Rey Returns - To A Film Franchise We're All Done With

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Echo Chamberlain

Echo Chamberlain

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Nobody's beloved heroine is set to return in a film nobody will be excited about.

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@nicholastotoro7721 Жыл бұрын
Disney will soon enough realize Rey wasn't the reason people wanted to see the sequel trilogy.
@harbl99 Жыл бұрын
Can't get someone to understand something when their pay cheque depends on their feigning ignorance of it.
@simonsays6557 Жыл бұрын
They don’t care
@beerdragon4583 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t matter to them. It’s not about the money. It’s about the message.
@phoenixhenson3689 Жыл бұрын
@@beerdragon4583 they are spoiled
@HEYBERT1984 Жыл бұрын
Disney has more money than brains and they really don’t care about what we want or think.
@TheRagdollrejects Жыл бұрын
“Hey guys we could bring back Luke and have him train a new group of Jedi and find out more about his life since rotj since we didn’t really kill him we just made him sorta vanish…” Kk - “OR we could focus on me… I mean my favourite self insert… I mean my favourite character… I mean, new fans favourite character Rey doing that sorta stuff and show how much more powerful she’s become since the end of the last film? Fans want that. Right? Right?!”
@etherealbladerx8153 Жыл бұрын
Venom: Right 😈 Wrrrrong 😈
@SergioLeonardoCornejo Жыл бұрын
In the end Palatine won.
@Delta_2209 Жыл бұрын
​@@SergioLeonardoCornejo she IS Rey Palatine after all
@SergioLeonardoCornejo Жыл бұрын
@@Delta_2209 that's part of my punchline
@Delta_2209 Жыл бұрын
@@SergioLeonardoCornejoman, I'm bad at understanding jokes
@Helmutlozzi Жыл бұрын
I hope they introduce even more lore destroying tactics like the hyperdrive kamikaze, and preferably executed by strong female character™.
@harbl99 Жыл бұрын
Admiral Holdo: "Tenno heika BANZAI!!!" Everyone else on the ship: "Wait, wut?"
@death-king1834 Жыл бұрын
And then introduce some weak sauce explaination on why they can never do it despite being so effective. ''We need to start doing more of them Holdo maneuvers to do some real damage'' ''nAh It OnE iN a MiLlIoN!''
@Cancoillotteman Жыл бұрын
@@death-king1834 Then send a million torpedoes with hyperdrives. Still cheaper than a cruiser PS : I know you mean it ironically, but I actually saw some people honestly trying to use that argument, and it tilts me
@MomoAfterDark Жыл бұрын
How about Force ghosts directly interacting with the physical world including calling down lightning ? Wtf is that? And Jedi can now heal mortal wounds like a Harry Potter wizard. Actually only Rey can cuz why didn’t noob Obi Wan or Qui Gonn use this Force power after Maul stabbed him? Guess they’re just weaker and inferior Jedi to the great Rey 🙄 F Disney 😠
@westerling8436 Жыл бұрын
Maybe a jedi can't get his lightsaber up
@FTChomp9980 Жыл бұрын
She ain't Skywalker she's a Palpatine someone Disney is making another Rey movie this isn't gonna end up well.
@cttommy73 Жыл бұрын
Don't worry, no matter who is directing, we know who is really running the show. So be prepared for the force to be discovered by a strong, independent woman who needs no man, flawless and as perfect as they come, just like Rey, and expect this to be the tone and plot and setting for every Star Wars movie and show.
@theAstarrr Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile the Mandolorian and the 6 original movies are there with plenty of competent characters varying in gender and race that are all not perfect
@F00kbluepill Жыл бұрын
@@theAstarrr Mandolorian is going down that path, nose diving hard !!!
@WARLORD626 Жыл бұрын
That's why Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo is the GOAT with a not LIGHTSABER.
@politicianguy4527 Жыл бұрын
Somehow Rey palpatine had returned
@Someonewhoecist Жыл бұрын
Clone Wars
@Usernamehear Жыл бұрын
I’m wondering who from the original movies can they bring back to kill in this movie. Is wedge still alive? Maybe they can bring him back and have ray put fly him in a fighter squadron and then he can die a failure.
@dustinjones7458 Жыл бұрын
"Rey, before Wedge died he made you leader of Rogue Squadron." (This happens off screen)
@aceb2660 Жыл бұрын
Lmao, imagine the outrage if they bring back Vader lol
@PelemusMcSoy Жыл бұрын
You think they'd be ballsy enough to kill off Lando? Or is he safe because of his skin color?
@Another-li2qn Жыл бұрын
You know about force ghosts yea? 🤔 They can bring back anyone
@dustinjones7458 Жыл бұрын
@@PelemusMcSoy Lando deserves an epic end. All his friends went out like heroes and he's the last of the old guard alongside chewie. How does the gambler play his last hand? But Disney probably doesn't have the balls to give us an ending for him.
@NarcissistAU Жыл бұрын
Dear Daisy, none of this is about you, it's about how Rey is written. Separate yourself mentally from the character and stand clear. When I heard they were bringing back Rey my first thought was 'they're deepfaking Ray Charles to star as a jedi in their new film?', because that was instinctively more likely to me than more Rey Palpatine/Skywalker. I guess I need stronger crazy pills to keep up with Kennedy.
