Socrates' Secret to EXPOSING Fools

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The Machiavellians

The Machiavellians

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@TheMachiavellians Ай бұрын
A lot of people seem confused by my statements about atheists. Here's the context if anyone is interested:
@theodorebear6714 Ай бұрын
Psalm 137v9 The verse talks about harming children. Do you expect an athiest to adhere to this christian dogma? Even christians don't want to do horrible things like this. Just because someone isn't a christian doesn't mean they can't be a Greek Pagan like Socrates & Plato or a Norse Pagan. These types of people are not Athiests. I hope I'm not missing any important points but if I am you can tell me in a response.
@veikoplays Ай бұрын
You base your premise of Atheism on interpretation of Nietzsche's theories. Well, I most certainly don't fall into that category! I just don't see any reason to believe in gods, supernatural beings, and everlasting souls. If You would advise me, who I am then? My take on Christian morality is that one must believe without proof to a fairytale to be excused of any wrongdoings, both committed and inherited - how does that even make sense?
@albertplumer Ай бұрын
I cannot see oxygen carbon dioxide , etc. Told that these exist, ought i dismiss that repeated drilling that gases exist. Well God might be an artifical construct to manipulate some humans by othet humans. Example the european glass windows of colour, peasants would attend to gaze at building with these colours , the power to dazzle runs deep , rockets to the moon, movies, wifi ,etc. amaze and fixate humans on thw artifical and as we see the attempts to assert on some the will of others. Same same human story. God construct is an easy ploy.
@secularnevrosis Ай бұрын
@@veikoplays True. I would question the term "Christian Morality". Strangely enough it seems like all large civilizations have rules about how you can keep cohesion in society. Do not kill (people in your tribe) etc etc. So what comes first we might ask? I do not reject that Christians have a morality that they base on their religion. But they are in conflict with most of the different interpretations of their faith. I would push this further. No religion have a monopoly on morality. Morality as a concept belongs to all humans and all cultures. It wasn't handed down to us from another place. It's a byproduct of our species and how we interact. Why should we accept that morality as a whole is based on any gods? I can be a human, reject the concept of god and be an atheist as it doesn't follow that I need to reject being a human.
@andythomas4998 Ай бұрын
Atheists do not "accept Christian *morality" if you're talking about a group or type of people that do not believe in religions, have no desire to harm others in the name of a god and no desire to harm themselves or neighbors as opposed to those that only "do good" in hopes of future rewards or because they fear a punishment after death... Maybe I misunderstood that bit or you misworded it, actually a huge discrepancy considering marriage and community existed long before christanity and it's thousands of denominations have divided people ever since. 11:35
@briancase6180 Ай бұрын
"The opposite of the Socratic method would be Twitter." That was an unexpected laugh. Thanks!
@PHanomaly 23 күн бұрын
Right?! 😂
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
Sadly, from my experiences over the past 30+ years, ignorance is rewarded, arrogance is encouraged, and quippy quips ALWAYS outplay facts, data, science, or reality. And if you're socially popular, you're GOOD TO GO, BABY! 💪😎✌️ Say or do whatever you like; as long as your crowd wants to believe you, they will. And it'll be accepted as cult gospel. No exceptions.
@AyitaIam Ай бұрын
Such true comments here..ty
@pbinnj3250 Ай бұрын
It has been my experience that social media induces the behavior you describe. It did in me. I abandoned Twitter when I couldn’t even recognize myself.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
@@pbinnj3250 I've never let it nor anything nor anyone else change me. In other words, I'm still as ethical, genuine, hardworking, and direct as I was 20-30+ years ago. Sure, social media may be jank as F, but... homey don't play dat, lol. 😂 It's one of the reasons I've never fit in with the sheeple: I don't dance, I don't front, and I hate liars, cheats, thieves, and psychos. Doesn't leave much room for me to blend in, lol!
@daniellagerwaard710 Ай бұрын
On the opposite side of that you will be able to find God ( and the hidden true treasures)
@pbinnj3250 Ай бұрын
@@daniellagerwaard710 which God? Thor, Shiva, Allah, Hera? Buddha, Yahweh, or Moon?
@apelike Ай бұрын
I say it all the time, "introspection is what is missing in society". We live in a "haters gonna hate..." age when everyone is special and the ego is so built up as to discount any criticism, reduce it to being a flaw in the critic. We never stop to ask ourselves "am I wrong here?" because we don't have to, they just hate.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
@@apelike Precisely. Reflection is key to global humanity, but it's currently THE rarest, most ignored skill on the planet. It isn't easy to master, but then again, neither is anything *else* worth doing with one's 60+ years (or however long a person will last once they reach adulthood).
@MrDavidBFoster Ай бұрын
Take money out of the equation and you won't have that problem. It was actually the oil industry, back in the 1950's, who first informed the public of the greenhouse effect. But as soon as it dawned on them that acknowledging it would mean the end of their current business model, they began a campaign of disinformation to "question the science" which persists to this day. And that is but one of many examples of how the love of money is the root of all evil -- an expression that everyone has heard, few believe, and none are able to live by. And so we must find something else to blame.
@zachjett7326 Ай бұрын
It's also missing respect, irl human interactions and pride in the things they do
@PonyCraft Ай бұрын
"Mind your business" and "Haters gonna hate" are two VERY toxic mentalities that foster a lack of introspection
@nickdibart 24 күн бұрын
I agree. Many people welcome "haters" and people who actually have a hatred for them on a serious level. I can only speak for myself, but if someone legitimately hated me, it would be in my best interest to understand why instead of laughing it off or reveling in it. People just don't want to admit that they did something to someone that warranted such an extreme emotion.
@CaptainSnackbeard 2 ай бұрын
Socrates: I know nothing! I take no students! I question everything! Plato: Socrates was my teacher! I'm starting a school! Sit down and listen to me!
@Kitten_Party 2 ай бұрын
Fr fr
@SneakySteevy 2 ай бұрын
Both method works hand in hand. Socrate taught to Plato.
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Indeed, Plato was the fork in the road, with his student Aristotle taking Western society down the wrong path; the path of irrational sensory-based PRESUMPTION. The intellect is a scalpel that divides into complexity, while Truth is simple and Whole. In other words, the intellect that lacks wisdom can't see the Forest for the trees. Because, to put it another way, intelligence without wisdom is a boat without water. See my comment elsewhere on this video for more...
@CaptainSnackbeard 2 ай бұрын
@@tomrhodes1629 you lost me at Elijah
@CaptainSnackbeard 2 ай бұрын
@@SneakySteevysays Plato. Seems to me like he wasn't listening at all.
@halwarner3326 2 ай бұрын
It is difficult to question anyone about anything currently.
@Spookdookin Ай бұрын
What do you mean?
@charlesmiller8107 Ай бұрын
I feel the culprit is media in general. It really started when everyone could afford a television. Then the modern media was born but this technology is primarily used to elicit emotional responses from people not make them think. The internet and social media has taken it to a whole new level. This was all born out of greed. I'm just wondering what all this is gonna cost and who is gonna pay for it or we can just kick the can down the road.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
If you have more coin, connections, crews, clout, computer code, control, corporate communities, and opulent opportunities, then you automatically win no matter what. Facts are irrelevant. Logic is non-sequitur. Data and analyses aren't required. Be rich, or be GONE. 💪😎✌️
@papabird4425 Ай бұрын
​@@Spookdookinthat's why you don't question a person. You ask for explanations of their ideas and statements.
