Panel: Budget politics, separate Māori Parliament, protest hīkoi | Q+A 2024

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Q+A with Jack Tame

Q+A with Jack Tame

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@jaredbeckett 4 ай бұрын
Maori are not being cut out of anything. Everyone has the same access to public services. We don't provide minorities with favoritism. Im also maori
@ElusivGaming 4 ай бұрын
Do you know why there's this attitude of "We need to be getting the government to pay more money just for Maori outcomes"? Cus it always seems to come down to wanting Maori only services to be funded but there is never a consideration of the poor state of the economic situation, it would just mean more borrowing and more inflation to do these things which effects everyone and contributes to the cost of living crisis.
@DW_Kiwi 4 ай бұрын
OK. Then what did Maori do with the 900 million dollars "given" to them. "For the "effects" COVID-19 on Maori" in 2021/22. Did "you" get any of that??
@valeriehughes1008 4 ай бұрын
Jared...You are a fine example of the majority of Maori. One with a brain and not on the elitist gravy train for a free ride on the back of the taxpayer!
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
​@@DW_KiwiNo David, just stop being racist
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
The entire colonial government cut Maaori out in the 1860s, wtf are you talking about?
@gary3074 4 ай бұрын
Whaitiri walked away from being in government and now complains Māori aren’t given an opportunity to influence how the country is governed? Well I’m confused…..
@barbsmart7373 4 ай бұрын
Why are you confused?
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
It certainly appears you are
@frederickmiles327 4 ай бұрын
Don't be. Seymour and the Act Party is like all the other NZ parties, a communist front designed to enable a Maori and Chinese and communist takeover. Seymour yesterday accepted the lie that 20 percent of the population and Maori, and that by implication most of those 20 percent of pale or totally euro maoris, support the Waitangi agenda and the Maori Nationalists. NZ has been taken over by a political elite of Marxists, old SUP members, McGuiligudy Serious and Steam Punk idiots who fail to grasp the nuclear submarine is nothing more than a steam kettle and Stalin and Trotsky abandoned utopian communism and the idea that the peasants and proles ie SC farmers or Hutt factory workers could ever be made intelligent or cultural.
@MaryAda-wj3dy 4 ай бұрын
Gary3074 I'm not. She jumped before she was pushed. Would have given her more credit though to fight and do good for her cause. Maybe that was no longer possible.
@1112-g1x 4 ай бұрын
maori r dying earlier due to poor health choices
@chrisrutherfurd9338 4 ай бұрын
You create a seperate Maori parliament and it won't be long until opposing tribes start warring with one another. NZ was never one nation before Europeans arrived, it was divided and at war with itself.
@MaryAda-wj3dy 4 ай бұрын
Oh so true. All the tribes are constantly squabbling over who owns what. Until British law intervened Maori wared tribally and sub tribally to claim what they thought was theirs or to just take what they wanted. The mentality of elite tribal radical Maori HAS NOT changed. The fact is now that they all have intermingled and bred with all Maori tribes including what they once were their slave tribes, and so many other different cultures that they are a bastard race like many of the rest of us. There are no true Maori left. Most maori are of Maori European mix. For goodness sake. Stop hating that half of yourselves if not more and just evolve like the rest of us. I'm absolutely fed up with TPM and ELITE TRIBAL MAORI. Just get over yourselves and work together as equals to make New Zealand a better place. We all have equal rights already. We don't need the racism and divisional hate speech, divisive posts like Kiri tamahere waititi posted, the rants from John tamahere or Debbie packer or Rawiri waititi. And stop lying about the history of NZ. Stop brainwashing your children and using them for subversive posts as you did with that poor child who was too young to understand what you trained him to say. I'm appalled and shocked constantly by your behaviour and blatant disrespect for the other 159 cultures that make up NZ society now and the disrespect for all the good things contributed that make NZ what it is today. There is no benefit of having 2 govt factions. By the way who is going to fund this. The $70 billion that ELITE TRIBAL RADICAL MAORI TRUSTS and BUSINESS are worth. Let me think. Ok already thought. HELL NO!!!!
