Night Shift Clerks, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Seen ?

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Night Shift Clerks, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Seen ?
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@mercuriogrimmalkyne2291 Жыл бұрын
As previously pointed out. Story 35 is 'Tales from the Gas Station' by Jack Townsend. And you absolutely should check it out. Narrated by Mr. Creepypasta
@nouhorni3229 Жыл бұрын
I just bought the actual books and I don't regret it.
@PaddyLCak3s Жыл бұрын
@@nouhorni3229 a very excellent investment
@M0nst3r_3n3rg7 Жыл бұрын
@fluffymoth87 Жыл бұрын
I've heard all of them, and even had a dream once that I worked at the gas station XD
@WASDLeftClick Жыл бұрын
Overrated imo but not terrible.
@catastrophicfailure2745 Жыл бұрын
finally he acknowledges how many jobs he has had! i actually want to try working night shift for a gas station or something because my circadian rhythm is naturally tuned for night time (about 1pm wake up and 4 am sleep if i stop using alarms to get me up in the morning)
@chloemartin9741 Жыл бұрын
If you don't mind me asking, what time do you go to sleep and wake up in the morning with alarms? Do you sleep through the night?
@catastrophicfailure2745 Жыл бұрын
@@chloemartin9741 i usually fall asleep at around midnight to one in the morning, and i have an alarm for 9:15 every morning. i sleep through the night but i have a really hard time falling asleep if im not on the natural rhythm. sometimes i just pull all-nighters bc it feels more natural and occasionally i'll go back to sleep after my alarm and wake up at noon Edit: i should probably mention that i currently don't have a job due to moving and i'm in online college right now.
@britishporygon4678 Жыл бұрын
The one about kitty warms my heart ♥️ So glad he’s alright
@fakeperson9788 Жыл бұрын
I once worked a graveyard shift and had a regular couple come in. They would always sit in the parking lot for hours and then come in. This was a big store but not like a truck stop big. They would spend about an hour walking the small aisles like it was a grocery store or a Walmart. Then would buy their things, walk back to their vehicle and sit there for hours. It happened like 4-5 times a week. It wouldn’t have bothered me but they would come in during my serious time where it’s dead and I wanted to get things done without worrying of customers.
@ShabadoobieVT Жыл бұрын
Former Assistant Manager here: Had a guy come in during the Covid pandemic using a full-on Guy Fawkes mask. Wouldn't speak anything, only wrote and pantomimed. He was a regular, so I knew WHO it was, he spoke A LOT, but I didn't know WHY he was going so hard. I was working a double, too, so my head was just out of it
@kamieaston3016 Жыл бұрын
I worked at a truck stop between two small towns. Secluded area, I mean it was the only truck stop within a 40 mile radius. Had a few industrial businesses around us, but for the most part it was abandoned. It was 100% haunted. From hearing random footsteps, moans and even sudden loud bangs inside the store when it was just me alone. Going outside was worse. I'd always see fast moving objects dart off in the distance, atop the snow covered hills. My other coworkers that worked nightshifts absolutely refused to leave the store even to lay down ice melt. You always feel like you're being watched out there.
@lloganveith5192 Жыл бұрын
Story 31. I worked at Kwik Stop, a convenience store in Nebraska. I work the night shift as well, 11 to 7 a.m. A guy walked in while I was making popcorn for the next morning shift and he also said " heyy girl". I am a male. I do have long blond hair and am not large in stature, so I do understand the mix-up. I just find it humorous.
@Eepy_boba Жыл бұрын
I could imagine that being a night shift worker would be scary 😵‍💫
@Craftymom1o19 Жыл бұрын
1 depends on the area. 2 depends on you. Bad area but you aren't fazed or don't tolerate shenanigans you will be fine. Good area but you have trouble with Karen's and you'll wish you worked in the hood. I work at a truck stop between both types of areas, I also don't tolerate non professional behavior, not from the customers or employees. The worst part of the job is honestly corporate.
@thebishopofme Жыл бұрын
I worked overnight shift for a Midwestern chain general store/gas station. Little town, big meth problem. We did made to order sandwiches and pizza in the kitchen as well as fresh doughnuts. Had two fellas of a particular ilk come in and bought (if I recall correctly) 7 12" sandwiches "with all the fixins" at least 4 large pepperoni pizzas, as well as 5 pepsi 30 packs, 3 dr pepper 24 packs, and like 10 family sized bags of chips. They also tried to buy a bunch of mini propane tanks we sold, but we were locked out by the system from selling them past 10pm and selling more than 1 per purchase. They paid me for the food and left. The cook said "they must be hungry" and I told him "Nah, they're carbo-loading, gonna be smoking some meth tonight". A few months later, I saw one of the fellas in the paper after his house got busted in a drug sting.
