SO MANY ISSUES!!! | We Need to Talk House & Health Issues GRWM

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Alexandria Ryan

Alexandria Ryan

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@Alexandria-Ryan 3 ай бұрын
Hey guys! Its been a minute since we sat down and chit chatted so I thought we would do a little catching up today! Things with the house are going well now, there are still some things we want to fix, but the fun part of decorating is about to being! I am worried about my blood results and I kinda wish I hadn't seen them before my follow up but hopefully I will have answers soon! Whats been going on with you? Let me know! Love ya💖
@suckerpunchsally6525 3 ай бұрын
Sending you all the love!
@kaylac2374 3 ай бұрын
Hope it all turns out great for you! Your vids always cheer me up! Have a great day girlypop ❤
@amysettle85 3 ай бұрын
Same girl I have a history of cancer in the family and my white blood count has been high for yrs. Also was sent to hematology for blood and sent to cancer Dr. I had cervical cancer at 25 so I had hysterectomy so when they sent me there I also freaked out. I've had all the same blood tests. Mine was high to. I found out I had celiac disease, gerd, stomach ulcer, and did X-rays, colonoscopy and ran the gauntlet of genetic testing I'm only 39 it's rough
@crystalbarfoot 3 ай бұрын
Please see my comment, if ya can! I also have autoimmune issues and know exactly what you're talking about with your blood work! ... Just please know you're not alone, And you can pick my brain anytime I've had autoimmune issues since I was 19 and I'm currently 41. ❤
@mummymary2218 3 ай бұрын
The relief I felt when I was finally diagnosed with my first autoimmune disease was immense. It took years, to the point I was doubting myself and how I was feeling.
@purpleivy9174 3 ай бұрын
I promise I’ll try not to offer any unwanted medical advise, but I’m 55 and was diagnosed with Lupus and a ton of autoimmune diseases since I was 25. I’m only going to say this, try not to worry about test results. The results could offer you incite into treatment options and feeling better. It took years to get everything diagnosed so make sure you advocate for yourself. Be aware autoimmune disorders are hereditary. Most importantly, get a really really good Arthritis doctor. It’s really a necessity. Other then that, know these issues are so different in everybody. So only deal with what symptoms you have, not what could happen or did happen to the neighbors sister in-laws cousin. Your videos bring so much to all of us. Stay happy and best of luck on your new house journey.
@SheriLynNut 3 ай бұрын
Your story mirrors my own almost to a “t”. My advice is similar to yours- definitely find a caring rheumatologist and GP. For me the very best way to manage symptoms is listening to my body and resting when I need it. Like really resting - a whole day or two in bed or laying on the couch. Ignoring anyone who wants to berate you for taking the time your body needs. Also- don’t overdo it. My rheumatologist tells me (aside from the medication he prescribed) is 1). A good nights sleep each and every night, and 2). Stopping whatever you’re doing BEFORE you are tired. 3). Avoiding stress as much as humanly possible. Much love and prayers to you, and also to Alexandria
@babyface45 3 ай бұрын
This is the best non medical, medical advice. ❤ I have a similar story. My Rheumatologist is my BFF!
@ybnormal17 3 ай бұрын
Yes I is definitely important to take care of yourself as well as advocate for yourself ..I was diagnosed with both lupus and RA in my 20s and is manageable with help of my drs and learning to listen and trust your body..ive also added medical massage stretching and therapy to relax and reduce may have to go thru a few Rheumatologists to get a good one as well as a masseuse. Sending good vibes and remember to rest more.
@lexicalgap5191 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! A good supportive medical team is the best!
@victoriasowa2396 3 ай бұрын
I completely agree! Test results are just information about what’s already going on, so it’ll be helpful more than anything. It’s a gateway to proper treatment
@thraelen 3 ай бұрын
In Kentucky, you can sue them for not disclosing things that they obviously knew about (it’s the same in Michigan and we had to disclose that we’d previously had a leak that we’d fixed). According to the internet: The law in question is Kentucky Revised Statutes § 324.360, which requires sellers of single-family residential properties to make certain disclosures to potential buyers. Example: On the disclosure form, the seller claims that there is no issue with the electric system. After closing, the buyer tries to turn on the lights and they fail to work. Any claim that the seller "didn't know" about the broken electrical system would be, at best, difficult to believe. This creates a risk that the buyer could sue the seller for breach of contract or fraud. Fraud is often defined as an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, and made with the specific purpose of inducing another person to act, resulting in injury to that person. The seller’s misrepresentation-that they did not know about a very obvious defect-could expose them to liability.
@stompingliger 3 ай бұрын
I am unfamiliar with American law, but at here the home inspector could also be held liable.
@chelseyfare2569 3 ай бұрын
Yes, depending on the state the seller and or inspector could be liable. They definitely knew about the leaks and rotten floors and just covered them up. It could end up costing thousands in repairs. The inspector definitely should have caught the shower thing. Always use an independent inspector and read reviews don't just go with who your realtors recommends. It can cost a little more sometimes but can save you thousands in the end. My husband is a contractor and ends up doing lots of repairs on flipped houses because of poor work and unethical practices. There are some people he refuses to work for because they are flippers and want him to overlook major issues and just make it look good which he will not do. Please be careful if you are looking to buy a house. Do your research and be wary. It's rough out there.
@pLasticiTic 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like the home inspector also did a poor job of inspecting and appropriately relaying issues back to Alexandria and her husband. With an effective home inspection, all the issues she listed should've been made aware of by the inspector before the sale went through... I'd say both the sellers and the inspector are at huge fault here.
@emilypenza8319 3 ай бұрын
If they straight-up lied on the disclosure, I'm pretty positive you can go after them...
