Real Life Exorcist Shares His Story w/ Fr Carlos Martins

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Pints With Aquinas

Pints With Aquinas

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Strive 21:
00:00 Intro
0:25 Fr. Martin's Origins
4:03 Fr. Martin's First Exorcism
15:52 Retelling the Experience
18:24 Addressing Criticisms
20:08 Non-Possessed Seeking Help
23:08 The Unhelpably Possessed
28:26 Methods of Demonic Possessions
33:32 Demons & the Mentally Ill
37:52 Loss of Spirituality in the Church
39:33 Detecting Demonic Presence
47:28 Fr. Martin's Exorcist Career
48:26 Demonic Oppression
56:36 Permission to Exorcise
57:52 Demons Proclaim Sins
58:56 The Penalty of Sins
1:03:02 Confession vs Exorcism
1:03:54 Loss of Catholicism North America
1:06:50 Demons Fear the BVM
1:07:00 Demographics of Possessions
1:11:42 Possessions via Trauma
1:14:36 Possessions via Sin
1:21:00 Possessions via Transferred Sins
1:22:30 Defining Demonic Possession
1:26:00 Discerning Demonic Possession
1:29:16 Traits of Demons
1:33:46 Discerning Demonic Possession pt. II
1:39:30 Laity in Spiritual Warfare
1:42:50 Exorcists Helping One Another
1:44:34 Who Partakes in Exorcisms?
1:46:54 Working Alongside Non-Believers
1:56:06 The Exorcist Files
2:03:22 Facing Accusations of Falsehood
2:04:32 Seeking Help for an Exorcism
2:07:58 Souls of the Prematurely Dead
2:14:36 Role of Guardian Angels
2:16:00 Help from the Archangels
2:19:34 Demons, Their Purpose, & Their Nemesis
2:25:48 Demons Manipulating Reality
2:26:46 Evicting Evil Spirits
2:27:40 Possesion from Sexual Sin
2:31:06 Combatting Evil Spirits
2:31:46 Self-Exorcisms?
2:33:02 Hollywood Portrayls of Demons
2:37:22 The Craziest Exorcism
2:40:26 Battling Sins Against Chastity
2:41:06 Harry Potter is Evil?
2:42:38 The Anneliese Michel Tapes
2:46:42 Exorcists are Super Chill
2:48:40 Piety Spiralling
2:50:56 The Screwtape Letters
2:52:04 Meaning of Matt 12:43-45
2:54:58 Discerning the Priesthood
2:55:50 Fr. Martins' Collection of Relics
3:00:53 Closing Prayers

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@PintsWithAquinas 10 ай бұрын
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@MissMariaBennet 10 ай бұрын
He's not interested in giving people notoriety if they permit taping a house blessing or exorsism, yet runs a podcast. You could have pressed him more on that, because I'd like to be, and I'm guessing there are others that think the same, more uncritical of him.
@Justgirliethings6 10 ай бұрын
great podcast today ! im def going to check out his podcast! just to clarify i believe people can be possessed but also science can come into play. Emily Rose had a bad reaction to a vaccine and developed epilepsy. she was placed on an experimental drug that wasn't fully approved . she started to hallucinate and act crazy on this anti seizure. several other people had a bad reaction to the drug and they soon recalled it off the market. idk if she was possessed but prayers to her and her family. have this man on again!
@MC-ol5lx 10 ай бұрын
​@@MissMariaBennet I don't understand your comment. Can you try a different way and with pronunciation please?
@LourdesVolunteer 10 ай бұрын
​@@MissMariaBennetit's not his job to entertain you and he's certainly not going to degrade a human soul by recording a horrific experience in their life to make you happy. Do you possess any empathy at all for these poor souls? I highly doubt Fr Carlos cares what anyone thinks of him. He has the podcast to educate the public on how the devil works to destroy us,how people become possessed and how they are able to find freedom in Christ. You are free to believe or not to believe. Its his job to do God's will NOT your will.
@michaelskura1555 10 ай бұрын
Good morning, Mr. Fradd! I want to thank you so much for your podcast. I'm a product of 80s & 90s catechism in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and it was initially the evangelical church walked alongside me to receive the gift of faith and understand the power of the cross. Unfortunately, growing up, the biggest takeaway from my early "catholic" faith was, "If Jesus lived just a little longer, he could have brought greater change to the world." I never got the message about the seriousness of mortal sin, the power of the cross, and the deep spiritual trust fund that our Lord has given Mother Church and the Saints for the last 2000 years. Through the Theology of the Body and Our Lady's intercession, I returned home to the Catholic Church in 2003. The fruit of this has been enormous in my life. One, in particular, is my son. Please pray for me, who is 14 years old. He is gifted in scholarship, athleticism, and a very engaging personality. He shared with me earlier this year his desire and potential calling to the priesthood. I was so surprised and excited to hear this! Side note where can I get more of the lo-fi music of Bishop Fulton Sheen teaching with the accompanied music during the intermission. I love it!
@leighannjohnson1194 10 ай бұрын
“My fear is being separated from God”. This statement put my own fears into perspective. Namely, the loss of God (or preventing this) should be my sole focus. Everything else should fall away.
@CoenBijpost 9 ай бұрын
I actually fully understand what he’s saying. I was an atheist for 35 years, until I met the Lord in my darkest hour and He saved me. I can attest that, since then, all my earthly fears that used to really hinder me, including phobia for multiple different things, have slowly gone away and have been replaced by a fear of my former nihilism, my life in the absence of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I now happily talk to visiting wasps and give them names, where I used to run away screaming, I’m no longer bothered by my outward physical appearance or other’s opinions of me. I can honestly say I’m not even scared to die anymore, my full fledged hypochondria has vanished, even though I still suffer from a pretty severe chronic illness. Because none of those things compare to the Love I feel for and from God. Dying would be the next step towards Him and towards being in His presence for ever. I hope I can stay with my loving wife and kids some more, but even then, I’ll see them again in the eternal Light of God. God Bless 🙏❤️
@joshd6876 9 ай бұрын
@ArlenGunClub 9 ай бұрын
That is the ultimate root of every fear. God is the source of all good, all comfort, all sustenance, and life itself. Without Him there is nothing but darkness, pain, starvation, and death. "Where else would we go, Lord? You have the keys to eternal life."
@mlv2297 9 ай бұрын
I am starting to understand and Am applying this approach. I have been focusing on the wrong thing. My focus now should be the “fear of separation from the Lord”
@772tsweet77 9 ай бұрын
This is the way
@CyrusBee 9 ай бұрын
“When you’re encountering the Devil, you’re encountering a loser.” AMEN!!! That’s absolutely right, I love it :) God is Awesome!
@Banana-lk7tf 8 ай бұрын
I've called him that before, because he is!!💯💯💯
@DavePryor302 8 ай бұрын
Sure does allot of winning for a loser honestly
@casualcookin3893 8 ай бұрын
Hes a loser compared to God and a winner compared to the weak-minded and weak-willed etc@@DavePryor302
@CyrusBee 7 ай бұрын
@@DavePryor302 he wins some battles but he loses the war. He is ultimately a loser because all of his efforts are in vein because he loses in the end :)
@erwinmatic5062 7 ай бұрын
When I saw demons I was aligned with fear and doubt. However when I started thinking love, compassion, empathy I met divinity.
@B_thunderstanding 6 ай бұрын
"My fear is being separated from God, that's my fear. I don't have any other fear." Something really stirred in me with those words, thanks so much for sharing!
