Responding to a Nut

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8 ай бұрын

This is the greatest effort of all time
Watch at your own risk (of falling asleep and/or acquiring brain damage): • Th3Birdman Is a Joke

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@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
23:28 - Gonna have to fact check you here. "Zero context" is false. There was a comic that served as a prelude to Infinity War. It took place directly before Loki and Thor went to Earth in search for Odin. Wong and Strange discuss the Infinity Stones and where they are located. They then look into some sort of magical mirror with Loki and Thor in it. Strange mentions in DS1's credit scene and in that scene in Thor: Ragnarok how he keeps a watchlist of beings who could be a threat to this world, including Loki. So we have context, that being Strange kept a watchlist and the mirror detected Loki, and so he would be able to see where Loki and Thor are.
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
However, when it comes to the Sling Ring and taking you to a specific location, DS1 never said that was the only way it worked, and later films simply added how it could also work. It's similar to how Wandless Magic is a thing in Harry Potter, but wands simply make it easier for a wizard to perform magic. To quote Mordo in DS1: "Mastery of the Sling Ring is essential to the mystic arts. They allow us to travel throughout the Multiverse. All you need to do is focus. Visualize. See the destination in your mind. Look beyond the world in front of you. Imagine every detail. The clearer the picture, the quicker and EASIER THE GATEWAY WILL COME." That's Mordo saying that imagining the location isn't the only way to use the portal, just the easier option. When using someone's name or imagining a specific person, one might end up in the wrong universe as the Sling Ring can do that, and many people share the same names, even surnames. But Guardians 3 did break a rule. Mordo said Sling Rings are essential, implying you can't create those specific portals without them (I say specific portals because it is possible to make portals without them, like with the Space Stone but they clearly look different seeing how they're using different forms of magic/supernatural forces.) But the Ravager in Guardians 3 makes the same portals the Masters of the Mystic Arts use without a Sling Ring, despite Mordo saying they are essential.
@Th3Birdman 8 ай бұрын
Actually, during the editing process, I'd remembered Strange said exactly that in the Doctor Strange mid credit screen, and as I was dead fucking tired editing this shit, it slipped my mind to add it in. This is how Strange kept tabs on Wanda (and found her in MoM), and including this would have helped my argument, in case anyone would have wondered why Strange would have been able to find the Scarlet Witch while she was in Scotland. Thanks for the bit of added context.
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
​@@Th3Birdman No problem. Would you say I'm correct in my assessment about the Ravager not having a Sling Ring breaking a rule? Is my feedback spot on, or did I miss something? Wouldn't mind some feedback EDIT: Just realized you pinned my comment, thanks man
@cleverpsyche115 8 ай бұрын
​@@Cinemabu11Essential does not mean necessary, tbf. Aliens could have easily evolved to not need sling rings in this universe with magic, but hey, that's more a theory than a concrete answer. Thought I'd at least add a potential answer.
@SIowpoke 8 ай бұрын
@@Cinemabu11 If said ravager has another source for magic maybe he doesnt need a sling ring. Then again, could be a mistake.
@pyronuke4768 8 ай бұрын
Heres the thing I've found about being on the internet: people don't actually want to hear your opinion, they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth.
@Th3Birdman 8 ай бұрын
Stealing this (even though I've said something similar in the past, I like this phrasing)
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
Best comment from you since the "Jeremy Scott the Cynical" comment. Stealing this as well
@pyronuke4768 8 ай бұрын
@@Th3Birdman by all means go ahead.
@AnalyticalMenace 8 ай бұрын
Yes, I concur. Brilliantly stated!
@SentiNel090 8 ай бұрын
@@Th3Birdmanas long as it's properly credited. Like saying your attacks out loud. "I INVOKE THE LAW OF PYRONUKE!"
@geofff.3343 8 ай бұрын
As an amateur sci-fi and fantasy writer, I want to thank you for your zealous defense of the cool things we want to put into a work without it making the story boring. I am equally tired of the nitpickers. We're really just trying to help you keep your disbelief well suspended.
@Bagster321 8 ай бұрын
"Your entire channel's identity is anti-Cinema Sins" Okay I really wanna take this bit apart. I'm sure Birdman may not 100% agree with me but here goes. If we take this as was intended, as being purely against CinemaSins, we have two issues. One, it's not true. Semantics - which clearly matter to such people - mean such absolutist statements cannot be true when Birdman also produces multiple types of videos. His channel identity is quite evidently himself. Second, Birdman clearly does good work and research on his criticisms and jokes, and still stresses he still enjoys CinemaSins content. Criticisms should not be instantly equated to hate. Therefore, he clearly does not identify by being anti-CS, nor does his channel convey that, unless you only watched one video. I'd also like to make this point. If we properly go by the definition of "antithesis" then the true anti-CinemaSins would more arguably be CinemaWins. We really need to as a society learn how to critique things properly.
@IamaPERSON 8 ай бұрын
You also can’t forgot that he uses the same format as CinemaSins, at least when it comes to sinning.
@Riku-zv5dk 8 ай бұрын
I am sure Birdman would agree as he has made the same argument before in several videos, that CinemaWins is the actual Anti-CinemaSins channel as their whole thing is being the opposite of CinemaSins, instead of articulating negative points of movies, they articulate the positives. Birdman would be better described as a reviewer of CinemaSins, he is watching their material and delivering feedback, at worst you could call him a satire or parody of CinemaSins mixed with a reviewer. You're right in criticism doesn't equal hate, hell I imagine Birdman wouldn't be able to keep his formula working if he didn't enjoy watching CinemaSins, I know if it was me (who doesn't like CinemaSins anymore, despite loving Birdman's content) I would grow very angry and bitter watching their content so much, ironically, I would probably end up sounding like these very people calling out Birdman.