@joey_5060 3 ай бұрын
@iFapkin 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely can. Since there was a disclosure checklist then that most likely means the house wasn't sold "as-is" and also since they went through a realtor. They are absolutely legally obligated to be truthful on those disclosures. I bought a home in late 2018, and less than two months after buying it my roof started leaking right over my bed in the master bedroom, the bathroom tub started sinking due to rotting wood and waterproofing not being done properly underneath said tub, and a window in my sunroom started leaking and the wood around the window was showing signs of rot from long before I bought it. I contacted my realtor and she attempted to contact the sellers, just to find out that they straight-up skipped town, disconnected their cellphones, and had used burner email addresses with no traceable information, so when she tried to force contact for them through legal means everything came up empty and we couldn't even contact them, let alone go after them, for the issues that they left me with. Under normal circumstances the realtor may attempt to contact the sellers and then help the buyer pursue legal counsel, since it also make the realtor themselves look bad if they sell a badly-maintained house, but in my case the sellers *knew* what they were doing, and they intentionally went ghost as soon as they unloaded the house on to me.
@karine-v 3 ай бұрын
I was about to post this. In my country, you can sue the seller in this kind if case.
@gwendolinehall1386 3 ай бұрын
It can be hard to find a lawyer willing to take that case. Happened to me with my roof, they lied to the VA, the bank and VA said we were right to go after them but couldn't find a lawyer to take it. 😔 Sometimes it's easier to roll with the punches. I've really learned the importance of a quality inspector, always find an independent one!
@StaceyUncluttering 3 ай бұрын
Agreed! I rented a house that had SO many problems. We had part of the ceiling cave in and you could see mold up there. When we moved out, they put it up for sale. Maybe 6 months later, the buyer reached out to me to ask if we had any problems. When I told him everything we had dealt with, they decided to sue the seller and the realtor, who had also been our contact as renters.
@helenauch6455 3 ай бұрын
Not a lawyer, but the sellers falsified documents. if there is damage from the leaks that they didn't note, they should have to pay for it.
@justhereforthecommentz 3 ай бұрын
Devils advocate but what if they thought they fixed it? Hence the patch in the ceiling.
@Heather_A1 3 ай бұрын
@@justhereforthecommentz Normally I could give that idea some weight, but these same flippers put unsecured waste scraps of wood under laminate to cover up the fact that the subfloor had likely seen a good bit of damage from long term water exposure. They do not have clean hands.
@Musubi27 3 ай бұрын
@@justhereforthecommentzI believe they would have to prove that they tried, invoices, receipts and all that.
@justhereforthecommentz 3 ай бұрын
@Musubi27 they probably have recipts because flipping is their business. But the admitted patch does show they tried. Honestly, I doubt she'll go the legal route anyway. Chalk it up to mistakes made.
@a-supernova-girl 3 ай бұрын
I'm not a religious person, but there has got to be a special place in hell for people who do these shady house flips and stick buyers with tens of thousands of dollar in repairs after they've already agreed to pay the heavily inflated house pricing.
@sadwhitewolf 3 ай бұрын
Amen. I left a comment myself but I'm a victim of a shady house flipper.
@lindarose4005 3 ай бұрын
I agree they should be ashamed of themselves
@Lisa-je5bb 3 ай бұрын
Shouldn't they have to pay for the repairs since they lied?
@StLsalsagirl 3 ай бұрын
Karma is real!
@conifercrow 3 ай бұрын
In our area, the majority of the house flippers are super shady. Downright gross, in some cases. Not only do we have the ones who've watched, like, three minutes of HGTV and suddenly think they've got enough knowledge to be their own contractors, but there are a few here who are super predatory for rental properties. The properties don't even have to be listed, and they'll find/contact the owners, offer them some quick cash for it, then evict everyone for these "flip" jobs that rarely get all the way done before putting them back on the sale market. Since we've got almost no rental properties in the area, these flippers are not only putting people out on the street, but also making it so new renters can't find anything at all within reason. I think the last report I read said that there's a full 1/3 fewer rental properties in the last ten years, specifically because of the get-rich-quick/we-buy-houses flippers. They're just gross.
@lexicalgap5191 3 ай бұрын
As a person with lupus, I just want to let you know that my diagnosis really set me free. Once I got my treatment I felt so so so much better, my hair got fuller, and I just had so much more energy. I felt like I got my life back.
@amber13000 2 ай бұрын
I have lupus also. Do you take Benlysta or just plaquenil?
@justanotherclaud 2 ай бұрын
This was also my experience with lupus. So grateful for medication 🥰
@krisnascimento287 2 ай бұрын
As an autoimmune sister with RA, I agree wholeheartedly. These diseases make you feel absolutely crazy before diagnosis. Just to put a name to your experience and to be able to make a plan of action is very validating and empowering. I wouldn't wish lupus, RA, or any of their many autoimmune cousins on anyone but the undiagnosed limbo is also it's own level of hell that I wish no one had to spend time in.
@FruitBrute 3 ай бұрын
I’d get that ceiling leak checked for mold, even if the leak is fixed. Mold can do some crazy things.
@Alexandria-Ryan 3 ай бұрын
That’s a really good idea!
@mollyapteros 3 ай бұрын
@@Alexandria-Ryan Mia Maples discovered mold in her house that had been causing all sorts of crazy issues and I think she has some videos on it.
