Sayed Ammar on The Lady of Heaven Film

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Progeny Podcast

Progeny Podcast

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Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - Part II - Progeny Podcast Episode 26
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@daizzangi9894 Жыл бұрын
From Australia supporting the lady of heaven film 100 percent
@saturninkepa4915 9 ай бұрын
I watched the film and I was educated at least on the Shia narrative, thank you. Nice to see a well made big budget film on this topic. I agree with the guy saying that there are some uncomfortable truths raised in this movie and that the opposition to this film should be questioned as to an agenda since all the characters were given the highest respect.
@midoryaizuku5306 20 сағат бұрын
هل سمعتم بمشروع الوطن الرافضي المهدوي؟ هناك حملة تبرعات جديدة في قناة فدك لشراء ثلاث جزر في بلاد الغرب لكي تكون وطناً للرافضة الأحرار، المبلغ المطلوب 3,5 مليون باوند. كما تعلمون، الأرض كلها لله عز وجل وهي حق شرعي للخليفة الشرعي الحجة بن الحسن عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف، ولكن للأسف لا توجد دولة في العالم تعمل بشريعته وشريعة جده رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، بلاد الشرق يحكمها الطواغيت الظالمون الذين يعيثون فساداً في الأرض ويحكمون إما بنظام علماني وضعي أو بنظام سقيفي طاغوتي، حتى الدول ذات الأغلبية الشيعية تأثرت بالفساد العقائدي والأخلاقي ففيها الطواغيت والفاسدون والمنافقون، وفي بلاد الغرب ينتشر الكفر والإلحاد والشذوذ والزنا وكل ما هو مخالف للفطرة السليمة. وكما تعلمون أتباع الشيخ ياسر الحبيب أفراد متميزون في مجتمعهم بوعيهم وسمو أخلاقهم والتزامهم الديني وورعهم، فهذا الوطن الجديد سيكون هو الملاذ لهم حيث الحكومة والمجتمع يعملان على تطبيق الشريعة والجميع متدينون أخلاقيون في مجتمع يأمر بالمعروف وينهى عن المنكر على النقيض من المجتمعات الأخرى التي هي إما تمجد الطواغيت أو تشجع البدع أو تدعو إلى الانفلات الأخلاقي. هذه الجزر الثلاث ستكون وطناً مؤسَّساً على عقيدة مهدوية، موقعها في بلاد الغرب وفيها ثروة سمكية وحيوانية وفيرة وأراضٍ زراعية خصبة، الكل سيعمل فيها بما يعرف ومن لا يعرف يتم تعليمه، الكل سيكون عنده بيت مريح يعيش فيه وسيتم تشجيع الزواج المبكر وتسهيله واعتماد النظام الاقتصادي الإسلامي التكافلي. الحلال فيه مطلوب ومرغوب والحرام فيه منبوذ ومرذول، ستتربى أجيال مؤمنة طاهرة بعيدة عن الحرام، ومن يعاني من المؤمنين في مجتمعه الفاسق سوف يتخلص من هذه المعاناة وسيعيش في مجتمع مؤمن متدين لا قول فيه إلا قول آل محمد عليهم السلام ولا راية تعلو فيه إلا رايتهم، لا أخلاق فاسدة ولا عادات سيئة ولا انحرافات ولا ظلم ولا اعتداء ولا استغلال ولا إيذاء ولا تنمر، لا أحد يسخر من الدين والتدين ولا أحد يملي على المؤمنين أن يظهروا أي احترام لأي معتقد فاسد أو أي تصرف غير أخلاقي. المتشيعون وحتى الشيعة ممن يتبعون النهج الرافضي البرائي الياسري غالباً يشعرون بالوحدة ويعانون في مجتمعاتهم وبعضهم قد تحصل معه مشاكل في مدرسته أو جامعته أو وظيفته بسبب كلمة الحق وبسبب أمره بالمعروف أو نهيه عن المنكر، وبعضهم يضطر لاعتزال الناس قدر المستطاع حتى لا يتأذى من منكراتهم وفسوقهم، في هذا الوطن الرافضي سيجد الناس كلهم مثله من نفس الطينة الطاهرة ونفس التوجه الديني، الكثير من الناس سيعملون في أحضان الطبيعة في الزرع والرعي أو يرمون شباكهم لصيد أسماك البحر، وعند الانتهاء من أعمالهم يستطيع المؤمنون زيارة بعضهم وتبادل الخبرات والمعلومات في الدين والعمل بلا غيبة ولا نميمة ولا فحش ولا بذاءة ولا شتم من لا يستحق ولا خمر ولا ميسر. وأول شيء سيتم تأسيسه في هذا الوطن هو الحوزة والمدرسة، ففيه الأطفال سيتعلمون العلوم الدينية، أما العلوم الدنيوية فسيتعلمون منها ما سيلزمهم في حياتهم العملية، وسيكون هناك أشخاص يفرغون أنفسهم للدراسة الدينية والعمل الدعوي وهناك أشخاص سيعملون في أعمال دنيوية ويبنون الاقتصاد اللازم لاكتفاء الوطن، والجميع هدفه في النهاية خدمة الدين. الآن لا يوجد أي مشروع يهدف لحفظ دماء المتشيعين إلا هذا المشروع. فكنت أفكر، لو أن شخصا مقتدرا وصله نبأ المشروع وامتنع عنه، هل يمكن أن يتلقى إثما في دماء ما يُسفَك من دماء المتشيعين مستقبلا؟ فلا تحرموا أنفسكم من ثواب المشاركة في بناء هذا الوطن الذي سيؤسس على التقوى بإذن الله، احرصوا على أن يكتب اسمكم عند الله تعالى وعند صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالى فرجه ضمن قائمة الذين تعاونوا على البر والتقوى، قد يتبرع فقير بعشرة دراهم أو دنانير ثم يجد لنفسه أو لأولاده مستقبلاً وطناً وبيتاً جديداً في الجزيرة بمجرد مجيئهم إليها! أما في الآخرة فالله وحده يعلم ما سيكون له من أجر! ادخلوا إلى قناة حارس فدك على اليوتيوب وشاهدوا.
@hosseinpeyghami4369 Жыл бұрын
I'm Shia and Muslim,I love Fatima an I'm obsessed with Hadise Kaza 💗🙏
@hassanmahmoud2324 2 жыл бұрын
Release date December 10, 2021 in the USA
@ahershey8523 2 жыл бұрын
ok- was wondering about that
@ItsRanked Жыл бұрын
What is the film about Imam Ali called?
@66youssef110 2 жыл бұрын
what movie of Imam Ali is he talking about??
@hashh2019 2 жыл бұрын
Imam Ali series available on KZbin and Al nebras maybe
@theSilentDude96 Жыл бұрын
Shaheed e Kufa is the name of Imam Ali As series he is talking about
@wafaajamshid14 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah bless and protect Doctor Sayed Ammar Nakshwahwani and his family form anything bad and may Allah prolong his life and increase his knowledge to teach young generation about Quran and ahlulbayt 🙌🏻 🙏🏻
@dr.2k223 3 жыл бұрын
He is Iranian?
@user-vt8pn8ix9n 2 жыл бұрын
@@dr.2k223 british-irianian
@dr.2k223 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-vt8pn8ix9n 👍🏻 🤍🇮🇷🇮🇶❤️
@rajakhayam7792 2 жыл бұрын
Ammar nakshawani why are you running away from debating adnan rashid or Mohammed hijab. If your on the haq you should have no problem debating.
@procs-9196 2 жыл бұрын
If he was right, why will you say may Allah protect and prolong his life?, you mistakenly prevailed his wrong doing.
@irfanalikurrimbux5515 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not a born Shi'a, but since my childhood I've always been in love with Imam Ali (A), I could not digest, the fact that Imam Ali (A) was the fourth caliph ! The Holy Five (A) were always above all in my heart. One day I was talking about the Ehlul Bait (A) and my mother told me, that a neighbor possessed a book mentioning the attack of Omar on the house of the Lady of the worlds ! That was enough for me to find out the truth ! I believe the word 'unity' is just baseless. How many were faithful to the Holy Prophet (SAW)? How many stayed faithful to Amirul Mo'meneen (A) and Imam Hassan (A) ? How can I ignore the hardship of Imam Musa Kazim (A) ? FADAK is the only reason why thousands have joined the school of Ehlul Bait (A) in Pakistan and Egypt ! If compromise is the solution, I don't find any point why Imam Al Sadiq CURSED the enemies of Ehlul Bait (A) ! I salute Sheikh Yasser Al Habib for his efforts. My problem is not 'who' are the directors and casts, my concern is 'what' they are presenting and revealing to the ignorant world !
@OfficialSuperTech 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the foundational beliefs of Shiism are based on ambiguities and not authentic souces. Alhamdulillah Sunni Islam has strong evidences and authentic sources
@zedispahany7317 2 жыл бұрын
None of the Imams cursed any of their enemies!! In fact in authentic shia hadiths there are narrations how Imam zainul abedin treated the killer of his brother Ali Akbar very kindly when they met years later. In some shia books that I have read Imam Jaffer as sadeq praised the caliphs . It is lies about the attack on bibi Fatima and is told to me by some ayatollahs and some shia scholars.
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 2 жыл бұрын
@@zedispahany7317 You have been fed lies.
@hak1526 2 жыл бұрын
U are a traitor to Islam never claim u are Sunni, sell out
@kingrapid 2 жыл бұрын
Clearly you been misguided...The fact that you spew all these questions shows how confused you truly are. You been brainwashed by the biggest EVIL MUNAAFIQ lot of the community and unfortunately walked over to that side... SHAKING MY HEAD...May Allah guide you and us all on to the right path for we know not what we do.
