Player Characters Dying In Messed Up Ways - DnD Horror Stories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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In today's episode of Dungeons and Dragons Horror Stories, we have a few tales of player characters dying in ways that are less than epic, and just plain out dumb.
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Gameplay: Elden Ring
Music by Alexander Nakarada and Ean Grimm
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@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
Well, apparently my editing program had some psychic damage when I exported the video and completely dropped the Nipsey Footage. Apologies for lack of kitty. I'll just have to up the dose of cats next video to level things out. lol Also, for people asking about the previous stories involving Sam, they are in this video.
@crazybunnyproductions7287 2 жыл бұрын
I will never financially recover from the lack of kitty.
@AllyOJustice 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the knight was named Nipsey.
@kisaknight626 2 жыл бұрын
That means we need double Nipsy footage next video. Thems the rules, sir!
@thefinalstair 2 жыл бұрын
Aawwww how’s my little tarnished? Got the golden sparkles? What a good tarnished! *gives head scritches to tarnished* More seriously, no worries. With the amount of hilarious psychic damage your videos have inflicted, makes sense the program would eventually take some too.
@HardlyBardly 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefinalstair I needed that laugh XD
@colinchildress1251 2 жыл бұрын
"I would break into houses and steal trading cards from children." That is the most evil, and strangely fascinating thing for a D&D character to do.
@ona3779 2 жыл бұрын
It's such a specific thing too
@brianvance1178 Жыл бұрын
I sense a wee bit of projection on Sam’s part here
@binarydark4811 2 жыл бұрын
DM: It was a random encounter, it was out of my control. Then WHO IS in control? As a dm, you can turn the debris into marshmallows or butterflys.
@jco9105 2 жыл бұрын
That admission of "no guilt"... like what in the living hell!? He's THE DM he has ULTIMATE CONTROL over just about everything! As a DM this pisses me off way more than it rightfully should.
@Cringekeen 2 жыл бұрын
"NOOOO you're in total control! JUST MAKE THE GAME MECHANICS HAVE NO CONSEQUENCES OR I'LL SCREAM AND QUIT!" DM did nothing wrong. Player deaths happen, adults get over it.
@asioca1992 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cringekeen Adults also understand that sometimes life gets in the way and they make concessions as necessary for when players have to drop out for the week. The fact that one player missed out due to Covid and the other player missed game due to believing that game wasn't happening that week makes the DM extra scummy for killing off their characters. It's like firing/expelling someone from their job/school because they missed a single day of work. Just because it's a written rule for that job/school that such a thing is a consequence, it doesn't make the rule itself any less stupid and unreasonable.
@williamyates7679 2 жыл бұрын
I'd have just said they are trapped in the rubble so they would be alive because the players fun matters more than the sanctity of the story
@pattmahiney 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamyates7679 honestly would've presented a very interesting challenge and a great divergence from the initial story. Love it lol
@APerson-ws4cw 2 жыл бұрын
the OP in the first story assumed that the DM knew what he wanted for his character's arc, which the DM clearly didn't. He should've communicated this to the DM
@AuntLoopy123 2 жыл бұрын
I have communicated to my DM that "Whenever you think the time is right, but sometime AFTER my character has established a name for herself, please arrange the following..." My character is an immature barely legal, who had her sexual awakening in her senior year of wizard school, when she was doing work-study at the library. She was shelving the latest periodicals and came across Barbarian Weekly, with Nocan the Barbarian on the cover. This ALMOST-an-adult, who had never given a hoot about her wizarding classes, anyway (the only spell she actually learned was Prestidigitation, because she likes to be clean and sparkly, but HATES doing laundry), and had excellent physical stats, decided to drop out of wizarding school, with only a few months remaining, and go off into the world, seek out the barbarian horde, woo Nocan, marry him, and have his babies. As such, she became a barbarian. Along the way, she met a wandering barbarian, at a tavern (of course), who told her that the barbarian horde would NOT simply welcome a stranger into their midst, unless she had made a name for herself. She chose "Parsnip, the Magnificent!" or possibly, "Parsnip, the Super Fantastic!" It pretty much depends on what she can convince people to call her. BTW, she has 16 Int (wizard family background), but that FOUR WISDOM did her in. She is sweet, but incredibly immature and childish. Not in a "throwing tantrums" kind of way, but in a "Consequences? What is THAT word?' kind of way, and the way she blurts out, "Hi, there! I'm Parsnip! What's your name?" to literally everyone she meets, including bandits on the road. So, I wanted some character development, and I told the DM, "Please, once she's made a name for herself, let her find the Barbarian Horde, and get there JUST in time to be invited to Nocan's wedding. It will break her that she was too late, and then, she won't know what she wants to do with her life. Maybe she'll go back to being a wizard, after all. Who knows? But there will be some form of character growth, because of it." My DM looked at me, like, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yep. Character growth." It's not the "Are you sure?" you get when your character is in danger of dying a gruesome death. I know she'll survive this. But who knows how she will CHANGE because of it? I might have to come up with a table of possible reactions, and roll for it. Become an addict? Become a monk? Swear off of men, for life? Throw herself at the next male she sees? Adopt the next child she finds? Establish a competing barbarian horde? Find the journalist who wrote the interview, and get them to write up a piece about her, hoping that someone will fall in love with her story and find her? Who knows?
@dougmartin2007 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, he also played that an 8 INT score (a -1 penalty) is not someone 5% below average, but someone extremely stupid.
