My Friend Told Me She Saw My Husband In The Park With His "Little Sister"

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@paden1865able 2 жыл бұрын
You don't carry on an affair with the husband of a client, that's just asking to get fired. It just screams "unprofessional homewrecker" and that's not the image a daycare wishes to convey.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
The daycare was named "Shoppin' for Cheating Husbands 'r Us."
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Unless you want to get rid of your husband and put him at fault.
@hareemqureshi822 2 жыл бұрын
It's such a massive violation especially for a kid. Imagine being a kid, and a trusted authority figure breaks up your parents and God forbid becomes yoyr stepparent. And neither the daycare worker nor the husband have shown any remorse
@jaymevosburgh3660 Жыл бұрын
​@@mbyerly9680 😂😂 oh snap
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: almost all jobs that involve kids say no romantic involvement with the family. It's not wrongful termination
@brigidtheirish 2 жыл бұрын
I just think of all those stories of kids finding out that their single parent is dating one of their teachers and freak out for multiple *extremely valid* reasons.
@lya9677 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, even some office jobs says no fraternizing, BECAUSE of fear of that same thing happening, and no companies, or owners needs to deal with bad publicities... even if the workers are professional during working hours and only hangout outside of work hours etc... it is frowned upon Your work place, is NEVER the place to meet a married person, if that is your type
@brigidtheirish 2 жыл бұрын
@@lya9677 Yeah, fraternizing with clients is *never* a good look.
@TsukiKageTora 2 жыл бұрын
If she tries to sue them for wrongful termination, she’d be laughed out of the court. Especially with her affair show in front of the child.
@ArmageddonAngel 2 жыл бұрын
@@TsukiKageTora she wouldn't even make it to court. Very few lawyers would take this case in the first place. But even if there was one, it would die in arbitration.
@astronautviolet153 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 A emotional affair is still cheating . hope she's gets full custody of the child and the friend is a great one.
@insideAdirtyMind 2 жыл бұрын
one year...they don´t just have an emotional affair after all this time
@cyrilmarasigan7108 2 жыл бұрын
1 and half years of affair would probabaly done some physical intimacy
@photofreak56 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as a photographer you NEVER wear white at a wedding. You wear black gray, tan or maybe navy. You dress professional. You blend in and make sure you are only visible when your client needs you
@jenniferbenedict2223 2 жыл бұрын
all the wedding photographers I've seen wear more casual (nice pants, nice shirt) all black outfits. nicer stage techy outfits.
@greyscalesx 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly the color wasn't the worse of it. But being braless isn't professional attire, and being braless wearing a sheer blouse ??? Like showing your boobs to a professional event ? And seeing as her reaction to being let go is to look up the clients address, show up to their house!, Wasted and make a scene, it's clear she lacked professionalism in many ways. I don't believe for second this was her first strike
@photofreak56 2 жыл бұрын
@@jenniferbenedict2223 most of us stick to all black including my self but if it's an outdoor wedding or the couple requests that we not wear black it's always good to have other options
@gabrielledormuth4634 2 жыл бұрын
The only white thing I've worn to a wedding were my socks but that's nowhere near as bad as what the one person in the story wore
@paulinadeboer3604 2 жыл бұрын
Ah well, 1 good thing she ain't in the pictures
@Russman67 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just impressed with the audacity. Not only are they cheating, but they're going to do it in broad daylight in the park where other parents that know them are going to take their kids. These two are honestly not the strongest strains of weed in the dispensary.
@Cel3ere5 2 жыл бұрын
I'm using that analogy from now on that's awesome. And, the chick thinking she can sue for wrongful termination? Lmaooo 🤣 oh those two Mensa members deserve each other.
@ladyonthelake8866 Жыл бұрын
Straight up dirt weed.
@eliopearlman1309 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: She's insane if she thinks she can sue for wrongful termination and win.
@Pastel_Dreams 2 жыл бұрын
Can only imagine being a fly on the wall if that case was ever to be presented in a court room 😂🤣
@pickle_pup8187 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed!! I would love to see her try and explain her thought process. In addition, the daycare owner asked and the client (the OP) answered - HONESTLY.
@ivorynk752 2 жыл бұрын
She probably thinks she can just hire lawyer that's never lost a case, not realizing that a lawyer that has never lost a case tend to be very selective of what cases they take on and can easily reject her.
@Cel3ere5 2 жыл бұрын
Husband ruined his marriage for this genius? They deserve each other. 🤣
@stuart4746 2 жыл бұрын
Right?! Her actions directly resulted in a loss of business. Who's gonna want to take their kids to the daycare center where the employees date married parents
@kristinewatson3702 2 жыл бұрын
The most egregious part of the husband cheating is bringing his CHILD with him to the park.
