Reaction POLISH LANGUAGE LESSON 🇵🇱 - KURWA | Furious Pete Talks

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This is our Reaction to POLISH LANGUAGE LESSON 🇵🇱 - KURWA | Furious Pete Talks
In this video, we react to more from the language of Poland and an interesting word that is very commonly used. Or so we've been told...
#poland #language #reaction
Original Video - • POLISH LANGUAGE LESSON...
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@BB.Beyond.Borders 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for Watching Guys! We appreciate all your messages and comments! If you have any tips for our visit to Wrocław, please let us know below! Oh, and don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel!
@zbigniewpawlak9375 6 ай бұрын
I only use it among friends. An overuse is usually seen as an unintelligent person. I would use it ( in public ) when I'm very nervous / upset. Yes It is the F word. Regards.
@milczar_ 6 ай бұрын
Sune and James, I beg you, don't use this vulgar word anywhere in Poland among people you don't know or in public places. Even if you will meet new friends there don't say ku**a unless you make sure they are ok with it. My comment may sound very serious, but the fact is that is our favorite word, however, you need to know where and with whom you can say it :)
@biao-czerwony7557 6 ай бұрын
@dyniek2580 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa is an exclamation mark for the uneducated. It originates from "whore" so calling a woman kurwa is highly offensive. As to trip to Wrocław just go gnome hunting, go to Pennitents Bridge for a great view, Wrocław hosts the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Poland, visit Jatki Miejskie (old butchery district, visit Leopoldinum at the Wrocław University. Lots of things to see. Oh, and if You live in Berlin visit Poznań next time.
@rmatysiak76 6 ай бұрын
I recommend watching two videos: pronunciation in Polish
@kamilkwoka9715 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa, it's a curse word, you can't use it in public places, the police can give you a ticket for it
@Lorek929 6 ай бұрын
But let's be real, if you fell over in front of police and you said kurwa instinctively, they won't give you a ticket. Depends on the situation but usually it's okay to use it among friends but definitely not in places like parliament or something
@roberttwardowski9711 6 ай бұрын
If you say to a cop ....Ty kurwo he would beat you up and arrest you.
@roberttwardowski9711 6 ай бұрын
@@anemarie5554 oni moga a Ty nie.Taka jest roznica.
@anemarie5554 6 ай бұрын
@@roberttwardowski9711 Przepraszam, zdenerwowałam się, że ktoś zbytnio demonizuje nasze piękne przekleństwo. które ma nawet swój artykuł na wikipedii, tyle, że tam nie ma wyjaśnienia skąd to wyrażenie pochodzi. Sama nie znałam tych dwóch źródeł etymologicznych, jedno można znaleźć w sanskrycie kurvanti such things are done SB 10.6.3 kurvanti they award SB 11.19.4 kurvanti they create SB 11.23.48 kurvanti they do BG 3.25 kurvanti they make NBS 69 kurvanti they make NBS 69 kurvanti they make a drugie wytłumaczenie nawiązuje do języka prasłowiańskiego i do idei przetwarzania mleka, które my trawimy bez problemu, a na przykład Azjaci mają z tym problem i produkty mleczne, jak masło nie są u nich popularne. Kurwa mać w wersji starszej brzmiało krova mat, i oznaczało krowa matka, matka krowa, ta, która daje życie. Stąd mać w naszym wyrażeniu. Przestawienie liter jest często spotykane w językach słowiańskich. Język polski i sanskryt są ze sobą powiązane, co potwierdza oficjalna wikipedia, zatem obie teorie wcale się nie wykluczają, można rzec nawet się uzupełniają, skoro w hinduizmie krowa jest świętym zwierzęciem. Przynudzam zapewne według was, ale chciałam się z tym z wami podzielić. Jestem szalona , wiem. Pozdrawiam.
@jarosawklejnocki6633 6 ай бұрын
Okay, so some explanations from an expert in Polish language and culture :) (I am an academic teacher). "Kurwa" is one of the strongest vulgarisms in the Polish language, next to the verbs "pierdolić" and "jebać" (generally meaning "fuck"). All of them are popular - unfortunately - in everyday language, in the language of poorly educated people and often from lower social classes. BUT - university professors and subtle intellectuals also use them, but e.g. in strictly defined situations, among trusted friends and in informal situations. It is absolutely unacceptable to use these curse words in official and public situations - in the latter case, if someone files a complaint against you, you may get a ticket for "insulting public morality". Historically, "kurwa" meant a prostitute or a whore, and then it became an insult and vulgarity. We have records in the Polish language or literature dating back to the 15th/16th century - e.g. in the poetry of Jan Kochanowski, whom we consider, along with Mikołaj Rej, to be the father of Polish literature, especially the literary version of the Polish language. Due to the fact that Polish is an inflected language and many things are inflected in it, you can build very flexible constructions, and "kurwa" can function as a noun, a verb or an adjective in a sentence. Moreover, we have words in Polish that are untranslatable into English because they have no equivalents. So "kurwa" translates, due to its power, into English as "fuck", but also "jebać" or "pierolić" as well. A popular curse when something really pisses you off is "kurwa, ja pierdolę", which can be translated into English as "fuck, I fuck it", but it has no Polish nuance or "juiciness" and sounds a bit idiotic in English:) Unfortunately, linguistic personal culture has degraded in recent years in Poland and these curses can be heard on the street, when people are talking loudly on their cell phones, or when you are in a bar and next to you there are four guys drinking beer and discussing something heatedly. In a word, if you are in my country, don't brag that you know this word, and especially don't use it in public in front of strangers. And it would be a rather bad idea to say to the waiter in Polish: "Good morning, two beers please, kurwa" :) Unfortunately, the material you have viewed and commented on contains some inaccuracies and distortions. BTW - I subscribed to your channel; thank you for your interest in my country, language and culture.