@vaina2 Жыл бұрын
@Fuc Ker L
@pretorious700 Жыл бұрын
No, it's about 50% her. She's boring, bland and forgettable
@kan-zee Жыл бұрын
*_DISNEY has made_* : *Luke Skywalker* (Male Character) a *COMPLETE FAILURE* 1) Failed as a Moisture Farm boy, and abandons his only family, who were murdered ; He leaves his home to seek Adventure. 2) Failed as an independent (Mary Sue) character, as he was co-dependant on his friends aid, to succeed in all his missions. 3) Failed as a Jedi Master /Instructor for his first Student (Grogu) & was trusted with Leia’s son Ben Solo , as he failed to kill him and then Abandons Ben Solo (who turned to the darkside “Kylo Ren”, to become a mentally unstable mass murdering puppet of Cloned Snoke) He failed to realize their was a darkness rising in Kylo 4) Failed to start up a new jedi academy....his 12 students + Kylo.. betray him and he becomes a galactic victim and He quits the 1000 generations of jedi traditions of peace and justice. (sounds familiar , when the POPE resigned from his job as head of the Church, in 2012 feb) 5) Luke continues to Fail a) Failed his family on Tatooine..they were murdered b) Failed his jedi test at the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah c) Failed his training with Yoda / didn’t complete it. d) Failed to assassinate Jabba the Hut and put into a Rancor Pit. e) Failed to Defeat Vadar and got his Hand cut off. e) Failed to face off and kill the Emperor, and throws his lightsaber away, before facing off with the Emporer. f) Failed as a Trusted loyal Friend to the Rebels, as they are Killed off by the Empire, Kylo Murders his dad; Han. Princess Leia is almost murdered by her son Kylo. Hundreds of Rebels die in battles. Not once is he there to help save them. 6) Failed as a Family man (to Han, Chewbacca, Ben, Leia, Ben Kenobi and RTD2 etc) and Failed as a brother to Leia in her struggle to fight the Empire. 7) Failed as a Jedi and lived for years in Fear , as a Hermit on an isolated island (He is suicidal and wants to Die) and accomplishes NOTHING. 8) Fails as he Tries to burn down last remnants of Jedi knowledge…so Yoda sends a lightning bolt and destroys it, for him. 9) Luke cuts himself off, from the Force. And Fails to Overcome his past mistakes. 10) Failed as a Teacher to Rey Palpatine, and doesn’t pass on the torch to her. He Was defeated easily by Rey in Combat training on island. 11) Fails at helping to save Rey from Kylo, his nephew and student. 12) Luke obtains a new force power ..”Hologram Force Projection” which he uses against Kylo, and it costs him his life. (Luke gets his wish…to DIE) 13) Lukes legacy is …He was supported & helped all through his young life , to be a success, only to face a singular defeat with his jedi school and he quit , and stopped helping anyone for years, while they died, carrying on the good fight against the Empire. Luke will be remembered as a Depressed , Weak, Lonely, Irresponsible , Disconnected ,Fearfilled Old Man with PTSD and NO HOPE. LUKE ends up representing *Nihilism* (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.) (Thanks a lot Krazy Kathleen Kennedy, for crushing all Hope and influencing the next generation into a Sick direction of Betrayal and Familicide.) ************************************************************************ *Rey* ?? Palpatine ?? Skywalker ?? Sidous ?? (GIRL BOSS Female Character) is a *COMPLETE SUCCESS* 1) Successful Survivor as a Scavenger all her life, with no help. (VII) These scavenger skills pay off when she climbs within the Destroyed Death Star to retrieve the Sith Compass (IX) 2) Rey knows how to fly the old Millennium Falcon Freighter ship like a pro, with no history of training or flying. (VII) Rey who grew up on a desert, knows how to operate a Water Skimmer in dangerous Waters, that the inhabitants wouldn’t try …but she does it like a Boss. (IX) Rey flies a supped up Kylo TieFighter without training, and Then she flies an old Republic XWing fighter without training, through a deadly corridor to Exogel’s gravity wells, solar winds, magnetic cross fields etc. 3) Rey is instantly good at speaking Robot languages and Wookie language.(VII) 4)She is instantly able to FORCE HEAL a Giant Serpents lazer wounds, by transferring her life to the Serpent.(SW IX) .. No other Jedi has done this before, maybe Obiwankenobi in a New Hope with Luke (IV). 5) Rey doesn’t need to train and build her own lightsaber…She instantly finds Anakins lightsaber in a box and claims it. (VII) The Lightsaber is destroyed by battling Kylo (VII)…but is magically resurrected and given back to her , by General Leia, her new Jedi Master. (IX) She is given another Lightsaber from Master Luke , which turns out to be Leia’s Lightsaber that she abandoned. (IX) 6) Rey has amazing Swordsmanship and Force Combat Skills (with no training) and Succeeds in surviving a Lightsaber duel against a Jedi Trained , Kylo Ren (SW VIII) and and with minimal training from Leia, she defeats kylo again in a tie fighter one on one (VIII). Then she uses the force to stop a Ship in flight, and plays FORCE tug of war with kylo for the ship… She then amazingly succeeds in shooting Force Lightning out of her hand and destroys the Ship (IX) Rey Defeats trained Bounty hunter Zorii, & Experienced Bounty hunters , effortlessly with only her stick , alone, while her male companions, just standing there, watching (IX) Rey Battles Kylo again on the destroyed Death Star , Stabs him, while he’s distracted by his mothers spirit visit, mortally wounds him, then Gives her life force to Heal him and purge his evilness out of him..with her GOD-LIKE FORCE POWERs (IX)… 7) Rey is an expert master decipher/ puzzle solver, and finds the Sith Blade then figures out how to find where the sith map is to Exegol (the hidden world of the Sith). (SW IX) 8) With no Training whats’ so ever, Effortlessly resist the mind control of her captor, Kylo and Rey is an instant success with Jedi mind control and mind projection into Kylo . 9) She Succeeds in Beating the most powerful Jedi alive , in combat training (aka Luke Skywalker) Then she beats up 4 guys without losing her breath. She becomes the most Powerful Jedi in only a short time (under Leia’s tutelage). Mind you, Leia gave up her lightsaber and didn’t complete her training either, under Luke’s jedi school. 10) Rey plans to commit *Parricide First Degree Murder” of her Cloned Grandfather…because the original Palpatine committed *Familicide* to her parents. Really sick Disney teachings of Family members killing each other. 11) Rey is never Challenged or put to the Jedi Test, until last movie ,IX Rise of Skywalker, when she is aboard the destroyed Death Star and faces evil empress self. 12) Rey is fully trusted , when she meets new characters… a) Succeeds in having the Rebellion Crew trust her ,to find Master Jedi Luke, where no one in the rebellion has. b) Bounty hunter Zorii and her crew, instantly trust her, after being beaten by her. (IX) 13) Rey is a successful one-woman army, The only Force user, who connected with all Dead Jedi , to battle her Evil Magic “Cloned” GrandDaddy , Palpatine/ Sith Lord Sidous and uses not one, but two lightsabers, to blow him up. She commits Parricide, like Kylo did with his father , Han Solo and almost his mother and Uncle Luke). Rey represents Familicide (where someone kills multiple close family members in quick succession.) 14) Rey experiences God-like Force Abilities when she brings Kylo back from near death & and then saves his spirit when she purges him of his evilness. 15) Rey has succeeded in taking Luke’s Name “SKYWALKER” and his LEGACY 16) Future Success is Starting up a NEW JEDI ACADEMY/ JEDI ORDER…She is a self Elected JEDI MASTER, cause no one in the Order is alive to initiate her to this status, Only Jedi ghosts are available. 17) Rey Has all the answers ,knows it all, her way or the spacehyperlane !! She doesn’t Inspire anyone, but sure does deflate people around her. Ex: Finn , Po, 18) All the Beta Males are around Rey , treat her like she is better, she is in control and they would never talk down to her (like han did with leia) ? 19) Rey’s super Force powers, are able to transport her lightsaber to Ben solo, So he can defeat his Knights. 20) Rey can catch Lazer fire, with her hand and throw them back at the Emporers red guard, with ease. 21) Rey not only destroys the all powerful Sith lord Palpatine, but also mass murders all the thousands of Sith Faithful followers in the temple, single handedly. 22) Rey dies, but is Ressurected by Ben Solo/Kylo Ren ,who sacrifices himself to give his life force, to her. *************************************************************** REY *_MARY SUE_* : a type of female character who is depicted as unrealistic and has no flaws or weaknesses in her character. Mary Sue REY is good at everything without even trying. She can rescue herself from any situation. she never fails in her ability to do difficult things. She is an idealized woman, a perfect character, and someone who upstages all other characters she is on screen with. She has no character arc, her development remains static due to her being perfect in all disciplines in which she partakes. Rey’s a character with strength and unlimited power that isn't justified. Rey represents women who can achieve greater things than men.
