The Crimes Of My Pets

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@ScoutMasterRose 3 күн бұрын
All animals: asshole behaviors Ducks: potential murder Geese: actual murder
@Mihajlo-vr8ih Ай бұрын
i feel like this is an excuse to show us all of the animals and how devious they are but also cute
@beeerpup Ай бұрын
Don’t you dare accuse me of things I’m blatantly doing
@mars7639 7 күн бұрын
Wholeheartedly agree with roosters simply being born with darkness in their hearts. I had one I’d raised by hand and spoon-fed Greek yoghurt as a baby who, upon adulthood, became a kind of local mob don among the other wild chickens. He was covered in battle-scars from getting in fights. Still friendly to people, you could pick him up without getting intentionally spurred, but a menace to all other animals. Eventually the other roosters got sick of it and did a hit on him.
@Xno1X 7 күн бұрын
I am so glad hunter promoted that video on the Papa Meat channel. Your art has so much personality!
@babysealsareyummy Ай бұрын
Tugboat is a menace and I love him
@lpsluvrrrr Ай бұрын
animals can be the most cared for creatures in the world and still find a way to be the most pitiful menaces ever. for example my cat Yogi has asthma and is very spoiled tries to constantly run away and escape outdoors to only come back inside having an asthma attack and crying to be picked up
@beeerpup Ай бұрын
You gotta hit em with the “well well well look who came crawling back”
@acaciatheaussie 7 күн бұрын
The naming of all these animals is so unhinged and perfect in every way 😂
@anarchybean8185 Ай бұрын
Tugboat: The All Consuming, Hound of Howling Hunger
@_rootcat Ай бұрын
The photo of Crawdad with the glove in her mouth is the cutest thing in the world 🥺
@gingersnapcam7334 4 күн бұрын
"They committed an unliving, but they're just a goose" 😂
@stefanmircetic8798 Ай бұрын
I love watching these animal videos. These animals are clearly happy and well taken care of.
@kathy-leew3989 4 күн бұрын
I love this concept of highlighting pets hate crimes 😂 My bunny loved climbing on me. He would love the view when sitting on my back while I lay on my stomach in bed. He decided to piss on my back. On other occasions, he would piss on my bed. He was free roam and had a litterbox that was changed daily.
@SleeperHoundDesign Ай бұрын
As a hound dog owner. I approve this message
@ladydrakkard3270 Ай бұрын
As soon as I saw the title of this I had to watch it. My dogs are...menaces. The worst dogs I've ever owned. They have essentially broken me and I will not seek to own a dog again after they pass. It often does feel like the things they do are targeted against you. I know, for a fact, that mine will do certain things in retaliation or to get my attention. But thank you for this camaraderie in the knowledge that my feelings are valid in response to my pets.
@NEONPARADlSE 7 күн бұрын
lol that’s tough. What’s the one thing that pushed you over the edge to the point where you wont get another one?
@cjs4363 3 күн бұрын
Lmao we broke dogs I think dogs are meant be trained for work and live outside but I don't have the heart to leave them out there No more dogs for me either
@cowboypeach 7 күн бұрын
i had an extremely aggressive and unpredictable foster cat that i held onto for two years. she was incredibly sweet, but tore me tf up whenever she was triggered by the most innocuous noise. i successfully re-homed her last year with a friend and i have a framed picture of her on my vanity. she’s POS but i love her.
@CheapCreep 6 күн бұрын
J'Zargo craves violence.
@vvirtualecho6938 5 күн бұрын
Tugboat reminded me of my childhood dog. He was allergic to literally everything and yet he’d eat everything. One Easter he ate 3 whole chocolate bunnies, he lived for another like 8 years, idk how
@diegohuerta7201 Ай бұрын
I struggled with animals unaliving a couple years back, I’m happy to see other people handle it with grace. WELL tbf my case was a guinea pig father that ate his children so it was a little more intentful than the bird stories.