@danielbaker3822 4 ай бұрын
So was every other country
@ronnynolegs 4 ай бұрын
Facts! Not this new woke elite racist agenda
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
Exactly it would never get of the ground.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Spare us the white saviour rhetoric
@druckerman247 4 ай бұрын
Maoris in Aussie I worked with were just other people. Not elitist, not complaining, just getting on with it. Different story here.
@gary3074 4 ай бұрын
I remember her …”Whaitiri was stood down on August 30 and an investigation was launched after it was alleged she shouted at and manhandled a member of her staff three days earlier.”
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
And how is that important to this discussion?
@MaryAda-wj3dy 4 ай бұрын
​@@stephenlennon7369shows her character when in an important position that represented our govt.
@josephl9619 4 ай бұрын
Another softball interview of the left. Where is the consitency jack?
@growtocycle6992 4 ай бұрын
It's a panel, not an interview
@josephl9619 4 ай бұрын
@@growtocycle6992 keep telling yourself that if it helps
@ElusivGaming 4 ай бұрын
I honestly think people need to realize the economic situation New Zealand is in, mostly because of how Covid response was handled and the subsequent policies that increased the spending without having the income from tax payers put us in this extremely dire situation we are in. People are going on about how all these initiatives have been cut out, but the government was having to borrow money just to pay for everything and that's caused massive inflation. You can't have it both ways and expect to just keep borrowing money to pay for everything.
@barbsmart7373 4 ай бұрын
You have a few things wrong here. Firstly, I have never heard experts say we were in a dire situation economically in NZ. The only dire situation I recall is when a pandemic spread across thd globe and was killing hundreds of thousands of people every week. Unlike today, we gad a very strong and experienced leader who put Nes Zealand on the map a second time. This time it was for her leadership, which until today is still the inspiration and or envy of very many countries. I certainly hope people don't get too sucked in by the narrative of our current leaders. I will be back with more.
@ElusivGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@barbsmart7373 Are you for real? You don't need an expert when your living week to week and can barely afford to pay the bills, my rent went up 60 dollars this year, it went up 40 dollars last year, I've never had that happen in the 15 years I've been renting houses. As far as the comments about Jacinda are concerned, No one liked her by the end because she lied to everyone and would never be accountable for anything. That's the opposite of being a leader. She was probably the worst thing that could of happened to this country and if you think otherwise I truly feel sorry for you. Clearly you didn't loose your job or your financial security because of the stuff her government did otherwise you wouldn't of said anything like that.
@ElusivGaming 4 ай бұрын
@@barbsmart7373 What are you on about? You don't need an expert to tell you things are bad when your rent goes up by 100 dollars a week in 2 years, which happened to me. You don't need an expert to tell you that your living week to week and can barely afford to pay the bills., which is still happening to me and thousands of other people. This is the most delusional comment I've ever read honestly. Don't come back with more your clearly living on a different planet to the rest of us.
@valeriehughes1008 4 ай бұрын
@@barbsmart7373What country do you live in? Our economic situation is daily news and we are hearing from all financial experts (including outside government) all alerting us to the economic crisis NZ is in and in recent reviews of several government agencies have shown they were billions in the red when the books were handed over to the Nats... in the case of Housing NZ it was multi billions in the red and the agency was totally insolvent and the facts had been hidden for some time such was the mismanagement and deviousness of Labour ...(but then Robertson told us there would be no money after the elections and he seemed to think it funny... he boasted there was no money and the country was broke! We didn't need to be told this however as many of us who have a very good grip on the country's situation were aware of Labour's mismanagement of the economy. The massive borrowing done by Labour and its total mismanagement of the country has all but ruined us... you are absolutely delusional and the drivel you spew is mindless and shows you have no understanding of economics .. so don't bother to pedal any more of your communist drivel. Re: your hero Ardern and covid: The stupidity of Ardern's 2020 lockdown was that covid was already here in our country as early as 2018... and that is a fact which is now being recognised by medical experts... 25 people died in 2018 from this severe respiratory condition!
