What's The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard ?

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Mainly Fact

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@chloe5555 Жыл бұрын
Ok as a mother the baby doll story is actually pretty terrifying to me. When my son was a newborn I had some pretty bad postpartum depression/anxiety, and on occasion walking him through a doorway I would see myself bashing his head across the doorway. It was absolutely horrible and traumatizing, I love him more than anything, so my brain doing that me was terrifying.
@the_blind_chick Жыл бұрын
I hope you have been able to heal from that trauma. PPD is so real. I’m 30 & my mom recently confessed how bad hers was when she had me. She cried telling me that she imagined throwing me down stairs or hurting me in others. She said she was worried that even just having those thoughts might have hurt me somehow. I was glad she told me because I think I was able to put her mind at ease about those things & that she was so strong for not acting on her thoughts. She battled so hard. We had out issues later in life, but we’ve both been working to heal together. Anyway, I’m only sharing this to let you know that you are also so strong & I hope you aren’t holding any of that against yourself. 🫂
@Magnumscrotus Жыл бұрын
Right? Im a guy and im terrified just holding a baby and dropping them on their head, but hearing stories of how severe postpardem depression can be made this one pretty dosturbing.
@Magnumscrotus Жыл бұрын
@Julio Aragão hahahha duuuude i agree. Not as freaked out by the smell but yea its weird. From 0-18 kids just give you anxiety. Yeesh.
@synthwolfe8906 Жыл бұрын
It has multiple causes (severe depression of all sorts is one cause), but the French call it "l'appel du vide". In English, it translates roughly as Call of the Void. Most commonly, it's things like standing at the edge of a cliff, and you get a thought like "jump. It's easy. 1 foot, then the other". But other cases can be things like "it'd be so easy to take this knife and stab this person". So yes, it is terrifying. But please know that you're not alone.
@moofey6900 Жыл бұрын
@@synthwolfe8906 I've had one of those thoughts before, I didn't know it was actually a thing!
@ravenmacbeth9384 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, truly terrifying- the man in the basement tapping his mustache against the pipes. I shudder at the thought.
@NxtivetheNative 5 ай бұрын
Love it 😂😂😂
@thecatdragon Жыл бұрын
My heart skipped some beats while I was listening to story 6, because towards the end of it my dad turned on the lawn mower, which sounds ridiculously like a CHAINSAW.
@emmajaubert6249 Жыл бұрын
scariest sorry ever was during Halloween 2021 i was chilling with a group of friends and there was this dude i didn't know I'm the group. after we all split he stuck around with me as i was walking back to a park. while on the street the guy starts asking me if i would be interested in sleeping with him (i was 17 and he was easily mid to late 30s) i decline but he continues to insist. another important note was i had taken a hallucinogen and started to bad trip at this point. this is where it escalated to him asking me to go talk to him in a dark alley all alone. at this point i knew he was gonna try to kidnap and violate me so i called the cops. when i got in the cop car to be brought to the hospital i started hardcore bad tripping and believed that i had died because the police injected me with a toxin. 0/10 don't recommend
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
Hope nothing bad came of it for you. The cops probably assumed the ped drugged you, so you are likely fine there, but still, scary stuff.
@kashhen9409 Жыл бұрын
Was the guy even real or were u trippin?
@kawaiipotato1302 Жыл бұрын
Scariest story I ever heard on Reddit was of a man who wore noice cancelling headphones while he played video games. One day he removed them to hear his wife and young daughter screaming. He went downstairs and found a man SAing his wife as his daughter watched. They had been screaming for something like ten minutes and he hadnt heard them. The story claimed to be true but I hope it isn’t. It’s always stuck with me since.
@jeffreycox4789 Жыл бұрын
Not a story but, eh. The scariest thing I’ve ever read was when someone pointed out that the existence of the uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn’t
@HappyMatt12345 Жыл бұрын
@junecleaver4099 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow that gave me pause for thought.
@Sorain1 Жыл бұрын
I've taken comfort from a fact others find disturbing: There used to be at least 3 other types of human, relations roughly as close to us as Neanderthals were. They are extinct now, we are not. Presumably this is the uncanny valley's origin, that as a species were their enemies (literally genocidal threats to them) and so presumably they would be as violent on encountering us as we were to them. But we won out in the end. So on the upside, the uncanny valley isn't because something human like was praying on humans. The downside of course, is that presumably those subspecies developed the same instinctual fear of us, we were just the side that won the genocide olympics.
@kaylaHat 11 ай бұрын
Corpses are diseases, dead people look uncanny and some illnesses like rabies make you act uncanny too. Sleep well
@lord_of_chaos5215 Жыл бұрын
Listening to guy react to these stories vs hearing them when being biologically female is honestly interesting. The story of the train or the necrophile genuinely freaked me out a bit because growing up I was raised to believe that this is a very possible hidden reality even nowadays that you have to constantly watch your back to make sure you don't get caught inbecuase these stories can easily be a reality for some women.. while to most men it's just spooky story of paranoia or just an over exaggeration
@marleigh5606 Жыл бұрын
As a kid I was freaked out by the story, Harold, in one of the “Scary Stories to tell in the Dark” books (The movie kinda sucked). I’m not a good writer and I haven’t read it for years so I may be remembering parts wrong but here’s what I remember: It begins on a farm where these two men, Tony and Able (I think) worked long, slow days in the field and tend to their cattle amongst other chores. One hot and particularly boring summer day in the fields, Tony and Able decide to make a lifelike scarecrow for fun and to pass the time. Using old sacks and straw, they made a lifelike doll and made it have the same appearance of a neighbor who they particularly hated, and hence named the doll Harold. Every morning, Tony and Able carried Harold out to the field and hung him on a stake, and every evening brought him back into the barn. On the slow summer days, when they were around Harold, they would talk to it, sometimes just simple conversations where either Tony or Able would respond imitating the real Harold’s voice. Other days, however, they would beat the scarecrow, hurtle obscenities and threats towards it, spat at it, smeared mud and bland food on it; Anything to take away their boredom, their anger, their frustration when things on the farm don’t go their way. After doing this for most of the summer, they thought that they heard it make noises and saw small movements out of the corner of their eyes. Tony and Able were spooked by this, but continued to do as they had, using Harold as a punching bag, screaming at it. At least, until it stood up on its own one morning, went to the roof of the barn and started pacing, and just standing in the middle of the pasture. The two men, scared, did nothing about it and pretended like it wasn’t happening before leaving the barn heading out towards a valley where their cattle were. Relief washed over them as they left, but it was short lived. They had forgotten to bring tools to expensive to buy more and had to go back to the barn to get them. Dreading going back, they decided to draw straws to determine who should go back. It was Tony who drew the shorter straw and parted with Able to get the tools from the barn. Able made it to the pasture and got to working on what he could without the tools, finishing before Tony returned. Able made his way up a hill to see where Tony was. He couldn’t see him anywhere along the path, but then noticed something on the roof. Able watched as Harold kneeled down, stretching out a bloody skin to dry in the sun.
