The Genome Is A Code | Billy-TX | The Atheist Experience 25.13

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The Atheist Experience

The Atheist Experience

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@Quinn37 3 жыл бұрын
I would pay upwards of $3 to have seen Billy's face when Shannon said "what was the exclusion criteria? "
@zerokmatrix 3 жыл бұрын
Lol, me too :)
@incoldblood975 2 жыл бұрын
I'd pay tree fiddy
@TheSnoeedog 2 жыл бұрын
*CAN YOU IMAGINE THE ROAR THAT WILL THUNDER UP THE STAIRWELL FROM HIS MOTHER'S BASEMENT, WHEN BILLY FINALLY EJACULATES?!?!!* ....he's gonna fire a shot right through that cracked cinder-block wall he insists on thrusting up into, every time he calls one of the shows. I recall in an episode of The Practice, when discussing people who smuggle drugs inside themselves, being held in dry-cells, "One fella upstate, he went for 28 days.... *CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SIZE OF THAT STOOL WHEN THE DAM FINALLY BURST?!?!"* 🤣🤣🤣
@hank_says_things 3 жыл бұрын
*All* of Billy’s ACA calls have essentially been Billy convinced he’s unlocked a secret of the universe, and then arguing from personal incredulity that it couldn’t be natural, therefore space wizards, the hosts requiring a demonstration, and Billy getting snippy that they won’t just accept his legendary insight. Then, I assume, Billy chowing down an another massive edible and hitting the web again. (Also, add one more data point for Shannon being an all-time great AXP host)
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Abiogenesis is impossible.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 How do you know? Can you show this to e a true statement? Will you ever reply with something meaningful or useful?
@sango3128 3 жыл бұрын
We've failed to prove that a god exists, therefore no gods exist. There! end of debate! I didn't say it, Billy did!
@eleSDSU 3 жыл бұрын
Billy killed me with the "exact simulation" remark hahaha. Aww Billy, you silly sausage.
@orochifire 3 жыл бұрын
Damn, they got the Matrix over here in Billy's books, I wish I was subscribed to those
@cosmikrelic4815 3 жыл бұрын
matt was right, the paper in question is being touted by the intelligent design community. i fell into a "discussion" with one on the "closer to truth" comment section. i read the paper and as matt and shannon say all it shows is that the genome couldn't have reached this level of complexity in the time availbable, according to their model. one thing i noticed was that the random distribution they used for mutation was equally weighted. they didn't justify this.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Question Time: What caused the first life to exist? Atheists?
@orochifire 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 Atheists caused the first life to exist? Probably not, man. That's a weird suggestion to even make.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
@arthurmee 3 жыл бұрын
I think Shannon is an excellent co-host on the show. Eloquent, quick and sound thinking and tracks the caller closely. Matt and Shannon make a great team.
@justsomeguy8385 3 жыл бұрын
That's because she's the only co-host that Matt actually seems to respect and doesn't walk all over.
@chandlersleziak6416 3 жыл бұрын
@@justsomeguy8385 Matt doesn't walk all over any of his co-hosts.
@damyr 3 жыл бұрын
@@justsomeguy8385 Matt is very respectful to his co-hosts. It's just most of them are pretty reserved in their roles, but Shannon is rather very engaging, and she and Matt supplement each other very well, without losing dynamics of their narrative.
@justsomeguy8385 3 жыл бұрын
​@@damyr I don't think interrupting people and talking over them is respectful.
@damyr 3 жыл бұрын
@@justsomeguy8385 Sometimes he does it in the heat of the moment, when he senses he must to, but most of the time he usually leaves his co-host to finish his thoughts.
@DavidJones-lz4io 3 жыл бұрын
Great team these 2! Matt, shall we say, is “passionate” about debating and Shannon tempers that in some respects. Love the way they work together to patiently “work” this guy.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
Billy in TX, this is to and for you. You did say just what Shannon claimed. Rewatch this clip one day and hear your words categorically say just that which you wouldn't say when asked to. This is what a brain on religion will do, when allowed.
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
The lack of critical thinking skills and ignorance in theists is astounding
@solly119119 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Shannon, for pinning the caller down around the 9:30 mark. I actually think hosts let theists off the hook too much by allowing them to change the subject and not doing what Shannon did by getting him to verbally commit himself. I believe there is now more of a chance (albeit still not a good one) that the caller will actually think about the points the hosts made instead of dismissing them out-of-hand.
@smochygrice465 3 жыл бұрын
They don't call them preachers for nothing.
@Diviance 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman And if IQ could have a negative integer overflow error, you would have maximum IQ.
