize that what they're asking for is preferential treatment. In their views, they think that's the equality they deserve. But I've seen some women realize that and wake up from it :)
@anneb889 Жыл бұрын
@@vivienneb6199 But to your point….yes, women are now excelling and surpassing men….thus, wouldn’t the answer be allocate some resources, get ideas for how to get the boys and men on tract? But if you dare point out boys I’d men may need help….patriarchy, men have all the perks, etc.
@k.s783 Жыл бұрын
This is heartbreaking and I’m seeing my young son being negatively affected by the anti-male movement in his life. The other day he was asked by a classmate to be quiet (during a classroom discussion) since he is a white male and hence wasn’t allowed to have an opinion about the abortion question. The teacher didn’t even stand up for him! It breaks my heart, especially since he is a very kind, caring and well intentioned person. Nobody deserves to be treated like this, yet the adults in the room are letting it!
@karansharma2352 Жыл бұрын
Even ropes leave permanent marks on cemented wells ma'am, your son is apparently very young with an impressionable mind. YOU need to be there to ensure that he does not turn into a resentful or shy adolescent. But I'm sure you're aware of this. The father can almost always guide better. All the best.
@anthonydowney6069 Жыл бұрын
And there you have the unmentioned dimension WHITE men and boys not simply men and boys
@markomarovic86 Жыл бұрын
you are letting it. get him out of school.
@gwt123 Жыл бұрын
There will be a time (soon) they will stand-up. And when they do, everyone will be shocked....but it will not end until the balance has been returned
@weaksupremacy3799 Жыл бұрын
You voted for this. You benefited from this. Now your children get to pay for it.
@Ja50nkAt Жыл бұрын
As a guy I can relate, schooling being forced down my throat with studying, exams, daily homework, sitting and writing an essay for hours felt like torture when all I wanted to do was go outside and be in the trees. After graduating from uni finally finally free but can't come to terms with sitting inside in front of a computer for most of my days. So long story short I'm a Fedex driver and like it because I get to be outside and burning energy, don't make a whole lot but can pay my bills and I'd say have some decent job security but it's fine while I'm still young.
@acerpalmatum6446 Жыл бұрын
My son is elementary age and sounds like you. We finally pulled him from public school and I quit my job to homeschool him. He hates sitting down and only wants to be outdoors. We live in Alaska so I take him outdoors as much as possible. Yesterday he was frustrated with a math lesson so I said to myself "F it! We're going outside!" Took him out and challenged him to build a fire in under 10 mins with supplies within 25 feet of our garage and only gave him 5 matches. It was so funny and fun. At bedtime, he kissed me and said "mommy I had the best school day ever. Im so proud of myself." Man, can't beat a moment like that!
@boese-i5g Жыл бұрын
They say that homework is the most unnecessary thing in the world. If you can do it, theres no need to do it. If you cant do it, you just struggle endlessly, or you do it wrong, and get used to a bad practice.
@Ja50nkAt Жыл бұрын
@@boese-i5g I could always do it but obviously sitting and concentrating and thinking on numbers, equations and sequences is just very tedious and not my thing. I would rather work my body then work my brain I guess.
@ryccoh Жыл бұрын
The most demotivating thing is that you put up with this crap and then you switch university for whatever life circumstance reason and are told a ton of those courses are completely worthless and won't be transferred, this system needs to fucking die
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
I could pass every test AND learn the material just by memorization, especially if I was interested in the class. But I hated homework because it was excess busywork. Guess how much of a shit the system gave about me...
@flyingmonkeyknat Жыл бұрын
I love how he says there is no evidence of discrimination and then cites the evidence of discrimination against boys and men.
@blake6574 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing, if the system works better for women and most teachers are female and the narrative pushes female empowerment then by definition there is discrimination. But let's not talk about that. This guy is pretty soy.
@Ooblivion533 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. And when he said that back then women doing worse was due to sexism i was like come ooon!!!
@mrGapMan1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. i didn't have to write it myself.
@Ooblivion533 Жыл бұрын
@@cantbendknee he sure is. But his discourse is a little too female indulging.
@230mps Жыл бұрын
@@kmc1872 I’m soo sick of that lie. Women have been starting their own businesses for centuries. It just wasn’t as common.
@JonnM Жыл бұрын
I was told, by a (female) professor of education, over a decade ago, the the educational system, especially in secondary school, is biased in favour of girls. Among her suggestions, similar to those put forward here, was that boys should start school one to two years later than girls and also that more males should be encouraged into teaching, both a at primary and secondary level. Her strong view was that if we continued with the status quo, this would lead to a positively dangerous situation for society, where potentially large cohorts of dissatisfied, unfulfilled, poorly educated, unemployable, angry males would rebel. Some might opine that such a situation has already been embedded in US society.
@roykliffen9674 Жыл бұрын
I shudder to think what kind of soy-boys will be attracted to, and allowed to take teaching professions.
@kitsuneigo Жыл бұрын
Yes but you forgot about call of duty and legalized weed
@awsambdaman Жыл бұрын
@Roy why are you denigrating men? I’ve had a couple male teachers and I loved them. Looking back I’m so glad I did. They weren’t soy boys, I don’t know why you’d even suggest such a thing.
@anahitak9292 11 ай бұрын
Schools were created by men for boys
@johnhammink2716 11 ай бұрын
We're already there. Buckle up.
@fedup1606 Жыл бұрын
I don't feel left "behind", I just feel left. Like society went one direction (towards a clif) and I went another.
@frankgriffin6293 Жыл бұрын
Kind of like the vax. I was a devil for not wanting an experimental treatment. In the end I was right again but society at large tries it's best to ignore men that make the right choice.
@TheHappyBachelor Жыл бұрын
You're not alone my man; same here. Its disorienting because its like I don't even recognize the society I live in anymore. Like I got dropped on a different planet in the middle of a random night.
@fedup1606 Жыл бұрын
@@TheHappyBachelor At this point, I just laugh at the absurdity. My money's out of their system, no debt, and no kids/wife to come at me sideways with. I plan to live as my forefathers
@RandoHandle Жыл бұрын
@@TheHappyBachelor can you give examples of why you feel this way? I’m trying to better understand people’s view points on here. Is this happening in your day to day life? With friends? Family? Or do you see it more on social media? Genuine question. I’m not very much on social media so I want to understand.
@frankgriffin6293 Жыл бұрын
@@RandoHandle Leftist can legally kidnap your child at school and get their sex changed. That same kid can't get a tattoo until 18. The left is mindless and upside down.
@nathanksimpson Жыл бұрын
I am a male teacher working in elementary school English education. Many of the points made here apply to my personal experience.
@elise9537 Жыл бұрын
women are pushing men out of the field?
@Anon-vm9it 8 ай бұрын
@@elise9537 That isn't what was said on the podcast or the OP's comment. Why would you phrase the question like that?
@stephensharper4312 Жыл бұрын
Richard Reeves "there's no evidence of discrimination against men" Also Richard Reeves "massive concerted intentional effort in public policy and massive media campaigns to break the doors down for women and no such thing for men" You ever hear the song walking contradiction by Green Day?
@danx1216 Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY. Feminism pushed everywhere for equality ACTULAY achieves Power ahead and over Males
@3VOLUTION369 Жыл бұрын
Toxic masculinity is one of the most destructive and misused terms of the modern day. All it has done is polarise people more than ever before and alienate men as their most true essence is vilified. As we can see from the pervasive degeneracy of modern culture masculinity is absolutely essential.
@kingkong-zs5cb Жыл бұрын
noone cares about men
@GhostlyNomad130 Жыл бұрын
@Fenwick Give an inch, they'll take a mile.
@Yeetus223 Жыл бұрын
It just proves that women have an innate desire to shame men. When women feel they should stop using that word is like trying to put tooth paste back in the tube. To late the intentions have been revealed. Similar to the kil all men hashtag.
