Psychiatrist on Why World Mental Health is Getting Worse

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@Space_Ghost_Hunter 3 жыл бұрын
LMAO To the guy in chat who commented "All warfare is based" - Sun Tzu Considering the actual quote is "All warfare is based on deception." I think that's hilarious wordplay, I nearly spit out my drink.
@Goodpizzaa 3 жыл бұрын
Underrated comment.
@youtubedeletedmynamewhybother 2 жыл бұрын
lol ive seen some good Sun Tzu quotes that he never actually said at all. Its a good meme atm. The art of War.
@dirtyclanner2250 3 жыл бұрын
Let me tell you a story. I'm male, 29 y.o, and live in a remote region of Russia. I am depressed and barely able to fight suicidal thoughts for many years. As a government agency worker, I have to go through mandatory health checks every year, and the last time I gathered all my courage to ask the psychiatrist "where should I ask for help if I have depression?" he laughed at me. That little example of a general state of things considering mental health here. It's stigmatized beyond any reasonable means even by the psychiatrist themselves. The problem is that in Russia I have only two options. The first option is to go to a competent psychiatrist and pay a lot of money I don't have. The second is free, state clinic, and having such record forbids me from having a driving license or to get a decent job. There are free programs for adolescents, but I was unable to find such programs for adults. I do know I need help, and I just don't know how to get it without life-lasting consequences.
@xaigoart 3 жыл бұрын
Про деньги да, кажется, что лечение может влететь в копейку, но не лечение может стоить всего. Еще, когда находишься в таком состоянии (особенно когда вот такой мудак психиатр попался), очень легко провалиться в мышление по типу "все или ничего": "платно будет адски дорого, бесплатно ничего не вылечат и занесут во все реестры". Я в таком мышлении провела годы, потом в 32 все-таки заставила себя пойти (сначала к платному психологу, к психиатру "гордость" не позволила). Как обычно бывает, истина оказалась где-то посередине - после первого разговора магически ничего не решилось, но отношение к жизни и проблемам сильно сдвинулось с мертвой точки. Я тоже была совсем не фанатка тратить на это деньги, но много тратить и не пришлось - нескольких консультаций хватило надолго и дало силы начать перестраивать фрагменты жизни. Через некоторое время со старыми вещами справилась, но появились новые, с которыми быстро стало понятно, что та психолог не справляется. Посидела в дерьмовом состоянии еще пол года и сдалась, наконец, к психиатру. Вот тут точно могу сказать, что многое начало исправляться быстро и эффективно, а главное - перестаешь бояться себя и появляется уверенность, что, как только опять уткнешься в тупик, есть к кому пойти и вместе подумать. Если посчитать, сколько у меня всего на это ушло денег за пару лет, там вряд ли наберется 2/3 моей месячной зарплаты. Я очень жалею, что не пошла раньше, думая именно, что будет слишком дорого и результатов придется ждать очень долго - тут, имхо, виноваты фильмы и стереотипы, на которых нас растят (кушетка, апатичный врач и невротик пациент который годами туда ходит и рассказывает о своем детстве), но все оказалось по-другому. Ладно, я прекращаю словесный понос и перехожу к делу: если живете в Мухосранске, отложите 2-3 тыщи на одну онлайн-консультацию, посвятите выходные на то, чтобы тщательно выбрать психиатра онлайн (именно кого-то специализирующегося на тяжелой депрессии, суициде и т.д.). Кого-то не просто с отзывами, а чтобы этот человек вам еще был более-менее симпатичен (хрен знает как по-нашему будет relatable) и просто начните этот путь. Даже если вы потом поймете, что это не ваш врач, у вас будет достаточно пищи для ума и взгляда "со стороны", чтобы сдвинуть вашу ситуацию с мертвой точки. А потом, как обычно, one foot in front of the other...
@dirtyclanner2250 3 жыл бұрын
​@@xaigoart Спасибо за ваш ответ. Вопрос про "сдалась, наконец, к психиатру" - в государственную клинику, или к частному? Распишите подробнее, пожалуйста. Если к частному - на какую, приблизительно, сумму следует рассчитывать? К сожалению, у меня сейчас ситуация именно такая, что депрессия мешает быть продуктивным, отсутствие продуктивности мешает заработать хоть немного денег (сейчас хватает на еду, но не более), отсутствие денег мешает решить первую проблему. Но не сдаюсь, что делать.
@xaigoart 3 жыл бұрын
@@dirtyclanner2250 к частному. Я, как раз, в последнем абзаце писала про 2-3 тыс. на первую консультацию - за эти деньги вполне реально найти специалиста (онлайн или оффлайн - вам решать, цены примерно одинаковые). Дальше, мб, понадобятся деньги на лекарства, но тут надо не стесняться и честно говорить, что сейчас в стесненных обстоятельствах (у многих лекарств есть более дешевые аналоги). К моему удивлению, врачи совершенно нормально на это реагировали и подбирали подешевле. "Но не сдаюсь, что делать." Не сдавайтесь, а сдавайтесь к врачу.:)) Вообще, если вдруг денег нет совсем-совсем, а депрессия все хуже, все-таки остается вариант пойти в гос. клинику. В конце концов может быть вам тогда сильно не повезло и попался такой вот крокодил. В гос. клиниках часто hit or miss - иногда приходишь и на тебя орут не за что, а иногда вдруг встречаешь кого-то на удивление приветливого и внимательного, кто готов всерьез разбираться с твоими проблемами. Попробуйте отнестись к этому, как к эксперименту где вы наблюдатель (тяжело с депрессией, знаю), сходите ко всем бесплатным врачам, каким можно, составьте свою статистику по ним. Это можно вполне делать, пока копите денюжку на платного. Главное - начать процесс.
@l.s.11 2 жыл бұрын
I'd call the adolescent program explaining your situation (not being an adolescent), and ask them where you might ask for help. I'm sure (well, I hope) THEY would know where to send you. Dunno what the other comments are saying, maybe you already found a solution.
@tadeuszrozewiczjakojanuszb3463 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you find help and things get better for you, друг. Удачи!
@johnmickey5017 3 жыл бұрын
There is an interesting old study on suicide where one of two nearby bridges in a city had a much higher suicide rate than the other. The railing on the suicide bridge was very low and it was low-effort to go over. Raising the railing cut the rate dramatically. The impulsiveness factor is real, as it can be shown that just making methods slightly more inconvenient drastically reduces suicides.
@ForbiddenFollyFollower 3 жыл бұрын
China needs to let us borrow some of their suicide nets.
@kiiyll 3 жыл бұрын
Japanese train stations found that people would commit suicide less often if the lights were blue
@coolpfpbut9505 3 жыл бұрын
I like this
@kolacao8134 3 жыл бұрын
And then? What are they suppose to do after they were "saved"?
@asdadfafafafffallslsldd8068 3 жыл бұрын
Making it more inconvenient doesn't fix the underlying problem. I think the people that commit suicide have had those thoughts for many, many years before they do it. So I don't think suicide is actually an impulsive act, but there is something very true about what you said. It's usually people with bipolar d that tops the suicide statistics and they're known for impulsive behavior. But no matter what you do people that have these negative thoughts will always find a fast way to end it like jumping in front of a car etc.
@exisTxD 3 жыл бұрын
Good thing the thumbnail has an arrow indicating the psychiatrist, I'd be lost otherwise.
@gercius 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's Dr. Ks shirt name, because it's pointed at it.
@matheuswohl 3 жыл бұрын
the algorithm likes arrows
@ajthevillageidiot 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i almost mistook the graph for the psychiatrist and the person for mental illness.
@vivvy_0 3 жыл бұрын
@@ajthevillageidiot i wanted to make this joke xD
@musclecard54 3 жыл бұрын
it helps when KZbin recommends this video to users who havent seen HealthyGamer content yet. They dont know hes a psychiatrist
@zeromailss 3 жыл бұрын
8:55 "But if you are severely deppressed, your low energy level and your lack of motivation combined with suicidal thought is almost like a protective mechanism that you want to kill yourself but you have such low energy that you never actually get up off your ass and make an attempt" This resonated with me at a deep spiritual level
@suides4810 3 жыл бұрын
Which is the reason you have to tell your psychiatrist you are depressed AND suicidal. Taking antidepressants can be deadly if you dont.
