Bitwig drove me crazy today - Audio Import

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Polarity Music

Polarity Music

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Maybe a new video series, let's see. Today it's about the audio import in Bitwig. It kind of drove me crazy because I couldn't find a solution, and it felt overly convoluted in its implementation. Tell me what you think!
Video transcribed, summarized and Q&A on my Blog (no ads):
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@gravity00x Ай бұрын
I think even the crackle at the looping point is unacceptable, especially in a professional environment.
@boryskuczkowski Ай бұрын
@@gravity00x it drives me absolutely mental
@sternenherz Ай бұрын
Ableton has a "FADE" Button which is active by default for all Clips, which prevents such Crackles/Clicknoises at the beginning of Loops. Bitwig needs that, too. Bitwigs autofade is restricted to edits only, and is not a generally implemented feature for Clips, which it SHOULD be however, because otherwise all fresh recordings in the cliplauncher potentially start with CLICK noises, which is disgusting/unprofessional. :) [anyone doubting Bitwigs Power to create these click noises on a consistent basis, please sing and hold a note "aaaaa", then start to record into an audio clip of Bitwig. The beginning of the Clip will have a wonderful CLICKnoise at the beginning. Something which isn’t the case for Ableton at all.)
@KlaraKopf Ай бұрын
A small crackle will get BIG in the process of mix/master.
@KrisCadwell Ай бұрын
I've run into these problems as well and I agree that 'default raw' should be brought back.
@ht3k Ай бұрын
Can't you change that in the settings? Mine always import raw
@KrisCadwell Ай бұрын
@@ht3k They recently removed that option.
@KlaraKopf Ай бұрын
Let´s talk about the new library. Can´t find shit without knowing the devices name.
@manwithadream2043 Ай бұрын
bring back the old browser NOW
@KlaraKopf Ай бұрын
@@manwithadream2043 Not necessarily the old browser, but one that doesn't think it knows me better than I know myself. That is ridiculous!
@ohcibi Ай бұрын
A common anti pattern that Bitwig, Ableton and FL Studio all have in common is that they move the Tooltips to some arbitrary place for some reason. That confused the heck outa me in all these 3 DAWs in the beginning of using them. Even when you know the tooltips are at that place, I often forget to look there because I'm so used to tooltips showing up at the mouse cursor. Several Analysis VSTs perfectly show how that is possible even for complex tooltips that show lots of data instead of just one sentence. There is absolutely no reason for each of them DAWs to move the tooltips away from the mouse cursor and I hope someone in there user interface team will finally notice that. Unfortunately this is spiced up with further small anti patterns like for example the tooltip not showing the value of a control while setting a modulation for it. You have to set the modulation, then exit modulation mode, check value of knob, enter modulation mode again, fix blindly, exit, repeat. Annoying.
@antalgabor Ай бұрын
I like to enable "show realtime ruler", it would indicate the tempo change in every Ableton both rulers are visible by default
@BrettMitchell-r2g Ай бұрын
that tape measure has no function what so ever. we need BARS on the timeline in its own window and as a ruler zooming down with the grid. it stops after 1/16 its so weird. im lost when my project gets bigger and bigger. and they need to solve this little tiny window the daw forces us to be in. ProTools has the best rulers. they have seconds/frames/bars and extra stuff for video. we need that.
@JamesStiling1985 Ай бұрын
It's silly that people would think you are a shill. You love the software, as do I, but you are not afraid to comment on it's problems and limitations. Appreciate your posts as always.
@DonutShoes Ай бұрын
They removed the Import as Raw behavior setting because you're now expected to hold CTRL when dragging and dropping an audio file into Bitwig if you want to Import as Raw. This was changed in 5.2. I think Raw should return as a default import setting.
@DonutShoes Ай бұрын
oh you got there in the video :P
@tyler361t2 Ай бұрын
i hate when bitwig does these "silent changes", changes that are to integral parts but are buried deep in change logs. id much prefer bitwig just have a warning screen for when you update, not for features, but for workflow changes
@dna598 Ай бұрын
After years of using Ableton, and doing a few tunes in Bitwig (which I did buy and intended to use), I'm now a Reaper nerd. It just does everything (I don't need session view - using Reapers step sequencer for drum fun). It's not cool, but really, it is.
@TonyThomas10000 Ай бұрын
That is why I still use Ableton for audio looping and just works. It is also easy to quantize audio.
@angelite6027 Ай бұрын
also the fact the we dont have mono tracks and the option to export mono files, idk what they are thinking adding a bunch of buzz tiny devices that are not as useful, instead of maintaining a usable daw, i think if this isnt fixed next update im going back to nuendo and cubase...