@orochifire 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman What are you going on about and why did it take 4 discrete comments to do it
@scottc1857 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman most of us atheists have read the bible And it's a large part of why we're atheists. If you're one of those christians that's read the bible multiple times and still haven't left christianity the odds are 200% that you're a shitty person. Luckily for you David, you're just an idiot. I've read enough of your comments to know that your biblical knowledge and experience is not even good enough to be called surface level, which is why you still believe in it. Pop quiz davey, why is it that better than half of the people who get a thorough and complete grounding in the bible and it's teachings end up becoming atheists and cite the bible as the reason why? Hint: it's not because christianity is true
@joshuapowers4623 3 жыл бұрын
It's rich that the guy who believes there's a magical unseen being which is unable to be dected outside of your own mind, who is the creator of all things possible, and has a perfectly laid out plan that can't be disrupted by the 7+ billion people making decisions on their own using the free will he will simultaneously claim we also definitely have, is the one claiming insanity is living outside of reality.
@bct8881 3 жыл бұрын
He fears the truth. He fears being wrong. I sense much fear in him.
@TK-593 3 жыл бұрын
Fear is the path to the dark side.
@x00p3 3 жыл бұрын
@@TK-593 Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
@budd2nd 3 жыл бұрын
Religions are all about fear, fear of death mainly. Also the unknown is scary for some people. I think that is another reason why many religious people don’t trust science, they find it scary.
@x00p3 3 жыл бұрын
@@budd2nd Fear of punishment and hope of reward. But fear is the foundation.
@budd2nd 3 жыл бұрын
@@x00p3 Yes, absolutely and not really the methodology of a loving or parental God.
@eklektikTubb 3 жыл бұрын
Phrase "that is impossible!" is the most common symptom of closed-mindness.
@phrozenwun 3 жыл бұрын
I have a deck of cards sitting in front of me that is in a certain order. The chance that I got that particular order is one in 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000. That means it is _practically_ impossible for that order to exist, and yet here it is in front of me. Practically impossible things happen everyday all day long everywhere you look. Just because it is almost certain that no one will ever shuffle a deck of cards again and get that order does not mean that it is _actually_ impossible. Everyone who understands science knows what I am talking about, Billy does not.
@Atnarion 3 жыл бұрын
exactly it is also impossible to be this stupid like the caller yet here he is an example
@garyskinner2422 3 жыл бұрын
I just shuffled my deck and you're right it exactly mirrors your deck 😊
@phrozenwun 3 жыл бұрын
@@garyskinner2422 Amazing, I mean what were the odds... Oh right 😉
@garyskinner2422 3 жыл бұрын
@@phrozenwun Haha
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Question Time: What caused the first life to exist? Atheists?
@BootBizarre 2 жыл бұрын
5:35 Billy admitted the studies didn't say it was 'impossible' but then at the end when Shannon asked him again his brain finally caught on to what he had said earlier and went into self-preserving lock down mode. 🤣
@sparki9085 11 ай бұрын
"it just couldn't be natural!!!1!" - billy, every time hes called in
@gliblyaware 3 жыл бұрын
Once again.... SHANNON!!! 💪💪💪💪💪💪
@shanewilson7994 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon is awesome
@zerokmatrix 3 жыл бұрын
She does have the ability to equate the things these people claim to real world things. She is then able to clearly cut down the real world thing to its most basic points and get the person to agree to all the points. The only part she fails to do, and so does every atheist, is to get the person to agree (out loud) that everything they've just agreed upon is exactly why their claims fail. She is an excellent, excellent co-host to Matt and together they both have a lot of input each on each call. They make a great team.
@borisbash 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been great to hear this guy justify his argument and why he changed his mind. Well done Shannon.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
If by that you mean fail epically and flounder, then yes I agree. Theists confronted by reason are truly like fish out of water. Flipping, flopping and gasping for breath.
@borisbash 3 жыл бұрын
@@tyrionlannister3459 yes I would have found it fascinating to explore his 'gasping for breath' further as this man would have used his argument over many years to possibly hundreds of people and no one would have challenged him as it was out of most people's expertise. He thought he had a clear cut argument but it was shut down beautifully.