@skelitonking117 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit this makes so much sense as to why i never did it
@grecco4037 3 жыл бұрын
i know we don't know each other, because i'm entirely on that point of my life right now, but hold on, buddy. we'll get the help we need.
@The_One_Eyed_Rouge 3 жыл бұрын
Yea thats pretty much true along with me being lazy(thank God)
@youtubedeletedmynamewhybother 2 жыл бұрын
@@suides4810 I told my therapist this and the first thing i was prescribed was an SSRI(fluoxetine) It completely depends on your psych. Some of them have no fucking idea. IME all of the therapists ive seen just ask me questions i already know the answer to. Theyve never actually helped me and its the reason i wont seek "help".
@jup8364 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. K. for all you do. My father commit suicide about 8 months ago, and I have found your channel extremely beneficial. I wish I had found it years ago. I am starting therapy relatively soon, and am excited and nervous. Again, much love
@IM4fLEX 3 жыл бұрын
Glad You found this channel.
@recon441 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry 😔 sending you love across the internet
@jup8364 3 жыл бұрын
@@recon441 Thank you
@anavargas883 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss, and good luck on starting your therapy! I get super excited and nervous about therapy too, but it's the first step towards getting help. I hope it goes well for you, friend!
@soyandoat4106 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you!
@mcedge3368 3 жыл бұрын
As you were talking about the impulsivity of attempts I couldn’t help but wonder if there’s a bit of a survivor bias here. Perhaps those who plan suicide for multiple hours or days are just more likely to be successful, therefore not being part of the survey data
@bingbong2179 3 жыл бұрын
I wondered about that as well, however there is a chance that they were stopped midway while they were doing it, in which case you'd think at least a few of the cases would have been successful suicides, and so the fact that there's no evidence for long-term planning in larger sample sizes (assuming the study had like 50 cases though i don't know) at all, that kind of indicates that at least for the most part, it's not something that's planned. But of course, you can't interview someone once they're dead. Also just heard him say 30% were decided in like 30 seconds, and so I doubt those are cases where they were stopped by someone else and must've simply been unsuccessful so yeah idk. It's definitely a fair point. That's why you try and find other pieces of evidence. E.g. What logical basis would there be psychologically for people commiting suicide on short notice vs planning it? Does this conclusion make intuitive sense?
@Space_Ghost_Hunter 3 жыл бұрын
The few people who survived jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge all have said the same thing, the instant their hands leave the railing, they immediately regretted their decision and realize they don't want to die. They were simply lucky enough to survive the fall, wanting to survive it had little effect as the 99.9% of people that jump probably experienced the same feeling and died anyway. So I think the impulsivity of just wanting the pain to end, as opposed to actually wanting to die, plays a big part. The sad part is, i'm sure thats how Byron felt as soon as he jumped off his balcony :( RIP Reckful
@pasteljoy282 3 жыл бұрын
If they read the literature on a method's survival rates, no one would OD on prescription or over the counter meds, they'd actually take the time to do it "properly", but impulsivity makes people not think in terms of "goals", impulsivity serves to fill an emotional distress and it's a black and white way of achieving that temporary fulfillment, people that are impulsive essentially don't actually know what to do about their issue/emotional distress and the best sounding thing to get rid of that distress becomes the focus.
@proudtobeme1ashkente 3 жыл бұрын
@@Space_Ghost_Hunter A near-death experience is probably the most alive a lot of suicidal people will ever feel. I'm sure the adrenaline and everything else involved plays a big part in the change of mind.
@Space_Ghost_Hunter 3 жыл бұрын
@@proudtobeme1ashkente True, but it always has a profound lasting impact on them, ironically setting many on the path to actual recovery. Maybe just feeling the intense desire to live, makes them want to strive toward attaining it in a lasting sense.
@mattcarey678 2 жыл бұрын
I've been a police officer for 24+ years and I've dealt with suicidal persons if not on a daily then at least a weekly basis. This is a great video.
@zzz181085 3 жыл бұрын
I cried when I realized that there is a normal life, and whatever I had was a self-imposed suffering of my damaged mind. Trying to crawl out of it now, which is hard, but manageable.
@mintee8638 3 жыл бұрын
I think the hardest part is recognizing an issue. The second step is finding sources which give strong solutions in that area, then spending time on those sources. After that, the results can be swift and dramatic, like in spurts, though it may take weeks or months. This may typically be noticeable when one looks back a few months and sees a striking cumulative effect.
@JFM9711 3 жыл бұрын
Keep strong brother
@ryk6207 3 жыл бұрын
I think so, too.
@RustedBuddy5192 3 жыл бұрын
I was at a point where I didnt want to wake up. I would hear about people dying in their sleep due to heart issues and I thought maybe I can make that happen since my family has a history of heart issues and I already have high blood pressure. So Ive essentially threw my health out the window for the past 2 years and started just binging on unhealthy food. Eventually it lead to chest pains, and really rough heart beats and thought "Alright... one of these days right?".... I kept waking up... and was disappointed each time I saw the morning... Definitely one of the more "lax" ways someone can go about it.
@lostshoe5058 3 жыл бұрын
I recently talked to my parents and thanks to one of my undergrad professors, I managed to convince (they hesitantly accepted it) them to let me go to therapy. After talking to my parents, I found that their sentiment is that one "should" fix their own problems and not ask for help (i know it's a horrible thought process). So, now in their eyes, I'm "weak." They also fear that I'll be diagnosed to be mentally challenged and they'll take me to a psychiatric ward. The best response was from my dad saying "study more and you'll be cured." Well, I can't be mad at them for believing these things since we live a 3rd world country and such dogmas are very common. But what I am mad about is their inability to try to understand my situation.
@dontthrow6064 3 жыл бұрын
you mentioned about the possibility of being diagnosed as mentally challenged, i think many fear that there is a high chance of being misdiagnosed, forcefully fed pills, and once you are there it is your word against theirs, there is also paranoia that mental health doctors are mentally ill themselves and will worsen the problem while costing a lot "study more and you'll be cured." - this summarizes how bad ppl understand health in general, even now with covid we have ppl who not only oppose vaccines(maybe u can give them a pass for this only), or masks, they even dont respect distancing or properly washing their hands
@lostshoe5058 3 жыл бұрын
​@@dontthrow6064 I recently talked to a therapist and it was as bad as one would expect. The message he gave was to stop playing games (cuz I mentioned I had gaming addiction 3 years ago) and take some meds to fix my problems. Since the convo was barely 20min, I understand that there could be some miscommunication and we couldn't get into the crux of the matter but his demeanor felt as if he knew everything about me and gaming was the main issue.
@woutermollema 2 жыл бұрын
@@lostshoe5058 Well since mental problems are a lot more personal than physical problems it can be a lot harder to find the right professional to help you. Even though it might be a lot to ask keep searching for good help till you find it, there are plenty therapists out there that either suck or are just not the right person to help you. And good help can be found even if it is hard in some places.
@payne8623 3 жыл бұрын
I can attest to the initial symptoms of some anti-depressant medication, in my case I was prescribed Bupropion and for the first time in my 22 years I had suicidal thoughts and had them so strongly I almost attempted it. I should have stuck through it, but It was so jarring for me I don't know if I can try an anti-depressant after that experience. The day after I stopped taking it it honestly gave me some perspective because a huge weight was lifted off my chest. Make sure you have someone closely watching you if you start a new anti-depressant, it saved me and it might save you.
@saturationstation1446 3 жыл бұрын
docs are also really trigger happy with those medications. they should test your metabolism first and make sure you will absorb the drug the way its intended but that doesnt happen very often i think
@harrison3927 3 жыл бұрын
i was actually prescribed bupropion about a year ago and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. the person who prescribed it to me didnt really ask me any questions they just threw a dart in the dark. its actually scared me away from medication as a whole even though ive tried other meds since then, currently i cant go back because that one experience scared me away from meds as a whole.