@TimelessEssence13 Жыл бұрын
Story 35 - the bit about the mutant raccoons, hand plants and Spencer Middleton - it's a line from TALE FROM THE GAS STATION by Jack Townsend, it's available in print but also narrated right here on yt by Mr creepypasta - fun and hilarious and fabulously narrated
@beverlymartin5053 Жыл бұрын
Working at a gas station in Texas in the early 90's. Several police officers was in my store when the dispatcher calls to talk to them. My friend talked to her. I overheard where, when, what way, and any weapons. Then they all left in a hurry. A little while later my friend came in to use the bathroom and asked me to watch for a Camero. He left after getting some paper bags. A little bit longer I see a Canary yellow Camero without tail lights. Call dispatch and told them. I then went about stocking the cooler. A customer came in and I went to check him out. There in front of me was the person they were looking for. He bought his cigarettes and went to leave. Got to the door and my friend came rolling into the drive.the man looked at the police, looked back at me a couple of times then ran to his car and went to leave. He pulled up to the road and acted like he was going to get out but took off. My friend followed. They lost him on the dirt roads.
@geekunit177 Жыл бұрын
Where do I even begin? I worked at McD's from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Plenty of fights, both inside and outside, drug use in the bathroom, having to call the police because 2000 people couldn't form a line, and they were blocking the drive-through as well. Last but not least, they spilled my mop bucket running outside to catch a fight.
@mouse6064 Жыл бұрын
I like how you use your real voice and not a robot voice like others, and you add your 2 cents to the story's !
@Mavendow Жыл бұрын
Listen to how he says "Around Tam" at 2:34. AI bots still can't speak well when the words don't make sense. It's getting pretty hard to tell, though.
@Mavendow Жыл бұрын
Actually, never mind. I have no idea how he made that sound at 2:34 but the rest of his speech is too natural. First time I've been wrong about this. Oopsy.
@mouse6064 Жыл бұрын
@@Mavendow do you think it's an AI? I don't know much about the different voices they can use and such
@Mavendow Жыл бұрын
​@@mouse6064 I did initially. However, some comments later in the video are too naturally spoken to be an AI. "Neural Speech" still has a tendency to be rigid in how it conveys tone. Somewhat ironically, bad narrators are easier to discern because they're more erratic when compared with an AI.
@JacknVictor Жыл бұрын
"More of an inside kitty than an outside kitty..." Well, like you said, the antibiotics fixed the prolapse, so I assumed that anyway.
@ヒロノツイル 4 ай бұрын
former 7/11 clerk here I was 16 at the time, working in the late afternoon, half a dozen kids from the same school as me came in and I think they didn't see me behind the counter, because they went strait to the alcohol section took six beers and came to the counter, when they looked up the one in the front almost jumped as he recognized me from class, I did my best "are you sure of what you are doing?" face, he silently picked the beers back dashed to where he picked them from and dragged his friends from the store. as far as I know none of them ever came back to that store again🤣
@ANDPEGGY-1 Жыл бұрын
Grab your popcorn people it's about to go down
@OliveTrees04 Жыл бұрын
Lmfao my man went in dressed as a Knight made of CARDBOARD!?! Omg I would love to see that! 🤣🤣
@xaviersauve1900 Жыл бұрын
That elevator pitch idea you liked is actually a book series called ~ tales from the gas station ~
@scp2539 Жыл бұрын
as a fun reminder, without the proper protection gear, no i dont know what that is off the top of my head, no company can force its employees to clean human waste due to potential contamination from it. so you can in fact look your manager in the eyes and say i will see this place fined out of existence before i touch that if you dont have good enough gear for it. look up the laws to know what that is.
@thetexaswanderer9197 Жыл бұрын
JFC. So relatable. Twenty years back. Shit never changes lmao😂
@lShadow426l Жыл бұрын
Story 35: I was not expecting a "tales from the gas station" reference but holy shit it's such an awesome series to read
@friddevonfrankenstein Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I live in a country where employees actually have rights.
@TheRaySkye 9 ай бұрын
I had a friend that was on his way to a ren faire. He was already in full garb. Chainmail shirt, helmet, leather leggings, the whole 9 yards. He decided to stop at a convenience store to pick up some provisions. While he was checking out he felt someone tap him real hard on the shoulder. Like, an angry tap but just once. He turned around to see this skinny little 16 year old that looked like he had just seen a demon. My friend gave him a gruff "What?" and the kid bolted out of the store. While this was going on the store clerk started to freak out. My friend turned back obviously confused. Turns out the kid decided to test out my friend's chainmail and pulled out a pocket knife and STABBED HIM IN THE SHOULDER! The knife got caught in the steel rings and was yanked out of the kid's hands when my friend turned around. Fortunately he made his own chainmail and used real steel rings instead of cheap plastic rings that look good but are just for show.
@59randomdude Жыл бұрын
Probably my favourite pervert exposes himself story is where he tries to buy a munch of cans of soup, sticks his rod in between a few cans and the cashier grabs one of the cans and slams it down on his thingy. The guy leaves, screaming without even bothering to pay for the soup
@allyndoescrafts. Жыл бұрын
On story ten I have a story kinda like that. When I was 12 almost 13 and very aware of things. Me and my older sister ( she was 14) and my dad happened to be his 50th birthday that info is unrelated. But we were taking the train home from a like vintage type place. We got on the train sat down next to each other and just chilled for a couple minutes until this guy was like how is your day going? We said good and my dad asked him the same thing he answered obviously good. Me and my sister at the moment didn’t realize he was drunk. But then he asked what station are getting off at? We were the end station. He then asked where you going after that? My dad answered our house. In general he was drunk and creepy, that was my first drunk encounter.
