Well this is a video I wasn't expecting, but cool! A couple of tips: 1. The buns defrost quickly in the microwave, usually 15-20 seconds per bun. Of course in this case you weren't in a rush because the grill needs time. But that goes for other frozen bread items, including bagels, English muffins, etc. 2. Burglers use a spatulatory. Tongs are great for most other things. You just couldn't get enough of me. First I was up there for the A/C and now this! Hope they sucked as usual!
@Sharkie6263 ай бұрын
Yeah thought I'd give ya a little surprise! It's funny, I was actually thinking of using the microwave to defrost them, but by the time I was going to, I realized they were already thawed and soft, perfect! Yeah spatulatory will definitely be used next time. They did as always!
@AidanGunther13 ай бұрын
Those look delicious.
@Sharkie6263 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, they are definitely amazing!
@AidanGunther13 ай бұрын
@@Sharkie626 how's it been man?
@Sharkie6263 ай бұрын
@@AidanGunther1 Been definitely better overall lately. How about yourself bud?
@AidanGunther13 ай бұрын
Been doing alright thank you. Just getting by really.
@dynatrak3 ай бұрын
I've had leftover Dirty Jay Burgers before, and they suck just as much the second time. What kind of cheese did you use? Looks good.
@Sharkie6263 ай бұрын
Land o Lakes deli cheese, it's always been one of the best for me!
@dynatrak3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I’ll give the Sharkie626 approved cheese a try.