@jarosawklejnocki6633 6 ай бұрын
@SmilingShadow-jl5tr These are your impressions and opinions, which I will not discuss. The use of language, the so-called usus remains outside the norms, the norms can only observe them. However, it is sad that the technical intelligentsia swears so much. This only confirms my thesis that educated people in Poland have lost the culture of proper speech and expression.
@gloowacz 6 ай бұрын
@@jarosawklejnocki6633 "This only confirms my thesis that educated people in Poland have lost the culture of proper speech and expression." On that I will agree, however, I have always been on the fence on this. For me it's not about some cultural norms as much as the setting and context. A professor yelling "Uciekajcie stąd kurwa!" to his class because a fire broke out and people need to evacuate but students are being tardy packing up their iPads instead of running is very appropriate. A 14 year old saying "Kurwa, stary, wczoraj jak grałem to kurwa taką akcję wykurwiłem!" to his friend is just... low. What I mean is, I wouldn't conflate aducation status with usage of the word. I would say, there are places to use it, even in public, but they are very few and far between, that's why the word is so powerful. The "common tongue" of using kurwa as a comma or pause in the sentence is just bad and depreciates the awsome power of the word.
@Skull.man00 6 ай бұрын
No kurwa, chłop mnie lekko wkurwił z tym. Szczególnie te pokurwione napisy które miały służyć jako tłumaczenie z polskiego na angielski. No i teraz kurwa ci to źle zrozumieli. Btw. I used this word extra, since the topic of this video is the very exact word
@piotrmoskal_pl 5 ай бұрын
It is also worth mentioning two curses with the root "kurwa": "kurwa mać" and "skurwysyn". Both began as insults and mean, respectively: "your mother is a whore", and "you are a son of a whore". So be very careful who you say this to. Besides, it's a very ugly word, I'm probably old-fashioned, but I especially don't like it when a child or a young woman uses it.
@simonsan5271 4 ай бұрын
​​​​@@gloowacz Kulturalny człowiek zwróci się do studentów ze stoickim spokojem. "Drodzy państwo... W obliczu miarowo roznoszącego się po uczelni pożaru gorąco zachęcam do opuszczenia tej lokacji. Pragnę nadmienić iż pośpiech jest w tej sytuacji jak najbardziej wskazany a nadmierna zwłoka może skutkować bolesnymi w skutkach oparzeniami a nawet zgonem". A że studentom jako inteligencji przeklunać nie wypada to zapewne odpowiadają: "Panie profesorze... Musimy przyznać że przedstawione informacje napawają nas sporą dozą niepokoju. Jeżeli pan profesor pozwoli to chcielibyśmy wpierw wyrazić niedowierzenie a następnie oddalić się w zalecanym pośpiechu."
@parufka7830 6 ай бұрын
Jedno z najstarszych polskich słów. Pojawia się w kodeksach prawnych już w XVI wieku (źródło "Dzieje Polski" prof. A. Nowak) i co ciekawe za użycie go np. za nazwanie przez jednego szlachcica innego szlachcica "tyś k... synem", ten który tak powiedział, jako skazany musiał zapłacić tyle samo, co za zabicie szlachcica w jakiejś awanturze sąsiedzkiej. Słowo, jak zabójstwo. Obecnie często "przecinek" w wypowiedziach różnej hołoty.
@Yuudaddy 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa (kurva) simply means the same as "w*ore" in English. It just can be used in the same situations and context as the word "fuck" or the phrase "damn it" in English.
@charko4191 6 ай бұрын
wait isn't it "w*ore"
@Yuudaddy 6 ай бұрын
@@charko4191 ah true my bad
@charko4191 6 ай бұрын
@@YuudaddyIt's fine I kinda was confused wheter you were cesoring yourself😁
@Yuudaddy 6 ай бұрын
@@tomekville7 Not really if you ask me but then again the word "fuck" is worse in Polish than in English so maybe. You should never use "kurwa" in public unless you have no manners.
