Leaving Mormonism to Join Teal Swan’s Cult - Jared Dobson Pt. 2 - Mormon Stories

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Mormon Stories Podcast

Mormon Stories Podcast

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@spiderqueen601 2 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that most people who go to people like Teal have already been to therapists with PhDs and accreditations etc etc. The failures of the mental health industry create a gap filled by people like Teal.
@mormonstories 2 жыл бұрын
Sad but true.
@noornazneen5211 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully the gradual acceptance of psychedelics for therapeutic treatments by the mental health industry will fill the gap.
@natashasays 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I've seen licensed mental health professionals whose ethical infringements would make teal swan blush. I don't personally think shes hurting anyone more than some of these people, but she still may approximate a cult leader.
@AlexM-gv4pf 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but just because like people like Teal exploit others doesn't mean that only PhD psychologists can help and all alternative healing modalities are "BS"
@bonnielucas1941 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlexM-gv4pf Absolutely, there are plenty of predatory Doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists & others. And Reiki is real, crystals hold frequency, and shamans can heal you. It's not highly accepted. In the future, the medical profession will drastically change. Peace! 🕊️
@ijustchangedmyname7794 3 жыл бұрын
Reiki doesn’t requiring ANY clothes off. She was being predatory in the sense that there was a uneven power dynamic and she knew he was in an incredible vulnerable sake. It’s beyond gross and unethical (if she was a an actual certified medical profession). Either way, when someone comes to you for guidance and they are barely hanging on mentally and you begin to groom him is foul.
@No-nl8jn 2 жыл бұрын
@Brancaalice 2 жыл бұрын
It is not necessary , she was not doing heiki, she was doing healing in massage in solar plexus, she didnt give him hand job. People is so judgemental, she just are doing her healing.
@bodichair 2 жыл бұрын
Its not necessary to get attached to Ms. Swans Bullshitery . TS is doing the same old bullshit as many many others before her. She has retained from information from a plethora self-help, spiritual and new age thought and regurgitated into something she can manipulate those poor souls who are suffering. Unpacking : Using the language and metaphors, Then disassembles it's original intent and reassembles it and sells it back to the venerable suffering folks People who are looking for answers to life's dissidence. If you have never heard the language she uses you're likely to buy into it. Any teacher, life coach, therapist ie.keeps on hand business cards and phone numbers for those who are truly suicidal and a danger to themselves or others. Beware of a snake oil sales person!
@melgonz.6962 19 күн бұрын
​@Brancaalice lmao oh please. Did you even listen to this video? He literally admits that Teal said she was hitting on him sexully. Youre the type of person who falls for a cult.
@SusanMowers 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, never trust anyone who says they have all the answers
@CMR308 6 ай бұрын
Completely agree. That's why I stopped trusting the goverment since March 2020.
@samhayden7109 2 жыл бұрын
I want to hear this guy’s story but the interviewer keeps interrupting. It’s frustrates to listen to. He’s asking good questions but not giving time for the answer. Hopefully, this is constructive if you read it.
@Verita022 Жыл бұрын
the interviewer continues to guide the responses he wants to generate
@megatronixAZ 2 жыл бұрын
Dismissing other culture's practices because Teal has inaccurately (and dangerously) appropriated them is not the way. She's appropriated Eastern modalities like a grifter. TEAL is the one you're examining, but you end up laughing at Pranayama breathing, which is a facet of Kundalini yoga (from India), reiki (from Japan) and chakras (from India). Rather than dismissing the sacred, remember the focus is an appropriating grifter. It's not the practice, but the practitioner.
@Qetesh777 2 жыл бұрын
I agree there is value in everything even if that value is seeing why it’s wrong. All of these practices may work for some and be wrong for others. Doesn’t change the value of all of us and the unity at our core.
@kateh1743 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. So glad someone said this!
@a.e.rromero5403 2 жыл бұрын
The New Age is full of white pple appropriating other cultures and practices.
@alessandrarotunno8182 2 жыл бұрын
Also remember that just because something is part of another religion , it doesn't mean it's not bullshit.
@kaitiezhee 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to see someone say this - the appropriation is the issue, not the practices themselves. Anything that is done with an intention of manipulation as a form of power control (ego/fear) is unhealthy.
@camilamercado4565 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your testimony Jared! Your healing help us all to heal!
@elizaestabrook3656 2 жыл бұрын
I really think teal has a lot of narcissistic personality traits, very sad.
@emmaphilo4049 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Jared, he is been through a lot. Hope he is fine
@tianna1116 2 жыл бұрын
I love this guy. He seems like a great dude. Glad he got away from her and her creepy cult
@elizaestabrook3656 2 жыл бұрын
So to be clear it had nothing to do with spiritual practices, not "new age" and everything to do with the toxic religious cult he was raised in, right?
@bettypsycapprentice6544 2 жыл бұрын
Being a better person requires oneself to have the motivation to do what's right in the world. Balance and living a holistic life is definitely a part of that but relying on others is not healthy behavior. In order to feel whole as a person we need to learn to take accountability for actions and be strong on our own. Perhaps what he was looking for was self-esteem by trying all these practices. That is something you can't get from others and you have to find on your own.
@chloebell2209 11 ай бұрын
You don't 'have to' do anything a stranger on the internet tells you ! this comment section is full of the biggest load of speculative nonsense I have seen in years and I was in a cult 😅
@bettypsycapprentice6544 11 ай бұрын
@@chloebell2209 sorry to hear that but glad you are here with us now. You must have an amazing story of strength 💪
@shannamaria395 2 жыл бұрын
He is not explaining Chakras well. I highly recommend researching and education on Chakras to better understand.
@Victoria-zt7zy 2 жыл бұрын
So she is so enlightened that you had to keep her from cutting herself?
@jae6335 5 ай бұрын
Such a gentle soul.
@naminea2480 22 күн бұрын
I have been looking in almost every religion, every alternative narrative in regards to spirituality, god and all that is and I found a bit of truth in every one of them. But I found hooks and deceits in every one of them too. For me we all are Hansel and Gretl picking up the crumbs to find our way home….
@Msenlightened1 10 ай бұрын
Really? You haven’t heard some of the thousands and thousands of people that have died and experienced the non physical aspect of ourselves while clinically dead and come back to tell what they experienced? Reincarnation is very real just look at all the 3-8yr olds talking in great detail of their past life. This is all very real people.
@unumverumbonum2156 2 жыл бұрын
Great! Thank you for this. I wonder if David Icke and Teal Swan ever considered lecturing together on stage. #lol
@omalila7399 Жыл бұрын
I found this interview very interesting. Jared seems like a real sweetheart. Thank you both for this conversation. However I had a hard time listening at times. Over the years, I've listened to countless accounts of SRA victims who tell stories of abuse in different countries and differents decades. Their stories add up. There's actually a lot of evidence it is a very real phanomenon, sadly. I don't know if Teal's story is true and if so to what extent but to say there's no such thing as SRA and that's why she must be lying... that's actually just biaised thinking if you ask me. Also, the asian teachings about the chakras, kundalini and energy healing are actually thousands of years old. There are of course some New Age Gurus who try to repackage them to gain money and power or manipulate people. But dismissing these ancient teachings as mere New Age nonsense seems quite disrespectful. These phenomena have never been taught as religious beliefs or superstitions. These are very real physical phenomena that can be experienced by anyone who wishes to do so. True spirituality will always encourage the individual to trust their own senses and common sense and follow their own inner guidance instead of blindly following any outer authority. It's mostly people who've previously been brainwashed by religious groups or who've experienced severe trauma that end up in abusive New Age cults. That has nothing to do with true spirituality. That's like calling potatos unhealthy because fries and chips are unhealthy. It's not the potato's fault, It's the way it's processed that makes it unhealthy.