@QuartzChrysalis Жыл бұрын
@Fenwick Kind of like rape culture. It was a phrase used in studies of prison gangsters and it got dragged out of the literature and slapped on average guys until it was meaningless.
@TheSimonG Жыл бұрын
@Fenwick Toxic masculinity emerged within the mythopoetic men's movement of the 1980s, it was coined by Shepherd Bliss. It was used to identify Frat bro culture and relationships between men. Feminists co-opted it a decade ago to mean something else. It was never about domestic violence which as we now know is about 50/50 male female.
@randr302 Жыл бұрын
Fathers are SO much more than $provider.A warm loving daddy was an example to our daughter how a man truly treats a loved one & she did not need to look for Male affection in all the WRONG places.Daddys are important in every way you can imagine.
@everett1115 Жыл бұрын
Kids NEED daddies & fathers!
@amorfati4927 Жыл бұрын
Amen to that. It gives me satisfaction to prove so that my daughter (she just turned two) has a comfortable life… but the making her giggle uncontrollably all the time… having her kind of halfway cry daddy when I have to be strict but 3 minutes later her saying “dada” and she takes my hand to go on her next greatest adventure is just all that really matters.
@scottandrews947 Жыл бұрын
@@vivienneb6199 False. Men have been separated from their children by anti-male family courts and no-fault divorce.
@scottandrews947 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Good luck convincing lawmakers, courts, and feminists of this though.
@scottandrews947 Жыл бұрын
@@vivienneb6199 Ultimately, women initiate 70-80% of divorces. They break up the family by breaking their marriage contract. Then the corrupt, man-hating court systems make it even worse for men. If men don't want to pay for that foolishness, that is their right.
@BigBenn2014 Жыл бұрын
“Nobody predicted…” but plenty of academics and politicians were so sure of themselves in the first instance, and now it sounds like they’re absolving themselves of any responsibility.
@annarboriter Жыл бұрын
"Nobody predicted..." is code for: I didn't foresee this dumpster fire catch a spark but I still am an authority on its origins
@fox1actual 7 ай бұрын
The “intellectual” and “political” class is filled with morons. Who would’ve thought?
@SpecterVonBaren 7 ай бұрын
He makes a lot of small attempts to downplay how correct the right was about a lot of things and it only hurts the left to refuse admitting it.
@cathylehman7538 11 ай бұрын
My Dad turns 99 on 10/17; he was our rock of stability, guidance, respect, and dignity within our family unit. The value he provided to the family is immeasurable. I love him dearly.
@diamondcover 9 ай бұрын
God bless your dad. What a lovely man. Every family needs this.
@ianburton9030 Жыл бұрын
Was at Teacher Training College in the late 1980s. It was obvious what was going to become of boys even then. One lecturer even encouraged us to not allow boys to ask any questions in class for fear they would dominate the discussion...
@eleveneleven572 Жыл бұрын
Getting rid of single sex education was a big mistake. I went to a boys grammar school on the 60's and 70's. There was no gender nonsense, almost all teachers were male, it was high energy, sporting, leant towards STEM subjects. A high percent went on to further education and with great success. I can't imagine how much worse things would be had we been a mixed sex school.
@imperator8657 Жыл бұрын
@@eleveneleven572 all of this has been orchestrated!!! It can't all be the result of accidents.
@vegito179 19 күн бұрын
​@@eleveneleven572 man it feels like a dream,this school still exist in india though just like men's only gyms,i went to a cod school but it was alright,no gender nonsense just boys being boys nd girls being girls.
@bwake Жыл бұрын
Elementary education is pretty much the definitional case of a hostile workplace environment, for men.
@vegeta8169 Жыл бұрын
So true.
@limoncr5205 Жыл бұрын
Oh but it gets worse in current companies
@FalsePips Жыл бұрын
Lol yeah that would be the most stressful job I could ever imagine. I’d be scared af every day if I were a male teacher
@marcduchamp5512 Жыл бұрын
I used to worked at the marketing department. There were seven women and me the lone guy. It was like I was the outcast and not privy to enjoy the girls club
@thatwasprettyneat Жыл бұрын
I'm glad this guy is defending boys/men, but in a way I think he's part of the problem. He's being too reticent on the differences between men and women. Not acknowledging general biological trends and statistics is what causes all of this trouble. The notion that men and women are the same and they should somehow be 50/50 in all professions, or even in job participation in general, feeds these societal problems.
@jessequinones19 Жыл бұрын
I am the only male at work and have been through an ugly divorce. I have thought of checking out often and this video is spot on.
@grahambuckingham7295 Жыл бұрын
Hang on in there dude.
@TheHappyBachelor Жыл бұрын
I hope you don't mean check-out check-out - I hope you mean like you're going to quit your job and find another one where you work around more guys.
@dandybufo9664 Жыл бұрын
I just saw your comment , I hope things are looking up. But, even if the storm hasn't passed yet, persevere. There are better times in the future. Perhaps find a way to do something positive for someone else, and if it feels good, do something for someone else, again.
@awsambdaman Жыл бұрын
Hang in there brother.
@1HeatWalk 7 ай бұрын
time to move to a job field that is mostly men only. blue collar jobs in a trade skill.
@augmenautus Жыл бұрын
When I worked at Statefarm, the annual diversity report was released, and they announced that corporate (not the agents' offices) was now over 60% female. The conclusion was "we still need to do more to hire and support women" and I was just like wtf.
@filthycasual9381 Жыл бұрын
Women really are a bottomless pit of special pleading and cruel self-entitlement at the expense of men's fundamental human rights.
@robertmaybeth3434 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Rex! I'll make sure I never give "State Farm" a dime of mine. They can go pound sand!
@0rnery0verwatch Жыл бұрын
@@petemorton8403 My grand dad has worked with State Farm for legit 40yrs. He says the problem is they're essentially trying to slowly but surely get rid of the individual agents' offices, and push everyone to call a hotline that pushes them through to 'state farm hq' for better help. The agents are, of course, pushing back against this... and it's causing problems for everyone, typically the customer.
@user-gz4ve8mw9l Жыл бұрын
@@robertmaybeth3434 Dealing with state farm for a matter of life and death for a claim right now. They are criminal to an extreme it's disgusting and a nightmare.
@robertmaybeth3434 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you have to go through this... its one of the reasons I don't have life insurance and always refuse the salesmen. From my experience w insurance claims, I just assumed the insurance company will find some fine print or another way to wiggle out of paying, because except for auto, that is what they have always done for me in the past! @@user-gz4ve8mw9l
@siheath3648 Жыл бұрын
Having more male teachers is infinitely more important than having more women pilots or in STEM fields. Yet there are numerous programs and initiatives to encourage women into these fields, I don't see the same drive to get males into teaching, more evidence that we're living in a gynocentric society
@roykliffen9674 Жыл бұрын
Sure ..... having male teachers that are acceptable to the current education administrations. I can almost guarantee it will be mostly males without a trace of masculinity and not veteran former marines. I very much doubt boys will benefit from having the male teachers "progressives" prefer.
@tinamenon1593 Жыл бұрын
Men don't go into poorly paid professions unless they have no other option......pilots are paid infinitely more. It is not the distortion of the societal conditioning but the reward system which is skewed. If teaching was paid on pair with investment banking.....
@PassifloraCerulea Жыл бұрын
@@tinamenon1593 It doesn't help that the people running teacher education programs don't seem to want men. Ask me how I know...
@yass-1323 Жыл бұрын
The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth
@Supersupersad 2 ай бұрын
Ouuuh yeah
@Supersupersad 2 ай бұрын
Who said that do you know ?
