talking about my depression while feeling depressed | How I Cope

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Hitomi Mochizuki

Hitomi Mochizuki

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@nla5307 6 ай бұрын
Im honestly so sick and tired of "doing the work", I've gotten to the point where I'm beginning to realize that I just need to accept myself for who I am and how I am. I think in constantly feeling like I have to be "better", be "kinder", be "more enlightened" that I am completely neglecting the pretty cool person I already am. I am sweet, I am friendly, I am supportive and loving. And thats good enough. I dont have to "be better" or do "more". I think in this community people strive to be more of and more than that we dont stop to realize there is nothing wrong with how we are right now. Spirit is telling me to stop looking left and right at what other people are doing or saying or telling others to do. That I have my own intuition and instincts and that they are correct for me. With that being said, I'm no longer looking to spiritual "gururs" and influencers on what my journey should feel or look like. We have our own journeys and only we know our own path.
@srishti005 5 ай бұрын
thank you for saying this i feel the same
@slayer-s4o Ай бұрын
me too :))
@pinklibra4919 Ай бұрын
Sooo true!✨✨✨
@courtneynorth1415 6 ай бұрын
What I’m coming to realise is the biggest factor to depression and anxiety is a lack of belonging. The hyper independence of our first world countries is so damaging to our primitive biological needs. The happiest countries in the world are the ones that have big communities.
@thelifeofastha Ай бұрын
oh my gosh I feell you and agree soooo much
@kittysnowshoe6475 6 ай бұрын
Astrological energies are SUPER SUPER dense atm.. I've been feeling depressed AF recently as well.. so are a lot of people I know.. we got this 💪
@Ana-gq7ce 6 ай бұрын
I was about to say the same!
@Clara-kb3kd 6 ай бұрын
same! super heavy energies
@SacredChildOfGod 6 ай бұрын
Oh yes, the energies are extremely potent, for the past few weeks everyone I know has been going through a similar shift and emotional states, it's very scary yet beautiful
@lizziewalsh275 6 ай бұрын
In what way? We are in Pisces season 💙
@loladeopeyemi9754 6 ай бұрын
Oh really? Wow explains it a little.
@yamikazeV 4 ай бұрын
Dear Hitomi, I would like to nicely point out that “narcissistic” has been used in a very inflationary way recently. I am a psychologist and we are very careful with this term in our field, as it is mainly used to describe abnormal personality structures. Narcissism describes a personality disorder that belongs to the dark triad and the term narcissistic refers to symptoms of this disorder that are associated with a lack of empathy, manipulation and megalomania. It has absolutely nothing to do with healthy egoism, such as self-care or thoughts and actions that put one's own needs first. I hope I have provided more understanding in this regard. Only love
@Ultimemecia 6 ай бұрын
Can confirm I have been rotting for 4 months, and what contributes to it is feeling the need to rush through it, and the thought of "Why cant I just get over this depression? Everyone else does!" And I really needed to hear this video. Just recently started watching your journey and I love it here. Your videos give me space to just be human. Thank you!
@brittney4244 6 ай бұрын
"Life isn't that personal." Yes.
@jinsjournal 6 ай бұрын
i owe so much of my healing and life perspective over the past ~6 years to you. i’m so grateful we exist at the same time, and that you put the time and energy into being vulnerable and a messenger of true kindness. i can say with complete honesty that you make the world a better place
@mysticmaidenmagic 6 ай бұрын
i feel similarly ❤️
@sarajones6682 6 ай бұрын
Very, very well said, I feel these same feelings wholeheartedly.
@emmaeggen4936 6 ай бұрын
I could not have written this comment better myself
@rawganic5183 6 ай бұрын
Said beautifully
@EvolutionOfShannon 6 ай бұрын
100000% agreed with this. Whole heartedly
@arianegeho7563 6 ай бұрын
I haven’t ever really commented on any creator’s videos before, but I just want to say I found you a few months ago and I have been watching your videos nonstop ever since. After stepping away from l my religious upbringing I’ve experienced so much anxiety but seeing your experiences and hearing your approach to life has brought such a sense of calm into my life. Thank you for creating the way that you do and for being such a light on this platform ❤ it means more than you know
@nomadvintageclothingonetsy4416 6 ай бұрын
@karinasmagulova7470 6 ай бұрын
Yes❤ same!