@cazzi6927 3 ай бұрын
My best friend passed away from mold exposure. Her lungs filled up and the hospitals wouldn't check her lungs, they wouldn't listen to her, they just kept giving her pain meds, and inhalers. She tried explaining, inhalers r great, but she couldn't use them cuz she couldn't inhale. And when she passed they said it was an od cuz she had the pain killers in her system. But a second autopsy confirmed, no od, her lungs were full, and she had a lot of mold exposure related issues. Mold is no joke. She was 25. Her daughter was 6 at the time. Her husband turned down a dark path. And his daughter is with her mom's parents. Totally unnecessary, totally preventable...if anyone (drs, landlord, etc) had just listened to them😭
@AlissaMaengo 3 ай бұрын
Yes and if there are problems and it's expensive it might be worth it to look into small claims court. If they patched it without checking for mold they are liable for lying on the paperwork.
@jsheree6121 3 ай бұрын
If a seller lies on sellers disclosure in KY the buyer can sue seller for breach of contract or fraud. Fraud is often defined as an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, and made with the specific purpose of inducing another person to act, resulting in injury to that person.
@outoftheklosset 3 ай бұрын
My SO is a broker and has flipped homes before, he says if your state requires them to have disclosed and they didn't (& there are problems because of it) you should sue. He discloses everything and we've used the same folks he uses to flip in our home. What they've done is not right and they should pay for that bubble in your ceiling to be fixed. Please don't let them get away with it.😢
@lbednaz 3 ай бұрын
I was misdiagnosed for around 15+ years. Once you get a diagnosis DO NOT GO CRAZY READING HORROR STORIES! Everyone has different levels of symptoms and react different to treatments. Try to focus on what would help your life now! Before Doctor appointments sit down with Jeremy and write down questions, take notes during appointments and make sure all your questions are answered. Advocate for yourself! No question is stupid, not asking a question you want an answer to is stupid.
@karine-v 3 ай бұрын
This! My first and crappy doctor told me to Google things about MS. Bad idea. My case was not as "worst" as what I heard.
@shaunacorrigan9372 3 ай бұрын
Something that helps me is to remember that the medical tests don't create a condition, that condition is already there, I've already been dealing with it and the tests just put a name to it so I can do more to treat it more effectively. For me, at least, more information is always better, and that's all tests do, give me more information. I definitely agree that getting test results back without anyone to really explain them to you SUCKS, though!😅
@christianasherrill5849 3 ай бұрын
I would absolutely watch an hour long random roundup! 🎉
@Heather_A1 3 ай бұрын
Oooohhhh.... idea! Alexandria, you could have a relative, friend, another content creator come in and do a few blitz sessions on the boxes. One day of filming could give you 10 hours of footage and edited 3-4 1ish hour rounds-ups!
@SophiaRester 3 ай бұрын
As someone with multiple autoimmune disorders, don't Google the test results and start to worry before you know there is something to actually worry about. Let your doctors explain the results to you so you have context on how they are related. In these instances, Dr. Google is not your friend. I do hope you get some answers soon. Having a good care team that listens and is honest with you is also key. Shout out to my GI doctor, my hepatologist, the ladies at the infusion center, and my amazing PCP! 😂
@forgottenpixel 3 ай бұрын
This - as someone with multiple chronic conditions too. I have been surprised by a 'normal' level being something bad as well as an 'abnormal' level actually being good.
@Lisa-je5bb 3 ай бұрын
As a retired medical professional, thank you. It's nice to hear that 😊
@Sarah-with-an-H 3 ай бұрын
As someone diagnosed with chronic Lyme and RA a month apart 15 years ago my recommendation is have enough supportive people to talk to because the grief of not being able to do things the same as before is a big adjustment.
@cameroncouldntthink 3 ай бұрын
Alexandria I’m 33 seconds into the video- please please do not apologize for not making as much content as usual. You’re doing fantastic. When people have “normal” jobs, they take time off when they need to. This is no different, take the time you need to heal without the guilt making it even harder! We’re always here for you whenever you get back ❤
@marilynruggeberg 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like "the flippers" that flipped your house know NOTHING about construction.🙄 You need to contact a lawyer. A seller sold a house to my daughter with sewer issues that were not disclosed. It was quite costly. The lawyer got some of the cost back from the seller without going to court.
@kimberpoi 3 ай бұрын
Fellow autoimmune disorder person. Focus on what you can control. It helps the anxiety. Trust your gut and always ask for second opinions when PCP’s overlook things. Getting my diagnosis was the answer I needed for years and having action steps to manage has been life changing.
@katieadams7708 3 ай бұрын
I have lupus, crohns and fibromyalgia. It’s not a club I want you to join Alex, but if you have it, you’ll have lots of support from your viewers that also have it. We will get you through. It will all be ok. The treatments for lupus are now really good and people have better outcomes. Hang in there!
@kristy11489 3 ай бұрын
As a retired RN with autoimmune disorders please don't Google and you'll be fine sweetie. I have some bad days but mainly good or great days and I'm 60. I hope you feel better when the rheumatologist let's you know what's going on. If there's anything it can be treated. Hang in there. It'll all work out with the house too! ❤❤❤
@tinamarie2121 3 ай бұрын
From a fellow autoimmune professional patient and someone who worked in the medical field (I was a medical coder until I had to go on disability in 2015. 😢 I miss it.) I AGREE. I've always told my family to just call me instead, especially my mom. 😂 She will freak herself out in a heart beat.
@kagirokasuri6119 3 ай бұрын
Tbh, I think it might be worth consulting a lawyer because if they knew about something and then didn't disclose it, it sounds like it's their responsibility to fix it!
@Amethyst_Alien 3 ай бұрын
*NOTE FOR ALL HOMEBUYERS* After signing, you have 72 hours to back out of the contract. Please hire a reputable inspector and note any and all minor and major from the previous owners. The seller should fix any errors and sign contracts if brought up with 72 hours. The cost should be discounted from the original agreed upon price if the costs come out of your own pockets.
