Starfield Mod Matilija Aerospace Creations Update

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Ай бұрын

Small update released this morning to resolve issues in the archive causing invisible habs, release 1.05 on creations should resolve it, this video is just me testing the archive structure on PC as I don't have a series console to test on.
If you like what I do, and you want to help support me in my efforts to bring about more SF content you can now offer tips.

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@celindafuller8498 Ай бұрын
Ok I got this mod loaded. I love love the cockpits and all the parts. Love the viewing/hang out hab. Well done!!!
@Sp1cyP1sc35 17 күн бұрын
Brilliant mod! Made an upgraded Vista III using yours and Derretech mods and she's an absolute thing of death-bringing beauty 💪
@lifecrux7 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the hard work! These habs are making my ship look great!
@RBishop85 Ай бұрын
Loving the mod! The V-hab and stairs have drastically helped with my larger ship design options while I wait for a way to control door/ladder placement on xbox. One thing I've noticed, and it's not a big deal, is that any of your habs that I've tried attaching a landing bay to, when loading in you always get turned backwards so you're facing the door you just loaded through. When in a rush I've accidentally popped back out of the ship a few times due to this. It seems like vanilla habs have you pointing away from the door as default. I haven't tried this in all habs, but the few I tried all had it backwards. Keep up the great work though! Loving all the options!
@michaelwagner1517 Ай бұрын
Epic! Can't wait to download this one. Thanks for putting in the time, this is super impressive.
@NolanHolladay Ай бұрын
love all the hard work you and Derrek have been putting into these massive ship updates! I have a request (and if I knew how to mod, I'd work on it myself!) there's nothing to make solid vertical boiler plate surfaces on the outsides of ships to make true warship and dreadnought style ships (there are SOME glitch methods using bulkheads and some shrouds, but they take up so much space and there's no useful habs that can be placed in those spots) it'd be really handy to have thin shrouds that cover the outside surface of habs, covering one, two and even three levels of habs on the outside, to give it one unified surface on the outside (my dream is to be able to build SOMETHING that closely resembles the look of the Sulaco from Aliens or some of the halo style battle ships) it'd be cool to have multiple variants as well. eg some with half slanted surfaces and top/bottom edges, some with vertical circular looking surfaces (like mid-ship on the Sulaco) etc. I know it's a huge ask and that you no doubt have other ideas already queued up in your brain and/or schedule but even if you can just file this away somewhere to be referred back to at a later date if you ever run out of ideas 😅 (if love to see more forward sweeping and rearward sweeping diagonal pieces (on the horizontal plane, or even from one level, down/up to the next level) even if they're just attachment pieces - they don't have to be habs or rampa/stairs etc - they would just help break up the monotony of everything being laterally 90deg angles etc
@matilija Ай бұрын
I actually really like that idea, Perhaps like a 3 story tall and 3 hab long shield plate for the sides of ships, hmmmmm, give me some time to think about how best to go about something like that.
@drshoots101 Ай бұрын
Dude! This is awesome of you creating new ship parts! And loading it up on xbox. You didnt have to but you did it anyway. Really cool of you! Thanks you, your work is great!
@V3LOC1TYFTW Ай бұрын
I've been playing on the series s and the mod has been working perfectly, except the battle station hab is very laggy when you go to place it and some issues with placing things in the observation deck, you and derrek are such amazing creators i cannot wait to see this progress even more 💯
@matilija Ай бұрын
Yeah, there are collision issues I'm trying to work out how to resolve for Series users.