@soronir3526 Жыл бұрын
Consider that a main reason men are checking out is because of the risk involved. Divorce court, family court, alimony, child support. Looking at college, considering the hyper inflation of tuition, that the debt is nondischargeable, that the odds of actualizing graduating and becoming well employed are actually pretty bad, ect. Now imagine taking on all that risk for a toxic man hating feminist that didn't save herself for marriage to say the least.
@phoenixrising4995 Жыл бұрын
@@Zebielie Crash those birthrates like Biden is crashing your economy.
@michaelajames99 Жыл бұрын
I always hear a lot of men talk about paying alimony or losing half of their assets but a lot of y’all don’t have assets to lose and alimony mostly only applies to rich people
@mrnice1976 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelajames99 Some men stay poor intentionally because of this. What's the point of building a life through sacrifice if you are made to lose it at the end of it all? When you are money poor you are often time rich. That's worth something as well. That's what checking out does for you.
@michaelajames99 Жыл бұрын
@@mrnice1976 no on intentionally stays poor in a capitalistic society because being poor is fatal. We all die and therefore loose everything so I want to live the best life I can rather than stunting my own success and happiness for some imagined divorce. Sounds like cope to me
@mrnice1976 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelajames99 Staying poor is only fatal if you have poor health. If you have excellent health and live in a friendly climate you need surprisingly little to be happy. Some people earn money by sacrificing their health. That's a bad trade off. I value peace of mind higher than anything else in life.
@johnj1492 Жыл бұрын
Men dont even care about men's struggles
@theperfectbeing Жыл бұрын
I find the entire assessment between the gaps in education and employment types massively dishonest. It wasn't some organic system of girls/women catching up, the entire system was revamped in order to encourage them and gave them special consideration across the board. You can easily see this when you pick up a booklet for scholarships and see how many of them boys qualify for and how many girls do. Then you have to take into consideration the strong anti male sentiment that is riddled all throughout non stem field related education. One thing that no one seems to be talking about is how the push for Student debt loan forgiveness is basically an attempt to transfer money from blue collar males to university educated women. Women owe 70%+ of all student loans and allowing any form of tax payer funded relief is just men paying for women's choices indirectly since men pay 66% of all tax revenue already. Feminism hasn't been about equality since the 60s, its now just a catchy slogan for any and all things ranging from mundane complaints falsely assumed to be sexism to gerrymandering entire education systems in order to enrich select groups. You will never see a situation where the potential to be a victim exists and feminists choice to not engage or take the high road.
@nyahhbinghi Жыл бұрын
"nobody predicted" we saw that coming, they just didn't care or "couldn't stop it"
@aleidius192 Жыл бұрын
People need to move to be mentally normal. Sedentary people are more anxious and depressed than non-sedentary people, and people have never been more sedentary. While this is true of both sexes, I'd be willing to bet it is the most true for boys. If the average boy's day consists of being forced to sit still at school for six hours and then coming home and staying inside to play video games, then of course they can't focus.
@Leo-mr1qz Жыл бұрын
@everett1115 Жыл бұрын
Nailed it!!!
@yeetdeets Жыл бұрын
Or, school has become utterly boring and unconvincing. The best school in the world today is not called "school", it's called the internet.
@wong8987 Жыл бұрын
@Fenwick I was reading your coents everywhere and you are just a troll misandrist trying to dismiss mens issue. You are saying being teenage boys having crazy amount of pent up energy and their natural tendency to not being able to sit still as their personal choice? Yes to some degree yes. But we are talking about child, teenage boys. And we are talking about structural problem of the education today that punish boys for being boys. No need to be here to dismiss mens issue if you hate men so much. Go watch some radical feminist video or something else that makes u happy
@pierrehenry3483 Жыл бұрын
@Fenwick I wouldn’t say the same most schools where I’m from removed recess and only have lunch. That online stopped a lot of kids particularly boys to get a break of the monotony to go and play for 20 mins. I believe that positively affected boys focused because it was more balanced.
@michaelsutton4863 Жыл бұрын
He says there is no intentional discrimination against boys in education… But if you’re aware that a disparity exists that should not exist and you choose to do nothing to fix it, wouldn’t that make it intentional discrimination?
@tomrobins2641 Жыл бұрын
I read "Richard V. Reeves" as if it were a court case maybe three times before finally understanding it's his name. Looking forward to listening.
@smoothinvestigator Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a Marvel character.
@GuruRasaVonWerder Жыл бұрын
@driiifter Жыл бұрын
They salted the soil and have women believing that men are evil by the time they fall out of the womb. To me, it feels like women flipped a switch and started hating me over night because of my gender. That's what all of this feels like. I remember I had a really close female friend from highschool. After HS, she all of a sudden started making posts that vilify and ridicule men and I was just like where is all this coming from??? Am I a part of these men too, even though I was a great friend to you? It makes zero sense. It's the definition of "who hurt you" and it reminds me of CORFing, "cutting off reflected failure". The good men that were in their life they took for granted and pretended didn't exist. Of course that will be spun around to seem like it's our fault, even though there is an obvious stigma against being nice as a man, which makes no sense, my grand mother raised me on, "be kind, not nice". Problem is collective IQ has dropped and people don't even know there is a difference between the two anymore or the meaning behind the phrase.
@skylinefever Жыл бұрын
Paul Elam discussed how therapy is often dominated by women, and often sucks for men. Men are often told not to talk about their feelings, but not being able to vent has explosive results. Dr. Helen Smith also observed problems with men and psychology. She wrote "Men On Strike" when she encountered a man being beaten by his wife, and lacking proper care.
@sarahrobertson634 Жыл бұрын
Paul Elam is a resentful old fart.
@nicholascooper1092 Жыл бұрын
I’m a fellow of the royal academy of engineers. Currently their is massive focus on encouraging more women into the industry. However we are at circa 25%. Which happens to be the apparent equilibrium reach in recognised countries like Sweden. What I think is being completely ignored is encouraging young males into the industry. As such rather than encouraging all genders it is becoming biased. To discuss this obviously attracts criticism of being sexist, however I think it is recognising many of the issues you have addressed. Males have sometimes a less fearful attitude to risk which can be a benefit as well as a disadvantage.
@Zotok990 Жыл бұрын
Yep being a male is often felt as evil. I remember that as a kid and I'm in my 30's now. I find in many ways with the outline of the issues presented here it's a real. Duhh moment that men lash out in suicide. When many of the signals say men aren't needed anymore. ( I believe an unattended consequence, at rebalancing social norms)
@-haclong2366 Жыл бұрын
38:40 Men actively get attacked by both men AND women, companies prefer female H.R. because that helps with their "diversity" statistics, regarding men in care there is always a scare that men will abuse the people they're taking care of, despite only a very small amount of them being abusive and this number not being that different from female abusers.
@flyingmonkeyknat Жыл бұрын
Yea... sorry Chris he was okay but weak in comparison to other discussions. He is viewing his information through a pretty thick feminist lens that he isn't even aware of. Thank you for different perspective.
@Yomel123 Жыл бұрын
No. He just looked at reality and both genders equally
@CrucialFlowResearch Жыл бұрын
He's controlled opposition, a snake
@stephensharper4312 Жыл бұрын
@@Yomel123 you can't look at reality and both genders equally cause in reality both gender are not equal
@Yomel123 Жыл бұрын
@@stephensharper4312 women aren’t treated equally that’s why we have feminism.
@stephensharper4312 Жыл бұрын
@@Yomel123 Women aren't equal to men, that's WHY we are not treated equally. The whole concept is stupid. And on the second account, the reason we have feminism is to rationalize equal labor force participation. It's a psyop
@vinnyt42allday Жыл бұрын
I graduated in 2016 from High School. I never had a male teacher
@phoenixrising4995 Жыл бұрын
good let the women deal with the weirdos.
@bojankotur4613 Жыл бұрын
I have a great solution that we already had in the past... boys only schools with predominantly male teachers!