@maicabermejo 4 ай бұрын
Saaaaame 🥺
@buffonia4619 6 ай бұрын
february was interesting it started great but then i just felt uncomfortable, insecure, unsocial and strange. then my period started and my emotions amd stress kicked up a notch. im relieved this month has passed so i can get back to baseline
@Clara-kb3kd 6 ай бұрын
Your vulnerability is wonderful. Your energy may be low, but compared to your last videos I feel like your authenticity is now present more than before, because you're being true to yourself even through these difficult and heavy feelings. We love you Hitomi, you're a special soul, helping the world raise its consciusness, and your content is a precious gift
@agceballagceball2079 6 ай бұрын
What you share about not wanting to be seen in the muck resonates with me so hard. Thank you so much for sharing, this is what I was needing rn. It is so comforting to hear this reaffirmation that I don’t need to “leave” or “fix” these feelings right away and to have patience and compassion with myself.
@agceballagceball2079 6 ай бұрын
Wow and what you said about “I still know how to take care of myself” that was very comforting and affirming.
@kierstynsaoirse 6 ай бұрын
i loved the part where you said our personalities are part of our spirits. for so long i wanted to change who i am, because i am really quiet naturally, and people always pick up on this and get on me for it. this helps me realize that its just naturally who i am, i didnt get to choose it, and its ok to be me
@darkaugustine Ай бұрын
People are just uncomfortable with silence, it’s not you ❤
@RubyClementi 6 ай бұрын
“A full spectrum of emotions is available to you in this now moment. You are not just a sad person. You are capable of deep joy and gratitude and rapture. And those feelings will come back around.” This statement made me cry. Thank you Hitomi. Your vulnerability blessed my spirit today. I needed to hear so much of what you said. Your words have brought me back to my hope and reminded me that I can accept myself exactly as I am. Even at the bottom of the well. I love you♥️
@tana-mm8bp 6 ай бұрын
Hey i’m very thankful that you shared this part of life, makes me feel like maybe we’re all experiencing life and we are not alone. Most importantly that is okay to not always be our best self, sadness, depression and anxiety is sadly a part of many lives including mine and yours and maybe whoever is reading, but i know it’ll get better
@priscillasintuition 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing Hitomi. I have been going through a cycle of death and grief for the past 3 months. I found myself thinking the same thoughts.. I also find that talking about it, expressing and creating helps me flow through the motions..
@leab2203 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for reminding us that it is not always that deep :) we're just experiencing life for the first time!
@chaitrinkerin 6 ай бұрын
it's so soothing and affirming to hear that I am not the only one who's been rotting for the past month :( thank you Hitomi for sharing your truth, it makes me feel less alone..
@RachiLuna 5 ай бұрын
@endlessnameless3439 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this. Hearing you say depression almost feels narcissist adjacent because of how much you think about your self resonated with me SO much and causes me a lot of guilt. Hearing an actual person say they experience that feeling is so helpful. And showing the world that you CAN be absolutely thriving and still experience these shitty depressive seasons is SO real and healing. It gets so hard seeing people be on the “other side” you almost start to wonder if you’ll ever get there because of the way you feel. Hearing that it is actually still there for some of us even while living a good life takes so much pressure off. Thank you
@SG-bg1ub 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi, I have no family, no friends, I am basically a single mom struggling to get away from their addict father. Trying to save our relationship I lost everyone and everything along the way. Now I have nothing. I feel so alone, but watching your videos makes me feels less alone. I feel like you are my only friend sometimes and I don't know where I would be without your videos. Thank you for existing in the harsh world. I love you!!!