@payne8623 3 жыл бұрын
@@harrison3927 I feel you, my doctor did the same to me. But at the same time I don't really blame her, with these it's really hit or miss and there's no way of knowing what will work
@Pellagrah 3 жыл бұрын
Buproprion did the exact opposite to me. Was in a suffocating smog of meaningless anxiety and existential despair, but 150mg of Wellbutrin calmed my mind down enough so that I could at least consider the possibility of living. Psych meds can be highly individual like that. Worth looking into other types of antidepressants (SSRI's, tricyclics, MAOI's) beyond bup
@Home-body 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pellagrah I said this yesterday but my comment was deleted. Everyone’s affected by meds differently and I hope you all find something that’s helps make life better and manageable.
@zannazaraza 3 жыл бұрын
I realized I was crying during the part about friends and support, and being at the bottom hopeless together. Idk, this is one of the most touching things I heard for a long time. Guess, it's now time to think about it and draw some conclusions.
@flannelpillowcase6475 2 жыл бұрын
people who have a circle they can rely on should consider themselves extremely lucky. finding people who care and support you is very very difficult. the only people i can call friends in my life are all online and don't care past the occasional back pat and 'it'll be okay.' once it starts getting inconvenient and annoying to them, they want out. and thus, solitary lifestyle and wading through issues and depression via your own will to survive becomes your norm, which i've been doing pretty much my whole life. so everyone appreciate your supportive family and/or friends if you have them, cus not everyone gets family and friends like that.
@egorl6754 Жыл бұрын
хей, как ты?
@zannazaraza Жыл бұрын
@@egorl6754 учитывая последние события, неплохо. Друзья стали ещё ценнее и дороже. И мы снова вместе выплываем потихоньку. Спасибо за беспокойство!
@lucheeese 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for mentioning that not all suicidality is due to mental illness. Personally living with serious chronic physical illness and disability and talking to others with same conditions, suicidality is not uncommon. It rarely brought up in suicide prevention and in my own and other's experience waved off as mental problems (which is serious too), however our chronic illness stigmatized as hysteria/"all in your head", through gaslighting which in turn makes mental health decline. Gg
@lucheeese Жыл бұрын
@ssgdhg sdfff sorry to hear that, it's rough and sometimes impossible trying to coexist with pain, we made it so far
@MELLMAO Жыл бұрын
Yes. And no psychiatrist or psychologist can really help us, because we are not irrational. We are actually very logical and rational in thinking that this is a questionable way to live a life
@lucheeese Жыл бұрын
@@MELLMAO I think some can, it can also be similar to taking a painkiller, it's not going to fix things but it's a maintenance that can help you get through the day. Also they need to be aware of the coexisting conditions, knowledgeable on chronic illness, otherwise you'll end up paying a lot for a very useless medical professional. They're difficult to find and Dr K himself has even gaslit several physical illnesses as mental, illnesses that are recognized by WHO, CDC, NICE. Not even he is adequate to deal with that scenario despite him being generally awesome
@EviusPistachio 3 жыл бұрын
It's weird seeing this now. I lost my mom to suicide the day after this video was published. It was a pretty steep decline. She was in and out of treatment for 4 or 5 months before she did it. Pills she bought over-the-counter on her first trip driving herself alone in a few months. She said (or other members of my family thought - I'm not entirely sure) that she was seeking therapy after refusing it for some time. No drug or alcohol abuse. (That's my damage, which I recognize as a clear contributor to her decision, sad as that is. I'm extremely lucky to be alive) All the other aspects of her life were being shaken but there was nothing truly unmanageable. My family's small business was collapsing like most people's, but they were never going to be destitute and my step-father was deeply committed to her. My sister who is significantly disabled has been doing wonderfully living in a group home for the first time. My brother has a stable career. I was the only one continuing to flounder as the oldest and I just turned 30. Still, Her anxiety and catastrophizing towards the end was very high. It was like the joy had been sucked out of her life and she just seemed unable or unwilling to think rationally about certain things any more. Now I'm just trying to put together her story in my head so I can learn from it and grow somehow and I believe I am. In a strange and tragic fashion, I found the strength to give sobriety another go after struggling in earnest for the past several years. I'm at 36 days for the first time in at least a year. 36 days without abusing nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, pornography, people, or stimulants that I'm prescribed. The last time I can say I was that "sin free" was probably when my age was a single digit. The only things I'm using are the meds I'm prescribed for ADHD and depression plus cannabis for the anxiety I recently realized I have had a shitload of most of my life. (THC being something I'm intending eliminate from my pharmacological diet with help from others.) Somehow, this has been by far the easiest time I've had trying to achieve sobriety and I feel like I actually *know* what that word means for the first time. I'm just really sad it had to be this way.
@Selsmittenxo 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck on your journey of sobriety! Hope you're doing/feeling a bit better 🫂
@EviusPistachio 2 жыл бұрын
@@Selsmittenxo I am! Er... mentally at least. Physically, eh.... we're still assessing the damage. :/ Physical this week. EKG and a bunch of other tests soon after. Lol and I even forgot to mention still sober. :)
@dericflairmultiverse4952 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you are okay! hugs from a random online stranger
@Muhluri Жыл бұрын
I hope everything is still fine
@kolacao8134 3 жыл бұрын
Look at how society treats their vulnerable members...elders, homeless, disable, depressed, etc
@swordsnorchids1997 3 жыл бұрын
They may be vulnerable but not weak and the amount of those people are rising so they can’t keep avoiding these problems.
@mertkusluvan3107 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. "I know it sounds kinda weird" K.
@user-cz3sl5gr3n 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. "Just think about it" K.
@easyy376 3 жыл бұрын
@josephkingsford8480 3 жыл бұрын
Pseudo-scientist, definite not a real Dr. K.
@silversalmon9909 3 жыл бұрын
@@josephkingsford8480 i mean he still practices... like legally... with a license....
@thisisthelukas 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. "Can I think for a second?" K.
@jessicatoussaint9140 3 жыл бұрын
What you said about trauma really resonated with me. That, the only way to "cure" It would be to go back in time and prevent the trauma from happening. But we can't do that. I wish I could go back in time and stop my trauma from happening. I would not be suffering as I am now. Only way to move is forward..
@SirJoelsuf1 3 жыл бұрын
17:50 The EXACT same thing happened to me in high school, creeped out a cheerleader and she accused me of harassment, practically everyone in our graduating class knew about it. Broke me for a LONG minute. Was so bad that I got a mixed reaction while walking the stage during graduation. Went through the EXACT same stuff Dr K talked about for nearly 15 years. That event was the icing on the cake to a couple other things that happened to me during high school, including watching my mom leave my dad and a childhood friend sexually assaulting me a year after that. Not gonna lie, I was mad at everything especially myself for awhile. But still managed to attempt to live a normal life. Being to chicken shit to off myself directly, I decided to take out as many student loans as I could so that I could "incentivize" doing such a thing. This went on until I was 30 or so. STILL couldn't do it. Nowadays I focus on my responsibilities. I've eliminated the words "blame" and "fault" from my lexicon, I DO NOT use them. I swap "blame" and "fault" with "responsibility/responsible" and "accountability/accountable." I made dumb decisions and am responsible for them and I want to hold myself accountable for them. Not gonna lie, sometimes I still attack myself and it's still kind of difficult to forgive myself. But as long as I say to myself "I KNOW I can be responsible and accountable" I usually snap myself out of it.
@ForeverMasterless 3 жыл бұрын
The "sad even when nothing is wrong" metric is very true. If you can identify the source of your sadness you don't have clinical depression, you have a bad external situation that needs to be dealt with.
@cont8155 3 жыл бұрын
Wat if im sad that my pp is small? Do i not have depression?
@Haghenveien 3 жыл бұрын
You can have both. Having clinical depression doesn't prevent you from bad things happening to you or the other way around. Sometimes life can be that "generous". Also, I would say that I agree about what you say about dealing with a bad external situations if by dealing, you don't mean solving. Because there are situations that can't be solved.
@thomasfeatherstone8817 Жыл бұрын
You are incorrect. There are different kinds of depression: Major/clinical depressive may happen due to extreme situation and circumstance, last more or less three months; Then there is persistent depressive disorder, which is more likely to be genetic, and environment may not be bad; And then there is seasonal affective disorder (low vitamin D could cause this in winter). edit: There are some I did not list.