@Yumi_Jay 8 ай бұрын
He has removed sins before on stuff he agreed with or find reasonable funny that is not in terrible taste.
@AychSkwaird 8 ай бұрын
I think what makes these videos so entertaining is Birdman’s ability to construct arguments. Being totally honest, I’ve learned a lot about debating just from watching these videos.
@Wulfpack1 8 ай бұрын
If you use logic and facts, with entertainment while also 100% not allowing hyperbole, personal attacks, or mere suggestions anywhere in your argument you are what's called, iron clad. As someone that does debate I can tell you that The Birdman is an excellent example of good argument construction.
@Rex133TV 8 ай бұрын
I generally don't care in the slightest for online 'feuds', because it's usually just vapid people yelling at each other, but as always, you have a way of making it entertaining to listen to! I also think his point about 'production value' is similar to how people use the word 'cinematography'. They have a vague understanding what it means, and try to use it wherever possible to sound as if they know what they're talking about, because "smart people talk about cinematography/production value!" But of course, reaction content follows a certain format, that's not to say you can't deviate from that format, but saying that a reaction video has "low/bad production value" is like criticizing a McDonald's burger for not being a premium product. It never tried to be a premium product, the point of a reaction video is *the reaction*, not the presentation. Not like you need explaining on that one :V
6 ай бұрын
The thing with reaction videos is that they have been notorious for not really being transformative, as the ‘react’or just sits there and stares while the entire video plays, closest thing to commentary being something generic like ‘‘that's crazy’’.
@Donuts.69 8 ай бұрын
This squirrel man yapped for over 2 hours with 90% of it being filler
@JJ_R 8 ай бұрын
Having a squirrel in the thumbnail is very appropriate. Squirrels bash the nut’s shell against a tree several times, until the shell breaks.
@jexelbur6872 8 ай бұрын
Except in this case the nut is made of metal.
@AnisterStarlight 8 ай бұрын
​@@jexelbur6872 A nut bolt
@kage1061 8 ай бұрын
What if the nut is a bird?🤣
@Thefantasticroll5090 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I just hate it when people call you a narcissist because you use logic and common sense against their points. I may not agree with all of your opinions and beliefs but even I can see you are not narcissistic but intelligent and insightful. Keep up the great work!
@isip0ki 8 ай бұрын
exactly we can just respect someone’s opinion
@paulheap1982 7 ай бұрын
It think people throw around narcissist because its a popular word right now to describe anyone for any reason, yet not knowing what one actually is.
@UnleashedProPlays 8 ай бұрын
Its crazy that people decide to come after you like this. At least it gives you more chances to express yourself
@Evanz111 8 ай бұрын
My main gripe with all these Mauler wannabes is when they try too hard to call people increasingly elaborate swears. As if the format, the topic, presentation and editing aren’t enough, they also steal a bit and just beat it into the ground by doing it way too much.
@TeamTowers1 8 ай бұрын
I think the real problem is that when a thing starts to get a certain level of hate thrown it's way Mauler, his ilk and their fans, start to assuming anything positive someone says must either be wrong or a lie and that anything negative said about it must be true. While also forgetting that even when a film, show ect sucks, that doesn't mean everyone who has mean things to say about it, knows what they are talking about. The end result is a situation were plenty of bad faith criticism or just bad takes in general are accepted as gospel, while more legitimate criticism of a works flaws get lost in the shuffle.
@richiewesson4051 8 ай бұрын
I agree. Just call someone an idiot. Don't try to go with abridged Kirito and go "You insipid microcephallic addlepate" lol
@Tillyard86 8 ай бұрын
What exactly is a Mauler?
@Phoenix0F8 8 ай бұрын
@@TeamTowers1 Facts, also I think even fans of EFAP (of which I am one) need to understand that their moment-to-moment criticism of shows isn't consistently high effort. I think Rags in particular just gets into a mode where, he already knows that he hates something and so he's just constantly pouring out this torrent of microscopic gripes which he'd either gloss over or never even notice in the first place if they were happening in a show he otherwise liked beforehand. It's really easy to drop down into a mode of ultra-critique where you can never possibly be satisfied by anything that happens in a show, and I don't find that mode very fun or productive either to be in or to see others in for much longer than, like, 5 minutes. It wears out its welcome really quickly. I'm glad they're still able to find some bits and pieces of Disney Star Wars that they can be positive about, such as Andor or that one episode of Mando season 3.
@thepubknight6144 8 ай бұрын
29:47 He's wrong and he even showed star wars clips that prove he's wrong What does he think Darth Vader uses when he force chokes imperial guards organic beings and lifts them up in the air to do so ?? MAGIC!!!
@lunalegion 8 ай бұрын
This is all become so exhausting, I commend you for staying strong. Keep up the great work!
@tylerleach8796 8 ай бұрын
To also prove how nutty this dude is, he put No Way Home on a poll for the worst Spider-Man film.
@MistahJ1940 8 ай бұрын
No way home fucking sucks
@jbcatz5 8 ай бұрын
It’s like he’s playing contrarian to general consensus for the hate clicks. It’s one of the most praised entries in the fourth phase of the MCU.