@orest395 Ай бұрын
I just dl your mod yesterday, and enjoying it
@christophero55 Ай бұрын
Awesome mod man, we have been waiting a long time for something like this. You have a lot of talent, I hope you keep working on this. Really looking forward to what you come up with. I know they aren't as sexy as weapons or entirely new types of modules but I would love to see some better Habs in the game, including 2x1 Habs. The vanilla ones have a lot of weird design features that bug me and break immersion. Like: Ladders with holes in the floor right in the middle of the habs, why not against the wall? I'd like to see some sort of panel to close them for RP reasons, those are some work place hazards man. Better bathrooms that make more sense. Sleeping areas that are better designed, make more sense or take advantage of unused floorspace. Also, screens and buttons/switch panels and stuff for no apparent reason in side, for instance, living quarter habs. I really like to walk around my ship and imagine using it/living there/going on missions. It's part of the fun for me and a lot of the flavor on the ships is just off or odd. It takes the fun out of it sometimes.
@christophero55 Ай бұрын
Clarification: I like to play with smaller ships, stuff that feels more like the Firefly or the Millennium Falcon and what I am really hoping to see is some ship parts for smaller ships that can make them feel homier/more comfortable. There are a lot of interesting things in the vanilla habs for that but some of the features like I mentioned throw you out of it. A REALLY cool feature would be a small elevator, spiral staircase, deployable ladder or geometric deployable stairs, like the ones you pull down to go up into an attic for instance. Something that isn't in the way, that doesn't take up space, until you need it to get to another level on a ship. I may be asking a bit much here, for something that has an animation, though an animation isn't entirely necessary. It could be some sort of button press that simply causes a change like, the pull down stairs are up, press the button, they just appear down. I'd take something like that as an option over the vanilla ladders in some cases. Anyway, I think the work you have done is great and I just wanted to let you know that I for one am looking out for some stuff like this. Maybe it's something you'd like to try someday.
@MrAnarchyMarine 29 күн бұрын
In regards to the door that opens over the stairs. Is it possible to reverse the door and have it open into the room instead? It would solve the traversal issues.
@QueenLacina 29 күн бұрын
can you make it so the bar can go on the back of ships it won't let me flip it..
@PiperTJW Ай бұрын
Just WOW!
@richardmaxey713 Ай бұрын
wow great job...:)
@rob8820 Ай бұрын
Love the mod and the things I can do with it. Simple request. can you put in a empty bar hab? I wanted a forward facing glass room that fits on almost any ship. The observation ones are all too big for most uses. I am using the bar for now but its too crowded. Your structure parts are great and enable alot of personalization. great mod!
@AchillesAltair Ай бұрын
I’ve been having some issues snapping some of the weapons on (like the howitzer and anti capital ship weapon), any recommendations? They won’t snap or let me glitch them onto the ship.
@matilija Ай бұрын
The best way to get them to snap is to use the flip glitch method, simply move them close to a hab that can be flipped, and then grab the hab, move it until it links, it will be red, then flip to a different version of the hab, and hit the b button, then click LB on the cannon and it should auto click in green where you can just hit the A button and have it stick. Until I can figure out the collision problems anyway. Edit, I left this out, LB will highlight the cannon red, then hit a, then it should click green to the hab where you can click A again...doesn't have to be a hab, it can be structure piece too, just make sure it's a piece that can be flipped with the Y button.
@otissanders2624 Ай бұрын
Am I correct that your 1x1x3 can’t be a direct replacement of three stacked 1x1’s?
@matilija Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, no, because it only exits on 3 sides.
@NewHyperman6 Ай бұрын
Great mod! Just fyi, when I build the stairs, the lights in the module are off, so it’s like a dark room. Is there something I could do to fix this?
@matilija Ай бұрын
Unfortunately no, it's a bug in the engine, I dont' know if it's that I have too many close together or if it's just too many on a ship that causes it, but sometimes you will enter and they work as they should, and other times, they flicker, and other times they just don't work at all. Still trying to wrap my head around it.
@Dirtybudus Ай бұрын
Thanks for your hard work, your mod is the GOAT among all the Derretechs and Avontechs. Waiting for performance optimisations :3
@ncw01ify Ай бұрын
What’s the glowing radar dish on the outside of the ship?
