Rocky Marciano vs Roland La Starza II FULL FIGHT!

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Rocky "The Brockton Blockbuster" Marciano vs Roland La Starza II
24/09/1953 Polo Grounds, New York, New York

Пікірлер: 579
@lordburlap4514 3 жыл бұрын
Rocky had a brutal fury, and stamina to spare.....and was a perfect gentleman when the fight was over.
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
Y'all treat little Marciano as if he were god himself. When he walked, the earth shook. Society shouldn't care more about person X just because he was a good boxer. Marciano was no more important than everyday hard-working people. He only defended his 186-lb Cruiserweight title 6 times: 1. Washed Cruiserweight Walcott (lost 20 times and was KO'd 6 times) came out of a 4 year forced retirement by 256-lb Super Heavyweight Abe Simon. Little Rocky was only 7yrs old when Arnold Raymond Cream a.k.a. Jersey Joe Walcott was already fighting professionally! 2. Very small 184-lb Cruiserweight Roland LaStarza fought no one, and ducked everybody! 3/4. Unhealthy light heavyweight Ezzard Charles already had ALS in 1951. Ezzard succumbed to his illnesses @ only 53yrs of age. 5. Unhealthy (Glandular disorder) light heavyweight Don Cockell already had severe health issues. Don succumbed to his illnesses @ only 54yrs of age. 6. Archie Moore was a career 174-pound light heavyweight! R y'all proud that little Marciano's best opponents were career middleweights and light heavyweights moonlighting as Heavyweights? *...That's it? What's the big deal? 4 "light" heavyweights and 1 Cruiserweight. What's so great about that? For a Heavyweight Champion of the World that's beyond weak, it's downright embarrassing. Think, people. Think.*
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
It is worth noting that an unbeaten record does not mean that a boxer is the greatest. There are many factors that can impact a fighter's record such as the level of competition they have faced, and when they faced them. There is no way to argue objectively that Marciano is the greatest. And that is due to not only his lackluster competition, but his wars against them. Walcott being granted 6 title attempts in a 5 year span proves how weak the Heavyweight division was at that time. And to make matters worse *Five* of his title opportunities came immediately after a *Loss.* Journeyman Joe was C-level at best. Overall he lost (20) times and was KOd (6) times. Walcott's most notable victories include wins over light heavyweights Charles, Maxim and Johnson. LH Charles lost (25) times and was KOd (7) times. LH Maxim lost (29) times. LH Johnson lost (11) times and was KO'd (5) times.. *WOULD IT HAVE BEEN OKAY IF LITTLE ROCKY LOST ((25)) TIMES AND WAS KOd ((7)) TIMES???*
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
Any boxer that's on an undefeated 30+ or 40+ fight winning streak (especially during the 50s) has been brilliantly managed and well protected. Italian Mafia soldier Frankie Carbo, the most powerful promoter in boxing, had his leash-n-collar around little Rocky. 25-0-Marciano fought F-LEVEL nobodies till he met 37-0-LaStarza who also fought F-LEVEL nobodies. After their fight Marciano continues with more F-LEVEL competition bcz his handlers were afraid to put him in with anyone who could pose much of a threat after coming so close to tasting defeat. Little Marciano's next opponent was F-LEVEL Eldridge Eatman who had lost 8 of his last 9 fights. Everybody knew it was a gimme fight for an undefeated fighter. Then there was F-LEVEL Ted Lowry who had a career record of 71 wins 68 losses. Marciano's 32nd fight was against F-LEVEL Keene Simmons who had a career 8 wins 8 losses. Marciano's 33rd fight was against F-LEVEL Harold Mitchell who had a career 4 wins 17 losses. Marciano's 34th fight was against F-LEVEL Art Henri who had a career 13 wins 14 losses. Marciano's 35th fight was against F-LEVEL Willis Applegate who had a career 11 wins 14 losses. It's clear as day Mafia Boss Frankie Carbo and his associate Al Weill padded and cherry-picked Marciano's resume his entire (but very short) career. Marciano's career motto was: "Fight No One and Quit While You Are Ahead" BUT many would say Marciano always defended his title against the #1 ranked contender. Well that's honorable, but meaningless when those six #1 ranked opponents were mediocre at best. Take #1 ranked Roland LaStarza fir example: "His reputation was built on the first Rocky fight. Although he had a long winning streak at the beginning of his career, there are no tough names on his record. After the first Marciano fight he could have forced the issue by meeting top fighters. He refused fights with Charles, Moore, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker etc. Lost and avenged to overstuffed light heavy Dan Bucceroni and to light heavy Rocky Jones and looked terrible against Jones in the rematch. The Jones win and a victory over the faded Rex Layne gave him the credentials to meet Rocky for the title. Look at LaStarza's record there are no names on it except for Marciano. I have the complete film of the Jones rematch and believe me LaStarza looked terrible. LaStarza NEVER fought a dangerous opponent except Marciano and thats a fact if you know any of the fighters from his era. I am not saying that LaStarza was a coward but he (or, excuse me, his management) refused matches with Henry, Charles, Baker, and Archie Moore. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he wouldn't take those matches because he "deserved" a rematch with Marciano and thought he was offered the other matches by the IBC only because they were trying to knock him out of "his rightful shot at Marciano." Boo Hoo Hoo. Real, confident fighters go out and prove they deserve their shot by beating dangerous fighters to force a showdown with a champion." -- *Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder* *Lewis Watson, the boxing writer and historian,* speaks of the artificial puffing up of records against cherry picked competition, saying: “Unbeaten records are fairly padded; you have to look if there are any notable victories coming against first rate competition."
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
Marciano fans describe him as being *so fierce* that he practically *killed all 49* of his opponents in the ring. Y'all have these vids *saturated with so much exaggerated nonsense* that it's laughable. *Little Marciano was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The Italian infant of Krypton was Superman. He broke 1,247 bones, knocked out 4,679 teeth, and ruptured 792 blood vessels. I also know for a fact that little Rocky is god , because when he walked the earth shook.* If little Rocky was *so-powerful* why didn't he *ever break any bones???* He never broke *one rib,* *one nose,* *one eye-socket,* *one jaw* or *detached one retina.* Exactly *who's bones did he break???* Waiting,, Tic Toc Tic Toc... *""NOBODY""!!!! ""ZERO""!!!!* Roland LaStarza with all his supposed *"Broken Bones"* and *"Ruptured Blood Vessels"* only had to have *'minor'* surgery. Y'all act as if *both his arms were decapitated.* LaStarza simply had *miniscule bone-chips* removed from his elbow just like David Tua did after his fight with Ibeabuchi. *It is a common boxing injury because everyone blocks punches using their forearms and elbows.* Besides LaStarza said, *"I already had elbow problems before i even fought Marciano."* I have the *article.* When Roland left boxing he went on to a very lucrative TV acting career. Here's the newspaper article about Layne's tooth: *"Rex Layne lost a left upper tooth..the tooth broke at the gums when Marciano caught the Utahn in the mouth with a full right hand. Layne was taken immediately after the fight to a New York dentist to have the teeth X-rayed and also for treatment on a broken tooth." Layne's handlers said, "the tooth went out with the gumshield."* Rex only sustained *"ONE"* broken tooth! He fought Charles exactly 3 months later so what's the big deal??? *Folks break their teeth all the time skateboarding or slippin-n-fallin on the ice.* "He punched out almost every tooth in Rex Lyne's mouth and sent his gum guard into the crowd. It take massive power to do that. If Layne was 6'6 240+ it wouldn't of made any difference." -- *written by a-typical Marciano Fanboy 12 years ago.*
@MrMatt44000 2 жыл бұрын
This fight got better and better. Kudos to La Starza for staying in as long as he did. I have no idea how he managed to take that kind of onslaught for all those rounds what a tough man La Starza was. Rocky really looked like an unbeaten and unbeatable Champ in this one. He must have been absolute murder to fight. He doesn't tire, he keeps coming after you, he doesn't shake when you hit him, he keeps throwing punches. Awful. What a boxer.
@k.bidwell4760 4 ай бұрын
Lastarza is a beast! As is the whole family!
@Tenkaichibudokai22 3 ай бұрын
Tough kid he was
@chicagomike4587 2 жыл бұрын
Rockys brother said this was the only time Rocky laid an intentional beating on a guy...he was mad at Roland's mouth since their first fight. Rocky was still a gentleman always after the fight
@alanfeldman6241 Жыл бұрын
LaSTARZA had said Rocky was punch drunk before the fight . Rocky told him after the fight don ‘t you ever say that again!