@bananaleaf3880 Жыл бұрын
How is everyone in the comments praising this film knowing that it is beyond wrong to even depict figures such as our prophet? Are you alright in the head? This has nothing to do with the Shia sect. It is completely disrespectful and you should be ashamed of yourself for promoting it. This is so wrong
@KR-rs2wk Жыл бұрын
They will regret it when questioned by Allah SWT
@weebpage2214 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t find lady of heaven anywhere...anyone know where to watch the movie
@zakariyaalmobashir5855 2 жыл бұрын
It's still not out yet
@weebpage2214 2 жыл бұрын
@@zakariyaalmobashir5855 it’s only on theatre?
@zakariyaalmobashir5855 2 жыл бұрын
@@weebpage2214 not yet. Heard it's gonna be released at 2021 Cannes Film Festival.
@midoryaizuku5306 20 сағат бұрын
هل سمعتم بمشروع الوطن الرافضي المهدوي؟ هناك حملة تبرعات جديدة في قناة فدك لشراء ثلاث جزر في بلاد الغرب لكي تكون وطناً للرافضة الأحرار، المبلغ المطلوب 3,5 مليون باوند. كما تعلمون، الأرض كلها لله عز وجل وهي حق شرعي للخليفة الشرعي الحجة بن الحسن عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف، ولكن للأسف لا توجد دولة في العالم تعمل بشريعته وشريعة جده رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، بلاد الشرق يحكمها الطواغيت الظالمون الذين يعيثون فساداً في الأرض ويحكمون إما بنظام علماني وضعي أو بنظام سقيفي طاغوتي، حتى الدول ذات الأغلبية الشيعية تأثرت بالفساد العقائدي والأخلاقي ففيها الطواغيت والفاسدون والمنافقون، وفي بلاد الغرب ينتشر الكفر والإلحاد والشذوذ والزنا وكل ما هو مخالف للفطرة السليمة. وكما تعلمون أتباع الشيخ ياسر الحبيب أفراد متميزون في مجتمعهم بوعيهم وسمو أخلاقهم والتزامهم الديني وورعهم، فهذا الوطن الجديد سيكون هو الملاذ لهم حيث الحكومة والمجتمع يعملان على تطبيق الشريعة والجميع متدينون أخلاقيون في مجتمع يأمر بالمعروف وينهى عن المنكر على النقيض من المجتمعات الأخرى التي هي إما تمجد الطواغيت أو تشجع البدع أو تدعو إلى الانفلات الأخلاقي. هذه الجزر الثلاث ستكون وطناً مؤسَّساً على عقيدة مهدوية، موقعها في بلاد الغرب وفيها ثروة سمكية وحيوانية وفيرة وأراضٍ زراعية خصبة، الكل سيعمل فيها بما يعرف ومن لا يعرف يتم تعليمه، الكل سيكون عنده بيت مريح يعيش فيه وسيتم تشجيع الزواج المبكر وتسهيله واعتماد النظام الاقتصادي الإسلامي التكافلي. الحلال فيه مطلوب ومرغوب والحرام فيه منبوذ ومرذول، ستتربى أجيال مؤمنة طاهرة بعيدة عن الحرام، ومن يعاني من المؤمنين في مجتمعه الفاسق سوف يتخلص من هذه المعاناة وسيعيش في مجتمع مؤمن متدين لا قول فيه إلا قول آل محمد عليهم السلام ولا راية تعلو فيه إلا رايتهم، لا أخلاق فاسدة ولا عادات سيئة ولا انحرافات ولا ظلم ولا اعتداء ولا استغلال ولا إيذاء ولا تنمر، لا أحد يسخر من الدين والتدين ولا أحد يملي على المؤمنين أن يظهروا أي احترام لأي معتقد فاسد أو أي تصرف غير أخلاقي. المتشيعون وحتى الشيعة ممن يتبعون النهج الرافضي البرائي الياسري غالباً يشعرون بالوحدة ويعانون في مجتمعاتهم وبعضهم قد تحصل معه مشاكل في مدرسته أو جامعته أو وظيفته بسبب كلمة الحق وبسبب أمره بالمعروف أو نهيه عن المنكر، وبعضهم يضطر لاعتزال الناس قدر المستطاع حتى لا يتأذى من منكراتهم وفسوقهم، في هذا الوطن الرافضي سيجد الناس كلهم مثله من نفس الطينة الطاهرة ونفس التوجه الديني، الكثير من الناس سيعملون في أحضان الطبيعة في الزرع والرعي أو يرمون شباكهم لصيد أسماك البحر، وعند الانتهاء من أعمالهم يستطيع المؤمنون زيارة بعضهم وتبادل الخبرات والمعلومات في الدين والعمل بلا غيبة ولا نميمة ولا فحش ولا بذاءة ولا شتم من لا يستحق ولا خمر ولا ميسر. وأول شيء سيتم تأسيسه في هذا الوطن هو الحوزة والمدرسة، ففيه الأطفال سيتعلمون العلوم الدينية، أما العلوم الدنيوية فسيتعلمون منها ما سيلزمهم في حياتهم العملية، وسيكون هناك أشخاص يفرغون أنفسهم للدراسة الدينية والعمل الدعوي وهناك أشخاص سيعملون في أعمال دنيوية ويبنون الاقتصاد اللازم لاكتفاء الوطن، والجميع هدفه في النهاية خدمة الدين. الآن لا يوجد أي مشروع يهدف لحفظ دماء المتشيعين إلا هذا المشروع. فكنت أفكر، لو أن شخصا مقتدرا وصله نبأ المشروع وامتنع عنه، هل يمكن أن يتلقى إثما في دماء ما يُسفَك من دماء المتشيعين مستقبلا؟ فلا تحرموا أنفسكم من ثواب المشاركة في بناء هذا الوطن الذي سيؤسس على التقوى بإذن الله، احرصوا على أن يكتب اسمكم عند الله تعالى وعند صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالى فرجه ضمن قائمة الذين تعاونوا على البر والتقوى، قد يتبرع فقير بعشرة دراهم أو دنانير ثم يجد لنفسه أو لأولاده مستقبلاً وطناً وبيتاً جديداً في الجزيرة بمجرد مجيئهم إليها! أما في الآخرة فالله وحده يعلم ما سيكون له من أجر! ادخلوا إلى قناة حارس فدك على اليوتيوب وشاهدوا.
@real_wakawaka Жыл бұрын
fun fact movie is 100% based on most trusted sunni Muslim authors like sahih Muslim and bukhari LOL clearly afraid of truth!!
@kaledfaris9926 2 жыл бұрын
This movie is a very painful true story. Why did they not respect the daughter of their messenger, this is a great shame
@ishtiaq968 Жыл бұрын
The incident is not even true:
@whyphy2213 3 жыл бұрын
The Lady of Heaven looks like a awesome movie. I really want to see this movie but why did they show the faces of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and Maula Ali (AS)? Could they have put a light over there faces like in Mukhtarnama and imam ali movie al nebras
@mjloyalty 3 жыл бұрын
because the faces are not real and have been created via CGI using historical narrations about The Prophet and Imam Ali's physical description (peace be upon them both). This was all heavily supervised and in constant review by a team of Islamic Scholars till the final version was approved. You will also find this statement in the films website: "In accordance with Islamic tradition, during the making of this film no individual represented a Holy Personality. The performances of the Holy Personalities were achieved through a unique synthesis of actors, in-camera effects, lighting and visual effects."
@zahidabukhari9973 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think they showed Holy Prophet PBUH face or that of Imam Ali as in the films.
@loverofahlulbayt7268 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe, showing A face full of light may be confusing for Western Countries. And Then Again, why did They show Prophet Yusef And Jacobs (AS) face.
@zedispahany7317 2 жыл бұрын
@@zahidabukhari9973 Imam Ali’s face has been all over iran in posters.
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 2 жыл бұрын
@@zedispahany7317 For ages.
@kamalsaeed942 Жыл бұрын
good luck may almighty God guide and accept us
@zainababbas4826 2 жыл бұрын
Where can I rent or buy this movie? I live in Canada please help
@ya_F313 2 жыл бұрын
In the Cinema soon Insha Allah
@adamnouri23 2 жыл бұрын
First playing in USA on the tenth of this month. Soon , it should be in Canada theaters too.
@adamnouri23 2 жыл бұрын
The movies and series made by people under the umbrella of Iran political power ( i.e. Khamenei ) are interesting ; however , they have a lot of issues due to batrism. Batrism is a term covering the idea of double standard between ; 1 - claiming love for Ahlilbait and their fellowship. 2 - doing and saying things that contradict loving / following the same Ahlilbait. It doesn't matter the intention ,,, Ex Sunni Maliki Muslim from Tunisia in the West. Salaam.
@inayaali531 Жыл бұрын
The Lady of Heaven is in London’s cinemas from the 3rd of June inshAllah.
@truthbites1485 Жыл бұрын
Blasphemous rubbish
@ehsan9912 Жыл бұрын
@@truthbites1485 truth bites !
@truthbites1485 Жыл бұрын
@@ehsan9912 yep truth bites Shia kufaar the most!!
@ehsan9912 Жыл бұрын
@@truthbites1485 calling your muslim brothers kafir really shows how hard truth has bitten you it's painful ain't it ?
@truthbites1485 Жыл бұрын
@@ehsan9912 Muslim ? And Shia? Omg 😆 😂 😂
@hasanimam35 2 жыл бұрын
Salams how do we watch the movie in the UK?
@Zainab-kazme 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliantly said wow 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@aliabdussalaam2260 Жыл бұрын
@@ruqiarahimi5242 It's available on youtube.
