Non-Duality Explained Simply in 1-Min

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Alex Shailer

Alex Shailer

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@mementomori5374 7 ай бұрын
Non duality explained very simply : you can’t explain it 😂
@mitche5007 6 ай бұрын
Advaita Vedanta 🙏
@900thornzxsirlabs5 8 ай бұрын
For all those Interested in learning about this. You will often find the most accurate awareness of it being described as to what it is not. It can’t really be described. That’s part of the point. The best teachers I’ve found are Ram Dass , Alan watts, Robert Spira and Eckhart Tolle. Become obsessed with the subject and then you will experience the object that is being discussed
@900thornzxsirlabs5 8 ай бұрын
Or get lost in the subject being studied. Paradoxical how it works 😅 if I had to point anyone into how to start observing where these (non) teachers are working from, the concepts contained within the kybalion were a good starting point for me. And of course meditation, if you don’t develop one pointedness of mind you weirdly won’t experience the background behind that one pointed awareness. The observer of the observer
@dartskihutch4033 2 ай бұрын
You nailed it by mentioning "paradox". That's all it is really, a cyclical paradox or two opposing (or dual) points in conflict infinitely, yet residing in your mind as one. Your mind is the observer of the duality of the universe, collapsing like a wave function in your mind. We are observers of chaos and order in constant flux, of free will and determinism in conflict, or love and hate, or up and down, positive and negative. In order for one to exist, there must be an opposite relative point to reference, or it has no meaning. Up cannot exist without down, yet neither exist without a mind to observe and make sense of which is which. So, in a nutshell, we are the embodiment of a paradox, created for a paradoxical universe, in order to observe a universe in which we create in our minds, while knowing our mind was created from the universe. PARADOX, that's it. Infinity, like determining the start of a circle.
@lydiaajohnson 12 күн бұрын
Agreed on all those. I’ll check out Robert Spira. Don’t know him.
@LianaMarvel 6 күн бұрын
​@@lydiaajohnsonit's Rupert not Robert
@RosePetals888 3 күн бұрын
How about Mooji?
@infinitenothingness Ай бұрын
You Are what you are searching for 🙏 .
@lydiaajohnson 12 күн бұрын
This is basically UNLOCKING a part of ourselves the majority of us miss. It would be best described as inner or deeply internal experiences. If you’ve ever felt a deep sense of peace come over you, a deep sense that you are loved, or an inner voice told you intfaticly not to do something, or to do something, you’ve touched on it. Religions sort of approach it by talking to god, but put on too many controls to let this energy, within, flow without obstacles. Obstacles would include our own sudden realizations of that inner peace, love, or that voice and shutting it down by dismissing it. On the other hand, when we experience these “sensations”, if you will, we are opening the door to the rest of our reality which is our TRUE connection to the wider universe. Many develop enough to communicate with the “other side”. You bet, this sounds nuts. This part of our reality is NOT something we are used to believing or accepting. But, it is real. Others are out there. More and more of us exploring this. I realize, only now, that the night before my son was born, when I was exhausted and walked toward my bed, and I was stopped by a VERY loud INNER voice that seemingly said, “DON’T get in your bed”, and I thought I was nuts, so I started toward my bed again. The voice said it again just as loudly. So, tired and miserable as I was, I made up a bed on the floor, feeling stupid, but unable to deny hearing what I heard, I went to sleep. An hour later, I awoke to my water breaking all over the floor around me. It was so much fluid that my bed would have been destroyed. Who said, “don’t get in your bed”? How did they know what was GOING to happen in the future? How were they able to communicate with me so that I would know-only I-that they fulfilled all the requirements we would perform in research to be able to say we had supporting evidence that something is either true or it exists? Here’s the ONLY problem. I was the ONLY one who heard it because it was spoken to me internally. I didn’t know my water was going to break in an hour. Had I known that, I would have just driven to the hospital. I would NOT have remained in my home to allow amniotic fluid to flow freely anywhere on my things. I still do not know who told me not to get in my bed, but I am so glad they did, and that they persisted. The reason I didn’t ignore the voice was because it was so loud, I could tell it was not going to let me rest peacefully in my bed. So, I acquiesced, and went to the floor. I chose the floor because my logical mind assessed that if someone