@ismokekb24seven14 5 ай бұрын
I'm not offended and I don't mean to offend I don't even know if it will make sense... This is my opinion, I'm not saying I'm right or everyone is wrong. I know there's evil energy because I have also dealt with my demons and will continue til the day that I pass away and have my judgment. I can tell it's an outside entity. I'm not religious in the sense that I follow organized religions. I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit. My church, my temple, is in my mind, body, and soul. That is where I pray and talk to my holy spirit for advice or to relay information/questions to God. Now, in my opinion, an evil energy that influences thoughts and actions. I'm not saying there's no mental illness at all because there is plenty of proof. But this feels and sounds different. This is what happens when you're spiritually weak or broken. I believe in the past we were able to see good and evil spirits but something happened where we lost that ability to see them. The evil spiritual realm decided it would be easier to deceive humanity if they weren't able to be seen. That's where intrusive thoughts originate from. If you're not vigilant you will be eaten alive. Christ is also symbolized as a lion, but not as a lion seeking to devour. Lion for Christ is used in the sense of "controlled, majestic power," but for Satan, it is the symbol of one who is ruthless, stealthy, powerfully aggressive, bent on defending its turf, and destruction, often working from ambush. There are many similarities with the attributes of the "serpent." Remember tragedy can be both a good thing and a bad thing. That's what makes life interesting and sometimes unfair. This world belongs to the "Devil" and his job is to keep us here to suffer and make us blame God. Satan is a formidable enemy, to be sure, but in a personal sense, he is not as directly dangerous to us as the world or our human nature. The chances of Himself confronting us individually are small in comparison to the influences of our ever-present hearts and the world in which we conduct our lives. Certainly, as our Adversary, he "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour", but unlike God, he is not omniscient. While he can be only in one place at one time, he has many assistants. We are far more likely to be confronted by one of his demon assistants than the Adversary himself, which is bad enough. However, he and his demons have constructed attitudes, institutions, systems, and entertainments into the course of this world, which they effectively use against us, even when they are absent from the scene. Most of their evil influence comes from the system. We need to remember, though, that God has put a wall of protection around us, so demons can go only so far in their attempts to corrupt us and destroy our loyalty to God and His truth. Their major responsibility before God at this time appears to be to provide tests for us to meet and overcome, in the same way, God used Satan to test Job and to tempt Christ. In this respect, they play a large role in helping us to recognize evil. God gives us advice regarding them in I Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." In essence, His advice is, "Be self-controlled, be alert, and resist him!" Peter's first term, "Be sober," urges us not to let fear of him fluster us to the point that we cannot think clearly. The second term, "Be vigilant," charges us to be fully awake, to set ourselves in a state of watchfulness and readiness. The third term, "resist him," is a command not to turn and run but to stand firm. This instruction lets us know that Satan is not all-powerful. With the protections God provides, including His continuous presence and alert regard for His children, Satan can be beaten. The same Jesus who has already defeated Satan is on His throne, overseeing our well-being. His protection is not something we flaunt but is the power we can rely on. James 4:7 adds additional advice: "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Again, the charge is to resist, but it is directly coupled with submission to God. Submission is the voluntary act of placing oneself under the authority of another to show respect and obedience. If we submit to God, Satan will flee. Ephesians 6:11 parallels the other two instructions. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." "Stand against" is yet another way of saying "resist him." "Stand" in Greek indicates that one must hold fast a critical position as an army must do in warfare. However, it is not a passive term, describing something like an unmoving brick wall, but an aggressive, attacking term. In other words, we are to hold the ground we have already gained by going forward. How, then, do we resist? How do we hold our ground by going on the offensive? We must return in thought to Peter 5:9, where the first phrase is better translated as, "Resist him, standing firm [or solid] in the faith." Putting this into military terms, a soldier would be likely commanded, "Do not surrender! Do not give up any ground! Do not back down! Move forward with all you've got! Reinforcements are right behind you." We have the God-backed promise that Satan will flee! Who can resist God's will? The keywords here are "standing firm" and "faith." "Standing firm" or "solid" is used in the sense of "unmovable." When linked with faith in practical terms, it means we are sure or immovably convicted in the face of a strong test. Overall, the apostles' instruction suggests that what we experience vis-à-vis Satan is common to this way of life. Their advice does not say that he will flee immediately, but flee he will. As used here, "faith" can be understood as either a personal trust in God or confidence in Christian doctrine, as either one fits the context. Ultimately, if we use our relationship with God properly, the confidence in Christian doctrine becomes trust in God Himself. 2 Peter 1:19-21 It is from verse 20 in particular that we derive the principle that the Bible interprets itself. This means that somewhere within the pages of Scripture, the timing, the location, the characters, and the symbols employed in symbolic texts like parables and prophecies are explained or defined. It is our job to search them out. When we add the following three vital verses to our understanding of this principle, however, we end up with a very significant corollary: » For I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. (Malachi 3:6) » Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) » Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:17) Each of these verses proclaims God as constant, consistent, unchanging. It is this quality of God-that He is faithful to what He is-that allows us to trust Him. We can have confidence in God and His Word because He never changes! Could we rely upon a double-minded God? Could we have faith in a Being who constantly blew hot and cold? Never! With our God, though, we need not fear inconsistency. Thus, if God is constant and His Word interprets itself, the corollary principle is that the Bible's interpretation of its symbols is consistent. This must be true! If the Bible gave us two contradictory interpretations of a symbol, how could we ever feel confident that we understood its meaning? This corollary underscores 2 Peter 1:19, where the apostle informs us that "the prophetic word [is] more sure" than even eyewitness accounts! We can have confidence in our understanding of the prophecies and parables if the symbols we interpret match what we understand in other areas of Scripture. Otherwise, we could never be sure! This means that every symbol from Genesis to Revelation is consistent in its interpretation. If a rose means something in one part of the Bible, it will mean the same elsewhere, though the context may modify it slightly. If God is consistent, His Word-His revelation of Himself to us-must also therefore be consistent. This conclusion may raise some questions. How can that be? How can, for instance, a lion represent Satan in 1 Peter 5:8 and Jesus Christ in Revelation 5:5? Is that not contradictory? Not at all! Our understanding is correct, but the meaning we give to the symbol is wrong. We have defined it too narrowly. A study of the symbol of the lion brings out several characteristics the Bible emphasizes: It represents strength, predatory ferocity, majesty, and leadership. The lion is the symbol of a ruler, a king, and often a very fierce and powerful one. These are the general meanings of the symbol based on a lion's traits. They help us to comprehend what God wants us to focus on in the context. Thus, a lion can represent both Satan and Jesus because they both have a lion's characteristics.
@ismokekb24seven14 5 ай бұрын
To "Fear of God" means having a deep respect, reverence, and awe for God's power and authority. It can also mean giving God your undivided attention. Some characteristics of those who fear God include: • Draw near to God and enjoy intimacy with Him • Never speak disrespectfully about God • Honor the Word of God • Live a holy lifestyle • Do whatever God says, no matter what it is Fearing God can lead to: • Respecting Him and His laws • Learning how to act and what to say • Thinking before speaking or acting • Gaining knowledge and wisdom • Leading to love for Him Some ways to grow in the fear of God include: • Prayer and worship • Being with other believers who take God seriously • Spending time in the Word and under the Word • Hearing a sermon It can also mean that I fear disappointment, sin, and the consequences of not being close to God.
@czarriggs9247 4 ай бұрын
Golden words
@Iamrochelle1 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for providing this context. I hope you continue to study and stay encouraged in the Lord. @@ismokekb24seven14
@ilonkastille2993 Ай бұрын
Don’t fear any separation from God. The Evil One will try very hard but it is up to you to rebuke him and stay close to the One and Only.
@ExploreDerbyshire 2 ай бұрын
I have recently had a picture fly off a dresser, I felt like I was being watched Banging on the floor of a spare room, noises of something running down stairs This has been around until my ex died of overdose prior to that I had got into the occult by accident through misguided people who thought they were being helpful. He hated me and was into dark stuff Since he died these things have stopped happening Plus I have crucifixes,picture with Bible verses, I play psalms 91 and 23 And the local priest came and blessed the house However it stopped only after i went to confession , received forgiveness for my witchcraft, then I started reading the Bible ( before that I was not able to open a Bible !) and now I’m saying the rosary every day I also play worship songs going to mass and confession and returned to my catholic faith ❤
@markkristynichols845 2 ай бұрын
@ExploreDerbys AMEN🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿✝️✝️✝️
@DavidCraig-hd1rj Ай бұрын
Amen, praise the Lord for His mercy and grace
@rsquintana1 19 күн бұрын
Read the bible God gives you power over the demons. I was in the acult and this man says a lot of trash. In the name of Jesus all demons come out
@DavidCraig-hd1rj 19 күн бұрын
@@rsquintana1 that’s sad you feel that way. Fr. Martins is a very holy man and has been used by God in many ways. I’m very thankful for him as God has used him to teach me more about my faith. I’d encourage you to rethink what you’ve said. Your perspective of what he says may be skewed, but I assure you, what he says isn’t trash.
@LilMeho 18 күн бұрын
Hi there. You don’t have to be baptized for God to know who you are. I was just like you. He sees your heart. If it’s good you have no problems but please don’t revert back to the craft. It’s enticing and addicting. He is greater than that
@SM-gl7gh 10 ай бұрын
Fr Carlos Martins : " I claim the authority of my bloodline. Lord I invite you in and to heal any and every wound that is here. "
@cosmicgirl7288 10 ай бұрын
Amen. ❤
@lilitalia777 9 ай бұрын
Amen! I said that part out loud a few times.
@imo.124 9 ай бұрын
@mR-dc4oq 8 ай бұрын
That was so powerful!! We have generational wounds in my family. Jesus is healing us! I used his instructions. I am grateful.
@sillyme8185 7 ай бұрын
That WAS powerful. It brought tears to my eyes.
@thomasporrovecchio2600 10 ай бұрын
“One confession is worth a thousand exorcisms.” Wow, that is powerful. Thank you for this interview. 1:03:05
@pete86 10 ай бұрын
@bobbettedavis9168 10 ай бұрын
+JMJ+ Amen! Father Vincent Lampert, exorcist of the diocese of Indianapolis, said the same about the powerful sacrament of confession. Fr. Lampert too was featured twice on Pints with Aquinas.
@lisa-maree7 10 ай бұрын
Because it’s in that where the door is closed to demons and spirits and access and rights and legal authority is closed
@lisa-maree7 10 ай бұрын
It’s important to realise the priest had power and authority bc it’d been given to him by his superior as much as given by God. This is how ordination works. There’s great power in an ORDER
@twocyclediesel1280 10 ай бұрын
@@lisa-maree7It’s like something I heard Fr. Lampert say, a Priest decided to do an exorcism without notifying, or getting permission from the Bishop for that area. The demons laughed at him. They knew he had no authority.
@calebchildress3185 7 ай бұрын
So I’m a Jesus worshiping, Bible believing Christian. Growing up some of what I was taught was negative towards Catholicism (not the people, the culture). Thank you for posting this. I was definitely taught wrongly. I look forward to engaging more with this content and learning more about the culture. LOVE IT! Rocked for so many reasons. Thank you.
@jk777212 6 ай бұрын
that is pretty awesome!!! as a convert to the Catholic faith, I say this: keep up with that thought, and keep learning...☦️✝️
@janisjunkie69 6 ай бұрын
Then you need to read your Bible, because this video perfectly shows in detail that Catholics have no idea who God is.
@truanashabadapressure6621 6 ай бұрын
@JH-mi2vw 6 ай бұрын
How does your idea of God differ?@@janisjunkie69
@Victoria-gj1dq 6 ай бұрын
@snowwhite5196 Ай бұрын
I love the comment “I don’t have a fear of evil….my fear is being separated from God.” ❤
@RomPontifex 10 ай бұрын
Fr.Martin’s podcast (The exorcist files) is the best podcast I’ve ever come across. It’s not for the faint-hearted.