@davydtaylor4151 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it would have been nice to hear the guy talk. Shannon started off by saying “correct me if I’m wrong because I could be” but then doesn’t give the guy a chance to explain if she was correct or not. He undoubtedly was getting his information from some silly creationists website, but Shannon and Matt cannot refute his position until he has explained it. This is probably why the caller felt strawmanned.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
@@davydtaylor4151 I'm surprised he knew what being "strawmanned" even meant. And when a point is moot to start with, there isn't much reason to allow caller's to continuously give the same examples. They've been doing this for awhile now and when they haven't heard something, they dig in. Otherwise it's nothing new and that person just needs to hear why and how the idea they had was wrong, regardless of the source of misinformation. Does that mean creationist's websites have "fake news"?? LMFAO 😭😭🤣
@davydtaylor4151 3 жыл бұрын
@@tyrionlannister3459 Ikr who would have thought that creationist websites would be a bad place to get your science info from. 😂 I do understand your point. It can’t be easy to hear the same old tired religious arguments. However, I don’t think this case was like that. I certainly didn’t hear his evidence, or any attempt to give it. I’m sure his evidence would have been shit but we need to hear it before assuming that, otherwise we might as well not have any callers at all. Allowing them to speak is like giving them rope to hang themselves. The caller literally only gets to say a couple of words after Shannon says “correct me if I’m wrong” lol. Poor guy didn’t get a chance after that. They cannot argue against a position that they haven’t heard, no matter how many times they’ve done this. Do you get my point? It’s a better show if the hosts keep the dialogue moving but still allow the callers to speak.
@aaronmueller1560 3 жыл бұрын
What a fascinating call. A very clear example of those walls coming up when things become direct.
@seraphinaaizen6278 3 жыл бұрын
This is the same guy who once accused Matt of "freaking him out" because Matt cut off some of his previous bullshit when he tried to conflate terms. It seems that the last few years haven't made his arguments any better.
@seraphinaaizen6278 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman Matt has never claimed to be a scientist, and I didn't claim he was either so I have no idea why you're making such a stupid statement. But he does tend to have a better understanding than most of the callers. DNA is not a code in the way this caller was preparing to lie and claim it is. Nor is there any scientific model that states DNA cannot form naturally. The caller is a liar.
@JJ_SDWR 3 жыл бұрын
I think you're right! He said "you're like...freaking out, dude". Didn't give a better accounting of himself this time either.
@JJ_SDWR 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman DNA is not proof of intelligent design, that's not even worthy of dignifying with an elaborate response. Call in and get demolished please.
@Diviance 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman David Newman the Stupid Guy.
@JJ_SDWR 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman because the things you are saying make no sense. Intelligent Design has a specific meaning, it implies a God-creator specifically designed the Universe and everything in it. That is a grand claim, and saying some useless platitude like "all information is Intelligent Design", does absolutely nothing to prove or disprove the claim that God designed and created everything. That is probably why you never get through, you're not being logical.
@TheSnoeedog 2 жыл бұрын
"No you didn't. No you didn't, Billy" --- Matt, exactly 19.5 seconds after the caller started spewing forth his verbal diarrhea....I fuckin' love matt
@meloveAi 3 жыл бұрын
These experiments can't seem to show how the cookies were stolen from the jar. Therefore, it must be supernatural/god/something beyond nature.
@ericwilliams1659 3 жыл бұрын
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes you Couldn't be Then who? *GOD*
@n4rzul 3 жыл бұрын
Lies all lies! The Cookie Monster stole them!
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Question Time: What caused the first life to exist? Atheists?
@meloveAi 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 I dunno.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
@@meloveAi Incorrect answer.
@standance9044 2 жыл бұрын
Poor Billy. A tortured soul . His lost confusion and desperate clinging is palpable
@xenontouchstone 3 жыл бұрын
Billy, if scientists spend 5 years tossing various coins from various heights onto various surfaces, and cant get it to land on its edge, does that mean its impossible for a coin to land on its edge?
@zerokmatrix 3 жыл бұрын
This is like candle makers looking at the people attempting to create the first stable lightbulbs. Watching them try and fail, try and fail, try and fail, hundreds of times, and declaring victory by claiming it to be impossible and the only path to light is the candle. But it hadn't been proven to be impossible, so they kept trying and now we all have electric lights! It scares me that all the people in the world can see this in everything else except if religion is somehow involved.
@AbrahamMeat Жыл бұрын
He was about to cry at the end 😂
@ryanfrancis9134 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon is beautifully intelligent. Oh by the way, did I mention that Shannon is beautiful and intelligent?
@aussieatheist960 3 жыл бұрын
What about Matt???? How can you resist that wonderfully fine specimen of a human being??? That man is evolution perfected!!!
@willjones6660 3 жыл бұрын
It's good to see Billy again!
@tonydarcy1606 3 жыл бұрын
Even if a God was needed to create genomes, I don't suppose the likes of Billy could explain just *how* God did it ! An "explanation" that explains nothing.
@davids11131113 3 жыл бұрын
So he’s claiming science is finding magic is required. No.
@AvNotasian 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah pretty sure would have seen that in the news, I can imagine the headline "Scientists discover magic, new age ahead?"
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Abiogenesis is impossible.