@JBplumbing12 Ай бұрын
True, people do not converse anymore. They do not enquire of each other. They do not share knowledge and understandings, nor do they explore ideas together. They do not define their terms, nor speak in full sentences or in logical or analytical progression. They simply chirp at each other like birds. Neither understanding much about each other or themselves.
@channe11-manager 2 ай бұрын
Cogent. Your juxtaposing of the Socratic method against our all-too-typical online discourse is an important thing to do. Presentations like this are gifts. Thank you.
@onedone2011 2 ай бұрын
near perfect vid ... imho
@LiveItLiveNow Ай бұрын
The video author cites Twitter/social media as the place vacant of Socratic thinking, but a more relevant place to identify with anti-Socratic thinking is the Democrat-media complex. For four years this "trained", "educated", group of "elites", supposedly having a social conscience, decidedly marched in lockstep, goosestepping to their own narrative, to suddenly decide they are "noticing" Dear Leader Biden's cognitive issues! LOL! Social media is simply the modern version of CB radio; a place where people can have idiotic opinions, be public, or anonymous, troll others with misrepresentations, lies, facts, or sarcasm, and to say it is missing Socratic thinking, is expecting the ridiculous! Was there Socratic thinking in the coverage of the several "Russia" hoaxes, how about the Jussie Smollett hoax? How about the Nick Sandmann hoax? Or the Kyle Rittenhouse hoax? Or the "Fine People" hoax? It is amazing how totalitarians find the speck in the eyes of others, yet ignore the beam in their own! LOL!!!!
@robertvann7349 Ай бұрын
Is Aristotle the most important philosopher to live, far above all others, establishing ABSOLUTE TRUTH? Was Aristotle the Father of Logic Science 101. Is the human race ignorant of the two laws of reason, the law of contradiction p is non p and the law of non contradiction p isn't non p and can prove God is an ABSOLUTE OBJECTIVE TRUTH? Yes.
@robertvann7349 Ай бұрын
How to prove God exists? p is non p? 1>, non p is, non conscious non intelligent non being caused the p is non p Illogical impossible contradiction effect of 2>, p is, conscious intelligent being in the universe Simple bro, p is non p understands what isn't possible and only the opposite must be ABSOLUTE OBJECTIVE TRUTH, p isn't non p. 1>, p is, conscious intelligent being caused the non contradiction effect of p isn't non p 2>, p is, conscious intelligent being in the universe p is p, God is an ABSOLUTE OBJECTIVE TRUTH and caused the effect of your conscious intelligent being. 🎉🎉
@robertvann7349 Ай бұрын
Aristotle didn't know how to plug data into formula p is non p and expose what is impossible, the PERFECT ARGUMENT.
@casperkoteras 2 ай бұрын
Most people today do not have the intelligence or emotional discipline to use the socratic method. Ive run into this growing trend of people who will ask a question, then become upset or interrupt you can even finish answering. (i swear ive ran into this a dozen times in the last week). I had a guy think i said “Obama broke the president” bc he couldn’t understand the use of the word “precedent” when i said “Obama broke some precedent by socializing health care”. He literally thought i was insulting Obama and almost fought me at work bc he had such a limited vocabulary.(spoke almost entirely in ebonics) People are losing their minds in the last few months.
@dannylo5875 2 ай бұрын
The world has, is, and was lost in their own minds.
@SigFigNewton 2 ай бұрын
Do you tend to give lengthy responses?
@gaetanomontante5161 2 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton Are you a member of the Tweeter generation??? How can you learn unless you engage in exhaustive discussions and analyses of the subject at hand?
@SigFigNewton 2 ай бұрын
@@gaetanomontante5161 Do we know that Casper talks about things that his listeners have any interest in learning about? Is it possible that he begins with lengthy background and people lose interest before realizing that he was eventually going to tie it back in to their original question? Are we confident that Casper is actually using the Socratic method when all he’s claimed about his responses is that he’s “answering?” Might not some who read his comment be overly eager to accept as correct Casper’s take if they came into the comment section with a sense that society generally is getting worse?
@SigFigNewton 2 ай бұрын
@@gaetanomontante5161 oh, you also asked an irrelevant question. I’m probably younger than the people you’re trying to make fun of
@bicivelo Ай бұрын
I like the quote about this people that want to know and those that want to believe. So true. Carl Sagan said something similar “”you cannot convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it’s based on a deep seated need to believe.” 😮😢
@reasonwarrior Ай бұрын
Even more impossible is convincing the believer who possesses data masquerading as evidence, i.e., climate change.
@jeffkilgore6320 Ай бұрын
Climate deniers are just ignorant. Scientific calculations are predicting very well what we’re experiencing all over the world. Cactus are melting due to unprecedented heat, oceans are rising, and people are dying directly due to hotter surface temperatures. These facts are understood and experienced.
@letmenot Ай бұрын
So the data seems to indicate climate change is real. What data have you seen that contradicts this?​@@reasonwarrior
@0oo00 Ай бұрын
Sagan 🤣
@bicivelo Ай бұрын
@@Xyttr stupid is as stupid believes I guess? Some people just want to bury their heads into the ground and pretend some sort of supernatural being will fix it 😆
@nedames3328 Ай бұрын
Most people cannot question core beliefs, they instinctively change the subject when logic threatens their personal or tribal identity.
@mikemcleroy8265 Ай бұрын
I find that often with the subject of flat earth. 😂
@diego6849 Ай бұрын
Yeah when someone tries to philosophically convince me that I'm in a tribe I just instinctively dismiss that person as a moron 🤷‍♂️
@diego6849 Ай бұрын
​@@mikemcleroy8265 of course it happens. Discussing the shape of the firmament doesn't appeal as a very interesting topic after all
@elizabethtischler686 Ай бұрын
@latetotheparty184 Ай бұрын
@@diego6849 Are you in a culture? ( I'm trying out the Socratic method here. )
@Cyanide300 Ай бұрын
The Dunning-Kruger effect IS NOT about intelligence. It specifically covers a bias surrounding _knowledge_ within a particular domain. People who lack much domain knowledge overestimate their skill in said domain. People who have an intermediate amount of knowledge tend to underestimate their level of skill. Then finally, people with a great deal of knowledge have a relatively accurate assessment of their own skill level.
@Bleilock1 Ай бұрын
Dunning kruger is fancy new polite way of calling someone dumb
@MarcusHCrawford Ай бұрын
@@Bleilock1 That’s true, but we should act to reclaim words so that they are used accurately. There are hundreds of phrases at our disposal that can be used to insult someone’s intelligence-let’s use them accurately. Terrence Howard is an idiot. Terrence Howard also provides living evidence in support of the Dunning-Krueger effect with his half-cocked ideas about mathematics. Often the condition of stupidity intersects with the overestimation of one’s knowledge, but the states are not interchangeable.
@Anonym-yr4qn Ай бұрын
​@@Bleilock1 Ironically, it's also a great way of exposing one's own idiocy. Throwing terms like that around and playing expert after watching 2-3 videos, is the epitome of overestimating your ability. And i absolutely hate when people are starting to throw around those pseudo diagnostics, acting like a "know it all" douchebag. Just makes me cringe way too hard.