wanted me to avoid the very place I needed to go, there must be a reason. The inner voice didn’t say anything but not to get in the bed. I stood there thinking that is someone says I should not go to my bed, then I won’t lie on the sofa either. So, between the voice and my own mind, we avoided a TRULY expensive disaster. Had I ignored the voice, something would have had to have been replaced when I was already spending a lot to have a baby. I have had other messages since then, but they are usually small. I don’t always listen to and follow those messages either. It is asking a lot of humans to go down a rabbit hole asking the important questions like, who said that to me, what is my relationship to you or you to me? Is there actually a god? Hearing those inner voices means there is something more to our reality than we’ve believed or accepted before-usually toward a belief we don’t want to have. It feels too much like religion for most people. For others, it feels like witchcraft or taking to dead people. The issue is, if someone or others-plural-speak to us, how do we get answers about that? It’s all still inside our own heads/hearts? I will say that if the psychedelic colors on these posts freak you out, ignore that part. Ignore the part that feels woo-woo, including the trans-like tones of voice some of these speakers use. Just stick with the parts that are real to you. You don’t have to become New Age. I’m not, and yet I know something marvelous has happened to me. I have experienced a growing inner peace and trust. There are many many way to hear messages from the “other side”. It’s easy to start looking to all sorts of sources with connection to the other side. But, you don’t have to do that. Go deep within and simply ask who they are. Ask who you really are if there’s more to our existence than you/we thought. The woo-woo chases away a lot of people who would otherwise explore what else is out there. Remember, I am a trained scientist, and this touched my life too. Like I said before, the evidence is internal to each of us. That’s what’s tricky. We don’t have something physical to hand over to say, see, this is actually happening. So, your evidence will have to be what YOU experience. You will have to open your heart and mind to TRY it. Then, if you get something, your evidence will be there for you alone, unless you share your story the way I am now. You may not hear an inner voice. You might experience a peace that comes over you. When you ask for this, know EVERYONE is invited to test this. There is NO judgement between political parties, personal beliefs, city-dwellers or rural, church-goers or athiests, gender, race, ethnicity, education levels, or how much you earn or don’t have. On this plane, there is only equal love. So, attempt to keep your own loud thoughts a bit quieter because the loudness of our thoughts is like an overcast day that keeps the sun out. So, still you mind, and if you hear thoughts, don’t fight them. Just wait for the next moment of stillness in your mind. You are practicing. Practice makes perfect--so to speak. It takes time to learn to fly a plane steadily. It takes time to learn to be still. Also, ask questions-quietly, in your mind. If you get nothing, don’t worry. The fact that you want to hear something is very activating to the other side. How do you know if these beings on the other side are safe? I allow myself to feel their energy the same way we feel the energy of people around us. Do use the suspicious mind. It trusts nothing and no one these days and will utterly block you. Remember, on the other side is pure love. Don’t take hate over there or you will connect with hateful energies. They are there. Go as if you were a child again. Go, willing to play with all the neighbor kids on the block the way you did as a child when kids less often judged each other. If you were bullied as a child, think of the love you experienced from someone-anyone-in your life. Try this out. But, you might check out Eckhart Tolle, Ram Das, etc. Avoid tarot, astrology, etc. at least in the beginning. People run there wanting to hear more directly from the other side when YOU need to be developing your own contact there. A steady diet of “other side” chasing will pull you away from your own development. Keep your questions though. Those are yours. Hope this helped even one person to bridge the human world we know well with the rest of what’s out there that we are only learning about.
@jefferyjimson8574 8 күн бұрын
We identify individual aspects to everything. So a table and a chair as two separate things in relation to everything. But when we are not doing that, there is already everything. Free from the need for individual aspects to be identified. The identification of individual aspects is knowing, we are searching to know everything. Everything is already free from the need to be known. There is just absolute freedom, covered over by that search for knowing.