@AvNotasian 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 mmmhmm, and yet it clearly happened unless you think there was always life in the universe.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
@@AvNotasian No it didn't, abiogenesis never happened. You can't prove abiogenesis even if you're life depended on it. Prove me wrong if I'm wrong. 😇
@AvNotasian 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 There was no life at one point, there is now life. Therefore life began, the process of life beginning is called abiogenesis, therefore abiogenesis happened. Proven wrong [x] - We don't have to show what the exact process of abiogenesis was to know that it happened. I tried to point this out to you but you ignored my point only to assert your ignorance on the subject as though it was fact. At the very least you need to know what the word means, the fact you don't demonstrates motivated reasoning and ignorance. - its trivial to deduce that abiogenesis happened, which is why I know you are not going to argue honestly and that you have no interest in the pursuit of truth. Your next comment will be a gish gallop of nonsense vomited forth by you in the vain hope to staunch your cognitive dissonance.
@robsaxepga 3 жыл бұрын
The last minute of this video, what Matt said means to me that there's very little productivity in conversations with bible believing christians. Just as you ask for evidence for their assertions, the walls go up. For most of us, going beyond that point risks a lot of repercussions that may not be intended.
@wunnell 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and no. There may well be some people who are too far gone but, as former Christians themselves, Shannon and Matt are proof that people can change their viewpoint. Even if walls go up and the conversation seems unproductive, it may just plant a seed of doubt that may grow and blossom later.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Abiogenesis is impossible.
@robsaxepga 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 and your evidence is what?
@michellebrown4903 Жыл бұрын
​@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 assertions mean absolutely nothing.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 Жыл бұрын
@@robsaxepga Evidence for abiogenesis!? There is no evidence of abiogenesis, although there's evidence for biogenesis. 😇
@TallSilentGuy 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon read this caller like a takeaway menu!
@almightyshippo1197 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it funny how you can look at the title of a video and know what argument they are going to make? It's almost like theists love using the same debunked arguments over and over.
@PastelOddity Жыл бұрын
Our current scientific opportunity isn’t the peak of all science ever. We aren’t “done” evolving, we can-and will-get better.
@tonydarcy1606 3 жыл бұрын
The odds against my typing this message at this time to this message board are impossibly high, - but it happened ! The universe is very big and very large and all sorts of strange things are happening all the time. The odds of intelligent life developing on Earth are exactly one, - because it happened ! The odds against a spirit speaking a universe into existence in 6 days are massively higher than a naturally occurring one, and IMO belong in the realm of fantasy.
@rickkernell2486 3 жыл бұрын
Tony, when you consider all of the foundational processes and the evolution of learning and technologies that allow you to post a statement on this forum, in this manner, is mind boggling. But, we take them for granted. Sheesh!! When you reflect on this, it becomes apparent that this was done to the exception of any gods or their dictates which have attempted to restrict thought. It still baffles me that someone would willingly give up the beauty and majesty of thought and reason for some illogical and narcistic overlord. Oh, and not to a dick, but it is more precisely " The probability of intelligent life developing on Earth are exactly one". Mrs. Smithy, my Differential Equations professor nailed me with that one...She thought that that was funny...
@qwadratix 3 жыл бұрын
This is the old 'it couldn't happen by random accident' argument against evolution. It's just been dressed up in 'genome-speak'.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
I have said, and apparently will continue to say, "At some point theists will come up with a new argument,.... it'll still be wrong but at least it's new"
@qwadratix 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelfox2433 They're not renowned for coming up with new ideas. In fact, their whole 'thing' is sticking with the same idea they've been peddling for 2000+ years.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
@@qwadratix Well to be honest most of their " new" ideas are just reworded or slightly altered old arguments but my statement is no less sound because of it. They are still wrong 100% of the time.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman At least I don't need the threat of an imaginary anthropomorphic invisible daddy to know right from wrong. Those that depend on a book of plagiarized mythology are the parrots my friend.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman Haven't found any errors in the bible,.....that alone tells me all I need to know about you. Your claim of me not knowing right from wrong is based on what exactly? Your immediate attack on my character shows you are not only monumentally ignorant but also a wholly dishonest person. I can defend my position, which by the way you know absolutely nothing about, can you defend yours?
@missz9241 3 жыл бұрын
so so many callers go into the " duel" with a poorly made plastic knife when Matt got a two handed steel sword
@jcedgut 3 жыл бұрын
Mrs Q has a beautiful brain...