@DolphinsPlayingInAquaMoonlight 10 ай бұрын
I totally agree with everything you wrote here, but I especialy want to rant when it comes to S.R.A.. Let me make this clear to everyone out there, especially the owner of this podcast who keep dismissing this phenomena: It is absolutely real! And way more common and widespread than most people think. I was very upset about hearing how they dismissed the existence of it completely in the other interview on this channel with Teal's childhood friend, (But I don't think Teal went through S.R.A. in particular, but may have experienced SA). The poor victims of these very real S.R.A. c*lts have witnessed things that are unthinkable to most people, and they have been through such extreme abuse, that they are never believed when they share their story, and podcasts like these where they dismiss it and ridicule it without doing any research into it, doesn't help. This makes it easy for the c*lt to keep doing it and keep growing underground. Several different victims from different sa:. t.. an i. c .. c*lts also say the same thing; that their members deliberately go into proffesions like police, law, psychiatry, teaching, CPS etc so that they can make sure to protect the c*lt and discredit victims if they speak out. One of the victims even named a guy/woman (can't remember, it's years ago) from her c*lt who was one of the "experts" who made the whole "false memories" thing popular in the psychiatry field, when many victims had started to get attention during what the interviewer here calls "the s,,at _an ..ic__ craze of the 90's". When that theory became widespread and taught to psychiatry students (like the interviewer in his uni-days) it shut down the credibility of all true S.R.A. victims, and they were/are believed to have false memories. Luckily, with the internet victims can now reach more people and share their stories and evidence etc. I have done a lot of research on S.R.A., and the evidence of it's existence is overwhelming, and the different victims from different decades have so many elements in their stories that are similar and often identical. Many of these victims have never been to therapy or had "false" memories implanted. They all know detailed information about these r*tuals and their c*lt, and the details some children would tell in the days way before the internet are not something a child would be able to come up with, and their stories coincide with other children's stories from other places, and other decades, who have never met eachother. There's a documentary about a girl who claimed to have experienced S.R.A. in England in the 80's or 90's, and a psychologist was called in to see if she was telling the truth, and he was very sure that she was indeed telling the truth. As a viewer with a very strong intuition and ability to read people, it was very easy to see she was telling the truth. S.R.A. seems to be very widespread in England. There's also the incident of the two small children, siblings, who were talking about horrific things to a guy on the street who filmed them while talking about how they would go with their dad to this place where they m*rdered babies and cut their heads off, and would go into horrific details on how they went about this, and they would talk about how the grown ups would "do things" to them (SA). They would go into detail and tell the story fast and fluently with no hesitation or pause, talking over each other and saying the same disturbing details. They even knew that the babies came from orpahanages and adoption agencies, so no one would miss them (This is something that several victims, in different places, from different decades, say too) The police had specialists interview them separately, and they all agreeed that the siblings were telling the truth, and that their stories corroborated (if that's the right word in english), their stories added up, on ALL the details. But then some powerful people pulled some strings and the children were placed back into the fathers care! The internet was outraged over this. This seems to happen alot with these children... There is also a scientific study that can be found on pubmed that concludes that S.R.A. is a real phenomena and they warn against dismissing it as false memories, and stress the importance of believing these victims. There's even a former police officer in England who was working on trying to take down p-networks and s.:, at,,a,, ,ni..c__ cults. He worked with hundreds of children who had been through this, and he saw how all their stories added up, children from different districts who had never met each other. Several of them also talked about famous p*liticians who were part of this, and one in particular that had a fetish that was so distinct and strange that there is no way small children could come up with the same details without ever having met each other, details a child would never be able to think up by themselves. Everytime this police officer and collegues had gathered enough evidence to take the networks down, their superiors either told them to drop the case (orders from higher-ups), or they were taken off the case, or if they persisted to investigate and push the case they would be sent to work for a different police district. When this police officer retired, he created a KZbin channel where he speaks openly about these things, and he lets S.R.A. victims come and tell their stories. You can tell these people are telling the truth, many have the scars to prove it (unlike Teal). I can't believe that people like this guy running this podcast can believe that there are c*lts and people out there like Lori and Chad Daybell, and there are many examples of similar cases where people have done horrendous things and m*rd*red their own children and others due to their beliefs, and yet they think Sat..:-an,,*i..c__ c*lts and S.R.A. is just BS and too far out there?? Even though it has been known for decades that there are (many) people who truly believe in the devil and worship him. We also know that there are sadists, psychopaths, sociopaths, m*rderers and R*p..is..ts, litteraly evil people in general, out there. What makes him think they can't come toghether in this way and do awful things together? If it is so hard for them to fathom this, they should know that this runs in certain families (often very rich), and the children are programmed from a very young age to be part of these activities, undergo certain extreme m*nd c*ntr*l techniques to make them dissociate and create alter egos that are easy to contr*l, and make them parttake in ab*se and m*rder, shutting down their ability to feel empathy and litteraly turning them into sadistic sociopaths (which doesn't work on everyone, fortunately, and they are the ones speaking out)...and then they do the same thing to their own children...That's how these cults keep growing and thriving underground. It makes me so furious that someone can just dismiss this stuff without doing any research beforehand, and then automatically accept other extreme cults. I feel so sad for the victims who are never believed due to the severity of their abuse. Do your own research people. Don't listen to the so-called experts! Ps: Can anyone see this comment?
@jojom6657 2 жыл бұрын
Poor guy he's so lost with or without ever joining Teal. How can anyone follow a human? Bridle minds!
@whocanseeyourname2699 2 жыл бұрын
If the man in the interview is reading this comment sir all you need is Jesus
@rebeccahale322 Жыл бұрын
Joe Smith carried an amulet in his pocket..
@LuisJRodriguezR 8 ай бұрын
@10:34 is pretty wild. Dude is suicidal and he claims she was trying to sleep with him. If that doesn't sound predatory...
@Windancer11 11 ай бұрын
Truth mixed with lies
@leahannewoods6170 Жыл бұрын
Teal Swan was definitely affecting by demons. He was too,no fault of his own. Sad. I hope they’re both free of demons now.