@apreviousseagle836 Жыл бұрын
They want to double down on it, so we need to double down on keeping our wallets closed.
@WhiteDragon689 Жыл бұрын
I predict another huge flop because they are not true to StarWars but to pushing political racial/gender crap.
@overlordmgcover2262 Жыл бұрын
This was a perfect summary.
@WhiteDragon689 Жыл бұрын
This just shows the delusion of characters due to over reaching female centric politics. Rey as a character is unbeleivable and one dimensional.A bad JOKE on a decent story line. She is arrogant. This is a major character flaw of the Disney politics being injected into all that they do. In essence Starwars is DEAD and they killed it.
@death-king1834 Жыл бұрын
I have seen people to try to debunk the claims that Rey is a Mary-Sue with the fact that she did fail at some things like failing to stand up against Snoke except whatever small amount of stuff Rey couldn't overcome 100% doesn't effect her in anyway at learning or growing from this. The fact she couldn't beat Snoke means really nothing as his character is almost immediatly killed off and replaced with Kylo whom Rey has already effortless bested and shown to be far more powerful than so really what exactly is there for Rey to learn from exactly? Both Luke and Anakin both experianced defeat that forced them to better themselves as characters. Luke was completely outclassed by Vader in Empire and with also the revelation that he was his father and he was forced to retreat in total defeat and in that time he completed his trainning and bettered himself from this experiance and in doing so he was able to defeat Vader in the following film. Anakin despite being told was the most powerful Jedi of all time still got his ass handed to him completely by Dooku in Episode II and it was only through Yoda's interventation that he and Obi-Wan were saved but Dooku still managed to escape to continue forth with his and his master's plans for the war which throughout the Clone Wars Anakin learns to better himself as well as grow more powerful and in doing so is finally able to overcome Dooku. Rey doesn't go through anything like this in her trilogy whatsoever. There is no moment where she is forced to suffer some sort of long time defeat or obstacle she is forced to be humbled and learn to eventually overcome because the problem resloves itself so she doesn't have to.
@Justmonika6969 Жыл бұрын
We aren't done with Star Wars. We are done with "Disney Star Wars". A lot of us would LOVE the Old Republic Era explored! A KOTOR movie would be awesome.
@creativehans Жыл бұрын
No, don't give them ideas!
@wingsoffreedom3589 Жыл бұрын
Have you lost your force damned mind do you really want Disney to rape Kotor after this have you no self respect!!!
@Justmonika6969 Жыл бұрын
@@creativehans Yeah tbf they'd probably ruin that too lmao
@robderich8533 Жыл бұрын
@Pragmatic Skeptic It didn't just happen, it was done to them by people who obviously have neither a clue about what they're messing with nor the slightest shred of talent and who are also far too arrogant for any form of criticism. If these ppl had the capacity for self-criticism, they would all have to throw themselves into their lightsabers.
@teamtundra2619 Жыл бұрын
@@Justmonika6969GOD BLESS DISNEY
@michaellanger5671 Жыл бұрын
Don't complain....a movie with Rey...hopefully many movies with her...will grace us with reviews from all our beloved producers...EC, The Drinker, Little platoon, Nerdrotic, Disparu , Reaper....can't wait for Disney to start another blazing dumpster fire
@nequam0 Жыл бұрын
@balthazarasquith Жыл бұрын
Go away now 😂
@LordEmperorHyperion Жыл бұрын
Boring wars
@youthfulcurmudgeon3627 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget Overlord/Doomcock, Geeks + Gamers, RK Outpost, Hypnotic, Razorfist, Dave Cullen, Clownfish TV, Just Some Guy, YoungRippa59, JosiahRises, Yellowflash2, .....they'll ALL be singing the hymns of "LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN" with the lyrics reappropriated to be about Disney LOL!
@Another-li2qn Жыл бұрын
This ain't cool. I like watching them but I'm getting bored of the same thing every time....only so many times I can hear them say they same stuff
@ericrivas4106 Жыл бұрын
Angry Joe once had a quote in one of his reviews about a bad game that speaks true about the state of Star Wars and that quote is, “it’s like a dead carcass taped back together and presented to us as if it were still alive.”
@alexm2889 Жыл бұрын
i'm getting deja vu...
@emperorpalpatine6448 Жыл бұрын
The best way to fight this is to just not go see it. Not even to hate watch. Let it fail massively at the box office. Then maybe they’ll either start putting out actual good stories or have mercy on the franchise and stop.
@Dinoslay Жыл бұрын
Nah, it just won’t be the same without John Boyega screaming RAAAAY every single moment.
@dustinjones7458 Жыл бұрын
Remember when we all thought Finn would have a full character arc as he went from a faceless trooper to maturing and self defining himself as a person who has to make his own choices and decide who he wants to be? Well it turned out that was the Bad Batch.