@matilija Ай бұрын
The MIPACT Class C Particle Cannon Turret, available at lvl 95 MIPACT stands for Magnetic Ignition Particle Accelerator Cannon Turret, just so you know why it's called the MIPACT. lol
@wolfhors3_660 Ай бұрын
Will place doors yourself mod work with these habs?
@RBishop85 Ай бұрын
I've had mixed luck, either way you have to place the door/passway if connecting to vanilla habs, but some pieces if I place a passway between a vanilla and mtilija there will still be a door forced by the matilija piece
@DaAngryMechanic Ай бұрын
So, ive been hard at it since your hot patch... man, where to start... the design and layout is freaking awesome. Took some time getting the hang of things, but everything works as it should. They xbox hates this mod tho. After about 3k mass, she gets really laggy. At 4.5k, you best know what you want to do it and how. Your playing Russian roulette with the back button at that point, she may load back up, She may not. I run your mod in conjuction with some that unlocks module/item count, m class stuff and what not, so that helps keep mass down. Its awesome watching my crew wonder around this behemoth i built as a "cruise" ship. I cant thank you enough for all your time and effort. On to some suggestions, things that id like to see in the future. Battle stations that deploy weapons downward.(upwards is awesome, im just being greedy 😂. ) Maybe add a variant of fore aft access on the battle stations.(i love that the other points are just for attachment, this should be standard option on all habs, mainly because im ocd and HATE ladders and Bethesdas "lets make this ship impossible to navigate, add ladders where theyre not needed, and lastly, the bane of my existence, were gonna turn this ship into a giant a** U shape, logic. Could your turn up the reactor? Ive got one that does 60, but yours is just so damn awesome. Maybe an all glass 2x "ball room" ish hab would be amazing, not that the glass dome isnt amazing in itself. Again, thanks man, this mod really put the excitement back into ship building for me, and allowed me to finish another one of my dream builds witht the stair cases... of course it had be modified to add some of your other awesome habs 👌 Note, im gonna start promoting your mod in a xbox starfield group im in. Thanks again!!!!
@matilija Ай бұрын
Thank you so kindly for such a ringing endorsement, I really appreciate it. I am actually working on a 1x1 weapon container that can also be used for the weapon platforms, and it will have a top and bottom option as long as I can get it to behave. But for the battle stations, I think I'm going to leave them only with a lift option because I think it would look kind of weird having the weapons upside down visible in the ship when you are landed. :P
@SimbaLionheart Ай бұрын
Just a heads up, the decoration switch in the bar is awkward to reach, I managed to get stuck on the pool table that is in front of it. Also the cockpit decoration, captains storage and ship locker are a little awkward to reach due to the chairs and computer terminal, otherwise it's a great mod
@matilija Ай бұрын
I know, I'm thinking about moving it a bit closer to the door on the wall just so I can keep the bar table in there, but before I get to that, I need to figure out these navmesh problems I'm having with the habs.
@SimbaLionheart Ай бұрын
@@matilija that's completely understandable, they don't appear to have any issues navigating around the security hab much though I did notice they flustered around the back right side on the upper level as if they were trying to figure out where they wanted to go just to give you a heads up
@balvz Ай бұрын
I really like the cockpit, but I wish the captains locker and cargo was more accessible
@TheDlaw84 Ай бұрын
On the stairs the door facing forward to another hav blocks entry when open.
@matilija Ай бұрын
Known issue, will be addressed with next update
@Vespereagl Ай бұрын
Love this mod! Only issue I have, is the weapons deal soooo much damage! I'm regularly 1-2 tapping enemies!
@matilija Ай бұрын
I mean, they be tough yo, but will they be too tough when I get around to making ship blueprints that NPC's can be flying around with? Muhahahahaha
@DaAngryMechanic 29 күн бұрын
​@matilija id be more then willing to help with that😂 some of these designs I have would be absolute monsters to face off against😂😂😂😂😂
@otissanders2624 Ай бұрын
You have a point I will try to show a little more patience.