@midoryaizuku5306 20 сағат бұрын
هل سمعتم بمشروع الوطن الرافضي المهدوي؟ هناك حملة تبرعات جديدة في قناة فدك لشراء ثلاث جزر في بلاد الغرب لكي تكون وطناً للرافضة الأحرار، المبلغ المطلوب 3,5 مليون باوند. كما تعلمون، الأرض كلها لله عز وجل وهي حق شرعي للخليفة الشرعي الحجة بن الحسن عجل الله تعالى فرجه الشريف، ولكن للأسف لا توجد دولة في العالم تعمل بشريعته وشريعة جده رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله، بلاد الشرق يحكمها الطواغيت الظالمون الذين يعيثون فساداً في الأرض ويحكمون إما بنظام علماني وضعي أو بنظام سقيفي طاغوتي، حتى الدول ذات الأغلبية الشيعية تأثرت بالفساد العقائدي والأخلاقي ففيها الطواغيت والفاسدون والمنافقون، وفي بلاد الغرب ينتشر الكفر والإلحاد والشذوذ والزنا وكل ما هو مخالف للفطرة السليمة. وكما تعلمون أتباع الشيخ ياسر الحبيب أفراد متميزون في مجتمعهم بوعيهم وسمو أخلاقهم والتزامهم الديني وورعهم، فهذا الوطن الجديد سيكون هو الملاذ لهم حيث الحكومة والمجتمع يعملان على تطبيق الشريعة والجميع متدينون أخلاقيون في مجتمع يأمر بالمعروف وينهى عن المنكر على النقيض من المجتمعات الأخرى التي هي إما تمجد الطواغيت أو تشجع البدع أو تدعو إلى الانفلات الأخلاقي. هذه الجزر الثلاث ستكون وطناً مؤسَّساً على عقيدة مهدوية، موقعها في بلاد الغرب وفيها ثروة سمكية وحيوانية وفيرة وأراضٍ زراعية خصبة، الكل سيعمل فيها بما يعرف ومن لا يعرف يتم تعليمه، الكل سيكون عنده بيت مريح يعيش فيه وسيتم تشجيع الزواج المبكر وتسهيله واعتماد النظام الاقتصادي الإسلامي التكافلي. الحلال فيه مطلوب ومرغوب والحرام فيه منبوذ ومرذول، ستتربى أجيال مؤمنة طاهرة بعيدة عن الحرام، ومن يعاني من المؤمنين في مجتمعه الفاسق سوف يتخلص من هذه المعاناة وسيعيش في مجتمع مؤمن متدين لا قول فيه إلا قول آل محمد عليهم السلام ولا راية تعلو فيه إلا رايتهم، لا أخلاق فاسدة ولا عادات سيئة ولا انحرافات ولا ظلم ولا اعتداء ولا استغلال ولا إيذاء ولا تنمر، لا أحد يسخر من الدين والتدين ولا أحد يملي على المؤمنين أن يظهروا أي احترام لأي معتقد فاسد أو أي تصرف غير أخلاقي. المتشيعون وحتى الشيعة ممن يتبعون النهج الرافضي البرائي الياسري غالباً يشعرون بالوحدة ويعانون في مجتمعاتهم وبعضهم قد تحصل معه مشاكل في مدرسته أو جامعته أو وظيفته بسبب كلمة الحق وبسبب أمره بالمعروف أو نهيه عن المنكر، وبعضهم يضطر لاعتزال الناس قدر المستطاع حتى لا يتأذى من منكراتهم وفسوقهم، في هذا الوطن الرافضي سيجد الناس كلهم مثله من نفس الطينة الطاهرة ونفس التوجه الديني، الكثير من الناس سيعملون في أحضان الطبيعة في الزرع والرعي أو يرمون شباكهم لصيد أسماك البحر، وعند الانتهاء من أعمالهم يستطيع المؤمنون زيارة بعضهم وتبادل الخبرات والمعلومات في الدين والعمل بلا غيبة ولا نميمة ولا فحش ولا بذاءة ولا شتم من لا يستحق ولا خمر ولا ميسر. وأول شيء سيتم تأسيسه في هذا الوطن هو الحوزة والمدرسة، ففيه الأطفال سيتعلمون العلوم الدينية، أما العلوم الدنيوية فسيتعلمون منها ما سيلزمهم في حياتهم العملية، وسيكون هناك أشخاص يفرغون أنفسهم للدراسة الدينية والعمل الدعوي وهناك أشخاص سيعملون في أعمال دنيوية ويبنون الاقتصاد اللازم لاكتفاء الوطن، والجميع هدفه في النهاية خدمة الدين. الآن لا يوجد أي مشروع يهدف لحفظ دماء المتشيعين إلا هذا المشروع. فكنت أفكر، لو أن شخصا مقتدرا وصله نبأ المشروع وامتنع عنه، هل يمكن أن يتلقى إثما في دماء ما يُسفَك من دماء المتشيعين مستقبلا؟ فلا تحرموا أنفسكم من ثواب المشاركة في بناء هذا الوطن الذي سيؤسس على التقوى بإذن الله، احرصوا على أن يكتب اسمكم عند الله تعالى وعند صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالى فرجه ضمن قائمة الذين تعاونوا على البر والتقوى، قد يتبرع فقير بعشرة دراهم أو دنانير ثم يجد لنفسه أو لأولاده مستقبلاً وطناً وبيتاً جديداً في الجزيرة بمجرد مجيئهم إليها! أما في الآخرة فالله وحده يعلم ما سيكون له من أجر! ادخلوا إلى قناة حارس فدك على اليوتيوب وشاهدوا.
@kjaffari3361 2 жыл бұрын
Salaamaliakum does anyone has link for movie please share thank you
@DC-wp6oj Жыл бұрын
The rock n roll tattooed ‘sheikh’. Did Hazrat Ali r.a wear tattoos?
@buridah328 Жыл бұрын
If you smell what the rock is cooking - Imam The Rock
@codenameumoja8995 3 жыл бұрын
I just shudder everytime I hear about Fatimah(A) and Fadak. Abu Bakr and Umar did a very evil thing. For decades I thought these two were in JAnnah! Now we realise they are in the worst part of hell for oppressing Fatimah(A). Powerful stuff.
@servantofabbas4388 3 жыл бұрын
Are you an ex-Sunni?!
@codenameumoja8995 3 жыл бұрын
@@servantofabbas4388 yup embraced in 1991 aged 20 found ahlulbayt(A) in a prison cell aged 40! Allah(swt) guides whoever he wills.
@servantofabbas4388 3 жыл бұрын
@@codenameumoja8995 MashaAllah. May Allah bless you.
@OfficialSuperTech 2 жыл бұрын
@@codenameumoja8995 Sunnis love Ahlul Bayt too! But not only Ahlul Bayt, we love all the Sahaba too Alhamdulillah! So we have more love 😊 Unfortunately the foundational parts of Shiism are based on ambiguous and not authentic beliefs, which is indeed not the case in Shiism...
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 2 жыл бұрын
@@codenameumoja8995 Lets hope you get released soon.
@x940x Жыл бұрын
I am not Shia. But I know all the teachings & Hadith about the closest relatives of Prophet Muhammad (saw). So please don’t brand all non Shia the same. I do not call myself a Sunni either. I am Muslim. I do not follow a specific school of thought. I follow what I believe to be correct. The bases is, not about her story in fact. Please share this knowledge, but do not put a face to these people. Especially Prophet Muhammad (saw) & his family. Do not portray what they look like. Other then that, I am eager to watch this movie as knowledge is never enough. But I am disappointed in the trailer of depicting what our Prophet looks like. We as Muslims do not do what the Christians & Jews do. They have allowed their religion to have add ons by mankind, Jesus and his family looked like this, let’s paint portraits, let’s make cartoons, this allows Muslims to be targeted as mankind cannot help but to be racist. Also listening to him speak about showing the faces of other Prophets I personally do not also agree with. They should never allowed this to happen. As we truly do not know what they look like. I hope everyone can learn something good from this movie. I’m really hoping this movie doesn’t offend or upset any Muslim community. May Allah swt guide us all. Ameen
@thefirm4606 Жыл бұрын
There is no prohibition of depiction in Shia. Why should they adhere to your interpretation?
@lu3shi948 Жыл бұрын
I know we don’t know exactly what they looked like but i dont think its hard to approximate what a 7th century Arab man looked like.
@elmernarrazid3160 Жыл бұрын
We have the same stand brother..
@x940x Жыл бұрын
@@thefirm4606 I am nor Shia or Sunni. I do not agree with any depictions of prophets or their families. I think you have to find a more respectable approach when it comes to Islam. This is solely my opinion. It is just that. We as a whole (all Shia, Sunnis etc) will be a target for the non Muslims. To easily build a stage for them to make light, or fun of our beloved prophet & his family. This is why we do not or should, draw attention to what they look like. Let me ask you something. Is it not bad enough, that the ummah is divided? Where can you openly say, Shia & Sunnis co-exist together? Tell me the name of the land, the city? There isn’t any. Why? Because we are all so fixated to who is right, who is wrong. Instead of politely disagreeing. We can have healthy debates or disagreements. But we should leave these debates & disagreements, with love & kindness. May Allah swt be pleased us. Ameen Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. There is never enough knowledge. 🙏🏻
@x940x Жыл бұрын
@@lu3shi948 very true. But in Islam it’s a sign of disrespect, in the aspect of, people can be cruel & can easily offend you. It’s better to avoid the situation then add something to it. Social media & online things can go viral in seconds. I think this is maybe a fear? I guess. That as a Muslim we wouldn’t want anyone to mock or make fun of something so religious. This is my opinion.
@Bdpjev 2 жыл бұрын
Allahu Akbar. Beautiful movie was holding back my tears. This movie was truth
@kjaffari3361 2 жыл бұрын
Could you please share link I can watch this movie thank you
@Bdpjev 2 жыл бұрын
@@kjaffari3361 I saw it in the movie theater
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
This whole film/incident is based off fabricated narrations which only came in existence around 300-400 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The source it comes from is a book attributed to someone called Sulaym ibn Qays who wasn’t even the author of the book. This following videos are for my sincere brothers/sisters who want to see the true evaluation/analysis of this story from the Shi’a sources:
@menaalhassan109 Жыл бұрын
the Prophet PBUH was depicted in an image???