@jennifergattuso421 3 ай бұрын
I had blood clots in my leg and both lungs from my new birth control. So I had to see a hematologist for 9 months. They are also at an oncology center. It made my stomach hurt everytime I walked in or they called. You're not alone on the nervousness.
@bcgrote 3 ай бұрын
Lol, the new homeowner first month blues.... we bought the house we'd been living in for DECADES from Dad. That first week.... a huge windstorm hit and knocked over 60 feet of solid brick wall! 😂 All we could do was laugh. The number of people we know who had something weird within the first month of owning... wow.
@stolibollenowski6827 3 ай бұрын
👋 RA tragic here - it sucks hard when undiagnosed and untreated, but getting the diagnosis is the first step to getting it under control. Autoimmune things can be manageable, so don’t let the results scare you too much. I’m sero- negative (a lot of my markers don’t show in blood tests), but have been on DMARD treatment for years now and life is so much better than it was before! You got this!
@Cove_Blue 3 ай бұрын
Hey, seronegative gang here too! Woot! 😂
@ms.blingthang755 2 ай бұрын
Me too 👋
@kilikena09 2 ай бұрын
RA serepositive here
@appledpickle 3 ай бұрын
The ANA test is how I got diagnosed with my autoimmune disorder. I have MCTD which has similar symptoms to Lupus and RA. I felt much better knowing my diagnosis but the waiting was awful! I hope it's all cleared up soon
@priscilladominador8520 2 ай бұрын
Yes I also have MCTD , fibromyalgia and hashimoto's
@Irisgomesjmjfaith 2 ай бұрын
Fellow MCTD sufferer here. Family of autoimmune patients: lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Also, diabetes, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, times 😅. We have a good sense of humour to deal with it all. Thank God for small mercies.
@SilverLargent 3 ай бұрын
Just breathe. My mama has lupus, my aunt and cousin have rheumatoid arthritis and we all have sjogrens. You will get through this and this community is there for you! Continue being you cause you make me smile every time you post!
@dianacoffey2286 3 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with Lupus 4 years ago, I know it sounds weird, but I was totally relieved when I received my diagnoses because I was given the proper medication and educated myself on how to manage it. Thankfully, I'm 2 years in remission with no flares. Sending lots of hugs to you
@teri2466 3 ай бұрын
You're so smart to ask to see a rheumatologist! One thing I've learned about blood tests is that sometimes when a result is high (or low), it only really means something in relation to the results of other factors. So, try not to drive yourself crazy about your results while you're waiting for your appointment. You can't really know until the doc explains it to you. 😊 ❤
@ceceliataylor84 3 ай бұрын
That pile o' boxes in the back is getting nuttier😅!
@Alexandria-Ryan 3 ай бұрын
I know😅😅
@Alexandria-Ryan 3 ай бұрын
I know😅😅
@Sarah-with-an-H 3 ай бұрын
​@@Alexandria-Ryan That pile is stressing me out and I can only imagine it stresses you toore of yourself Love you take cat
@sageandbone 3 ай бұрын
Alexandria always posting as I'm about to go to bed (UK time) knowing I have no self control and must watch instantly 🤣❤
@keldasinclair6827 3 ай бұрын
Same lol
@vicky-annecolman 3 ай бұрын
Me too lol
@gcm 3 ай бұрын
Same same from France , have to watch it before sleeping
@Stitchfix234 3 ай бұрын
This is why inspection is so important. So sorry that happened to you
@LilBlue30 3 ай бұрын
And yet, an inspection was done and signed off on... So... This is why paying attention is so important. So sorry you weren't able to do that.
@joey_5060 3 ай бұрын
Be really careful with the leak from the window upstairs!! Honestly, I stay far, far away from places that have water damage patches in ceilings or walls around windows... My mom's house had a leak above her bay window, and when they removed a bit of her ceiling for a better look, the *huge* cross beam was completely rotten and needed to be replaced, and there was *black mold* in the ceiling! I'm not trying to scare you, but *please* be careful with that!
@BucketListHomestead 3 ай бұрын
I will pray for you Alexandria! I am a 4 time cancer survivor and I get so sick to my stomach just driving by the hospital where I was treated so I can imagine how you felt going thru that clinic! Our house also has had issues, some minor some major. It's definitely one of the most stressful purchases you make 🤣
@joey_5060 3 ай бұрын
I'm SO happy that you've kicked cancer's butt 4 times! I'm living with bone marrow cancer (for a *very* long time now), and I think it's time that I finally have to go for my first blood transfusion. 😑 I've been going downhill recently (well....for years, to be's just sped up recently)... And even tho I'm *terrified* of blood transfusions...I guess it's time. My sister also recently got diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. The chemo is making her SO sick. It's parents are in their late 70's (mom) & early 80's (dad), and neither of them have ever had cancer...but my sister and I (it's only the two of us) both have it. Sorry for the novel. Cancer sucks. 😝
@BucketListHomestead 3 ай бұрын
@@joey_5060 oh yes cancer sucks!!!! I pray you will be better and your sister I had to have blood transfers and plasma transfusions during second fight with cancer. They were very easy!
@Sarah-with-an-H 3 ай бұрын
Dont worry about the resilts because having a diagnosis means you can feel better.