@jimsimpson1006 Жыл бұрын
Yes, exactly how it used to be! I went to an all boys school with mostly male teachers. (Yes, that’s how old I am).
@alimachaba Жыл бұрын
I’m currently a student I’m busy with 8th grade,I’ve recently written a research paper for school underlining the reasons to why teens are so impulsive for my science project I did conclude the prefrontal cortex situation ,myelin sheets etc what I’m trying to say is that with the education system male teenage behaviour is punished example disagreeableness and we know that disagreeable boys get worse grades (but disagreeable adult males make more money)And female teenage behaviour like agreeableness consciousness is praised and also with more female teachers at play teenage boys are told to shut up and do their work so I do see teenage boys performing less than teenage girls and brain development is crucial for teenage behaviour so what we need is for the education system to be aware of this and to teach boys how to control their impulsiveness and stuff like that and how cater to all genders instead of just one gender.
@michaelajames99 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if it’s about brain development or socialization. Girls are expected to act a certain way from a young age but very little is expected of boys. Congrats on writing your research paper, I hope that interests continues as you get older. Good luck kid 😊
@yepyep6916 6 ай бұрын
Also…there is the culture that male behavior is “toxic”. Disagreeableness, assertiveness, and impulsiveness are necessary human behavioral qualities. Under certain circumstances, being agreeable, and conformist is unhealthy. It’s the belief that we all should strive to act feminine.
@fhowland Жыл бұрын
He's wrong about fertility. Birth rates across the west are plummeting. I'm 39 and don't know any peers with kids.
@MisterMonsterMan Жыл бұрын
Where do you live and what is your profession? I wonder how demographics play into this? Im 42 and every one of my peer group (I manage a blue collar environment in Canada) have at least one and most have multiple kids. More of the women who work up in our offices are childless than the guys that work in the shop in the back.
@-haclong2366 Жыл бұрын
Not just the West, also Asia. East Asia is worse off and South Asia has already caught up. Only Sub-Saharan Africa has population growth beyond replacement rate.
@dbitely01 Жыл бұрын
@@Ryan-wx1bi what numbers are you looking at?
@pattibase2293 Жыл бұрын
The world population in 1920 was 1.5B by the 1950s it was 2.5B We are now on our way to 8B by 2023. I honestly can’t imagine how lower birth rates are a problem. We need 1.7 earths to feed everyone now. The planet is obviously overpopulated.
@andysworld9287 Жыл бұрын
Governments are already incentivizing having babies in other countries, that’s pretty much as real as it gets when daddy government gets involved to ensure their future tax income and sustain there GDP.
@DThrawn Жыл бұрын
"Why are men doing worse than women?" This guy's answer is basically "because women actually are better than men". Fucking great answer guy, great answer.
@jimsimpson1006 Жыл бұрын
Sure, women are better than men. That explains why the modern world was built by men. 🤔
@Gloomshadow100 Жыл бұрын
well he's gay isn't he?,
@DThrawn Жыл бұрын
@@deeky1239 Shit, must be my underdeveloped male front cortex.
@grahamt5924 Жыл бұрын
He is dozy. He doesn't even realise that we are actually going into an underpopulation problem globally.
@jessicapace9689 Жыл бұрын
Um, why not just find ur own self-worth. Why do u need to be better then women to find your self-worth. And that’s not what he was saying. He just said boys take longer to develop impulse control , etc. u know how u rather run around then sit in a chair as a kid. That boys at that age need to be taught more about self-control etc. He’s saying you guys need more male spaces. He’s advocating for men and boys.
@Twmpa Жыл бұрын
Mindful of this video, I looked at the staff list on the website of the primary school in north east England that I attended around 40 years ago. Out of 33 listed staff, including lunchtime supervisors etc, 2 are men. One is a teacher and the other is the caretaker. You can make of that what you will but, if that list only contained a couple of token women, there would be huge multi million pound government led campaigns centred around the recruitment of more women. When the staff are all women, no-one seems to care about that imbalance.
@annarboriter Жыл бұрын
It only counts as sexism when feminists deem it so because they have something to gain
@frankdillon7958 Жыл бұрын
The hypocrisy is overwhelming 😢
@anthonygumbs4738 Жыл бұрын
Thankfully the schools I attended in the 90s was about 50/50 so yes much better. Still remember some of the female teachers being against me, but unlike male students today. I can say high school was some of the best years of my life: like the show The .O.C 😊
@chrisprior1225 Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with his premise that boys have had an advantage, exams are now graded to include vast amounts of coursework, boys generally find this tedious, pointless and boring, but if you give them stimulation by male teachers in a male environment they then respond to final exams as a wakeup call to life. Cut the crap, and examine and teach boys differently then they will improve!
@yeetdeets Жыл бұрын
All educational practices have shifted toward women. 1. Loosely or informally defined tasks 2. Group tasks/discussions 3. Mandatory woke subjects injected into STEM degrees (mostly females agree with woke politics) 4. Shift from understanding, toward work (tests -> assignments) 5. Shift from reasoning, toward rote memorization Autists are the canary in the coalmine in these aspects. If education were taking autism inclusiveness seriously, they would also solve the male/female educational success discrepancy. Yes, I do think at least a large minority of autism-diagnoses are simply extremes of male psychological features. A symptom of this is Agreeableness (big-5 trait) correlates positively with grades, while it has historically correlated negatively with career success. We used to think talk is cheap, but in education it's a huge advantage.
@bonly4889 Жыл бұрын
The problem with statements like 'no evidence [anyone is saying certain things]' is easily disproven by hearing someone say that thing.
@andysworld9287 Жыл бұрын
Typical throw away test words
@dolphmanity Жыл бұрын
Reeves is a leftist
@vdc4417 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all this amazing info. I am raising two boys and society is changing so much. I want them to be the best they can be for themselves and all the people around them. These discussions help so much to keep us up to date.
@ibizawavey8630 Жыл бұрын
Just take them to your nearest BJJ gym aka MMA gym and make sure they hang out around men who don't ascribe to society's lies.
@Dave-ws9pt Жыл бұрын
Discussion is good but this guy seems to think it has all happened in a vacuum and that no one knew what the consequences would be and also that there wasn't a deliberate attempt to destroy families and men by some. Maybe some of them didn't know but they never stopped to think of the negative outcomes. I'm not sure that someone who denies the above factors is capable of constructing a robust solution that wouldn't fail again.
@madmax5841 Жыл бұрын
It's over for your boys.
@pmspigla Жыл бұрын
I think one thing not helping boys’ impulse control in today’s society is the diminished presence of fathers in raising children. In the past, fathers were often relied upon to manage boys on their behavior “Wait til your father gets home”, etc. Women (on average) are much more inclined to protect and cater to their boys. Wonder what percentage of boys are being raised in female led households.
@theperfectbeing Жыл бұрын
@@impudentdomain It's even higher now, especially for certain racial groups. In the black community its up to 72% last time I checked, that is outrageous.
@aquarius-woman5364 Жыл бұрын
​@@theperfectbeing Black boys are cuddled by their mother thats why they fail when they enter the real world.
@anthonydowney6069 Жыл бұрын
@@dreamingmusic3299 But of course who benefits from the all the females growing up without fathers in their lives?Predatory males predominantly black and Muslim and Hispanic.
@neo1053 Жыл бұрын
​@@dreamingmusic3299 children should be given to fathers or women should make less children
@0rnery0verwatch Жыл бұрын
Yup... one parent (often the mother) provides comfort... the other parent (typically the father) provides confidence. Example: Father comes home from work... he's had a rough day. Child comes running to the door... "daddy!" but Dad isn't quite in the mood yet, gives him a brief hello and a hug. Child is left confused and feeling like they might have done something wrong... mother provides comfort: "it's okay sweety, your dad has had a long day, he still loves you and will be ready to play with you later, it's all okay". Comfort provided. On the other hand... imagine a child standing at the edge of a pool, seemingly ready to jump in, though no quite. Mom says "it's okay honey, you can jump in when you're good and ready..." but the father walks up, picks up the child, and just tosses them right in haha. Kid comes back to the surface, exhilarated and thrilled at his new found confidence like "wow I'm not hurt... that was fun, lets do it again!" Kid now has new found confidence when it comes to trying new things. It's the yin/yang of parenting and perfectly explains why children in a 1 parent home are at such a deficit.