@wujek2260 6 ай бұрын
This word (and many others) has many uses and is very universal. It is used primarily to strengthen a sentence and emphasize emotions. But it's always a heavy curse. You should avoid using it in formal, official situations, in the public sphere with strangers, elders, etc. In fact, you should not use it at all, so as not to look like a simpleton. You just need to know when you can afford to use it and when you can't.
@jerzy7118 6 ай бұрын
I don't know why you focused on this word. Literally, it is the colloquial equivalent of prostitute. This word is not used in public, it is considered vulgar. Personally, when we are agitated, when something goes wrong with a certain activity, when we are irritated, when someone is blocking our way or dragging our feet, we will use this word under our breath, but not in the presence of others. If you use this word among others, you will come off as a dummy and a simpleton. I'm glad you'll be in Wrocław next week. The weather is now quite warm for winter and AirBnb is cheaper now than in summer. Wrocław is a city with many universities, many students, but also many Ukrainian refugees. I wish you a pleasant stay in Wrocław.😄
@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 6 ай бұрын
This comment is not representative. It presents the opinions of the person writing as it is or as they would like it to be, denying the actual situation. Anyway, you will see when you arrive, you will quickly spot many users in many situations from the noise of Wrocław. All you need to do is take public transport or go to a pub. Of course, there are different rules in the library or museum, but when young people pass you by...
@jerzy7118 6 ай бұрын
I do not know what's going on ? When I write, it is always my opinion and my view of the world. You can have different opinions and that's good too. If everyone had the same opinions, the world would be boring.😄@@mieczysawpastafarianski8901
@odszczepciesie5128 6 ай бұрын
@markusplu 6 ай бұрын
The word " kurwa" is very rude word and it's better to avoid is.If you want to stress you add the next word and it's " kurwa mac".If something it going bad and you are angry with yourself or any situation you say to yourself " kurwa mac".The worst situation is when you speak to somebody" ty kurwo" it means" you kurwo" and offen him/her very hard.Generally t 11:53 he word kurwa in Polish means a women who is very very easy in sexual meaning
@JesusMoneyChrist 6 ай бұрын
Yeah he got polish origin but hes not Polish. What hes doing here is not really accurate.
@vilgevorcblack6178 6 ай бұрын
His name is Piotr Czerwiński and He immigration to Canada When he was 7, so he is definitely Polish 😅
@thomasturski2837 6 ай бұрын
@@vilgevorcblack6178I have no idea whether he feels Polish or Canadian, but he has been living in Canada since he was 7 and apparently English is his language of thought, because he has no sense of the Polish cultural context and he delights in the universality of the word "ku..wa", like a seven-year-old or a primitive idiot.
@KoiR2Y2 6 ай бұрын
@@vilgevorcblack6178his polish does not sound authentic tho.. And some of the translations were wrong, but i guess its only noticible to polish speakers
@milczar_ 6 ай бұрын
@@KoiR2Y2 True. Also, when he says in Polish, his accent sounds like russian, Ukrainian or something.
@Orchicia 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, I find it as very offensive and aggresive word, especially in a public place or where the chilldrens or old people are. It mean "w*ore", but is more as english "f*ck/I am p*ssed off" and shows a lot disrespect to people around you. It is also beeped in polish TV/net/radio. I know many people who mute this word even during everyday conversations - everyone understands the emotions but it does not cause unpleasant feelings in the other person. Usually (but not always), if you belong to a more "uneducated part of society", you probably use it more often, somtimes even as a every second word... but of course it can happen to anyone, especially when they are stressed, e.g. someone spills hot coffee on you or steals your phone from your hands.There are some cases when you can use it as less agresive one word - eg when you are surprices, but you should have some expirence with that ;) Sometimes I think polish people make foreigners to say IT or they learn them phases with this word only to make fool of them. So I don't reccomend to use it.
@lexiu6364 6 ай бұрын
It's a bad word but it's used so often by low class people.
@barbarakomar3485 Ай бұрын
A u nas są klasy?
@vubevube 6 ай бұрын
It IS a swear word. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise. It's of a magnitude of f**k or even worse. We do use it a lot but it doesn't negate the fact it is a swear word. Don't use it next to children or older people as it will be disrespectful. You can use it among young people who you know are ok with it.
@januszsroka8039 6 ай бұрын
It's true - a lot of Poles, even the very young ones, tend to overuse the K word. Unfortunately, some people seem to use it instead of commas and full stops, without even realising how primitive and vulgar they come across as. The K word still sounds extremely rude and obscene, no matter what context it appears in. Please, try to avoid it. Enjoy your stay in Wrocław!
@Mag_dula 4 ай бұрын
Sune and James! KOCHAM WAS and the way you talk about my country. Your "Reactions..." are great! Sune, you must have Polish genes, I'm sure :)
@DMSalimProject 6 ай бұрын
Hey Furious Pete! 🇵🇱👋 Just saw the title of your latest video, and it seems like you're diving into a Polish language lesson! 📚🇵🇱 Learning a new language is always exciting, and I'm sure your energetic approach will make it both fun and informative. Looking forward to watching your reactions and picking up some Polish phrases along the way! Keep up the awesome content! 😄👍
@neo2767 5 ай бұрын
As a native Polish person I sincerely invite you to Poland. I'd love to show you some beautiful places!!!