@Enderzombie2020 Жыл бұрын
19:20 thats a creepypasta series- and it slaps! "tales from the gas station" absolutely amazing and hilarious
@corvid.monarchy4875 Жыл бұрын
Inexplicably happy for the Tales from the gas station post
@DALWAG Жыл бұрын
So this earlier this year, I’m cleaning the counters and shutting down machines for closing and a customer walks up to me, I’m assuming they wanted to use the machine I was closing and I said “sorry sir this one is closed you can use one of the machines with a green light still on though” he responds with “oh… thanks… but I was actually coming to tell you there is a bullet in your hand sanitizer” keep in mind I’m 17 with major baby face at this time (I’m 18 now baby face has stayed) so like any rational person I assume I heard the guy wrong so I just say “what…?” He leads me to it and yep there is a live cartridge of 22cal sitting in the tray of the hand sanitizer… even weirder my manager wasn’t even fazed by it… in fact she as taking bets on what caliber it was…
@jaylahmoering5515 Жыл бұрын
@dragonkiller8016 Жыл бұрын
Working third shift at a gas station I have seen a man dressed as Jesus Christ with a cross on his back driving a motorcycle. It was amazing and it wasn’t even Halloween. The other favorite perks is see the wholesome drug addict who just recites poetry and patrol our parking for half smoked cigarettes.
@Sclasspsycho Жыл бұрын
I have to card everyone at the convenience store/pharmacy I work at. It's store policy and some people get annoyed. Some back down if we explain that we will lose our jobs, but others overreact. One lady did apologize for her previous behavior.
@james1253 Жыл бұрын
that "back off jan" was funny
Жыл бұрын
lost a cat last sunday (3rd out of 6 this year) and the kitty story gave me some hope in humanity. TY.
@reddiamond6524 11 ай бұрын
I'm never surprised about drunk people peeing and pooping in the wrong places. My friend did that once In a trash can and got her group kicked out of the bar.
@Herowebcomics Жыл бұрын
Wow! Sadly the craziest things involve idiots trying to commit crimes! "He just got out of prison!" And back in he goes!
@psuedomyspace Жыл бұрын
The woman who came in to buy ice cream, tampons, and whiskey was just going through it
@erenyeager1660 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why y'all are confused at Story 43, It was just a house being trucked over to its proper place.
@CynthiaPrice79 Жыл бұрын
I did the secret shopper thing for WA St. SeaTac area. I did both cigs and alcohol. I’m way too old anymore, even though I still look young.
@CR-KAJ8 Жыл бұрын
Dude in the last story could've met a custom character creation.
@koolaidblack7697 Жыл бұрын
2:05 I think the idea is that he believes the pistol to be fake, probably airsoft.
@dillongage Жыл бұрын
Oh Ive got so many of these to tell. Alright, the first one isnt too bad. When I was about 23 I was working 9pm-5am at a Holiday in MN. One night around 11pm a group of extremely drunk young women come in, stumbling about and giggling like nobody else was there. Eventually they all get it together long enough for me start ringing them up, and one by one they trickle back out to the sober cab. Except the last one. At this point it was just me and her in the store, and she starts aggressively hitting on me, telling me how theyre out celebrating her 18th birthday, how much fun it would be if i joined them, and how I "could really make *her* night special" She was very attractive, so I wasnt offended or anything, but Im at work ya know? I polite decline by repeatedly telling her im sorry but I cant leave work. Eventually after about 15 min I get a little less gentle and tell her shes too young for me (not neccesarily true, i just didnt know what else to say) . She gets mad, cries, and starts ranting about how shes an adult and yadda yadda and shes tired of being treated like a kid. She storms off to the bathroom. This is where it gets super weird. One of her friends eventually comes inside and finds her passed out on the toilet and drags her out. I have to mention, both of them came in with no purse, wearing skin tight leggings and crop tops so small they were basically sports bras. Trust me, its important. I have to go clean said bathroom later that night, and now that theres no customers in the store I take my chance to do so. Nobody else has used the womens room since the girls left. I go in, and start cleaning, and when I open the second stall door, there was a Budweiser Tallboy half empty on the back of the toilet. We didnt sell liquor, and as i mentioned neither of the women had a purse. To this day I have absolutely no idea where she pulled that beer out of. It gets better though. This all happened at around 11-11:30pm. Around 5am, guess who stumbles back in looking like death itself? Yep. Birthday girl. I immediatly laugh and start talking to her, and she is clearly confused, not remembering the night before at all. I explain what happened, she turns bright red and runs out of the store without even buying whatever it was she came for. I hated that job. Its been years and sometimes I think I shouldve just agreed and left with her. Atleast I know she knows how to have a good time. 😂😂
@karinakreslins3480 Жыл бұрын
Story 15 reminds me of my kitten we just got he got a eye infection and we got him on antibiotics
@hippychylde0449 Жыл бұрын
Omg story 35 was a whole story or the comment is based off a whole story. I can't remember the name, but it's really great the ending kinda left me wanting more tho.
@shaun1912 Жыл бұрын
Great cat story. I was worried
@Brunnen_Gee Жыл бұрын
I want to know what Middleton that was. I grew up in a tiny town of the same name, and we had not one, but two gas stations. And I knew a Spencer there.