@HealingSwordsman 3 жыл бұрын
I had a friend who underwent therapy, they treated him with everything. He tried to keep telling them that he had a philosophical issue with life that he needed help with (Who is God, does he exist? He was brought up in a very religious environment). It wasnt until he was able to accept that it was ok not to know that he overcame those thoughts. But no one on therapy seemed to tske the reasoning seriously - like as if there was NO WAY he could of been that depressed if that was the root cause. It was early 2000s for reference
@scoutbane1651 2 жыл бұрын
I very much feel that, one of the primary reasons for my depression is constantly having existential crisis' it took until my 4th therapist to be taken seriously on it. It helps a lot to have a therapist that doesn't completely avoid the topic because it "isnt relevant".
@youremom5463 2 жыл бұрын
Prob head ocd to some degree
@NefariousSpineLizard 2 жыл бұрын
@@extropiantranshuman Uh ADD and ADHD are VERY REAL and I have suffered from it since early childhood. The ignorance in these comments is concerning given the amount of information presented.
@podpoe 3 жыл бұрын
The last part about convincing people is soooo true. if you empathize with someone they will be much more likely to change their mind.
@db1777 3 жыл бұрын
Western society has become inhumane and prioritizes material success over the well being of their fellow man. And peoples first reaction is to treat peoples depression and anxiety due to a lack of human connection by giving people a pill. I think there's a huge revolution needed in how society is set up for things to improve otherwise things will continue to get worse.
@ForbiddenFollyFollower 3 жыл бұрын
The consequence of decadence.
@I_can_do_20_push-ups 3 жыл бұрын
Read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
@qwertyuiop-tk9rr 3 жыл бұрын
The consequence of neoliberalism and the gutting of common ownership of the economy, financial security and actually having a future to look forward to. Instead we have oligarchs, climate catastrophe and neo-feudalism.
@nussymussy 3 жыл бұрын
gamers rise up
@littleblackbox513 3 жыл бұрын
@@I_can_do_20_push-ups Book is "eh" because he makes an argument of how economics changes culture, but does not also make an argument for how culture can change economics. Also, the criticism of capitalism is baked into a concept recently written about in a AER pub called a lever narrative. Blaming a system is easy because there is no backlash, but it is harder to blame ourselves for just being shit to each other. There is also another JEP pub that proves a lot of these criticism to be invalid through actually attempts to derive both reduced form and structural estimations between (r-g) and inequality in the U.S. This is something Marx, Engels, Ricardo, Piketty, Fisher, etc,. Never attempted. All previous economists only made attempts at either (i) historical theoretical models that were motivated by historically lagged data or (ii) solely descriptive/correlational exercises. Nothing causal. I tell people unless you can provide me a sound empirical and identification strategy for an empirical model showing marginal effects of the impact of capitalism versus the impact of culture and then normalize those coefficients and then run a test against magnitude differences (W--- test), I am not interested in flipping an entire system on its head. Of course someone named "Yeesh" would not be able to do that (statistically unlikely). Also economics for awhile now has been primarily positive in the nature of its inquiries and not normative. So this permeating effect from neoliberalism is just a consequence of laymen falling victim to the interaction between DK effects and monetary investments in education from the past and now us experiencing inter-generational informational spill overs. A few other things as well. If you want to have a discussion about this let me know and we can talk over discord.
@sourceeee 3 жыл бұрын
a lot of us don’t realize that there is a healthier life outside of all of our personal suffering. We tend to think this is just the way it is, and it doesn’t have to be. We are all in this together Edit: For clarity sake, it’s not my intention at all to dismiss, invalidate nor handwave away people’s very real experiences with actual mental illness. So I apologize if I did, and I thought my message would be clear enough to show that I wasn’t trying to deny its existence, but it seems like it isn’t. (For any current and future reply to this comment.)
@vivvy_0 3 жыл бұрын
we have problems communicating and connecting with eachother
@FirstLast-yj1hp 3 жыл бұрын
@@vivvy_0 Mostly if you have autism as well
@andrewkelley9405 3 жыл бұрын
Too wrapped up in their own problems.
@Pakushy 3 жыл бұрын
Statements like these just further blame depressed people for not getting better. I've been trying to get help for years and nobody gives a fuck about lowlifes like me.
@sourceeee 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pakushy You brought depressed people into this, I never mentioned that. Please do not twist my words.
@alexb7090 3 жыл бұрын
Bro you've been so good at helping me to help myself. These videos have been amazing
@mysticjp7684 3 жыл бұрын
Yea the suicide in this community is so heartbreaking just had a guy online I talked to days before maybe killed himself days ago it's horrible to hear ppl take their own life
@sbrock6385 3 жыл бұрын
North West FL doesnt have community mental health clinics for people without money
@scudjoples 3 жыл бұрын
Laughed out loud for the first time in a while out of referring to firearm suicide as “gg”
@TwoBiteBrownies 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao when he said that I assumed I misheard or misunderstood. I guess not 😂
@recon441 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I felt bad for thinking it was kinda funny ☠️
@MorganMindfulness 3 жыл бұрын
@@recon441 gotta come up for air when you're this deep
@inspiringmedia3716 3 жыл бұрын
@monotonexylophone1623 2 жыл бұрын
Someone in chat said "gg no re"
@0Sicarii0 3 жыл бұрын
Out of personal experience, I can say that he's completely right. Suicidality can be caused by a lot more than just mental illness. The example of someone who gets treated with anti-depressants after a suicide attempt, but the anti-depressants have 0 effects describes my situation as a teen 15 years ago almost exactly.
@MuerteSigiliosa 3 жыл бұрын
What about the people who realize they are just smart enough to understand how out of reach a good is for them? It’s not really a feeling of not deserving to live but a realization that you are not equipped to achieve a decent life.
@lolaloliepop 3 жыл бұрын
@peskycritter79 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not a gamer but Dr. K's videos are really useful. This one especially, since I vacillate between passive suicidal thoughts and having the desire not to wake up in the morning. I'm going to get help!
@ianimations1656 3 жыл бұрын
What if I'm chronically fearful of getting locked in a psych ward the day I admit my thoughts and being held against my will in the same facility with legitimately insane and dangerous individuals and the only thing that's wrong with me is that I'm unhappy with my circumstances.
@ianimations1656 3 жыл бұрын
I hate how Dr. K always steers clear of this issue, all I want to hear is a guarantee that I won't end up stuck in worst circumstances than I'm already in the moment I try and reach out and end up traumatized as a result and truly become hopeless.
@lolaloliepop 3 жыл бұрын
A legit fear. You can’t really work with therapists when you’re actually suicidal because you have to lie through your teeth as they constantly threaten you.
@lolaloliepop 3 жыл бұрын
@@sensitivegangster162 no it’s not. At least here in the US most therapists are quick and jumpy to admit you or constantly threaten to.
@weridplusho 3 жыл бұрын
You won't, most likely, be put with the insane and dangerous. You'll be with people with similar issues around your age. I went into a psych ward (I had to get them to do it) and I wasn't put with anyone dangerous nor insane. (Actually ended up with a younger age group due to space, it was all pretty boring, tbh. You couldn't even watch when one acted out.) And that was at therapist connected to a hospital. If you get a more private therapist, no connection to a hospital, they'll have a harder time admitting you. If they threaten to call the police or something like that, you can easily fake changing your mind and getting the hell out of dodge by dropping them. But that's just my experience in NYC. Just be mindful of the therapist. Don't bring it up immediately and slowly introduce your issues (start with minor ones you don't mind sharing) and see how they react. Treat them like you would any other service, don't share the worst of you until you've been with them for a while. A lot of them suck so you'll be looking for a while.
@NefariousSpineLizard 2 жыл бұрын
@@lolaloliepop Its not their fault though, the consequences if a suicidal patient dies and you did nothing to call it in would be life-ruining for them as well.
@AnimatedDisc 3 жыл бұрын
On every healthygamer video, there's a guarrantee there'll be dozens of people answering the title before watching the video in the comments
@nudibranch8659 3 жыл бұрын
and people who don't understand that playing the click-bait meta for good (because attention is the primary currency of the internet, and if you aren't grabbing attention you're losing it) is good. Although I admit the clickbait could be done more skillfully[
@kaldrax1 3 жыл бұрын
I read once that 1 out of 3 people will like/comment/share an article based on its title or headline and never actually read the article. I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar on youtube.
