Raised My Daughter Alone for 6 Years After Her Dad Abandoned Us. Now He's Back and Wants to Use...

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3 ай бұрын

Raised My Daughter Alone for 6 Years After Her Dad Abandoned Us. Now He's Back and Wants to Use Her as a “Therapy Doll” to Console His Wife Who Recently Lost Their Baby.
#redditrelationship #redditupdate

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@artemislove2941 3 ай бұрын
“he’s a respected member of the church” very godly of him to never pay attention to his “daughter”
@DaraxXxDevious 3 ай бұрын
She should've followed that up with "is that why he consented to sex with me and then asked for an abortion instead of ever taking accountability?"
@sassywatermelon3853 3 ай бұрын
​@@DaraxXxDeviousExactly I'm surprised she didn't bring that up at all.
@kennycai8695 3 ай бұрын
I am guessing the priest sent by the ex is a phony. Even though I only have OP's side of the story, it does sound like this "priest" is a fake with how abrasive he spoke and behaved, probably under the ex's payroll too. And yes, I have heard stories of people being paid off to pose as policemen or clergymen in order to get back at someone they don't like, so I will not be surprised if the ex pulls this same trick.
@EmeraldRoseDragon 3 ай бұрын
@@DaraxXxDevious not just sex, pre martial sex bet the priest just ignored that
@Vic-pg4rg 3 ай бұрын
It's a lot more worse than that.
@foureyedelf6151 3 ай бұрын
"You don't know the pain of losing a child." "No and there's a reason for that, even though you were quite adamant that I experience that pain."
@CreditR01 3 ай бұрын
A rare instance where not putting him on the birth certificate worked out. Dad sucks.
@ayushkumar-gk1zj 3 ай бұрын
OP is absolutely right. That guy doesn't deserve to have parental rights considering he sees a human child as a therapy doll and will easily abandon her in a heartbeat once it's done.
@sagetusk 24 күн бұрын
My fear would be that they just straight up kidnap her and disappear tbh
@redline49 3 ай бұрын
OOP: *Living in a country where abortions are illegal* Father of child: Get an abortion OOP: Um... No...?
@RylieRiddle 3 ай бұрын
He probably expected her to travel to where it is legal if they're in Europe, or just get a back alley abortion.
@nikoladedic6623 3 ай бұрын
And then sends a priest to try and convince to giver her daughter up. What a moron.
@thvmr1815 3 ай бұрын
There's a possibility that People can abort llegaly. Of course, it is a risk thing to do, but when people get desperate they don't hesitate to get in contact with hidden clinics.
@t-girl9643 3 ай бұрын
People often go to neighbour/other countries to get abortions
@imlatefortea 3 ай бұрын
I mean, when abortion wasn’t legal in my country people with money went to surgeons and passed their abortions as appendicitis.
@yolow5497 3 ай бұрын
you already know what kind of parents they be if they think using and discarding a child like that is appropriate
@CandiiANDToastii 3 ай бұрын
oh holy breads of the oven, and the sweetest of honey.., WHAT LIES DID JEFF FEED TO THE PRIEST??! first he told her to abort the child (illegal in their countries) second, he only wants her for his selfishness and own reasons, not out of love third HE SENT A PRIEST TO HER, AND FEEDING HIM *LIES* just, so, she, could, look, bad. fourth, he had more then 1 OPPORTUNITY TO MEET HIS DAUGHTER, denies it. and then years later, DECIDED TO REACH OUT FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT?!? fifth, he’s letting his wife stay delusional sixth, HE WANTED HER TO ABORT IT, BUT TOLD HER “YOU DONT KNOW THE PAIN OF LOSING A CHILD” ?? lastly, he was never a parental figure, but 4YEARS LATER, he decides he’s the “head of the house” AT SKEWL?? how do people, *THIS* audacious exist?
@areszeudion5153 3 ай бұрын
I think the priest were either lied to or bribed. Hope once OP win the lawsuit against the 'jerk', words will spread around about him being an irresponsible, shameless excuse of a hypocrite for using not only religion but also his own daughter for his own convenience. Also, the fact that he's rich enough to pay a counselor but instead uses a daughter he'd no desire to be involved in is just disgustingly petty.