@TwoDays-u7j Ай бұрын
I follow your Channel for some time now and your videos always helped me find solutions for some issues I found along the way. My favorite lesson from your videos is the way you show how modular bigwig is and encourage the user to build their own devices. To me you come across as passionate about Bitwig, nothing wrong with that . Thank you and happy to be part of the Bitwig community 💪
@lawinter1949 Ай бұрын
I would still love to get an update on Bitwig's audio recording behavior. The fact that over dubs don't override the length of pre-existing audio clips makes recording audio so messy because I have to delete the extra clips that are at the old end of the over dubbed audio clip. I would also love it if joined audio regions with takes in them would just combine all the takes together and not delete every take except the ones on top when merged.
@mrs3931 Ай бұрын
1. MIDI Capture 2. MIDI Comping 3. Chopping/slicing audio in sampler 4. Themes/skins 5. Alias clips/Linked clips 6. Audio to midi 7. Video support 8. Visible lines behind clips 9. Time stretching in sampler 10. Containers within Grid 11. ARA support 12. Scales We've been waiting for this longer than George Martin's book;)
@tyler361t2 Ай бұрын
13. Fixed anacrusises 14. A TUNER 15. AI separate stems (like in FL Studio) 16. FL Studio's piano roll
@boryskuczkowski Ай бұрын
Bitwig needs to simplify and improve audio workflow for sure
@sternenherz Ай бұрын
And midi editing, and arranging, and automation editing 😅
@mudi2000a Ай бұрын
While I usually don't use Raw because I don't make ambient music, I still 100% agree with this video as I had similar issues, even if the tempo is detected wrongly, etc. it is just complicated and often not transparent. I think Reaper is handling this quite well, at least if you drop files from the built in media explorer (and for sure you can edit the default when dropping a file, because you can configure everything in Reaper). In the Reaper Media explorer you have buttons to quickly turn on/off stretching, 1/2 speed, 2x speed, so this is already very convenient. When a sample is not played at the original speed, Reaper shows an overlay in the "media item" (here the audio clip) with the original tempo and also the playback rate e.g. 0.9, which means it is played back at 0.9x speed. I think it should be very easy for Bitwig to implement such a display. Also they shoul allow switching the key you need to hold for RAW so you can choose Raw by default and hold the key for stretching, whatever you need for your workflow. Sometimes I find their changes a bit puzzling.
@psycha0s Ай бұрын
I was quite surprised that switching the audio preview mode to "Stretch to project tempo" doesn't actually let me preview audio files stretched to the project tempo. I contacted support and they told me that's by design. It only stretches to project tempo when transport is running. I think it's inconvenient and a terrible idea. Bitwig Studio is a fantastic piece of software, but the developers have their own "vision" and we can't do anything with it.
@cwehden Ай бұрын
I love Bitwig but these types of work flow issues really grind my gears when they aren't addressed quickly and regularly. It would be very nice indeed if there was a simple / fast way to shrink or expand a clips length to the events within it.
@reinh Ай бұрын
Bitwig's tempo detection is basically unusable for me. I can't get Bitwig to detect tempo correctly for D&B tempo loops (~172 bpm). The most common result is that they're detected at half tempo, even when my project is also at 172 bpm. The other common result is that they'll be detected slightly off, e.g. 172 bpm loops detected at 170 bpm. Sometimes they are detected at seemingly random tempos, like 70.32 bpm. All of these samples are power-of-two bars long (1, 2, 4, 8, ...) at a tempo within +/- 5 bpm of the project tempo, often the same tempo. This should be one of the simplest cases but it just... doesn't work. Many of them even have the tempo in the filename, which Bitwig claims to now be able to detect. At least 90% of samples are detected at the wrong tempo. I had to map "Scale 200%" to a keyboard shortcut because I have to use it so often. This is so bad that it makes me think that no one at Bitwig makes D&B and that they never test/QA at high tempos. This has been a consistent problem since at least version 3. Does anyone else experience this? Am I going insane?
Yes, I'm experiencing this too and it's very annoying 😢
@pau1_r3d61 Ай бұрын
Same as. Always been glitchy but since 5.0 I’ve been unable to preview samples while I have a loop playing, without it detecting the file as 2 x speed,even with correct file naming. My current workaround is dragging in a sampler. Drawing a midi C note. Offsetting any tempo adjustment’s using samplers pitch THEN previewing files thru the sampler library. Nightmare
@apoplexiamusic Ай бұрын
I’ve had this problem too, but i found a way to fix it. All the loops and full tracks i was importing were being analyzed at half tempo. I right clicked on a file and went into the "detect tempo" function and then entered the tempo range, just like you can do in FL Studio when it can’t figure out the tempo. Since then file have been importing at the correct tempi mostly
@BrettMitchell-r2g Ай бұрын
mine does the same. ill have to drag the corner of the clip event to make room for the double im about to do by either stretching it all the way which is easy o+r using the bpm in the operator left hand side and its annoying.