@Bleilock1 Ай бұрын
@@Anonym-yr4qn i agree, its even funnier when they dont know the exact phenomenon/definition, but freestyle out of top of their head in hopes of getting it right lol
@Seth9809 Ай бұрын
You actually described the study wrong
@gregisk123 Ай бұрын
I've run into the difficulty of my own hubris getting in the way of learning something. Thank you for this reminder from our great teacher: stay humble and question everything. The search and the journey never end :)
@PHanomaly 23 күн бұрын
You've proven your wisdom already. 😘
@Onionbaron 2 ай бұрын
By the method of ostracism Socrates was found guilty he refuse to flee and was sentenced to death. He chose death rather than betraying his beliefs..
@divergentthg7925 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately most people go to the opposite😂
@PHanomaly 23 күн бұрын
Wouldn't you? I would. That's not the same as being afraid to question them.
@Probabilityislife 22 күн бұрын
They were not his beliefs. They were facts. Yet, as a fact relies on human confirmation and analysis, we call them truths. A belief is an opinion with no evidence. Belief is what the church held.
@Coynepurse Ай бұрын
Very few people in my life actually enjoy Socratic discussion and even those few are resistant to meaningfully allowing their presuppositions to be questioned.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
@@Coynepurse Of course. A gigantic portion of humanity runs on ego, feelings, beliefs, money, power, and popularity. The introspective, intelligent ones are rarely in positions of power, popularity, and influence; they don't WANT to be! #CarlSagan
@lubumbashi6666 Ай бұрын
Yeah but it is never applied fairly. Even Socrates used in a shameless way to misconstrue and humiliate his opponents. Read the Protagoras, and you will see how it worked in practise.
@annelbeab8124 Ай бұрын
@sr2291 Ай бұрын
Most people don't think. They just react.
@jeffkunce8501 Ай бұрын
I tried using the Socratic method once during a relationship break-up. I wouldn't recommend it. Feelings and opinions are part of who we are, and we can't reason that away. Truly smart people recognize different thought processes, and the balance among them that is appropriate in different situations.
@nicematerial Ай бұрын
Wow. I'm pretty sure this just had the EXACT effect that you desired for this channel. I feel like I stumbled into an oasis of sanity. Thanks for the channel.
@0x370c2de Ай бұрын
Thank you. This kind of content is more needed than anything else right now in this strange world.
@dennismorris7573 Ай бұрын
So very true.
@nosuchthing8 Ай бұрын
Great quote. Sadly when I was a coffee boy at a law firm, they were 'results oriented'. They announced the result FIRST then gathered evidence to support that claim. And ignored counter evidence.
@_4le Ай бұрын
My mind loves exploring new concepts. This channel is my new addiction.
@user-cn3uz5hp2c Ай бұрын
I heard a Russian Oligarch who became a philanthropist say this the other day. "There's only two people in life... those who question... and those who want to believe." We're in a Bad Spot right now.
@user-eg6pl2nr4d Ай бұрын
Courage, the ability to accept the uncomfortableness of being afraid.
@eddybrevet6816 Ай бұрын
God shud hv known we wud imitate him, just like monkeys
@PHanomaly 23 күн бұрын
@joepup8348 2 ай бұрын
"What is knowledge? When you know a thing, to know that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it. That is knowledge." "Only one who bursts with eagerness do I instruct; only one who bubbles with excitement, do I enlighten. If I hold up one corner and the student cannot return the other three, I do not go on." ---Confucius 551-479 BC
@ufpride83 2 ай бұрын
Not-knowing is true knowledge. Presuming to know is a disease. First realize that you are sick; then you can move toward health. Tao Te Ching 71
@sobreaver Ай бұрын
You sculpt your reality with your questions And you pollute your vision by answering a thousand mysteries Such is the feat of grasping the inescapable and ever flowing passing unknown moment (time) The only REAL currency you have (no hold on)
@Everywhere4 Ай бұрын
This really sounds like „ignorance is strength“ if you reflect on this statement.
@ufpride83 Ай бұрын
@@Everywhere4 in a way yes. It’s saying thinking you are intelligent when you are ignorant is a sickness. First you have to realize you are ignorant, then you can move on to healing your ignorance. A person who is wrong but confidently thinks they’re right will never move towards correcting their knowledge because they think this knowledge is correct. That vast majority of things we think we know we don’t actually know. So the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can correct it by admitting we don’t actually know. And yes, there’s a lot of strength in acknowledging your own ignorances and eradicating them
@brianday67 Ай бұрын
Just look at what the cosmological thought about the Big Bang for 50 years. The James Webb telescope refuted their beliefs two years ago and now new theories are being developed. Just don't jump off a 4 story building without a parachute because, unlike the prescientific Taoists, there are things that we all agree are true.
@TeaParty1776 Ай бұрын
Look out at reality, not inward. Focus your mind
@p.d.stanhope7088 2 ай бұрын
The unexamined life is the dead living.
@marcusmiller5443 2 ай бұрын
"Let the dead bury the dead." - Yeshua
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
@@marcusmiller5443 Let the dead bury the dead, because death is an illusion. Death is nothing more than IGNORANCE, which is also the correct definition of EVIL, as Socrates knew. And this is a good part of what Yeshua One with Christ really came to teach, unbeknownst to organized Christianity. I'm the prophesied return of the biblical prophet Elijah; not that you should believe anything without good reason. (That's the mistake organized religions make.) But the word CURIOSITY has as its root the word CURE for good reason, as I discovered first-hand. And all mysteries have been unveiled and published in these "end times": the end of the old Cycle of Time that the New Cycle may be born. Seek and ye shall find. And you might want to begin by viewing my other comment on this video.
@marcusmiller5443 2 ай бұрын
@@tomrhodes1629 Your right, in acknowledging I couldn't possibly believe your reincarnation claim, without personally testing The Spirit in you. Many do not understand this basic concept. What you say (aside from the claim) is absolutely correct, so I'll say I have good Hope for you. "The Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help me 'God'." Shalom, traveler. And bless you.
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
@@marcusmiller5443 There's so much I could tell you. I'm easy enough to find and contact, but no one ever does. And it's obvious to me that the trying times we are about to enter into - the biblical Tribulation - MUST come in order to shake people up enough that they are interested in seeking Truth beyond their current preconceptions. I'll continue to be ignored and rejected until I am empowered. (See Revelation Chapter 11.) And after that, many will still continue to reject me, as prophesied, because of their preconceived notions. But NO ONE will be able to IGNORE me any longer! And I'm honored to announce to the world that the "GOOD NEWS" of Yeshua One with Christ is wonderful far beyond what most have even dared to believe! When GOD says "good news," GOD means GOOD NEWS!!!
@littlefurrow2437 2 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Yeah... sure, pal.
@darksoul479 2 ай бұрын
Nothing has changed. People are the same now as they were then and they always will be.
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
The biblical prophet Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: People are the same now as then, but change is constant. And DESIRE drives change, which is why some of the changes in this world are very drastic in order to shake up people's desires. Hitler woke up a lot of people, and now Trump is going to do the same thing. Hell on Earth encourages people to seek and find Heaven - which is nothing more or less than Reality. And the churches have most of it all wrong, so here comes the shake-up...
@Jaysonbc1234 2 ай бұрын
@@tomrhodes1629sniffy Joe Biden wants in
@user-hr8pz6lh5w 2 ай бұрын
@CaptainSnackbeard 2 ай бұрын
@@tomrhodes1629 d13 n4z1 skum 🎯
@cacacaio230 2 ай бұрын
Listen to the video again. It provides reasoning and context. What's your reasoning beyond "noyhing has changed"? Do you really believe the people 600 years ago lived the same life we do? Did the internet, social media and cellphones not majorly affect our lives?
