但有imposter syndrome嘅人有冇人認同你其實都唔會覺得你嘅成就係well deserved嘅 😂 其實好多人都知呢種自我懷疑嘅諗法好無理,但唔係知就停止到。 人與人嘅溝通基本上都係大家想係其他人身上獲得滿足感,如果一開始自己認同到自己滿足到自己,咁就冇imposter syndrome一說,亦都唔care其他人贊唔贊你啦。。。我認識有呢種傾向嘅一係就係太完美主義(自己唔覺係一回事但身邊嘅人覺得係成就), 一係就由細到大太少人贊所以冇安全感,或者覺得『稱讚』係好崇高嘅成就先deserve,一係就一下子升太高自己未能調節心理。所以其實其他人點講點反應都無所謂,又或者佢地自己都知自己係咁,但just can't help it. And I think every social interaction boils down to "wanting to feel good about yourself off of someone else", every word that comes out of a human's mouth is spoken because it validates themselves somehow, not just people with imposter syndrome. Why avoid the game when life is a game?
@maples.28002 жыл бұрын
@maples.28002 жыл бұрын
@maples.28002 жыл бұрын
@ihm631spig2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your sharing, this is the first time i realise this is a problem. I am always waiting for appreciation from others, but seems i would just do more “good” things asking for more appreciation and feel frustrated when no good response from others… um…seems i have to stop this “game”