@BadDrawer 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy, where are you?! The intro had game play instead of furbaby :(
@icecreamnoodles3742 2 жыл бұрын
My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
@nathanrood865 2 жыл бұрын
The algorithm dragon is displeased >:(
@csmead209 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy isn't the Video Game character? I'm new.
@nathanrood865 2 жыл бұрын
@@csmead209 Nipsy is his kitty. Watch any of his other videos you'll see. We're just teasing DnD Doge for the video editing error lol
@manegirl93416 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy AND Lucky, to clarify.
@Sigilstone17 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing missing from story 1 is a good dose of "it's what my character would do!"
@Nyrufa 2 жыл бұрын
First Story DM: "So, you're saying that any time I introduced the pirates into the campaign, your character's first instinct would have been to charge in and murder hobo them? How am I suppose to construct an ongoing story around that?"
@AlteredNova04 2 жыл бұрын
Obviously it's the DM's responsibility to prevent his players from earning Darwin awards! It's not the player's fault that he made his character so stupid that he'll charge into obviously suicidal fights, it's just what his character would do. The DM is supposed to baby proof his world and protect mentally challenged characters from their own dumb decisions!
@Nyrufa 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlteredNova04 But again, how was he supposed to do that? Because it sounds like any time the pirates would appear on screen, the player's decision was to sprint towards them and begin taking heads.
@Nyrufa 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlteredNova04 Also, no, the DM should not baby proof their setting. If your players know that they are never in any real danger going forward, then it ruins any sense of tension or suspense the story might have. Not that I don't get where some might be coming from. When I first got into role playing, I hated the idea that my characters might get permanently killed off. But over time, I learned to appreciate the risk and realized it could actually enhance the story, rather than damage it.
@AlteredNova04 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nyrufa.... I was being sarcastic
@Nyrufa 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlteredNova04 Oh, sorry. I'm autistic, so it's hard to pick up on that stuff!
@cawfers6208 2 жыл бұрын
It HARDLY is the end of a character when the "main plot" of a character's backstory is resolved.
@heatherharrison264 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard of DMs banning PvP. After hearing the third story, I can understand why. That was simply pointless. If I ever get into this to the point that I become a DM, I probably will ban PvP unless I know for certain that the players are able to handle it responsibly.
@TheRasengan0 2 жыл бұрын
I mean it depends on the PVP. We do PVP in my group but we don't kill each other. We knock each other out but we don't kill
@mostlyharmfulll2103 2 жыл бұрын
My very first DnD character, a human Ranger, died in session 4 to a random mob enemy who rolled two Nat 20's and high damage. Even the DM was speechless at my bad luck. This shocked me quite a lot since I had really been looking forward to trying out DnD. I even contemplated just dropping out but decided not to. Session 5 started with the rest of the party stumbling upon an abandoned tower full with magical scrolls and finding a resurrection scroll that revived my ranger as an half-elf. The tower served no other purpose and was never mentioned again, so pretty sure my DM threw it in just so I could keep playing with my character. We went on to have an awesome campaign that is still ongoing.
@hiro4344 2 жыл бұрын
My first character got one-shotted at one point but apparently was so beloved that while I was between characters and temporarily TBBEG of the week (Things ended peacefully because she knew my character, so was more amenable once she realized everyone were those nuts my character wrote about.) DM pulls me aside and tells me everyone's asking that my character come back and asked if I was okay with that. I had to think about it but ultimately she came back.
@AzriusN 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, no. OP needs to tell the store owner about Sam. People like that never stop - they continue to escalate until they're called out.
@zenithas4785 2 жыл бұрын
18:30 As a DM, you can say "no" to player combat.
@johngleeman8347 2 жыл бұрын
What a jerk. OP saves his ass, and then he tries to kill them because they were severely injured during the rescue.
@spectrelead 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. "Stone" needs to be ostracized from all tables until they grow a brain stem and some maturity
@vexxama 2 жыл бұрын
They probably saw it as an easy kill with no risk so why not
@jeremyriley1238 2 жыл бұрын
Uh, Doge, is Nipsy trolling me? I didn't see her in the intro.
@WladcaPodziemia 2 жыл бұрын
OP : "I made my character a moron" also OP: That's DM fault!
@goncalocarneiro3043 2 жыл бұрын
Are you insinuating that making dumb characters is bad? If OP decided to not make the character dumb because the DM made a situation in which proverbial suicide is the unwittingly logical thing to do, it would defeat the point of the character.
@K_i_t_t_y84 2 жыл бұрын
@@goncalocarneiro3043 Just say you're OP and move on 😂👍
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
Dumb characters need smart characters who keep them out of trouble to work. The pirate ship just appeared slightly too early.
@TheBones1188 2 жыл бұрын
@@schwarzerritter5724 you'd have to be incredibly dumb to have absolutely zero self preservation. It baffles me how people think a low int score means you're incapable of stopping at the cliffs edge.
@WladcaPodziemia 2 жыл бұрын
@@schwarzerritter5724 I would say that dumb characters need smart players to control them
@DallasBrownridge 2 жыл бұрын
When someone rushes into fight thier revenge enemy and they lose i often have to play the enemy like "ha come back when you are stronger kid."