@memyselfandi7782 2 жыл бұрын
EXACTLY. Talk about a whole level of being low and teaching/bringing q kid head first into what could be a grooming trauma like situation for them. Awful parenting and person
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
IKR? And I'm willing to bet OP's divorce lawyer is just salivating over the Duplicitous Duo's dastardly deeds of deplorable doltishness. Everything that they could have done wrong to ensure a judge will hate them, they have eagerly done. 1. Fuck the "nanny" (essentially)? Check! 2. Brought your children on dates with the AP? Check! 3. Threaten to sue the company that fired the AP for violating their work contract, thus proving they have poor executive function? Check! 4. And god help the dumbasses if their state has an Alienation of Affection set of laws... Hopefully OP's lawyers takes them to the cleaners. If he wants his late teens/early twenties mid-life crisis arm trophy, at the expense of his wife, kids and the family's stability, then he better want and enjoy them tasty tasty consequences of his own bad actions.
@Midnight0Mistress 2 жыл бұрын
Oh you know, better get the child use to the new mom while traumatizing him at the same time.
@cyrilmarasigan7108 2 жыл бұрын
@@Original_Tenshi_Chan OH! Don't forget since his AP isn't a matured woman probably 6 months after the divorce ex hubby will run to OP and ask her for second chance, well Nope! You say you want to end this so i am ending it.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@cyrilmarasigan7108 Exactly! As soon as he realizes that she isn't going to put up with all the BS his wife did. Once the stresses of reality makes his side piece less fun, you know he's going to tell OP about how much he loves her, how he knows he fucked up and will "do anything for their love" (but he won't do that. No, he woooonnn't dooooo that. Lol), and it will all be too little too late.
@KE-hr4sb 2 жыл бұрын
S1: What was he thinking? I can't say *what* he was thinking, but I can say with confidence that he was thinking with the small head, not the big one. Also, teacher torpedoes her job by having an affair with a married client and wants to sue when she rightfully gets terminated? They deserve each other. I hope OP takes him for all he has. S2: 3 out of 5 was very generous. I'd have given her a 1 out of 5. Not a 0, because she was dressed. But wearing white to a wedding? White lace? SEETHROUGH white lace, without a bra? I like to go braless as much as the next lady, but I make sure to be respectful of other people's feelings when I go out, especially to an event/professional job!
@brigidtheirish 2 жыл бұрын
S1: You got it right on the second sentence. It's not about what he was thinking but what he was thinking *with.* S2: Yep! I like going braless, too, but I certainly don't go *out* braless unless it's the middle of winter and I know I won't be removing my coat anywhere. Living in the frozen north has its advantages.
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Sigh. My braless days are way back in my rear view mirror. Enjoy it while you can, girls!
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
'Would you really end a relationship over something like this?' Yes. Yes I would, and have for less. There's absolutely no reason to be paying for SIX PEOPLE who are mostly grown adults to go on vacation, because the person who committed to doing so bought a boat (upkeep on those, ugh) and a hunting tract (again, more up keep because the taxes are a nightmare), thinking they could just have you do it. The fit throwing is just the icing. 'I won't be accepting this back until you apologize?' That's some backwards, childish logic.
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
the part that pissed me of about the family is that they were (WERE, as I hope OP did the 'right ' thing) in a relation for a very long time, NONE of those FIL members asked OP and only thought .."wow no free holiday" and not "why" (or maybe they don't care I more then willing to believe the husband told some sob story and left out the boat and land BUT if I was the FIL then I would at least ask my husband;s wife for her side of the story. And after hearing this my son could find another place to stay!
@brigidtheirish 2 жыл бұрын
What gets me is how OP makes this sound like a sudden change in behavior. Is it some weird mid-life crisis? Or has he always been this childish and irresponsible but OP just didn't notice until now? Oh, as for the "would you really..." question, *he's* ending the relationship, not her.
@KCCAT5 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertx8020 that's the problem today most people don't wait to hear the other side of the story they just take one person's word for it and then get mad
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
@@KCCAT5 true but it still makes me sad
@akl2k7 2 жыл бұрын
@@brigidtheirish It's a mid-life crisis. What's next is a Ferrari and a blonde bombshell.
@pourpeopledrinks 2 жыл бұрын
Can we talk about what a national treasure the other mom was in story one??? Going back EVERY DAY to try and see his wife to quietly tell her about the :sister" that she knows isnt a sister is some actual dedication to wholesomeness (lets not act like shes stalking OP or anything please, this is not that lmao). Giving me hope and also that felt like listening to my own brain talk, she has such a relatable way of writing. Good on her
@ettinakitten5047 Жыл бұрын
Let's be honest, it sounds like she mostly did it because she found the drama fun.
@IKKclauKR 2 жыл бұрын
I'm here laughing about the "sue for wrongful termination, because the affair was out of the workplace"...I'm pretty sure most school have like a clause in the contracts about not having relationships with parents
@reallyisay 2 жыл бұрын
OP go scorched earth.. inform the daycare and the parents..Get a Great Lawyer ..get a restraining order on her and FYI she meet him At the daycare which makes the termination legal.. inform his work..take the home, car, half his retirement, child support and spousal support..
@Azulakayes 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed...having an affair with your child's teacher warrants scorched earth from OP. That teacher must be fired because no parent would want to take their children to that daycare. What a disrespectful disgusting and unprofessional teacher. Gross misconduct like you know, having an affair with a client, does warrant termination. She will not get anything.