@savannahmae3679 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if the priest knew the whole story or if he was lying out of his ass. But as a fellow Christian that pisses me off. And also upsets me when there is someone who is a member of the clergy and they have reading comprehension skills. Where in the Bible does it say a single mother with make a bad mother, where in the Bible does it say please sacrifice your child for another so they may turn them into a baby to cope with their trauma. Where in the Bible does it say hey take the child away from the same parents and get it to the mentally unstable woman who has no relations to the child whatsoever. Bad priest bad
@BrightElk 3 ай бұрын
Very true. I’ve had a lot of past religious trauma because my mother was basically told if she divorced my violent abusive father then she would be a terrible person. I lost my religion for years because of that. I’m trying to dip my toes back in and give it another chance but moments like these give me honest pause because even if the story is possibly made up I know things like this actually happen in real life. Maybe I should just be that christian that sits on a “rock” to go to church because I just don’t know anymore. A lot of christians have been hugely disappointing people.
@savannahmae3679 3 ай бұрын
@@BrightElk I don't know if I would say the majority of Christians, sadly I think the loudest ones are the ones I like to call hypocritical Christians. They say they're Christian but they don't ever follow jesus's teachings. I do hope you can find a good church, I didn't go to church for over a decade because I couldn't find one that was actually teaching the gospel the Jesus way but there are churches out there. Praying for you and your family. Warm hugs and blessings
@QuackerStacker 3 ай бұрын
I like to think that most people are good and though I’m atheist there is absolutely no way the priest knew the whole story and probably was told a fake one
@BrightElk 3 ай бұрын
@@savannahmae3679Thank you. Your comment means a lot to me. I’m going to try out a new church soon. Wish me luck! I’ve also changed denominations because the one I grew up with was in my opinion unhealthy. I’ve already noticed a huge improvement in the church members attitude towards life so I’m hoping I can build a community off of that.
@francinetitherington4060 2 ай бұрын
Fully understand. Have been looking for another church x 3 years as the one I had been in turned from non- political in the pulpit to full on hard left under new leadership. Politically, I'm an "I" and just can't deal with the changes so left. Having trouble finding a new church home.
@taylordaenzer4852 3 ай бұрын
That's your daughter not hers so she can't take your daughter away from you.
@foureyedelf6151 3 ай бұрын
He didn't even want her, thus he should have no parental rights. The fact that he wants the daughter as a replacement is just so sick and twisted.
@DarkEinherjar 3 ай бұрын
@@foureyedelf6151 Not even an actual replacement replacement, he wanted to use the daughter as a therapy toy for his wife, then forget she exists again once the wife heals.
@raisii. 3 ай бұрын
@@DarkEinherjarthey can cry harder
@calico_queen8976 3 ай бұрын
​@@DarkEinherjarBruh, the fact he lets his wife call her a whole ass different name says it all. They don't even view her as a person, just a toy/doll to play with.
@Kkell0x 3 ай бұрын
Mhh yes Heal his wife by possibly traumatizing the daughter. He needs to exit your lives Edit: the baby-daddy is a sick individual and needs help. He clearly doesn't care about his daughter, only for what sue can do for him. And once she's done that he will (as he said) discard her again. I'd gather evidence towards that and have the church know what he's like. The church loves their good ol' reputation... start there
@ladyweasellou3367 3 ай бұрын
3:10 I don't know what the laws are where the op lives but where i live if the other parent doesn't pay his/her child support then they have no rights to the child in question.
@evav2966 3 ай бұрын
Same, where i live, the person not paying support can lose their drivers license
@areszeudion5153 3 ай бұрын
QQ: Does anyone knows this reddit story about a girl who was named after her dead aunt by grandmother, forced to live as her substitute to make grandma happy, until she snaps at her 18th, telling her "I'm not your dead daughter" leading to most of her family silent treating her, except the dad after realizing his mistake of letting it happen?