@Anangelfromabove 2 ай бұрын
Loved this ❤
@auroraleielsalama261 Жыл бұрын
You made me understand this in the most simplified way. Thank you.
@AlexShailer Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@asmrambioticfluid9467 5 ай бұрын
If you think you understand it now then you have no idea
@auroraleielsalama261 5 ай бұрын
@@asmrambioticfluid9467 I believe you are speaking for yourself.
@asmrambioticfluid9467 5 ай бұрын
and who are you speaking for?@@auroraleielsalama261
@timothyammons9011 2 ай бұрын
@@auroraleielsalama261yes. I am. 🤭
@HeartOfTheSource 8 ай бұрын
"There can be only ONE." - The Highlander
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
Yeah and it's not this lune or Rupert,vishsna,Toby , Timothy,cosmic rainbow healer,or other middle-class up their own ego🤮
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
The heart. Of the source is light living in a SOULAR SYSTEM they took the u out years ago so nobody would suss it , SOULAR PLEXES light conductive through the minerals in the blood VIOLET ENERGY GETABLES vegetables for food ,bio photons in the water flying around the life giver and the physics of the spectrum and it's effects and still it's this garbage it's PATHETIC IDEOLOGY
@fingerprint5511 2 ай бұрын
@@user-cr8to2uq9r Rupert LOL
@eyeeye7356 5 ай бұрын
there is no time nor space nor real you... these are all just thoughts arising within the unknowingness
@lillierose5304 2 ай бұрын
This didn't explain non-duality but touched on it nicely.
@enlightenmator 3 ай бұрын
You are one and separate from your experience at the same time..
@user-fs8jp1yd7q 3 ай бұрын
Its all an illusion, but then there is sadness with that as well as joy because what is the reason for the illusion if its not to counter lonelliness
@bluwng 4 ай бұрын
Exact same as 1960s we are One movement. Same thing different label, nothing is new under the sun.
@betzyberumen6910 14 күн бұрын
Nonduality is older than the 1960s gheres entire spiritual practices and belief systems based on nonduality from thousands of years ago for example parts of Hinduism, Buddhism, many native shamanic teachings, many pegan beliefs the list goes on. We just have a label for it now as before there wasn't any label that could explain all these different systems and beliefs as one same thing described in many ways from many different cultures.
@Amit_Singh786 6 ай бұрын
If I am God, then why i forgot that i created this universe and why i am unable to change anything?
@Christie-EnergyHealing 3 ай бұрын
You're able, but you forgot that too 😂
@heartsofgoldenrod 3 ай бұрын
You forget so that you can play the game.
@dartskihutch4033 2 ай бұрын
​@@heartsofgoldenrodexactly. When the game is completed, the I lay thing left to do is start over again and enjoy the progress along the way.
@fingerprint5511 2 ай бұрын
@@dartskihutch4033 Deluded LOL
@dartskihutch4033 2 ай бұрын
@@fingerprint5511 what? When you beat Skyrim you just kept playing? How long until you get bored? You got a point there bud?
@SnarkNSass 6 ай бұрын
Still don't know what it is 🤦🏻‍♀️
@asmrambioticfluid9467 5 ай бұрын
Very wise...and we never could...even though we aren't real
@fingerprint5511 2 ай бұрын
Because its not form.
@RamSamudrala Ай бұрын
@@asmrambioticfluid9467 It's because it's an illusion separate self never could know nonduality.
@adriovanderwalt9724 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@Escalatortosuccess 5 ай бұрын
Nice nose piercing lol
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
Utter rubbish, redirecting your thoughts away from Spirituality and consequence of wrong life👍👉👹
@AlexShailer 7 ай бұрын
Not at all!