@cthurbz5146 10 ай бұрын
YES! His podcast is so well done!
@ryanbetheashow 10 ай бұрын
Oh it's the best!!!
@AudioEpics 10 ай бұрын
It's been a source of inspiration for our fiction, though I don't think any work of fiction could be scarier than reality...
@temsumongbajamir1582 10 ай бұрын
Yep... can't wait for S2
@jamie7880 10 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but while listening to the episodes, the advertisements were promoting all kinds of perversity, from pro-abortion nonsense to weird sex stuff. Maybe the adverts aren't something that the content creator can control?
@dri748 9 ай бұрын
I'm an atheist who was raised irish catholic. As a child, at my bedtime my mum would read me a story and then we'd kneel beside my bed and say 3 prayers. My mum passed 7yrs ago and these memories keep coming back and make me happy. I don't know why I lost my faith, but I'd love to believe there was something after this life. X
@leeannehudson7314 9 ай бұрын
The Lord God loves you and wants you to become his once more.Start praying again, read your bible or listen to audio bible and your life will change.Ill pray for you too❤ God Bless You ❤
@ClaraOneill1967 9 ай бұрын
Please ask Jesus to restore your faith. I'm personally not Catholic. God bless you
@selfademus 9 ай бұрын
_anything_ for an eternity... would be Hell.
@dri748 9 ай бұрын
People for eternity would be hell for me.
@Glow_Vlogs 9 ай бұрын
There are thousands and thousands of people who have died and seen heaven and Jesus. Muslims, toddlers, kids, atheists, addicts, murderers, Buddhists, people who never knew God before and never trusted in Him and they all have the same theme in there NDE, most of them had no inclination to even think about seeing heaven. That can't all be making it up. People from every corner of this earth have had this happen and live to tell about it. I am reading a book right now about tons and tons of different stories of people dying and seeing heaven, he'll and Jesus, so many of them never even believed in it. Heaven is very very real and so is Jesus. About 3 years ago when I was at my worst and lowest place. I was so empty and so confused and was going through a faith crisis and severe depression and addiction. Many times I held a gun in my hand contemplating suicide. I cried out to the creator of the universe to reveal himself to me and to show me the truth. God showed up and I instantly felt a peace I cannot explain. I felt a joy that no drink, no drug, no human has ever given me. I wasn't led to Buddha, Allah, Krishna, I wasn't led to some inner divinity inside of me, I was led to the one and only truth, Jesus. I began to get these instant downloads in my spirit, it was incredible. Suddenly I just knew and my eyes were open to why this that way and why this is wrong and this is right. In that time I finally understood that Jesus is not a religion. All Religions says do but Jesus says done. I began to study religions and how they are a distraction from the truth, they are all flawed and an endless ladder to climb of trying to be good enough.Nothing in this world has given me the internal peace and joy that Jesus has given to me. I cant explain it, I could not muster up this kind of peace myself, believe me I've tried. This kind of peace is not circumstantial, its not of this world and it cannot be replaced. Jesus is not a religion, hes not a theological concept, hes not an angry boss, hes not an energy, hes not a consciousness, hes not a respecter of persons, hes not a genie, hes not a tyrant and lastly hes not one of many ways, He is the only way. Jesus is a personal loving Father who created you, loves you and knows everything about you. Everything Jesus said would happen in the last days is literally coming to pass right before our eyes, biblical end times prophecy is being fufilled so fast I cannot even keep up with it. All other religions have so much error and failed prophecy but the Bible is the only one that has not one failed prophecy and is happening perfectly and accurately right in front of us. Most people don't even see it. I encourage you to look into this and you'll see to the convergence, the intensity and the frequency of biblical prophecy that has dramatically accelerated in the last 5 years. I open up the book of Daniel or the book of revelation in the Bible and I feel like I am reading all the recent news headlines. Jesus is real and is the only way. Heres a really crazy fact...the chances of a one man fulfilling 8 prophecies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 and Jesus did that and not only that but He fufilled over 300 of them!! Only Jesus did that and only Jesus died for your sins and shed His blood for you. Jesus is the only way to heaven!! Please ask Jesus to show you, He will reveal the truth to you. Love you. I really mean that!Bible and I feel like I am reading all the recent news headlines. Jesus is real and is the only way. Heres a really crazy fact...the chances of a one man fulfilling 8 prophecies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 and Jesus did that and not only that but He fufilled over 300 of them!! Only Jesus did that and only Jesus died for your sins and shed His blood for you. Jesus is the only way to heaven!! Please ask Jesus to show you, He will reveal the truth to you. Love you. I really mean that!
@user-wn6rz5xn2x 6 ай бұрын
58:58 Father Martin just broke down our Catholic Faith, Our Beliefs, Our Creation and Values in under 1,000 words........... Perhaps one of the most fundamental and flawless interpretations i have studied or heard in the entire 2023 year thus far. Now ranked among my top 10 of Catholic theological dessimination. Excellently well spoken. To God be the praise and glory.
@catfood1161 8 ай бұрын
I had no idea what to expect from this interview, but it strengthened my faith. Father Martin has seen so many extraordinary things and yet he shines with hope. I was amazed to learn that angels can help during an exorcism. They don’t show you that in the movies!
@JudithJohnson-py4jd 3 ай бұрын
it is the angels that perform the exorcism of the individual we only give the commands
@ArsonalTech 10 ай бұрын
Listening to exorcists always gets me so hyped to be Catholic. These guys are legit warriors and it’s awesome. I’d fight an army to the death defending my family or faith, but the thought of being an exorcist is terrifying.
@sheilastanaland 10 ай бұрын
It is not exclusive to Catholics. It is called Spiritual Warfare.
@nocturne2029 10 ай бұрын
That's a good way to put it. The Church is hardcore
@twocyclediesel1280 10 ай бұрын
I was listening to an interview of Fr Szada, from Harrisburg PA area. He said it’s quite common to have Protestants come to him for help having been told by their clergy… “call the Catholics, they know how to deal with this stuff” I love our Church!
@Dienekes678 10 ай бұрын
I hear you brother! I'm not easily spooked, never backed down from anything on the sports field etc.. I've had a few minor spiritual attacks that had me paralysed with fear. I have so much respect for these Soldiers of God and their resolve! Have you read "Begone, Satan!"? The main exorcist in this story is just about the most heroic person I have ever read about!
@realwoodyhughes 10 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more. Spiritual warfare is exceedingly prevalent as Satan and the demonic are not even hiding anymore. It's important for all Christians to be aware of this and not just ignore it and think it's going to go away. The demonic do not work in that fashion and they would prefer that a person thinks that way.
@jimfern802 10 ай бұрын
This is probably the best 3 hours of profound Catholic conversation I've heard/watched and I've seen many.
@teresaoftheandes6279 9 ай бұрын
I agree.
@LawrenceHornbake 9 ай бұрын
I agree also. Riveting.
@marijakrizanovic 9 ай бұрын
Check out these also if you did not already 1. Fr. Vincent Lampert (Jebediah Bila Live) 2. Michael & Exorcist Fr. Dan Reehil 😊
@jimfern802 9 ай бұрын
@@marijakrizanovic I have watched this and even have shared emails with Fr. Lampert, also Fr. Chad Ripperger, but somehow I felt there was a nuanced deepness with Fr. Martins discussion, not to take away from any of the two just mentioned. It's just a case at how the conversation evolved
@marijakrizanovic 9 ай бұрын
@@jimfern802 Hmm I see what you mean now that I'm at 1 : 06
@that_nurse_lady 4 ай бұрын
At the end when Fr Carlos mentions that he will ask the demon what it was originally created for, the responses struck me like a bolt of lightning. It broke my heart. I had never thought about that before.
@overwatch7774 8 ай бұрын
Im a Christian 4yrs and have an addiction please pray for my flesh to shed and let the lord shine throughout the rest of my life! My name is "Joseph" let me be in you're prayers to get rid of my addiction to piscrition drugs! 🙏
@alquilohabitacion6628 3 ай бұрын
God bless you. Pray the rosary it would help you
@garimahaldane7232 3 ай бұрын
Mother mary pray for you
@lavidaesbella_ 2 ай бұрын
May the blood of Jesus Christ fill your heart and your soul, pray St Joseph Novena
@emeliamedina3807 Ай бұрын
God bless you, Joseph
@amberjulia123 Ай бұрын
Just prayed for you! ❤🙏
@pete86 10 ай бұрын
Please pray for me as I battle against pornography and fornication, and have had demonic oppressions and poor sleep as a result. Thank you and God bless.
@kevinntiyakunze7720 10 ай бұрын
May our Mother keep you in her loving protection.
@pete86 10 ай бұрын
@@kevinntiyakunze7720 Thank you. God bless.
@hoofixrman 10 ай бұрын
Grab your rosary and tell the demon to leave you now. Im not BSing you. Say it like you mean it. Then get to confession. You can do it brother.
@pete86 10 ай бұрын
@@hoofixrman I will do that. Thank you brother
@aidanlisney5546 10 ай бұрын
Hey buddy! Praying for you (in fact already have prior to writing this comment). Our Lady of Sorrows is a great devotion to have in the midst of addiction and suffering. Don’t beat yourself up and keep in mind that every dude struggles in this manner. God bless
@jeffscully1347 10 ай бұрын
I met Father Martins on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, in 2021. He was touring with 60-plus relics, and was in Lewiston, Maine. He blessed several rosaries for me. His retelling of the St. Maria Goretti story is amazing. He is an amazing priest. I feel very blessed to have met him.