@Bdpjev Жыл бұрын
@@menaalhassan109 I'm not going to worship him as a result habib. Muslims worship Allah not the Rasool.
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
Ibn Abi Shiba and the book “Musannaf” Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shiba (159-235), author of the book “AL-Musannaf”, quotes with reliable evidence that:When people accepted Abu Baker as their caliph, Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr were discussing and consulting in the house of Fatima (a.s.), and this news had been reached Omar ibn Khattab. He came to the house of Fatima (a.s.) and said: Daughter of prophet of Allah (a.s.)! The dearest person for us is your father and after his it is you; but I swear to Allah that this affection cannot prevent from ordering to burn the house down if these people get together again in your house. He said these words and leave there. When Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr returned home, honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) told them: Omar came to me and swore to Allah to burn this house on you if your congregation repeats. Swear to Allah! He will do the thing that he has sworn!.
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasrulhasan9440 Abu Bakr sent for Ali (a.s.) in order to take his pledge of allegiance and Ali (a.s.) refused. Then Omar went with a fuse and met Fatima (a.s.) at the doorway of the house; Fatima (a.s.) said: Son of Khattab! I see that you are intending to burn my house?! Omar said: Yes, this act is for helping the thing that your father has been chosen for!!
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasrulhasan9440 When people accepted Abu Baker as their caliph, Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr were discussing and consulting in the house of Fatima (a.s.), and this news had been reached Omar ibn Khattab. He came to the house of Fatima (a.s.) and said: Daughter of prophet of Allah (a.s.)! The dearest person for us is your father and after his it is you; but I swear to Allah that this affection cannot prevent from ordering to burn the house down if these people get together again in your house. He said these words and leave there. When Ali (a.s.) and Zubayr returned home, honorable daughter of Prophet (s.a.) told them: Omar came to me and swore to Allah to burn this house on you if your congregation repeats. Swear to Allah! He will do the thing that he has sworn!(1) We reminded that this incident has been quoted in the book “Al-Musannaf” with reliable evidence. 1- Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shiba: 572.8, the book Al-Maghazi. 2) Balazari and the book “Ansab Al-Ashraf”
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasrulhasan9440 you are liar, and listening to the liars 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the hadith is not monqatee ASLAM is the talker, who was talked with the prophet mohammad and talked a few aof hadiths
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasrulhasan9440 😂😂😂😂omar sweared And fatima also And the condition happened, that ali and zobair didnt obey 6 months And its enough to terrify fatima bint mohammad to take the clothes of Islam
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasrulhasan9440 abo baker have confirmed that he breaked the fatma's house in
@majid51214 2 жыл бұрын
Is any one know that when this movie is going to release and where I can find him
@sayedhussaini5669 2 жыл бұрын
It will be released on December 10th in the theatres Insha’Allah
@majid51214 2 жыл бұрын
@@sayedhussaini5669 how can I find it on Internet
@majid51214 2 жыл бұрын
@@sayedhussaini5669 becoz it wil not release in Pakistan
@jprofessional7494 3 жыл бұрын
Can somone please tell me the name of the imam ali film that was referenced here??!!!
@whyphy2213 3 жыл бұрын
shaheed e kufa
@jprofessional7494 3 жыл бұрын
@@whyphy2213 is there an arabic or English translation??
@rammmin1 3 жыл бұрын
@@jprofessional7494 "Imam ali movie" Just type this on KZbin search, I couldn't copy link .
@whyphy2213 3 жыл бұрын
@@jprofessional7494 I saw it in urdu but in urdu they have english translation with it
@rachoner 3 жыл бұрын
Al Nebras
@lumbanraja6004 Жыл бұрын
In order to love Prophet's families, there is no need to be Shia Sect
@thefirm4606 Жыл бұрын
Or Sunni?
@muaazahp Жыл бұрын
@@thefirm4606 Sunni means following the sunnah of the prophet. What does Shia mean?
@lumbanraja6004 Жыл бұрын
@@muaazahp Shi'a means Following Ali ibn Abi Thalib Pbuh
@muaazahp Жыл бұрын
@@lumbanraja6004 why Ali? Why not prophet Muhammad (saw) and his teachings about only asking Allah for help? Why do Shias say “ya Ali madad”?
@lumbanraja6004 Жыл бұрын
@@muaazahp don't ask me "Why Ali?" Please Ask Shi'a sect! They know better answer
@TicTacTechYT Жыл бұрын
Many marajaa have said that watching and supporting this film is a sin. Especially in a time where disunity among the Muslims Is strengthening the enemies of Islam. I am disappointed that dr nakshawani, who used to be a proponent for Islamic unity, has become influenced by British Islam
@user-ie3qx6iy3g 2 жыл бұрын
Did I misunderstand something? Please someone clarify, but it seems Ammar is painting a bad image of Fatima AS when he says her husband wanted unity but his wife “certainly” didn’t? And how she caused “clamour over a piece of land”, btw clamour means “ loud and confused noise”. The greatest lady on earth, one of the ahlul kisa and an infallible makes a loud and confused noise? “His wife wouldn’t stop” “people who are your husbands friends don’t want to be associated with him anymore” And he kept going on about her? Some one please explain what’s Ammar doing because it seems like a false and fake and bad image of Fatima AS got painted
@theSilentDude96 Жыл бұрын
yes i think you might have understood. What i understood is that He is not portraying bad image of Bibi Fatima AS. He is only saying that didn't Fatima AS cared about the unity and such? didn't she knew that this would cause divisions among the muslims. Its not that, What i could understand until now is that they might have needed to stand up for truth and justice and show the real face of the so called "Sahabas" ( may allah forgive me if this is disrespectful to the companions of our prophet but this is what i have been told and after listening to both sides narrative, seems like it might be possible and might not be possible that they did this to Fatima AS ) and the follwing is just my thought, i could be wrong though. By arising the issue of Fadak and Wilayat of Ali in front of the people, the real munafiqeens were unmasked and their true nature was revealed and this might have been necessary because our prophet and his Ahle Bait are the true Islam and we need to follow and obey them and their teachings rather than those who wanted to hurt and Ahle Bait and devalue them. And regarding Ali AS being silenced throughout his life, that might seem wrong because he might have not rasied and sword or fight against them but he clearly disregarded them and their acts through his words. So many people were against him and to fight, one needs an army or people to match the opposition and we know from history that people were not with him and he is not one man army to take on all the opposition and do the miracle [ Imams and Prophets are not one man army to do everything themselves ( they could by the grace of almight allah but that's not how Allah's system work) they need a certain amount of people by their side to stand up for truth and justice ] and since Ali's Wilayat is not to have the government or Khilafat and rulings but rather to lead the people on true islam and its teachings he could do even without being the first Caliph so doing bloodshed and going against prophets companions and having a fight with them must not be a right solution solution at that particular time so he took the other route and let them have the rule because ultimately the objective is not have the government but rather lead the people and guide people on the true teachings of islam and our prophet, obviously he could do it more easily if he had the government under his control but still he did it all his life and even guided the rulers of before him whenever they would come in a difficult decision or whenever the ruler's decision could have a negative effect on the muslim community. So these are my thoughts, he didn't stay silent, he just didn't fought and shed blood. I hope i could clear your misunderstanding.
@bajramtahiri1576 2 жыл бұрын
They show the prophet Muhammad’s face in the movie isn’t that haram ???
@aryanjr.2133 Жыл бұрын
@wasim6977 Жыл бұрын
@@aryanjr.2133 Yes it it you doughnut
@aryanjr.2133 Жыл бұрын
@@wasim6977 Question: Is it permissible to draw or produce a scene which shows the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), one of the past prophets or the infallible Imams (a.s.), or other luminaries and show it in cinema, on television or theatre? Answer: If due deference and respect is observed, and the scene does not contain anything that would detract from their holy pictures in the minds [of the viewers], there is no problem. ( Ayatollah Ali Sistani ) He is the most renowned scholar in our school of thought, if you don't agree with him, then don't, don't watch the movie. But let us have our own opinion.
@Rajanasarali Жыл бұрын
@@aryanjr.2133 who the fuck is ayatullah he is not shia he is a qafir.
@user-vq7ju7qe6g Жыл бұрын
@@aryanjr.2133 your going hell
@sidhashali 2 жыл бұрын
That incident was first mentioned in sulaym ibn qais book, and most of the marajas said that book is not authentic…. Or at least was not compiled by sulaym ibn qais … Well just to let you know mr ammar naqshwani our Prophet and his ahlebait lived a very difficult and simple life … you are talking about Islam wearing a $40000 watch…if they are your role model you should follow them ….
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
This whole film/incident is based off fabricated narrations which only came in existence around 300-400 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The source it comes from is a book attributed to someone called Sulaym ibn Qays who wasn’t even the author of the book. This following video is a 30 min video for my sincere brothers/sisters who want to see the true evaluation/analysis of this story from the Shi’a sources:
@sidhashali 2 жыл бұрын
What about a narration in Tarikh al-Tabari: Abu Bakr said ‘I did three things that I now regret, they are: That I failed to show respect towards the house of Fatima. I did not burn Fajaf Salmah. At Saqifa I transferred Khilafath to Abu Ubaydah or Umar. There are three things that I wish I had done: When Asheesh bin Qays was brought before me as prisoner I should have had him killed. When I sent Khalid bin Waleed to the Land of the Kuffar I should have turned him in the direction of Zay Qasa. When sending Khalid to Syria I should have sent Umar to Iraq. I regret that I did not get clarification from Rasulullah (s) on three matters: Whether the Ansar had a share in the Khilafath. Who would succeed him (s) as Khalifa.The inheritance of an aunt and nephew.