@sternenherz Ай бұрын
I mentioned this in my video about Bitwig 5.2, so, yes, i have the same experience for files with BPM over 130
@VintiqueSound Ай бұрын
I also noticed the "raw" was removed as a default setting and was wondering why, and had no idea you had to use ctrl to do it. My vote is for "raw" to be put back as an option for importing audio. My brain works like this: import audio should do nothing fancy, unless I want something fancy, in which case I can activate that fancy feature (stretch, etc).
@cowbless Ай бұрын
I've never noticed these problems until I dragged a song I wanted to analyze and study into the arranger and I noticed that I simply cannot make it sound "the original way". I learned that you can set the song's bpm to the same as your project, and that will at least prevent it from being stretched, but i didnt know it also changes the offset points. As convenient this is for single samples and stuff, I agree, there needs to be an off button for all the "smart" features. I'm sticking to Reaper for analysis and working with long audio files, bitwig gives me anxiety over what it does with all those onset detection algorithms and stuff
@BrettMitchell-r2g Ай бұрын
bro awesome video. yeah you nailed it on the head. Bitwig needs to step up and fix allot of there basic functionality. ive written to you about how the main arranger zoom and bar counting is non existent. I want to feel and see every grain of the grid. I wanna see lines and lines and lines. marker lines extending down for structure of duplicating verse and chorus and break down and build ups. I wanna be able to see this beautiful arranger. the midi notes inside the clips needs to be way way way bigger like every other DAW. it's so small. come on BITWIG. all of the users have your back. Bitwig we need you to get into these chat rooms and really listen. please understand that all we want is this to be AMAZING. every update needs to get better functionality this time.
@andreas-franke Ай бұрын
Es ist gut, dass Leute wie du das mal offen ansprechen. Ich habe es aufgegeben den Support über Probleme und Ungereimtheiten zu informieren, da sie normale User wie mich, zu 99% nicht ernst nehmen. Bin einfach nur noch genervt vom Support. Leider liebe ich Bitwigs Modulatoren so dermaßen, dass mich allein dieses eine Feature davon abhält auf eine andere DAW zu wechseln. Auch dass ungefragte umbiegen von MIDI-Channels auf Channel 1 (by default), ist eine Pest! Userdaten UNGEFRAGT und bei DEFAULT einfach zu Verändern ist schon eine richtige Dreistigkeit.
@MarcoPolux Ай бұрын
those things pushed em away from BitWig which I was firmly trying to adopt it as my main (I love BitWig's modularity). Sticked with Cubase My main problem was, 1- there is no way to add midi controllers in a cool way (except for Jürgen Moßgraber cool contributions), 2-there is A LOT of issues Synching external hardware via Midi or USB/Midi. 3- I recorded from V Drums Roland midi, and it was not cool the resulting midi... I hope it keeps evolving, I still use it because its grid and the coolness it has for sound creation.
@chriswftdj Ай бұрын
Yeah im new to bitwig and it's not easy coming from a different DAW.
@buckycore Ай бұрын
A sure bet with with Bitwig is Arturia, Native Instruments, Nektar and the Novation Launch Pad Pro (as their sanctioned script makes the device works perfectly like in Live). But you're right that there's very little compatibility for controllers in general
@pbrninja19 Ай бұрын
Appreciate you being honest like this. I haven't taken the time to study what's really going on with audio clips and audio events and WAV data inside and blah blah blah... all I knew is that I was finding it hard to get it to do what I wanted, so I basically stopped trying to make stuff Burial-style by just scooting samples around.
@zombiedesu8350 Ай бұрын
I thought I was crazy. Thanks for making it known
@ToyotaVangelis Ай бұрын
I talked to bitwig ppl at superbooth and explained i had simillar issues with raw because it doesnt update the waveform when you automate the tempo it only does it when you change it manually and that way you can get it cut off the end of your file- i was just loading backig tracks for a live show. Well what one of them told me that they stopped using raw years ago and i should consider that too 💁
@rumblechannel6343 Ай бұрын
The stretching algorithms are not quite good enough yet for me to stop using raw. Also there is no point in stretching a snare or a cymbal, and I do not always want to use a drum machine.
@lastadolkgGM Ай бұрын
what a stupid answer "we´ve stopped using it" who cares, devs? I´m the consumer, who cares if you, the developers have stopped using it.
@animaegray Ай бұрын
It's a classic issue with programmers. I don't see a problem == problem does not exist. It's one thing if something is beyond the scope of a program or its design, but very often it's not the case. It's just programmers completely and utterly ignoring feedback because they're stuck in the "this is how I use it and therefore how you should use it too" mentality.