@n0w3lly90 3 жыл бұрын
I think she does a wee bit too much mind reading... "what you are saying is...". She also pouts a lot and has an annoying and false sounded chortle 😉 however, in between - yes - I think she presents good arguments and analysis. Cut the mindreading though, Shannon
@n4rzul 3 жыл бұрын
@@n0w3lly90 She said that in an attempt to clarify what his position is, not mindread. Clarification and restating your opponent's argument back to them to confirm before moving on is an important technique in formal arguments.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
@@n0w3lly90 When undereducated persons who do t know how to get a thought out into a coherent string of words that convey said thought or feeling, clarification is needed. That's what words and questions are for. Mind-reading...sheesh.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Abiogenesis is impossible.
@n4rzul 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 Your comment is rubbish. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Im pretty sure you are just a troll though.
@esands36 3 жыл бұрын
"No more! The crap rolls out your mouth again. Haven't changed, your brain is still gelatine. Little whispers circle around your head. Why don't you worry about yourself instead"?
@Nkosi766 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon is a bad mama, sit back Matt, you’ve got a winner here
@geraldammons5520 Жыл бұрын
Why am I exhausted after "Billy" hangs up?
@HIIIBEAR 3 жыл бұрын
This was an awesome episode
@BearManNorth Жыл бұрын
Why do I have the thought, that Billy, years ago was given mommy's basement to hide away in. Hence, as he kept to himself and read various books and used mommy's computer to use as eternal study...his mind got off into La La land.
@n0w3lly90 3 жыл бұрын
No it is not a code. The code is what human scientists came up with to explain/ describe the chemical processes and functions of DNA. Much like how numbers have helped us quantify things, and algebra takes that further into far more complex concepts and makes algorithms possible. This idiocy of claiming it is / like a computer programme, needs to stop... it is asinine
@theosib 3 жыл бұрын
From an information science perspective, it is data that encodes instructions to ribosomes to make proteins. To me, this is a code, but that doesn't mean it came from a mind. Things that come from minds have things like organizational structure, subtext, signature, and Easter eggs. DNA has none of that.
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman Look up the tu quoque fallacy and how you just engaged in it.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Question Time: What caused the first life to exist? Atheists?
@theosib 3 жыл бұрын
@@ultrainstinctgoku2509 Tidal pools.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
@@theosib Incorrect.
@robhaskins 3 ай бұрын
I would like to know more about these "peer-reviewed articles"; in what journals do these articles appear? By not adding that piece of information, the claim of reading "peer-reviewed articles" is a lot less believable. And even if he did read them, was he really capable of understanding them? You usually have to have a specialist background in a discipline or have expertise in a similar discipline to understand the research presented in peer-reviewed articles.
@davepalliaser4798 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon you're killing me, man oh man but I sure could go for a Salted Caramel Iced Capp from Timmies and with apple fritter. I haven't even considered going to Tim Hortons in over a year, but my age group has come up, getting my vaccination next Friday, yeah. Now what were these guys talking about?
@zedbout 3 жыл бұрын
Billy’s back! And his arguments have not evolved one iota.
@annk.8750 3 жыл бұрын
"It hasn't been done" = in the past. "It cannot be done" = in the future. Whether or not a person is correct about the past, I have no reason to suppose he can predict the future.
@matszz Жыл бұрын
5:36 "Maybe I did mispeak, they didn't say that it's impossible." 9:05 It's not the first time I do this, and Billy probably listened back to each call in he's made. So he knows he's wrong. I'd be embarrassed if I did this once, Billy does it almost every time he calls in. What a clown.
@tedgrant2 3 жыл бұрын
I can't find my car keys, therefore it is not possible to find my car keys. In fact, having searched everywhere, I am now convinced they never existed. My car keys are obviously just a fig leaf of my imagination. Nobody has ever had car keys. It's only logical.
@DefendUrPolicyDontScapegoatLie 2 жыл бұрын
It’s always interesting when people who admittedly have no credentials, background, knowledge, or even a basic understanding of a subject think they have some inside scoop about it. The caller thought that a simulation meant to address a particular hypothesis meant that “science said” it’s impossible for a world to exist naturally…
@Lucas20520 6 ай бұрын
He actually never agreed to Shannon's last question.
@ImStayGold42 3 жыл бұрын
Billy - the appearance of design is confirmation of a designer: true or false Let's see if you've learned anything in the last few years.
@freddan6fly 3 жыл бұрын
No, and I have evidence as opposed to the ass-stupid assessment from the troll in the thread: LGM1.
@joshuapowers4623 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman you seem to be lacking a key understanding. Things like physics in these molecules of hydrogen and helium, and I believe you were trying to get to water with your whole unseen until gravity pulled together bit, so it should've been oxygen. Which is something else you seem not not understand, because its not gravity that pulls them together, but I digress. My point is those original things you named are testable and detectable and repeatable and predictable, none of which can be said about a god.