@GabrielleHayes1921 2 жыл бұрын
Like if my husband said he wanted to divorce and found someone else, fine, be open with me about it, keep your shit, I don't want it, all I want is you to still be in the kids lives and help out with their school and medical bills because they are half his after all. But if he was sneaking around and had the whore around the kids or multiple whores around the kids and acting like some loving family with them, I will bury him. I would also bury him if he tried to make someone else the new or second mommy, my kids have one mom and that's me, just as they only have one dad, should he die tomorrow and in 5+++++yrs I find someone new (which would never happen because.. just no), the new guy would still not be their dad, they only have one and only ever will.
@atinyevil1383 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I said this on Markee’s video and I’ll say it here. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t sleep together. The man went around places they go and people they know with this woman. He cheated with his child present. He used his child as way to cheat, even. It would actually be less hurtful if he only slept with her. This has the possibility to traumatize their son. It’s shameful.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
The photographer's actions after the review show that's she's an irrational and angry drunk as well highlighting her cheap call girl attire. OP's lucky her or her groom's families aren't conservative or unfriendly to the bride and/or the groom, or the reception could have blown apart with screaming MILs.
@ellorasg4525 2 жыл бұрын
I heard story 1 before. It's good to see an update about it. :D Last story: Get rid of that that selfish overgrown brat. Listen to your kids OP.
@meimei51793 2 жыл бұрын
story 2 : even if the top was t see through its weird to wear a white lace top to a wedding. i also doubt she was fired over a single incident
@Snowshowslow 2 жыл бұрын
And if she was, her issue is with her employer, not the customer who left a medium review
@meimei51793 2 жыл бұрын
@@Snowshowslow seriously, either way no the reviewers fault
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
Good looking out by the friend. The husband is so dumb. He had to want to get caught. No one is this stupid.
@michaelwest2388 2 жыл бұрын
Are you american? way too many here take some please
@Musiyca 2 жыл бұрын
That was also a "friend mom" seeing familiar looking female, so their kids attend the same daycare. And well, cheating people are stupid, although men more often than women.
@khaleesireyna731 Жыл бұрын
@@Musiyca cheating people never think THEY'LL get caught. And if they do, it won't be that bad. Pretty stupid, but yeah the daycare worker side piece deserved ro be fired. What idiots.
@mag9sp1 2 жыл бұрын
Awkward Trish is the hero everyone needs.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
Your husband and his whole family are TA. You do not owe an apology, but he owes you a HUGE one. He made horrible financial decisions knowing about the upcoming trip.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 2 жыл бұрын
Last one - it isn't "just this argument" though. It's the attitude and the underlying obnoxious behaviour, the expectation that he could just buy whatever the hell he wanted and his wife wouldn't mind subsidizing him. He wants to do that, he can go have his retirement crisis with his mommy instead.
@pickle_pup8187 2 жыл бұрын
I always find it manipulative when the spouse has their family especially mommy call or text and scold the OP for the problem. As a mom with adult kids, I stay out of their relationships. If asked, I will provide advice and if applicable I provide perspective on their SO(s) point of view. I want them to develop critical thinking regarding problem solving in their relationships. It is the parent’s job to encourage their kids to communicate and handle their business and only step in if necessary ie domestic violence.
@pickle_pup8187 2 жыл бұрын
I always find it manipulative when the spouse has their family especially mommy call or text and scold the OP for the problem. As a mom with adult kids, I stay out of their relationships. If asked, I will provide advice and if applicable I provide perspective on their SO(s) point of view. I want them to develop critical thinking regarding problem solving in their relationships. It is the parent’s job to encourage their kids to communicate and handle their business and only step in if necessary ie domestic violence.
@mrsbobanna 2 жыл бұрын
What really kills me about the preschool teacher story is that the man is basically communicating that his wife isn't good as either a lover OR a mother. The only thing she was good enough for in his eyes, was to make a baby.
@Musiyca 2 жыл бұрын
Or maybe OP is the breadwinner working more hours than hubby and he was feeling emasculated? It's easier to impress a daycare teacher that is fresh out of school, isn't it
@clairebear-96 2 жыл бұрын
LMAO “he hates owing people money so he’ll make up excuses not to pay me back” People who hate owing money actually pay it back, sounds to me like he really doesn’t mind owing money at all
@zachf748 2 жыл бұрын
Story #3 - The people asking would you really divorce over that?… Uh, yes? The husbands actions and treatment of his wife is absolutely despicable. You don’t do that to anyone that you actually love and respect. His *_I got it covered_* plan the whole time was to bully her into paying for his family, and then never pay her back. Because if someone is doing you a favor and just wants your signature and a promise to repay, you sign it and say “of course, thank you for helping me out”. You only get mad like that if you had no plan to pay that money back.
@Snowshowslow 2 жыл бұрын
Well I have to say if my partner suggested I pay interest I would be a little taken aback too. But everything leading up to that moment and after that moment makes him divorce worthy for sure. And even her and the kids' reaction is telling of the breakdown in communication, so it's all pointing towards divorce or at least marriage counselling.