@heathergraham2581 8 ай бұрын
My problem with this isn't Jared recounting his personal experiences with Teal Swan. I don't know the woman nor am I invested in her teaching material. However, listening to Jared describe where her beliefs appear aligned, that is the part that extends beyond Teal Swan herself into an entire community, which, from my observations here, is being mocked. So is Jared's interview really about exposing Teal Swan as a potential fraud or cult leader or is it being cleverly used to dismiss any belief system that doesn't fit in the box of mainstream science? Because that's the impression I am receiving after listening to these interviews & others out there on this subject. Just because you a) don't believe in something yourself b) had a bad experience with someone holding certain beliefs or c) a belief system doesn't fit into a nice little "scientific method" container does not erase the validity of the beliefs or experiences for others. Yes, there are people who exploit others using certain belief systems. Cults form. However, I have noticed a trend with the mainstream science type, lacking the ability to separate their own bias. In other words, is someone automatically guilty of being a cult leader simply because the beliefs are a turn off to you? Secondly, just because a con-artist is adept at manipulating content for the sake of their own personal agenda does not mean there is no validity to the actual material itself. Most people practicing their beliefs aren't looking for you to prove it for them empirically. Con artists are just skilled at taking advantage. It seems testimonials such as these can wind up promoting confirmation bias for those already skeptical or cynical about a certain subject matter or system of belief that doesn't jive with their own understanding. This started for me with one KZbinr who chose Teal Swan as the topic on cult leaders. I listened to what she had to say and, yet again, it all seemed to stem from not believing in the same things Swan did. Calling it crazy yada yada ... that's not proof Teal is a cult leader though. I needed more than an attack against new age spirituality to justify anything. So I subscribed just to check her out. I got to say, that's an awful lot of "free content" and personal investment for someone who may be faking it all? I mean, got to put it out there, are mainstreamers maybe concerned that the "self help," the suggested "self healing modalities" or alternative paths may be taking business out of their pockets? Hmm. That's not to say everything in it works for everybody but it's tiring to read all the mudslinging in the comments with so many trying to invalidate each other instead of each just doing what works best for them, whether that be conventional, alternative, or a mixture of both. Hardcore Teal followers seem to go on the attack whenever somebody uses any critical thinking or constructive criticism whatsoever while I see mainstreamers hell bent on invalidating anyone who aligns with the new age and then accuses them of sounding like Teal or being one of her cult followers. C'mon. That just makes "you" sound part of a mainstream cult. We should use discretion in the alternative AND mainstream; questioning should be open in either direction but it's appalling to try to control anybody with anything. Jared's experiences with Teal are valid for himself. Just like others claim similar experiences. Everything he is saying about her could very well be the truth about her. But like I said, exposing her as a fraud is not the same as going on a masked "witch hunt" against new age or other belief systems.
@ramonaflorentina8308 8 ай бұрын
"I blame her cuz i was never self aware because of my family so she s the problem" 🙈🙈
@texmexi9131 3 жыл бұрын
Dude, let the guy speak 😝 but great exposé nonetheless
@Notavlogger817 7 ай бұрын
Defamation. slander, harassment and retaliation. Legal recourse is an option for you but don't risk it. 24 hrs
@seleniaribeiro6451 2 жыл бұрын
Did he just say he loved her? Wow...
@Karenanneseven Жыл бұрын
Excellent interview!
@Genesislovexo Жыл бұрын
People give things a bad name and bad reputation some abuse their will of being able to do these practices it gives negative opinions and now people will turn away from It because of spiritual people taking advantage of this gift
@hammondjones9484 11 ай бұрын
interesting content but sheesh…worst interviewer ever, smh
@kathyhackney7950 8 ай бұрын
Listen, I've heard to several interviews now and I cant agree with anyone entirely. I cant even take this interviewer seriously. Everyone I've heard, every single person has preconceived notions and ideals and blinders up (evident in speech) that filters their experiences in such a way that just immediately detracts from their credibility imho. Dont get me wrong, I'm completely unbiased. Its clear that many of these interviewers dont subscribe to anything Teal even talks about regardless if her "take" on it. And to me, that just negates everything they could possibly say lol. I would like an opinion by someone who has actually met her that also has an open mind.
@donalddementia8616 2 жыл бұрын
This is so Charlie Manson
@natashasays 2 жыл бұрын
I have thought the same thing
@reaganmustard8020 3 жыл бұрын
These guys just seem like so in fear.. they seem so afraid of trusting the feminine
@stacey_1111rh 2 жыл бұрын
That’s definitely your own projection and interpretation of them.
@valeriesonalas7164 2 жыл бұрын
They're fearful of personal accountability as well
@Symbolsysteme 3 жыл бұрын
How is it possible that he met Teal Swan (after watching her videos, as he said) in 2010? She started to make her first videos in 2011. I am not a "Tealer"...*)! I just wonder about the facts of his story.
@jaredmdobson 3 жыл бұрын
I’m probably off on the year, I’m not sure if I still have the email of when I went to buy her painting 🖼
@Symbolsysteme 3 жыл бұрын
@@jaredmdobson ​As I said, I am not a Tealer and I was very sceptic about a lot of the claims she made about her past from the beginning on. But since you've made some pretty hard allegations, I think it's very important to keep the facts straight. I mean she could sue you (and other people on the internet). I most likely would sue all these people, because if these storys are false, it's really a defamation of character and bad for her business.
@Symbolsysteme 3 жыл бұрын
PS: would you be interested in making a video with her about your allegations? I just ask, because I think this would be the best way for you and for all the other people who made allegations about her throughout the years. If I would be her, I would do a life chat on YT with all my accusers, because I would be interested in clearing my name.
@coldwhitespring5004 2 жыл бұрын
@@Symbolsysteme I think what he says is true, parts of it is corroborated by both Cameron Clark and Sarbdeep Swan.
@brandypaslo5294 10 ай бұрын
Both workshops I went to I felt like I got ripped off. It was a complete waste of time… the people that go to these curveball retreats, feel the exact same way except they waste five grand to do it
@brandypaslo5294 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, the reason she stop seeing clients because they started killing themselves. She got tired of her clients killing themselves y’all
@AyanamarieC 2 жыл бұрын
Hippie stuff…. These are all ancient modalities to assist in shifting your perspective through the senses. Using your breath through breathing techniques to calm your nervous system and help focus your mind. It’s not all hippie stuff. It’s been perverted by the “new age” spiritual junkies. But these are tried and true therapies that can genuinely help to heal and strengthen your mind. It’s just that so many people think it’s going to solve their problems to the point where it’s just become a form of escapism.
@SamStone1964 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on. Breath work, meditation and appreciation are three simple tools with profound results.
@ellielynn8219 6 ай бұрын
Well said.
@alexmousley7213 3 ай бұрын
True- there are some meditative practices from Buddhism etc that are being researched scientifically and show genuine benefits for the mind (though meditation is not necessarily safe for people with psychosis). A lot of alternative "medicine" is placebo- but, as plenty of tests have shown the placebo effect can be quite powerful in some people- though not a sustitute in cases of life threatening illness.
@catherinepoole9485 2 жыл бұрын
This is frustrating to watch🙄 the guy doing the podcast keeps interrupting and the guy telling the story has such a hard time articulating himself.🤬🤬🤬
@natashasays 2 жыл бұрын
@arodordie 2 жыл бұрын
I see what you mean but it’s not that bad imo! Dude definitely could’ve used an outline or something tho
@ClaraBell3452 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the interviewer did his best to kind of keep up with the guys chaotic energy and keep the podcast on the rails
@margodrake3825 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm already aware about "satanic abuse outbreaks" in the past I don't really need to hear a book promotion either. I didn't have a hard time listening to the guy telling the story though, maybe ask him a bit more questions though as that seems to help.
@ariellathebohemian6381 2 жыл бұрын
Omg yes!!! It’s super irritating how he constantly interrupts!