@sandyshoals7565 Ай бұрын
Someone said, "Belief is the enemy of knowing."
@VolkColopatrion 2 ай бұрын
Socrates got a compliment and said "bet?"
@patrickrose1221 2 ай бұрын
My youngest child asked me what I knew a out stoicism 😅 I had to admit that my understanding was " question everything"! He then went on to give me his, explanation and presented me with a book called, " The lives of the stoics" He had just turned seventeen. " You can't put an old head on young shoulders"? 🧐I beg to differ 😆🤣😂👍
@DeepTechnicians 2 ай бұрын
Kudos to your kid!
@patrickrose1221 2 ай бұрын
@@DeepTechnicians Bless thee and thine pal 😉👍🕊️
@Webedunn Ай бұрын
I have to agree with Stoicism for that I believe this reality is a learning experience. So very bad things need to happen just as miracles. I also can’t help thinking we’re destined to keep living lives as mortals until we get it right.
@Hemestal Ай бұрын
The socratic debate was intended for two or more actual thinkers to come to a common ground, but that happens when the parties have good will and are actively looking to contribute, that's exactly why Socrates believed that for things pertaining to governance and policy, the common rabble should have no say in it as they are simply not geared to contribute in any meaningful way and time is proving him right. Social media is not a place of discourse, it's an outlet for mindless partisanship for individuals that are easily swayed by sophists and ideologues that are many times just as ignorant as the masses they try to trick into pointless bickering. But again, that's simply part of the plan. Keep the masses divided with incendiary rhetoric and malicious messaging, separate them in blocks of potential voters, retain power, so there's no good will to be had and without good will, there is no discourse, no common ground, no solutions, only captive voters.
@ATXviIIIe Ай бұрын
Yes and oil company and big meat executives enjoy this arrangement to it’s fullest potential or extent. IMHO
@Seth9809 Ай бұрын
Actually social media is built for engagement so you see ads. Anger causes more engagement. The partisanship is just an aftereffect
@Hemestal Ай бұрын
@@Seth9809 technically its to gather, compile and clasify personal data and trends. Engagement is fine, but what makes these things profitable is the data they sell to advertisers, government, etc. Whatever use we give to them is secondary but the fact is that people dont join social media platforms to enrich themselves or have constructive debates with others. The impersonal nature of social media and the way misinformatiom flows through them makes them only good for people to reinforce their biases and further radicalize themselves.
@1495978707 Ай бұрын
Yep. I used to think as a matter of principle everyone should have equal vote. But my God I have been shocked by how childlike most adults are when it comes to politics or anything that pushes against their beliefs and ego
@ivancar555 27 күн бұрын
Very well said.
@H3xx99 Ай бұрын
Big question: how do you handle someone who's been brainwashed to believe a specific politician no matter what, and whenever you question them, they assert their beliefs are correct no matter what, even if they blatantly contradict themselves?
@susieb7305 Ай бұрын
You don't. You recognize they are not available and continue "purifying," and informing your own grounding. Socrates had to poison himself. But just his body - not his mind and heart.
@johnarchdeacon4578 Ай бұрын
Your comment shows that you are the same as them. You believe everything the politician says on your side. There's never any truth in politics.
@H3xx99 Ай бұрын
@@johnarchdeacon4578 And what side would that be?
@martinharris5017 Ай бұрын
Gamers refer to such characters as "NPCs" according to my kids.
@ATXviIIIe Ай бұрын
I would ask them what that leader should be in charge of and to be specific.
@deed5049 Ай бұрын
"Can the tolerant...survive the intolerant...?"
@dennismorris7573 Ай бұрын
We must.
@meinbherpieg4723 2 ай бұрын
The Socratic method requires good faith, good reasoning , and good education. How we doing?
@randykalish7558 2 ай бұрын
@joejugashvili3616 Ай бұрын
maybe one out of three. you pick which one.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
Very, very, VERY poorly. Quippy quips trump facts and science any ol' day of the month. Popularity outperforms logic and accuracy, too. Money and influence are FAR more important than ethics and careful studies. 💪😎✌️ Might is right; wealth is health.
@TeaParty1776 Ай бұрын
Zero faith
@andrewgreeb916 Ай бұрын
Considering people are making too many conclusions without any logic, logic cannot fix them. And the Socratic method is about logic.
@JingleJangleJam Ай бұрын
I wouldn't say that the Socratic method is detached from the emotions of humankind. If you look closely, Plato is as dramatic and emotional a writer as Homer is, just in a different manner of delivery. The Apology of Socrates, is one of the most emotional books ever put down. Benjamin Jowett, who translated these works in English long ago, wrote aptly about the dramatic tension necessary to promulgate a Platonic dialogue - Twitter isn't able to perform such a Platonic dialogue, 1. due to space of writings... But also... 2. Due to a lack of emotive discourse and interest, not an over-abundance of it. Superfluity of wit does not count as true passion like what we find in Socrates' love. It's not that Twitter has too much passion, but that its superfluity lacks the true meaning of passion about truth. ''But the Platonic dialogue is a drama as well as a dialogue, of which Socrates is the central figure, and there are lesser performers as well:-the insolence of Thrasymachus, the anger of Callicles and Anytus, the patronizing style of Protagoras, the self-consciousness of Prodicus and Hippias, are all part of the entertainment. To reproduce this living image the same sort of effort is required as in translating poetry. The language, too, is of a finer quality; the mere prose English is slow in lending itself to the form of question and answer, and so the ease of conversation is lost, and at the same time the dialectical precision with which the steps of the argument are drawn out is apt to be impaired.'' In a word, Plato's dialogues, Socratic drama, is poetry. Twitter is the polar opposite of poetic.
@Jr_2132oo Ай бұрын
“We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively..” ~ Bill Hicks
@TeaParty1776 Ай бұрын
Your unfocused mind is noted
@agingerbeard 28 күн бұрын
Cocaine is a hell of a drug 😂
@deborahseaman8470 Ай бұрын
It is important to hold what you believe up to the light to see if it has any holes in it.
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
@@deborahseaman8470 Correct. Reflection is truly both key and lock. Holding anything up to the Light reveals Truth. Unfortunately, most people only want to see what they BELIEVE... and that is *not* truth nor fact. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the Universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ -- Diamond Dragons (series)
@CrazyBear65 Ай бұрын
The irony is that the Googletube has gone and placed _commercials_ on this video.
@AlOfNorway 2 ай бұрын
God how beautiful. Delphi in Albanian (del fi) means to solve, and the oracle was named Pythia, which in Albanian (Pytia) means question. You went there to solve your problems and the oracle gave you an answer. In Socrates case, he got a question, and this question would lay the foundation on his path to truth. Acknowledging “I know nothing” is the beginning of everything. We are only discovering what this relative sensory perception of reality is. The only truth we can ever know of, is ourselves, the witness of it all. But even it disappears in the realisation of life, as you are one with it and not separate from it. Hence you cannot be a witness, for there is no you to witness. Life is witnessing itself.
@randykalish7558 2 ай бұрын
🙏 Brother mine
@lisaharling6801 Ай бұрын
So beautiful. I love that we will never know, the more we seek, the more will be revealed. Seeking and discovering are part of the joy of life.
@TeaParty1776 Ай бұрын
The unfocused mind is an infinite source of pretentious absurdity.
