Palestine Museum Interview of Nurit Peled-Elhanan about Palestine portrayal in Israeli text books.

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Palestine Museum US

Palestine Museum US

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Palestine Museum Interview of Nurit Peled-Elhanan about Palestine portrayal in Israeli text books.

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@uptick888 8 ай бұрын
Thank you I am disgusted with my country and the refusal to have a ceasefire
@dreamcatchersong 6 ай бұрын
I've recently discovered the existence of Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan and I'm very impressed by her scholarship, her sincerity and especially her rejection of all violence. Her work, along with of many more Israelis who care, will ultimately give rise to a better life for Palestinians and a more secure one for Israelis but it will take many decades.
@SajilAnaArabi 5 ай бұрын
a start is the beginning of moving forward. Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan is impressive agreed.
@Mokachokolotta 5 ай бұрын
Holy moly me too, she has ballsy big zinger quotes that are pretty punchy. Strong no bullshit woman and mother who has lost a daughter to the violence bred by oppression and apartheid
@giselleruemke501 7 ай бұрын
Such important context to the current siege on Gaza and blatant war crimes being committed. Understanding this, we can clearly see how it is a trauma based response and hopefullly hold some compassion for this while we work to stop the genocidal actions of Israel, and stand up to call on our governments to stop funding this brutality.
@HaltdenKopfhoch 7 ай бұрын
Great program! Nurit is pacifist and we have to accept that. I think she is right! The US and the other colonial states will certainly never 'see the light'.
@WendyDishman 7 ай бұрын
Many thanks for this amazing speaker and dedicated educator. Where to begin? Stand up to militarism in the U.S., it still goes on making arms manufacturers wealthy. When do we focus on that reality instead of sitting in a meditation groups hoping for peace. Worse, our very own dollars we pay in taxes go to foster the destructions of land and people which the U.S. military industry fosters. If we can start here, then Israel will not have the same leeway to get arms to hurt others.
@Glastonbury1 8 ай бұрын
A great woman and thank you for this interview. I have followed her work for some time and have utmost respect for her knowledge, professional and personal experience. I understand her feeling about any solution coming from further military action. It can never resolve this situation, if it ever can!! It delivers MANY problems when it occurs and I agree that we should think in other ways, use other strategies, other decisions etc. It might provide a solution in some instances like in WW2 for example against Hitler. But do we still have to employ it when we now have so many other options? We should try harder to avoid military deployment because it does of course just bring more death, more injury, more destruction, more hate, more resentment and more complicated recovery both physical, psychological and economical!!! It is something that should never be considered as providing a solution only as an absolute last resort.
@veronikalynn5084 6 ай бұрын
What an amazing woman…the kind that makes me reconsider giving up on the world. Thank you
@ThreaT650 8 ай бұрын
I really wish that interviewers would just invest slightly in their video quality. I know it doesn't matter on the subject, but I feel like they reach more people if it looks more professional. I will listen to anything, but other people need to see some kind of validation for whether or not what they are about to listen to is official in some way or another before they believe it or tune in. And we aren't talking big money here. A couple hundred dollars gets you a decent mic, a small serviceable ring light, and a great webcam. Bitrate shouldn't be an issue these days given the fact that everyone has the upload speeds at home to put out a decent video quality. Anyways, time to watch the video, been loving what I have been seeing of Nurit Peled-Elhanan. Very informative stuff.
@Dani_sister4peace 8 ай бұрын
It's meant more to listen to
@veronikalynn5084 6 ай бұрын
@@Dani_sister4peacehence why they suggested purchasing a higher quality mic.
@lmcgready 7 ай бұрын
Love Nurit and Miko.
@SajilAnaArabi 5 ай бұрын
Thank you, once again Palestine Museum US, for bringing this very insightful interview highlighting Nurt Peled-Elhanan's scholarly findings in understanding the portrayal in Israeli textbooks. Very informative, very insightful!