@patrickbarnes9874 Жыл бұрын
This guy is wrong about education. On standardized tests, boys score equal to or higher than girls. But on human graded papers, they score worse. A set of identical papers was distributed to teachers, who graded the boys 20% than the girls. Then individual identical papers were graded where the only difference was the name being male or female, and again the papers with the male names got 20% worse grades than the papers with female names. Schools have reduced free play time, reduced competition, and reduced active learning exercises. So essentially this Richard Reeves guy has things 100% backwards. Girls were not always better at school than boys with sexism holding them back. School policies have been changed to disfavor boys. Girls are not scoring higher because of being more developed than boys, they are scoring higher because of a combination of social factors. The secretary of education in England made a public announcement that there was a crisis in boys education caused by feminists, as feminist organizations actively lobby against improving education for boys. The fact that boys and girls score identically on standardized tests is an inconvenient fact that lots of authors and activists like to ignore because it destroys their narratives. And Reeves is no exception. This fact destroys the majority of what he had to say in the first fourth of the interview. On the contrary of there being nobody saying there's any discrimination against boys, there are tons of people saying it but nothing can be done about it because it does not fit the left wing narrative.
@Foxie770 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I agree 100% the structure of school and child rearing has changed. It’s become institutionalized and technology driven and no longer about enabling play, critical thinking, and allowing kids to learn by doing in the real world.
@-haclong2366 Жыл бұрын
54:40 The "protector rôle" was already taken over by the state in ancient times, fathers actually are proven to have a positive effect on both sons and daughters and in the case of girls teenage pregnancy and lower academic success is actually correlated with fatherlessness, these effects are worse in sons.
@aquious953 Жыл бұрын
"There's no discrimination against boys in school"? 100s of special dispensation specifically for girls scholarships, constantly disparaging boys for being boys, etc.
@rteezy5683 Жыл бұрын
idk about this one... chris as an interviewer was great as always, but this guest seemed to be a bit shallow (afraid of being cancelled by the woke mob)on several subjects. Especially in the end, where hes basically saying, "its ok for younger men to waste their time with video games and porn, as long as the crime stays low. Ignore their mental health and everyone is safer in this society." That was kinda weak of him
@o.x.p Ай бұрын
The problem with getting people to care about men's issues is summed up precisely in the Richard's closing statement: "to help women to flourish, and kids to flourish, we need to help men to flourish as well." This paints men's issues as being primarily important due to their second-order impact on the only gender that actually matters, women. Because what that statement ultimately implies is that if women and kids were not impacted by the problems men face, then there's no reason to care.
@philipc8280 8 күн бұрын
they are faced by the impacts and they still don’t care
@johnsmith2221 Жыл бұрын
I am a school counselor and we have 4 women counselors at the high school, 3 at the middle school, 2 each at the lower elementaries, but anytime we we had a chance to have 2 male counselors in my upper elementary building, people said you can’t have 2 men.
@mcrg5497 Жыл бұрын
Seemed a bit dismissive on how much real destruction the women’s sexual revolution has caused. I was hoping that there would be more pushback around women’s nature and their predisposition to be hypergamous in the sexual marketplace. There has been real statistical erosion beneath the fabric of most western societies.
@andysworld9287 Жыл бұрын
He would be crucified if he even suggested that. His stock would tank, sales, reputation etc. It won’t change through dialog but it will change as a result of consequences in a generation or 2 when the chips eventually fall. The Steve Jobs era of innovation is gone because we’ve muddy the waters.
@theperfectbeing Жыл бұрын
@@monikagolab8892 It's pretty straight forward, women are pricing themselves out of the market and because of this it has serious negative effects on both sexes for long term happiness. Reeves intentionally doesn't mention anything regarding single motherhood epidemic going on, the cost to the tax payers, how single motherhood inversely negatively correlates lower household income, the impact on child development with only having one parent, etc. These are all downstream effects of the sexual revolution and low grade gerrymandering of many of the systems to favor women. The same type of discussion society has had about mens predisposition for aggression and risk taking needs to be had for things like hypergamy. You can't have massive technological revolution and a fundamental shift in how families are formed but then not address natural instincts that have destructive effects. As it stands right now with the dating marketplace, the child support/divorce court, media trends, etc Women are actively encouraged and rewarded for impulsive destructive behavior and any form of criticism towards it AT ALL will be openly vilified without any type of rational discussion. Women wouldn't have to practice any form of affirmative action if they were actually held accountable for their bad choices but as it stands right now there are endless safety nets preventing this from taking place.
@DieLoneWolf Жыл бұрын
Spot on. But I'd say you rather not worry about. Hypergamy has been around for ages since the beginning of time. It's deeply ingrained in the social fabric. It's only a topic now thanks to social media and channels/forums like. It's the baseline of female dating- conscious or subscious. It's unfair and brutal. Beware of it and move on.
@Yomel123 Жыл бұрын
@@theperfectbeing talking about single mother but saying wm have to check their hypergamous ways is a contradiction. So many wm don’t want to have kids cause there’s no mn who you’d trust. Wm need to start being extremely hypergamous and they have more higher standards which was desperately needed as seen by the amount of single mothers
@johnglennmercury7 Жыл бұрын
Are we going to deal with the reality of what happens when we reach our 30s & 40s? Like how the motivation to work over 40 hrs drops dramatically in women? It doesn't matter how many male / female scientists we have graduating college; it matters who's making the strides in R&D, venture capitalism, etc. Yup: men...
@zeno2501 Жыл бұрын
No we're not. Please stop mentioning reality. Reality is not relevant in this discussion.
@TheFirstTriplefife Жыл бұрын
Or how about the fact that we are currently undergoing a doctor shortage because of system propping female doctors up. This in turn leads to them working for a 1-4years before finding mr right (another doctor) who will support her lifestyle of being a stay at home mom. They literally quit after they get pregnant because of this we don't have enough actual doctors staying in the field. John Glenn women don't want to work. The majority of them have been polled as wanting to be stay at home moms, not working. They want to be in the home and taking care of kids. Its only because of all the propaganda used on all of us at a young age have they been brainwashed into thinking they need to be a independent woman who don't need no man. They realize it later that they don't really want it. We have all been sold a lie.
@manifest2203 Жыл бұрын
This is simply a lie. Most women work well after raising their kids. It is men who are dropping out from the workforce.
@manifest2203 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFirstTriplefife This is also a lie. I work in STEM and my bestie is a Doctor. She already had a 7 yo but at the time of COVID, se lost her second baby to miscarriage owing to extreme pressure. Last year she had her second baby and took a break. This year she joined again. Taking small 6 month breaks doesnt mean women are dropping out. Women outnumber men in medicine. You are simply delusional. We arent happy to stay at home and raise the kids. We want both.
@TheFirstTriplefife Жыл бұрын
@@manifest2203 anecdotal evidence. It doesn't prove much except for a situational view point. Polling and other data points direct me towards what I know as being more realistic. I could also use anecdotal evidence. I had two neibors that were doctors. Both worked together at the same hospital. The wife ended up retiring fairly early to be a stay at home mom. I have a literal real life example. It does prove im right though, only data points can provide info on the general trends. As some self reported stem type you should know this.
@meghan8020 Жыл бұрын
The phrase ‘toxic’ masculinity should not be allowed to be uttered until we can also equally recognise the destruction of toxic femininity - which will never happen in MMS. Or we could dump both terms, stop treating all men, women, races or religions as a monolith, but rather acknowledge that in the aggregate men and women are vulnerable to unique character pathologies due to the unique ways our temperaments develop.