@beeerpup Ай бұрын
Why they gotta be so foul to each other 😔😔
@Jackalope9505 6 күн бұрын
I'm so glad someone is bringing awareness to how our pets abuse and gaslight us
@MC-qt9tq Ай бұрын
I love this format of video with the storytelling and doodles. My dog does this thing where she revenge poops. Even after letting her go potty before leaving the house if we were chilling on the couch and I had to leave she would take a fat dump in front of the door. And she always hides when she does it cause she knows 😩
@mogwai_ Ай бұрын
I feel this so hard. I used to post online about trying to help my reactive dog and no one gave a shit until I made a post about how sometimes I disliked my dog because he's an asshole sometimes and it went small time viral and everyone said I was like a monster basically, but I totally get it sometimes your animals are villains and you just wanna tell them their crimes but they don't care so you want to tell SOMEONE
@porktopus Ай бұрын
here's my animals crime Crowley (snake): charged with disturbing the peace : you have NO IDEA how loud a snake will take a shit . its enough to wake you up and it always does c-18 (dog) : she is a rescue and is very posessive of me and jealous and she will get between me and my girlfriend ANY chance she get sarissa (hedgehog) :charged with general grumpiness: she is ALWAYS ALWAYS pissed off and i love her with every fibre of my soul
@beeerpup Ай бұрын
Lol why are hedgehogs always so mad they have such a good life 😭
@porktopus Ай бұрын
@@beeerpup that's what karen's reincarnate as is my best guess
@Fnafiac 4 күн бұрын
Of course Crowley’s causing trouble 😂
@frogloover7774 19 күн бұрын
Oh my gosh, this is the first video I've seen that comments on the bad side of pets. Ive been struggling to live with my bf's dog for a little over a year now because he just gets into everything, its really assuring to see someone else talk about their struggles with caring for pets but also knowing that they love them at the same time
@BornRemaining Ай бұрын
I really hope that you keep making these vlog art videos, especially about all of your critters. And many sequels to the dog mages cartoon, it's just too cute.
@toastedrateggz9959 6 күн бұрын
I’m convinced tugboat is just a walking garbage disposal
@Silica-black 5 күн бұрын
thanks for normalizing the tendency for our pets to be menaces to society. my dog (love him to pieces) would hunt my bro in-laws cat constantly and to say i felt embarrassed or ashamed would be an understatement. it's so easy to blame yourself for not doing enough or doing the wrong thing, but this reassures me that animals are still animals at the end of the day. it's no use beating myself up over it either if i'm already doing everything we could.
@bobbi5051 7 күн бұрын
Now this is a fellow woman truly living the dream of us all 😍 I long for the day I can have such an eclectic array of pets again
@crazydov 7 күн бұрын
I love this and ur art style. Papa meat is a lucky guy😅
@CheapCreep 6 күн бұрын
I'm loving this expanded Meat Universe.
@dosiepierosie3941 7 күн бұрын
I really appreciate you talking about the more taboo side of animals. My partner and I eventually want to homestead so hearing your experience with different animals has definitely been insightful and helpful so thank you!
@Yeattty 6 күн бұрын
Loving this channel! Please post your doodle sessions whenever you can!:)
@zomroxy2458 Ай бұрын
it was really pleasent to find your channel. it seems like you've put a lot of thought into your situations. watching you was a calming expirence. thank you for sharing. P.S. I hope you reach a larger audience please keep uploading :) 10 сағат бұрын
I knew things were gonna get strange once birds were brought up. Birds just do crazy shit.
@BornRemaining 5 күн бұрын
Seeing and hearing about your hounds just now got my husband reminiscing about the ones he grew up w/, namely one who kept stealing his dad's socks. They had no idea why his socks were disappearing until they found her happily and proudly snuggling herself into her secret stash. Reminds me of my first cat who'd hide all of my hairties behind the couch while my parents accused me of breaking, losing and throwing them all away b/c they're always better on the first use.