@deathraptorf22gaming Ай бұрын
So far I'm loving this mod I think this is going to be my favorite shipbuilding mod on Xbox currently but I'm hoping you can get the interior Habs properly navmeshed for NPCs because they don't like to walk through any of the Habs especially the stairways because my ship is arranged in such a manner that the entire bottom most deck and cockpit are cut off from the rest of the habitable areas. granted this is a huge ass ship. ive designed my own custom Halo Pillar of Autumn (which I've tried to get as accurate as possible to the games with mods), and it is 104 Meters long, now I could go longer but I don't really want to cuz I have enough lag currently lol. But I love the design of all your modules especially the weapons and the animated cargo Bays and I'm really hoping that you will add a custom NG-6 Landing Bay in the future because that's actually my favorite Landing Bay next to the 120LD Landing Bay, I have a mod that allows me to open and close the ramps as well and it's personally so much fun and satisfying to see them open and close.
@matilija Ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm investigating how to get it to work properly, probably going to take me a bit. And the bays in my mod work with the landing bay remote.
@orest395 Ай бұрын
I’m have trouble with the shielded miniaturized beam reactor, it keeps saying that I have unattached modules
@matilija Ай бұрын
Try this, use the LB button your xbox controller to select the entire ship, and than click a to grab the ship and it should auto snap to any nearby pieces.
@orest395 Ай бұрын
Ok I’ll try that thanks
@orest395 Ай бұрын
It worked, also I’ve noticed there are issues with the 2x2, and the 3x3x2 hand where the door ways were blocked, so I couldn’t walk around my ship
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@orest395 The doorways were blocked? That's a new one, I'll check it tonight after work and see if I can figure out the issue.
@uztebutze Ай бұрын
Why you didn't show the Ship at daylight? At least the Outside.
@matilija Ай бұрын
Can't really see the lighting on the bay and stuff if it's daylight.
@TKRevRay971 Ай бұрын
Having a problem where NPCs cant get past stairwells and arent recognizing some of your habs... they'll all group and get stuck in one hab or another afraid to go anwhere near the stairwell. Aside from that, im not having any other issues that im aware of. Xbox is quite a bit different from PC. I noticed the battlestation hab is basically unusable. I absolutely LOVE your mods btw ive been waiting almost a year for modules like yours! Thanks for all you do.
@matilija Ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how to fix navmeshes in ship interiors, I can get NPC's to walk around my habs, but can't get them to pass from one to another, they hit a doorway and just sit there like children of the corn and won't move. As for the battlestations, the issue purely a cpu power issue on the xbox combined with too many poly's in the battlestations, I'm working on optimizing them to reduce the poly counts on them, I've been able to reduce them about ~30% which should hopefully improve their performance on the xbox, but I don't have an xbox to test on myself, I kind of rely on friends/coworkers with xbox's to let me know how it's working for them to help me optimize.
@defiantgaming2739 Ай бұрын
I love the mod but ran into the issue of the captains hub is glitching out in the menu to be able to select. Its invisible
@matilija Ай бұрын
Make sure to update to 1.05 to fix this issue.
@hmmokay.4807 Ай бұрын
Thank you, will build tomorrow on Xbox and comment if find anything
@Blank55600 Ай бұрын
Hey man how do you mount the direct fire destroyer?
@matilija Ай бұрын
it should just snap to any weapon equipment slot.
@unique5580 Ай бұрын
How do you make the extension for wings?
@matilija Ай бұрын
You probably want DerreTech for that, his mod has folding wings in it.
@TKRevRay971 28 күн бұрын
Hey bud, I found a bug in your mod (at least on Xbox) Took me a while to trace it down, but when I have your mod on, I can't use certain ladders in certain ships. You press A and nothing happens. It unfortunately caused me to get trapped in the belly of a crimson fleet ship 😂😂 hopefully it can be worked out in your future builds. Keep up the good work! Your habs are a game changer. (Pun)
@matilija 28 күн бұрын
That is very doubtful that it is my mod, my mod doesn't touch ladders at all, what other mods do you have enabled?