@vegaspony 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaldrax1 did you read that in a title or headline?
@DaVinciwithaphaser 3 жыл бұрын
Just had a hard conversation with my therapist about my loneliness. They always tell me lots of people are going through this, but the way media presents it you'd think the world's back to normal and everyones' found someone already. fuck tv man, fuck social media.. that shit blows.
@ultimadum7785 3 жыл бұрын
I fucking hate advertisements. It's just bunch of pretty white people telling me I'm a piece of shit and everyone will hate me if I don't buy their products. I can totally relate my dude.
@dontthrow6064 3 жыл бұрын
and most of it is just an illusion, the people behind arent that much happy either, my favourite was an ig influencer who went on a trip, she was homesick and hated it, but the photos were glamorous and you wouldnt believe its anything but the perfect trip (if the story was true ofc)
@yordannydelvalle3301 2 жыл бұрын
@@dontthrow6064 True is the happiest people usually do not try to sell anything or try to live a fake live with social media. Most live their experiences lively and gran the best moment thet can get. I know because as child I was the luckiest go getter overly optimistic and emotional lovely boy. I was happy I never cared about others what tell me or wasn't on smartphone all day. I lived experiences deeply and I was a boy who have no decrimination with anybody. I saw everybodt as good people and those who were evil was because something happen to them and needs help. I was very humble and was very carismatic. Well, I chamged. Truly conten people are not always on the internet. They more worried on other stuff. Instagram, facebook and temwitter are nothing more of an illusion of what want to be but instead we take the worst part ourselves in that place.
@melelconquistador 3 жыл бұрын
A barrier to getting help by admiting S-ideation has been the fear of proffesional repercussions. If someone calls the line or gets help, they get asked if they are suicidal and see warnings that they can be institutionalized or about being a risk to national security. Those things are off putting when they are in the military and their separation date is still quite a ways away.
@kushagrasharma8974 3 жыл бұрын
Getting help is difficult because I'm scared of people and have a lot of bad experiences with doctors.
@lilymulligan8180 2 жыл бұрын
The explanation of feeling like "I don't deserve to live" resonates with me so much. Self flagellation over minor things has been my emotional home for as long as I can remember. I've struggled with depression for half my life, and only recently was medically diagnosed with MDD. They put me on antidepressants for the first time, and between the pills and therapy, I'm doing SO MUCH BETTER now, despite enduring one of those life-shattering circumstances that would definitely would have made me want to end things this time last year. It breaks my heart that so many people on here live in places or homes where mental health treatment is so stigmatized. I've always been extremely open about my mental health with friends, because I'm hoping to contribute in my own small way to destigmatize asking for help. Yes, I was indeed weak when I started therapy.... But thanks to therapy (and pharmaceuticals) I'm much stronger now.
@lisme271 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all you have done. I'm happy that my youngest loves you and watches you so much. My 3 daughters & I could use you big time. Lol. Gaming made us stay in doors to the point we really feel better indoors. Which is good these days. Just thank you, you help so much.
@pasteljoy282 3 жыл бұрын
I've been in the "treatment" for about 6 years, and none of the professionals I have seen will tell me/have told me what's wrong with me, they verbally stated some things, but never delve deeper or investigate further. (2 psychiatrists, and multiple therapists, 3 clin psychs ect... I've trialled 13 anti depressants all at max dose and for their appropriate times and non worked)
@alix6553 3 жыл бұрын
that must be unbelievably frustrating, especially since these people are supposed to be the most capable support for you.. I really hope things move in a better direction for you and you get the healing and happiness that you deserve
@jonathanrodriguez5671 3 жыл бұрын
Time to do some shadow work brother (don’t know if you have tried) simple KZbin search will send you on your way
@andyd3447 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe you arent depressed.
@pasteljoy282 3 жыл бұрын
@@andyd3447 I already know that, but the psychiatrist I was with the longest kept pushing it on me. Most of the professionals I saw said I fit criteria for SPD, StPD or AvPD but they never investigated further/deeper. My papers say schizophrenia, but I won't go into it, there's more than schizophrenia going on, but they won't look into it more for some reason.
@andyd3447 3 жыл бұрын
@@pasteljoy282 Something seems off. I feel like you arent saying the entire story...
@MorganMindfulness 3 жыл бұрын
I've heard that there have been cultures where doctors/mental health providers actually charged a monthly fee and you saw your doctor once a month to continue working on improving your health. If lets say your monthly payment was $100, and you were to get sick, then your monthly payment would actually start to decline until you are healthy again, if you were to get sick enough the doctor would continue to treat you free of charge until you were back to proper health and then would continue to work towards better health. While such an idea seems beautiful, in a culture that has the goal of being functional instead of the valuing advancing and growing this model could never thrive. There seems to be a speed bump in our culture between being functional and being someone seeking high productivity and it will be interesting to see how we go about building a bridge between these mindsets.
@ForbiddenFollyFollower 3 жыл бұрын
Just give up on high productivity. Reject globalism, accept balkanization.
@Twiti47 3 жыл бұрын
@harmoen 3 жыл бұрын
We already do pay a monthly fee and the price goes up if you get sick
@blunttlynxx1973 3 жыл бұрын
Because even doctors have bills to pay
@rileylovebucket6080 3 жыл бұрын
Intuitively that seems like a bad idea. It has the same pitfalls as most welfare systems: it gives people incentive to stay in rut they're in because an existential safety net is more important than financial and in your example emotional independence. That's why things like universal health care and, hopefully in the future, universal income are so necessary.
@1videoormore 3 жыл бұрын
I've been grappling with the constant war for a majority of my life, and I've found more often than not the thing that restores my hope most is having options and awareness of the right ways to continue on. Day to day struggling with suicidality is something that blurs the lines between inevitable death and a long life of suffering, and when I'm able to understand what I'm fighting specifically, I have an easier time coping with the constant distortion of reality and mood swings. So often we try to treat the symptoms of suicidality more than challenging the hopelessness and disconnect with reality in a way that's not demoralizing to the person, and I'm very appreciative of Dr. K for being an open and accessible source of information for how the issue itself operates; knowing your enemy greatly diminishes it's ability to strike when your guard is down.
@lararys7765 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. K Wish everyone good mental health 🙏
@lonewalker1965 3 жыл бұрын
The part where he talked about how someone can have such a high depression and low energy that the said person does not commit suicide is very true. Dang this is heavy lol
@jpsmithart7565 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been living with body dysmorphic disorder the past 5 years and with that comes significant amounts of shame and depression. I constantly feel like my life isn’t worth living because 90% of the time im just in mental pain. The thing is if you were to ask anyone in my life besides my family they probably would have no idea.
@shipwrecker37 3 жыл бұрын
My attempt was a mixture of things, but I'll say this, it took me less than 15 minutes to come up with the plan and go through with it. He's right about how it's better to get ahead of the suicidal thoughts instead of waiting for them to take advantage of you when you're vulnerable.
@Colleywoodstudios 3 жыл бұрын
I dealt with passive suicidal thoughts for YEARS. just started zoloft 5 months ago. Its so weird NOT having those thoughts anymore. Its not even that i can over come the suicidal thoughts its that those thoughts are just GONE! its easier to live when your mind is quiet
@flannelpillowcase6475 2 жыл бұрын
zoloft worked for me too, til it stopped having effect. when i asked them to up my dosage, they instead switched me to wellbutrin. DO NOT SWITCH TO WELLBUTRIN. it will eff you up completely, make you feel like a robot with your emotions completely repressed. after that experience, i went off antidepressants completely, that's how bad it was. fair warning.
@lilymulligan8180 2 жыл бұрын
@@flannelpillowcase6475 I'm on wellbutrin and I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️ definitely wouldn't say I feel like a robot at all. Everyone is different.
@Generallygeneral 6 ай бұрын
I think I have a very privileged life, never struggle academically, making decent money, everything was smooth sailing but sometimes think to myself if I fail at achieving or getting set back too much in achieving my "grand goal" I would just suicide. I question myself "would I really do it?" recently the thought of it happens way more often and my conclusion to it 80% of the time is "yeah ill do it" which scares me. On one hand, I really do want to live, but I can't bare to lose something I've been working towards all my life, I recognize I can always get back up if I fall, but the thought about loosing everything is soul crushing.