@thetincanman2363 8 ай бұрын
Honestly i dont have much to say except for the fact that this was just a great response, amazing job BM
@aegisring 8 ай бұрын
All I can think of is this quote from the Spider-Man movie game. "Squirrels must love you... because you're NUTS!"
@aajackson35 8 ай бұрын
45 minutes in, and I will say this: Thank you for providing your viewers not only your dissection of these "criticisms", but ways to address it. Both professionally and that is entertaining. After looking into your videos, you do provide your own criticisms of films. So that alone debunks any arguments that your channel is based on CinemaSins
@camiloiribarren1450 8 ай бұрын
I’m always going to facepalm at the insane things people will say and how ridiculously mean people will act behind a screen.
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 8 ай бұрын
Isn’t it crazy? I still can’t understand it..
@kezuna8954 8 ай бұрын
it's his sacred duty as a sorcerer to protect the stone and he wouldn't destroy it? ok, I guess the movies are wrong then since he gave Thanos the stone knowing fully that it would be destroyed. he just didn't know that until he looked into the future. as soon as he did he was willing to sacrifice the stone. People like this guy, and cinemasins for that matter, can't seem to comprehend that charakters in movies can be wrong, or simply lie. "he said it was the only choice, so everything else wouldn't have worked" "it was their sacred duty to protect it!" "I thought the joker didn't plan things?!?" btw, the timeloop on ebony maw thing: he DID intent to use it, but only after they started struggeling, and ebony maw was already close enough to incapitate him. another great exemple of Strange underestimating his enemies.
@Shroobi 8 ай бұрын
Shandy lowkey got violated 💀 Bro is NOT coming back from this
@JitteryJackanape 8 ай бұрын
I have never been able to find a clip of birdman lying. Being smug oh hell yeah. But he has never hid from that, thats his content. Birdman is a great creator and is great at keeping his story straight.
@xredgambit 8 ай бұрын
I did the last video he made. He essentially said he makes short, quippy videos. I didn't quote as I don't have his exact words, like I did in my comment on the last video. But it was a 45ish minute video. That's not short. Though really he's pretty good at what he does and my comment was a joke.
@krystaltempleton6501 8 ай бұрын
​@@xredgambitThat's relative though in today's KZbin it honesltly could be considered short now 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
@rubenjanssen1672 8 ай бұрын
but then again the video you reference can hardly be discribed as an average exampel of Th3Birdmans videos@@xredgambit
@saltyralts 8 ай бұрын
​@@xredgambit I know a youtube channel that uploaded two 7 hour long videos back to back
@cedricthomas6412 8 ай бұрын
2 hours is fucking insane just for schoolyard type insults
@AuroraBoost 8 ай бұрын
Its the MauLer wannabes
@Evanz111 8 ай бұрын
Oh shit, I thought this guy’s voice sounded familiar. I watched his video 6 months ago, and left a comment criticising him for exactly what I just said. The video was way longer than it should have ever been, and he dedicated so much of his time just slinging awkwardly placed insults. Kind of like a preppy kid trying to talk like a thug.
@R6W2 8 ай бұрын
Ja Morant lmao & i just subscribed to your channel.
@WaveShock007 8 ай бұрын
Also, I was actually hoping this was Birdman responding to a nut he found at the grocery store. Probably would have been more coherent
@ryanwest1164 8 ай бұрын
Love that strange’s characterization being careless with magic continues in MoM, a future film in the MCU.
@CarlieGuss 8 ай бұрын
I used to be subscribed to the advocate guy some years ago, and when i go through what i used to consume, i wonder what kind of person i used to be, and feel ashamed
@matthewschurbert2244 8 ай бұрын
Don't feel ashamed, everyone grows and matures in different fashions.
@MamadNobari 8 ай бұрын
Don't be ashamed, drink some orange juice after you forgot to brush your teeth and you'll be good.
@Endru85x 8 ай бұрын
I used to be guy who treated CS as legitimate source of what is wrong with movies but then channels like Bobvids,Shane and Birdman of course proved how wrong i was.nothing bad about admitting you changed and grew up.
@ZenoSsj4Hero 8 ай бұрын
@@Endru85x literally same lol. Once I started watching Th3Birdman, I realized how oblivious I was 😅
@donalddarko5807 8 ай бұрын
Fr. I honestly don't know why I ever liked these monotone cynical "I hate everything" type channels.
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
35:09 - What they're completely ignoring is how Strange already ignored warnings due to his ego. That line was a somewhat comedic line from Strange and was a deflection from criticism. He was given warnings about it on his first day at Kamar Taj and Wong even told him that attempts to steal those books could result in death. Wong said that while knowledge is not necessarily forbidden, practices are. That's him clearly saying to not perform spells and considering the severity to the point where Wong threatened Strange, that implies they are dangerous. Why would he be concerned about warnings in a book when he's given multiple warnings way before and a death threat?
@Th3Birdman 8 ай бұрын
Good point. I didn't remember this when I was responding to Madvocate. Kicking myself.
@themascotwizard5267 8 ай бұрын
Did you know that Doctor Strange 2 was gonna be release before No Way Home where Doctor Strange would inform Spider-Man about what he knew about the multiverse from his sequel film? But those two movies releases got switched for (a) reason(s) I'd rather not get into. Care to look them up?
