Dr. Yang, what about "histamin intorelerant" with food containing high histamin such as avocado, banana, fish, healthy fermented foods and condiments, overnight foods etc... How do you factor it into the autoimmune responses? How do medical community treat the histamin intolerant health problem other than avoiding food containing high histamin.... Food can be so limited or boring if we always choose avoidance way.... A lot of good food you recommend to eat to treat autoimmune responses seems to conflict with "histamin intolerance" food which can also cause autoimmune responses
自體免疫障礙致病,可能是自體組織細胞自發性的突變,或與外界互動生變造成敵我識別失常,是預期的免疫反應。也會因次發性觸發免疫反應亢奮失控造成自殘。應變對策包移除致病因素,在藥理及生理學基礎上改變病理的潮勢,緩和病情進展惡化,補償功能損傷,及抑制免疫反應啟動的發炎作用。如更加刺激免疫力,藉以順勢推動發炎效應,類似以毒攻毒的理論,一直沒有可信的實證支持,反而令人操心會是提油救火的蠻闖。其實順勢煽火的邏輯存在許多古代療法的中心思想。依古老思想的藥效形象說(doctrine of signatures),後世的類似順勢療法(Homeopathy), 自然療法(naturopathy),或漢醫的以形補形的食補的觀念有模擬平行的重疊。這是有別於近兩百年主流對抗性醫療思潮(allopathy)以抑制免疫反應為治療主軸。