r/entitledparents | Disturbing & Controversial Subreddits

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The Internet Investigator

The Internet Investigator

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@TheInternetInvestigator 9 ай бұрын
Sorry again for the bad audio quality, had some issues with my recording software but it'll be sorted in the next video :) Watch uncut videos here! 🖤 ko-fi.com/theinternetinvestigator
@makemesomecoffee7821 9 ай бұрын
You saved my life! I was wondering what to watch as I couldn't stay on a video long enough.
@sunniwithani 9 ай бұрын
The saddest part about subreddits like these is kids will post genuinely abusive behaviour and still question whether it was their fault or if it was normal. So many people don’t realize that abuse isn’t just hitting your kid. I wish there was more education and awareness around the subject :(.
@PeachysMom 9 ай бұрын
Considering how many parents think it’s ok to hit their kids, its no surprise they don’t see their abusive behavior either
@cjthebeesknees 9 ай бұрын
@@PeachysMom context is needed under “hit” because far as I’m aware getting ah butt whooping and ah little tough love, ain’t all that bad. (in moderation of course, no I don’t condone abuse)
@Pystoria 9 ай бұрын
@@cjthebeesknees Yes it is that bad
@denjidenji9162 9 ай бұрын
Yeah. The most insidious part about childhood abuse is how always at least part of you thinks that getting abused is normal, and you only realize way later that it wasn't normal at all. Hell, speaking for myself, I was aware that some of what I went through as a kid was abusive (ie. getting hit by my parents - which no, other commenter, is never okay), but it took until seeing a short film (Opal by Jack Stauber) and reading the comments to realize that so much more about my childhood than I realized was fucked up. And there's always a part of you that keeps wondering whether it truly was that bad or whether you're exaggerating. It's awful.
@sexygirlmax2019 9 ай бұрын
​@@cjthebeeskneesNo sir. Spanking or hitting your kid still causes the same trauma responses and damage to the nervous system. Stop with this mess and go get therapy
@wormitha 9 ай бұрын
I had a Chinese friend in high school who was also allergic to seafood/fish. Since seafood is such a big part of a Chinese diet his parents were like, "Nah, you're not allergic", and kept forcing him to eat it. He constantly came to school broken out in hives, it was distressing.
@Macachee 9 ай бұрын
I would have called CPS on that house.
@WobblesandBean 9 ай бұрын
Traditional Asian parenting is child abuse. End of.
@kanexoxo 7 ай бұрын
That’s fucking horrible oh my god.
@kenirainseeker539 9 ай бұрын
Allergies are not a moral failing. Why are some parents so adamant that their kid can't possibly be allergic to something?
@gracehildebrandt1141 9 ай бұрын
Maybe the parents see allergies as weakness? That’s my guess
@Silinara 9 ай бұрын
There are people who truly believe allergies don't exist. Of course there are also people who believe the earth is flat. Too much stupid in the world.
@user-ct3si6nl3c 9 ай бұрын
Not a parent but I grew up with abusive parents and my guess is they do not want to cook seperate meals for the kid. So it is easier to post hoc justify it as them lying and not wanting to have healthy food
@emilybarclay8831 9 ай бұрын
Narcissists can’t handle the idea of children that came from them having any form of flaw
@JokersD0ll 9 ай бұрын
Some extreme Christians believe that allergies are bad souls, ur cursed ext ):
@no_peace 9 ай бұрын
My sister went to the dentist once and the hygienist was really mean. My sister was gagging and told her "I'm going to throw up!" The lady kept saying"No you're not 😠" and my sister threw up on her 😃
@kenirainseeker539 9 ай бұрын
I hate when parents demand that EVERYTHING be kid-friendly. Let adults have things and be with other adults to do adult things. How do people expect anyone to MAKE more kids if you're not allowed to have adult-only spaces anymore, lol. You have no right to invade an adult space (like a bar) and demand that everyone drop everything to cater to your kids.
@cuddlyguineapigs 9 ай бұрын
On the other side of this (which I agree with btw), I've heard adults complain about how many kids there were in an amusement park. I was in disbelief! Amusement parks are meant to be family friendly and appealing to children, why on earth that person thought that there shouldn't be kids at an amusement park is beyond me 😂
@redneckreviews3016 9 ай бұрын
No kidding. I have a little guy (2) and me and my wife want places that don't have kids. Lol like wow
@Sleepparalysisdemon2 9 ай бұрын
It seems to me, it’s just common sense. But for those that do things like that…the entitlement seeps into every part of their life.
@Sleepparalysisdemon2 9 ай бұрын
I got nauseated upon listening to the one where the individual had an allergy to shellfish ( #1. An allergy can become life threatening to each additional exposure. In all seriousness, the mother could have caused her child’s death). And the parent that does this will never, ever see the wrong in their actions. It would somehow, still be the child’s fault. I’m an RN who has worked med surg, ER TRIAGE for 13 years. We are mandated reporters. I always pray I don’t ever miss a sign, or signal. Our hearts are in this for better or worse.
@WobblesandBean 9 ай бұрын
I'm of the opinion that there should be kid-free and dog-free zones, like apartments that ban children under 13. Oh, what a blessed world that would be...
@kvarner6886 9 ай бұрын
The first story really comes across as belonging in r/that happened vs the subreddit it ended up in.
@papaversomniferum8508 9 ай бұрын
i had the exact same thought, the way it was written just immediately make me think “yea op, sure.”
@kenosabi 9 ай бұрын
...and everyone clapped kinda sht.
@kvarner6886 9 ай бұрын
@@kenosabi EXACTLY.
@mollysministuff 8 ай бұрын
And so does the one about the racist mom demanding for a phone for her son, screams very fake to me.
@krisrp0 7 ай бұрын
Yeah there's a lot of these that are obviously fake
@DustyBones90 9 ай бұрын
Idk man I'm an American and I have three kids and every aspect of this is just terrible parenting. I'm very aware when out and about that others exist and I teach my kids to respect others and themselves. Shitty parenting is a universal language
@GENXJOPLIN 9 ай бұрын
How the shit did you comment a day before uploaded??? Woweewooow000
@DustyBones90 9 ай бұрын
​@@GENXJOPLINWould you believe that it's magic?
@Remmeister2000 9 ай бұрын
​@@GENXJOPLINKZbin is probably tripping
@dontlisteninsecret 9 ай бұрын
@@Remmeister2000could be because they’re a member to the channel, im not sure what perks members get but maybe they can access videos first 😇
@Remmeister2000 9 ай бұрын
@@dontlisteninsecret Oh yeah or that, I forgot YT memberships was a thing lmao
@VonVikoGoat 9 ай бұрын
just be careful with these types of subreddits, most of the stories in this subreddit have been called out for being obviously fake
@theMyRadiowasTaken 9 ай бұрын
yeah we know no one cares
@SmallAngryNerd 9 ай бұрын
yeah the minecraft and chemo bus stories scream fake to me
@Macachee 9 ай бұрын
@@theMyRadiowasTakenI care. It’s annoying.