@themascotwizard5267 8 ай бұрын
@@Th3Birdman Did you know that Doctor Strange 2 was gonna be release before No Way Home where Doctor Strange would inform Spider-Man about what he knew about the multiverse from his sequel film? But those two movies releases got switched for (a) reason(s) I'd rather not get into. Care to look them up?
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
@@Th3Birdman And to the point about Strange destroying the stone. Even then, he still had other options looking into the future, like you said, save Vision and have him solve the Thanos problem or help Thor complete Stormbreaker quicker, put Thanos in an infinite loop. Or chopping his arm off with the Sling Ring portal (I would've said head, but in DS1 he made it clear that killing people bothered him due to his oath as a doctor)
@thepubknight6144 8 ай бұрын
Right and they showed in the what if episode, No way home , and in Multiverse of madness WHY Wong and Mordo was right That's the MCU paying that scene off and it's within Dr Strange's characterization But people like madvocate won't point this out because it defeats their arguments
@abthedragon4921 8 ай бұрын
Wow, two troll response videos in a row, things must be serious. Also I find it hilarious that either of those other KZbinrs Birdman is responding to have the gall to complain about Birdman's voice. XD
@AvatarDextroyer 8 ай бұрын
Besides of what you mention on the video, Strange had options in Titan itself, like teleporting Tony and himself out of Titan once it's evident that they are not beating Thanos, as it's shown that is possible to do in the climax of Endgame
@Cinemabu11 8 ай бұрын
This one makes me laugh every time, and I still love this movie. But why not slice Thanos' arm off to get the gauntlet when he's pinned down on Titan? Instead Peter and Tony try pulling it off.............. 🤣🤣
@Cinemabu11 6 ай бұрын
@@RenaldyCalixte Well the answer to why he didn't contact Ebony Maw before going to Titan is because he simply planned to go to Titan first before contacting him. Before arriving on Titan, he used the Space Stone to teleport there, indicating he just returned from sacrificing Gamora, and presumably took some time to mourn her, as (in his own twisted way) he did love her. And Thanos is simply confident in his abilities, and that's why he fights Tony, some of the Guardians, Strange, Spider-Man and Nebula, as he has the power of 4 Infinity Stones. Plus he has a sense of honor, as evidenced by him sparing Iron-Man and honoring Strange's deal to spare him in exchange for the Time Stone. And the biggest reason is his ego. While not as large as Strange's or Kang's by a long shot, it's still a factor. He sees himself as a hero, and that this was his destiny. That eliminating half of all life is his way of saving the universe. He saw doubling resources as rewarding those who did wrong. The people of this universe caused their own downfall, and he has good reason to believe this as this was the case with his race and how they rejected solutions that could potentially prevent their planet from failing, and rewarding them wouldn't teach them anything. He is called the Mad Titan for a reason, as he sees destroying life as a lesson the universe needs to learn. Because in his mind, why reward them, if they won't change and learn from their mistakes, if they'll end up wasting those resources at a fast rate? He sees his quest as not only saving it, but fixing it so people will do better. He's not mentally well dealing with the loss of his race. Kind of a tragic part of him. All that to say, his ego leads him to believe he's the hero, and that because this is his destiny, there's no need to do anything "extra," so to speak, and just deal with it now at his pace. And how because he knows himself and his opponents, that it's pointless for them to fight, but he respects their effort and will entertain it. As he told Stark after stabbing him, he had his respect. He even allowed Peter Quill the chance to "kill" Gamora, and because he showed a willingness to commit to something that exacts a heavy toll, he responds "I like him." And the sad thing is, he kinda has a right to be confident seeing how he has 4 stones already and is a match for the group considering his abilities and their flaws which prevents them in many cases from properly finishing him, and he KNOWS that. So why bother? He's going to get his way, without even raising his voice. It's kinda scary. His confidence is his strength and weakness. He's a strategist, who has spies throughout the galaxy and was aware of many heroes and potential threats on Earth and knows of their flaws and strengths, even admonishing Strange for not using the Time Stone against him, saying: "All your tricks, and you never once used your greatest weapon." I hope this helps.
@dyecyde 8 ай бұрын
I never would’ve thought the wrong with cinema sins guy was so well articulated lmao.
@Forriedude 8 ай бұрын
Bold of you to assume Dr Strange can't summon water from his mouth.
@elywahl9520 6 ай бұрын
That's what I thought lmfao glad I'm not alone 😂😂😂
@muffinthefennec 8 ай бұрын
The fact that people act like that is just annoying. Keep being an amazing creator Birdman, your subs love you
@NekoNova69 8 ай бұрын
I love watching you debate people. I always use it as background noise as i do other things, keep up the great work birdman!!
@AllBlackAirpods 8 ай бұрын
I’m loving these rants recently
@active8335 8 ай бұрын
I love this birdman 😂😂 No characters No satire (love that too tho) Just straight fax and the way he defends his arguments Chefs kiss💪🏾💯🔥
@OverAnalyst 8 ай бұрын
Good of you to link that shite vid. I won't click it because rewarding bad-faith content feels icky. But it still shows your integrity. Also, great analysis as usual!
@kreatona4219 8 ай бұрын
I've definitely disagreed with you on a lot of points, however I'm still a big fan of your work because of how you compose yourself and give justifications for your reasonings. You are legitimately one of my biggest inspirations for wanting to get into video creation because you give me ideas on how to argue my own points and stand up for myself
@ratbaby3107 8 ай бұрын
I feel like people have been so spoiled by two hour videos that are well crafted and take immense effort to produce that theyve forgotten that brevity is one of the hallmarks of good writing
@DevilFord195 6 ай бұрын
2 hours and 23 minutes. Good god, you poor soul.