@loricproject6878 Жыл бұрын
Love 35! Tales from the Gas station is fantastic
@Sunerte Жыл бұрын
21:43 i woulda crushed it with my shoes lmao
@brentpeterson918 Жыл бұрын
7/11 are the worst to be honest here is a story: I worked for a 7/11 and 3rd shift to be frank it wasn’t bad until a lady with shades came in. I knew from the look that this was about to be an issue I told my coworker to call the cops b4 she came in and as soon as she got to the counter she asked I want Newport shorts and 400$ open the register. I told her well if your going to rob me the cops are on the way you better move fast cause the cops are 4 minutes away from here good luck😂 This was a bluff The fool took the bluff and just left and told me I was lucky and after that I quit my life is not worth living if I stayed at that 7/11.
@LozenColorado Жыл бұрын
Tam is the absolute worst kinda to see at 3am at an gas station.
@lowrodents3306 Жыл бұрын
The people who work at the gas station I go to all the time watched a drunk man strip down naked and try to fight the cops with a toilet plunger he took from the bathroom. That same night, a different drunk man came into the store I worked at and urinated on over $60 worth of candy and displays, and tracked it through the entire check out line.
@Jackiewheelz Жыл бұрын
Better title: Nightshift clerks, how badly were you traumatized?
@Honeybeerose88 Жыл бұрын
I worked at a gas station and I can attest it’s a strange place to work
@fangzgaming5510 Жыл бұрын
What is the gameplay in the background called seems great to play
@Jesus-zc8pq Жыл бұрын
This dude has more jobs than Johnny sins💀
@sevenseven7990 Жыл бұрын
I love the fucking tales from the gestation bit
@cameronpottle5409 Жыл бұрын
So... if the story is to be believed, the guy in story three was probably *_fired_* after that little demonstration because generally gas station policy is if someone robs the place, to just give them the money. The gas stations insurance will likely cover the losses, that's the point of it after all. But the risk of you getting hurt by the robbers by retaliating against their demands would cause even greater losses to the gas station over all. So again, assuming this guy isn't bullshitting (which he probably is) he went and did this hugely "heroic" thing by risking his life to save the gas station a couple hundred dollars and to ultimately put himself out of a job... crikey
@Doedow579 Жыл бұрын
17:36 is mad funny.😂
@Secretthewolf27 Жыл бұрын
Sweet your from Minnesota to?
@EminayDrackoness Жыл бұрын
:11:52 so glad op kept every one safe, I have heard of the walk ins being used for earthquakes too and in school we went to the bathrooms during a tornado drill.
@barrydheil Жыл бұрын
Was actually just an insomniac at this point in my life, but the strangest thing I encountered was someone who was clearly on some type of upper meandering down the street in their pajamas. The only reason I suspect that they were on uppers is because they were acting super twitchy and that my next door neighbors were known to have a grow operation, a "chemical processing" lab and was also a stash house.
@lemurblue6041 Жыл бұрын
At story 60 I got distracted by the cat and completely missed the whole story.
@millermonsterair Жыл бұрын
i have some good ones.... its called "graveyard shift" for a reason....
@Max-ox5jd Жыл бұрын
I don't get the arbitrariness with cashiers demanding ID in the US. The reason you have to do it is to make sure only adults can buy cigarettes and alcohol, right? So why tf do you demand ID from people obviously old enough? As far as I know it's not the law, at least not in every state, just store policy in some places. But it's only bad if you don't ID someone and they happen to be underage, but if they are old enough there's seriously no need for that, it's not illegal to sell adults these things. I just don't get it. It's idiotic. Do you fear the fifty year old looking guy is gonna turn out as a 16 year old or what? Where I live they only need to check on people who have a youthful look and might be too young, but if you look like thirty why even bother? It's obvious you are allowed to buy it. Only assholes would refute the sale.
@Mexican_Gaming Жыл бұрын
That guy is so lucky going to the shower with the lady’s
@taylorslade961 Жыл бұрын
The raccoons, bathroom cowboy, and Spencer Fucking Middleton are all from Tales From The Gas Station. Pls read these books. They are so fucking good I can't stand it.
@RED-zo2fc Жыл бұрын
What game are you playing? I know it's an assassin's creed title but unsure of which one :0
@end_slayer Жыл бұрын
@bluethelucario6194 Жыл бұрын
I’ve worked front end at a Kroger Grocery store in a small town in Colorado for 2 years and I’ve seen some odd stuff. 1. The was this Hispanic family that had a ton of kids. I don’t know how the parents didn’t notice this earlier, but the cart was about 30% groceries and 70% toys from our only aisle even resembling a toy aisle. The order came out to more than $1000, and the parents seemed confused, despite it being obvious why, and it seemed like the kids were in trouble. Luckily, they went out quickly, so I didn’t have to see the aftermath. 2. I once had to escort an obviously drunk/intoxicated woman out to her car once. 3. I also had to escort a lady that was being harassed by some aholes that may or may not have been in a gang, I wasn’t sure. 4. Someone purposely rammed into one of our cart lanes, and it took them 5-6 months to fix it. I wasn’t there during it, but as a front end worker who primarily dealt in bringing carts back from the lot to the store for customers, I sure as hell felt the consequences. 4. Not particularly at night, but this is one of my best work stories. Early on in my shift, while I was getting carts out in the parking lot, I saw some kids playing in and around a minivan. Odd, I thought, but I figured the parents were around, so I thought nothing of it. Then, a couple hours down, there’s a fight happening in the parking lot. A lady was screaming at a man because he nearly hit one of the kids. It turned out, these kids were unsupervised, and as everyone knows, it’s a horrible idea to leave kids unsupervised in the parking lot of a busy grocery store. Regardless, she was screaming at this poor man, and even calling him The N-word (he was a black man). It got so bad that the police had to be called and arrest the lady. I hope those kids are okay though.