@kaylaprice370 2 жыл бұрын
If they grown kids are telling OP that their dad deserves it then something tells me that this is normal
@jamestown8398 2 жыл бұрын
STORY #1 OP needs to get to the bottom of this. Meeting another woman and keeping it secret from OP? Initially, cheating seems like a real possibility. It could be a newly-discovered sister too, but that’s less likely. UPDATE So it is cheating. An emotional affair is still cheating. He’s a rat bastard, and I hope OP goes scorched earth. “Civil for the kids” is bullshit and only benefits the cheater. In fact, once the divorce is finalized, I hope OP never contacts him again and stuff relating to the kids is only done through a lawyer. FRIEND’S POV Remember how I called the husband a rat bastard? Well he is. I’m glad the affair-partner lost her job, and I hope she loses her lawsuit and gets ostracized.
@AndyyWithAY 2 жыл бұрын
A 3 out of 5 is extremely generous. I would've given her 1 star. White at a wedding, see-through, no bra. That's completely unprofessional. You actively heard people talking about her wardrobe. I give high stars when appropriate and low stars when appropriate. I never feel bad for leaving reviews. It's my right as a consumer.
@DePhoegonIsle 2 жыл бұрын
Or ya know, addressing it directly with the person and not being an outright coward. You realize not everyone is on the same bloody page as another when it comes to 'what is ok & not' for events. IF the employee blows you off and continues to basically double down, then it's on them now.
@JuanRodriguez-tf7fh 2 жыл бұрын
@@DePhoegonIsle you don’t wear WHITE to a wedding that is not YOURS!!!!!!!!
@rai1578 2 жыл бұрын
@@DePhoegonIsle While i generally agree that communication is better and people should talk things through first... don't wear white is THE number one most known wedding rule. And surely this isn't the photographer's first wedding. This isn't some obscure wedding rule, it's common knowledge. And if you're going to be a wedding photographer, you should at least have basic knowledge of wedding etiquette.
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
@@rai1578 I agree PL;US what if the photographer had walked out? I think that if I was OP I would have weighted "unprofessionally dressed' against 'potentially no photographer/ a scene'" then I would opt for the first option and et her do her job! It;s not being a thinking before acting...but that might be just me ;)
@Original_Tenshi_Chan 2 жыл бұрын
@@DePhoegonIsle You don't need to be "on the same bloody page" to understand that lace is see through, and that showing your nipnips (as a woman) in public, is still considered illegal. The photographer can be on whatever "bloody page" she likes, and still acknowledge that wearing a white, lace, see-through top, sans titty prisons, is unprofessional, illegal, and just plain dumb. Also, there is nothing the OP could have done at the time. The photographer is obviously all foam, no beer and doesn't seem to respond in an appropriate fashion. Do you seriously think that was her first and only offense? Do you seriously think she would have continued on with the wedding photo shoot in a professional manner, given her lack of professionalism during and after? So, you're saying OP should have torched her own wedding photography prospects, rather than ignore the loon and inform the boss after the fact? I'll even give you the unearned benefit of the doubt - That the photographer would have reacted rationally to being asked "your high beams are on display, could you please change outfits or employ the services of a bra for the day?", how would anything have changed? It's a summer wedding, I highly doubt anyone has a coat she can wear. It's not likely she brought a change of clothes, since most people usually don't (except in very specific scenarios). And I doubt another photographer could have been brought in to replace her, or her have time to drive home and change, all on such short notice. She went to the wedding knowing white is not appropriate, and that lace is see-through. This was intentional, I just don't know why.
@tegantalks9612 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. I’m a manager of a customer facing department at my job and if one of my employees showed up to work with their bare breasts visible, I would not be happy either. The fact that she got fired over it tells me this probably isn’t the first time she’s been unprofessional.
@hothead2463 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 Nta: They probably fired her so easily because it was her first time doing an event and she f up big time. Her going to op's house some time after they told her is real telling of her professionalism.
@slytherinlibrarian3501 2 жыл бұрын
Cheers to Trish for bringing up the wife when she saw the cheating scumbags!🥂🥂🥂
@helenlewis2510 2 жыл бұрын
I think emotional affairs might be even worse than physical ones, like just one day you decide I don’t love my partner anymore I love someone else. SMH 🤦‍♀️
@vincentender1486 2 жыл бұрын
Oh it is, and then they complained about a ruined friendship and three days after Xmas that year broke up with me with of course the "I don't love you anymore, bye I am going to my mothers place in three hours" mind you they lived three years rent free and never got a job, and when things finally started working for them nope, bye bye. Let's just say quite a few of our mutual friends became just my friends after that
@squirrel670 2 жыл бұрын
Not really because how can you love your partner and throw them away for puss or dick thats like 1 time. It's both bad. In both they aren't thinking about you at all or do and don't care.
@Musiyca 2 жыл бұрын
Correct. Intimacy is not just the sex. Emotional intimacy is the long talks, often walks in park, sharing glances and holding hands. That builds up to amazing sex in the relationship. So starting with the emotional intimacy with someone who is not part of your marriage is so wrong.
@tiredbylife.5589 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: The ex-worker and homewrecker has no grounds to sue the daycare. If anything, the daycare could sue in some cases. You do not sleep with clients. She legit made the daycare lose a child meaning that they just lost money. She wants to sue for wrongful termination? The daycare just needs to prove that she has cost them some business.