@kamikelly3908 8 ай бұрын
You rock th3birdman you make excellent points. Keep up the amazing work.
@djofftheshit 8 ай бұрын
Saying Th3Birdman doesn’t put effort into is content is a really absurd take
@doriandillard97 8 ай бұрын
I just love how you just annihilated him with just facts 😂
@cosmo8720 8 ай бұрын
Been watching your content for a while, so whenever people try to pick towards you, they are truly flopping around dealing with you. Keep at it, Birdman.
@LordTurg323 8 ай бұрын
I love when Birdman strikes back because you know youre abiut to get served a 3 course meal
@SpagettiSpeltWrong 5 ай бұрын
About the Dr. Strange portal thing, you can even say that "rule" of the person opening the portal needing to visualize where they want to go was broken in the original movie. Strange gets stabbed in the heart and is quite literally on the verge of death and when he portals to the hospital he portals into a random ass supply closet. If the person needed to be focusing on the location they wanted to be, Strange would've probably ended up at the front door of the hospital or at the front desk or even in a random hospital room. Or if he were trying to get to Christine he would've flopped down in front of her somehow. The only thing the portal needs is a destination. It could be "Mt. Everest" or "Peter Parker." The portal in NWH opening to the random variant of Peter Parker that ended up in New York instead of the Peter Parker Ned was actually looking for could just be his inexperience effecting the magic. The same thing could be said for Stranges portal opening up to a random supply closet instead at the frontal desk of the hospital or in front of Christine. He was bleeding out and disoriented so the portal didn't go exactly where he needed to be at. (The portal was basically "close enough" and sent them there)
@jamesrapier 8 ай бұрын
I always enjoy how you take the time to expound your point. I also agree that Dr. Strange could have used his ability to view multiple possibilities of the future ahead of time, and that his refusal to use it plays into the characterization of him. I'm curious though if the only reason why he has that ability is because of the time stone. And if that's the case, wouldn't he be unable to view a future without the time stone because any timeline where the time stone is destroyed would be unviewable to him?
@Th3Birdman 8 ай бұрын
Well, in Infinity War, we saw Strange peer into 14 million futures, and only one where they won. I am assuming in all the other futures where Thanos wins, he also decides to destroy the Gems to play keep away from anyone else. It seems to fit his M.O., so, to answer your question, I don't think the Time Gem's existence precludes Strange's ability to look into a future where the Gem is destroyed/atomized. It seems to work in any timeline regardless, as shown in Endgame where a different Gem (2012's Time Gem) was brought to 2023 (and this timeline's Gem was already destroyed by Thanos) and used with no ill effects.
@creatorstory9916 7 ай бұрын
​@@Th3BirdmanI wanted to ask, since this is a question that's been on my mind for awhile. I think it was actually a commenter on your video responding to Madvocate who said this. He suggested that there were actually infinite possible futures, and that Strange just stopped looking once he found one where they win. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think that's actually what happened there?
@Th3Birdman 7 ай бұрын
@@creatorstory9916 As I mentioned in this video, I did an entire video on Dr. Strange. In that video I gave two possible scenarios (with the second being slightly altered for this comment): 1. Strange saw 14,000,604 realities where they lost, got to the next one (the way in which Endgame played out) and then stopped, as he found a viable win. Or 2. Strange saw Endgame very early on (say for example, the 100th possible future), but kept looking because it was one in which Stark had to die for it to work, but since he was snapped out of his trance early by Stark, he couldn't find another viable win in 14 million possible futures. The truth is, the Multiverse is infinite. Strange literally couldn't see all possible futures. The 14 million thing is just a "big number" that lets the audience know the heroes had a small chance at winning, but it doesn't actually make sense given what we know about the MCU's multiverse. Here's the video I made:
@RavenEnfield 8 ай бұрын
I do not understand why they keep wanting Mahler to do vid on you... I've been watching Rags, Mahler and eFap for years and they would agree with some of the things you say so I'm not sure where their so-called fans are getting this from 🤔
@kittykat1587 8 ай бұрын
I do respectfully disagree with needing to watch tv shows to watch movies, but i would never just go off and call names. If you have a problem with birdman, just....stop watching him. He can't "hurt" you if you just ignore him.
@Masirus82 8 ай бұрын
So wait. A guy takes shots at you in a video. You coherently defend yourself, and another idiot comes to the defense of the first? I'd call them birdbrains but I feel loke thats an insult to Birdman.
@therealfran1149 8 ай бұрын
What a nice video of a man responding to a video, about someone responding to his video, of him responding to a different guy’s video, about him responding to ANOTHER guy’s video. Truly poetic. (Seriously why do these nincompoops want beef so bad with you.)
@goofyghost5419 8 ай бұрын
Imagine spending all the time to make a video shitting on the bird man just to be wrong the entire time. This man literally makes videos correcting other people and dude thought it was a good idea to try to correct him.
@Nicksrgnt 8 ай бұрын
So much lore and world building in Th3Birdman universe these past couple weeks, I’m fuckin hype for Th3Birdman Avengers to come together
@maniac7770 8 ай бұрын
Minor addendum that further reinforces the fact that Strange destroying the stone would not (probably) have negative consequences: Courtesy of The Ancient One's explanation, and the fact that hijinks aside, the primary universe isn't crumbling at the seams, despite the stones being atomized, we can reasonably infer that reducing the stone would not have had any negative impact, as the component atoms of it would still be within the appropriate universe, rather than removed entirely, which was the matter that the Ancient One was warning against.