@MissMTurner 3 ай бұрын
Ok, so I'm 47 but I was diagnosed with my autoimmune diseases when I was in my 30s. My rheumatologist said he never gets to see people that early, and the earlier you get a diagnosis, the better, since you can be proactive and long-term planning about it, rather than scrambling later. It's scary getting those "out of range" blood test results, I know all too well. Lupus is a diagnosis of exclusion since there's no one test that says 100% yes. There's markers and certain blood results that point in the direction though and are used to monitor how you're doing. The worst is your inflammation, All autoimmune diseases cause inflammation in your body, and left unchecked, it can do so much damage, so it's important to try to keep that down. Generally, if you get one autoimmune disease, you'll get more. I joke it's like Pokemon - gotta catch them all! Sadly, if you have one, it's likely you'll get others. I have lupus, ra, as well as Sjogrens and Raynaud's. It sucks. Not going to act like it doesn't. But it's not a death sentence and it's better to be armed with knowledge and know what is going on so you can manage it and live your best life. Yes, the diagnosis can be scary, but if it is autoimmune, think of it as getting a leg up on advocating for yourself and your long-term health. One thing to keep in mind is that given your age, this is a marathon and not a sprint. It's about the long term and not doing too much all at once now. My rheumatologist always says he doesn't treat by numbers, he treats by how I feel. Make sure you like your dr because they will be your long term partner in this. If you don't like what they say or how they want to approach your treatment, it's your right to say no or find a different doctor. My mom dealt with a lot of really dismissive doctors in the 90s and its not fair they treated her like that. Anyway, sorry this is so long. I just relate a lot to what you're dealing with, and if you want to reach out to talk more, Id be happy to answer questions. And hey, maybe it's not going to be a diagnosis for this and the search will continue. But if it is, just know you're not alone.
@justmomentsintime 3 ай бұрын
I have RA, fatigue, fibromyalgia. My ANA results were positive and had the lupus pattern but then the second test was ANA negative. My RA vector score was 58. So my inflammation was high...I am on meds most days are fine, flares suck but knowing whats wrong is better than worrying what it might be. Love your channel and your personality!
@daniellebill7478 3 ай бұрын
Awwwww I’m so sorry your results are giving you anxiety 😢 my cousin a RA and is doing really well. She was diagnosed in her late 20’s I think and she is now back to running. You’re in my prayers Alexandria!! It’ll be scary to get results but there will also be relief from knowing what is going on and what treatments options to choose and to begin. I was truly thinking Lupus when you first began talking about your health journey. You’re so loved and prayers are sent
@mylastduchess9998 3 ай бұрын
I sincerely hope whatever is causing your symptoms is mild and easily managed/treated. When I finally, after suffering for years, got my arthritis diagnosis (not rheumatoid), I was over the moon. I had suffered for years, been called crazy, berated by family and teachers as weak, and called a drug addict by multiple doctors. Getting my diagnosis meant finally getting the help I needed. It's been a fight, but that was the beginning of saving my life. I needed help, and it hasn't been easy, but it was the beginning of my finally getting it.
@donnajenkins7862 3 ай бұрын
The ANA (anti-nuclear antibody) test is the first test doctors will run to see if you have any sort of autoimmune disease. It sort of weeds out autoimmune disorders from everything else.
@bethknapp4935 3 ай бұрын
Flippers suck!! They are destroying the housing market and the houses they buy. I am so sorry this happened to you. Thank god your dad is a contractor/builder and he can help you guys through this.
@melissamiller9221 3 ай бұрын
I'm keeping you in my thoughts! ❤ I have been diagnosed with RA, lupus for the past 7ish years. My inflammation markers always come back high no matter what. Rule of thumb try not to worry about it. I know it is stressful with the what ifs but IT WILL BE OKAY! There are many people living with this. I promise you will get through this. Stay strong! I'm here with you!
@ScarletStars13 3 ай бұрын
This is exactlyyy why I will always rent. I could never handle dealing with things going wrong in a home
@beths609 3 ай бұрын
@ruthchristie1 2 ай бұрын
How on earth can you talk and put makeup on so beautifully???? I CANNOT do both!!!! Sooooo impressed!!!!
@nerissaavery7317 3 ай бұрын
Hey so I have followed you for ages but at 18 I was bitten by a mosquito and got something called zero negative inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia Sounds just like me. So many issues I’m almost 40 and life sucks pain tired etc. keep going you will find a doctor that works mine is a pain management doctor Good luck Nerissa ❤❤
@sarcasticgirl08 3 ай бұрын
I vote you unbox EVERYTHING at once lol. Maybe an organizing video? Unbox it all and organize it in the new house. I love organizing/declutter videos personally
@heidiwhite4630 3 ай бұрын
My husband and I know how it is to not pay attention when viewing a house. The first night we moved into our new home was an eye opener. We thought the bath had been refinished. When I went to give our children their bath, paint started bubbling and peeling off the tub. Those people used latex paint on the bathtub. It was horrible.
@smarttechaddict 3 ай бұрын
I decorated my lounge, birds moved in my chimney, massive damage to lounge and leak. While fixing the chimney the roof fell to pieces. Next week I get a new roof. I totally understand your feelings about the leak! I have my fingers crossed for you!
@sunshi92004 2 ай бұрын
I feel the need to tell you that one of the biggest reason I continue to watch you is 1. you are amazing. 2. you live in a connecting state. 3. you struggle with words. 4. you are real. I feel good about getting on tiktok and going live because if someone that could be my best friend can be this amazing on youtube, I can do tt live. So, do a live, stumble over your words, say things you wish you could vacuum back into your body, going live is so nice and can be so encouraging to your soul. Just do it. And tell the mountiains hello for me when you are there again, it’s one of the best things about this channel, all the smokey mountian apparel and hearing about your trips to gatlinburg make me smile.
@loribreitbarth2215 2 ай бұрын
I am so grateful that i am seeing so much support from viewers for you, Alexandria. Your health is important and it sounds like many of us also have some of these health concerns. We are here for you and one day at a time is the best approach. Sorry to hear about your house problems too. Such common things for house flips. Speed games to avoid interest on the mortgage
@merribullington1976 3 ай бұрын
I have Endometriosis and was diagnosed last year with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It didn’t all show in my bloodwork. I have seronegative RA. I have it managed now and I am able to run/hike and lift weights again. You’re not alone in this.