@poisonapleproduction Жыл бұрын
Those stories used to freak me out so much
@XIAO-j9o Жыл бұрын
The movie scared me to death. I'm unable to sleep with the lights off because I kept think about the Pale Fat Lady.
@briannarichardson9511 Жыл бұрын
Considering how intense postpartum stuff can be, I believe the babydoll story. Maybe more of a "there was one or two cases of it and it became an urban legend " thing.
@Noblongg Жыл бұрын
When my mum and aunt were around 13, one of my aunts best friends suddenly went missing and nobody knows what happened to her, she was declared missing and eventually a couple days later a carpet got picked up by the bin/garbage men to throw it away. They take a peek what's inside as it look like something was in it, turns out it was my aunts best friend mutilated and stuffed into a carpet, visible cuts and everything as if she was tortured. Even though this story freaks me out, the part that freaks me out the most is that the carpet was almost exactly opposite my house in a car park (I don't know why one is there but there is). I was told this at a relatively young age as well which didn't help. I was told by my nan; mum; aunt and my dad.
@amvcentral1478 Жыл бұрын
A creepypasta I hear a while back called the girl that the universe forget go read or listen to it. It will give you chills and make you question reality I should know because I couldn't sleep well at all for over 2 weeks
@asskicker4000 Жыл бұрын
That story is fantastic
@TheSerotoninMuncher Жыл бұрын
My mom and I were visiting Iceland one time, and, as most people do, we tried shark meat. That night I went to sleep with the kind of headache that feels kind of relaxing. Had a dream where I watched my neighbor's cat successfully fend off our entire neighborhood against the three little bears. It's only scary that I remember it so vividly.
@Thecoolstickman 10 ай бұрын
Alright here's mine its from my grandmother A man and his family move into a new house but when they have dinner he notices a bit of off colored paint on the ceiling. He tells his wife about it but the wife can't see it and she says there is nothing there. But he decides the next day to paint over it. He paints over it but when he sits down the next day for dinner, its still there. Agitated, he decides to paint over it again but the same thing happens again. Over 2 months he slowly descends into craziness while his wife begs him to stop. Eventually a mental hospital takes him away and he was never heard from him again. The wife and kids decide to move. When the next family moves in, the husband notices a dark patch on the ceiling. Edit spelling mistake
@jademoonphoenix Жыл бұрын
I read a variation of that first story in a Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. Instead of a woman, it was a dude that the other two were carrying around. To everyone on the bus, it simply looked like they were hauling around their drunk friend; they were even laughing and saying things like "Take it easy, Jim." The narrator, a teenage girl, watched the other two dudes pat the guy on the shoulder and get off at the next stop. When it came time for her to get off at her stop, a sharp turn caused "Jim" to fall out of his seat, and that's how she noticed the bullet hole in his head.
@hjglockner Жыл бұрын
My story (irl btw): a teenage girl was babysitting her younger sisters then she heard a knock on the window and took the girls upstairs to her bedroom to finish the movie that they were watching then one of them has to go to the bathroom so she goes downstairs because there are none upstairs she came running upstairs almost immediately after and tells the teenager about how a man was downstairs they heard something coming upstairs so the teenager puts her sisters in the closet and hides under the bed so she gets caught first then she could the door open following the sounds of stuff crashing and banging everywhere then she hears police sirens and the last thing is panicked running and panting with a window breaking the end. (While I was writing this my cup sitting next to me moved forward on its own and the story I wrote did not happen to me)
@CoffeeBuzzzz Жыл бұрын
My 4th grade field trip. I was homesick for that day. The classroom was rather large so sickness was pretty common among us. We were going to a maze in Olympia, the maze was supposedly very large. I don't know why the thought process was "Let's just trust a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds not to run off and get lost in the maze" but you do you. My friend said that the class was in a line, until some people broke off (including them) and got lost without supervision. Since there were no other people there except for the class and the people who let them into the maze, they were basically not going to be looked for. Especially because the class was pretty sizeable, it would've been hard to notice their disappearance. The group of about 4 children were basically just lost for 10, 20, 30, however many minutes until the rest of the class supposedly reached the end and counted up the students, or someone noticed the absence of the 4. Even though it's not that scary of a story (there's definitely worse) I can't imagine how scared or helpless they felt when they realized they were lost and nobody was looking for them. Glad I stayed home that day.
@Civi_ts Жыл бұрын
Ok, so, I have a story. My grandfather (mom's dad), had diabetes and later caught an infection to his leg, and the doctors cut it to try and stop the infection from spreading, but it didn't work, so my grandfather's condition slowly deteriorated. (if you're curious, early 2000's eastern european hospital). In his last month of life, he was unable to move so he was always sitting on the bed. When someone was visiting my grandparents and try to take a seat, he would tell them to not sit down on said chair, because "[dead relative] is allready sitting there!". Also, my grandmother had stories of a man in the village which kept demons in his attic and fed them daily, so they would let him have a wish, which supposedly came true.
@dannybonsai7102 Жыл бұрын
My family was sharing spooky stories we experienced one day. I told them, at my grandmas house (where my mum grew up) I saw a large dark silhouette with a giant hat on a number of times at night. When I was describing how he looked I said "My child mind kinda thought he looked a bit like-" my mum interrupts "like Zorro?" Which is what I was going to say, we were nervously giggling. I also told them about a woman in a big red dress visiting me as a child, she ws distinctly transparent, dad revealed he used to do seances and was often also visited by a woman in a big red edwardian dress. TLDR: My parents confirm the same figures I saw as a kid.
@namingthingsishard182 7 күн бұрын
The one where the dripping and the "dog" under the bed is an Edgar Allen Poe short story I think. We read this in English class in middle of high school. For me, this was later explained to me, but when I was 4, we visited my cousins. The oldest was in her late teens and the youngest was about 12. While I was sitting on the couch, there was a commotion in the hallway about the youngest being hurt. I had asked the middle boys what was going on because nobody would let me get off the couch to look. They said a ghost had opened the door on their brother's face and he had a bloody nose and that the ghost would get me next. I got hysterical and seeing things I now know was just my imagination. I had to be calmed down by my mom and the last cousin, 2nd oldest, had me watch her play Sims. He was ok, just a boody nose and a black eye. I later asked my mom when I was about 17, 5 years ago, what actually happened and apparently our grandmother (mom and aunt's mother) hadn't known he was there and they both went to open the door to go through opposite directions. She hit him in the face and I wasn't allowed over because of the blood.
@your.local.sarcastic_maniac Жыл бұрын
A perfect video to watch tonight.
@platypuspersonnel476 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@BiggleVonDoofsnortIV Жыл бұрын
“That made my blood run blood” 💀
@4sanity136 3 ай бұрын
nah my blood runs marinara sauce
@undefined6947 Жыл бұрын
"Please wake up" got me pretty good. Maybe in a couple months.