@TKRevRay971 28 күн бұрын
@@matilija that's what I thought at first. I disabled all my mods and sanitized my save file, then kept loading my file inside the ship one mod at a time. Your mod is the only one enabled. I can test it again and maybe do a video.
@matilija 28 күн бұрын
@@TKRevRay971 It just doesn't make any sense, you can open my mod in the CK or SF1edit and you will see it doesn't ever touch any ladder reference or existing ship blueprints, so it shouldn't be possible to cause issues with those ships or parts. I'd rather you see if those same ships don't have that same problem without any mods installed, because my mod doesn't touch any ship blueprints, it doesn't touch any ladder references, it only adds new content.
@fatninjaslob581 26 күн бұрын
​@@matilijaI have an Xbox and I downloaded your mod. An issue I found is I can't place the weapons for the ships on your mod anywhere, especially the ones that have the four rectangle connectors
@matilija 26 күн бұрын
@@fatninjaslob581 They go in the battle station holds. I have a video showing how to use them.
@kristhompsonfilm Ай бұрын
taking a look at these later.
@ChrisLucente Ай бұрын
Love your mod! I have a question if someone could help? What hab do the hidden guns connect to? it says MA hab? I don't know which one that is. I figured out the lowering cargo, just curious about where to put the rising guns? Thanks again, the mod is beautiful!
@matilija Ай бұрын
They connect to the battle stations habs.
@ChrisLucente Ай бұрын
@@matilija thank you for responding. That's where I figured but the trouble I'm having is getting the weapons to link to the battle station(xbox). I can here the click, but the menu won't let me release them into place like it does with the cargo lifts. I'll keep messing with it!
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@ChrisLucente I'll work on trying to get a video put together to help people struggling with it after work.
@ChrisLucente Ай бұрын
@@matilija You are the man! Check out mine and my wifes skyrim mods. anathema studio.
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@ChrisLucente Video showcasing how to get weapon platforms to stick is out.
@cappyclips Ай бұрын
i cant seem to get the security workroom, captains quarters, or bar deck to place, im on xbox series s any idea why it may not work?
@matilija Ай бұрын
Have you downloaded the updated version I released this morning? Or are you still on 1.0
@cappyclips Ай бұрын
@@matilija im not sure how long ago was it updated to the most recent version? i think i just downloaded it around 2am this morning
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@cappyclips I updated at around 7 AM I think if you check the creations menu it will let you know an update is available...but I don't have an xbox to be sure.
@cappyclips Ай бұрын
@@matilija okay i will try update it once i get on again thanks
@cappyclips Ай бұрын
@@matilija i just checked and yes they are fixed now with the update thank you and keep up the awesome work!
@sojoshy7776 Ай бұрын
Is your security room hab a brig ????
@matilija Ай бұрын
No, it's more like a security personel center, where brig monitoring takes place.
@konnersalutaris2625 Ай бұрын
Playing on Xbox, love the mod, just can't get the cargo lifts to work or figured out yet. Lol help.
@granttryon8976 Ай бұрын
Flip glitch into place on Xbox. It works perfectly
@crankycat3677 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the update! Any hints you are willing to give on future ideas? Do you have a discord?
@SpartansofHell Ай бұрын
Wheres your battleship cannons wth i cant find them???
@matilija Ай бұрын
They all have level requirements and won't show up in your options until your reach said levels. Edit: In the posts section of my mod page on Nexus, the second post is a stickied post with a list of everything in the mod and it's level requirements.
@SpartansofHell Ай бұрын
@@matilija oh so I'm guessing a rank 21 won't have them lol thanks for such a quick reply
@SpartansofHell Ай бұрын
@@matilija and sorry I sounded mad just very shocked
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@SpartansofHell no worries, I know some people make all their modded weapons available from the start, but my weapons are all pretty good for their level requirements, and they would be downright ridiculously OP if I made them available any sooner.