@barbsmart7373 4 ай бұрын
Again I say, don't get sucked in by fallacies that our current leaders might love for you to believe. If you look overseas, very many countries face the same challenges we do. Many have high inflation, lack of workers, huge increases in food and fuel prices!!!! It would pay you to find out fir yourself, which countries are struggling with which issues. Some countries have worse terrorism, war, racism, fires, higher unemployment, and worse outcomes with what you have mentioned. I don't think you understand all the things that contribute to inflation. This is a global problem. And remember that some countries borrow mire than this country. You are implying that the previous government caused these problems. But as in many areas, this government has ignored all expert advise by paying for tax cuts out of money needed elsewhere. Have you looked at all the huge donations made to this Government? That means who our leaders are indebted to. There already are stinking rich people here. Besides the 7 high end properties that Luxon owns, and the businesses he and his family are directors of, have you wondered why people who are already rich are being helped to become stinking rich, and others to become putridly, sickingly rich? Meanwhile, people like you are receiving very, very little assistance? Thinking again about dire situations, because this government has prioritized helping wealthy people to become very rich and without contributing the way low paid workers have to... we have actually been left in what I and everyone else knows is a very irresponsible predicament, a real prick of a situation. No one is really assured that when the next disaster strikes, that there will be sufficient available to pay for the clean up. That means mire pain for Kiwis. It must be very stressful for Luxon and Willis to know they are responsible for such a foolish decision. Most leaders would be experienced enough to not make such wild promises just to win an election. It is easy to see why Luxon is so rattled by Austealia preparing to send back 501's. There are lots of ways now that his policies could affect his simplistic little approach to get tough on crime!! By the way, getting tough on crime is ALWAYS a vote grabber politicians use at election time!!! A lot could go wrong with the new policies. Well the environment WILL be badly affected. The 13-year old who killed a boy at a bus stop will be one of many who can't get the tough sentence. A million Maori and many Tangata Tiriti are preparing to agitate. Luxkn was rattled by the idea of Maori skipping work fof a day. A rattled prime minister is nof a good thing. Gang members will go underground. Unemployment is increasing. Inflation could easily rise. Expect a lot of fallout. I know of a lady who works with youth assessing and dealing with self harm. She has lost her job. The lie is that she is NOT a Frontline worker. Expect more suicides. The leaders are Kiwis who have been driving for 20, 30, 40 50, or 55 years. They are not people over 75, or who have just come here from China, or have just got their licenses. I drive the same vehicle, on the same side of the road, in the same district, in the same country as I have for the last 22 years, with a license I got 45 years ago. Recently I have seen one Asian in a rental car with some of the most dangerous driving I have seen. I have almost been smashed into by another Asian. I recently made sure I passed an erratic driver in a 100k but windy road. She looked about 20 and had her eyes on a cell phone and was typing twice as fast as I ever could. While Driving. A 100k, windy road, mate. Expect more road deaths. Thousands more smokers will die. Some with cancer won't make it. It is the second day in winter. Are 40 people a day still going to hospital with Covid? Has this wave peaked yet. I know someone with Covid. He went to the pools. No isolating. None. How many are Maori Pacific people in crowded little homes with ten others? Or just plain poverty stricken. These are just a few worrying changes, and some very poor leadership. It is easy to see what someone is up to by the way they float in. FSt track. Take no advice. Tell the public very little. Watch those 3 closely. With discernment.
@melodymacken9788 4 ай бұрын
Why do some Maori think they don't have the same opportunity as everyone else. And by having a Maori Parliament will fix things. This will create division. Who's going to finance the new Parliament. New Zealanders don't need division..
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Why are you so fearful?
@JackieAdams-v6d 4 ай бұрын
They don't. Pakeha have ruled Maori and this Country for so long and that is not what the Treaty says. That's why Maori want their own Parliament so they and others less fortunate can do better.
@user-oo4zo8yy5u 4 ай бұрын
Do you know that you are stupid or not?