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
Supposedly LaStarza was one of Marciano's best opponents, he was 37-0. How many of y'all actually studied the 37 guys LaStarza fought??? Well here we see their entire "CAREER" record, not a partial record. Seeing a boxers complete resume gives a more accurate evaluation how good, or how bad they were. Professional boxers can easily be evaluated using grades A, B, C, D, and F which has been used in boxing for decades: Walter Hafer - 22 wins 26 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jackie Lyons - 32 wins 24 losses with 23% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Carollo - 36 wins 17 losses with 16% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Weinberg - 44 wins 22 losses with 34% KOs *D-LEVEL* Gene Gosney - 14 wins 5 losses with 42% KOs *D-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Jacobs - 14 wins 16 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mel McKinney - 8 wins 10 losses with 5% KOs *F-LEVEL* Teddy Georges - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Oscar Goode - 43 wins 23 losses with 20% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tony Gangemi - 21 wins 18 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Benny Rusk - 20 wins 17 losses with 27% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred McManus - 18 wins 19 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Holloway - 2 wins 11 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Claude McClintock - 1 win 9 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Steve King - 21 wins 11 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy White - 9 wins 17 losses with 11% KOs *F-LEVEL* Frankie Reed - 2 wins 14 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Belluscio - 15 wins 10 losses with 37% KOs *F-LEVEL* Luther McMillan - 13 wins 19 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Ramsey - 8 wins 12 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lorne McCarthy - 2 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs *D-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zeke Brown - 0 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jim Johnson - 3 wins 22 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Dodd - 8 wins 12 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Al Zappala - 20 wins 27 losses with 9% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zack Johnson - 3 wins 7 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Dave Glanton - 1 win 13 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* #37) Cesar Brion - 49 wins 11 losses with 36% KOs *C-LEVEL* looks okay until ya *see how many of his wins came against his fellow Argentinians* WORST 37-0 EVER!!! Yes LaStarza was a masterfully protected fighter. He beat just one ranked opponent, a past his sell by date Rex Layne. *"There are so many names from his era conspicuously missing from his record. Roland LaStarza's only claim to fame was having lost a close decision to Marciano. There are no names on Roland's record except for Rocky."* --Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder Lewis Watson, the boxing writer and historian, speaks of the artificial puffing up of records against cherry picked competition, saying: *"Promoters looking for a way to get their prizefighters a big payoff will first invest thousands of dollars in padding his numbers against truly horrendous opponents."*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
Little 186lb cruiserweight Roland LaStarza's record was 37-0 before he faced little 184lb cruiserweight Marciano. *Honestly it's remarkable that i just so happen to have those awesome 37 journeyman/ham & eggers Rollie fought:* Walter Hafer - 22 wins 26 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jackie Lyons - 32 wins 24 losses with 23% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Carollo - 36 wins 17 losses with 16% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Weinberg - 44 wins 22 losses with 34% KOs *D-LEVEL* Gene Gosney - 14 wins 5 losses with 42% KOs *D-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Jacobs - 14 wins 16 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mel McKinney - 8 wins 10 losses with 5% KOs *F-LEVEL* Teddy Georges - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Oscar Goode - 43 wins 23 losses with 20% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tony Gangemi - 21 wins 18 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Benny Rusk - 20 wins 17 losses with 27% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred McManus - 18 wins 19 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Holloway - 2 wins 11 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Claude McClintock - 1 win 9 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Steve King - 21 wins 11 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy White - 9 wins 17 losses with 11% KOs *F-LEVEL* Frankie Reed - 2 wins 14 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Belluscio - 15 wins 10 losses with 37% KOs *F-LEVEL* Luther McMillan - 13 wins 19 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Ramsey - 8 wins 12 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lorne McCarthy - 2 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zeke Brown - 0 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jim Johnson - 3 wins 22 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Dodd - 8 wins 12 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Al Zappala - 20 wins 27 losses with 9% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zack Johnson - 3 wins 7 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Dave Glanton - 1 win 13 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* #37) Cesar Brion - 49 wins 11 losses with 36% KOs *C-LEVEL* looks okay until ya *see how many of his wins came against his fellow Argentinians* *WORST 37-0 EVER!!!* "There are so many names from his era conspicuously missing from his record. LaStarza's only claim to fame was having lost a close decision to Marciano. Although he had a long winning streak at the beginning of his career, there are no tough names on his record. After the first Marciano fight he could have forced the issue by meeting top fighters. He refused fights with Charles, Moore, Walcott, Louis, Bivins, Maxim, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker etc. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he wouldn't take those matches because he 'deserved' a rematch with Marciano and thought he was offered the other matches by the IBC only because they were trying to knock him out of 'his rightful shot at Marciano.' Boo hoo hoo." *--Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
LaStarza vs. Layne *(uploader William Walker)* reminds me of watching two midwest club fighters fighting a 4 rounder on an old ESPN card from Muncie, In. Two guys who were not well schooled, standing in front of each other acting like they were insulted if the other guy missed them with a punch. A lot of right hand leads, a lot of jabs with the rear foot leaving the canvas, little/no counter punching, just two guys willing to get hit but showing little boxing skill. Look how bad Rex Layne swings and misses. *What an oaf.* LaStarza refused (ducked) fights with Charles, Moore, Walcott, Louis, Bivins, Maxim, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker etc. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he "wouldn't take those matches because he 'deserved' his rematch with Marciano."'s clear as day, Roland LaStarza was a brilliantly managed 'Ducker'!
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
An *interview with Roland LaStarza about his two Marciano fights:* About their 1st fight Rollie said that Rocky was unusually cautious in the early rounds. "I wondered what he was up to, I'd thought he would come at me, bombing away. When I saw him jabbing and trying to box, I didn't know whether it was a trap or not. So I just stood back and did what I'd planned to do, jab and move." Lastarza recalled, "I knew how close the fight was, everyone did. But overall I'm sure as income taxes that I outscored him. "I honestly feel I was the winner. The Associated Press had it 5-4-1 for me. Every reporter gave me the decision. They said I was robbed." The score was 5-4-1, 4-5-1 the ref scored draw. But the decision went to Marciano. "Before the first fight Al Weill promised us a return immediately if the fight was close. The next day he said, "We don't want to go back." After that he avoided us like the plague. I did get frustrated here was Marciano making a bundle while I was fighting for peanuts." Lastarza discounted the stories about the damage Marciano supposedly inflicted on his arms in their second fight. "There was a rumor after the fight that he hurt my shoulders and arms a lot, but the truth was that I had weak elbows from the fight before, and they were giving me trouble. They really went bad during the training before the Marciano fight. With the state of my elbows I really could not give a good account of myself. During the fight I was under the influence of pain killers and I really needed them." "Marciano couldn't hit me on the behind for the first five rounds.Then in the sixth I got a shot on my bad elbow, the strength went out of me, and I just stood there from then on. I couldn't move, I took it for five more rounds. They claimed he was punishing me instead of kayoing me, but he was doing his damndest to knock me out, and he couldn't do it for those five rounds because I took a good punch. I was still standing when they stopped the fight." *Lastarza was interviewed by James Dusgate, November 1990 Ring magazine.*
@thesilentgeneration 5 ай бұрын
It kills me how announcers are so fast to be critical of Rocky about rust and lay-offs, but Rocky wins every fight.
@Garry-d3d 7 күн бұрын
I think a lot of them bet against the Rock
@garyrichards7580 9 ай бұрын
Many people do not realize that in the first fight between Marciano and lastarza, Rocky could not commit himself fully to the fight. The reason for this is that he was just coming off the fight he had with Carmine Vingo. If u don’t know what happened to Vingo, google it. By the way, 28.89% of the men who fought Rocky never fought again, including Carmine Vingo.
@Robert.Levi.Miller 6 ай бұрын
The Marciano Tapes #6 @3:40 Marciano confesses Carmine Vingo hit the back of his head on the plywood flooring. *He said, "it so happened that Vingo hit his head on the flooring, and it sent him unconscious. He was paralyzed a little bit in his fingers and hands. There was a change in the ruling, from then on padding was put on the ring of the flooring."* Rocky's manager Al Weill said the same thing in Marciano's biography 'Unbeaten', *"Vingo hit his head on the flooring, then he went unconscious."* So after all this time it was the plywood flooring that partially paralyzed Vingo, not Marciano's punch. *It's no wonder Vingo said, "I WAS SLAUGHTERED FOR A CROWD" --source: The Saturday Evening Post by Carmine Vingo as told by Seymour Shubin* *Carmine Vingo's F-LEVEL opponents:* *1.* Barney Metten career record 6 wins 3 losses *F-LEVEL* *2.* Fred Ramsey career record 8 wins 12 losses *F-LEVEL* *3.* Earl Turner career record 2 wins 21 losses *F-LEVEL* (Turner's only purpose was padding records). *4.* George Washington career record 12 wins 33 losses *F-LEVEL* (Another paid diver). *5.* Joe Lindsay career record 28 wins 7 losses *C-LEVEL* (Vingo Loses). *6.* Freddie McManus career record 18 wins 19 losses *F-LEVEL* *7.* Tommy DiGiorgio career record 9 wins 15 losses *F-LEVEL* *8.* Jimmy Walls career record 20 wins 41 losses *F-LEVEL* (Another Diver). *9.* Tommy DiGiorgio career record 9 wins 15 losses *F-LEVEL* (SECOND time Vingo fights this guy. Why? We all know why). *10.* Johnny Williams career record 2 wins 13 losses *F-LEVEL* *11.* Don Mogard career record 20 wins 16 losses *F-LEVEL* *12.* Freddie McManus career record 18 wins 19 losses *F-LEVEL* (SECOND time Vingo fights this guy. Why? We all know why). *13.* Ernie Conyer career record 5 wins 9 losses *F-LEVEL* *14.* Ernie Conyer career record 5 wins 9 losses *F-LEVEL* (SECOND time Vingo fights this guy. Why? Isn't it obvious? To pad his fraudulent resume). *15.* Joe Modzele career record 18 wins 8 losses *D to F-LEVEL* (Another 183 lb light heavyweight moonlighting as Heavyweight, they were dime a dozen back then). *16.* George Washington career record 12 wins 33 losses *F-LEVEL* (Second time Vingo fights this diver. Vingo fought *FOUR* opponents *TWICE* within 16 bouts. The majority of his opponents had losing records. This is all to reminiscent of Roland LaStarza's resume). *17.* Al Robinson career record 0 wins 5 losses *F-LEVEL* (Vingo actually fights a debuting amateur (0-0-0) just before he faces Rocky. Why? Worst division in boxing history). *18.* Rocky Marciano career record 49 wins 0 losses *A-minus-LEVEL for extremely short 7 year career. In comparison Moore had 27 year career.* (Vingo was completely outclassed and never had a chance from the get-go. I saw their Getty Museum pics and Marciano didn't have a single mark on his face, his eyes were wide open and clear). All this time i was mislead into believing that Vingo was this twenty year old superstar being prepped to become the next Heavyweight champ. Instead he was prepped for *SLAUGHTER JUST TO PLEASE A CROWD* --Carmine Vingo *WHAT THEY DID TO VINGO WAS A TRAVESTY*
@Robert.Levi.Miller 6 ай бұрын
If 178 to 184 lb tiny cruiser Rocky was *all-Powerful* why didn't he ever break any bones? *He never broke one rib, one nose, one eye-socket, one jaw or detached one retina.* If he did i assure you every single Rocky fan on the planet would be talking about it, right? Marciano catches lightning in a bottle ONE time vs. Walcott and his fans automatically assume he's the most powerful puncher that ever lived. Rocky never had 43 KO's, half were TKO's. Count them. There's a Huge difference between KO's and TKO's. LaStarza and Cockell were still standing, correct? Rocky's entire legacy has been built around that "one" lucky KO against a guy that was at least 40 years of age, if not older. *Just before Walcott gets KO'd where are both of his hands? They are at waist level. Why? Bcz he's worn out and his reflexes are shot. Father time waits for no one!* Roland LaStarza with all his supposed "Broken Bones" and "Ruptured Blood Vessels" only had minor surgery to remove tiny bone chips from his elbow just like David Tua did after his fight with Ibeabuchi. Elbow arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure. It's a common boxing injury yet y'all act as if both his arms were decapitated. Besides, Roland said, *"I already had elbow problems before i even fought Marciano."* (I have the article). Here's the newspaper article about Layne's tooth: *"Rex Layne lost a left upper tooth..the tooth broke at the gums when Marciano caught the Utahn in the mouth with a full right hand. Layne was taken immediately after the fight to a New York dentist to have the teeth X-rayed and also for treatment on a broken tooth." Layne's handlers said, "the tooth went out with the gum shield."* ...So, Rex only sustained *"ONE"* broken tooth!!! This is important. *If all of Layne's front teeth were sheared off at the gum's it would have been virtually impossible for Layne to fight Charles exactly 3 months later! Correct?* Folks break their teeth all the time skateboarding or slipping and falling on the ice. One broken tooth, what's the big deal?