@millanferende6723 2 жыл бұрын
17:44 - Any real guru or real leader will want you to come into your own empowerment. Not to hang on for them for dear life, for the rest of your life. This planet will only be saved by each person doing a right thing, and helping bring other people into a position to do the right thing. "A great teacher, will create more teachers, not just students." "A great leader is not the one who creates most followers, but who creates most leaders."
@TanT-uk 2 жыл бұрын
This is very true as a qualified therapist and life coach it’s my role to help facilitate my clients growth and change. I am very gentle with my clients and never push if there is resistance because eventually when they’re ready they will open up. Re traumatisation is sadly very common with people in this life of work.
@danielbarrera8391 Жыл бұрын
I mean I don't completely agree with everything she says but... I have learned a lot from her, both good and bad. Although admittedly the more I hear about her own demons the more I feel disillusioned but ... Still, she does have solid advice and some of her opinions have value for some of us who are running from ourselves or seem lost. She can't be completely blamed as it was said since really it's a kind of failing on society on the whole. Not to say that some of us don't need personal accountability either though.
@alexmousley7213 3 ай бұрын
Yes- the locus of control should always be you and not a therapist/guru/leader etc- it's part of ethical therapy.
@RoxBDointheMost 2 жыл бұрын
I so want to hear what homeboy has to say but this interviewer keeps INTERRUPTING!
@waynegilland1327 3 жыл бұрын
This guy is the most awful interviewer.
@JessicaOrban3606 3 жыл бұрын
True, not his forte. He adds a lot of his own stuff into it and jumps around
@chulitolove6648 3 жыл бұрын
Finalllllllyyyyyyy someone said it,,,,,he's super unprofessional 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 and he's very noisy
@kimcorrick321 Жыл бұрын
He’s ok
@run_eclipse 2 ай бұрын
Yes, it feels like he's imposing his view on the guy and even cuts him off. Sometimes when you know that the interviewer has the authority, you sense that and go with the flow to be aligned with them.
@melodymadison-np9yv Жыл бұрын
At this point having searched endlessly, with no rabbit hole ignored, I have concluded, no teacher, master, guru, therapists, priest, elder, doctor, prophet, therapist, group, program, class has MY answers. That miraculous spark of life, that resides in every seed root and plant, also is the life spark in me. Call it what you will, its the source if all that is. living every moment knowing I haven't done anything wrong, I just want to be happy. Too late for my precious son who finally ended his extreme suffering by suicide December 20 (Solstice eve)2022. I miss him!
@dijo9581 7 ай бұрын
So sorry for your loss🥀
@Ellael98 6 ай бұрын
But there can be helpful advice too, be open to it :) doesn’t mean that you need a GURU or a therapist, but advice is found everywhere around you.
@maygrantz4426 3 ай бұрын
Hi, I came acroos your comments and I'm sorry that your son who finally ended his extreme suffering by suicide December 20, 2022. As a mother this is alarming! Anyway, I want you to know that you are not alone..Anyway, this is an issue that most people don't want to talk about because there is a stigma around it specially for men and young men. Anyway, anyone who wants to commit suicide because someone felt of being misunderstood feeling out cast, hopelessness and whatever the reason ?Sometimes the medication it has a side effect.
@melgonz.6962 19 күн бұрын
So Teal actually plagiarized an author named Michael Brown, and he never made retreats or classes out of his book/knowledge to make money like Teal did. He wanted people to not depend on others to give them the answers they have inside. He gives the tools to open yourself up to find the answers. Of course we all need help sometimes, but depending on one person to give those answers will never work. Emotional regulation can only be done by the person needing it.
@martinyauseda8063 4 жыл бұрын
Never ever does someone need to remove any clothing to administer Reiki.
@JessicaOrban3606 3 жыл бұрын
@JasonJohnSwartz 3 жыл бұрын
Every human through Christ Jesus has the potential to recieve the Holy Spirit and become a temple of the living God. The chakras are real but those are portals for the Holy Spirit to balance not you nor another sinner. You force the gears and they will break. If your opening yourself up and don't accept the true God in repentance and submission another entity can enter. Fallen angels spoken to in Genesis and the book of Enoch speak of this fallen ones who love to play god. These fallen watchers from genesis can appear as angel of light and they have wisdom but what is wisdom without God? Its wisdom that buff up instead of humility. We are a vessel and Jesus is the light of the world. Without Christ in you the hope and the glory then you are darkness and walk in darkness. Everyone is a sinner. Every last Christian is not better than anyone else. We all far short of the Glory of God. No not one of us me included are righteous in our own right. When I speak of darkness its spiritual blindness that leaves us open to deception. Repent and accept Christ as your Savior cause nobody get to the father but through him. Sounds arrogant? Yup it truly does. I thought so for most of my life. Those stupid, brainwashed Christian's. Then it happened. The truth set me free. The khundalini is the false holy spirit. Does it manifest powers and abilities? Certainly it can. However the half truths sprinkled with lies will lead you down a road that is dangerous. Rejected Christ for almost 40 years and spent my time trying every path under the sun. Krishna Murti, Yogananda, Eckhart Tolle, Kabbalah and everything and anything but Christ. Don't waste your time with this new age. If a demonic fantasy
@stacey_1111rh 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@steviesvideos319 2 жыл бұрын
@@JasonJohnSwartz agreed, I spent almost two decades deeply embedded within new age and opened myself up to all manner of entities,...I never felt safe, comforted, guided and most importantly protected...untill I prayed for weeks to Jesus asking for repentance of my sins, and for him to be my personal lord and savior and to be filled with holy spirit.. Now I have a stolidity , love and strength I never had before.
@analouesteves 2 жыл бұрын
Never ever someone need to administer reiki period
@natalieb5681 2 жыл бұрын
This is the worst interview style i’ve EVER heard. For god’s sake stop interrupting the guest every 10 seconds and just let him tell his story! He doesn’t need you to guide and interrupt him. It’s painful to listen to you interrupting him!
@coldwhitespring5004 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of podcast hosts should learn good interview technique, true.
@martinyauseda8063 4 жыл бұрын
Jareds' idea or Teal, of Reiki is completely false. She hijacked a physical therapy that is hundreds of years old in Japan. Reiki has nothing to do with what Jared has been told.
@jaredmdobson 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what she said she practiced, i was probably wrong to use the Reiki word to describe her energy healing. i think other people did it to me in the past and they did not touch me if i recall right. :)
@sookie.smooth 4 жыл бұрын
Those here who want to learn more would appreciate links to information you think are reputable. I don’t know enough to sift through all the various perspectives. My usual go-to is Wikipedia.
@marenernst1841 3 жыл бұрын
Teal sounds like a lot of work to be around. Exhausting.
@valeriesonalas7164 2 жыл бұрын
So is this guy who keeps crying about being a victim! He's the one who chose her and admitted to emotionally abuse her and there's no p0lice report against him so he must've done worse to people
@pod8234 5 ай бұрын
@@valeriesonalas7164I think this guy comes off as extremely needy. There are no short cuts to doing the hard work of growing up.
@JamieHartMusic 2 жыл бұрын
whats unfortunate is their dismissal of "new age woowoo" like chakras and energy which are in fact ancient eastern mysticism and the foundations of yoga and some traditional chinese medicine. So it just devalues the content a bit when one makes fun of traditional spiritual beliefs that don't harm you in any way.