@byronsmothers8064 2 жыл бұрын
For the 1st story: why do players take an 7-8 int character & play them like a 3-4 wis character? I'd love to hear this story from the GM's perspective to learn about this story from the other end
@realrealwarpet Жыл бұрын
In the eternal words of my 8 int 14 wis barbarian “im stupid, not dumb”
@tsifirakiehl4250 2 жыл бұрын
First story: OP did that to themself. They made a bad decision, and that’s not the DM’s fault. Not saying having the BBEG show up in the first session was necessarily a good idea, but even the dumbest person can tell when they’re losing a fight and might need to retreat. Also, how did OP expect the DM to make a long-term story out of “murder is the only reaction I will take to these people showing up”? You can’t blame the DM for your own choices. Second story: First of all, if I was missing two players, I would simply postpone the session. Second of all, if I did have a session with people missing, I WOULDN’T KILL THEIR CHARACTERS! You do NOT kill people’s characters without them there to do something about it! Third story: I will never understand why people try to murder their party members. What do they think they’re going to achieve? Fourth story: Yeah, OP should absolutely report this guy. His behavior is just fucking creepy.
@VogtTD Жыл бұрын
Second story. I don't see why the DM couldn't make some excuse for players temporarily leaving the party.
@tsifirakiehl4250 Жыл бұрын
True, they could. It wouldn’t work in my group because we only have three PCs, but the group in that story was presumably bigger.
@jinglesbejankin7322 2 жыл бұрын
No matter what. If two of my players are missing I don't run the game that week.
@puddel9079 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: if Sam's antics become actively disruptive, you *might* (I cannot emphasize the operative word enough) have grounds to have a gag order placed on him preventing slander and libel.
@screechingtoad2683 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, DnD Doge is getting some recognition
@SuperSaku1 2 жыл бұрын
How could you resist... The call of the Elden Ring...?
@Bladez10 2 жыл бұрын
First story: having 7-8 INT is about the low-end average of a villager or NPC and well above having the common sense not to go headfirst against a bunch of pirates. Second story: Nothing he could have down my ass. Could have ran a one shot, could have fudge some rolls or even NOT have a stupidly high attack insta-kill ghost cannon ball. Don't hide behind RNG and admit you done messed up. Third story: Only thing suspicious is how Stone was gleeful to kill OP. Fourth Story: Not much OP can do other than just pity Sam.
@neckermangames5872 2 жыл бұрын
DnD Doge:"But first, Nipsy would like a word." *Shows Elden Ring* Me:"Is Nipsy playing Elden Ring and did they forget to turn on their camera?"
@dude8351 2 жыл бұрын
A very dumb death: i forgot i was poisoned by a wyvern because the fight was pretty long and intense In 3.5 poisons can cause secondary damage after 1 minute and wyvern poison hits really f-ing hard My already weakened cleric lost something like 8 points of Con all of a sudden and dropped dead All i needed was a cure wounds and i would have tanked the damage, but i forgot, lol
@catandrobbyflores 2 жыл бұрын
I got one along that vein: player at one of my group's tables was an asamiir and forgot he could fly and jumped off a cliff.
@Dragons4Dummies 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao the dm seriously tried to blame his random encounter table? It was out of his control? Dude. YOUR CHARACTER IS GOD! Figure something out! Never would any of my dm's kill or maime a missing player. They get kidnapped. They sleep in at the tavern. Hell, in my game they're usually doing something on the side that makes sense for their character. Think, dm, think!
@WladcaPodziemia 2 жыл бұрын
You made some editiming mistake and didnt put cat's video in the intro
@guillermocalle2184 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, the DM in the first story probably had some ideas for teasing the villan for the first Op and was just not expecting the OP to just charge in on a pirate ship outright at level 1. IMHO, as someone else suggested, maybe the DM could of knocked the fighter out and have him thrown overboard to be found by the party barely alive.
@PancakemonsterFO4 2 жыл бұрын
The pirate story could have turned off differently if the DM didn't made the pirate fight a “real“ fight but rather pummel the party and leave them alife to teach them a lesson in trying to mess with them. I think this entire story could have been prevented with a setting 0 as the DM was playing everything by the numbers while OPs character could have profited more from a more roleplay-focussed game (and the whole pirates on lv1 thing could have definitely been avoided since they wouldn't be a “real“ threat)
@Arcticmaster1190 2 жыл бұрын
I would definitely have had the Pirate guy kick OP of that story’s character off the boat. Literally, kick him off the boat and go “And if ya survive, you’ll have my respect, boy!”
@GundamMiesterHaptism 2 жыл бұрын
This should have played out like Drax vs Ronan fight.
@leonardoaquino3669 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, heck, it would even fit perfectly into the average "journey of the hero" narrative formula, where the heroes ALWAYS lose the first battle against the villain.
@PancakemonsterFO4 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonardoaquino3669 so like bravely seconds “opening battle“?
@ShiKageMaru Жыл бұрын
This. Exactly this. The character's entire motivation is revenge, so why wouldn't they take the chance? It would have been a much better move to show just how far the character would need to grow to stand a chance, would give them even better motivation to adventure, and could tie them together with the party more. People blame the player but I see exactly what they're saying.
@fearfang2001 2 жыл бұрын
See I kind of disagree with the first story. Player agency is great when a DM is looking out for their players not trying to kill em off around every corner or looking into how their players would act (which sometimes can be hard). In my experience Player Agency from players often turns to meta gaming and kills roleplay. If the OP made it clear what his character is and was built like, DM shoulda at least tried to care (maybe just harm the character). I understand that "its what my character would do" is a pretty taboo excuses but this was pretty in reason for a dumb lug and if you cant do what your character would do with constant fear of death, why make a character and just play your stat sheet. Sorry for the rant, gone through something similar. Great Vid Doge!