@AlOfNorway Ай бұрын
@@TeaParty1776 pretentious? The only unfocused thing here is you not understanding what was written.
@TeaParty1776 Ай бұрын
@@AlOfNorway Evidence?
@scottpike9009 Ай бұрын
I’d rather be with the Grateful Dead, than the Un-Grateful Living.
@lucky6666 2 ай бұрын
Courage is willingness to risk something you hold dear for something else you hold dear knowingly.
@Trizzer89 2 ай бұрын
I think gambling on current events is the love of testing opinions. Twitter could be fixed by implementing a betting market. It should have leaderboards for each category of questions
@cacacaio230 2 ай бұрын
FUCK THIS IS GENIUS!! It's like mixing both my (and I assume yours) love for gambling and love for debate! If this ever exists you'd only have to be cautious about the social credit system allegations lmao
@buglepong Ай бұрын
how would you prove opinions?
@denisemcdougal6445 Ай бұрын
My dad always said “ question everything “.
@jcooper306 2 ай бұрын
Excellent! All good, that last quote is an absolute bomb! Thank you
@jimroeder662 2 ай бұрын
Perhaps familiar to you: Freshman - someone who knows nothing and doesn't know that he knows nothing. Sophomore - someone who knows nothing and knows that he knows nothing. Junior - someone who knows something and doesn't know that he knows something. Senior - someone who knows something and knows that he knows something.
@Shigginjigz 2 ай бұрын
College enlightens no one.
@jimroeder662 2 ай бұрын
@@Shigginjigz I wonder if STEM majors are compromised as well. Well, sure if you consider the general education requirements.
@gaetanomontante5161 2 ай бұрын
@@Shigginjigz I disagree my friend. It taught me that I know much less I thought I knew when I started my voyage towards enlightenment.
@stereoraptor6940 2 ай бұрын
@@ShigginjigzBut those working with a high school diploma (or less) and the internet just become sooo wise? Give me a break..
@headshotnation921 2 ай бұрын
@@gaetanomontante5161L sheep
@the8u9 18 күн бұрын
It was put very astutely by my favorite comedian Sebastian Maniscalco. He said that before the internet, bad ideas and looney people were in their mothers' basement and they stayed there. But now, they find each other on the internet and become a movement. The issue is that humans are tribal and feel power in the societies they create, this means that given the impartial inclusivity of the internet, people who are in the distinct minority on topics or theories can find a meaningful number of each other to make a splash. In theory, this can be good just as much as bad, but in reality, a minority with an agenda tends to be louder than a silent majority and it ends up getting attention and traction especially when mass media goes full capitalism and boosts things that sell well instead of what is "good."
@douglasward6039 Ай бұрын
The fact that he was tried and convicted shows which wins facts or emotions.
@TheLucanicLord 2 ай бұрын
The fundamental flaw with the Socratic method is that it requires thinking, and thinking is surprisingly hard - especially doing it properly.
@hellblaze46 2 ай бұрын
Isn't that more of a challenge, or could you better explain how that is a flaw?
@Novastar.SaberCombat Ай бұрын
Facts, logic, data, and scientific analyses are all utterly useless if someone with money, power, influence, and media connections can simply refute them in a single quippy quip. 💪😎✌️ If you ain't rich and popular, then you ain't SHEET. Image is a that matters. Here in 2024, facts and logic are for dümb pû§§i€$.
@turkeytrac1 Ай бұрын
No, it requires two things, that one admits they know nothing, then curiosity.
@susieb7305 Ай бұрын
Dwelling independently, without clinging to anything...independent thinking perhaps is individually "proper."
@AndrewBlucher Ай бұрын
It's not a flaw, it's a requirement
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
Yes but first you must be open to questioning of course. What good is reason when your very identity denies reality? I don't need to refute anything you say I agree but this still leaves the question how do you engage such people? Author Chris hedges site multiple first hand sources of how the Nazis were able to exploit this weakness in parliamentary democracy representative democracy to come to power. Of course I'm oversimplifying for brevity but that is the essence. Can a tolerant society survive the intolerant? As paradoxical as that may sound circumstances easily illustrate the importance of this question
@NextLineIsMine 2 ай бұрын
What makes something tolerable or intolerable? : )
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
@@NextLineIsMine that's a big question. So big I wonder if it's rhetorical at all. Is it? If you are looking for an answer, In the most general sense as you seem to present it I would say a threat immediately to oneself others close. But that is so obvious it hardly seems useful. I'm not trying to define the boundaries of tolerance just thinking about the difficulties in doing so. My thinking here is largely influenced buy an early work by psychiatrist Karl Popper call the open society and its enemies. I think he was one of the ones that got out of Nazi Germany while Hitler was still working his way up the political chain. That's one of the difficulties and limitations of having especially political discussions in a format like this. I think the authors I'm suggesting will provide the big answers that are required to such a big question
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
The biblical prophet Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: Most of what most people believe is totally untrue. Because, most people fall into Nietzsche's second category, and I put it this way: There are two types of people: 1) Those who desire Truth and 2) those who desire be what they desire Truth to be! And the latter is our Original Error, Truth be known; the irrational desire to CONTROL Truth, which is a CONTINUING error that springs from insecurity; FEAR. Fear is the block to all knowledge, Truth be known. THEORY of Everything? I've found better than that. For, wisdom - which is inversely proportional to fear - is an open door that allows all-encompassing Truth to automatically enter. Demagogues have an easy time of it due to men's propensity for fear. Hitler was an anti-Christ demagogue, and now we have Trump. And we are about to enter the most trying times ever known to man, spoken of in the Bible's Book of Revelation. The Bible is often HIGHLY symbolic, as in Revelation, but there is also the literal component, and the trick is learning which is which. All important mysteries have been unveiled and published in these "end times": the end of the old Cycle of Time that the New Cycle may be born. And those who seek shall find.
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
@@tomrhodes1629 I had this absolutely perfectly thoughtful response twice but then the interface crashed and it all went with it. I have read both Frederick Nietzsche and several different translations of the Bible in the end I guess you could say Buddha grabbed me and drag me down the street kicking and screaming. I almost felt like the truth was searching for me not the other way around. It's kind of troublesome what you say about the search for truth because once you're so sure you found it you stopped looking anymore. I don't mean you specifically I mean people in general. Symbols are useful essential what do you do once you are certain about the interpretation, do you never question yourself again? Leads to so much useless conflict to be right rather than seek what is true.
@cacacaio230 2 ай бұрын
Well, sometimes when the subject is of personal matters and you know you won't be able to approach it, all you need to do is, instead of you questioning the person... you're gonna make them question themselves! Use statements that allude to the listener logic (or lack of) but twisting it in a away that reveals something that this person is doing unconsciously. I can't give you an example right now, or waste time trying write it so I'll presume your capable enough to reflect and do your own investigation
@streetwisepioneers4470 Ай бұрын
If iIt is a wonder that the search for truth never ENDS, it's the wonder of wonders that it BEGINS.
@cryxtheace3129 2 ай бұрын
I agree with socrates in the fact that a life lived unexamined and mindless isnt living at all. And in the spirit of socratic discussion, what does it mean to have christian morals? And what does belief in a god have to do with morality?
@brian1204 Ай бұрын
“Don’t believe everything you think.” For many people their beliefs define their community, their self value, and their identity. I am not immune to this, but I aspire to a Carl Sagan - esque commitment to evidence and knowledge, while understanding that knowledge is temporal in nature and can/will be refined, refuted, and replaced.