@logicalanswer3529 4 ай бұрын
Because they are professional victims who are not content unless they are whinging about something.
@Me-ui1zy 4 ай бұрын
They literally dont have the same opportunity tho? Its undeniable that they perform worse on nearly every statistic. Thats because of this vicious cycle of poverty and govt neglect that repeats itself over and over.
@labellaangora6887 4 ай бұрын
He obviously has not listened to Keri Waititi's rant and how is it 'acceptable and normal' for an 'indigenous people' but anyone else would have the Christchurch Call Squad knocking on their door
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
White frear
@cpnurseries 4 ай бұрын
I think your comment is spot on and should be emblazoned in capital letters, underlined, and in bold font!
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
What do you think happens? Perhaps you are shocked that Kiri has taken a (in your terms of reference) Right wing stance here? For the record, I advocate love
@1112-g1x 4 ай бұрын
maori r dying earlier due to poor health choices
@logicalanswer3529 4 ай бұрын
John Tamihere is a racist liar and professional victim who raised another racist liar and professional victim, who married another racist liar and professional victim, who is the leader of a party filled with racist liars and professional victims. What a pathetic legacy.
@ronnynolegs 4 ай бұрын
40 percent Maori in Cabinet. Deal with it that is great representation for all Maori ❤❤❤
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
Got proof?
@barbsmart7373 4 ай бұрын
That's not the way I see it. All Maori have European ancestry in them as well. And many have not only far more DNA from Brits than from Maori AND they have lived in a very British kind of society, with all the Pakeha traits that go with it, they ALSO think like the most racist, exploitative, unsustainable, disconnected, individualistic, capitalistic people you will ever find! Even the more Maori kinds of Maori in there still have to give National's spiels. It is really shocking for me to listen to Potaka, Jones and Seymour!!! Peter's also has some very disturbing attitudes towards his own people. Those 4 men should know better....but obviously are very very very Pakeha behind their whakapapa. I am 100% Pakeha, but in my attitudes and connection to Maori through attitudes, whakapapa, connection to the environment, through education and through my work, I am far, far, far more Maori in my heart and actions than someone like Seymour is!!!!
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Thank you @barbsmart , we love you and how beautiful our Tangata Tiriti are 🫶🏼
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Those people may have Whakapapa, but they also heavily feature as Kuupapa. The words from their mouths have no heart, they do not operate in Maaori best interest.
@ronnynolegs 4 ай бұрын
@@stephenlennon7369 posted the proof got censored and deleted just do a google search
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
YesI agree with you in regard’s to Jack Tame, he is definitely batting for the rascal radical part Māori and TPM what a disgrace person supporting separatism in NZ.
@k3630 4 ай бұрын
Why should the rest of nz pay for the upkeep of maori culture and infrastructure??
@torqingheads 4 ай бұрын
Quite a history about the Maori - put the Inca's or the Aztecs to shame in degeneration. Outcast from the Cook Islands during the 13th century as weaker primitive Neolithic people by later waves of Polynesians (Maori were from the original wave of primitive Polynesians pushed right out across the Eastern Pacific by successive stronger more advanced groups arriving from the west). They were outcast on rafts and some floated to the North East Coast of NZ driven by the South Equatorial Current and were stranded for 500 years. The weaker were pushed down to the South Island or Chathams etc. So the South Island Maori (had their own language) were the weakest of the weak. They were captured and eaten as 'Slave flesh' by the northern Maori doing raids. (Well they all ate each other - 80% of Maori pre European were dark skinned easily fattened slaves farmed and eaten by a lighter skinned 'Ariki' thin wiry elite royal caste). So it was with some righteousness as well as British cunning that they armed the southern Maori who then with muskets launched a genocidal war on the north.. That plus measles & flu halved the Maori population and removed most of the elite. The British then liberated the slaves and outlawed cannibalism. The northern Maori fought with the British against the south bad west Maori 'rebels'. The Maori sued for peace and a treaty was signed that removed