@firechargeogname 6 ай бұрын
30:06 that might have been Juan
@laceywhitten1212 Жыл бұрын
Dude are you the list 25 guy?
@kaceymercer8660 Жыл бұрын
What ad \ ads did you get
@kaceymercer8660 Жыл бұрын
Prime video
@purple-47 Жыл бұрын
story 41 got animated in some show.
@skittlemenow Жыл бұрын
Yo the guy isn't going to attack the kid with the gun for the gas station's money, he was going to do it because the kid threatened him. Not saying it's the right choice just that his motivation is probably not what you might have thought.
@brunapixie5969 Жыл бұрын
8:18 could also happen due to untreated diarrhea
@KnightSlasher Жыл бұрын
Working at a gas station is the only time 3am videos are actually scary
@Princesshannah20000 Жыл бұрын
@DevMan2342 Жыл бұрын
I can imagine the among us imposter giving you the sus potion at 3 am
@Princesshannah20000 Жыл бұрын
@@DevMan2342 lol
@MamaMOB Жыл бұрын
I guess you’ve never worked warehouses at 3 AM. I’ve done both and I’ll take the gas station any day of the week.
@shroudshift9969 Жыл бұрын
Can confirm, I work the night shift at a 24/7 gas station in the middle of nowhere.
@captainfluffy7232 Жыл бұрын
Story 5: I work as the night shift manager for a gas station as well. Any time I see a large group of people, I don’t care how diverse they are, if they all enter at once I go into full alert. I see teenagers, young adults, old people, they could be mixed races with males and females, the whole nine yards of different. If they all pile out and come into the store at once my eyes are on them.
@ramennight Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't think that was racism, I think he was just having your head on swivel. That many people coming in at once is just sketch.
@beepboop27 Жыл бұрын
Yea a group of 4 people or more would always be on my radar especially working alone at night you have to be cautious because you just never know. I mean maybe its the way we grew up and have had a pretty shit life but there aren't many people I've known regardless of race or gender or anything that haven't done some really fucked up stuff.
@TheodoreBrosevelt Жыл бұрын
@@ramennight Exactly, your head should be on a swivel when a group that big comes in regardless of race. That shit would make me nervous
@Mortablunt Жыл бұрын
10 people pile out of a van any time, I’m weirded out.
@addyshorhnr3544 Жыл бұрын
There is only one option that isn’t a bad sign that I can think of friend group who absolutely refuses to go to the store until everyone has to go, they are likely to be loud and it’s only fine if they are sober
@BiggleVonDoofsnortIV Жыл бұрын
As a Russian former night shift clerk, I can confirm I was in a pretty laid back and nice job. However, we sometimes got the odd customer who definitely got kicked in the balls and is fairly pissed off. Unfortunately one such person came up to me, punched me, and took off with 2 stolen bottles of vodka. I had a black eye which is nothing too serious but another customer came towards me and yelled at me. He said: WHERE IS STARBUCKS?? I told him they abandoned us and I swear to fucking god steam was coming out of that dudes ears. I was terrified but thankfully he left. Honestly I have no idea why anyone would miss starbucks but whatever. TLDR, I got punched, vodka got stolen and a furious dude almost attacked me over starbucks 💀
@ArcanineEspeon Жыл бұрын
Abandoned you? Maybe it's a Russian thing I don't get. Were you making a joke, or did Starbucks remove all its stores from Russia?
@Frenchieinthetrenchie Жыл бұрын
@@ArcanineEspeon the second
@ArcanineEspeon Жыл бұрын
@@Frenchieinthetrenchie wow, I can see thanks to Google that Charlotte may have vacated that job but her story is still very recent.
@bitterleafcastle1552 Жыл бұрын
@@ArcanineEspeon Most international businesses pulled out of Russia - McDonald's, H&M, IKEA, the lot... Some of these were promtly bought out by local businesses and refitted to do the same thing, but with a new owner. But many, like IKEA, rely too heavily on imported materials and stuff so we'll have to do without cheap tables and shelves for a while. Oh well.
@frenchempire9471 Жыл бұрын
@@Frenchieinthetrenchie you support the monarchy or the republic?
@nephi6723 Жыл бұрын
I've been getting into these reddit story videos recently because I'm too lazy to go on the subreddit and read them myself, and this is my favourite channel to come back to only because the guy doesn't have an annoying robotic voice
@Jaiden.On.Pawz. Жыл бұрын
Ikr fr
@Kalbot84 Жыл бұрын
Same, to lazy to read, CBA with robot voices
@Mortablunt Жыл бұрын
I got banned permanently off Reddit for referring to a certain criminal apologist terrorist organization as Thug Lies Matter instead of its usual acronym shared by the bureau of land management. This is how I get my dose of messageboard fun since I can’t go there and participate anymore.