@soultpp 2 жыл бұрын
Doge was mentioned, that rocks! 😁 For the first story, I think that while the OP could have played it better, I also think that the DM did not handle that correctly. Basically I think they share blame for the situation. It could be tilted to one side or the other if we had more details of course, since we don't know how much detail the OP gave about his character and his attitudes/motivations directly to the DM and how much he left just in his backstory. Yes, the player could have chosen differently for his character, but he was willing to play the stats he had, which isn't exactly a bad thing. The DM on the otherhand probably shouldn't have put his End Goal in front of him first thing, MUCH too soon for that to be shown and accessible! For that second story, I have to agree with what Doge said. Killing a PC when the player isn't there is one of the scummiest things a DM can do. The only time this might be acceptable would be if it was something the player okayed beforehand, though I don't know if I'd want to do it myself even then. I probably would have noped out at that point too and I've had something like that happen in a campaign before! About half the PCs got nuked in downtime between sessions in one game I played in. Supposedly the GM for that one rolled for each character to survive, but it is a common theory amongst my friends who were also there that so many died because he'd had an argument with his GF at that time. Of course, there's no real proof of that either. My character actually survived that incident though that was my 2nd in that campaign, the first having died to another bad situation that probably shouldn't have happened. Maybe I could tell that whole tale later... I dunno if I'd count it as a full-blown horror story though, oh well. Keep up the good work Doge! I will look forward to the double dose of kitties! 😉
@nickbrothwood1238 2 жыл бұрын
My DND session has to deal with that ONE player who got mad whenever they rolled low on an attack or whenever the DM rolls high on a damage roll against their character. (THAT player was me and I ain't proud of it. though i am starting to mellow out.)
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
Sam is a really petty, narcisistic individual. And yes, OP should definitely inform the store owner. Someone spreading lies like that can cause more problems later is not dealt with.
@lazyspade1559 2 жыл бұрын
For the first story. How ever good a DM can be most of our work is reactionary. We have no idea what you will do as your character. We cannot account for every single circumstance. You can play a dumb fighter but that doesn’t mean you cannot think or that you’d just randomly attack the first pirate enemy adjacent thing in sight. There’s also the question of if any of these actions account for your wisdom?
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
You got name dropped!!!
@MurderHorse 2 жыл бұрын
"Nipsy would like to have a word." *gameplay with fluit music*
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
I do feel op is mostly to blame for his characters death in the first story but as always we weren’t there so anything is possible
@alexinfinite7142 2 жыл бұрын
The Maria story infuriates me. He just wanted to take the piss out of others for twisted kicks. F the dungeon master too
@sushiwade4095 2 жыл бұрын
F? the only appropriate letter is L
@alexinfinite7142 2 жыл бұрын
@@sushiwade4095 I don't fully follow but I'll agree anyways lol
@K_i_t_t_y84 2 жыл бұрын
The first story about the dumb fighter who attacked the BBEG instantly? Dude, YOU control your character. YOU made a bad choice and then blamed the DM for your mistake. YOU tanked the campaign. The DM was right, you didn't have to attack the BBEG, using the excuse, "it's what my character would do!" is a cop out biiiiig time.
@crazybunnyproductions7287 2 жыл бұрын
While "It's what my character would do" is a common and poor excuse, this is a pretty clear case where there wasn't much alternative. the options were "Pursue your entire character objective" and.... "No" It's dumb, but it's not a "I shank the barkeep because my character doesn't want to pay" moment.
@goncalocarneiro3043 2 жыл бұрын
"You didn't have to make the obvious choice to make." more like... Attacking the BBEG was the obvious choice to make there, the character was both dumb and drunk on revenge, did you expect restraint? Doing anything else would have been a major character compromise. Do you unironically think that OP thought attacking the BBEG at level 1 was tactically smart and not a conventional mistake? DMs should tailor encounters to the PCs to advance the plot, they should exploit character traits, weaknesses and strengths to make the plot interesting, if a character has a habit for example, the DM should take notice and react to it by either having NPCs react to it in turn or have the environment organically reward or punish the PC for their good or bad habits and traits. This guy was dumb and drunk on revenge, as OP said themselves the DM could have very well used that motive as a plot device, used that "drunkenness" as a weakness to manipulate the PC into making a mistake that they'd learn from. Even this situation COULD have been that situation. All the DM had to do was have the pirates laugh at them and spare them. Then the dumb vengeful PC would have learned something like... "I am too weak to take them on as I am, I need to grow stronger and learn tactics." In death nothing is learned. Are only perfect PCs that never make mistakes allowed?
@K_i_t_t_y84 2 жыл бұрын
@@goncalocarneiro3043 "The BBEG could have just spared him." I guess only players are allowed to play the choices their character would make then, because if it makes total logical sense to you that a dumb moron would get himself killed, it makes total logical sense that the BBEG would do BBEG things like kill an idiot foolish enough to attack him while alone. If OP is not to blame for "playing his character", neither is the DM. To me, OP was foolish and paid for it, then got mad at the DM for responding to his foolishness. I'd do the same damn thing.
@K_i_t_t_y84 2 жыл бұрын
@@crazybunnyproductions7287 I think even some animals understand when a situation is too dangerous for them to tackle. A sentient man, no matter how stupid, should be able to understand when he's outnumbered and make a choice to fight another day. Use the sighting as a way to burn for further revenge, "I let him get away, I was alone and outnumbered, but I've seen his face now and no one can stop me again!" He could have lived through the meeting and saw the end of the campaign. Instead he made a bad choice and pointed fingers at the DM .