@Ilikewofandwarriorcats Жыл бұрын
Be prepared, this is a Long one. It’s called “The Clacker”, and it’s pretty terrifying to me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My town has this Strange Rule: Before nightfall, everyone needs to lock their doors and windows. All thanks to this creature that supposedly exists called the clacker. If you don’t know what it is, it’s this made-up thing. Apparently it gets its name from it’s hooves- and the very sharp teeth that Go Clack in the night. I always thought that this clacker was just some fairytale to keep kids safe, like little red riding hood, or the wolf and seven little goats. It didn’t bother me too much when other teenagers talked about it, but it doesn’t make any sense when it comes to the older folks, when they’ve never seen it before. Some of the toughest adults in this town still believe in it, like the Bodybuilders- and they’re grown up! I dont understand, if you’ve never seen it, why do you believe in it! The worst is my neighbor Ackley, The First time i was Home alone he scolded me for leaving the windows and doors unlocked. “Why didn’t you lock the door? A Smart kid like you should KNOW when to be afraid” I didn’t mean to in the first place, but that always got me curious. What would happen if I left the doors and windows unlocked? Luckily, my parents were going away for the weekend. “Make sure you lock all the doors and windows, Ok son?” I told them that I would definitely do so, but that wasn’t the truth. I put my phone Camera on the shelf to capture the thing when it came. I hid in the bathroom, because that’s the safest room since it has a lock on the door. And, I could hear whatever was going on. That morning, the house was a mess. I checked the camera to see if it came, and to my surprise there was actually something there! The clacker… exists! It trashed my whole living room, but at least it didn’t hurt me. When I was tidying up before my parents came home, I realized something. I Double checked the footage, and to my horror, there was footage of the clacker entering my House, yes… but no footage of the clacker leaving my house.
@friendeliin6653 Жыл бұрын
story 35 (at 35:56) made me so uncomfortable for some reason and now I have this overwhelming feeling of being watched
@Bendernity Жыл бұрын
That one about the murderer in Houston is real story about a serial killer named Dean Corrl. The teens that murdered him had been helping him in exchange for money and after a while, killed him out of regret and guilt.
@robertholmberg6485 Жыл бұрын
True story! My late father got a citation for this. The police department got a call about a murder suspect being in our old home town. My father was sent to check it out. Sure enough the murder suspect was there. My father told him he was under arrest. The guy asks to get something out of his suitcase. My father slapped the cuffs on him immediately. In the suitcase we're SIX LOADED GUNS!
@diseasedwombat5611 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a video posted by someone named Mr. Ballen, I forgot the name of the video, where a girl was picking bark off of a tree, when an unkempt man ran out of a van and started pinching her. While he was pinching her, she was in a trance-like state. The man started saying to her: “How would you like it if someone tore off your skin, how would you like it if someone tore off your skin?” The girl was called into her neighbor’s house and the man ran off or was caught or something, I forget. Anyway, I don’t remember where he went, he’s out of the story. The police went into the van the man came out of and found pictures of the girl lining the interior of the van. Eventually, the police find the man’s storage unit. In the storage unit, they found more pictures of the girl, a dentist chair in the middle of the room, knives, pliers, and screwdrivers. The girl was never told of this until she found her own daughter picking the bark off of a tree.
@toffiet3347 Жыл бұрын
Am I dumb why don't I get this
@diseasedwombat5611 Жыл бұрын
@@toffiet3347 I didn’t mean this as a joke, I wanted to tell a story of something that creeped me out
@toffiet3347 Жыл бұрын
@@diseasedwombat5611 ik that I just can't connect the last part. Maybe I'm just tired
@diseasedwombat5611 Жыл бұрын
@@toffiet3347 just look for Mr. Ballen’s video, “the pinching man,” he explains it better than I did
@betelgeux6010 Жыл бұрын
The scariest that happened to me is not that long ago. my wife and I visited my twin brother who lives in a mountain area. we love hiking, so we make a day trip in a pretty popular area. at some point, the hike involves one of these line carts to get you to the next plateau where you resume the hike. its a height difference of about 100 meters (300 yards?) and the cable goes over a few steep ridges/canyons. now my wife went in the seat before me. to explain, these line carts were basically a seat in a metal frame with a thing that you pull up from above to secure yourself before the belly. only i had a severe acrophobia at that point and was too nervous to think straight. i completely missed that this thing overhead existed and sat there on this frail metal stool, on a trip across 300 yard steep canyons with no safety measure in place. when youre in this position, the empty space before you draws your eyes in, so i found myself staring into the cragged depth for the whole 2 minutes. i just grabbed the armrests as hard as i could and hoped this thing would not dangle too much
@acespade6429 Жыл бұрын
The person under the bed in story 41 sounds like they wanna live a quite life.
@josiegipson90 Жыл бұрын
Story 23 about the friend being stuffed with drugs is a variation of an urban legend. It's usually a kidnapped child.
@tjohnson4178 Жыл бұрын
The name of the serial killer on story 10 is Dean Corll aka the “Candy man”. He raped, tortured, and killed dozens of young boys and only got caught because he was killed by one young boy who he manipulated and paid to bring him victims. The boy brung a female friend over to Dean’s house to save her from her abusive father and Dean got mad and told the boy he was gonna kill him and his female friend because bringing the girl over ruined everything. The boy promised the girl he would protect her and tricked Dean into giving him the gun and shot Dean dead with a .22 pistol
@livingstonesafrica3373 9 ай бұрын
This is a true story. One stormy night I was watching a movie and I thought that it passed over but at the most unexpected moment lightning struck the power line next to my house.
@braedeh_ Жыл бұрын
A nice twist for the man driving in the mountains story would've been if while speeding off, he crashed into another car and, you know, continued the loop.
@jacobbush4796 Жыл бұрын
I was in my house sleeping on the couch. I had a dream that could have saved my life. It was thanksgiving and all my family looked at me and said in a loud commanding voice, "WAKE UP THERE IS SOME ONE UPSTAIRS!" I woke up and grabbed my gun, but it was a toy, my gun was gone. I grabbed a knife and walked upstairs, my friend screamed. I ran in and saw a man running from my friend's bed, i stabbed him. The police came and arrested that guy. Hope this story was good. Also I wrote this on my phone so now the click noise for whenever you type a letter will be ringing in my head forever. I’m fine now but I do have anxiety.
@superowenma5519 Жыл бұрын
Story 41 is literally the story (with a few changes) from jojos bizarre adventure part 4. It was the story of Kira's first victim
@gayatri8429 Жыл бұрын
I fell asleep with the curtains open, the next morning my nanny told me she woke up at 2am and saw a pale woman with long black hair sitting on the swing crying and staring at my window, she walked to my window, knocking at my window. It turns out to be "Kuntilanak". A kuntilanak will always try to kidnap children and sometimes people say that they will ate the children.