all sovereignty and made them subjects to the English crown where the English would protect them from each other. Land could only be sold to or via the Crown. Maori could live on their reservations with native custom but none did. The treaty of Waitangi is strikingly clear in that the Maori cede sovereignty completely and become citizens of Great Britain - all 3 clauses lock that in. Nothing in today's 'Maori' culture is authentic. The music - all European (Maoris did not have tonal music, the songs are missionary tunes or introduced - Poi dance is from Islands and Stick dance from old Malaya. The carvings and art - all European - Arabesques that was the fashion at the time. Original Maori had limited dash carving and no painting of objects. No written language - all the syntax & grammar plus vowel inflection is European. No technology - some lagoon canoes and wood or stone Neolithic tools. No food sources - like pigs or crops - they left that all behind, all they had was a weak inbred fox (now extinct), some rats and a weak dismal pacific yam. They ate out all the bird-life including 10 species of Moa and 46 other bird species, didn't know how to farm the sea as were island people and so they turned to societal cannibalism. Today - no full blood or half blood left. No genuine tradition and almost all are offspring of Maori slave females sold to white settlers for muskets or food. -So more fake than the 'Sioux' or 'Cherokee' or 'Crow' who had at least retained some genuineness about who they were and their history. -Everything you 'saw or experienced' is fake. A totally convected disneyfied tokenistic set of inventions fueled by a grievance culture of mixed-race imposters fetishing a false past bad history because it pays benefits. 'This Horrid Practice' - Professor Paul Moon, "A Savage Country" Professor Paul Moon 'Behind The Tattooed Face' - Heretaunga Pat Baker, 'Anthropology In The South Seas' - H D Skinner
@1112-g1x 4 ай бұрын
maori r dying earlier due to poor health choices
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
Yip and that’s there very own problem, but will they do anything to solve it, I think not.
@unclejoe7958 4 ай бұрын
So it’s going to be like having Sharia law in England where domestic disputes within the Muslim communities are dealt with by a senior Muslim cleric in the Sharia law office ? But all the Muslims residing in England are still subject to English law and can be arrested and imprisoned for offences. I have no problem with Maori having a ‘parliament’ to settle their own internal disputes, but under no circumstances will they be immune from crown law. However I feel a Maori parliament would only be the start of the road to separatism and apartheid. They should be honest and just tell the public that they want apartheid.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
✈️👋🏼 back to SA thanks
@DW_Kiwi 4 ай бұрын
Just like Islam. Tikanga for Sharia.
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
Of course that is there end game, they are trying to take a leaflet out of the Zimbabwe book.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
@@DW_Kiwi I can hear how fearful you are of Maaori equity via Te Tiriti. Don't worry, Maaori won't hurt you.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
@@olliemoose2020 another SA rascal coming to NZ with his SA attitude of privilege.
@precisionstackandbuild 4 ай бұрын
Why do moari die 7 years earlier? There dna weaker? Or is it there bad living/eating habbits? Smoking? Take aways?
@ronnynolegs 4 ай бұрын
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
european exceptionalism is the root cause for maori disparities and your comment proves that
@YoCalmYaFarm 4 ай бұрын
Probably racism like stereotyping as an example, you know like writing ‘dna weaker’ and ‘Alcohol’ for example. Oh yes and possibly unconscious bias and systemic racism. 😂.
@barbsmart7373 4 ай бұрын
Those are all probable reasons, along with poverty, and disengagement from the pakeha health system. Have you looked deeper than a simple and typical response? Have you looked at other statistics? For example, ACC statistics...your views are very selective and take no account of the destruction of Maori culture, language, mana and of the environment they are connected to in the deepest possible way, which has occurred since James Cook came looking for land for the British.
@SuperHone12 4 ай бұрын
When we all stop classing by race and say rich or poor we might whakamutua ēnei mahi rorirori..about time whole lot of NZ grow up both right and left wing completely of the rails
@PeyoteCoyote97 4 ай бұрын
Forming a parliament requires sovereignty
@DW_Kiwi 4 ай бұрын
Oh Yes!!