@sarahparks3279 6 ай бұрын
this could not have been more timely for me. I'm at the bottom of the well for the first time in a while as well. family illness and grief is hitting hard and I'm witnessing it for the first time with acceptance. having you voice your newfound ability to watch the depression in your mind with arms folded is so encouraging that I can keep doing the same. Thank you Hitomi, sending you so much love
@SacredChildOfGod 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your existence online. I am isolated & recluse and I've been feeling really depressed for years, coming back to your videos is always a way for me to reconnect with my sacredness and feeding my soul with gentle attention instead of being harsh and judgmental towards things I cannot control. You feel like a guardian angel ✨
@terediana 6 ай бұрын
Have you tried going for a therapy? Or maybe psychological advices? They might be helpful as well😊
@maiapennacchietti 6 ай бұрын
This felt like goodbye. It hit me I will miss you like I miss my closest friends. Thank you for what you taught me in all these years of watching your channel. You are a guiding light to me. ❤
@denizdutton2465 6 ай бұрын
I have felt like the veil has been thin recently meaning I have been feeling the raw experience of this reality much more acutely, old distractions feel phony but the alternative of confronting the abyss is almost too much to bear. I have lost my lust for life and the winter feels neverending. Watching this video has reminded me that these feelings are just temporary, but that it would be a missed opportunity to not learn from them. I believe that anger, grief and despair serve a really important purpose in this world, when directed accordingly. I’m still figuring out what I should do with my feelings. It feels good to know others are going through this.
@jul3697 Ай бұрын
I am currently going through depressive and anxious phases after the break up with my last partner. Your words touched me deeply, brought me to tears and built me up. I was able to breathe deeply into these feelings while watching. Thank you so much for your great videos and for being!
@tamayatings 6 ай бұрын
thank you for this. i have been dealing with a heavy depression grieving 3 family members that passed away all in 2023 and i haven’t felt like myself in what feels like forever. i really needed to hear this while i’ve been in these intense lonely and heartbreaking times.
@braklola 5 ай бұрын
@red3pants 6 ай бұрын
Hi Hitomi! I bet your digestive issues are playing a part in your depression since our second brain is so linked to our emotional health. Thank you for sharing and I’m wishing you full-spectrum healing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes ❤️
@daniellepycior 6 ай бұрын
We get to feel good about who we are. You are beautiful, we all are. Fuck the negativity, you’re a queen
@katherineeromfgxs 6 ай бұрын
thank you hitomi. there was so much good self reflection in this vid and it's gotten me reflecting on where i'm at in my own life right now. i've struggled with depression off and on since i was a child and i really connect with the idea of an "upward spiral" in the big picture of my life. it might not always feel like i'm making progress in the moment, but when i look at the big picture, i have really made a lot of progress as far as coping skills, communication, not giving up my beliefs or turning my back on myself when things get hard (whether from internal or external sources). to know that these setbacks, the ebb and flow, are not putting me back to square one, but are just another learning experience to better know myself on my upward spiral of life, gives me perspective. perspective might not fix everything but it helps me get through these turbulent times with a little more grace for myself, which is something i wish my younger self had, and something i'm eternally grateful to have right now. sending love, thank you for being you
@amandacruz1111 6 ай бұрын
Watching you and other creators learning to love themselves can be so inspiring but also triggering for people who are not in the space to love them selves yet. Im finally learning to love myself but its a long life lesson. Thank you Hitomi for showing me the space of self love and loving the people that are in your life. Remember to take care of yourself
@kissthecookx3 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi I really appreciated this. Thank you for your continuous efforts to share yourself earnestly. I resonate a lot with your stream of consciousness which makes me feel less alone.