@wilsontexas Ай бұрын
Evolution is unsupported by evidence and mostly supported by assumptions based on belief
@joevaghn457 Ай бұрын
@@wilsontexas …evolution is observed when breeding animals. I don’t need add anything more on that. It’s also observed when antibiotic resistant bacteria survive and out compete and the non resistant die, causing generational adaptation (evolution). That’s literally natural selection and environmental pressure selecting for the ones with traits that allow them to reproduce. There’s plenty of other examples, but I’m no writing an essay.
@wilsontexas Ай бұрын
@@joevaghn457 what you think of as evolution is just the expression of already existing genes. What you need is for new genes to be created all the time. If two people with brown eyes have a blue eyed baby, it isn't evidence of evolution. In fact you need whole new systems to be created all the time. We don't see it. The fossil record doesn't show it unless you make assumptions and your imagination.
@Mike-sv2nu 2 ай бұрын
That's easy, let em talk.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
The powerful do not want the masses to talk freely, obviously because it is a threat to their power.
@JebidiahKrackedyetagain-xv9hc 2 ай бұрын
"🎶Let em talk... TALK! TALK!!🎶" ---Roughcutt** **Hard rock recording artists from the 1980's (In case you're wondering)😶 "🎵Let's give 'em something to talk about" 🎶 --Bonnie Raite (Another recording artist)
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@JebidiahKrackedyetagain-xv9hc talk about Love 🎶?
@michelleburstrom2548 4 күн бұрын
This is a great video. A real eye opener. Social media seems to have taken the route of the Geraldo Show from the 90s with everyone easily offended and brawling over nothing.
@NoahSpurrier Ай бұрын
Nietzsche was pretty hard on Christianity. It’s not a complete system. It’s complex and not everyone believes the same thing, like most religions. I don’t know that Nietzsche’s suggested alternatives would be all that practical or comprehensible to most people.
@Heracles_FE Ай бұрын
Nietzsche may have been against religion , but he was afraid of what he saw as the death of God through fake science.
@rrsp7148 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. Give us wisdom and make us think.
@bonniegaither3994 Ай бұрын
“ an immature intelligence believes first and proves afterwards”. That’s almost a direct quote from Joseph McCarthy, who described McCarthyism as calling someone is a communist and later proving they are
@normanclatcher Ай бұрын
I label you a Communist, and thus, by definition, you _share_ my beliefs.
@wilsontexas Ай бұрын
Christian nationalists are the witch hunted now
@user-cf3zl3we3z Ай бұрын
Socrates looked strikingly like Jack Black!
@NewMessage 2 ай бұрын
Just let 'em talk.. they'll reveal themselves.
@susieb7305 Ай бұрын
C s Lewis said something like... Courage is not just one of the virtues it is the beginning of each virtue at its testing point...
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
Buddism, life is a dream game, getting attached to the game brings suffering. 20 years to figur that out. You could call it a simulation too.
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
Namaste. Although I have little use for simulation theory I won't stumbled into the thorn Bush of opinions to debate it. That's not the point. I just think people have watched the matrix too many times. Even the monk I used to study under at Buddha school thought so maybe because he fell back in on it so many times as useful metaphor you still got the bit tired of it. Have you ever read siddhartha by Herman Hesse? It speaks to simulation theory although only in an allegorical way
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@darrellprice7014 yes I have read it ☺
@vonroretz3307 2 ай бұрын
Only reason we know about Buddhism at all is due to Alexander the great turning a certain emperor onto it.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@vonroretz3307 I think Jesus went east came back and went east again and is buried there. There is a Hebrew burial there. I going to do some more research right now. I will be back...😂
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@regalx1 Ай бұрын
I think the difference between people isn't just knowledge versus beliefs. I think the biggest difference between knowledge and ignorance is the crystallization of the mind. Majority of people don't even have the capacity to value the opinions of others. While those that do try to find value in other people's wisdom, also in general tend to be more knowledgeable overall.
@andrewgreeb916 Ай бұрын
Unfounded ideas are practically impossible to tear down. As the people who have them do not care to even question them.
@thesjkexperience Ай бұрын
No wonder a cult leader will say, “I love the uneducated “.
@PHanomaly 23 күн бұрын
Always been true. Think about our common sayings about a wolf in sheep's clothing, and others that talk about how easy it is to manipulate and control those who don't think, and are overly confident about things they are wrong about. They are the easiest to con.
@a.randomjack6661 Ай бұрын
1972 quote from anthropology (translated from French) "We did not evolve to live in the societies we have erected." That explains most of our incoherent behavior from high stress levels (insecurity)
@Andre-qo5ek 2 ай бұрын
"many people call themselves atheists while accepting a Christian morality if you reject the Christian God that discredits the whole thing" um... no... thats a HUGE leap... slow your roll there. that is intellectually dishonest. christianity does not have a monopoly on: Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet. rejecting the a god does not discredit these very easily derived concepts.
@blikewat3r 2 ай бұрын
It seems they also plagiarized the Egyptian Book of the Dead for these commandments even though “thou shalt not steal” 😅
@DexterHeart 2 ай бұрын
I mean in my experience, in both cases the morality seems unable too be objective but I am interested in seeing why you believe that
@marcellevesque2442 29 күн бұрын
"the most polarized since the Civil War?" 1968 says "Hold my beer."
@asurlybarber3620 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for saying that. So many people out there seem to think that political and cultural division is something new. It ain't.
@russriley3005 Ай бұрын
I just look for the red hat, that is my secret to detecting fools......
@garybenedetti2558 Ай бұрын
Good starting point!😊
@practice4617 Ай бұрын
Try your own mirror tomorrow morning, you'll have better success 🪞
@practice4617 Ай бұрын
​@@garybenedetti2558What do you base your statement on? Sounds like blanket prejudice
@russriley3005 Ай бұрын
the guy in the mirror won't be wearing a red hat
@PtichkaPiromant Ай бұрын
While I agree "red hats" are fools, have you considered that you too can be a fool?
@wenaolong 24 күн бұрын
Part of the essence of knowledge is a clarity and completeness that stands in the sharpest possible distinction to its antithesis. If this distinction is not demonstrable, then neither is the knowledge itself.