@SMM5 8 ай бұрын
When Madvacot hostilely attacks The Birdman: a harmless act When The Birdman responds to this with logic he happens to disagree with: PURE EVIL Seriously, guys like this literal nut job literally only defend guys like Madvatoc and CinemaSins because their opinions align, rather they’re logical and honest or not. If he’s getting this mad over you debunking what Madvotac said, that says a lot about what he thinks
@joehung1552 8 ай бұрын
They're the type that ask each other what their favorite flavor of Crayon is.
@rubenjanssen1672 8 ай бұрын
i am pritty sure the us marines do not want those toxic piles of shit @@joehung1552
@TheFuri0uswc 8 ай бұрын
A good analogy magic argument is zombies. No matter how realistic you make your zombies you could always nitpick holes in thier stories. Example is walking dead, the idea a small group people can survive such laughably easy zombies is so absurd i find hard to believe said zombies couldn't even defeat the local police much less the military or even your average gun owner. Another is last of us why do fungus magically make human hostile to each other when thats not what fungi does to insects. How can they tell infected apart from humans, why don't they attack everything. How do they survive without eating or drinking water all things needed to support a human body. More importantly how to they survive the winter, no way a zombie in t shirt and jeans is survive a mid western winter. You see how easy it is nitpick every little detail and does any of these nitpick take away from your enjoyment of the show, no.
@cosmo8720 8 ай бұрын
Perfect analogy.
@grizzly_manbanimation8436 8 ай бұрын
Basically yeah. You have a couple good examples here. I don’t watch the walking dead so I can’t say much there. But for the last of us, the writers were doing what every writer does. Take creative liberties in order to tell a story. Meaning they don’t always adhere to reality. It can be based on something real. But it’s not like documentary level facts and even sometimes those can get things wrong.
@rodneyjones6851 8 ай бұрын
I remember commenting on your god of war live stream saying I missed your video essays. What a great couple of days this has been
@mileselmonroe 8 ай бұрын
Dear birdman. I don't even like you personally. However, I enjoy your videos and respect your content making skills. It makes me sad people waste time criticizing you. Keep doing what you do. Let the haters hate.
@TarellHudson 8 ай бұрын
You don’t like him personally? Do you know him in person?
@mileselmonroe 8 ай бұрын
I am referring to "him" Ie his personal opinions like his dislike of Trump. I respect and enjoy his talents... But I like Trump. Just one example.@@TarellHudson
@adenparsons9838 7 ай бұрын
​@@mileselmonroeTrump suggested that people take disinfectant injections to fight can you like *him* and consider yourself sane enough for people to care what you think about their content?
@_Onward 8 ай бұрын
Maybe I’m just super cynical towards online discourse at this point but I just feel that despite how much you could articulate your point, these people aren’t going to care so long as they have something to be inaccurate and outraged about. I respect your willingness to defend and elaborate on your points to help the audience better understand, but just hearing your points misinterpreted for 50 mins made me exhausted and bitter. THIS content right here is why I hope KZbinrs are never taken seriously in any discourse tangentially related to criticism. It’s almost always just insults and poorly built points based on their misunderstandings of the subject matter. Unfortunately, this seems to be the popular trend lately with creators regardless of platform and it is sad to see how many people can be so confident in their ignorance and when proven to be ignorant, they just don’t care or will remain willfully ignorant if it benefits them financially. To get ahead in the creator space, youd have a better chance at talking about a myriad of things you know little to nothing about and just sling misinformation until you strike gold. I hope these creators fall back into irrelevancy but I wouldn’t hold my breath considering how quickly shit slinging draws a crowd. (I.e Cinemasins, etc.)
@richiewesson4051 8 ай бұрын
The Bird Clan stands with the bird man.
@chezperky 8 ай бұрын
I actually saw that video awhile back but I gave up part way through. It was also back when I first found your channel and I couldn’t make it through the first 20 minutes and skipped around then left it unfinished
@joppadoni 8 ай бұрын
I believe your energy well is freakishly deep, a normal human would have exploded at about 24 minutes 37 seconds in. Great video! 👍
@JumpmanNX 8 ай бұрын
I watched all the videos in this saga and I feel like all three of you (you, Madvocate, and Shandy) all made some valid points in your respective videos. I would like to see you continue your response since he does respond to your usage of What If and he provides a good reason IMO as to why Strange didn't look into the future when Bruce came crashing in.
@tirzahroseroot 8 ай бұрын
I’ll go get my popcorn! Your roasts are such good ways to take down haters! Wish I was like that.
@ejigantor6634 8 ай бұрын
I weep for the state of media literacy. So many people seem to think every line of dialogue spoken by every character is the inerrant word of God, and don't understand frames of reference, or unreliable narrators, or characterization. Or jokes. I recently encountered someone who insisted a line of dialogue couldn't be a joke unless it was one character telling another character a joke within the narrative. And, it's been a while, but I don't recall the first Doctor Strange movie establishing that a Sling Ring was the only possible way to open that type of portal, I only remember it establishing that the wizards trained at Khamertaj were trained in a technique that required them; one character, or even a group of characters, not being able to do a thing does not necessarily mean that the thing in question cannot be done at all. It's not like there's an actual published reference book of what all the rules of the universe are, closest we ever actually get are characters stating things that are true to the limits of their understanding of the universe.