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
@Mzgan S Khoei and many more. Watch the videos I linked in my previous message.
@muhammedthegambian6170 Жыл бұрын
Fatimiyyah...Yes..Allahummu Salli Ala Muhammad wa'ala Ali Muhammad
@fahadusmani2184 2 жыл бұрын
How much we try we can't build bridge between shia and sunni ...
@libertypower1 Жыл бұрын
Al hilli explained it eloquently... There is a time and place for how this issue is discussed... It is a sensitive topic and should be discussed academically , intellectually and respectfully with Marja involved. If any Tom or dick can start making movies about islamic history our religion will become a joke. As a Shia I have reflected on this matter and I personally think it should be banned....further due to the fact it is showing faces of our prophet and his daughter... What will stop others now making movies of our prophet and portray him negatively..
@mohammednayeem5920 Жыл бұрын
Shia speaks excessively on the MIMBERs only. However, when it comes to academic debate, they simply failed to demonstrate. Like the other movies, enjoy the movie. Nevertheless, the so-called SHIA has the right to present its own narrative, regardless of whether it is based on fact or fiction.
@WA_YT Жыл бұрын
Should we accept every sect's narrative to be potrayed in films? What if the khwarij want to make a movie about their narrative??
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
If the original narrative is a lie and supports the usurp to keep their rule. I think u are too afraid to find the truth.
@velocity_6t9 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Sayed Ammar 100%
@malalasharifi6228 2 жыл бұрын
MashAllah, I like the way Dr. Ammar has given the lecture. It's just Awesome! Love from Afghanistan. 💚💚💚
@ThesonsofIran Жыл бұрын
May God protect Afghanistan and the Shiites of Afghanistan from the germs of the Sunnis and the group
@ThesonsofIran Жыл бұрын
I always see you in Shiite clips, you have great faith and love for Ahl al-Bayt
@malalasharifi6228 Жыл бұрын
@@ThesonsofIran 💚🙏
@ThesonsofIran Жыл бұрын
@@malalasharifi6228 Greetings to you, may God help you from terrorizing the sons of Omar Al-Mabon. ❤️🇮🇷🇦🇫
@tafseershah7890 2 жыл бұрын
Let me know how many Hollywood film are rejected by Ammar due to producers ????!
@raza4867 Жыл бұрын
Subhanallah Sayed Ammar
@gabeerlazem7798 Жыл бұрын
I’m Sunni and I love Shia. My father Sunni and my mother Shia ❤️
@solpandol78 Жыл бұрын
What was it like to grow up with a Sunni and Shia parent? Did you learn about both?
@kareems5126 Жыл бұрын
@kasimhussain2253 Жыл бұрын
That's haram lol
@TheWorldStageGeopolitics Жыл бұрын
we must love all - but the movie is based off a lie thats the issue
@danielacevedo647 Жыл бұрын
@@kasimhussain2253 prove it ? What are you're sources that say that it's Haram ?
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 Жыл бұрын
9:50 That is what it is, the Shia Narrative, & how come it is going to cause us Embarrassment?
@crabside 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah why should she not speak out ... it was her God given property left to her by her father. Those who do not wish to hear it ... too bad!!
@xlbully7139 Жыл бұрын
maybe the mother of hiding mehdi coming to a cinema near you
@ms4050 Жыл бұрын
I want to watch this movie because I want to see what the truth is. Why do some people claim that only their narrative is correct and if others give their truth which puts light on some things that put your heroes in bad light, then you start calling it blasphemy. Who cares if one side is majority. Allah says “majority” is wrong. Let the truth come out. Better than being misled. Why are you so scared of facing the truth.
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
Good job bro. i heard it was on disney or prime. idk remember. You should let the people decide what's the truth. And not silence the voice. It's kk to be united with having differences. Here, they are just disputing over companions like this. So much hatred over who was true follower or not.
@rosewater6954 2 жыл бұрын
The lady of Heaven💖Fatima Alzahra💖 Thanks alot🌹😇🌷
@rajakhayam7792 2 жыл бұрын
Ammar nakshawani why are you running away from debating adnan rashid or Mohammed hijab. If your on the haq you should have no problem debating.
@turncoat725 2 жыл бұрын
Why would he waste his time with unemployed self proclaimed “experts”?
@zahidabukhari9973 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Ammar is brilliant scholar. I truly enjoying listening to him. May Allah swt keep him healthy and safe.
@ishowspeedcap842 3 жыл бұрын
You enjoy listening a fellow Fitna perpetuator.
@mikebaker3693 3 жыл бұрын
آمين رب العالمين وصلى الله على محمد وآله الطاهرين
@masooma02ali 2 жыл бұрын
@rajakhayam7792 2 жыл бұрын
Ammar nakshawani why are you running away from debating adnan rashid or Mohammed hijab. If your on the haq you should have no problem debating.
@kingrapid 2 жыл бұрын
A scholar?!!!! The dude is a self "taught" (if that's what you wanna call it) layman. Shows how misguided the Rawaafid are when they're praising Ammar Nakhshirvani as a scholar?!... May Allah guide us all.. Ameen
@Mokhtar3135 2 жыл бұрын
Syed Ammar Nakhshwani was a wonderful & great scholar but today’s Syed Ammar is a totally different person, most of Shias are disappointed due to the difference that has been greatly noticed by all Shias.
@theupperroom1 Жыл бұрын
Can you expand on this please إن شاء الله ?
@s.493 2 жыл бұрын
This movie was banned in many countries why? Because it cases fitna and fasad!
@real_wakawaka Жыл бұрын
fun fact movie is 100% based on most trusted sunni Muslim authors like sahih Muslim and bukhari LOL clearly afraid of truth!!
@johnjohn-ms3kr 2 жыл бұрын
we must see the movie first then we judge but i think it great movie because it tell us about the real truths about Islam and the crimes which is committed and it were hidden from us it great movie the best in 2021
@zeldanadia9471 2 жыл бұрын
was this movie even been released in cinames ? i cant find it online anywhere .if anyone can help please
@michaelferguson8074 Жыл бұрын
Hamdullah I’m a ex shia, me and my family And nearly 500k of my tribe in Iraq became Sunni after the 2000s Shia so messed up my god guide them
@truthdawn7773 Жыл бұрын
كان المسلمون كلهم شيعة يعطون الخمس لآل علي 🤓 لأنهم كانوا موحدين لله كما وحده محمد وعلي والنبي جعل المسلمين يبايعون عليا أنه أولى بهم من أنفسهم في غدير خم وسد أبواب المسجد إلا باب علي لأنه مطهر وبابه باب رسول الله مدينة العلم وأخبرهم أنه يقاتل على التأويل كما قاتل على التنزيل أي انه شريك في أمره كهارون من موسى و ترك خليفته في معركة تبوك في المدينة، وجعل كل المسلمين تحت إمرة اسامة وترك علي معه في مرض وفاته وهو الذي غسله وكفنه ودفنه وصلى عليه ولم يكن لابو بكر ولا عمر ولا عثمان قيمة ولا ذكر بل ممن أحبط الله عملهم ووصفهم بشر الدواب وكان التقديس لمحمد وأهل بيته فقط وليس للمنافقين المجاورين، ورضي لهم الله ما رضي لنفسه فنزههم عن الصدقة أوساخ الناس فجعل سهما لهم في الخمس دائما الى يوم القيامة وجعل طاعتهم طاعة الله الى يوم القيامة، وفرض الصلاة عليهم وجعل أجر الرسالة مودتهم وجعلهم شهداء على الناس وعليا شهيد مع الله على نبوة محمد وجعلهم ورثة الكتاب المصطفين وجعل سبطيه الحسن والحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة إمامان قاما أم قعدا وقال الله تعالى سلام على آل ياسين *قال رسول الله لعلي في تفسير قوله تعالى {أولئك هم خير البرية} : أنت وشيعتك يا علي*. المصدر تفسير الطبري، تفسير الشوكاني، شواهد التنزيل، الدر المنثور... - لم يكُنْ أحَدٌ منَ الناسِ أبغَضَ إليَّ من عليِّ بنِ أبي طالبٍ حتى أحبَبْتُ رَجلًا من قُرَيشٍ لا أُحِبُّه إلَّا على بُغضِ عليٍّ، فبُعِثَ ذلك الرَّجلُ على خَيلٍ، فصَحِبْتُه، وما أصحَبُه إلا على بَغْضاءِ عليٍّ، فأصابَ سَبْيًا، فكتَبَ إلى النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أنْ يَبعَثَ له مَن يُخَمِّسُه، فبعَثَ إلينا عليًّا رضيَ اللهُ عنه، وفي السبْيِ وَصيفةٌ من أفضَلِ السبْيِ، فلمَّا خمَّسَه صارَتِ الوَصيفةُ في الخُمُسِ، ثُم خمَّسَ فصارَتْ في أهْلِ بيتِ النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ، ثُم خمَّسَ فصارَتْ في آلِ عليٍّ، فأَتانا ورأسُه تَقطُرُ، فقُلْنا: ما هذا؟ فقال: ألم تَرَوْا إلى الوَصيفةِ، صارَتْ في الخُمُسِ، ثُم صارَتْ في آلِ بيتِ النَّبيِّ عليه السلامُ، ثُم صارَتْ في آلِ عليٍّ، وقَعْتُ عليها، فكتَبَ وبعَثَني مُصدِّقًا لكتابِه إلى النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ بما قال عليٌّ، فجعَلْتُ أقولُ عليه، ويقولُ: صدَقَ، وأقولُ ويقولُ: صدَقَ، فأمسَكَ بيَدي رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ، فقال: أتُبغِضُ عليًّا؟ فقُلْتُ: نَعم، فقال: لا تُبغِضْه، وإنْ كُنْتَ تُحِبُّه فازْدَدْ له حُبًّا، فوالذي نفْسي بيَدِه لَنَصيبُ آلِ عليٍّ في الخُمُسِ أفضَلُ من وَصيفةٍ، فما كان أحَدٌ بعدَ رسولِ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ أحَبَّ إليَّ من عليٍّ. قال عبدُ اللهِ بنُ بُرَيدةَ: واللهِ ما في الحديثِ بَيْني وبيْنَ النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ غيرُ أبي. الراوي : بريدة | المحدث : شعيب الأرناؤوط | المصدر : تخريج مشكل الآثار | الصفحة أو الرقم : 3051 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح بَعَثَ النَّبيُّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ عَلِيًّا إلى خَالِدٍ لِيَقْبِضَ الخُمُسَ، وكُنْتُ أُبْغِضُ عَلِيًّا، وقَدِ اغْتَسَلَ، فَقُلتُ لِخَالِدٍ: ألَا تَرَى إلى هذا! فَلَمَّا قَدِمْنَا علَى النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ ذَكَرْتُ ذلكَ له، فَقالَ: يا بُرَيْدَةُ، أتُبْغِضُ عَلِيًّا؟ فَقُلتُ: نَعَمْ، قالَ: لا تُبْغِضْهُ؛ فإنَّ له في الخُمُسِ أكْثَرَ مِن ذلكَ. الراوي : بريدة بن الحصيب الأسلمي | المحدث : البخاري | المصدر : صحيح البخاري الصفحة أو الرقم: 4350 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : [صحيح] الطبقات الكبرى عن البراء بن عازب وزيد بن أرقم : لمّا كان عند غزوة جيش العسرة وهي تبوك ، قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) لعليّ بن أبي طالب : إنّه لابدّ من أن أُقيم أو تقيم ، فخلّفه ، فلمّا فصل رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) غازياً قال ناس : ما خلّف عليّاً إلاّ لشيء كرهه منه . فبلغ ذلك عليّاً ، فاتّبع رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) حتى انتهى إليه ، فقال له : ما جاء بك يا عليّ ؟ ! قال : لا يا رسول الله إلاّ أنّي سمعت ناساً يزعمون أنّك إنّما خلّفتني لشيء كرهته منّي ! ! فتضاحك رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) وقال : يا عليّ ، أما ترضى أن تكون منّي كهارون من موسى غير أنّك لست بنبيّ ؟ ! قال : بلى يا رسول الله ، قال : فإنّه كذلك
@truthdawn7773 Жыл бұрын
🎤كما كفر الله الذين قالوا بأن علم الله غيره (الأب) وحياته غيره (روح القدس) وقدرته غيره (الإبن) وهم آلهه بنفس الوقت ونفس الجوهر 🎤فـ الله كفر العمريين (أهل سنة عمر وجماعة المنافقين) لقولهم علم الله وقدرته وحياته أي عيناه 👀 واذناه 👂 ووجهه🎅 ويداه💪 وساقاه🦵 ولسانه👅 وشفتاه👄 وأضراسه🦷 ومؤخرته وآلته فرجه 😆 وقدمه🦶 وأنفه👃 ودماغه🧠 وروحه👻 وأصابعه🤞 ونفسه👤 وذاته🗿 وحيزه⚰️ ومزاجه😡 وتفكيره💭 وعقله👁️‍🗨️ وضراطه💩 وسرته!!! 👨‍👩‍👦 ،كلها غيره وهي نفسه بنفس الوقت ولكن لا تعلمون كيف 😆😂 🎤فإلههم يحتاج أجزاءه كي يقدر على فعل شيء أو حتى ليعرف شيء مثلنا تماماً 🎤بل وكل شيء يفنى ويبقى وجه ربهم فقط🐸!!!!! فكيف سيخلق ربكم بيداه الأشياء مرة أخرى ولم يبقى له يدان!! 🦾 🎤جالس على العرش لكن لا تعلمون الكيفية 🤣😂 ما هي صفة الجلوس أصلا معلومة ولكن تقولون كما يليق بجلاله 🤣🤣🤣🤣 او جلوس ليس كجلوس البشر ويضع رجل فوق رجل بعد اليوم السابع من الخلق ويكتفي!! (قالت اليهود يد الله مغلولة⛓️) نفس قول اليهود بأن الله جلس واكتفى من خلقه بعد اليوم السابع وكتب كل شيء (عقيدة الجبرية القدرية مجوس الأمة) (ذوقوا مس سقر إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر، نمحي ونكتب، كل يوم هو في شأن، يغير ويثبت) 🎤إذا كان يحمل ربكم وعرشه ثمانية!!!! فهؤلاء الثمانية أقوى من إلهكم وعرشه!!!!! الحامل قادر على المحمول!!!! 🎤نفس قول النصارى المشركين 😂😂مثل النصارى هم ثلاثة ولكن واحد وأنتم كذلك هو كالمخلوق لكن ليس مخلوق 🤓🤣😂😂 🎤هو متجزيء🦠 محتاج وكـ المخلوق لكن ليس كمثله شيء ، *فـضـائـي* 👽🤣 🎤ينزل للأرض🦸‍♀️ ورآه قوم موسى🧜‍♂️ وستنتظرونه وسترونه يوم القيامة!! فيكشف عن ساقه ويتعرى 💃🧖 ولكن ليس كمثله شيء ولا تدركه الأبصار 😆🤓🤣بل كفرتم بمحكم القرآن واتبعتم ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله فأنتم الذين في قلوبكم زيغ 🎤بل يزعمون أن الله يضل عباده كابليس بل ابليس شريكه!!!! (وأما الذين كفروا فيقولون ماذا أراد الله بهذا مثلا يضل به كثيرا ويهدي به كثيرا) !!!!!!!! تقولون أن الله مضل ومن اسماءه المضل ،ألا لعنة الله على القوم الكاذبين كبرت كلمة تخرج من أفواهكم 🗣️✍️ بل جعلوا كلام الله أزلياً معه أيضاً!!! 🔔وأنتم هؤلاء (أم تريدون أن تسألوا رسولكم كما سئل موسى من قبل ومن يتبدل الكفر بالإيمان فقد ضل سواء السبيل) (قالوا والله ربنا ما كنا مشركين) (لقد كفر الذين قالوا ان الله ثالث ثلاثة) (كبرت كلمة تخرج من أفواههم إن يقولون إلا كذبا) 💡وانتم اثبتتم تسعة أقانيم وعشرة بل عدد غير محدود من الآلهه🤓🤣🤣😂😂 فكل أجزاء ومكونات وأعضاء وذرات إلهكم هي إله وأزلية معه، بل قلتم ان الزمان والمكان أزليان معه بل والهواء كان حوله كذلك بل والعرش والماء قالوا والله ربنا ما كنا مشركين بل كفروا!!!!!!! وما قدروا الله حق قدره! _فأنتم_ *وثـنـيـون* ⚱️
@TheSpydoc Жыл бұрын
Shias messed up and your a ex Shia? You all pray to the same god no? Lol! Weirdo!
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
Making fake stories like this to confuse the masses. won't help.
@mrballs8091 2 жыл бұрын
News flash this movie shows face of Rasul a.s, and is racist Im a Shia but this movie is not the Shia way
@shirazhusayn1871 3 жыл бұрын
*I didn't see anything wrong in this **10:10** clip* May Allah [SWT] keep us on the right path🤲🏻 May Allah [SWT] pours azab on those who led the foundations of wrongs in Islam.
@rajakhayam7792 2 жыл бұрын
Ammar nakshawani why are you running away from debating adnan rashid or Mohammed hijab. If your on the haq you should have no problem debating.
@real_wakawaka Жыл бұрын
fun fact movie is 100% based on most trusted sunni Muslim authors like sahih Muslim and bukhari LOL clearly afraid of truth!!
@TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists 2 жыл бұрын
I am with The Lady of Heaven!
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
This whole film/incident is based off fabricated narrations which only came in existence around 300-400 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The source it comes from is a book attributed to someone called Sulaym ibn Qays who wasn’t even the author of the book. This following videos are for my sincere brothers/sisters who want to see the true evaluation/analysis of this story from the Shi’a sources:
@zainalmughni1047 2 жыл бұрын
The Lady Leader of paradise for All Human kind
@berevanmizory5553 2 жыл бұрын
@@255HNG now it is playing in Canada 🇨🇦
@berevanmizory5553 2 жыл бұрын
@@255HNG yeah. If you are in Northern Ireland or Canada, you can check local cinemas.
@syedakeel12 3 жыл бұрын
Love you man. Brilliant
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 Жыл бұрын
3:00 That's Judging the Book by the Cover!!!...
@zahr3136 2 жыл бұрын
موفقين إنشاء الله احسنتم 👍👍👍
@kernek4406 2 жыл бұрын
Just a Film.... I see the some comments just hate to Sünni.... Hate to Omar R. A/ hate to Abu Bakr R. A.... NOT Good my brother and sister.... We don't know what real happened.... Mother Fatima our Mother like Omer /Ali R. A or Abu Bakr.... Fitna kann wait outside....
@DeenOfMean Жыл бұрын
The problem with these type of films is they are portraying the Prophet (s.a.w) and they are portraying The rightly guided Caliphs (r.a) and they portray the Sahaba (r.a). They try to portray Ghadeer Khum where they "show" Muhammad (s.a.w) and Ali (r.a wa k.w.k) This is the reason why these movies are insulting. Even the Americans and Kuffar respected not showing these sacred figures when they made the movie 'The Message', but muslims who make these films dont have this respect?
@MrSQ-cb1hs 2 жыл бұрын
What is release date of this movie???
@mustafakareem1393 2 жыл бұрын
@anothergoogleuser4915 Жыл бұрын
Salaams, Please please please think. Until I saw many messages yesterday from Muslim friends, i had no idea about this movie. Wish it remained so, it would have flopped, now we are giving them free publicity. Many non Muslims will view the news , or articles relating to the protests which will take place, they will then go and see what the fuss is about. This film was designed to provoke and be the Satanic verses of our era unfortunately. Let's not play into their hands. P.s remember if it's freedom of expression, then why are they banning the anti ElJEEBEEQT documentaries ??? Double standard or what.
