I unfortunately i have owned 3 different eagtacs for our ranch for years and now everyone of them has had to go back for repair or repalcement, which takes considerable time as the only guy that you deal with has to order either parts or a light from china. iI use either a MX30L4-C(repaired once and then repalced) or MX30L3-C(repalced once) nightly during the long nights of winter and calving months and keep a clicky on the side of the gunsafe in case of power outage. it never gets used and now is draining the battery within 2 months just sitting there.(and yes i click off the charged led).and when i try and use the X2CR123 cap the light stays on and will not turn off. As well, now that i've called in for assistance with this last issue i am getting ghosted by them. so anyone who is looking at an eagtac product BUYER BEWARE