@littleveganteawitch7427 Жыл бұрын
I agree, this is what frustrated me about this.
@bellah33 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the interviewer sounds like empirical science is the only guide to the existence, just sad.
@JoyfulinHope Жыл бұрын
The Devil is pretty ancient, sister
@hayleyholland529 Жыл бұрын
Yup. Worst description of reiki I've ever heard 🤦‍♀️
@annaandre9131 Жыл бұрын
Healthy eating and meditation are great and all, treating a suicidal person with vibrations and a cancer patient with berries is criminal. Nuances darling.
@missylee3022 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it amazing how I've never been a mormon or had involvement with teal, but I relate to so much of his story. That's why this podcast is so important.
@CoyTheobalt 2 жыл бұрын
All religions have similar elements of toxicity.
@CoyTheobalt 2 жыл бұрын
This is honestly the worst interviewing skills I’ve ever seen
@CoyTheobalt 2 жыл бұрын
You are making him so anxious and uncomfortable. How can you not see that.
@allisgrace1313 3 жыл бұрын
I was deep into all this and more for about a decade. I've been out a bit over a decade now and listening to him describe these practices and practitioners, I can barely believe this was who I was...good reminder for me, thank you. Your a brave man.
@allisgrace1313 3 жыл бұрын
@ten Catholic
@tonganqueenb5517 2 жыл бұрын
One thing this interview makes clear to me is almost everything Teal teaches is already known. Like most 'new age' movements it's a blend of ancient eastern religion & the occult. She is just another vessel for that information to be transmitted. Thank you Jared for sharing your story.
@millanferende6723 2 жыл бұрын
There is a saying that there is almost nothing new under the sun. You could say Facebook is nothing new, it is just a repackaged MySpace. Yet, you can clearly see that the difference is night and day... Also, it is not to be underestimated when there are people who do lots of research in an area / dedicate themselves to a certain topic... and bring in, condense, or "funnel through" information all over the world about said topic. It makes said topic easy to understand and graspable. There is nothing wrong with bringing the knowledge that way, and it does not make knowledge or new inventions less valuable, just because it carries or brings together aspects of existing ones. Just my 2 cents on the issue.
@madelinesmith1363 2 жыл бұрын
So glad I found this comment... I feel like everything she says is just kind of... common sense spiritual stuff? I don't get what's supposed to be so miraculous about it?
@tianna1116 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree, she’s completely unoriginal and has a nasty attitude as well
@_gremlinboy 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and when she goes into psychology she's also just lifting the basics from the best experts she can find, without any acknowledgement
@74MD74 2 жыл бұрын
This is common amongst these types of "gurus". Their followers find them saying it more believable and more palatable. 🙄 They don't seek out the original source or go to the communities or people these beliefs and practices come from. They are ok with someone repackaging the information and pretending no one has ever said these things. There are many layers to this and people need to examine why they are so willing to only accept this information from certain people who have no real connection to the source.
@janp263 4 жыл бұрын
Your honesty is refreshing and appreciated. Discussing very personal and emotional subjects requires great courage. Thank you Jared.
@jaredmdobson 4 жыл бұрын
Jan Parkes Thank You Jan, it was great relief for me to share with me what I learned in life and wish you happiness and joy every day of your life. 🥰
@amygreen758 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. He had an opportunity to get out of this-- and he took it. Realizing we're knee-deep and totally hoodwinked in a cult situation, is beyond humbling. I'm so relieved he got out.
@siren3197 4 жыл бұрын
I have always thought the LDS church was cultish. Separately, I think it's wrong to connect Teal Swan with other metaphysical modalities in general, as if all practioners were cultish.
@MrMikkyn 3 жыл бұрын
I thought you wrote LSD Church
@gaylechristensen6285 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrMikkyn Now THAT would be a church to behold. 😄
@kathyhackney7950 8 ай бұрын
​@@MrMikkynSame 😂 I had to re-read
@lumpyspacecadet 2 жыл бұрын
Teal had a nice little reverse-harem going on there, didn't she?
@davic72083 2 жыл бұрын
Which is odd cuz she is looking rather manly in a lot of shots...
@danielkelley7548 Жыл бұрын
Andrew Tate has joined the chat
@jayamariel 2 жыл бұрын
What a complete sweetheart of a person. A totally vulnerable soul. My heart breaks for him and the abuse that he endured. I hope he has found nothing but love and safety and fulfillment at this point in his life, as he truly deserves it.
@lollymac2259 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the very same thing. A gentle soul. He reminds me of my adult son who has ADD and dyslexia. A lot of neuro-divergent people are very empathic and sensitive to all the pain in the world. I hope he finds deep, abiding joy.
@peachesenregalia9154 2 жыл бұрын
He's the kind of fragile person that Teal can take advantage of. Very sad. So glad he got away from her.
@nightstarjournal5081 7 ай бұрын
@@lollymac2259your comment touched my heart. This is me to a tee. 🙏🏻
@MAzurburg 2 жыл бұрын
Yoga has been around for 5000 years. Chakra's are their thing. I think it's a bit disrespectful to call it superstition. It's the new age movement that appropriated this.
@mormonstories 2 жыл бұрын
Fair. But when people claim to be able to read someone’s chakra energy…I think that’s untrue and potentially dangerous.
@spiral_heart8239 2 жыл бұрын
The way new age stuff is talked about in this interview is a lot more literal and shallow than many people take it that I know of. It's know of hard to fully explain how I understand a lot of this stuff myself, but it's kind of a mix of the physical experience of the body and a form of communication with the unconscious mind. To me when you work with a chakra you are working both with a place in the body where certain emotions tend to be experienced, and by doing that you are also communicating with the emotional part of the brain. My experience is that if you do these practices a lot they will effect your consciousness . It's sort of like giving your mind a way to experience the emotions externally, but the external place makes space because it is actually a physiological reality that correlates with those feelings. It's kind of similar to how emotionally mirroring works in psychology, but you learn to use your own body as the mirror. To me doing chakra work is a strong way to support therapeutic work, but I don't see it as a substitute for it.
@trustyourpulse 2 жыл бұрын
@@spiral_heart8239 very well explained! 💖
@Brancaalice 2 жыл бұрын
This guy said have PHd and have no clue about of other system, that is old than psychology. He has not issue to judge Teal. He thing is own the true.
@Futt.Buckerson 2 жыл бұрын
All religion and spirituality essentially boil down to superstition.
@raigenhuss7030 Жыл бұрын
I usually love your interview style, but this one seemed a little aggressive. I think he needed more time to gather his thoughts. Too many interruptions
@juliasharon5337 3 жыл бұрын
its hard for me to imagine people can fall for her but i see they are people with backgrounds of abuse. i am glad he is out.
@tianna1116 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way! She’s so obviously fake (and cringey) to me but I think another place and time and I MAY have fallen for something like this
@jetset808 2 жыл бұрын
Teal is a Narc.. you can tell because every once in awhile her ego breaks character and she has that smirk of self gratification at what she just said.. it was because of her that I figured out love but she is wrong. She says Love is when you care about something so much that you take it as part of you identity.. but identity is Ego real love is when you thin the ego between you and something and let the love of God flow through you..