@shauntempley9757 4 ай бұрын
Which the Monarch recognises. Buckingham Palace sides with Te Tiriti. Maori are soverign here. You are not.
@grahamcassidy7540 4 ай бұрын
I will never forget my next Birthday 31st July 2024! From 31 July this year, average income households will receive tax relief of up to $102 a fortnight. On top of that, eligible families will receive a Family Boost childcare payment of up to $150 per fortnight. Thankyou Nationals Nicola 💌
@tearikimana8098 4 ай бұрын
wow, what a great opportunity to have ideas thrown around. This fella who seems to be a well rounded spokes person for the right, I hope you understand what you're signing yourself up for
@wuattwhanau5794 4 ай бұрын
Māori want to take care of Māori this should relieve both pākehā and an ineffective system that continues to fail and produce world failing outcomes for Māori.
@Chronicz120 4 ай бұрын
Kingi Tūheitia is even iffy of having a Māori parliament, And who's going to fund that!
@Chas-te7uz 3 ай бұрын
@@Chronicz120 who are you? Where's your country of origin??? Are you Polynesian??
@Chronicz120 4 ай бұрын
"There is no case and no space in this country for separatists" “The days when people could stand up and scream “treaty” and believe that they would get special rights have gone.” John Tamihere 2005.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Cherry picked and out of context.
@logicalanswer3529 4 ай бұрын
John Tamihere is a racist liar and professional victim who raised another racist liar and professional victim, who married another racist liar and professional victim, who is the leader of a party filled with racist liars and professional victims. What a pathetic legacy.
@caravanstuff2827 10 күн бұрын
in most counties this kind of talk would be considered treachery and inciting insurrection.. lucky they live in NZ!!!.❤️🇳🇿
@chainerscalleri6931 4 ай бұрын
Separate parliament for Maori is straight up bad shit crazy and racist. Jack did good on Nicola but did a rubbish job on pushing back on this in this interview.
@richardjooste4636 4 ай бұрын
No one can "help" maori. They need to sort there own issues out. "Pakeha money" & "Pakeha" Medical system cant.
@neilstuarr2278 4 ай бұрын
No amount of money or land will help.
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
You can never appease the Māori so why should we bother trying, they will always want more.
@Dickgoodbody 4 ай бұрын
New Zealand heading for disaster politics... should they ever vote in a, Labour coalition Govnt again.. eg: Labour, Greens [known for their skills in thieving from local businesses] & of course,' the crazy', 'racist', and potentially very dangerous,'Te Pāti Māori' party:
@Alex-it5ej 4 ай бұрын
If Maori make up 20% of the population and TP party only got 3% of the vote then that means only 15% of Maori voted for them. They speak on behalf of the majority of Maori with they are the minority of Maori. Be glad to see them leave parliament
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
So how did they get into government, oh yea that’s right I almost forgot.
@shauntempley9757 4 ай бұрын
That is the General Roll count only, dummy. The Maori Roll, has vastly more Maori on it, and they had the majority votes in all but one seat. Numbers you have no right to know.
@raukuraropiha7559 4 ай бұрын
Great work Minister Nicola Willis
@numnum5 4 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me how long this tax back for people is for? and can someone tell me how long Labours dental plan was for? (can't be a year...)
@MelenieParaha 4 ай бұрын
highway 35 should be prioritised, more drivers on this road than down south in Buller, Queenstown, Gore etc are mended immediately, meanwhile representatives of Ngati Porou are continuing to ask government to support their road constructions instead of accumulating years of infrustructure that is not a reality at this time
@shamaz7811 4 ай бұрын
Te Pati Maori speak for less than 2% of Maori.
@MaxSpeedNZ 4 ай бұрын
Great to see the mining back, maybe we can become a wealthy nation again. Common sense prevails finally.
@shanegibson3581 4 ай бұрын
Stop the crying and help the rest of your fellows
@DaParty3473 4 ай бұрын
Nobody has much faith in Polls let alone a TPU Poll lol
@jackfarmer4880 2 ай бұрын
Why is Meka still getting a media platform? What credibility does she have? Why should we care about what she has to say?