@black_David_Frost295 6 ай бұрын
Little white 184 lb Marciano had a featherweight arm reach of 67" inches. Imagine penguin🐧arms Rocky trying to fight authentic Super Heavyweights with 50 to 80+ pound weight advantages and 80" to 85" arm reaches? What an embarrassment Rocky would have been today. The less said about 254 lb Humphrey Jackson the better. He only had 7 fights as a pro and had found a way to be KO'd by a guy with 1 fight. So this was little white Rocky's so called authentic Heavyweight opponent he faced? Another Typical Undercard C-Level Factually Marciano would bust a payphone clean off the wall just to retrieve his 10 cents even though he had 30K in his pocket. He was half a bubble off plumb. It's in his biographies. My nephew Billy has explained how good you are and why. Apparently there's a guy by the name of Gregory Rochette that has been harassing people for 10 years. Billy said, "you contain him and put him in his place." I wish you good health and happiness. Carry on. Mike Tyson was gifted with type II fast-twitch muscle fibers. He came out the gate sprinting like 220 pound Quarter 🐎 Horse, while little white 185 pound Marciano came out the gate shuffling forward like Little 🐢Turtle. 1980's 20yr old phenom Mike easily KO's Rocky 10 outta 10 times! So Marciano threw 100 punches in a round? Lol give me a break. Number one Marciano only weighed 185. So even if he threw 100 punches in a round what would that prove? Why compare a light heavyweight punch numbers to a true-Heavyweight. Only sik-minded fanboys would even try to compare. So Fury, Lewis, Vitali, and Foreman all would have lost if they fought the hyped-up tomato cans little white Marciano fought? Give me a break. LaStarza, Savold, Cockell, and Matthews would be humiliated in the real Heavyweight world. If 42 year old light heavyweight Moore and 38 year old cruiserweight Walcott could drop little white Rocky then the Tyson's, Foreman's, Klitschko's and Ibeabuchi's of the world woulda kilt him. How can a 185 pound man even be considered an ATG Super Heavyweight when he was barely cruiserweight? Even if little white Marciano could have fought a prime Moore and a prime Charles he'd still be fightin light heavyweights who were both knocked out by middleweights Marshall and Booker. And even you wanna pretend they were in their primes the point is little white Marciano still struggled with light heavyweights.
@black_David_Frost295 6 ай бұрын
One would think since little white Marciano was only 185 that he would at least have faster hands than the true Heavyweights right? But Maricano had the slowest hands I've ever seen on a white boy. little white Marciano could train 1000 years but prime Ali would still crush him. Since Marciano struggled with light heavyweight Charles who was a good boxer, but was smaller weaker and slower than Ali, what makes you think he'd do better against Ali? Could you imagine 41 year old light heavyweight Archie Moore busting up King Fury and Big George Foreman or any of the great Super Heavyweights? Yet little white Marciano had all he could handle and was floored with one glancing shot from the light heavyweight grandfather.
@Gigantore-u4z 6 ай бұрын
@black David Frost Run David Run!!
@beatlejim64 7 жыл бұрын
After this fight, LaStarza had to have surgery to repair the damage to his arms after his fight with Marciano. He had ruptured blood vessels and bone damage to his arms. Marciano threw bombs!!! He wasn't there to throw "pitty-pat" around the ring...he was there to beat you up!!! Some guys never got over a beating from Rocky Marciano!!!
@Jabbing_Jack 2 жыл бұрын
Roland LaStarza discounted the stories about the damage Marciano inflicted on his arms in their second fight. *"There was a rumor after the fight that he hurt my shoulders and arms a lot, but the truth was that I had weak elbows from the fight before* (Rex Layne) *and they were giving me trouble. With the state of my elbows I really could not give a good account of myself. During the fight I was under the influence of pain killers and I really needed them. Marciano couldn't hit me on the behind for the first five rounds.Then in the sixth I got hit on my bad elbow, the strength went out of me, and I just stood there from then on. He tried his damnedest to KO me but I was still standing in the end.* - by James Dusgate November 1990 Ring magazine page 46
@Jabbing_Jack 2 жыл бұрын
*187 lb Low-Power LaStarza was 37-0 before he met 184 lb tiny cruiser Marciano who was 25-0. Below is LaStarza' resume, the absolute worst 37-0 in boxing history:* *#37.* Cesar Brion career record 49 wins 11 losses *C-LEVEL* looks okay until you see how many of his wins came against his fellow Argentinians. Walter Hafer career record 22 wins 26 losses *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic career record 18 wins 12 losses *F-LEVEL* Jackie Lyons career record 32 wins 24 losses *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft career record 12 wins 8 losses *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Carollo career record 36 wins 17 losses *D-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman career record 22 wins 21 losses *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino career record 24 wins 15 losses *F-LEVEL* Bill Weinberg career record 44 wins 22 losses *D-LEVEL* Gene Gosney career record 14 wins 5 losses *D-LEVEL* Don Mogard career record 20 wins 16 losses *F-LEVEL* Mike Jacobs career record 14 wins 16 losses *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard career record 20 wins 16 losses *F-LEVEL* Mel McKinney career record 8 wins 10 losses *F-LEVEL* Teddy Georges career record 0 wins 1 loss *F-LEVEL* Oscar Goode career record 43 wins 23 losses *D-LEVEL* Tony Gangemi career record 21 wins 18 losses *F-LEVEL* Benny Rusk career record 20 wins 17 losses *F-LEVEL* Fred McManus career record 18 wins 19 losses *F-LEVEL* John Holloway career record 2 wins 11 losses *F-LEVEL* Claude McClintock career record 1 win 9 losses *F-LEVEL* Steve King career record 21 wins 11 losses *F-LEVEL* Jimmy White career record 9 wins 17 losses *F-LEVEL* Frankie Reed career record 2 wins 14 losses *F-LEVEL* Mike Belluscio career record 15 wins 10 losses *F-LEVEL* Luther McMillan career record 13 wins 19 losses *F-LEVEL* Fred Ramsey career record 8 wins 12 losses *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy career 0 wins 11 losses *F-LEVEL* Lorne McCarthy career record 2 wins 11 losses *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans career record 18 wins 8 losses *D-LEVEL* Matt Mincy career record 0 wins 11 losses *F-LEVEL* Zeke Brown career record 0 wins 10 losses *F-LEVEL* Jim Johnson career record 3 wins 22 losses *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Dodd career record 8 wins 12 losses *F-LEVEL* Al Zappala career record 20 wins 27 losses *F-LEVEL* Zack Johnson career record 3 wins 7 losses *F-LEVEL* Dave Glanton career record 1 win 13 losses *F-LEVEL* *"Although LaStarza had a long winning streak at the beginning of his career, there are no tough names on his record. He refused fights with Charles, Moore, Walcott, Louis, Valdez, Satterfield, Bivins, Maxim, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker, Harold Johnson, Pompey, Lloyd Marshall, Oakland Billy Smith, Curtis 'Hatchetman' Sheppard etc. Lost and avenged to overstuffed light heavy Dan Bucceroni and to light heavy Rocky Jones and looked terrible against Jones in the rematch. The Jones win and a victory over the faded Rex Layne gave him the credentials to meet Rocky for the title. Look at LaStarza's record there are no names on it except for Marciano. I have the complete film of the Jones rematch and believe me LaStarza looked terrible. I am not saying that LaStarza was a coward but he (or, excuse me, his management) refused matches with Henry, Charles, Baker, and Moore etc. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he wouldn't take those matches because he "deserved" a rematch with Marciano and thought he was offered the other matches by the IBC only because they were trying to knock him out of "his rightful shot at Marciano." Boo Hoo Hoo. Real, confident fighters go out and prove they deserve their shot by beating dangerous fighters to force a showdown with a champion."* -- Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder
@Jabbing_Jack 2 жыл бұрын
*Let's put Layne and LaStarza under the MICROSCOPE, shall we?* In 1952, Rex Layne LOST to no-name Willie James. Then Layne fought a 500 journeyman Bill Peterson TWO TIMES and won both. Then Layne LOST AGAIN to Harry Matthews, a light heavyweight contender. Name ANY TOP 10 RING HEAVYWEIGHT CONTENDER today who would still be rated in the top 10 if he lost to an unrated 12-2 opponent (James) and a light heavyweight contender? Layne would've been gone from the top 10. LONG GONE. Meanwhile, also in 1952, Roland LaStarza wins a decision over Dan Bucceroni (after LOSING to him FIVE months earlier) and Roland follows that up with a LOSS to the 14-9-2 Rocky Jones. Then Roland wins a decision over Rocky Jones. Neither of these guys, Rex and Roland, at this point, should've been rated in the top 10 AT ALL. They wouldn't be today, that's for damn sure. Both Layne and Roland ... LONG GONE. Then out of nowhere Rex Layne wins a 10 round decision in Utah against Ezzard Charles, in Ezzard's first fight after losing his fourth fight with Walcott. Ezzard stopped Layne in their previous fight. In their third encounter a couple months later, Ezzard would drop him three or four times and beat Layne again. BUT, on this night, the fight goes the distance. And the LONE official and "celebrity referee" Jack Dempsey scored it two rounds Rex, one Round Ezzard ... SEVEN ROUNDS EVEN for the local boy Rex. And the fans cheered. And the two Utah papers had Charles winning, by the way. Today, that would be SCANDALOUS. Layne clearly wasn't better than Ezzard. But based on that (2 rounds to 1, with seven even) scorecard ... REX LAYNE - who today wouldn't be rated going into that fight at all - gets rated #1 by Ring. And, in his next fight, before getting dropped and battered all over the ring by an angry Ezzard Charles, Rex takes on ROLAND ... coming off his rematch with the no-name Rocky Jones ... and Rex LOSES to Roland ... on what was considered a controversial decision, too. And Roland gets ranked #1. (Rating Rex #1 was bad enough. Passing the #1 rating along to Roland is probably worse.) Then Marciano signs to fight Roland ... because ROLAND IS THE #1 CONTENDER. And everyone goes "Well, Roland must've deserved it. He beat the #1 contender!" It's laughable. You want to talk about a dreadful series of ratings and situations culminating in Roland getting rated #1. That is brutal. Today, Marciano, Roland, Layne, celebrity referee Dempsey, and the entire Ring Ratings board, the National Boxing Assocation ... would be thrown under the bus. Back then, people were like, "Okay" Scandalous scoring. Ineptitude by the ratings body. Take your pick.
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jabbing_Jack Great comments Studentofsweetscience 👍
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
Little Marciano will always be my favorite fighter but I'm a realist that understands his limitations. The several ATG fighters that Rocky did face were all light heavyweights that simply moved up for the money because the division was completely void of any quality authentic 200+ lb Heavyweights. Name me ONE quality Heavyweight Rocky fought?
@cavscout62 Жыл бұрын
Marciano was actually “THE GREATEST” no matter how much shit Clay talked or idiots like Howard Cosel bought into. Undefeated. End of story. Just like Joe Calzaghe, Undefeated = The Greatest.
@vanillasky1912 Ай бұрын
lol that’s not how it works
@thomashahn631 Ай бұрын
Yes, absolutely, but you forgot Mayweather and Andre Ward. And since Mayweather had 50 wins (vs. 49), you'd have to give him the nod as the greatest of all time over Rock and Joe.
@vanillasky1912 Ай бұрын
@@thomashahn631 u guys and your meaningless 0 none of those guys are even close to
@adude9882 3 ай бұрын
Those gloves look like bag gloves.
@darrellowings2343 Жыл бұрын
Man, that right hand to the body. Over and over and over and over. I bet after a fight with that man you hurt everywhere. He could have a guy hanging on, on his way out and he'd still hit him to the body with that right hand. Brutal perfection.
@wilbertfreeman20 9 ай бұрын
@RCSTILE Жыл бұрын
I have watched every one of Marciano's fights that are available on You Tube and for the life of me I can't see how either Marciano or La Starza would stand a chance against the true heavies from the 70's up to today.