@theMyRadiowasTaken 9 ай бұрын
@@Macachee sounds like a you problem
@kvarner6886 9 ай бұрын
@@theMyRadiowasTaken grow up, man.
@gremlinzon3 9 ай бұрын
As a person who has a really emotionally and verbally abusive step parent its nice to know theres a subreddit to take solace in acknowledging how insane people like these are. Your content is always well researched thanks for continuing to make said content dude!
@bellasmith131313 9 ай бұрын
Same here, feel that
@Tedris4 9 ай бұрын
You may also appreciate r/RaisedByNarcissists for this type of stuff
@gremlinzon3 9 ай бұрын
@Tedris4 yeah I don't have an account but I'm not surprised there's a thread like that.
@tinyalternate 7 ай бұрын
The allergy thing is so disturbingly common. My sister has an egg alergy similar to the OP who has a seafood allergy. Shes anaphylactic to raw egg, but with cooked egg she vomits and gets a stomach ache. Our grandmother used to feed her food with egg almost every time she went to visit, despite my parents telling her time and time again that my sister cannot eat egg. I'm also diagnosed with autism which she still doesn't believe to this day.
@bostonsandatot4948 9 ай бұрын
The phone story is fake AF. The phone owner can simply show all their info/pics/contacts saved and it's obviously hers
@haydenh3015 9 ай бұрын
I always forget that there are people who actually believe these things are true and not just creative writing attempts by Redditors trying to farm engagement
@dallasisgood 9 ай бұрын
Yes the fact that people are gullible enough to believe these stories is the only actually disturbing thing about this video
@EagleTimberWolf 9 ай бұрын
Major props to the guy who went to the neighbors and called the police on the mom. Sadly, if that had happened where I live, most 20-something-year-old dudes would've just dipped out of the situation and turned it into an awkward anecdote to tell while drunk. Or worse, they would've actually tried getting with the teen :/
@Silinara 9 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same. He really saved the OP by making sure the authorities knew how f-ed up the mom was
@thewhitefalcon8539 9 ай бұрын
Police are trained that the man is always the abuser.
@fruityblue9784 9 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s rly upsetting to think about ):
@fruityblue9784 9 ай бұрын
But at the same time yes thank goodness for him
@alicenthightower9161 9 ай бұрын
the men in my area would have gone through with it :/
@darkvioletcloud 9 ай бұрын
I'm gonna be honest, some of these stories sound fake as all hell. Reddit in particular loves to shit on mothers, neurodivergent kids, and kids in general. The story about the mom trying to take the Samsung away from the girl and give it to her "screeching, possibly autistic" 12 year old reads as ragebait to me. The cancer/broken leg kid story reminds me of a lot of "and everybody clapped" type of post. The guy just so happened to be a cop and the mother got arrested right after? It all seems too convenient.
@gorebunny6038 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know how people are like “it might sound fake but these things do happen!” Yeah, in other made up internet stories.
@Bonkpunktexe 9 ай бұрын
the cancer story sounds so much like one of those fake tumblr posts like the oppa homeless style one or the homestuck police officer one
@kenosabi 9 ай бұрын
Reddit is the worst circle jerk on the internet.
@vocexseta 9 ай бұрын
Very true. Always take internet stories from strangers with a grain of salt.
@beepbeep42069 9 ай бұрын
not to mention the minecraft story in the beginning, absolute larp 💀
@Edgeworthscravat 9 ай бұрын
I believe that one of the huge reasons that pubs are closing in the UK is that it is impossible to sit and have a quiet drink with your friends/other half in peace and quiet. It's getting the same with restaurants. I went to a Carvery with my husband a year ago, and I was sat half a metre away from him and couldn't hear a word he was saying because a table of three adults and four children were screaming and 'loud parenting' with Ipads behind us. We left half way through our meal because my husband was getting extremely stressed by the noise being generated by the toddler who wanted his dad to operate the iPad for him. Parents seem to think they can be anywhere they want with their children instead of thinking about where is APPROPRIATE for them to be with their children.
@kenosabi 9 ай бұрын
I mean people shouldn't take their kids to bars but if noise is all it takes to stress your husband out he might wanna build up his cope abilities. The world isn't a library.
@snood4743 9 ай бұрын
That bartender referring to the toddler as “it” and a rat stuck out more to me than the kid’s misbehavior.
@TheInternetInvestigator 9 ай бұрын
Yeah that was harsh. I get kids can be annoying but they hardly know any better at that age 😫🖤
@EagleTimberWolf 9 ай бұрын
Not defending the way OP dehumanized the toddler, but from the sounds of it, they're used to having to put up with this kind of BS to the point that they've developed a deep resentment towards kids as a whole. IMO it's just another reason to hate entitled parents - they raise brats and it ruins people's image of children as a result.
@sexygirlmax2019 9 ай бұрын
​@@ItsMeBarnabySomeone spoiling their child is still better than being abusive and neglecting their needs
@theMyRadiowasTaken 9 ай бұрын
​@@ItsMeBarnabytheyre not as obnoxious but much worse
@SombreroPharoah 9 ай бұрын
What about 'horrific little goblins'?
@jessep5280 9 ай бұрын
I have a disability, on top of having suffered with depression and anxiety all my life. My outlook on life isn't the most positive; which is why I wanted to thank you for what you said about _"the gift of life"._ I've never seen it that way - in fact, I consider my existence some sort of curse or perhaps a joke. The amount of people who don't understand how utterly miserable life can be and have attempted to guilt-trip me into feeling otherwise is depressing.
@SombreroPharoah 9 ай бұрын
We never asked to born, but whilst we're here. I suppose we should atleast laugh at the punchline which is our cosmic joke and enjoy it best we can along the way. The glass is half empty, absolutely. But I guess we atleast refill it at a tap before it invariably spills again. (Optimistic pessimism lol)
@dollinterrupted 9 ай бұрын
I know what you mean. I had childhood leukaemia and an abusive father. My first memories are just constant pain and fear. I say to my mom half jokingly sometimes, ‘WHY did you bring me here? I hate it’
@ceslareads2237 9 ай бұрын
I’m not gonna lie it feels like a few of these are fake stories. As mentioned, entitled, abusive & bigoted ppl exist, but I don’t think sensationalized Reddit stories help to combat these issues tbh
@gypsydanger1013 8 ай бұрын
It's Reddit, 90% of everything is story someone comes up with later in the shower that they wish happened lol
@ceslareads2237 8 ай бұрын
@@gypsydanger1013 some of these just lacked artistry tbh. Unskilled. Not compelling
@MsMoonDragoon 8 ай бұрын
yeah the dialogue in the first one seems entirely too fake.