@justinedse8435 Жыл бұрын
Love has absolutely nothing to do with God. Love means loving another person unconditionally no matter what, being there, and supporting them.
@MonicaODuarte 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you wouldn't interrupt so much and let the guy speak. I can tell the guy is getting annoyed because you keep speaking over him.
@gillianbennett4518 11 ай бұрын
Everything is energy. Everything is energy. Reiki (a gentle respectful form of fully clothed therapy) is a wonderful practice. Crystals offer energies of different frequencies. Chakras and energy healing has been around for thousands of years as part of the beautiful Ayurvedic medical theories that are still used today. It's a shame the interviewer is so dismissive of these ancient practices. A very unsettling upsetting interview all around.
@avamay516 2 жыл бұрын
interviewer keeps interrupting and derailing the speaker. he’d be on a roll and get asked a question that’s irrelevant. please let them talk!
@burningstrawman2589 2 жыл бұрын
Lol. He was obviously assisting because dude can't stay focused or explain anything...probably due to anxiety. John is a pro at this.
@pattyjohnston6131 Ай бұрын
@marinatonkonogy5968 4 жыл бұрын
Inconsistencies in someone's story of abuse isn't necessarily an indication that they are lying and that the abuse didn't happen. I am a therapist and if you ask any therapist who has every worked with sexual trauma (or other kinds of trauma for that matter) they'd tell you , traumatic events lead to fragmentation of memories. This is the mind's defense against the emotional pain that gets unbearable when the person recalls the events. When the memory gets fragmented, the person remembers the event in separate pieces, which creates gaps in the story, which the victim fills up with things that come to their mind which may not be true but the victim believes that they are. As a result, the story becomes incoherent and difficult to believe and people who listen to it get the impression that the person is lying. This is a real mental process that victims of sexual abuse experience, It has been scientifically proven and so mental health professionals often testify in court as expert witnesses when victims' credibility is in question. So, the fact that Teal's story is difficult to believe, in and of itself, is not the evidence that she has not been abused. That's not to say that everything in her story is true or that she didn't intentionally lie about anything. It's just to say that the mental processes of sexual abuse victims are different from those who have not been sexually abused. I am not going to give my opinion on whether she was abused or not, even though I do have an opinion about it. All I can say is that people who have never been traumatized in their lives will never become cult leaders.
@jaredmdobson 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your feedback, I did not know that about abuse victims. I definitely saw her lie and make up things on the spot and attack anyone who questioned her lies. So i just figured that when it came to having been tortured for years through the night without her parents noticing and that she had "suffered more than holocaust victims". That she was just lying about her abuse, I have no idea what is real with her but I wish her and you the best.
@LL-xl7hq 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@LL-xl7hq 4 жыл бұрын
Everything she said here is the truth regarding trauma. People do learn to cope is different ways with abuse and just because it sounds hard to believe doesn’t mean it’s not true. And just because her suffering was extreme possibly doesn’t mean she is exaggerating. Memories do get repressed or fragmented and distorted as the brains way to cope with how horrible and inconceivable the traumas are.
@scivi7060 3 жыл бұрын
This is so wrong on so many levels... Wow
@ms.empower7946 3 жыл бұрын
Parents getting divorced is traumatizing. Being picked on is traumatizing. Car accidents and illness is traumatizing. The death of a love one or a pet is traumatizing. Everybody processes trauma differently. Some people are resilient. Some become pathological liars. Histrionic personality disorder. Factitious disorder.
@janep.2478 4 жыл бұрын
Teal Swan sounds like Scientology gone berserk.
@MrMikkyn 3 жыл бұрын
Scientology is worse
@undynetheundying5405 2 жыл бұрын
Poor guy probably had ulcers or acid reflux from all that stress, trying to heal it with reiki, smh I like massages, reiki, asmr, beautiful shiny looking stones and oils with nice smells, but none of those can heal a physical problem in your body. Those are just alternatives, they make you feel nice and refreshed, maybe relaxed, but that's all. I really don't think it's healthy for people to expect to be healed with any of those things. If you have psychological issues, if you're anxious, depressed, suicidal, get therapy. Find a therapist that understands you. If you don't have the means to do that, read and educate yourself about depression from reliable sources, if you can't do that either, talk to someone that you can trust. A friend, your grandma, your younger sibling, whatever. Someone who loves you can help you much more than a cult leader.
@calebwoolston4249 4 жыл бұрын
47:02 "don't feel held hostage to whatever anyone else says" That is 🔥🔥🔥
@shannamaria395 2 жыл бұрын
I just need to share this. There is energy behind TRAUMA, grief, loss for example. Everything is energy. What energy healers do is work with your energetic body to work through these things and yes it does work and why I myself became an energy healer. This is something that the professionals still aren't fully grasping or understanding about healing trauma, 'the energy behind healing trauma.' Traditional ways of healing is a good place to start, but there comes a time where you come to a wall and your soul seeks for more. And from experience, and why a lot of us seek alternatives healing paths. There is still something missing from traditional routes to healing, and why people like Teal Swan thrive in this industry for example. People still aren't getting what we need and people like Teal see that. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse myself and why I am sharing. The truth is therapy is a good place to start but we need more. And not to feel like there is something wrong with you or treated as there is. I like that the holistic healing practices and world is getting more recognition and people do see results, including myself and that to me is a beautiful thing. But then you get the opportunist and people who miss use their power to manipulate and abuse people to me angers me as I don't like to see anyone taken advantage of or miss treated! That is NOT OK! To miss use power turns me off. I don't respect that. Going back to the professionals, with majority of this field you come in with a skeptical mind frame, and already implanted within your mindset going in that this stuff is "whoo whoo" or solely harmful is not the truth and is a big misconception. It's the people who miss use and have intention of ill intent make this industry look bad and that frustrates me. This kind of power can go to peoples heads and clearly Teal is a good example of this as are others. Again, I see both sides and understand both, or at least try too. Like any industry there is good and there is other. 🤦‍♀️ Makes it difficult for these things to be taken seriously when a bad light is casted by these dark shadows. I know it sounds bizarre, but it's something I highly recommend learning & educating yourself more on these "super powers," reiki, chakras and how chakras do play a role in our everyday lives. With an open mind and open heart I invite you to learn, instead of being critical. Slowly catching up but the resistance to the "whoo whoo" is really frustrating as, energy healing is an asset to your traditional ways of healing. It's an aid in healing and it works! But experiencing someone like Teal before I do see how someone like her can be dangerous, but not everyone is out to scam you, manipulate you. Buyer beware there modern cults are real and these modern cults are in religion as well. Get what you can from the good parts but remember you are the guru yourself, stop giving these spiritual leaders so much power and God like status. That part I don't understand how people can fall into giving up their lives for these spiritual gurus. They aren't God, they are only humans and do make mistakes and aren't perfect by any means. Not making excuses just stating a fact. We all are just trying to make it out alive, find things that bring you more joy in your life and don't you forget that you are loved and are love. Become your own hero, your own guru. Much love ❤️
@OzmaOfOzz Жыл бұрын
@carlapilbro1344 Жыл бұрын
@dr.christinaND Жыл бұрын
Excellent comment. I agree. I work with energy medicine too as an ND. I use modalities like PEMF and others, along with energy release methods. I’m just a guide and each person has their own experience on their journey. No one has any special powers, but having an understanding of the body’s makeup and we are electromagnetic beings is why energy medicine works when done with proper intentions married with science and human design.