@prettyboyjeremy Жыл бұрын
In a fair game women get left far behind They'd rather knee cap the boys then admit women don't wanna work as hard.
@meghan8020 Жыл бұрын
@@prettyboyjeremy that is such an appallingly pathetic analysis of an incredibly complex problem. Grow up and stop being divisive and antagonistic.
@mymoonflowerchild Жыл бұрын
Well said!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@Vishnuk-fe9iv 5 ай бұрын
​@@meghan8020He is right. women dont want to be criticized.
@meghan8020 5 ай бұрын
@@Vishnuk-fe9iv then learn how to have conversations productively, or find better girlfriends. You sound like a whingeing feminist.
@chimera5538 Жыл бұрын
the death point is when you say: "lets take care of the boys because it is good for the girls" is that the argument? man I hope this is a simulation
@lobo8656 Жыл бұрын
I worked in the artist booking business for 8years and it has become pretty bad there too. Male artists get excluded, especially when they are masculine. There are plenty of options for female artists, female exclusive agencies and events. The masculine male artist is beeing pushed aside, you dont find them anymore in electronic music or art exhibitions. If so, they get payed not even half of what female artists get, even though some are by far more experienced and do amazing art. At the same time the feminist view is further spread, while none of the talking points make any sense anymore today. In 1-2 years there will only be female and feminin artists in most fields. Maybe rap music and some metal music will be the last field where it is different, but evverything else? Not looking good for men.
@marcduchamp5512 Жыл бұрын
Hey I used to love Lobo music
@PossibleBat 10 ай бұрын
Everyone desires femininity. Only men desire masculinity. People buy feminine art. Who buys masculine art?
@morningdawns Жыл бұрын
To give the Richard his dues, I think he's right on boys starting later at school. That said, the man doesn't speak to me or for me - If the answer given is for men to be more like women, I'm not interested in it. And so much of this interview was that, and just a real feminist bent. I think the bit that crystalised it, was when he said women's liberation has been great for women with real side effects (not negative, just real). We'll see if the gap for over 30's women being childless goes the same way it has with education. I think it probably will. He can chat about Afghanistan and how they need to do more for women, I've much greater confidence that that will endure than the experiment we're running in the west. I don't know, I just found this really bleak, especially at the end when the takeaway is think how much worse it could have been without videogames and adult entertainment. Great. I'll make sure to thank the demons on my back before bed.
@DiscovererAlpha Жыл бұрын
Yeah this guy was a bit jarring to me, he evidently agrees with pretty much everything feminism proposes and the only reason he is concerned about some aspects now is because the negative effects are becoming this obvious. And as a result his position and solutions come of very incoherent, especially the entertainment bit or how a society can surely just all go into the service industry, who needs industry anyway since we can all clearly see right now that dependecies don't get exploited and trade routes are undistruptable. And I always have and will find the premise very mechanistic and cynical, that women or people generally are only judged on how capable in life they are or how happy and fullfilled they could be by how much economic opportunity they have. It's just line-go-up mentality
@darthinkarnatus7264 Жыл бұрын
I can personally attest to gaming saving my life. I think you hit the nail on the head, the technology came just when we needed it. Thank you so much guys, this was a very informative podcast
@robertmaybeth3434 Жыл бұрын
I know enough about the topic (despair, depression and video games - sounds like a movie) to agree w y ou, but HOW did they save your life? And which games? And what about them saved you? I truly want to know!
@philipc8280 8 күн бұрын
@@robertmaybeth3434 an escape into another world where you can matter, you are respected for your skill which you can improve. you are given a way to be social even if you don’t have very many friends
@danielzlatic3943 Жыл бұрын
The insight about how men and women differ in their views of the mutability of the person and that person’s environment is brilliant. Hits the nail on the head.
@EGH181 Жыл бұрын
Women’s success is propped up by government policy. Men need to vote and take back the levers of control.
@andysworld9287 Жыл бұрын
A lot of corporate positions are propped up to provide jobs for women in the corporate workforce. Sure some of these positions are necessary but there are tons of jobs that are just propped up which does nothing more than slow things down. We think having an entire gender enter the workforce is going to have a linear positive effect with productivity since we have more labor added, but we’ll actually see the opposite effect. Slow down in productivity, slow down with innovation, slow down in wage increase. Not because women entered the workforce, but because we’re manipulating jobs as a consequence.
@appoljuce Жыл бұрын
Guys are not going to do anything unless it will get respect from women. College just makes men an equal. So men either quit the game, try their best, or quit society and let women carry the stress of the workforce. These things are not social constructs. A man instinctively does not want to be at home nursing children. A return to prioritizing the family over women and men's self-actualization is the only way through this.
@petermathieson5692 Жыл бұрын
Shallow guest, and surprisingly uninformed. Example: women earn more than men, not less, in an apples to apples comparison. The 'gap' is explained by such things as women choosing to work fewer hours, choosing to have and raise kids, and choosing less well-paying, less risky, more people-oriented jobs, e.g., social worker vs. millwright. When this guest got that wrong, it made me wonder about his other views. That said, Chris, you did your best to extract the lemonade from this lemon.
@DavidRyan-nc6ud Жыл бұрын
My son is a highly skilled professional doing very well financially. He was home schooled.
@Passypass4 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone care? Outside of that mans mother and possibly father... Nope. I was medically retired from the Marine corps from injuries and ptsd. My wife has never tried to understand or even try to learn about shit I am feeling with. Even had her come in to my psych so he could give her a run down on everything. My kids sorta care, but as a guy, as a dad, as a husband all they really care about is how much money I have in my account, if I'm fixing or getting stuff done around the house or if I will pick them up from school... Etc. I'm actually to a point, it's like my family is just my roommates. I would still give my life for them but I don't share anything with them if I'm hurting or having troubles getting thru the day. It's like I'm describing instructions in Latin to them.
@Opal5674 Жыл бұрын
shouldn't have sold yourself body and soul to the US government
@Passypass4 Жыл бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 yeah I don't, they usually want you to but most of the time they don't understand what's going on even after you tell them. I figured out quick, the only ones to talk to are my mental health Dr or other military members.
@themanfromerf Жыл бұрын
The bit about "Dad being redundant" and women no longer needing a man in the economic sense is actually a huge issue. I don't think its something that can be "corrected" by culture either. Updating the cultural stereotype of "fatherhood" doesn't make dad any less redundant. There is no fix for this except making women need men again. I don't know if that's even possible, but... yeah.
@CemeterySunshine Жыл бұрын
The men who are not needed will burn society to feel its warmth.
@andrewzembar3869 Жыл бұрын
@@Zebielie no
@wyleecoyotee4252 Жыл бұрын
It's not an issue for women to no longer require men for financial reasons. For women to need men again we would regress back to the 1950's and earlier when women had no options to leave their husbands. Feminism saved women from having to marry.
@wyleecoyotee4252 Жыл бұрын
@@Zebielie Like.. there's alot of women outearning men.
@Rhino11111111 Жыл бұрын
@@wyleecoyotee4252 if women wanted to do the dangerous work men want to do then yeah many of them would out earn men. But the truth is the majority of women don’t want to. The majority get to 30 and give up because it’s too much hard work. They are happier with their female dominated areas of work and having kids and a family.
@bwake Жыл бұрын
If the government subsidizes single mothers, where does the money come from? Who pays the taxes?
@Opal5674 Жыл бұрын
More singke mothers than you think aren't on foodstamps or government assistance. More families that still have the man present are on assistance than you think.
@Opal5674 Жыл бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 I can answer and did answer. Anyone who isn't on assistance that's paying taxes and that includes many single moms as well and as I said many families with a lazy man are on assistance.