@priscillapowers1014 6 ай бұрын
Thank you again for healing out loud Hitomi! Witnessing your journey is such a beautiful reminder that healing is not linear. What an honor to get to harvest wisdom through your raw revealing as we gather around the fire. Thank you for staying;
@sarayuan5421 6 ай бұрын
this is such a beautiful version of you i feel i have never seen in your videos. it is inspiring to watch a person actively holding space for heavy emotions while still maintaining a powerful monologue. it is something i have been working on and have not seen many people around me be able to do. so thank you.
@LINDSAYGRADY 6 ай бұрын
You are so beautiful Hitomi.. you're growing and glowing even in your sadness! This too shall pass!❤❤❤
@sunnymelonity 6 ай бұрын
wow this is such a relatable video. the part about hanging with acquaintances/ not so close friends when you're in a phase of depression is so real. thank you for sharing this hitomi. ❤
@jadep3882 6 ай бұрын
as someone who is deeply depressed and in my last year as a teenager it is incredibly disheartening to see everyone around me seem to evolve out of the lowness whilst i am still fully in it. i always believed i'd keep struggling, but finding your channel and seeing someone so delicate handle it so beautifully gives me so much hope for my future and for my path. it means the world to me, thank u for being here
@minahilmustafa3027 6 ай бұрын
I really needed this today, sending love ❤
@evatriniane4527 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I’ve been self-isolating pretty badly during this depression and your video prompted me to respond to friends’ messages that were long overdue. Just a reminder that being vulnerable about depression isn’t a sign of weakness. the people who get you won’t disappear on you when things get hard.
@victoria-louisesweet767 4 ай бұрын
You are helping me heal from a cold and heart break at the moment! Sending positive energy your way ✨
@orchidchamblee 6 ай бұрын
"It's all really good material"... the artistic mindset...but also sending you peace of mind and spirit 💚...also u have put so much intention, love, & healing into this internet space and if you feel like going do that...u will always be appreciated💚
@naanajb 6 ай бұрын
First of all, I was recommended your talking about depression while being depressed video from 7 years ago yesterday which is truly a video that changed the life of my then teenage self. What a lovely surprise to wake up to an updated version of that video today. I could literally write a whole essay in response to everything you said but all I will say for now is thank you and I love you ❤
@taraneyaliciarae 6 ай бұрын
i feel like i’m in the same place as you at the moment so i really appreciate you sharing your vulnerability hitomi. the past month i could feel myself slipping yet i’m so close to graduating college and taking boards and getting the career i’ve always wanted. i feel like this should be a happy time, yet i don’t even feel like myself. i can feel myself trying to pull closer to the surface and trying to show up for myself but it’s definitely hard when i feel like i have no one or no purpose. anyways, i’m saying this to anyone who reads it just remember you’re not alone and you’re loved❤️
@kerradiaries 6 ай бұрын
sending you love and grace babe, thank you for your courage. keep giving yourself grace and space..... you are constantly evolving! I love watching your vids bc as a child I was so deeply sad and misunderstood. I remember finding your vids last year during my break up & they navigated me through the darkest moments, where it felt like there was no tunnel. but I was having a spiritual awakening & honestly I just want to say thank you..... your vids gave me a strength & inspiration I can't even explain . love & light babe
@rileyhammon9492 4 ай бұрын
I really needed this video right now, thank you so much Hitomi. Life will be okay, I will return to the person I am at my core and I will shake this muck and heaviness that's been sticking with me. All will be well soon
@birgitta3379 6 ай бұрын
The honesty coming through in this vid is so hardcore🖤🖤🖤 so cool of you to share❤️
@Allison56789 6 ай бұрын
I've been feeling low mood as well lately~ Its truly the ebs and the flows. I am always reminded I will forever be a student to life
@claraval2004 3 ай бұрын
girl your skin is glowing. you r shinning beside feeling sad. xox from Argentina