@PTHastings Ай бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00 *🧠 Socrates' Philosophy Foundation* - Socrates' belief in the importance of questioning wisdom and knowledge. - The origin of the Socratic method as a form of cooperative dialogue. - Plato's role in preserving and promoting Socrates' philosophical legacy. 01:10 *🌍 The Socratic Method in Dialogue* - How the Socratic method challenges faulty definitions and presuppositions. - Its role in promoting critical thinking and pursuing truth cautiously. - Comparison of the Socratic method with modern communication challenges. 03:00 *🗣️ Socratic Method in Public Discourse* - Addressing polarization in political and cultural discourse. - The method's potential to improve public dialogue and discourse quality. - Contrast between the Socratic approach and contemporary social media dynamics. 04:21 *🕊️ Socratic Inquiry and Self-Reflection* - Using the Socratic method for self-examination and uncovering personal beliefs. - Importance of questioning one's own assumptions and beliefs. - Socrates' influence on the concept of "know thyself" and its application. 06:41 *📚 Plato's Dialogues and Philosophical Inquiry* - Examples from Plato's dialogues illustrating the Socratic method in action. - Analysis of dialogues like the Lysis to understand philosophical concepts. - How Plato uses Socrates to challenge and refine definitions and ideas. 08:19 *🤔 Questioning Your Own Beliefs* - Techniques for applying the Socratic method to personal beliefs. - Importance of intellectual humility and openness to revising beliefs. - Recognizing latent beliefs and understanding their influence on judgments. 10:35 *💡 Awakening Through Socratic Inquiry* - Going beyond consistency to understand underlying assumptions. - The role of conscious understanding in true intellectual awakening. - Implications of Socratic inquiry for personal growth and self-awareness. 12:24 *🧑‍🏫 Socratic Attitude and Intellectual Humility* - Understanding the Socratic approach as an attitude rather than a system. - Intellectual humility as central to the Socratic method. - Importance of challenging one's own convictions and beliefs. 14:46 *🔍 Testing Beliefs and Overcoming Cognitive Bias* - How the Socratic method exposes internal contradictions in beliefs. - Addressing the Dunning-Kruger effect through intellectual humility. - Transforming the love of holding opinions into a love of testing them. 16:22 *🌐 Socratic Inquiry in Modern Context* - Application of Socratic principles in the age of technological advancement. - Challenges posed by contemporary knowledge and belief systems. - Importance of humility and continuous inquiry in the pursuit of truth. Made with HARPA AI
@peterweller8583 Ай бұрын
Courage to me is weighted by knowing an outcome or probability but also knowing You would get beat down for standing against it.
@JamesHawkeYouTube 2 ай бұрын
Truth is not a thing believed.
@Madasin_Paine 2 ай бұрын
It doesn't need to pay MCKinsey Associa. millions
@mctow8554 2 ай бұрын
But one can believe in truth
@beinghuman3225 Ай бұрын
There is no such thing as truth. The only thing that is actually there is your 'logically' ascertained premise, which you call truth.
@Madasin_Paine Ай бұрын
@@beinghuman3225 Nonsense. Absolutely nonsense.
@beinghuman3225 Ай бұрын
@@Madasin_Paine says some belief you have. Physiologists might call that cognitive dissonance.
@s3.14dervision 22 күн бұрын
C.S. Lewis said, "courage is not merely a virtue, it is all of the virtues at the testing point."
@josephseneca4090 2 ай бұрын
Very good. I wish we has institutions that educated our youth. This rather than indoctrinating our youth..
@JamesHawkeYouTube 2 ай бұрын
institutions are not our friend.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
Oh, they don't want that at all 😂 free thinkers. Self determination.
@SigFigNewton 2 ай бұрын
Indoctrinating? I heard Louisiana is mandating Ten Commandments in schools
@pinchebruha405 2 ай бұрын
But only 10% of people are this consciously aware enough to seek knowledge 10% are all logic/science I say leave them alone they’re busy propelling us all forward… 80% shouldn’t step foot on the next planet 😅 because they’re not necessary for mankind or the planet
@lauraatkocius8127 2 ай бұрын
There are private schools that use the socratic method.
@andrebenoit283 Ай бұрын
The best description of the traditional view on Socrates (the only one) I've found on KZbin to date.
@alexluthiger731 2 ай бұрын
Socrates was not an agnostic. To know that you know nothing is to know something. Socrates knew that there is a higher Intelligence and Wisdom above himself.
@turkeytrac1 Ай бұрын
Prove it.
@IndigoVagrant Ай бұрын
Lots of people in the past believed in nonsense regarding the supernatural, it is not important.
@Matthew-cp2eg Ай бұрын
@TheEmmef Ай бұрын
Where did Socrates write that he _knew_ there is a higher Intelligence and Wisdom above himself? Socrates states _"One thing only I know and that is that I know nothing",_ which fits the definition of agnosticism "One who is doubtful or noncommital about something" as one who identifies as agnostic realizes just that: just like Socrates states. Therefore, the statement that Socrates also knew about the higher Intelligence and Wisdom, is _a direct contradiction_ with his statement that he only knew that he knew nothing. Socrates would be keen to point this out! Another definition of agnosticism, "that it is impossible to know whether there is a God", is consistent with his statement about knowing nothing (but that you know nothing), implying that you _thus_ also do not know if there is a God. So in my opinion, Socrates could have _believed_ about the higher Intelligence and Wisdom, but would definitely point out the difference between _knowing_ and _believing,_ and add that he would never know whether that belief was true. Naturally, I am open to overturn my opinion on the matter; hence my request to you to show me how you _know_ this.
@Matthew-cp2eg Ай бұрын
​@TheEmmef there's no proof he actually visited the oracle and is more likely a story made up by Plato to embellish his position from being taught by such a wise man
@TheLizItIs Ай бұрын
I feel like I unwittingly, or rather unintentionally, fell into the Socratic method over time naturally. The pursuit of knowledge seems to be never ending, which is both refreshing and convoluting. I’ve learned though, when you apply this to yourself and those whom you’re conversing with there really is no debate to be had; if you are open to change it opens the door for others to examine themselves for changes. Or maybe I’m not Socratic at all; I’ll have to ponder on it. 🙃
@tomrhodes1629 2 ай бұрын
The biblical prophet Elijah has returned, as prophesied, and testifies: "Unless ye become as little children" who know that they do NOT know "you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven," which is KNOWLEDGE EXPERIENCED. Socrates was a wonderful forerunner to Jesus Christ, who has been entirely misunderstood and misrepresented by organized Christianity. And this is because there are two types of people in this world, and most fall into Nietzsche's second category: "those who want to believe." And I put it this way: There are two types of people: 1) Those who desire Truth and 2) those who desire be what they desire Truth to be! And the latter is our Original Error, Truth be known; the irrational desire to CONTROL Truth, which is a CONTINUING error that springs from insecurity; FEAR. Fear is the block to all knowledge, Truth be known. THEORY of Everything? I've found better than that. For, wisdom - which is inversely proportional to fear - is an open door that allows all-encompassing Truth to automatically enter. All important mysteries have been unveiled and published in these "end times": the end of the old Cycle of Time that the New Cycle may be born. And those who seek shall find.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
I bet my life on it.
@Onionbaron 2 ай бұрын
Even before knowing about Socrates I terrorised my closest ones with the 7 questions. It's not best rout to make friends, but the few you eventually make are true... All people should read Socrates - Apology, the story that defines us as humans, pro or contra..
@fredmercury1314 Ай бұрын
It's a nice idea, but you can't make brainwashed people think.
@greggweber9967 Ай бұрын
Dig deeper until you are unable to go deeper. You are still not at the center of the fractal. We think that we know both something, and we actually know next to nothing while counting ourselves wise.
@wendwllhickey6426 Ай бұрын
What you hear and half what you see is were truth is, Wendell hickey😊
@XanDionysus 2 ай бұрын
Did Socrates deserve his hemlock?
@TheMachiavellians 2 ай бұрын
Best comment.
@CMA418 2 ай бұрын
What did Socrates say about the concept of “deserving”? (Supposedly)😂
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
Life is brief
@JebidiahKrackedyetagain-xv9hc 2 ай бұрын
As far as I know, Socrates could have NOT taken the hemlock, so I'm not sure this question is all that profound or appropriate. My impression of Socrates? He probably thought "I'm tired of all this stinking thinking, just hand me the cup of hemlock and let's be done with it.... Oh and I owe Aesclepius two chickens or something, make sure he gets them"
@Redactedlllllllllllll 2 ай бұрын
Neiztche is an overrated edge lord.