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
​@@Grizzlied555 Marciano opponents: We see their entire "CAREER" record, not a partial record. Seeing a boxers complete resume gives a more accurate evaluation how good, or how bad they were. *Professional boxers can easily be evaluated using grades A, B, C, D, and F which has been used in boxing for decades:* Lee Epperson - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Weeks - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gilbert Cardone - 0 wins 3 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Edwards - 1 win 2 loss with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Hardeman - 1 win 6 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Humphrey Jackson - 4 wins 2 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* James Connolly - 12 wins 9 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Bilazarian - 15 wins 12 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bob Jefferson - 3 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harold Mitchell 4 wins 17 losses with 4% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gilley Ferron - 4 wins 13 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Artie Donato - 7 wins 13 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Johnny Pretzie - 10 wins 13 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Pete Louthis - 32 wins 14 losses with 35% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tommy DiGiorgio - 9 wins 15 losses with 4% KOs *F-LEVEL* Kenne Simmons - 9 wins 22 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Art Henri -18 wins 29 losses with 18% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Walls - 20 wins 41 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Ted Lowry - 71 wins 68 losses with 30% KOs *F-LEVEL* Ted Lowry (twice) - 71 wins 68 losses with 30% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino (twice) - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Willis Applegate -12 wins 16 losses with 13% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lee Savold - 104 wins 45 losses with 50% KOs *D-LEVEL* Phil Muscato - 56 wins 23 losses with 25% KOs *D-LEVEL* Bill Wilson - 56 wins 27 losses with 51% KOs *D-LEVEL* Johnny Shkor - 31 wins 19 losses with 42% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Beshore - 35 wins 17 losses with 24% KOs *D-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs looks okay until you see he fought 10 opponents with 10 fights or less. Eddie Ross - 19 wins 5 losses with 72% KOs looks okay until you see he fought 10 debuting amateurs and 7 other opponents with 10 fights or less. Bob Quinn - 20 wins 4 losses with 58% KOs looks okay until you see he fought 13 opponents with 10 fights or less. Bernie Reynolds - 53 wins 13 losses with 49% KOs looks okay until you see he fought 30 opponents with 15 fights or less. Pat Richards - 24 wins 9 losses with 39% KOs looks okay until you see who he fought 20 opponents with 10 fights or less. Carmine Vingo - 16 wins 2 losses with 38% KOs looks good until you see ALL 16 wins came against F-LEVEL opponents. Don Cockell - 66 wins 14 losses with 46% KOs looks okay until you see the overwhelming majority of his career was at middleweight and light heavyweight. *By the time he faced Marciano he was suffering from severe glandular disorders that wreaked havoc with his physique. He was sallow-skinned, fat, and had a nasty boil on his neck.* Harry Matthews - 90 wins 7 losses with 58% KOs is a good B-LEVEL resume @ welterweight and middleweight. Matthews was a-natural lightweight, welterweight, middleweight moonlighting at light heavyweight. Matthews weighed 130 lbs vs. Joey Parks who also weighed 130. *Shouldn't one have to beat credible "Heavyweight" opponents to be respected as a legitimate "Heavyweight" champion?* *Even little 184lb cruiserweight Rocky's 5 best opponents: 3 light heavyweights and 2 cruiserweights -- Charles Moore LaStarza Layne Walcott -- LOST ((94)) times and were KO'D ((28)) times!!!* IT'S CLEAR AS DAY WHY HE WENT 49-0: D AND F-LEVEL AMATEUR WALK-IN BOXERS TAKIN-DIVES AND PADDIN RECORDS FOR $$$...NUMBERS DO NOT LIE *In the old days, ringers could boost their income by fighting repeatedly. Padding your record against weak opponents can yield good results- the real stumblebums are the guys who make a career of losing. In small-time fights, the less-talented fighter often gets the bulk of the cash; he is, after all, providing a valuable service by losing so reliably--The Ring Magazine* *Little 184-lb cruiserweight Marciano never faced an elite fighter in his prime. Name one, just one prime elite fighter Marciano beat? Failing to name even one proves my comment rings true. Show me any respected boxing publication or analyst that claims Walcott, Charles, Moore were in their prime when they fought Marciano?*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
​@@Grizzlied555you have a lot to learn fool
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
Looks like novices
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
​@Gregory_Rochette that person is a troll
@jamest681 4 ай бұрын
The question should be the opposite. How would todays fighters stand up against Marciano. A fighter who never tires, can throw 100 punches a round, has a sledge hammer in each fist and is as strong in the 15th round as he was in the 1st. How can today's fighters compete against that.
@SalvatoreGiacani 6 ай бұрын
La Starza - Marciano! Che meraviglia! Incontro stupendo,, uno di quelli che fanno la storia del pugilato.E' doloroso che due campioni di sangue italiano abbiano dovuto affrontarsi.
@anthonymongelli5567 Жыл бұрын
Irresistible force beats anything eventually that describes Rocky Marciano.! It’s the way he trained seriously like a spartan or a Roman Gladator he got stronger as the fight progressed even a great boxer couldn’t hold him off indefinitely and the second time around if you survived the first time he had your weaknesses catalogued in his consciences very intelligent fighter anylitical deceptively smart using everything that he was able to draw from physically and mentally peak condition like a well oiled wrecking machine is the best way you could describe him R.I.P. Rocky you are still an inspiration for young men from all over Amen and everyone who appreciates excellence.
@Respect12948 11 ай бұрын
Unless he had met the immovable object Sonny Liston or George Foreman they would’ve gave him his first 0 no doubt
@Richard-bc8ys 8 ай бұрын
I watched Marciano truly Mauler never st Stopped 54 wins then suddenly died airplane crash The Brocton Bomber Mass undefeated
@Respect12948 8 ай бұрын
@@Richard-bc8ys 49 wins but still is one of the goats Patterson was scared of him a cus didn’t want anything to do with him great fighter
@ScottHendrix-yz3du 5 ай бұрын
​@@Respect12948Sonny liston looked like crap fighting guys who could actually fight and hit back!!!
@Respect12948 5 ай бұрын
@@ScottHendrix-yz3du Patterson
@IceveinsProductions 8 жыл бұрын
This didn't deserve to be awarded the "Fight of the Year". La Starza didn't do much more than wait and jab most of the fight.
@PorkFrog 10 жыл бұрын
scary power I want nothin' to do with ol' Suzy-Q
@thomaslogue7773 11 ай бұрын
Rocky threw bombs and just keeps after him phenomenal fitness
@angrygrizzly8495 6 жыл бұрын
@Jabbing_Jack 2 жыл бұрын
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
poor gwegory 😭🍼
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
My obsession to degrade and belittle Ali, Frazier, Liston, Lewis & Bowe over the last decade has been disgusting and disgraceful. I'm so sorry for being hateful and racist towards black folks my entire life. The truth is those 5 GOATS listed above would have SMASHED the shite outta little Rocky.
@Studentofsweetscience Жыл бұрын
44 Marciano opponents: We see their *entire-CAREER* record, not a partial record. Seeing a boxers *complete resume* gives a more *accurate* evaluation how good, or how bad they are. Professional boxers can *easily* be *evaluated* using US school grades *A, B, C, D, and F.* Lee Epperson - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Weeks - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gilbert Cardone - 0 wins 3 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Edwards - 1 win 2 loss with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Hardeman - 1 win 6 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Humphrey Jackson - 4 wins 2 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* James Connolly - 12 wins 9 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Bilazarian - 15 wins 12 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bob Jefferson - 3 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harold Mitchell 4 wins 17 losses with 4% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gilley Ferron - 4 wins 13 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Artie Donato - 7 wins 13 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Johnny Pretzie - 10 wins 13 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Pete Louthis - 32 wins 14 losses with 35% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tommy DiGiorgio - 9 wins 15 losses with 4% KOs *F-LEVEL* Kenne Simmons - 9 wins 22 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Art Henri -18 wins 29 losses with 18% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Walls - 20 wins 41 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Ted Lowry - 71 wins 68 losses with 30% KOs *F-LEVEL* Ted Lowry (twice) - 71 wins 68 losses with 30% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino (twice) - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Willis Applegate -12 wins 16 losses with 13% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lee Savold - 104 wins 45 losses with 50% KOs *D-LEVEL* Phil Muscato - 56 wins 23 losses with 25% KOs *D-LEVEL* Bill Wilson - 56 wins 27 losses with 51% KOs *D-LEVEL* Johnny Shkor - 31 wins 19 losses with 42% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Beshore - 35 wins 17 losses with 24% KOs *D-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs looks okay until you see *he fought 10 opponents with 10 fights or less.* Eddie Ross - 19 wins 5 losses with 72% KOs looks okay until you see *he fought 10 debuting amateurs and 7 other opponents with 10 fights or less.* Bob Quinn - 20 wins 4 losses with 58% KOs looks okay until you see *he fought 13 opponents with 10 fights or less.* Bernie Reynolds - 53 wins 13 losses with 49% KOs looks okay until you see *he fought 30 opponents with 15 fights or less.* Pat Richards - 24 wins 9 losses with 39% KOs looks okay until you see *he fought 20 opponents with 10 fights or less.* Carmine Vingo - 16 wins 2 losses with 38% KOs looks good until you see *ALL 16 wins came against F-LEVEL opponents.* Don Cockell - 66 wins 14 losses with 46% KOs looks okay until you see the majority of his career was at middleweight and light heavyweight. *By the time he faced Marciano he was suffering from severe glandular disorders that wreaked havoc with his physique. He was sallow-skinned, fat, and had a nasty boil on his neck.* Harry Matthews - 90 wins 7 losses with 58% KOs is a good *B-LEVEL* resume. Problem is *he was a natural middleweight moonlighting at light heavyweight.* Matthews weighed 130 lbs vs. Joey Parks who also weighed 130. *Shouldn't one have to beat credible Heavyweight opponents to be respected as a legitimate Heavyweight champion?* Even Marciano's *best 3 opponents Walcott-Charles-Moore lost (68) times and were KO'd (20) times.* Marciano never faced an elite fighter in his prime. *Name one, just one prime elite fighter Marciano beat?* Failing to name even one proves my comment rings true. *Show me any respected boxing publication or analyst that claims Walcott Charles Moore were in their prime when they fought Marciano?* *In the old days, ringers could boost their income by fighting repeatedly. Padding your record against weak opponents can yield good results- the real stumblebums are the guys who make a career of losing. In small-time fights, the less-talented fighter often gets the bulk of the cash; he is, after all, providing a valuable service by losing so reliably--The Ring Magazine* IT'S CLEAR AS DAY WHY HE WENT 49-0 *WAY TOO MANY HOMELESS WALK-IN F-LEVEL BOXERS TAKIN-DIVES AND PADDIN RECORDS FOR EASY $$$ OR BEING FORCED TO BY THE SICILIAN UNDERWORLD THAT CONTROLLED EVERY SINGLE FACET OF BOXING DURING THE 1950s* *EVEN LITTLE ROCKY HAD SICILIAN MAFIA BOSS CARBO IN HIS BACK POCKET PROTECTING HIM BECAUSE THEY WERE MAKING MILLIONS THROUGH HIM* *THEY DIDN'T LITERALLY CONTROL HIM BUT THEY DID TAKE 60% OF ALL HIS EARNINGS AND VERY CAREFULLY PADDED HIS RECORD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE* The *entire* eastern seaboard was *Italian,* it was *all Italian.* Even the commissioner of boxing was Italian. Al Weill, Rocky's *mafioso manager* and *matchmaker* at the Garden *took* 50% and *all ticket sales* which pushed it closer to *60%.* Marciano had *no choice* but to *comply* or *no contract.* Enormous criminal empires had been built on the supply of illegal liquor during the Prohibition era. *Italian* Al Capone’s the most infamous among them. When prohibition came to an end in 1933, after more than a decade of lucrative and bloody endeavour for the Mob, *they needed* something *new.* Access to the machinery of *boxing,* a wilfully unfettered anarchy proved remarkably easy to acquire. *Boxing was now fertile ground for the Mafia.* *They controlled it all,* from the *trainers* and *managers* to the reporting *journalists,* with a combination of *intimidation* and financial backing ensuring *everybody* the mob *wanted* was under *their control.* *THE DAY AFTER RETIREMENT HE IMMEDIATELY ABANDONED HIS KIDS AND WIFE TO CONNECT WITH HIS UNDERWORLD FRIENDS WHO HELPED HIM START HIS LOANSHARKING BUSINESS*
@kbow6448 3 жыл бұрын
That ref moves around like Sugar Ray Leonard lol
@fightfannerd2078 Жыл бұрын
Lol didn't notice
@Denner771 Жыл бұрын
"Marciano would swing at you like throwing a baseball. " Joe Wallcot
@klausrain111 9 ай бұрын
😂Nothing tricky or subtle about Rocky, that's for damn sure!😅
@ascendediam 8 ай бұрын
On my page Foreman louis advanced,Does Joe in that video look like he, or anybody from this time, would land anything on guys in my video? and guys from his time look like novices compared side by side to no names. Foreman fought.