@stefanopaolini1345 3 жыл бұрын
I had two clear examples in my professional medical life, just this week, how SSRI can lead to suicidal attempt or suicidality in the first weeks, not only in teenagers but also adults. It could be in particular for teens, but also happens in adults (in fact when I was explained this in psychiatry course the professor didn't make any difference between teens and adults)
@Buglin_Burger7878 3 жыл бұрын
Teens are just big children. Adults are even bigger children.
@stefanopaolini1345 3 жыл бұрын
@@Buglin_Burger7878 I am talking about serious medical issues, no need for that comment
@kolacao8134 3 жыл бұрын
As someone with depression I had to go to depression/suic communities because i got ignored, insulted or people tell you empty platitudes. This happens to others in those forums too, MANY complaint that people treat them like that, they fear to call the help line for not being put in the psychward or there is no solution. The "ask for help" campaign is like ask to who? There is no friends, family insult you. Therapy? Are they assuming that it will solve it 100%? With what money?. You are told to do excercise, eat, listen to music....but what if you have anhedonia? Or can't get out of the bed?. Is annoying how suic campaigns and people are so out of touch with the affected.
@lolaloliepop 3 жыл бұрын
The only real comment ive seen on this video
@darkmoon2744 3 жыл бұрын
I been through that moment of suicidal thoughts. I have never told anyone years after it. The only reason i did not throw myself off the bridge. Was because my habits to ponder the why to things. I still recall asking myself " Why should i not live" then it went to " Why should i live". I laughed at myself when i came to the realization. I could awnser the 1st question but not the 2nd. The 2nd question is something i pondered since i was a kid but never awnsered it.
@Gerwulf97 2 жыл бұрын
In the past when I had a suicidal period I personally didn't talk about suicide because they would take away firearms, which were/are a pretty core part of me. I also am completely opposed to losing my agency in my life to choose to live versus dying. Forcing people to suffer is bs.
@smithright 3 жыл бұрын
Best video on this topic anywhere. By far. Thanks for doing this work. You're a good man. 🖤
@Nairozet 3 жыл бұрын
More and more i'm convinced that suicide is the cause of a translation error in our minds. For most that is. It is the demand of the mind that we need to end this life we're missing. We're just never taught to how to follow our hearts and instead do what everyone else does. Listen to your peers. Follow the rules. Don't take risks. Make money. This "end this life" is not about being alive or dead. It's how we live, what we do, how we feel. The mind asks for a different life. If someone tells you to "end your life", the easy answer is suicide. If you have everything that you're supposed to have and should be happy, then changing this doesn't seem to make sense. But all that is exterior. We're not taught how to introspect. We're not taught to ask ourselves questions. We're not taught to question/doubt ourselves about the thing we believe or think to be true. We look at what's right in front of us. The things that seem to trigger or bother us. We're not taught how to find the causes, but instead get taught how to solve the problems that occur. I'm happy to see mental health getting more and more exposure. Happy to see and hear that it's getting less and less of a taboo subject. Especially suicide/suicidal tendencies. In the past whenever i tried to talk about it, i quickly got the "hush!" response or noticed people just getting really uncomfortable and as a result no (worthwhile) dialog happened. Thank you Dr. K!
@kokujinblack77 3 жыл бұрын
As I was reading this, I started feeling like you are in a bad place right now.
@TheCuratorIsHere 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, you can basically end your life by changing it. It’s that simple. Make a change, a significant meaningful one.
@tanvvir8996 3 жыл бұрын
Idk 🤷‍♂️
@libertyprime9307 3 жыл бұрын
The problem with that is even though it sounds pretty clever when put into language, even if the brain were interpreting the metaphorical "life" as in way of life, with the literal life as in not being dead - you still have the issue of why the brain has the capability of making its own host suicidal unless it were adaptive to do so. Bumblebees are sometimes parasitized by a fly larvae. The bees will fly off far from the colony to die, so the other bees are less likely to get infected. Because natural selection's highest priority is the level of prime replicator (gene), that means sometimes your genes can cause you to sacrifice your own well being for the well being of your genes in the bodies of your relatives, like a parent risking themselves to help their child. Probably suicide is adaptive in that by removing yourself, you stop leeching resources and ultimately aid your family by not being a burden. And probably the modern lifestyle has fucked with that algorithm in many ways to make the conditions which trigger suicide, more common.
@ZapatosVibes 3 жыл бұрын
This was so freaking good and accurate. Should be taught in all schools.
@lucianoemmanuelramirez1304 3 жыл бұрын
A (male 37) Friend of my brothers and mine ..took his life a few days ago... He didnt need to work as his family its wealthy he had his own company, never a care in the world ,,he never attemped suicide or spoke of it before after last week when he started talking like a joke abou it..nobody believed him.. He started spending too much time alone, putting excuses to let ppl see him and finally he took his life on the birthday of her mothers day (15/9)while everyone was waiting him to come to the birthday party.. He was set up for life.. I wish we could be here for him... his name was Nicolas Nardelli. He was a good man. a good friend. a great person. A gamer. He will be missed.
@purplism4857 3 жыл бұрын
The answer is definitely market driven economics. Most people are forced into a position where they spend a majority of their time doing something they hate, while making money for someone else. Not only that, but correlations have been established between economic inequality and mental health in plenty of studies. But i'll watch the video and edit this comment afterwards.
@aliciarosemusic Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised chronic health issues weren't mentioned. When you have physical discomfort or pain that won't end and for whatever reasons can't get the help you need it can sure make you lose the desire to live.
@Ryan-fx9gl 3 жыл бұрын
being better everyday than who you were the day before is a wonderful thing
@Lectwar6 3 жыл бұрын
after 29 years of trying to do things better you start to feel like you just cant. im closer than ive ever been to just giving up.
@Ayatron34 3 жыл бұрын
"Just go to the appropriate person" And who's gonna pay for it? Therapy aint free.
@mementobox 3 жыл бұрын
Some therapists are even willing to do it for free if you have no source of income or if you cant pay without added stress from your other bills
@Ayatron34 3 жыл бұрын
@@virileagitur7403 Wageslave? So make my mental health worse to afford therapy? So Take 5 steps back to take 2 step s forward lmao.
@Ayatron34 3 жыл бұрын
@@virileagitur7403 Glad we agree bro.
@itsnotaricaria 3 жыл бұрын
Move to a country that actually treats its' citizens right
@garsto9718 Жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinion - people that can actually fully commit to the suicide are not weak. But actually brave. Ive been suicidal -on and off for years- still never made an attempt and I actually think Im a coward for this. Not knowing what happens after we die bothers me. And usually in the mind of the person that does it, its not out spite. Its guilt. And being a burden. Speaking from experience.
@FutureMediaNow 3 жыл бұрын
My guy just described self inflicted gunshot suicides as “gg depending” lmao I love this channel
@pebblebrookbooks4852 3 жыл бұрын
How about what happens when someone offers to help you? When I ask for (less than suicidal!! 😁) help, I feel like I'm expected to give up on: 1. Fun 2. Social activities 3. Goals ... in order to receive emotional support.
@Maelthorn1337 3 жыл бұрын
Do you think you could be a bit more specific? In what way do you feel like you have to give up these things?
@ladyhalyn 3 жыл бұрын
Your coaching method of building a life worth living outside in the real world completely reminds me of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT).
@ashleafookami2032 3 жыл бұрын
This touched my soul in so many places... I could never watch you live though... which is really unfortunate because you speak straight truth... And suicide amongst everything hits home for me. But rage is more fun and that's all I feel when I see your chat...when you're literally giving out life facts...and... I won't drag this out because I can't even think of how to express my anger.. I yell at these KZbin videos sometimes just from the sheer loss of common sense ... I realize some are trolling. I realize some are truly ignorant And I do see the ones who truly want to understand... I just can't... I can't even understand what some people are saying and it's cause they're using words that have no basis. Okay I need to stop. It's just. This is a huge issue. Not just suicide but how we work and understanding how we work and behave is , from what I perceive in daily life, LOST. And I got a little triggered lol so I apologize to the brave eyes I'm probably squeezing life out of with this.. I just don't know how to explain.. but I feel like its important that we all understand...what it means to understand...and not just know.