@CypiXmusic Ай бұрын
Wait they stopped the option to disable any stretching? That'd be wild
@ToyotaVangelis Ай бұрын
I am developer myself and to their credit using the stretch hd makes more sense with all tempo related things and it sounds very transparent. I just think they need to rethink how raw is handeled because a lot of people (myself included) have fear or time stretching …. i can see how this implementation makes sense in the logic of the program but i think it is not aligned with user expectations
@datashat Ай бұрын
I love Bitwig more than some of my own family members, but I cannot stand those fill-from-zero waveforms - absolutely useless for finding transients within complex audio by eye.
@sternenherz Ай бұрын
100% i would love to have better waveform drawing/visibility 😊
@toptop7644 Ай бұрын
I am also with you. The audio events in the clip do produce some problems for me. Being not able to set the length easily but also when you start to cut things (stg+e or slicing ) to avoid to stretch the transients to much, you run into the problem that you can't glue them back together after adjusting to write some continuous pitch animations for example or gain animations. You have to render in place first which I don't find convenient. I like the comping feature and the possibility to record a loop over and over without loosing the material but I find the controls in the comping window hard to understand. For example it is oddly hard to drag audio events around or change the lengths of one event when it is outside the length of the original loop.
@sternenherz Ай бұрын
@9:07 to me this small little crack is a huge crack, which destroys the beauty of music, especially etherical pad sounds or held vocal chorus parts, at least if listening closely (and who doesnt want to listen closely to beautiful pads? ;) This reminds me of the number 1 thing which drives me crazy about Bitwig: When recording audio into the cliplauncher, and that audiosource is already playing before the clip-record is started, there's a 90% chance you'll get a very clearly audible crackle/BLIP/CLICK noise at the very beginning of the Clip. Because unlike with Ableton, Bitwigs Clips have no "Fade" button which is active by default. Instead, Bitwig only has an auto fade which ONLY applies to edits (like cuts), but not to fresh recordings! My problems aside, Good video! Thank you for bringing these things up! - destruction of seemless loops via putting the sample to the wrong position / or via wrong tempo detection must stop - Seeing Stretchmode changes in the Waveform would really be important.. - having no more default RAW option is weird (except via modifier key, but that isnt really the definition of "default")
@Memoske Ай бұрын
Thankyou for the video, I am subscribed now : ) Apparently "Stretch" is supposed to be neutral at original pitch/tempo but the browser also seems to have a mind of its own at times it can play the sample at its original tempo but then import it at the project tempo OR vice versa! They need to fix this ASAP.
@lawinter1949 Ай бұрын
I think they removed the raw option from the default menu because there is key modifier that allows you to drag audio in and it loads in raw mode. On mac you hold control when dragging. I don't know what the PC equivalent is.
@JohnTheCrackedHashcat Ай бұрын
I think to fix issues like this Bitwig should implement a "switch" function, so you could say "Raw" is standard and CTRL is "Stretch" or the way it is now. Think of all the "Alternative" (ALT) functions that someone might want to be Standard.. for me its the only select Clips/Turn off Time-Selection, I would like to have that as my standard and holding ALT enables it.. I'm also unhappy with the current "gotta press CTRL"-System, I import tons of samples and holding down CTRL isn't a big thing but it's so minor that it is annoying hahaha..
@OdoSendaidokai Ай бұрын
I could add a lot Bug topics I sent to Bitwig like the non working CopyPaste or the Segment Bug in Linux that isn't fixed since many versions. The E-Kick Problem, the Sine NONTrigger, DOCUMENTATION and so on and so so forth. But it's no longer worth my time any more to send in well explained emails with screenshots and videos. So I use what I can use, use workarounds I found, or just don't use things. Bitwig is doing what Bitwig is doing. I saw some promising directions in the last versions. Let's wait how serious it is. Anyway the times of the underdog are over since the spectral issue.
@PolarityMusic Ай бұрын
dont give up odo! 💪
@OdoSendaidokai Ай бұрын
@@PolarityMusic hehe its still my no1 DAW. But will spend more time making music, then try helping improve a promising tool ;) But thanks 🌻
@sadhill38again 28 күн бұрын
thanks you for talking about looping things in bitwig i had same issues
@creatingspacesproducer Ай бұрын
I love Bitwig but I actually (and that's the only thing I use it for these days) use Ableton for tempo work then copy it in Bitwig :) (they need to fix it)
@datashat Ай бұрын
Same... warping long hand played drum tracks in Bitwig is torture. It's mainly the fact that all the audio beyond the last stretch point you've edited doesn't also scale to the latest tempo before it, so if the tempo of the recording drifts quite a bit from the start of the audio clip it quickly turns into a tedious nightmare. In Ableton all the audio beyond your last stretch point scales to match the tempo of that last segment - so warping a long variable-tempo audio clip becomes a game of just nudging the tempo back and forth a little bit with each marker (a bit like beatmatching on vinyl).