@Opal5674 Жыл бұрын
@@brianmeen2158 Oh and let's not forget the absent fathers which I'm sure are paying their child support right on time. 🙄🙄🙄 So really what you mean when you say single mother that are on assistance is the mothers of children who's fathers didn't live up to their obligations.
@bwake Жыл бұрын
@@Opal5674 Not enough to make a difference. Men are half the population. Married or not, the majority pay taxes. Civilization harnessed male energies by tying marriage to work, in the same way that barbarian tribes tie marriage to being a proven warrior. We mess with that link at our peril.
@BlunderCity Жыл бұрын
@@Opal5674 Err... no. 2/3 of taxes are paid by men and women get more money and services from the government than men. In fact, there was study showing that only the cohort of women around 50 years old are not contributors to the treasury. Every single other cohorts were not beneficiaries. Basically men are subsidising women.
@buildingdevlin3505 Жыл бұрын
The schooling system since it's inception (Prussian Factory Schools) has also been female oriented and now we're seeing it really come to fruition.
@XavierStone32 Жыл бұрын
I've seen a couple of your vids recently on education and you haven't talked about how boys and girls on average learn differently, boys tend towards learning by doing instead of sitting still and learning via books. Sitting still and listening quietly for 8 hours a day doesn't capitalize on boys tendencies toward action
@fhowland Жыл бұрын
Why do we have to strive for parity? It's such an insane concept. Newsflash: men and women are different and interested in different things.
@stevenclouds Жыл бұрын
That's a easy one, to our do called "Leaders" in Government and Big Business; its much more easy to divide and conquer a population when you have them divided by gender, race, wealth, etc.
@CosmicLeche Жыл бұрын
I'm glad the subject of videogames' effect was brought up, because as an avid (and female) gamer myself, I'm very tired of games being blamed for everything from mass shootings and sexism to young men's passivity. I'm a graduate in game development, and the vast majority of my fellow students were perfectly well-rounded individuals who engaged in healthy and social activities other than gaming. I play online multiplayer games with guys I from my martial arts group. I've also been asked by a mother who was completely mystified by game development if her son was game addicted. I told her that game sessions can take longer than she might expect, and that as long as her son wasn't neglecting other activities and friends due to them, he likely wasn't addicted. I hope she believed me. At this point, I think it would be really useful to create some kind of resource, like a documentary or a book that demystifies videogames for parents and general laymen, because there's much more to them than it might seem from the outside looking in.
@gilgamecha Жыл бұрын
Ok this is like someone from the porn industry telling a parent not to worry about their sons using porn. And pretty disingenuous when you know how free to play game design works. It's deliberate addiction. If you don't know about this there are plenty of industry whistleblowers who can inform you.
@CosmicLeche Жыл бұрын
@@gilgamecha I wasn't being disingenuous, but I'll admit that I did oversimplify it for brevity. I was addressing the negative stereotypes about gamers and that parents don't tend to know how long a normal gaming session may be. I'm not trying to sell any games, and the ones I've worked on aren't predatory, or aimed at kids. Yes, especially online multiplayers and MMOs are designed to be addictive and therr's a huge problem with very unethical monetization in the industry. That's a whole other issue in and of itself, but not what I was talking about. It IS, however, part of the reason I would like some sort of educational material about it that's easily understood by parents and legislators that don't know the first thing about gaming. Until the publishers that push these things are stopped from doing so, the best thing to do is to educate parents about these practices. All I'm really asking for is do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are plenty of games, most of them from smaller indie studios, that aren't predatory and have merit. But even the games that are of the type discussed can be played in a healthy way by those who know how to navigate the greedy publishers. Because make no mistake, it's almost always the publisher that wants these things in their games, not those who are actually making the game.
@gilgamecha Жыл бұрын
@@CosmicLeche apologies I should not have used the word disingenuous, that was unfair to you.
@CosmicLeche Жыл бұрын
@@gilgamecha Thank you.
@gilgamecha Жыл бұрын
@@CosmicLeche thank you for your detailed response and explanation. I think your suggestions for the industry and parents are a very good idea.
@marcelynecross3044 Жыл бұрын
I am a card-carrying feminist who absolutely wants to see men flourish in society and completely supports investing in them. We are daughters to men, mothers to sons. I see men's positive influence on our lives and in society. I sincerely hope men do what they have always done best, come together, check-in. We all need you.
@unyieldingmonotony4453 Жыл бұрын
Feminism led us here. Feminism will not get us out.
@marcelynecross3044 9 ай бұрын
@@unyieldingmonotony4453 I'm sad to hear you feel that way, but I understand and hope with all I've got you have more positive experiences with women in the future.
@robertasirgutz8800 Жыл бұрын
The issue can be encapsulated by the1999 film, "Fight Club" ( which has held up rather well). Protagonist, Tyler Currents quotes "we're A generation of men, raised by women", speaks to breakdown of the nuclear family, divorce and single mothers/ paternal abandonment. Revolutionary, and initially dismissed by critics. Now front and center. Overarching theme is society, capitalism and commodificaction. Rejection of these notions can set you free. A long time in the making.
@chriscaldow1644 Жыл бұрын
Hmm, to put simply, not really. Men are for the most part on our own. Perhaps for many of us that's a good thing, self improvement and building yourself up to become a better version of you is important, but for many others they are struggling and deserve to be heard and in some instances help and intervention is desperately needed. There does seem to be a severe lack of compassion, empathy and willingness to understand men's plight and they're viewpoint, particularly now during the current times.
@viveknalawade3795 3 ай бұрын
As a man in my 20s this is the most depressing podcast I've ever watched. I was seeking answers but all I got is confirmation of my worries. As a man, I have to be financially ahead of men and women who are 10 years ahead of me and still have the life of a guy in his 20s. It is just a giant mountain of expectations with little to no upside by the end.
@svartvist Жыл бұрын
Everyone has their struggles. Not everyone is graced with assistance from others to facilitate getting through them. Sometimes we just have to find our own way and grow through them on our own. Scary that, having to be responsible for one's own destiny, and not always having access to help. At 72, this is still one of my own struggles. At times I wish for having a conversation with someone who has been down the road I'm on, and can inform me of a few signposts. But at this late stage I'm finding that kind of personality in this insane world is virtually impossible to encounter. I must content myself with working with the knowledge and wisdom I've attained. I'm at that age where anyone who might have greater insight is going senile. Yet our destiny is in our own hands. When I divorced my wife, I started attending divorce anonymous. I hoped that I would find a little bit of camaraderie, some occasional insightful wisdom, and the energy to move through that phase positively. The group was dominated with females of course, and upon voicing a few of my concerns and difficulties, I was approached by two men who felt like I could help them through their own struggles. One was very anxious and intense. I had to tell them both that I was looking for my own answers too, that I had not the ability to guide them to a successful resolution of their own. Everybody was drowning in the aftermath of divorce, looking for that anchor to get above water and breathe--lose their fears of the future. I cared and wanted to help, but I did not want to pull others under in the process because of my own condition. Counseling (aka "therapy") was of no use whatsoever. Growing pains are much easier for the young to handle, yet a permanent fact of life.
@blondscientist Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that. I admit I was a bit oblivious to the troubles mature men could experience after a divorce. My parents are divorced and my father emotionally absent (though physically involved in our lives) and I feel I was sort of primed to think "men don't have feelings, just urges". Allow me some artistic freedom with the above phrase. I hope you get what I mean. Anyway, you opened my mind a bit. Thank you.
@-haclong2366 Жыл бұрын
01:07:35 Dr. Farrell in his book "the myth of male power" explained this in great detail.
@alanrobertson9790 Жыл бұрын
Listening to this underlines to me that this is a zero sum game. Women get the top male jobs and his solution is that it should be more acceptable for men can get the low status female jobs. No wonder men are checking out.