@cristinakasselas555 7 ай бұрын
The voices not heard ! Then we are all surprised that we all got to where we are now !
@nedim_guitar 7 ай бұрын
This is fascinating! The form of propaganda, dehumanization, indoctrination of children...
@monikabudgets9562 7 ай бұрын
Really appreciated the talk by Dr. Nurit and the effort from the Palestine Museum to shed light on such an important topic, especially now. Just a heads-up for next time: it might help to switch PowerPoint to presenter view for a better viewer experience. Also, making sure everyone but the speaker is on mute could cut down on the background noise. Thanks for bringing us such meaningful content, and looking forward to more!
@victormeidan1062 7 ай бұрын
Nurit is a deranged far leftist cuckoo.
@zlvirag 7 ай бұрын
I agree that violence simply brings more violence and hatred. And as an educator of many many years, I agree with Nurit that it is education that is the solution. But, certainly not education by the 'Elite Racists'. Education of children has to involve caring, accepting and empathetic parents. As a society you cannot keep teaching hate. Sadly, as long as wars are so so profitable, men will find ways to profit from the suffering and death to the enemy, no matter the cost of their own indoctrinated youth.
@haingo9079 8 ай бұрын
I've been watching many of Nurit's talks and find them interesting from an education perspective. I've learned so much from her and very grateful. However, she is very defeatist and fatalist. She is wrong about armed struggle not being part of the solution, somehow there is wishful thinking that the weapons manufacturers or empire will somehow want to think differently? It's completely absurd.
@MrsPillows 7 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@sgordon6851 8 ай бұрын
The Susan whom Nurit Peled was trying to remember the last name of, is probably Susan Sontag.
@MagdiNonDuality 7 ай бұрын
Truth must be ignored to maintain the narrative
@Shalom-gu7zz 6 ай бұрын
Hebrew has lots of Arabic words. The word ""Hamas" is an Arabic acronym from three Bibical Hebrew words. Hebrew חָרַךְ, (Movement), מֵקִ֛ים (establishment) , and ישלם (peace/love/friendship). So it means "Movement for establishment of Love/Peace/Friendship".
@רוביאבטיסיאן 5 ай бұрын
Israel is a place that contains many refugees over the years, it adopts you into society, you adapt yourself to the social fabric and the cultural code no matter what color you are. The problem is that not all layers of society merge into society naturally for many reasons.
@SH-cu9rc 8 ай бұрын
Please share more about IMPACT
@conniereed9694 6 ай бұрын
I appreciated the knowledge offered by this lecture but I was shocked that her repetition of the allegations of systematic weaponization of sexual violence and violence against babies, which perhaps remains unchallenged in her media environment in Greece but has been challenged by independent media and even by facts provided by mainstream media (such as the fact that the United Nations was prevented from investigating the allegations, the family showcased by the NYT story, written by two authors including a former member of IDF intelligence officer, has been vocal about the fact that their daughter/sister was not raped and they were misled about the topic of the article, the sources of sexual violence are mostly from discredited witnesses from ZAKA and state affiliated or military personnel who made inconsistent claims about beheaded bodies, mass murder of babies, etc while one baby was tragically killed in crossfire between Hamas and IDF on October 7th. Sadly the Israeli media has challenged and disproven many narratives more than western media and I am certain that this brave academic would knowingly repeat disproven claims which had only been investigated by a few online news outlets such as Mondoweiss, The Grayzone and Asa Winstanley of the Electronic Intifada. I wish that the hosts had brought up that the rumours about beheaded people and deliberately murdered babies had been discredited given that they are working within the information and media education sphere and could have added comments respectfully, because it is obvious that this professor has dedicated her work life to studying the truth and may not be familiar with these journalism outlets that caused the New York Times to redact their podcast series on the initial story. I once dedicated every moment of my life to study, and research in academia so I could not keep up with the news as I do now, and I really appreciated her lecture.