@shaunacorrigan9372 3 ай бұрын
I think we need a Random Roundup Rodeo to whittle down Subscription Box Mountain!!
@LauraLVTGW 3 ай бұрын
When we bought our house, there was a patch of tiles in the upstairs hall. The carpet guys wouldn't put our carpet in unless we tested the tiles, for possible asbestos. We contacted the sellers real estate agent and got $1000.00 for testing and removal of those tiles. Many blessings for a wonderful future in your new home!!!🙏🙏💖💖💖
@AcornsMomma 3 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ Consider having more Thyroid testing done. I had very similar issues and test results and no one could tell me what was wrong until I saw an endocrinologist and I was diagnosed with Hashimotos disease disease. ❤❤❤
@sheelfjohnson 3 ай бұрын
I love that Tater loves his yard 🥰. Definitely check that ceiling bubble for mold - we had that in our bathroom from a roof leak. And maybe make yourself a list where you can write down any medical questions that come up. It helps me with my anxiety if I get these worries down on paper. Then I can let it go (sort of😉) until I see the Dr.
@Lauren_P_ 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been to see a hematologist/oncologist a couple different times at different points in my life. It’s very nerve wracking, and I haven’t ever had anyone treat me like your experience. They really need to change their onboarding.
@karine-v 3 ай бұрын
That was definitely not helpful at all.
@marytavis3869 3 ай бұрын
I actually have to go mid July to see one and I’ve been super nervous!!
@dianachristner 3 ай бұрын
Just try & remember there are lots of research & many helpful treatments for both those conditions. Waiting is so stressful sorry!😢. Loved seeing Tater loving his new yard. Made my day! ❤
@carriepippin-adamson9746 3 ай бұрын
Like some of the other comments, I also have been diagnosed with multiple autoimmune issues. I hope you don’t have any issues but if you do treatment helps and so do support groups. Other than days where fatigue hits me, I live a normal life and it does help to know why my body was acting up.
@elizabethme4580 2 ай бұрын
Please do not give yourself a stroke. I have a few illnesses that can't be cured and are degenerative. Knowing what is going on is good. Just remember, living each day is the most important thing. You always make me smile no matter the type of day.
@Christine__D 3 ай бұрын
I feel for you and your health struggles. It took me years to finwlly get diagnosed with Sjogren's which isnalso an autoimmune disease. Hope you enjoy your new home, congratulations! Can't wait to see it again.
@LindaHughes-u6u 3 ай бұрын
I have a polyp too. I have fibromyalgia, and my ANA is positive for several immunological problems. Give it time sometimes you are positive but in remission. Take care. I know it's hard. Good luck!!!! You need to give the inspectors a real talking to. That's almost malpractice. He should have noticed those big problems!!!!
@rule_brittania2142 3 ай бұрын
Try to think about what positives will come with a diagnosis; you'll know what's wrong with you instead of having to guess and when you know what's wrong you can explore ways to treat it. You can also find support groups when you have a proper diagnosis as well. I found it took away the anxiety of not knowing what is wrong and the paranoia of thinking it might all be in my head.
@cassie1594 2 ай бұрын
In Washington the inspector and seller can be sued in this case. Especially if matters of fact were known and not disclosed. If there had been a leak that was "repaired" that should have been disclosed. With the pictures you have, there were clearly known repairs in the area where leaks are. I would advise you to get an attorney and sue for damages as the "bubbling" described can indicate larger leaking and potential water damage.
@JustHarperGray 3 ай бұрын
My boyfriend and I purchased a flipper house and we called it craftsmanshit because it was so bad. It looks okay but when you really look it was awful.
@beckinevison-smith1025 3 ай бұрын
I have to have regular blood tests because of some medication I'm on. Our surgery has now gone online so you can see test results. I decided to look at my latest results, and like you, I had some markers too high. I panicked and googled, I find out that those high markers could indicate lots of terrifying things. I practically ran into his office, nearly sobbing because I thought I had Prostate Cancer!!! He just started laughing at me, and explained that because I'm female, I definitely don't have Prostate Cancer. We had a good chat tho, and he explained that the blood test results are only a small piece of the puzzle, and you have to look at everything. For example, one marker that was high ,he explained that I had told I had told him I had taken heyfever tablets, which explained that. Some others that extremely high markers, he showed me that blood tests I had when I was a child showed the same level. He would only be concerned if they weren't MY normal levels. So on its own, it's alarming, but in context, it's perfectly normal. So try not to worry, sometimes having too much information is not the best idea. If there is something wrong, at least you can get treatment, and live the amazing life you deserve. Sometimes the worry is much worse than the diagnosis. Whatever happens, we are all here to support you.
@Sallylimes 2 ай бұрын
I might mention to the hematologist's office that the patient navigator (or whatever the person who walked you up's role was) said those things to you. It's highly unlikely that they're supposed to be suggesting to patients that they might have cancer, and I'm sure the practice would like to know that their patients are being scared by people who aren't the providers. ETA: plenty of things are abnormal on blood tests, and rheumatology is insanely complex. Let the doc sort through the super complicated chemistry. And if you do get a diagnosis, know that all that means is that you'll get treatment to make you feel better. Diagnosis is a good thing, because it gives you treatment options!
@tiffanysadlertlc 3 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with lupus at 21 and was told I wouldn’t be able to have kids or even likely make it to 40. I’ll be 50 in October and my son is 26 and super healthy. I have a lot of life to live as well. ❤
@tkram3817 2 ай бұрын
I also have lupus and was diagnosed four years ago. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever been a part of. I am doing so much better than I was four years ago, but I really had a period where I could barely walk and had to take a leave of absence from work. I had to give up a career I really enjoyed because it was a public-facing position working with children. I used to catch every cold and virus before; changing jobs has stopped that. The doctors will get you sorted and it will be manageable. Just be sure to advocate for yourself. There are more treatments for lupus now than there were in 2010, so treatment has come a long way.