@AyazKhan-xf5nm Жыл бұрын
What u on about there is no authentic evidence that's what happened so why make a movie on no evidence
@sunnyday3971 2 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for my Shia brethren - may they find monotheism insha'Allah
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
This whole film/incident is based off fabricated narrations which only came in existence around 300-400 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The source it comes from is a book attributed to someone called Sulaym ibn Qays who wasn’t even the author of the book. This following video is a 30 min video for my sincere brothers/sisters who want to see the true evaluation/analysis of this story from the Shi’a sources:
@Flower-kx4qe 2 жыл бұрын
The movie lady of heaven main reason is to show the truth about bibi Fatima a.s shahadat not to promote disunity & discrimination.
@Salahuddin-tt6bw Жыл бұрын
By pitting the Shia opinion against the Sunni narrative, the British agencies have managed to initiate a discussion which promotes their own liberal the freedom to insult religion. And what better way to advance these profane standards, than to set in competition two groups of the same faith. One is the majority (Sunni) category, and the other (fringe minority) is the chosen group wholly supported by the British media & polity. As always, the bracket of individuals whose opinions are farthest from normative Islam, become the chosen mouthpiece for British values and freedoms; whilst the majority group is made to stand in the dock and justify their moral position. This is an age-old British tactic: to set up rivals against the sublime Islamic values and sanctities by presenting the majority/normative stance as bigoted, backward and dogmatic, and the peripheral cliques as tolerant, sophisticated and progressive. In the case of the recent film ‘The Lady Of Heaven’, the British media machine has favoured a specific faction from the Shiite school of thought. But in the past, we’ve seen them grant the platform to Ahmedis, gay Muslims, apostates and apologetic imams. The faces change, but the agenda remains the same…which is to promote the secular liberal values by challenging the norms and laws of Islam.
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 Жыл бұрын
For you it is the British Hand behind eveything you dont like.
@s.493 2 жыл бұрын
Ammar disrespect Bibi Fatma s.a but saying bad things! How arrogant you have to be to make accusations like this to make your point right!
@smzca39 2 жыл бұрын
Many many films on Islamic figures have been shown then WHY NOT THIS -- ???
@sydrizvi2914 2 жыл бұрын
Who so ever the Director or people behind this movie are, Making a movie or talking about Bibi in Media by anyone is not acceptable - be it martyrdom.
@zedispahany7317 Жыл бұрын
Both truth and falsehood can be twisted to suit one's thinking. Those of you who judge people, you are not in this world to practice judgement on others. Each person's relationship with the Superior, God, Jehova, Allah, Bhagwan whatever u call Him, Is very private and personal, when you die you die alone Not with your church or congregation or Imaan or priest or pastor.
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
so why we talk about sons of adam.
@dr477AK Жыл бұрын
You want to make movie's regarding fatima zahra a.s but yet u got someone to depict the father of fatimah zahra a.s. The imam of the unbiayah a.s the one worthy of all the prases after allah azawajal. Doe that not bother you?????
@AbuZak14 Жыл бұрын
Love the Yasir Qadhi - Islam In Spanish Advert on here - calling to the real Islam of the prophet saw and ahlul bait Ra.
@mahinkhan4782 Жыл бұрын
Before you watch this movie just go watch the history of writer director yasir al habib a great imposter based in uk gets all his funding from Iran he’s a homosexual and he’s gone on great lengths to prove in Shiites it’s a great dead of virtue and it’s allowed he talks a lot about “ass”related issues to say the least this movie is loads of crap
@mahinkhan4782 Жыл бұрын Proof for Shiite fools here too
@munahassen4815 Жыл бұрын
Salamun alikum Please check Marvelous Quran segments urgently urgently please It clears many things.
@sarmadaqrawi8064 Жыл бұрын
The lady of heaven 2 After his last pilgrimage, prophet Mohammed made his last sermon. He appointed Ali , his cousin and son in-law as his successor. Ali is married to the beloved daughter of Muhammed, the lady Fatima. On his death bed the prophet asked for a pen and a paper to write his last will in front of his companions. Omar objected and said; he is hallucinating? The prophet said; leave. Nothing was written. The prophet died. A group of companions gathered to choose a different successor other than what the prophet has appointed, being Ali. They choose Abu Bakir. Once they choose Abu Bakir as a successor. They committed treason against the prophet and are no longer Muslims or companions, but outlaws of Islam. The outlaw of Islam, Abu Bakir with the help of another outlaw, Omar, staged a coup d'état and seized power. Abu Bakir ordered Omar and a group of their follower thugs to go to lady Fatima’s house to bring Ali. Ali was being sought, to try to force him to forfeit his right to succeed the prophet by swearing allegiance to the outlaw of Islam Abu Bakir. They arrived at lady Fatima’s house. They had touches in their hands, ready to burn the house down, if Ali doesn’t come out. They were shouting to burn the house down. Lady Fatima heard the commotion from behind the door. She challenged their disrespect to her, as the prophet’s daughter. The outlaw of Islam Omar as the leader of the band of thugs, was disrespectful to her. The outlaw gang kicked the door open, lady Fatima who was pregnant at that time, was squeezed between the door and the wall. They Forced their way in and whipped lady Fatima. This was the 1st terrorist act by this outlaw group, to be noted against who ? against the prophet’s daughter, who they claim falsely to be his companions. After some commotion, Ali went with them. Ali in-front of Abu bakir refused to forfeit his right as a successor by refusing to swear allegiance to the outlaw of Islam Abu Bakir. Lady Fatima had a miscarriage, because they squeezed her between the door and the wall. The baby fetus, was named previously “Mohsin”, by prophet Muhammed himself. Mohsin was the 1st martyr of this terrorist group. The lady died after 6 months, presumably, out of complication from her miscarriage. She is considered the 2nd martyr, of this terrorist act. Abu Bakir now is the illegitimate ruler, the chief of this treacherous outlaw of Islam group. Abu Bakir and Omar with their goons occupied Medina and terrorized its citizens into submission to Abu Bakir rule. Non compliance by a man means ? Death to himself and slavery to his wife and children. They terrorized most of the Muslim in the city of Medina and the surrounding area into submission and allegiance to Abu Bakir rule. This is the historical fact of how; Taliban , Al-Qaeda, ISIS and similar terrorist groups were born. Abu Bakir and Omar and their followers , still called themselves Muslims, despite the fact that the treachery that they have committed definitely made them outlaws of Islam. What Abu Bakir, Omar and their followers did is establishing the outlaw version of Islam or what is called the Sunni faith or as they are call themselves today Sunnis. Time passed. Ali was put to power after 25 years, but by then most of the Muslims were no longer Muslims, but followers of the outlawed of Islam , the Sunni faith. Ali and a few of the true companions of prophet Muhammed stayed the course , faithful to the prophet. They represent the true and only Islam. They are called Shia today. There is no such thing as Sunni Muslims. The Sunnis are outlaws of Islam. The Shia are the Muslims. For the last 1400 years and ironically until today. The Shia through various terrorist Sunni governments, were subjected to jail, torture, mass killings, mass deportation and all the evil you can think of. Last year 2021, sheikh Yasser Al-Habib an educated Shia cleric managed to make a movie called “The lady of heaven”. This movie explains, how Abu Bakir and Omar hijacked Islam and turned it into an outlaw terrorist sect called Sunni. Their 1st victims were ? Lady Fatima, the daughter of the prophet of Islam and her son Mohsin. Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS , similar terrorist groups and the Sunnis, in general follow the teachings of their idols, the outlaws of Islam, Abu Bakir and Omar, and are highly inspired by them. In conclusion, not all Sunnis are terrorist, but their outlawed religious text is, inspired by the outlaw of Islam Abu Bakir and the outlaw Omar. Any Sunni who chooses to practice 100%, will eventually become a terrorist or at least a terrorist sympathizer. Sarmad Al-Oakray is a civil engineer and a freelance journalist, his articles appear mainly in Arabic and sometimes in American English.
@liltay1988 Жыл бұрын
Where is this bullshit written provide evidence
@dilermehndishirazee8077 2 жыл бұрын
@progeny podcast Ask Ammar Nakshwani why a part of khums is given to Saiyed only and there are many more things which may give signs of double standard in our faith. Some things which were not accepted, will not be accepted. If accepted it will create chaos. Definitely, if the director was the same men with characters face covered then it might be watched. Also it must have approval of our Leaders Ayatollah Sistani or Ayatollah Khamenei.
@zedispahany7317 2 жыл бұрын
Ayats. Sistani and Khaminie did not approve of this movie. It will creat the biggest fitna in the history of the Muslim religion. Yet syed Nakhshawani gleefully talk about the incident. The excuses he gave about why Hazrat Ali watched while his wife our lady of Fatima was allegedly mistreated is so shallow. No where is it written that our prophet left a will for him not to take action!! What a shallow unbelievable excuse is that? There are many many shia narrations I cannot reconcile with. Now books will be written (if not already) that this happened and will be said the narration has had come from the Imams.
@olygarshasb 2 жыл бұрын
This movie disrespecting ahllalbayt alayhe alslam because they showing prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Amir all momenin and hazrat fatemeh salamollah alyeha
@mohammedhassanakbari6722 2 жыл бұрын
3:20 There is Nothing Controversial about it.
@mohjmz2003 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh that's exactly how I felt
@tahidhanna Жыл бұрын
Shias are the children of people of kufa who abandoned Hussain r.a against faasiq yazid
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
Clearly you are since Zakir naik and other sunni still call yazid r.a
@almouwahedbillah2083 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of spice.