@wafflemaster06 10 ай бұрын
He gave that self same account when he visited my parish in central TX this previous December. He’s an incredible man
@sandralori21 10 ай бұрын
@@wafflemaster06 How do I find out where he goes to speak? I'm trying to speak to an Exorcist at his level.
@thetruthnothingelse5033 9 ай бұрын
There is NO fathers amoung humans Matt 23:8 nor teachers pastors etc.
@jeffscully1347 9 ай бұрын
@@thetruthnothingelse5033 clearly you don't understand the _full_ context of the verse. This is what happens when people try to interpret the Bible on their own. They don't have a full understanding of what it all means.
@thetruthnothingelse5033 9 ай бұрын
@@jeffscully1347 I do understand The context its written in plain text not hard to understand, its you who dont like Jesus words because they contradicts who you pretend you are, deception is severe in end time, Jesus warns, Its satan who is the accuser and you are his followers, doing the same when People contradics you. Take heed and implement all words from Jesus as true and obey them.
@katkat2340 2 ай бұрын
Fr . Carlos one of the most holiest nuns told me to pray Divine Mercy when I can, she said Do not become overly concerned with 3:00 although it’s a special time. This enabled me so much to stay inside this devotion. Since then that nun has passed on and my life has changed immeasurable for the good , I’m sure it’s her prayers. 🦋
@JMJmickey 8 ай бұрын
I love that spiritual warfare isn't sensationalized but the veil is being lifted through these important interviews. God bless all our clergy. The Hail Mary is my fight song. AMDG ✝️ THank you for sharing.
@Muse31 9 ай бұрын
I never understood why the priest at our church always asked for us to pray for him. Now I know why!
@MarsSTG 9 ай бұрын
What church do you follow 🤣
@spookygirl7761 8 ай бұрын
We pray for our pastor, no difference.
@leonajean1979 7 ай бұрын
The devil goes after the shepherds stronger bc ...take out the shepherd scatter the sheep! 😞
@brandywineblue 7 ай бұрын
Says right in the Bible, "strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered." Zacharias 13:7 Jesus even quoted it, according to both Matthew (26:31) and Mark (14:27), on the very night He was betrayed by Judas. Jesus also said, "Remember My word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you." - John 15:20 So yes, Christians ought to pray for their priests.
@garyballard3484 7 ай бұрын
Because he's a child molester hahaha
@kmetzz1 9 ай бұрын
I love him saying, “Satan is a loser who has already lost”. Amen!!!! Jesus is King! Jesus IS LORD! Praise you Heavenly Father!!!!
@mandysaied 6 ай бұрын
Stumbled upon a Christian who uses tarot cards to pray to God. Would not listen to me. Convinced it helped her feel closer to God. And that she was protected because she believes in Jesus. She also said her family is high up in free masons and they are Bible and God based .. that’s actually how the convo started! Apparently she does a whole ritual to pray to god with crystals and the tarot cards and a candle. She also said she had been deeply hurt by the church she attended as a child and thought higher of the free masons than the church. 💔 I hope I was able to say something plant some seed that’s making her question needing tarot cards to feel close to God 🙏 I’m still praying for her
@margaretoconnor874 5 ай бұрын
Just say over and over, “My Jesus, I surrender my life. Take care of everything!” It will bring you so much peace!☮️ ✝️
@geraldneary5758 Ай бұрын
It works
@christinacanto3740 10 ай бұрын
I have so much respect for the church for not succumbing to pressure to record exorcisms. I can only imagine how many diabolical people would get obsessed with those records. It seems it would do far more harm than good
@mycharmedunicorn8715 10 ай бұрын
Maybe. Open people up to things they dont know how to battle. You need God to do this type of work.
@laurants 10 ай бұрын
People will dispose of such content as they do UFO sightings.
@paulhayes5684 10 ай бұрын
​@@laurantsExactly so recording it won't help anything.
@cliffordcrimson7124 10 ай бұрын
There's no reason to provide recordings when we choose to deny things that we know to be true already.
@beyondrecall9446 10 ай бұрын
cos its bullshit
@Gregorybridgewater 8 ай бұрын
Protestant here. This was a very interesting and informative interview! May God bless you all, much love and respect for my catholic brothers and sisters. Thank you for the excellent interview!
@sophiabsn 7 ай бұрын
Thank you, too!
@Kammreiter 7 ай бұрын
Muslim here. I agree
@valentinabiebie 7 ай бұрын
Thank you. May God bless you too! ❤
@mresstell 7 ай бұрын
Come home to us to the Roman Catholic Church, you are always welcome.
@chrisbrennan9173 6 ай бұрын
Ya maybe youll realize that evil, Satan and especially Hell is a real place and |your once saved always saved doctrine is making your people stumble.
@leslieebert7656 8 ай бұрын
I've watched this interview twice, and my favorite part starts at 2:19:50, "Demons, Their Purpose, and Their Nemesis." To hear them admit for what purpose they were created and how they rejected that purpose is astounding.
@Anonymous-yo5xv 3 ай бұрын
Please can you elaborate what there purpose was Thanks
@ignatiusjackson235 3 ай бұрын
​@@Anonymous-yo5xv Click on the timestamp 2:19:50. It's not a uniform purpose. Fr. Martins would ask each demon what their unique purpose was, and each of them would provide unique answers. The point is that God created them for a unique purpose, and they betrayed it by departing from God. It's really much easier to watch the priest describe it himself.
@Frankenberry 6 ай бұрын
I just Love, Love, Love Fr Carlos. I've learned more from that man, Bishop James Long, Fr Chad Ripperger, Msgr Rossetti, and Fr Vince Lampert just through videos and stuff in the last couple years than I have from anybody. I thank God for these wonderful Catholic men of God.
@temsumongbajamir1582 10 ай бұрын
Protestant here. Fr. Martin is the top man to talk about exorcism, he articulates them in a top notch way.
@yeshua1st 10 ай бұрын
God Bless you
@patinaripkey7593 10 ай бұрын
I totally agree. Just brilliant and very helpful
@careybowden4864 9 ай бұрын
If you like listening to Fr Martin, check out Fr Ripperger. He's also an exorcist.
@blake4013 9 ай бұрын
Yeah just not the top man to speak on original sin.
@richardvass1462 9 ай бұрын
You need to listen carefully to what is being said. If you don't do sacrament or confession you are in big trouble according to these people.
@jonathangillies6531 9 ай бұрын
Protestant here and absolutely loved this interview, mad respect for my brothers in the Catholic Church and this man of God here. Bless you father and your work!
@richol87 9 ай бұрын
Wish more protestants thought like you, I feel like we could learn from each other
@dbog5214 9 ай бұрын
Do protestants preform exorcism?
@Rpg844 9 ай бұрын
​@dbog5214 yes most dominations of Christianity do. It's just not at this level and not delt with in the same way. You here stories but never as dramatic as what the catholic churches put out.
@dbog5214 9 ай бұрын
@@Rpg844 well how is co aside with "sola scriptura"? The bible dosent have an exorcism manual, so its gotta be based on some kind of a tradition? Just interesting to me..
@Rpg844 9 ай бұрын
@@dbog5214 certain Christian dominations go according to tradition so does the catholic church. It's a combination of traditions and scripture. If I remember correctly. Some Christians would perform a type of exorcism based on the accounts in the gospels. This is the sort of "manual" they use.
@petyae 7 ай бұрын
This was a blast! Thank you ! God bless you and all the people who have watched the interview! It is a profound wisdom and the love was felt through the whole interview, God's love is almighty!
@americanwoman8947 6 ай бұрын
Once I learned about all this as I grew in my Faith I remembered My Aunt had us play with a Quiji board as children, did automatic writings for us as young adults, took us to Tarot Card readings...I confessed all this at my next confession. So much tragedy occurred in my family. Serious tragedies where I had lost every loved one by the time I was 41. It had to be related. I pray many who listen to this wake up and talk to a Priest as soon as is possible. 🙏🙏🙏
@vanessadowney3593 9 ай бұрын
I I'm not Catholic but have thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Farther Carlos spoke very beautifully about conception and many other things that while he was speaking I had to just give glory to God. What a wonderful man and ministry that he has been called to. Thank you for this wonderful interview.
@richardvass1462 9 ай бұрын
This comment is illogical. If you listen to what he's saying carefully then protestants and non Catholic people are in big trouble because they don't do sacrament or confession.
@knowledgesociety-English 7 ай бұрын
Hello, sorry for my intrusion. I saw that you like this type of content. I'm sharing two videos from my newly created channel. The first video is called "The Pope Who Was Married" ( The other video is titled "I went to my own funeral" ( ), in it Parallels and Differences: We'll explore the intriguing similarities and fundamental differences between the Christian concept of conversion and Nietzsche's concept of evolution. Both mention "being a child," but the implications vary. I hope you like the content. Big hug. Yours sincerely. André Frossard Signes
@betadecay6503 6 ай бұрын
This is a grown man that still believes in demonic possession 🤣 He blames mental illness on demons and criticises psychiatrists. He's dangerous and taking advantage of vulnerable people. He's a terrible, terrible person.
@marjorienavarro6337 10 ай бұрын
As a catholic...what he says about faith is true....nothing dramatic has to happen to make you believe more in God...just experiencing his love is enough ❤
@GiovannaAguilar 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely. That’s why the evangelical church scares me. They also like to mix their theatrics with their disrespect of our Catholic Church.
@douglasgreninger110 8 ай бұрын
Catholic Church was created by Roman and pagans they idol worship and popes think they are equal to God ,they break the first commandment . Jesus Christ is all you need.