@Mabra51 Жыл бұрын
For over thousands of generations the jedi knights were guardians of peace and justice. Before the dark times. Before the disney empire.
@alextorres112 Жыл бұрын
She probably training Kylo Ren’s children. That’s right, he has kids. The dude was a evil leader that went from planet to planet killing and torturing many species, you don’t think he got laid many times in these places he took over.
@MK_ULTRA420 Жыл бұрын
Not with his impotent rage and manchild energy. He reeks of "hasn't touched vag since birth".
@TheMightyCookieShow Жыл бұрын
I've never wasted my time watching even a single second of rise of skywalker
@Another-li2qn Жыл бұрын
@rebelfighter5249 Жыл бұрын
We should've had Cal Kestis lead the sequel movies instead of Mary Rey Sue. Unlike her, Cal had to work hard to get gud and guess what?? He's a beloved fan favorite who has a massive fan base and WANTS to see him in live action one day. That's how you KNOW you've got a well-written character and compelling story to boot. Nothing was handed to Cal during his journey. He had to earn it with blood, sweat and tears. He's EARNED the right to cross over into live action.
@mysteryneophyte Жыл бұрын
In a Disney Star Wars film set 1 million years in the past there would still be storm troopers running around for some reason
@Marcos-tk1sf Жыл бұрын
We all want a new display of power from the magnanimous Rey.
@dustinjones7458 Жыл бұрын
"Poe: So you're saying you can resurrect Ben Solo from death?" "Rey: Yes. The force is a powerful ally." _Finn stands in back behind Rey with no dialogue_
@Marcos-tk1sf Жыл бұрын
@@dustinjones7458 Next character, female version of Jesus. 🤫
@gabethebabe3337 Жыл бұрын
I went back and read a bunch of of old EU stories like Tales of the Jedi, the Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Empire, and Shadows of the Empire. I gotta say they’re far more fulfilling than whatever trash Disney is shitting out.
@abraham2172 Жыл бұрын
Comfort yourself with the thought that we soon get Thrawn in canon (although a very washed-down Wish version of him, bout to get his ass handed to him mainly by Ashoka in her series without achieving anything meaningful or posing a threat to her and the other main good guys at any point of the story).
@gabethebabe3337 Жыл бұрын
@@abraham2172 that doesn’t comfort me. A continuity where Luke Skywalker is a failure and doesn’t leave behind a good legacy is a continuity I want no business with. I also refuse to try to mix canon anymore because it just doesn’t fit and doesn’t match the same heart and soul. Old EU writers were passionate and loved the fans. New EU writers hate the fans regardless if they like their content.
@Lioneldehetre Жыл бұрын
Don’t blame the actors for bad casting. They’re there to get a paycheck and the issue is at the writers and producers level of production.
@PelemusMcSoy Жыл бұрын
I only blame the actors when they open their traps and attack the audience.
@mucktown Жыл бұрын
I blame actors for taking a stupid written part
@doug176 Жыл бұрын
@@mucktown that’s how they make money moron
@wingsoffreedom3589 Жыл бұрын
Nah blame them all.
@doug176 Жыл бұрын
@@wingsoffreedom3589 cringe
@billsprestonesq.226 Жыл бұрын
I was going crazy! People have been gaslighting me for years, saying they didn't see Lionel Ritchie in Empire Strikes Back, but I knew I had. Thanks to you, now I can tell my so-called "friends" how awful they are!
@justinandmaxgames5472 Жыл бұрын
Love these videos - and Disney was always garbage - always will be. I can appreciate the few seconds we get of Janacek at the opening and closing of your videos too -- a touch of class in a world increasingly bereft of any.
@abraham2172 Жыл бұрын
They were garbage at making star wars. They have made countless great movies in the past though, in the recent past as well.
@spinnerpete Жыл бұрын
Im 57. My sister went to the cimema to see Grease, I went to see Star Wars. That was our preference. She wanted to be Olivia Newton John, I wated to be mark Hamill as luke. Putting a woman as luke makes as much sense as putting a gay guy as Olivia. And they wonder why it hasn't worked....
@agentsmith2378 Жыл бұрын
Ffs bro rey is the worst
@mcsthethreequel9557 Жыл бұрын
Much like most people, my exact thoughts were "Somehow Rey Palpy returned". I refuse to consider Disney's era canon, even with The Mandalorian.
@WARLORD626 Жыл бұрын
Bruh that's TOUGH but yes considering DISNEY WARS not canon makes sense LOL'Z.
@opulenceluxury8548 Жыл бұрын
Yeah exactly this. It is not George's vision, so is not canon. He wrote a script that was rejected, so Disney is basically 'fan fiction with legal cover'. If I bought LOTR and wrote a new trilogy, rightly it has zero legitimacy. Just because I throw money around doesn't mean I can claim to be inline with the artists vision. If they used George's scripts it would be different, but the moment they rejected them there work became artistically illegitimate. I won't pay a cent to see their cultural vandalism, trying to ring every dollar out of 'their product'
@mikesmearnov1319 Жыл бұрын
Disney really does not know when the horse is actually dead
@entropybentwhistle Жыл бұрын
For most people the expression goes “Don’t flog a dead horse,” but for Disney the expression isn’t even a skeletal horse, but a horse long decayed to dust.
@chrisose4585 Жыл бұрын
You’d think Disney would hire the greatest film makers and writers to continue the love for Star Wars but nope, the political and woke messages take priority because mental illness is the new hot thing
@tylere.8436 Жыл бұрын
This is the sort of shit that kills civilizations, even those that point out "the message" don't seem to understand the severity of such degeneracy and societal cancer.
@abraham2172 Жыл бұрын
When do you brainwashed "conservatives" or whatever you call yourselfes finally realize not everything bad in the world happens because of "wokeness"?
@clanky44 Жыл бұрын
Give us the writing, acting, cinematography and gravitas of Andor and you might right the ship. Give us more of the Mando/Fett/Obi amateurish, plotless mess and continue to see the numbers tank. At this point they should focus on redoing episodes 7-9 under the guidance of a serious film maker with little to no interference from Disney,… just like Andor.
@wingsoffreedom3589 Жыл бұрын
Yes I still hear some retards actually say Mando is just as good as Andor and my faith in humanity died.