@nadinealaloul6208 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi, never once have I thought "you are so obsessed with yourself," the videos where you radiate and are in your power are beautiful, inspiring, and a reflection of embodiment and joy in this life. Even when I am low and I watch those videos, I actually feel so much better and don't get triggered by it. The people who are triggered by your life, embodiment, and joy are feeling that way because they have stopped themselves from feeling those elements in their lives. Also, thank you for sharing yourself when feeling low, I resonated deeply with this video because I usually hide away at my most depressed. I also am a beautiful woman but have noticed I hide away in those areas as well to avoid being called vain but you are so right, we are blessed with these human avatars and ancestral bodies. Thank you for these subtle yet profound mental shifts. Love you
@gaky362 5 ай бұрын
your words tickle something so deep in my brain and in my heart thank you for being you so fearlessly and loudly
@Naomi-of9qm 6 ай бұрын
so much love Hitomi-thank you for being you
@georgigallivan919 5 күн бұрын
Thank you hitomi this made me feel so much better ily
@roseyyy_ 6 ай бұрын
been getting back into a depressive rut again recently and today has been an extra low for me, esp seeing so many atrocities that are happening in the world rn💔 this vid came at the perfect time and i just send so much gratitude ur way for constantly showing up not only for yourself but for us in showing us these moments of vulnerability. that takes great strength and i always admire that about you and ur videos❤️
@tinothytin 6 ай бұрын
Oh Hitomi, this video could not have come at a better time. I've been in a deep ebb in life after a beautiful flow and it's been hard to embrace the darkness, even though I've been here many times before. My first response to these feelings are fear, isolation, retreating inwards. You teach me to honour and welcome all emotions. Every word you speak strikes a chord with me because I can relate immensely!! Sending so much love to you, we will get through the ebbs together
@A88-p5e 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi I know you said you’re feeling swollen and bloated lately and I mean this with the best intentions but I have to say you look SO gorgeous with a slightly rounder face!It actually suits you so much and gives you a totally different look! Hard to explain but it makes you look brighter and more cheerful (despite the reality). But you always just look so beautiful no matter what and radiate the most beautiful energy - closest I’ve seen to a real goddess 😭😭😭 but I do hope you feel better soon ❤
@erineamell 6 ай бұрын
I really reasonated with this video especially when you talked about playing a character ! That video brought me a lot of comfort. Thank you.
@jenfrancisangela 6 ай бұрын
I felt this very deeply. I couldn't put it into words for those around me why I felt this way. You feel vulnerable in the most beautiful and sensitive way, yet you feel this unfolding of darkness and suffering..but being able to embrace it all. Thank you for sharing your authenticity. This truly brought up many emotions for me. Thank you. ❤️🧿
@isomon5441 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing, Hitomi 🧡 Especially the part about opening up to people who never experienced trauma or mental health issues before really touched me. They tell you to open up and be vulnerable and when you are, they are like: wtf, how can anyone be like this?! 😪
@yeahokaywrite 6 ай бұрын
"the eternity of your feelings" it really does feel like this, we tend to think that one feeling will last forever when in reality feelings are changing each moment like everything else. sometimes when I step back I can notice patterns of '10 minutes ago everything sucked and now I feel so hopeful' or the other way around but while we are in it, it feels like it will never get to a good place again. but each time, it does
@earthtoheysha 6 ай бұрын
I've seen you during your highs here on the interweb and to see this side of you as well is calming and nourishing. Refreshing even, in the sense that youre just as human as us. We tend to forget that we're all here experiencing life at the same time. Wishing you peace and rest Hitomi
@yuka-x5q 6 ай бұрын
I knew I’d be back to this channel again. I love Hitomi-chan so much! I hope you all are doing well;)
@Loritrolli 6 ай бұрын
11:40 that's exactly how I feel sometimes. Overwhelmed, seeing other people enjoy themselfes living their best life, can't help but feel not good enough. Thank you Hitomi for talking about how you feel, it makes me feel closer to you.