@ImStayGold42 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman I know you don't see the contradiction or your fallacious reasoning.. that's whole the problem.
@ImStayGold42 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman 😂😂😂
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman " I know nobody is smart enough to disprove the Bible or God's existence." - This is asking someone to solve for an irrational and unfalsifiable claim to knowedge. It is as futile as disproving Leprechauns. Try again.
@brianmi40 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon has QUICKLY moved to #2 on the show for me. Since Matt is "old" ;) She would make a great show runner when he retires!
@SecondQuantisation Жыл бұрын
Billy is actually being too generous to scientists. Anyone who has had to "simulate the real world" knows you start making A LOT of short cuts to try and get the simplest viable simulation to TEST YOUR IDEA. Exact simulations of a handful of particles is STAGGERINGLY difficult. Using effective models to understand protein folding is STAGGERINGLY difficult for 50 new reasons of maths and computing. He's so naive he doesn't realise scientists aren't perfect. As much as I wish we were.
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
Spoiler: No! It’s a man made sequence to show how data is arranged in respect to humanity; applied by man!
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman Show how you came to this conclusion. Provide evidence, sources and names of educated people NOT connected with a religious cult.
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
Surely it’s a non argument & disqualifies theist by default because they believe in magic & fairies
@vilkoskorlich259 3 жыл бұрын
Our Brain Size Has Tripled Over the course of human evolution, the human brain size has tripled, which is the main reason that we were able to survive as a species. However, our brain size didn’t just allow us to survive, but to thrive, becoming the dominant species on Earth. Interestingly, scientists are still not totally sure why we developed such large brains in the first place. Some believe that it was the result of climate change, or our need to evaluate new locations and unknown terrain. Homo Sapiens Are Still Rapidly Evolving Although it might seem like we’ve reached the peak of our evolutionary growth as a species, that’s far from the truth. According to evolutionary biologists, there are a few isolated areas of the human genome that are currently under rapid selection, which can result in mutations spreading throughout the population. Our species is also still evolving given the way we live. Constantly looking at screens, sitting at desks, the way we eat, are all having an impact on the evolution of our species. They Survived Climate Change Around 11,000 years ago, the climate changed drastically, which posed a serious threat to the early humans of the time, especially those in what is today northeastern England. In order to survive, they had to make some serious lifestyle changes to fight off the cold. Researchers have found, however, that many groups decided to acclimate to the new climate rather than move elsewhere. this can be seen in how they built the structures of their home, their diet, and the kinds of tools that they used.
@allanquinn6015 Жыл бұрын
At least it's not another Ontagelo video.
@ixtlguul4578 3 жыл бұрын
hmmm. I have looked in several different places for my car keys and failed to find them. Therefore the keys do not exist and it is impossible that they can ever be found. Science!
@damyr 3 жыл бұрын
I imagined XOJFEONWIVHIJ. And I've tried to look for it. I couldn't find it. But I'm sure it exists, because there's no proof it doesn't exist.
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman And you make intellects and educators sad for you.
@yvito125 5 ай бұрын
Exact simulation? How Billy?
@RobPryme Жыл бұрын
I could hear the pee trail wren Shannon flexed at Billy.
@alucarderipmavtube 3 жыл бұрын
It's more like code is a set of symbols. The act of Encoding is to translate those set of symbols to the equivalent of another Encoding system. DNA is not a code. It is a molecular compound. The elements that make up DNA are not symbols. We apply symbols to them, but the symbols are not the elements, and the elements are not the symbols. Symbols simply describe or define. When DNA replicates, it does not encode, it does not convert symbols to another set of symbols.
@DefendUrPolicyDontScapegoatLie 2 жыл бұрын
Morse code, computer code, building code, code of conduct, security code, spy code, code words…. All the same to this fella…
@alanrosenthal6323 Жыл бұрын
Poor sad billie
@kr1958 3 жыл бұрын
Shannon has a Tim Hortons in the background...Is she Canadian?
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
East coast Canadian.
@morpheas768 3 жыл бұрын
And btw Billy, the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim. Have you proven that your God exists yet? And have you also proven that its impossible for the Genome to come up through natural means (a hypothesis that is virtually impossible to put to the test)
@neilfreeman5824 3 жыл бұрын
Why do these callers not listen to the question being asked? Or at least answer the actual question that’s being asked.? I love seeing by previously held beliefs destroyed because then I know I have learned something.
@neilfreeman5824 3 жыл бұрын
Didn’t sound like it was a long term held belief just a recent half arsed investigation
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
Abiogenesis is impossible.