@frankg2790 Жыл бұрын
Really? Another film starrin' Rey? She already had her own trilogy.
@kerravon4159 Жыл бұрын
Try casting Chris Hemsworth as Black Panther and you'll soon find out how "color blind" modern casting is. Its only color blind in one direction.
@keithb2055 Жыл бұрын
Star wars and Rey, two things that don't go together. Only on Kathleens wet dreams.
@AzureKnight2 Жыл бұрын
I have no hope for the movie about the first Jedi, the "Prime Jedi" in the Disney Canon. There's almost zero chance it's going to live up to the original version with the Je'daii.
@constantchange1145 Жыл бұрын
Characters with no flaws or weaknesses arent relatable or interesting, theres no sense of them possibly failing, George Lucas specifically stated that he tried his best to make us believe that Luke could fail at any moment.
@mrhax4464 Жыл бұрын
My guess is that "the first jedi," will be a woman of color, in a same sex relationship. Who is born and raised on tatooine, and she develops her powers so she can fight the patriarchy.
@Avarn388 Жыл бұрын
Somehow, Rey Palpatine returned and Disney is still insane. But hey; please keep burning the corpse of SWs and having its shills defend it. It’s just funny now.
@MMZERO9 Жыл бұрын
When an Italian plumber from Brooklyn is able to inject more life into movies than SW, that’s when you know things have changed.
@A_YouTube_Commenter Жыл бұрын
That plumber doesn't have an agenda.
@MMZERO9 Жыл бұрын
@@A_KZbin_Commenter Exactly. And that’s what audiences latched onto. Beyond the Nintendo references, the simple themes of family, going for your dreams and working together to overcome big obstacles allowed both diehard fans and outside audiences to latch onto The Super Mario Bros. Movie and give it the attention it’s earned. It may be simple, even old-fashioned, but maybe audiences need a little old-fashioned, to coin a phrase from Coulson. 🙂😀
@MrGabrielJude Жыл бұрын
Rey Palpatine, the emperor won. His offspring outlived the Skywalkers…
@xagonent4942 Жыл бұрын
Wasn't there a kid on the slave/casino planet with those horse creatures that showed to have force powers? Why dont they do something with that character and expand on a completely different part of the universe. I dont get it.
@corvega_joe Жыл бұрын
The only thing good about them bringing this lame character back is that there will be more inspiration for hentai.
@ScooterDoge Жыл бұрын
Daisy is reprising her role because she doesn’t want to get a job at Burger King.
@tagoldich 9 ай бұрын
Rey's not a character, she's a feminist revenge fantasy.
@matthewgaulke8094 Жыл бұрын
All this lady boss diversity inclusion stuff reminds me of when as a child you got stuck playing with that annoying spoiled kid who never knew how to play well with others. Any time you started enjoying a certain toy they'd bitch and moan they wanted to use your toy until you finally gave in and then only for them to bash you over the head with it and cast it aside afterwards in the dirt. The hope was different perspectives from women and diversity people would invigorate these franchises with fresh inspiration for all but the reality is painful to watch. They didn't earn it. It was just given to them and is now being used to bash fans over the head with and it will only be cast aside in the dirt eventually with no one being happy.
@autisticlegionnaire3624 Жыл бұрын
I find myself wondering if George Lucas knew Kathleen Kennedy better than we give him credit for. Passing responsibility to her while aware she was out of her depth. Thus raising his original creation far above KK's tepid sludge. Such a move would also be a gigantic fuck you to critics of the prequels. Evil Palpatine laughter emanating from the ranch.
@willmoore8708 Жыл бұрын
The ONLY enjoyable thing I find about the character, Rey, are the Rule34 parodies.
@dustinjones7458 Жыл бұрын
I'll accept it if they put Rey in an alternate timeline where the movies don't suck.
@impaledloaf Жыл бұрын
I have almost given up hope, that filoni might still pull that one off with his rather controversial time travel / parallel universes plot-device. Fore one because such a thing doesn't fit into the SW-universe thematically and two, disney would nevver allow him to undo an entire trilogy. Well, almost....
@kuribayashi84 Жыл бұрын
Same here. If she had been the Main Character of a better Trilogy that... I dunno, started off with Rey being accepted into Lukes (thriving) New Jedi Order and ends with her taking the reigns after an Epic Battle in which Luke may have sacrificed himself but *not* in an out of left field/embarrassing way, I'd be more accepting. I have nothing against Daisy Ridley as a person or an actress, she just needed better movies to be in.
@Tyln93 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars Fans: We hate Rey!!! Disney: Ok, We care about fans and what they say!!! And so we're gonna make a movie about Rey again!!! Star Wars Fans: 😯😯😯
@orvillecollazo5761 Жыл бұрын
Wow what everyone was crying out for the return to the galaxy of Rey Skywhatever according to these brilliant creatives Mrs. KKK Kennedy, Jj Airplane, Chris Stereo and Ruin Jhonson, this Rey Skywhatever is the daughter of Mr T and Wonder Woman, granddaughter of the Wizard of Oz and Queen Elizabeth II, this explains why he uses Zorro's sword and Shazam's cape to have the Grayskull power and thus become a Jedi of the order of Major League Baseball, NBA and WWE. This article is a hoax and a conspiracy to justify how rubbish the Disney sequels were, Kathelyn Kennedy, JJ Abrahms and the bunch of inepts without creativity and with every intention of destroying the original work of George Lucas. The problem is not the actress or the actors, the fault lies with Disney, JJ Abrahams, Rian Johnson, Katherine Kennedy who wiped their behinds with the creativity and mythology of George Lucas. This arrogant Ruin Johnson created a narrative mess, completely disrespecting the originals #1-6. The characters have no depth or development and the story is blurry. JJ Airplane, Chris Stereo and Ruin Johnson have just created an abominable mess. They can try to complete whatever they want. It's not going to change the fact that the sequel trilogy suffered from poor writing and inconsistency from start to finish. If they wanted to create something new, perfect new characters and stories, but they didn't have to destroy the original heroes, stories, and mythology to improve the new characters. That is called lack of creativity. Imagine that these writers take Superman and put him in a bat suit and the kryptonite hurts Batman and it turns out that the villain is Chapulín Colorado, just because they thought it was so funny and original. It seems that the infinite waste of resources will continue "continuously" as long as the unhappy Kennedy continues to lead Disney's Lucasfilm division. What she pejoratively calls "minority" are root followers, I mean those of us who went to the premiere in 1977 are those who openly "rodo" to the disastrous last trilogy APOCRIFA full of "furious roteiros" and outside the canon that have tried to deconstruct the heroes of the classic saga in favor of a militancy and woke agenda that includes identity movements and radical feminism. It is curious that many of the same ones that she describes as "fans used to hating" are the same ones who despise those unsympathetic pseudo-heroines who suffer from the so-called "Mary Sue" complex and who have been appearing in recent years such as Captain Marvel, Galadriel and of course Rey who are presented in the best "Deus Ex machina" style full of unrealistic and surreal skills.