@SpartanBrix Жыл бұрын
My coworker wouldn’t stop marching around the restaurant chanting “Night, night, night, night, night, night, night!”
@Princesshannah20000 Жыл бұрын
tf what
@SpartanBrix Жыл бұрын
@@Princesshannah20000 I’m just waiting for someone to get the reference.
@Princesshannah20000 Жыл бұрын
@@SpartanBrix Ohhhhhhhhh I remember! Its from an old spongebob episode! Thats a good one!
@pikachugirl1235 Жыл бұрын
“OWWW I BURNED MY HAND!…at night.”
@sweep_swoop Жыл бұрын
Squidward, is that you?
@fireball0777 Жыл бұрын
Lol. The dnd night one got me. A paladin, a wizard/sorcerer, and what I’m assuming was a trash goblin or a kobold.
@agenda3854 Жыл бұрын
Probably Kobold
@Jedidiah_Martin_2 Жыл бұрын
That sounds like the start of the funniest _and_ nerdiest joke ever 🤣 "Okay, so, a Paladin, a Wizard, and a Kobold walk up to a gas station....."
@friendlyneighborhoodspider3962 Жыл бұрын
I once had an old man walk in and get a coffee. He sat there for about 30 minutes and we talked. It seemed entirely normal until he had mentioned something about the farms behind the gas station and that he lived on one. He was telling me abt how this new gas station was such a help to them. I was confused because there weren’t any farms and it was a neighborhood behind the gas station now and there wasn’t any fields anywhere nearby. I kept my mouth shut and gave him a chuckle because I just thought he was a senile old man at 3am drinking a coffee. He walked out of the store and I noticed the coffee was still sitting on the counter a few seconds later. I went to go let him know and I was only maybe a few seconds behind him after he left. When I walked out, I didn’t see him or any cars. I went back inside confused and saw the coffee on the counter. So I thought I wasn’t going crazy. I went to check the cameras and no one was in there. I was talking to no one and the coffee was already on the counter. I couldn’t find when or how it got there. But I still haven’t figured out if I was just seeing things or not. I later on ended up looking up the area and what it used to look like in the last. The creepiest part is that there were actually farms surrounding the gas station when it was first put up. I was pretty confused the rest of the shift. For anyone curious, yea I worked there for a little over a year and regularly did 8-16hr shifts all overnight or afternoon to overnight. Have too many stories to tell but I was indeed robbed at gun point. On another occasion I had 5 police officers walk in unannounced with ARs in hand. They looked around and quickly left. Still never got an explanation for that one.
@yoyoky6426 Жыл бұрын
I guess it's just a lonely and kind spirit that wanted to talk to someone..
@screamoneo Жыл бұрын
“The MainlyFact Guy” referring to himself in the third person is so funny to me. I ship him with “The WatchMojo Lady”
@turbopokey Жыл бұрын
That one talking about mutant raccoons, burning hand plants in the backyard, and Spencer effing Middleton, is actually a series on KZbin it’s pretty good. I cannot remember what the MC’s name is but it’s titled something along the lines of “ tales from the gas station“. Just make sure you start with the first one or it can get kind of confusing there’s Eldritch gods, death cults, killer bugs that come out every 20 years sort of like cicadas and it just happens to coincide with the time the MC is working at the station. It’s kind of like a darker Douglas Adams story. Oh yeah I think there might be might’ve been odd zombies tooBut I don’t remember that one exactly it could’ve involved the death cult.
@LvL_7_Mage Жыл бұрын
Yup, the mathmetists got zombified at one point and attacked the gas station
@EvilPaladin11 Жыл бұрын
It's simply called "Tales from the gas station". The characters is sometimes referred to as "gas station Jack" in the comments of the readings.
@Timewalkerauthor1 Жыл бұрын
Yup. Started on a blog (and I guess he still maintains it), then they started getting narrations on KZbin by Mr. Creepypasta, and now there are books. The books are the same content as the blog, but with edits and revisions, so not identical. Tales from the Gas Station is the correct title.
@wendymonkelien-brown579 Жыл бұрын
WAY too many stories after working graveyards for 8 years, but one of my favorites was the drunk guy that was trying to back out of one of our huge driveways, but was headed toward the fire hydrant. He came back in to buy transmission fluid because "there was something wrong with his transmission". Yeah, he walked out just as the cops arrived. (And I found a kitten too....his name was Spook!)
@crystalgemgirl731 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you, I'm SO glad the little kitty survived and has a happy home.
@Ziyanani Жыл бұрын
That kitty one nearly made me close the video.. i had to have my 10 year old kitty put down this year due to liver cancer. I'm so glad it had a happy ending
@timothycoates4855 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry about that.
@LunarRose7 Жыл бұрын
It's been a month since this was uploaded and I doubt you will see this, but, 19:15 story #35 is called "Tales from the Gas Station" by Jack Townsend. It's a great series of stories and if you want to take a peak at them the KZbinr MrCreepyPasta narrated quite a good number of them, however there is also like 2 books that you can pick up if you're interested in a good read. That first part, it's just small taste of the oddness that is that story and it's all good.