@saturn724 2 жыл бұрын
If preaching the truth causes division then it's not the problem of the preacher, but the people
@saturninkepa4915 9 ай бұрын
Killing the prophets family does not look good on film, no matter how you film it... this will never change.
@ahmadalteneh6979 Жыл бұрын
As a sunni its your rights to say your narrative but when u show to Profhets face And portray him the a red line sunnis and religious shia belive and if u dont have a problem eith the portray of the profhet then ure simply not a A TRUE MULSIM period.
@kazimsyed7367 8 ай бұрын
it doesnt matter. Why can't u see pass that.
@annabanna8852 Жыл бұрын
This film is designed to do one thing, and one thing only. To cause further division between Sunni and Shia, and to promote more Islamophobia. It’s fitnah. All Muslims should read Surah Hujurat. All Muslims should study and understand their Quran, and not be so lazy as to ignore it, and follow any old scholar instead.
@truthdawn7773 2 жыл бұрын
Abu Bakr sent for Ali (a.s.) in order to take his pledge of allegiance and Ali (a.s.) refused. Then Omar went with a fuse and met Fatima (a.s.) at the doorway of the house; Fatima (a.s.) said: Son of Khattab! I see that you are intending to burn my house?! Omar said: Yes, this act is for helping the thing that your father has been chosen for!!
@abdul-azizabdullah2802 2 жыл бұрын
This Hadith is fabricated no sahih Hadith where Ali went against Abu bakr
@T-19- 2 жыл бұрын
This whole film/incident is based off fabricated narrations which only came in existence around 300-400 years after the death of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The source it comes from is a book attributed to someone called Sulaym ibn Qays who wasn’t even the author of the book. This following video is a 30 min video for my sincere brothers/sisters who want to see the true evaluation/analysis of this story from the Shi’a sources:
@snpddl8540 Жыл бұрын
@truthdawn7773 Жыл бұрын
@@snpddl8540 ansab albalazry Musanaf ibn abi shaiba Bukhari Altabari
@zaiedchaalali1939 Жыл бұрын
@@snpddl8540 shia mithology
@JohnWick-bi7um Жыл бұрын
Why does this guy not debate a sunni? He talks alot about Ahlus sunnah but doesnt debate one?
@user-xy5kl2zo4t 2 жыл бұрын
بالأدلة الدّامغة إثبات فاجعة الهجوم على بيت فاطمة عليها السّلام وإحراقه بأمر عمر بن صهاك بمن وعلى من فيه!
@lastoutlawbreathin 2 жыл бұрын
So did the film actually get released then or not? I've never been able to watch it. It's just the fact that all these countries and head of religious organisations do not want the truth to come out!
@youarenotassmartasyouthink5587 Жыл бұрын
Ammar didn’t get the point.
@umameer8943 2 жыл бұрын
انا انتظر عرض فلم سيدة الجنة فاطمة بنت محمد صلى الله عليه واله التي قتلوها اجداد داعش
@user-xy5kl2zo4t 2 жыл бұрын
تهديد عمر بن صهاك بحرق بيت الزّهراء عليها السّلام بمن وعلى من فيه بسند صحيح على شرط البخاري
@Jock1 Жыл бұрын
Maybe pretty soon we might have a wahhabi narrative on the theatre screens. Hopefully this healthy exchange of viewpoints will continue peacefully from all sides. One can atleast hope for peace.
@sumayamustafa2365 2 жыл бұрын
For many years you keep saying that they carry baggage and agenda, I wonder if any wise or sober person here weighs your speech in accordance of Ahlu albait narration and Quran to let you see the blind side of you not them.
@user-ie3qx6iy3g 2 жыл бұрын
What did you mean by what you said ? also I’ve been looking for comments but I can’t seem to find any is it me or was he kind of speaking badly about Fatima Zara AS when you said clamour and he kept putting her in a bad light like she wanted disunity
@TheLadyOfHeavenPlaylists 2 жыл бұрын
All about the lady of Heaven movie in our playlists!
@MaSKOn-py7kd 2 жыл бұрын
‎المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الجزء 1 - الصفحة 176). وكانت عائشة لعنه الله تأمر أخواتها وبنات أخواتها أن يرضعن خمس رضعات من أحبت عائشة أن يراها ويدخل عليها - وإن كان كبيرا - وثم يدخل عليها، وأبت أم سلمة وسائر أزواج النبي أن يدخلن عليهن بتلك الرضاعة أحدا من الناس حتى يرضع في المهد. (راجع مسند أحمد - الجزء 6 - الصفحة 271). هل لدياه حليب ام المرضعين 🍼🐮الهايشة One of several narrations in which a leering Muhammad orders a clearly startled woman to suckle a grown man with her breast so that he will become "unlawful" to her - meaning that they can live under the same roof together.
@whyareyougae123 2 жыл бұрын
Shaykh al-Habib has slandered someone? Does Ammar not recognize the temerity of this claim? Or perhaps he does not know the meaning of slander? Either way, fear Allah.
@barbarossalivegaming 2 жыл бұрын
watch this out all shia may allah guide u ...
@barbarossalivegaming 2 жыл бұрын
lets exposed these liar
@muhammadm4582 2 жыл бұрын
fiction is not fact. as simple as that.
@baqerismaelmousa 2 жыл бұрын
سيد عمار الوحدة الاسلامية كذبة كذبها الشيعة والاخوان المسلمون وصدقها الشيعة ... نحن في عالم حر وفي حكومات علمانية الجميع يدلي بوجهة نظره ... الناس تتحدث عن الله عز وجل بسوء ولا احد يتعرض لهم ... ثم ان الزهراء صلوات الله عليها قالت بصريح العبارة ابتدارا زعمتم خوف الفتنة الا في الفتنة سقطوا وان جهنم لمحيطة بالكافرين وهي تخاطب امثالك وامثالي من اولادها وشيعتها عبر العصور وتقول ماهذه الغميزة في حقي والسنة عن ظلامتي اما كان ابي رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله يقول المرء يحفظ في ولده ؟؟ واتحدى جميع مراجع الشيعة ان ينفوا دلالة هذه الاية الكريمة في تكفير جميع المسلمين ماعدا الذين اتبعوا بيعة الغدير قال تعالى : يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ ۖ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ (67) لقد عد من لا يؤمن ببلاغ محمد بولاية علي صلى الله عليهما والهما كفارا لن يهديه الله بصريح القران واتحدى شيعي ينكر ان هذه الاية نزلت في بيعة الغدير
@dr.2k223 2 жыл бұрын
هاي القزي علماك هيج الوحدة الاسلامية كذبه هاا واية واتعصموا بحبل الله كذبه ايضا ؟ والله مضحوك على عقولكم انتم جماعة الغزي والصرخي وياسر الخبيث ومقتدى وغيره …
@baqerismaelmousa 2 жыл бұрын
@@dr.2k223انت احمق لاتفقه شيئا علي صلوات الله عليه يقول انا حبل الله المتين وصراطه المستقيم وبابه الذي لا يؤتى الا منه وسبيله الذي من سلك غيره هلك حشرك الله مع ابيبكروعمر ون والاهم وحشرني مع علي وال علي الذين يلعنون ابابكر وعمر في صلاتهم
@dr.2k223 2 жыл бұрын
@@baqerismaelmousa لا ياجاهل لعنة الله على عمر وابوبكر وعائشة وعثمان وبني اميه والعباسيين وجميع من ظلم ال البيت وحرف مذهبهم وعلى الغزي اللعين الخبيث العميل وعلى ياسر الخبيث الله يحشرني مع من اتبع واحب والله كريم يبين الحق من الباطل
@majid401107 3 жыл бұрын
Bird of same feather flock together . Yasir Habib is Son in law of Sadiq Shirazi, Mahdi al Modaressi (Ahlulbayt Tv) is related to shirazis in more than one way , Ammar is seen on Imam Hussein Tv which is owned by Shirazis . To top it the joker called tawhidi was also endorsed by Shirazi . Last heard he launched a channel in Indonesia So long story shot they all run narrative of hyper tabbara and to differentiate they have their own style. Amar (mix it with tattoo and sheesha) Yasir Habib (mixes it with abuses no hold barred) Modaressi (Mixes it with scholarly and sophiscation) Tawhidi(Mixes it with his own made islamic laws) Whether they are funded by someone or not is a secondary debate but they all are deviant in some way or the other. Many of you will not believe me now but will remember me a decade or two decades later
@RazaKhan-bc1om 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah guide this man to the right path. Sowing fitna amongsts shias and amongsts Muslims is the worst thing that a man with such an influence could do. There is a way to discuss fatimiyah. It is certainly a part of history which is accepted even by the brothers from other sects albeit if said in a proper way. This movie has done what the cartoonist of cherlie hebdo did in Paris. Just another question, how come Dr ammar never talks about Israeli oppression of Palestine. He never compared that to karbala but on the same front he compares holocaust to karbala. I used to listen to this man. I regret that now.
@terraincognita5571 3 жыл бұрын
Your incorrect "facts" and deceptive speech doesn't work here. Say things like "I've never heard him mention Palestine" for example. It's clear to everyone what your problem is if they're only utilising the brain they have. Difference between facts and your opinions. No facts in your speech. Literally not even one. Maybe start or end with "in my opinion"
@RazaKhan-bc1om 3 жыл бұрын
@@terraincognita5571 indeed my opinion. There is an element of fitna here. Whether u agree or not is ur choice.
@terraincognita5571 3 жыл бұрын
@@RazaKhan-bc1om which part is the fitna? All I'm asking is to point out the actual object you're talking about.
@zedispahany7317 2 жыл бұрын
@@terraincognita5571 somewhere in here is what I’ve written what the fitna is. Please read through the comments and u will find my comments.
@terraincognita5571 2 жыл бұрын
@@zedispahany7317 well then in that case you have created some fitna
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