@opusbot 7 күн бұрын
Mr. Lahey is the funniest pet name 😂
@lightningkbi2247 Ай бұрын
Aw I love this. I had a dog who was a perfect angel 11/10 good boy…95% of the time but that 5% he was a frustrating, massive garbage monster. When he passed, I painted a neo trad style portrait of him and it helped so much through the grieving process. This video really hit home on how working through things creatively can be hella cathartic.
@jeanroberts7501 4 күн бұрын
this page is amazing, this video is amazing , i’m so sat rn ,,,, ur drawings are so amazing and jesus christ tugboat
@NEONPARADlSE 7 күн бұрын
Had some genuine laughs in this video and some truly sorrowful moments as well. I’m glad you shared this with us !
@elliecrew 4 күн бұрын
I appreciated your honesty and ability to see more than one side to your animals even after a terrible event happens ❤
@BehindxXxThexXxBlack 7 күн бұрын
I love your guys content, and I love hearing about your pets!
@skullykidkempke4767 7 күн бұрын
Journaling just means documenting a moment, so it can be done in any way. From subject, so like looking at things in a emotional or how things actually happened. To medium, so writing, drawing, photography, video, etc. 👍
@ferralwaffle9729 7 күн бұрын
You know what, Tugboat is my spirit animal, thank you for showing these amazing animals
@sofiav7791 7 күн бұрын
I just found your channel and have been watching through your vids, i love the cozy vibes here!!😁 this video was so funny lol i like to say my dog verbally abuses me because she does these little half barks when she wants my attention
@JerobaJerboa Ай бұрын
lol. I used to work at a shitty petsmart 5+ years back and I would sometimes bring home unwanted pets people would return and we couldn't rehome them. To say they were troubled souls is and understatement, but I loved them. a hamster that would charge my every time I tried to do anything in her cage, a zebra finch that would scoop her seeds out of the dish on their poopy floor then eat them(but only the ones that were covered in shit), and a parakeet that would scream louder and more than any of the others, idk if he was just so happy he must tell the world or he wanted something, he got along with the others and he looked healthy and was playing with his toys, so idk. My current rat Weeble likes to pee only on the flat surface in his massive cage, not in the bedding anywhere where it will absorb and I can scoop it up, then he walks around in it and gets a smelly belly. there were many more but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
@Austyntatious Ай бұрын
I once saw two butterflies making caterpillars on the ground, and then my neighbor's dog pounced on and ate them. Sweet dog, but boy howdy that was brutal. Loved the video btw 👍
@Inky1313Starlight 5 күн бұрын
My cats are goblin children but I love them very much. Candy, my girl, I raised from when she was palm-sized and she's now eight. She would prefer that I was the only human to exist ever, although my mom is now in the "okay to be around" camp. Everything has to be on her terms... which is very difficult when she has asthma and I have to give her her inhaler. When she was still palm-sized she managed to eat a carpet fiber off of a cat tree I got from a neighbor and almost died- had to have surgery and everything cause it got stuck in her intestines and ruptured something. There's still a line of fur that never grew back right from her surgery scar and we call that her zipper. If she doesn't want something she growls and bites and scratches but then she'll forget about it and turn around and be the most loving cat in the world. She also pees on the couch if the litter box is even slightly too dirty. Hannibal is just ridiculous. He's five years old and he breaks into cabinets and closets and dressers. When I was in an apartment he figured out that if he knocked my shampoo bottle into the bathtub it would make a lot of noise and I would wake up and have to feed him. He's one of those cats who knows he's not supposed to do something but does it anyway. Like he'll look at me and knock something off the dresser. He knows he's not supposed to jump onto the counter so he jumps onto the windowsill, onto the microwave, to the top of the fridge, and down to the counter. He's annihilated my couch. He uses me as a springboard. He's very cuddly and loving but then something outside will make a loud noise and he'll panic and scratch the hell out of me.
@DaysieRose Күн бұрын
Many years ago, I had a Basset Hound named Daisy and oh yeah, was she ever hard to potty train. Cutest thing ever but "Piss. Out. Side " 😂 That was so real.