@petersky1989PL 6 ай бұрын
Adding to the comments before, remember that Polish language is very malleable. You can make up words just like that, and the meaning is very contextual.
@simonsan5271 4 ай бұрын
"Kurwa" actually has a long tradition. It all started with my great great great great grandma and sort of went down from there..
@zbigniewpawlak9375 6 ай бұрын
I only use it among friends. An overuse is usually seen as an unintelligent person. I would use it when I'm very nervous. It is the F word. Regards.
@andrzejbanas7261 6 ай бұрын
That word is most often used jointly with the particle “że”, e.g. „powiedziałaś mi, że mnie kochasz = powiedziałaś mi, k…a, że mnie kochasz”. However, that usage appears only in slangs, and should no be used in a polite company. 😊
@mk60mk 6 ай бұрын
A friend of mine told me that when he worked in Chicago in a mixed Polish-American group, an American once told him over a beer that although he did not speak Polish, when he heard Poles saying among themselves words with a very strongly accented letter r, he knew that they used a lot of Polish curses.
@Ran-222 6 ай бұрын
kurwa - is very VULGAR word ( extremely popular in private, common or colloquial lingo) - on par or worse than 'fuck' / 'whore' / 'shit' - NEVER would you use that word among strangers ( or lovers - pun intended) and still be considered : polite, cultured, upstanding person... hope you catch my drift? :))
@grzegorz7877 6 ай бұрын
I've been watching your channel for some time, mainly out of curiosity and I'm not the type to comment on everything I watch on You Tube, although I have great respect for you for trying to find out more than how much a beer costs before visiting Poland. Unfortunately, I work abroad and it irritates me when the only word that foreigners learn is the word "KURWA", just for information, it is an offensive word describing a prostitute, unfortunately this word has started to be used quite commonly as a comma or a term beginning or ending a sentence, especially by young people, I am ashamed to use it every day, it is there are many substitutes for this word in Polish that sound a bit less vulgar (damn, chicken, roasted chicken :-) so don't be influenced by everything you hear on the Internet. Good luck and have nice experiences from your visit to Poland, and when you are in Wrocław, be sure to visit one day to Książ Castle near Wałbrzych.
@VisVitaVas 6 ай бұрын
"unfortunately this word has started to be used quite commonly as a comma or a term beginning or ending a sentence, especially by young people, I am ashamed to use it every day, it is there are many substitutes for this word in Polish that sound a bit less vulgar (damn, chicken, roasted chicken :-)" - it is a good explanaition
@hynol 6 ай бұрын
It is NOT a good, polite word. You won't hear it on television or radio. It is similar to f.... word. But it has wider range of meanings. So, a little bit like "shit", but much more vulgar. It works like verbal amplifier of expressing emotions and states you are in (like disappointment, boredom, happiness and so on). One important thing - NEVER call woman a K word (at least not directly). It is like english C word, but even stronger. Also there are many, many combinations of K word with other words, but there is so many I couldn't even know where to start exploring this topic. 8:31 - translation is just wrong. He is not saying "slut". He is saying - F...., you look beautiful!.
@nonperson22 6 ай бұрын
I am always amazed when I see this couple how super polite this girl is, she never interrupts her boyfriend, and she's always smiling
@Bierzgal 6 ай бұрын
It is absolutely a swear word. And depending on how you use it the outcome can be very vulgar. In comparison to F? I'd say K is stronger/harsher. It can be used loosely in a conversation but usually only around people that are acquaintances at the very least.
@forexscalping_pl 6 ай бұрын
I"dzień dobry" sounds like Polish. Congratulations!!! I recommend to listen to some Polish rock songs. There are a lot of amazing songs that, because of the language, are little known in the 'western' world. Some ideas: Budka Suflera "jest taki samotny dom" ( ilove this, it has such a "gothic" vibe); Chłopcy z Placu Broni "kocham Wolność"'; Lady Pank "zawsze tam gdzie Ty"; Kult "Arahja"; LemON "Napraw"; If you ask what we recommend from Polish songs, an avalanche will start :)
@wytrawnyobserwator8430 6 ай бұрын
Please, do not say that.
@Bartosz_Bart 6 ай бұрын
I'm really waiting for you to start speaking more Polish. The beginning of today's film already promises that we will be rolling on the ground laughing 😉 But don't worry about it because we keep our fingers crossed for you to learn Polish and have a great trip to Poland
@marmotamarmota1598 6 ай бұрын
we have this joke in poland that english "f" word can be used ina about 20 meanings, but polish "kurwa" we are still counting how many meanings it can have :D . It is vulgarism yet depending on situation, intonation, how its said expressed etc it really changes what it can mean. btw. for some it's just a comma in a sentence - so you can hear it a lot especially from drunks.