@oocombz Жыл бұрын
Yep story 23 is why I'll stay away from Mexico. 👍👍 Also there was a story that I read years ago about a guy who was an author who bought a house in a very nice neighborhood. The neighborhood only had one rule that there could be no visible lights from the house after dark. One night he forgets to close the curtains while he's riding and actually sees a creature outside of his house. So he decides to confront the creature and at the end is the news story talking about he and his family's demise. Don't remember the name but I remember it creeped me out.
@ccappa2001 Жыл бұрын
The licking story terrified me the first time I heard it, LOL
@robertaewing5468 Жыл бұрын
a woman Had a nightmare where she drove up to a house she didn’t recognize. She went into the house, walked up the stairs, walked into one of the rooms then ran from room to room screaming. The next day she went into work and learned that the during the night her coworker’s father had passed away. She went to the funeral with her coworker as support and after the funeral everyone et at her mother’s house. It was the same house from the nightmare and apparently the woman’s mother had arrived home, walked up the stairs, walked into her bedroom and found her husband dead and ran from room to room screaming
@pureheartedassassin8865 Жыл бұрын
I met my husband's family for the first time when we were still dating when there was an old man approaching us in the living room and talking to me like "what's your name.. What's your family name.. where you come from" typical old person questions. About 6 months later on my birthday (2nd Jan) My husband surprised me with a video call at that time he didn't have any car and we were both still in school. And then I have the urge to ask "how's your grandpa?" And then he answered "which grandpa?" And I said "the one that I met when I went to your family's house.. he was skinny and short... He wears a white hat" and he said "dear... My grandpa passed away a few years ago."
@Dnny_Phnt0m Жыл бұрын
Story 10 is a true story. That serial killer was the Candyman. The two boys who lured others to his house did eventually kill the Candyman, I think one of the boys also died (don’t remember) and the other was put in prison and if he’s still alive I think he’s still behind bars (again, I am not 100% sure, but I know he was put in prison)
@tylerharris2689 Жыл бұрын
You hear a knock at the door, it’s the IRS
@egget9 Жыл бұрын
AHHH this is the most scary story
@ledam2654 Жыл бұрын
The one with the apparition floating from room to room was scary ngl
@DamianKilner 4 ай бұрын
When I heard story 10, I thought to myself, "this sounds famillier."because this was a perspective from one of the would be victims nephew/neice, the story was about Dean Corll aka the candyman, his accomplice's were named Elmer Wayne Henley Jr. and David Owen Brooks. Mark was a friend of both Henley and Brooks. Henley stated that he, along with Brooks and Corll, had abducted him, and that Mark was forced to write a letter to his parents, raped, and tortured before being strangled to death the following morning and buried at High Island Beach. Despite this confession, neither Henley nor Brooks has been charged specifically for Mark's murder. Henley was convicted of 6 other murders and sentenced to 6 consecutive terms of 99 years in prison; he will next be eligible for parole in 2025. Brooks was convicted of one murder and sentenced to life in prison; he died in 2020
@Crazy_Gamer1704 Жыл бұрын
42:29 bro, I knew the SECOND a dog was mentioned, except I thought it was gonna be like the dog was cooked or some messed up thing… I’ve heard stories where the parent buys a dog for their kid and after they get a good bond with the dog they’d cook it in the oven, sometimes I believe the dog was put in alive
@seanrosenau2088 Жыл бұрын
It was a Two Sentence Horror Story on Reddit The last human being alive on earth sat alone in a room. Then there came a polite knock upon the door.
@lakraknjeprak2536 Жыл бұрын
ok here is my story : apparently the building i've worked in (cafe, restaurant, and boutique) is a supernatural kingdom on the other dimension. how do i know this? my neighbor, a grave keeper, often came to visit. not us but whatever entity he's communicating with. one day a customer even see shadow person when drinking alone. and the third witness account is a priest being sent here because my dad was possessed. thankfully i can't see them. but i can feel their presence through smell. they smell like burning incense. even though nobody here practiced asian religion that require burning incense as prayer and i can't find the physical item anywhere after searching whole building. edit : apparently the previous owner is asian dude and this building itself decorated with hindu-like temple, idk if its for aesthetic purpose or darker reason.
@tallonmetroids271 Жыл бұрын
As for the clown statue, I regularly use Facebook and have never seen that story.
@scorchedroseproductions3266 Жыл бұрын
Half of these stories are ones we told around the campfires at church camps when I was a kid. Or some variation.
@Anti-Villain-Wolf Жыл бұрын
The answer to Story 25 is "Strangers."
@notamaperson5849 Жыл бұрын
I was at my friends house for a sleepover when i was around 6. He invited me and Henry over. Freddy sat there on the window sill around two storeys off the floor. When we were going to go to sleep Freddy slept in his sisters room for some reason so it was me and Henry. Over time we heard banging on the roof and I quietly said “you think there’s something on the roof” Henry immediately fainted then woke up and started crying
@anonymizzle Жыл бұрын
The first story is “slightly scarier than running out of napkins” to this guy? That makes me wonder about him, because that’s a pretty scary story.