@jeffk6686 Ай бұрын
This is really nice! I was wondering if you can code the stairwells to delete the connecting doors? That way you can avoid them getting in the way.
@matilija Ай бұрын
I used to have them set up that way, and had too many complaints about doors never spawning, so I changed them to spawn doors instead. It's a catch 22, I change them to suit one person, and the next person doesn't like it.
@jeffk6686 Ай бұрын
@@matilija I hear what your saying. I personally think that no doors is a better solution . Having them swing in the way seems pretty annoying after awhile. Maybe take a poll?
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@jeffk6686 Nah, no polls, I don't need my mod direction to be directed by polls, or I would never get to making what I want to make.
@matilija Ай бұрын
@@jeffk6686 That said, my next update should change the doors so that they only spawn side doors, and the fore/aft doors will only spawn if connected to a cockpit or landing bay, otherwise they will just be open doorways.
@jeffk6686 Ай бұрын
@@matilija That sounds like a great solution! Can't wait to check them out!
@SupermanRLSF Ай бұрын
Fan Friggin Tastic mate
@comandocornflake3119 Ай бұрын
So there's a lot wrong with this mod I like it I'm on xbox however the cargo lift doesn't connect or is not allowing the lift to connect I.e going red I'm also unable to figure out how the weapon points mount since I can't do that either. Anyways keep going with the mod it's amazing and I want it to work so badly
@Topflightdigitalmedia 24 күн бұрын
Large Habs still don't work
@matilija 24 күн бұрын
Have you already tried deleting the mod and then re-downloading it?
@RickBelt Ай бұрын
Nice work, but I probably will delete all doors with console command.
@mvega82890 Ай бұрын
ship looks like a mess a shitty mess
@otissanders2624 Ай бұрын
No offense but you might wanna get an Xbox to see if things work or possibly not make creation kit mods. I say that cause creations might ruin a good reputation. I was super looking forward to your mod pack but almost nothing works like it should , yes this is after your patch. Seal works in the cargo hold but not the loader, battle stations can only have jabs on the front or sides even tho it has connections all the way around?? I’ve tried building two ships with your mods and both crashed my game and just deleted the ship slot. It’s not you or your skill set but I think pc and creations kit work very differently than what you use to. Update…. Got the cargo hold to work but it takes some serious finessing.
@JDS-Dalton Ай бұрын
I mean, dude is making these mods for free, and on his own time. Also, just a heads up, the creation kit is for PC mods, Bethesda just allows them to be used on the xbox. Edit for clarification, I have no issues of critiquing the mod and listing issues, I just take issue with the suggestions of buying a console or stop using the only official modding tool.
@otissanders2624 Ай бұрын
First of all I’ve given the man his credit for amazing work he put into it on previous post. But when the end result of trying to use the product I’ve praised shuts down my console twice I can say something isn’t right. I even went on to say it’s not him but possibly the compatibility of his work on console.
@_M0NTY Ай бұрын
​@@otissanders2624I'm using Xbox series X, and running multiple ship building mods. This mod is a little rough around the edges on a couple modules, but overall, it works great for me. The issue you describe sound horrible. I wonder if another of your mods is conflicting with this one...
@JDS-Dalton Ай бұрын
@@otissanders2624 that's great? It's still a completely free mod and there's a difference between just saying the issues you're having and asking him to spend a few hundred on a console for testing, or to stop making mods.
@otissanders2624 Ай бұрын
Again…not stop making mods. Never said that. He’s not just making mods for nexus or pc anymore. When he makes those he can see everything that is going wrong in real time. In creation kit he’s just doing what thinks should work based on people’s complaints. I like his work, love it honesty. But I’m not the only one having issues with it which other people I recommended his work to are tell me it’s trash. THAT’S what don’t want, he’s a good creator I follow him but other people if having the same experience as me will see his mods and later and remember this one. Not giving him the recognition he deserves. I know you think I’m attacking him but I’m not I love his work but you can’t really fix what you can’t test.
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