@sensarmy Ай бұрын
@SerabiiBot 9 ай бұрын
Remember, 90% of things on story subreddits like these are fiction or greatly exaggerated (10% really are that screwed up). Catharsis is a hell of a drug.
@pgakt 9 ай бұрын
Yeah half of these sound fake
@sexygirlmax2019 9 ай бұрын
.......And??? These horrible things do happen. I have experienced awful things I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy
@SerabiiBot 9 ай бұрын
@@sexygirlmax2019 Yes, that's true, that's why I pointed out the 10%?
@Macachee 9 ай бұрын
@@sexygirlmax2019That phone story has never fkn happened! 😂
@PenguinEconomics-st2ws 9 ай бұрын
@@Macachee While the Macachee dynasty are respected group of individuals, I don't think you can call this situation fake as there are some absurdly racist karens out there.
@vaszgul736 9 ай бұрын
Whenever I hear ones that seem too insane to be true, I remind myself of the town I grew up in and- yeah, stuff like that happens there. Really, depending on where you are, all levels of insanity are plausible..
@MarquisLeary34 8 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that. Even still, there are quite a few that have red flags as ragebait.
@emmell6285 9 ай бұрын
The allergy story was super upsetting. I have a severe wheat allergy and have had people purposely get me sick many times to prove I was “lying”.
@juliana.x0x0 9 ай бұрын
I haven't even watched this yet but I know it will be a triggering one. My parents abused, isolated, and excessively medicated me, stole my college fund and ostracized me from the rest of my family, and then shamed me for having a hard time in life. Even when I got my stuff together, they shamed me for not being where they expected me to be in life. I have complex PTSD from it all...my mom is a malignant narcissist, and my dad just chose to avoid it all, enabling her to continue it all. I've been no contact for years, which has helped me mentally, but I still have no family to lean on, trying to raise my own kid with all the love and support I always needed but never got. Parents like this are the worst. They literally neurologically wire you in a way where abuse is normal, therefore you gravitate towards it within other people until you realize it and go to years of therapy (or whatever works for you) to heal it. It sets you up for poverty, drug and alcohol addiction, mental health issues, physical health problems, and an all around lower quality of life. All at the fault of the parents, not the child. The child is simply trying to exist in the world and be loved, yet these parents curse these children with a lifelong wound.
@juliana.x0x0 9 ай бұрын
@@Manbearpig444 I'm not, my mom wasn't religious but my dad is forced us to go to our orthodox Greek church sometimes, that's as far as the religious stuff went though. It equally shocks me and also doesn't shock me at all, when I hear stories similar to mine as well. Abusers have a system in place, as if they all read the same book on how to abuse people. They use these tactics because they work. Religion is a good way to get people hemmed up in ridiculous and abusive practices without questioning them too much, but it's no excuse. I couldn't tell up from down for years, couldn't trust my own beliefs or memories because I'd been so gaslit and lied to. I only *wish* my story was more rare of a case, but unfortunately there are tons of kids dealing with this every day, everywhere you go. It's just hidden in plain sight.
@raeraebadfingers 9 ай бұрын
My stomach sank when reading that because yeah, it sure has led me to a life of alllll of those things. I have borderline personality disorder, dysthymia, and a lot more. Yet I still question myself everyday, convince myself I'm being entitled, feel despair for being that way, if I'm lucky I catch myself and use some skills I've learned over the FIFTEEN years of therapy and medications. Feel better for a second because phew dodged that loop of deep self hatred. Until it happens again, in the.. oh anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, never over 24 hours though. And it sucks being self aware, because I know sometimes what I perceive is actually irrational, but everything is just.. it's like raw..injured skin, like a burn or road rash, with the nerves being exposed to the point that even the movement of the air as someone walks by hurts like fire.. that's how intense everything is in my head. Self aware that I am being completely irrational, so much so that I tell whoever is there that I know I am being irrational and I will be embarrassed and distraught later when I can regulate my head, but still can't make it stop. Sigh. But I'm the asshole for having the issues that I do, that I would have probably NEVER had in the first place if they could have thought about someone other themselves. I really do the best I can to keep my shit together but I am so unstable and fractured inside.. like, I imagine a house made of the shittiest glass ever put on the San Andreas fault line would be. Such is life. Anyway, sorry to everyone that made it through this long post if you did and thank you for doing so
@juliana.x0x0 9 ай бұрын
@@raeraebadfingers you're not the only one! I have a lot of those things, too. Persistent and drug resistant depression, dysthymia, and borderline traits. But the good news is that BPD can be basically cured! It doesn't have to be a lifelong struggle! I'm not sure if you have already tried this, but have you been to a TRAUMA INFORMED therapist? There's a big difference between talk therapy and a therapist that can do EMDR and internal family systems therapy, as well as other types of therapy like somatic therapy and other ones specific to your needs. Internal family systems therapy has helped me a LOT. I still disassociate too much for EMDR to be effective, but it's still an option in the future. There is also some new treatments, my dr actually recommended ketamine infusion therapy, he says it gets good results for treatment resistant depression. It's just not covered by insurance in most places, and since it's new, can be quite expensive. There are also other things that have shown to be effective, but aren't yet available legally, like MDMA and psilocybin. There are a lot of stories about psilocybin saving people from the brink of ending it all, and helping them find peace. I am of the mindset that something being illegal isn't necessarily a reason to not do it, if you're sure it's the right decision, you've looked into all of the side effects and have weighed the pros and cons for yourself. It's a hard place to be at, fully aware of what's going on with you, but not having the skills or tools to actually deal with the cause of these problems. For me, I had to run 3,000 miles and cut contact with my parents to find some peace, but that has its own set of consequences, as I have no real support system to help me deal with my feelings. It's a personal choice, but you have to put up some kind of boundaries to keep your sanity. We internalize what our parents say, and it becomes part of our inner monologue that we can't distinguish from other parts of us. So what they said to us, now we reiterate to ourselves as if it is the truth, and we have to learn to separate these beliefs from the reality of the situation, and stop beating ourselves up over the lies we were told. We do the best we can with the knowledge and experiences we have had in the world. We can't just "do better" unless we learn how. I've got some book suggestions if you're interested, or even some other KZbin channels that really help you understand what you went through. Doctor Ramani is a leading expert in narcissism, and has great info. Patrick Teahan is great, and The Crappy Childhood Fairy is also wonderful. Bessel Van Der Kolk is also a leader in the field of trauma, and his book "The Body Keeps The Score" is a very well known bestseller. I haven't read it all yet, but it's critically acclaimed, and I would recommend just based on how highly it has been recommended. Also, Dr Gabor Mate is another one up there with Bessel Van Der Kolk...you can find a ton of his stuff on KZbin, and he has several books as well. Currently I am reading "Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. Another couple, recommended by my therapist, are: Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover The Four Agreements It Didn't Start With You (not sure of the authors) Safe People (how to find relationships that are good for you and avoid those that aren't) by John Townsend and Henry Cloud. I truly and sincerely hope that you find a way that works for you, to finally find some peace in your life. It's a long road, and I'm not even close to where I want to be, but the last two years of therapy has done more than the previous 15 years of therapy, because I know what the issue is now, and I have a therapist that knows how to tackle these issues instead of just listening. It's a difficult and painful road, but it's better than spending the rest of your life in the fight or flight, hot and cold mess that comes with a childhood of consistent trauma. I believe in you, and when times get tough, remember that you're not the only one going through the same mental anguish! It may not be outwardly visible, but there are so many of us who deal with the same struggles daily. Also, finding support groups in your area for whatever you can find that may be applicable to you-finding shared experiences and shared pain and vulnerability within a group can be super healing and help create connection with healthier people that understand you, can be incredibly beneficial for your mental health. Hope you find something in here that helps! ❤️