@jamest681 7 ай бұрын
Someone else had commented that Rocky Marciano retired more guys than social security.
@KylaVelazquez Жыл бұрын
Rocky was a Rock; incredible power. God bless him!. "Marciano would swing at you like throwing a baseball. " Joe Wallcot.
@RJFP67 Жыл бұрын
Dynamite in a small package. His conditioning was off the charts. His punches deadly !
@billschmitt707 Ай бұрын
That’s what he did , beat up on the arms with pure power. Not a very big man but a gladiator. God bless his soul.🙏🏻
@maraluciaduclosduclos7496 Жыл бұрын
Rocky era uma pessoa diferente fora do ringue. Um homem de brilho, honestidade e a esposa logo partiu para ficar com ele.
@ah93704 12 жыл бұрын
Layne is underrated today. He had a great one two
@alexisbutcher 12 жыл бұрын
thank you for this
@NikoHL 7 ай бұрын
Marciano v Beterbiev would be an interesting match up. My money's on the Russian.
@elinovak3770 7 жыл бұрын
everybody in Massachusetts knows he is the greatest boxer that ever lived
@carlrball Жыл бұрын
And here in Pennsylvania and the rest of the world!
@rockhaneke3720 9 ай бұрын
@bubu345 29 күн бұрын
Ass whole
@moldeeside 8 жыл бұрын
a peak joe louis, a 1973/1974 ali, tyson before d`amato passed away, holmes in his heyday, who knows how rocky would have done, you can`t say. But in terms of pure determination and will to win you couldn`t bet against him. I wish Joe had retired as a champion though, there`s no way tax affairs should ever force such a great champion to fight past his best.
@gregfalco4528 8 жыл бұрын
Ali was at his peak in the 60's.
@mlee7290 8 жыл бұрын
D'mato passed away in Mikes first year of professional boxing you stupid fuck, Mike Tyson didnt just have no career, decline and become a bad fighter after D'mato died, he wasnt in his prime in his first 11 fights. He was in his prime until 1990, D'mato died in 1985 and MIKE TYSON WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP AFTER CUS D'MATO DIED.
@moldeeside 8 жыл бұрын
ah bless, swearing at me and using BIG TEXT, I`d better watch my step. I thought Cus died just before tyson won the title and meant when tyson had that back up from cus, camille, kev rooney and that team and good solid mentoring he was unstoppable in a mental sense too.
@LUKERs1196 6 жыл бұрын
Happy huWhite Man Joe Louis at 37 or 38 was winning the fight with Marciano & got ko'd in 8 in a 10 round fight, if Joe was 10 years younger, he definitely would have lasted longer than he did & would have won via UD
@geoffm9944 Ай бұрын
La Starza fought a tremendously courageous fight. He had a fast pair of hands and he kept on moving. Yet, due to Marciano’s power, La Starza was far too often being dragged onto the ropes. On hindsight, La Starza could have ‘danced’ away a lot more and used his longer reach to help pepper punches into the face of Marciano, but that wasn’t La Starza’s style. Instead he fought Marciano toe - to - toe, which was highly dangerous and physically, exhausting due to the high powered slugging ability of Marciano. Clay, later, Ali, would have adopted the pattern of sting the opponent with a flurry of punches and then dance away had he fought Marciano.
@salvatoralain5110 6 жыл бұрын
La Starza very good in all components of the boxer
@alexcwatt348 Жыл бұрын
🌎🥊🥊Rocky Marciano the boxer greatest Knockouts and gong to gong fighter and very the best full powerful puch. 🌎🥊🥊
@Bos_blazerr Жыл бұрын
2 years Roland taunted marciano saying he couldn't box couldn't punch couldn't get him out their in 15 rds, marciano only intent here was to seek & destroy him.
@eletricidadeengenharia 5 ай бұрын
La Starza fez uma grande luta. O upper de direita do Marciano entrou em cheio. A partir disso não houve muito a fazer.
@garykinsey9515 Жыл бұрын
Watching Rocky Marciano box heavyweight at 5' 10" and 185 pounds makes me realize just what impact Mohammed Ali had on heavyweight boxing. At 6'3" and 220 pounds, Ali looked like an Indy 500 race car compared to go-cart for Rocky. I dearly loved Rocky, not only for the champion he was, but also for being one of the few professional athletes to know when to say "when". Thank goodness, though, he was not born about 25 years later.
@Boxrec297 11 ай бұрын
Go watch an Ali fight.
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
@@Boxrec297 lunatic
@Garry-d3d 7 күн бұрын
Ali started out at 208 lbs quite slim at 6'3" even Liston was only 212 lbs in his prime .. Once in a while you would have a 6'6" 240 lb boxer come along back then, but most of them were not great fighters .
@alexyamach3635 11 ай бұрын
Ali would have danced circles around him and had the flat footed Rocky on the canvas in 2 rounds.
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
1st this looks like novices compared to the average 70s no one made pro fighting like these guys in that era
@Boxrec297 11 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam u r a ful
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
@@Boxrec297 find a way to make them fight different
@Boxrec297 11 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam Why? Nobody ever beat Marciano, why should he fight different?
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
@@Boxrec297 name a person he fought as advanced as guys in 70s-80s
@jimclark6256 Жыл бұрын
La Starza WAS not a boy.
@thomashahn631 Ай бұрын
very annoying on part of the narrator.
@reedaldridge836 5 жыл бұрын
Rocky best.
@mikalbenning6889 5 жыл бұрын
@enriquezfernand8019 11 ай бұрын
Je crois que c'est le seul boxeur à invaincu à ce jour bravo à lui
@kinpika1233 3 ай бұрын
No Straight Right! How can such an experienced boxer have NO Straight Right? (It was if a kiddie's slap) And Marciano absolutely knew it! and therefore had no fear of La Starza: because Rocky knew a jab wasn't going to put him down, no matter how picturesque!
@sunnybunny-bo2ox 6 жыл бұрын
My Uncle!!!
@joep8787 11 ай бұрын
The trick to fighting a guy like Marciano is to realize that up close, he has the leverage. Stay out of his power zone and you'll be fine. His arms are to short for long distance punching.
@yousufabdulbaqi5948 Ай бұрын
@rlounglo 8 жыл бұрын
Marciano/ LaStarza 's first fight. No where to be found. Is it because LaStarza got robbed ?
@captainwaring 8 жыл бұрын
+rlounglo Ridiculous comment!
@RaskolnikovGaming 6 жыл бұрын
A shame, I can't seem to find it either.
@Sunnysideup08 6 жыл бұрын
rlounglo yes, he did! Mafia run at the time.. IT was a draw
@ianseniormorrison 4 жыл бұрын
I am certain of it. It was a tie that,under the state regulations, went to secondary scorecard. the tie was broken in favor of the loser, Marciano
@ianseniormorrison 4 жыл бұрын
@studentofsweetscience He was declared the winner. That does not mean that he truly won. The most highly regarded and respected media commentatator reffered it " grave misc arriage of justice". Also 2/3 0f the regular ringside media and reporters gave the advantage to Roland. Marciano's manager was a matchmaker, with supreme sway in the boxing fraternity. Marciano knew it and capitalized upon it. Whatever he could get away with, he got away with. And when a decision rested upon a margin, then ,it would be swung in Marciano's favour.
@keithmotsinger918 10 ай бұрын
Shure wish they had the first fight to see .
@dennishanson5254 Жыл бұрын
The ref is doing the Ali shuffle.
@javiercontreras7520 Жыл бұрын
El mejor Rocky Marciano 🥇
@markjovanelli2607 10 ай бұрын
Iron mike would have put rocky away in a matter of seconds.
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
On forums, lunatics said marciano would beat mercer, yet no one even made mid card fighting like they did in that novice-like era in the '''' ''70s-'90s, tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away cause ray hit so hard, this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era Tony was almost koed in the 1st from a hard jab from ray and Tony was used to taking shots from his real class which would be Rock's lhw, on top of Tony fought guys with way better tech than they did in Rock's era
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
some crazy idiot days ago said my video showing rounds of how these guys fought side by side with people george fought on my page is a opinion of george fighting way more advanced people in both ages how is showing exactly how fighters fought and showing advances in tech/fluidity/defense/fluidity/angles an opinion ? The average amateur in 70s-90s were way more advanced than this whole Novice era
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
I have also been told mutiple times by lunatics these odd quotes I don't know boxing/I don't know what I'm looking at as if I am blind/quotes by said boxer says otherwise/watch highlights yet highlights are selected best moments/how was this era a novice era if they were professionals yet leaving out no one made pro fighting like these guys in 70s-90s
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
Some crazy slow person named nycinstyle kept saying my video is wrong, and ali said how great rock was, and how ali knows boxing well that's correct since ali for a fact knew no one made even midcard fighting like these novices in the 70s,and then the wacko said how ali said rock was better then frazier when ali was just being humble, anybody knows with good vision Joe was way more advanced yet foreman was in the same era who fought guys who had the same advances as others in the same era He kept speaking on rock only instead of the other people in my video as if all these guys didn't all have the same novice like tech and flaws, these people just are really crazy and slow man
@benrking7922 10 ай бұрын
Lsstarza destroyed Marciano first fight. No footage but EVERYONE who was there said Marciano lost decisively.