@jacekwysocki3365 6 ай бұрын
Not all Poles use word „kurwa” often. Some people use this word like a comma, others use it very rarely.
@oscarberezowski270 6 ай бұрын
Its the tone in how you say it.. the sentence etc... like what i always say in auto mode cuz im a pole '' kurwa mać'' basically meaning -> fking hell
@Glazox_ 6 ай бұрын
Someone counted that "kurwa" has over 200 meanings in polish according to intonation and context
@marekjureczko9551 6 ай бұрын
"kurwa" is a word from everyday speech, vulgar but seeping into the public sphere. In a casual conversation it is permissible, but in certain social contexts or, speaking in public, it shows a lack of education and manners. It's something like talking to a friend from work/school and talking to your grandmother - you will say some things differently and some you will just bite your tongue and keep silent. ps. Greetings from Poland.
@dfihikoo 6 ай бұрын
Love you guys for your love to our country, Sub forever :) BTW sometimes we said Wroc-love instaed of Wrocław :)
@thelyricologist9568 6 ай бұрын
Whatever anyone may say, the k**** word IS a swear word and please don't ever use it, even for fun. A really cultured person never uses this word, and especially in public, either as a swear word, nor - as, unfortunately, quite many young people in Poland do - as a substitute for a comma, full stop or any other punctuation mark. I personally consider any person who uses this word publicly, either swearing or in a "normal" conversation, to be disgusting and I don't want to have much to do with such people. Of course the word derives is meaning from an innocent Latin word but throughout history it grew to be used as a "less polite" word for a prostitute. There are, of course, more such words in Polish (and I must admit that English is much poorer in this respect which I actually consider to be a good thing) which, for obvious reasons, I will not list here (Poles know these words anyway and you don't need to. ;-) ).
@Glazox_ 6 ай бұрын
Allmost perfect "Dzień dobry wszystkim" at start. Very good.
@agnieszkazuk 5 ай бұрын
I've said a very few times "k" word in my life and it was in a great stress. Normally I dont like it saying and hearing. I think the Polish language is very rich in normal words you don't have to swear. I love that one of you doesn't say it even in foreign lg. :-)
@sebagab9795 6 ай бұрын
It's much stronger than the F-word because we have far more swear words in Polish and the word that is on the same level as the F-word is weaker than the K-word.
@Shirma85 6 ай бұрын
While you guys in Wrocław I recommend visit "Książ" castle. It's 80km away from Wrocław it's the 3rd biggest castle in Poland
@januszkoralewski5889 6 ай бұрын
Example - "olać wszystko" for those beautiful blue eyes. // "leave it all" for those beautiful blue eyes.
@pawematernicki5254 6 ай бұрын
Hope you have a nice weather while staying in Wrocław 😊
@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 6 ай бұрын
And I know that this is my third comment on this film but: where are the "Polish legends Allegro" every comment channel about Poland has episodes about legends. This is the flagship, best and most wonderful product on YT from Poland, which I personally recommend to every resident of other countries I talk to. And I watch it from time to time on a regular basis (+/- once a year or two)
@Inktvis_777 6 ай бұрын
Most annoying thing is when foreigner claim he knows polish and starts with 'kurwa'.
@arkadiuszszulc3303 6 ай бұрын
It is not a soft ‚sh.t’. Watch the the explanation video again and imagine using f-Word. Putting different stress on ‚f…’ can exactly express the same feelings like in video. Sometimes k…. is used as a noun (a who.e) and few times as verb (to piss off, or being pissed off, or just f… off)
@publicminx 6 ай бұрын
'Kurwa' sounds like 'Kurve' in German (Curve in English) which sounds rather neutral (yep I know, not related). 'Hey, she has some hot curves!'. Btw., etymologically 'Kurwa' has, if one digs further, roots to the Indo-European 'keh-ros' ('love-d') which sounds for me suspiciously also like the root for the Greek word 'Eros' (=> 'Erotic') with pretty much the same meaning ....
@karolbartos8869 6 ай бұрын
If you call a woman "kurwa", like this guy in the video did a few times, that is veeeeery rude. Jesus he used it so nonchalantly like he called her "silly" or something. I don't like him. He also used kurwa really weirdly few times. He was really stretching or struggling to find more uses of the word. Understand that kurwa is sometimes used like a comma in a sentence by some polish people, but it's very rude.
@blazejflorkiewicz9698 Ай бұрын
i use it.. a lot :) no problem.
@milczar_ 6 ай бұрын
Who remembers this classic? (parody of the movie "Psy" 1992).
@PGN1967 6 ай бұрын
Ja jestem Polska. That word "KURWA", was defenetly a no, no, back in my time. Since when it got so liberal. There was always respect amongst children and parents, are we as Polacy failing our children and language?
@publicminx 6 ай бұрын
I guess also many German parents and others countries parents are wondering about the same ...