@queeninadream_ 20 сағат бұрын
With your kitty Jack, my Skeletor is like this. It's an ongoing issue, and it causes so many fights with my family! And we have to make sure we dont leave any valuables in the crawlspace uncovered or he'll spray on them. I had to replace tons of luggage because they were drenched in piss. And his favorite place to spray is my room esp my TV stand where it's always wrapped with a trash bag. It's so frustrating!
@mollylikesspace 4 күн бұрын
I relate to your dog only having issues with other dogs when you're there. My dog has always hated other dogs and will bark at them whenever we see one. But when he's at the groomers with other dogs, hes quiet and polite and the most well behaved dog there😭😭😭 I think its just him being protective and thats why he acts like that
@jollysmells1256 Ай бұрын
Tugboat is a MENACE Diammnn!
@Bembreeb Ай бұрын
I am so thrilled everytime you post I love your artwork and video style thank you for sharing these stories with us
@thats_pspooky Ай бұрын
This is such a cute series. I love how real it is. 🖤
@hannahochoa9882 7 күн бұрын
I have a tattoo of my childhood dog named Pistol Pete. Really didn’t have any problems with him growing up. He mainly lived in our big backyard so he wasn’t house trained, but he was really sweet to anyone he encountered, he wasn’t aggressive around food or other dogs or children, and he wasn’t a lot to maintain since he was a smaller dog. HOWEVER, this mf Was Unloyal as hell. He wouldn’t give his life with us a second thought if a gate was left open or someone accidentally let him out. This dude would run away to explore the streets and never look back lol it was so hard to catch him because he wanted to explore everything. we had to chase him for blocks and usually, lure him in with lunch meat or something of the sort. When all of my siblings and I moved out of my parents house, they took care of him until he passed away. I felt so horrible when I would hear that he got out, and only my dear and fragile mother was around to try catch the little asshole. It would drive her mad but we all loved him and he lived a very comfortable life, especially his last few years. RIP Pistol Pete. You a mad lad 🙏🏼 ☝🏼 ❤
@emmag2323 13 күн бұрын
Sketching and pet stories! mwah👌 lived this vid
@luminia5548 Ай бұрын
I love you, beerpup! This is one of my favorite videos yet! Thanks for showing off your awesome sketches and a little bit of your process. It was really delightful! I can't wait to see more of your art and animation projects! ❤
@erikapatterson3964 6 күн бұрын
Mr.Lahey being an old bird who always attacks you wherever you go is so cool. It’s a good thing he isn’t also a failure cop and a drunk. Maybe he’s got his monitor so he’s “just sober enough to know what he’s doing, but drunk enough to really enjoy doing it!” 🇨🇦 ❤ love the drawings too!! :)
@pearandachair Ай бұрын
As someone that has a dog that can be devious sometimes (hunting and unaliving animals, being aggressive to other dogs because he is overprotective of me), and learning how to live and deal with it is not easy. But still he is the best dog in the world for me. Thank you for telling us about these stories, animals be animals, massive respect to you ❤
@joeromero3890 6 күн бұрын
Love the style of your art. hope you make another animated ep
@bewareofsasquatch 2 күн бұрын
I have 3 roosters and they’re super chill. They won’t attack people. They don’t even attack the dogs. They only fight with each other every once in awhile. But not serious fighting cause they’ll separate after a few attacks thrown. We didn’t do any extra time for them to be super nice. I must be lucky. We did have 2 previous roosters and they were really aggressive. If you didn’t keep a stick or your eye on them than they would attack you.
@bruhmoment-kj4qw 27 күн бұрын
I really like the blue you used in the drawing of your cat
@broebuck71 Ай бұрын
Ahhh, I love this idea! Drawing in a form of journalism for personal health. I also love your artwork! Looks amazing! Awesome talent! :)
@v0idling Ай бұрын
God I’ve been waiting to hear about tugboat since your husband’s video where he mentioned him lol
@Wishfull171 2 күн бұрын
I too had a cat that gave birth on my bed, lol. I still have the whole liter.