@zachf748 2 жыл бұрын
Story #3 - The outright lack of respect you have to have to do that to your spouse and then the evilness to sick your family on them, as if she’s the bad guy?… Sickening.
@kennethsjvold9212 Жыл бұрын
Wtf is wrong with you, you know he always paid for his family and the kids, what did she pay for, her parents. Only her parents. Wtf is wrong with reddit and People here
@itsjustmaddisen 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I need to have a shower after the first story lol. Also, good on that acquaintance for telling OP so that the filthy ex husband didn’t drop this on her and prepared her without directly saying anything.
@puli_dreadhead 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: His family either knows the half truth or have been spoiled for too long to care about his bad spending habits.
@whiskeyontherocks 2 жыл бұрын
Last story, I would closely monitor the husband's behaviour. He is retired and his irrational behaviour may be a sign of dementia
@andredunbar3773 2 жыл бұрын
At age 49? Isn't that a bit young for that?
@meghanbrooks3990 2 жыл бұрын
@@andredunbar3773 probably rare, but early onset dementia is a thing, but I’d place my bet closer to a midlife crisis at that age? But most likely just being an AH.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like midlife crisis. My dad went through that at about that age. Not like this guy, but the irresponsible spending on expensive stuff he wanted as a young man that he has no conceivable need for without thinking about consequences fits the bill. Of course, my dad's a workaholic so that was twenty some years ago and he's still not fully retired and he didn't spend more than he could have, just more than he should have on a bunch of stuff he never used. Getting near there myself I understand and empathize, to a degree. You've been working for thirty plus years for what? So you can just get by and have a somewhat comfortable retirement? F that, I'm still young enough to enjoy this stuff I could never really afford when I was younger but I'm getting old so won't be able to for long. Still, there's no empathy at all for the complete disregard and lack of respect this guy showed for his wife and the utter immaturity in his behavior when he realized there actually were consequences is just beyond unforgivable.
@Misspellednumbers 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: I'd like to know more about how their kids see their dad. If this was my dad, I'd be very confused about his actions and have no concern for the trip anymore. My dad just spent an abundance of money and left home? Wtf? This isn't just an argument because he wouldn't have gone this far if it was. If I saw the ring at home, I'd get pissed. You bet you're not coming back if that's how it is.
@Musiyca 2 жыл бұрын
I'm more stuck on the fact that he's only 49 and retired. Not even half of his life and he's not making any big money anymore. Worst, he's impulsively spending a lot of money instead. Not sure if that's just my environment, but men need to work for as long as possible, cause when they stay home and have too much free time they tend to make very irresponsible impulsive decissions.
@robertx8020 2 жыл бұрын
@@Musiyca He xpected his wife to chip in ...and not just for the vacation
@kennethsjvold9212 Жыл бұрын
​@@Musiyca this got 2 one of the most stupid answer in the history of youtube.
@singingwordwright148 2 жыл бұрын
Re:last story. My spouse and I check in with each other before making any purchase over $50, a habit that started two decades ago when we were younger and less financially solvent. If my spouse came home with a boat that I never agreed to us purchasing, I’d tell Spouse that I hope it has a comfy bed below deck because they’re going to be sleeping in it.
@TheHellsHobbit 2 жыл бұрын
#1 I would report that teacher, get a lawyer, teacher crossed a major ethical line.
@wendyhadley2764 2 жыл бұрын
Last Story your husband can take his pretty new boat out to the property he wasted money on and live in it.
@nightcorelucario2218 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to point out something I haven't seen anyone else has on the last story. Husband "noticed" OP had a significant amount of money in her account. This means he somehow found out how much money was in OP's personal account which is shady af
@Snowshowslow 2 жыл бұрын
Is it? I have a pretty good idea of how much money is in my partner's bank account and he also does of mine. Not because either has designs on the other's money, but because we file joint taxes and we talk to each other about finances. I don't think that's the shady part, but the entitlement, the anger and the lack of communication are.
@jennydrake491 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, he might have gone snooping for her bank statement. But she might have given him access to her account. Lots of married folks do that. If so, she should definitely change her account information and keep him out now!
@nicoleposada7916 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my 🤣🤣 the ap is really young and naive, to not say stoopid, she get involved with a parent, doesn't matter if is out of school, she really don't know how it works for any business, specially schools and daycares. She would had a bad reputation after this, because I hope the owner let know any other daycare or schools around. Is even more dumb because she believes she didn't do anything wrong 😒
@RyuClaudius 2 жыл бұрын
OP is 45 and her husband is 49 with his family as a whole baggage, that's 20+ more years to endure that while he survives off of his pension. I don't think I can endure that if my SO would have nilly willy purchases along with family baggage.
@clairebear-96 2 жыл бұрын
Lmfaooo story 2 NTA but i can just picture that girl getting drunk, getting upset about the (reasonable) complaint, going “she wants me to wear a bra! i’ll wear a f****** bra!!” as she layers up on 3 bras and heads out to yell in her yard 😂😭
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 The husband is the worse-using this CHILD to facilitate his cheating. And the daycare worker deserves to be fired. She is dating one of her charges parents who is also married
@cheskydivision 2 жыл бұрын
If ppl put half as much energy into their marriage as they do having an affair then there would be no divorce.