@teganflyman5352 11 ай бұрын
@chloebell2209 11 ай бұрын
Please cite your research. You may be 'frustrated' that people use critical thinking but no one can dictate how other people think, cult leaders feel entitled to, but they're delusional. Critical thinking is not 'slow to catch up'.
@RoseKulyk Жыл бұрын
We must be careful...what we judge we become...or end up attracting people..who may see the same things in our own work...we eventually must...just allow each of us to make our own unique contribution to the world 🌎
@teganflyman5352 11 ай бұрын
You sound like Teal 🙄
@Anne_Onymous Жыл бұрын
I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people actually believe the stuff Teal says. I feel like a 10 year old would be able to recognize she's full of shit. Her followers not only fall for all her tales, but many of them end up "recovering" their own false memories (basically giving them something to be traumatized over and have to heal from). It's all just so ridiculous watching from the outside. Scary so many subscribe. But I really appreciate his candor.
@CentaurTesticles 11 ай бұрын
I can tell you I found her at 13-14 and IMMEDIATELY got a bad vibe from her, even if I couldn’t explain why she seemed terrible
@helenelarsen25 3 жыл бұрын
I think Jared seems to be much wiser than all those people he listened to. Very powerful testemony, really brave, thank you for sharing, Jared. The Lori and Chad story got me here, Im happy I found this channel, very good interwieving, thanks for the teaching. Greetings from Denmark.
@lisabuckner243 8 ай бұрын
What pisses me off is that MOST of what’s called “new age” is thousands of yrs old! It also makes true healers not believed.
@ehyeh365 2 жыл бұрын
Looking at her paintings can heal you 😂… sorry 😅
@yve2626 11 ай бұрын
To me the things Teal teaches arent bullshit. She is super intelligent and I love the way she summarizes psychological truths and techniques in a very applicable, structured and condensed way. I find it super efficient and time saving in a way, it prevents me from having to figure things out on my own or read a ton of books. I agress with a lot of the things she says that are not "mainstream" thinking, fir example that narcissism is a style of dysfunctional relating within relationships vs a personality disorder. The way she describes things is very logical to me. The stuff about aliens I just ignore, but I havent really heard her talk about that ever anyway in the newer things I have watched. She might have character flaws and she might be unconventional but at the end of the day I agree with what she says. To me it brings a lot of clarity. I dont think selling her frequency paintings etc is fakery. I mean after all people believe in it and want to donate and support, so its still everyone elses choice isnt it? Raising frquency and energy is very possible in my opinion, its the same thing people like Tony Robbins, coaches etc do. Get you in a positive mindset essentially. At least thats how I see it.
@chloebell2209 11 ай бұрын
please figure out things on your own, please trust yourself - Teal doesn't live with the consequences
@lrzbhnsn 11 ай бұрын
Lol so basically you wanna heal but you're too lazy to actually research something or read a book on your own. Instead you do absolutely nothing but listening to Teal Swan, good for you
@matrixfree3480 8 ай бұрын
Hi Teal
@BastianBooks 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this interview, it's important to be aware of the real face behind powerful figures and charismatic leaders.
@tianna1116 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t see her as powerful or charismatic but I guess some people are falling for it. I’m super sad for her victims but I strongly dislike her
@hildyboo 2 жыл бұрын
so brave to tell your story! Cult survivors often end up in a second cult before they recover.
@janetpattison8474 9 ай бұрын
As I wrote above, there are thousands of people who are into the “new age movement”, and that DOES NOT make it a cult. Maybe it was cult-like in his brain because that’s what he made it. There’s the law of balance. Have common sense. Think for yourself. Don’t blame others for your mental issues and get help. I’ve listened to Teal and although she has a following, so what ? & BIG DEAL! Thousands of others also have followings, which does not make their beliefs a cult. THEY are into all the NEW AGE stuff and are not telling people what to do, or how to live.
@amberholland5561 Жыл бұрын
I admire this man’s vulnerability but the interviewer is disrespectful and continues to interrupt him which makes it challenging to watch. I don’t like the mockery and disrespect in regards to different practices, as there’s no value in them. There’s truth in everything and it’s not the practice that’s the issue or problem but a ill informed and sick practitioner.
@colejohnson1960 2 жыл бұрын
Jared, Thank you for your testimonial. You be sure and give yourself credit. You are a good story teller and a great guy. I wish you much success in all your endeavors.
@gracie1312 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say he is a great storyteller. He jumped around a lot, didn't pick up on prompts to go into detail, didn't use a lot of descriptions. I'd say he is still extremely emotional when talking about his experiences, perhaps one day he will be able to speak more directly. No shame to him, it is so difficult and brave to speak out.
@AthyDuGard Жыл бұрын
​@@gracie1312 I agree. It seems he is still too raw emotionally to be able to articulate his experiences with fluidity. It didn't help that Dr John kept interrupting to ask what certain practices were or to investigate aspects of Teal or her past. I usually enjoy these podcasts but I'm finding this long-winded one a struggle to get through.
@noelleaylieyenne7662 Жыл бұрын
sorry but I don't believe a word the man says, see right through him. he doesn't seem stable, honest or genuine
@katharinanikol4206 Жыл бұрын
Im not a follower of Teal or anyone, and I disagree with a lot she's spreading but, as nice as this man seems to be, I get unfortunately several lies, hatred to her maybe bc of rejection, and you also can look that up by his body language, it's very obvious bc his expressions etc; are quite intense anyways, and especially in those moments... But of course I only wish him healing, and just the very best!
@johnmichaelson9173 Жыл бұрын
"Her paintings can heal you if you look at them" 😂Only after you've bought some. The old adage about there's one born every minute springs to mind.
@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 Жыл бұрын
They’re free to download on her site. My god to what lengths people go to so as to shame someone and belittle them without knowing literally anything about them. What an embarrassing and what a sad state of things.
@namastachi9030 Жыл бұрын
People do not need people - you need healing so you can be alone and not need people. You were programmed to feel like you need people and that is why cult and religions start. Find enlightenment and you will not ‘need’ anyone but you will ‘enjoy’ them. Jesus it ain’t that hard!!
@mdy888 3 жыл бұрын
you didn't make the world worse you made me better by being an honest good intentioned guy with experience enough to help spread the truth, that is courageous and admirable, God Bless You Jared!
@vinochickie 2 жыл бұрын
Chakras are energy centers. They correspond to your endocrine system.
@spiderqueen601 2 жыл бұрын
"Unclog your charkas" LOL. Most people doing reiki aren't trying to make you enlightened, but reduce your chronic pain that doctors can't figure out. It's better as complemenatry therapy, not psychotherapy. It does physiologically alter a person in ways beneficial to healing.
@tianna1116 2 жыл бұрын
*Citation needed*
@leanneteichner6213 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jared for sharing your experience and being so vulnerable. Not usually critical but found the presentation style of the interviewer really off-putting and ruined the story. He wasnt the best listener, fixated on certain points way more than necessary (I. E. masturabstion and sex), paraphrased information in a pretty simplistic and dogmatic way. I also found this style not to be helpful to a vulnerable interviewee? Didn't allow for insightful viewing. Very much leading questions, which makes the watcher question the integrity of the information being shared. A shame really because this is an important topic.