@ultrainstinctgoku2509 3 жыл бұрын
@Naukumaija Mau-mau I understand perfectly. I also don't care for attention, just spreading truths and facts. 😇
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
@Naukumaija Mau-mau You're correct about this fake ass Goku weeb. All this person does is troll around making the same statement and posing the same question. I see them all over. The "fixed beliefs" held by this individual were in place long before the age of self awareness and reasoning came about. Probably done my the parent(s) who were cultist(s) also.
@DefendUrPolicyDontScapegoatLie 2 жыл бұрын
It’s always amazing how many people think that they can undo practical applications with ignorance, and act like that’s honest. He didn’t have any evidence for his claims, and he knew it, so he had to say that “science” is dictated by if a single HYPOTHESIS doesn’t work out! And acts like it was a way to say “if a nature can make a genome” vs literal magic!
@mustacheofgold6846 3 ай бұрын
The weirdest thing is that "it hasn't been proven to be impossible" is generally an argument theists use against atheists. Not a great argument given it says nothing about the credibility of the claim (and atheists usually agree), but an argument nonetheless.
@shanewilson7994 3 жыл бұрын
I'm betting that his "source" is from AiG
@Leszek.Rzepecki 3 жыл бұрын
*_Fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, wings, etc. The term "creationists" was changed to "design proponents", but in one case the beginning and end of the original word "creationists" were accidentally retained, so that "creationists" became "cdesign proponentsists"._* Intelligent design = creationism, as the book Of Pandas And People put it.
@suburban-vampire Жыл бұрын
What kind of world must Billy inhabit LOL
@elmolewis9123 3 жыл бұрын
At least Billy didn't sound high. Unfortunately, it sounds like this is his normal thought process.
@lomicwind 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Billie, trapped in a corner, what could except deny and cover his ears ^_^
@loodlebop 3 жыл бұрын
This was the perfect gotcha for cognitive dissonance
@lukasmontenegro3558 3 ай бұрын
Isn't Billy so much more polite when a guy is one of the hosts? Compare this with his call to Kate and Genevieve. Just a stupid sexist that shouldn't be taken seriously!
@sumo1203 3 жыл бұрын
So, Billy still doesn’t understand science?
@Rage867 11 ай бұрын
Billy stutters whneeb there is a male host but when they are both females he rages and insults.
@presidentskroob 5 ай бұрын
Guy is clearly an incel.
@ericscaillet6087 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Matt, it is easy when people let you finish AND have the ability to understand😝
@Timeless602 3 жыл бұрын
Matt logic bomb not even two minutes in. Peer reviewed journals saying the genome is a “code” hahah
@theosib 3 жыл бұрын
I've run lots of genetic simulations. Its called genetic algorithms. They work great!
@redhotchilibitch 3 жыл бұрын
The genetic *code* is a common scientific expression, nothing supernatural about it.
@davidblum7125 3 жыл бұрын
I believe Billy has a difficult time with shoes. And that he requires intelligent external guidance to get dress in the morning.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
Billy sounds very much like Carl Sagan but seems to have the intellect of Kent Hovind.
@michaelfox2433 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman 🤔😊😄😆😅😂😂🤣🤣godamn, you're an idiot....just like Kent.
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman "Kent is smarter than Sagan was." Smart on the curve of apologetic failures is hardly an honour. Kent's mail-away "university degree" belies his failure to prove himself academically ( an actual metric in intelligence ) as compared to Sagan's Multiple degrees from actual Universities is laughable. Are you sure you want that asinine assertion left on the record?
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman "Experience says I am the best in my class in Astronomy and physics." - Grudger upstairs college is hardly worthy of bragging rights.
@j-joe-jeans 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman "Jay, Physics doesn't comprehend the grading curve of atheists. Physics just does its thing and if you know it, you know it. The amazing thing is that physics is fairly constant, at least within our local galaxies." - That is not cogent nor grammatically coherent Try again.
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
He will never concede this foolishly ignorant position.
@harkema8090 3 жыл бұрын
The road to proving god is a long road...our believers are going this road for maybe 15,000 years...and the road is a dead-end street my god-lovers😉😉😉
@TheCountBlackula1978 Жыл бұрын
An exact simulation of reality? Who did that god himself or Q from star trek?😏
@AxelLaw 3 жыл бұрын
Billy has been on the show before about deism and such. Ugh.
@sumo1203 3 жыл бұрын
Billy is still so painful to listen to
@litchfiedr 3 жыл бұрын
Do not give Billy airtime again as he doesn't understand what he is saying
@JohnKoenig-db8lk 7 ай бұрын
For some reason I suspect that Billy is a virgin. And a good thing too...