@katebrady4874 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. I hope you feel better soon! You are an amazing inspiration. Sad to hear you won’t be doing KZbin for much longer but so happy that you’re following what feels true to you! I’m so grateful for all you’ve shared with us. You’ve helped me so much ❤️
@jenn.i5205 6 ай бұрын
I would love to see a video in building that confidence and validation in yourself without anything external! that's so amazing to be able to do when done in a healthy way and im struggling with that at the moment - would love to hear your insight
@spacebar9733 6 ай бұрын
If she doesn’t see this my recommendation is nervous system regulation !! EFT tapping, breathwork, meditation, being in your body, etc. there’s a long list you can look up if you want. But I would love to see her make a video about internal confidence and validation too.
@jenn.i5205 6 ай бұрын
@@spacebar9733 thank you so much! i used to meditate a lot a few months back but i fell into a depressive episode and lost a lot of the confidence i built. i will take your suggestions though, thank you so much
@arayahcook9634 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this video. I rewatched your old one on this topic earlier this week. I'm in a down season again and it's usually harder to be optimistic about having a better future in this mindset. I'm struggling with feeling worthy of connection or sharing space with others. I still have a tendency to isolate as I feel I have to keep my darkness from getting on other people. I haven't met anyone like you and growing up as the sensitive one who just thought something was wrong with me, it's refreshing to see someone own it and openly talk about their experience. I greatly appreciate you for sharing the good days as they give me something to look forward to (travel, deepening my spiritual connection, self care, love, pottery, connection,)and the bad days as well.
@kat_vai 6 ай бұрын
I recently found this beautiful channel. Im soo grateful for u ❤
@shanrosen507 5 ай бұрын
Your videos lately have a way of speaking to my soul
@SonicDruid1 6 ай бұрын
This was beautiful ❤ Thankyou for being vulnerable and transparent. Often depression is a messenger, it’s important not to rush through it and to lean into it rather than labelling it as “negative”. The psyche has some info for us if we can soften and hang out in the depths for a while, and it’s in this place that we can learn the deepest self love. In my experience, having lived through many depressive episodes, I can see that what we often call “depression” is a way for our body to get us to pay attention to something that needs to be felt and witnessed. Rather than push through, shame, or judge ourselves, just “being with” can be the greatest medicine. So maybe something isn’t working in our lives, or we’ve been repressing some feelings that were too much to feel at the time, whatever the case…the depression is the messenger ✨💕✨
@yuka-x5q 6 ай бұрын
You are my muse of beauty, confidence, and expression. I’m eager to understand what you’re saying, so I’ve learned English. This is intense motivation!lol Anyway, thank you for sharing these kinds of feelings. I’m okay no matter what situation I’m in. I love you so much!
@nike7511 6 ай бұрын
I see you as a spiritual philosopher. Your outlook on the world, your body, emotions and nature so deeply resonate with me and radiate such beauty and sensitivity. It’s evident that they come from a place of deep insight that is partly rooted in trauma which makes it even more valuable, to me at least. I am so glad to have found your channel. You will come out on the other end of this as a new person, knowing yourself even better and I am already looking forward to seeing that version of you on my tiny screen.
@drewdwyer5779 4 ай бұрын
Beautiful video hitomi, you’re thoughtful as any person has ever been and this has helped me
@theetravelhippie 6 ай бұрын
the way you are glowing ❤ love this video so much
@pehsarah8333 6 ай бұрын
thank you for this, i receive gratefully 🤲🏻 may we continue to shine our light in the world, by honouring our darkness 🩶
@merilyntammaru7266 6 ай бұрын
(disclaimer: I never comment on videos, negative-positive, when negative I let it go and move on when positive I wish them the best and then them for their beauty, but I felt like I needed to send actual words your way) First, I am grateful you keep sharing even so on your most vulnerable, it is relatable but still enjoyable to watch, not many, me included could share my moments of this low so eloquently and graciously. Second, you are part of my coping mechanism, coming to your videos always helps me in some kind of way, whether that is inspiration or actual steps to take. You are beautiful, inside and out, a role model, and an inspiration. Your energy makes the world a better place to be in, low or high. Thank you for doing what you do.