@deusex4905 3 ай бұрын
I don't but if you ever find it I want to read it
@YukkiMonsuta 3 ай бұрын
I remember i watched that before, ot was wild
@areszeudion5153 3 ай бұрын
@@YukkiMonsuta know the title? Or the end? I watched it on a short long time ago, so I forgot the title.
@thebrush9506 2 ай бұрын
I remember watching that story
@areszeudion5153 2 ай бұрын
@@thebrush9506 found it months ago in reddit, sadly there's yet an update till this day.
@premiumfruits3528 3 ай бұрын
Lmao some of those reddit comments are hilarious. There absolutely is a connection between child support and visitation rights, especially in the US. Anyone in court trying to get visitation while refusing to pay child support will be laughed at at best, and indicted for wasting the judges' time at worst.
@cosmicrae 3 ай бұрын
She did say she wasn't from the US. Not everyone knows that
@_juju_jojo_ 3 ай бұрын
13:45 I’m sorry what? Did mfs gloss over the fact that not only did he abandoned her once and wanted nothing to do with her, but literally admitted that he would abandon her again once he got what he wanted🤦‍♀️ That handful of redditors man, I swear😭
@kennycai8695 3 ай бұрын
I heard this story before, and just to clear a bit of the fog: OP said she was from Central America (this one removed the detail), most likely Costa Rica based on the clues OP gave. The priest update was the first time I heard that, and my gosh, that ex really is a piece of work. While I will not deny the grief of losing a child, him feeding into his wife's delusions is far worse, especially since with this latest update, it's very clear his goal is to hurt OP in any way he can. I also have a hunch the "priest" is a fake, cause of just how abrasive he spoke to OP. Even for people accused of sin, most clergymen take a councilor approach in order to coax details out, rather than immediately condemn them like this phony. OP, my only piece of advice is to go for the throat in the lawsuit. Your ex has clearly shown he is willing to hurt you just to pry your daughter away, so if you do care for her, you need to make him cut this crap out, or he will keep coming back.
@764notmyname 3 ай бұрын
The hell is the father on. You leave for a long time, not caring about your daughter, and all of a sudden you come back. Not even to try to connect with your daughter, but to use her so your wife could have a daughter again. Like, sorry you lost a daughter but thinking you can USE your other daughter is just insane. And you don't even want to take care of her if your wife goes back to normal, you just want to send her back to the mother, and never have to deal about her again.
@ladybug8851 3 ай бұрын
My biological dad wasn't there for us during my younger years. For context, my oldest sister, Angel, has a dad named Richard. My mom and him weren't serious with each other so my mom rasied her. Then my mom married my dad and had me and my older sister Krissy. Like I said though, my dad was never there. He missed both of our births because he was drinking at a bar, he wouldnt help my mom raise us, etc. They divorced when I was two, leaving my mom to raise 3 girls alone. So she worked her butt off to provide for us and left us in the care of Angel's father ( he offered to help). Angels father though is a narcissist and he forced us (literally FORCED us) to call him dad. My mom had also started dating again, and her boyfriend was also helping to raise us, so we called him dad also. When my bio heard abt it, he started accusing my mom of sleeping around and other terrible things. Now 16 years later, my bio dad has changed and he's trying to be part of our lives but he gets upset whenever we call my stepdad as our father, which obv we would bc he's been there since I was 2. I don't see my bio dad very often and when I do its only for a couple hours but Im fine with that arrangement. Edit: I'm not great at explaining things, especially my messed up childhood, so if you have any questions or need me to clarify something, please feel free to ask
@thedrunkencatlady 3 ай бұрын
I hope you find peace
@NobodySpecsh 3 ай бұрын
If you see the priest again, be sure to tell him how jeff wanted you to get an abortion.
@stertrack520 3 ай бұрын
As a christian myself i wonder what kind of priest this guy is. You dont just come and start asking for shit. You just say "hey i m priest X and Jeff said he really wanted to have your daughter in his family. Can we try find the issue ?" And then just move on the second you understand this is a mess. And you should not get involve any further.