@audiunt Ай бұрын
Bitwig and audio,always drives me crazy. Looping seems impossible to me. Luckily I’m more a midi guy, but it should be improved way way better
@circles79 Ай бұрын
oh damn. this is a mess. I was also wondering where the raw setting went. I agree that bringing that back the first step bitwig needs to take to address the problem.
@buckycore Ай бұрын
What i do when trying to match then end of an audio clip when resized is to zoom in as close as i can, then crank the Quantizing grid to one of those ridiculous amounts of divisions (i mean, WOW. Crazy levels) until it hits the edge of the clip and VOILA i have now found how to snap it perfectly
@tanzteemachtlustig 11 күн бұрын
Sadly warping ä/audio stretch in bitwig isn’t still as easy then it could be. But good to see. I’m not the only one with issues when easylee drive crazy. Also the Start Marker warp from here and keep constant tempo is simply missing. A mark like this would.make it easy to stretch longer samples/tracks till they reach original tempo. there are many ways to workaround these issues. analyzing track/sample tempo before loading it into the the is helpful. Another nice way is to install Blackhole, open Traktor Choose blackhole as Traktor output and Devine Blackhole (or similar) as bitwig audio input for re-recording in real-time . With the right NI Traktor Controller this setup it’s even. Possible to touch/pitch/stem separate, re-edit/record the sound in real time.
@BSidesMusic Ай бұрын
not beeing able to insert raw annoyed me so much. didn't realize there is a shortcut. thx for the hint!!!
@object_Object Ай бұрын
lol when you switched to raw mode, you touched on my EXACT reaction as well. sometimes its also shorter than the audio clip, and you have to change both lengths to make it loop proper again, which isnt obvious
@edinatl2008 Ай бұрын
I always wondered what I was missing with the audio workflow and now I know it's not just me being a newb.
@jasdhfkajsdfhk Ай бұрын
bitwig has a ton of issues like these which are just really annoying to deal with. theres still no unwrapped semitone transposition, you HAVE to use tempo in repitch which just feels so incredibly stupid. The shortcuts pane in settings is also very jank because i KNOW it has duplicated shortcuts that work off of context. i.e. what you have selected, but not only can you not just do that for your own shortcuts & they always have to be different keybindings, if you delete one of the default ones that's cloned across multiple places its impossible to revert doing so apart from just resetting all of the keybindings to default, loosing any of the ones you may have made yourself also like, the grid is oversampled to 4x by default, which is fine but please for the love of god just give me an option to set it to 1x, even on my beefy pc projects where i use grid heavily start to struggle immensely and for 90 percent of those patches do not need oversampling fwiw i have to bounce out samples and disable tracks which just feels incredibly unintuitive
@djsampha Ай бұрын
When will we get video support in bitwig 😢 ?
@IIoWoII Ай бұрын
Good critiques. I also had the exact first/second issue as a new user even in the new 5.x update which you display it's still confusing, but it's a quite a better than before I guess. I wonder what happens if you put it in a scene instead? Bit too lazy to check now with different wav files/settings.
@bernhardgass Ай бұрын
I watch and very much appreciate the videos you put out and I also try to be as objective as I can be, so please see my comments as constructive criticism. I agree for the most part that there are some gotcha's with the handling of samples. Some of the import behavior is not exactly what you would expect which you rendered in the video. Things like shaky speed and length detection. The three step Track/Clip/Sample indirection is mostly useful, but can lead to unexpected results and finicky editing. I am sure you are aware of, but did not mention the option of disabling 'snap to grid', zoom in and manually adjust the sample length. My bigger complaint is about the stretch algorithms as they can create distortions. I've had better luck stretching my sample with iZotope RX. Tthe sample timing needed a little adjustment, but I used vocals as source which where not exactly on time to begin with. Bitwig seamed to get the timing better, but distorted the sound more. Finally I feel you mix hard facts a little with personal taste. Not sure about your rant about comping. Comping is very useful for recording artists, less so if all you do is in-the-box.
@AncientGranules Ай бұрын
Yes, even today I had exactly the same noise introduced when I changed tempo and I believe is not new...😮 I am no professional, just hobbyist, but I also try to be a sound purist!
@Imperceptible_parachute Ай бұрын
Great idea to raise these sorts of issues. I have not seen any criticism of Bitwig thus far. It can only improve the product.
@LonnonFoster Ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I eventually found the "hold ctrl" shortcut, but it completely sabotaged a session for me. It's hard to make music when you're fighting the tools. I thought I was going a bit mad, and it's good to see I was merely getting angry. Maybe. I could still be crazy, but I'm definitely also angry.