@BeckhaDoyle 3 ай бұрын
Listening to you talk through the medical journey is really like looking back at myself like 18 months ago. High white blood cells, constantly high inflammation markers, joint pain, flushing, headaches, swollen lymph nodes etc. They tested for lupus, Lymphoma and a bunch of other things - came back as Multi-systemic Sarcoidosis after months and months of digging, tests, scans and seems to happen so many women - in particular. Worth querying, it would have saved me a lot of anxiety and a breakdown or two! 😅
@kell0125 3 ай бұрын
I have Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility Pots and Rumatoid arthritis. You are on the right path with the rumatology docs my dear I promise ❤️
@ceceliataylor84 3 ай бұрын
Have you heard of Christine McConnell? She does DIY crafts / restoration. You could do some of those cool things to your new place too.
@jemulder1254 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Getting online test results prior to talking to the doctor is always stress inducing. Hang in there. As my Mom says, "don't worry until you have to" 😊 Hugs!
@shannonmadzen2518 3 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with lupus in December of 2019. The first time they drew my blood to check for autoimmune diseases was 2012. My blood work was always negative or boarderline and then one day it just wasn't. Treatment is so much better these days, and it is getting better all the time. The best thing I can say is try not to worry until you speak with your doctor. Also, your AnA titer is 1:640 with a speckled pattern, which means that they had to dilute your blood so many time before they could no longer see a speckled pattern in your antibodies. 1:640 is moderately high. I'm not a doctor so it seems not okay to speculate what that could mean. Also, unfortunately, they will probably want more bloodwork after your follow before making any kind of diagnosis. I had my blood drawn every 2-3 months for almost a year before I was officially diagnosed.
@makisekuristina8192 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate your life talk/updates! I have to say that thanks to you I was able to understand some of the issues I dealt with all my life and now have an ADHD diagnosis and the medication has been soooo helpful!
@grooviertiara7229 3 ай бұрын
I love longer videos, more content from Alexandria? Always welcomed!
@nemaru 3 ай бұрын
Please, I would LOVE an hour+ random round up.
@ashleerae8500 3 ай бұрын
I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune I had never heard of: Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Its a frustrating diagnosis, but Im happy to finally have answers and now know how to move forward. Hoping you have some steps forward as well ❤
@lindashepherd3968 2 ай бұрын
Omg! I am autoimmune, Allie. Definitely familial here with both of us sitting here with it. My dad had a condition too. I spent decades trying to define the cause but never could. It is idiopathic- unknown cause. I wish you good health. Take care of yourself, get the best treatment and don’t worry. These are the exact 3 things I do/did. We do not have much cancer on the Shepherd side as far as I know-knock on wood. Say hi to your mom and dad for me.
@ashleyrae8188 3 ай бұрын
My WBC has always been high, I was sent to a blood doctor at our local hospital who was also located in the cancer center. They checked me for a bunch of leukemia and that was all negative thankfully cause cancer does run in my family. Never figures out why my WBC is high, but it still is to this day. Good luck with everything.
@JustHarperGray 3 ай бұрын
I went a hematologist too at the cancer center and it’s so nerve wracking. I had to get iron infusions there too. I also see a rheumatologist. I have RA my CMP and SedationRate are high. You are going to be okay it sucks and it’s scary. There’s a year of mourning your old life after that point it gets better. ❤ if you need to chat I’m here.
@patrickcandia4985 3 ай бұрын
You’re voice is very comforting. I had to put my beloved dog Bobo to sleep yesterday. I’m beyond devastated. Thank you. 💔
@nancymiller4340 3 ай бұрын
So sorry for your loss. How devastating.
@patrickcandia4985 3 ай бұрын
@@nancymiller4340 thank you. You’ve very kind. It’s nice to know there’s still kind and loving people in this world. My best to you and your family Nancy. ❤️
@sheelfjohnson 3 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry 💜💜💜. Rest in peace, Bobo.
@patrickcandia4985 3 ай бұрын
@@sheelfjohnson thank you so much. Taking time out to post for me was very kind. It’s a tough time.
@belvedere6368 3 ай бұрын
I wish you the best of luck with your follow-up with rheumatology. My mom is currently going through something similar where she received blood test results that seemingly indicate that she may have cancer but she is not due to talk to her doctor for a few weeks. It is definitely nerve wracking but it's important to remember that blood work may not capture the whole picture and the doctors will talk you through everything no matter what it is.
@moescanlon3809 3 ай бұрын
I hade the same results . I hade a severe case of COVID and autoimmune diseases aren't un common . Please keep us posted. You got this girl!
@sherrismith9002 3 ай бұрын
Hi honey...I went through the same bloodwork at the rheumatologist...Couldn't find what was wrong after dozens of tests. Finally, I was diagnosed with RA. I am now in remission and doing well. At any rate, there are wonderful medications that help so much. Don't be afraid. Will pray for you sweetie. Like I mentioned, wonderful medications to help you feel normal. Much love.