@OddityDK Жыл бұрын
Luckily I only let Disney inflict The Force Awakens on me. That was enough for me to know not to bother with SW anymore. Rey fixing the Falcon because “woman”, Rey matching Kylo with no training because “woman” etc.. I’ll pass.
@NotAGreatPlayer Жыл бұрын
Also, Rey is a palpatine, not a Skywalker on which she just attribute this name because yes fuck it. Which honestly this could have a immense potential if was actually develop in the first place, but obviously is Disney, and they don't care about quality of content over, vulgar, """the bullshit of the message"".
@michaelpilgrim2599 Жыл бұрын
Listen, strong female leads have existed for many years. Alien, Long Kiss Goodnight and of course Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil franchise. What we don't enjoy is 'strong' female leads that aren't strong at all and are just stuffed down our necks for the sake of the woke crowd. Makes any lover of fine action cinema sick in the guts. But here's the best news..... Looks like there's no end in sight to this crap.
@bones10145 Жыл бұрын
I definitely wouldn't say "colorblind casting". They despise white character source material and make a determined effort to race swap whenever possible. Star Wars is "patriarchal" except for all the ways it isn't. Leia in the very first movie was bossing the suave and confident Han around like a pro. Mon Mothma in RoTJ was a leader of the Rebel Alliance.
@opulenceluxury8548 Жыл бұрын
Disney is disgusting. Watching them defile George Lucas's vision is heartbreaking. I will never pay a cent for their vandalism. An artistic abomination driven by corporate greed.
@nnnn3808 Жыл бұрын
"A brand new era, tens of thousands of years before A New Hope". It will look the same. Same SW trope mashup all over again. Only worse, cus it's Disney
@jeddjoseph237 Жыл бұрын
If they changed it to Rey Palpatine, I might watch... they still keep "skywalker?" seriously?
@redsoxu571 Жыл бұрын
I hate the idea of "the first Jedi". It feels like a mystique-killing subject on par with the story of the first Avatar in The Legend of Korra.
@TheBatman39 Жыл бұрын
I feel actually hyped for The Penguin spinoff show set in the Battinsonverse, next chapter of Berserk and Oppenheimer; which for Star Wars I feel a uncomfortable sense of peaceful apathy and hollowness, I simply don't care about it anymore and I feel happy about it.
@jad7127 Жыл бұрын
The director of the new Rey movie is well known for her activist documentaries soooo yeah, I'm not very hopeful for this movie.
@tianfromthebrickworld8487 Жыл бұрын
I dont like the idea of knowing the origins of the jedi bc its more intereting, ambiguity is better, mystery, plus disney clearly hates george and the jedi
@TheMeatwade Жыл бұрын
What sucks is the original canon did have a sweies when Palpatine was resurrected as a clone and did battle Luke with a force storm. Unfortunately disney did nothing with this and made it all legends instead.
@comradeblin256 Жыл бұрын
Rey impregnated by the force and become independent woman able to procreate independently and gave birth independently then singlehandedly defeated the evil then become queen of universe of star wars. Then end!
@Kertgaferg Жыл бұрын
You know the James Mangold movie is going to be a womyns discovering the force before a man steals it from her.
@robertpearson8798 Жыл бұрын
It’s a modern world of colour blind casting, unless it’s the other way around.
@aaronlaughter6471 Жыл бұрын
May I offer you people the EU (good and Canon star wars) its amazing.
@ethenallen1388 Жыл бұрын
I was sick and tired of Star Wars before Episode 7 was even announced. Guess I was ahead of the curve. I will always look on Rogue One as the movie that enabled me to say goodbye to Star Wars with a sad but sincere smile.
@adrianveidt8056 Жыл бұрын
Rogue One was the last good thing from star wars... everything after it is pretty mediocre at the best...
@bridgeblake Жыл бұрын
Like you, I think Rogue One has been the standalone enjoyable piece for Star Wars since the Disney purchase. Until Andor. Dont skip it
@phoenixhenson3689 Жыл бұрын
@@bridgeblake Yeah "Andor" is even better .The problem is people are so done with the whole Star Wars franchise that they dont really care to notice
@minotaur8426 Жыл бұрын
You were sick and tired of Star Wars before 7 was announced? Even though there hadn't been a Star Wars movie for like 10 years?
@ethenallen1388 Жыл бұрын
@@minotaur8426 I was, at best, a casual fan of the books, but I always thought that Visons of the Future brought the saga to what should have been a satisfying close. I was lukewarm to the New Jedi Order series and when I learned that Jasen Solo had succumb to the evil twin cliché I had had enough.
@vectinator7605 Жыл бұрын
If you want a story about a new unique character trying to find their place in the Star Wars universe; I would recommend the MMO Star Wars the Old Republic, but Disney ruined that too.
@_Luluko_ Жыл бұрын
just found this channel I like the voice and videos, could use a little more comedy and mocking disney tho.
@ticoworld7195 Жыл бұрын
We can't have nice things anymore 😢
@stronensycharte64 Жыл бұрын
The sooner people realize these people are ruining our childhood IPs on purpose because they hate us, the better.
@tylere.8436 Жыл бұрын
​@@stronensycharte64 You see, people seem to assume it's occasional incompetence, yet this isn't a unique case and there is an underlying apparatus of anti white, male, West, religious, and wealthy.
@brocky Жыл бұрын
Kathleen Kennedy is still leading it. I have no hope for anything led by her and her team who continues to ignore source materials and ignore what Star War fans want. I keep saying this but they really should've just gone with the Starkiller storyline for Rey at Episode 8. It seemed like it was heading it that direction until bullshit happened.