@masterboko Жыл бұрын
My scariest story is i looked up 'the 500 teethed dinosaur' its horrifying😰😰😰
@hënry_zenin Жыл бұрын
A story about a boy whos babysitter was obsessed with him After school she came to pick him up telling him that his mother had left the country for a while and told him that he should stay with his babysitter until the mother was back The babysitter took the boy to her house and started playing weird games with him. one day he was watching the news when he saw a missing person report The person was him He turned around and the babysitter was standing behind him looking right at him The boy tried to jump out the window but only managed to yell for help When the police showed up they found him tied up and blindfolded in the babysitters bedroom And the babysitter was not charged for anything The boy still shudders at the mention of her name to this day
@ApokalyptikNM Жыл бұрын
When I was a bout 9 years old I was up north with my parents at our family farm and our parents bought a movie called Signs.. and in the beginning it showed a house surrounded by cornfields.. I look out side and we're surrounded by cornfields with only one way in or out. After the movie I was to afraid to go out to take a leak.. but my parents thought it would be a good idea to take a walk on that road (it's a mile long road with cornfields on either side.. about a half mile in we heard rustling in the ditch along side us.. thinking it was our brother messing with us we call out but it was dead quiet.. and our brother was with us.. and then we just heard this low deep growl and we all froze my dad pulled out his pistol with a flashlight and all you saw was glowing eyes staring directly at us.. and within seconds this animal or something just bolted.. that thing was the usain bolt of animals.. when we got to the other side it was a open clearing and you can clearly see something way out in the distance just bolting toward the woods.. it was quite large all black.. we thought bear but we took out the binoculars and it was skinny.. we thought wolf but it was to large to be a wolf the animal was running lateral.. and I grew up hearing stories about a Wolfman apparently spotted in Elkhorn wiconsin and our farm is 214miles away.. i am still stumped of what it could been it was a large skinny body all black with a tail.. were shocked we seen tons of animals including wolves but we never seen something just take off that fast.. we were stunned and had no idea what the animal was thankfully it didn't attack us. Everytime I go up there now I bring a camera and a shotgun in hope I see what ever it was.. should really install cameras all alongside our property facing in and out
@Space-Milk Жыл бұрын
“She had a crush on her brothers” *panic* “…Friend” *calm*
@julianozaur444 Жыл бұрын
"Majungosaurus hunt" was quite scary, though it was more tragic
@NyanRainbowz2010 3 ай бұрын
my scariest story isnt very long or scary so im just gonna add big words to stretch it out, but ill add the shortened version at the end. I lived in an older house. Somewhere near 100 years old by now i'd assume. For context, this house was nearly assured to be haunted by multiple things. People died there a LOT, due to it being on a hill. Due to this, during the winter when it's easy to slip and slide, people would loose control of their car and swerve right near our house and die in a car crash. The residents, (my family), have seen things in the house. Also, if this helps set the scene in your mind, this house was out in the country right on the corner of the forest in a ghetto area, no houses around for like a mile. I had slept through this I assume, but my mom says my brother had not been able to sleep while he continously said something about a man in the window with a red truck, or something like that. There was nobody out that window. I think that may of been the side of the house people usually would crash at. This is only one of the stories in that house. (I'll say more if this gets 100 likes) SHORTENED VERSION TIME Old house with car crash history, brother wakes up unable to sleep because "man in window with car". No car or man. 100 likes for more stories of that house
@eliasbischoff176 Жыл бұрын
I keep confusing house of leaves and leaves of grass and then wondering why people are scared of Walt Whitman. (I have read neither, but have both in my TBR, although my gf told me Whitman was boring)
@TM-jz1ef Жыл бұрын
This isn't veryyyy scary but when I was little (about 4 or 5) I had a great grandpa that I called pop brown (brown was his last name) that had recently passed away. I didn't really understand death at that age. One day my mum was driving with me in the backseat around where he had his funeral. I look out the window and say "Look mum! Poppy drew a love heart!" My mum thought I was talking about another one of my grandpa's and said "Where?" I began to become frustrated when my mum couldn't figure out who or where I was pointing to. "Mum! Poppy Brown drew a love heart!" I shout again. I don't remember a single thing about this but my mum told me.
@dah_bologna_artist9367 Жыл бұрын
36:00 no joke I had almost the described entity in my dreams for 2 nights in a row. The only difference you can tell it was a women and she had yellowish/green glowing eyes. I was probably around 10 when it happened. I had a dream that there’s was some sort of apocalypse and this women was roaming around hurting others. I just remember running and hiding in abandoned/collapsed buildings with an array of characters from my favorite shows and people I knew. I don’t remember much of the first night but some how she scared me awake. The next night the dream picked up right where it left off. After that I never had a dream with her in it again.
@CindiLyon Жыл бұрын
The story about the 2 teens helping the killer sounds like Dean Corli (I can't remember how to spell his last name), but only 1 of the teens killed him, not both.
@ibeakeri0648 Жыл бұрын
Story 41 sounds kind of like the death of a character in jjba part 4
@supercali413 Жыл бұрын
Story 10: that is a real case. It’s so much worse if you hear the whole thing.
@Zeilnap Жыл бұрын
great video, nice storytelling, you deserve a like and sub
@OrionDoesThings Жыл бұрын
Those "please wake up" post always fuck me up
@FlareSnarez Жыл бұрын
1:07 This is actually based off of the internet horror film "I heard it to"
@Ay_Yo_WTF Жыл бұрын
Aunt T? Lol, your Aunt Theodore?
@crystalcritt1895 Жыл бұрын
@lexisssHoshi Жыл бұрын
Of course I watch this 2:00 am while trying to sleep
@gallagherthewolf5845 Жыл бұрын
It took my way to long to figure out that mostly fact and mainly fact were different- idk why
@PriestConrad 7 ай бұрын
The scariest story I have ever heard is as follows: One day my mother asked me to go to the store and buy milk. When I got back from the store I realized what it was... IT WAS SCARY MILK
@bighurtz687 Жыл бұрын
I hope none of this actually happened. This is effing awful.
@willowcallihoomccabe6217 Жыл бұрын
so the scariest thing thats happend to me is there was a time i was in a school bathroom i saw another girl in a stall i wanted to scare her so i hummed a scary song i then went into a stall and the feet disaperd and i thought maybe they put theyre feet up cuz no one left the bathroom but when i got out of the stall no one was in there nether was it locked i was alone the entire time
@pumpkintoadlet8 Жыл бұрын
The clown story is this Babysitter: hey your clown statue is freaking be out can i cover it up? Couple: take the kids and run outside Babysitter: why? Couple: we don't have a clown statue! then the babysitter sees a smile on the once frown statue
@Divadtube 2 ай бұрын
Real life. Cave diver gets lost. Finds cave air pocket, thought dead. 3 weeks starving to death alone, in a cave. Discovered by cave explorers. I wish I didn't know.
@dianaking6447 Жыл бұрын
The story about mark and the teenage boys is true. The murderer was Dean Corll. But how did the gas station guy know?
@TheKaoticFoxi23 Жыл бұрын
38:14 Plotwist: it was the last woman on earth
@LukeTheDukeYT Жыл бұрын
This isn't a story, but I saw a picture of the Moonlight Man from the movie Gerald's Game. It's been 2 years since, and I still sleep with a nightlight because the darkness in a far corner in my room at night has shadows that look like the man. Please help me get rid of the image. My girlfriend, when I get one, will probably not like the brightness. I'm 12, BTW.
@deathgodshewasanillusionin6893 Жыл бұрын
Hello, when i was 16. I was sleeping at my bf. I had sleep paralysis. An elder lady just angry with me and sterted chocking me. When i was wake up, really tired and really afraid sleeping again. It was my second or third times dreaming sleep paralysis. Ithink it was my most creepiest dream in my whole life. Now i'm 27 and some month ago had again a sleep paralysis but somehow i'm broke out the dream in five mins. 😅
@sirtrently77 11 ай бұрын
Some of these are creepypastas, but the one about the serial killer and his two teenage henchmen is true. One of the nastiest, evil men who ever walked the earth.