@ladyyyyyy4630 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi, thank you so much for this. I was feeling really awful this morning. Went to the gym hoping that I’d come out feeling better but I was just there for twenty minutes, I sat there and kept thinking all the ways that I’m angry and sad. I went back home, crying in my pitch black bedroom with the curtains down. I was really sad because of a million of things but can’t pinpoint why exactly. Your video made me feel so much better, lighter. I had a good warm shower after and now I feel much better. I’m going to clean my flat now, as it’s been quite neglected for some time and I think it factored in to how I was feeling. Thank you so much for your words. ❤️
@mysticmaidenmagic 6 ай бұрын
oh hitomi 🥺 feelings of depression have arisen for me recently and this is beyond comforting for me. we are never truly alone in this world. it’s so important for influencers like you to share these tender moments because they inspire others to feel and give themselves grace in doing so, knowing that we’re all just big ol babies in adult bodies trying to make our way through every day
@MM-yl2kk 6 ай бұрын
Thank you - I’m in the muck and hearing phrases like exit strategy reminds me of myself and to remember to feel the feels and not just focused on feeling better. These times belong to a full life and should be appreciated with the same intensity. ✌️❤️
@srishbish 6 ай бұрын
I really appreciate and applaud you for being able to be this raw while you're in a funk. It's not easy, and it's extremely draining. I have been feeling the same recently and it helps me to hear you talk it out so eloquently ❤ love and light to you, Hitomi 🙏🏽
@moneyraw 6 ай бұрын
“i don’t need to internalize this” YES!! so used to shaming myself for not being seen by others but that is not my issue! thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹
@miaa8644 6 ай бұрын
you are such a beautiful person and a beacon of hope in this world. ive been watching your videos since 2020 and listening to you speak has consistently felt like coming home + always inspires me to lean into this collective crazy experience that is life with more ease and faith
@ginagaebl3555 6 ай бұрын
You spontaneously quoting Mary Oliver is everything!!!!!! Love you hitomi, I’ve been watching your videos for many years and watching your ebbs flows and evolutions as I go through mine has been such a joy💓🌈🫶
@dreamblud 6 ай бұрын
Your connection to the collective is divine This aligned with a perspective shift I had recently and now I know how to put it into play. Thank you angel. I’m grieving and loving here along with you. 💕🫂
@starrycarina 6 ай бұрын
this video was so healing to watch
@theyoo27 6 ай бұрын
We tend to blame ourselves with such ease when we don’t feel good, but sometimes feeling bad is the healthiest thing to do, it’s bridging the gap towards ‘what our environment should be and feel like’. 🎧Listening to the last episode of ‘We can do Hard Thing’ 283 ‘How Glennon Transforms Sadness into Power’ has really helped me this week!
@willbyhalo 6 ай бұрын
thank you for this comment 🦋🫂✨
@Gaiya-ofearth-of-course 6 ай бұрын
18:34 You and your energy has been such a light tethering me back to the end of the tunnel. Thank you. While I totally support your autonomy to go forward on your path towards where you feel called, I want you to know you (at least the archetype you display for the internet) are so appreciated as a soul and for what you’ve provided me.