@danabattisto7634 8 ай бұрын
Get to the point!!!
@danabattisto7634 8 ай бұрын
Yes yea yea YOU ARE THE DEMON, why are y'all not calling him out?????
@danabattisto7634 8 ай бұрын
I'm onto you
@kimberlific 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, Fr. Martins, for this interview, and thank you, Matt, for having him on! I have been so blessed by The Exorcist Files and Fr. Martins' talks and interviews.
@jacquelinejacobson6789 4 ай бұрын
My late sister had a demonic house infestation after having had used the ouija board in the house. I visited her once during this time. We were all sitting at the kitchen table having a good time talking with each other ( my late brother in law was present too). After a while we got to talking about what was going on the house, and I felt a need to pray for them. So I excused myself from the table, saying Ivwas tired and needed a nap ( my real intention was to lay down on the couch and pray for them). Nobody knew that I was going to pray except myself. As soon as I mentally started to pray the Our Father, a huge hanging wall picture in the living room near the couch went flying off the hook - and crash landed on the opposite side of the living room! Proof positive of demonic presence
@gerben4875 10 ай бұрын
As a protestant I find this very informing, never heard this from my church sadly. I am learning more about the catholic faith (via for example sam shamoun and lloyd de jongh (who is himself a protestant ironically)). I do have different views on some items like veneration of Mary and saints and the rosary but I am appreciating my catholic brethren and siters more then I used to. God bless.
@gerben4875 10 ай бұрын
@@bevbeverage4312 thx for your comments, i will consider it 😄
@Ginger_H 10 ай бұрын
Also a Protestant and I also have the same views re: Mary, the saints and some other doctrines. I don’t feel the need to search out theologians about it, I just seek the Lord. If He wants me to know something that is not specifically in His word, then He will make it known to me. That said, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and I pray that Christians worldwide would unite for the purposes of His Kingdom.
@gerben4875 10 ай бұрын
@@Ginger_H agree that christians globally should unite as Jesus commanded us. That said it doesnt mean we can't have theological differences, as even the church fathers had those, ofcourse there are items in which you can't differ like the trinity, virgin birth, sinless of Jesus etc. I do search theologians but try to see both sides of the debate. In the end, our theology is not going to save us but your faith (and how that faith works in real life through works). God bless
@michaelmcguirk396 10 ай бұрын
@@Ginger_Hwhere in a scripture does it state that everything you are to believe must be specifically in the Bible? For starters, there isn’t a list, in scripture, of which books should be in the Bible as a whole, and New Testament specifically.
@geosen114 10 ай бұрын
@Ramoreira86 10 ай бұрын
"If you're stupid enough to have mortal sins and show up to an exorcism" Lol that line hit so hard
@Dienekes678 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely. Most people regard themselves as "good people". I had that opinion myself, oblivious to have I darkened my soul with sin. Where I'm from, Ireland, if you asked 1,000 people if they were in a state of grace, they wouldn't even know what you're talking about. The demons are having an easy time of it here, and suicide rates are going through the roof. Heartbreakingly sad.
@sliglusamelius8578 9 ай бұрын
@@Dienekes678 Why so many suicides? Drugs? Mostly men?
@michaelj5168 9 ай бұрын
@@Dienekes678 turn then to the faith of your fathers and invoke the aid of St Patrick
@Dienekes678 9 ай бұрын
@@michaelj5168 I have Michael, and it has turned my life around and brought me out of a really dark place. Praise God! I will pray to St.Patrick for help, Ireland so desperately needs it right now. God bless.
@SugaryPhoenixxx 9 ай бұрын
The only one without sin is Jesus Christ.
@WilliamLyons-ym7ee 5 ай бұрын
That sleep paralysis is no joke. It happened to me several times. I sleep on my left side, and I felt this dark entity standing in back of me at my bedside. I know something was there. I tried so hard to move but couldn’t. The presence just laughed at me. I couldn’t sleep for days and I kept the light on.
@universalflamethrower6342 5 ай бұрын
I used to have it, one day I called out to Jesus and it stoppen forever.
@rrpickles 4 ай бұрын
I had that too, and the demon was talking and I did pray Hail Mary 3x until he’s gone. He was scared when you pray Hail Mary. The power of Hail Mary.
@jaggedstarrPI 3 ай бұрын
​@@rrpicklesOf course, the power is from Jesus, through Mary in the Hail Mary, but yes... agreed.
@real183 Ай бұрын
Yes.Powerful,shouted out to cleanse home in Jesus name as I was suspicious then in morning demon was on his knees mentioning my brother as culprit "Angus"
@LindseyDominguez 3 ай бұрын
Father Martins has such a comforting voice. I listen to the podcast as well and I cannot get over how much his voice projects peace. Truly a man living his calling.
@shellysanders5329 10 ай бұрын
I pray God sends me a priest such as this man, Ive never seen a baptist attend to their sheep. This priest also helps me better understand the trauma of my youth wow
@michaelj5168 9 ай бұрын
Wherever you live find a Catholic Church and knock on the door
@Heylollie343 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry your church leadership let you down. This is why it is so important that the church body is exactly that, a body- interconnecting and accountable to one another, so that nobody slips through the cracks. If you ever need to chat, I have a background in deliverance and healing ministry, I'd love to help you or help connect you with help.
@j_rainsgoat3929 6 ай бұрын
Have you ever heard a Baptist who's house is possessed? Seems the Catholics have this issue more than most.
@eddyrogers3706 10 ай бұрын
So this happened - I was listening to the podcast, and when Matt and Fr Carlos were talking about the Divine Mercy and how 3pm does not always work, something compelled me to stop what I was doing and check the time - it was 3:01pm! I very rarely say the chapter. God was saying to me: “so, my boy, make a choice: treat this moment as missing your chance to pray the chaplet and carry on, or take this chance to stop and pray.” I stopped and prayed!
@DancingTigerBait 7 ай бұрын
“My fear is being separated from God” Yes!!! Wow, honestly, these exorcists really do hit the nail on the head. Consistently.
@DancingTigerBait 7 ай бұрын
He’s right that Reiki, like yoga, invites spirits that you do NIT want. The discussions of Theotokos (sp?) is especially helpful.
@veesea8889 4 ай бұрын
Im only 10 min in, at the part where Fr Martins mentions he is a convert from atheism. Having watched two of his other jaw literally (as in *literally*) dropped. I don't know if he mentions it in this video, but I would love to know how ***_that_* happened. Imagine how much grace had to come on him to convert an atheist!!! Wow! Amazing!! Its different if you were already Christian but a different religion, but an atheist conversion and an exorcist! Holy WOW! Incredible ❤🙏🏻❤
@joshuaschortgen5245 10 ай бұрын
Fr. Martins has one of the most calming demeanors I have ever witnessed. God bless you, Father!
@sammyandoliver7522 9 ай бұрын
That's weird. I'm Catholic but for some reason he rubbed me the wrong way, the way he brags about either being your best friend or walking away from you. He said it quite a few times in a smug, condescending, arrogant manner which is why I got the impression that he's arrogant and thinks he's smarter and better than everybody else. I seem to be the only one that feels that. It's the 1st time I've seen or listened to him. Jesus would never walk away from anybody. Also it's quite ridiculous and cruel to say you don't know where an innocent un baptized baby would go upon death. Obviously to heaven. The church is just trying to be controlling with their laws. What kind of a God would sent an innocent baby to hello just because he or she didn't get a chance to be baptised. Spell check wouldn't let me write the word hell. Now it did. I don't care for this priest. Like his follow up with the suicide girl was 12 years later. Really. Smh. It should have been a month later if not a week. Seems like it's all about him.
@lindykaz8921 8 ай бұрын
@@sammyandoliver7522 , good for you for listening to your gut instinct. The Vatican and all the Catholic churches are false Christian churches I repeat that the Vatican and all the Catholic churches are false Christian churches. What the heck they teaching that you have to be baptized to go to heaven that's false because you have to repent and be born again in Christ that you love Jesus Christ and you know he died for your sins and pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ. How come they're not teaching that? I just had a old friend over I asked her if she was born again in Christ she told me no but she should go find a church to baptize her for she would be almost fell out of my chair that she thought she has to be baptized by water. I told her all she has to repent and be born again in Christ thy Lord God Almighty. I told her to look up the sinner's prayer and say it truly from her heart. Being baptized as good but being baptized will not get you to heaven repenting and being born again in Christ will get you to heaven if you believe truly in Jesus Christ but you have to be born again and repent for your sins and why isn't the Catholic Church's teaching the people that? They don't want the people to know or wouldn't they tell him that come on they're supposed to know the Bible very well but it doesn't seem like they want to teach the people how to get to heaven. if you want to listen to the 100% truth the Lord God Almighty anointed a man to be his prophet to get us to truth that most all churches didn't do. If you really want to know go listen to Jonathan Kleck on YT. May God bless you to see and hear the truth.
@DIE2dayORelse 9 ай бұрын
Last week I woke up in sleep paralysis with a bunch of evil spirits whispering and talking and I just said “begone” and said I’m God’s child, hasn’t come back since. I’ve had so many experiences like this that I never knew were related to evil spirits until much later
@sillyme8185 7 ай бұрын
Woke up early this morning after I literally felt a physical force having sex with me. I felt a hand pressing on my back and pressure of thrusts against my bottom. I said, “Demon, be gone”. And then started watching the exorcists that were on my KZbin feed. Fell asleep again and I woke up to this one.
@annsaunders5768 7 ай бұрын
Never think something you said or did without invoking Christ's power will be permanent when it comes to the demons. Pray an Our Father each night and morning, it is a sort of exorcism given us by Christ Himself. Say in "The blood of Christ Crucified" more loudly til the spirits of evil go away is so powerful too, but our sinfulness keeps "inviting" them back into our lives. I will be praying for you.