@Heydodoakskdkdjf 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I am Catholic and most priests are aware that toxic and abusive people exist. They care about family health and unity. But in Latin America, there are sadly legalistic mindsets that the priest showcases.
@mnomadvfx 3 күн бұрын
The hell does child support = $57.5k per year? This is some extreme bulls**t. Worst case scenario I can think of it private school tuition costs. It's the mothers schtick if she insists on private school. It's not the fathers beeswax to make that possible no matter how little he has been in her life.
@crossanddream2 3 ай бұрын
My biological dad had access to me, he could've been in my life but my mom had to force him to even visit me. And he didn't try visiting me since he got denied full custody of me and only allowed watched visitation. Well it was a mistake to force him in my life since just like he did while my mom was pregnant with me, he abandoned me and stopped paying child support (even though I was still at the age where he was supposed to do) at that point my mom finally gave up and told me the truth. (She could've went after him for not paying child support, since where I'm from its possible for someone who isn't paying child support can be brought to court because of it) I am bery much affected by his abandonment but I honestly don't care anymore, I have a stepdad who is a better dad than he could ever be. And I'm much happier not having my bio dad around, especially my stepdad. He hated him.
@Qbaby_3 3 ай бұрын
She said she works from home and that she could collect her daughter from the bus everyday and then says the priest came to her job. Is this after the move?
@pinksnailgreenfrog5518 3 ай бұрын
Sometimes people who work from home still have to go to the office
@ac6418 2 ай бұрын
She actually answer in a comment: She has an office to meet her clients. Which I kinda get. I work from home, but I wouldn't meet clients at home and a restaurant can be pricey.
@devhxh1558 21 күн бұрын
Respected for thm is he pays these dogs well in terms of donations...
@Yellowbeing08 3 ай бұрын
I have a suspicion OP is italian (or spanish), because of how she said her daughter calls her "madre" (italian and spanish for mom), and that the leading religion is catholicism (which ofc isn't that much of an indicator, but the fact that shs says it as if the religion is VERY important makes me believe she's italian, since the pope lives in the vatican which is inside Italy, so they have a really thight connection). Only thing that doesn't check out is that abortion is illegal, so maybe the Vatican
@ac6418 21 күн бұрын
She mentioned she's in Latin America :D
@Yellowbeing08 21 күн бұрын
@@ac6418 oh I didn't notice, thanks for the info :D
@jerrycarver5469 20 күн бұрын
There is one part of this story that keeps rattling around in my head and I have to get it out. I think sperm donor wife saw what happened to their daughter and it was tragic which is where she lost her bag of marbles. She needs to get over that tragedy and having op's daughter will not help. Fix the wife's mind then she can move on.
@cosmicrae 3 ай бұрын
Ah yes, classic narcissistic father + family.
@fatimaahmad734 2 ай бұрын
I have little advice if you ever have any contacts for example that priest or anyone else that starts talking about your lofe like nobody knows you should probably immediately and secretly record with your phone even if the father or that phyco wife of his calls just record them it might help you it could be more evidence about like violence if she or he or anyone threatens you 😊
@NourAmsterdam 5 күн бұрын
The fact the wife supported this, makes her evil as well. Man of god? While having one night stands and leaving your kid like trash. I’m so tired of people that use religion or claim themselves to be people of God, while being openly hypocrites. No remorse , no nothing. OP did good and had every right to stop this nonsense. As somebody that was left like trash by my dad, who showed up after 8y, forced visits ordered by the court, this child will be grateful for not knowing him. Didn’t do me any good, luckily I had/have a loving mother ❤. She fought for me and still does and I’m 33 now. Didn’t speak to my dad since I was 19 when I had my first baby. Didn’t regret it or looked back. He has his “real” family to care for him, I’ve my mum , like she had me. ❤❤
@Andrey_XD35624 2 күн бұрын
The "biological father" is a disgusting person. First he told op to abort. Then he didn't even pay a cent to raise the child. Then he demands to get parental rights (just to help heal his wife). Lastly after his wife heals he will just give op's daughter back and go no contact.