@TheBones1188 2 жыл бұрын
@@K_i_t_t_y84 exactly something like a strong trauma response he wasn't prepared for making him back down. There are plenty of reasons a dumb person doesn't just get themselves killed. Self preservation exist even in dumb creatures.
@axel4196 2 жыл бұрын
0:45 Hey mighty Doggo, you forgot to include the cat...Or is he playing Elden Ring? lol
@theartofnina 2 жыл бұрын
One time my character was killed by the other party members. We weren't having a disagreement or a pvp combat or anything, and they didn't mean to kill me (at least I hope they didn't lmao). It was at the end of a combat against some vrocks who'd attacked the party to kidnap my character's npc girlfriend (she was also another PC's sister), who we'd just rescued from another kidnapping. When the vrocks get their hands on her, they start flying away. The party is pretty beat up, but my character, I think very understandably, tries to give chase (flying, she had wings). Now the rest of the party thought that was too dangerous and decided to shoot me out of the sky. They did enough damage that I went unconscious, and they didn't catch me so the damage from the fall was an instant failure for my first 2 death saves. The party, who clearly didn't think this through, didn't reach me quick enough and one of the vrocks who was lagging behind landed next to me and SLIT MY THROAT. So that would've been 2 more death saves failed which outright killed my character. Luckily my character's adopted father was a very powerful being and before we'd embarked on this adventure he'd given my character the ability to cast revivify once (which no one in the party had at that time). I didn't think it'd work on her cause she'd basically be posthumously casting it on herself, so at this point everyone is freaking out, but as it turns out the ability was less she casting and more like she channeling her father's power to cast it, so he was able to revive her, and she got to talk to him in a vision which was nice since she hadn't talked to him for a while (and that was the last time she did). I'm sure the DM wouldn't have killed my character if she didn't have the revivify (the vrock who slit my throat could've just flown by me), but it did make for an awesome rp moment and she got a cool neck scar from it
@vortega472 2 жыл бұрын
Wait!!! What happened to Nipsy? I'm sure you'll make up for it. Tell Lucky I said *meow* they will know what that means. Also, why is Curse of Strad always a problem to run/play?
@patjacksonpodium 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, OP in the first story is 100% in the wrong on that one. *HE* is the one in charge of the character, he's not some helpless prisoner at the PC's mercy. The DM was absolutely right, he didn't have to attack. And if the only other options were "die or retire," then freaking come up with a reason to not retire then. There has to be literally hundreds of reasons to think up as to why you'd keep adventuring. (Like, oh I don't know, he feels the other PCs are the only family he has left now? There's a good reason.) YOU come up with something. It's *YOUR* character. All plot development should NOT fall squarely on the shoulders of the DM. Take some initiative ffs. The DM has so much more important things to do than provide constant motivation for your PC. That's on the player to find themselves.
@Thedragonlover95 2 жыл бұрын
After all this time,,Doge has finally been recognized among the big bois!
@AlexLJ55 2 жыл бұрын
While a ridiculous death, the glowing cannon balls is really cool
@Vedajo 2 жыл бұрын
That cat is pretty good in playing Elden Ring :D Also too bad we cant see the cat!
@reyvynnightveil1706 Жыл бұрын
I lol'd at that first story. "It's what my character would do?" Dm: "It's what a ship full of pirates would do!" Op: *shocked Pikachu face*
@ShiroTheTraveler 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Doge i hope you realised that you showed Gameplay instead of Nipsy.
@Xuecnahc 2 жыл бұрын
No cats, no likes. That is the rule. Ok, just for this time...
@Giganotus 2 жыл бұрын
I actually haven't had a character die in a campaign yet and frankly I dread the day it happens because I get very attached lol. I sobbed when another player's character nearly got executed so I'm sure if it happens to one of mine I'll be a mess
@andrewhladun3671 2 жыл бұрын
So, not my character (I was GM) and not D&D (palladium Rifts). I got to see probably the dumbest death ever. The party was driving a modified VW vanagon (you know because every every twinkle with wheels needs a flamethrower). The driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed, which attracted the attention of wandering bad guys. Everyone rolled basically to escape, all but one made it out but she rolled the dreaded 99 (critical failure for you normal ttrpg people.) So she was unconscious, and one of the characters decided that the best course of action was to toss a road flare at the car as a distraction for the creepy crawlies come at them. I asked him a few times if he was positive that he wanted to do that. Ultimately, the other party member had to roll a new character.
@JulieSalvatori 2 жыл бұрын
“It was a random encounter. It was out of my control” < that is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard . A DM can literally change the rules of the world to make the game fun for everyone🤦🏻‍♀️
@xherdos400 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy is missing what have you done Shiba Inu the DnD Doge?!
@symantares9171 2 жыл бұрын
My most memorable character deaths were: 1) high level 3.5e homebrew. We'd reached the climax of what turned out to be the final story arc: a literal invasion of the Celestial planes by the forces of hell. After realizing that there was practically no way to win, we decided to at least make our last stand epic. I came face to face with one of the BBEG's who, for extra drama turned out to have been disguised as an ally of the party and one of character's best friends. Skipping the otherwise one-sided against me fight, my last resort was to detonate a Staff of Power directly in his face. I died with no save (wouldn't have helped anyway), he survived, and even Thor himself was impressed when I got to Valhalla. 2) L5R game, had my head smashed in by the overprotective father of my character's girlfriend.