@simonhadfield7691 4 ай бұрын
A poll of 500 people.
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
Got proof?
@simon-ds1vp 4 ай бұрын
Maori this Maori that ,, imagine if other New Zealand politicians talked like this,,,oh the cry of racism ,,maybe we need a "other New Zealanders" party
@feesullivan3439 4 ай бұрын
Isn’t that Mecca a bully ?
@DaParty3473 4 ай бұрын
No, you're thinking of Guarav Sharma
@richardireland6072 4 ай бұрын
Hahah Māori party is hilarious pure comedy gold!!
@Sharpy7562 4 ай бұрын
How does marae based justice work as it’s happening now
@feesullivan3439 4 ай бұрын
Māori are not being cut out The new govt has more Maori cabinet members than ever before
@UmQasaann 4 ай бұрын
These unwashed settlers can go back to Europe.
@fordboyzzzz 4 ай бұрын
settlers would have came here with a few generations of wealth life savings and bit of a head start, if any of us went to a new land with no infrastructure or anything we would all seem better off than whoever is there and they would feel the system does not work for them. as time goes on there is wealthy on both sides and poor on both sides and in between we all got the same struggles.
@annemackay-ib4gy 4 ай бұрын
Maori parliment will not happen its racist and would not be funded. Also they have sworn allegience to the king. Maori need to accept they are no different to any other race.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
@olsaffa7679 4 ай бұрын
​​@@Kult365 waka 👋
@DW_Kiwi 4 ай бұрын
They wont. They are on a roll! Lets call it as to what it is. Treason!!
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
The only allegiance Māori have is to them selves, end of story.
@anubisgod23 4 ай бұрын
Why is Maori people dying 7 years younger automatically and 100% the fault of the health system when that system is equally available to everyone....?
@paton57 4 ай бұрын
Here we go victim victim victim more $$$$$$ victim victim victim
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
Don’t forget moan, moan f##ken moan.
@jasoncollins1702 4 ай бұрын
I pity some Māori for their naïveté. Sad
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Similarly, some Paakehaa for their sense of privilege
@conniewinslow755 4 ай бұрын
Cancer rates are increasing since 2020. Why? Don’t often watch Q & A to be objective. I see advertising is down for many MSM Programmes. Other sources of information are more open minded and non confrontational and give more information with serious topics. Not trivia.
@taniasimpson4624 4 ай бұрын
How about all who can afford to, donate their money to Pharmac for cancer drugs which didn’t get funded.
@wkjohnrapana3776 4 ай бұрын
Bawaaaaaahhhhh. Whats her name. ?
@avpr1574 4 ай бұрын
Giving Maori more constitutional independence would change anything for Maori ? Lol lol lol lol
@ooo-vc4xl 4 ай бұрын
ABSURD. Tax indexation requires public service spending cuts when NZ already has a social crisis. Very high rent to income ratios, 130,000 households in energy poverty, and 480,000 foodbank customers per month. Indexation of taxes should only occur once we have a comprehensive capital gains tax, gift tax and inheritance tax. This will allow individual and company taxes to be lowered. The poor (in which Maori are overrepresented) got nothing from the budget. Their reaction to the budget is unsurprising.
@MaryAda-wj3dy 4 ай бұрын
They get no more and no less than we all get. To proactively favour monetarily or any other manner of favouritism to an unbalanced higher percentage than others is racism and is apartheid.
@olsaffa7679 4 ай бұрын
Enough of the "us and them" nonsense. People's individual needs should dictate, not their race.
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
Why should Māori get any more than every other NZr in this country, do they really think they are that special.😂
@Pehi1967 4 ай бұрын
Aotearoa was forcibly invaded in 1863 with British troops, so from that point onwards Maori land, ability to loan for land improvements didn't happen until another 100yrs, racism is real, even my parents in the 1950s were not allowed to loan from banks right into the late seventies, racist.