@maggpiprime954 2 жыл бұрын
Daycare worker dating a married client? Yikes! NTA, OP. The photographer must be really really poor, having to get dressed in the dark, with not even a bathroom mirror to look in. Whoever lent her that blouse is the real A.H. 🙄😂 Seriously tho, she knew exactly what she was wearing; any half decent photographer understands basic aesthetics (especially if they have some fashion sense), and will know how fabrics, skin and light work together. Sounds like the sort of person who is always the universe's "punching bag," and takes no accountability for their own actions. NTA, OP.
@maggpiprime954 2 жыл бұрын
Also, the vacation story is weird. If OP's husband hasn't been financially abusive in the past 30 years (insufficient info), is he having a stroke? Early onset dementia? NTA.
@kateemma22 2 жыл бұрын
In the original comments of the first one before the update everyone assumed Trish be done knew and was subtly trying to tell the OP that her husband was cheating on her. They were right. Trish is the realest. Stay awesome, Trish.
@kathymonahan8024 2 жыл бұрын
That father is robbing the cradle. Big age difference and what mature woman acts like a giggling school girl. Her job is working with young children and should be more careful and professional
@dm9078 2 жыл бұрын
That clown is trickle truthing her. She needs to see a lawyer now!
@thatwitchychick2717 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap.. Story 1 is bonkers. "We never did anything physical." Yet they were caught hugging by a friend of the OP. He's a scum bag liar and to bring the children around it? I hope she takes him for everything he's got and gets that teacher fired.
@DarkAngel65989 2 жыл бұрын
I saw the third story somewhere, and my comment still the same. feel bad for OP in the last story, I think OP should talk with a lawyer since it look like Husband want a divorce or it's a trick/bluff. I think OP should talk to the kids before speaking with the husband
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 - NTA You don’t wear white at a wedding and you especially don’t wear white without a camisole or a tank top underneath. Oftentimes when someone is fired, it is because they probably have a tracklist of greivances (unless you are cheating with coworker and clients).
@MariMotherofGoblins 2 жыл бұрын
It's laughable that the day care teacher says the relationship didn't happen in the day care itself. It obviously started there, and I don't know many moms who would put theor kids in a classroom with a teacher that would poach their husband's.
@MsUnamusedNerd 2 жыл бұрын
STORY 3: OP made the right call going on the trip without her big crybaby of a husband. He really ghosted her for two weeks because he was a responsible with his money and expected her to cover his half despite the fact he hates owing people money and would’ve found some type of way to weasel out of paying back. The theatrics this man poured. Leaving a note with his wedding ring threatening to never come back until he gets an apology??? LMFAO also why does she owe his family an apology? Because she turned her phone off so they could harass her during her vacation? Screw that!
@askreddit3021 2 жыл бұрын
Trish knew exactly what she was doing, go Trish.
@builtontherockhomestead9390 2 жыл бұрын
Wedding photographers behavior afterward speaks volumes. Think she has some issues that was impacting her professionalism.
@Boundwithflame23 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll be honest I kinda think it’s better S1 OP found out the way she did instead of him springing it on her one day like “hey honey I’m leaving you for our son’s daycare teacher. Good luck have fun!” At least in this case she was a bit more prepared for the worst case scenario.
@jennydrake491 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely. Hopefully that way she was able to prevent the cheater from removing marital funds. I wasn't that lucky. My ex managed to divert most of our assets before I found out about his plans.
@Musiyca 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 makes me mad. The stupid excuse of "I met someone and we just clicked" is so weak. People click with different people throughout all stages of life. But once you're married, you actively chose one specific person, so when you meet another one you click with there's moral principle of not acting upon it. You just don't follow up on that magnet, you don't faciliate feeling any more for a third party. Another stupid excuse "I was thinking of leaving for awhile, but was waiting for the right moment", give me a break. He was a coward and wanted the best of both worlds - a new young fling, but not giving up on the security and maturity with OP. Which is ironic to me; husband claims he clicks with that teacher and wanted to go on his marry way with her, but still hesitated until caught in the act. He also has the audacity of "keeping it civil for the kids", but goes on to live in basement apartment. Kids pick up on it real quick. And OP was already figuring out a way to let their kids know about the situation, was just looking into ways to do it approperate to their comprehension. Good on OP, children come first. Not to mention, teacher's reaction to threaten with lawsuit tells me she's 21-23 maybe. Super immature, super not ready for a relationship. Explains why husband was hesitating with leaving OP on his own. That 13 years age gap is already biting him in the buttom. Even when discussing people of the same position in the company dating I'm a bit iffy about it. Yes, we spend a lot of time at work, so it's hard to make friends outside and have time for them, but at the same time when promotion comes one of the people will get resentful. Manager dating his secretary is yikes too. And then there's dating your client/client's spouce. Put huge age gap in the mix and you have concucssion worst than medieval sewer system. Just don't do that to yourself. Especially when you are very much aware that there are kids involved. Just back away, distance yourself, don't you dare act on that spark.