@toxiczombiewolf5692 Жыл бұрын
My favourite
@LunarRose7 Жыл бұрын
@@toxiczombiewolf5692 it is a good one, not my favorite but a good one
@michellewest4796 Жыл бұрын
there are a full 4 books now!
@iamtheiconoclast3 Жыл бұрын
I love the skepticism about the gas station attendant. Reddit: "Hey Redditors, what's something that's unusual enough to be noteworthy?" Also Reddit: "I don't believe that occurred because it's unusual."
@SkiggsMoDiggs Жыл бұрын
Hi Mainly! Happy with how much your channel has expanded so rapidly! I think it'd be cool if the text of YOU talking was different colored, I always have a hard time telling if you're just reading a reply someone else left, or if you yourself are talking.
@gsomething Жыл бұрын
This is a very common comment I am surprised he hasn’t done it yet
@blueclouds315 Жыл бұрын
they do this on the second channel, dont know why they dont do it here
@gregdoepy4036 Жыл бұрын
@@blueclouds315 which second channel? He has like 8
@suited_elijah Жыл бұрын
@@gregdoepy4036 bro has 3 ☠
@gregdoepy4036 Жыл бұрын
@@suited_elijah mainly facts mostly facts mainly horrors hidden facts secret facts
@AlexRising_ Жыл бұрын
11:08 Okay this clerk did exactly what they should have done. You’re safest in an internal, windowless room. As long as it doesn’t lock from the outside, they done good. 😊😊
@raeorion Жыл бұрын
I worked nights for about a year and a half at a convenience store in Portland Oregon in 2009-10. I was 18 and would be alone and bored out of my mind most night, so I was always happy to have some excitement. One evening a couple older guys with long gray hair come in and buy smokes, some snacks, and chocolate milk. The shorter man looked real tired, maybe a little drunk, took his snacks and headed back outside. The taller man adjusted his wide brim hat and let me know he and his friend would be resting in their car as they were on a long trip and wanted to make sure that was okay with me. I sized the guy up, he had some kind of robes on and hair was in brades -- this is Portland, seems legit. I told him the street was public property and I didn't have a problem with it so he headed back out, tipping his hat and saying he may need to come back for some more chocolate milk. A while later on, I headed outside for a smoke and he came ambling out of his car and we chatted for a while as he sipped on his carton of milk. He told me about how he'd recently returned from India after 10 years of living nomadically and seeking spiritual enlightenment, living in various temples and working there to earn his say and becoming a monk of sorts. I headed back inside and noticed him outside later, pacing around the front of the store playing a guitar. Again, as I was often alone all night, having a whacky dude hanging out making his presence known outside the store was cool with me. When I came out next time I realized he had brought a rug, couch cushion, some candles and incense and set himself up a whole little bohemian squat pad out front. I got a kick out of it and we chatted whenever I came out to smoke the rest of the night. He proceeded to smoke joints, play guitar, and told me more stories. The one that sticks out was about psychically connecting with a mural of an indigenous woman South of Portland while high on LSD, how they were soulmates separated by time, and how much he regretted not being able to save her from living in a mental asylum in her later years. He also nearly had me convinced to give up my earthly possessions to go to India by the end of the night. He napped on the mats he set up outside (probably a lot cozier than the car) and had everything all cleaned up before my boss arrived in the morning, even helping clean up some stuff around the parking, took off and I never saw him again. Think about the guy all the time and wonder what he got up to since. Also, years later I did see that mural. It's the Opal Whiteley Mural in Cottage Grove, Oregon. It is beautiful and her story is both beautiful and tragic, I could see it being very moving while having an LSD trip.
@mapel6867 Жыл бұрын
Super happy to have your content back! Hope you're feeling better.
@1nvixityofficial Жыл бұрын
Was he sick?
@mapel6867 Жыл бұрын
@@1nvixityofficial Yeah, said it a bit into the video.
@1nvixityofficial Жыл бұрын
@@mapel6867 oh I didn't know
@AliciaMajo Жыл бұрын
Tales from the gas station is a masterpiece (there's a full reading of it on KZbin, or you can read it on reddit ^-^)
@PinchSocks Жыл бұрын
@blamethebrain9282 Жыл бұрын
Indeed you were first, brave warrior. I concede to you, victory is yours! Hail, the Mighty Pinch Socks YT!
@rheeeeeee2011 2 ай бұрын
It wasn’t at a gas station but a pizzeria instead It was back in 1993 There were 4 animatronics All of a sudden I went to check on them at 2:00 AM and the bunny and chicken were gone The chicken was near the bathrooms and the bunny was RIGHT AT MY DOOR I closed it quickly Yeah I had to stay there for 4 more nights after that
@TheSimpleMan454 Жыл бұрын
Not a gas station but a small grocery store. We were running backstock when five random people casually stroll in (this is late, not quite closing time, but not "people showing up" timeframe.). All are dressed in black denim, couple cowboy hats between 'em, heavy boots, tattoos, etc. Four guys and a redheaded woman. They fan out, walking up and down the aisles before meeting back up in front of checkout. The woman says "Well, he's not here." And they start to leave. The oldest dude sees me looking and (in a heavy Russian accent at that) says "Enjoy your evening now, okay?" Before lighting up a cigarette on the way out. Part of me is really curious, part of me really doesn't wanna know.