@AE-gn4ff 6 ай бұрын
My depression has flared up these past couple months, as well as some of my close friends. Our community just lost someone to suicide last week - this videos imprint on the collective is so necessary. God bless you, Hitomi. So much love to you
@IsabellaMaria. 6 ай бұрын
thank you so much for your authenticity and words❤️ i also felt very depressed the last weeks, new patterns that i have dealt with and was very overwhelmed with all what i felt, so I am very grateful to know that i wasn’t alone with it✨ send you a big hug and you are such a special gift for this world!🌞
@vaeeapirpiris9501 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for being vulnerable. It’s so difficult when you’re in the ‘muck’ and at a lower point. It’s all normal, and it’s important to not shame ourselves for feeling how we feel. I love how you said anything we feel is valid ❤
@maryrush4540 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi your videos are so healing, thank you for being vulnerable, it really helps me feel understood
@yuleslion637 6 ай бұрын
I felt really sad today and a little bit depressed, your video helped me realise it’s okay to have bad moments sometimes and we don’t need to hide our emotions from people around us even if they’re not socially desirable🍃Thank you❤
@adrianmeadows6855 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi... GIIRRRLL.. all I can is you are my favorite youtuber, and we have always been connected. Your words resonate so much. I hear and feel everything you're saying. You talking about beauty, "feeling guilty" about enjoying your body is something I've struggled with SO much, and not known how to put words to because it feels so self-involved-icky. You are such a lovely little well-spoken soul, and I hope you start to feel better soon! Fresh things are ahead for you, fresh things are ahead for me! I can feel it in the air
@calebgaffoor554 6 ай бұрын
Just what I needed today ❤
@divinelymoowah6104 6 ай бұрын
I love that, that explanation of how all archetypes are adding to the story taking place 💗 I’m actually feeling more on the uphill side, but hearing you while you’re going through the deep end AND still choosing to invite and ask for intimacy with loved ones is such an inspiration for me (also, kudos to this revolutionary period you're experiencing 👏🏼💖 its a place I’d love to be eventually and really anchor as my new sense of safety).
@babibadu5614 6 ай бұрын
I have BPD and I feel depressed most of the time, Ive been watching your videos since i was 16 before my diagnosis, your vidoes have always helped me when i was ever in a deep depression thank you hitomi
@sunny-maewaller7030 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your journey. This has helped me more than you could ever know. Sending you so much love Hitomi
@popeyechurro 6 ай бұрын
coming out of a mental health residential program recently, so much of this is information i learned and i wish i’d known much sooner. going through months of emdr, reiki, and 3 different therapists was intense work but i came out realizing how badly i needed to be focused on myself. i love the way you worded being able to step back when having burden mentality because being “narcissistic” sometimes is necessary. thank you for speaking up about your experience love❤
@G3mf1r3 6 ай бұрын
Hitomi you are amazing. As a human who has struggled with so much muck and shame about my heavy feelings that I’ve tried to suppress and never felt truly safe to acknowledge, I can say you have impacted me so deeply and positively more than most people I’ve known in my life with the genuine love of your spirit and being. During your lows and during your highs and every other you I just cherish how real you are in every way you show up. Your presence is a gift, even through a tiny phone screen. The way you speak your truth is empowering for all of us and I’m always cheering you on so hard
@melissagonzalez674 6 ай бұрын
Wow Hitomi, you just articulated my experience and gave so much grounding insight into what I’ve been feeling lately. The way I opened KZbin to play something during the car ride after crying and feeling stuck in my trauma cycles, and this is the first thing I see (I almost skipped because I wanted something numbing), it feels very aligned ❤️‍🔥
@Beauty4rmwithin 6 ай бұрын
Piscean energy is REAL. To anyone feeling down, know that this time is needed to go within and emerge with strength unmatched. YOU got this✨🦋✨ xoxo from a piscean
@willaolsen9095 6 ай бұрын
thank you from. the deepest. part. of my existence
@nadiabarmasse5294 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing these different aspects of your life, your words always resonate with me ~ I had depression for a very long time and it took me several years to heal so I wish to all the people who are suffering from mental illnesses to feel at peace, to heal too and to feel joy, sending to all of you all my love and gentleness ❤‍🩹
@nessaearthangel 6 ай бұрын
how did you heal? x also thank you for reminding us that it is possible
@nadiabarmasse5294 6 ай бұрын
@@nessaearthangel It was a long process : first I took some meds and step by step I made sure to surround myself with people I can trust, also a better environnement, then I did an emdr therapy (3 years) to heal all my traumas 🙏 This journey to heal and know myself better was a lesson, a hard one , but at the end I'm more free and at peace in my mind and body, because I know I can overcome the hardships 🙏 Sending you all my support and love 💖
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