@koboldking7153 2 жыл бұрын
Doge getting some acknowledgement finally o0o
@schwarzerritter5724 2 жыл бұрын
We had several near deaths during breakfast in our game. There was a wine called Dragon Blood Wine, which had random effects. The first time we tried it, Monk took so much damage, she went unconscious, automatically failed a death save and take poison damage at the start of her next turn. Had Barbarian not taken a potion of healing as a starter common magic item, Monk would have had to succeed 3 death saves in a row to not die in the first 5 minutes. Then Barbarian drank it too, because Barbarian, and dropped to 1 hitpoint. Later the Monk drank it again and took slightly less damage it would take to kill her instantly and full health. So it did only make her automatically fail 2 death saves. Barbarian was not allowed to help, because apparently she has used her action for eating (also I assume with was to give Cleric who just joined the game something to do).
@bleflar9183 2 жыл бұрын
Low Intelligence =/= being suicidal.
@KeyMasterX 2 жыл бұрын
For the Sam update, I say give the shop owner a heads up at least and let them deal with it. While may only be all talk right now, are you willing to risk the chance of him going far enough?
@mouhou9795 2 жыл бұрын
I once had a character that died after tripping. Because she refused to take the elevator. Taking the stairs instead.
@chaoticevilspacewitch 2 жыл бұрын
I was running an open table game at a game store and had a player show up who was clearly just there with their friend and didn't care at all about playing D&D. They decided to just be ridiculous and dumb the first chance they got. Party was being really careful with some cremated remains they found... this guy sits down and mixes them into soup. I gave him a couple Con saves against poison to make it very clear that this was a bad idea, but he kept eating his cremain porridge until he fell unconscious. Failed his death saves. Anyways, that's my best "stupid character death" story.
@lamiahunter 2 жыл бұрын
Nah. If you’re a bit dumb guy who had recently lost your parents to some murderer, and they pop up in front of you you’re 100% going to fight them, even if you’re pretty smart you’re still trying something on them
@deathgrunty8264 2 жыл бұрын
That sam update gave me heavy Chris-chan vibes lol (oh shit the doge actually references chris-chan)
@roarkthehalf-orc6598 2 жыл бұрын
This is partly why I use the giant flying purple baby, to avoid character deaths that aren't there You hit the nail on the head by bringing up Chris chan XD
@Stungunwol 2 жыл бұрын
No card appeared for this "Sam" story.
@HardlyBardly Жыл бұрын
I was not expecting the Chris Chan reference. Came so close to Death by Coffee Inhalation for a moment there 😅
@davenrippe480 2 жыл бұрын
uh so at the start if you were trying to show one of your cats that didn't show up so no face to resist
@blesper3415 2 жыл бұрын
Most player deaths I've seen were due to the party rolling horribly and the DM rolling well.
@2Foxx2 2 жыл бұрын
So first Op is a stupid, gotcha.
@Mordaedil 2 жыл бұрын
It was the second session, we were investigating goblins attacking a village and followed them to some ruins. This was 3.5 edition, I was playing a monk, I got to climb buildings really fast, I did dive-kicks from floors above onto goblins crushing their heads in with my heel kick, it was pretty fun. We eventually found the chamber of the culprit who had been sending the goblins to raid the town for an artifact. They gloat at us and as we get ready to fight them, they teleport out and spiders descend from the ceiling. A piece of the roof lands on my monk and damages him. I try to fight one of the spiders, but my attack bonus is abysmal and it poisons me. I go down, our cleric tries to restore me, but I'm now prone underneath the spider. I go down again. The paladin leading our party eventually goes down and the cleric and bard decide to abandon us. They seal the crypt and flee. And that's when we had to make new PC's relatively early in the campaign and it got totally derailed because the paladin was the one with a defined goal. And he was now dead.
@wasteland5000 2 жыл бұрын
Character death story. My first character death was just unlucky. I'm part of a group playing Curse of Strahd, and the party was split (some players were absent the session prior and had to regroup with the rest of us.) My group were investigating a room and encountered gasts. We all went down and I died just as the other half of the party rounded the corner to join us.
@roseannshaffer6142 2 жыл бұрын
One of my characters died because dm changed my backstory did not tell me as a result i made choices based on my original backstory it got me killed.
@jaysonklein6018 2 жыл бұрын
You... accidentally played game footage instead of Mipsy
@deepseastonecore3017 2 жыл бұрын
If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic all your dreams can come true
@samhershey4644 Жыл бұрын
How could we resist that face? Very easily since all it was, was the kitty music and the background game playing, there was no cat As for character death: Not sure it was epic blaze of glory but I died trying to get out of a dragon that ate me recently, at least the GM ruled since the dragon digested me it got Mummy Rot (I was a carrier due to an item I had put on making me an undead)
@blackdemonknight 2 жыл бұрын
Errr...I think you forgot to put in the cat footage Doge when toy said Nipsey would like a word, it just kept doing the background game footage.
@arnoldschpeiker7887 Жыл бұрын
Sam's plot sounds like something out of Sonichu.
@tylersands8685 2 жыл бұрын
I sacrificed one of my characters on purpose once, both to save my teammates and because I already had another character made cuz I wasn't really feeling that particular character anymore.