@olliemoose2020 4 ай бұрын
That because they had no equity to borrow on, just like anybody else wouldn’t get a loan on those conditions, so stop whinging.
@moronicdooshbaggery756 4 ай бұрын
It's in the past ,and yeah the system wasn't designed to help maori prosper.but we are still here and have opportunities they didn't Look forward
@hamishdalby9692 4 ай бұрын
So Maori invaded New Zealand and killed the existing people .
@whitiedmonds9891 4 ай бұрын
Aunty Meka o safe. o hell nowell
@rawirigilgen6846 4 ай бұрын
Waka jumper Meka Whaitiri drunk on bully boy kool aid. Sold out her Ikaroa-Rawhiti electorate for a life in the irrelevance wilderness. Maori Party deserve her,
@mcgruff3309 4 ай бұрын
Show me someone on tv who represents working class Pakeha? All you see is college privileged Pakeha!
@MaryAda-wj3dy 4 ай бұрын
That's racist. All the journos support wok lefty's and prob more than 50% have some Maori in them. They won't touch the elite tribal radical maori nasty racial rhetoric.
@raukuraropiha7559 4 ай бұрын
Te Pati Kupapa
@DaParty3473 4 ай бұрын
Listen to this National guy defending Nationals stupidity & incompetence, funny
@frederickmiles327 4 ай бұрын
The National Party has changed sides completely. This is the most pathetic budget in NZ History. Cullen and Bill English did constrain expenditure, outside of election years even if their cuts were short term and destructive and in the case of Bill English pretended like Liz Truss that substantial tax cuts would stimulate business development. In NZ because of council, town planning, RMA: the power of a militant fundamentalist puritan church and police sector the scope for profitable investment in hospitality hotels, clubs anything likely to appeal to intelligent under 35, hetrosexual. Americans, Anglos or Europeans is minimal and tax cuts is largely a straight transfer and gift to unproductive, unattractive workers and new immigrants who NZ was the fourth choice in desirability. Finance Minister Willis operates like a Pastor in the Salvation Army, on the assumption made also in RNZ, that God or the Chinese communists will pay for it. Why would they want too !! Other than to drive a wedge through the western world and acquire, a suitable bit of living space and a static land based aircraft carrier. Alturism is inconcievable.
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
The govt and parliament have decided that Maori aren't important so decided to cut maori initiative. The right to self determination is actually in the TOW article 2 of the Maori version which is the correct version and self determination is enchrine under international law which is at the heart of Palestinian right to exist as a state in their own homeland.
@precisionstackandbuild 4 ай бұрын
The moari version was based off the English version since moari didn't actually have a written language? A English man wrote it for them. Translated the language into writing?
@donnacourtney7567 4 ай бұрын
@gary3074 4 ай бұрын
Two of the three party leaders in government are Māori. Maybe you are the one that is wrong?
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
​@@precisionstackandbuildI see history isn't your favorite topic read the ENZB collections archives of NZ history than get back to me?
@stephenlennon7369 4 ай бұрын
​​@@gary3074They represent there own interest because the initiative implemented under labour were actual Treaty obligations
@JackieAdams-v6d 4 ай бұрын
Very interesting media if that is the right word. Can see why Maori want their own Parliament with all the disadvantages and injustices they have encountered over the years. Whether this comes to fuision in the near future would be very interesting to see. As long as everything is done honestly and involves non Maori as well which I am sure it will don't see a problem there.
@WillDouglas-z1h 4 ай бұрын
Maori have fared far far better over the years than the genuine indigenous people of other countries.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
​@@WillDouglas-z1hhave fought for what they have, and still are. Big difference.
@Kult365 4 ай бұрын
Thank you 🫶🏼
@olsaffa7679 4 ай бұрын
Seperatism has never and will never be a positive to a country. Especially a small country at the bottom of the map, but strategically important to the enemies of the West, Australia in particular.
@WillDouglas-z1h 4 ай бұрын
@@Kult365 They didn't fight for it, they signed a treaty. And they have been given everything since.
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