@Britton_Thompson 7 ай бұрын
The amount of time separating incidents is not an accurate gauge for this phenomena. For starters, one week is not long enough to know. Secondly- and most importantly -demons are not the same 3D life forms that we are. These are entities existing on a higher dimensional plane of reality in which time is not an impediment for them. These are 4D or 5D life forms- at the least -where time is not linear for them. Everything is happening in Eternity for them. This concept is difficult to explain to ordinary people, but I'll try my best regardless... Imagine being a 2D lifeform. For example, a straight line on a piece of paper. Now, imagine something from the 3D plane coming into contact with the 2D straight line. For this example, our 3D object will be a simple fork. The 2D straight line suddenly intersects with the 3D fork placed on top of it that is standing upright. The first tine of the fork it encounters blocks it's path. It's only momentary, however, as there's empty space directly behind the first tine (the empty space within the fork) to allow the 2D line to continue it's forward path. Shortly afterwards, it encounters the next tine on the fork directly behind it to block it's path again before being able to resume it's path, where it will run into the next empty space & tine; etc. Here's a visual aid : ______________ ______ ______ ______ ______________ •Tine •Tine •Tine •Tine To that 2D line, those four separate fork tines are four different individual objects interrupting it's trajectory. In reality, they're all connected to a larger singular object existing on a higher dimensional plane it can not perceive. All of this is to say that if somehow the lower 2D object could defeat just one of the tines on the fork, it'll have actually defeated the entire 3D object altogether since it's actually all connected to a combined higher dimensional entity. From a quantum physics viewpoint, this would actually reinforce the validity of the Biblel since it says Satan is already defeated. Everything Lucifer can ever do now is play out his same neverending constant of failure in a giant, repeating loop since his decision to oppose God was a choice he made in Eternity. Lucifer's rebellion, military defeat, judgement, and exile from Heaven is reverberating down through the lower dimensions of physical existence; repeating this same course of failure in everything Lucifer attempts..
@razormonkey5000 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like the definition of psychosis and sleep paralysis. Sorry to burst the bubble.
@LivTruth1 7 ай бұрын
I know the was a nasty experience!
@arlenismendez1090 Ай бұрын
The whole explanation of why confession is so important blew me away. The realization i have now of the grave matter of carrying mortal sin on the heart hit me like a truck. I admit I’ve been ignorant to this stuff & never really thought much of sin because, well, everyone sins. But man, the fact that just 1 mortal sin or any other sin can easily erase your heaven citizenship and make you belong to the devil makes me wanna run to confession EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I’ve been clinging to my rosary lately because in praying to Mary i find deep comfort and assurance, I now will use it as a spiritual weapon against the evil one. Thank you Fr. Carlos.
@kamberP 8 ай бұрын
As a Non-Denominational Christian that leans on the Pentecostal side I am amazed with how much my faith has in common with the true Catholic faith (My family on my Moms side is "Catholic" in name only). This was very eye opening and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to watch this. I have been through deliverance with my Pastor (non Catholic) I had a spirit of grief that was oppressing me and everything Father Carlos Martins is saying rings 100% accurate. With the exception of the stance on Baptism of Babies. In my faith our salvation is sealed until the age of accountability when we know right from wrong and at that point one needs to give their life to Christ or be subject to eternal damnation. Having said that...may GOD continue to Bless and Keep him! ❤🙏🔥🕯✝🛐
@maximillianafrancine1451 2 ай бұрын
Hello Brother/Sister. When Peter saw the vision of unclean animals and was then sent to Corneliuis; the gospel tells us everyone in the household was baptised. Not just adults
@gabrielleangelica1977 Ай бұрын
Thank you for being open minded.
@kamberP Ай бұрын
@@gabrielleangelica1977 Hi, Sister in Christ! We are all one FAMILY. May GOD bless and keep you! ♥️🙏🏻🛐✝️
@kamberP Ай бұрын
@@maximillianafrancine1451 Agreed, but it never stated what age everyone was. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@gabrielleangelica1977 Ай бұрын
@@kamberP Thank YOU for being a Christian who really acts like one!
@OxyCleanForYourBrain 10 ай бұрын
Chaplet of Divine Mercy takes 10 minutes and it’s right when I’m driving the kids home. They all have it memorized now and they memorized it before me and helped me with it but then again, THE LORD inspired ME to have a devotion to it because it was the medicine *I* needed. I’d highly recommend others observe the octave of Easter and complete the Divine Mercy at that time at a minimum though. “Jesus, I trust in you”
@MinnesotaSlim89 9 ай бұрын
Jezu Ufam Tobie! I love the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
@lunareclipse1482 5 ай бұрын
I pray Divine Mercy Prayer everyday at 3:00 pm.
@bkskaur7232 8 ай бұрын
I was staying at a haunted orphanage and my God I have dozens of demonic experiences i can share with you all. The worst was when I could feel the demons all over me at night, I could feel the energy, this also happened to the manager at that orphanage and to previous guests at that place. Then twice the demons physically touched me on my left upper arm, near my shoulder at 3am!!!!! I felt a fingure touch me and again on the same spot days later. That is the time that demons really like to mock and they are in full swing with their mischievousness as that is the time 3pm that Jesus died on the cross. They have to invert everything Godly. Feeling the energy was bad but when they actually touch you as if a person just touched you then you know they can shapeshift into anything. They can even turn up at your door pretending to be your friend or lover. There are no limits to their evil. God allowed them to touch me so that i could know the reality of these beasts and share it with you all now.
@sylviastevenson3199 8 ай бұрын
I've been touched by something unseen several times off an on in different homes I've had, and in the middle of the night before. Finally, through much prayer and calling out to Jesus and demanding it to leave, I heard a whirlwind outside during a quiet night with no weather. Then, there's been no issues since.
@The_Flying_Arrowz369 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing knowledge, let others know so they can identify, when they have their encounter
@mythacat1 7 ай бұрын
​@@sylviastevenson3199what denomination are you?
@francescaderimini4422 6 ай бұрын
God touched me as well with all the Grace in the world. I thought I was having a heart attack and reached to grab the phone. I could hardly move and really thought I would die before the the ambulance reached my house when I looked at the clock and it said 3am. I quickly grabbed my rosary falling out of bed to the floor kneeling at the side of the bed when the pain disappeared. I was enveloped in pure love and joy which I knew was our Blessed Lady?
@beanstalkers3127 5 ай бұрын
I really I think our Lord and our savior and our father Jesus I pray I just I thank him I can relate to everything you just said yes and you need to continue telling people these things because this world is flooded with evil doct directions and Devils start preaching the gospel more continue to do what you're doing my brother or sister sorry it's almost 3:00 a.m. as we speak
@53lyric1 6 ай бұрын
My sister-in-law is from a Catholic family, yet her dad was a Mason. She scoffs at people who think Masonry is a danger. My brother was tapped to join DeMolay and is a Mason today. He never attended our Baptist Church and now I wonder why. I am a convert to the Roman Catholic Church and am aware of some Catholic men who are Masons. My husband's best friend is trying to get him to join now. He has never told him "no" but hasn't joined either. Could someone interview Fr Carlos Martins on the subject of Masonry and the Order of DeMolay and the women's equivalents of the Masons? I would be so glad to learn more about this subject.🙏
@ilovedogs938 4 ай бұрын
Masonry is against God. I believe even the late Pope Benedict spoke against it. No Catholic should be a Mason it is evil and dangerous. Your family members may not be evil but Masonry is. I pray that God removes them from that terrible organisation.
@amandamusic5746 2 ай бұрын
I listened to frequencies here in KZbin for a while. I didn't have much faith in them really healing, though they helped with pain. And heck if was better than the tinnitus I have at bedtime. Then one night, I heard a goat bleating, and I swore I heard my last name called. Both woke me up from sleep. I haven't listened to them anymore.
@betheva5917 10 ай бұрын
My pastor when I was a kid was a Pentecostal pastor. He was often approached by people who had demonic issues. He would say that when people get into occult or live around those people get into trouble at some point. He would educate them and pray. But the person has to also understand their rights over evil in their own lives and make sure they know scriptures to protect their minds.
@chooselove2553 9 ай бұрын
I’d like to show appreciation for Father Martins’ podcast. As a cradle Catholic this podcast lit a fire in my spirit and motivated me to join a parish and start adult RCIA. His podcast made spirituality real for me. I’ve learned more about the enemy from his podcast than in my entire 50 years.
@karensilady5729 5 ай бұрын
Terrific! I actually want to go to RCIA just to learn more about our fabulous faith. I have always been fascinated by the whole ministry of healing and exorcism. Just don’t think I could go on a team. I know the devil is very very real and it scares me
@MysticLoveASMR 5 ай бұрын
What a great interview! It was very informative, shocking and amazing. The most impactful to me- which gave me chills and made me acknowledge and bow down to the mysteries of our Creator, was when the demon would eventually tell what he was created for. WOW! How beautiful! I had to pause the video to acknowledge and savor the glory, the might, the majesty, the mystery and the peace of our infinite Creator. It also impacted me deeply when the demon bowed his head down in shame when Father Martins asked if he was created for Saint Joseph’s dowry wedding gift from our Creator. It makes me wonder if there is still hope for demons to polarize to the opposite polarity, if this much shame can still exist in their souls. Thank you for this amazing interview! Blessings
@flipperssuperawesomechanne7090 4 ай бұрын
This was a great discussion. I'm glad to have listened to this podcast. I have great respect for the Catholic Church for offering exorcism because it is needed in society.