@LuisPerez-5 8 ай бұрын
Incredible that he calls you dumb and stupid to later repeat what you said like it's countering your point
@redbulldidntgivemewings7289 7 ай бұрын
I swear if you disagree with anyone your automatically able to be called a villain unprovoked.
@liammaps2700 8 ай бұрын
Fun fact: a group or gathering of Scarecrows is called a Stalk. Nice little tidbit I think. (Not a jab at TheB3rdman, just something I thought was funny)
@stellacollector 8 ай бұрын
Although I do not always agree with Birdman on some points, I still do love watching his videos because he is the person who can deliver his points in a clear and logical manner, the ability that the nutjob mentioned in this video clearly lacks.
@MrScraftineer 8 ай бұрын
Congratulations Birdman you are large enough to be caught up in petty drama over something as simple as people who misunderstood your point
@TheBorzoi 8 ай бұрын
I've paused at 22:13 to say this: Wasn't it established that the sling ring wasn't needed to make a portal, it just makes it easier? I wouldn't be able to point out the exact time it does but I vaguely remember something about the sling ring enhancing magical abilities, it doesn't grant them.
@TheShindomaru 8 ай бұрын
And here I thought you were actually going to roast a squirrel that crossed you for 44 minutes. Knocking down people picking fights for clout is great too, this is good stuff here. Consider the squirrel roast though. Some of those punks are uppidy 😂
@revenantronin8377 8 ай бұрын
wait, so you mean to tell me that wasn't a squirrel with Madvocate's nut in its mouth? I'm bamboozled, I tell ya!😂
@GaetanBelancourt-mn2wu 5 ай бұрын
Choosing that course of action was necessary. Alternate approaches might have stopped Thanos, but he could still have his army, posing a threat to Earth, resulting in alot of casualties before his hopeful defeat. Saving everyone probably required this specific approach, with the exception of Black Widow, unfortunately lol
@AnalyticalMenace 8 ай бұрын
Here's the thing. I like Madvocate because his analysis on The Flash series is not only spot-on, but fucking hilarious! I like Th3Birdman because not only are his videos also fucking hilarious, but I swear my IQ increases by two points for every single video I watch where I learn something new. As for this other nutjob (pun intended), I never even heard of him until this video right here (which should tell us something). Point is....I normally cannot stand this pointless social media drama. Though, I have to is entertaining as *all* hell watching Th3Birdman eviscerate his nemeses in well thought out, articulate fashion such as this. Bravo, good sir!🎊
@rdstovall 8 ай бұрын
Solid response. There are people who are unable or incapable of engaging in critical thought and would rather focus on surface-level topics without making the attempt to think at least one level deeper or take the full spectrum into context. smdh....
@dokiworks9159 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if they also complain about other times MCU contradicted rules or explanations it made that aren't magic. Like Antman shrinking by reducing the size between atoms but then goes subatomic.
@blackthegrey7694 8 ай бұрын
All the attention they give you would be flattering if it wasn’t comprised of insolent, impotent jealousy
@kendrashaaaa 8 ай бұрын
10:03 i’m inclined to agree I liked both of these channels separately and the way I found this channel was through Cinema sins, that being said, I found madvocate from his flash series, and when I watched his no way home video and hearing how he brought up Birdman multiple times I’m like “whoa whoa why are we bringing Birdman into this?”🤣🤣 because the whole reason I stopped watching cinema sins was because Birdman made a better point in pointing out the stuff that’s wrong, and rightfully so, and I know that one thing Birdman will do is make sure his statements are factual ✨
@DinkLink 8 ай бұрын
QUESTION: What if Dormammu is back specifically because the Time Stone was destroyed? Like, given the events of your hypothetical, and they defeated 4 stone Thanos. Then eventually Dormammu shows up and it's Avengers: Darkness of Dormammu instead Endgame. So in the current MCU timeline, instead of being a full-circle direct thematic consequence of Strange's choices like you hypothesize, it's emphasized it's because Thanos destroyed the Stones and Dormammu has nothing to fear of a time loop I'm just curious to know your thoughts. It could be still probably a result of both Strange meddling and the Stone's destruction. The intense stupidity of this dude had my mind wandering, seeking out something less brain dead and this thought occurred to me while you were ABCing the point that will likely bounce off the shiny surface of his brain cell.
@Th3Birdman 8 ай бұрын
It’s an interesting hypothesis but from memory, Dormammu entered an agreement with Strange. My assumption is that Mordo is helping Dormammu as he does in comics. I don’t think Dormammu knows the gem is gone but maybe you’re right. We’ll see.
@Kentrc11 8 ай бұрын
ngl I forgot your vid response to that mad dude & this was a refresher. Have your time stone plot hole with Dr. Strange fresher in my head now than before.
@humanoid251 8 ай бұрын
Man this is why I love watching Birdman’s responses. His “critics” can’t refute his arguments so they just resort to insults and name calling meanwhile Birdman deconstructs their “criticisms” by showing that they’re arguing in bad faith here, being a hypocrite there and just reiterating _his_ point back to him over there. Also “use that grain of sand you call a brain” is such a beautiful insult. Definitely gonna have to start using that one
@sadboyfari 8 ай бұрын
Idk why i love seeing you debate with people but hey its good debate knowledge. I definitely dont make the same type of content as you but your style is motivating as hell.