@OleanderRainbow 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts on the second story is basically this. Dude, if two people are sick in action or they have personal shit to deal with. Don't fucking kill off their characters when they're not there! Not only is it dickish and it tells people they're not wanted due to shit out of their control. It's also a backstab. OP, you did the right thing by basically leaving. May you find a better DM who doesn't needless kill party members because of personal shit that the people behind the party members deal with.
@jinglesbejankin7322 2 жыл бұрын
Pathfinder first edition. The character I'm playing now is a Barbarian. But not just any kind of Barbarian. He is the best kind of Barbarian. The fervently anti-magic type. He has the Superstitious archetype, feat, trait, and drawback. He can't benefit from even friendly spells unless he fails a save, he gets bonuses against magic, and he gets abilities that help him destroy magic. The one and only magic item in his possession is his flail. This is because he worships a homebrew God of mine. Bonk, the Heavy Blow. In the faith of Bonk a warrior goes by the name of their weapon and spends their every moment fighting to give their weapon a legend so notorious Bonk himself will find them worthy of joining his armory in the afterlife. An army of the greatest warriors of Golarion to be his weapons in whatever war he happens across. Bonk is a true neutral war deity. He does not care why you fight, only that you fight for what you believe in. This flail in particular was a +1 Crypstone mace enchanted with Disruption. Cryptstone is interesting in that it allows you to harm incorporeal undead as though you were wielding a ghost-touch weapon, and it boosts the effect of Disruption so that each and every time you harm an undead they have to roll a DC 15 Will save or be obliterated on the spot. Krohn the Inevitable is what I like to think of as a well oiled machine. Designed to kill undead as easily as he kills any magic caster. It so happens that there is a secret vampire in the party. Or... at least he WAS a secret vampire until he had to fake dying to a death-effect spell only to also pretend to be raised as undead by the party wizard's "Raise dead" spell. So now the party is just convinced our old friend and still ally is a vampire now, even though out of character we all know otherwise. Krohn the Inevitable has one good mental stat. His Charisma. He has one perform skill. Perform gunshow. Krohn the Inevitable carries around vials of oil and will oil up then flex in what the party thinks is a hilarious way to tackle social encounters. Not every shopkeep can be swayed by giant sexy muscles. But the laugh is normally enough to keep the GM with it. How and why is all this relevant? It so happens the party entered a combat encounter right after a social encounter. I had never specified removing Krohn's wrestling oil, and so he was slippery. For this reason when I rolled a Nat 1 on an attack my GM narrated Krohn losing his grip on his flail. The GM decided to leave the result of that blunder up to the dice and so he assigned each party member and each enemy a number, then rolled the relevant dice. It just so happened that the party member Krohn's very anti-undead flail hit was the only undead member of the party. Poor vampire... learned first hand why Krohn's flail was named the Inevitable... he rolled a 14 against a DC 15.
@simondemoulin5815 2 жыл бұрын
When you mention the oil, I was thinking : "Oh no, he will play with fire very soon." But nope... Nevermind, oneshoting the secret vampire was hilarious.
@firstnamelastname7244 2 жыл бұрын
"The best kind of barbarian. The fervently anti-magic type" That is the worst kind of barbarian. How do you plan on not being disruptive if a you have a wizard in the party?
@jinglesbejankin7322 2 жыл бұрын
@@firstnamelastname7244 Because they don't negatively affect teammates. The bonuses and negatives I went with made it so they would always roll against friendly spells with positive effects. That's the worst effect teamplay-wise. All that means is I couldn't practically be healed. The worst thing I ever said to the Sorcerer was "Ew you do magic?"
@ZeroFighter Жыл бұрын
If a GM ever says that they can't control how encounters go in a campaign that they're running, they're just an asshole. THEY LITERAELLY CONTROL EVERY ENCOUNTER. THEY ARE THE GAME MASTER, THE MASTER OF THE GAME.
@StSubZero Жыл бұрын
I guess comparing Sam to Chris-Chan in the last video was a bit more on the nose than OP realized if Sams also doing what Chris does: 1). Villainizing people with their real names (A la Mary Lee Walsh) 2). Painting himself as innocent despite earning a game store ban (Chris was kicked out for being racist, Sam for a threat, but both claim it was for other reasons outside their fault) Hopefully OP is not in any danger, as unlike Chris, Sam has actual friends (or so it seems).
@Xokoy 2 жыл бұрын
Shame about the kitty not showing up because of the editing, but I'm sure that was an honest mistake. Also, with Sam, I would probably just avoid him personally. Not much point in just putting in all this effort for nothing and letting him live in OP's head rent free.
@AdmiralBlackstar 2 жыл бұрын
With that pirate one, what was the plan IF the PC had backed down and retreated? Would the BBEG let the character clearly intent on murdering him live?
@nickerson1971 2 ай бұрын
Intelligence of 8 is forklift operator level, Lenny would be a 5 or 6.
@elderliddle2733 2 жыл бұрын
1st story: this is equal parts DMs fault and OPs fault. My wife plays a dumb, lovable Goliath named Ruffian. Despite his name he’s a gold hearted teddy bear. He hates alcohol as he considers it a poison so any of us drinking has him concerned for our health, but he’s also as dumb as a sack of bricks. Whenever my wife has a clever idea, she rolls a d4 to determine if Ruffian also thinks of it. 1 being he has no idea and continues being dumb. 4 he has the idea and tries to execute it. 2 and 3 he has bits of the idea, give or take. So no, “my character’s a f***ing idiot isn’t going to fly here”. DM is at fault for ruling it as a death instead of KO. Throwing your family’s killer in front of you right away is a great idea for a recurring villain. But ruling it as a death isn’t a good move.