@__MJ__ 6 ай бұрын
dont use it in public, in fact kurwa means prostitute in vulgar manner. You can use it among people you well know or in situation to get off some steam - almost every polish person will scream "kurwa mac" in this situation. In every language curse words are tricky. It mostly depends on context and situation when you are allow to use it.
@Ikargonczy 6 ай бұрын
Cultured people use this word only in a state of strong agitation.
@blazejflorkiewicz9698 Ай бұрын
hehe you are swearing now a lot xD
@marekolejniczak9905 6 ай бұрын
I lived in Johannesburg for 9 years, if you meet an Afrikaner who uses kurwa, it's probably my friend.
@januszsroka8039 6 ай бұрын
And you're proud of that?
@marekolejniczak9905 6 ай бұрын
@@januszsroka8039 trochę dystansu poczucia humoru
@mrwr7308 6 ай бұрын
Suné, You said good morning to everyone in Polish very correctly and without an accent, It seems to me that you may have some Polish roots😊 the word "kurwa" has many meanings but the main meaning of this word is FUCK. Actually, the man in the video didn't really explain the meaning of this word well because in English he didn't use any swear words when describing something positive or cool and in Polish he even abused this word. At the very end he even made a mistake because he used a completely unknown form of this word. This word has different meanings and is used in different situations, sometimes a letter or several letters are added and the form of the word changes to describe something. Ex. Something is fucking great, Someone pissed me off, This woman looks badass in that blouse or some people freak out or Oh fuck or Holy fuck. Depending on the context with the word but, it is always generally about adding a word that is a swear word. The most common equivalent of this word in English is word Fuck. Greetings from Szczecin, Poland😊
@mal19 6 ай бұрын
Meaning of word kórwa : "The unevenness of the sidewalk, which unexpectedly exposes me to the risk of falling, really irritates me. It gives me negative thoughts about the municipality authorities."
@psiqus 6 ай бұрын
This is the equivalent of the F word. The guy who recorded this video doesn't really know how to use it himself. His Polish is very poor.
@Katahhor1 6 ай бұрын
It is more complicated than in this video. Kurwa means w*hore, but as a swear word we use it like f*ck is used in English. If you put something in front of the verb that comes from kurwa (kurwić), the meaning changes completely. For example: wkurwić- to piss someone off podkurwić- to annoy someone nakurwić - to get drunk zakurwić- to hit ukurwić- to get dirty There are way more variations of this verb, too much to write all of them down 😂 we can also use different swear words for exactly the same meaning as przykurwić, przyjebać, przypierdolić. All of them mean to hit something, but podkurwić, podjebać, podpierdolić have three different meanings (to annoy someone, to report someone, to steal). As I said... it's complicated 😅
@Micky575 6 ай бұрын
"O kurwa" is a no no. Don't say it in public. It's better to use the kid equivalent " O kurczę", where kurczę means chicken. So, if you want to curse as much as you want in Polish you can say "o chicken, o kurcze" or just kurczę ( the nasal letter "ę" is usually just pronounced as Polish "e" as in "pet". And "pet" in Polish means cigarette butt. In Polish we don't have the word "kak" but in Russian in means "how". In Polish "how" is "jak" as (yakee) It's interesting how different words when pronounced in other languages may have completely different meanings. Have fun in Poland and you should visit a lot more places than Wrocław.
@charko4191 6 ай бұрын
People from abroad use it thinking it's funny but honestly using it very illmannared It means literally a "who*e" Sure Poles use it but does make them look funny mostly NO it's just makes you sound like a thug or that weird alkoholic old guy that shouts at everyone a few houses down. Sure the vid is funny couse the word can be use in many different forms but please don't make a habit to use it. If you are gonna remember any polish word please learn a nice one. The f-word i actually not that bad compared to the K-word
@marekszzz 6 ай бұрын
You've learned "kurwa" word. 1235374 polish words left 😂. Maybe you should switch to another word to learn 😂😂😂
@anuskas9244 6 ай бұрын
This video is funny and may suggest that this word is funny, but don't actually try to use it in public when in Poland, because you can get a ticket from the police for doing so. Better learn a few words in Polish. Poles really like it when someone tries to speak Polish 😉🙂 To start with, I suggest: dzień dobry, dobry wieczór, dobranoc, do widzenia, poproszę, dziękuję 😉
@PolskiRoland 6 ай бұрын
My favourite is "masz kurwiki w oczach" xd
@delta110a 6 ай бұрын
50 shades of K...a's word :)
@SYMPDIS 6 ай бұрын
it's not allowed to curse in the Polish household
@yabu8523 5 ай бұрын
A word that emphasizes... everything. It can also be a comma. I don't recommend using this word excessively. Too much indicates a lack of culture. But everyone uses it sometimes. To, kurwa, emphasize...
@DE480FC 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa! Stop pausing so many times! Lol😂
@marekkrajewski9662 2 ай бұрын
Very strong word, if not a native speaker, don't use it, you won't get that right.