@Quietshow Ай бұрын
I had no idea birds could be such a handful. Thank you for the fun video. Best of luck with those wonderful animals.
@desirablepaintingllctv541 7 күн бұрын
Happy i stumbled on your channel
@jo4210 7 күн бұрын
My dog, Starsky, also used to piss and shit everywhere, even after being able to potty outside frequently throughout the day. He also used to get into the trash anytime the kitchen was unoccupied until we got a trash can with a lock on the lid. We’ve given him many various nicknames, most of them stemming from his stinky behavior. Some of them are Shartsky, Fartsky, Piss Boy, Stinky, Stink, Stink Stonk. One time my dad was trying to call him back into the house and he wasn’t listening and my dad said “C’mon, Dick Dick!” And he immediately came in after that so that one stuck as well lol. He also steals his brother-uncle's (my parents dog, so technically their kid and my brother, but they're still brothers in dog-family logic) toys, even though he never plays with toys when it's just him. He gets jealous when Hutch wants to play with us so he'll steal his toy and hide it in his kennel. He's a little troll but I love him so much lol.
@ingrownbronail6451 Ай бұрын
Mr Lahey is a fantastic name for an angry rooster lol hope you had a chicken called Randy.
@laylakindafruity Ай бұрын
Going from creepcast to this was the biggest whiplash ever. Love you tho
@420vicnic 5 күн бұрын
Roosters be roosters 🐓 😂
@secretlab0716 Ай бұрын
Just found this channel a couple days ago and have been enjoying the content. Thanks beerpup great videos!
@mandapandachu Ай бұрын
I really should start doing this. I’m terrible at keeping up with my journaling. (Also I love your Pokemon plushies! We now know what your team would look like!)
@rowanlastname9878 7 күн бұрын
Man, i haven't heard a person say my name was their pets name since I stopped going by my birth name!
@TerriRoberts Ай бұрын
The MCR shirt is awesome 🐶🐶🐶🐶
@struberichizkek 20 күн бұрын
my dog destroys everything despite having toys. she pees everywhere despite being potty-trained, and i've completely broken down because of her. however, she's so good at making puppy eyes that i just forgive her. i love my gremlin child.
@milluneumdeadlywolfqueen9294 2 күн бұрын
Jack is like my Jayden. Jayden was born under my bed back in college when his mom popped out 5. He's so dumb and he's my boy, but he pees in places all the time. Still trying to figure it out on my end too, aaaahg....
@ferdousmurphy Ай бұрын
My cat took a piss right at the center of my bed. A potty trained, adult cat. Sometimes I don't "get" animals.
@TumbleWeed411 Ай бұрын
SUGGESTION: Make the mister clean it up!
@ImFelipeO Ай бұрын
Im obsessed with your color choices for every single drawing! Could you link the black brush liner you used??
@paige2911 4 күн бұрын
Roosters stay lookin out for ops
@my16characters82 Ай бұрын
now the tough question of which sketch i like the most 🤔gonna let my bias sway me and say the cats 😸
@Gemineyestar 7 күн бұрын
My chickens looooooove to destroy the yard I've worked on for years. They have plenty of places they are allowed to be, but the places they don't belong are more fun, apparently (like my flower beds). I love them, but damn it, it's annoying. Also, I can't leave my dog alone in the house, or she poops on the floor. It's so fun.
@audieh Ай бұрын
My cat was marking as well. Turns out he wanted 2 litter boxes. One for poop and one for pee. Don’t know why he’s so particular but it worked
@beeerpup Ай бұрын
My cat who marks is the same. He seems to have a handful of triggers, so having 3 litter boxes has helped stopped marking in certain places. It’s almost like every spot he marks has a different reason 😅
@audieh 7 күн бұрын
@@beeerpup the things we do for our cats!