@raeraebadfingers 9 ай бұрын
@@juliana.x0x0 thank you for such a thoughtful response. I'm super exhausted so I'll do a cliffnotes-esque response, because I wouldn't feel right not replying to such a thoughtful and thought through comment.. (life is hectic with medical issues all over the family blah blah I have to do a lot, so I'm tired 😆) I have been in therapy for most of my adult life, and I'm 38 now. I lucked out and found a couple therapists that specializes with BPD and can do the EMDR stuff, funny because it doesn't work for me either. I do okay some days but life has been kicking my ass extra hard for the past two years in ways that you honestly think there's no way it can get worse because there SHOULDN'T be but bam somehow there it happens , worse things. I will come back to do a real reply when I can think straight 😅 Okay
@juliana.x0x0 9 ай бұрын
@@raeraebadfingers I think the past two years have been so hard for EVERYONE, which makes people who are already overwhelmed and dealing with a lot basically have to deal with this massive change in the world as well as their own full plate of issues. It's not fair, but life generally isn't. I'm 31, and when I was 29 was when I realized that not only was I in an abusive relationship AGAIN, but that my mom is a narcissist, and my. World. Shattered. Desperately isolated, single parent, also dealing with a lot of health issues (you can thank your abusive parents for that, in part...the stress can contribute to health problems and even become autoimmune diseases), I was at the end of my rope. Plus Covid was going on so it was a culmination of a bunch of other things very stressful on their own, but together is just impossible. I learned that if you dissociate too much (which can become unconscious, you don't even realize you're doing it), EMDR won't be effective. My therapist had to test me for dissociation and I do it like 70% of the time. The past 2 years have been touch and go. Especially that first year. I am still isolated, still overwhelmed 100% of the time, but I can see a big change if I look back 6 months or a year. If anything, internal family systems is something to check out. Even just the concept of it, it's one of the leading trauma therapies right now, and it helps you understand yourself. Basically, it's just that you internalized different voices in your life, voices of unhealthy people that negatively impact you. And different parts of yourself kind of "get stuck" at different ages and become their own "part" of you that has its own kind of job. I often have a younger, teenage part that essentially sits in the drivers seat and makes decisions. It's about learning to acknowledge them and what they do to try to protect you, and understand them, so they can better integrate within you. It's been super healing for me. Anyways, I just so badly want to help because I KNOW the struggle and I WISH there were community support groups for people like us to actually connect in person..human connection is so important and I, as well as others, are severely lacking in that department.
@bobsagetbillboard1876 9 ай бұрын
A few of these sound completely made up
@ewarrior9776 9 ай бұрын
That half "ghetto" girl phone story sounds like it was written by a white teenager. A white teenager who has never met an actual Black person.
@janemiettinen5176 9 ай бұрын
608 bucks? Thats very exact amount, I cant even imagine how this “mom” ended up with this sum. Its my b-day, cough up exactly 608 doubloons, my estranged child.. yeah, wild.
@OrcaTrumpet 9 ай бұрын
I enjoyed the video. As a parent myself I take the stance of “it is MY job to manage MY child” in every aspect of the word “manage”. Once I flew 2 hours with my at the time 1 year old. I took every measure to ensure he had a comfortable flight. I had way too many bags of baby stuff and snacks and toys and etc, just in case I had to pull all the stops to keep the peace. I gave him a good snack and helped him nap for most of the flight. Solid… Person across the aisle had a 2-3 year old and the instant we got on the plane the kid starts getting upset. The first thing the mom says to the kid is “idk what you want me to do… I didn’t bring any snacks or water for you…”… I just don’t get it. Then it turned into the damn kid kicking the seats and literal screaming for minutes at a time BS on the plane and the rest of that family just ignored it. People have to understand give and take + common sense. I believe people should have a level of tolerance of children IF and only IF every measure is taken BY THE PARENTS to manage the situation. Does that mean ppl in public have to like it and be nice and accommodate everything? Have to, No. should I feel offended if they don’t? Fck no. Does that mean parents should take their ticking time bomb of a child any where in the world they want? No. A Bar? No. Does it mean the instant a child makes a peep, that any stranger can moan and complain that a child exists? If the parent is trying, i don’t think so, why have such a tiny fuse if a baby cries, but you do you I guess. If my kid freaks out somewhere and I can’t mange to get him under control, will I pick him up and take him away? Yes. Will I be pissed off about it? No, I understand what I brought. If it was my kid on that plane I would have probably 1. had a plan before hand. 2. Would have taken them to the bathroom to calm them down, bc wtf, man. I just have no respect for the no plan no responsibility no effort parents. I do think most people TRY to understand the children thing, and I’m grateful for that. But having a kid doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Different discussion, but a lot of people just have kids bc they are expected to. And just fulfilling an expectation doesn’t make you good or meant to do something. Thanks for reading 🐬
@lolaf1er 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! As a child free person I really do make every effort to give kids the leeway to be children. I was an excitable child (turns out I was ADHD) so I remember what it was like to see something or hear something and act on impulse. And sometimes, there's no amount of snacks or toys that can help a kid, especially any child toddler age or younger when they're feeling uncomfortable, afraid, overwhelmed etc and it's not fair when adults can't handle their emotions well enough to give a child some grace. Kids aren't always going to be convenient and imo that's okay and should be expected but I also have worked jobs where parents would just walk away from their child and expect the staff to look after them, almost always made worse by the fact they were never the only people in the store so like idk what they wanted me to do when I had a lineup of customers at the till I had to help instead of being foisted into babysitting. I feel like so many parents don't realize the extent of a commitment a child is, and then instead of dealing with that in healthy ways (ie. Therapy, joining social groups for parents etc.) they take it out both on their children, who are not to blame for the choices their parents made, and other people who they see as having more freedom than them. I'll never say parenting is easy, and I can't even begin to imagine the emotional toll it can take on a person sometimes, but I also know I couldn't manage it as I am right now which is part of why I've chosen not to have kids, because it's not fair to the people around me, or the children themselves to have kids knowing that! Children aren't teacup pets you can shove into your purse and lug around like fashion accessories (not that you should be doing that with animals either) they're small people. Small people who often need the help of bigger people, less and less as they age ideally. They're people who take in what their parents do, to others, and to them. If someone chooses to raise a small person they ultimately have to be willing to be responsible for them, because not doing so can really mess up that little person, which doesn't always go away as they become a big person.