@ashermanning1589 3 ай бұрын
Hi Alexandria! I wanted to comment and say that as someone who gets anxious from blood results and general test results, try to refrain from googling. As an avid Google…er, I have genuinely made myself sick with worry only to see my levels steady out and go back to normal, or have a doctor say something along the lines of “it will be okay just take these steps and it should help.” Sometimes it’s genuinely nothing and sometimes even if it is something, there are steps you can take to mitigate it or help it. I remember one time I had a blood test something in my blood was somewhat high and then the next blood test I got it dropped and leveled itself out. Was it perfect? No. But I could take steps to mitigate it and help, furthermore my doctor told me that it was only a “slight elevation.” Same thing happened with another blood test where something was super high and then significantly dropped. Our bodies go through so many different things and sometimes it just needs a moment to level things out. Listen to your doctor, avoid googling anything, and try and relax when you can. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable with your community, sending you and your family love and support!
@lddub5918 3 ай бұрын
I never look at my medical “portals” online. After my autoimmune diagnosis I looked on there and then went down a Google rabbit hole and was convinced of impending doom and crying my eyes out within 15 minutes. Always wait to talk to your doctor about results until you know what the labs actually say. ❤❤❤ Now 4 years later, I still only look at one result on my bloodwork.
@conniekimble8860 3 ай бұрын
Retired doctor here, sometimes hypothyroidism can be associated with loss of lateral brow and with +ana.
@getitherething.2653 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking that also
@amber13000 2 ай бұрын
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. A lot of times they go hand in hand but not always. Ever since I was diagnosed and put on a monthly and daily treatment, I have felt a lot better and have better quality of life. The speckled pattern is a test called Lupus 1000 analyzer. I also tested positive for a speckled pattern, which usually indicates SLE lupus. Just put your trust into your dr when it comes to helping with treatments, but it always best to do your own research also. After having Lupus for 25yrs, you start to learn the medical mumbo jumbo language lol. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well for you. ❤
@margaretthomas8779 3 ай бұрын
Not sure if you have the same thing in US but here in the UK, we have property surveyors who assess all things like that to estimate the value compared to the price being asked, mainly so you can get a mortgage approved but advised to have a property surveyed even if not mortgaging. They will notice things like the issues you've had and give a detailed report. You can then negotiate with the seller whether they have to reduce the price or make good on the issues found.
@niccimerrow4922 3 ай бұрын
Ooh please 🙏 do a house reno or decorate or whatever
@oobie4ever 3 ай бұрын
I actually used to run clinical trials for a rheumatologist. If you do end up being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you'll have lots of options! Sometimes they go into remission with simple lifestyle changes. There have been more advances in the field since I left in 2021, I'm sure you'll feel close to normal after a few weeks. Hopefully they have answers for you!
@kristyparlor7849 2 ай бұрын
My Mom was diagnosed at 17 with lupus and my youngest kiddo was last year at 18. Rheumatoid Arthritis can be a side effect of Lupus as well. Wish you the best on your health journey. ❤
@christamurray1852 3 ай бұрын
Sorry about your house glad you’re getting everything in order. Don’t panic about an autoimmune disease of any sort I don’t have lupus but I live everyday with MS and with good doctors and all the advancements out there you can still live a full life. So don’t panic just live your life
@melissalynds8778 3 ай бұрын
@anniekorn577 3 ай бұрын
I had the same upsetting reaction with hematology. My dad died of cancer in 2021. Glad that they didn't find anything except low iron. Now I am getting endocrine testing and will eventually go to a rheumatologist after that. You are not alone.
@MizzBooSongz 2 ай бұрын
I have discord lupus (sp?) and had to have a scalp biopsy. It was the worst. No need to panic. You got this. And if you are diagnosed you can get better. Get it under control.
@raetona 3 ай бұрын
Last year I also discovered a leaky window preparing to move into my brand new home. That was so so stressful! In my case the seller didn't know. I ended up being grateful we found out before furniture was put in the way and it could continue unseen.
@kat7047 3 ай бұрын
The same thing happened to us with our house. We purchased a beautiful house for a big price and when we did our walk through we noticed they had removed lighting fixtures and replaced them with ugly ones. They removed other items that were built into the house. The house was dirty and there were several things they said they’d fix. When we went back things looked good though we knew we would have to do a few cosmetic things it wasn’t a big deal. Then the day we moved in was a disaster. They didn’t have the house cleaned even though they said they did. The carpets were dirty the cabinets were dirty. There are huge holes throughout all the inside of the cabinets etc… The bathroom shower glass clearly had fallen off and they just drilled into the tile to put it back up… crooked. We’ve lived here for 4 years now and found so many other issues. Their realtor seemed like the type to tell them to paint over issues (like a leak in our kids upstairs bedroom). They put their dishes in front of the holes in the cabinets and strategically placed furniture. We still love the house but there is so much more that needs to be fixed then we anticipated.
@tracywebb5315 2 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at 3 years old. I’m in my forties now, so when I was diagnosed, there weren’t as good treatments. My rheumatologist said that there were 4 stages of arthritis damage to joints, and then there’s me. But today, if caught early, they can keep the damage to the joints at a minimum and it won’t progress nearly as much as mine did. Wishing you the best, and if you want to talk to somebody who has been through all of this, I’d be happy to talk to you about it.
@Jakki61 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your journey with the health issues. I am surprised that your home inspector didn't do a closer look at the where the leak was, or state ...needs looking at... Even seeing the lights and doors.
@readingwolf6369 2 ай бұрын
I have Lupus and have been watching for a while. The forgetfulness aka "brain fog" and everything i have seen you go through have always sounded a lot like my early symptoms. But its ok if it is Lupus cause we are superheroes. So strong.
@ashleybarbara3925 3 ай бұрын
I have mcas, pots and eds and I just got word I have hyperthyroid and am waiting for my results to be explained on some of the other things, so I feel you for real here. I'm very anxious even though I've been through this a bunch the last few years as I got sicker. Just take many deep breaths and hyperfixate on a project til you talk to the doctor and remember that diagnosis is life changing but knowing what is going on is going to improve your life just in that alone. ❤
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