@Regibump37 8 ай бұрын
36:01 As someone who’s seen the actual video in full, I can say that Nutcase doesn’t seem to class Ragnorok as a viable defence, all because he doesn’t think you should treat Tiko's films seriously (though I reckon he would've taken part in the Love & Thunder bash party when it happened). Still, at least it wasn’t as bad as him mocking the idea of you being an actual Comic Book Fan, that part is worse than any bad Joke Madvocate has ever made (and he’s the guy that started "Don't Stop to Talk." on loop).
@Achieme 8 ай бұрын
I know it must be painful for you to deal with disingenuous misguided hacks but it's always good for you monetize your haters get your bag my man. This dude literally said you're anti-Cinema sins when you've stated multiple times you like them but poke fun at their mistakes. The reason why people like this get upset is because they'll look for reasons to get mad and not be nuance defending their criticism sometimes even reaching, the reason why they get mad and try to spin it on you is because they take stuff like this way too personal and way too serious.
@pm-5565 8 ай бұрын
Watch his comment section on the vid... he's replying to everyone lmao (except me coincidentally, surely) and he's still claiming it wasn't an unprovoked personal attack towards Birdman for his own personal benefit while he's still going out his way to insult you in most of his replies. But you can really tell how butthurt he is because he was for sure expecting far more traction from his very poor attempt at a hate hit piece, still it's far more clout than he could ever deserve.
@xX_Gravity_Xx 8 ай бұрын
Man, I love these videos. Don't get too caught up in drama bro. You're doing the film industry a service. Don't let these neckbeards ruin that.
@jlev1028 8 ай бұрын
This is the most epic saga of all time.
@RobertThibodeau 8 ай бұрын
At the end, when strange finally did use the stone and saw one possible ending its my personal belief that he didn't want to destroy the stone because he knew, by seeing those futures, that Thanos, once he figured out the stone was gone, would have just killed everyone. With how the movie played out once Doctor Strange saw the futures, he knew only then that destroying the stone would be bad.
@fargowalker667 8 ай бұрын
You said something along the lines of nitpicking magic systems, if you ever get the chance, nitpick the magic system in FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, I’m curious on how nitpicked it can be (P.S love watching your vids)
@KDHKhorinthos 8 ай бұрын
Again, sounds like Mauler would approve of this, possibly join in for the fun of it
@John-Doe-Yo 8 ай бұрын
This is more entertaining than the youtube boxer stuff.
@Devo57 8 ай бұрын
To be fair pretty much everything is more entertaining than youtubers boxing
@siddmic 8 ай бұрын
Sir, I must warn you against having a battle of wits with unarmed foes. It’s a waste of your time and talent.
@amberchailland8620 5 ай бұрын
even when i find myself disagreeing with you with minor nit-picks, im pretty impressed on your overall knowledge and research on a movie/comic/etc and do appreciate the work you do put into what you do. Not to mention I do get abit giddy with smack-downs to people who are just commentating just to hear themselves talk/be jackasses. Ill be real, ive been guilty of being naughty myself in the past but I try to give myself a valid point(s) to pass on when I do comment and try to keep it short. I can kinda see the 'value' of making these hours long saga of 'some dude' but usually feels like that's reserved for some absolutely abhorrent person, not some one like you whose crime is... not liking an over-rated yter and doing what he dose but towards the guy... oh nooo how.. bad? tl;dr this guy needs to touch grass/go outside and people getting there panties in a twist over you WAAAAAY too much.
@jaredgooding7748 8 ай бұрын
I just randomly came across these videos at some point and I've been a fan since. I just love how you always bring facts, know your comic books, defend yourself, and make constant reckless jokes 😂 its the best combination and anyone who can be mad at all that is just mad at something else. I go to church and I love the Christian jokes. So keep doing your thing. The only thing I remember disagreeing with you on was when you said Cap could beat Batman 😬 don't disrespect my man Bruce like that. But I'll agree to disagree 😂😂😂
@jdottdeestv8149 8 ай бұрын
Is it slaying season? Loving these videos right now. This feels like... a KZbinr Sins series - Love it, love it, love it. Where's the Sin counter :)
@grantpowell4135 8 ай бұрын
Th3Birdman i got a question for you if you come across this. Has the idea of getting a person to do full hair and makeup with a suit to transform you into the real life avatar of Blanka. I mean you choose which one since. But a present birdman blanka would look flipping sick!!!
@damienhouse7706 8 ай бұрын
He also hasn't made a single video on his channel since his video on you, so I guess he's fine to just coast off of that.
@connieblack5094 3 ай бұрын
35:08 - "One of us does have a bad video. The other is me." Made me LOL. Well said.
@Mikol_Billy 8 ай бұрын
So I’m only 2 minutes in and I’m baffled. You’re straight up one of my top five if not top 3. Actually. Yes top 3 (Lemino cinemawins and you, no specific order) favorite KZbin channels I genuinely can’t see how anyone could be upset at you
@ultono4398 8 ай бұрын
People need to pay more attention to what their opposition in a debate is saying so that the argument they're making is actually arguable
@eminemssalsa5759 8 ай бұрын
"One of us does have a bad video. The other is me." Hooly shit🔥🔥
@SiriusArcher 8 ай бұрын
Now this does put a smile upon my face. I'm enjoying these.
@mottom2657 8 ай бұрын
Anthony is a serious business. A pissed-off Anthony is an even more serious business.
Responding To A Nut (Part 2)
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