@cfraser1321 2 жыл бұрын
The vacation husband -- yup. dump him for being stupid about spending recklessly and without taking into account his established obligation to pay for his family's vacation. If he hasn't figured out that he f'ed up by now, he won't. He's going to trash the wife's bank account and have nothing in "his own" bank account to last out his retirement. His track record of discussing financial cooperation sucks so he needs to be on his own for this phase of his life.
@lisakaz35 2 жыл бұрын
That last story: OP didn't have much of a marrige if the spouse is using her as a piggy bank for his family and making wild purchases to "justify" it. Maybe a setup, maybe not, but she would become just a "mark" for gaslighting if she allowed it to continue.
@alyzu4755 2 жыл бұрын
That teacher shouldn't be allowed near kids ever again. I hope OP gets full custody and lots of alimony and child support. Story 2: Um... COMPLETELY unprofessional! Both on the day of the wedding and then at OP's home! 3 out of 5 was very generous. Last story: Yup, let him go. He and his family are treating OP like trash after 30 years. The kids are right, he doesn't deserve anything from OP. I hope he enjoys his boat after he loses his wife and kids. Hope it was worth it.
@evarodriguez4319 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1, 1. get a lawyer. 2. Get tested for STDs. 3. Get all your important papers ready especially bank statements, etc. Get a therapist.
@necilya 2 жыл бұрын
We definitely need an update on the 1st story.
@dianeessex300 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: In a relationship, you always discuss large purchases. But I get the feeling this guy's done a lot of this kinda thing, and not just to his wife. The comment from their kids says a lot.
@Tammohawk1 2 жыл бұрын
1. I'd be having daycare teacher's job pronto. And he wouldn't be staying in the basement apartment. He'd be out. Good luck to the home wrecker finding an attorney to take her case. I don't think it's going to happen due to her bad ethics. 2. NTA You don't show up to a formal event in a sheer top without anything on underneath. Especially white, unless under a blazer. You want to be modest to be professional. There is a time and place to show your ta ta's. And she knew, we women almost always look in the mirror before we leave the house. 3. Husband played around and found out the hard way. Of course his family is angry at OP, they are Choosing Beggars.
@Flakey101 2 жыл бұрын
On what grounds are you going to evict the husband on a property that he half owns?
@annienunyabiz6627 Жыл бұрын
I will never be able to decide who is worse- the cheater, or the scumbag that knowingly helps the cheater destroy another's life. One is violating the trust of someone that thought they loved them, the other is so selfish they have zero issue helping nuke a spouse and their children's lives.
@clairebear-96 2 жыл бұрын
Wowww I’ve worked in daycare/childcare centers for a few years and never worked anywhere that dating a kid’s dad - much less a MARRIED MAN - wouldn’t be extremely frowned upon or even a fire-able offense…. can’t even imagine doing that as a teacher like jesus christ
Thanks for the stories mark. It’s helping make dealing with and recovery from COVID a lot easier to just sit back and listen to these.
@TheEmpressReborn 2 жыл бұрын
Get better soon!
@AllistorMichelle 2 жыл бұрын
story 3: nta but in a comment someone made, "are you really going to end the relationship over something like this?" yes. if op's hubby put that on the table the op needs to take charge and get that divorce. i don't fking care what ends the relationship. the moment it's brought up as a threat\joke then the other needs to end it. had a bf who "joking" end things even after i asked them to stop. they did it again so i started loosing interest in him. i didn't end thing because i didn't want him to hurt himself. he was a recovering cutter and i didn't want to push him to do it again. i still cared just not in a relationship way anymore. it stressed me so bad that something petty pushed me to break up. when i did i felt free. i hate saying that but it felt nice. my point is, don't threaten or joke about ending the relationship other wise your partner will end it for real
@francissobotka8725 2 жыл бұрын
Op needs to let the daycare know what is up
@MistySophie 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: no doubt the husband is a scumbag, but the teacher is wrong too. I know that people often says not to blame the other person because "they are nor the one who cheated", but going with the married man and the father of the child in you care- yeah no, she is horrible too. Honestly I'm glad she was fired
@icantchange.youtubesaysine7338 2 жыл бұрын
Oh. Oh I know this story. Haven’t even started and I know how this goes down.
@jennbrewster3912 2 жыл бұрын
I've worked at Country Clubs as a server for weddings & 1) you NEVER wear white to a wedding & 2) as staff you show up dressed as a professional! The places I've worked if you were to show up one time dressed like that photographer you would be written & sent home if it happened again you would have been fired!!!
@4mtnkat Жыл бұрын
I wish there was an update to #3!!! That husband has lost his mind! Sounds like they both worked hard but wife got them to a comfortable place with financial planning and he’s blowing it like an impulsive brat!
@ceciliacalvin207 2 жыл бұрын
Number 2 today. Ain’t I special? 🤣🙃
@indiashante1560 2 жыл бұрын
I'd deadass report that preschool teacher to the daycare. That's so damn unprofessional.
@amberleeannalee1999 2 жыл бұрын
“Little sis” huh? Lol nice try buddy
@samoanjoseph1457 2 жыл бұрын
Does it actually matter WHERE a daycare worker has an affair with a married client? Shouldn't it matter more THAT they had one at all? Just because it didn't happen on daycare property doesn't make it okay, you're still wrecking a marriage and probably shouldn't be trusted around other married fathers, for fear of the same thing happening (and the same excuse being used). I would think you could be fired simply for flirting with a client. Actively ending their marriage by dating him publicly, you should never be able to work in that field again.