@stevenmoralesjr5785 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars (1977 - 2023) May rest in peace George gave it to the wrong people the wrong distributor and hire the wrong president. Both Disney and Kathleen Kennedy destroyed Star Wars. I’ve been a Hardcore fan of Star Wars ever since I was a kid. And I know I’m not stupid enough to buy a movie ticket requel, and I know I will never buy a ticket for this so-called Star Wars franchise because it’s gone and to be all fairness it’s George Lucas fault, but I don’t blame him entirely because Disney was gonna get Star Wars no matter, so he surrendered his rights his brand. Let the suckers out there, watch it!
@kennethcraig9228 Жыл бұрын
Sequels sucked. Mandalorian was OK, until season 3 anyway. Kenobi sucked. Andor's actually great, though. Haven't given any others a chance.
@stevenmoralesjr5785 Жыл бұрын
@@kennethcraig9228 That is true I like to the first season, but when the second season came when they did the Luke Skywalker appearance I was like yo they use the exact same technology they did in the Irishman directed by Martin Scorsese. I was like “what a waste”
@RJ-xh4xb Жыл бұрын
Actually, Star Wars 1977-1983. The rest are fan fiction.
@Unknown-hb3id Жыл бұрын
2023? It's been a played corpse since 2017.
@stevenmorrison4692 Жыл бұрын
She's NOT a Skywalker. 🤦‍♂️
@bryanwalthall5483 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating. Everyone thinks this Dawn of the Jedi movie is going to be good. Folks, they're setting up Rey to be the UberJedi. She has the texts from the Ancient Jedi. Don't you think it's possible they'll set Rey up to be the actual Chosen One in this James "Indiana Jones 5" Mangold movie?
@beefsuprem0241 Жыл бұрын
They'll announcing a jah jah trilogy next😢
@wifine1951 Жыл бұрын
Daisy came back because of the Disney paycheck. Her career is still dead
@mattlewis6833 Жыл бұрын
If you thought Solo lost money just wait until the Rey film comes out.
@barrysmith4610 Жыл бұрын
Somehow Ray Palpatine has returned loooolll
@aninternetuser4306 Жыл бұрын
Kk takes hubris to another level. Absolutely incapable of learning from past mistakes
@jkleylein Жыл бұрын
You have to recognize mistakes as such before learning can begin.
@mallninja9805 Жыл бұрын
Have any of her projects actually lost money yet? That's the only way she (or Disney) will consider anything a mistake.
@Unknown-hb3id Жыл бұрын
@@mallninja9805 Solo definitively lost money. Rise of Skywalker profits plummeted below TLJ. It's why they dead-stopped making movies a la Marvel in the first place. The TV shows have been declining as well (likely losing money, but we'll won't get real numbers from them except if they're leaked). Disney+ has lost a bunch of its subs as well
@rebelfighter5249 Жыл бұрын
​​​​@@Unknown-hb3id Lucasfilm needs to divorce Disney ASAP and become its own brand again, so future SW content doesn't suck bantha balls.
@Unknown-hb3id Жыл бұрын
@@rebelfighter5249 They'd have to strip practically all their upper management too since they're directly responsible for either pushing what they've done or allowing it to be moved along.
@cskyo Жыл бұрын
Kathleen Kennedy doubling down and forcing you to like what she shoveling! She's a bloody nightmare and needs to leave Lucas film asap before cripples the franchise to the point of no return.
@bclr6843 Жыл бұрын
Rey is the only orphan everyone can agree should have just been left there to collect garbage till she got old
@BrassChuckles Жыл бұрын
People will look back on Disney/Lucasfilm and see it as a perfect example of how to use a large company's resources to exact revenge on those who humiliated you. Whether taking a dump in the bed, or "creatively" destroying their art, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. George must have really pissed her off. K.k. is both angry and sad; now we're all sad. Star Wars RIP, murdered by k.k.
@StinkyBlack1 Жыл бұрын
They still make these? Starwars has fallen so far i havent even seen anything related in a decade.
@attentiondeficitsquirrel7660 Жыл бұрын
I’d rather have a Jar Jar trilogy.
@KM-dk5gn Жыл бұрын
I will be laughing my arse off when the theatres are full of row upon row of empty seats the first night that this movie that no one wants is released. If they think Solo and Buzz Lightyear bombed, they haven't seen anything yet.
@georgewilliam8951 Жыл бұрын
Why can’t we just move on to like old republic, I would love to see the rise of Malgus, or the two brothers! Thexan and Arcann, like they need to redo all of the George lucas cut scenes in Star Wars old republic video games, and no I don’t want Disney to produce it, I can’t do Disney Star Wars, it feels like a kids family story than a tragic Greek tale
@ajf5823 Жыл бұрын
I can’t like this enough but Disney needs to stay away from the Old Republic. It would be great if someone else took up this though
@Euphoryaaa Жыл бұрын
The only way I can see Rey working is in the background as like a teacher/master character to new MORE INTERESTING characters that can then be built upon. Let’s say she’s raising the next generation of jedi and she only really comes in as an ex machina since they wanted to turn her into a Mary Sue anyway. also flashbacks can show hard work Rey put in not seen by the audience so it lessens the perception that she was just given all her power.
@ArgentWolf95 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Mauler, you did this! Joking, but it really is sad to see things have become so creatively bankrupt.
@PeterM8987 Жыл бұрын
The lightsaber thumbnail says it all.😅
@nelsontan8178 Жыл бұрын
it's no wonder when one looks at the star wars channel and they feature interviews made...there are very few people watching Kennedy's segment
@tagoldich 9 ай бұрын
You mean Rey Palpatine returns?
@detpak Жыл бұрын
Welcome to Star Wars: The PMS era.
@martenw757 Жыл бұрын
Our new enemy ... darth woke ... ; )
@markrussell3414 Жыл бұрын
Great news can't wait for this and i hope they will do the mandalorian movie or rogue squadron 👽👽or solo 2👍🏻👽👍🏻👍🏻👽👍🏻
@petrairene Жыл бұрын
There is about as much public interest for a Rey Palpatine movie as it was for Solo.