@veronikalynn5084 6 ай бұрын
I think she may have refrained from opening that wound because it would be *so* easy and delicious for others to exploit it - “oh look she’s denying rape and infant homicide” is guaranteed to be used to attack her character. And that draws attention away from the truthfulness of her testimonies
@רוביאבטיסיאן 5 ай бұрын
The real problem is the selective choice of the study material according to the requirement of the graduations. Learn what is included in the matriculation material.
@רוביאבטיסיאן 5 ай бұрын
The education system in everything that concerns history, geography and citizenship is completely selective, it does not solve the questions, it deepens the lack of knowledge among the youth. Very low level of knowledge from various sources. And this is not just Israel's problem.
@רוביאבטיסיאן 5 ай бұрын
It is meaningless to research textbooks in Israel. No kid who goes to high school carries books with him in his bag! No teacher requires textbooks it's mostly a waste of money. The teachers have summaries of materials and that is what is taught. What is important in the education system is the statistics of matriculation grades.
@kayty6673 8 ай бұрын
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... Someone train that man how to be a part of a zoom meeting. It is extremely rude, distracting and disrespectful to be heavy breathing, clearing and loudly sniffing his nose, drinking and loudly putting his glass down getting up and down doors opening etc etc etc !! Show him how to mute himself . It is nonstop.
@kayty6673 8 ай бұрын
Where is the lady that introduced Nurit?? She should call- text send an email to her co worker when this happens ! If not actively speaking with your guest, mute your mic
@רוביאבטיסיאן 5 ай бұрын
An army for Israelis is seen as something much more innocent. The market for youth going to the army is difficult, because it is mainly powers and lack of indulgence. It is a gross lie to say that they teach murder in the army. It is more correct to say that not every male and tough at the age of 18 should enlist because it does not mentally fit the idea of ​​an army. There is mandatory conscription in Israel, so there is not enough selection and verification of whether the candidate is even suitable to serve.
@NickyRikki 4 ай бұрын
As an Israeli that served myself and just a mere 108 pounds I was no doubt useless. Though the majority are required to join because it's mandatory that doesn't mean the vetting process is not strict. We have a profile system in the army with the highest profile being 97% and lowest 21% meaning medically unfit. Then you need to go through various tests and assessments to see where the army would place you based on skills, knowledge, stamina, physical capabilities etc.... just because we are all mandatory doesn't mean they don't cherry pick the best of the best for certain units. We have many different units and sectors of the army that are basically jobs for the everyday citizen who is probably a useless fighter and combatant. Then we have units where it's really hard to get in and you are screened vigorously before they accept you.
@hagaiak 8 ай бұрын
No Israel kid is being thought that at home or at school. This is likely an extreme religious few who give those kinds of text books to their children. 90% have grown up without hating Palestinians (like me, who used to go to the neighbouring Palestinian town every other week), but based on many experiences in life learn to hate the enemy. So please, keep spreading misinformation.
@Nigelzenig 8 ай бұрын
I doubt you have seriously considered her research? Sad to think that you have learned to ",hate the enemy". Hopefully you will eventually be in a bery small minority for the sake of Israel as well as Palestine
@hagaiak 8 ай бұрын
@@Nigelzenig Palestinians have no future in this land. I suggest they start looking elsewhere. After 7/10 they won't be getting a country in the next 30 years at least, and by then they'll probably start the third Intifafa and a dozen other wars which will ensure they never get a country. Better try europe, africa, or somewhere else in the middle east
@nk-gp1ml 8 ай бұрын
Why don’t I believe almost the entirety of your comment?
@hagaiak 8 ай бұрын
@@nk-gp1ml Because it conflicts with your current perception of reality and you'd rather believe things that affirm your beliefs rather than seek what's real.
@Nigelzenig 8 ай бұрын
@@hagaiak are you sure you are not describing your response to the vid?
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