@DaleHEmery Ай бұрын
In my Bitwig 5.2.3, the default stretch mode is Raw. That must be left over from how I set it in an earlier version. We'll see how long it takes for me to change it accidentally, and be unable to set it back. Given that the Raw value is still possible, I wonder where the setting is stored, and if there's a hack to set it back. (I've looked briefly for where the setting is stored, but haven't found it yet.)
@raloschde Ай бұрын
same on my 5.2.3
@psypox Ай бұрын
its pretty crazy that these basic problems aint fixed now... and they seem to make it worst by remving the raw in the import settings.
@AUXSIUM_music Ай бұрын
I didn't even notice that the raw import option was gone, but it still showed raw selected in the settings. Plus i'm having a lot of crashes but i fixed it by changing my d3d11 to Vulkan or OpenGL
@memecoinmafia2732 Ай бұрын
put your task bar into auto hide ....... i like the idea of hitting a key for raw ...then you have both options at the drag in stage
@nikolaiownz 24 күн бұрын
i am flabbergasted why they removed the default raw aswell.
@briancase6180 Ай бұрын
I wonder if anybody hasn't had issues dragging or importing clips and samples. I always just shrug my shoulders and find a solution in the moment without really remembering anything useful for the next time. Probably, we should all just send Bitwig a short email when something like this happens even if we don't understand to drive home the fact that there is work to do.
@buckycore Ай бұрын
I think theres a major memory leak at times because Bitwig freaks out when i use Falcon, ans i can hardly use Superior Drummer in jt as well. I know this is a Bitwig issue bexause both work flawlessly in Reaper, Cubease, Studio one and (trigger warning) FL Studio.
@T.H.W.O.T.H Ай бұрын
Yeah. This is super annoying. My solution has been to change the project tempo to the tempo of the loop before importing, then selecting the stretch mode, then resetting the project tempo.
@lackLUFSter Ай бұрын
this is such an oddly specific problem. I think the more important things I hope bitwig focuses on implementing is workflow stuff like saving default audio/instrument tracks, saving default modulator/grid device states. Things like that end up being constant daily annoyances that interrupt workflow
@Italliving Ай бұрын
things like that you could handle with a good template .. true not all but much will be covered
@blogocaster Ай бұрын
yep, from start problem : my brain habit is import and then mouse switch to raw. Shortcuts are good, good defaults are better thanks
@DavidMadeira29 Ай бұрын
I guess is as frustrating as the washing machine you had switching off your windshield wipers. Namastè.
@DenisDeLong Ай бұрын
It's weird. I was just thinking very much the same of the import and stretch problems. I really hope this gets looked at.
@Gomtu Ай бұрын
I am a not experienced using audio samples as much as midi clips with instruments, but I always have a hard time with wav files in bitwig, it seems less seamless than other DAWS for raw audio stuff
@mykal2381 Ай бұрын
How does changing the sample's associated tempo -- as displayed in the left panel -- to match the the project's tempo effect the loop (stretched and/or raw)?
@brokenrazor7708 Ай бұрын
I don’t typically use audio that much, but why would anyone ever need the audio event to be longer than the actual waveform. seems like 3 layers to adjust is one to many. i work in graphic design using figma and they have a simple icon to match the size of the frame to its contents. that could be a pretty simple solution if the audio event layer is still needed.
@buckycore Ай бұрын
I specifically have extra space in the event when I need to adjust the timing in performances with the warp tool. Sometimes you need that extra area to move the begining or ending of the performance out a bit. But beyond that, I don't know any other reason as well
@AndrewHollis_uk Ай бұрын
What are the browser and sample player tools you are using. Not sure sure why you aren't happy with the constant rescanning and the sample preview always at full blast :)
@stekra-youtube Ай бұрын
Question to another annoying topic. Alle izotope plugins take away the keyboard focus from bitwig, even though I switched the keyboard support inside e.g. Ozone 10 to "none". When I work inside the izotope plugin window, I can not stop/start bitwig playing. Do you have a solution for this? Especially for all the izotope plugins that even don't have the keyboard support option. Using Windows 11. Thx for your help in advance
@rumblechannel6343 Ай бұрын
All the way with you, except for comping which I actually find pretty awesome :). No idea why they removed raw as an import option. There was another one “import short samples in raw mode” which I found very convenient and is now also gone. I also have a wishlist I want to make a video about. Just have to find a way to make my arguments sound convincing rather than complaints :).