@westockfarmsltd6339 10 ай бұрын
Working in a loud tractor today. Can’t wait to get home and listen to this while drinking an end of the day beer
@lisamiller4159 10 ай бұрын
“ I have so much faith in God” - Fr Carlos. Love this priest ‘s and Fr Lampert’s extraordinary faith and service to God. I always learn so much listening to them❤️
@79BCL Ай бұрын
As I learn and hear more of from Fr. Martins I gain more faith in the priesthood. Thank you Fr. Martins!
@barbratierney7804 7 ай бұрын
WOW, how scary, The fan starting etchy & slow like he explained, "No setting that slow,"and then spinning out of control...again there is no setting that fast !! As silly lumps of teenagers myself, Sister & 2 friends had a seance and the cake mixer was left on the bench after we'd made a cake...the exact same thing happened with the beaters on the mixer...inevitably Dad checked the power point as both power point and the mixer were off ! This explains ALOT, looking back BUT it did me a huge favour because God has never left my side, and I can positively say he is still holding my heart, evil had several attempts on my life...but God still prevails !! I love You Lord, I worship You, thankyou 🙏
@ladyj3474 10 ай бұрын
I love Father Carlos, his demeanor is an inspiration.
@julieoelker1865 10 ай бұрын
I had a manager once who was proud of being a witch and engaged in many occult practices. She claimed she was using "white magic," which was supposedly good and not of the devil, but then she wore a pentagram ring on each hand. She told me once that she knew how to put hexes on people but doing so not only harmed the intended victim but also herself. My cubicle had a common wall with hers, so I placed a tiny blessed crucifix under the wall. She eventually fired me, and I was relieved to get away from her. Her name begins with K. Please pray for her.
@signumcrucis4172 10 ай бұрын
Witchcraft is by nature aided by the devil. There is no such thing as "white magic". I pray she has freed herself from all of that.
@progidy7 10 ай бұрын
Magic fight!
@gabrielgaranas 10 ай бұрын
K? Well she's a Karen of course! Just kidding She needs a couple of rosaries for sure
@AP-eb5uw 10 ай бұрын
The same happened to me. I work in a care home. I was praying the rosary at work every time I was on shift as I felt how dark the energy is. My manager fired me after a month. Bless her heart.
@reddbehrens 9 ай бұрын
Your spirit bothered her demons.
@IRISHMAN9199 7 ай бұрын
Such an incredible interview. Thanks to you both!
@maziet9734 7 ай бұрын
❤ Thank you for expressing your heart ❤ and encouraging us in the right direction! God bless you & your family!
@mbarkn 9 ай бұрын
It is taking me a while to get through this podcast and I must say, this is by far the most significant interview with Fr. Martins I have ever heard. I have seen dozens of interviews of Fr. Martins. Always informative, always delightful and special but always an hour or less. This 3+ hour interview is bar none, the best candid interview ever. Thank you Matt for such an in depth and riveting interview.
@alm2417 7 ай бұрын
I was paralyzed one night it was a succubus It made me feel very sexual, and I welcomed it in Today’s day I’m tormented by a Health and accidents what should I do? Please help me.
@mbarkn 7 ай бұрын
@@alm2417 You should speak with your priest and go to confession as a starting point. A good priest will help you return to being in communion with Christ and renouncing the ways and lies of the devil.
@michaeldauphin7129 10 ай бұрын
His podcast, along with what I've been seeing in society, caused me to see the evil in the world. I now go to Mass consistently and pray often.
@margiecarnahan2933 10 ай бұрын
@ornange 10 ай бұрын
Same here.. along with watching Nefarious. People may label it as being a 'fanatic'; but truly the devil is the prince of this world and only the sacraments can help lead us the path back to our true Home in Heaven
@seanraftis5096 5 ай бұрын
Excellent interview and worthy cautions for us priests as well. Thank you.
@uchechileslie7525 8 ай бұрын
Very good interview! I am grateful that Carlos Martins guy is knowledgeable and confident in his responses. His obedience and experience is well reflected in his amazing, informative responses. Thank you Mr. Carlos Martins.
@katdunn7934 2 ай бұрын
He's a priest, not just any guy. Big difference. Thank God for Fr. Carlos and his service he provides for His flock.
@rdc8089 10 ай бұрын
What I find most helpful about Fr. Martins ministry is that it reminds me of what we are really up against and all the ways we can be compromised by our own actions. I used to imagine that my sin was just between me and God and of course, ontologically it is, but through him (Father) and his Exorcist Files podcast, I've come to know that there is another one at work against me and when I sin, I open pathways / give a sort of permission for that Enemy to be involved in my life ... I do not want that! So I've become more aware of my sinful tendencies and more vigilant in prayer for Divine help against my weakness ... thanks to Fr. Martins ministry!
@sandralori21 10 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on if it's not you, but your spouse, actually a husband, since he has authority over the family, that is allowing the demons into the family because he is the one that is sinning, such as drinking, cussing, using The Lord's name in vain, not holy at all, narcissistic and such and just not being a good husband or father? That being said, I feel that my Spiritual War started when I was a child and now I see my children suffering.
@elishaainsworth9059 10 ай бұрын
Thankyou for this interview. Growing up as a protestant pentecostal Christian. I have respect for the Catholuc Church and its practice of the active gifts of The Holy Spiit for the cause of exorcisms...The Authority is in the name of Jesus Christt of Nazareth 🙌
@katholischetheologiegeschi1319 10 ай бұрын
Convert sister
@michaelj5168 9 ай бұрын
Come home to Holy Mother Church
@kelkabot 6 ай бұрын
I learned so much from this interview, and I am motivated anew to avail myself of the sacraments and pray the Holy Rosary. Thank you, Father, and thank you, Matt.
@efs797 2 ай бұрын
Fr Carols Martins we ❤ you for what you are doing and I pray for you and your fellow ministers each and every darn day, brother! There are thousands of us praying for your brothers in arms around the world! We are behind you! 💙✝️🙏👊🥰👍🫂🤲✝️ Long life to you and yours and a sound arsekicking to the enemy!! SEMPER FIDELIS
@markkristynichols845 2 ай бұрын
@efs797 LOVE your response, AMEN! ❤ him too, Kristy from Missouri ✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿
@fakename7255 9 ай бұрын
His talk about how demons can infest through sexual sins and how they target children. It just rings so true with modern culture. The fetish stuff that is just so pervasive and public, being performed FOR children. The Pride events, the drag shows, teachers pushing sexual books onto children as young as kindergarten. It all makes sense when you look at it through that lens.
@nutrition182 5 ай бұрын
@ignatiusjackson235 3 ай бұрын
It does, but it's important not to discount the power of free will. I see many people reinforcing each other's misconceptions about sin because it "liberates" themselves in a perverse way. That doesn't necessarily require the work of demons. Many of these folks are broken precisely because they are hurt, and it does no good to blame that on demons without sufficient evidence (1) because it devalues the responsibility of the sinner and (2) because it gives us an excuse to view our brothers and sisters as demonic, when they are in fact children of God just like us. "Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers..."
@markcobuzzi826 Ай бұрын
Besides those kinds of things, we should also remember that the devil will seek to attack our youth from the opposite directions too. One of the most obvious examples of the latter is the Church’s abuse scandal, which Bishop Barron himself called a “Diabolical Masterpiece”. I am convinced that there are other forms of the latter, some of which secular and Christian society alike seem to barely acknowledge. And recently, this one in particular has started to really bother me. Namely, it involves how certain forms of corporal punishment would not only legally qualify as physical assault/battery, but also legally qualify as se**al assault, if they were done to any adult no matter the circumstances. Yet when it is done to children/students, too many people will trivialize or justify them, sometimes even hiding behind the letter of Old Testament proverbs to dress those practices up as godly. I don’t know whether this is the best time and place to bring it up. But this report on Scripps News’ KZbin channel was very unsettling to me and convinced me that we also need to vigilantly guard our youth against societal perversion charging in from the opposite front: “Florida student says she felt sexually assaulted in school paddling”.
@markcobuzzi826 Ай бұрын
Besides those kinds of things, we should also remember that the devil will seek to attack our youth from the opposite directions too. One of the most obvious examples of the latter is the Church’s infamous scandal, which Bishop Barron himself called a “Diabolical Masterpiece”. I am convinced that there are other forms of the latter, some of which secular and Christian society alike seem to barely acknowledge. And recently, this one in particular has started to really bother me. Namely, it involves how certain forms of corporal punishment would not only legally qualify as physical assault/battery, but also legally qualify as se&&al assault, if they were done to any adult no matter the circumstances. Yet when it is done to children/students, too many people will trivialize or justify them, sometimes even hiding behind the letter of Old Testament proverbs to dress those practices up as godly. I don’t know whether this is the best time and place to bring it up. But a certain report on Scripps News’ KZbin channel was very unsettling to me and convinced me that we also need to vigilantly guard our youth, against such cultural vices charging in from the opposite front: “Florida student says she felt se&&&&ly assaulted in school paddling”.
@markcobuzzi826 Ай бұрын
Besides those kinds of things, we should also remember that the devil will seek to attack our youth from the opposite directions too. One of the most obvious examples of the latter is the Church’s infamous scandal, which Bishop Barron himself called a “Diabolical Masterpiece”. I am convinced that there are other forms of the latter, some of which secular and Christian society alike seem to barely acknowledge. And recently, this one in particular has started to really bother me. Namely, it involves how certain forms of corporal punishment would not only legally qualify as physical assault/battery, but also legally qualify as se&&al assault, if they were done to any adult no matter the circumstances. Yet when it is done to children/students, too many people will trivialize or justify them, sometimes even hiding behind the letter of Old Testament proverbs to dress those practices up as godly. I don’t know whether this is the best time and place to bring it up. But a certain video news report was very unsettling to me and convinced me that we also need to vigilantly guard our youth, against such cultural vices charging in from the opposite front: “Florida student says she felt se&&&&ly assaulted in school paddling”.