@healingrays3762 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree! The interviewer is suspiciously misleading, and claims that Satanic Ritual Abuse does not happen! kzbin.info/www/bejne/poqTZYBvqbN4p5I
@DolphinsPlayingInAquaMoonlight 10 ай бұрын
Well said. I agree.
@hopestark9943 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry... You don't come across anything like Teals organization. You aren't trying to fool anyone, you're trying to inform people.
@MichaelSmith-eu1hc 2 жыл бұрын
It takes real courage to be so open and honest as you have. Thankyou for sharing your experience 👍
@MicheleLantieri Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate Jared's point - an individual with an intense need to fix "the world" or heal all suffering is related more to that person's hidden desire to make their own life better and happier. I can certainly relate.
@schmemmm Жыл бұрын
Charkras are not superstition, they are part of Eastern traditions. It's racist to say because they aren't a Western tradition or teaching that they are superstitious. Crystals are used in almost all First Nations communities and by modern science so again pretty racist. Reiki is using Universal energy and bringing it into the energy system, just like in Qigong you could do this or similar to Pranic healing (but that uses one's ones own energy). Some people pair Reiki with Seichem or other shamanic practices. The practice of Reiki is not to reach enlightenment. The practice of Yoga is not to reach enlightenment. If someone is doing energy healing on you, that is not synonymous with Reiki, at all and there is nothing sexual about it. If you choose to cut out whole food groups but don't put any work into your own nutrition, that is not anyone else's fault. Why are you calling people who work at crystal shops Gurus? They are not. Why are you objectifying Teal because of how she looks, what she wears, her video content and just being? This is misogynist. Why in all these videos do you spruik that her parents are wonderful when there is as much evidence of that as there is of ritual abuse... Aliens are present in most First Nation's history, so why are you ridiculing these beliefs just because they aren't western? If you live in someone else's house, it's normal to pay money for rent. This sexual abuser pretending to channel does not in any way feel authentic. Mocking channelers isn't making you seem better than Teal. Channeling is a skill like any skill, like touch typing, once you can do it, you don't lose that skill. This whole series of videos seems like people who know nothing about different modalities bagging them out because of their inexperience and their inability to learn about these things. The APA or AAPi or whatever are just organisations that takes money for membership. Psychology is no more beneficial or harmful than any of those other modalities. It's not more legitimate because it cost you more money in America, or because it's government funded. Communism is government funded in some countries, that isn't a sign that its right and just. In some countries education is free. Most of these modalities have been studied by science and validated if you care to look. All modalities if practiced in a terrible manner can be harmful including medicine and psych. Most SSRIs, SNRIs, Tricyclics, mood stabilisers, ect come with a warning of increased depression and suicidality and possibility of worsening symptoms and psychosis. Do you know what one of the current most widely used therapies by psychologists lately is? Mindfulness. Mindfulness originated from ancient eastern and Buddhist philosophy and dates back around 2500 years. The concept of mindfulness has been inspired by many, and Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues at the University of Massachusetts have been influential in establishing it in the western world. Are you aware of DR. Brian Weiss and his work in past and future lives? Are you aware many universities study past life phenomena? Why do you call these other modalities special powers? They are learned skills that anyone can do. I really don't think the person you sexually abused looks back and finds it hilarious. You claim to be evidence driven and yet you demonstrably know nothing about any of these modalities, have taken zero time to learn about them, know nothing of how they have been studied by governments and universities and yet you are rubbishing them. That is not evidence based.
@jewlz1960 Жыл бұрын
The only thing her paintings heal is her bank account.
@pithyparty6145 Жыл бұрын
Jared most likely had issues as a child that weren't recognized. Like ADHD and/or OCD that contributed to his proclivity for perfectionism. Religion can put undue pressure on an already overwhelmed person.
@lisamcdonald2877 2 жыл бұрын
From what I know, chakras are part of Hindu spiritual traditions. It's a bit insensitive to call them "superstition". I don't believe in the whole "energy" POV, particularly crystal "therapy". They are pretty rocks. Period. Was this young man vegan when he was super skinny? I recommend "Vegan Deterioration" on You Tube.
@dnfi5480 2 жыл бұрын
Right, and demon possesion causing ilness is part of Christian tradition. That does not make it anything more than superstition. Oriental traditions are not automatically exempted from the critical thinking we exercise with Western ones.
@hirosam7 Жыл бұрын
Interviewer keeps interrupting.
@Iris_Transforms_Healing Жыл бұрын
The truth is, if you’ve experienced trauma, that experience causes pain. If you don’t heal that pain, bad things WILL happen. For example, if you’ve been abandoned as a child, that is trauma, it shows up in many ways in an adults life, i.e., drug use, violence, self harm, and the list goes on. If you don’t learn how to heal that pain, those manifestations I just mentioned can destroy your life. The problem with Teal, and others like her who have created a movement out of their own pain, is that they haven’t healed their own pain. Their pain shows up as cult leadership and all that comes with that.
@healingrays3762 Жыл бұрын
Or she is still under the mind control of the same people who traumatized her, so now they are programming her followers by using her.
@kathyhackney7950 8 ай бұрын
​@@healingrays3762is there any evidence to suggest this? Genuinely curious
@barbcarty9964 2 жыл бұрын
I have no problem calling mormonism a cult. Not sure why you do.
@JuBeeJuBeeJu Жыл бұрын
6:29 For the record, Reiki is much like praying over someone. A true Reiki practitioner is trained and certified by a trained, certified Reiki master. Yes, there is a certain formality and method to it, but it isn't like telling someone you're sprinkling them with faerie dust. The person doesn't have to lie down or even be touched, and an appropriately trained, ethical practitioner doesn't even do it unless asked or given permission. The practice has been hijacked by people who love to feel magical and special, and now we can't even trust all Reiki "certifications." Personally, if it hasn't come directly down the Usui line, I diregard it as false teaching.
@evesperspective7662 4 жыл бұрын
I am reminded of The Pilgrim's Progress we read in the evangelical church I attended. It is a wonderful example of how we get off the path to experience what we are meant to experience to grow us and teach us on our path to the Celestial City. LOL I also have subscribed to Teal and there were some things I saw clearer because of her sharing and I moved on like Jared. We keep searching to find answers outside of us until we realize it is all within us. We just have to ask and we receive what is perfect for each of us. When my grown children ask me for answers I tell them they know. Seek within. Fearless journey all.
@teresataylor2916 2 жыл бұрын
Eve, thankyou for this. ❣
@evesperspective7662 2 жыл бұрын
@@teresataylor2916 We are love. Welcome
@elfinsim 2 жыл бұрын
Dude please next time, let the person you’re interviewing, talk.
@catbill1822 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Sometimes this guy's thoughts needed to be channeled a nd clarified. I would have stopped listening otherwise as it would have been too hard to follow.
@valeriesonalas7164 2 жыл бұрын
They're both chatty and catty
@scottbrandon6244 2 жыл бұрын
So he went from one high demand religion to another.
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