@PolarityMusic Ай бұрын
probably a longer video I guess :D
@rumblechannel6343 Ай бұрын
Yes :)
@youlemur Ай бұрын
Its been like this for years. I tried all I could in Bitwig and do you know what I ended up doing? Before even touching Bitwig I just drag and drop all the needed files into Ableton and let Ableton process them internally. Yes Ableton works almost flawlessly in these BPM related audio stretching tasks and it has been its signature feature since I remember. Anyway, it creates these annoying .asp files for all imported wavs, and I dont think they are even necessary because I usually have them off. But whats the point is that after crunching the audio in Ableton (not sure if having to save it), Bitwig is then able to read the BPM correctly and stops misplacing the wavefiles, etc. I havent done this in a while, so you guys can try and let us know. :) Peace and love Bitwig
@SongOfItself Ай бұрын
Oh wow, removing the Raw from the list of config settings is really odd, could it even be a mistake? For me, Bitwig 5.2 is still showing Raw and behaving accordingly, because this is how I've always had it set up, but, like you show, it's not available on the list.
@kyniverse Ай бұрын
Not to mention the EQ+ story...
@florianarndt Ай бұрын
Working with audio files inside of Bitwig with a traditional music production approach (long raw audio files) is a nightmare and buggy as an insect hotel. You‘ve only scratched the surface of what‘s wrong with audio in Bitwig and seems clear to me, that the developers have their very own way of using their tool, as they miss that the most basic functions like splitting audio clips/audio events is BROKEN in 5.2
@partlysimpson5154 Ай бұрын
Bussy as insect hotel lol
@user-mj9nv4bw4u Ай бұрын
it would also be nice to have function like "snap to zero crossing" in the audio clip 🙂 and by the way, in fruity loops it is possible to copy values from knobs and paste them into the automation lane. very great
@FalkoBrocksieper Ай бұрын
In Bitwig, each selected Automation value is displayed in the Inspector panel. You can copy/paste knob values there.
@gemcitydad9509 Ай бұрын
It's not a bug. It's a feature right. I am sold on using bitwig as primary. Just hold ctrl when import. got it.
@tobi_likes_it Ай бұрын
Could you please make a video about the issue that you just can’t copy & paste one single automation point? So frustrating…
@teddyraines Ай бұрын
unless something has changed in 5.2.3 my default stretch mode in the settings shows as RAW however if I drop down the options I dont see RAW in the list of options.
@DFGTRAX Ай бұрын
My default stretch mode is set to raw already luckily, but when i click on the dropdown i don't see the setting. Seems like it just saved my settings from previous versions and hasn't switched my default stretch mode hopefully it doesn't switch over on me...still on 5.2
@TuriaArt Ай бұрын
вас нужно взять в штат Bitwig!
@marcelfrehse Ай бұрын
looks like the whole stretch modes thing is really f***d up.
@owenbulliss2378 Ай бұрын
Totally unrelated but does resonic pro version let you repitch audio? Like increase the pitch and speed at the same time like the repitch mode in bitwig and ableton? Thank you!
@SoftClip_Q Ай бұрын
okay nothing pisses me off more about bitwig then comping audio imports. ive got stems from the vocal harmonies i tracked in pro tools. I have some tails. some parts harmonize at different sections etc. if i have a 16 bars of vocals at the longest end of my imported audio to tracks and then i have a 4 bar harmony that is supposed to maybe be in the last part of the 16 bars it imports at bar 1 and only lets me comp it to bar 4 if its 4 bars for example. i cant move it to bar 12. it drives me bananas. i go around it by just adding silence to all my comps now but gosh could it just be easier.
@Jurgen_1657 Ай бұрын
Damn, I had no idea about that shortcut! Dear Polarity, can you 'debunk' the MICHELANGELO EQ plugin? AKA make a Bitwig version of it :D
@eklorian Ай бұрын
This has always annoyed me about bitwig. The way they have made clip/events function is always baffling. It's even worse when your half-way through a project and then decide to change tempo, all your audio events/clips get jumbled up.
@andrewbulhoes6420 Ай бұрын
I thought it was my computer or something…good to know it’s not and some else is experiencing what I am experiencing
@Daniceone Ай бұрын
There is a (very clear...) option in the Settings called: Play at Original Speed - this does effectively the same as dragging with CTRL - it imports it in RAW. What is wrong with that option?
@PolarityMusic Ай бұрын
It puts the sample into "stretch" mode and plays the WAV file at the tempo Bitwig thinks it is. Which is sometimes correct, most of the time wrong.
@voodoohex72 Ай бұрын
@@PolarityMusic I guess the devs at bitwig forgot to grab their bpm detection code from live on the way out. lol
@Rustyboyyy1 Ай бұрын
Just wondering are your audio files write protected in Windows?
@josipkokot8227 Ай бұрын
After last update, somehow I got cpu spikes..
@gentoid Ай бұрын
Me as well. For me it's usually the Over and Compressor+ devices. When I add them spikes start to happen almost immediately.
@cristianoalveirinho5303 Ай бұрын
same here !