@OrcaTrumpet 9 ай бұрын
@@lolaf1er 💯 and women aren’t less of a woman or incomplete without them. Such bullsht when ppl say that. 🐬
@RowanAvery1375 9 ай бұрын
You sound like an amazing parent! Your child is lucky to have you, and they will be all the better for it as they grow!
@yami1389 9 ай бұрын
Honestly as someone who cannot stand loud, high-pitched noises (autism thing), and therefore doesn't do well with children around, I'm so very glad for parents like you. I also very much understand that kids are kids and therefore always make sure to take my noise cancelling headphones with me. Dunno why more people don't have those if they can afford it
@samsalamander8147 9 ай бұрын
I used to have actual panic attacks when baby’s would cry. My Daughter was colicky and had acid reflux she actually screamed for at least 6 months straight non stop so when it stopped I never wanted it to happen again! It took me years to get over it but I used to just get up and walk out of restaurants if children were crying. It doesn’t bother me as much now but it used to fill me with absolute dread. I wouldn’t have even put myself on a plane for fear of being stuck near a crying child. It’s been 17 years and I’m finally able to not freak out about crying kids but It took years of being away from it to even get to that point. When my daughter was little I walked out of countless outings like the zoo or restaurants if a kid started crying I would literally run.
@kiereanm3254 9 ай бұрын
I really dislike when child free adults call kids “it” or “rats” like. There’s no reason to use that kind of language, people like to dehumanize children and treat them like inconveniences or animals. It’s very disturbing
@vapordreams983 9 ай бұрын
Redditors being Redditors. They don't affect the real world it's ok
@cherryhazard8002 9 ай бұрын
A lot of cases like this would not exist if a lot of parents only had kids for the sake of having some just because "That's what you should do". A lot of parents need to be parented themselves and do it for themselves instead of their kids.
@sandy120 9 ай бұрын
Theres too much alcohol behind the bar is a brand new sentance
@kenirainseeker539 9 ай бұрын
It's sad when the kid is more mature than the parent
@Sleepparalysisdemon2 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t watched the full video yet, but the one that just made me nauseated was the one where the child had an allergy to shellfish. ( #1. Allergies can become anaphylactic after the first reaction. Each additional exposure increases the risk that death can occur). The mother could have literally caused her child’s death….but I promise, it would still be the child’s fault ( according to the mother). This is so far past entitlement it made my head spin. As a mother , there is nothing in this universe I would not do for my child. I’m also an RN {med surg, ER TRIAGE) and we are mandated reporters. I’ve seen this far too many times…one time is far too many. Edit. I don’t even know how to respond to the thread about past SA. Speechless.
@mjolninja9358 9 ай бұрын
Happened to me too, My parents would sometimes strip me and my 2 little sisters off of our clothes at night and would force us to sleep like that, we’d have to sleep beside eachother just to keep ourselves warm. That always happens if one of us doesn’t get high scores, I was part of the basketball B Team but due to bad grades I was removed and that happened again.
@justyourfriendlyneighbourh860 9 ай бұрын
I relate to the story where the cousin SA'ed the OP and the family didnt seem to care Kinda same thing happened with me. My older cousin groomed me from the age of ~5 to ~12 He was caught *multiple times* Nothing happened. My grandma knows what happens, but still invites him over whenever she takes me out to do things. I think family just kinda doesnt want to believe that anyone in the family can do anything wrong. I hope OP can healthily move on and if anyone else is going through or went through this; your feelings and trauma are valid. Even if your family or friends dont believe you or wont help you. You can get through this!
@banafanafofana6914 9 ай бұрын
@gorebunny6038 9 ай бұрын
The cancer bus post reads exactly like “oppa homeless style” and every other tumblr post that ends with all the bystanders clapping.
@Kantaros 9 ай бұрын
Regarding kids in bars in southern Europe, this has more to be with the fact that what we call bars are actually cafés and don't just serve alcohol. When I was a kid my parents would go to a bar for an espresso and there would be a croissant or fruit juice for me too.
@pgakt 9 ай бұрын
I havent watched the video yet but oh my god I hate entitled parents so much I have a service dog, she is big so I dont have the choice but to take the disabled seat on public transport as she cant fit under a seat Multiple times Ive had entitled parents tell her to get up, push, kick and run her over with their prams to move her because shes 'in the pram space' when its literally marked for disabled people, its a really common issue for a variety of disabled people These parents dont seem to understand that their choice to have a child in a giant pram (which they can just fold up) doesnt outweigh the need of a disabled person who doesnt have another option
@theneonchimpchannel9095 8 ай бұрын
I've worked in hospitality and retail so I've seen quite a lot of this type of behaviour. I remember this one mother came up to me for help looking for a DVD and behind her, her 2 sons were building a fort out of DVDs. Her response was "oh it's okay, they'll put them back". There's another that comes in fairly regularly. Her son just wanders around the store, knocking things off of shelves and we're just supposed to act like it's fine. These are both fairly minor irritations, but they're still a pain in the arse as you have to then clean up after them. Even though those kids did put the DVDs back, they just dumped them all in whatever order they picked them up and so the section needed to be re-organized. But I think it's the attitude of the parents that gets to me the most. The idea that it's all fine and "we don't say no to our children". We have adults that come into the store and act much like those kids and I wonder if those adults had parents with that philosophy. Sometimes, parents do need to say no, kids do need some boundaries, otherwise they might end up being just as horrible when they're grown ups.
@keymaster7323 9 ай бұрын
Entitlement--a reflex of frustrated narcissism.
@Scolipendra 9 ай бұрын
Reddit stories are entertaining and all, but I'm very skeptical of them. Lots of them seem so made-up, and many of those seem fabricated to push an agenda.
@AleTitan 9 ай бұрын
A lot of them probably do it mainly for upvotes
@MsAileenValentine 9 ай бұрын
Never believe anything you read on the internet.