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
Some crazy slow person named nycinstyle kept saying my video is wrong, and ali said how great rock was, and how ali knows boxing well that's correct since ali for a fact knew no one made even midcard fighting like these novices in the 70s,and then the wacko said how ali said rock was better then frazier when ali was just being humble, anybody knows with good vision Joe was way more advanced yet foreman was in the same era who fought guys who had the same advances as others in the same era He kept speaking on rock only instead of the other people in my video as if all these guys didn't all have the same novice like tech and flaws, these people just are really crazy and slow man
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
some crazy idiot days ago said my video showing rounds of how these guys fought side by side with people george fought on my page is a opinion of george fighting way more advanced people in both ages how is showing exactly how fighters fought and showing advances in tech/fluidity/defense/fluidity/angles an opinion ? The average amateur in 70s-90s were way more advanced than this whole Novice era
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
On forums, lunatics said marciano would beat mercer, yet no one even made mid card fighting like they did in that novice-like era in the '''' ''70s-'90s, tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away cause ray hit so hard, this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era Tony was almost koed in the 1st from a hard jab from ray and Tony was used to taking shots from his real class which would be Rock's lhw, on top of Tony fought guys with way better tech than they did in Rock's era
@ascendediam 9 ай бұрын
@@Grizzlied555 I can't change how he fought In full matches you apparently can
@ascendediam 9 ай бұрын
@@Grizzlied555 It's called Could He Compete Now,it doesn't say could he fight based off of who he fought in his own era, so that means your either can't read or are slow he would be destroyed video on my page shows the average no name was way more advanced than his whole era in the 70
@ah93704 12 жыл бұрын
I"m sure if Bob Satterfield could outwork Valdez Rocky would have too!
@AnthonyGiannotta-m8w 11 ай бұрын
@jeffstewart3342 7 ай бұрын
When the hunted becomes the hunter.
@anonymike8280 9 ай бұрын
How is anyone named Roland ever going to beat someone named Rocky? It can't happen.
@tomspeed2000 Жыл бұрын
Poor boy it exactly look like’s someone smashing his head and face with heavy hammer nonstop ..
@JeffaHensley Жыл бұрын
The canned crowd noise is really irritating,…. The play-by-play announcer talks too much.
@charlescottone9395 11 ай бұрын
And everyone else in the world knows its Ali! Too fast too smart and could take the few big punches Marcia no would get in!
@CYBOPOD88 7 жыл бұрын
LaStarza was game as the come.. I have much respect for Marciano.. but he would have been too small for the supur heavyweight giants of today.. Foreman would have kept pushing him away and uppercutting him to the cheap seats.. others would have given the rock big trouble.. Redick Bowe, even Buster Douglas if he showed up like he did against Tyson.. But the Rock was the best in his time.. and that's all you can ask of a Champion.. and besides.. it can't be said for sure anyone could have beat him at his best.. Oh. I didn't mention Ali.. do I have to?
@sherom 6 жыл бұрын
Tyson would disagree with your illusion you believe in....Watch this video an learn something about
@tycobb5452 6 жыл бұрын
CYBOPOD and then you woke up.
@tycobb5452 6 жыл бұрын
Jabbing Jack shut it Jabbing Jackyl.Thee are so clueless when it cometh to boxing.Maybe thee should tryeth golf,knave.
@billharmon9732 6 жыл бұрын
CYBOPOD, lmfao!?!?! Keep talking hypothetical trash and everyone will take you serious..... On paper Marciano shouldn't have beaten anyone.... in the ring.... he never lost.
@runthomas 2 жыл бұрын
but serioulsy guys.... do you really believe that rocky was THE BEST BOXER THAT HAS EVER LIVED...i mean cmon, i d get in with him....he has no guard, no footwork, no headmovement except crouching... all he had was grit and a bit of power.
@urmenyi Жыл бұрын
You are right. He was the best just for luck. All others were dummies.
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
​@urmenyi you're slow
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
Looks like novices compared to the average 70s
@ascendediam 20 күн бұрын
On forums lunatics said marciano would beat ray,yet no one even made midcard fighting like they did in that novice like era in 70s-90s,tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away from mercer cause ray bit so hard,this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era
@jherl8307 11 ай бұрын
If the rock was just 2 or three years younger than he was we’d have been treated to perhaps the greatest fight of all time Rock vs Sonny Liston
@carloalberto4049 Жыл бұрын
Italo americani 🇮🇹💪
@Richard-bc8ys 8 ай бұрын
Legs he had stumps only s lite heavy
@EraldoPiccione Жыл бұрын
@JohnIorii 4 ай бұрын
The Gallant men
@RuaTheRapoet 6 жыл бұрын
The announcer is a spoiler machine :|
@drewpeacock4269 Жыл бұрын
La Starza wasn’t a bad fighter he should have got the decision their first fight
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
@Grizzlied555 ​ stop trolling you lunatic those guys were way more advanced than this whole novice era you fool they would destroy rock and len even In his amateur days would to
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
@@Grizzlied555 you're not sane
@aslan-ee7sl 5 ай бұрын
مبارزه دوم راکی مارسیانو با قاطعیت برد ولی مبارزه اولشون برد حق مارسیانو نبود باید مساوی اعلام میشد
@Grizzlied555 5 ай бұрын
@ascendediam 4 ай бұрын
@@Grizzlied555 It's called Could He Compete Now,it doesn't say could he fight based off of who he fought in his own era, so that means your either can't read or are slow he would be destroyed video on my page shows the average no name was way more advanced than his whole era in the 70
@Gigantore-u4z 4 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam Ever been in the ring? Don't be telling people who could compete and who couldn't when you can't.
@ascendediam 4 ай бұрын
@@Gigantore-u4z ridiculous comment,No one made mid-top guy fighting with these many obsolete tech/flaws in 70s-90s . Why is that?, oh I know why cause mutiple did but learned way more advanced tech and had way less flaws What does me 1 person never-being in the ring have to do with that fact not happening? Nothing, so you made no sense saying that. I can find many amateurs from the 1970s and 1990s who are way more advanced than this whole novice-like era-those guys who haven't become pro yet or ever see how you make no sense. Agian, what does it mean for one person not to be in the ring when amateurs who were actually still not even pro were way more advanced in the years I said? Try thinking before speaking next time instead of saying nonsense to the wrong person. Why don’t you try getting in the ring with these exact same fighting styles as these guys and spar, see if you last 1 round even with a amateur you slow person
@frank1720 Жыл бұрын
Wow he was tough guy lasrarza
@aubreypolgreen9980 Жыл бұрын
Round 1 was lastarza he land the solid blows
@JustinMiales 7 ай бұрын
Come on doc give me a short opium make me feel right today
@JustinMiales 7 ай бұрын
You don't think he can beat this
@JustinMiales 7 ай бұрын
You don't think he can beat this
@JustinMiales 7 ай бұрын
@ah93704 12 жыл бұрын
I think you are right about that. The only fighter I wish Rocky had fought was Nino Valdez. It would have done him more good to fight Valdez than Cockell. Though I don understand why his management took the number 2 contender instead of the number 1. Rocky had sustained a bad injury on his nose and htey didnt want to test it against a good socker. I think Rocky would have won. Whats your take?
@MikeHannon-wk2rd 9 ай бұрын
Archie Moore beat the shit out of Valdez to earn his shot at marciano
@TheBatugan77 10 ай бұрын
Marciano punches Ali's lungs out. Literally. Ali's lungs actually eject from his mouth, onto the canvas. 🗣️🥩 🥩
@IWannatalkpodcast Жыл бұрын
At 187 he'd have been a cruiser weight in today's day and age
@paulmichael778 6 ай бұрын
Rocky as me have beenteastedqwightibly weight in only
@fredericavalli 10 жыл бұрын
Since Sonny Liston,Louis and Marciano would never be able to be champion of the world because too light for the category,they would suffer too much the difference of weight.Today they would be cruiserweight,would bruise everybody and would be the strongest two of the history of the division.
@buddyboy1220 9 жыл бұрын
Doesn't matter.
@dlkdyscot 7 жыл бұрын
Frédéric Avalli liston fought at 218 lbs back in his day. klitschko was weighing 240 lbs for the aj fight just recently. modern day supplement vitAmins etc would mean liston would be weighing about that too. no difference. liston would be heavyweight.
@woldy5 11 ай бұрын
סבא אז🎉
@jamespierce8096 Жыл бұрын
Rocky Marciano vs Lennox Lewis .hmm what do yaw think
@josephn9251 Жыл бұрын
James Pierce vs Joseph N hhmm what do you think?
@jamespierce8096 Жыл бұрын
@@josephn9251 .
@Jayyy814 Жыл бұрын
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
​@Grizzlied555 stop trolling you lunatic those guys were way more advanced than this whole novice era you fool they would destroy rock and len even In his amateur days would to
@troytroy4191 2 жыл бұрын
I wish Jack Johnson could have fought Rocky Marciano.
@troytroy4191 2 жыл бұрын
@Alien Observer Jack Johnson would have beat rocky
@troytroy4191 2 жыл бұрын
@Alien Observer you need to look at Jack Johnson highlights and fights
@troytroy4191 2 жыл бұрын
@Alien Observer Jack Johnson was beating those white men down
@troytroy4191 2 жыл бұрын
@Alien Observer watch his fights then come back to holler at me
@josephn9251 Жыл бұрын
​@@troytroy4191 jack Johnson got slept by jes Willard 😅
@yachtsmankaw 11 жыл бұрын
Rock never fought younger, bigger men with Ko power! All his fights are old guys, small guys or men with no power! If Valdez looked good, Patterson, Liston upcoming, and a number promising heavyweights around Rocky would fight the Lastarzas and 42 year old Archie Moores out there. They were building Cooney and Baby Joe Mesi up on bums with the hope of getting an old champ then fight infrequently against the old, small and light hitting. 49-0 a total f*cking joke-Compare Lastarza to a real HWyt
@rf2642 5 жыл бұрын
Walcott had no power?
@angrygrizzly8495 6 жыл бұрын
@bertelliish 10 жыл бұрын
Ali would have cut up Marciano like a butcher. Marciano too slow too clumsy period
@jamesavery3559 10 жыл бұрын
Maybe But I Think Not.
@lynnbanygirlfatcaytigger806 9 жыл бұрын
Undefeated! DUDE
@dailyselfimprovementredpil4671 7 жыл бұрын
Lynnbanygirl Fatcaytigger ...nope they robbed roland
@hmldjr 6 жыл бұрын
Were you there, if not how do you know?
@tonys4396 6 жыл бұрын
Typical colored boy trying to search for success stories for coloreds that don't exist. Everything you own was invented by a Caucasian. Get over it.
@glenalguire6960 Жыл бұрын
The guys that beat Tyson ? Tyson was not at his best by any means , in his prime they would have been just another static You’d get in with him🤣, sure would like to see that , I’ve boxed for almost twenty years , definitely nothing special , but smart enough to know rocky was one of the all time greats , things are different now , the training , the diet , everything , I think your just another keyboard warrior ,
@richardbarton6146 5 ай бұрын
Rocky would not be a True heavyweight today! Light heavy I believe, Rocky had a awkward style, dipping low, and making you have to reach, then he would come back with vicious bodyshots and then to the head!