@PrzemysawPustuka 6 ай бұрын
Komentarz dla zasięgów
@piccolotheone1693 6 ай бұрын The best interpretation of the word kurwa in Polish cinema😅😂
@damianwie476 6 ай бұрын
and you can use it in speech as: punctuation mark
@BB.Beyond.Borders 6 ай бұрын
@imienazwisko3774 6 ай бұрын
For repeating this word a couple of times in the first 7 minutes YT demonetize and/or shadow banes channels, at least polish YT channels.
@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 6 ай бұрын
I have written about this word before, after another film, but add one more "functionality" of this word. Due to the widespread use by my compatriots, it is like a signal, like a beacon showing we are here. Example: I am looking for a suitable corridor and room in an English hospital, I have recently arrived - my English is poor and there is always a communication blockage at the beginning. Someone pointed it out to me incorrectly, then another one, and suddenly I heard "i widzisz, on do mnie kurwa..." and the "kurwa" sounded like a drum. And I knew that rescue was near. The situation was repeated many times in different situations. Abroad, "kurwa" is an important signal, announcing "we are here" and bonding people together.
@kofeMW 6 ай бұрын
Coś w tym jest. Niemcy, Nadrenia Północna Westfalia. Na budowie nowego budynku przy boisku sportowym, tym takim do piłki nożnej, pojawiło się wiele firm wykończeniowych. Od elektryki, płytek ceramicznych, malarzy, hydraulików po firmy "huk wie co oni robią" ale są. I każdy podjeżdża tzw. busem najbliżej wejścia jak się da. A ja, ja muszę koparką zaorać pas ziemi przed wejściem do budynku pod nową kostkę brukową. Więc pasowałoby poinformować każdego kierowcę o konieczności przeparkowania aut zanim zrobię im coś złego. I sygnałem zachęcającym do komunikacji były głośne słowa z wewnątrz: "Kurwa trzymaj to!" Nie było problemu z porozumieniem się. Jakieś 60% z firm, jak szacuję, mają polskich pracowników.
@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 6 ай бұрын
@@kofeMW It should be added that our "," is understandable to all neighbors.... er... most of the neighbors, i.e. Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians (+ more up), Ukrainians and Belarusians (and the nasty ones next), not to mention the inhabitants of the Balkans . And abroad, meeting the above-mentioned and when they hear "kurwa" they know that our people are nearby and that there is someone who can communicate. The power of the "Kurwa" abroad is much more important and stronger than at home
@kofeMW 6 ай бұрын
@@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 😅
@krzysztofgodek6013 5 ай бұрын
Z tym "kurwa" to facet przesadza. Słowo jest używane w Polsce, ale przez ludzi, delikatnie pisząc, mało inteligentnych. Zwykli Polacy używają tego słowa rzadko, chcąc podkreślić bardzo duże emocje. Jeżeli Polak mówi to słowo i idzie do Ciebie z zaciśniętymi pięściami i złą miną na twarzy, to masz problem... :D
@bonzoble Ай бұрын
Hahaha. Funny video. She's right. Kurw* = F word. :).... Kurw* od a little bit stronger then shi* word.
@sebastianlubrecht 6 ай бұрын
Definetly do not use this word … it is a very strong curse word!!!
@anemarie5554 6 ай бұрын
kurvanti such things are done SB 10.6.3 kurvanti they award SB 11.19.4 kurvanti they create SB 11.23.48 kurvanti they do BG 3.25 kurvanti they make NBS 69 kurvanti they make NBS 69 kurvanti they make kurvan so doing SB 11.7.52 kurvan transforming SB 1.4.8 kurvan api although engaged in work BG 5.7 kurvan api although engaged in work BG 5.7 kurvantaḥ continuously performing
@rozaliaroyale 6 ай бұрын
tylko ,że obecnie , połowa populacji Wrocławia to Ukraińscy emigranci ...
@niewinnny 6 ай бұрын
Ładnie mówisz po polsku masz pani dryg do nauki
@szyszka8303 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa is very heavy word, I can not imagine this sweet lady usinkg kurwa word as it was used in this video. It is discrase.