@GrimmDelightsDice 9 ай бұрын
My mom was wild about my allergies when I was a kid... and then once I became an adult was just like "oh, yeah, you were definitely allergic, *I was just trying to train you out of it* " Like wth mom
@TrippyScarecrow 9 ай бұрын
Most of the stories I've seen from this subreddit have always come across as rage bait to me. I tend to take them with a grain of salt
@WilliamBrowning 9 ай бұрын
If my parents shaved my beard while I was asleep, I'd get clippers take a chunk off of their scalp in the night. OR Press charges. Depending on where you are it's likely to be assault.
@pgakt 9 ай бұрын
Ill be honest half of these 100% sound like bullshit. The cancer story and phone story are very "and everybody clapped" and written in such a reddit way. The last two dont really sound legitimate either
@raeganj6744 9 ай бұрын
Definitely. The cancer story sounds like the stuff that used to go around Tumblr, and the phone story seems dumb, like why wouldn’t OP just show that all of her stuff is already on the phone? Like it would have her contacts and photos and stuff, which would easily show that she didn’t take it from the kid
@turtlebuttmudd 9 ай бұрын
I work in a restaurant, and sometimes I get people dining in with their kids and the parent is acting so insufferable. I feel bad for the kids in most of these situations because I know that this sorry example of a human is their prime example in life. Awful.
@emilybarclay8831 9 ай бұрын
This sub is a great source of mundane horror. These people exist, even if the stories are fake people like that DO exist, and have control over the next generation
@DiMagnolia 9 ай бұрын
When I was living in China I encountered the allergy thing *edit to explain it’s not an entitled parent thing, purely the cultural thing about allergies. I’m allergic to bees so when a bee came into my classroom, I calmly opened the window and got my students out into the hallway, closing the door the keep the bee away. I asked for help from a fellow English teacher to remove the bee, but our head Chinese teacher screamed at me for disrupting class time. I explained multiple times in English and with my very limited Mandarin that I’m allergic and that I could die if it stung me, the concept seemed completely unheard of to her. Another English teacher was allergic to peanuts, in the same way the OP in this was allergic rather than full blown anaphylaxis luckily, it was a hassle to get any restaurant or our school cafeteria to understand that.
@sbalsamo410 9 ай бұрын
I’m not so sure I believe all of these posts but as always, I loved the video. I don’t even notice audio issues although I’m not a huge fan of the music. Your style, however, is very engaging. The story about the child who can’t eat seafood? That one I believe.
@dwemerlex 9 ай бұрын
I have an entitled mother. She's neglected and abused me all my life yet calls herself a good mother and I lie and say she is because if I say or do the opposite of what she wants she'll flip out on me. She's always dated bad men never listening to my warnings and it's put me in harms way because they end up living with us. My mom's ex husband abused my little brother and me and took my mom's money yet she stayed. He would let us watch him pee and he would smile about us watching him. When i was asleep i would rock myself and bang my head against the wall so he would come in and scream at me while on top of me at least thats a memory i have. He spanked my brother for my brother having his finger stuck in a toy and needing help. He would hit us if we got to close to him on our heads so hard we cried. And he left her taking my little brother away my mom didn't even try to fight for custody. This man his father is a predator and abusive he also abandoned my brother with his parents. My mom still doesn't fight for custody. She uses the child support payed by my biological dad to buy weed. I'm 19 and he owes 14 years worth of child support. Ever since he started paying when I was 14 She's never used any of it for me or my needs. I only had ugly old clothing so I never fit in. I didn't have a tooth brush and I had to my grandparents if I were to brush my teeth up until I was 13 I got my own toothbrush. The only brush I had till 13 was a broken old one that was gross and dirty. I was never taught how to clean myself or self care. I don't know how to do alot of chores because she didn't bother to teach me anything. She only cares about herself. When I moved out she sent me messages about how I abandoned her even though I'm an adult now. She still is overbearing and whenever I visit she makes me clean her cat box and let out her dogs. My mom is the most selfish person I know.
@dwemerlex 9 ай бұрын
Also too add on to this since my editing thing is buggy now While her ex husband would do all that he did to us she would stand there and watch and didn't stop it from what I remember she didn't seem mad about it either.
@terryechoes3192 9 ай бұрын
Any forum that's just about casting shame, even if you think it's well-placed, is the cringiest thing ever.
@samsalamander8147 9 ай бұрын
I grew up with an alcoholic Mother, I essentially grew up in a bar and it was traumatizing to say the least. My Mom loved Chinese restaurants.
@DelphinusOrcastra 9 ай бұрын
Uploaded less than 2 minutes ago but I liked a 34 minute video. I must stand by liking everything in the video since I clicked like. This is a risk I’m taking 🐬
@TheInternetInvestigator 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate the faith you have in me 🤣🖤
@obamnaprismus 9 ай бұрын
​@@TheInternetInvestigator in all fairness, the faith is warranted since the quality is consistent
@Mongruadh93 8 ай бұрын
I’m a mother and a grandmother and I absolutely support child free spaces. For the people who arrange care for their kids, and head out to get a break from the parental grind it’s beyond infuriating to have to cope with obnoxious, noisy unsupervised kids running amok.
@kkuudandere 9 ай бұрын
The controversy over no-kids zones is an interesting one to me. In Korea, there are lots of cafes/restaurants/etc that are designated as no-kids zones, but they've come under a bit of fire recently. I actually really like kids, but even I think some places should be off limits for small kids. Some buildings have photo zones or architecture that's dangerous for kids to be around unattended (glass doors, low barriers, high balconies, stuff like that) so I support it in those instances especially. I think a lot of people's "dislike" of kids is really just dislike of their entitled parents. There was a webtoon artist recently that was exposed for being an entitled parent and making his kid's teacher almost lose their job. Apparently he would tell the teacher that his child was descended from royalty, so the teacher was literally NOT ALLOWED to ever tell the child "no", under any circumstances. Thankfully the teacher got their job back. I actually think making your child believe no one should ever tell them "no" IS abusive.
@ajc94 9 ай бұрын
I lived in Korea for 2 years and only ever saw one child free cafe
@kkuudandere 9 ай бұрын
@@ajc94 wow, maybe they were just more popular in my area. sometimes there are also cafes where most of the place is fine for kids, but only one section or floor is designated a "no-kids" zone
@AleTitan Ай бұрын
it's setting them up for failure
@sandrafaith 9 ай бұрын
The girl allergic to fish (around 16:38): My wife's mother (with whom we have no contact whatsoever) is more concerned with how things _make her look_ than how things _are_ ... this attitude seems typical of narcissists. Many of these stories make a lot more sense (not excusable, mind you) when viewed through this lens.
@raeraebadfingers 9 ай бұрын
😂 all I can think of is that scene from The Heat where Sandra Bullock's character first confronts Melissa McCarthy's character. "Oh I'm so sorry.. wait this is a bar.."