@aurum3747 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't take the "dog" licking one seriously because it was told as Reimi's backstory in fucking Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
@haengihorsetheonewhocancoo8855 Жыл бұрын
Lol, the scariest thing I ever witnessed was when my father was about to beat my mother up, or when I didn’t submit my math test (she was strict okay, and I was so sure I’d be humiliated in front of the whole class), but there was a time when I was like, what, 8? 7? 6? I don’t remember, but It was night, me and my sister shared a room, I sat closest to the door [-my bed-]. (Door that is open). -\ [-sisters bed-] Which allowed me to see the hall and into the corridor where there sat a couch, I saw a light that looked like a person and shaped like one (but there weren’t any features, like a black figure but white with light shining off of them) I couldn’t move and that’s all I remember, I don’t remember if I was scared, confused, curious, nothing, but I did tell my mother about it, she just assumed it was an angel that visited the house that night, She explained that whenever she went to her grandmothers (aka my great grandmother) she never went into her room because there were always these white shiny orbs that flew around her room, she and the other children were terrified, ran away, went back only once, saw those shiny orbs again, and never went back into her room nor had they opened that rooms door again (except for the grandmother, because, like, obv, she sleeps there, it’s her room) But again, it wasn’t scary as I remember it.
@papastinky4640 Жыл бұрын
Once, a man was driving and saw a homeless man on the side of the road hitchhiking, he looked a lot like Jesus. So he stopped and let him get in, the man said, “I am Jesus and I can prove it” so them man handed him water and turned it into whine. Later, he was driving with Jesus and saw a black man on the side of the road, so he was like: “I really want to hit him but I don’t want go to hell” so his plan was to pretend to fall asleep and hit him, and then wake up. So he acted like he fell asleep and he heard a thud, he thought to himself: “yes, I hit him” he woke up and asked: “what was that?” So Jesus told him: “there was a nigger on the side of the road, you almost missed him so I opened the door and got him.”
@martinamaggio6976 Жыл бұрын
There's one i really like about a little girl faking to hear a monster every night for attention, but her parents never seem to get tired of checking every inch of her room. Eventually, one day she bursts out laughing as her parents enter the room, they obviously asked her what she was laughing about and she said "at you! You always believe me!". The parents don't get mad, they just stare at each other and her dad says "we didn't believe your brother for just one night" And the little girl, who had always been an only child, didn't sleep well that night. I love how you're left to wonder if the brother actually existed or if the parents just wanted to scare their daughter straight
@Some_rando115 Жыл бұрын
The scariest thing for me was when I was 5 years old, I was sleeping and all of a sudden I heard what sounded like the annoying orange laughing, it sound stupid but I was absolutely terrified of it when I was a kid, ran into a wall trying to get to my parents, fell unconscious and my parents woke me up Laugh at me if you want, but I was 5
@dollie.luv333 Жыл бұрын
What was it actually?
@pokerations Жыл бұрын
The scary orange
@lol_Idk821 Жыл бұрын
Cant blame you That laugh is 💀
@Some_rando115 Жыл бұрын
@@lol_Idk821 bro when I hit the wall I swore the final thing I would hear is him laughing💀
@LvL_7_Mage Жыл бұрын
At least it wasn’t elmo wearing a leather jacket and a tutu pirouetting aggressively at you
@sophiefrankis9476 Жыл бұрын
The scariest story I have ever heard; a little boy is excited because his mother is pregnant, and he can't wait to meet his sister. He goes as far as separating his toys for him and his sister, tagging them with her name. When the baby is born the little boy loves her more than life itself. However, the baby girl has terrible colic and cries non-stop, day in, day out. Mum and dad are exhausted and stress. One day the boy comes home from school to find that the baby is gone. Not only her but the cot, all her clothes, and even the toys he set aside for her with her name tagged on them. It's like there was never a baby there to begin with. When he asks his mum and dad where the baby is they sort of brush him off without telling him. He keeps asking to the point his parents get angry at him. The boy finds one toy of hers the parents missed and keeps it hidden as a token. However, the dad finds it, and actually slaps the boy for keeping it before throwing it away. Years later the boy sees a little girl on a foster care poster and swears it's his sister but the mum brushes it off. The boy grows up into a man and his parents deny there ever was a baby. But he laments how he will always miss his little sister. Not scary in the ghostly chilling way but scary in the mystery and the nature of humanity. It's just one that has stuck with me for so long.
@kitecorbin3914 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't happen like that. Orphaned children aren't allowed to be on posters for privacy reasons - I know this because my own nieces have been on those orphan posters, and they are definitely not without family.
@littlepip4014 Жыл бұрын
The story is called "we don't talk about Sarah" and it isn't a foster care poster, he sees a missing persons poster with Sarah's face on it but with a different name while at the post office with his mother. She tells him it's not Sarah and gets out of there fast. At home, the father goes on a rampage but the mother screams at him that he can't hurt the boy. It's heavily implied (just doesn't outright say) that Sarah was not an infant but was kidnapped and abused by the boy's mother and father. She cries, bangs on the window to be let out, is locked in "mommy and daddy's room at night" for the first few months, is locked in the basement so the neighbors wouldn't hear her crying and complain, sleeps in a bed with bars (like the boy did) so she can't escape, etc., etc. And she doesn't die, she takes her life. So, the parents make the boy throw away everything related to her, but he manages to save a few of the name tags he made for their toys. The child telling the story never actually says that Sarah is a baby or that she slept in a crib. Great story though!
@benrobinson269 Жыл бұрын
You do know there are more countries than the US.. with different laws/rules…
@L3adb3lly Жыл бұрын
There was a true story of a guy who couldn't shake the feeling that he had a sister (twin or slightly younger). Eventually he grows up and his older sister/brother explains that they did have a sister, but nobody knew what happened to her. Turns out the mother murdered the girl as a toddler, and it went unnoticed because she was killed before she would have started school, and her body was kept at the house, in a closet.
@kurbaga_12 Жыл бұрын
​@@littlepip4014omg this is actually horrifying and very heart breaking
@aur_naur_leor Жыл бұрын
44 days of hell. Its a story about an asian woman walking from school to home and is harassed by some bullies. another man rescues her and takes her to her place. the next day they meet up. what she didnt know is that she would be continuously tortured for 44 days with no end. She was laid out in the snow for days, R@p3d, Starved, Whipped, And much more. And the worst part is that it was all planned. Edit: Thanks for the likes, yall. her name was junko furuta, and the bullies and the nice man were all part of it
@Loltroll8 Жыл бұрын
Her name is Junko Furuta, she was a Japanese student. May God rest her soul. However, the scariest part is not the heinous torture she endured at the hands of these monsters, who were her age, they were literally children, no, the worst part was that the Japanese judicidal system protected these monsters simply because they were minors, they protected them so much to the point of giving them new identities to live the remainder of their lives. The Japanese government still defends these monsters to this day and justice has not been served.
@knighted9083 Жыл бұрын
@@Loltroll8 I just looked this up and it looks like they did arrest the guys and charge them, I can send the link if you want.
@Loltroll8 Жыл бұрын
@@knighted9083 ah thank bloody goodness, but Im pretty sure the part of the government changing their identities is true.
@redskyz4426 Жыл бұрын
@@knighted9083 yes pls
@aceofclubs. Жыл бұрын
@@knighted9083 only for a bit. They’re all roaming free now.