@RaikenXion Жыл бұрын
Here's an idea, if i met Jon Favreau, i would advise him at best, he should Secretly "Collaborate" with George Lucas. Use his own Production Company and the two should be Really Clever, and basically just make a Unofficial "StarWars" SeeQuel Moovie lol. So basically something where Favreau co-writes the very Story treatment George Lucas had for his EPISODE 7; Favreau Directs the movie, and they play it absolutely as Close to the Bone as possible, without outright using any of the actual Names of Lucas's own *Legacy Characters*. But just make them look very similar in their overall Design. It's quite hard to describe in "Words" what i'm getting at here but do you understand what i mean? Like you know how some low-budget movies out there completely rip-off Hollywood Blockbuster Films? And they play it so close, just close enough that they don't get Sued by the Major studios; like that i mean LOL😏😂 Just to really stick it to Disney! If George Lucas and Jon Favreau actually did something like that it would be frickin HUGE!! And would create somewhat of a Controversy in Hollywood i think, because it would send a massive message to Lazy, Corporate, Agenda-driven Hollywood, and especially Disney. I'm sure those guys would know exactly how to go about making such a movie, in a very specific way, so as to not get sued or have their movie shutdown or suppressed in any way. Favreau is a solid director, Lucas may have SOLD those treatments to Disney, but they have NEVER Actually used them at all IN FULL! And he definitely knows his own treatments story, ALL IN HIS OWN HEAD. this is about the only real way i can think, that us Fans and George could actually get the "Sequel trilogy" that ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE BEEN! Just "Unofficially"; and us Fans, we would be able to follow it and just imagine it as the actual thing. Disney havn't copyrighted any of those EU names, so as a way to get away with it, you just change the names slightly of the *Legacy Characters*. Luke becomes "Luuke", Leia becomes - "Leeah", Han becomes "Hahn" and so on. they just base the characters overall designs off of Lucas Early Concept Designs, only abit older versions, with obvious newer cast, and they make the Solo twins, Jayna and Jaysen Soelo. ALL us passionate and especially older Fans would be clued up to know Exactly what they would be doing. If they ever pulled this off it's guaranteed such a movie would become a HUGE, Massive, Monumental hit at the box-office, i reckon it would even outsell Force Awakens. Lucas & Favreau have Both been Completely Screwed over by Disney and Kathy Kennedy! they should do this!! Such a thing would be considered unprecedented in Hollywood. Atleast not seen since Sean Connery's - "Never Say Never Again" Unofficial Bond Film. Maybe us Fans should start putting ideas in George's head 🤔
@dimebag505 Жыл бұрын
They must be doing this on purpose by now, it takes effort to handle Star Wars this badly.
@phoenixhenson3689 Жыл бұрын
"ANDOR" is probably the best Disney/Star Wars creation ever. "Rogue One' being second! Whoever is writing and directing it takes alot of pride in what they are doing and it shows throughout the entire series. Other than that they are hell bent on wasting millions to destroy this as well as the MARVEL franchise
@manintveld_nl Жыл бұрын
Five things that show you are not a fan but a Star Wars Karen: 1. Gatekeeping: Some Star Wars fans may engage in gatekeeping, which involves setting arbitrary rules for who can or cannot be considered a "true" fan. This behavior can be exclusionary and may discourage new fans from joining the community. 2. Toxic behavior: Some Star Wars fans may engage in toxic behavior, such as harassment or bullying of others who have different opinions or preferences. This can create a hostile environment and may drive away potential fans. 3. Resistance to change: Some Star Wars fans may resist changes or new directions in the franchise, such as the inclusion of new characters or storylines. While it's natural to have preferences, resisting change can hinder growth and creativity. 4. Overly obsessive behavior: Some Star Wars fans may become overly obsessive about the franchise, spending excessive amounts of time and money on collecting merchandise or attending events. While enthusiasm is great, it's important to maintain a healthy balance and not let fandom become all-consuming. 5. Focusing on the negative: Some Star Wars fans may focus too much on the negative aspects of the franchise, such as criticizing every new release or constantly complaining about past mistakes. While constructive criticism can be helpful, focusing only on the negative can make it difficult to appreciate the many positive aspects of the franchise.
@ls_rus4666 Жыл бұрын
Whatever helps you sleep at night
@johnhoran9840 Жыл бұрын
How much did Disney pay you for your dignity, Dick?
@ESB82413 Жыл бұрын
Proud to say I've never seen rise of Palpatine.
@wingsoffreedom3589 Жыл бұрын
Me to and I never watched TLJ but I've seen so many breakdowns I know the film bye heart.
@EJK2099 Жыл бұрын
Proud to say I have never seen any of the Star Wars nonsense
@ivanstrydom8417 Жыл бұрын
Within the first 50 seconds you can already deduce the kind of character that was created by two differing writers , one a genius , the other a Woke cultist. Anikans character written by a non woke cultist : ''Jedi knight ,never a jedi master'' (Knows his limitations and struggles) (that caused him to fall and become ) ''Darth Vader.'' Black female character written by woke cultist: ''I would call myself THEE inquisitor.'' Anikans character written by a non woke cultist : '' A strong DESIRE for power'' '' A highly COMPLEX character'' . Black female character written by woke cultist: ''Fierce ,fiercely intelligent , quick on her feet''. ''ALWAYS intent on doing WHAT IS RIGHT.'' Anikans character written by a non woke cultist :''There is also a lot of inner conflict.'' ''An inner struggle of Identity.'' You can't make this shit up , you can see in the span of 60 seconds how writing in the past decade has devolved from philosophical works (Based on ideas championed by the Greek philosophers) to blatant, dim-witted cultist propaganda (mirroring the ideas of a Germanic cultist group of the 1930's). Now we have :''Powerful OWMAAAN YES YEAAHHH.'' 06:25 The Propaganda sequels of the Woke Cult are not Star Wars canon. There are only 6 SW films + Rogue One ,Andor, & Mando S1+S2. You can clearly see how - after the Luke return - the woke cultist studio execs interfered and took over control of S3. Disney has no imagination, it doesn’t aim to entertain, it’s only aim is to emulate Joseph Goebbels , mastering the art of spreading the Propaganda of their Woke feminazi cult. There is no creativity in Disney's Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. The Woke feminazi cult has infected Disney to the core, Disney should be burnt to the ground. "Only knowledge/wisdom or creativity can break ignorance." The Woke feminazi cult has neither.
@kennethbillings614 Жыл бұрын
They need someone to train the new Jedi, well Rey Palpatine is needed to train the new Sith.
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