@mieczysawpastafarianski8901 6 ай бұрын
it's a bit of a meme, and not about the topic of the episode, but: there was once a "famous" conversation between representatives of a lower social class where a girl asked if he loved her and how much he loved her, and after some thought, due to the lack of a better word, he replied: "kocham cię w chuj" (don't try to translate it). Contrary to appearances, for many educated girls who are not pathological, such a declaration of love would also be... how to put it... very strong. Even though these are not the first words they would like to hear, most girls admitted that they would feel the huge power of such a confession. At least that's what my personal research shows :-) We come to an important conclusion here - the Polish dictionary of vulgar words - their meanings, usage, rules - the whole world of vulgarisms creates a separate language that evolves significantly over the years. Many phrases become common and lose their power (when calling someone a "frajer" meant someone not from us, anyone else not belonging to our subculture (e.g. warsaw "Gity" from the 70s), then it meant someone who cooperates with the police and in various environments and in general on the street you could get stabbed (or certainly punched in the face) for using this phrase towards someone (1990s), and now it has gained an international meaning and can be translated literally. It no longer evokes "those" emotions and is used more commonly. There are a lot of such words, you can use them one way and it's ok, you use them differently and it's very wrong. There are also regional issues, e.g. "ty ciulu" in Warsaw is different from "ty ciulu" in Silesia. these meanings without living in the country every day and using the language would require studies comparable to grammar itself, which is not easy. My personal advice is DO NOT USE VULGARISM. It is not necessary for you as tourists. Saying "dziękuje" with your accent will put a sufficient smile on the face of my compatriots, you don't have to go deeper
@jerzypoprawa2016 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, many young people use this word as a comma or interjection like "well", for them it loses its vulgar power.And yet when you hear And yet, when you sometimes hear such a grrrrrowling KURRRRRWAAA!!! (helped by the sonorous Polish "r") it immediately blows terror, it's not some colorless and droning "fuck off" . By the way, in order to make curses sound threatening, you need that sonorous "r". :)
@kapi5004 6 ай бұрын
Its Just the f-word you cant use it in a good way like for public yknow
@Lorek929 6 ай бұрын
Kurwa is a magical word that can mean a lot of things and sometimes even doesn't mean anything. Often it is even completely kurwa unnecessary in the sentence. It makes people calmer I guess - I remember hearing someone say that if "kurwa" was removed from the language, people in Poland would stop talking
@januszsroka8039 6 ай бұрын
Only the ones with very poor vocabulary, I guess
@Lorek929 6 ай бұрын
@@januszsroka8039 No, words are connected to emotions, people who curse know the Polish language just as much as you do, can you imagine?
@januszsroka8039 6 ай бұрын
@@Lorek929 Believe me, I can express my emotions in many different ways without constraining myself to the one and only magical (as you described it) it K word.
@Lorek929 6 ай бұрын
@@januszsroka8039 especially when a bird shits on your shoulder you express yourself with "woe is me" right? Kurwa doesnt even show up in your head.
@januszsroka8039 6 ай бұрын
@@Lorek929 You're totally missing my point. Love & peace.
@silver8670 6 ай бұрын
You are to smart for this word!Do not use it
@rafanowacki2260 6 ай бұрын
5.25 - Polish -
@LongandWeirdName 6 ай бұрын
The word, along with a bunch of prefixes and suffixes can be almost anything. A verb, an adjective, a noun... it truly is the f word of Polish. F the fing fers. The -ić suffix turns a noun into a verb. Here's some basic examples of how this applies to the word, along with different prefixes. Wkurwić - to enrage Zakurwić - to steal, used for big things like a car or a bike Wykurwić - to hit someone/something very hard, once, but good enough not to need another hit. Okurwić - to swear at someone Nakurwić - to beat someone into a pulp Przekurwić - to willy-nilly spend a lot of cash Dokurwić - when the guy you nakurwed didn't have enough so you had to give him a second helping Podkurwić - to steal, used for small stuff like a phone, a watch, or a cup of coffee Just a few I came up with off the top of my head. While the literal translation is, to be euphemistic, "woman of negotiable affection", the word is actually used for nearly any aggressive act or thought. Every lanfuage has one. A word for when you are too infuriated to dig into your vocabulary. A word you use to lash out verbally in order to return to some semblance of inner piece without actually hurting someone or yourself. And if a language doesn't have that mental safety valve to release steam before rhey explode... I don't want to meet those people.
@pawepieprzycki2519 6 ай бұрын
@maciejbroda8485 6 ай бұрын
English for beginners | Czego szukasz w Święta?
@olazet1 6 ай бұрын
It's rude! In every case, period
@jerzypoprawa2016 6 ай бұрын
And here's something differentl for fans of the Polish language. An excerpt from the old Polish comedy "How I Unleashed the Second World War".
@mikineo1 6 ай бұрын
go to ZOO and oceanarium
@Lukas-df2jg 6 ай бұрын
dont use this word.... you can visit poland without kurwa xD
@dariuskucz928 6 ай бұрын
No matter what it's always c ros word
@Black3ml 6 ай бұрын
I'm cringing so hard at that original video. That man is usually only about 50-60% correct. Please don't use that word in public or with people who aren't your close friends.
@zycie_takie_jak_lubie 6 ай бұрын
It is good to know what that word means. But it is better never to use it yourself if you don't want to come across as a vulgar primitive
@blubrydarka2028 6 ай бұрын
This guy have better video about word Pierdolic
@xerra1 5 ай бұрын
Some of these phrases are completely wrong.
@jacektomasz4469 6 ай бұрын
supermen to przechuj
@biao-czerwony7557 6 ай бұрын
to jest fajne
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