@Draxlemsclumps Ай бұрын
This is amazing. Well done. Thank you!
@fettbub92 2 ай бұрын
11:40 What do you mean by a "Christian morality?"
@yiwutcmmedicalenlightenmen922 Ай бұрын
have been looking at beliefs and criticality for many years now - in modern terms - but had no idea that Socrates and Plato were discussing the same issues in ancient times. Really interesting to have this extra perpective - thankyou for making this video.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if I am real. Well, the wondering is evidence. That is what I think therefore I am means. Everything else is up for debate, Descartes says. I told the truth publicly and people went crazy. It is too easy to unsettle the masses now. That is personal experience. Let them find it for themselves. Maybe, 500 more years.
@pinchebruha405 2 ай бұрын
If we last that long…😅
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@pinchebruha405 here's hoping. 🥂
@robertjsmith 2 ай бұрын
@@FrankBurnham Thought says “I am” thinking,but there is zero experience of that.?
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@robertjsmith there is one consciousness, wearing different masks.
@FrankBurnham 2 ай бұрын
@@robertjsmith all is one, emptiness is form... and so on. I pointed at the moon and all you saw was my finger.
@JingleJangleJam Ай бұрын
The Sophists dislike this 1 SIMPLE trick - - just buy Ward Farnsworth's book to find out more! The Ten Steps to becoming a Socratic to cause rage in others, win loyalties and followings, and get wise quick!
@LuisAldamiz 2 ай бұрын
Exposing fools is not a tool against stupidity, making them smart is. Socrates was a fool.
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
I agree with what you say but not if you mean that has an absolute as in it applies in all situations and cases. Sometimes it's a good tool sometimes it isn't it depends on the situation. I'm too ignorant to offer an informed opinion about Socrates. Especially something so absolute. are you presenting an argument or are you angry?
@JoshTheWhale 2 ай бұрын
​@@darrellprice7014great comment ❤
@LuisAldamiz 2 ай бұрын
@@darrellprice7014 - I just don't think that exposing fools is very helpful. It seems to be more of a self-reward for elitist "wisemen" who may be less wise than they themselves believe. Anyway, I'm not fond of Socrates nor his followers (Plato, Aristotle, etc.): they were very elitist and contrary to the best of their time. In fact Socrates was punished because of resentment for his association with the pro-Spartan Thirty Tyrants regime, Plato prefered any system of government over democracy and Aristotle enticed the genocide of Thebes (which at that time had become a very successful democracy and a brief Greek hegemon after defeating Sparta for good). Some philosopher of my acquaintance was of the opinion that Greek philosophy ended with Socrates, that only the pre-Socratics were true philosophers. What we need is smarter and better educated masses, not arrogant self-complacent elites.
@addammadd 2 ай бұрын
Might consider reading a bit. You failed to grasp the point of a
@darrellprice7014 2 ай бұрын
@@addammadd interesting because most people use the terms critique and rhetoric rather synonymously. I believe I see it the distinction they may have of course refer to the same thing at times but they are distinct as processes
@aristoclesathenaioi4939 Ай бұрын
The Pythian prophetess at Delphi, never said that Socrates was the wisest man in Greece. A friend of Socrates asked the Pythian to tell him whether anyone in Greece was wiser than Socrates, and Oracle answered that there was no man wiser. Note that the Oracle never used the superlative, wisest, but used the comparative, wiser, when she answered there was nobody wiser than Socrates. The Oracle's statement leaves open the possibility that there are people equally as wise as Socrates. If the Oracle had said the Socrates was the wisest person in Greece then Socrates trying to find someone who could answer the questions for which he lacked answers could be interpreted as impiety and a challenge to the Gods would had told him that he was wisest. Saying the nobody was wiser than Socrates is sufficient reason without denying the Gods for Socrates to search for the person or persons who could questions for which Socrates lacked answers.
@imacmill Күн бұрын
_I believe that the Socratic method could put a stop to the madness..._ LOL! You dissed 'belief' in the lead-up to the above. Too funny.
@uncleshan 22 күн бұрын
I enjoyed your explanation of several things in this, that have helped me have a deeper understanding Thankyou
@dalegray934 3 күн бұрын
When Facebook first started to get controversial, I tried to use the Socratic method to see if I could create a dialog on some controversial issues. I chose the Christian bakery issue specifically because I didn't have any kind of established opinion on it. I was shocked when the husband of a close friend decided to call be a "biggot" just because I was asking questions! I have since been called worse, but I consider it the opening salvo of what I see as the Woke's War on Reason, or at least my first experience with it.
@bobleclair5665 Ай бұрын
If you think you’re smart, chances are, you’re not. If you think you’re stupid, chances are, you are,, Bugs Bunny
@spartanstu8495 Ай бұрын
The opening quote gave a euphoric feeling from its crystalized truth:
@hobocraft0 7 күн бұрын
||adv impd|It's about earnestly trying to find out what a statement or belief really means, and furthermore more oneself, then watching it fall apart and enjoying it. People being urged not to think and react is really perfect for a controllable society.
@Id_k_ Ай бұрын
Sad thing is, I've been in my life trying to get people into philosophy because the way they treat these bad things aka ignorance, arrogance etc are very rewarded. And so far one person has done so, and it improved his life and mental health, and even offered to help if i wanted to create a society of that nature.. I don't think we'll get big enough, the fact that only one person is kinda saddening to me
@rogerlimoseth4790 Ай бұрын
A lot of that is almost impossible to achieve with the Internet and social media. The algorithms constantly feed you material supporting your beliefs. Then it connects you to like minded individuals basically sealing your fate.
@lethasatterfield9615 28 күн бұрын
Excellent points! Especially as it relates to political discourse today.
@AndrewJohnson-oy8oj Ай бұрын
Long before social media, it was advertising that first inundated society with the opposite of the socratic method.
@1surfer12 Ай бұрын
The opening to this video demonstrates exactly what Socrates was arguing against. He (Plato's Socrates) actually said (in Plato's reconstruction of Socrates' trial, in the Apologia) not that all he knows is that he knows nothing, which is an acceptance of an extreme form of ignorance, not skepticism, but "I do not think that I know that which I do not know", which is another way of saying that he knows his limits. He may be an expert in one or more fields, but this does not mean that he's an expert in all fields. Similarly, you may be an expert in some fields, but certainly not in the presentation of Plato's dialogues.
@n.c.404 Ай бұрын
The beauty of logic.
@Jan-gl7mn 2 күн бұрын
This method contradict itself, one can always argue what defines stupidity.
@craigsherman6267 Ай бұрын
I am amazed by how much of what Socrates had to say 2,500 years ago is recognized and addressed in 'good system design practices' for high tech medical systems. The 'wisdom' to produce a serviceable design is absent at the beginning of the R&D phase and present the end. Few first tries at designs work. They all require debugging. The absent wisdom emerges from "Try. Fail. Try again. Fail better.' And, 'try, try again' until success, the money runs out, or it becomes clear it is impossible. (See SpaceX). Good design practices evolved to avoid the most common human errors encountered in such work e.g. where common sense and sensibilities don't work. As you can imagine there is zero tolerance for each Designer to not use tried and true means to acquire the wisdom absent at the beginning as quickly as possible. That entails ready acceptance of inconvenient truths as they make themselves known as in, "Damn. That makes it a lot harder."
@bryansprecher Ай бұрын
We need to reevaluate our values as a society. Then implement that newfound perspective on a global scale.
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