@BlackReshiram 9 ай бұрын
i cant even imagine horrible parents like that, my mom was a singlemom raising three kids on her own and she was great when she was still healthy. she did get addicted to alcohol at some point but even then she willingly gave us to a foster group nearby until she could recover cause she knew she couldnt take care of us properly. ive always a mama's kid so that was a really hard time for me. luckily we were allowed to still visit her on weekends, and shes sober now and has been for over a decade! shes very strict about the absense of alcohol around her, even cut my uncle (her brother) off because he refused to acknowledge he was an alcoholic himself and would be drunk around her. i love her very much and while she has her flaws as we all do, i would do anything i can for her, not because i feel i have to but because shes such a wonderful mom and person and im sorry that not everyone gets to have wonderful parents like her
@wolfetteplays8894 7 ай бұрын
Teetotalism is a plague. Your mother was brainwashed.
@tikimillie 9 ай бұрын
The story where the mom gets pissed the op wont donate their kidney to their abusive brother is insane
@BasedOkie 9 ай бұрын
The saddest thing about reddit posts and subposts is that many people generally believe they are true accounts and not just embellished or complete fantasy writings of instigators, attention whores and dorks.
@BrianBarrettWilson 9 ай бұрын
I'll be watching in like 3 hours from now. Just wanted to say how excited I am! Thank you as always for your work because it's great!
@TheInternetInvestigator 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! Hope you enjoy 🥰🖤
@BrianBarrettWilson 9 ай бұрын
​@@TheInternetInvestigatordefinitely enjoyed ❤
@hannahp1108 6 ай бұрын
That last story is so horrifying. Literally attempted sex trafficking of her own child.
@samsalamander8147 9 ай бұрын
My Crazy Mother once crashed into my car so I couldn’t leave and my little girl was in the car. My Daughter who was like 7 told me she looked her right in the eyes while she crashed into us. My Daughter is 17 now and still won’t talk to her. I was only leaving to get away from her, I was at my Nanas house, I threw my kid in the car and tried to peel off and she jumped in her car and crashed into me and pushed my car to the back of the driveway and blocked me in I had to bumper cars her away to get outa there! The crazy Mother trying to stab her daughter reminds me of my Mom so much.
@NutyRiver 9 ай бұрын
The cousin story is why I never try to politely get out of something that truly makes me uncomfortable. In my experience people like that will take EVERY possible foothold they see to crawl back into your life, and the longer you wait to close things off the harder it will be to protect yourself. Leave no footholds, no “I’m not talking to you UNTIL you learn x”, just tell the aunt that under no circumstances will you ever tolerate being contacted again, hang up and block communication, and then HOLD YOUR WORD by never talking to her again (even if you REALLY wish you could make her understand what she did wrong. She’ll certainly take a discussion as a foothold to “make you come around”).
@dena81 9 ай бұрын
Could you imagine that woman calling a lawyer to sue kids that killed her kid in a video game? Lady your kid lost and no wonder he was being a spoiled brat when you insist he deserves all the non real items in a video game.
@staceywalker8699 9 ай бұрын
I believe about 30% of all these posts
@hannahp1108 6 ай бұрын
I was at a bar recently doing a pop-up market (I sell art and jewelry). There were two kids around 10 years old who were largely unattended who kept charging around the bar while their parents ate and drank and socialized. They kept coming up and touching stuff, messing it up, all that
@tacticalmisandrist 9 ай бұрын
Wild that parents would risk poisoning their child instead of just getting an allergy test to know for sure
@honeybelle1203 9 ай бұрын
I remember most of these stories being read years ago from different KZbinrs, but that doesn't make them any easier to listen to, imho. A good chunk of Entitled Parents stories are just plain abuse. It makes me grateful that my own parents, despite some flaws, are sane. Btw the OP of the seafood story has a food sensitivity, not an allergy. The difference is an allergy can kill you, but a sensitivity will only ever make you ridiculously sick. I still haven't been able to figure out what it is about pizza or spaghetti sauce that makes me so sick, when I've always been able to have ketchup with no issue...
@wareforcoin5780 9 ай бұрын
Is it the tomato, or is it the onion in the sauce? Garlic, maybe?
@honeybelle1203 9 ай бұрын
@@wareforcoin5780 I've never had a reaction to onion to my knowledge, but did get really itchy after eating garlic breadsticks once... Who knows.
@fluffywolfo3663 9 ай бұрын
I accidentally got banned from commenting on this one once. It was probably for the best lol. This subreddit just makes my skin crawl.
@AlexMartinez-nn2cm 9 ай бұрын
i'm from southern europe and seeing kids in bars where alcohol is served is very common, especially since bars are seen as gathering spots and a lot of people go there to socialize or watch sports. that being said, most bars here are more general-ish type places where the focus isn't only on alcoholic drinks, but also on food, coffee, etc. bars where alcohol is exclusively served do exist, but it's very rare to see children there for a good reason.
@ethribin4188 8 ай бұрын
"My mother tried to exploit me" The mid twenty year old man clearly was a good bloke. Once he realized he was invited to effectivly become Pe-doo and the mother was this abusive to her child, he called the cops and didnt just flee. Good thing he did.
@Onoesmahpie 9 ай бұрын
I think the bar situation is definitely the kid's fault but allowing children in bars seems kind of dangerous and not good for the children, even if it's common in europe.
@sexygirlmax2019 9 ай бұрын
The....The kids fault? Kids can sometimes fucking forget how to breathe and pass out. You expect them to know that an area they assumed is safe because their mom is letting them play there, is actually dangerous? How would they know? Why are you placing the onus on a literal toddler and not the shitty parents? I bet you blame kids for wetting the bed or spilling a cup of juice or dropping a toy. Theyre KIDS bro. Theyre learning the world. Its called "Age Appropriate Behavior" and you can watch Bluey for a great idea of how kids actually work and act, their attention, their worldview, and how they interact with the world around them. Yeah, 4 year olds will scream sometimes. They never asked to be born
@sexygirlmax2019 9 ай бұрын
People like you are the reason my abuse was never taken seriously and was waved off
@coyoteartist 9 ай бұрын
Use to be in some restaurants back in the days of smoking sections, that if the section was fairly empty, families with little kids might be put over there because 1. the booths were sometimes bigger, 2. there were often partitions between them so sound was kept a bit in the space of the table and kids couldn't lean over seats and 3. it was easier on both the party with little kids and the rest of the patrons. By the time I was a kid in the 1980s in Florida, a lot of smoking sections weren't that used so it worked out well.
@tanyagsw7920 9 ай бұрын
My 5 year old has adhd and ODD, so I feel like the very few times I do take him out, people just think he's an undisciplined brat and I'm a horrible lazy mom 😢. Literally telling him no will only make him want to do something more, and from what his doctor says, he can not control it, but we both try. With that being said, I'd never take him into a bar while I drink, and I'd never blame someone else for him getting hurt.