@shenanigans8258 2 жыл бұрын
Mark, you cheeky so and so have the best day.
@PrincessMadeira 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: Nta, if the photographer had been a man and showed up in a sheer top it would have been equally inappropriate
@GabrielleHayes1921 2 жыл бұрын
1) I need more information to this, please keep this saga going, I'm invested
@annem7806 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like husband may have signs of early dementia w those stupid purchases. Secure & privatize your funds. Get him tested. His debts will be yours. See an atty now.
@darkmask5933 2 жыл бұрын
People laughing at the teacher in story 1 for suing for wrongful termination, but here's the thing, she knows she won't win, she's using the suit to blackmail her employer. If it becomes public knowledge that a daycare employed a teacher who ended up in an affair with one of the parents, it could very well cause other parents to pull their kids out and cause the business to fail, a daycare is only as good as long as they can keep steady clients. The teacher knows she will lose if it goes to court, she is holding the dirty laundry over the daycare owner's head to force a settlement, or at the very least, to allow the teacher to resign so it won't show up as a black mark on her resume. Teacher is playing dirty to avoid responsibility.
@kazzuo32 2 жыл бұрын
@sequoyasierra5671 2 жыл бұрын
AT A PUBLIC PARK Obviously he wanted to get caught.
@13thMaiden 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3) Thirty years of marriage and suddenly this man is making crazy purchases (buying a tract of land when your home lot has abundant game is stupid as hell unless you plan to rent out the land for other hunters. It just becomes a hassle with taxes and such. The boat is like the land, the only reason to buy a boat is if you fish extremely regularly or live by a navigable body of water, otherwise renting a boat is more cost effective and you don't have to deal with upkeep.) And then trying to poke into your acc to keep looking good to his family? Nah-uh. The man is having a later-life crisis (the older version of a midlife crisis), and if he's going to torpedo his marriage after being that damn selfish, you're probably better off. Even your KIDS said he doesn't deserve to go on vacation for being such an ass.
@brigidtheirish 2 жыл бұрын
1: Wow. Just... *WOW.* The whole "it wasn't physical" excuse is just as bad as "it was just sex" one. Either way doesn't make the cheating any better. If makes it *worse!* Update: The friend is my spirit animal. 2: Three stars? *THREE STARS?* That's not a bad review, that's a "showed up, took pictures, kinda meh" review! She deserved *ONE* star for "showed up practically naked, at least she was entertaining and the photos were okay." I'm with folk saying this isn't the first time the photographer wasn't appropriately dressed given how quickly her boss called asking for clarification. 3: Hol' up. He makes at least two enormous purchases, basically demands OP pay for the entire vacation after claiming to "have it covered," then disappears without a word for *two weeks?* If this is entirely new behavior, I'd be deeply concerned about a brain tumor or something else affecting cognitive functions. Given how his family is acting, though, I suspect it's simply accepted practice for these people and OP somehow missed it all these years. At least the kids are reasonable.
@terramarini6880 2 жыл бұрын
She was in charge of his finances due to his work travel, once he retired he became exhausting about stupid purchases and she handed him back control of his side of financials (hers are separate) she only noticed his nonsense spending habits once he retired and she wasn't doing his budgeting for him. I'm totally giving her a pass on that but she needs to get to a lawyer first, he's already moving money into assets with only his name on it, he's being shady AF.
@wessexdruid7598 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: the definition of a boat is "a hole in the water you throw money into."
@memyselfandi7782 2 жыл бұрын
Yo wth. The husband was cheating and BRINGING HIS KID INTO IT
@shawnesmith5364 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3 : wow it sad that the kids act more like an adult unlike there dad
@JohnSmith-xq1pz 2 жыл бұрын
A wild checky so and so appares and takes all the waffles before signing out for awhile
@geisterhaus6175 2 жыл бұрын
the one with the photographer brought me to tears 🤣
@BritInvLvr 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the wedding photographer, I would have asked her to cover up as soon as I saw her. If she had a problem with it, I would call her company. My relatives would be very uncomfortable with the peep show.
@peggyseabrun4829 2 жыл бұрын
Last story : LOL at the commenters asking if OP would end her marriage over an argument like this, husband certainly has
@MsStrangeEmilie Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I'm Glad some people are not smart when doing something wrong.
@Hiimreggie 2 жыл бұрын
Not giving story 1 husband any excuses but not all affairs are physical
@mommieminnesota3108 2 жыл бұрын
Not only in public but it's a park that the wife goes to as well.i think he wanted to get caught
@ettinakitten5047 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 - If this spending is a new thing out of character, I think he should get checked out for a mental health issue or neurological condition. I can think of several that could cause behavior like this (bipolar disorder, frontotemporal dementia, etc).
@paulahowlett8452 Жыл бұрын
This op should report this woman to her school
@theconfusedvampire 2 жыл бұрын
Good day, Wafflegang! Hope you're doing well today, Mark! Remember you're always loved and important to someone. There is no such thing as an unimportant person. 🖤🔥
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