@doctorwormcat Ай бұрын
my 5 year old cat has been terrorizing us since the vet recommended we put him on a diet. We used to let him graze feed because he wouldn't scarf it down immediately and paced himself well, but now we have to feed him a set amount at set times because we were inadvertently feeding him too much. At least 1 hour before mealtime he is yowling and sometimes attacking us because he wants to be fed. We switched to an automatic feeder which has helped a little bit. Like you said in the video, his behavior really isn't personal. I try to remember that he went from having constant access to food to limited access because of me which probably triggered his survival instincts in some way, and he doesn't understand that his knees and organs will give out if he gets too fat smh Separately, I once had to have to standoff with my childhood dog to protect a baby possum. I literally stood facing my dog with arms spread out with the possum behind me to let it escape. He is guilty of attempted unaliving
@Lampebruder 11 сағат бұрын
I mean Basshounds are nicknamed bassholes. They also get yeasty
@afrenchfry8370 5 күн бұрын
When I think everything is going fine my dog has to ruin it and shit in my bed
@lucasgarcia8285 7 күн бұрын
This was a very good video!
@AB-ee5tb Ай бұрын
I like the giant Spheal plush in the background
@carolinehrncir6682 7 күн бұрын
i also feel that my animals break the law at my expense. Duncan (cat, 2y) eats egg noodles and used to mark. Shai (dog, 1y) pooped on the carpet when we got him, and eats… everything. Irulan (cat, 7) is a model citizen unless you touch her belly, then she gets charged with aggravated assault.
@BojaglesBagels 27 күн бұрын
ugh my dog ate an entire bottle of my sleeping meds when she was younger, so instead of getting ready for work, we got to spend the morning feeding her peroxide and throwing up :D
@ojeda5577 Ай бұрын
I love this channel ❤🎉
@tiskky7385 8 сағат бұрын
one of my cats who is also called Jack does the same thing as your Jack😂
@whatvenus5968 5 күн бұрын
Love the shirt!!!!
@madysonluvs 14 сағат бұрын
@ariellenazar7189 Ай бұрын
My flock of baby chicks that hatched earlier this year all ganged up on one of my blue copper marans and basically scalped the poor girl's neck. They did this after i introduced them to my older hens to prove something, maybe? I had to rehab her 3 times. They kept doing it because what raptor doesn’t like blood? They still pick on her sometimes but my other hens will get them to stop. I got a dog after getting the chicks because some random's dog killed my flock earlier this year and i figured we needed protection. My dog got so excited she wanted to "hug" the chickens through the fenced in run. She lost free range until she learned chickens provide eggs as a little treat. Animal husbandry is fun but its nothing like Harvest Moon or Stardew.
@trashcanchic 7 күн бұрын
My dog is similar to Rowan, but she's smaller than he is and at least a little easier to handle when she's losing her mind outside. I hope to move somewhere a little more isolated so that she doesn't have to be exposed to the evils of the outside world. She can be a psycho, but I love her. We gotta love our little criminals. They don't really mean it.
@magdalena_dewinter 2 күн бұрын
my cat doesn’t kill birds he just brings them inside and lets them loose and i’m the only one in my house who isn’t scared of birds so i always have to catch, check and release. if it were up to me they’d be inside cats tho.
@alejandrocaycedo5038 Ай бұрын
more witch hound please 😬😁
@julieellis16 Ай бұрын
I just learned so much about animals that i didn't know. Thank you! Can the wet feather thing happen to all water birds?
@amber2585 Ай бұрын
you def really have to accept death when having/working with farm animals. it’s nature, and while it’s sad, it happens all the time out of sight and out of human intervention.
@BangoWangoWumboDumpo 3 күн бұрын
I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, i just wish my cat Kovu would mark less but i feel he does it for attention. And with my dogs they are kinda perfect but once they got a whole set of sausage i cooked for my week meal prep. They also use to destroy my books but i forgive them. Id rather have no books instead of no dogs
@paulinedocherty6541 7 күн бұрын
My 4 year old foxhound will look me straight in the eye after a 1 hour walk and piss on the floor and its driving me mental but I love him so thats the way it is i guess 😭
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