@kingofthekoopas8857 Жыл бұрын
Ok so I know this sounds a tad bit silly, but this was the scariest thing I’ve encountered as a kid. I was playing at a friend’s house when I was probably like 10 or so, and I kept hearing a slow breathing sound through the house. I looked everywhere for the noise but couldn’t find the source. It almost sounded like it was behind me… Hours before I was playing hide and seek with my friend and recorded myself breathing as a red-herring. I put the sound on a loop on a phone and set it in a closet. Several hours later she snuck the phone into my hoodie I was wearing. Scared me half to death.
@sh4rky466 Жыл бұрын
Your friend must’ve been an evil genius.
@randomdoodlesstudios9215 Жыл бұрын
Dude,that’s hilarious
@shrimpchild Жыл бұрын
This happened to me a lot when I was 5-12. Not the phone and the looped recording of heavy breathing, but just the heavy breathing and feeling like it's right behind me. It turned out to be a mixture of auditory and tactile hallucinations, as a result of something that I don't even know today. Definitely a hallucinatory disorder, though, since I experience similar things today. 🦐 Also, 10/10 friend cuz that is hilarious. -Z
@kingofthekoopas8857 Жыл бұрын
@Dave Miller It’s only a matter of time. Who could stop me!?
@lol_Idk821 Жыл бұрын
@confettiveda2460 Жыл бұрын
Story 4, the one about the baby dolls sounds like a metaphor for postpartum psychosis.
@AshDoesGacha_ Жыл бұрын
What's that?
@cxrtified_b9784 Жыл бұрын
@@AshDoesGacha_ after you have a baby your mind starts doing weird things
@ked49 Жыл бұрын
@@cxrtified_b9784like wanting to harm the baby.
@MoonlightKayla Жыл бұрын
The clown statue story is that one story where a babysitter is watching kids, puts them to bed, and then watches TV. The clown statue in the corner of the room starts to creep the babysitter out, so she calls the parents to complain about it. The parents say to call 9-1-1 because they don’t have a clown statue. Good scary story on the first read, but it gets annoying when people post it all the time, over and over again.
@CaitlynHallart Жыл бұрын
My favorite version ends, "omg, grab my clown statue and get out, we don't have kids!"
@henriqueprado9205 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a stuffed panda bear I had when I was a kid. My uncle needed to sleep at my home once because me and my family where in a travel to another city. This uncle said he could not sleep because something in the bear was unsettling him. The panda was then burnt🙁
@henriqueprado9205 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for my broken english🙃
@CaitlynHallart Жыл бұрын
@@henriqueprado9205 man that sucks.
@CaitlynHallart Жыл бұрын
@@henriqueprado9205 but your English is just fine. I meant the panda being burnt sucks.
@battleblitz2581 Жыл бұрын
This is the story of how I told my dad his phone was ringing: So, my sister had a school dance and my mom went with her, me and my dad stayed home. I had recently gotten into a KZbin series called Crypt Fairy-tales (they take classic fairy-tales and put a special dark twist on them) so I was basically binging that all night. I get up and leave my room to get a snack, once I get into the living room I find it to be dark and completely empty, I walk into the kitchen and turn the light on (I don't care if the whole place is lit, just that I have some light so that I can see) the kitchen is empty as well, I then think to myself "Where the heck is Dad?" before I get my snack I look to see if any of the bathroom doors are closed, maybe he was in the bathroom...the bathroom doors were open and no one was inside, the lights were off as well. I then see if he's in his and my mom's room...he wasn't, the lights were off in that room as well. For some reason I just think "Oh, he probably decided to go with my sister to her school dance after all, okay then, guess I have the whole house to myself...a little strange he didn't tell me before he left though" and I walk back to the kitchen to get my snack. Once I'm in the kitchen and looking through the fridge, I suddenly hear a little girl laughing...it sounded like she was in the house and in the living room...the room closest to the kitchen...but then after listening to the laugh for a few seconds, I realize something "Wait a minute...that's my sister's laugh from when she was 5" My dad had set his ringtone as my sister's laugh a while back (just cause he thought it was cute and it made him happy to hear her laughing, normal parent stuff) I walk into the living room and find my dad's phone, someone was calling him. I thought "Wait, if Dad had left...why would he leave his phone behind?" It was then at that moment when I remembered that my dad likes to work with guitars and other stuff in the garage, I take his phone with me, open the garage door and there he is...I had completely creeped myself out for no reason. We then had this short conversation... Me: Hey Dad... Dad: Yeah? Me: Your phone is ringing...*hands over phone*
@Tuxin1 Жыл бұрын
Wholesome story
@Xeorboom Жыл бұрын
TL:DR my dad was in the garage and I gave him his phone after someone called him
@ElectroWeb Жыл бұрын
Story 16 was actually kinda creepy not gonna lie, like imagine if you saw death one day but it wasn't for you, like if you weren't afraid of death before, you sure as heck are now
@Xeorboom 5 ай бұрын
I just find it funny that Death was unaware that the soul it needed to claim had moved, Death needs to know the rescheduling!
@DuskTheBatPony Жыл бұрын
oh boy I got one, here it goes. Late 2015, November or December, don't recall which of 2. But I was coming back home from school, with a friend, we were just chatting about some random shit, like upcoming exams and such. Out of nowhere he kneels and starts crying, holding his chest, he told me with between breaths that his chest hurt bad. I didn't think anything too serious about it. But he told me to call an ambulance so I did, at this point I started to get worried, after a while of being breathless and holding his chest he passes out. Ambulance arrived like 5 minutes later and they told me he didn't have a pulse, turns out he had a heart attack. I entered the ambulance with him while we were rushed to the hospital, and I don't recall too much about the ride to the hospital, I just remember sirens and the sounds of the doctors talking to each other, I remember seeing black shadows just out of sight, always at the edge of my vision. Shortly before we arrived at the hospital he was successfully resurrected. Turns out he had a mix of lack of sleep and too much energy drinks and his hear just stopped. The scary part to this was the ride in the ambulance, because it was such a surreal moment to me, today I know what that was just tunnel vision. But back then it sacred the shit out of me. I figured out what it was a few years down the line, when I was enlisted I got the same shit while in a combat simulation. I got a injury in my leg so I was never deployed, I was allowed to serve still in the armory I worked at. Not that scary to others but to me it was really scary.
@cakegd5705 Жыл бұрын
How does this not have a single like
@magicalplace3788 Жыл бұрын
A story about a girl whose mother was attacked one night and after that, never talked to the girl again. She never told anyone who attacked her. She was a single mother. The mother would lose motivation to literally do anything. She would just sit on her chair in her bedroom facing the closet, staring at it. The girl would always wake up to her yelling, screaming words that don't make sense. And whenever the girl would come to her room to check what's going on, the mother would still be sitting on her chair unwilling to speak to her. Always with new scratch marks on her face, arms and body as she would hurt herself when the girl was asleep. One time, the girl had enough. She called 911 and got her an ambulance. Turns out, the reason her mother didn't talk to her was because her tongue was cut off.