@Avanora1 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this Dr. K
@resilientrecoveryministries 3 жыл бұрын
I agree that suicidality isn't necessarily a mental illness. Sometimes suicidality is the result of social factors like enui, or lack of purpose, or public shaming, or they feel like they are a burden on the family because of old age or inability to work.
@Dalton-rn5lb 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like I have a lot of issues like anxiety and being hopeless and miserable in life but I don't feel like I have the time to see a therapist. It helps my sister a lot but my biggest deal right now is dealing with my ADHD and trying to get my homework done and I feel like taking any more time out of my days will just hurt me more
@darkboyx7 3 жыл бұрын
Idk if you know this but when studying taking breaks helps. That is because concentration drops and with a break you bring it back up. Obviously breaks are impeding short term productivity(you're not doing anything while taking a break) but it is for the benefit of long term productivity. Therapy can be kinda like a break but on an even larger time scale.
@lilymulligan8180 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I know that it can be kind of intimidating to seek help for the first time, but I just want to say: Your wellbeing is more important than your grades. "I don't have time" really means "it's not a priority." Not to mention, I bet if you got help, your ability to focus would improve. That's been the case for me. I started therapy in high school because I couldn't focus on schoolwork due to overwhelming self criticism and hate. Once I started getting a handle on that, it got easier to do my homework again. Just saying.
@justacoginthefkery 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Many ppl want to jump to clinical depression, but situational & environmental depression exist as well. I absolutely agree on supporting vs fixing. You can't fix their situation or make their thoughts better. A depressed/ suicidal person knows that themselves. And yes, simply *being there* with someone in their crap in that moment can be fking powerful! "How can I support you?" is a good start if one's not sure how to start/ approach that convo. Or there's the common "take their mind off it" approach. I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned (maybe I missed it). Sure, you can create or find a fun distraction in the moment. The *problem* is in the after, when the distraction is over & they fall right back into where they started. Only sometimes, it's more like a car crash. Just be present. That's how to help.
@LarryCannon3000 3 жыл бұрын
If you aren't rich you just work 40+hrs a week until you die. Dont blame them if they want to neck
@bloatmax4420 Жыл бұрын
@gooseazul Жыл бұрын
I'm beyond lucky I survived high school. For awhile there in the winters, I made sure not to drive to dancing alone because I was scared I'd end on a high note. Would have been too easy blissed out from swing dancing til midnight to turn that wheel wrong. But I knew I'd drive safely with a passenger.
@iamrazor9831 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I think to myself "maybe if I live a bad enough/unhealthy life (go hard into drug abuse maybe idk), then maybe I can die early and have a kind of fun time on the way out?"
@klmklmklm2581 3 жыл бұрын
Man I learn a lot and have a lot of realisations about my own life in most HealthyGamerGG videos. Been loving the variety of videos recently.
@Arcticstar0 3 жыл бұрын
I had a friend that was hospitalised for too small a reason, and she resented being hospitalised because she wasn’t even doing suicidal ideation. She is not diagnosed, but I think she is autistic and so her sense of humour can be hard to follow. She probably doesn’t care to be labelled, so I’ve not brought it up. Her bf called it in when she made dark humour jokes. She was not happy to being missing her college classes. This is not to say don’t call it in, but try to see if a discussion about getting therapy is a more appropriate action.
@ultimadum7785 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of people shove their kids into inpatient hospitals thinking that 2 days will instantly reverse their kid's depression, when in reality that shit takes years to deal with. Also a lot of older generations are convinced that therapy is a sham.
@flydrop8822 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get what exactly caused the rise in depression though, you describe the reasons depression happens generally and how to help people with it, but that could be applied to any time or society, I want to know why specifically around these decades has depression rising so much compared to before?
@flydrop8822 3 жыл бұрын
@@noezey4913 "capitalism", let me guess you believe in social democracies?
@flydrop8822 3 жыл бұрын
@@noezey4913 I never said anything about the finantial situation of people. Do you believe in social democracies?
@flydrop8822 3 жыл бұрын
@@noezey4913 I don't know, haven't checked the data. Do you believe in social democracies?
@allycake8740 3 жыл бұрын
@@flydrop8822 theres a ton of reasons which all kinda come tgt. If I had to pick one reason its because we are growing more distant with each other, theres less physical contact to help us and loneliness is skyrocketing. There is also more pollution in the air, which doesnt seem like much but if you look at some graphs its uncanny how related they are. There is also a huge financial aspect in some countries, and more emphasis on 'money=happiness', leads to more unhealthy relationships between people and money which creates a ton of unsatisfaction and lack of purpose. Also related to money, can't afford healthcare and basic necessities, though i dont know if it is worse now or in the past, depends on the country you are in ig
@flydrop8822 3 жыл бұрын
@@allycake8740 these all sound reasonable, but blaming "capitalism" is always a little suspect for me because it usually comes from people looking for "alternatives" to the free market, which are usually a bunch of regulations and taxes that end up helping to feed the parasites in charge of society (the government and their allies, like big corporations) and making poor people even poorer. The term capitalism itself was popularized by Karl Marx, so really criticizing it is already one step in the way of communism (not LITERALLY 100% communism, but moving towards it). And believe me when I say that if your country becomes communist, that will be the beginning of the nightmare.
@JLchevz 3 жыл бұрын
Just listening about suicide and depression makes me scared and sad in a way, I've been depressed and that feeling is one of hopelessness, like nothing could be OK again, but I've gone through it and I consider myself a happy person now, I went to therapy with a psychologist (no meds) and it took a bit of time but I was able to understand that the way I used to think was causing me to feel bad about myself.
@nuclear7622 3 жыл бұрын
Could you post this on Spotify too? I’d love to listen to these on my phone while doing something else or while falling asleep :)
@xeroplay7337 3 жыл бұрын
This is very good, how Dr.K has put it all together.
@IM4fLEX 3 жыл бұрын
I was too mature for my age, I started thinking about future when I was 13 or something. My mental age was like 28 year old. I was content with what I had because I come from a middle class family. I was doing well till sophomore year of Engineering. Then this thought came out that I was missing out being a proper teen or not enjoying myself much and I thought my contentness was the problem. I play videogames which involve a lot of thinking and I overthink a lot and I might as well say because I analyse too much. Somewhere I felt like losing my integrity. I've been in home for over a year, spent a lot of time inside the house than outside. I messed up my higher education, Im not a practical engineer. I feel like I wasted those years overthinking, listening to others, lost my way in a way of sort. Im 23 and I will be 24 years in 3 months. I do feel envy which is most of the time I feel its my fault because I had equal chance but botched it properly.
@EnergizingBane 3 жыл бұрын
What are your plans for the future?
@Maelthorn1337 3 жыл бұрын
You haven't botched anything. I think it's a good thing that you're thinking about this stuff now; if you had kept pushing forward and ignoring your mind and feelings you could end up miserable and possibly on the graph in this video.
@flawlix 2 жыл бұрын
It took a long time for me to understand that my passive thoughts of, “Gosh, it would be really nice if I got hit by a bus today,” were a form of suicide ideation. Now I recognize those thoughts as a harbinger of my usual state of depression getting worse. I’ve also learned that it’s typically triggered by a feeling of being “trapped” and wanting a way out. I’ve always told myself that if I suddenly become actively suicidal, I’ll make a drastic change to my life instead. Quit my job, move to another city, anything-a little “death” rather than a real one. (Come to think of it, I actually did do that once. I’d reached a state of anxiety and depression that I hadn’t slept for days, hadn’t eaten, and was ready to check out. I quit my job without notice and moved back to my mom’s house for a year. Never gotten that bad since.)
@patrickhandley627 3 жыл бұрын
Be nice if everyone could afford those medical triumphs. Maybe if we felt like there was a future for us and the planet maybe then. But currently financially a lot of us are just managing to break even. And spinning your wheels to only get no where wears a person down. I mean heck one of the only ways out is to live out of your car for a couple months so you can actually save up. Maybe next summer.
@resentfusion5634 3 жыл бұрын
the helping someone part really is spot on whenever ive been down on even the most simple things someone simply helping me jumpstart can get me going on great things. glhf dr k and team
@The111avatar 3 жыл бұрын
It's sad to see all the judgements in chat causing people their own suffering.