@axelwulf6220 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I had a character die Thing is, I wasn't particularly attached this character Sure, it was an Elven Fighter But the weird thing is that the DM did not like his players writing up their characters' stats, and instead had the stats printed out It felt less like I had any particular control over the character at all, and really didn't put any effort into making him
@hikaru9624 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel sorry for the DM who killed off two characters due to the players not being able to play (I stress kinda). If I was the DM I would have had the characters, if I was having a session all things considered, flee when if beaten. Is that cheap? Yeah but the character(s) didn't die at least. But again that's if I was having a session. But I have no experience as a DM so I can't say for sure what *I* would have done.
@goncalocarneiro3043 2 жыл бұрын
Tell the DM from the second story that you're gonna roll for friendship with the DM while he's not there, and if it rolls less than a 100 on the d100 then you don't play anymore. "The dice decided, it wasn't me!" Now seriously speaking... Killing a PC without hope of revival when the layer isn't there is a massive breach of agency, it is the ultimate "fuck you". When having the DM roleplay your character for an important scene without discussing it first is arguably less of a breach of agency, you know something is fucked up. At least the DM can guess correctly (or know) how your character would react reasonably and do them justice even though it sucks major balls to not have it done yourself, but losing the character forever means there's no recourse.
@dragonsteamworks6675 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy? Nipsy! NIPSYYYYY!
@rynowatcher 2 жыл бұрын
First one is giving me odd vibes... AD&D had high lethality at 1st level so most people did not get attached till you were sure they could take on an orc. You rolled for hp and got a random amount of funds that you can usually get ok armor or a weapon worth a darn. You could also min max (take 2 points from a Stat to raise another by 1) to get an high strength, low int fighter pretty easily, so this was not really that spectacular of a character. Also a facit of ad&d play, you died a lot so erasing the name and writing a new one if you liked the stats/gear to get back into play was fairly common at low level. I cannot remember the last time someone was even upset by a level q death in games I played in because it happened so often. I cannot think of a player from that rule set that would come to the table with a character who would retire after completing a back story quest. There was just a bigger focus on module content and open world play back in those days. Story focused campaigns were more of a modern play style; point was to get enough gold to become a noble in most games, so even if you avenged your long dead brother you would still keep going so you did not have to live in a barn. Strikes me as jarring for the kind of play that was main stream at the time.
@BlueTressym 2 жыл бұрын
He's talking about Second Edition AD&D, not first. I started on AD&D 2E myself and his expectations don't seem at all abnormal from what I remember. My character made it to 15th level without ever dying and had a backstory that featured in the storyline, which was undoubtedly present. Also, I don't recall the take 2 points from a stat to raise another by 1 being a 2E rule.
@rynowatcher 2 жыл бұрын
@@BlueTressym 2 to 1 is the min max rule, it is the the dmg as a rule suggestion. It is where a the term min max comes from. Though I am not sure if he is saying he rolled natural 18 on strength and just happened to get low intelligence, but that is usually how it happened back in the day and why it is such a common character build. Not saying back stories and personal quests were not a thing, but never heard of it at level 1 for D&D prior to 3rd Ed. Basic till 2e had save or die traps, poisons, rolling for hit points, Stat bonuses were atypical, and you could die really easy if you rolled a fighter with 1 hp. We never really got attached till characters got 3-4 levels because most of what you were fighting could kill you with a lucky hit. It is weird to hear someone expecting to go the distance at level 1. I had gone through 4 fighters in castle Caldwell before, and that is NOT a hard dungeon.
@chickenknights8863 2 жыл бұрын
*Dude walks out of door wearing a mask and is ready for PC murder* Doge: "How could you resist that face?" I see nothing wrong here.
@PancakemonsterFO4 2 жыл бұрын
Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to diiie...
@JacobL228 2 жыл бұрын
Nipsy may want to have a word, but it doesn't look like she can (you forgot to include the clip in the video). You also don't have any link in the video for the previous Sam videos. I appreciate you uploading new content so often, but I don't mind waiting a while for said new content if that means its quality will be guaranteed to be high when it is eventually uploaded.
@rumbleroller2154 2 жыл бұрын
(10:00) Now that is a terrible Dungeon Master. Its fine to do something while two PCs are away. Its totally fine. But don't roll an event that hurts or involves the missing PCs. That should have been Reconned...
@notoriouswhitemoth 2 жыл бұрын
I'd tell the store owner Sam is harassing customers and discriminating against the disabled.
@kimielle Жыл бұрын
A good solution for when a PC tries to throw something at another PC that may kill them is to get them to roll to hit their own ac. If it passes, describe the projectile bouncing off something and hitting the person who threw it. Because PVP especially in that scenario is a bad idea, and this is a good way to discourage it. There are situations where PVP can be appropriate, but in that particular horror story it doesn't seem like that one is it
@Blueoriontiger 2 жыл бұрын
Was a cat supposed to be in the first part of the video? There's nothing there. D:
@lordruxlinhogie5912 2 жыл бұрын
In the last story I think that OP should just leave Sam be. It doesn't seem like the people that Sam is talking to really believe him.
@VogtTD Жыл бұрын
Why would the lawful good Paladin go along with not reviving the dude because of baseless accusations of vague suspicion?
@mirrortherorrim 2 жыл бұрын
Where's Nipsy at the beginning of the video though?
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