@aaronbethom8166 Жыл бұрын
So the yelling and screaming she heard each night wasnt coming from her mother because she had no tounge? That is a creepy story
@betelgeux6010 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronbethom8166 you can yell and scream without a tongue just fine. try doing it while sticking your tongue to the backside of the front teeth to immobilize it. screaming works
@aaronbethom8166 Жыл бұрын
@@betelgeux6010 okay how about the bit where it says yelling and screaming words?
@betelgeux6010 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronbethom8166 well those were not making any sense, so I would assume that they were incoherent blabber. roll your tongue or press it against your gums and speak loudly, the result will kinda sound like words from another room
@SmoothCriminal69 Жыл бұрын
The scariest time of my life was when I was diagnosed with psychosis. Weeks before the diagnosis, I was seeing & hearing things that were not real, & right before I was diagnosed, I remember seeing what might've been a sleep paralysis demon walk into my room, look at me kind of sad-like, & hug me before waking up. It seemed as though it knew I was in pain & I was suffering & I guess he knew it was gonna get worse for me
@brknvods Жыл бұрын
You know it’s bad when the sleep paralysis demon feels that you need a hug :(
@neverburstx4638 Жыл бұрын
@@brknvods True 😭
@scharlaaa Жыл бұрын
now thats a forgiving paralysis demon :( but i hope youre happy and getting better my friend ❤️
@FreezingWinters4793 Жыл бұрын
@@scharlaaa tf you doing here Gabriel?
@scharlaaa Жыл бұрын
@@FreezingWinters4793 um... nothing
@christinarogers3695 Жыл бұрын
The green face one at the end was scary because I grew up in what I would call a haunted house. As I got older stuff started to slack off and I could almost brush it off as an overactive imagination if it wasn’t for this one story: my mom successfully potty trained me by about 3 1/2 years old But even then I would always have her sit with me in the bathroom. I would pull my pants down and do my business flush and wipe and leave all on my own so one day she asked me why I wanted her to be there with me. I told her that when she wasn’t in there I always heard a baby crying from the bathroom closet where the water heater was. a bunch of other weird stuff happening in that house but my mom and dad don’t believe in such things so I wasn’t really surprised when they brushed it off. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 16 but we moved back to the same area when I was 19. For sentimental reasons I decided to check out the old place. Turns out somebody had recently moved in maybe a couple months ago and being an outgoing person and also secretly hoping to get a glimpse of the inside of the house, I just had to go say hi. His name is AJ and I ended up becoming pretty good friends with him. One day around Halloween I was over at the house and it was pretty late so I started fooling around telling scary stories. All of them true stories that had happened to me at that same house. He’s a pretty skeptical and logical guy so he’s not buying any of them Until I break out the baby story. I told him, “yeah and when I was little I could never go to the bathroom alone because if no one was in there with me I would always hear a…“ And then I absolutely freaked out when he said, “please don’t say you heard a baby crying“ I tell him yes that’s exactly how it was and I asked him how he knew about the baby. My parents don’t believe in ghosts and they think anyone who talks about them is a loony tune so they wouldn’t have spread the story and even if they had we really don’t have any mutual friends between us. He tells me his five year old daughter Adriana has been having problems going to the bathroom by herself ever since they moved to this house. She was completely potty trained and doing just fine for at least a year at the old house so he just assumed the move was stressing her out or whatever But when he finally asked her she told him that when she went to the bathroom alone she heard a baby crying. When I confirmed it was a baby crying he kind of thought he just suggested that answer into my head. Like maybe I could tell how panicked he was and just went with it so he asked me where I always heard the baby and I told him it was in the closet where the water heater was. Apparently that closet wasn’t there anymore. They had done a lot of remodeling to the house in the water heater was moved into the hall so I walked him back there and pointed to the corner of the room And he absolutely lost his shit. That story went from one of the least creepy almost forgotten memories of my childhood to the scariest thing that happened to me there and all because it has happened to someone else to and I can’t just brush it off as my imagination anymore. I mean I can and I do, but still… Creepy… so much stuff happened in that house that if I told all the stories it would seem fake. I want to look up the history of that place but not bad enough to actually do it if that makes sense.
@crem-crem4070 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 actually happened to my cousin! Omg I’m going to tell her about this!!!! He hadn’t killed the bodies but had stolen them from a hospital after bribing the guards Story 10 is also true, the killer was nicknamed the “candy man” because he had been the owner of a candy store/factory and was actually a well known and liked member of the community
@crashboxsinofstars2865 Жыл бұрын
Why the fuck would you steal bodies from a hospital???
@crem-crem4070 Жыл бұрын
@@crashboxsinofstars2865 ….to fuck them That’s what he did after all
@aaaaaaaaooooooo Жыл бұрын
Did the necrophilliac pass on a disease to your cousin through a kiss, like in the story? This is a true urban legend?
@xunkn0wn.3rr0rx2 Жыл бұрын
Is your cousin ok? And did the cops find the man? This is why I don't like dating apps or online dating sites.
@dannybonsai7102 Жыл бұрын
i heard somewhere that this is disturbingly common, particularly with Undertakers trying to gain some extra cash, as long as the bodies are returned.
@kieljohntoons Жыл бұрын
Okay, I have a scary story to share, and this is true because I was the one who experienced it. So, back when I was 14 years old. There was some times where I would wake up in the middle of the night, around 2-3 o'clock PM, for no reason. But whenever this happens, I always get that feeling like someone is watching me or have a sudden feeling of nervousness, I would just lie in there staring at the ceiling. This happened to me for a week. Then one night, again I woke up with the same feeling like being watched. Again I watched the ceiling until I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I was about to get out of the bed but something caught my attention in the hallway (bear in mind, my room doesn't have a door just an entrance😅), and I kid you not I saw a very black skinned entity with a long messy hair, pair of red eyes that is looking straight into me, grinning while his saliva dripping down his mouth. I was stunned as I stare back at the entity. After a minute, the entity backed out while still staring at me. The moment it disappeared I immediately lie in bed, grabbed my blanket, hid, and closed my eyes until I fell asleep. The next morning, we found out that a burglar breaks into our house and some of our things were stolen. After a month or so, I told thr story of the entity to my family, and it turns out my two sisters also saw what I saw the same night. (sorry for my crappy story telling, english is not my first language😅)
@LegendStormcrow Жыл бұрын
I always love the "I heard it too" stories. I prefer when it's the brother who stops them on the stairs.
@jakeDsnake06 Жыл бұрын
I honestly haven't heard that one only the mum in the closet one so if no one likes that one I'd better do some research on it
@cogbait Жыл бұрын
@@jakeDsnake06 I have hear the mother in her room and mother in the bathroom ones along with the cupboard one
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