@SteveTheGhazaRooster Жыл бұрын
There is discrimination in classrooms for boys. Me along with other lads in classes were bullied by multiple teachers over the course of our primary school years.
@aquarius-woman5364 Жыл бұрын
Did your parents report them?
@SteveTheGhazaRooster Жыл бұрын
@Aquarius-woman I didn't tell my parents much. I couldn't articulate myself, and I was usually the one that got in trouble. Told them fully many years later, mainly my dad was appalled.
@topdog1848 Жыл бұрын
Jordan Peterson cares. Andrew Tate is trying to say the types of things that can inspire men to better themselves. There’s lots of good content on line. The struggle is real men but through daily vigilance we can break through the fog. The planet depends on it. 💪🏻
@madiedamonsta Жыл бұрын
hey op, still have the same feelings about Andrew Tate?
@everett1115 Жыл бұрын
They don’t. Men are designed to heal alone. 🙏🏼
@HudsonHandel Жыл бұрын
I agree.
@GetUnlabeled Жыл бұрын
No human is designed to be, or heal, completely alone.
@parrotshootist3004 Жыл бұрын
@@GetUnlabeled well more feminity isnt helping
@arcadiagreen150 Жыл бұрын
Straight White Male Employed Provider Tax payer Legal citizen +---------- Not an ounce of support to be found
@PolishBehemoth Жыл бұрын
I disagree. My life was seriously damages by depression and i wish i has help with somerhinf. Everyone needs help at some point. Anyone can heal alone as well.
@JenCurtistraining Жыл бұрын
I was SUCH a tomboy at school and what he said about impulse control and "sensation seeking" explains so much about why I struggled at school... if there were a programme available when I was that age, I'd defo be the one girl in a class of boys 😂
@julianbroughton Жыл бұрын
I think gendered schooling hasn't seen substantial results bc they separated the boys but kept the teaching system that favors females.
@cryptophoenix2023 Жыл бұрын
If someone starts a college fund for men to go into female-dominated fields, I'll donate to it. I don't have much, but I'd still pitch in. A lot of times it just feels like we're getting left behind in the name of "equality", and the absence of male-only scholarships for female-dominated fields just makes me angry. We aren't really giving women equal opportunities as much as we are giving them preferential treatment at this point, yet denying the same preferential treatment to men when it would make logical sense to provide it for the same equality. There are plenty of areas where women don't get equal treatment, but until we get men caught up to where women are now I just can't give a shit about their problems. Either give both sides preferential treatment towards "equality", or don't give it to anyone, or stop claiming to believe in equality. I believe in absolute equality, but we're not giving men ANY resources to achieve equality in the fields that we've fallen behind in, and the last thing I really care to see at this point is yet another societal resource go to women when men are getting left behind, ignored, and forgotten. It's like we don't matter at all.
@wyleecoyotee4252 Жыл бұрын
You should start it
@aquarius-woman5364 Жыл бұрын
Why not start the fund yourself. Why don't men want to help eachother?
@aquarius-woman5364 8 ай бұрын
@@hallowakers3d2y Who's stopping you ?
@soronoc Жыл бұрын
19:22 I quit my fine art degree because of overt discrimination against men
@greensmurf221 Жыл бұрын
BA in art here (watercolor focus) - Can agree. I had many female professors openly treat me like shit.
@soronoc Жыл бұрын
@@greensmurf221 Yeah, it's systemic and endemic. They basically strut around marking their territory and patting themselves on the back for bringing down the patriarchy one man at a time.
@TechWeLove 7 ай бұрын
I graduated from nursing school, but felt so much discrimination against men, that I haven't had the motivation to pass my NCLEX Exam and be an RN.
@robbenvanpersie1562 Жыл бұрын
Not in today's gynocentric society
@icon-emerald9517 Жыл бұрын
What Richard said about the education system being setup to favor girls reminds me of the fact that I always felt like the girls in my classes were always able to become engaged in the mundane tasks and therefore perform better than the guys. The only other thing that I noticed though is if the girl is too busy being worried about getting attention (from guys) in some fashion they tend to actually do just as bad at focusing on those tasks as the guys in my class, those girls especially in high school I could tell depended on another person usually a man to provide their every being, this might be based but i spent a lot of time with my older brother when he was in highschool and I was just starting middle, all the girls in highschool looked like Women to me, fast forward to my senior year and it felt like I was seeing children looking for constant attention from daddies that they didint have and Boy's looking for some short term gratification because up until this point most of them have done absolutely nothing that they find meaningful and their almost 25% through with their life.
@carolynngockel3670 Жыл бұрын
I don't know that we could have survived on vegetables outside of specific ecological niches. There are reasons people who live further from the equator eat meat and animal products in increasing amounts: in some places 6 months out of the year, all the vegetable matter is under snow (and possibly not particularly edible to humans--see reindeer and lichen.) Other places are too rocky and/or arid for anything but modest plant crops. Herding works much better in those areas. Finally, there are no traditional human groups that are purely vegan. Every nutritionist who says, "They could have survived on plants alone ..." makes me raise an eyebrow. I suspect we need a certain amount of animal products in our diets.
@allenmontrasio8962 Жыл бұрын
One reason that there are fewer men in education is that the money is, frankly, crap.
@didafm Жыл бұрын
I'm a guy and I started school a year early. So I graduated when I was 17. Ive had lots of issues post high school. I'm realizing it was a disadvantage to be started a year early especially considering I was a shy kid to begin with.
@blondscientist Жыл бұрын
This is very interesting! Do you mind sharing a bit more what issues? My brother also started a year early so I am very interested.
@Jedimasta21 Жыл бұрын
"For women and children to flourish, we need men to flourish." I guess men can't just flourish for their own sake? This whole podcast I don't think I ever heard mention of what men may want, or what reward is awaiting them for succeeding. Why should I do more than the bare minimum when I look around and I see overweight, bitchy, disrespectful women and soul crushing monotonous jobs? Why do we discuss getting men into conventionally feminine professions without even asking whether or not we WANT to do that, or whether or not women would find men in those professions attractive anyways. I'm sorry but I'm not going to become a nurse or a social worker, because I honestly don't care enough about people to help them effectively, sounds like torture. For these reasons and many others, this episode has been certified cringe and blue pilled.
@parrotshootist3004 Жыл бұрын
Other than Socrates. Or EB Bax. But when you exclude men and non feminists from the conversation its not surprising no one saw it coming.
@thisismonitor4099 Жыл бұрын
There is NO need to engineer anything or persuade anyone of anything. What needs to happen is for people to have a free choice and hire ENTIRELY based on merit. If that actually were to begin happening again, everyone would generally be a lot happier overall but there would indeed be a lot more men in the standard "men" professions and vice versa purely based on interest. When we pretend that men and women are the same both in capability and interest we end up with the disaster that we currently have.
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
Another notable problem is that sometimes the plans to help one side DOES cause problems for the other. The pushing of help for girls in school/colleges means that girls and young women are far outstripping men in school/colleges.
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The Fall Of Men, explained by an expert | Richard Reeves
The Diary Of A CEO Clips
Рет қаралды 62 М.
Episode 47 - Sven Dharmani, Ernst & Young (EY)
Manufacturing Matters Podcast
Рет қаралды 22 М.
The REAL Reason 90% Of Men Are Lost In Life | Scott Galloway
The Diary Of A CEO Clips
Рет қаралды 327 М.
How Are 7 Million Unemployed Men Actually Surviving? - Nicholas Eberstadt
Overtime: Fran Lebowitz, Yuval Noah Harari, Ian Bremmer (HBO)
Real Time with Bill Maher
Рет қаралды 196 М.
The Terrifying Reality Of Our Collapsing Population - Stephen J. Shaw
哈莉奎因怎么变骷髅了#小丑 #shorts
Рет қаралды 52 МЛН