@tanyagsw7920 9 ай бұрын
And the "very few times I take him out" makes it sound like I keep him locked up at home lol.... we go to lots of places but almost always child friendly places
@therealai777 9 ай бұрын
26:55 Now that’s the kind of husband I wanna have but seriously… this has all made me so grateful that I was raised by 2 loving parents who are still together and supporting me even as I’m an adult and moved out. Sure I have trauma from my childhood with my dad being a violent alcoholic, so I have seen things, but he got sober when I was 5 and ever since he’s been working on becoming a better father and husband. I’m actually really proud of my dad Needless to say, I empathize with those who don’t have good parents, you don’t choose who your parents are or the situation you’re born into. I was lucky enough that my dad got his act together, most people like that don’t..
@NOACCEPTANCE772 9 ай бұрын
The final story: That's a narcissit addicted to crack. No doubt whatsoever.
@EmptyMTYT 9 ай бұрын
My MIL's first reaction to seeing my partners 2-inch lockdown goatee was "What the f*ck is that on your face?" so I get the first reaction but beyond that is nutty
@SergioLeonardoCornejo 9 ай бұрын
That sub is fascinating. Shows us the worst of people in many ways.
@vapordreams983 9 ай бұрын
Most of Reddit showed me that
@Macachee 9 ай бұрын
And the most fake too.
@gil1934 9 ай бұрын
I only ever read the Franz Ferdinand story on this sub, had no idea it had some truly dark stories here
@shani-just-shani 9 ай бұрын
The phone story sounded so fake, and that made that OP's autism comment even grosser 😬
@peakdelvalle197 9 ай бұрын
I have actually read that its normal and accepted in Spain to take your kids everywhere, even bars, and keep them out late, like there aren't specific spaces for kids and families, kids just have to learn to exist in the adult world. It sounds kind of cool to me
@sophroniel 8 ай бұрын
the chirping/beeping made me worry my fire alarm was going off!!
@AM-hr5mw Ай бұрын
As a current special education teacher and former bartender, I HAVE to comment on the child in the bar. I LOVE kids. I adore my job. I will always work with kids. I want my own kids. I have a degree in developmental psychology. In other words, when it comes to taking care of kids? I'm the most qualified person you'll meet, and I'm so passionate about what I do (it doesn't pay well and I've been bitten, kicked, slapped, I have scars from a scratcher I had for a time, I don't do this for the money lol). But when I was a bartender? My job wasn't to fucking babysit. My bar was not a place for kids. DO NOT take your kids to a fucking bar, and if you do, remember that you're responsible. I was a bartender. Not a babysitter, or a teacher despite what I do now. It's not right to assume your bartender, who is taking care of a million people and a million things, to be a babysitter. I stand by that, as someone who takes care of kids for a living these days 🤷‍♀️
@ephin3242 9 ай бұрын
Ngl I don’t think almost any of these are real lmao. I mean the only thing missing from that one where the woman punches the cop was the whole crowd clapping at the end
@theneonchimpchannel9095 8 ай бұрын
Nowhere near as bad, but I once saw a woman with a pram on a bus insist that an old lady give up her seat for her and her child. It was the seat designated for disabled, elderly and pregnant people but this mother believed that this extended to someone who has already had the child and that this took priority over an elderly person (who may also have been mildly disabled) so she thought it was perfectly reasonable to shout at a pensioner on a crowded bus. The poor older woman looked horrified.
@imaferretmaster 9 ай бұрын
The food allergy one is really common with asian and hispanic families in america. Sickness and weakness is frowned upon and tends to be ignored and swept under the rug. I remember when a child hood friends sister died when her appendix ruptured because her parents wouldnt allow her to have a stomach ache. Real fucking sad event.
@snowqueen_8958 9 ай бұрын
I enjoy reading stories from this when im on break at work
@rowybowie 9 ай бұрын
The story from the kid with the fish allergy reminded me of how when i was like 7/8 my dad would constantly trauma dump on me and because I was a fucking kid I casually mentioned something he told me about to a family friend and then, whadd'ya know, no more trauma dumping!
@TheLokiBiz 6 ай бұрын
I wish you'd provide links to the reddit posts so we could read the rest of the post or the comments if we're interested.
@kenosabi 9 ай бұрын
The vast majority of sht on reddit is nonsense meant to garner the admiration of internet strangers. People will say and do anything for enough upvotes. It's honestly gross and a really great example of how powerful group think and mob dynamics are.
@cisrot 9 ай бұрын
The phone story is so obviously fake lmao
@Terestrasz 9 ай бұрын
Entitled Parents is one of those subs that can go either way. Sometimes, you have things like those people who install doorbells in their kids' rooms because of a strange mental block that keeps them from walking up a whole flight of stairs. Other times? You have things like.... this. Where it's clear the parents think their kids are a source of revenue. The sad thing is? Parental entitlement is even normalised. :/
@ethribin4188 8 ай бұрын
EP "Your beard makes you like a muslim!" Me: "Jesus had a beard!"
@punishersnake4888 9 ай бұрын
wow... and i thought my family was messed up... and yeah they are... but damn... nothing like these... some of these people are actual monsters... awesome video... keep up the great work!!
@jennysomething3666 7 ай бұрын
the bus seat story is giving me strong tumblr "and everyone clapped" story . sounds fake as hell and the phone story too is very very r/that happened
@livingsocks 9 ай бұрын
I am 95% certain that first story never happened, lol
@nationalinstituteofcheese3012 5 ай бұрын
Hot Take: Spoiling a child is abusive. Your child won’t know how to handle difficult situations and won’t succeed in their career and relationships due to nobody wanting to deal with their shitty behavior
@shannsimms9072 6 ай бұрын
I grew up in a bar cause my Gram owned one. And it is SOOOO BOOORRIIINGGGG as a kid.
@wilurbean 8 ай бұрын
The coffee shop story most likely is BS. 1 - Anything like that which actually happens becomes national headlines. 2 - there is such a HUGE demand for that kind of inflammatory story that it's made up for monetary gain all the time. 3 - Multiple examples: Juicy Smollet, The NYC Bike Lady, The NYC dog park lady, Rittenhouse, Nick Sandman (who won a lawsuit against CNN for defamation), etc, etc ,etc all faked for money. Yet this woman has the whole thing on CCTV, multiple witnesses, cops, bodycams, chain coffee store to get a payout from...
@TheBastardWombatKing 5 ай бұрын
The accused phone thief. The one thing that gives me pause is the detail that the manager initially refused the cops request to view video. Why? Manager unlikly to challenge authority. Well versed in hierarchical deferment.
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