@Grizzlied555 4 ай бұрын
He was a true heavyweight. The only undefeated, undisputed, perfect heavy champ in boxing history.
@ascendediam 4 ай бұрын
​​​@@Grizzlied555you're slow he said today and no rock would be lhw just like that was lhw for 1980s-now And how was he perfect he stuggled against guys no mid/top guy from 70s-90s would've since they were way more advanced It's not been a lhw of his weight who dominated the real standard of hw which is 200s and up since his time
@ascendediam 4 ай бұрын
​@@Grizzlied555It's called Could He Compete Now,it doesn't say could he fight based off of who he fought in his own era, so that means your either can't read or are slow he would be destroyed video on my page shows the average no name was way more advanced than his whole era in the 70
@Gigantore-u4z 4 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam The Rocky hater, at it again I see.
@Gigantore-u4z 4 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam Go watch the ballet, I think you'd get more out of it.
@zeckham100 Ай бұрын
Never fought anyone little Italian
@ascendediam Ай бұрын
He fought guy's nobody made mid/top guy fighting as in 70s-90s
@ascendediam 20 күн бұрын
On forums lunatics said marciano would beat ray,yet no one even made midcard fighting like they did in that novice like era in 70s-90s,tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away from mercer cause ray bit so hard,this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era
@tycobb5452 6 жыл бұрын
Marciano,nothing but power-pure power!
@anthonymongelli5567 Жыл бұрын
Marciano was deceptively smart if you made a mistake or did something like a feint you didn’t get away with it twice and if he fought you more than once he had your number for sure. Very anylitical yet brutal amazing combination of abilities plus he probably was the best conditioned fighter of all time seriously.
@mikemilliken3596 Ай бұрын
​@@anthonymongelli5567👍yes.rocco is still my favorite fighter ever. The head movement also.their will never be another marchegiano.the most unique fighter.
@stevevardell3090 10 күн бұрын
​/ 11 ' l😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@mmmmfeed8367 2 жыл бұрын
@scriabiniste 7 жыл бұрын
La Starza is a helluva boxer, vastly underrated.
@tycobb5452 6 жыл бұрын
scriabiniste agreed.he never got his just desserts.
@danielshaw4038 4 жыл бұрын
La Starza is one Badass college student. At 184, these days he would have ruled the Light Heavyweight or Crusierweight divisions
@studentofsweetscience6922 2 жыл бұрын
Little Marciano will always be my favorite fighter but I'm a realist that understands his limitations. The several ATG fighters that Rocky did face were all light heavyweights that simply moved up for the money because the division was completely void of any quality authentic 200+ lb Heavyweights. Name me ONE quality Heavyweight Rocky fought?
@atune2682 2 жыл бұрын
very true if this wouldnt be marciano he wouldve won
@dickspits8819 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I feel like LaStarza's Style looks very modern
@DaveSchenk-lt9zg 4 ай бұрын
Another day another brawl for the rock ! Another day at the office. Hoe hum drop the bum.
@ascendediam 20 күн бұрын
On forums lunatics said marciano would beat ray,yet no one even made midcard fighting like they did in that novice like era in 70s-90s,tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away from mercer cause ray bit so hard,this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era
@clifflaycock9909 Жыл бұрын
Rocky was a Rock; incredible power. God bless him!
@bigern_ 7 жыл бұрын
Marciano was a 188 lb heavyweight. People always forget that. Ali who wasn't even considered a 'big' heavyweight was 225 lbs. Not the most skilled, but the toughest with big punching power. 49-0 43 KO's
@LUKERs1196 7 жыл бұрын
Papa Giorgio yeah you're right, Marciano was in the 180's but go on boxrec and research his fights with Ted Lowry & that's exactly why he wouldn't the defeat the greatest heavyweight of all time. I'd put Marciano as the greatest light heavyweight & cruiserweight of all time, but many heavyweights that came after could have defeated him especially Tyson. Ali was actually 210-220 in his prime
@truthhitman7473 4 жыл бұрын
@studentofsweetscience Because many people who actually saw the fight live with Ted Lowry say Rocky lost . No way could Rocky beat Muhammad Ali.
@johnd.597 3 жыл бұрын
Ali was 210 pounds in his prime.
@jamesbaka1206 2 жыл бұрын
Yea ali was not 236 in his prime. He was 210-215
@anthonymongelli5567 Жыл бұрын
@@truthhitman7473 Styles make make big differences one man’s meat is another man’s poison for instance Frazier gave Ali hell three times.! But Ali beat Foreman easily yet Foreman plowed Frazier like grass twice and that’s the reason why he never fought Norton would have done the same. While the greatest pound for pound Sugar Ray Robinson would not give Tiger Jones a rematch styles or why didn’t Ali give Oscar Bonavena a rematch because he gave him hell for 15 rounds and was just lucky to catch him with a left hook that awkward Oscar walked into.! Frazier almost took Chuvalo’s eye out and stopped him but Bonavena took Frazier to the limit twice even knocking him down twice? Styles
@markfriedman7751 6 жыл бұрын
La Starza was skilled and dead game, but the wrecking ball always wins in the end. You can only compare fighters against their generation, or you get absurd conclusions to the effect that Jim Thorpe couldn't make a decent high school track team. On that basis, Marciano was as good as any heavyweight. Fought everybody on the scene, beat them all, overwhelmingly by KO, and was off his feet (briefly) only twice. Heart of a lion. You hurt him, he just gets meaner.
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
Supposedly LaStarza was one of Marciano's best opponents, he was 37-0. How many of y'all actually studied the 37 guys LaStarza fought??? Well here we see their entire "CAREER" record, not a partial record. Seeing a boxers complete resume gives a more accurate evaluation how good, or how bad they were. Professional boxers can easily be evaluated using grades A, B, C, D, and F which has been used in boxing for decades: Walter Hafer - 22 wins 26 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jackie Lyons - 32 wins 24 losses with 23% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Carollo - 36 wins 17 losses with 16% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Weinberg - 44 wins 22 losses with 34% KOs *D-LEVEL* Gene Gosney - 14 wins 5 losses with 42% KOs *D-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Jacobs - 14 wins 16 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mel McKinney - 8 wins 10 losses with 5% KOs *F-LEVEL* Teddy Georges - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Oscar Goode - 43 wins 23 losses with 20% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tony Gangemi - 21 wins 18 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Benny Rusk - 20 wins 17 losses with 27% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred McManus - 18 wins 19 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Holloway - 2 wins 11 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Claude McClintock - 1 win 9 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Steve King - 21 wins 11 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy White - 9 wins 17 losses with 11% KOs *F-LEVEL* Frankie Reed - 2 wins 14 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Belluscio - 15 wins 10 losses with 37% KOs *F-LEVEL* Luther McMillan - 13 wins 19 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Ramsey - 8 wins 12 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lorne McCarthy - 2 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs *D-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zeke Brown - 0 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jim Johnson - 3 wins 22 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Dodd - 8 wins 12 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Al Zappala - 20 wins 27 losses with 9% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zack Johnson - 3 wins 7 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Dave Glanton - 1 win 13 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* #37) Cesar Brion - 49 wins 11 losses with 36% KOs *C-LEVEL* looks okay until ya *see how many of his wins came against his fellow Argentinians* WORST 37-0 EVER!!! Yes LaStarza was a masterfully protected fighter. He beat just one ranked opponent, a past his sell by date Rex Layne. *"There are so many names from his era conspicuously missing from his record. Roland LaStarza's only claim to fame was having lost a close decision to Marciano. There are no names on Roland's record except for Rocky."* --Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder Lewis Watson, the boxing writer and historian, speaks of the artificial puffing up of records against cherry picked competition, saying: *"Promoters looking for a way to get their prizefighters a big payoff will first invest thousands of dollars in padding his numbers against truly horrendous opponents."*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
Little 186lb cruiserweight Roland LaStarza's record was 37-0 before he faced little 184lb cruiserweight Marciano. *Honestly it's remarkable that i just so happen to have those awesome 37 journeyman/ham & eggers Rollie fought:* Walter Hafer - 22 wins 26 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Joe Dominic - 18 wins 12 losses with 33% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jackie Lyons - 32 wins 24 losses with 23% KOs *F-LEVEL* Harry Haft - 12 wins 8 losses with 35% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Carollo - 36 wins 17 losses with 16% KOs *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman - 22 wins 21 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Gino Buonvino - 24 wins 15 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Bill Weinberg - 44 wins 22 losses with 34% KOs *D-LEVEL* Gene Gosney - 14 wins 5 losses with 42% KOs *D-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Jacobs - 14 wins 16 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Don Mogard - 20 wins 16 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mel McKinney - 8 wins 10 losses with 5% KOs *F-LEVEL* Teddy Georges - 0 wins 1 loss with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Oscar Goode - 43 wins 23 losses with 20% KOs *D-LEVEL* Tony Gangemi - 21 wins 18 losses with 26% KOs *F-LEVEL* Benny Rusk - 20 wins 17 losses with 27% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred McManus - 18 wins 19 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* John Holloway - 2 wins 11 losses with 15% KOs *F-LEVEL* Claude McClintock - 1 win 9 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Steve King - 21 wins 11 losses with 17% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy White - 9 wins 17 losses with 11% KOs *F-LEVEL* Frankie Reed - 2 wins 14 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Mike Belluscio - 15 wins 10 losses with 37% KOs *F-LEVEL* Luther McMillan - 13 wins 19 losses with 12% KOs *F-LEVEL* Fred Ramsey - 8 wins 12 losses with 28% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Lorne McCarthy - 2 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Evans - 18 wins 8 losses with 50% KOs *F-LEVEL* Matt Mincy - 0 wins 11 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zeke Brown - 0 wins 10 losses with 0% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jim Johnson - 3 wins 22 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* Jimmy Dodd - 8 wins 12 losses with 22% KOs *F-LEVEL* Al Zappala - 20 wins 27 losses with 9% KOs *F-LEVEL* Zack Johnson - 3 wins 7 losses with 10% KOs *F-LEVEL* Dave Glanton - 1 win 13 losses with 7% KOs *F-LEVEL* #37) Cesar Brion - 49 wins 11 losses with 36% KOs *C-LEVEL* looks okay until ya *see how many of his wins came against his fellow Argentinians* *WORST 37-0 EVER!!!* "There are so many names from his era conspicuously missing from his record. LaStarza's only claim to fame was having lost a close decision to Marciano. Although he had a long winning streak at the beginning of his career, there are no tough names on his record. After the first Marciano fight he could have forced the issue by meeting top fighters. He refused fights with Charles, Moore, Walcott, Louis, Bivins, Maxim, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker etc. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he wouldn't take those matches because he 'deserved' a rematch with Marciano and thought he was offered the other matches by the IBC only because they were trying to knock him out of 'his rightful shot at Marciano.' Boo hoo hoo." *--Chuck Hasson Boxing Historian and Philly Boxing Founder*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
LaStarza vs. Layne *(uploader William Walker)* reminds me of watching two midwest club fighters fighting a 4 rounder on an old ESPN card from Muncie, In. Two guys who were not well schooled, standing in front of each other acting like they were insulted if the other guy missed them with a punch. A lot of right hand leads, a lot of jabs with the rear foot leaving the canvas, little/no counter punching, just two guys willing to get hit but showing little boxing skill. Look how bad Rex Layne swings and misses. *What an oaf.* LaStarza refused (ducked) fights with Charles, Moore, Walcott, Louis, Bivins, Maxim, Clarence Henry, Bob Baker etc. In an article in RING magazine after his career LaStarza admitted as much, saying he "wouldn't take those matches because he 'deserved' his rematch with Marciano."'s clear as day, Roland LaStarza was a brilliantly managed 'Ducker'!