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
@@AlexShailer happy saturnalia day,of course your soul will go if your attachment has got you aware of infinite nothingness,cutting off release it all the thoughts aren't yours no suffering AND STRAIGHT IN THE FIRE your going the wrong way cos 👉👹 has got you concentrating on you big great old you everything is you ,your so clever knowing about nothing,all that time thinking of YOU meditation on you and the IAM in the now,who you helping,what suffering to HELP PEOPLE do you and your family do ,?how much have you given away??? The world is broken and you lot sit there thinking of self and loving you IUSELESS should be the tag honestly I'm not being insensitive but I've been going through the Nd philosophy for years!! you go in you try it and become Spirituality stale your not connected at all your just not ,have you got your rubber soled footwear on ,cos all yr nerves end in the feet,so your connected to the electromagnetism of the earth,then your head can connect to the ethereal the universe and the soup of light and the energy is,if your present in the now ,in your little spot on earth confining yourself to there,I'm your little bubble,doing nothing except thinking your great,in a huff at the party,so your eating light are we ,getting yr bio photons as well I hope ,cos light is what it's about and the one you should be thriving in , there is the oneness all connected through polarised light in water/liquid created consciousness through your SOULAR PLEXES and the other light processing organs,heart your 4brains your stomach yr gut bio runs your thought process ,food for thought eh??the answers are in you not outside by a Rupert,or some Western middle aged white Guru accended by him and his herd,GO AND HELP PEOPLE ANY HELP!!! not tune in to socialist old hippy rubbish and as they say drop out ABSOLUTE BOLLOX
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
@@AlexShailer you've even got the necklace AHH don't you look as if your aguru already ,if your not grounded by your feet you AINT on it go and research it's or you'll end up like sosho and get some magic mushrooms while your on a.nd get some proper knowledge,you look as if you've never had a hard day in yr life and your too young for experience,get the proper frequency be diverse not a sheep ,you'll end up like sosho the perverted inverted,then dead and lost ,then you will be in infinite nothingness,if you haven't suffered,your middle class,sitting insulated, polluted inoculated eating genetically modified foods drinking,sugar,and full of ego ,telling people what to think ,believe and what is the devine miles off through biology,physics,and Spirituality miles off false gurus, false self god's sosho in the end said he was god whilst having , orgies driving rolls Royce wearing Rolex watches and saying poor people couldn't connect to him cos they aren't worthy do you know why cos that's the underlying ENERGY he couldn't hide ,the one he fought and lost against !!it got him in the end rite it's bored the arse off me go and repent and get yourself connected to the proper source 🙏👉🌞🫵
@AliveClint 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like spiritual bypass to me.
@howeffingridiculous 2 ай бұрын
Then look deeper into the topic. It's the opposite of bypassing
@methpotluck3588 Жыл бұрын
Your mind only stores your humanity, you are not your body. Come to Christ yall 🙏
@HeartOfTheSource 8 ай бұрын
Christ is in all of us. For the Bible tells you so. Who are you to say that anyone is not in Christ already. You sound like a narcissist. Narcissistic are the only demons. Check yourself before assuming...
@HeartOfTheSource 8 ай бұрын
Christ, Christos means ENLIGHTENMENT btw. Everything culture was given freewill to Praise the most high in their own cultural way.
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
@@HeartOfTheSource the CHRIST is the sun it's old name is YES it's why you nod when you say it, YESHUA is the sungod and there is no OTHER highness as you said on other site there can be only one 👍 lucky you have the chance to return to it SOULAR SYSTEM 👉and telling people chose what's best for you isn't ONLY ONE is it??
@user-cr8to2uq9r 7 ай бұрын
@@HeartOfTheSource you are correct freewill is given why ?? because when your weighed up at the end of the age,you'll be judged that's why you get free choice and that's what Nd philosophy takes away so no source for them yeshua told you the kingdom of heaven is within not anyone you feel like it enables the ARCHON in to dictate the thought process no matter how shuttle "just let go,you are IAM"there's no need to suffer no consequence and that's it your gone lost then they take your soul that's the game it's very,very serious I'd be careful if I were anybody GOING into this frequency it's negative 🙏👉🌞
@eyeeye7356 5 ай бұрын
who were you before someone introduced you to 'holy figures'?
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