@alexiathecringemaster4332 Жыл бұрын
Dude, I think you just witnessed a gang searching for someone on the run 😬
@MrEggus Жыл бұрын
@@alexiathecringemaster4332 or some of the woman’s friends/ or ununiformed sheriffs looking for a husband that didnt pay the child support
@TheSimpleMan454 Жыл бұрын
@@MrEggus They weren't law that's for sure. And she didn't seem invested personally. It was more like she was just being inconvenienced. Like when a soda machine runs empty. Apart from her and the Russian guy though, none of the others said anything or even looked at me and Sean.
@MrEggus Жыл бұрын
@@TheSimpleMan454 maybe bail bondsmen then?
@TheSimpleMan454 Жыл бұрын
@@MrEggus Possible, but not sure how likely that is? I contend it was probably gang related. Couple bike "clubs" in the area. Looking at it now that seems most plausible at least.
@Craftymom1o19 Жыл бұрын
My best story so far is from the gas station I worked at (I work at a truck stop now) had a guy come in about an hour before closing. Few things: I worked closing alone. I made my trainer smile day one because she said to the boss "oh good you hired someone that won't be intimidated by me." I was in my mid 30's 5' 7" and MAYBE 100 lbs soaking wet. I'm a disabled veteran. And lastly, at the time I was in therapy and seeing a psychiatrist for PTSD at the VA. So, dude comes in quietly while I'm in the back cleaning the tea urns. I shut the tap off and hear a food step in the store. Whatever, sometimes I just can't hear the door chime. I step out and no joke there is a black clown standing infront of the counter. This neither shocked nor scared me as I had expected far worse but it never happened while I was there. I put on a big smile, apologize for not hearing him come in and ask what I can get for him like it was 3pm and he was dressed like a "normal" person. He replied "I just need to get some smokes and gas" he said like he was shocked that I wasn't bothered by his getup. I got him his smokes turned the pump on and chated with him so he felt more at ease. I know others in this area would have freaked and possibly have called the cops on him, but I was a female veteran AND I nearly failed kindergarten because I refused to believe all of October including Halloween was apart of my birthday. He was welcome to stop in after his wrestling gigs any time. Then his hype man came in and I couldn't keep my composure 😂 I ended up getting a picture of the two and wished them a safe and pleasant evening. Sent the pic to a friend who works as a medic for the league, and my sister. Friend tells me the guys stage name and we have a shared moment of enjoying wonderful customers like him. My sister on the other hand calls and yells at me for sending her a picture of a clown. 🤣 The strange and yet satisfing thing from this when I saw my psychiatrist a few days later. Jerk has called me hysterical for having a normal reaction to being asked what my traumatic event was and scoffs that I couldn't keep it together better (I JUST started therapy two weeks prior and I had no meds yet) so this appointment he starts with "so how was work this weekend?" I open my phone, pull up the picture and say "sooo, this walked in" I hand him the phone and watch him panic. I look fine but I want him to show his true colors before I explain that nothing happened and he really needed to deal with his terrible judge of character. Still very much panicking he rushes through my appointment and gives me a mood balancer for reasons (?). A day later I see my therapist. She too asks how my weekend went and I show show her the picture. We both laugh and enjoy the absurdity of the situation. To end her session I tell her a joke "Jesus is afraid of clowns..." she spat out her coffee and asked me to repeat myself "Jesus... Is afraid of CLOWNS!" she then lowered her face and tried to hide a huge grin. She was on the verge of busting out laughing in front of a patient because she realized I wasn't talking about the Holy son... No I was talking about her colleague and that would be a very unprofessional thing to do. I had a few more tit for tat moments with my psychiatrist before Covid lockdowns but he never won after that week. I like to think I'll never be in his office again since I work at a truck stop now but who knows. I'm only 6 miles away from his office, maybe after a terrible customer I'll stop by with another story and picture 😂 Don't mess with cashiers.
@swagon000 Жыл бұрын
i ain’t reading allat💯🤣🤣😜
@Craftymom1o19 Жыл бұрын
@@swagon000 no tldr for you 😁
@Cobalt_Colonel Жыл бұрын
Worked grave at 7/11 for half a year. Met all kinds. Always knew who was gonna steal booze, who was just waiting at the slot machines and popping their heads up to look out the window for their dealers, even found a dead drop under the back lid of the toilet. Taped a note to the underside saying no more dead drops. All in all I was pretty lucky since I lived in the apartments behind this Vegas 7/11 so most of my customers were also neighbors. Still, fair share of nut bag assholes. BUT the weirdest; this guy just hung out for the remaining 6 hours of my shift and talked about planets, the sun and gravity etc etc... And also gave me some heroin. That is all I will say.
@sixwingproductions Жыл бұрын
i've worked a ton of night shift jobs. i've never seen shit. i feel cheated.
@KyleGK01 Жыл бұрын
"What? You thought I wanted to solve this dumb mystery? Hell no. Now, who wants to hold baby mainly facts guy~...."
@PlaceHolder994 Жыл бұрын
12:26 I have a similar story lol This happened at the elementary school I went to. The bathrooms were located right next to the wall that surrounded the school. One day we came to school and ALL of the toilets from the girls bathroom were gone. I know that it was reported to the authorities because my mom (who was with the parents comitee) told me, but nothing was done as far as I know.
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