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
An *interview with Roland LaStarza about his two Marciano fights:* About their 1st fight Rollie said that Rocky was unusually cautious in the early rounds. "I wondered what he was up to, I'd thought he would come at me, bombing away. When I saw him jabbing and trying to box, I didn't know whether it was a trap or not. So I just stood back and did what I'd planned to do, jab and move." Lastarza recalled, "I knew how close the fight was, everyone did. But overall I'm sure as income taxes that I outscored him. "I honestly feel I was the winner. The Associated Press had it 5-4-1 for me. Every reporter gave me the decision. They said I was robbed." The score was 5-4-1, 4-5-1 the ref scored draw. But the decision went to Marciano. "Before the first fight Al Weill promised us a return immediately if the fight was close. The next day he said, "We don't want to go back." After that he avoided us like the plague. I did get frustrated here was Marciano making a bundle while I was fighting for peanuts." Lastarza discounted the stories about the damage Marciano supposedly inflicted on his arms in their second fight. "There was a rumor after the fight that he hurt my shoulders and arms a lot, but the truth was that I had weak elbows from the fight before, and they were giving me trouble. They really went bad during the training before the Marciano fight. With the state of my elbows I really could not give a good account of myself. During the fight I was under the influence of pain killers and I really needed them." "Marciano couldn't hit me on the behind for the first five rounds.Then in the sixth I got a shot on my bad elbow, the strength went out of me, and I just stood there from then on. I couldn't move, I took it for five more rounds. They claimed he was punishing me instead of kayoing me, but he was doing his damndest to knock me out, and he couldn't do it for those five rounds because I took a good punch. I was still standing when they stopped the fight." *Lastarza was interviewed by James Dusgate, November 1990 Ring magazine.*
@Maria.Isabella.Sanchez Жыл бұрын
25-0 Marciano fought *F-LEVEL* nobodies until he met 37-0 LaStarza who also fought *F-LEVEL* nobodies. After their fight Marciano continues with more *F-LEVEL* competition bcz his handlers were afraid to put him in with anyone who could pose much of a threat after coming so close to tasting defeat. Little cruiser Rocky's next opponent was *F-LEVEL* Eldridge Eatman who had lost 8 of his last 9 fights. Everybody knew it was a gimme fight for an undefeated fighter. Then there was *F-LEVEL* Ted Lowry who had a career 71 wins 68 losses. Marciano's 32nd fight was against *F-LEVEL* Keene Simmons who had a career 8 wins 8 losses. Marciano's 33rd fight was against *F-LEVEL* Harold Mitchell who had a career 4 wins 17 losses. Marciano's 34th fight was against *F-LEVEL* Art Henri who had a career 13 wins 14 losses. Marciano's 35th fight was against *F-LEVEL* Willis Applegate who had a career 11 wins 14 losses. *It's clear as day Mafia Boss Frankie Carbo with-is associate Al Weill padded and cherry-picked Marciano's resume his entire (but very short) career.* Lewis Watson, boxing writer and historian, speaks of the artificial puffing up of records against cherry picked competition saying: *“Unbeaten records are fairly padded; you have to look if there are any notable victories coming against first rate competition."* Name one, just one *"prime"* ATG fighter Marciano beat? Failing to name even one proves my comment rings true. Show me any respected boxing publication or analyst that claims Charles Moore Walcott Louis were in their prime when they fought Marciano?
@rikclarke4881 11 ай бұрын
Marciano would have been destroyed by today's middleweights
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
Not according to lunatics on forums,who said he would beat bivol/fury/canelo/beter, and mutiple others,mind you he never fought anybody as advanced as guys even in amateurs in 70s-90s let alone pros Same thing goes for louis on forums for years I have video on my page shawing george compared to people joe fought side by side,with comments of wackos who never seen either in full matches saying how joe was more advanced,my video shows that's a lie,only thing joe had over him is better punch looking tech and faster punch speed,this whole era looks like novices compared
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
Yet when I told him to watch my side by side video showing joe and his whole era were novices like I said they were he said he didn't wanna watch my video, he never did see full matches of either era anybody who did wouldn't say louis was more advanced or he only watched highlights which those show best moments or he only seen full matches of joe only, he refused to watch my side by side cause that's not selected best moments, and as I said people who watch matches that say a fighter was so good in a old era like 70s they aren't paying attention those guys are using tech and flaws of that era as I explained, most dont compare videos side by side cause when people do it that why which is realistic they can see every outdated and updated tech/timing/angles used/fluidity used that's why he refused he knew he wouldn't be able to see any area joe or anybody he fought was more advanced than george both ages,george was way more advanced than joe,so people who ever said joe was more advanced was a liar,joe only had better punch looking tech and speed
@ascendediam 11 ай бұрын
these are the comments from a guy in the comments on the joe vs bowe vid who isn't sane name is oneshot I watched full matches of Joe Louis's fights not highlights. He was very explosive and fast when he wanted to be. You can say that boxers that came after were more advanced with less flaws all you want and diminish his skills all you want, but pretty much every boxing expert and fan agree he was the most technically complete boxer in heavyweight history you compared one of Louis's opponents to one of the best best fighters in the 80's. How does that translate to Louis's own skill? You say fighters from this era don't have good blocking and clearly haven't seen Louis's amazing defense and head movement. How he prevents his opponents from throwing counters when he does, how he prepares to duck one if it does come, how he'd parry his opponents punches with both his lead and rear hand, how he'll constantly change angles to make sure he doesn't stay straight in his opponents line of fire. You say he was flat footed and slow, but you forget that he was trained to not move around a lot and only do so when he needed to. That's exactly what he did. They fight fifteen rounds and he saves his stamina by doing what he does. Your video proved nothing about Louis's ability and only showed a direct comparison between a couple clips of one of his opponents and someone more modern. H The video is a direct comparison between two fighters from two different eras, not analyzing the eras of fighters as a whole, and most certainly not Joe Louis You should look up videos of his head movement and defense if that's what you believe. His defense was one of the best the heavyweight division has seen to this day. The average fighter in the 70-s and 80's aren't beating the greats of the 30's and 40's. Technique didn't improve anywhere near as much as you think It only compared Primo to Wlad and didn't showcase really any other fighters. You can't take just two people and generalize the whole eras with just those two, especially if one is one of the best and the other is one of the worst The average fighter in the 80's-90's may be better than one from the 30's-40's. They just aren't better than the greats of that era His defense wasn't horrendous but it definitely wasn't good. Joe Louis didn't waste punches, had real defense, much better punch technique, pivoted to control space, was faster and more accurate, didn't throw wide hooks and uppercuts but controlled and accurate punches that could knock you out or rattle you from 6 inches away or at arms length. He was far better at all of that then either version of Georg Old George was better than young George and yet he was still inferior to Louis in every category except for punching power and chin. If he was far slower and more flat footed than Louis, had worse technique,
@Gigantore-u4z 6 ай бұрын
@@ascendediam get off these Marciano pages.
@kubikiribasara3499 Жыл бұрын
I just watched this fight to appreciate referee Ruby Goldstein's excellent footwork!!
@NicoLs715 7 ай бұрын
I'm so proud of being this gigachad's relative (my surname is La Starza. His family was originally from Suio, the same Italian town where my grandpa was born).
@rockabye_baby187 2 жыл бұрын
Love the play by play announcer. Very knowledgeable and smooth with his delivery
@yuki9162 2 жыл бұрын
I love the old time announcers, you can close your eyes and listen and still see the fight.
@jimclark6256 Жыл бұрын
His favorite word was rust for the first 5 rounds
@hup358 6 ай бұрын
It’s Jim Jacob’s Mike Tyson’s manager
@Lava1964 3 ай бұрын
It wasn't the original live broadcast, of course. The commentary was added much later.
@michaelmiller2397 11 ай бұрын
boxer Tunney beat slugger Dempsey - twice!
@ah93704 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree...Roland said Rocky must be punch drunk if he thought he won the first fight. He sure got his revenge. I feel kinda bad for LaStarza. He's one of my favorite contenders. This era was full of good fighters!
@alanfeldman6241 Жыл бұрын
No power!
@therollingbeatles123 10 жыл бұрын
Hey James I found the fight on KZbin just type in Rocky Marciano vs Mach Roland!!!
@jamesavery3559 10 жыл бұрын
@therollingbeatles123 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah I thought it is pretty epic!!!
@EnriqueDominguezOficial 10 жыл бұрын
@therollingbeatles123 9 жыл бұрын
Lol no but I wish I was a time traveler Lol!!
@IWannatalkpodcast Жыл бұрын
At 187 he'd have been a cruiser weight in today's day and age
@ascendediam Жыл бұрын
Yet no one made midcard fighting like these guys in 70s-90s
@2liter8 10 ай бұрын
Compared to Tyson this was pretty slow. Mike was an unrelenting power house like a honey badger, coming on hard and strong throwing constant punches without hesitation.
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
Some crazy slow person named nycinstyle kept saying my video is wrong, and ali said how great rock was, and how ali knows boxing well that's correct since ali for a fact knew no one made even midcard fighting like these novices in the 70s,and then the wacko said how ali said rock was better then frazier when ali was just being humble, anybody knows with good vision Joe was way more advanced yet foreman was in the same era who fought guys who had the same advances as others in the same era He kept speaking on rock only instead of the other people in my video as if all these guys didn't all have the same novice like tech and flaws, these people just are really crazy and slow man
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
I have also been told mutiple times by lunatics these odd quotes I don't know boxing/I don't know what I'm looking at as if I am blind/quotes by said boxer says otherwise/watch highlights yet highlights are selected best moments/how was this era a novice era if they were professionals yet leaving out no one made pro fighting like these guys in 70s-90s
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
some crazy idiot days ago said my video showing rounds of how these guys fought side by side with people george fought on my page is a opinion of george fighting way more advanced people in both ages how is showing exactly how fighters fought and showing advances in tech/fluidity/defense/fluidity/angles an opinion ? The average amateur in 70s-90s were way more advanced than this whole Novice era
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
On forums, lunatics said marciano would beat mercer, yet no one even made mid card fighting like they did in that novice-like era in the '''' ''70s-'90s, tony wasn't much bigger than rocky and he had to stay away cause ray hit so hard, this man tony was way more advanced than that whole rocky era Tony was almost koed in the 1st from a hard jab from ray and Tony was used to taking shots from his real class which would be Rock's lhw, on top of Tony fought guys with way better tech than they did in Rock's era
@ascendediam 10 ай бұрын
All of those crazy idiots who don't like me calling these guys novices compared to the 70s-90s, are only upset cause they see me say it In public, if I don't say it it doesn't mean I still don't see these guys as novices, their hurt by me saying it not me seeing it very weird
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