@adamboehmer9166 10 ай бұрын
Outstanding...Thank you for saying YES and becoming a priest forever.
@lynevoss4106 3 ай бұрын
Thank you and God bless you Fr. Martins, Matt and crew for this outstanding talk! May God grant us, all viewers- past, present and future, the grace of understanding and a stronger Faith, ways and means to fight and survive the spiritual warfare that is in our midst. Let us pray for the whole world, esp. the USA! Our Lady of Victory, pray for us❤️‍🔥🙏🙏🙏
@soulscry 8 ай бұрын
We recently attended mass and veneration of St. Jude's relic at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in La Crosse, WI the other week and Fr. Martins gave a particularly thoughtful, engaging homily on this once ignored apostle, St. Jude Thadeus, who became one of the church's most popular saints after his bones were located 300 years ago. My husband is a practicing Buddhist who came with me, and he found Fr.'s homily extremely touching. He even kneeled and venerated the relic with me (which in itself is a miracle). Thank you Fr. Martins for all your spiritual labors. They are so needed in these times.
@ABock4 10 ай бұрын
Been waiting for this for a while. Fr. Martins is a treasure and The Exorcist Files podcast is one of the greatest things I’ve ever listened to. I just love his experiences and holiness combined with his delivery and accent. God bless Fr. Martins! ❤
@ryanbetheashow 10 ай бұрын
Season 2 Is gonna be epic! Big announcement coming soon. Make sure you are signed up for our email list!
@ABock4 10 ай бұрын
@@ryanbetheashow Ryan! Forgot to shout you out too, brother! You’re the man as well, haha.
@buttebears6108 10 ай бұрын
A. Eliminate the Sinful habits Out of your life ..that diminish your Soul's connection to the Holy Spirit B. Confession C. Local Pastoral Support..follow through is 🔑 and daily commitment 👏
@MrJiffitz 7 ай бұрын
Wow. This is an incredible interview. Thank you so much.
@zealforhumnity 7 ай бұрын
Fascinating and insightful, best podcast you’ve ever done, hands-down
@lanero9 8 ай бұрын
This is absolute pure gold. Every story, every sentence...straight truth and clarity. No way to avoid the correct path after watching this!
@JohnSaber 10 ай бұрын
An amazing interview. Especially the information on how evil enters through our wounds. It is constructive and beneficial to have an understanding of this. Thank you Sirs.
@blancheb3533 2 ай бұрын
Chilling! Thank you Fr. Carlos Martins and Matt Fradd for this excellent interview. Through the Blessed Virgin Mary Amen
@marionsuggs3816 4 ай бұрын
This is, by far one of the best interviews I’ve ever heard. Excellent content.
@annedebie4068 10 ай бұрын
Fr Martins has such concern and love for those afflicted - such an inspiration . His podcast is top-notch. I am listening to this interview little by little as a reward for chores :)
@nyustv210 9 ай бұрын
Hahaha ditto
@Sydroo1969 10 ай бұрын
God bless Fr. Martins. He brought the relics to my city, I think twice. I went both times. It was amazing. He also blessed my rosary. I'm a convert of 24 years. I am fairly sure my family has a generational curse. My grandfather on my mother's side is 1/2 American Indian. I know they mess with unclean spiritual things. I do pray for my whole family every night before bed. JMJ
@sandralori21 10 ай бұрын
JMJ I'm trying to figure out what is happening in my life. My husband was physically choked by a demon & a few months later, I was. I can't get him or our 2 boys to take me seriously about the Spiritual Warfare we are in. Too many things to ignore & I've been saying for years that I believe there is some kind of curse on me. No one at church takes me seriously, either. I was thinking about going straight to the Archbishop of my Diocese, but I don't know that I feel comfortable with that because I believe he is on the side of the "liberal" things that are happening within our Catholic Faith. I was shocked when I saw Bishop Barron say that he wouldn't want to be an Exorcist. He said that at the end of the interview that Michael Knowles had with Fr. Rehill. That was another great interview. Fr. Lampert is another wonderful Exorcist. One has to be very pious and not be afraid. How can I find out where Fr. Martins or one of the other "well known" exorcists go to speak? I sent a message to Fr. Ripperger and I still haven't heard anything back. I even bought his book of Deliverance Prayers. I'm so sorry for whatever is happening to you & your family. I wish people would take the topic of demons more seriously. I am definitely fighting something evil. Lord have mercy, I'm so tired. Sorry for the rant, but I read your comment and felt like you would definitely believe me. God bless you and yours...
@bobtaylor170 10 ай бұрын
​@@sandralori21 I'm so sorry you're not being taken seriously. You must remember that The Lord Jesus Christ is always there for you, and that you can cry out for His intervention and protection at any time.
@sandralori21 10 ай бұрын
@@bobtaylor170 thank you! God bless you...
@bobtaylor170 10 ай бұрын
@@sandralori21 you're welcome!
@annamartz1060 9 ай бұрын
@@sandralori21 Prayers for you sister! Christ will always have the victory over evil, may the Lord keep you close to His Heart and break whatever evil is threatening you and your family.
@AP-qk3we Ай бұрын
Father has such an awesome soothing voice. I almost feel like he would be perfectly suited for a podcast 🤔🤔😏
@Antonia_D 28 күн бұрын
He has one! The Exorcist Files.
@Soh583 4 ай бұрын
I must’ve watched this 10 times, it soothes me hearing his voice and the strength of his faith. ❤
@chuyaencarnacion6228 9 ай бұрын
God blessed Fr Carlos to send these messages to us. I am a devout Catholic but Fr’s interviews in YT have given me a lot to appreciate our Catholic faith and how God love us all and how we could really express our love and praise to God. It’s through total obedience, trust and love! 🙏🙏🙏
@evelynvanzale4757 4 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, the term 'devout Catholic' is much co-opted and abused these days (and this isn't directed at you😊), as when you hear the likes of Biden, Pelosi and other palpably destructive and evil people use it, it is not a good advertisement for Catholicism! Their determined promotion of profoundly ungodly behavior and lifestyles has inflicted and continues to inflict tremendous damage on society and the world in general and their sinister corruption of the concept of family is a testament to the fact that they are anything but! They're incredibly evil individuals using Catholicism as a cloak and have led many Catholics and Christians astray!
@MD-kd5zj 10 ай бұрын
Yay Fr Carlos Martin is the former chaplain at Catholic Chaplaincy at York. So happy to see him on pints with Aquinas!!!
@paul-davidalmond716 4 ай бұрын
May the Lord be present to my elder son, and bring him back to the faith.
@Gina77092 5 ай бұрын
I got goose bumps while listening to Fr Martin. I had set my alarm to remind to stop what was doing and get ready for Christmas Eve church. My alarm are the sound of chimes or bells. I had to laugh because it was like music box going off in my phone. Thank you Jesus. That my house is good. I did have it blessed earlier this year. I wanted to be sure there was nothing to worry about. My husband had told me he felt something near him so I was not taking any chances. I would like to know what parish Fr Martin was at in Houston. I lived there for over fifty years. I went to St Nicholas Charismatic Center when Fr Richard Paulson was pastor there.
@CatholicWithaBiblePodcast 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate the fleshed out answer on unbaptized infants. It's aggravating how flippant people can be, saying either "They're saved, don't worry" or "We don't know, sorry".
@stayathomemarine 10 ай бұрын
What about babies who have died in utero?
@charitybrook6279 10 ай бұрын
My son was stillborn. He never sinned. Sin is a choice that we all have made with the exception of Jesus. According to your theology would my son be with the Lord? Or not.
@kellibuzzard 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. My sister had 7 for comments on the matter here, Matt seemed to get a little nervous at Father's answer, so double-checked it with the Catechism (1261; paraphrased: The Church entrusts the little children to the mercy of God! The Church has a liturgy for little babies that die before baptism. We hope in God).
@fireballgarcia1281 10 ай бұрын
@@bethmcmullan7686if it is so up in the air then is it worth trying to have kids if you risk creating a child that 50/50 goes straight to hell? That thought frightens me more than anything else involving kids
@XaMeleONz 10 ай бұрын
@@fireballgarcia1281I think everyone should try to discern God’s will in every important life situation. Considering having kids we find first commandment to multiply in the book Genesis. It should give comfort for those in family vocation.
@shell..47 9 ай бұрын
I had a nun who brought me into Reiki. The fact that she validated it for me gave it credence.. Thank God he opened my eyes to all of the deception.
@bec6384 3 ай бұрын
A Catholic nun??
@timjeezyy 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this episode! I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Father Carlos share his stories and knowledge. His explanations brought to life the topics discussed especially for someone with no prior understanding. This episode reignited my call to Christianity in general, as well as being brave enough to the life I have been divinely inspired to live. ✝️🙏
@gwenechotaylor96 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful interview. So much beautiful and affirming information. Thankyou for doing this!
@michaelangileo2760 9 ай бұрын
Dear Lord Jesus, please bless and protect those God-fearing servants who deliver in your holy name! These priests and ministers, we thank you and pray for you. In Jesus' Name - all victory, power and glory. Amen.
@lisadwhitworth 10 ай бұрын
Fr. Martin's closing prayer was so powerful and was exactly what I needed today.
@aplcc323 6 ай бұрын
Beautiful, thank you both and may God bless us all!
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