@josipkokot8227 Ай бұрын
Its quite unusual.. It was faster before with old code... And this new one supposedly to be cpu friendly 🤔
@EsoVieTH Ай бұрын
Are you using a laptop with a nvidia graphics card?
@josipkokot8227 Ай бұрын
@@EsoVieTH desktop pc with Nvidia
@sinewave9208 Ай бұрын
umm yea bitwig drives me crazy every time i use it, somewhere along the line when installing bitwig updated versions, i tried to delete the old versions as they were taking up space, then that deleted the presets from the content packs, now none of the built in presets for bitwig devices work, what the hell??
@ИванНикитин-ч7б Ай бұрын
13:50 This "Ctrl" does not work in Linux :( Bugged.
@andrewbulhoes6420 Ай бұрын
I think Bitwig warp mode is useless I am using version 5.2.1 but my samples still go straight to raw mode when dragged into a project so that a bonus but if my track I am working on is set to 125BPM and the sample of a top loop or melody loop or bass loop what ever it may be says the tempo is 128bpm when I use stretch mode or elastique it will say the original tempo of my sample is the tempo of what ever my track project is set to no matter what it never actually gets the tempo it will just put the sample to 125 bpm when its clearly 128BPM or if the sample is 130BPM it will still say the original tempo is what ever my project is set to which is shitty.... and also if I started my project lets say 124BPM and like 2 days later I decide I want maybe do It in the tempo 128BPM when I change the bpm and click play my project will start playing all choppy and sound so weird it's actually super frustrating to be honest does any of the two things I mentioned above happen to anyone else here... I mean the main reason why I use Bitwig is because it is a powerful professional DAW and it was the most affordable DAW I could afford Between Logic and Ableton and I figured and heard from so mane producers its not the DAW that will make good Music is how you learn to use it but now im really second guessing my self here sort of shitty as well
@angelite6027 Ай бұрын
im so pissed about this, i want RAW mode back, coz why the hell would they remove it ? its so stupid
@Hoergraete Ай бұрын
For looping such a continuous file in raw mode, I'd use a sampler device or grid module.
@jaderington Ай бұрын
He's shillings for Ableton today 🤭
@jezzzery1 Ай бұрын
Dont you just match the tempo of the audio clip to match the tempo of the song and it no longer stretches or compresses it? the problem with bringing in Raw audio too is if you want to stretch manipulate parts, you have to use a stretch mode anyway, which will bring you back to your original problem.
@PolarityMusic Ай бұрын
yes i could change the sample tempo to match the project tempo and just leave stretch. but also cumbersome and counterintuitive no?
@jezzzery1 Ай бұрын
It’s not ideal no but a work around. I switched from logic recently and it used to do similar things with importing audio. Frustrating. There just needs to be an import option that lets you import raw but also lets you stretch it which then automatically activates a pre-selected preference for a stretch. Also a ‘lock stretch’ button would be nice where the audio is locked no matter what you do to the tempo.
@atmodiver Ай бұрын
hello from Eupatoria!Your channel is amazing!Bitwig is best for me!Watch many video your channel every day!
@PolarityMusic Ай бұрын
thanks! 💪🙏
@gasparpini Ай бұрын
@skrabio Ай бұрын
Once I started to see issues and things glaringly being wrong in my renders, I walked away from Bitwig. I loved BW in the beginning, but that was far from the first bugs I’ve encountered and is just too unforgivable to take the daw seriously anymore.
@suprraman7956 Ай бұрын
can you elaborate what was wrong in your renders? I was having problems with bounced clips in a beta version and am second guessing my last renders :O
@buckycore Ай бұрын
I actually understand what you mean. I have a handful of third part synths and FX that don't really work in Bitwig. At all. And that's a deal breaker. I love the stock plugins and the grid. But I can't make this my full time DAW knowing that some plugins which work perfectly on all the other DAWs won't on Bitwig bothers me.
@wiirawiira Ай бұрын
@@buckycore examples?
@JoergWessels Ай бұрын
Hack: Use Ableton instead.
@partlysimpson5154 Ай бұрын
Every daws is missing something, so do we need to get each daw for to work trough that issue haha? Or we use some creative idea to overcome that obsticles? Do you think, we have become so comfortable with the technology that we can't have any creative fix, we need just straight out problem solve from the code (daw function)
@voicesofdust4749 Ай бұрын
This is why Ableton is the King! I'm beginning to think the Bitwig devs secretly hate the community by punishing their users with idiotic stuff like this. Bitwig doesn't even have a tuner 😂
@partlysimpson5154 Ай бұрын
use spectral analyser to see the key of the samples-
@DavidMadeira29 Ай бұрын
I guess is as frustrating as the washing machine you had switching off your windshield wipers. Namastè.
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