@reelheck 2 жыл бұрын
this is gonna be a weird comment but i just wanted to share my perspective. i have an untreated sensory processing disorder, and despite the fact that i think i could say i experience all of those symptoms, the disorder is the one that scares me the most. I always told myself it didn't matter because it was only at random moments that i would actually feel serious about my thoughts, but now hearing that it happens as an impulsive decision i realize it was really serious. The sensory processing disorder makes my brain process a normal sensory experience as an attack instead, where everything seems unbearable and for moments i am holding it in so hard trying not to explode. I think that having the other symptoms mildly all the time makes it harder to manage those few minutes when i have a sensory problem. Often, the more mild thoughts are me asking myself why I am just thinking and feeling this pain for attention, and that I should just follow through and not tell someone because i dont deserve their time or help. I think it is an opposite side of the spectrum to the intense brief desperation, because those mild thoughts are stretched out over long periods of time. Another one that seems close to the more brief panic is shame, I think that shame has a similar overwhelming dread where it feels something is an inconsolable and unbearable attack. But yeah, I don't consider those long-term mild thoughts to be as serious because it is me trying to convince myself that im not serious, and it is like reasoning with myself is much more possible. But when there is a feeling of panic, shame, and sensory issues, i think it feels much more important or frantic that i do some kind of action when my whole body is responding in an energetic and scared way. it just feels less likely to be possible when im sad and tired, although maybe it's not any less important.
@KringusKrang 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like something missed in this is that we don't treat people as people. In America at least, I feel like a product or a number, I don't feel valued as just a person. Without a job or income I am not a person in society. The value of a person is only what they can contribute to everyone else. Going to see a mental health professional costs money, while I don't think a therapist or a psychiatrist should work for free, there is something wrong about having to pay to get help. I'd say that's why people who lose their jobs are so likely to commit suicide, they lose the only thing that allows them to live, with out money you can not live a good life, you can not take care of your family or yourself. What's said in this video is literally treating people like a number, using statistics to show the loss of a life, of many lives. There is no value to those who haven taken their lives since they are only represented as a number. And we wonder why we are losing this war of suicide. Men 18 to 35 are required to go kill or be apart of destruction in america, just because we were born here, if the draft ever happens, damn right I'm going to kill myself. I refuse to live in a world where I am only of value to someone else. I don't want to hurt others and the fact that I might have to because some bull shit like the military tells me I have to, no wonder we are losing this war of suicide.
@Nerex7 3 жыл бұрын
What other way would you want Dr. K to talk about the statistics though? Sometimes we have to look at numbers because it makes things easier to grasp. We could name each of those 50k people that aprox. take their lives in a year in the US and then talk about what kind of human being they were etc. (or whatever number he mentioned) but this would lead us nowhere. We want to get somewhere, we want to get to the point. That is why we round people up to numbers. "There is no value to those who have taken their lives since they are only represented as a number" this is so wrong. Each and every one of them contributes to this representational number that teaches us A LOT. A TON actually.
@caralinad Жыл бұрын
What do you do though, when you ask for help, and you get "you've had all the therapy we have to give, you have been given the tools to deal with this, come back if you actually attempt, we can deal with the acute crisis then, you're on your own for the rest"? What do you do then...
@eggdromeda3467 3 жыл бұрын
How do you cure loneliness though? If you try and try to be your best and meet new people yet you always seem to end up alone.
@SirJoelsuf1 3 жыл бұрын
Learn to enjoy and even prefer your own company. Be too busy to feel lonely.
@darkelwin02 2 жыл бұрын
'Go see a clinician' and then you realise you will have to wait a year or something (if you are lucky) before you can see one. Not to mention it fucks you over financially. My depressive symptoms nowadays are mainly anger turned outwards for not receiving help. I hope the crisis teams are available when push comes to shove...
@KxNOxUTA 2 жыл бұрын
The mental health care is very grately underrated. It shows in the numbers in statistics about research investment, to give one example. Hope you find the cracks in the system to slip through (and not just in the clinical one, but also other support to bridge the wait)
@darkelwin02 2 жыл бұрын
@@KxNOxUTA Thanks, that was an uplifting comment.
@TheXeeman 3 жыл бұрын
31:10 the impulsiveness makes sense.. like when Im standing on a platform waiting for the train, intrusive thoughts come into me head like; i could jump in front of that train right now and no one can stop me. the call of the void... it's scary
@DiaborMagics Жыл бұрын
And if you've been getting professional help for 3,5 years but it's still fluctuating just as much as in the beginning and you still make a plan or an attempt regularly, half-assed or not, then what? Don't feel like the help I'm getting is sufficient at all.
@Sqwivig 3 жыл бұрын
52:57 Yeah ok, but the problem with this answer is that most people who are suicidal in the US live in RURAL AREAS! NOT CITIES! That doesn't really answer the question. How the hell are we supposed to get help when most free/low income clinics aren't even close to us? I live in Wyoming, the state with the highest suicide rate in the nation. It sucks soooooooo much out here! And there are many rural places in America that are just barren wastelands when it comes to any kind of medical care. Not to mention all the quack psychologists who are deeply religious and try to instill the fear of God in their patients, try to convert them, or just straight up abuse them. That shit doesn't happen as much in cities. So how the hell are people living in rural areas with no access to any kind of medical care supposed to get help!? I guess we just die? 🤷‍♀️
@zoobs1970 3 жыл бұрын
Good Lord Dr. K I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your channel. Thanks so much for continuing with this fantastic content! You're the best.
@tedarcher9120 3 жыл бұрын
Can it be the case that only impulsively suicidal people survive the attempt, and those who prepare carefully almost never do?
@rulinggodsidly3217 3 жыл бұрын
Preparing carefully to kill oneself...what a concept. Suicide attempts r just cries for help. If you really want to die it's not hard to succeed. Truth is tho,most people don't actually want to die,they just don't know how to tolerate their suffering. I think if they could improve their life they would not even contemplate the idea.
@rulinggodsidly3217 3 жыл бұрын
@@sensitivegangster162 Ya i wasn't trying to make light or look down on in any way,just calling it for what it is. It is definately the most unfortunate outcome imagineable. Well i dunno prolonged torture is prolly worse. But anyway sucks that we as humans can be so miserable. I generally think suicide is an act of cowardice but i'm not going to judge without knowing the situation and as i said prolonged torture is prolly worse if someone was going through some horrible stuff i wouldnt blame them for wanting to peace out. Some predicaments may seem inescapable. I hope the best for all decent humans.
@kensurdity3840 Жыл бұрын
As a old, poor, depressed suicidal person with failed attempts over 20 years I can tell ya I agree with alot of the video however also realize that unfortunately life rarely gets better... however made peace with the fact that being dead is better than living now in days. I do believe however if euthanasia was legally available we'd see higher rates of people taking there own life
@uhwaykin 3 жыл бұрын
Any diagnosis of this problem that doesn’t point directly to the capitalist organization of the economy is fundamentally unserious.
@EspeonaSparkle Жыл бұрын
Very important video!!!
@felipemaruyama9887 3 жыл бұрын
One of the numbers that have been shown by Dr. K is the number of people that planned their suicide. Where exactly were those numbers collected from? If it were from people that survived their suicide attempt, wouldn't that mean that it is possible that people who planned their suicide actually succeeded, creating a literal survivorship bias?
@kokujinblack77 3 жыл бұрын
you should probably look up what is considered a planned suicide, You may have to find the source and read what they define as planned suicide.
@Mr_Huxtable 2 жыл бұрын
Dr K. You’re an absolute legend!
@Nyt250 3 жыл бұрын
Is it possible to get some sort of chat/coaching session even if I live below the poverty line? I have barely any money and i have to spend 99% of it on monthly bills. I am on a waiting list for a therapist but it can take several months more...
@MorganMindfulness 3 жыл бұрын
At 37:00 I dream of a world in which our trained professionals are up to par with what is actually needed. With that said society's struggle seems to be bringing the experience our professional are going to need to be able to do a good job.
@GrandpaGameHacker 3 жыл бұрын
Imma go get therapy. Made me sort of think about mental health in a new way
@spaghettipunch2681 3 жыл бұрын
Me too, pal. I don't know if i'm just being hypochondric, but i never thiught about this before and this legit scared me
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