@macmcdermid8677 3 жыл бұрын
Billy always has a new miracle research proof, then fails massively , gets all pissy about being questioned and people just not believing his nonsense, think the perfect syllogism , ha ha
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
The caller is just not that intelligent
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman precisely what your sky daddy is by definition
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman atheist just means without by definition
@Stuartharrod1 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman a-theism without a sky daddy man child
@marty4760 3 жыл бұрын
@David A Newman prove it
@alexhetherington8028 3 жыл бұрын
David A Newman is a troll
@visforvegan8 3 жыл бұрын
Does he understand how science works. We learn as much from a "failed" experiment, as a successful one.
@colaboytje 3 жыл бұрын
At 1:00 Matt attacks a strawman. Yes, in peer reviewed articles, they do mention genetic code. And yes, it is referenced as a code in peer reviewed articles. Exactly as Billy said. So Matt response 'no you didn't' to Billy's statement 'I've read that', is an attack on a strawman as Matt is talking about a code from one intelligent being to another. Billy didn't use those words. Then the 'let me finish ' shouting after Matt interrupted himself. Billy is wrong in his thinking, but not in what he said up until that point. It is almost impossible to talk to Matt. Yes Matt, people get it wrong sometimes. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen first. Give people at least the chance to talk without being shouted at. Shannon, Eric, Vi, Jenna, ... are all willing to listen first. People don't learn from being shouted at.
@perkeyser2032 3 жыл бұрын
The cringe is great with this one.
@tonythedwvyer 3 жыл бұрын
Oh lookie, another attempt at stating that it's impossible (or vastly unlikely) for DNA to develop without guidance. At least that seemed to be the implication to me. I am the result of one out of several million sperm meeting with an egg cell, as are ALL my ancestors and all of humanity. I am VASTLY unlikely, yet I'm here and so are my grandkids. In the vast expanse of time, hugely unlikely things can and do happen. We do not as yet know how life arose, but that is no excuse to invent a supernatural being or force to explain it. Any more than it was reasonable to invent Thor or Zeus to explain why lightning happens. And at the end of the conversation, typical religious dishonesty & cognitive dissonance leapt into the scene.
@alexhetherington8028 3 жыл бұрын
My ass it is.
@lucius5846 3 жыл бұрын
Could you get more gorgeous Shannon..
@tyrionlannister3459 3 жыл бұрын
If she were, they'd have to rename the show.
@adam3arochpappafranssonska26 3 жыл бұрын
Im not gonna re-listen to this video to make sure, but Billy always only claimed the scientist proved genom couldnt come by naturally, NOT that studies failed to show it. They did in fast strawman him. This is about the first time in a hundred episodes Of watching that I rooted for the theist, but matt and Shannon bullied him and had Their minds made up
@ringo666 3 жыл бұрын
Billy needs a new hobby. Calling AXP with bullshit is wearing thin.
@suatustel746 3 жыл бұрын
This show littered with morose callers!!! And they're taking the Mick..
@slimjim227 3 жыл бұрын
Easter. From time immemorial around this time of year, the chief Rabbi of Rome goes to his office safe and takes out an old faded envelope, he puts this into his briefcase and calls fo his official car to take him to the Vatican. When he arrives he is shown into the popes office, and after exchanging pleasantries he hands the envelope to the pope, the pope takes it, looks at it, looks at the Rabbi, shakes his head and hands it back, the Rabbi sighs, puts the envelope back into his briefcase and goes back to his office. Well, this particular year, a new Rabbi was in office, and, as fate would have it a new pope had been elected...( new popes are a bit like doctor Who aren’t they, whenever one dies he’s always replaced by another old white man! ) . . . So anyway the new Rabbi, as he’s been instructed by his predecessor, goes to the safe and takes out the envelope, gets in his car and is taken to the Vatican where he meets the pope and, as instructed hands him the envelope. The pope, as he’s also been instructed, looks the envelope over, looks at the Rabbi, shakes his head and hands it back. The Rabbi turns away and starts towards the door when the pope suddenly says, “Rabbi, wait, this ritual has been going on for hundreds of years and nobody knows why, do you know what’s in the envelope”? “Haven’t a clue,” replies the Rabbi...... “but I’d love to know, do you think we should open it?” “I was hoping you would suggest that” said the pope smiling in anticipation. So they opened it, and what do you think they found? It was the caterers bill for the last supper!
@damyr 3 жыл бұрын
LOL And it wouldn't surprise me much if the story would be actually true. :)
@slimjim227 3 жыл бұрын
Both sides were refusing to pay it because the caterer had included for the wine, and the Catholic’s were claiming that Jesus had performed his ‘water into wine’ trick so they shouldn’t have to pay for that! . . . . Nor for the loaves and fishes!
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