@jkmoon7937 2 ай бұрын
I would have told the priest about how the so called “Respected man” he knows from his church, was the one who wanted to abort the daughter he now wants. That should give that holier than thou priest something to think about 😏
@mekgoijra7857 3 ай бұрын
This is such a goofy ahh movie script….
@CaitlynTarver 2 ай бұрын
either im deaf or something howd they lose the child like..miscarriage or what?
@RylieRiddle 2 ай бұрын
It was probably SIDS or a car accident. It sounds like the baby was born and then passed.
@ytuser2272 Ай бұрын
Do we have any updates to the story?
@Rinefi 3 ай бұрын
you should highlight comments section
@MajorCockbern 3 ай бұрын
Great video, there is nothing like a perfect marriage or relationship, I learnt that in everything there is always a solution, 5 years ago I and my wife divorced because we were having some difficulties in our marriage but we are back together ,it was a really bad phase but we got through it...
@peterwilliams6361 3 ай бұрын
there is a lot of sense in what you just said and I hope mine works the same way too, we are currently separated but I cant live without her, I love her so much. wish I can get her back I can do anything to have her back, we have tried therapy amongst other things
@MajorCockbern 3 ай бұрын
its always difficult to let someone you love go, but in my case I had the help of a spiritual adviser who saved my marriage from collapsing her name is SHELLY RENEE WHITE.
@peterwilliams6361 3 ай бұрын
this is helpful, I will look her up. I hope this works for me too, I really miss her.
@Lucas-ky4cn Ай бұрын
Gotta love this logic. Jeff: Get an abortion OP: Abortion is illegal Jeff: ...Do it anyway Just glad that in my homecountry it is better. Abortion is officially illegal but the well being of the mother is prioritized over the fetus growing inside her. It is practically a crime without a punishment. To get an abortion the mother has to be in a specific timeframe, has to speak to someone from church or a psychiatric and they have to speak to a doctor. Only after that they are allowed to go through with it. I am a dude so i will not give an guarantee on that but that is what i have been told.
@izzywolflover 3 ай бұрын
Could you also post the username of the person who wrote the post? I can’t find it on Reddit
@crossanddream2 3 ай бұрын
A lot of the time it's not actually a real story and just ai generated or just something completely made up
@sncereno 3 ай бұрын
​@@crossanddream2it was on Reddit tho, idk if the post got deleted
@ac6418 2 ай бұрын
tasinglemom is the OP
@alexandramusilova8148 12 күн бұрын
All these "pro-choice" people are always sooo quick to tell women they should just abort their children even if the woman loves her child and is happy to be a mother.
@gameislifehamislife 3 ай бұрын
@laestaca7182 3 ай бұрын
Wow, believing stupid shit without investigating nor having evidence to back your claim. Sounds like a pretty standard priest to me. That's what his religion requires of him after all
@adambenes3728 3 ай бұрын
Why does so many people ask about abortion in the moment they hear unplanet child? They are sick
@taylorhoge4378 3 ай бұрын
Btw, I'm not remotely affiliated with the priest of this story, This man sounds like the type of priest this verse describes him Romans 2:24 King James Version 24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.
@coffecrazy 3 ай бұрын
@CandiiANDToastii 3 ай бұрын
@Destiny0_oo 3 ай бұрын
@coffecrazy 3 ай бұрын
@briancoldwell98 3 ай бұрын
Can’t really believe what baby mothers say tbh, they lie out they teeth about their baby daddies, she didn’t let the father see the child is what actually happened
@BrightElk 3 ай бұрын
No this stuff actually happens. Baby daddy’s and baby mommas lie. It happens on both ends and you are delusional or biased because you are THAT “dad” if you think it’s impossible. I know because my sisters baby daddy openly confessed this like he thought it was funny and then asked me to sleep with him while my sister was 8 months pregnant. Yes there are lying baby mamas but the baby daddy’s aren’t all angels either!
@Heydodoakskdkdjf 3 ай бұрын
Saying “nuh uh!!!” Is not good enough proof to support your theory.
@ImHomiesexual 3 ай бұрын
Which country does OP live in?
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